Author Topic: Labyrinth of Touhou Special Deluxe (Mod)  (Read 8446 times)


  • Adventurer
Labyrinth of Touhou Special Deluxe (Mod)
« on: October 20, 2017, 07:54:07 AM »
Labyrinth of Touhou: SPECIAL DELUXE

What does this actually include? Well a whole ton of stuff! The main goal besides increasing overall art quality, was reduce the amount of  "google it or check the wiki" the player will need or *want* to do during the game. *want* being a key word, as part of the goal was to attempt to  display and integrate the information a wiki would should into the game.  it also try's to theme each area much better, in proper dungeon  exploration goodness.

1) All ally graphcs have been replaced with much higher quality art assets. To assist new players, also, all allys have role lables on their portraits. if you dislike this, the included charagraph folder has the same assets but unlabled. It also includes more charagraphs i have also labeled, so if you enjoy the role labels but dislike the art, I have personally gone and made role label versons of other popular charagraphs players have used.

2) It includes a in game enemy weakness chart! It applies to both the main game and the post game (altho 3 specific enemies do not have them as i cannot find where they are) no promises on things looking nice, as enemies BY DEFAULT in this game already overlap, so the chart may overlap as well. Notifying me of any incorrect weakness charts would be great! The weakness chart combined with ally role lables on their portraits should help players play much more strategically without having to consult online to make a informed strategy.

3) Re-written spell descriptions. Players tend to look online for how exactly spells work, both to grasp their head around the number game and how they correlate, as well as understanding the diffrence in power between their abilities. Normally the game just gives vague info about everything. Now, almost all spell descriptions now include damage formulas, and any extra information or bonus effects are clearly stated. Flavour text was also almost entirely kept as every spell by default uses 1-2 lines for just vaguely describeing the ability that i could just overwrite.

4) Beautiful gensokyo. The town got a art face lift, things now look much better. not perfect, and if someone wants to lend a hand at further improving things, reach out to me! but its definatly better then the default.

5) New foes, and a proper mysterious labyrinth. The Strange Space is now much more personal. Each floor has all new enemies to fight, and each floors "Personality" has also seen a face lift. Area names are now big and in radient color integrated into the hud, and hud style changes every floor! (Yes this means there is a new HUD every floor!) (Currently post game enemies use their default graphics, but still have weakness charts)

6) A fully customizable experience. Every element of the game, characters, labels, art, enemies, charts, HUD elements, and more has some different options available as extras you can swap out. If you prefer the original enemies but still want the weakness charts, no problem!  if you want different art but keeping the new role labels, done. If there is a element you would like that is not currently in the game, let me know and i'll try and add it in with some more customizable options!

NOTE: the post game currently does not have new enemy graphics yet (altho it does have weakness charts) nor have i touched on thier spell lists yet. I am working through the game and tweaking graphical issues as i see it.With all of this, hopefully exploring the Strange Space becomes a much more magical, personality filled experience with less wiki and google, and more active playing and exploring.


bigger numbers mean more and more resistant, lower numbers mean weaker. 100 is the usual and means takes normal damage. in game these are displayed as symbols. i decided to use the symbols and what means what, as the same as touhou labyrinth2 for consistency. (altho personally, playing fire emblem or any other game that uses X and O, O means effective and X means ineffective, but this is what LoT2 did so whatever) If a enemy has * they are basically immune, and if they have a X they are extremely weak to it.for reference, here are the exact numbers.

   elemental sign chart 
201-500    *
150-200    oo
126-149    o
90-125     -     
71-85      /_\
50-70       x     
      Status Effects Chart

41- 50    *
31-40          oo
24-30          o
16-23          -
9-15            /_\
0-8        x

for the elements, * is a whopping 300 range, because there in only 2 enemies in the game that have more then one element in that range that are different numbers, in other words, if a enemy has a * resistance to fire and ice, they probably resist it the same amount. it also means don't attack that because they are basically immune, meanwhile a x means the enemy takes x2 damage.

as for status effects, the 3x displayed has to do with how the game deals with status effects. if a enemy has 20 paralyze resistance stat for example, they actually have 60% paralyze resistance as their 'true' resistance. a enemies 'true' resistance can to upto 50 aka 150% resistant. very few allies can even have over a 100% chance to inflict something however. It is impossible to have over 150% success chance with a status effect, so 50 resistance to a status effect means completely immune. Note however a enemy can be immune to a specific attacks effect before that. For example, Reimu's Evil Sealing Circle has PAR 45 (aka 135%)


HOW TO INSTALL: (this beta that is)
Put IMG and IMG2 folders where your labyrinth of touhou game executable is, and delete or rename img.dxa and img2.dxa (these are files not folders, also located with the games executable) if you later want to change back, delete or rename the IMG folders, and rename your DXA files back to their original names. then copy the downloads contents to where the games executable is, and run the new executable. You do not need to delete the old .exe in case you want only the graphical changes.

direct any feedback to me at or my email or hit me up on discord, my discord is dawnbomb#3408

made by DAWNBOMB  :)

I'm working on separate fangame, so i won't be SUPER polishing this, but IMO it's a "strictly better edition" of touhou labyrinth special disk, so players looking to EVER play labyrinth 1 again, should try this instead. to be clear, this does not change floor layouts, enemy stats, and you can still use the wiki. it's made to be a strictly better edition of the normal game.

hopefully i get some positive feedback. If anyone has ideas for something more, go ahead and say them!

EDIT: if you have problems installing its because when you unzip, some stuff in the image folder gets corrupted. this is possibly because your system locale isn't japanese, a antivirus, unproper unzipping, ect. some folders with gibberish characters may even appear. just try tinkering with your system local, or using a actual unzip program. example of improper IMG folder  (notice all those random folders with garbage letters?) example with properly unzipped image folder

« Last Edit: March 18, 2018, 12:09:32 AM by dawnbomb »
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but i wish to be loved by someone in return


  • Adventurer
Re: Labyrinth of Touhou Special Deluxe (Mod)
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2017, 07:56:34 AM »
I don't know why i can't do more then 1 screenshot at once..... keeps saying im failing security checks... :(

(This post doubles as claiming second post incase i need to use it for information later...)

Here is a link to a small album of uploaded images to show off the mod without to much "spoilers"

« Last Edit: October 20, 2017, 07:59:58 AM by dawnbomb »
There's no way I could love anyone
but i wish to be loved by someone in return


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Re: Labyrinth of Touhou Special Deluxe (Mod)
« Reply #2 on: October 21, 2017, 01:00:30 PM »
Sounds exciting for an LoT-enthusiast like me. I have a lot on my plate right now, but I think I'll try this out, sooner or later.

Quick question: Does it need to be applied to version 2.04 or 3.06? I have both, but it's good to know in advance  :D.


  • Adventurer
Re: Labyrinth of Touhou Special Deluxe (Mod)
« Reply #3 on: October 21, 2017, 09:00:22 PM »
Sounds exciting for an LoT-enthusiast like me. I have a lot on my plate right now, but I think I'll try this out, sooner or later.

Quick question: Does it need to be applied to version 2.04 or 3.06? I have both, but it's good to know in advance  :D.

it's for the most recent verson IE special disk. i don't think special disk has any more updates after it's release. also evasion is still broken. it can be fixed, but all of the expansions were made without it in mind, so fixing it breaks balance.

it's supposed to be a strictly "The best" or "game of the year" or "Gold" edition of special disk. there is a extras folder that has all the old graphics as well, so players can mix and match if they prefer some of the originals. they are also sorted to some extent.

the only note on that, is the new "changes literally every floor" HUD style to add personality, to make it i actually deleted the entire hud, and added what APPEARS to be the hud. Into each floors "floor image" graphic, so if you want to add the old HUD back, you also gotta add all the old floor art.

this also comes with the biggest charagraph set ever i think. for now its mostly just other charagraph packs all combined, but for the full release i will try to double the total charagraph amounts by making a ton of custom ones (so each character has 8~12 alternate graphics on average players can choose from) currently some characters already have like 18ish alternate graphics players can choose from tho.

this is currently released as a "demo" but im just making more charagraphs and enemy tweaks to make sure their ATB bar isn't hidden in the hud or some annoying thing, and then it will be updated as the full version, but for most purposes, the current edition is basically the full release. (except i didn't change post game characters yet..)  it *should* be compatible with normal LoT save files, but i've heard talks of how LoT actually saves some of the games file data in the save file folder for some stupid reason, so im not sure if bringing the whole folder is good, or making new save files is needed, but if you install it over LoT1 it should be fine. the download comes with instructions to easily uninstall and revert to normal LoT again if there is any crippling bugs (but i can't imagine there being any)

if your a mega LoT enthusiast some changes probably won't help, but it should help slightly more casual players who don't look up that sakuya and meiling can benefit from magic, or that wriggles PSN is the strictly best in the game, ect. i've also tried my best to make players aware EVA is bugged and does nothing and remove info about accuracy from spell card descriptions, as accuracy doesn't exist.

There's no way I could love anyone
but i wish to be loved by someone in return


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Re: Labyrinth of Touhou Special Deluxe (Mod)
« Reply #4 on: October 22, 2017, 11:33:02 AM »
Looking great!  Always nice to see games get a refresh/update!


  • Adventurer
Re: Labyrinth of Touhou Special Deluxe (Mod)
« Reply #5 on: March 18, 2018, 12:12:30 AM »
added a edit to the main post for some mysterious bug. i've had 2 users report this and i worked with the last one to solve it. sometimes unzipping the folder, either because of system local not being japanese, or maybe a anti virus, or maybe even not using a unzip program, changes some of the PNG images into folders with garbage letters, causing the game to crash after the title screen. the only folder in your IMG folder should be one called photoshop, one i left incase anyone in the future wants to make future adjustments. if there are any other folders inside your IMG folder, it unzipped properly.

if anyone in the future needs help, contact me at or my discord is dawnbomb#3408
There's no way I could love anyone
but i wish to be loved by someone in return