Summer cheeses everything. Everything. EVERYT- *pichun*
***EDIT***If I didn't die a billion times, I might've even made it past 1B. Needs more practice I guess. This is hella fun.
Like last time, please replace all my existing scores of the corresponding difficulty/player with the following ones, thanks!
Normal - Reimu
Jimmy - 905,979,390 - Summer - C - 0.0% - Replay1B BROKENNormal - Reimu
Jimmy - 1,002,634,180 - Summer - C - 0.0% -
ReplayAaand a new Easy PB:
Easy - Reimu
Jimmy - 411,415,080 - Summer - C - 0.0% -
ReplayAlso some improvement on the Extra:
Extra - Reimu
Jimmy - 244,493,210 - Full - C - 0.0% -