Author Topic: 弹幕音乐绘 ~风雷幻奏曲~(Barrage Musical ~A Fantasy of Tempest~)(Ultra Mode Added)  (Read 18807 times)

The new original game from several member who made 东方夏夜祭~Shining Shooting Star~

price:$10 ($8 currently)

  This is a music rhythm STG where stages with highly BGM synchronization will show you a barrage musical;
  A shop system with dozens of items available offers you infinite possibility;
  An AI based auto dodging system benefits beginners.

  Strange magic is contained in distant woods where there seems to be something hidden. With a premonition of an incoming thunderstorm, our hero steps on her journey of adventure.

  A simple and straightforward coin system that doubles the coins when suppressing enemies.
  Coins that directly impact scores, lives and spells.
  A shop where items can be purchased with collectable coins.

  The shop offers a mysterious auto dodging item. Hold down the C key, and the player will gain the ability of auto dodging.
  This ability has a time limit, which you may extend by purchasing upgrades at the shop.

As for the ability of auto dodging?

With the ability of auto dodging, you are unbeatable!

◆ 3 Weapons

◆ 4 Difficulties

◆ 6 Stages

◆ 8 Characters

◆ More than 20 songs

◆ A Simple and straightforward coin system

◆ A shop that contains dozens of items

◆ An AI based auto dodging system that benefits beginners

◆ Move....................................................↑↓←→ (changeable)
◆ Shoot....................................................Z (changeable)
◆ Bomb....................................................X (changeable)
◆ Special..................................................C (changeable)
◆ Slow move............................................Shift (changeable)
◆ Pause...................................................ESC (changeable)
◆ Skip the dialogue..................................Left Ctrl (changeable)
◆ Quick R in pause menu
◆ Toggle full screen.................................F8
◆ Replay fast forward / slow down...........Left Ctrl / Left Shift
◆ Screen shot..........................................P

« Last Edit: January 15, 2018, 04:20:48 PM by rsy_type1 »

Yeah, this looks great so far. The backgrounds, music and character designs are excellent, and the patterns are well-designed and fun to dodge.

In terms of gameplay, pretty much everything you'd expect from a Touhou is here: lives, bombs, stages, bosses, spellcards. The only noticeable absence is spellcard history, which isn't even viewable from player data.

There is only one character, the unfortunately named Misty Laxia, with three shot-types. Type A has very wide spread, becoming somewhat narrower when focused. Her bomb is the Master Spark. Type B has options at her sides, shooting forwards; when focused, the options home in on the nearest enemy (or, against bosses, they assume a narrower formation). Her bomb sweeps the board clear with a gigantic sword. Type C has a narrow spread that rotates around Misty depending on your movement; when focused, it becomes narrower and keeps its orientation. Her bomb is a large spell circle.

There are no power or point items; the only collectible is coins. (Beware just after the midboss of Stage 2, when a bullet type appears that is easy to confuse with the coins!) Focusing drastically increases Misty's coin absorption range. Coins can be spent in the shop in between runs, allowing you to unlock stage and boss practice, Lunatic mode, and tracks in the music room. Unlocking a stage or boss practice allows all shot-types to practise it, whether or not they've reached it in-game.

Extends might be score-based? I wasn't paying too close attention, but I noticed I got one at 400 million.

The game has high scoring potential -- I got 2b on Normal just by playing normally. I have no idea yet how the scoring mechanics work. There probably isn't graze, since the interface doesn't display it?

Looking forward to the full version :)


  • Shameless spender
  • gaining big pounds
I'm really digging this game. Danmaku synced with the music? Count me in.
I wonder if the developers have got their inspiration for this from Raiko's survival spell  :3

Either way, this is a really cool concept, and look forward to see its background. Gameplay is really fun, the stages are really atmospheric and the bosses so far are quite interesting in terms of both character and danmaku patterns. Difficulty is also fairly balanced so far, although stage 3 still appears to be kinda a clusterfreak at times.

Extends might be score-based? I wasn't paying too close attention, but I noticed I got one at 400 million.

The game has high scoring potential -- I got 2b on Normal just by playing normally. I have no idea yet how the scoring mechanics work. There probably isn't graze, since the interface doesn't display it?
The life system indeed does appear a bit confusing. I've been trying to pay attention to both the coin score and actual score, but currently there's no definite conclusion I can draw out of it. Spell extends appear to be based on the coin score though, approximately around every 100,000th or so. Regarding the score, I think there's a hidden PIV counter, however I'm not sure what exactly could be influencing it. Maybe the x2 multiplier from speedkilling stage enemies?
There also appears to be a mechanic present that allows you to milk enemies for small coins, very similar to milking spirits in TD, except here it extends to stage enemies as well.

Got 2.8b blind. Gotta love such intense scoring in shmups ever since RSS and BoSM  :V

Finally something to kill time with until HSiFS demo
Normal 1cc: EoSD, PCB, IN, PoFV, MoF, UFO, TD, DDC, LoLK Legacy, HSiFS, WBaWC
Hard 1cc: IN, DDC, HSiFS
Extra clears: MoF, DDC, HSiFS, WBaWC

Goals: Going Extra Hard!


  • zoom zoom
I got 3.6 bil on a blind run on Hard. Difficulty is alright, I ain't mad so far, hope it's not too easy lategame though. In Hard mode I was able to spend most of my time not even dodging and just bullshitting with bombs above the POV line during the stages and I still beat the demo with a fair few resources lol. Lunatic posed a bigger threat though which excites me.
Autododge is a really cool optional feature to have and I'm happy its not infallible entirely.

Have to be honest tho I feel like the music is a bit basic and some of them feel like a rehash of what we heard in SSS (Stg2 boss song is great tho). Hope the music takes a turn for the better in the full version. The way its integrated into the boss battles is fantastic though.

Okay, I'm pretty sure of the resource system now. Lives are score-based and occur at 200, 400, 800 and 1600 million. Bombs are every 100,000 coins (and a bomb item after the S2 midboss).

Ooh, I saw this game appear on Steam Greenlight a little over a month ago, and I've already tried out the v0.7a and v0.72 demos. I'm definitely looking forward to the eventual full release.

From my observations, extra lives are granted at 200 million, 400 million, 800 million, 1.6 billion, and 3.2 billion points. (I bet it just keeps doubling and the next one would be at 6.4 billion, if such a score were reachable. But, it doesn't seem likely in the demo, since I can barely reach 3.2 billion by the end of stage 3.)

And, you do indeed get an extra bomb for every multiple of 100,000 your coin value reaches. (I've had a run where I got my coin value above 800,000 by the end of stage 3, so that's 8 additional bombs, not counting the one the stage 2 midboss drops.)

Autododge is hilariously OP, considering that it includes autobomb. It's not infallible, and in particular you are likely to get hit in dense patterns, but it means you can coast through the game and hit C any time you feel in danger, and the worst that can happen is losing a bomb. It's also very cheap; you get one minute for the original purchase and another minute for each time you extend it. The nth minute costs 25,000n, and considering that a single run of the 3-stage trial can easily get over 600,000 coins, and once you've finished unlocking the stage practice and music room, autododge is the only thing left to spend your money on....

(And here's proof that six minutes of autododge is more than enough to trivialise the game on Lunatic....)
« Last Edit: May 04, 2017, 07:34:29 PM by Mikuru »

Hmm... One thing bothers me. Coins you collect in Practice Mode don't get added to your account, but any Autododge time you spend while in Practice Mode remains spent. I noticed this while trying out Autododge while practicing the stage 3 boss on Hard.

(Oh, and interestingly, Autododge failed to capture the boss's last spell for me on Hard, but then I tried again without using Autododge, and figured out how to successfully capture it on my own.)

Failure McFailFace

  • I'm h...a...p...p...y...
  • Impor
Just tried. I'm getting the exact same blurry issue from SSS. I don't know what engine they use or how they use it, but it doesn't like my computer for some reason.

I noticed that I got extends at 400 mil and 1600 mil.
1cc Easy: DDC (all) | 1cc Normal: UFO (SanA autobomb),  DDC (ReiA, SakA) , LoLK (Sanae PD)| EX clears: DDC (MarB Ultra) | Puzzle Games: StB: 10-X, DS: Hatate unlock, ISC: All clear

Another anomaly: if you play boss 1 or a later stage in Stage Practice, the game tracks your best Stage Practice score and displays this in the top-right. But this isn't true for Stage 1; the game just displays your main game high score.

Also, practising the third boss is hell because you have to go through the approach to the castle every single time.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2017, 11:13:54 PM by Mikuru »

"Raiko Horikawa: The Game" seems pretty cool. The music is okay (partially because we heard a good bit of it in SSS)  and the concept has potential...but as I started playing on Hard and Lunatic, it felt like the fireballs shot from the options obstructed my view. MistyB is a lot easier to deal with in that regard.


  • hey catgirl
  • Surprisingly unkempt
An overview of the game's system, based on my blind run of Normal (3.33B):

* The only collectible is coins, and the value of each coin is based on the coin counter at the time you picked it up (large coins add 100 and small coins add 10). This constitutes the main source of score.
* Speedkilling enemies doubles the number of coins dropped.
* Small coins appear from cancelling bullets and from shotgunning enemies.
* There appears to be no penalty from dying, except on Lunatic where you lose a small number of coins.
* Extra bombs appear every 100k coins; extends appear at 200M and double each time (400M, 800M etc.)


  • zoom zoom
Just did a 4.8Bil run and I didn't even clear the final card.
5Bil should be possible to get in this demo, if you speekill as many enemies as possible ( i do this with bombspam) and make sure to cap as many cards as possible. The score inflates really rapidly at the end of stage 3, going from like 2bil to nearly 4, and then the boss gives you plenty of score as well.


  • Kuruminist Touhou Player
The game seems kind of broken to me... I made a video which shows that, I guess.

Raid Kappatalism for great Kurumi!

Youtube channel My Youtube channel, I hope you enjoy my Touhou runs.

The game seems kind of broken to me... I made a video which shows that, I guess.

Whoa. Okay, yeah. Your .avi's filename is right. That is not supposed to happen. Something clearly borked on your end, as I've played through v0.72 myself as well, and even on Lunatic mode, Sindy's attacks don't do things like that.

I actually really, really love the music in this game. 11 and co. make really good music.

Anyone notice the little reference to SSS's extra stage theme during Stage 3 around the midboss?

Also, I wish they named the spellcards. IMO, no shame in adapting a great mechanic from touhou. Plus, you can already tell which attacks are "spells" and which are "nons" based on the spellcircle, casting sound effect, portrait, and the "remaining attack" indicator on the side
« Last Edit: May 29, 2017, 05:44:37 AM by williewillus »

Update: this has been released!

Steam page:
Price: $8 currently, $10 full

I bought it and gave it a whirl, some thoughts:

  • If you get a popup with chinese in it and "settings failed to load" in the title, change your system locale to Chinese, PRC.
  • Difficulty is lower than Touhou and you get tons of resources (bomb per 100k coins, score extends)
  • It's annoying to have to buy Lunatic mode in the shop using the in-game coins collected during a run.
  • They changed most of the sound effects to be different from their SSS (Touhou) ones
  • There's a graze sound effect now but no counter
  • I still want names for the spells
  • Favourite Theme: Stage II
  • Favourite Stage: Stage IV
  • I don't know how to insert spoilers so here's an external link for spoilery comments:


  • You just did it because you're older than me.
The game seems kind of broken to me... I made a video which shows that, I guess.


So uhh... is there like a fix for this yet?
I tried Locale Switch and it doesn't help.

Maybe try changing the window size (F8) or system resolution? Doesn't seem like something that would be affected by locale.
Seems like whatever danmaku engine this is running on is detecting the wrong window size and spawning enormous attacks.

The devs released an update 3 days that says "fix huge bullets", so it might be fixed now.

For those who were unaware, this game is now available in English.

...Is it Engrish if the original was Chinese...?

Anyway, I don't think I mentioned how awesome this game is. Everything from the patterns to the music the boss designs to the backgrounds I absolutely love. The late game music sounded a bit generic at first but the more I listen to it the more I love it. Can't wait to see what they come out with next.
My name is Tres. It sounds like "Tray". Tressert is "Tray-zurt"; like Tres dessert.
I've cleared every touhou game on Lunatic, and beaten every extra except SoEW.
NMNB: MoF Hard, SA Extra, UFO Extra

It really is a great game, and knowing it's now in English certainly is great news!

That being said, I gotta throw the question right back at you.  How good is the English quality?  I remember seeing the game had some pretty important text parts (I think you even had to pick a choice at the final boss), so I wanted to know how the translated dialogue is now.

Yeah... I was making a joke. The English quality is pretty bad, but the dialogue is 90% banter so it's probaably fine, and the relevant parts are still understandable. Doesn't detract from the gameplay really. The choice in stage 6 is "go easy" or "go all out". The rest story isn't really all that relevant to the decision.
My name is Tres. It sounds like "Tray". Tressert is "Tray-zurt"; like Tres dessert.
I've cleared every touhou game on Lunatic, and beaten every extra except SoEW.
NMNB: MoF Hard, SA Extra, UFO Extra

Finally there are someone talking about this garbage I made (sigh).

For stage 6's choice,

it was like "fight tooth and nail" or "I can't kill her" , or something else I could imagine.
and if Misty hesitated, Frenio would have enough time to finish her spell instead of being interrupted and getting feedback.

At least, the gameplay introduction is not too bad, maybe.

terribly sorry for this.
« Last Edit: December 18, 2017, 05:35:22 PM by rsy_type1 »

SO I just completed the game, second try on normal, second stage busted me and then I all Cleared.

So who was that interesting fellow (Don't wanna spoil for others) That appears on Stage 5 into 6? Is there an extra? Can you fight them? The whole game felt, even though I couldn't understand a bit of the dialogue, unresolved. I guess I got true end but I don't even know the conditions. CHose the second choice and got a neat St.6



Okay so I learned that it already had been translated, so i have to play through it all over again. But still, any info on the last two stages and stuff that went down? I can't play anymore today and for a couple days because of studying for classes. Thanks!
« Last Edit: January 04, 2018, 03:34:24 AM by BlueDigitalDragon »

The plot of the game is that a mysterious castle appears out of nowhere and our protagonist, Misty, can sense extreme magical energy coming from it. As it turns out, the head of the castle is the last remaining member of a powerful magus family, Frenio Maisten. While she displays excellent magical ability she's actually blind, so the majority of her power is unusable. At some point the guy in stage 6, a man named Patrick, gives Frenio access to powerful darkness magic. Frenio's power expands while she's in the dark so she decides she'll just cover the whole world in a giant shadow.

After Misty defeats her, Patrick comes in and takes back his power saying that Frenio has failed and he no longer needs her. Misty tries to interrogate him but he sends his subordinate to fight. The subordinate then begins talking about the "end of magic", but the way she says it is kind of weird, like it's some kind of event or something. After defeating her the castle starts to crumble. Frenio's just like "I guess I'll die. No point in living if I'm blind anyway" but Misty says "wtf like I'd leave you come on" and they escape. Afterwards Misty wonders who Patrick is and what's going on with him, and what this "end of magic" means.

Incidentally, the stage 3 and 4 bosses are Frenio's servants. They fight you out of obligation to their master but even they can tell that something's wrong, and they ask you to save her if you can. Stage 1 and 2 bosses are random small fry. Misty is actually also the last member of a magus family, the rest of her family died (in a fire I think?). She received huge amounts of power from a great fire fairy, but sealed it up in a sigil on her hand. When she turns all gold and stuff at the end, that's her releasing the fire fairy's full power.

Lots of mysteries left open in this game, they're definitely setting things up for a sequel if not a whole series.
My name is Tres. It sounds like "Tray". Tressert is "Tray-zurt"; like Tres dessert.
I've cleared every touhou game on Lunatic, and beaten every extra except SoEW.
NMNB: MoF Hard, SA Extra, UFO Extra

Alright, managed to beat Lunatic, now I'm just trying to get the 2.5Mil Coin achievement and still have to fight S(s)indy a total of 30 times. Any possible strategies? I can get to 2.38mil about each time on normal but I'm not sure what I'm missing to score that last couple 100k, any suggestions?

Aaaand an Update! The game recently got an unlockable Ultra mode for 5 Million coins~ On top of that there are a few more achievements. Maybe something new is hiding in the new mode?!

So this ultra difficulty isn't like len'en's absurdly extra or the typical touhou ultra patches. While it's insanely hard, it's a legitimate difficulty. It's not just "add more bullets and increase the speed", several patterns have brand new features or segments, some totally reworked altogether. Just thought that was worth pointing out.
My name is Tres. It sounds like "Tray". Tressert is "Tray-zurt"; like Tres dessert.
I've cleared every touhou game on Lunatic, and beaten every extra except SoEW.
NMNB: MoF Hard, SA Extra, UFO Extra