Author Topic: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Baykuren - Episode 4, Part 5 (Complete)  (Read 36444 times)

>You are Byakuren Hijiri, 18 years old, resident of the city of Mayoiga, caretaker (owner) of Rin Kaenbyou, resident of the Moonside apartments, and third year student of Mayoiga High. A few days ago, you were the most popular girl in school, one of the most well-known and liked girls around town. And then you touched a strange doll, and saw a world not your own. That was the day that everything changed, and you became Magical Lotus, the Hero of the Heart.

>After checking up on Satori and judging her to be on her way towards forgiveness and normalcy, and seeing her transfer leadership of the Tiger Shrine to Kiku, you and Rin paid a visit to the Center for the Recently Ascended. Not only was this a chance to see Marigold and introduce her to Rin, but you also wanted to check up on the remains of that tar creature you and Kiku destroyed several days ago, just to make sure it really was gone. And it was. But in the process of confirming that, you were visited by an animated corpse. As if you hadn't encountered enough inhuman things. This rather ominous entity, though, was helpful, informing you that there were two splinters in the city still within the city of Mayoiga. One to be found with a man named Tobias Scatterclaw, but you were warned in no uncertain terms that trying to destroy that splinter would result in the death of you and whomever you brought with you. The other one, the one you chose to seek out and destroy, was within the body of the biker called Motormaster, someone whom you've met and weren't entirely fond of, and someone whom your new slave, Reisen, feared and despised.

>You and you fellow four magical girls tracked down Motormaster and his gang at the cemetary called the Mana Tombs, discovering in the process that Motormaster's associates were not simply mundane mortals, but beings called Blackbloods, who wore Jewels of power and claimed to be descended from demons and devils. You managed to ambush and disable five of the six Blackbloods, but the last one, and the strongest, gave you some resistance. You did overcome the Grey Jewelled Blackblood named Breakdown, and none too soon, for Motormaster came on the scene very shortly after.
>What followed then was one of the most brutal battles you have had to date, and none of your group escaped without injury, some serious-looking. But in the end you were victorious, destorying completely the black splinter of evil that had so thoroughly corrupted Motormaster, and then imprisoning the biker until you figured out exactly what to do with him. Which left you pondering what to do with the Blackbloods. You felt a great sympathy for them, knowing that they had been born into evil. You resolved to do something about it, and after some thought, you and your friends combined your powers and unleashed your magic upon the Jewels the bikers wore, seeking to change them from something incurably evil to something that would, at least, give these people a chance at life that they had never before been given. After a terrific investment of energy, you did succeed, but with an extremely unexpected side effect. The three male bikers had been transformed into females. Your best guess at this point is that this was a side effect of being purified by five women, but that's more a guess than fact. But it did seem to have the desired effect, at least in the three you spoke to. Reisen, who knew these people, noted major changes in their behavoir. She was less sure about it being universal or that it was wise to simply leave them to their own devices, but for right now, you simply didn't have the energy to do anything else with them. Despite how pretty Breakdown is now.

>"I am fairly comfortable... for a high-school student."

>Kiku nods an acknowledgement. "How are you handling that part of your life?" she asks.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2017, 03:20:52 AM by Oldmansour »

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Baykuren - Episode 4, Part 5
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2016, 04:01:20 PM »
>"Well, school's been closed these past few days, since the incident there with the Champions, which is perhaps for the best. My life feels very full lately, as it is."

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Baykuren - Episode 4, Part 5
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2016, 02:06:22 PM »
>"Well, school's been closed these past few days, since the incident there with the Champions, which is perhaps for the best. My life feels very full lately, as it is."

>"The incident with Kamishirasawa-sensei, yes. Have you seen her since?"

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Baykuren - Episode 4, Part 5
« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2016, 06:27:01 PM »
>"No, I haven't. But she seemed well, afterward."

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Baykuren - Episode 4, Part 5
« Reply #4 on: September 20, 2016, 08:30:29 AM »
>"No, I haven't. But she seemed well, afterward."

>"Our power does seem to be very effective at neutralizing darker energies and at not leaving residual side effects."
>Didn't you say you sensed some of our power in Keine-sensei after we beat her? Rin asks privately.
>"That said, I must admit to a certain curiousity." Kiku continues. "I've never dealt with a case of lycanthropy before."

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Baykuren - Episode 4, Part 5
« Reply #5 on: September 20, 2016, 08:36:21 AM »
>Yes, that much is certain. Though I don't believe it could be harmful to her in any way, and might well have dissipated long ago, now.
>"I still don't know what provoked that incident. I am convinced there was some kind of external corruption applied to her - separate from her lycanthropy itself - but I cannot say where it came from."

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Baykuren - Episode 4, Part 5
« Reply #6 on: September 20, 2016, 09:04:32 AM »
>Yes, that much is certain. Though I don't believe it could be harmful to her in any way, and might well have dissipated long ago, now.
>"I still don't know what provoked that incident. I am convinced there was some kind of external corruption applied to her - separate from her lycanthropy itself - but I cannot say where it came from."

>"No sign of any kind of corruptive energies around your school, or her home?"

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Baykuren - Episode 4, Part 5
« Reply #7 on: September 20, 2016, 09:06:46 AM »
>Nothing around the school, at least, right?
>Do we even know where she lives?

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Baykuren - Episode 4, Part 5
« Reply #8 on: September 20, 2016, 09:13:07 AM »
>Nothing around the school, at least, right?
>Do we even know where she lives?

>Nothing you noticed.
>Yes. Her house isn't incredibly far from school.

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Baykuren - Episode 4, Part 5
« Reply #9 on: September 20, 2016, 09:14:56 AM »
>But presumably we haven't swung by that way since the incident?
>Assuming not: "Nothing around the school, though I never thought to check her home. Whatever it was had been affecting her for at least a day or two before the incident, I believe; I asked her if she had encountered anything unusual during the last little while, but if she did, it was nothing she was aware of at the time."

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Baykuren - Episode 4, Part 5
« Reply #10 on: September 20, 2016, 09:26:42 AM »
>But presumably we haven't swung by that way since the incident?
>Assuming not: "Nothing around the school, though I never thought to check her home. Whatever it was had been affecting her for at least a day or two before the incident, I believe; I asked her if she had encountered anything unusual during the last little while, but if she did, it was nothing she was aware of at the time."

>Only once, in a cab. You didn't sense anything out of place in those fleeting seconds, though.
>Kiku nods. "I could send one of my more magically skilled mikos over to the area, to investigate." she suggests. "That is, in fact, how we operate."

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Baykuren - Episode 4, Part 5
« Reply #11 on: September 20, 2016, 09:36:11 AM »
>"It mightn't hurt. She lives reasonably close to me, so I may swing past later, myself, but in the meantime I am very much looking forward to not having to move or do anything for a while."

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Baykuren - Episode 4, Part 5
« Reply #12 on: September 21, 2016, 01:42:48 PM »
>"It mightn't hurt. She lives reasonably close to me, so I may swing past later, myself, but in the meantime I am very much looking forward to not having to move or do anything for a while."

>Kiku sighs. "I must admit, I would not be opposed to the idea of some relaxation myself."
>"Pressures of a new job?" Rin asks.
>"In essence. Now that I am the Elder of the Metal Tiger Shrine, there are more demands on time than before. Not the least being I still have to tell the media people something about the events surrounding Satori and the Titan we fought."

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Baykuren - Episode 4, Part 5
« Reply #13 on: September 22, 2016, 04:16:57 AM »
>"I wouldn't be surprised to see these events on the news tonight, either. It is difficult to operate incognito when these battles are so... bright."

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Baykuren - Episode 4, Part 5
« Reply #14 on: September 22, 2016, 08:45:33 AM »
>"I wouldn't be surprised to see these events on the news tonight, either. It is difficult to operate incognito when these battles are so... bright."

>"True. But at least this battle can be explained by two different groups of spellcasters doing battle. Such things are hardly unknown in this country, after all. Incidents such as the one with the first splinter are much less common. There haven't been giant creatures of any sort seen in this country since the last war with the Moon."

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Baykuren - Episode 4, Part 5
« Reply #15 on: September 22, 2016, 09:43:10 AM »
>"And it may not be the last, yet. Though I do hope it's the last of those things."

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Baykuren - Episode 4, Part 5
« Reply #16 on: September 22, 2016, 10:03:53 AM »
>"And it may not be the last, yet. Though I do hope it's the last of those things."

>"I agree. But I suppose there's no way to know for sure without knowing where the two we've destroyed came from." The tiger sighs. "One more thing we'll have to look into. I mean, we shrine maidens. This too falls under our responsibilities."

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Baykuren - Episode 4, Part 5
« Reply #17 on: September 22, 2016, 10:36:52 AM »
>"Who knows - maybe this is just an eventful month and things will settle down again afterward. It would be nice."

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Baykuren - Episode 4, Part 5
« Reply #18 on: September 22, 2016, 12:25:52 PM »
>"Who knows - maybe this is just an eventful month and things will settle down again afterward. It would be nice."

>"Yes it would."
>"Then we can party." you hear Lily mumble.

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Baykuren - Episode 4, Part 5
« Reply #19 on: September 23, 2016, 04:24:12 AM »
>"I can think of few celebrations that would be more deserved."

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Baykuren - Episode 4, Part 5
« Reply #20 on: September 24, 2016, 09:59:17 AM »
>"I can think of few celebrations that would be more deserved."

>"I thought you were sleeping." Kiku mutters to Lily.
>"I was. And then I woke up." The little blonde rocks herself back up to a seated position, beating her wings once. "So when's the party for your promotion?"
>"Yeah, party. There IS gonna be a party, isn't there?"
>"There will be a ceremony, certainly." Kiku says after a moment's thought. "I suppose it isn't really necessary at this point, but many of my sisters will want one, I have no doubt."
>Lily sighs. "Talk to this woman, Byakuren." she remarks to you. "She CLEARLY doesn't understand the value of a party."

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Baykuren - Episode 4, Part 5
« Reply #21 on: September 24, 2016, 10:06:53 AM »
>"People can celebrate things in their own way."

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Baykuren - Episode 4, Part 5
« Reply #22 on: September 24, 2016, 11:50:38 AM »
>"People can celebrate things in their own way."

>"I'm gonna have to talk to Risa." Lily says. "We can work something out."
>"Do you really think Risa can focus long enough to plan something so complex?" Kiku observes dryly.
>As the debate about the varying party planning capabilities of the various mikos of the shrine continues between Lily and Kiku, you and Rin simply relax and let them chew over the issue, enjoying each other's proximity, and the sensation of being able to relax. All of you may be wounded, but you're also victorious. Lily may want to celebrate something, but you'll be much happier simply to relax at home for a while.

>It takes about twenty minutes or so for Reisen to return, and when she does, you can see what she meant about a better ride than a cab. The car she pulls up in is a beautiful ice blue thing, all gentle curves and lascivious lines. Rin identifies the model as an Aston Martin of some kind, an import from Avalon. Reisen herself, once she steps out of the car, has been fancified as well. She is wearing a well-tailored suit in the same color as the car, a color and outfit that compliments her own lines very well, and has a matching cap. She opens the back door of the car and inclines her head politely. "Your transportation, mistress." she says with slightly exaggerated formally.

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Baykuren - Episode 4, Part 5
« Reply #23 on: September 24, 2016, 08:49:58 PM »
>"Wow, don't you look spiffy. Thank you."
>Let's go take a seat

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Baykuren - Episode 4, Part 5
« Reply #24 on: September 25, 2016, 10:49:09 AM »
>"Wow, don't you look spiffy. Thank you."
>Let's go take a seat

>Reisen's smile is chagrined. "Old Man Winter insisted." she informs you as you, Rin and Lily pile into the remarkably cushy back seats. "When I told him I was doing a favor for my new master, he wanted to help me make a good impression."
>"I think it works!" Lily says supportively, giving the rabbit a quick hug before taking up position to your left, Rin on your right. An enviable position for many, you are sure.
>"Home, mistress?" Reisen asks as she takes her spot behind the steering wheel, Kiku taking shotgun.

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Baykuren - Episode 4, Part 5
« Reply #25 on: September 25, 2016, 11:10:26 AM »
>"Yes, please."
>Let's sink into these seats and relax. Work time is over for now.

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Baykuren - Episode 4, Part 5
« Reply #26 on: March 18, 2017, 12:01:40 PM »
>"Yes, please."
>Let's sink into these seats and relax. Work time is over for now.

>Sink is quite the appropriate word, as well. Even the seats in Aya's ferrari weren't as cushy as the leather in the seats of this machine. A point with Lily remarks on as well as she clambors into the seat to your left, sandwiching you between herself and Rin. "Ohhh, comfy!"
>"It is that." Reisen says as she climbs into the driver's seat. "That's why I went for this Aston, because I knew it would be a more comfortable ride home than the back seat of some cab. Mayoiga cabs are alright, but they weren't made with ride comfort first in mind."
>"Ain't Aston's Avalon cars?" Rin asks curiously.
>"They're made there, but in this age, any car made anywhere can be found almost anywhere in the world. That's one of the things I like about this planet."
>"I thought you were a bike girl?"
>"I am. But that doesn't mean I don't have any interest in things with four wheels." she replies as she starts the big car's big-sounding engine. "After all, it'd be a bit of a challenge to fit us all on my bike."

>Lily giggles as she snuggles up alongside you. "Not as cozy, either." A point you do not disagree with. The little blonde's affectionate cuddling is very far from an unpleasant sensation. Even with your weariness from the draining battle you've won, Lily somehow manages not to aggravate any of your sore muscles. It helps that she is built remarkably slight herself. Despite her own exertions during the battle, Lily even still smells nice, somehow. Her hair carries the faint scent of flowers on a spring breeze. You know she must be as tired as you are, but it somehow doesn't show. In fact, her affectionate presence seems to somehow refresh your spirits. You still feel the weariness, the drain from the battle, but somehow, seated between Lily and your Rin, your body doesn't seem quite as fatigued as it did before.
>Undoubtedly Marissa would tease you if you she could see you in a position you'd more commonly associate with her- having a pretty girl cuddled up next to you- but it does feel right. A worrisome thought does intrude into your mind, that perhaps Rin might be jealous or upset at Lily, but a quick glance down at the redhead's face dispels that worry almost as soon as it forms. She seems perfectly comfortable both with where she is and with Lily's proximity to you. Rin and Lily on your arms, a very dapper-looking Reisen ferrying you around in a comfortable, expensive car... Even a rather conservative girl like you could get used to this.

>"We're home, mistress." Reisen's voice intrudes into your thoughts. Looking around, you find that you have indeed arrived at the Moonside apartments. You must have nodded off. With one of Lily's wings acting as a blanket, no less.

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Baykuren - Episode 4, Part 5
« Reply #27 on: March 18, 2017, 03:23:04 PM »
>Mmmm... feathery
>Does it look like Lily or Rin dozed off, too? If so, speak a little softly.
>"Oh, I think I must have nodded off there for a bit."

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Baykuren - Episode 4, Part 5
« Reply #28 on: March 18, 2017, 04:57:18 PM »
>Mmmm... feathery
>Does it look like Lily or Rin dozed off, too? If so, speak a little softly.
>"Oh, I think I must have nodded off there for a bit."

>A unique sensation.
>They both seem to have done, yes.
>"I noticed." Reisen replies with a faint smile, lowering her voice as well. "That's why I took the long way home, dropped Kiku off first."

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Baykuren - Episode 4, Part 5
« Reply #29 on: March 18, 2017, 06:03:06 PM »
>"I appreciate it."
>Well, if we've arrived, let's gently wake Rin up. As comfortable as we both are right here, we do have to get out of the car at some point.