Author Topic: Games You're Playing Right Now Thread VI - Even in this thread, F O E  (Read 316820 times)


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Re: Games You're Playing Right Now Thread VI - Even in this thread, F O E
« Reply #900 on: November 12, 2018, 07:52:00 AM »
Hell Revealed blind and no saves? That's impressive. How did you like map 24?
Рабинович глядит на плакат ?Ленин умер, но дело его живет!?
? уж лучше бы о он жил!


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Re: Games You're Playing Right Now Thread VI - Even in this thread, F O E
« Reply #901 on: November 12, 2018, 11:14:39 AM »
24 was tricky, but I didn't actually find it to be the hardest of the bunch especially considering how much other people had built it up for me. The starting section was nasty with all the cacodemons and revenants, but made easier with the invincibilities lying around, and then after that a methodical approach let you deal with each area in a relatively careful way. I almost died at the very end to the cyberdemons though, which would have been a pain after the 1 hour 17 minutes it ended up taking me. :V I guess one of the main things that made it less bad is that whenever something went wrong you could just go for a swim in the acid and regroup at the start, with a couple of exceptions like those last cyberdemons. I do wonder if part of its reputation is due to not being able to save on the original engine in the first place. Having said that, it was really fun.

At any rate, 26 is still giving me a ton of trouble. It feels like one of the few which have been consistently really difficult rather than just having a couple of super hard spots here and there (the blue room in the darkness is particularly horrifying).
Let's fight.

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Re: Games You're Playing Right Now Thread VI - Even in this thread, F O E
« Reply #902 on: November 12, 2018, 07:26:45 PM »
While I am enjoying my time with this, I am definitely never going to play it again after I'm done with it. :V
Or you can later play it with Russian Overkill or something else that makes you OP and blow through all the places that gave you trouble playing normally.

Ionasal kkll Solciel

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Re: Games You're Playing Right Now Thread VI - Even in this thread, F O E
« Reply #903 on: November 14, 2018, 10:07:49 AM »
aaaaarrrrrgggghhh I forgot my phone at home today; RIP any good chance of picking up any extra Ribeyerolls (thank god my literal first contract was her) or any Contenders because I didn't actually turn in the dailies so I'm fresh out of contracts.

In other news, I just got a new PC that can finally play more than a third of my XBOX HEUG collection of Steam titles; so I've picked up Yooka-Laylee, Fantasy Strike, and Starcraft II for the first time in for freaking ever. Playing defensively in fighting games is not my strong suit, so I keep getting mashed up against Rook and Midori because lol Val's attacks don't have priority over MOTHERFUCKING NORMAL THROWS from them.
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Re: Games You're Playing Right Now Thread VI - Even in this thread, F O E
« Reply #904 on: November 15, 2018, 04:19:30 PM »
And that's Hell Revealed completed. Never again. :V

30 was a pretty miserable experience (I eventually rushed through it in 1:49) but I enjoyed most of the rest, good stuff. For my money, 26 was the hardest map.
Let's fight.


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Re: Games You're Playing Right Now Thread VI - Even in this thread, F O E
« Reply #905 on: November 18, 2018, 04:57:24 PM »
I've got a new video card for my newer desktop PC (HIJIRI-PC), so I'm very excited to tackle my Steam backlog finally, as well... but the power cable for it isn't here yet. So it's back to my older, slightly more powerful laptop (SHINKI-PC) for a spot of Forza Horizon 4 now that that's out and about.

I am very conflicted about Forza Horizon 4. For starters, remember, I rambled about FH3 a lot because it set an implausibly high bar. A ridiculously high bar.

FH4 had to top that. The absolute perfect road trip video game, of exploring this absolutely gorgeous faraway land, a true feeling of going on an adventure halfway across the world, accompanied by a beautiful music score greeting you on the title screen. It was absolutely this sensation of escape, of a journey. FH4, understandably, decides not to continue that tack at all, having pretty much nailed it, and opts instead for a world where the Horizon Festival is your home. Everything's made significantly more cozy and relaxed, even as the roads are far more exaggerated than ever (the lessons in video game geography they took from the Blizzard Mountain and Hot Wheels expansions show here beautifully, in long lilting hills with sweeping roads banked like a Talladega Superspeedway commute but somehow feeling plausible). You're able to purchase a log cabin in the woods or a village home (or a castle, if you're particularly loaded), and each time you boot the game up (after the staggeringly enormous five-hour-long prologue, anyways), you're welcomed home and see your car in the driveway as, if it's been a while, the season changes before your eyes. The title screen music is more sedate; I'd jokingly described it through the ad campaign as "Animal Crossing with cars", but nah, that's pretty much what it is. Or rather, it's definitely an odd mix of those sorts of games with an MMO.

So far, so wonderful. However, where the core gameplay mostly holds up from FH3, it's the additions that pile up into actively becoming problems.

You're now able to customize your character! You aren't stuck with defaults; you still pick from the same character models, but now can dress them up. You can't buy clothing items you want, though. You get them through random drops. But you can also change their animations! You can't buy the ones you want, though. You get them through random drops. You can also change the sound of your car horn, like in 3! But instead of being unlockable... well. You see where this is going.

In the first Forza Horizon, everything in single-player was unlocked with in-game currency or by completing challenges, as you'd expect. The online mode gave you a "Wheelspin" - random drop - upon leveling up. By FH3, you were getting a Wheelspin for every level up no matter what mode you were in. With FH4, you're getting them constantly. They replace nearly all other methods of unlock, and everything is lumped into the same category, meaning that where before, you would be getting money or a car with each level up - always good! - you now have a 2-in-5 chance of those, and a three-in-five chance of getting emotes or clothes or novelty horns. So, essentially, even though they've added all sorts of wonderful cars and races and events, these are all absolutely gutted by the game's insistence on foisting absolutely useless trash on you in several-second-long slot machine cutscenes constantly. They've also added Super Wheelspins! Triple the reward, and higher chance of rarer items - did I mention there's omnipresent item rarity now?

So, yeah. If you can't take that sort of thing - like I can't - the actual progression system is pretty much utterly destroyed by it. FH4 makes good on the promise for a shared open world (every hour on the hour, everyone on the map is offered a co-op challenge in the same place, and seeing everyone flock together to play is the best thing, like a cross between elementary school recess and a Nitro Circus show), and the seasons making major changes (most non-rally-themed missions are just straight-up borderline unplayable in Winter), but... the baffling insistence on this progression system really prevents most fun or sense of accomplishment. You no longer can progress by just picking whatever events you want, they're separated into categories that you have to individually level. You can't just do stunts in whatever car you want, they're separated into individual skill trees per car that you have to separately level. Everything is made to take agonizingly longer in the desperate hope of keeping you playing longer, and it just makes me want to stop playing, like... now. I'm not having fun. I can't even invite friends to play with the Game Pass free trial because there's a five-hour prologue before you're allowed online. There is so much greatness here that is actively stifled by poor design decisions that I can't imagine they actually wanted to make.

tldr; Forza Horizon 4 basically gutted 3 and made it a gacha game and I spent $40 on it and regret that

(I don't regret getting to drive the Bond DB5, the pursuit Jaguar from Skyfall, or the Hoonitruck though)


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Re: Games You're Playing Right Now Thread VI - Even in this thread, F O E
« Reply #906 on: November 20, 2018, 06:50:15 PM »
Got my Switch last Friday and playing Labyrinth of Refrain lmao it has the charm and humor the Disgaea series has, but oh boy the game is a tad bit darker than usual especially certain stats and elements.
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Re: Games You're Playing Right Now Thread VI - Even in this thread, F O E
« Reply #907 on: November 21, 2018, 10:31:46 AM »
Touhou  :3

Oh and I also play Terraria and uh......
I forgot


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Re: Games You're Playing Right Now Thread VI - Even in this thread, F O E
« Reply #908 on: December 18, 2018, 01:29:08 AM »
Forza Horizon 4 released its Fortune Island expansion, and it absolutely blew me away in its opening moments, getting guttural "oooooh"s from me at the severe weather, sheer cliffs, crazy jumps, and general wonderful choice of "rule of cool" design that I've so long missed in semi-realistic racing games. That being said, a few days later, I've, uh... finished it, to little fanfare. So. FH4 kinda still feels like it's desperately trying to catch up to FH3's enormously high bar, but as an MMO for some reason. That being said, if you do decide you want FH4, I'd say Fortune Island surpasses most of the main game with ease by ramping it up a notch, something I desperately wanted it to do, so as far as being what was advertised, it did a great job.

I'll spare you the usual wall of text on that this time, though, because something else got my attention. A series that friends have recommended to me for a long time, a particular entry that just hit PC (and which I purchased on launch day but I didn't yet have the equipment to properly play, turned out), and a director that was behind some of my favorite video game titles ever. I didn't know if it'd be my style, but I wanted to try it. And hoo boy, am I glad I did.

Yakuza 0 is one of the best games I have played.

...too hyperbolic? One I might regret after a few annoying sidequests in the post-game Premium Adventure mode from here on out? Maybe. Alright. One of the best I've played this year, then. (Can't even say GOTY because it came out in, like, 2015 originally.) I thought it'd be, like all too many prequels nowadays, a hamfisted attempt to ram extra stuff onto an older plot and force a new story to end up like the old one, an impermeable mess that doesn't stand alone, but this stands alone pretty perfectly (bar a few really forced things thrown in at the end, but the proper original story has ended by then). This was pitched as a great entry point for people who have been interested but didn't know where to start, and y'know what, yeah, having no idea what to expect, I had a blast. A wild swing in tone between serious main story events and ludicrous side events, everything being given Nichijou-level attention to detail and excess so every single action is either badass or hilarious, a plot that kept me hooked, and just straight-up satisfying gameplay.

Nearly every complaint I've had about games recently is absent here. When you buy the game, you have the whole game. The whole game. You have it. It's not split up in any way, shape, or form. There it is. You have it, and you can play it. The music is certainly not forgettable. There's actual brand names in there, but not a one that actually distracted from the experience for me.

I might be a bit biased, though.

Anyways, heck, the inclusion of shameless Sega self-branding means you can straight-up play OutRun (I mean, there are more games than that, but most importantly, there's OutRun). The city feels lively and gorgeous. The graphics aren't just showy for showy's sake, they're absolutely goddamn beautiful and there's far less focus on making it look photorealistic than just... really good. There's an incredible sense of immersion, but a willingness to be old-school; the boss fights are unmistakably boss fights, with arenas made expressly for the purpose of them. It's not afraid to just be a video game.

That being said, it does manage to bring back a few old-school hassles along the way. No autosaving. A rendering glitch meant I had to shut off my Discord overlay, so no chat messages while playing (which was mostly fine, up until I got to the full hour of cutscenes at the end and came back to a whole bunch of "hey, you there?" pings). Inventory management (which thanks to an item box and various categories, isn't really a hassle, but I felt like having two complaints felt silly compared to a format of three). All that aside, though, it's just been... satisfying. Immersive. Refreshing to have none of the garbage and all of the fun. There's some tutorials and such I don't particularly like, but... I just finished this 33-hour game and immediately want to come back for more. I instantly understand why this series is beloved, and I eagerly await more of it. If you're even vaguely intrigued, I implore you to try it. And if you have a good rig, I implore you to also look at your options and tick the box to render cutscenes at full frame rate, because it makes the whole visual package look so much more cohesive instead of cutting to a seemingly pre-rendered cutscene at a different frame-rate every now and then.

With that said, I'm gonna go back to running my real estate firm by wandering aimlessly around town until somebody asks me for help and then direly hoping that in return, they are good at real estate and will help me, and failing that, I'm gonna go around looking for people in shiny expensive suits and breaking bicycles over their heads to take all their money and buy more businesses with them.
« Last Edit: December 18, 2018, 05:50:50 AM by Pywackett-Barchetta »


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Re: Games You're Playing Right Now Thread VI - Even in this thread, F O E
« Reply #909 on: January 21, 2019, 08:47:20 AM »
Bought Hollow Knight. I am a huge fan of metroidvanias and this one is right up my alley. First impressions.
The controls are nice and responsive which is a huge plus.
Oh, hey that's some spikes and a section looks like you need some sort of wall jump. Let's go there, because why not. Turns out you actually can go there with some spike bashing. Oh, hey it's a boss. Let's fight it. YOU DIED. Let's try again. YOU DIED. Hm... How do i avoid a wall of vomit? The same way you use to get to the boss. After a few more tries i actually managed to beat the boss. Satisfaction +10.
Soul Tyrant
can go die in a fire. The opportunities to hit him are so few it simply takes way too long for his 1st phase.  Fighting him right after
Soul Master
was probably not the smartest idea, but eh.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2019, 08:23:14 AM by CF7 »
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Re: Games You're Playing Right Now Thread VI - Even in this thread, F O E
« Reply #910 on: January 22, 2019, 07:25:31 PM »
Played through several classic/retro first person shooters in relatively short order. They were, respectively:

DUSK, a recent game that looks and feels like something straight out of the 90s. Generally reminiscent of Quake, it features an adequate variety of interesting enemies (although their 3D models could be better), excellent weaponry where every gun is useful and fun to fight with, good level design, overall nice audiovisuals, and Nyarlathotep. I liked the powerups too. Highly recommended.

Quake. Inspired by DUSK, I decided to give the old classic another spin. Long story short, the gameplay is as fun as always and there's few things quite as satisfying as collecting the Quad and frantically rushing onwards to eliminate as many foes as possible before the powerup runs out. Yet there are also flaws that must be acknowledged. Namely, some places feel rather empty and barebones, with very little in terms of decoration and whatnot. While most enemies are fun, some bring their own set of issues: dogs and human grunts are hardly ever used, for example, and the Death Knight is just an annoying bullet sponge. And the soundtrack never really grew on me; it sounds like an inferior version of Fallout music.

Next up were both official Quake expansion packs. Scourge of Armagon was the better of the two, pushing the difficulty level up a notch and finally giving more screen time to some enemies like the aforementioned humans or Vores. Map design was overall quite good, they were a lot of fun to explore, although I didn't like how they occasionally pull cheap tricks (looking at you, Flying-Mine-In-The-Face). While Dissolution of Eternity introduces some fun toys and features more eye candy, it's ultimately a worse game since combat is at best on par with vanilla Quake, usually easier, and multi-rockets make it almost trivial at times. Bosses were laughable, except the last one who's a sudden difficulty spike capable of one-shotting you at full health and armor. Meh.

Heretic is a 1994 game on the then-fresh Doom engine, replacing Doom's military bases and hellscapes with a fantasy theme. The graphics and music are spectacular and there are few games where everything seems to fit together so well. Levels themselves are likewise excellent, very atmospheric, the architecture going far beyond what Doom could offer, especially in outdoor maps. However, I do have some gripes about the gameplay itself. The crossbow's damage range seems to vary wildly, gargoyles taking anywhere from 1 to 3 shots at close range to kill, Sabreclaws anywhere from 2 to 5 etc. Items are neat, but too many Quartz Flasks make things rather easy, especially with the Enchanted Shield soaking up so much damage. And since weapon effects and muzzle flash (so to speak) are so prominent, you get very little visual feedback and can't tell whether the enemy is stunlocked or currently firing back at you. Lastly, most boss encounters are merely banal exercises in circlestrafing. These issues bog the experience down a little, but not enough to stop me from playing through all five episodes.

And finally, Project Warlock is another modern game hoping to achieve a retro look and feel. Sadly, this one appears to be a failure. While audiovisuals are once again excellent, the game owes much more to Catacomb 3D than it does to Quake, Hexen, Doom, or even Wolfenstein. Very little gameplay depth, poor map design take all the fun out of what initially promises to be an interesting experience. The game has an RPG-like system of stats, perks, spells and upgrades, but it's rather trivial and does not help things at all. I'd give this one a pass.

No idea what to do next. Perhaps an RPG for a change, so I don't oversaturate myself with shooters.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2019, 10:38:47 PM by nav' »
Рабинович глядит на плакат ?Ленин умер, но дело его живет!?
? уж лучше бы о он жил!


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Re: Games You're Playing Right Now Thread VI - Even in this thread, F O E
« Reply #911 on: January 22, 2019, 07:59:59 PM »
And the soundtrack never really grew on me; it sounds like an inferior version of Fallout music.

My Quake version came from a bootleg multi-game CD that had music ripped out and I don't believe I've lost anything of value for my experience. Comparing it to Fallout music is stretching it, really. It's just repetitive noise that barely works even as ambience. You want good ambience - check out PS1 or N64 Doom.

Also, your Heretic summary pretty much sums up my problems with it (in addition to not being suited for pistol starts). The weapons just don't feel satisfying enough, with crossbow being the worst offender indeed. But I still keep the WAD around in case I want to play it with a good character mod like Samsara or High Noon Drifter.

(And I did look at Project Warlock but it failed to catch my eye since no saves is an instant deal-breaker to me.)


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Re: Games You're Playing Right Now Thread VI - Even in this thread, F O E
« Reply #912 on: January 23, 2019, 07:57:45 AM »
My Quake version came from a bootleg multi-game CD that had music ripped out and I don't believe I've lost anything of value for my experience. Comparing it to Fallout music is stretching it, really. It's just repetitive noise that barely works even as ambience. You want good ambience - check out PS1 or N64 Doom.
Heh, same here actually. Always played Quake without any music until now. It just seemed... appropriate, like the game's atmosphere is heavy enough that it doesn't need any music. Maybe next time I'll try with some death metal playing in the background.

(And I did look at Project Warlock but it failed to catch my eye since no saves is an instant deal-breaker to me.)
Honestly, the levels are small and simple enough that saving isn't necessary in the first place.
Рабинович глядит на плакат ?Ленин умер, но дело его живет!?
? уж лучше бы о он жил!


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Re: Games You're Playing Right Now Thread VI - Even in this thread, F O E
« Reply #913 on: January 23, 2019, 08:29:11 AM »
Heh, same here actually. Always played Quake without any music until now. It just seemed... appropriate, like the game's atmosphere is heavy enough that it doesn't need any music. Maybe next time I'll try with some death metal playing in the background.

Interestingly, some old FPS games are pretty rich with ambient sounds and feel nice even without music. I'd still say that background tunes help with setting the atmosphere... but it's not the case for Quake that tries to layer ambience on top of ambience. Something more rocking like Quake II OST works pretty well though so yeah.


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Re: Games You're Playing Right Now Thread VI - Even in this thread, F O E
« Reply #914 on: January 24, 2019, 12:57:27 AM »
meanwhile I went back and 100%ed DOOM 2016 on Nightmare again

game's still good! :V

[09:46] <theshim|work> there is nothing like working for a real estate company to make one contemplate arson

Ionasal kkll Solciel

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Re: Games You're Playing Right Now Thread VI - Even in this thread, F O E
« Reply #915 on: January 25, 2019, 03:55:21 AM »
Ace Combat 7. On the one hand, I'm so damn glad it has (had?) AC5 bundled with Playstation copies, and ACI-type PvP multiplayer. On the other hand, I'm so awkward using the flight stick and even with the regular controller, I'm much worse than I was in ACI.

I like the PSVR campaign, though.
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Re: Games You're Playing Right Now Thread VI - Even in this thread, F O E
« Reply #916 on: January 25, 2019, 05:16:03 PM »
Having now wrapped up the Cabaret Club Czar subplot of Yakuza 0, with about 90 hours logged in the game, I have now begun Persona 5.

I am really liking having these very meaty, very stylish, very immersive games that I can just get lost in for ages


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Re: Games You're Playing Right Now Thread VI - Even in this thread, F O E
« Reply #917 on: January 30, 2019, 08:33:19 AM »
Oh, Hollow Knight, how i love thee. Today i made it to
Nightmare King Grimm
and after a couple hours or so spent on him i actually beat him. That was a blast. No cheap tricks (well, his attacks might seem like that at the start, but all of his attacks are 100% avoidable and punishable, but you usually have less than a second to react to them), just pure skill. That felt good. No. That fealt GREAT. Charms i used Grimchild (required), Mark of Pride, Unbreakable Strength, Unbreakable Heart. Also since i haven't made it to
the Abyss
yet, i didn't have invincibility frames on my dash.
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Re: Games You're Playing Right Now Thread VI - Even in this thread, F O E
« Reply #918 on: January 31, 2019, 12:52:22 AM »
Kingdom Hearts 3 making me cry all the tears of happiness l can't put the game down and the graphics and faces are making me squeal in delight. Ah, but some of the gimmicks and stuff l have to get used to like the Shotlock system.
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Re: Games You're Playing Right Now Thread VI - Even in this thread, F O E
« Reply #919 on: February 06, 2019, 09:23:09 PM »
Forza Horizon 4 might be a loot-obsessed, crash-prone, buggy mess, but hot damn, I've spent almost the whole last week not even leaving the garage screen and having an absolute blast creating monstrosities to rival my time in Need For Speed: Underground 2. Slapping rally lights to the front of everything, chopping out half the parts, and ending up with something that somehow performs better than before I took every tool in the shop to it... it's a blast! This is what made the previous Forza games so incredible, and it's far and away its strongest point; that's much of what made it so distressing that this title unsubtly nudges you towards pre-prepared special edition cars with all that stuff already done for you. That kinda guts half the game that way. Turns out, though, that some of the absolute best skills in the game are actually applied to cars that, in stock form, are pretty much utterly useless for racing... meaning if you wanna replace everything in it and make a sleeper car, more power to you. It'll be on even footing with the best of the best. In any case, even if you're just screwing around, you can end up with some wonderful before-and-after comparisons.

As the livery (which is not my creation) suggests, I'm still on Persona 5, and judging by how long this game apparently takes the average player to beat and my general cluelessness with RPGs... it's gonna be a while. I'm absolutely having a blast with the daily student life bit. Maybe not so much the, uh, actual RPG meat of the game, but I figured that. Still, the characterization is more than good enough to carry it for me. There's nobody I'm supposed to like that I actually dislike (though I'm feeling bad for Ryuji getting harassed by half the team at this point), and nobody I'm supposed to dislike that I fail to, which... isn't what normally happens in these sorts of games. Count me pleasantly surprised!

(Count me also pleasantly surprised that after playing Yakuza 0 and going right to Persona 5, one of the theaters in this game is showing "Like A Dragon", which is... the exact first game in the Yakuza series by its original title. Which did have a film adaptation by the same name. So.)


  • Can you feel the LOVE tonight?
Re: Games You're Playing Right Now Thread VI - Even in this thread, F O E
« Reply #920 on: February 07, 2019, 08:08:19 PM »
So, i think i am done with Hollow Knight for the time being.
Yesterday i did this.

I have 111% on my main save and what is left is Pantheon of the Knight, which i don't feel like doing at the moment. And Pantheon of the Hallownest which i feel like not doing at all.
Then there's speedrun 1 and speedrun 2, and that's more or less it. And while both of these can be combined into 1 run, i just do not want to do it as well.
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Your Everyday NEET

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Re: Games You're Playing Right Now Thread VI - Even in this thread, F O E
« Reply #921 on: February 11, 2019, 07:19:31 AM »
How NOT to Make a First Boss of a Game by Your Everyday NEET

Meet Awaritia Shinentai/Evil Rinnosuke, the 1st boss of Touhou Genso Wanderer. At first, he's just there, sitting on his throne. He'll summon a bunch of Rinnosuke Robos and he will constantly buffs them by doubling their attacks, defenses, and speed. You need to kill all of the robos fast before they overwhelms you. After you get close to his throne, Rinnosuke will starts fighting seriously, blowing you back to the southern end of the stage, and will summon his robos again. But at this phase, he will occasionally throws in area wide AoE attacks that will damage you and deals high damage. If you kill all the robos at this phase, he will summons them back again. But you can?t ignore the buffed robos as they can deplete you HP quickly. It?s really hard managing between robo mobs and attacking the boss.

Should you manage defeat him, he will unleash his next phase. This phase is a nightmare. You start at the southern end of the area, and he?s at the northern end. You must get close to him before you can even damage him. But the boss is making it very difficult . He will throws area wide AoE attack every turn and dealing heavy damage to you, he can summons more mobs to blocks and damage you (And he will summon it without regards if I kill all the mobs or not), and he can inflicts nasty debuff like speed debuffs, decreasing my Power, and putting all sort of nasty traps all over the arena. Should get close enough to him to actually deals damage, he can and will nuke you with another AoE attack, but this time, this attack will throw you back to the corner, resetting your progress. Between his constant nuke barrage, the mobs, the debuffs, the fights quickly turns into a goddamn nightmare! Especially when he debuffs my speed. Holy crap! He just bombarded me over and over and over again before I could even get my turn.

It?s goddamn difficult for all the wrong reasons. And the best part: Should you lose, you have to retry the dungeon all over again, losing all your level before you get another shot at beating him. And it took me 2 hours to get there. And let me remind you HE?S JUST THE FIRST BOSS OF THE GAME AT THE SECOND STAGE OF THE GAME! Much rage then ensues.

Fucking hell! Even game that I hated the most: Genius of Sappheiros actually KNOWS to ease up the players with very reasonable early bosses before putting up all the bullshit. This game doesn?t value the player?s time, the recent game I?ve seen that disrespected the player is YIIK (Yeek), and that game is basically The Room of Earthbound-esque RPG.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2019, 07:30:03 AM by Your Everyday NEET »


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Re: Games You're Playing Right Now Thread VI - Even in this thread, F O E
« Reply #922 on: February 15, 2019, 07:14:35 AM »
meanwhile I went back and 100%ed DOOM 2016 on Nightmare again

game's still good! :V

Literally the best game I've played in more than a decade - the only other game I've enjoyed as much as DOOM 2016 was Battlefield 2142 from 2007.

Pretty hyped for DOOM Eternal (indeed the only game I've been looking forward to)

2hu is a ghey shooter pl@y COD you f@gs
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Re: Games You're Playing Right Now Thread VI - Even in this thread, F O E
« Reply #923 on: February 15, 2019, 07:24:01 AM »
I recommend you try the newer Shadow Warrior games in the meantime. And DUSK if you're into the classic stuff too.


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Re: Games You're Playing Right Now Thread VI - Even in this thread, F O E
« Reply #924 on: February 16, 2019, 07:13:17 AM »
So I got furloughed from work recently and have been playing tons and tons of Octopath Traveler while unemployed. It took a ridiculously long time for the game to click with me, honestly too long, but I've been powering through. Beat all of the main story last week and had to look up how to get to the endgame because it's frankly way too obtuse for me to ever figure out on my own.

The last boss
does that thing where you have to separate your party into two groups. Which was worrying to me, because I only really leveled half of the characters. My A team (Olberic, Primrose, Tressa, and Ophilia) is like level 70-75, and the rest are... like 30-40. I put the good characters in one group and the bad characters in the other and crossed my fingers that I wouldn't have to use the B team.

So I beat Fantasy Satan after a very long and drawn-out fight (preceded by a very long boss rush, which was easy but had no save points anywhere) and I was like "Okay, I guess the second team was just in case my main team died or something"... and then the camera panned up and revealed that I had only been fighting Fantasy Satan's legs the whole time, and his even scarier head was about to fight B team on the cliff above.

Needless to say, they all died in his first action. And I got a game over. And I haven't been able to save for like a few hours. And now I have to figure out what to even do with the rest of these losers and grind levels for them, which I always hate doing. I don't know what level I should even be aiming for, I reeeally don't want to re-attempt this, go through the whole boss rush again, and then lose again, but I also don't want to over-grind. Hmm...
I made a PADHerder. It's probably out of date though.


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Re: Games You're Playing Right Now Thread VI - Even in this thread, F O E
« Reply #925 on: February 16, 2019, 07:30:58 AM »
I recommend you try the newer Shadow Warrior games in the meantime.

You can also get Shadow Warrior Classic on both Steam and GOG platforms (Though I can't figure out how to change the controls on the Steam version.)

As for the game I'm playing now... Well, I dunno if this counts since it's a mobile game, but I've been playing a good bit of Space Marshals (Both 1 and 2). Basically, it's a top-down shooter with a lot of stealth elements and a space western theme, complete with cowboy hats and revolvers.

Ionasal kkll Solciel

  • Girl from beyond the 7th Dimension
Re: Games You're Playing Right Now Thread VI - Even in this thread, F O E
« Reply #926 on: February 16, 2019, 10:38:54 AM »
If you're playing AC7 multiplier, please watch out if your enemy is flying any of these three planes: F/A-18, Su-33, X-02S; do not face your nose directly toward them during the initial engage.

Because goddamn I feed on the hatred of people who run headlong into my EML by rushing into the furball. Just as wonderful as the people who nail fools down (including myself!) with max homing QAAMs or SASMs.
Let's Play: BIT.TRIP FLUX | Let's Play: Malicious | Skyward Sword: Shieldless Final Boss | Skyward Sword: Boss Rush! | Ace Combat Infinity: Campaign in the X-02 Wyvern

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Ionasal kkll Solciel

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Re: Games You're Playing Right Now Thread VI - Even in this thread, F O E
« Reply #927 on: March 12, 2019, 09:32:39 AM »
I had completely forgotten The Caligula Effect was published by FuRyu, so it amused me a bit when my (imported) copy of Crystar came in a few days ago, and my copy of Caligula Overdose arrived this morning.

(Please get translated, Crystar!)

Also I'm still plugging away at Death end re;Quest. At times I'm not sure what my level is supposed to be, because I get something like five levels off of an Entoma Queen, or wipe out an enemy Glitched Character in a single character's attack wave, but against standard mobs, I struggle a bit because I'm a bit too over-focused on trying to nuke things to notice exactly which nukes work on which enemies. Also not being able to save between a major battle and major cutscenes (with Dead Ends!) is infuriating. If you intentionally or unintentionally peg the Dead End, Game Over, go back to your last save; but we'll give you a small equippable stat token relevant to the Dead End, and your XP and gold from that battle as an apology.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2019, 10:41:24 AM by Ionasal kkll Solciel »
Let's Play: BIT.TRIP FLUX | Let's Play: Malicious | Skyward Sword: Shieldless Final Boss | Skyward Sword: Boss Rush! | Ace Combat Infinity: Campaign in the X-02 Wyvern

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Re: Games You're Playing Right Now Thread VI - Even in this thread, F O E
« Reply #928 on: March 12, 2019, 05:58:10 PM »
(As of a few days ago,) I have completed Persona 5.

As someone who doesn't really play RPGs, I have very many opinions about Persona 5. I'm reminded of Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, another game that, with sheer charm, a vivid world, wonderful and lovable characters, and deep investment, tricked me into absolutely adoring an RPG just by virtue of being an amazing game overall and leaving me not caring about what it is. (It may also have been helped with this being a bit of a culture exchange with a friend of mine who is now trying a few racing games, and us both realizing that min-maxing vehicle equipment and party equipment is just about mechanically the same thing. So I may end up trying more RPGs... or at least more Persona.)

I will say that the story did begin to wear thin on me by the end. It certainly introduced characters and settings I loved, but also at one point spent an utterly laborious 40 entire minutes on exposition for something I thought was pretty easily revealed in three quick camera shots just before. The end is... a thing. I did appreciate the feeling of agency I had over my character; it feels surreal to see Ren Amimiya in the anime, a soft-spoken mastermind with a focus and goal, compared to who my character, Evan Barchett, ended up being; a deeply confused ball of fluff who just rolled with whatever it is his friends were doing, forgot his own master plan, and repeatedly blew off all his obligations to eat increasingly large burgers and go on dates. I am very interested in picturing how that testimony went.

The balance of Mementos, Palaces, and daily life biz really meant there was always a way to make some kind of progress, and I deeply appreciated that. There's a lot I left unfinished, but... it still took me 120 hours (and 13 minutes) to complete. Well worth $30, and it ran pretty great on PS3, barring some aliasing in 3D scenes and some artifacting during 2D animation clips.

Knowing what I know about it now, I can't say for sure if I want to want to play this again soon, but I'll keep watching the anime for now and see what I think about it. Been a wild ride so far for sure, at the least; it's definitely best enjoyed in game form, but they tried. Anyways. Great game, and I'm looking forward to seeing what Joker's appearance in Smash ends up like.

Ionasal kkll Solciel

  • Girl from beyond the 7th Dimension
Re: Games You're Playing Right Now Thread VI - Even in this thread, F O E
« Reply #929 on: March 19, 2019, 06:39:37 AM »
So, uh... Apparently Moero Chronicle is happening on the Switch. How it got past the ESRB with only a Mature rating is anyone's guess, considering literally the first area of the game.

In other news, I don't know about you guys, but I'm all set to go play in SE.RA.PH again with Guadoface, Saberface, and lolitera.
Let's Play: BIT.TRIP FLUX | Let's Play: Malicious | Skyward Sword: Shieldless Final Boss | Skyward Sword: Boss Rush! | Ace Combat Infinity: Campaign in the X-02 Wyvern

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So that we may always be at your side.