Author Topic: Ohno Sakuya and Koakuma Have Switched Bodies, But!!!  (Read 2150 times)

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Ohno Sakuya and Koakuma Have Switched Bodies, But!!!
« on: December 13, 2014, 01:15:05 AM »

"Boom" was not an uncommon sound in Scarlet Devil Mansion. One end of the manor served as a lair to a powerful and amoral magician devoted to her craft, while dozens of faeries serving as maids had could be found anywhere in the house, among the accumulated magical artifacts, the kitchen, and any number of cleaning supplies. Anyone who spent a reasonable amount of time in Scarlet Devil Mansion would grow used to the sound. The thick walls certainly helped in making the occasional boom sound less bad.

Books and fallen shelves cover the floor, The elaborately patterned carpets bear deep, black scorches radiating out from a toppled table and ruined chair. Books scattered nearby lack the burns that most of the area has, a testament to the efforts of their caretaker. As well, they are free of the mysterious and colorful liquid stains that seep into the rug and stain the shelves themselves, undeterred by the explosion. Ash and metallic odors fill the air; everything is still and tranquil. Soon this tranquility is disturbed as three figures begin to emerge from various piles of fallen books and debris.

?I told you I was running an experiment,? says one in a striped purple robe, wheezing and trying to arrange her mob cap back into place.

?And I told you that I was dusting in here,? replies a red-haired woman with bat wings extending from her head and back.

?When have you ever cleaned anything?? says the robed woman, giving the  other speaker a look.

?Are you trying to start something?? says the winged woman, ?Because I am not in the mood right now.?

?Uh, Patchy?? says a third figure, a woman with short silver hair, dressed as a maid. ?I think we have a bigger problem than that.?

?Don?t call me ?Patchy?, Sakuya,?  says the robed woman.

?I didn?t,? the winged woman says, crossing her arms.

Silence falls upon the room. The robed woman looks between the other two, then says, ?Well son of a bitch. I have to mop this up, don?t I??

?Why do you look like me,? says the winged woman, glancing toward the maid.

?You got that backwards, though,? says the maid, ?I mean, look at your clothes.?

The winged woman looks down, then frowns. Then she takes a lock of her hair in hand and stares at it. She runs it between her fingers thoughtfully. Then she looks up at the robed woman and says, ?Patchouli, just what kind of experiments were you running??

?That?s not important,? says the robed woman, Patchouli, as she contemplates the splintered remains of a chair.

?I beg to differ,? says the winged woman.

?She was trying to turn wood into iron,? says the maid.

?One would think that would take more effort than it would be worth,? says the winged woman. ?So, what are you going to do about this situation??

?Can I at least sit down and have a moment to think, Sakuya?? says Patchouli, shooting the red-haired woman a look. ?Just a moment to try and sort this out??

?Yeah, alright,? says Sakuya, frowning.

?Sooooo,? says the maid, ?You?re me now, huh, Sakuya??

?Yes, Koakuma,  that appears to be the case,? says Sakuya. She sighs and uncrosses her arms. ?So, you know what? It?s break time.?

The maid frowns. ?Huh??

?Not like I can do anything while stuck like this,? says Sakuya. ?The faeries sure aren?t going to listen to me, and I can?t clean up in here like I had been planning all week until Patchouli fixes this.?

?I don?t recall agreeing to fix anything,? Patchouli says, not bothering to look back at Sakuya as she rummages through some nearby debris.

?Koakuma,? says Sakuya, her face taking on a kind of professional neutrality, then holds a hand out toward the maid.. ?Upper left pocket, behind my apron.?

?Huh?? says Koakuma, idly reaching behind her apron, then withdrawing a knife with nine-inch blade. ?Whoa??

Patchouli sighs. ?I?ll do it, I?ll do it. Just I am rather insulted you ruined my experiment, and then just expect me to clean up the mess.?

?You had a week?s warning!? Sakuya says. Then she pauses and begins to massage the bridge of her nose.  ?No. No, I don?t have time for this kind of arguing. I?m on break now. Good luck, you two.?

?Uhh?? Koakuma says, looking toward Sakuya. Sakuya pays her no mind as she turns and starts to walk away. ?Uhh!?

?What?? says Sakuya, ?Did you not hear me when I said I?m on break now.?

?What am I supposed to do, then?? says Koakuma. ?I?m stuck being you!?

?Well, you better go make sure the faeries clean up the western wing second floor properly,? says Sakuya.


?They know what to do,? says Sakuya. ?Just stand there with your arms crossed and look stern. Don?t take any backtalk or let them get a question in edgewise.?

?Shouldn?t you be there to help?? says Koakuma. ?What if something goes wrong??

?Koa,? says Sakuya, ?I just described a job so easy that a fairly stupid dog could do it. Besides, if they saw you hanging around, they?d get distracted and then it?s be chaos. Let alone what would happen if they heard me tell you what to do. Caio.? And with that, she vanishes through the front doors of the library.


?Do you have some kind of throat problem?? Patchouli says.

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Ohno Sakuya and Koakuma Have Switched Bodies, But!!!
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2014, 03:17:37 PM »
The front doors of the mansion creak open, prompting Meiling to glance back from her position of relaxing against the front gate. A red-haired woman with wings emerges from the mansion, and stops for a moment to let her eyes adjust to the bright noontime light. "Hey, Koa!" Meiling calls out, "Nice day, isn't it?" Then she notes that the winged woman is carrying a fishing rod over her shoulder, with a bucket and tackle box in the other hand. "Hey, did Sakuya say you could have that stuff?"

The winged woman approaches the gate and says, "Meiling, I am Sakuya."


"You heard the explosion, right?"

The gatekeeper frowns and opens the gate. "Second one this month, wasn't it?"

"Unfortunately," says Sakuya. "Regardless, this one seems to have turned me into Koakuma and Koakuma into me. Or maybe we switched bodies or something? I don't know and I don't care right now. I've had enough of everything for today."

"Well, you sound like Sakuya,"says Meiling. "But you know I can't just take that at face value, it'd be a pretty flimsy trick."

Sakuya sighs, then says, "I thought you'd say that. Okay, remember when we went to tanabata?"

"You mean Sakuya you and not Koakuma you, right?"

"Yes, obviously," Sakuya says, taking a moment to set the fishing rod on the ground and massage the bridge of her nose. "Now, remember when we got that cotton candy?"

"...No," says Meiling.

"Yes you do," says Sakuya. "And then we went off into the woods and shared it where no one could see."

Meiling crosses her arms. "You're making things up."

"No I'm not," says Sakuya, "Do you really think I'd tell Koakuma about this? Seriously? Or anyone?"

"If it did happen, and it didn't, we could have been seen," says Meiling.

Sakuya shakes her head. "The only person there who could have seen us was Suika. And she was passed out in the dirt. She didn't even notice when you balanced her gourd on her head."

"Okay, so maybe you are Sakuya," says Meiling.

"Glad we've come to an understanding," says Sakuya, giving her a smile. "Go get your gear, we're on break."

Meiling raises her eyebrows. "Wait, right now?"

"Yes, I'm the chief maid, remember?" says Sakuya, "I get to say if staff goes on break. You're on break now."

"I dunno," says Meiling, looking toward the gate. "I'm not sure if it's a good idea to just leave the front gate unguarded in the middle of the day, you know?"

"It'll be fine, no one's going to come," says Sakuya. "It won't matter if we skip out for a few hours."

"...Geez, way to make me feel like an extra wheel," says Meiling.

"You know what I mean," says Sakuya with a sigh. "Now do you wanna go fish and cuddle or what?"

Meiling's eyes go wide. "Wait, what? ...Is it okay to do that?"

"I've had a terrible day today, okay?" says Sakuya. "Would it be okay if I could just get a little comfort and relaxation? I mean, I'm not going to make you or anything, if you don't want to. I just assumed, based on past..."

Meiling raises her hands. "It's just, you're not really, you know?"

"I need a hug a lot more than I need to worry about what I look like right now." Sakuya massages the bridge of her nose again. 

"Well, when you put it that way..." says Meiling. Then she smiles. "Lemme go get my stuff real quick."

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Ohno Sakuya and Koakuma Have Switched Bodies, But!!!
« Reply #2 on: January 03, 2015, 01:18:22 PM »
"Okay, this'll be easy," Koakuma says to herself, as she climbs the stairs in the main hall of Scarlet Devil Mansion, leading up to the second floor of the western part of the building. "Even a dog could do it, she said? Just go up there and tell ?em what to do! Yeah, cleaning isn?t even hard, I keep that stupid library in shape!?

As she reaches the balcony and approaches the door, she steels herself, and then throws it open. Striding into the hall beyond, she puts on a confident smile and looks around. The hall, richly decorated with a sumptuous red carpet, dark-toned portraits on the walls, and the occasional work of art on pedestals, is entirely devoid of any faeries. Her smile gives way to a frown. ?Wait, where are they?? She looks around, then spots a door hanging open some distance down the hall. ?Aha.?

Koakuma hurries toward the door, then slows down at the last few steps. Taking a moment to stand tall, she then replaces her confident smile and strides into the room. Several couches dominate the room, gathered around a large wooden table inlaid with precious metals. A fireplace dominates one of the walls, while heavily-curtained windows dominate another; the other two are bear portraits of strange and perpetually unhappy-looking people. The faeries are gathered at the table, playing a game of cards.

?Get to work!? she shouts. The faeries give various squawks of surprise, leaping from their seats and scattering cards across the table. They dash in every which direction, grabbing dusters and brooms and other such things they had left scattered on the floor. Koakuma crosses her arms, eyeing each faerie as they scurry around, sweeping and dusting and cleaning.She allows herself a smile, this wasn?t so bad after all! One could only imagine how much of a pain it must have been for Sakuya to train them, though. The minutes pass by as the faeries aggressively attack the dust in the room, isolating it and then sweeping it up. Every so often they look toward Koakuma and askance, then flinch away as she shoots them another look.

?I hunger!? cries a high-pitched child?s voice.

Koakuma jumps and whirls around. Standing in the doorway with a grin is the Young Mistress, dressed in red feetie pajamas covered in various yellow shapes. ?Don?t do that!? Koakuma says, trying to keep her voice under control.

?Don?t blame me,? says the Young Mistress, ?you left the door open so I didn?t hafta knock!?

?Well, uh?? says Koakuma. ?Do it anyways!?

?None of this is important, Kuya!? the Young Mistress says, scowling. ?The important thing is I?m hungry! Gimme breakfast!?

?Right!? Koakuma says, as she turns and points at the faeries, who had stopped cleaning to observe the exchange. ?You lot! Fix the Young Mistress breakfast at once!? Some of the faeries stare back with wide eyes, clutching their cleaning implements tightly. Another gives an anguished howl, and another begins to weep silently. Yet another collapses to the floor, sprawling out in such a way that Koakuma suspects it is entirely staged. She scowls. ?What?re you doing? Get to it!?

?B-but?? says one of the faeries, wringing her hands along the handle of a feather duster. ?N-none of us were ever supposed to go to the kitchen! That?s the iron rule, you said!? Several of the maids repeat the last two words, not quite managing to synchronize. The one on the floor flops around in a kind of crude time with the words.

Koakuma starts to frown, then decides it is a bad idea to frown around the Young Mistress and tries to wrench it back. She looks to the little blonde girl and says. ?...Would you like a cheese sandwich??

?Gross!? The You Mistress replies, scrunching up her face.

?Uh...cup of coffee?? Koakuma says hopefully, pushing the bounds of her culinary encyclopedia.

?Yuck!? The Young Mistress says, scowling, ?Mega gross!?

?Well?? Koakuma says, ?How about...we go to the kitchen and see what?s there?? It takes some self control to keep the victorious grin off her face.

?Yeah, let?s!? the blonde girl says, her previous expression giving way to a beaming smile.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2015, 11:54:19 PM by Sivrup »

Re: Ohno Sakuya and Koakuma Have Switched Bodies, But!!!
« Reply #3 on: January 03, 2015, 06:14:47 PM »
Standing in the doorway with a grinning is the Young Mistress
With a grinning WHAT?! The anticipation is killing me!

Writing in the present tense is an interesting choice, but I can live with it.