Author Topic: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition  (Read 71580 times)


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
  • I want to be a little NEET moon princess
Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
« Reply #60 on: May 15, 2014, 09:27:35 PM »
I thank you guys so much for the encouragement. As a token for encouraging me, I've decided to take a moment to transfer everything I've been working on from 0.13 and put it all into 0.14.

There are a few things I need to revisit and work on such as the yukkuri Kanakos that once made up the snake pits. Because there's new nagas, I need to figure out how to make them different enough for example.

So updates are likely to follow in the next few turns. So be prepared for new update as we make progress through the Dungeon of ZUN

For now, I've posted the files here. So feel free to get them.

How to put in the Graphic Mod

1. Download the file and open the zip

2. Go into your Crawl 0.14.1 Folder and locate the dat file open.

3. Locate the Tiles folder

4. Replace the Tiles folder with the tiles folder you downloaded.

5. Enjoy your small Touhou tweaked graphic mod.

How to set up Wakasagihime so she can be viewable

1. Upon starting you game press "-" this will take you to the doll creation system.

2.Go through the settings and use the up and down button to set up Wakasagihime's equipment and choose what you want viewable on what should be.

(In general, I preffer removing hair, helmet, body and leg gear, I'll leave it up to you guys but above is a screen shot to help show you my recommendation.)

3. Make sure she's set on custom and then hit escape, she's all set!

And with this I will begin my turn. I will have till Sunday at around at 5 AM to complete my work. I will write up an introduction to help give some flavor to the story just before I start the game.
That's one small step for man, one giant leap for Otaku Kind.
Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
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Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
« Reply #61 on: May 15, 2014, 09:37:52 PM »
OK, Totaku says he's ready for the 72 hour timer, so I'm starting that now, as of 1800 EDT, May 15th, 2014. Totaku needs to have a post up by 1800 EDT, Sunday, May 18th, 2014


  • 雷滝
Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
« Reply #62 on: May 15, 2014, 10:01:57 PM »
Yaaaay! All hail Totaku-sama!
I'm pretty hyped up for this! There's already a considerable pile of dead Sagi-chans in my morgue folder already :V I also found out that a ghostless run is a wonderful idea since on my first ghost encounter I realized that player ghosts apparently count as undead and ice attacks do approximately jack squat against them ;_;

Anyway, best of luck with opening the run! please find a book of air or anything of elec for me
[08:23 pm]  Aristocrat -- Raitaki on a scale of 1 to 10 your current mafia game play is annoying as fuck
[08:25 pm]  Aristocrat -- Raitaki, if both of us ended up as mafia
[08:25 pm]  Aristocrat -- I would be so angry
[08:25 pm]  Aristocrat -- that I will snap and give into my rage


  • Catgirls are Charming!
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Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
« Reply #63 on: May 15, 2014, 10:26:26 PM »
Yeah, undead are right irritating as an IE. You basically can't go melee-less at all, and even then most of the stronger early zombies (like Wyverns) will right kick your ass.
Kilga is this right; like is this person seriously the player, and it's not some alias or something that's designed to be deliberately obfuscating? NekoNekoRex. Who the hell is that :C   ~Poya Aaaa (Serela), Bunny Must Die Mafia


  • Moon Tiara Magic
Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
« Reply #64 on: May 16, 2014, 01:18:54 AM »
Well at least Merfolk have a cool 4 proficiency with Polearms

Or is that not that important

I may have trawled the wiki excessively but I've got very little actual ingame experience so
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore


  • 雷滝
Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
« Reply #65 on: May 16, 2014, 01:27:03 AM »
Yeah, it'd be best for us to find a polearm asap to use when we want to save mana. Though in my opinion, early game a weapon with a useful brand is always better, even if your race is crap at it. Still, a polearm on an IE would be nice, since if something that's not a rat, bat or hobgoblin gets into melee range you'd always prefer to spam Freeze on it, especially on reptiles.
[08:23 pm]  Aristocrat -- Raitaki on a scale of 1 to 10 your current mafia game play is annoying as fuck
[08:25 pm]  Aristocrat -- Raitaki, if both of us ended up as mafia
[08:25 pm]  Aristocrat -- I would be so angry
[08:25 pm]  Aristocrat -- that I will snap and give into my rage


  • Catgirls are Charming!
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  • Catgirl Enthusiast
Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
« Reply #66 on: May 16, 2014, 01:57:03 AM »
Merfolk proficiencies is why they're so boring, since the game is a breeze if you do things they're good at.
Kilga is this right; like is this person seriously the player, and it's not some alias or something that's designed to be deliberately obfuscating? NekoNekoRex. Who the hell is that :C   ~Poya Aaaa (Serela), Bunny Must Die Mafia


  • Deathguard Night Sparrow
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Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
« Reply #67 on: May 16, 2014, 03:36:46 AM »
There's still the some of us who aren't good at the game and even making use of the aptitudes are going to get us killed. It might be "boring" to you, who is probably much more experienced with the game, but for others it might be still a matter of life or death like any other rougelike. Don't forget, the game can still screw you over RNG-wise, so... don't just say it'll be a "breeze." It sounds slightly elitist, at least to me.
Derping at Touhou since June 2012, derping at RPing Touhou since Feburary 2013.

Devil of Decline Partial English Gameplay Patch!
Let's Play Nightmare of Rebellion!


  • Then you should get out of the way when I tell you
  • Do you not trust my aim?
Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
« Reply #68 on: May 16, 2014, 03:55:59 AM »
Yeah, gonna throw in that I've won my share of games and I'm kinda annoyed at your attitude here, NNR. Chill. MfIE isn't exactly going to be a walk in the park compared to something like MiFi or GrBe, the real "boring" options which still aren't. If you really don't want to play something "boring", I can remove you from the sign ups if you wish.

As for how apts affect things, basically, a +4 apt means it takes half as much XP to level the skill as it does at 0 Apt. This is really really good and lets you get more good skills, basically.


  • Catgirls are Charming!
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  • Catgirl Enthusiast
Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
« Reply #69 on: May 16, 2014, 04:30:27 AM »
Sorry, I've just been... really depressed and moody recently, it's been affecting my post quality and attitude.

I'll just shut up and wait for my turn then.
Kilga is this right; like is this person seriously the player, and it's not some alias or something that's designed to be deliberately obfuscating? NekoNekoRex. Who the hell is that :C   ~Poya Aaaa (Serela), Bunny Must Die Mafia

Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
« Reply #70 on: May 16, 2014, 06:54:37 PM »
Notapirate, elitist scumbag crawl player signing up.

Also, if gods haven't been decided yet I would like Kiku/Mahkleb/TSO for simulacra, Reliable heals on kills, Healing/MP and allies respectively. Since Merfolk would fit well as a magic warrior hybrid those three gods seem the most relevant.
« Last Edit: May 16, 2014, 07:04:08 PM by NotaPirate »


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
  • I want to be a little NEET moon princess
Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
« Reply #71 on: May 16, 2014, 08:46:11 PM »
Before I get started with my run I thought I give you all an introduction to help spice the story up a bit and maybe explain some things and somehoe infuse the logic of Touhou and Crawl together to explain the dungeon in futher detail so without further ado let me begin the introduction!

Keep in mind my drawings are very crude since I am racing against the clock to get this done in my time frame.

Touhou Crawl: The Hunt for the Fabulous Beer of ZUN


Once upon a time, back before the Great Hakurei Border was set up. There was a man who lived in a small shrine located somewhere between the Hakurei Shrine and the Human Village. The shrine was not like most shrines as most of the time it appeared closed. Yet, someone usually went in there to spend time in complete solitude as he would meditate. That person would be the Hakurei Head Priest.

It was said priest would spend days, possibly weeks without leaving the place. Some wondered if they should even walk into the place. But those that ventured close to the shrine always felt a strange presence that made them leave soon after whether it be human or youkai.

However one day the head priest came out of the shrine one way with a bright expression on his face. Those that asked him what was going on he simply answered with this.
"I've seen a world unlike anyone had seen before. A world in which human and youkai work together and solve incidents together to see such a vision pleases me but I want to know how strong their bond truly will be.."

People wondered if the priest had lost it when he made such a statement. But none the less what the Hakurei Head Priest decided to do was gather all of his belongings and take them to the shrine where he meditated.

This would go on for a few month as he would make constant trips back and forth. Eventually on the day in which the Great Hakurei Border was to be erected. He went to his shrine one last time bringing with him a bottle and a drinking cup. He would stay within the shrine for many long hours as the dragon would come down from the sky as the youkai leaders and representatives of the humans would make the pact that would forge the Hakurei Border.

Once the border that was created in Gensokyo was finished, it wouldn't be too long afterward before some people would notice the Hakurei Head Priest's Private Shrine was no longer where it stood.... it had simply vanished, without explanation.

No one had a solid answer as to why his shrine vanished since it was within the border, now even the Hakurei Shrine Maiden (all she saw him was as a crazy old man who reeked of booze). Thought one source from a youkai suggested he chose to leave Gensokyo, but not through the regular means like most people would. The story has it he left to go to a different timeline to share his vision with the world and spread the tale that is Gensokyo...

The shrine itself, according to the youkai would return only when the time way right...

Gensokyo: Present Day

Many long years had passed since the Hakurei Border had happened. And yet in the more years alot of things had changed in Gensokyo. A new shrine maiden who currently holds the duties as the Hakurei Shrine Maiden has been involved in trying to solve incidents along with a companion of hers that was a magician. And with each incident that was solved the youkais and humans would slowly being to forge a bond that was different from what it once was long ago...

But on this very day something happened in Gensokyo....

A traveler would be making his way to the Hakurei Shrine one day. As he traveled down the path he felt a strange force and when he turned to look. He saw a build he has never seen before. He approached it and before him he saw a sign on the door. And it read the following:

Greeting to all those who come to this shrine.
If you are able to read this, then it means that the barrier that seal this place away has lifted.
I am the Hakurei Head Priest and this my private shrine.
Inside this the depths of this shrine, I have left many valuable that I will allow anyone to take with them.
Keep in mind though that out of all my treasures I leave unto you I have one gift that rest in the deepest and darkest depths of this shrine...
The Fabulous Beer of ZUN
Those that are willing and daring enough to venture into the darkest and most terrifying depths of this shrine shall be rewarded with this gift.
If the person returns with reward alive and escapes my shrine and consumes the beer, they shall be granted on wish of any desire they want.
Be warned though, the dungeon beneath this shrine does not follow the rules that Gensokyo may have established but follow it's own rules.
And in this dungeon be prepared for the worse possible cases. Where many terrifying things await within and possibly best friends may become your worst enemy.
I wish you luck on your journey if you choose to enter

The traveler would soon run back to the human village to talk about this strange new place and what the sign spoke of and before long word would spread about the Hakurei Head Shrine and the Fabulous Beer of ZUN that rest within...

Humans and youkai would soon make a rush to the Shrine in hopes of being the first to obtain this legendary artifact. But will the friendship they forge last....especially when they enter  the dungeon...

Wakasagihime's Story

On the day the shrine was discovered Wakasagihime and Kagerou were out on a stroll along the forest. As usual, Kagerou was carrying the mermaid princess with her since she had the lack of a proper way to travel.

"Thanks for taking me out on a stroll again Kagerou."
"Sure, it's not a problem princess. I know you want to see things outside of the lake so I'm usually free to take you." Kagerou said with a cheerful grin.
"Yes, it's always nice to see the world around be since Misty lake has it's limit." Wakasagi said with a laugh.

Just then Kagerou's ears perked up.

"What is it?" Wakasagi questioned.
"I hear a conversation going on just ahead. Let's go check it out!"

So the two make their way through the forest till they see two humans before them that were carrying lot of supplies and gear with them talking among themselves.

"Are we almost there?"
"Yes the shrine should be up ahead! Soon we'll be able to take home the treasures the Hakurei Head Priest left behind. Maybe if we're lucky enough we can get the Beer while we're at it!"
"Would you mind explaining to me why the beer's so important gain?"
"Don't you see? If we get the beer and take it to the surface, we can get whatever wish we want!"
"Oh yeah, It's just weird that a beer could grant such a wish"
"Relax, we need to get to it first before we can decide on what we want."

Just then one of the two men spot a build up ahead.

"There it is!! Let's get in!!"

And so the two men rushed into the temple and disappeared within.

Kagerou and Wakasagi looked at each other for a moment after hearing what the men talked about.

"So.. are they saying this priest left behind a beer that has enough magic  to grant any wish?" Kagerou asked.

"Seems like it to me."

Kagerou took a moment to look at her wrists and arms and before too long she turned her face up with determination.

"You know what? I'm going in! Princess you say here."

Kagerou places the princess down and starts making a mad dash to the shrine.

"Wait!! What about me! What if I wanted to come too!!"

"Don't worry about it princess! As soon as I come back we can discuss thing then with my new clean bo... I mean beer!" Kagurou said just before she dashed inside the shrine.

Wakasagihime was shocked to see she was left behind for once like a fish out of water and with no water nearby she realized she was going to be limited in her movement..

"What if I wanted to go in too? What if I wanted to make a wish? Did she forget I have a wish too?"

Wakasagihime realized this as she looked at her fish tail knowing how hard it is to move on land...

"I need to get into this shrine... maybe I can do it..."

She tried to see if she could fly, but due to what ever forces came from the shrine itself her flight abilities seem to have nulled out. So without much chose she dragged her fish body all the way to the shrine and managed to make it inside after what seemed like an hour...

" this is... so do.... without.... legs...."

As she tried to move through the shrine to figure out where the entrance was, a trap door open below her and she fell in and slid down until she crashed into a dark room.

"Ouch! What kind of shrine is this?!"

As she tried to look at her surroundings when suddenly a spirit came up before her....

"Greetings Mermaid... and the Dungeon of ZUN....I am the spirit of the ancestor of the Hakurei Head Priest"

"What? How can there be a dungeon below the shrine?!"

"Mermaid... what have you come here for.....state your answer"

Wakasaghime looked up at the sprite as answered unto it.... "I've come to seek the Fabulous Beer of ZUN which is said to rest down here."

"Very well...." the spirit said "...then I will make your journey easier for you...."

The spirit begin to grow a strange color and Wakasagihime looked down below her fish tail as it suddenly split before her and transformed into 2 human legs....

"I have human legs?! This is what I've always wanted!" Wakasagihime said with excitement.

"Keep in mind mermaid... this is only temporary and for the dungeon... you can also revert back to your fish tail when in water....but once you leave from here... unless you have the beer you will return to your normal form and... will forget this place existed...."

Wakasagihime looked at her feet as she tried to stand up on them.

"So... if I get the beer I can wish to have human legs I can keep?"

"Yes you may....", said the spirit "but before you go.... take this...."

A book fell in front of Wakasagihime

"Since your.... now in the dungeon... the rules of Gensokyo do not apply here... so you magic from out there is no good..... you must relearn it in here...."

Realizing the situation she was in Wakasaghime decided that she had to now venture into the depth of the Dungeon of ZUN in hopes of obtaining the Fabulous Beer of ZUN.

And thus....Wakasagihime's adventure begins here....

I will be writing up a report on my run come after I complete it. I will be doing the run tonight on stream sometime around 1:15-1:45 AM EST. So I will post a link up at the bottom of this post when I edit it.

Edit: And we are live! So come join!

And Stream is  over! I will a post the report in a new post.
« Last Edit: May 17, 2014, 10:17:54 AM by Totaku »
That's one small step for man, one giant leap for Otaku Kind.
Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
My Deviant Art site gallery
Now I Twitter


  • 雷滝
Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
« Reply #72 on: May 16, 2014, 09:48:46 PM »
Aw dang, that's around when I'd be sleeping. Does whatever you use to stream allow you to keep a recording of it up so other people can view it later?
[08:23 pm]  Aristocrat -- Raitaki on a scale of 1 to 10 your current mafia game play is annoying as fuck
[08:25 pm]  Aristocrat -- Raitaki, if both of us ended up as mafia
[08:25 pm]  Aristocrat -- I would be so angry
[08:25 pm]  Aristocrat -- that I will snap and give into my rage


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
  • I want to be a little NEET moon princess
Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
« Reply #73 on: May 17, 2014, 06:16:06 AM »
Aw dang, that's around when I'd be sleeping. Does whatever you use to stream allow you to keep a recording of it up so other people can view it later?

Yes, I plan to save the recording and I'll post it if neessary in case you all want to look over what I did in my run. As of now I posted the stream back in my previous post. Since I am starting now.
That's one small step for man, one giant leap for Otaku Kind.
Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
My Deviant Art site gallery
Now I Twitter


  • 雷滝
Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
« Reply #74 on: May 17, 2014, 04:46:50 PM »
By the way, is there an IRC channel or something where we can hang around and give tips to the current person playing? Since apparently half of us is either new or rusty and could use the advice, and I know I need someone to pull my leash when I get too reckless :V
[08:23 pm]  Aristocrat -- Raitaki on a scale of 1 to 10 your current mafia game play is annoying as fuck
[08:25 pm]  Aristocrat -- Raitaki, if both of us ended up as mafia
[08:25 pm]  Aristocrat -- I would be so angry
[08:25 pm]  Aristocrat -- that I will snap and give into my rage


  • Catgirls are Charming!
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Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
« Reply #75 on: May 17, 2014, 08:14:17 PM »
Try #touhoucon on PPIrC, it's where Akitten, Pirate, Totaku, and me can all be found.

EDIT: Totaku aaagagagagagaghhhh you didn't set skills!
« Last Edit: May 17, 2014, 09:29:51 PM by NekoNekoFever »
Kilga is this right; like is this person seriously the player, and it's not some alias or something that's designed to be deliberately obfuscating? NekoNekoRex. Who the hell is that :C   ~Poya Aaaa (Serela), Bunny Must Die Mafia


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
  • I want to be a little NEET moon princess
Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
« Reply #76 on: May 17, 2014, 08:57:29 PM »
I generally hang out at #touhoucon on, but I know there's a more appropriate location called #maidenhack where these kind of things are discussed.

As far as I'm concerned you can come to either place and I'll be there. (preferably #touhoucon)

Anyways, Wakasagihime's run is done! So now it's fill you in on Wakasagihime's story thus far...

Floor One: The Adventure begins

Besides what was present on the first floor at the entrace Wakasagihime ventured through the first floor. It turned out that what Wakasagihime would find on that floor was strangely....uneventful. Very few things were on the ground there.

She picks of a few scrolls on the floor as wonders what she's going to find down here.

"This place seems very quiet to me..."

Just then however, some came crawling around the corner of the corridor.

It was a rat...

"I suppose I can try testing my magic on this."

As soon as Wakasagihime touches the rat, the freezes solid as it becomes frozen in ice before falling over.

"This might come in handy actually."

So with that the mermaid decided to venture around a bit. Before long she confronted something else different...

a short little stubby creature in brown skin that dressed in rugged clothes...

A goblin!

"Don't I remember seeing these things running around that red mansion that's just outside of my home? They awfully familiar!"

Needless to say the goblin was not willing to talk and came after Wakasagihime with his dagger. However the mermaid found some darts next to her, picked them up and started throwing them at the goblin.

She soon as the goblin came up next to Wakasagihime she touches the creature and freezes him to death.

"I'll take that!"
The mermaid snatches the dagger from the now dead goblin's hand.
"This might acutually become useful! I'll keep it for now."

With that, she takes the dagger and started chopping up the goblin into edible chunks...

"I get the feeling this dungeon is going to be pretty big... so I might need something to eat on the way..."

As she continued the first floor she confronted a taller lankier goblin.

This of course was the hobgoblin. The taller and slightly meaner cousin of the goblin. They're generally not threatening, but if you are under prepared (which Wakasagi wasn't) they can be troublesome.

Needless to say this was easy pickings for the mermaid.

Besides that she ran into a few other strange things in the first floor...

Giant newts...

Packs of Jackles....

But really... nothing too threatening.... this floor has very little to offer.

The mermaid would however find stairs that went further down...
"I guess I should go deeper within... it may be the only way I'm going to find the beer of ZUN"

And so she descends down to the second floor...

Floor 2: It's only going to get worse...

As Wakasagihime enters the second floor she noticed how things were beginning to slowly become different as she continued her adventure.

She goes and collects her belonging and finds a set of javelins. (which she might have gotten back on floor 1)

"I think I'll need these."

Before too long she came across something different.

A Remillia yukkuri! These little yukkuri are fast and frail. So at best they're annoying. Thankfully this one was asleep with onr quick stab...


It died... and became Wakasagihime's next meal.

Then Wakasagihime confronted a sleeping Gnoll.

Gnolls are dangerous since they usually come in groups and are usually armed with polearms and in some occasion have throwing nets. Obviously we're going to avoid them for now and fight them later...

Wakasagihime later came across a strange alter covered in skulls...

It was the Alter of Orin (Kiku)
Choosing to worship her would mean being able to summon corpses and develop necromatic immunities and possible protection from torment and so forth... but personally this is probably not Wakasagihime's forte so she ignored the alter and moved onward...

She soon came up to fight against a giant mite

These things are not tough but they can be annoying mainly due to the fact they can poison you with thier bites. By this point Wakasagihime has learned throw Frost which allows her to throw ice magic farther away hitting her enemies from the distance.

Wakasagihime later found a strange room that consisted of gear and inside of it were a batch of kobolds.

Generally kobold are not threatening on thier own, but on occasion they can have equipment and throwing weapons like darts and sometime blowguns with poison needles.
Keep in mind you can't eat them because they're poisonous.

One of the kobold had a poisonous dagger which she managed to poison but she successfully killed it before she could get too damaged.
(Hint: in this version, poison will show how much HP you will loose over a period of time. Keep in mind though, that if your bar is yellow all the way through that's an indicator you'll loose all your HP (give or take that you'll regenerate HP as you go. So you might get some green. But if the situation gets ugly ALWAYS use a potion of curing to remove the poison)

So with this the mermaid walked out with a poison dagger and some gloves that she is now equipped with!

Eventually she found a special spear and decided to equip it.. it was a spear of piercing!

Basiclly this spear doesn't do much different from normal spears, but it can deliver extra damage to enemies which Wakasagihime needs.

Explantion about Spear based weapons: Spear and other kinds of poll arms are notable because they have the abilitiy to reach farther than normal weapons. Most spears are capable of attacking enemies from 2 tiles away allowing you some space between you an your enemy. To top it off, mermaids like Wakasagihime here are VERY GOOD at using spears, which means having her train in this feild will allow her to eventually attack faster more efficiently with proper training. So she can be leveled up in her spear skills much quicker compared to most units.

She also confronted an adder which are pretty fast snakes that can also bite and poison you, but ice magic work effectively on them.
(Hint: Any creature that's cold blooded can be slowed down using ice magic (most paticular freeze) on them resulting in them becoming easier to fight against.)

And eventually she decided to take a short against the gnolls... to her surprise there were actually two groups close together consisting of 7-8 gnolls in total... so the only thing she could do was lore them out in slow numbers and pick them off gradually.

Eventually she got to fighting the gnoll with the halberd but she got stuck in a nasty situation once...

When fleeing... you NEVER want to get stuck between a pack of enemies because it'll spell your own doom if you're not careful. Thankfully bats fly randomly.. so the remilia yukkuri moved out of the way allowing for Wakasagihime to move to a better position to get the advantage on the gnoll.

And thus the gnoll was killed allowing for Wakasagihime to take his Halberd with her.

"This is starting to get more intense I see and I'm only two floors in... no wonder why  the spirit told me the rules of Gensokyo do not apply here... everyone after each others' blood! It's a terrifying war zone in here...just for a bottle of beer."

Wakasagihime begin to ponder about the dangers of this dungeon as she explored and found another set of stairs going down...

"I can only fear what I'll run into next..."

She proceeds down the stairs...

Floor 3:Urameshiya!
This floor looked like a series of rooms.... with multiple paths that lead to more rooms...

As the mermaid explored she came across a gap on the floor.

"I'm glad I didn't step in it, I have no idea what it might do."
 (Telepotation traps: Simple traps that when you step in them will randomly teleport you somewhere in the dungeon floor, while they may be resourceful they can also be potentially dangerous on unexplored maps such as this one. These can be nulled out if you have stasis.)

Eventually Wakasagihime found a strange room.... it was a cave full of bats... but not of the usual sorts. They were bats that were strange in thier own ways.
There were bats that were fat, bats that were small, bats the could shift through time and space, bats made of ice, bats made of leather, bats that were well past thier expiration date! It has everything!

There was only one thing to do... cue the BATMAN SONG!
The bats would fall one by one as Wakasagihime swatted them down...eventually she managed to take out all the bats, but there was nothing notable about this she pressed onward...

It wouldn't be long until she encountered someone she didn't expect...

(Pay no heed to the "Sigmund" above her name for she's not Seigmund)

When Wakasagihime turned to see who said it she spotted a girl dressed in light blue carrying an umbrella.
"Did I surprise you? Possibly even scare you?" said the girl in light dress questioned.

"I know if I was really surprised by that honestly, but you surely stand out in the dungeon that's for sure. Do I remember you seeing you come by my lake at one point?"
Wakasagihime asked the girl.

"Perhaps, but I'm not usually fond of surprising fish, they're way too easy to surprise. But you on the other hand..."
The girl takes her umbrella and waves it around breifly as the tounge that comes out of it begins to take the form of a sharp curve blade....
"...seem to be much harder to scare compare to normal fish...."
Wakasagihime begin to step back as the girl begin to slowly approach her...
"I am Kogasa Tatara, the Karasara who is the master of surprise! If I can't scare you easily... then I shall scare you.... TO DEATH!

Kogasa is pretty dangerous to fight early on, mainly because she has a wide range of deadly spells that can incapacitate an adventurer very quickly... She can turn invisible, she can throw flames, magic darts and can confuse you! These combination are known to kill many early adventuers before they get started.

"I don't have for this, I need to get out of her and look for another direction!"

Wakasagihime fled and escaped from Kogasa and returned back upstairs and went down another flight of stairs to another place on the 3rd floor.

Kogasa mainly found lots of potions and scrolls here and the only notable thing she found was a worker ant.

Worker ants are fast and slightly tougher, plus they can poison you, but thankfully they're edible.

Thankfully Wakasagihime did not confront Kogasa again and learend Letty's Armor (Ozucobu's Armor) and Condensation Sheild.

They spells allow Wakasagihime to create a protecting film of armor and sheild out of ice... it's great to add protection from damage, but it's vunerable to fire and it will melt away in due time (much fast if hit by flames.)

She desends down to the next floor...

Floor 4: The Cat, The Rainbow Spenders, and the Kobold Slave Driver

Wakasagihime attempted to try to go down but found her surrounded and attempted to move to another place to see if she can make some progress.

She was able to make some head way when she confronted something different...

It was a cat...

Natasha: Natasha is a feild type unique that appears early in the game. She fasts and quick and can case various spells like magic darts, slow and summon imps. What make her troublesome is if she summons imps because she can surrounder heself with meat shields very quickly while she continues to pelts you with magic.

Wakasagihime readies her ice magic and fights the cat be freezing it...

The cat dies before her... but then Wakasagihime hers a raspy voice....

" die....yet......"
The catch to Natasha is that like any cat, she has nine lives... She's wasted 7 of them as of right now... so she's been brought back to life somewhere in this dungeon floor. In order to completely kill her she need to be killed to more times....

There was also Blork the Orc.... but he's not that threatening.... he was killed easily.

Wakasagihime continued to explored the dungeon till she found a door. She attempts to open it only to find it open it's mouth and bite down on her hand!

It was a Door Mimic!!

Mimics come in different varairities, but thankfully this is the weakest version of the mimics. So what Wakasagihime did was freeze the door until she broke apart.

Once again she finds Natasha and freezes the cat one more


The cats dies once more....

"I die....."

Wakasagihime realize the cat must still be alive...

She continues to explore hoping to find the more things, but she only finds more trouble.

First she finds the Alter of Mamizou (Nexluem) The Trickster god who is the master of the cards. Having her would mean you'll be using cards for most of your battles...

She also confront a batch of orcs, an orc preist and a phantom.

Orcs are pretty garden varairty enemeis, usually come armed and armored.
Orc preists on the other hand are troublesome because they tend to use the power of Byakuren's Divine Power (Brough) to smite thier enemies from the distance.

Phantoms on the other hand are harder to fight since they are undead...and because Ice Elementalist users don't perform well again the undead we have to perform a differentv method to fight them. Basiclly Ice Armor and Ice Sheild + use spear of piercing and melee them.

Before she could really prepare for it though she got surrounded really fast.

By Natasha, orcs, goblin, gnolls and an adder.

"This is getting too dangrerous! I need to get out of here!!"

She attempted to flee while taking out take the adder and Natasha!

Natsha finally falls and the vengful spirit of the cat now vanishes leaving behind a dry corpse and some potions which Wakasaghime picks up and runs as she continues to escape from the horde of enmies before her.

She find an escape hatch and kills off a few orcs before fleeing upstairs and find a set of stairs to return down...

Eventually she find the pack and kills them off and the find a human bounded in chains....

It appears to be a human slave, and he seems to be under a spell as he attempts to come after Wakasagihime and attempts to kill her. She had no choice but to kill the slave and eat his corpse. But before too long she find the slave driver..

"Who here killed on of my valuable wares? Was it you?"

Before the mermaid could answer the Kobold pulled out his whip...

"You don't look like a normal human, I bet I could fetch a valuable price if I can tame you.... my fellow salve capture this wench so I can put her up for sale!"

Pikel: A kobold slave driver who mainly captures humans and sells them off as slaves. He usually has an elemental whip that can do some form of damage. And almost always has a pack of slave near him at all times. If he's seperated from his slaves it becomes easier to fight him, but he still by no means a push over.

Wakasagihime attempted to freeze Pikel and keep her distance from him until he got closer. Eventually she started to use freeze as she was next to him. His slaves were coming closer as she continued to fight him but before the slaves could arrive. Wakasagihime was able to deliver the final blow to Pikel.

"To think... I was killed by this stupid wench.... All I wanted was make money off from you...."

With his dying breath the kobold falls to the ground and the slave suddenly wake up from thier deep trance...

"What happened.... have we finally been freed?!"

"Yes, I do not think he will be controling you anymore." The mermaid nodded.

The freed slaves bow before her as they thank her for releasing them from thier cursed lives and then flee out of the dungeon....

Wakasagihime assess what has been going on in the dungeon as she thinks to herself.

"There's so much I could accomplish if I just had legs.... and I'm begining to see this now. But yet this dungeon has so many terrible things going on in it. I wonder what in store for me here I get the feeling I have no seen the worst of it yet..."

For Wakasagihime, her has only begun and she has only taken her first few steps into the Dungeon of ZUN. Many more terrible things await her down the road... it'll only be a matter of time before she begins to see what they are... for now... she take a moment to rest and eat a pear while she gets ready for her next move...

Time take: One hour
Turns taken: 5500

My advice:
I want to remind you that Kogasa is STILL ALIVE up in floor 3 of the dungeon. So tread up there only if you think you can fight her otherwise don't pay much attention to her for now.

Wakasagihime is hungry so try to get deeper into the dungeon and get some food. She's pretty limited on food ATM so she's only get so far with it. Try to get corpses instead.

Keep in mind I have: A dagger of poison, a spear of pericing, and a halberd. Make use of them.
As for spells: Freeze, Throw frost, Letty's Armor, and Condensation Sheild. Make use of those and make sure you have food because the later spells can consume her appetite.

That's is for here! If you want to see the fortage from the run you can go here

And the file for Wakasagihime is in the attachment below.

Download it and put it in the save folder so you can continue your Wakasagihime's journey into THE DUNGEON OF ZUN!

Good luck! You will need it Raitika!

Also forgot, I'm still playing so sign me up again
« Last Edit: May 17, 2014, 09:03:09 PM by Totaku »
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Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
« Reply #77 on: May 17, 2014, 09:14:08 PM »
Raitaki, pick up one of those tridents on the floor, it's better then a spear.

Also make sure to pick a god and learn Summon Ice Beast, which is pretty powerful
« Last Edit: May 17, 2014, 09:27:39 PM by NekoNekoFever »
Kilga is this right; like is this person seriously the player, and it's not some alias or something that's designed to be deliberately obfuscating? NekoNekoRex. Who the hell is that :C   ~Poya Aaaa (Serela), Bunny Must Die Mafia


  • 雷滝
Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
« Reply #78 on: May 17, 2014, 09:30:52 PM »
Alright, time for me to get rolling!
Now before I start, do you guys think we should just pick Kikuorin as our deity? We already found an altar, and if we decide to worship her we can get started on the piety right away.
[08:23 pm]  Aristocrat -- Raitaki on a scale of 1 to 10 your current mafia game play is annoying as fuck
[08:25 pm]  Aristocrat -- Raitaki, if both of us ended up as mafia
[08:25 pm]  Aristocrat -- I would be so angry
[08:25 pm]  Aristocrat -- that I will snap and give into my rage


  • Moon Tiara Magic
Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
« Reply #79 on: May 17, 2014, 09:41:15 PM »
Now before I start, do you guys think we should just pick Kikuorin as our deity?
I think we should, yeah. I see a glorious future of simulacrum, which if we're lucky is even gifted to us in the second spellbook Kiku grants.
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore


  • 雷滝
Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
« Reply #80 on: May 18, 2014, 12:23:39 AM »
Greetings, greetings! Here?s your friendly neighborhood electricity nut, Raitaki! Today, let?s turn our sights to the merry adventures of a certain mermaid we all probably know, and guide her to horrible ends creative and unusual dilemmas the ultimate goal, the Beer of ZUN!

?Whoa, who?s there??

No one much, just consider me a helpful patron spirit! Have some guidelines on how to keep me happy:

+ Raitaki likes it when you should have died. Raitaki likes it when you make good use of Air magic. Raitaki especially likes it when you kill things in creative novel ways!
+ Raitaki dislikes it when you consort with the pesky ?good? deities. Raitaki especially dislikes it if you let him enter a withdrawal of electric death raining upon your enemies!

Any questions?

? happens if I can?t rain electric death on anything??

Well, then tough luck!


So anyway, we continue where Totaku left off on D:4, at lv8 after killing the kobold slaver Pikel. On the stream I?ve noticed he didn?t set skills at all, so let?s have a look:

Ouch, enough exp leaked off into Stealth to level it up once, and some also went into Fighting too. We don?t need those just yet, turning ?em off. Looking at our spell list, I decide we?d want more reliability on Summon Ice Beast and Throw Icicle as our main means to deal with strong undead from afar, so I prioritize Spellcasting (which is always good to raise!) and Ice Magic.

Neko suggested we use a trident, and we have unfinished business with Kogasa upstairs, so let?s grab a blowgun and some darts, and a trident and head up!

Curses! This could mean two things: either it?s hidden under a corpse (I?ve heard that can hide items from search), or a kobold got to it first. Whatever, let?s get that trident for now.
Yep, found it on a kobold skeleton. Blowgun and 7 poisoned darts get! And a trident!

Kogasa spotted!

?She might also be here for the Beer of ZUN...wouldn?t it be better to offer to team up instead??

Naah, it is impossible to find any real person from Gensokyo down here with you. Anyone you see are just soulless facsimiles of others who failed. And so, en garde!

Well that was easy. That?ll teach ?em not to mess around with our brave little fish!

?I?m a mermaid.?


This is a good opportunity, so we also go upstairs and pledge our allegiance to Kikuorin and her necromantic commandments! Then, back to the descent!

?Wah, it?s the phantom from before!?

Damn, it turns out Totaku didn?t finish it off after all. Time for some ghost busting!
The phantom is quite the annoying foe for low-level characters. It?s quite durable and can considerably hurt, and worst of all it?s immune to poison and loves to blink around a lot, too. Luckily all the random blinking also means it?s easy to escape it if you dance around a small block of wall until it blinks out of sight, then immediately leave. It does give good experience though, so let?s get it!

Victory! Onwards to the next floor!


Oh, a gnoll fort? Interesting, this would be my first time running into one. Unfortunately we don?t have any crowd control just yet and I expect there to be heaping mounds of gnolls in there, we?ll hold off entering it until we clear the rest of the floor and get a rank or two on Polearms.

?Huh, what is that thing??

Ah, a sky beast! A flying creature that does electricity damage, and can occasionally turn invisible. Not too shabby, but not too dangerous either. Regardless, it?d be nice if we can somehow keep one as a pet. It has mutagenic meat, which is usually our earliest source of mutations in a run. Which it did not drop this time. Oh well.
Also, I realized I didn?t actually pick Yes at the Kikuorin altar like a derp, and rush back down to do so ;_; But on the way...

?Whah! This thing is tough! My trident?s not denting it much, and I don?t think my ice spells would do much, either! Time to scra-?

Nope, none of that! Running is for cowards, fairies and cutthroats! You have poison, now is a good time to use it!

?I hate you so much.?

Aw, there?s still time to get used to your hatred. Resume poking it with a stick!

?Fly, fly, fly, good Fleance! Thou mayst revenge ? o slave!?

Augh what? How did that thing jump from zero damage per hit to woosh half my health bar? Seriously is Condensation Shield secretly uber badass but gets far less so as it goes away or something?


Aaaanyway, I predictably died to my stupid recklessness, as usual :V I guess we should stay away from stuff that has the resistances to deal with us until we learn Summon Ice Beasts with a reliable success rate then.

Sign me up again!
[08:23 pm]  Aristocrat -- Raitaki on a scale of 1 to 10 your current mafia game play is annoying as fuck
[08:25 pm]  Aristocrat -- Raitaki, if both of us ended up as mafia
[08:25 pm]  Aristocrat -- I would be so angry
[08:25 pm]  Aristocrat -- that I will snap and give into my rage


  • Then you should get out of the way when I tell you
  • Do you not trust my aim?
Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
« Reply #81 on: May 18, 2014, 02:30:09 AM »
Ah ha ha, that was fast. Let me update the OP.

Running is probably one of the best things a Crawl player can learn :P. Also Ice Beasts are rPois~.


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Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
« Reply #82 on: May 18, 2014, 04:37:00 AM »
Oh geez, I have the worst headache... I wonder why...

Oh, oh no.

Oh hell no.

I have to play Crawl, that's why.

Well, darn. I guess I might as well get this over with.

We start our adventure where Totaku last left off, somewhere dumb in the dungeon. Since Raitaki had some good ideas, I think I'll follow up on those....

Ah, and there is the blowgun, in the possession of some damn gnolls three feet away. I hate gnolls, and hopefully I won't run into a castle like Raitaki did.

Go Kiku, get a trident, get some Leather Armor (god damn it, it's cursed), we're all good here.

But WAIT, we have 4 open spell slots!

You know what that means? Time to learn the BEST SPELL IN THE WHOLE GOD DAMN GAME.

AWWWW YEAH, THIS IS THE BEST. Summon Ice Bros is without a doubt the best thing an Ice Wizardess Mermaid can get.
It's not very castable at the moment, but by setting skills to Polearms and Ice Magic only, we'll be pimpin' with Ice Bros erry day.

Oh, and I ran into that Phantom again. He died.

Now, onto floor 5!

No enemies to start is always a good sign.

One of the first things I find is a shiny new wand. Wands are cool because they're free ranged attacks, basically. Wand of Fire is kinda strong. The only downside is that each wand has so many uses, and you have to be good at evocations to know exactly how many. I'll keep some around, although I likely won't use them.

Continuing on...

Oh, here's a new enemy. It's Koakuma. One of the first demons Waggy Saggy will probably run into. Koakumas are obnoxious because they regen fast and blink around and are generally little jerks, but they're weak to ice, so they die pretty fast.

This appears to be the main feature of the floor. It's an altar to Mahkleb (Marisa), apparently. Mahkleb is an evil god who likes demons and blowing things up. BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!

Oh, cripes, some really annoying enemies I run into next.

Rumia over there is another demon. This one spams pain spells and is another pushover, but the real threat here is the Jelly.
Jellies are horrible little enemies that corrode your equips and weapons. Best to hit it with rocks or magic. Thankfully I did just that without trouble.

Oh nice, I found a cloak. Cloaks are cool, more AC is more... uh... it's good, okay?

+2 enchantment too! NICE!

Anyway, that's it for Floor 5. Next up...


Oooooh! Floor 6 appears to have a portal vault in it somewhere.

Portal Vaults are a special minibranch of the dungeon you can find and conquer for sweet loot, but you have to find it quick or else you won't be able to visit it at all.

Wandering around, I find...

Ah, a shop. Staple of RPGs everywhere.
In Crawl, you can only buy stuff in shops, not sell but there's usually something nice for sale, as long as you have enough gold.

This shop has a bunch of jewelry for sale. You can find that sort of thing on the ground, but with shops you know what you're getting. The best stuff here is the amulets and a couple rings. +5 protection is nice, but the ring of the Mage is an amazing find. I can't buy it, but I can put it on my shopping list so I'll be able to buy it easily when I have the dough.
I also bought an Amulet of Inaccuracy just to know what it looks like (24 gold is pocket change, better then wearing it later accidentally). Don't put this on though, all it does is make foes hard to hit.

A Eirinkurri, yikes. These jerks have bows and will make you a pincushion if you don't melee them. Thankfully, they're pushovers in hand-to-hand combat. Just gotta sneak up on it and...

Uh oh, the Aki sisters. A couple of jerk uniques. One's a mage and the other is a melee, and together they're kinda strong. Better retreat a bit.

Well, I lured one of them over. Aki? The other one? I can never remember which is which. Whatever, they're dead. She had a neat dagger though, so I should just pick it up and...

Ah, she doesn't look very happy I killed her sister. Crap.

Hell, she picked up the dagger. It's one of the most annoying kinds to deal with too. Getting hit with that will drain my XP, which isn't fun.

She's so mad she caught up to me fast. Can't run away... ugh...

Ah, it wore off, and she's slow now! RUN! RUN FOR YOUR LIFE! You'll pay for this embarassment!!!

Going back down another staircase, I do find a shiny new ring. It's some cursed thing though, so whatever. I'll deal with it later.

Huh. Another shop.

It's a general store with some decent stuff, but I'll save my money for that ring.

A scorpion! Yikes! These buggers have some nasty poison attacks, so kill 'em quick.

Hey look, an altar to Flandre (Xom) and a wand! Flandre is the god of randomness, so that wand is for sure a Wand of Randomness as well.
...And another store.

A scroll shop. Pass.

Next we run into a Goliath Beetle. These guys are super slow, so I can just poke them from far away with my trident. No big deal.

He did level us up though. Cool! Get more Intelligence!

And YET ANOTHER shop. Geez, they're all over this floor. This one is full of food, which probably isn't useful but it might be if we somehow eat all that we have.

I finally found the source of that sand, and a Yuyukokurri (screw you cursor)
Those enemies aren't very painful to kill, but when they hit they make you really hungry, which is obnoxious. After killing it and a few other undead, we enter an Ossuary!

Just look at all that loot waiting for us to collect. Ossuaries are full of zombies and mummies, who are kind of hard to kill as our class, but thankfully they shouldn't be too hard.

It's also chock full of traps, which are annoying but zombies can't open doors, so we can just sit and heal as we deal with it and go through.

The guards of the treasure! Mummies! Mummies are irritating undead that curse your stuff when you kill them. They also hit hard and like all undead, laugh at your ice magic. However, they don't expect me to unleash the ICE BROS!

Ice Bros are overpowered and will help you kill everything. Now that I can cast it easily, I can just kill them and get alllll that sweet, sweet loot.

More gnolls. Even more hilariously, Ice Bros act as a meat wall, and since we use polearms we can just reach over our Ice Bros and puncture our unwary losers from afar.

So we meet again, Aki sister. You may have beat me last time, but can you handle me AND my army of Ice Bros?


This floor is bloody huge so far. Now we run into another unique, Prince Ribbit.
Prince Ribbit is a Blink Frog, which are terrible enemies that do lots of damage and teleport all over the place like the jerks they are. They normally travel in packs, but Ribbit is just a singular really tough blink frog.
But frogs are also cold blooded...

So he's slow and very killable with our ice magic. Whoops.

He was guarding ANOTHER bloody shop. Seriously?

This one is full of books, most of which are Blasty Magic but not Ice Magic. The book of battle is pretty cool though, so I'll add it to the shopping list.

That's finally the end of the floor, so onto Floor 7.

A floor where I can come down the stairs and not be surrounded by Orc Priests is always a good floor.

First thing I run into is an enemy Ice Bro. Unfortunately enemy Ice Bros are hard to kill since they're immune to my magic, and poison. My Ice Bros can deal with him, though. What's more interesting is that he's guarding a glaive. A very decent two-handed polearm, definitely an improvement over that halberd we're lugging around, and even our trident. Gimmie gimmie!

Oh no! An ogre! These enemies have huge clubs and will make you a wet mess on the dungeon floor if they get a couple hits in! However they're also not very hard to kill from afar since they have no evasion. It's all ogre for you, buddy!

Next I find...

These stairs lead into the Temple, which is full of altars to various gods (which reminds me, I never actually started worshiping Kiku. Oops!). There's no Kiku altar in there, though, since we already found one.

Continuing on, I run into a bear.

Bears aren't very deadly, but they do sometimes run away when you hit them enough times, and other times they go bearserk and give you some killer attacks.

I also run into a necrophage, a strange intelligent undead that eats corpses. They're constantly rotting, so it's no fun to get hit by them and lose your valuable Max HP. Resists ice as all undead, but that won't stop Ice Bros.

Another wand... and ugh, I suddenly remember that cursed ring I had on. Geez, no wonder I'm so hungry. Time to read some scrolls to get it off. While I'm at it, I'll ID some potions.

Uncurse scrolls are kinda common, so I'll try the most common scrolls first...

Enchant item. A nice find, but nothing decent to use it on. Ugh.

Fucking teleport (god damn it), Blink (really?), magic mapping (at least I have a few of these, they're useful for finding portal vaults), immolation (oh shit), random uselessness (bloody hell, where is uncurse?!?), enchant weapon I, and FINALLY an uncurse scroll.


The wizard exploded thanks to immolation. Good thing I wasn't too close, or it would have hurt. His friends don't look too happy that his buddy got gibbed, though. Be careful who you immolate.

Now then, the potions we ID'd:

Awesome! We got Beneficial Mutation! This guarantees we have a good mutation from quaffing. It also makes Mutation Roulette more risky if we do it, but if this is good enough I don't think we'll even want to try that...

YES! Robust! This is an extremely good mutation that gives us more HP! Extremely valuable to us.

That was finally Floor 8. This will likely be the last floor, given time constraints.

Oh, yikes yikes yikes! Orcish warriors aren't anything like their pushover friends! They're really tough and will wallop you a good one!

Ouch! Crap! Run away! Run away! Run...

(Fuck yeah Ice Bros)

Next we run into the Spriggan Baker. Spriggans are annoying tiny little shits that dodge everything except Freeze because you can't dodge freeze. He had a whole lotta bread which is nice because that Ring of Hunger made me eat all my other bloody food.

Next I run into a Floating Eye. These are dangerous enemies that can paralyze you. They can't do anything else, so alone they're harmless, but among a group they're killer.

It was guarding a Ring of Wizardry! NICE! This will make spamm- casting Ice Bros repeatedly even easier!

Unfortunately it wasn't too far from some invisible foe! These are probably Lurking Horrors, which are very dangerous enemies like bats, but invisible and tougher. They aren't hard to run from most of the time, but if you're unlucky it'll probably chase down and kill you because it's a lot faster then you. The only way to deal with these is something that overcomes invisibility or a suicidal insistence on trying to kill it in a corridor. Even Ice Bros are worthless against their might.

But I managed to retreat, and it appears that's the last thing interesting I found.

So it's been about 5400 turns, and I'm done with Floor 8, so I'm ready to pass on the save to the next guy in line.

Some stuff:
-Start training Necromancy when you can (you might be able to now, just by worshiping Kiku), because you'll have enough Ice Magic by now to last you until you find a better book. I forgot to worship Kiku until real late in my turn, so he'll start handing you some nice Necromancy tools soon enough to use.
-Feel free to use those wands as much as you want. Ice Bros will easily kill any Hydras in Lair, so we shouldn't have much to worry about saving wands for at this point.
-Keep an eye on how much gold we have. there's a whole lot of shit we can buy, and it'll be useful the sooner we can buy stuff. If you find a scroll of acquirement, I heavily recommend asking for gold and going on a shopping spree. Books and Jewelry will be this girl's best friends. Some of the scrolls up for sale aren't too bad to get either
-The next person will likely find Lair. Make sure to dump any spare crap after the Lair entrance to save us some inventory space. We don't need to be carrying around our book or enchantment scrolls everywhere with us. We don't need to constantly have 6 potions of might handy either.
-While you're at it, don't delve too far down into the dungeon, do Lair first.
-⑨20 spam Ice Bros erry day
« Last Edit: May 18, 2014, 04:51:43 AM by NekoNekoFever »
Kilga is this right; like is this person seriously the player, and it's not some alias or something that's designed to be deliberately obfuscating? NekoNekoRex. Who the hell is that :C   ~Poya Aaaa (Serela), Bunny Must Die Mafia


  • Then you should get out of the way when I tell you
  • Do you not trust my aim?
Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
« Reply #83 on: May 18, 2014, 06:34:48 PM »
As a note, I have slightly modified the 5,000 player turn rule so it's 50,000 auts, which is 5000 turns on the HUD. The %/E screen will show a different number because that's basically literally how many actions you taken.

This doesn't actually change anything for anyone because everyone has been using the HUD turncount.

This probably seems confusing but it's functionally no different. Basically, old relays were based on Player turns, which is straight up number of actions regardless of action delay. So a 10,000 turn (and 100,000 aut) game might show as having 10,200 turns because of a lower move delay, a lower weapon delay, or any number of things. What I've changed is that now we're explicitly using the HUD count (Everything before the .x, so something like 10,911.3 turns is 10,911 turns for the purposes of the relay.). Auts are just 1/10th of a turn, and the most precise measure, and aren't really relevant besides using the proper Crawl language.

Edit: Also, Validon has until Tuesday, 05/20/2014, at 11:30 PM EDT to post his update.
« Last Edit: May 18, 2014, 08:02:32 PM by UncertainJakutten »


  • Deathguard Night Sparrow
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Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
« Reply #84 on: May 18, 2014, 11:59:59 PM »
Next person can go from here. I almost finished my turn... and then died due to overconfidence. And if I hadn't died stupidly, the next person would have been going strongly with necromancy and everything.

I'll write my update soon enough. I also want to stay onboard, but damnit if I don't feel stupid for having died right as the end of my turn was approaching.
Derping at Touhou since June 2012, derping at RPing Touhou since Feburary 2013.

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Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
« Reply #85 on: May 19, 2014, 12:27:32 AM »
OH BOY time to remember how to play this game

step 1.Download Crawl

step 2.Oh god what do all these buttons do again

step 3.Pray to skull god that I don't die horribly

(I'm going to use puush for images because it's easier than imgur, so a month after no one's looked at my post all the images will break, but that's probably not a big deal)
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore


  • Deathguard Night Sparrow
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  • Harbingers, yo.
Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
« Reply #86 on: May 19, 2014, 12:30:25 AM »
So here's my adventures through the beginnings of the Lair, before dying like a complete idiot.

Where NNR left off, we were just about to head to the next level.

Said next level is pretty shiny looking and stuff.

I'd be afraid of these orcs if it weren't for the power of Ice Beasts. Scary, aren't they?

And the entrance to the Lair of Beasts.

After dropping off some stuff we probably won't need, in we go!

And the beginning. It looks pretty wild down here.

They die real easily, though.

Oooooh, a second ring of wizardry! Yay magic.

We also pick up a book of Cantrips, which let's us learn Animate Skeleton. Said spell lets you animate skeletons from corpses which fight for you. You can have as many skeletons as you want, unlike Ice Beasts, but they can't follow you across floors. This will be our first major foray into the art of Necromancy.

AND OUR FIRST SKELETON IS... a green rat. Eh, better than nothing, I suppose?

Black mamba skeletons are nice too. Black mambas themselves are pretty dangerous and can poison you like most other snakes, but Ice Beasts can take care of them.

Uh-oh, a basilisk. They can petrify you as usual. Thankfully, most of my encounters with them involved me having a giant army of skeletons that were nicely able to take the petrification for me.

And the basilisk can join said undead army.


We make it to the next floor of the Lair, which has an entrance to the Volcano. Sadly, I don't find it, although it was recommended to finish the Lair first, so I would have probably not gone there anyways.

Oh hey a wand.

Could be useful.

Oh hey Iku. Ikus can shoot electric blasts at you. One of them later nearly killed me that way.

Yeah yeah, the entrance to the volcano is collapsing.

Whoa, teleport trap. Thankfully we noticed that before getting warped away from our nice army of allies.

Yikes, close to burdened already? We're going to have to be careful in that case.

Another wand, which is nice if we need backup ice magic from our own.

This could also be useful.

And a shark. These things are tough, but since they stay in water you can sidestep them. I kill it anyways, but it left me hurting a little.

And now I don't have to worry about those rock messages interrupting resting periods.

I find it funny the snake can't just slither through the very obvious gap between the fungus and the door. I mean, do fungi really take up THAT much room?

We mainly gain the ability to summon corpses, which lets us animate some skeletons in a pinch if we lack corpses to do so. We also get...

A book of Necromancy! I wasn't sure what to memorize, though, so I let it be for the time being.

And Lair 3F.

Ikus hurt a bit.

So many rats. Too bad for them, I have Ice Beasts.

There's a fire drake over there, which isn't good because my Ice Beasts will die really easily to them. Fortunately, it wasn't too hard. Neither was the black bear up top.

And there's Lannar/Letty, an elfen Ice Elementalist who starts out with the ice armor spell active. A blast from one of our wands of fire negates that, and the rest is simple.

I laugh at you, Letty. I LAUGH.

And down for the count.

I also get my very own personal Lannar! Unfortunately I forgot to take the equipment before animating the skeleton, but eh.

I also got overconfident and died to a small group of enemies. I don't know how, it just went like "whoops, your health is now all gone!"

And that pretty much sums up what happened. I was very, very close to finishing off the turn and getting ready to pass on the file, and now I feel like all that which I did has gone to waste because I was stupid. Hopefully the one next up will be able to get Animate Skeleton as quickly as I was able to, otherwise I foresee it going less well than it did for me.

Good luck to the next person, and don't be an idiot like I was.

EDIT: You can't possibly do worse than me, Serela. :V
Derping at Touhou since June 2012, derping at RPing Touhou since Feburary 2013.

Devil of Decline Partial English Gameplay Patch!
Let's Play Nightmare of Rebellion!


  • 雷滝
Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
« Reply #87 on: May 19, 2014, 12:31:19 AM »
OH BOY time to remember how to play this game

step 1.Download Crawl

step 2.Oh god what do all these buttons do again

step 3.Pray to skull god that I don't die horribly

(I'm going to use puush for images because it's easier than imgur, so a month after no one's looked at my post all the images will break, but that's probably not a big deal)
Can you even imagine how hurt I feel seeing all those blank squares reading the old 0.5 relay run
[08:23 pm]  Aristocrat -- Raitaki on a scale of 1 to 10 your current mafia game play is annoying as fuck
[08:25 pm]  Aristocrat -- Raitaki, if both of us ended up as mafia
[08:25 pm]  Aristocrat -- I would be so angry
[08:25 pm]  Aristocrat -- that I will snap and give into my rage


  • Then you should get out of the way when I tell you
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Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
« Reply #88 on: May 19, 2014, 12:57:43 AM »
All right, good show Validon and I'll put you back in the list. Serela, you have until Wednesday, 5/21/2014, 9:00 p.m.

Incidentallly I'm sad our book isn't going to have sublimation of blood.

EDIT: Also, Validon, what turn did you die on?
« Last Edit: May 19, 2014, 01:04:38 AM by UncertainJakutten »


  • Deathguard Night Sparrow
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  • Harbingers, yo.
Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
« Reply #89 on: May 19, 2014, 01:12:50 AM »
According to ye old morgue file, it was turn 14493. So approximately 1300 turns away from the end (based off of the turn NNR ended). Okay, so I wasn't as close to the end of my turn as I thought. Oh well.

EDIT: Also I died to a giant slug, not a green rat.
Derping at Touhou since June 2012, derping at RPing Touhou since Feburary 2013.

Devil of Decline Partial English Gameplay Patch!
Let's Play Nightmare of Rebellion!