Author Topic: Hopeless Masquerade Controller Issues [SOLVED]  (Read 1550 times)


  • I have no idea what I'm doing
Hopeless Masquerade Controller Issues [SOLVED]
« on: April 15, 2014, 09:52:46 PM »
My friend and I frequently fight each other in Hisotensoku and recently Hopeless Masquerade, but we keep running into problems with 13.5. It runs (relatively) fine, but we keep having issues with plugging controllers into the computer. It identifies the two if we plug the controllers into a usb port replicator then plug that into the computer, but otherwise recognizes one or the other and drops keyboard support.
The other issue we keep running into is that any time we go into the controller configuration settings, the game becomes unresponsive. The music still plays (and loops), but the screen freezes and we need to restart the game. We recently tried this with a fight stick and had similar problems -- we can config the fight stick ONCE, but then the controls for the controller are mixed up and any attempt afterwards results in the same frozen screen and we need to restart the game. We've tried with both xbox 360 and dualshock 4 controllers and his fight stick (Hori Fighting EDGE PS3 ver)
The game is patched to 1.33 and has an English patch, we're playing it on a 15 inch Macbook Pro running Windows 7. We've also tried on my laptop (Toshiba also running Win7 and with Japanese Applocale/System locale) but it lags so much we usually play on his (so I don't know if it is limited to his machine or not, it's been a while since I tried running it on mine). As far as I know he does not have __locale set to Japanese, and both of our computers are completely up to date.

That's all the details I know offhand, let me know if I need to post anything else.
This doesn't render the game unplayable, but it is inconvenient.

So he had told me he tried Joy2Key before and it didn't work, yet last time I was at his house about a month ago, he installed it, did the config, fired it up, and it started just fine. I think he wasn't doing something right the first time.
« Last Edit: June 01, 2014, 04:44:54 PM by SIRookie »