Author Topic: WWE Raw/Smackdown  (Read 1441 times)

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WWE Raw/Smackdown
« on: August 26, 2013, 07:34:33 PM »
Newcomer here.  The fact that I'm an otaku is a given, given why we're all here.  But is anyone else here interested in professional wrestling?  Anyone here watch Raw or Smackdown, or Main Event, or Superstars, or NXT?

Those of you of a certain age probably remember Hulk Hogan back in the 80's, even if you didn't watch wrestling.  He's about as mainstream as it got for a while.  But there were also GOOD wrestlers, like Randy Savage, Ric Flair, Bret Hart and the like.

I've been a fan of professional wrestling since the early 90's, back when wrestling hit it's most popular saturation.  Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock, The Undertaker, guys like that.  In the late 90's we also had WCW, an alternative that started out fun and intriguing, but eventually became painfully stupid and went under.  I was also a fan of ECW, an ultraviolent, darker and more hardcore federation around that time.  The 90s was a great time to be a wrestling fan.

The 2000s... the less said about the HHH era, the better.

The 2010s were looking to be the same kind of black hole the 2000s were, but we got lucky.  There's a bunch of 'new' talent that's really taking things to a whole different level.  Yes, we have to live with them shoving John Cena down our throats every opportunity, but there's guys like CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, Wade Barrett... even brand new guys like Bray Wyatt, The Shield, Fandango, Big E. Langston, etc.  It's not the best it's ever been, but it's getting better.  It's at least worth a shot to check out the Monday show, Raw.

Any other wrestling fans out there?  Does anyone smell what The Rock is cooking?  Do you know what the bottom line is?  Anyone here resting in peace?  Got any Hulkamaniacs out there?  Do you respect the beard?  Do you believe in the Shield?