Author Topic: Spell Card Help Topic VI: How do I used Bomb?  (Read 152949 times)


Re: Spell Card Help Topic VI: How do I used Bomb?
« Reply #240 on: July 01, 2013, 04:18:44 PM »
Not really a spellcard, but does anybody have some tips for practicing on higher difficulties?
I can currently beat every game on Normal pretty easily, but I keep dying somewhere around stage 5 on Hard and 3 on Lunatic.
I'm not really playing one certain game now, but does anybody have some general tips?

Re: Spell Card Help Topic VI: How do I used Bomb?
« Reply #241 on: July 04, 2013, 02:30:13 AM »
Any general advice for dealing with Merlin Prismriver on PoFV?

I've been playing the game for fun a lot lately, just going against the AI on Normal (since Lunatic AI is just lolno not dealing with that), and I can hold my own pretty well against anyone...except Merlin. I have no idea why. Even Medicine is easier for me to deal with, and I main Yuka.


Re: Spell Card Help Topic VI: How do I used Bomb?
« Reply #242 on: July 04, 2013, 04:41:09 AM »
Are you familiar with the charge attack invincibility frames? Whenever you use a level 1 charge, you become invincible for a few frames. It's particularly useful against Merlin as you can simply pass through the walls her spells and bosses create.

Her boss can also be fairly overwhelming so keeping your spell points under control is important as well.

Both of these things are extremely useful in general, not just against Merlin.


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Re: Spell Card Help Topic VI: How do I used Bomb?
« Reply #243 on: July 06, 2013, 04:58:16 AM »

A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
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Re: Spell Card Help Topic VI: How do I used Bomb?
« Reply #244 on: July 06, 2013, 05:31:24 AM »

Sakuya-A. :V


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Re: Spell Card Help Topic VI: How do I used Bomb?
« Reply #245 on: July 06, 2013, 05:42:31 AM »
* Drake jumps off a cliff instead

A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
- original art by Aiけん | ウサホリ -


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Re: Spell Card Help Topic VI: How do I used Bomb?
« Reply #246 on: July 06, 2013, 08:07:47 AM »
I need some help with Kagerou in general. Most of her attacks tend to wall me and i end up bombing most of her spell cards. Is it aimed or is it just random? I have the most trouble with her first and second boss spellcards. Her last spell is easier compared and i capture it half the times i go against her. Might have to do something with me not being able to read bullets at high speeds, tho.
Sometimes rumors are just... rumors

Re: Spell Card Help Topic VI: How do I used Bomb?
« Reply #247 on: July 06, 2013, 08:16:48 AM »
Not really a spellcard, but does anybody have some tips for practicing on higher difficulties?
I can currently beat every game on Normal pretty easily, but I keep dying somewhere around stage 5 on Hard and 3 on Lunatic.
I'm not really playing one certain game now, but does anybody have some general tips?

The biggest tips I can give you are watching playthroughs of stages and then trying to mimick them (memorization will help you a lot in 1ccing harder difficulties) and, from personal opinion, clearing DS and StB helped me tremendously in getting ready for Hard mode.  Nowadays I'm a Lunatic player. 

Re: Spell Card Help Topic VI: How do I used Bomb?
« Reply #248 on: July 06, 2013, 08:46:19 AM »
I need some help with Kagerou in general. Most of her attacks tend to wall me and i end up bombing most of her spell cards. Is it aimed or is it just random? I have the most trouble with her first and second boss spellcards. Her last spell is easier compared and i capture it half the times i go against her. Might have to do something with me not being able to read bullets at high speeds, tho.
Most of Kagerou's stuff is pretty much random, so good reflexes are pretty much required. Her first non is random dodging. Her first card is a semi-static random dodging card. She moves in 2 static patterns before repeating, so you want to dodge on the left-ish side for the first wave, then the right-ish side for the second, then repeat. Kagerou's other two nons are actually static based on her position (I think). Even if they aren't, the spaces where you need to move are fairly predictable from wave to wave, and that just comes with experience. Second card is probably her trickiest one, as it's more or less pure reaction dodging. You want to find the area where the big bullets are least dense and move there before they break apart, but it's still a tricky card nonetheless. And her final card is essentially static with some random dodging elements as you can probably tell.

Also if you're not above using SakuyaA, using her will cut down on the amount of stuff you have to dodge by a ton.

Not really a spellcard, but does anybody have some tips for practicing on higher difficulties?
I can currently beat every game on Normal pretty easily, but I keep dying somewhere around stage 5 on Hard and 3 on Lunatic.
I'm not really playing one certain game now, but does anybody have some general tips?
I can't speak for other people, but I tended to focus on one game at a time and get a 1cc in that game before moving onto others. For the most part I think that your core skillset of reflex dodging will get slowly built up over time as you play and experience more patterns, but overall the key to succeeding in a really hard game is familiarity with all of its tricks. Overall the best tip for these games, as with most things in life, is just dedication and practice. Not much else to it. The only other tips that I have are making are making your eyes scan the screen unless you're dealing with a particularly dense pattern and also avoiding the urge to just stick at the bottom of the screen whenever.

Seppo Hovi

Re: Spell Card Help Topic VI: How do I used Bomb?
« Reply #249 on: July 06, 2013, 11:44:41 AM »
You have a few options.

Border invincibility frame.
Bruteforce it for a few hundred hours.
Luck out.

Have fun.

Re: Spell Card Help Topic VI: How do I used Bomb?
« Reply #250 on: July 08, 2013, 11:58:05 AM »
Ugh, it's so easy for me to succumb to claustrophobia head lasers in Sekibanki's last spell to the point I find the Hard/Lunatic versions slightly easier with more gaps between the head lasers (maybe the purple bullet stream things are more closer to compensate). Any workarounds? (I think her head is indestructible in this spell too)


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Re: Spell Card Help Topic VI: How do I used Bomb?
« Reply #251 on: July 19, 2013, 04:11:25 PM »

I'm about to give up. It's been several times that I made it to Rainbow or Heiankyou and crashed my run there due to pure fear and lack of resources. If someone feels like evaluating my strategy, I'm grateful. Even if I make it through that godforsaken stage in good shape and basically perfect half of the Nue battle (Chimera's horribly long duration tends to get me clipped though), I'm still murdered by the later half because I only manage to get there in one out of five to over ten restarts and don't feel like wasting that chance for practice.

If there's one stage that needs Spell Practice I can think of, it's this one. And to add insult to injury, if it was Yukari or Mokou or even Suwako I would still have tons of resources with that few misses, but hell no, that's my reward for putting up with that horrible UFO system.

Re: Spell Card Help Topic VI: How do I used Bomb?
« Reply #252 on: July 19, 2013, 07:36:54 PM »
Ugh, it's so easy for me to succumb to claustrophobia head lasers in Sekibanki's last spell to the point I find the Hard/Lunatic versions slightly easier with more gaps between the head lasers (maybe the purple bullet stream things are more closer to compensate). Any workarounds? (I think her head is indestructible in this spell too)
It's about giving yourself room to stream the head volleys, I suppose. Start close to one of the purple laser things and slowly stream across the gap to the other purple part.
Yeah, it really doesn't get harder on higher difficulties for some reason.

Re: Spell Card Help Topic VI: How do I used Bomb?
« Reply #253 on: July 20, 2013, 06:41:30 AM »

I'm about to give up. It's been several times that I made it to Rainbow or Heiankyou and crashed my run there due to pure fear and lack of resources. If someone feels like evaluating my strategy, I'm grateful. Even if I make it through that godforsaken stage in good shape and basically perfect half of the Nue battle (Chimera's horribly long duration tends to get me clipped though), I'm still murdered by the later half because I only manage to get there in one out of five to over ten restarts and don't feel like wasting that chance for practice.

If there's one stage that needs Spell Practice I can think of, it's this one. And to add insult to injury, if it was Yukari or Mokou or even Suwako I would still have tons of resources with that few misses, but hell no, that's my reward for putting up with that horrible UFO system.
Going through the replay:
-Your UFO route through the stage could use some serious work. I recommend looking at a replay of someone's clear to find a better route through the stage. For reference, here is the route that I planned out as I was first trying to clear the Extra:

o   Pick up red, blue, green -> Rainbow -> pick up 2 reds
o    Pick up third red from "rain" fairies -> Red UFO -> Pick up green
o    Pick up 2 greens -> Green UFO -> Pick up green
o   Pick up 2 greens -> Green UFO -> pick up red
o    Pick up 2 reds -> Red UFO -> Pick up whatever
o    Kogasa
o    Pick up red, blue, green -> Rainbow UFO -> pick up 2 greens
o    Pick up one of two greens -> Green UFO -> Pick up green and other
o    Pick up final green -> Green UFO
o    In a perfect run you should enter Nue with: 4 lives, 7 1/3 bombs

-For the difficult section of the stage after Kogasa (where you died in the replay), I recommend NOT grabbing UFOs there and just focusing on survival. It'll cut down on your pain by a lot. You can see how I do it here.

-You're doing Nue's cards from Green UFO onwards in a really weird/bad way. If you learn how to do them properly, you won't have as difficult of a time on Nue. You can see my strategies for those cards in my perfect run here. I've also included my written notes below on the cards if that helps.

Green UFO
This one is yet another decently tricky pattern, but not too bad once you figure it out. The lasers fired by the green guys are static, so you can actually sit in the same vertical space on the screen every time and get through the lasers pretty easily. You also have a pretty big space inside the lasers to dodge the green bullets too, so as long as you don't panic and overadjust, you won't hit the lasers at all. If you want to kill Nue quickly, you'll want to mostly sit in the second-to-last space provided on either side.

If you really have trouble with this card, you can also kill the green UFOs before they even get a chance to fire the lasers. Basically just follow the green UFO you want to kill across the screen, sit under it, and watch it blow up before it has a chance to fire out the laser. You can actually see me do it several times by accident in the video. I think you need full power for this, and every shot type except probably ReimuB and SanaeA (maybe SanaeB too) can do this. This way you'll have a much bigger space to dodge the green bullets in. Of course, this method will also make the card take longer.

Undefined Darkness
You really, really want to have full or near full power coming into this one. Coming into this with 2 or less power makes this one really hard. So this card basically involves Nue chasing you around the screen while also spawning bullets from inside the black clouds that she forms. She tracks your position a little bit after you hear the sound clip fully play out, so be careful of that. She also speeds up as the card goes on, so you really, really want to clear this one quickly.

The strategy is to just keep Nue at the top of the screen for as long as possible, and then lead her down one of the sides when you can't keep it up anymore. You can also lead her down the middle, but half of the bullets don't spawn when you do it on the sides, so you'll have an easier time there. There isn't much strategy to it other than that if you're at near full power.

If you're at lower power, you actually may not be able to clear the pattern before Nue starts moving a bit too fast to handle. In that case, you'll want to go in a triangle formation around the middle of the screen after the above strategy, and hitting her whenever you end up underneath her. It might get a little hairy, but it's manageable as long as you don't panic. The best strategy is to just come into this with high power though.

Rainbow UFO
Aside from Nue's final card, this is probably the toughest pattern in Nue's arsenal. The key here is to try to kill the rainbow UFOs before they reach the bottom of the screen. That way you won't have to deal with as many bullets. Unfortunately that's somewhat difficult as the UFOs spawn in random locations, so you have to move around quite a bit to get them. Even still, killing them quickly enough is really hard with MarisaB and near imposible with ReimuB. Not too bad with everyone else though. If you can kill them, just dodge the remaining bullets manually.

If you can't kill them, then you're just going to have to perform some pretty tight dodges to get out safely. This card will never wall you, but you will need good precision. Ideally you'll want to stay around one side of the arena. That way, you'll keep Nue around your position and you'll always be ready to kill a UFO when they spawn.

Nue's Survival
I think the strategy for it comes out better in motion, so watch the videos for the exact pattern to move in for the first two sections. In the very last part of the card, especially near the end, it can get very tight, and all you can really do then is either be really good at reading the pattern (what I do) or you can also move in the same way that you do for the rest of the card, just tighter. Note that the pattern that the bullets move in is always the same, but more clusters of bullets are added as time ticks down. It's still a fairly tricky dodge at the end there.

-Most importantly, take a break if you get really frustrated. Doing most things, including playing shmups, while frustrated/angry will generally yield poor results.


  • Heartwarming ★ Miracle
Re: Spell Card Help Topic VI: How do I used Bomb?
« Reply #254 on: July 20, 2013, 12:33:33 PM »
Woah, thanks for such comprehensive reply:  :toot:

I somehow made it through anyway before reading this after I realized the survival can be reliably passed by picking the side where you can pass by, just moving towards it, making a small move upwards/downwards and another move to the same side. Then run for dear life from the trains. And the last phase... I have no idea what was I doing there or what to do, but my brain just adjusted... somehow.  :V

My stupid method to dodge Green (line with the game's name on the right, then make a jump between lasers before they activate) was a result of my brother telling me the green bullets are to be streamed (which he does vertically). I assume this is not the case after all xD.

Thanks a ton for the UFO route too. I tend to get really scared with so much bombs in stock, but I believe that's still better than going for the reds only xD.
Rest assured, I'm going to clear the stage again with all the shot types and won't be satisfied with such a derpy win :3.


  • alter cool
Re: Spell Card Help Topic VI: How do I used Bomb?
« Reply #255 on: July 21, 2013, 11:11:46 PM »
This may be too general of a question for this thread, but I need some help. I've been playing Imperishable Night a lot recently, and how I Marisa? Stage four Marisaboss is an absolute nightmare for me. I have trouble with every single thing she does. I think there are two reasons for this.

One, I become completely unable to dodge anything when there are bullets coming at my from more than two sides at once, and she does a lot of that. Obviously this is something that can be addressed with practice, but I've been practicing this stage a lot and don't seem to be making any progress on this front. Is there some kind of trick to it?

Two, I have no idea where the hitboxes are on any of her stuff. How much or her stars is bullet? How much of Master Spark and Final Spark are laser? When do the lasers in Earth Light Ray activate and deactivate? This is something that, again, practice should help with, and to an extent it does, but I could use some quantitative data. I can fairly consistently manage her non-spells now, but sometimes I'm sure I have an opening and something still kills me when I try to squeeze through small spaces (I've been using Reimu/Yukari exclusively, so it shouldn't be a problem with my hitbox).

Any help would be appreciated. I've gotten to the point where I can manage this stage with carefully planned bombing on basically every spell, but if something goes even slightly askew it's difficult to recover because I have to rely so heavily on still having every single bomb from the first three stages on hand, so a better plan would be nice so that I don't lose so many runs so early in the game.
I made a PADHerder. It's probably out of date though.

Re: Spell Card Help Topic VI: How do I used Bomb?
« Reply #256 on: July 22, 2013, 03:34:05 AM »
Right off the bat, what difficulty is it? Earth Light Ray has aimed stuff on Normal, but on Hard/Lunatic there's a safespot from the stars, that you may need to move out of to dodge lasers but is otherwise flawless.
Pretty sure all the stars are only hitbox in the circle. You can spell-practice test a lot of that stuff, like I think you're safe in the outermost two layers of master spark?

Yeah to me Reimu/Marisa are the hardest parts of IN. Reisen cards are much easier than they seem because tricksies, and Reimu/Marisa have much harder nonspells than Eirin/Kaguya imo.


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Re: Spell Card Help Topic VI: How do I used Bomb?
« Reply #257 on: July 22, 2013, 03:42:11 AM »
Right off the bat, what difficulty is it? Earth Light Ray has aimed stuff on Normal, but on Hard/Lunatic there's a safespot from the stars, that you may need to move out of to dodge lasers but is otherwise flawless.
It's Easy where the stars are aimed around you, not Hard/Lunatic, where they're aimed directly at you (and the spell is called Shoot the Moon anyway). Normal is the most difficult version.

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Re: Spell Card Help Topic VI: How do I used Bomb?
« Reply #258 on: July 22, 2013, 03:45:37 AM »
One, I become completely unable to dodge anything when there are bullets coming at my from more than two sides at once, and she does a lot of that. Obviously this is something that can be addressed with practice, but I've been practicing this stage a lot and don't seem to be making any progress on this front. Is there some kind of trick to it?
For me it's a matter of avoiding everything in the vicinity as it comes near-lunatic Asteroid Belt is a very god spell to practice with, as is Earth in a Pot (pacifist).
Two, I have no idea where the hitboxes are on any of her stuff. How much or her stars is bullet? How much of Master Spark and Final Spark are laser? When do the lasers in Earth Light Ray activate and deactivate? This is something that, again, practice should help with, and to an extent it does, but I could use some quantitative data. I can fairly consistently manage her non-spells now, but sometimes I'm sure I have an opening and something still kills me when I try to squeeze through small spaces (I've been using Reimu/Yukari exclusively, so it shouldn't be a problem with my hitbox).
The middle of the stars are hitbox, but not the points.  The outer 2 'lines' on the sparks are not hitbox IIRC, but it's a huge rectangle.
Any help would be appreciated. I've gotten to the point where I can manage this stage with carefully planned bombing on basically every spell, but if something goes even slightly askew it's difficult to recover because I have to rely so heavily on still having every single bomb from the first three stages on hand, so a better plan would be nice so that I don't lose so many runs so early in the game.
Well, one death doesn't kill a run, you can't possibly need EVERY resource to survive Stages 4, 5 and 6 since bombing everything threatening will bring you to a clear after a perfect first 3 stages.
but on Hard/Lunatic there's a safespot from the stars, that you may need to move out of to dodge lasers but is otherwise flawless.
Uhhhh no, on easy the stars are aimed around, normal is the same as easy but with aimed trios of stars forcing streaming, hard is just streaming and lunatic is the same as hard with more frequent lasers.  If you try sitting still on hard/lunatic you'll die to the first star fired  :V


  • alter cool
Re: Spell Card Help Topic VI: How do I used Bomb?
« Reply #259 on: July 22, 2013, 04:40:45 AM »
Right off the bat, what difficulty is it? Earth Light Ray has aimed stuff on Normal, but on Hard/Lunatic there's a safespot from the stars, that you may need to move out of to dodge lasers but is otherwise flawless.
Pretty sure all the stars are only hitbox in the circle. You can spell-practice test a lot of that stuff, like I think you're safe in the outermost two layers of master spark?

Yeah to me Reimu/Marisa are the hardest parts of IN. Reisen cards are much easier than they seem because tricksies, and Reimu/Marisa have much harder nonspells than Eirin/Kaguya imo.

Normal. Earth Light Ray changes to Shoot The Moon on Hard and Lunatic.

And yeah, they are by far the hardest part of the game and I find Marisa to be waaay harder than Reimu.

For me it's a matter of avoiding everything in the vicinity as it comes near-lunatic Asteroid Belt is a very god spell to practice with, as is Earth in a Pot (pacifist).

I've tried Asteroid Belt like hundreds of times in practice at this point and haven't improved much. I should try Earth In A Pot more I guess.

The middle of the stars are hitbox, but not the points.  The outer 2 'lines' on the sparks are not hitbox IIRC, but it's a huge rectangle.Well, one death doesn't kill a run, you can't possibly need EVERY resource to survive Stages 4, 5 and 6 since bombing everything threatening will bring you to a clear after a perfect first 3 stages.

The middle of the stars are hitbox, but not the points.  The outer 2 'lines' on the sparks are not hitbox IIRC, but it's a huge rectangle.

Cool, thank you.

Well, one death doesn't kill a run, you can't possibly need EVERY resource to survive Stages 4, 5 and 6 since bombing everything threatening will bring you to a clear after a perfect first 3 stages.

One death (to a random star in a non-spell usually) that brings all of my stockpiled bombs with it can come pretty close, since it means that I have to lose up to two lives during stage four just to restock bombs to clear everything I have trouble with right now.
I made a PADHerder. It's probably out of date though.


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Re: Spell Card Help Topic VI: How do I used Bomb?
« Reply #260 on: July 22, 2013, 04:53:29 AM »
Which character are you using? If it's Reimu/Yukari, taking a hit in IN should never cost you more than two bombs, since there's easily enough time to press the bomb button on reflex. (If it's anyone else, and you're hit during a nonspell or stage portion, you have to be faster but it's still certainly possible to react after you're hit.)

Also, if you're just trying to clear, just plan a bomb if any particular pattern is killing you often enough.


Re: Spell Card Help Topic VI: How do I used Bomb?
« Reply #261 on: July 22, 2013, 05:51:20 AM »
My two cents:
I streamed the stars that Marisa throws at you for Earthlight Ray. I think only the solid blue lasers actually kill you; the wavy light blue ones right before and the red after effect don't do anything. It's a little annoying resetting the stream thanks to the lasers, but you should be able to get it down.

Edit: It helps to move forward to get above the last box o' stars thrown when resetting the stream. Otherwise you run the risk of not having enough time to get to the other side of the next wave of stars.

The Master Spark laser hitbox ends about a character length away from the end of the pure white beam (ie: you can barely hide Reimu/Yukari's sprite in laser, but any further in kills you). The last character length of the pure white beam and the faded/see through beam are harmless. It seems best to me to redirect the second laser off to the side to insure that you get as much time as possible to blast her before the next laser.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2013, 06:07:10 AM by Sahgren »


  • alter cool
Re: Spell Card Help Topic VI: How do I used Bomb?
« Reply #262 on: July 22, 2013, 03:48:26 PM »
Which character are you using? If it's Reimu/Yukari, taking a hit in IN should never cost you more than two bombs, since there's easily enough time to press the bomb button on reflex. (If it's anyone else, and you're hit during a nonspell or stage portion, you have to be faster but it's still certainly possible to react after you're hit.)

Reimu/Yukari. Normally that's true, their deathbomb window is so hilariously huge that it's almost automatic, but if it's completely unexpected due to a star hiding behind another star killing me out of nowhere it sometimes catches me by surprise so much that I don't react in time. This has happened quite a few times. Now I kind of know to expect it (or could just add every nonspell where the stars overlap to my bomb route I guess), but it's been quite a problem so far.

Also, if you're just trying to clear, just plan a bomb if any particular pattern is killing you often enough.

Right, but currently my stage 4B has seven or eight planned bombs in it. :derp:

My two cents:
I streamed the stars that Marisa throws at you for Earthlight Ray. I think only the solid blue lasers actually kill you; the wavy light blue ones right before and the red after effect don't do anything. It's a little annoying resetting the stream thanks to the lasers, but you should be able to get it down.

Edit: It helps to move forward to get above the last box o' stars thrown when resetting the stream. Otherwise you run the risk of not having enough time to get to the other side of the next wave of stars.

Just the solid blue laser has hitboxes? That's a very brief period if I remember correctly. That should make streaming the spell quite a lot easier. Streaming it is a little tricky but not un-doable, what I think is getting me is that I get pinned against lasers that aren't actually dangerous, so I could easily keep streaming but don't.

The Master Spark laser hitbox ends about a character length away from the end of the pure white beam (ie: you can barely hide Reimu/Yukari's sprite in laser, but any further in kills you). The last character length of the pure white beam and the faded/see through beam are harmless. It seems best to me to redirect the second laser off to the side to insure that you get as much time as possible to blast her before the next laser.

Nothing that isn't solid white is dangerous? That's also very helpful. Should make hanging out under Marisa and shooting her a lot easier so I can end the spell faster, at least assuming that the translucent parts of the beam don't hide the stars too much.

Also, I practiced Earth In A Pot ~50 times last night and got a very little bit better at it, but I'm still not sure I follow the concept behind dodging things coming from every direction at once. Should I be moving a lot or not very much? When I try to move as little as possible I get trapped by the bullets converging on my location and becoming too dense/overlapping to escape, and if I move around a lot to try to avoid the places where they cross over I slam into things or get hit by stray bullets that I don't notice because I'm too busy looking at other things a lot. I'll practice it a bunch more and probably improve a little more, but is there a basic strategy I should be using?
I made a PADHerder. It's probably out of date though.

Re: Spell Card Help Topic VI: How do I used Bomb?
« Reply #263 on: July 22, 2013, 04:11:02 PM »
I've tried Asteroid Belt like hundreds of times in practice at this point and haven't improved much. I should try Earth In A Pot more I guess.

Asteroid belt also has a pseudo-safespot, if you're getting owned hard every time you could go for it and just bomb it when the starts from the sides look threatening.
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  • alter cool
Re: Spell Card Help Topic VI: How do I used Bomb?
« Reply #264 on: July 22, 2013, 04:48:39 PM »
Asteroid belt also has a pseudo-safespot, if you're getting owned hard every time you could go for it and just bomb it when the starts from the sides look threatening.

Wow, I didn't know that. Handy. Looks kind of tricky, but it's worth a try or a hundred.
I made a PADHerder. It's probably out of date though.


Re: Spell Card Help Topic VI: How do I used Bomb?
« Reply #265 on: July 27, 2013, 09:51:39 PM »
I've been having some trouble with Byakuren on normal, specifically her "Nikou Hijiri's Air Scroll/Superhuman Byakuren Hijiri" card.  She keeps darting around the screen, and after a certain point there are too many bullets for me to feel confident chasing her around.
« Last Edit: July 27, 2013, 10:03:12 PM by Sahgren »


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Re: Spell Card Help Topic VI: How do I used Bomb?
« Reply #266 on: July 27, 2013, 10:20:04 PM »
I've been having some trouble with Byakuren on normal, specifically her "Nikou Hijiri's Air Scroll/Superhuman Byakuren Hijiri" card.  She keeps darting around the screen, and after a certain point there are too many bullets for me to feel confident chasing her around.
An alternate strategy (and the primary strategy on Lunatic) is to stay under either her left or right endpoint, and concentrate on dodging while waiting for her to come back to your side of the screen. It takes longer, but you might find it safer.

Re: Spell Card Help Topic VI: How do I used Bomb?
« Reply #267 on: July 28, 2013, 08:24:58 AM »
Start damaging Byakuren on the right, follow her to the left corner, stay and dodge it.

How do I not drop faith in stage 4 Hard? Lunatic it doesn't matter since you're at max anyways but Hard you still need to gain faith. Is it more viable to leave some enemies items, collecting them at lower value to keep faith from dropping? Or should they be collected at max value, dropping a few thousand faith?

How many items are in stage 3, 4, and 5? It there a chart on this? I can get rough estimates but a solid number is preferred.

Regarding Sanae's second spell and Nitori's last: are the movements random depending on your location? The former I still find scary and the latter I cannot pull off the spell kill properly.

Help is much appreciated.


Re: Spell Card Help Topic VI: How do I used Bomb?
« Reply #268 on: July 29, 2013, 02:37:29 PM »
Isn't that attack static?
Then you could just memorize the harder waves, and try to make a path that works.

How do you dodge Murasa's second spell on Normal? (Drowning Sign "Deep Vortex")
I always get hit by bullets that I didn't see coming.


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Re: Spell Card Help Topic VI: How do I used Bomb?
« Reply #269 on: July 29, 2013, 05:10:31 PM »
Isn't that attack static?
Then you could just memorize the harder waves, and try to make a path that works.

How do you dodge Murasa's second spell on Normal? (Drowning Sign "Deep Vortex")
I always get hit by bullets that I didn't see coming.

I think that it is a good idea to try to stay always  under Murasa, this way the bullets won't be shoot with a strange angle.
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