Author Topic: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure  (Read 54641 times)

Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
« Reply #930 on: March 24, 2013, 09:42:40 PM »
>We can't fly at the moment can we?

Hello Purvis

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Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
« Reply #931 on: March 24, 2013, 10:38:03 PM »
>We can't fly at the moment can we?

>You have not had any luck with flight since waking up here.


Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
« Reply #932 on: March 24, 2013, 10:40:53 PM »
>Reach through and around the doorframe to see what is behind it... through it.

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
« Reply #933 on: March 24, 2013, 11:06:22 PM »
>Reach through and around the doorframe to see what is behind it... through it.

>You cannot see with your fingers. However, you do feel there is nothing around the doorframe, it seems to be as unsupported as it is on this side. What you saw must be further back.


Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
« Reply #934 on: March 24, 2013, 11:12:18 PM »
>Test whether or not the doorframe will fall over if we rest our weight on it.
>If it passes the structural safety check then lean through and around, grasping the doorframe tightly, and get a look at what it was that we saw.

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
« Reply #935 on: March 24, 2013, 11:38:14 PM »
>Test whether or not the doorframe will fall over if we rest our weight on it.
>If it passes the structural safety check then lean through and around, grasping the doorframe tightly, and get a look at what it was that we saw.

>The door seems to hold your weight, you don't feel as though it's in danger of falling over.
>You lean around the door, holding tightly onto the frame, and look behind it. In the distance, floating in the middle of the blackness, is a mass of pale aqua crystal in the middle of the blackness. There are no hard edges to it that you can see, the crystal is piled up upon itself, stretching left and right. The crystal forms into numerous shapes, many of them spheres and ovals, while other parts project from it like old icicles or seem to be caught in a kind of flow like newly hardened lava. You can see a bit of iridescent shine alone some of the crystalline curves and distensions. You think you can see small points of darkness dotting the crystalline mass, which suggest something like doorways or windows to you.  You can't determine how large it is, but it feels like it should be quite immense, easily the size of a small mountain. Nor can you determine how far away it is, whether it is yards or miles, but you feel it would take time to by air.


Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
« Reply #936 on: March 25, 2013, 05:03:29 AM »
>Remove ourself from the doorframe and give flight another shot. That... thing looks promising!

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
« Reply #937 on: March 25, 2013, 07:32:57 AM »
>Remove ourself from the doorframe and give flight another shot. That... thing looks promising!

>You try to fly, but have no more luck than before. You are starting to wonder if that and the weak borders are related? Hmm, probably not directly, but perhaps the cause of one causes the other?


Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
« Reply #938 on: March 26, 2013, 07:42:21 AM »
>You suspect you will have to concoct a test that allows you to see how things interact beyond the door without going through it yourself, throw caution to the wind, or leave it altogether.


  • Then you should get out of the way when I tell you
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Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
« Reply #939 on: March 26, 2013, 07:07:24 PM »
I'm voting throw caution to the wind here, any objections?

Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
« Reply #940 on: March 26, 2013, 07:33:00 PM »
I was thinking check out the other side and come back if we can fly at some point in the future (assuming we can find this place again). If you do want to do a Leeroy Jenkins then at least throw the rock through first though.

Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
« Reply #941 on: March 26, 2013, 09:18:30 PM »
>Ok why the hell not, let's throw one of the plants through the door.

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
« Reply #942 on: March 26, 2013, 11:44:23 PM »
>Ok why the hell not, let's throw one of the plants through the door.

>You pluck one of the feathery plants, and toss it through the door like a dart.
>It flies through the threshold normally. Then it begins to slow down, until it stops in midair, a couple feet inside the door, and hangs there, its fronds swaying slightly but otherwise motionless.


Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
« Reply #943 on: March 27, 2013, 10:36:07 AM »
>Well then, grab a hold of the doorframe and swing out into the ~void~.

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
« Reply #944 on: March 27, 2013, 07:41:08 PM »
>Well then, grab a hold of the doorframe and swing out into the ~void~.

>You grab into the doorframe and swing yourself out into the darkness. You kick the frond, sending it spinning further out, then feel a sudden and unprepared shock as your feet settle down on solid...something in the darkness.
>The frond travels a few more yards in before coming to a stop.


Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
« Reply #945 on: March 28, 2013, 12:47:33 AM »
>Feel around on the "ground" with our hands.
>Crawl around feeling with our hands as we go, to make sure there isn't a sudden drop around.

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
« Reply #946 on: March 28, 2013, 01:03:59 AM »
>Feel around on the "ground" with our hands.
>Crawl around feeling with our hands as we go, to make sure there isn't a sudden drop around.

>You let go of the doorframe and feel around the darkness with your hands. The ground, as it were, feels solid. You progress forward a bit into the darkness. feeling around. You don't feel anything that breaks up the perfect smoothness of the surface you're moving upon; nor does it seem to be any hotter or colder than the air around you. You can't quite place the texture, it is smooth but you can't tell what sort of smooth. It feels practically like a solid barrier rather than anything physical.


Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
« Reply #947 on: March 28, 2013, 10:04:23 AM »
>Examine the door on this side.

Also, a gopher, why a gopher? o~O


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Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
« Reply #948 on: March 28, 2013, 04:05:13 PM »
> Take the frond with us as a tester for the barrier just in case.

Kitten4u: "I'll say it plainly: THERE IS NO WAY SHADOWEH IS SCUM!" - A Balanced Game of Mafia

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
« Reply #949 on: March 28, 2013, 07:23:01 PM »
>Examine the door on this side.

>Checking the doorway on this side, it it is still the same silvery frame, with a hint of the door itself at the right edge.  Through it, you can see the plain of feathery plants, and the orange sky. A mote of pink light winks into existence near the door, then vanishes.

> Take the frond with us as a tester for the barrier just in case.

>You move over to the front and take it in hand. It's not quite long enough to make a good testing rod, but you can at least tap the ground in front of you if you hunch over a little.


Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
« Reply #950 on: March 28, 2013, 10:39:11 PM »
>Begin walking toward the giant crystalline structure.
>Turn around to make sure that the way we came is able to be seen from a distance.

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
« Reply #951 on: March 28, 2013, 11:21:31 PM »
>Begin walking toward the giant crystalline structure.
>Turn around to make sure that the way we came is able to be seen from a distance.

>You begin to walk toward the crystalline structure, brushing ahead of yourself with the frond. Glancing back, you don't feel you'll lose sight of the doorway anytime soon, it glows just as brightly here as it did on the other side; and its light stands out better against the darkness than it did against the fronds. You can also sense another gap in the light, this one very indistinct.
>Walking through the darkness, the crystalline structure looms ahead and dominates your thoughts. Contemplating its shape, you can see no pattern to it. Larger spheres and ovals seem to be predominant shapes, with bridges like icicles running between them. Shapeless crystal masses largely seem to congregate under the smaller ones, making you think of thick pudding-like liquid that flowed there. You cannot find anything on it that looks like a hard edge or corner, you'd almost think it was somehow smoothed to a polish in an immense river.
>It draws closer and closer as you travel, until you are some yards from it. Your initial estimates might have been a bit much; while it is huge, it is not quite on par with a mountain. It is certainly large enough to match any palace that you have seen, though. You are closest to a shapeless mass of crystal stuff, twisting up some yards above you and flowing into a sphere as large as a house. Underneath, below the level of your feet, you see ice-like protrusions of crystal hanging from it at various angles. Glancing back, you can see the light of the doorway quite clearly, the whole trip took perhaps fifteen minutes.


Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
« Reply #952 on: March 29, 2013, 12:16:05 AM »
>Hmm, can we see those door/windowesque things on it that we saw before?
>Can we see a way to scale it?


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Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
« Reply #953 on: March 29, 2013, 12:24:44 AM »
>Gotta be polite. "Hello, is anyone home? It's Yukari."
[9:49:09] <Purvis> Generally not, but your mother may be an exception.

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
« Reply #954 on: March 29, 2013, 12:50:37 AM »
>Hmm, can we see those door/windowesque things on it that we saw before?
>Can we see a way to scale it?

>You can see one near the base of the sphere, on the right side.
>You think you can climb up the shapeless mass in a couple spots. One to the right offers numerous but shallow handholds, while one of the left seems to have fewer, but sturdier-looking ones. In either case, you would need to free your hands for the task. There is a spot where you make be able to make your way up with your hands occupied, but it is rather sheer.

>Gotta be polite. "Hello, is anyone home? It's Yukari."

>You decide to avoid discourtesy and announce yourself. You do not hear any reply.


Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
« Reply #955 on: March 30, 2013, 01:07:49 AM »
>We got out underwear back right?
>See if we can holster our screwdriver in our underwear.
>Unfortunately we'll have to leave our trusty rock behind for now. :(

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
« Reply #956 on: March 30, 2013, 02:13:23 AM »
>We got out underwear back right?
>See if we can holster our screwdriver in our underwear.
>Unfortunately we'll have to leave our trusty rock behind for now. :(

>You have.
>It is a little unpleasant and annoying, but you sheath your screwdriver through your undergarment's waistband by your left hip, and set your rock down.


Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
« Reply #957 on: March 30, 2013, 09:25:29 AM »
>Begin climbing the left way, the one with fewer but solid handholds.

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
« Reply #958 on: March 30, 2013, 08:24:19 PM »
>Begin climbing the left way, the one with fewer but solid handholds.

>You make your way up the left side of the formless crystal. It is hard to hold onto, it feels like pearl under your fingers, and your socks do not provide as much traction as you would like. The handholds, however, are solid and provide a shape that is easy enough to grip. It helps that the crystal here isn't too steep, either. Still, it takes some time and effort to pull yourself up, but it is rather nice to not have to worry about any cuts from sharp edges; your hand and shoulder are protesting enough as it is.
>Reaching the top of the shapeless 'cliff', you find yourself beside the house-sized sphere that you were looking at earlier. It should be easy to walk around it and approach the opposite side. Beyond it the shapeless crystal continues to rise upward; the mass of twists and whorls slightly bringing to mind a collection of drippings from melted wax. Several spheres dominate the hillside, some of them apparently fused together. A few icicle-like protrusions arise from the mass, the spheres to the hillside and two of them bridging the expanse between two separate rises between the formless mass of crystal. You can see a few possible paths leading further upward by following wide distensions in the mass like a mountain trail.


Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
« Reply #959 on: March 30, 2013, 11:55:08 PM »
>Any of those doors or windows at this elevation?
>Examine the paths.