Author Topic: The Himekaidou Interviews - Eientei and Finale  (Read 9145 times)


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The Himekaidou Interviews - Eientei and Finale
« on: December 04, 2012, 03:18:09 AM »
- The Himekaidou Interviews -

Although I had begun the interviews under the pretense of correcting my rival Aya's bad news reporting practices, I learned a lot about myself along the way. Working with your subjects face to face is quite different from my method of spirit photography. With remote viewing, you never have to interact with your objects of study. And as I began to realize, a picture may say a thousand words but they'l never compare to the person in the flesh.

First interview: An interview with Suwako Moriya, god of earth and mountains.

I decided to interview Suwako Moriya because she is someone that is conspicuously absent from Aya's news machinations. The lack of attention always struck me as odd, but I filed it away as a big scoop that I could snatch from under Shameimaru's nose.

I began with a line that I had rehearsed on the way to the Moriya shrine. "So tell me, Moriya-sama, what are your days like?"

"I like to go on walks. The scenery in Gensokyo is naturally going to be nostalgic for someone as old as I am who remembers what it all used to be like, y'know? Faith in the old gods is stronger here, and we've been accepted with open arms. Kanako went a bit overboard when we first got here, but at least that got us all accquainted with the locals!"

"Kanako's always been the high-strung one of the group. Though a couple of thousand years with an arch-rival like me have softened her up a little. She's even learned a bit of humility for one! Oh ho ho~"

A mischevous smile crossed the frog god's lips.

"She has been bugging me lately for a rematch, y'know? And i'm feeling good enough to where I feel like giving it to her. What do you think?"

I looked up from her spiral notepad. "W-What do I think?"

"Yeah, you! Do you think I should take her up on the offer?"

"Well, I dunno. I guess. If she's really your arch-rival then you would naturally want to fight her, right?" My mind flickered to Aya.

"There's more to it to that. Isn't your rival the Bunbunmaru news? You and the other tengu must get into fights over the next 'big scoops', right?"

"Well, that is... "

'I haven't met my rival'? How stupid of an answer would that be?

"Ah~! Sorry, now I put you on the spot. We can get back to the interview. What else did you want to ask me?

What else. Caught off guard, I had completely forgot the well-planned interview track I had rehearsed prior.

"Um... about your arch-rival, when did you know that she was your rival?"

"Well, it was pretty easy. She came storming into my kingdom demanding we surrender! And she beat me soundly. What else do you need in a rival but that! Sure, we get into our fights here and there, but nothing like our first clash. Ahh, thinking of it makes me feel like accepting her rematch." Suwako licks her lips in anticipation.

"So you're looking forward to it?"

"About as much as you're looking forward to meeting your rival, i'd say."

'Meeting Aya Shameimaru, the sole proprietor of the famed Bunbunmaru news known throughout Gensokyou'? "Oh, yeah. I guess i'm looking forward to meeting her."

"You two would make a good pair, y'know. You complement each other well! Especially with your cell phone camera. Talk about the blending of old and new! Oh, do you know what a cell phone is? Your camera doohicky looks a lot like one."

Us, a good pair? I had no idea what to think about that idea. Is that the sort of language you use when talking about your rivals?

"Anyway, back to the interview. You wanted to know about my day, right? Well, I take daily walks. I mingle with the locals and occasionally make trips to visit the more interesting youkai that are a bit of a trek. Living in Gensokyo is great. Nature isn't suffocated here like it is on the other side of the veil. Hardly any trees anymore, it's a shame."

I looked up from my notepad, realizing that I had failed to note down half of what Suwako had said. I caught up what I could piece together from my addled mental state, and attempted to regain my composure.

"So there aren't many trees where you're from? Interesting. And the other side of the veil, you say? Can you elaborate?"

"Sure. Kanako, Sanae and I come from modern Japan, which is sorta 'sideways(?)' from where we are now. Gensokyo is kind of like a snapshot of what it used to be like before modernization happened. At least, that's what I've been able to find out by talking to people. Faith is a lot stronger here. Mortals are a lot more self-sufficient now, so they've cast off their need for gods to do things for them. We were forced into retirement, essentially."

Suwako takes a bite from a peach.

"Not that I mind, mind you. I had basically settled into retirement from full god duties after Kanako took over. As long as I have enough faith to stay around, I don't need too much. Kanako is a little bit of an attention hog though. She loves the spotlight. My only request was to keep my last name around. Names have a lot of power, y'know?"

'Shameimaru, Himekaidou.' "Huh? Oh, yeah I guess they do.."

"Do you want to have a danmaku battle?"

"E-Eh? Well, actually.." I gulped. "I've.. never had one before? In person at least? I mean, i've watched videos of them on my camera, but that's about it.."

"Ehhhh?! There's such a thing as a person who hasn't danmaku'd in Gensokyo? Well, sorry about that, but i'm not about to be the one who pops your bubble. Kero." The frog goddess smiled knowingly. "You know, you have a lot more people to meet in Gensokyo before you can have a newspaper that is as... expansive as the Bunbunmaru News. Try to keep a cool head until you meet her, you want to save your first for her after all right?"

"My.. first?" Hatate gulped.

"Of course! Your first danmaku battle!" Suwako clapped me on the back and I stumbled a bit forward, surprised at the force behind her demure palm.

"I.. well, it's not like I don't know how to do it. It's just that I've never had a true match before. I know how it works in theory.."

"Ah, do you now? Do you have any idea of what spellcards you want to show her when you finally do cross paths? It's important making a good first impression after all."

"No, I haven't gotten that far." It wasn't until that point where I realize the interviewer had become the interviewed. I could barely contain the red flush to my face that I hoped the frog goddess could not see. But who am I kidding, how could I hide from the eyes of a god, one right next to you no less?

"This was a good interview. Are you planning on publishing it?"

"Yes, eventually. When I get enough material for a 1st edition."

"Ah, good. Make sure one ends up on the doorstep to the Moriya Shrine! As payment for the interview. And don't leave anything out!"

"O-Of course! I promise!"

"Good. Consider it a deal. And realize that it's pretty bad form to break a contract with a god." A mischevous smirk flashed on her face for a split second, and had I not realized what I had just agreed to, I may have missed it.

'Don't leave anything out', she said. 'but what about all the embarassing personal stuff we talked about...?"


" Fuck."
« Last Edit: January 30, 2013, 02:09:54 PM by Moriya Nobu »
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Re: The Himekaidou Interviews - Interview 1: Suwako Moriya
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2012, 12:21:35 AM »
Shameless bump to say that I am accepting suggestions for the next person that Hatate interviews. My only restriction is that it be a character that was in Double Spoiler.
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Re: The Himekaidou Interviews - Interview 1: Suwako Moriya
« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2012, 04:19:01 AM »
Hmm, I'd love to see Koishi or Satori.

E: Silly me. Forgot to give my thoughts!

I really like your writing style. I think you managed to re-create Hatate wonderfully and I look foward to reading the next interviews, no matter who they'll be about.
« Last Edit: December 05, 2012, 04:27:07 AM by Ikari »


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Re: The Himekaidou Interviews - Interview 1: Suwako Moriya
« Reply #3 on: December 05, 2012, 05:57:01 PM »
Well even though I said I'll never read any Touhou fanfic anymore, for some reason I did read this. Weird. It's not bad, btw.


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Re: The Himekaidou Interviews - Interview 1: Suwako Moriya
« Reply #4 on: December 05, 2012, 06:36:51 PM »
Ah, thank you so much Ikari and Solais!   :blush: I'm working on Ch.2 featuring Koishi Komeiji now.
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Re: The Himekaidou Interviews - Interview 1: Suwako Moriya
« Reply #5 on: December 05, 2012, 08:31:57 PM »
Ah, thank you so much Ikari and Solais!   :blush: I'm working on Ch.2 featuring Koishi Komeiji now.

You're welcome! That interview/fic was great  :D

Thanks a lot, too! Koishi's a pretty strange character to begin with, so I'm glad you accepted anyway ^^

Looking foward to it!


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Re: The Himekaidou Interviews - Interview 1: Suwako Moriya
« Reply #6 on: December 06, 2012, 01:19:23 AM »
I am digging this format.

How about Keine?

"Human history and growth are both linked closely to strife. Without conflict, humanity would have no impetus for growth. When humans are satisfied with their present condition, they may as well give up on life."


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Re: The Himekaidou Interviews - Interview 1: Suwako Moriya
« Reply #7 on: December 06, 2012, 02:00:31 AM »
Keine would be a bit difficult, i'd imagine. I might have to let that thought stew for a while and wait for inspiration. Writing about Koishi and Suwako is really easy, since they both practically live in my head already.
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Re: The Himekaidou Interviews - Interview 1: Suwako Moriya
« Reply #8 on: December 06, 2012, 04:09:43 PM »
(Music to accompany fic: )

The Himekaidou Interviews - 2
Koishi Komeiji

"Gods don't have subconsciences. They're all just.. there. All the time. That's why I like talking to them. They're so... random! It's so refreshing!"

I didn't expect my second interview to come so quickly after the first. I ran into Koishi Komeiji as I was leaving the Moriya Shrine, by the entrance gate.

"Them meaning the ones from this shrine? Or.."

"Mostly I talk to myself. It fills the void in my head with my Third Eye closed. Not that I regret closing it, but being by yourself gets lonely sometimes."

"Your Third Eye.. that's what enables you to hear other people's thoughts, right?"

"People spend more time thinking than they do talking. It's deafening. I don't know how my sister tolerates it, which is why I sealed it. That way I could be alone for once!"

"But wherever I go, there are always people! They don't seem to notice me much anymore, and I kind of like it that way. No one tries to keep me in place, or bottle me up. Nobody can interrupt my train of thought."

"Is that why you left the underground? To get away?"

"Ever since I closed my Third Eye, we've argued. Normally I got along so well with my sister, but I could never convince her that I wasn't trying to hide something from her. It's not that, it's just.."

"... you like your space sometimes?"

"...Yeah." Koishi smiled then. "You seem to get it. Nice to meet you, my name is Koishi Komeiji." I realized that this is the first time she had addressed me since she started talking to me. Had she been talking to herself this whole time?

"Right now I've been collecting experiences to bring back to onee-chan. I want to show her the world that she's missing out on by not going outside! She's afraid, I know she is. Afraid of all the eyes on her, and the whispers."

"Couldn't she just close her eye like you if it bothers her that much?"

"She'd never do that. She values her consciousness like I value my freedom. I broke her heart the day that I closed my eye, I just know it, deep down. It hurt her more than any of the overheard whispers, having the connection she shared with her most precious loved one severed. She felt deep down like I didn't love her anymore." Koishi's expression was blank.

"We were two peas in a pod, her and I. But I felt suffocated. I don't know where my sister got the strength to stay so positive all the time, with all the abuse we suffered as a result of our birthright. Her mind was always full of hope and love. And the more love I felt from her, the more I hated it."

"Hated it? What do you mean."

"I didn't understand why she could love someone like me. We are practically polar opposites. For every hopeful and loving thought bouncing through her head there'd be an equivalent despairing and hateful thought in mind. And I knew that it took it's toll on her. She was always just trying to help, but I felt smothered. And scared. I didn't want her to know that I had started to hate her, even a little bit."

"So I left."

The silence following her three words was almost palpable. Koishi continued her train of thought.

"She was always the optimistic one. She thought that things would get better in time. They wouldn't. It's just the nature of things, y'know? You can't keep people from thinking 'bad' thoughts, it just happens. They're going to talk behind your back, regardless of if you can hear them or not."

"Is there anyone in the world that you love?"

And once again, the interview became the interviewed. Perhaps I've been going about this in the wrong way. "Maybe.. I'm not sure?"

"Not sure? That's nonsense. There's gotta be someone you love! Ooh, or what about someone you hate? There's definitely gotta be someone you hate then, right? What are they like?"

"Well I wouldn't say there's anyone in the world that I truly hate, I don't think... And love... i'm not sure how to answer that." My mind felt blank.

"Could.. could you love and hate the same person at the same time?"

Koishi was at a loss for words. For the first time since she had struck up a conversation with me.

"I... don't know. I have some things to think about. Bye."

And with that, I was alone.

Koishi Komeiji, the wandering love-obsessed girl. Deep down, I hope she finds what she is looking for.
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Re: The Himekaidou Interviews - Chapter 2: Koishi Komeiji
« Reply #9 on: December 06, 2012, 08:28:41 PM »
I think you seized Koishi perfectly. The lack of small talk, the fact she was almost ignoring Hatate's words, you captured the essence of her habit of acting subconsciously perfectly.

I loved how simple yet deep Koishi is, how she just values her freedom before all. She suddenly appeared, talked to Hatate (and to herself) and then walked away, back into her endless wandering.

Short but enjoyable, congratz for making a great Koishi interview!


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Re: The Himekaidou Interviews - Chapter 2: Koishi Komeiji
« Reply #10 on: December 07, 2012, 02:28:31 AM »
Thanks for the feedback! ^^ I'm glad that I was able to effectively make my characterization of Koishi's personality come out through the dialog. She's someone that I can definitely relate to, as I do my best writing when its in the stream of consciousness style. I put myself in the mindset of the character, and just write. or I just write down lines that I imagine them saying, and fill in the gaps.

Hatate is a convienient vehicle, as she doesn't have the super strong personality archetype that Aya does and I can develop her in my head as a character via interviews with my favorite characters. Ultimately, this is Hatate's story after all.
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Re: The Himekaidou Interviews - Chapter 2: Koishi Komeiji
« Reply #11 on: December 07, 2012, 03:58:23 AM »
I'm pretty impressed with these so far. I especially like how Suwako's story completely backfired (for lack of a better term). Actually had a laugh or two. As for Koishi's, I shed a tear or two. So who is it Hatate loves or hates, I wonder~? Like Ikari said, you captured her character quite well. Maybe a Satori interview will come up at some point.

I think it would be interesting to interview Momiji. Sounds like two people saying "Do my favourite character, please!" but, in all honesty, I do think it would be pretty interesting. She does have something to talk about, after Double Spoiler's little blurbs on her, but if you find it too difficult to think up an interview for her, I would also be pleased to see an interview of Yamame or Tenshi (for no reason at all).

I look forward to whatever it is you decide to do though  :3
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Re: The Himekaidou Interviews - Chapter 2: Koishi Komeiji
« Reply #12 on: December 07, 2012, 12:09:51 PM »
This was interesting, not only because Koishi is very... something I can relate to (and maybe everyone can relate to), even though I never really liked her as a character before, but interestingly, I've noticed her lines to be grammatically... non-native in a way. Like if it was written by someone who's English is not their first language, yet they knew the language perfectly. I find that interesting and clever in displaying her "stream of consciousness" kind of communication.


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Re: The Himekaidou Interviews - Chapter 2: Koishi Komeiji
« Reply #13 on: December 08, 2012, 06:06:24 PM »
As for Koishi's, I shed a tear or two.

Agreed, my eyes watered. Call it looking too deep into it, but Koishi's continuous flow of aimless wondering suddenly took a halt to settle on one subject; her sister. The way she just keeps talking, not letting any emotions come out as she tells a heart-breaking tale, then just wanders away makes you feel bad both for Koishi and Satori. T'was very well done, good sir!

Anyway, I could list all the characters I'd like to see, but as I slowly saw the list expand until it covered all characters, I figured that I just liked reading anything you write. Looking foward to the next interview!


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Re: The Himekaidou Interviews - Chapter 2: Koishi Komeiji
« Reply #14 on: December 20, 2012, 11:35:19 PM »

Nitori Kawashiro, the self-employed aqua-haired engineer who loved and lost.

On my way down the mountain, I stopped at a certain kappa's lakeside workshop in the hopes of discovering an interesting scoop. Instead, the interview quickly turned into a discussion of a quite heavy topic.. I wonder, is there something wrong with the way I've been going about these interviews? They're nothing like the kind I see in Bunbunmaru.

"Sure, I'd be happy to do an interview! If you have something that's broken, I can take a stab at fixing it. If you're more in the market for a custom device to serve a specific function, I can probably make something that'll do the trick. That's basically what I do to pass the time, when i'm not doing field tests or playing Shogi with the locals. I also do a healthy amount of theorizing to pass the time."

"Theorizing? What kinds of things do you theorize about?"

"Ah, all sorts of things. Sometimes related to my craft, sometimes about the nature of the world, depending on my mood that day. Asking 'why?' is simple, but a lot of people don't do it. They're content with the status quo, but someone in my profession can't be afraid to ask questions. And not just the sort like 'How do I go about creating an optical camoflauge device?'. Serious questions, y'know."

"I see. What sorts of questions are you talking about? Science-y questions?" Ugh, that didn't come out as intelligent as I had intended it to.

"Honestly, I like to consider myself more of an engineer. The scientific process is a bit backwards. You start off thinking you know everything, and gradually unlearn all those assumptions you took for granted in order to take baby steps forward. Everyone thought Newton got physics all figured out until Einstein came around with relativity and turned everything upside down. Once you stop to think about it, you realize how little you know about anything at all."

"Mmmm... What do you mean by 'unlearn everything'? How so?"

"It's why I'm an 'engineer' over a true 'scientist', I think. I don't really care that much about the details, as long as it works. Leave it to the scientists to do all the arguing and theorizing among themselves, as long as they let me know when they've finally come up with something useful, y'know? Besides, you don't have to be a scientist to have theories. It's all about how you live your life."

"How you live your life? Could you elaborate?"

"Sure. At first, I saw humans as simply a food source. Then I grew to love them, because everyone loves eating right? It was only a matter of time before I realized how similar we really were, and I fell in love with one particular human. That was also the day I became a vegetarian! I was still young then, it's a bit embarassing thinking about it now that I bring it up."

"That was a mistake, let me tell you. Not one I regret mind you, but a mistake nontheless! Humans don't have very long shelf-life after all. Compared to you and me, at least. 46 years is a drop in the bucket."

"I was sad for a while after my human died. Felt pretty useless, broken even. That's what inspired me to be an engineer. I found that by pouring my excess energy into fixing and creation, it helped me cope with the loneliness. Ultimately though, I was being driven by a desire to fix my own heart! Kinda corny, right?"

"It took me a long time to realize that you can't fix what ain't broken. 'Time heals all wounds', they say. Unlike machines, leave us to our own devices and we tend to fix ourselves over time. And that's why I don't believe in love or hate!"

"Wait, what? I think I lost you there. Where do love and hate factor in here?" I boggled. It was getting hard to follow her train of thought.

"Well, aren't love and hate two sides of the same coin? The people that you love the most make you feel your heart in your chest, make you feel sick even! Have you ever loved before? It's painful, believe you me. Human emotions are not ones to trifle with lightly."

"Well, I--"

"What am I saying, of course you have. Everyone has things they love and hate. But the only thing my workshop doesn't try to fix is a broken heart. I can't do anything that 'time' already does. Which also means I can't build you a time machine either, but I figured that was self-evident."

"I see." 'What would she say at a time like this? Does she regularly feel overwhelmed by the people she interviews, I wonder?'

"Was there anything else you wanted to know about? Do you need anything that I might be able to make for you? An infrared camera perhaps, or one that shoots danmaku? Whatever your situation, I can come up with a solution."

"No, I think I'll be fine for now... Perhaps I could come back another time?"

"Whatever suits you. If you need me, just bang on the door in case I can't hear you."

With that, the girl left me to my own thoughts. Why does every interview I have come back to love? Is this a conspiracy? I've never felt so anxious before. In-person interviews really are something else..
« Last Edit: December 20, 2012, 11:37:35 PM by Apple Girlington »
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Re: The Himekaidou Interviews - Chapter 2: Koishi Komeiji
« Reply #15 on: December 21, 2012, 05:26:02 AM »

As soon as I saw the title, I knew this interview was going to be full of all the feels. That PV gets me every time...

I'm generally against the human-youkai relationships for that reason there, but I suppose if you really do love someone, it can't be helped, right? It isn't something you can regret afterwords, with all the fond memories you've had together. I guess that's what's really important. I liked the idea of having Nitori's profession having a reason behind it there. I have to ask, is that how you also view the scientific process, or were you just filling Nitori's shoes? Because that's an interesting take on the subject. I mean that in a good way, of course.

Reminds me of both Nitori and Suika. Nitori, for obvious reasons, but RD-Sounds made a Onigashima arrange (Lies and Lamentations) that is fairly similar (Oni-human relationship).
~We?re the only ones who can decide whether something was fortunate or unfortunate. It all depends on whether we find a new vision born within a different perspective~


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Re: The Himekaidou Interviews - *NEW* Chapter 3: Nitori Kawashiro
« Reply #16 on: December 21, 2012, 04:57:31 PM »
I still remember that PV all too well; I read the interview and instantly knew what the video you linked was.

I have to say, I still love how you depict characters. Can't wait to read the next interview!


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Re: The Himekaidou Interviews - The intermission.
« Reply #17 on: December 27, 2012, 04:33:21 PM »

At this point, thoroughly defeated and put off from my perceived lack of skills at the interview process.. I went back to spirit photography. At least, for a little while.

I went back to my abode and dusted off my old equipment. The pegboard, to keep track of information that I've gathered. The darkroom where I developed my photos. And lastly, the medium.

I set my medium upon the floor, and chant a few phrases to assuage my fear of the device. Then I pick it up, and begin to piece together evidence and truths that my camera gives to me.

Kaguya Houraisan.

A self-proclaimed NEET. (Why would anyone pick up that designation?)

Lives with (1) Reisen Udongein Inaba, (1) Tewi, (1) Eirin Yagokoro, (1000+) rabbits (earth)

Has a relationship with Fujiwara no Mokou. (What kind of relationship though?)

Ugh. Thoroughly disgusted with the process, I threw my materials down. "What am I missing? What is the key to being a good reporter?"

"If you have to ask, I think you already know."

"WHO SAID THAT?!" I turned around at that moment, expecting to see someone there. Someone, anyone who could make sense of my life. What am I chasing after? Who am I even? Just someone bound to be in the shadows all my life?

And now i'm hearing voices. Just great.
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Re: The Himekaidou Interviews - The intermission.
« Reply #18 on: December 27, 2012, 06:35:21 PM »
I like that the spirit camera gives old, incomplete and even inaccurate information. That's a really nice take on unreliable narrator. And Hatate's eagerness to break through but frustration with spinning her wheels comes through quite clearly.

Ugh. Thoroughly disgusted with the process, I threw my materials down. "What am I missing? What is the key to being a good reporter?"

COFFEE, HATATE. That is the key. You are missing coffee.

"Human history and growth are both linked closely to strife. Without conflict, humanity would have no impetus for growth. When humans are satisfied with their present condition, they may as well give up on life."


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Re: The Himekaidou Interviews - Eientei - The Gatekeeper
« Reply #19 on: January 08, 2013, 07:25:42 PM »
I decided to go back into the field, and brave the potential embarassment of being a failure reporter. Time to go to Eientei.

I arrived just after dusk. The warm glow of a TV set glimmered softly through the sliding doors. My spirit photography had indicated that Eientei's residents are nocturnal, so I hopefully decided on the right time.

I knocked lightly on the sliding door. A pause. The shuffling of footsteps indicated I was heard.

It was Reisen Udongein Inaba who answered the door. The girl with the lunatic eyes. She scanned me over, and guessing that I was a benign threat softened her gaze. "Yes?"

"Hi there. I'm just a reporter passing by who would like to interview you and the residents here."

She scanned me over with those lunatic eyes once more, as if sizing me up. "You can pass if and only if you answer this riddle. What do we do everything for?"

'A riddle? I wasn't prepared for this!' I panicked, dropping my practiced composure completely. Perhaps I should go back? What should I do.

'Maybe I should do what Aya would do.' But what would she do in a situation like this? Lie?



'I said it. I just blurted it out! Oh jeez, what if I'm wrong?'

"Hmm. That's a good enough answer as any. You may enter. Please leave your shoes outside. We're currently at a commercial break, but we should have a few minutes to entertain guests."

'....huh. That was easier than I thought.'
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Re: The Himekaidou Interviews - Eientei - The Relapse
« Reply #20 on: January 09, 2013, 09:00:26 AM »
Sometimes I talk into mirrors. I look at myself to make sure my outfit is in check. Got it. What am I going to do today?

'Be a better reporter than Aya Shameimaru'.

'Who said that?'

'Who? Who else but you.'


Although we've never met in person, I still feel anxious about the day that we'll finally meet. It's what keeps me going each morning. The star reporter Aya Shameimaru, to notice a novice two-bit wreck of a reporter like me. I don't know why I do the things I do, but I've finally become to question all my assumptions. Becoming a True Reporter, whatever that means..

'You had it in you all along.'

Mmm. You may be right about that. 
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I put my geta on the steps outside, and entered the dwelling. A warm, woody smell engulfed me. "Would you like some snacks?" Eirin passed me a bowl of edamame, and I took some.

"Mokou is a good sparring partner. She doesn't give in, no matter how bad of a pounding I give her. Last week she couldn't even walk straight!" The moon princess giggled. "I give her a lot of credit though, for fighting hopeless battles with a fellow immortal. She's spunky, I'll give her that."

That's right. I had read a little bit about it earlier during my research. Kaguya Houraisan, the immortal moon princess with the Impossible Requests. Meant originally to turn away suitors, I think. So maybe that's what it meant by 'relationship'..

I shuffled in my seat to relieve my leg that had fallen asleep. "So would you say that you two are good friends then?"

An uncomfortable silence. The din of the TV filled the room at that moment.

"Friends.. Nah. That type of person is an enemy. An enemy!" Kaguya interjected without taking her eyes off the TV set. "Heh.. maybe."
I noted the program that they were watching. Some romcom, as far as I could tell.

"Do you know why I am called the Lunatic Princess?"

Huh. No I didn't. My spirit photography methods never put out a concrete truth. Only theories.

"Boredom. I got bored with the life of a Lunarian, and left. To them, I seem like a NEET. But truthfully, it's because I just wanted the peace and quiet to relax under a kotatsu and watch TV sometimes. Is that such a crime?"

A crime? No, not really. Seems reasonable, I guess.

"I also enjoy the danmaku battles here. Lunarians don't use danmaku to resolve conflicts. Only violence." Kaguya smirked bitterly.

"Danmaku really is the best way to resolve conflicts. It's not about brute strength alone. To an immortal like me, how could I be impressed by a simple show of force? So unelegant. So unrefined. So. Boring. So that's why I left the moon."

Eirin sat stonefaced. Tewi munched on a carrot and pretended not to pay attention. Reisen's lunatic eyes seem to be zoned out at the television.

"I see. So that's why my research turned up that you had a 'relationship' with Fujiwara no Mokou.."

"Of course. We're danmaku partners. Only someone with infinite stamina like herself can hope to match someone who likes long danmaku matches. It's a natural pairing."

There was one question still on my mind. "Would you say that you 'love' Fujiwara no Mokou?"

A hint of scarlet barely perceptible to the naked eye flared up on Kaguya's face. "Maybe? I guess."

I see. Danmaku must be quite a thing.

"Was she... your first?"

"My first danmaku sparring partner? Yes. We met as children, and got into a lot of fights at first. But she was the one that initially suggested to me that we try it out. I liked it. I thought it was the most fun way to resolve arguments ever. But fun is not the Lunarian way of resolving disputes."

I see. The Lunarians sound like a pretty terrible people, coming from Kaguya.

Kaguya Houraisan, the NEET training to be the most elegant danmaku partner.

I knew who I needed to interview next.

I needed to see Aya Shameimaru.

~*roughly one week later*~
"AYA SHAMEIMARU! I have a conflict to resolve with you!" I had finally tracked her down. It took a lot of research, but I managed to triangulate her position through spirit photography to figure out where she would most likely be on any given day. My 'theory of Aya Shameimaru' was right on the mark.

"Oho? Some kid challenging me to a danmaku match? You know I'm pretty good. You sure you want to risk your credibility as a reporter for losing to me?"

Creditability as a reporter. She's one to talk. Being so terrible at uncovering the 'truth' about her subjects. She's such a hack.

I smirked. My inner writer smirked with me.

"Credibility? You're one to talk! Not only are you untalented, but you're a shitty writer to boot! The Bunbunmaru News isn't worth the paper it's printed on!"

"Ayayayaya, those are fighting words if I ever heard then. Well then, challenge accepted!"

I needed to be fast. Faster than her. She wouldn't resist my surprise attack.

I darted low. Her eyes drew a bead on me as I moved. I threw open my device, and snapped a photo before Aya could even unholster the old-style camera from her belt.

The advantage of spirit photography is that it's fast. Faster than any way to gather information really. But the information gathered is imperfect. However, even a tengu renown for her speed cannot hope but matched a fully charged spirit camera in person.

"Gotcha. This photo is going on my front cover."

I smiled as I noticed the barely perceptible jaw-drop on Aya's face. She'd never met a person faster than her at snapping photographs, i'm sure.

"You-- that was --- BRILLIANT! How did you do that? What kind of camera is that? What's spirit photography?"

I laughed on the inside. To think I was once fearful of meeting the great reporter Aya Shameimaru. She's tripping over her own questions.

"If you're going to want to interview me, we'll have to schedule a date. Is that what you want? A date?"

Aya's face turned a light crimson. "Y-Yeah.. "
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Alfred F. Jones

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Re: The Himekaidou Interviews - Eientei and Finale
« Reply #22 on: February 07, 2013, 05:20:27 AM »
Finally caught up with this. Is there something going on with the romantic comedy they're watching, or did you just throw that into the background without implying any symbolism by it? anime has ruined me, now I expect all background events to be symbolic...


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Re: The Himekaidou Interviews - Eientei and Finale
« Reply #23 on: February 24, 2013, 12:55:29 AM »
Finally caught up with this. Is there something going on with the romantic comedy they're watching, or did you just throw that into the background without implying any symbolism by it? anime has ruined me, now I expect all background events to be symbolic...

I threw the romcom in there because my headcanon for Kaguya is a tsundere romantic (at least, tsundere towards Mokou) that has an immortal's stamina, but doesn't like to get her hands dirty with the sort of 'real' combat that Lunarians employ or value as a militaristic culture. She enjoys playing at the love game and watching others play at it as well, but doesn't like to watch people suffer 'for real'. With danmaku, it's all about a show of one's personality and inner beauty with a fancy light show that isn't about pure brute force. Since Kaguya is immortal and has the ability to manipulate time, and also the fact that she has access to a formidable and loyal family, she has no need to demonstrate to others that she is powerful. Naturally, that would make romcoms one of her favorite things to watch while relaxing with the fam under a kotatsu when Mokou isn't around. Good romcoms are all about artful playing on the romance game, which is what I see danmaku representing to her as a "NEET".

Also, my headcanon for Kaguya is that she watches romcoms partly just so that she gets ideas on how to provoke/tease Mokou for having affections towards Keine. ^^; Whether or not the rest of her family shares her love for romcoms is an open question, and one that Hatate never asked in her interview. P:
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