Author Topic: Touhou Soul Cry ~Guitar Maiden (Touhou w/ Guitar Hero crossover)  (Read 11068 times)


  • Yeah that's a very pleasant attitude to have
This is  game I have been working on for roughly two years.

Guitar Maiden is a seamless cross-over between Guitar Hero/Rock Band and Touhou Project.
I started coding it with pure DirectX 9.0c and C++, but their low-levelness was making the programming way to difficult for just a single modest programmer alone to code. I remade the code with XNA Game Studio 4.0 and SlimDX and the coding is going very well.
Since the game is being made with XNA, it'll be a PC game and there'll be possibly a XBox360 version.

I'm also making the art alone, since I know a thing or half a thing about drawing and Photoshop. But don't expect some terrific art since I'm a programmer and not really an artist.

> Guitar Maiden retells Touhou's plot in a very unique, beautiful, epic and ROCKING new fashion.
> It introduces a never-seen-before fandom, in which most characters are very different from their original selves (differences including but not limited to: job/class, nationality, religion, appearance, back story, name and personality)
> Includes all characters from Windows era (excluding Mid-Bosses that have no dialogue, such as Koakuma and Momiji, excepting Daiyousei) and some characters of PC-98 era. Excludes characters that only appear on printed works, such as Tokiko and Akyu, excepting Rinnosuke.
> Warning: It is a little NSFW. Contains improper language, constant reference to sexual themes, realistic violence, same-sex love scenes and profanity. No explicit sex scenes because they are a pain in the ass to make.

> Guitar Maiden introduces Touhou series' SpellCard system in the Guitar Hero gameplay. Watch our beloved Danmaku barrages invade a scrolling highway and hit the shots as if they were guitar notes!
> Somewhat like Guitar Hero Warriors of Rock, each Character have her own powers that help the player on his performance. But unlike the aforementioned GH game, these powers actually change the gameplay's flavor instead of simply inflating the player's score.
> Somewhat like Rock Band, each instrument have gimmicks that alter the natural GH-ish gameplay. These instruments gimmicks often sum up with the Characters' personal powers, completing or complementing it.
> It takes up to over 9000 eleven the old GH gameplay elements. The Multiplier can now grow up indefinitely until the max value of an 32-bit integer, but it gets increasingly more difficult to grow as higher it gets. It is humanly impossible to get beyond 1000, so don't worry about Exceptions if you are a very good player.
> Each Character has Stats that influence how many notes she can miss before failing a song, how fast she can build up a Multiplier, the base value of score got from sucessfully played notes and many other things.
> Guitar Maiden brings back the Battle Mode featured in Guitar Hero III Legends of Rock, in a revamped and improved form. You launch against your opponents your Character's SpellCards and also the old Battle Powers. The improved Battle Mode also enables Co-Op, in battles of (1 or 2) vs (1 or 2) players, and it allows any player to be controlled by the computer.
> Guitar Maiden brings the best of Rock Band's band gameplay, improved with the Character's powers and SpellCards, and allowing band members to be controlled by the computer (Perfect for players that don't have many GH/RB controllers or anyone to play with them).
> Play with any combination of four instruments: Guitar, Bass, Drums and Vocal.
> Guitar Maiden innovates the Vocal gameplay. No more microfones, no more players avoiding to play songs they don't know how to sing and no more untoned bad singers! Now you use your keyboard to type the lyrics as they appear, and you also DANCE the music in play in a DanceDanceRevolution fashion with either the keyboards directional arrows or a DDR-complying dancemat.
> Warning: This game is designed to be as difficult as the original Touhou games, which means that even on Easy you will most likely get your ass whooped, and you'll likely take a few months of practice until you can clear a chapter on the Story Mode on Easy.

> Guitar Maiden includes an extensive SetList of around 150 songs.
> Play songs of your favorite Doujin Music circles, such as Demetori, IRON ATTACK!, Dark Phoenix and many others! (provided I can get their permission to use their songs, though)
> Songs are in Ogg Vorbis format, which means high quality song with much-smaller-than-MP3 filesizes!


> Guitar Maiden comes with a module called RockForge, that allows to player to create his own charts and also convert charts created with EOF or FeedBack to GM usable format.
> Unlike the PC version of Guitar Hero World Tour, the controls are 100% fully customizable!
> It allows the use of anything DirectInput can recognize as a joystick or gamepad. If you liked to play the old PS2 Guitar Hero titles with your DualShock controller, you can still use it in Guitar Maiden normally! (provided you have an USB adapter to connect your DualShock to your PC if it isn't a PS3 controller)

> The gameplay will include backdrops on which our beloved Touhou girls ROCK N' ROLL in 3D on a stage or battle each other on a 3D version of the fighting games.

A few screenshots:
The game's Main Menu
A screenshot showing three Notes (the small round ones) that were spawned by a SpellCard. The other Notes in the scene were generated by the Chart.
A screenshot showing a render of two Highways, each one belonging to a different player. Both players are associated to the same Chart, this is why they look identical
A screenshot showing a sucessful processing and rendering of five Sustained Notes

A few samples of the game's art:
(All the drawings I made for this game still need to be colored)
An unfinished coloring of Marisa's portrait.
Sanae (these are two outfits. The default one is the one to the right)
Kaguya. These things on her hair are poorly drawn dreadlocks
Meiling. Now she has dragon horns and tail -DEAL WITH IT. Her drums are yet to be finished

Here are the SetLists for each chapter of the game. Not all SetLists are finished being assembled together yet.
Embodiment of the Death Metal Devil

The application is in an quasi-advanced stage of development. Most of the basic and fundamental modules are already made and working.

What is already finished:
-A Independent Resolution Rendering module that enables the game window to have adjustable sizes.
-A GameState module optimized to not to tickle off the .NET Garbage Collector.
-Menu navigation algorithms.
-An algorithm for Hardware Mesh Instancing that will enable hundreds, even thousands of Notes be rendered quickly and efficiently.
-A module to manage Notes (shots generated by Danmaku also count as Notes). It uses a Flyweight Pattern so massive quantities of Notes can be processed with minimal memory overhead.
-Action-Oriented configurable Input module for keyboard.
-Highway code, including animation and scrolling.
-Instrument-specific code.
-A Custom Shader that enables the Highways to be rendered with Multi-Texturing.
-A Chart module that enables a song's Notes to be scripted into a txt file and be properly loaded by the game.
-Enabled the user to select how many Fret buttons he wants to use, ranging from 3 to 5, like any GH/RB title. The difference is that if there are less than 5 frets, the Fret buttons are spanned all along the X dimensions of the Highway.

What I still need to finish until the game can reach a playable Alpha version:
-Implement Band Mode code. DONE!
-Implement Battle Mode code.
-Implement the basic code for the Story Mode.
-Implement a simple Artifical Intelligence to enable players to play with or against the computer.
-Implement a few kinds of Notes, such as Sustained Notes and Chords. The Sustained Notes are proving themselves to be kinda difficult to make... DONE!
-Implement a few SpellCard scripts for the Characters.
-Implement the RockForge module so Charts can be made.

What I still need to finish until the game can reach Gold version:
-SlimDX Input algorithms for support of non-XBox360 gamepads.
-99% of the art, including Menu arts, character portraits, character 3D Models and background 3D models.
-Implement code for generating and managing the Backdrops. It'll be a huge monster to make!
-Implement all the Character's SpellCard and behavior scripts.
-Implement a module that will separate the Character's code in a DLL so the game can be easily updated without patches.
-Implement all Story Mode's scripts.

Well... That's it for now. I'll update this thread as I make progress on the game's development.
I can't really estimate a time until I can finish at least a Demo, because many unpredictable problems can appear on the code and I usually take a day or two solving just a single bug, let alone that I need to do lots of college-related activities.

Please, leave an opinion. If you have any question about the game or it's source code, I'll gladly answer.

#Update 23/05/2012

Finally I managed to finish the Sustained Notes' and Chords' code. All their logics and rendering are finished and tested. Took me a week and a half to make these, partly because the I had to figure out a way to scale the Sustained Notes' tails in a way they would span for exactly an amount of time the Chart wanted, and partly because I discovered a gruesome bug on the graphics when I was making the Sustains graphics.

Now I'll proceed to increment the Input module. It enables only one human player and no computer players, and also has no support for non-XBox360 joysticks and gamepads. When I'm done with the multiplayer Input, I'll see if can implement the Battle and Band modes.

Meanwhile, I'm taking some part of my time coloring Marisa's portrait. My coloring technique involves HUGE amounts of Pen Tool, thus it is very time costly.

#Update 12/06/2012

I've finished implementing a GameState meant to be a Loading Screen. It properly spawns a worker Thread to do the biding of loading everything before the next GameState can run.
It was somewhat of a pain to code because XNA's ContentManager isn't Thread-Safe, which caused some annoying bugs. Happily, it's not difficult to make a Thread-Safe version of the ContentManager, so I just had to create a new class for it and replace all ContentManager references to the new Thread-Safe version. That last one was the hardest part because it was a lot of code to refactor.

With the Loading Screen coding done, I got another important part of the code dealt with, helping with finishing the Band Mode gameplay.
I have no screenshot of the Loading Screen for now because it only draws a boring black screen while it does the loading.

While I was at it, I made a small optimization on the resource management of the game as a whole. Now it loads the most often used resources on the application's start-up, making all of the Loading Screens throughout the gameplay considerably faster at cost of making the application's start-up a little slower. Well, I'm pretty sure that the PC version of Guitar Hero 3 does this because it takes so long to start-up but the loading screens before the song plays are so fast.

As for the game's art, I didn't do much of it. I scanned some more drawings and posted them on the "A few samples of the game's art" section.

#Update 17/06/2012

The Band Mode code is mostly done! Now I'm proceeding to code the Artificial Intelligence for the computer players, and I'm also remaking some of the game's textures to improve it's appearance.

With an finished Artificial Intelligence algorithm, I will implement an Animated Sprite Renderer and a Particle System for further improving the game's appearance. For now, there is no SFX for the Notes when they are hit, which is bad for player feedback. Fortunately, implementing animated sprites and particle systems is relatively trivial, at least compared to other advanced algorithms and Design Patterns used in the code.

I also posted a almost-finished coloring of Marisa's portrait. Go see it on the Media section.
If you wanna know the SetList for the first chapter of the game, click here or go to the Media section.
« Last Edit: June 17, 2012, 05:51:13 PM by Netwarrior »
When a child dies, we call the corpse an ADULT.

Re: Touhou Soul Cry ~Guitar Maiden (Touhou w/ Guitar Hero crossover)
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2012, 04:22:44 PM »
 Heh as long as  the song choices include out of the dark by xi-on I'd be able to die happy,  keep up the good work ^_^


  • Fear The Melon!
  • I would murder all of you for a cup of tea.
Re: Touhou Soul Cry ~Guitar Maiden (Touhou w/ Guitar Hero crossover)
« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2012, 01:17:19 PM »
This is most insane idea I've ever heard for a video game. And it is totally something I'd play, since I have crap loads of PC ready Rock Band peripherals ready for this sort of thing.

I am so keeping my eye on this. It sounds like a truly ambitious project though, what with having Guitar, Bass, Drums and Vocals. Even if Vocals are handled in a manner that sounds like a cross between Mavis Beacon and Dance Dance Revolution.

Also, about the art. Really don't sweat it. We put up with ZUN's terrible art, don't we? *has tomato thrown at face*  :V


  • Yeah that's a very pleasant attitude to have
Re: Touhou Soul Cry ~Guitar Maiden (Touhou w/ Guitar Hero crossover)
« Reply #3 on: May 21, 2012, 11:40:07 AM »
Well, I think some of my explanations about the game were a little vague and irritatingly pedantic.
So I'm taking some time to explain the game's story and lore, two of the main aspects of it, for the sake of completion.

I'm starting with explaining how Gensokyo is in Guitar Maiden:

Guitar Maiden is set on Gensokyo, but a Gensokyo much different that we are used to in the canon series.

It all started on imemorial times, when our whole Universe was struck by ill-intented forces and spiritually split into two halves. One half was a physical, tangible world inhabitated by all sorts of sentient and non-sentient lifeforms, with mechanics governed by the laws of Physics: this world is called Sekai, and it is the world we live in. The other half was an abstract, dialetical space, a world where the minds of all sentient beings in Sekai are connected, a world inhabitated not by people, but by living ideas and concepts: this world is called Gensokyo.
Both worlds are almost completely separated from each other by a very strong barrier

The true appearance of Gensokyo cannot be grasped by our Sekaian minds, therefore the way it manifests to our senses is a way we can understand.

While the canon series' Gensokyo has a Feudal Japan setting, Guitar Maiden's Gensokyo is a little more, let's say, modern: the overall look-and-feel of it is like a run-down-yet-lively typical Western city from the 70's or 80's.

Something like this

This Gensokyo can be summarized in these simple words: it's a world Sex, Drugs and Rock N' Roll.
Every single citizen of Gensokyo can wield a musical instrument and ROCK with it in one of the omnipresent and everlasting Rock concerts that occur everywhere everytime. Rock N' Roll isn't just a kind of music there, it's the way life is lived, a preferrable way of doing anything, ranging from communicating to fighting, and it's a form of Magic!

Each Gensokyan and each Sekain that gets into there is born with a tendence towards a particular style of Rock (examples: Hard Rock, Punk Rock, Gothic Rock) or Metal (examples: Heavy Metal, Power Metal, Black Metal), and born with the ability of playing a particular kind of instrument (being any type of instrument, not only guitars, basses or drums). Think of a style of Rock being a certain misture of "Alignment" and "Element".

Gensokyans spend their days not only playing and listening to Rock music, but also engage themselves in very active and prolific sexual lives and in drug consuming. I would need to elaborate about the very peculiar facts, details and curiosities about how sex and drugs are like in Gensokyo, but it would take very NSFW Wall of Text. Taking a look on pictures of the Woodstock Festival and imagining Touhou girls and fairies in them might give a slight idea of the Gensokyan lifestyle in a part.

Much like canon Gensokyo, GM's Gensokyo is inhabitated by humans and youkais, and is pretty polarized about it. Gensokyo is pretty much split into regions that are kind of Humans-only or Youkais-only, with a few neutral areas. Some non-canon areas are introduced in this game (such as a beach in northwest of the Human Village, or a Dam of mist in far south of the Hakurei Shrine), and some canon areas are completely changed (the Underground World becomes a gigantic inhabitated sewage system, being renamed to The Sewers).

In a symbolical way, Gensokyo is our Collective Subconsciousness. As I said earlier, the way it manifests is an understandable cloak over an ungraspable true form. The people there aren't really people like us, they are allegories of everlasting concepts and elements of human existance (what Analytic Psychology calls "Archetypes"), such as Love, Wisdom, Faith, etc... Everything in Guitar Maiden's story and lore is symbolic, and these symbolisms are very important (actually, they are one of the very reasons I'm making this game).

Next post I'll decide whether I elaborate a synopsis of the game's plot or I explain the gameplay mechanics better.
When a child dies, we call the corpse an ADULT.

Mr. Sacchi

  • All shall be well and all manner of thing shall be well.
  • Not postponed. Not in the end. Not for long.
Re: Touhou Soul Cry ~Guitar Maiden (Touhou w/ Guitar Hero crossover)
« Reply #4 on: May 21, 2012, 05:31:00 PM »

(Click on the image to know why, and please, turn your volume down before doing so.)

Well, being partially a contributer to the game itself (Plot-wise, at least.) you already know that I'm gonna totally be a beta tester of this thing, even if I don't particularly like GH.

However, I need to speak to you about a few things net, mind getting on MSN ASAP? It's quick stuff, don't worry.


  • Yeah that's a very pleasant attitude to have
Re: Touhou Soul Cry ~Guitar Maiden (Touhou w/ Guitar Hero crossover)
« Reply #5 on: May 23, 2012, 05:46:40 PM »
I updated the first post. I'll usually update my To-Do List and write some comments at the end of the post.

But since I'm at it, I'll also take this post to give some deeper explanation about the gameplay.

The game has two modes: Band and Battle. And it offers two options of gameplay: Story and Quickplay.
The Story Mode will be comprised of a Touhou-like narrative, it is, there'll be "Stages", each one starting with a Band play of a stage's song and then a Battle play against the boss of that stage. The player will also have a limited holster of Character he can choose during Story Mode.
The Story Mode will follow almost faithfully the original Touhou series' plot. It is, it'll be split into 14 Chapters, each Chapter being analogous to a Touhou game.
For example: Chapter One will be the Embodiment of the Scarlet Devil, and it'll have seven stages (six stage plus the Extra). In the first stage, the player will play in Band Mode A Soul as Red as a Ground Cherry, with only Marisa, Reimu and Rin Satsuki as availble Characters, and then he will play Apparitions Stalk the Night against Rumia in a Battle Mode play. And then he goes to Stage 2 where he will play Lunate Elf in Band Mode and then Beloved Tomboyish Girl against Cirno in Battle Mode. And so on...
At the beginning and end of each play, there'll be cutscenes showing the unfold of the plot. After the first encounter with each Character, a cutscene explaining her background will be unlocked and availble for player's view in the Story Mode's menu.

The Quickplay will allow the player to freely choose a song from the SetList (some songs are only availble in Story Mode, though), freely choose any Character of the game, freely choose a stage/venue for the Backdrop and freely choose the game's mode.

On Band Mode, up to 4 players (human or computer) can play a song cooperatively. The band members will share a colective Band Multiplier that is calculated from the median point of their individual Multipliers, and the score will be calculated colectively as well. Each member's Stats receive a bonus depending of the instrument used by the fellow members.
Unlike GH/RB titles, Guitar Maiden doesn't permit players that failed the songs to be revived by fellow band members.
At the end of the song, the game will award the players with Stars according to their performance. Up to six bronze-colored Stars will be awarded according to overall Note hit ratio, up to six silver-colored Stars will be awarded according to the biggest Streak, up to six golden-colored Stars will be awarded according to the final score, and extra Stars will be awarded according to the difficulty of the player that set the lowest difficulty for himself, summing up to a maximum of 22 Stars.

The Battle mode is much more complicated. On Battle Mode, the player (optionally allied with another) will engage on a fight against one or two enemies.
At the beginning of the Battle, each participant will start out with three (up to five depending on the difficulty) SpellCards. When a participant runs out of Health, it'll be a SpellBreak, his/her current SpellCard will be taken out of play and the next SpellCard will be set (also healing the Character to her full Health back). When a participant runs out of SpellCards, he/she loses the battle and is taken out of play.
During the Battle, the usual Chart-spawned scrolling Notes will still appear, but sometimes the game will randomly spawn crossing-swords-shaped Notes called Battle Notes, which will award the players with a BattleCard when hit. When a participant has a BattleCard, she can do their instrument's SoulCry procedures (see SoulCry on Powers section) to spend it and launch a Battle Power against their opponents.
There are many kinds of Battle Powers, each one inflicting a particular effect on it's victim.
The Battle Powers are just one way of damaging the enemies, the other ways are the SpellCards, Gimmicks and SkillCards. See more about them in the Powers section.

The winner of a Battle is the last team left standing or the one who made the biggest score (the score receives a bonus according to the remaining SpellCards).

One gameplay element that is present on both Battle and Band modes is the Solo. Solos are certain sections of a song on which a certain instrument will do a solo (I don't need to explain when a solo occurs on a song, do I?), and most songs will have a Guitar solo.
When a solo begins for a certain Instrument, the game will start counting the hit ratio of the Notes during this solo (much like how Rock Band does). On Band Mode, the solo will award a generous score bonus according to it's hit ratio and lenght. On Battle Mode, the solo will deal damage to the enemies according to a player's hit ratio opposed to a same-instrument enemy player's hit ratio on the same solo.
For example, we have two players facing each other on a Battle, both using Guitarrist Characters, and then goes a solo of 100 Notes. If player 1 hit 90 Notes (90%) and player 2 hit 80 Notes (80%), player 2 will take 10 Damage points.
If a solo occurs only to one Character and the enemies aren't same-instrument to that said Character, the enemies take a damage equal to the said Character's Power stat times two (see Character's section).


Each Character has a set of Stats that modify aspects of her performance in play:
Power: Determines the base score value of each Note that is hit.
Celerity: Determines how many Notes the Character must hit in a row to increase her Multiplier. The higher the Celerity, the faster she can get her Multiplier going.
Spirit: Determines the maximum Graze* amount the Character can accumulate.
Guts: Determines the maximum Health** amount the Character can accumulate, and also how fast the Character can regenerate Health. The higher the Guts, the more Health she can have but the slower she can regenerate.

*Graze is the "MP" of the Characters. Graze is usually gained from hitting Notes in a row, and it is required for the Character to unleash her SpellCards and SoulCries.
**Health is the "HP" of the Characters. Health is usually gained from hitting (Health / 10) Notes in a row and is usually lost from missing Notes or Strumming on the wrong time.


Each Character has also particular powers that help her on her performances and battles. There are four kinds of these powers: Gimmick, SkillCard, SpellCard and SoulCry.

Gimmicks are powers that the Character always have regardless of anything. Each Character has a unique Gimmick, with unique effects that can help or alter the flavor of her gamplay.
Marisa's Gimmick: Witch Drive
Marisa must hit her Celerity amount in Chart-spawned Notes in a row to activate a Witch Drive. While Witch Drive is active, she gets Multiplier and Graze twice as faster. The Witch Drive will wear off if she misses a Note.

Reimu's Gimmick: Hakurei Orb - Concentrate
Reimu must spend a total of 45 seconds in Frets On Fire (see SoulCry) not necessarily in a row to charge up a Hakurei Orb. If Reimu Wimps Out (runs out of Health or loses from Score disadvantge) while she has a fully charged Hakurei Orb, she'll revive and get 20% of her Guts in Health, 20% of her Spirit in Graze and get (her Multiplier * her Power * 20) score points. Only one Hakurei Orb can be charged at a time.
SkillCards are something like the SpellCards that the player must choose for his selected Character on Touhou games (for example: Reimu's Homing Amulet and Needles of Persuasion on EoSD). All Characters have three SkillCards for the player to choose before playing a song. All SkillCards fall under three categories: Attack, Defense and Tactical. The SkillPicks' effects will be unleashed whenever the Character gains a Multiplier, and the effects get more intense as higher the Multiplier is.

Example: Marisa's SkillCards
Magic Missile: Spawns a shotgun blast of Notes shaped like missiles against the enemy.
Illusion Laser: Spawns streams of Laser Notes (which are Sustained Notes that can move on any direction) against the enemy.
Magic Potion: Marisa gains an amount of Graze points.

SpellCards are the good old Danmaku generators we are all used to. SpellCards are only usable on Battle mode and, when unleashed, will spawn a barrage Notes in a patterned way against the enemy. Each single SpellCard has a certain cost in Graze to be unleashed, some will spawn more Notes than others and some will spawn Notes in a more complex and difficult pattern than others. Each use of a SpellCard will unleash a single patterned barrage of Notes that will not change according to anything else than the game's set difficulty. Naturally, Characters that have higher Spirit values will be able to launch SpellCards more often. To unleash a SpellCard, the player must do the SoulCry (see below) procedures according to his instrument.

SoulCry is a power that is specific to the Character's intrument:
Guitar: Tilt the guitar controller to unleash SoulCry (like unleashing Star Power/Overdrive in GH/RB games). It will activate an Adrenaline Rush, which will make the Character get Multiplier thrice as faster, regenerate Health 50% faster and lose only 1x Multiplier on Note misses (see Instruments). The Adrenaline Rush will consume 5 Graze points per second and will wear off as soon as the Character runs out of Graze.
Bass: Tilt the guitar controller to unleash SoulCry (like unleashing Star Power/Overdrive in GH/RB games). It will activate a Majesty, which will temporarily increase the Character's Multiplier by twice it's current value. The Majesty will consume 3 Graze points per second and 3 Graze points each time a Note is hit while it is in effect and will wear off as soon as the Character runs out of Graze.
Vocal: Press the Caps Lock button on the Keyboard (or press the central button of the Dancemat) to enable a Scarlet Scream. While Scarlet Scream is activated, any key/button stroke will be computed as the proper right key for hitting Dance Notes and singing Vocal Sections (for example: the Up Arrow button will hit any Dance Note even if they aren't facing Up). Scarlet Scream will consume 10 points of Character's Momentum per second and 3 Graze points each time a Note is hit, and will wear off as soon as the Character runs out of Momentum. The Scarlet Scream can be cancelled by pressing Caps Lock button again and can only be activated if the Character has at least 50 Momentum points.
Drums: Drummer Characters have the Last Stand power, which is automatically activated if the character has very low Health and deactivated if they have at least 33% of their Health. While active, the Last Stand will make Health regeneration slower but will make Multiplier building and Graze gaining much, MUCH faster. Most players will often have their ass whooped by the Last Stand power, specially if it's against Drummer Characters that have Gimmicks that complements it's effect, such as Chen and Yamame. Of course the Last Stand isn't broken, there is many good ways of besting it, so don't go Tourneyfag against Drummers!


Unlike Guitar Hero and Rock Band games, each Character is bound to an instrument. It is, if a Character is a Guitarrist, you'll never ever have the option of playing with Character on Bass, Drums or Vocal.

Like Rock Band, each instrument has a particular gameplay style. I'll assume the Guitar and Bass gameplays should go without saying.

Guitar: Guitarrists have the Quickfoot power, which makes them gain Multiplier twice as faster than other instruments but they lose 2 Multiplier levels if they miss a Note. Guitarrists also have the handiest power of all instruments: the Frets On Fire.
Frets On Fire is the Guitar Maiden's version of the GH/RB games' Hammer-On/Pull-Off (HOPO): whenever you hit a Note, a bar below the Frets will glow for a brief time. As long as that bar is glowing, you are not required to pull or push the Strum Bar to hit the Notes: simply pressing the correspondent Fret button will do. Characters will high Celerity have bigger Frets On Fire time, giving them an edge on tricky solos.
Bass: Bassists have the Reverse Hex power, which can shield them from dangers. The Reverse Hex power is automatically used when the Bassist misses a Note while he is tilting his guitar controller. When the Reverse Hex is used, it converts all Health damage and penalty caused from missing Notes into Graze damage. In Battle mode, the Reverse Hex can also wear off Battle Powers in effect, for a Graze cost. On Band mode, the band's Multiplier receives a boost from every Bassist in play, improving the score gain on most situations.
Vocal: The Vocal gameplay in Guitar Maiden is very different of GH/RB games'.
The Vocalists' highways are comprised of scrolling Dance notes, that work in a way much alike Dance Simulation games such as Pump It Up and DanceDance Revolution. The Frets are substituted for golden arrows pointing to north, south, east and west, and their symbols match with the Notes that scroll down from the screen's top. Hitting the Dance notes will not only give score points, Graze points and build up Multiplier, but also fill up a bar below the arrow buttons called Momentum. The Momentum bar is scaled from 0 to 100, and each hit Note will fill it up for the amount of the Character's current Multiplier in Momentum points. The Momentum Bar will usually be emptied from missing Notes or using Scarlet Scream.The Vocalist will also get a steady Graze gain from how filled the Momentum Bar is and will also regenerate Health faster.
The Momentum is required for unleashing Scarlet Scream, which is the SoulCry power of the Vocal instrument.
The Vocalist not only has to dance, but also has to sing. Below the Momentum Bar will eventually appear rectangular boxes with Lyrics written on them, called Sing Sections. Depending on the difficulty, a certain number of the letters of the Lyrics will be highlighted, and the player is required to type on the keyboard the highlighted letters on the order they are on in order to hit the Sing Section. If the player mistypes a letter, it will be tinted red and will apply damage and penalty to the Character. There is a time limit for all the highlighted letters to be typed, indicated by a transparent line traveling from the Sing Section's left side to it's right side: if the player doesn't type all the highlighted letters by the time the line reaches the right end of the rectangle, a heavy damage and penalty will be applied to the Character. Using the Scarlet Scream power helps a lot on singing because it reverts the penalties of mistypings.
When a Vocalist is struck by a SpellCard, the Dance highway will be flooded by fake Notes that will heavily hinder the true Notes' visibility, and a Sing Section will be spawned with Lyrics equal to the SpellCard's name. I hope you guys are very fast when typing "Master Spark"!
If a Human player is controlling a Vocalist Character with a dancemat instead of keyboard, the player will be exempted from having to type the Lyrics: the Sing Sections will be automatically sang, but with a cost in Momentum, which means the dancing player will have to dance VERY WELL (by "VERY WELL" in mean not dying on songs like this one) if they don't want to have their ass whooped.
Drums: The Drums gameplay on Guitar Maiden mixes up the Drums gameplays of Guitar Hero and Rock Band together.
Guitar Maiden uses Rock Band's four-button scheme (Guitar Hero drums are still supported, but the Orange cymbal will be left unused). If the player wishes to unleash the Character's SpellCard, he must hit the Yellow and Blue cymbals at the same time to summon up a Power Fill, which is a group of four vertical lanes lined on a row that will scroll down from the highway's top until the Frets. When the Power Fill is passing through the Frets, the player must hit any button (including the Kick pedal) a certain amount of times to make the Power Fill spawn a big glowing green Note, which will activate the SpellCard if used. Also, Notes that were hit while the Power Fill lanes were touching the Frets will be worth twice of their score value but will not build up Multiplier and neither give Graze, and missing a Note during the Power Fill will erase the lane corresponding the Fret to which the missed Note was aligned: if all the four lanes are erased, the Character will take heavy damage and penalty. Sometimes the Chart will automatically spawn a Power Fill, like in Rock Band.

Well... I think that's all. If there's something you don't understand, feel free to ask a question.
When a child dies, we call the corpse an ADULT.


  • i won't depend on anyone anymore
Re: Touhou Soul Cry ~Guitar Maiden (Touhou w/ Guitar Hero crossover)
« Reply #6 on: May 29, 2012, 11:04:44 PM »
Wow. I'm quite excited for this.

Aba Matindesu!

  • keep it gwiyoming
Re: Touhou Soul Cry ~Guitar Maiden (Touhou w/ Guitar Hero crossover)
« Reply #7 on: June 01, 2012, 10:54:31 AM »
This sounds so freaking boss and I will be determined to be a tester.

teets mi hao 2 2hu teets mi teets mi hao 2 2hu


  • I never talk to you
  • *
  • People say that I should
Re: Touhou Soul Cry ~Guitar Maiden (Touhou w/ Guitar Hero crossover)
« Reply #8 on: June 01, 2012, 12:45:02 PM »
Yeah, this sounds real interesting. Will be keeping my eye on this.


  • Yeah that's a very pleasant attitude to have
Re: Touhou Soul Cry ~Guitar Maiden (Touhou w/ Guitar Hero crossover)
« Reply #9 on: June 05, 2012, 04:17:45 PM »
I haven't updated this post for a long time! It's because I've moved to a new home so I got busy with packing things, carrying crates around as well as I'm on my finals on college for this semester.

I haven't coded much in this game, but I have got some progress on coding support for non-XBox360 gamepads as well as some Band Mode gameplay logics.

Since I'm at it, I'll proceed to explain some more of the game's story:

As I have already said, Guitar Maiden retells Touhou's story in a very new, unique, epic and Canon-Raping way.
The story starts in EoSD, going through PCB, IaMP, IN, PoFV, Concealed the Conclusion (haters gonna hate), MoF, SWR, SA, UFO, DS, GFW and TD, although the events of the PC-98 games are part of the plot as well (but relived as flashback cutscenes). Each one of these games will represent a chapter on the story, summing up to a big picture that happens to be just half of the plot of the overall game. One difference between GM's plot and the original Touhou plot is that the first is mainly linear (it has two linear paths), and it won't work in the old "Choose a character, and whoever the character you chose was the one who solved the incident while the others didn't take part", giving the player an option of choosing a character for each stage instead of one character for the entire run.

The story is told mostly from Marisa's perspective, being her the main character instead of Reimu. One thing to point out right now is that GM's story is a thighly-knit plot of "world saving", ergo being unlike Touhou's original plot, which is a pretty pointless loop of "Someone does shit > Heroines dodge lots of Danmaku > Incident is solved > Heroines face a insanely difficult boss > ??? > PROFIT!".  Every character also suffers a huge amount of modifications, receiving a full-fledged and meaningful background and backstory (unlike most of canon characters which are explained with only "She is a <insert race here> and she can <insert powers here>") and a full-fledged and meaningful character development throughout the plot (unlike the canon plot on which the characters don't change at all). Some players might notice that GM also westernizes almost every detail of canon Touhou (because, unlike most japanese people, I'm not xenophobic and I don't think everything in the world converges to my country)

These modifications vary from character to character, and include a vast holster of aspects (e.g. appearance, backstory and personality). Be warned that some of these modifications are very, VERY staggering, such as:
-Marisa is blind.
-Some characters have their "classes" changed. Examples: Reimu is a Knight Templar, Patchouli is a Buddhist monk, Satori is a Ninja...
-Most characters have their nationalities changed. Examples: Nitori is german, Remilia is french, Wriggle is american, Utsuho is russian... It goes on to almost all characters, mainly on the ones which don't have their nationality solidly implied in canon.
-Some characters have their skin tone changed, mostly because of their changed nationality. PROTIP: Sunny Milk really should have a darker skin since she is a sun-related character, don't you think?
-Yet because of the nationality change, the changed characters speak other languages other than japanese or english.
-Some characters have non-canon family relationship with others. The first occurence of this is that Patchouli is actually Remilia's daughter.
-Some characters that were heavily related to each other in canon become unrelated, such as Tenshi and Iku and the Three Mischievous Fairies.
-Some characters have even their gender changed. Rumia, Wriggle, Komachi, Tenshi and Miko are some of the characters that in GM are males.
-Some characters are COMPLETELY different people than their canon selves. The most staggering occurence of this is Tenshi, who is now a certain very famous heavy metal star instead of a masochistic trolling girl from the skies.
-Some characters that had some importance in canon plot become unimportant, and the reverse happens to some others. PROTIP: Aya lovers gonna hate.
-Some character have their races changed. Examples: Yukari is a human, Utsuho is a Firebird, Aya and Hatate are western Goblins...

Besides all this, I guarantee you that GM's story is good. At least everyone I told the story to liked it, so I don't say it from my own bias. I would like to leave a synopsis for it, but I tried it two times and one made the story sound too simple and other was TL;DR long... So I think it would be better to just warn about the Canon-Rape and let you guys figure out the story as it is told by the game itself.
When a child dies, we call the corpse an ADULT.

Re: Touhou Soul Cry ~Guitar Maiden (Touhou w/ Guitar Hero crossover)
« Reply #10 on: June 08, 2012, 10:25:15 PM »
I have some pretty extensive music game experience, so I can help out with testing/timing/etc. if you need more testers.


  • .... Time's Up!
  • Prepare to be pawned!....
Re: Touhou Soul Cry ~Guitar Maiden (Touhou w/ Guitar Hero crossover)
« Reply #11 on: June 09, 2012, 01:42:05 AM »
..... this is great, sir Net warrior....  ;)

the question now is the minimum PC requirements......
sorry for askin' in advance......

Hope you finish it soon.... more power to you.... hehehehe  :D


  • Yeah that's a very pleasant attitude to have
Re: Touhou Soul Cry ~Guitar Maiden (Touhou w/ Guitar Hero crossover)
« Reply #12 on: June 09, 2012, 08:18:59 PM »
Just a little Update! It's good and bad news.

I got a job on game development! Now I'm officially a pro, what means I'm going to finally make a living of it (the good news), thus the development of this game is going to be a little slower (the bad news).

Now I have to study HTML5 like crazy to make games with it for Windows 8 Metro interface, but I still got some free time to waste on 9Gag and Encyclopaedia Dramatica spend on making Guitar Maiden.

the question now is the minimum PC requirements

I can't really give you this information because I didn't finish all processor and graphics card heavy aspects of the game yet. And even if I finished them, I would have to do an extensive benchmark on them to see how much of the computer's resources they consume.
Gosh, I didn't even benchmark the Instanced Rendering I made for optimizing the drawing of the Notes. I just know that I used a slightly lighter version of the Microsoft's Mesh Instancing Sample, and this sample could render over 11.000 models at over 100 FPS on my computer (a Dell XPS 15 with the lowest specs).

But I definitely don't want (more precisely, I can't make) an all-fancy game with Ultra graphics, so it should be simple enough to run on modest computers that can run the HiDef of XNA (it means 10 years old or older computers won't be able to run the game, and neither Windows Phone devices).
When a child dies, we call the corpse an ADULT.


  • Yeah that's a very pleasant attitude to have
Re: Touhou Soul Cry ~Guitar Maiden (Touhou w/ Guitar Hero crossover)
« Reply #13 on: June 12, 2012, 08:54:29 PM »
I made a quick Update on the first post. Please refer to the most recent UPDATE session at the end of the first post for more information.

And yeah, I'm the kind of technician that bore people with technical details.

I also need some suggestions on how to make this thread more interesting. I think the movement here is a little slow.
When a child dies, we call the corpse an ADULT.

Re: Touhou Soul Cry ~Guitar Maiden (Touhou w/ Guitar Hero crossover)
« Reply #14 on: June 14, 2012, 06:03:35 AM »
* Cyclone shrugs

Not trying to pressure you or anything, until we can see gameplay in action, all that above is just a wall of text to me.


  • Yeah that's a very pleasant attitude to have
Re: Touhou Soul Cry ~Guitar Maiden (Touhou w/ Guitar Hero crossover)
« Reply #15 on: June 15, 2012, 06:53:48 PM »
Not trying to pressure you or anything, until we can see gameplay in action, all that above is just a wall of text to me.

I see.
Thanks for pointing it out! You're a life saver!

I'm almost finished coding the Band Mode , so I think I'll soon be able to make some screenshots showing some actual gameplay, and use them explain it better.
I'll also scan some more drawings, and see if I can make some illustrations for the texts explaining the game's lore.
When a child dies, we call the corpse an ADULT.

Re: Touhou Soul Cry ~Guitar Maiden (Touhou w/ Guitar Hero crossover)
« Reply #16 on: June 16, 2012, 05:19:53 PM »
Okay wow I can't believe I havn't noticed this before...
Anyway just wanted to say keep up the awesome work, this sounds amazing, very ambitious but you certainly seem to have an idea of what you're doing! :V


  • Any sufficiently advanced technology
  • is indistinguishable from magic
Re: Touhou Soul Cry ~Guitar Maiden (Touhou w/ Guitar Hero crossover)
« Reply #17 on: June 17, 2012, 01:49:29 AM »
I like the drawings. Really nice redesigns.


  • Yeah that's a very pleasant attitude to have
Re: Touhou Soul Cry ~Guitar Maiden (Touhou w/ Guitar Hero crossover)
« Reply #18 on: June 17, 2012, 06:13:21 PM »
I updated the post. Now I'm starting to make the posts a little more interesting by adding images and text formating. There's still a lot of things to do for the posts, though.

Anyway just wanted to say keep up the awesome work, this sounds amazing, very ambitious but you certainly seem to have an idea of what you're doing!

Guitar Hero-like games are relatively easy to code, but adding all the extra Touhou and Game Design parafernalia makes it a bit challenging to code.
But don't worry, coding this game isn't beyond my knowledge and skills. But I'd say that making the whole art for this game is somewhat beyond my capabilities, so I'm planning to get help on it.

And yeah, the concept is very ambitious. The Guitar Hero series died because Neversoft never really tried to innovate the game or at least push it forward in any matter but graphics, so I believe that if a Guitar Hero-like game is to become famous or at least well-accepted nowadays, it needs to be innovative.
I'm not lying: I love the Guitar Hero game style and I never grow tired of it. But when I spend many hours in a row playing Guitar Hero on my PS3, I get this awful feeling that I have been doing the exact same thing for hours. I mean, nothing changes but the music and the layout of the Notes on the Chart. GH games from World Tour onward let us to create our own characters, but it's all for only cosmetic purposes... GH3 has a very promising Battle Mode concept, but it fails because the Battle Powers come in charted ways, the mechanics are completely unforgiving for players with different play skills and you can only play against the computer in three battles on Career if you don't have someone else to play with you... Almost all GH games have little or no story or plot at all, and in GH Warriors of Rock the game fails miserably to deliver at least a vaguely interesting story.

I mean, almost all aspect and detail of the Guitar Hero paradigm can be improved. Since Neversoft never had the balls to do so, then I'm taking my leave to do it, and that's what I'm doing.
When a child dies, we call the corpse an ADULT.


  • i won't depend on anyone anymore
Re: Touhou Soul Cry ~Guitar Maiden (Touhou w/ Guitar Hero crossover)
« Reply #19 on: June 20, 2012, 02:24:08 PM »
Wow, it's coming along really really nicely. I can't wait :D