Author Topic: Touhou fantasy  (Read 139735 times)


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou fantasy
« Reply #480 on: January 27, 2013, 06:30:18 PM »
It hasn't been fully tested yet, so I need to figure out how to make it not as bad. Probably making Healaga less likely to happen and the attacks be less damaging or something??


Re: Touhou fantasy
« Reply #481 on: January 27, 2013, 06:33:01 PM »
Yeah, Healaga's really annoying. Also, maybe lower their HP? How much do they have in the first place? It might've been Healaga, but I thought they had a bit much HP.
I cannot think of a good signature, and probably never will.


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou fantasy
« Reply #482 on: January 27, 2013, 06:37:09 PM »
I think it's in the ballpark of 4000-6000? I know Inferno (the "boss" of that arc) has 12,000 flat. I also think I made the Flare Breaths (I think that's what they use mostly? I can't remember, I haven't looked at the game since last time I added those guys in really) do far less damage, mostly because Nazrin has such crap HP. Then again, that's one of Naz's downfalls (Shou cheats so hardcore in the intro...I think I need to do something about her...). But first, the Lesser Tiamats need nerfed.

Also, on another note, I DID manage to get my maps finally from my mapper after 4 months (it really should've only taken 1 month for this dungeon...), and I was motivated to work on the game after that. However, the maps aren't exactly up to par for how the dungeon's theme is supposed to work, and it didn't fit with the consistency of the mapping style, so I'm going to have to redo all of the mapping anyways. Ah well, I guess I needed a big break from the game somewhat. However, I am also looking for people who are at least good at designing dungeons. I'll be working on the game starting sometime this week, and would like some help on this front at the very least. ^^;


Re: Touhou fantasy
« Reply #483 on: January 27, 2013, 07:41:49 PM »
I sadly ragequit at the first group of enemies, but I don't know what anything after that is like. One thing is that I still seem to be missing music (so far I've noticed I seem to be missing the world map music, music for Shou and Nazrin's intro stuff and the lake) even though I've downloaded just about every music pack I can find here.
I cannot think of a good signature, and probably never will.


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou fantasy
« Reply #484 on: January 27, 2013, 07:44:00 PM »
You mean in the actual game or in the intro? Because in the actual game you may have gone to the wrong area first if it wasn't Misty Lake.

As for the music, that seems odd...did you put all of the music in a folder called Music in the Touhou Fantasy folder, and not in any folders within that folder? That could be the cause of it (the files themselves have to be in the folder).


Re: Touhou fantasy
« Reply #485 on: January 28, 2013, 06:24:25 PM »
In both the game and the intro, I'm missing music. I did go to Misty Lake as the first area.
I cannot think of a good signature, and probably never will.


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou fantasy
« Reply #486 on: January 28, 2013, 07:58:48 PM »
Oh, I was referring to the enemies, not the music since you brought up the ragequitting at the first group of enemies.

Did you try what I said in the previous post about putting the files themselves in the Music folder for Touhou Fantasy and not having them in any other folders in that folder? And you did get all of the Touhou Beta4 Full Music packs, correct?


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou fantasy
« Reply #487 on: January 28, 2013, 09:10:01 PM »
I may need other people to help with concept designs for other dungeons, come to think of it, since beta5 has a lot of gimmicks it uses in its dungeons. For those curious, here's the gimmicks of beta5's dungeons and where they're at:

Spoilers for those that don't want to be spoiled.

Hollowed Caverns: Maze-like dungeon, has three floors with the final room being on the sole area on the third floor. Player must navigate around dungeon through tunnels and ascending/descending floors to get there. Plenty of deadends and a couple areas that spit players back at the start. The MAIN area, which is the first visit, has no random encounters, but has its own gimmick with a specific group of encounters for each room, depending on a variable. There is a door puzzle (don't worry, it's not as bad as Eientei) that will either be the 3rd to last room for the main area, or the room that's required to get to the second part of the dungeon, which houses a key item needed to go through another dungeon.

Valley of Corpses:
Items is disabled (more like items are completely removed from inventory until the player leaves the dungeon), and there are no items to pick up in said dungeon. Call Shop will also be disabled. Secondary gimmick involves there being status tiles strewn about the dungeon. I'm not THAT mean however, so there will be a couple recovery pots for the player to use. Oh, and for those that so loved the Fairy Maids/Tewis that roamed on the map, there are Malboros that roam around on this map, which are the notorious monsters for the area. The area is meant to use Reisen and Nitori to their fullest (and possibly Hope), mostly for curing statuses and in Nitori's case, her Stock command since that bypasses the No Item gimmick.

Frozen Fields: Puzzles involving using Yuki and Mai to progress through the dungeon. They each have limited charges, and charges can be restored at various points, but anything frozen/melted will be undone if the player leaves the screen.

Pathway to Ruins of Vina: If the player comes here without the key item from Hollowed Cavern, they will instantly die. Yes, it's a thing from FFIII. However, with the key item, the player is given a set time limit before they are constantly taking damage from the miasma. Once they leave the dungeon the completely right way, I haven't decided if the gimmick will stay or not.

Ruins of Vina: "No Magic" I believe is in effect, meaning the party is under perma-Silence status until they leave. There's also some switch puzzles involved and whatnot.

Fallen Shrine: Items must be placed throughout various areas in the dungeon in order to proceed (taken from the Paper Mario series). In addition, I forget if No Physicals is set here or not...

Reimaiden: All gimmicks from beta5 up to this point are found here, and are randomized. In addition, there is one floor where the player has to avoid having 0 yen to avoid an instant game over, and various traps will cause the player to lose yen. There is also a shop where players will be able to specifically sell items to get more money. I originally had planned to make it so that the player can still use things that are forbidden (such as items and such), but by doing so, the character that broke the rule will be subjected to being ejected from the party. This would have been taken from Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, but I don't know about this one yet...

Pandaemonium: There's really no real gimmick here that I can think of. Just a normal, straightforward dungeon for once. Might model it a bit after Gensoumaroku's version, haven't decided.

Sealed Cave: Either No Physical or No Magic is set here. I forget which.

Silent Shrine: No gimmick here. Just straightforward dungeon.

Myouren Temple: Based completely off of Final Fantasy III's Tower of Owen pretty much.

Palanquin Ship: No gimmicks here really.

Hokkai: No real gimmick here either.

So yeah, there's all of that. I was attempting to make beta5's dungeons utilize other characters more often than not, but we'll see how that works. In addition, I might try to implement a Cover system for Momiji, since I'd really like for her to be more of the Knight character like she's supposed to be...

Re: Touhou fantasy
« Reply #488 on: January 29, 2013, 09:17:11 AM »
Those sound like pretty nasty dungeons, ones that will push the player to the limits. I hope you plan to provide lots of save opportunities so that people don't have to repeat the first part of a puzzle just because the second part had some nasty surprise to ruin the day.
As for concept design, would it be possible to create something like the Ancient Cave from the Lufia series? Form a party, temporarily scale them down to lvl 1 and remove all items and skills but provide lots of chests in the cave to gear them up. Perhaps there could be some chests that give exp too to shorten the cave a bit.


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou fantasy
« Reply #489 on: January 29, 2013, 09:21:02 AM »
Oh, that dungeon. I heard about that, but I also heard that is randomly generated and whatnot. Dunno if I'll do that for an actual dungeon though or not. It's possible to do (except the lowest level for characters is whatever they join the party at initially, as nobody goes down to level 1 in the database). And there's generally only one or two save points in the dungeon at all times, so there's that.


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou fantasy
« Reply #490 on: January 30, 2013, 07:14:05 PM »
Just to let everyone know, my computer has died so I don't have access all the time like I used to. It may be quite a while before I come back...


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou fantasy
« Reply #491 on: February 03, 2013, 01:44:11 AM »

Been months since I worked on mapping, so doing this bit to see if I still got it in me. I think I still do, and yes, it's barren still since I just made it. Trying to get the bridge thing going for this, though I wonder if I shouldn't worry about coding that in before actually making them...hmmm.

There are steps on this tileset, but they're not the same color as what I'd want to use. I'd need to recolor them (wonder if I couldn't get someone to do that for me...) before I used them, otherwise they'd stick out like a sore thumb (they're brown after all...). Any criticism is welcomed. This isn't the main room, mind you. I'll post that next time or something.

Oh, and for those curious, I had another computer the day my comp died, though it uses Vista. I did lose some work on the game, or what little work I did, but I'm still going strong (thanks to my external saving my butt...).

Re: Touhou fantasy
« Reply #492 on: February 03, 2013, 09:28:07 AM »
I would like to help, but I'm not familiar with any kind of the technical stuff so I'd probably be of little use.

Glad to hear you remembered to back up your data. :)


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou fantasy
« Reply #493 on: February 03, 2013, 08:17:08 PM »


*Mokou spot on world map, marked now by a meteorite. May need to make sure that it can be accessed.
*Various teleport spots will now appear while Reisen is in the party (i.e. Youkai Mountain and Higan are prime places right now).
*The spot where Yuuka can be found is now marked with a dirt patch. This is so that the player can find her when they need to (if you're curious, if you never got Yuuka and did the Underground prior to getting her, Komachi would mention that you'd need to get Yuuka, so at that point you'd HAVE to go get her).
*The secret passage now has 2 torches on both sides of the wall to distinguish it from other walls.
*Ancient City walls cannot be walked through now. I didn't set the tileset up right for that so they were walk-througable.
*Mokou's Intel was fixed. How I got Ran out of Shikieiki is beyond me.
*Fixed Sakuya speed bugs at a couple points (after defeating Mokou, after Shikieiki event the first time). Forgot to fix the music bug after Kisume though.

That's a few things fixed at least. I don't recall what else I needed to fix, since I lost any potential fixes and whatnot when old computer died (luckily I had the recent patch on Mediafire, so I didn't lose too much other than some sprites...). Do let me know if anything is out of the ordinary!


  • Lunatic Programmer
  • Got squid, will travel.
    • Ethan Silver's Junkpile - Hacks and translation patches
Re: Touhou fantasy
« Reply #494 on: February 03, 2013, 10:46:28 PM »
Hrm. I decided to give this a try just now and ended up crashing the game by picking the "????" option when asked if I wanted to skip the opening. I get a messagebox saying "The file monster1 cannot be opened." and the game returns to the title screen. I tried picking "No" the second time around and it told me "The file hero3 cannot be opened.".  Finally, I skipped the opening and everything from that point on seemed ok. Until I went into the Hakurei Shrine's toolshed (I'm guessing), at which point "object1" couldn't be opened. Back to the title screen I go...

One last try, I went down and into the Hakurei Shrine itself - so far so good. Found a few items here and there, left for the world map, ended up making my way to the Youkai Mountain, chatted Momiji up, and figured everything was okay from that point on. So it seems like the opening's files are missing as the rest of the game seems okay.

By the way, I'm a little unclear on what to run. There are three RPG_RT.exes, not sure if that's supposed to be like that... Two of them are identical, one of them is different when compared when I compare then with a hex editor so it's a little unclear what I'm meant to be running...

Edit: Forgot to mention, the original post mentions something called "CommandFTP" is needed to run the game but the link is dead (megaupload...) Dunno if that's related - the game seems fine aside from the opening - but just thought I'd mention it...
« Last Edit: February 03, 2013, 10:48:38 PM by EthanSilver »

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  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou fantasy
« Reply #495 on: February 03, 2013, 10:47:52 PM »
The others are backups in the case the original doesn't work. As for the missing files, did you install CommandRTP first? That might be the problem.


  • Lunatic Programmer
  • Got squid, will travel.
    • Ethan Silver's Junkpile - Hacks and translation patches
Re: Touhou fantasy
« Reply #496 on: February 03, 2013, 10:50:28 PM »
As for the missing files, did you install CommandRTP first? That might be the problem.
You should consider distributing it along with your game, unless there's something preventing you from doing this (filesize, licenses...). The link you provide is no longer valid as megaupload has long since been closed down. You may want to update your first post with a mirror if you don't plan to distribute it with the game. ;)

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  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou fantasy
« Reply #497 on: February 03, 2013, 10:51:55 PM »
I cannot update the first post seeing as I'm not the one that made the post here originally. You can find it in my Mediafire files:

For everyone else, if you downloaded the patch, please redownload. Apparently this computer hates saving anything on the C Drive, so anything that I did the past couple days was for naught. Moved project to desktop and now it's working fine...
« Last Edit: February 03, 2013, 10:56:12 PM by Xenomic »


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou fantasy
« Reply #498 on: February 06, 2013, 03:35:05 AM »

So here are the dungeons and enemies/bosses that I have thus far for beta5. For those who want to help with figuring out what enemies should be where, feel free to! If you wish to discuss the enemies and bosses, you may do so, but leave the bosses in spoilers so that others don't get spoiled by them! Note, this isn't final...I'm just having issues putting in enemies at the current time!

Also for those curious, as of right now without adding any new sprites, I have 269 unique enemy/boss sprites...yeah, that's a lot. @_@;

           Hollowed Caverns (1st Trip):

Yuugenmagan (Boss)
*Tenshi Hinanawi
*Yamame Kurodani
*Medicine Melancholy

*Only fought on overworld, either fought alone, with one another, or all three at once.

     Dimensional Rift - Hollowed Caverns:

*Luize (Boss)
Spirit Magic Stone (Boss)

*Two-part fight.

      Pandaemonium - Fields:

Chaos Knight
*Inferno (Boss)

*Can change between forms during battle.

      Cave (while as Rinnosuke):

Blood Bat
Black Flan
Red Mousse
Dust Mousse
Flan Princess
Green Cell
Purple Bavarois
White Mousse
Yellow Jelly
Hieda no Akyuu (Boss)
Meimu (Boss)

      Valley of Corpses:

Bio Golem
Blood Flower
Malboro (Notorious)
Yuugenmagan (Boss)
Lich (Boss)
Tiamat (Boss)

   Dimensional Rift - Valley of Corpses:

PC-98 Marisa (Boss)
Fire Magic Stone (Boss)

       Frozen Fields:

Fire Elemental
Fire Gigas
Yuugenmagan (Boss)
Yuki (Boss)
Mai (Boss)

          Dimensional Rift - Frozen Fields:

Gilgamesh (Boss)
Kotohime (Boss)
Earth Magic Stone (Boss)

            Hollowed Caverns (2nd Trip):

Steel Golem
Vampire Bat
Curse Dragon (Boss)

      Path to Ruins of Vina:

Poison Fairy
Malboro Menace
Flower Tank (Boss)
Ice Behemoth (Boss)
King Behemoth (Boss)

             Ruins of Vina:

Magic Pot
Yuugenmagan (Boss)
Evil Eye Sigma (Boss)
Elis (Boss)

         Dimensional Rift - Ruins of Vina:

Erich (Boss)
VIVIT (Boss)
Water Magic Stone (Boss)

         Fallen Shrine:

High Flayer
Zodiark (Boss)
Death (Boss)

         Dimensional Rift - Fallen Shrine:

Holy Magic Stone (Boss)


Water Fairy
Wind Fairy
Mystic Fairy
Gravity Fairy
Yuugenmagan (Boss)
Tenshi Hinanawi (Boss)
Phantom Mima (Boss)
The Five Magic Stones (Boss)
Pestilence (Boss)

         Sealed Cave:

Demon Wall
Red Oni (Boss)
Blue Oni (Boss)


Yumeko (Boss)
Shinki (Boss)

         Silent Shrine:

Clockwork Dragon
Clockwork Soldier
Beam Cannon
Rika (Boss)
Warmech (Boss)
Meira (Boss)
Gengetsu (Boss)


Nazrin (Boss)
Shou Toramaru (Boss)

       Myouren Temple:

Karakasa Bake
Kogasa Tatara (Boss)

      Palanquin Ship:

Ichirin Kumoi (Boss)
Murasa Minamitsu (Boss)


Nue Houjuu (Boss)
Kikuri (Boss)
Elis (Boss)
Meimu (Boss)
Order (Boss)
Sariel (Boss)

I can post up to beta8 that I have thus far, but one at a time!


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou fantasy
« Reply #499 on: February 12, 2013, 01:56:28 AM »
Slowly mapping away at this dungeon. This is the most recent dungeon, which leads to the 2nd floor in the main room. The idea of the dungeon, for those who don't know, is to get to the lone room on the third floor, where the goal is, by navigating through a maze. Note, I'm only doing the correct paths right now, and will do the deadend paths and loops and whatnot after that. The dungeon design for the correct path is an ascending figure 8 (with the main room being the center of said figure 8).

As you can see from the map, there's complete dark spots, which is transparent background for the parallax background (it'll be explained at some point that it's the work of the Void during the dungeon. Yes, the same Void that you're probably familiar with in the FF series). Some of these spots are actually can be traversed despite it looking like the other spots on the map (while Eientei and Blazing Fires uses this gimmick a bit, as does Cave to Makai, it starts getting used a lot more come beta5 onwards. In fact, Pandaemonium has a room that's just invisible floors to train the player a little). In addition, we have bats, both blue and red bats. Those who have already played the game fully will know that blue bats are harmless, but red bats tend to suck away HP at an alarming rate (and can lead to game overs). However, these red bats, despite them always going towards the player, do not suck blood. They just like to get in the way (the bats are represented by the various Es).

Another feature that the Hollowed Caverns has, which I wanted to introduce way back at Youkai Mountain, is you can actually walk underneath bridges as well as through tunnels. The tunnels you can't see in this screenshot, but you can tell the bridge here. I have yet to actually code in walking underneath bridges and going through tunnels, but it's very doable.

I'm also having a rather tough time making the cave interesting with each room now. There's one room in particular where there's all three floors in it, but leads to nowhere except in the room itself. Other rooms...I haven't thought on at all since this is all on the fly at the moment. I have gotten a little reply on on some ideas for the dungeon, but none of them really seem to fit well with the theme of the dungeon. For those interested, here's the reply:

"OK. Why is the magic stone here? Maybe this is either a secret base of the villain - in which case you could make it full of defensive fortifications, ritual sites, stockpiles of both traditional and magical weapons. Maybe he chose the site as a secret base because it was an abandoned underground fortress with walls built into the caves.

Or maybe instead of the villain's base, the magic stone is here because it's the site of convergence of magical leylines or whatever-the-dump. So you could have brightly colored glowing sections, pools of mystical liquids, glowing swirling spires of energy. Other magical artifacts and ritual sites that are remnants of the attempts of other people in the past to harness the energy in this site. A temple built by elves around the source of the energy.

If there's a dimensional distortion on the third floor, maybe there are other ones. Maybe sections of the cave have been sucked into the void and now there is just a vortex of darkness where they used to be.

Maybe the key item you have hidden behind a puzzle-locked door is important to the identity of this place. Is it a ring or magical object, which would have been stored or manufactured by a specific type of people? What would those people have put in place to guard it? What type of facility and equipment would they have needed to build it or energize it? You could scatter those kinds of things around the cave or even build part of the cave into a research lab - or a magical prison. Is it a machine of some type, and you could fill the cave with engines and pulleys and machine-driven gates as if it were the workhouse of a group of engineers? Is it a weapon or shield, and perhaps the cave was once a secret hideout used by blacksmiths who were persecuted by an ancient power? The remains of both their survival camp and their craft would still be present.

Maybe some of those ideas will be useful in spicing up the area. No one wants to walk through a totally featureless boring cave."

Keep in mind, the poster probably doesn't know anything about Touhou Fantasy, but some of the ideas (particularly the Void idea) might be useful? I don't it stands right now, Hollowed Caverns is well...just another cave. ^^;;

I really need to brainstorm ideas more often. Tis one of the things I DON'T have really. x_x;;


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou fantasy
« Reply #500 on: February 14, 2013, 08:47:08 PM »
So yes, in order to help speed up production of Touhou Fantasy, I am looking for anyone who is proficient in mapping and can work well in RPG Maker 2k3 for help in this field. I am slowly working on it myself, but at this rate the game won't be done for another 5 years and I would like to get this done eventually. Anyone interested, please feel free to either post here or PM me.

For those interested, here are what needs to be done:

*Revamping old dungeons (this only really applies to 2 beta1 dungeons).
*Mapping new dungeons (this accounts for about 30 dungeons. Yes, you read that right. There is a lot of content in the game yet to be done. For more details, feel free to ask about it either here or in PM).

I hope to see someone step up to help on this, if they are not too busy with their own project, that is. ^^;; If you require to see screenshots of the current maps I have (or current dungeons), I can post them here.


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou fantasy
« Reply #501 on: February 25, 2013, 07:28:29 PM »
Nearly done with this dungeon, that I am. This is going to be the biggest dungeon in the game thus far it seems (it currently has 31 maps. Keep in mind that Cave to Makai had 38 maps roughly). This is fine, since I wanted the dungeons to be slightly longer than previously, and Cave to Makai was the basis for this. Granted, not ALL dungeons are going to have that many maps (Hollowed Caverns does because it's a maze), so don't have to worry about super huge dungeons. And no, this doesn't take an hour to go through (unless you go through the wrong ways constantly), because despite the sizes of the maps (most maps are 60x60), they don't take that long to go through (and there's no random encounters in this part of the dungeon).

Though I still 2 of these maps would even remotely equal one large dungeon...I don't even see how 2 maps can even make a SINGLE dungeon myself, but that's me! In other news, SDM got heavily updated. Voile is more mazey, the basement is more of an actual basement and dungeon, and the overall look of the SDM is more sleek compared to before. Eientei is next to be fixed up (somehow...), so at least beta1 dungeons are getting fixed up massively (even though those 2 are the only dungeons that really need it). Once DemonicHobo is done with both SDM and Eientei, I'll be having him helping on beta5 dungeons. My other mapper will more than likely be setting up caves on the overworld for me.

So that's how it is~ No screenshots this time because I say so!


  • Lunatic Programmer
  • Got squid, will travel.
    • Ethan Silver's Junkpile - Hacks and translation patches
Re: Touhou fantasy
« Reply #502 on: February 25, 2013, 08:41:21 PM »
Sounds like you've been keeping real busy! I'll admit I'm not a very big fan of RPGMaker projects and haven't kept too close an eye on this one, but I did give it a shot a little bit ago (had some problems with a missing file); it's rather good. You're clearly very dedicated to this project so I'm actually looking forward to playing the complete game - sounds like it'll bring together a lot of very neat ideas.

How close would you say you are to meeting your goals and/or completing the project? Even after installing the right files quite a bit of the game was off-limits (but with many locations accessible, just not "enterable") so I'm curious if you have a set plan or if you're adding locations as ideas come. You make it sound like there's still a lot to be added; I'm just curious about the project's intended scope, I suppose. :)

Keep up the good work. Well-invested effort should be highlighted, not observed silently. ;)

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  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou fantasy
« Reply #503 on: February 25, 2013, 08:45:06 PM »
What file would that be? o_O

It'll still be a while yet to finish this game. Been 5 years and the game's still only 50% done, if that says anything. Though I will say some dungeons need revamped a bit. Though in all honesty, I need your guys' opinions. For those of you that have played the game some, do you think the maps are too big at all? Because I honestly don't think that they're THAT big myself (random encounters are set to 70-80 (supposedly 70-80 steps will be a random encounter)). Keep in mind, the player sees in a 20x15 grid (IIRC), and a lot of my maps I tend to keep around 50x50/60x60 (some are around 100xX or so, but that's because they're generally bigger anyways, such as Forest of Magic or Winter Forest and some such).


  • Lunatic Programmer
  • Got squid, will travel.
    • Ethan Silver's Junkpile - Hacks and translation patches
Re: Touhou fantasy
« Reply #504 on: February 25, 2013, 09:07:18 PM »
What file would that be? o_O
I posted about it roughly a month ago; the problem's been resolved since, don't worry. :)

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Re: Touhou fantasy
« Reply #505 on: February 26, 2013, 07:39:57 AM »
Though in all honesty, I need your guys' opinions. For those of you that have played the game some, do you think the maps are too big at all? Because I honestly don't think that they're THAT big myself (random encounters are set to 70-80 (supposedly 70-80 steps will be a random encounter)). Keep in mind, the player sees in a 20x15 grid (IIRC), and a lot of my maps I tend to keep around 50x50/60x60 (some are around 100xX or so, but that's because they're generally bigger anyways, such as Forest of Magic or Winter Forest and some such).

Generally speaking the maps aren't too big, but when an area only has a straight corridor to run forward on, it's rather annoying when you can't see both sides at the same time. This forces the player to zig-zag from side to side to not miss any possible doorways and such. The best example of this is the (old) SDM, but there are other places like it.


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou fantasy
« Reply #506 on: February 26, 2013, 07:45:37 AM »
Let's take a look at some changes here and there.

Left is old, right is new. I decided to go back and fix up some maps at least...though that's gonna be a chore. This is the entrance of Blazing Fires of Hell.

First version (original) is 80x80, second (my update) is 56x60, and third is same size but done by another mapper. My update took around 15-20 minutes to do. Trujin's version took 1 to 1 1/2 hours to do. This is the 5th screen in Blazing Fires of Hell, after the screen with Kisume.

   Old map
   New map.

Old map is 75x30. New map is 62x30. Took 1 1/2 hours for me to do this map. I had to do this one though so that this map would make sense with the map that Trujin did for me. ;___; This is the screen right before Parsee's bridge.


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou fantasy
« Reply #507 on: February 26, 2013, 07:07:55 PM »
Now here's the question for you guys. Would you rather have the maps like up above (note the bigger ones take about 1-2 hours to do) or would you rather have these maps (which from what Trujin told me, takes about 15 minutes to do)?

Do let me know!


  • Lunatic Programmer
  • Got squid, will travel.
    • Ethan Silver's Junkpile - Hacks and translation patches
Re: Touhou fantasy
« Reply #508 on: February 26, 2013, 09:09:47 PM »
Now here's the question for you guys. Would you rather have the maps like up above (note the bigger ones take about 1-2 hours to do) or would you rather have these maps (which from what Trujin told me, takes about 15 minutes to do)?
Sorry if this sounds a bit rude but I'm not the best communicator around and I'm not sure how better to phrase this. ;)

The time it takes you to make your maps is not our concern. The end result is. At the end of the day, as a player, I'll be more concerned with a map being great fun to explore and visually stunning than with how much time the devs had to put into making it. As the developer it's up to you to decide how good a game you want to put out and to weigh the amount of time you're willing to invest against what quality of work your approaches can give. It's not up to us to take that decision for you - obviously we'll always want "more", eventually you have to put your foot down and decide that's as good a level of quality as you want or the game will be stuck in refactoring-limbo. :)

IMO, though, an hour per map doesn't sound like all that much time for a serious project...

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  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou fantasy
« Reply #509 on: February 26, 2013, 09:13:38 PM »
I'm aware of that. Was just stating how long both styles take normally. Generally speaking, indoor areas for buildings tend to use the black tiles moreso than outdoor/cave areas. Though I guess I COULD save some time on some cave/outdoor areas if the need arises (I can't do it for forest areas though. No way for me to do so).

Well, an hour for one map doesn't sound too long, but factor in 500-600 maps and well...yeah lol. I'm not revamping ALL of the maps mind you...but a good deal are going to be fixed up!