Author Topic: DotS Achievements: Reward Stories! 200 points a piece.  (Read 2653 times)


  • The problem is, you're a friend that likes to talk!
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  • ...well, I am too!
DotS Achievements: Reward Stories! 200 points a piece.
« on: October 23, 2011, 07:53:06 PM »
Well, they told me to put it here. First off is DrRawr's, 500 words, with character Koishi Komeiji and theme 'school girls'

?Fuaa...,? she breathed out airily, blowing at a stray tuft of hair that obscured her eyes. ?How boring...?

Life was simple and elegant for her, and her older sister. With so many pets, a beautiful home, loving if distant parents, and most importantly each other, the Komeijis were quite content with life.

Well, one of them.

?There's nothing to do, sis~? she whined, spinning on one heel with both arms outstretched.

The elder Komeiji looked up from her book with a bemused air about her. ?I never would've been able to tell. Sadly, there's nothing that needs doing, Koishi,? she replies, returning to her book.

?Nothing at all~?? she calls back, flailing around like a spinning top amongst the vast gardens.

?Nothing at all,? Satori responded flatly.

Koishi responded with a pout, hands at her hips and torso bent forward. ?Oh, comeon sis. There must be so~mething I can do.?

Before the elder Komeiji could respond in full, she was interrupted by their red haired servant. ?The tea is ready, madam Satori,? said Rin, curtsying deeply after placing the tray on the garden table. Her master's smile was grateful, but she couldn't help but notice something.

?...Is there no milk, Orin??

?Ahaha...,? the Kasha laughed nervously. ?Okuu somehow managed to drain it all last night. I'll be sure to head out today and...Madam Koishi??

Somehow, Satori didn't like that sparkling look on her sister's face.


?Milk, milk~ Buying some mlik milk~? she hummed to herself, strolling along the street in much higher spirits than before. To think such an opportunity would present itself, right at the peak of her boredom! Even if the trip was short and the transaction trivial, anything was better than just staying home all day! ?How lucky~? The plastic bags in her hand rustled as she walked to and fro.

?Wah, I can't find Takaka anywhere!? someone cried.

Koishi turned her head to the voice, curious as usual. What greeted her eyes was the sight of several girls in some strange uniform, all looking to and fro for who she assumed was this 'Takaka' person. 'What a strange name for a person,' she thought.

"Eh...," another whined, clearly distressed. "Takaka-chan only comes out if we give her something to eat..."

"Naomi's going to be reaaaally pissed at us," her companion reminded.

"Can I help?" Koishi chimed in.

The two girls jumped at the younger Komeiji's sudden presence. "Wha-?!" "Eeep?!"

"Who're you?" one asked, clearly unsettled.

"Oh, I'm just a normal girl passing by. Did you lose a friend?"

The other one nodded, tears nearly forming in her eyes. "My cat Takaka went missing just now, and I can't find her..."

Cat?...ooh. Koishi proudly thrust her chest out with a confident look on her face. "If it's a cat, then leave it to me!"
"Eh, cats don't like baths? I thought Takaka was just over excited..."
"We can't feed him table scraps? Really?"
"Ah, maybe I shouldn't have taken his scratching post away..."
The next hour or two was just that, looking for Takaka while Koishi gave them pointers on pet care. After finally locating the lost feline, the three girls went their seperate ways.

"Thanks for the help, Koishi-chan!" called the two girls, one lovingly stroking the newly found Takaka while the other was smiling warmly.

Koishi grinned right back. "No problem! It was fun!"

"They could totally use you at the Nuko-bu at school, Koishi-chan!" was their parting words.

Koishi hmm'd thoughtfully. "School, huh...?"
Satori stared at the dirtied, grinning Koishi. "Koishi...where's the milk?"

PS You got an extra 109 words.
[23:02] <~Iced> You have sown the seeds of your own destruction Amra.
[23:20] <Stuffman> enjoy your personally crafted hell Amra

Re: DotS Achievements: Reward Stories! 200 points a piece.
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2011, 11:21:49 PM »
I have...a terrible need...shall I say the word?...of religion. Then I go out at night and paint the stars.