Author Topic: What it means to be a servant  (Read 6934 times)


  • Transcend the edge of Dissillusion
What it means to be a servant
« on: June 27, 2011, 10:18:03 AM »
Ran screamed out in terrible pain as the sharp sting of Yukari's blow struck her, finding blood this time. The shikigami fell to her knees and gasped for air, sweating and shaking in fear.

"I-I'm s-sorry Yukari-s-sama..." the kitsune panted out, having trouble forming her words.

"Shut up!" Yukari struck her again, "How many times do I have to tell you to obey my orders!?"

"I-I'm s-so sorry..."

The sagely master kicked Ran's side, knocking her over and leaving her to seethe and shiver on the ground.

"You...You don't get it, do you? I tell you to fight the way I do so you can be a better person. To raise your own power. Don't you get that?" Yukari sneered at her pet, looking down angrily upon her. "For a kitsune, you're an absolute idiot to not understand what I'm trying to tell you...Do you understand what I'm saying?"

Ran whimpered slightly, still shivering on the ground. Yukari sneered and hit her once more, causing Ran to scream out in pain once again.

"Answer me!!!"

"Y-y-yes Yukari-sama!!!" Ran screamed out, fearful of what more pains were to come.

Yukari simply kicked the shikigami once more, disgusted at her. "Obviously not, or you wouldn't have screwed up, now would you? Do you not care about your master?" Yukari glared at Ran, who was cowering on the ground in pain still, shivering even harder.

"Get on your knees. NOW." Yukari barked. The shikigami seethed through her pain and struggled to sit up and on her knees, then leaned back on them slightly, looking down into her lap. The gap youkai then took a hold of each of Ran's ears, pulling them forward toward her, causing Ran to scream in pain once more.

"I was asleep, Ran. Asleep. I need my rest, RAN." Yukari yelled at her pet, instilling pure terror into the kitsune. "And I don't like being woken up by troubles that I task YOU to take care of! Do you understand? I give you JOBS because they TRAIN you!" Yukari let go of Ran's ears and kicked her stomach, sending the shikigami sprawling back onto the ground. Before Ran could even react, her master had her by two of her golden tails, and began to pull harshly on them, dragging the kitsune across the floor of the small room they were in.

"I don't like being woken up, RAN. And I especially don't like doing work I told YOU to do, RAN." Yukari cruelly drug the shikigami across the floor, despite her screams of pain, digging her nails into the kitsune's flesh.

"If you're not going to do your JOB, RAN, what's the point of even keeping you around? I don't know if I should even CONSIDER forgiving you this time, RAN." Yukari dropped her victim and crossed her arms, sneering at the quivering figure in front of her.

"I-I-I'll do b-better!!!" Ran stuttered out, fruitlessly attempting to hold her tears of pain back, her voice shaking worse than ever before.

"I don't believe you." The stronger Yakumo glared down upon the weaker, not pleased in the slightest.

"P-please Yukari-s-sama!!! I-I'll listen...!!!" The kitsune sobbed out, losing herself to her emotions, finally breaking what little pride she had left.

Yukari simply looked upon the huddled up mass before her, quivering in fear, sobbing into the ground. She looked upon her shikigami without regret, only with dissapointment in Ran's failure to keep intruders from waking her. The elder Youkai sighed shallowly and rolled her eyes.

"Get up, Ran. Go clean yourself up. I still expect your normal duties to be completed when I wake up." Yukari said apathetically, only wishing for the beast in front of her to leave her sight.

"Y-yes, Yukari-s-sama..." Ran stuttered out, not wanting to waste this opportunity to end her punishment.

This sort of scene wasn't something new to the elders of the Yakumo household, although it was not exactly frequent. Yet, it was a new development to small Chen, who stood outside of the room, looking in just barely through the cracked door, shocked, frozen in fear. The poor Nekomata could hardly breathe, and didn't even dare shed a tear in light of the fury that she saw Yukari unleash upon Ran, her master and favorite person in the world.

That day, Chen's life changed forever.
« Last Edit: June 28, 2011, 09:18:31 AM by AMZYoshio »

Re: What it means to be a servant
« Reply #1 on: June 27, 2011, 10:55:44 AM »

I expect more soon, okay?


ohgodnopleasedontkillme :ohdear:
« Last Edit: June 27, 2011, 01:49:04 PM by Yukarin »

Thanks to GreenVirus for the Siggy.
My TF2 Backpack of DOOM

Re: What it means to be a servant
« Reply #2 on: June 27, 2011, 11:56:26 AM »
That last sentence. Oooooh, yeah! Things are gonna get serious now!

Crow's Dumping Ground of Art

"So I never have to worry what tomorrow will bring, because my faith is on solid rock; I am counting on God."

Kips McKipzerson

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Re: What it means to be a servant
« Reply #3 on: June 27, 2011, 07:15:08 PM »
A sequel? In the works? i'm going to bet five bucks its Ran unleashing her pent-up agression towards Yukari out on Chen.


  • Transcend the edge of Dissillusion
Re: What it means to be a servant
« Reply #4 on: June 28, 2011, 09:11:23 AM »
It was a beautiful day outside the Yakumo mansion. The sun was shining bright, the sky had a few white, fluffy clouds admist it's vast blue stretches, and the trees around were green as ever in the mild spring air. It was neither too hot nor too cold, and the birds were enjoying the nice break from the winter's grasp upon the land. The wind was gently pushing the opening flowers, swaying them ever so slightly, making the scenery truly come alive.

Chen sat with her back against a rock, in the shade of a large tree, watching the smooth flow of a river go by. She had done this many times before, and it tended to calm her, as the nekomata loved the scenery surrounding her home. However, little Chen was anything but calm - she was very much so shaken from the previous night. She had never seen Yukari so mad before, especially at Ran. Chen loved her master very much, and she always looked up to her as the best person in all of Gensokyo. However, seeing the kitsune in such a horrid, deplorable state broke the illusion of bliss she once held.

See, Chen never really thought anything was ever too wrong in Gensokyo. Yes, she had gotten into a few duels, and she knew that some bad people were out there, but nothing was ever truly so bad that it would affect her. She lived with her master and her master's master, and greatly respected them both, loving them as if they were family. Every day for her was filled with fun and excitement, and even when Ran would task her with work, Chen always looked upon it as an opportunity to prove how dedicated she was to Ran, along as how much she loved her, and never complained. Yes, Chen was truly a blissful child of a Youkai, always smiling at everything.

But as Chen sat with her back against that rock, underneath that very large tree, she was anything but smiling. The poor girl was sitting, her knees up to her face, staring into the river, pondering life itsself. She was wondering how Yukari could have ever been so mean, especially toward her own shikigami. To Chen's knowledge, Yukari didn't have a mean bone in her body, and she valued staying together as a family over anything.

"Cheeeeen! Come get some lunch!"

The nekomata's ears perked up as she looked toward the mansion. She knew that she was getting very hungry by this time, but feared going back to the house. She hesitantly stood up, and looked back from where she came.


The girl hesitated at first, but then suddenly thought of what might happen if she disobeyed her master. She had never quite been punished too hard by Ran before, and yet she couldn't think of a single thing that she had done that would have been so bad. Not coming when called, Chen figured, could be considered bad, seeing how she wasn't hurt or lost or anything. Letting her mind scare her more and more with each passing moment, Chen broke into a run toward the Yakumo mansion. She ran with all of her might, and came bursting into the kitchen of the household, breathing heavily, to meet her master.

"I...I'm here Ran-sama!" Chen panted, out of breath.

"Ah, Chen, why are you breathing so hard? Were you running?" the Kitsune asked with a smile.

Fearing anything at this point, Chen quickly responded and stood up straight, trying to calm any harsh breathing she was having. "Y-yeah, a little, b-but only 'cause I wanted to come as quick as possible!"

Ran walked out of the kitchen holding a tray of food, and Chen followed dutifully. The two sat at a table big enough for the all the Yakumo clan, as well as a guest or two, and Chen sat opposite of Ran, looking into her lap.

"Is there something wrong, Chen?" Ran asked after a moment.

"N-no..." the child replied.

Ran looked at her shikigami and tilted her head very slightly, wondering what could have gotten into the small child. Chen knew this and simply continued to look into her lap as the food between the two sat untouched. For painful moments that seemed to last an eternity, Chen was subjected to this torturus situation, her mind racing a million miles a minute.

What if Ran-sama doesn't like me like this...what if Ran-sama knows I watched her like that? Or...Or what if Yukari-sama finds out...


The nekomata looked up, blushing in embarrassment, and faced her master.

"What's wrong?"

"N-nothing I said!" Chen yelled out slightly louder than she intended. Ran was set aback a bit, then looked at Chen with a hint of disbelief.

"I...I'm sorry, Ran-sama, I have to go!" Chen hopped down from her chair without eating, then began to walk away quickly. The kitsune simply stared as the small girl rushed out of the room, wondering what had come over her.

"I...I can't deal with this pressure, I have...have to get aw-AH!" Chen stopped dead in her tracks as she was faced with Yukari, standing directly in front of her, with a small smile.

"Ah, hello Chen. Nice weather outside, isn't it?" The border sage said simply, smiling at the nekomata.

"Uhh...uhh....y-yes, Yukari-sama! Very beautiful!" Chen straightened up and attempted to act normal, but was in fact quite scared at meeting Yukari so suddenly.

"Mm, it's so beautiful, one could forget about all their troubles," Yukari continued on, "Any and all work and worry would simply melt away in this sort of weather, would it not?"

"I-I would never forget a-about my work, Yukari-sama." Chen stuttered out.

"Mm, there's a good girl." The elder Yakumo smiled. "Now run along." Yukari walked past Chen, into the kitchen where Ran was.

Not wanting to stick around for much longer as it was, the nekomata walked past Yukari, and as soon as she felt that she was gone, broke into a run for her room. The small youkai burst into it and closed the door behind her, then sat with her back at the door, breathing heavily.

"Oh...oh my, that was..." Chen simply closed her eyes tight and tried to make the thoughts leave her head, but they persisted still.

Why did Yukari-sama have to do those things to Ran-sama!? I can't just look at Ran-sama like that, not knowing what she went through!!! I can't see her smile like this, not knowing these things!!!

Chen ran to her bed and flopped down on it, burying her face into her soft pillow.

And why would Yukari-sama even be so mean to her...What if Yukari-sama punishes me like that? I...I can't bear to think of that...I couldn't possibly stand up to it like Ran-sama can! Ran-sama is so strong, I'd probably die...

As the girl sat in her bed turning these terrible ideas over in her head, she began to shiver slightly at nothing at all. The perfect day she should have been blissfully having was surely ruined.

I...I can't...

Chen couldn't even begin to think of where to start in tackling the huge problem she had been faced with. In fact, she didn't even know how to identify the problem, or if there even WAS a problem. She was simply scared out of her mind from seeing Ran be beat by Yukari in such a ruthless manner, scared that Yukari might abuse Ran more, or even begin to abuse her.

I looked up to you, Yukari-sama...

Just then, Chen's door opened, causing the nekomata to jump slightly and look. There stood Ran, with a concerned look on her face.

"Chen..." The kitsune began, "I'm worried about you." Ran closed the door gently and sat in a chair next to her shikigami's bed. "Are you feeling ok?"

"I'm fine, Ran-sama..." Chen answered without looking at her master.

"Chen, please look at me." Ran softly pleaded. "You can tell me anything, I promise."

The child looked over slowly and saw her master's concerned face, looking at her with worry. Chen couldn't stand to worry her like that, and yet she was hysterically frantic about everything that had to do with her and Yukari after her experience.

"Can you please tell me what's wrong?"

Chen, without a word, slowly began to cry. Ran's face turned even more worried, mixing in a hint of sadness, at the sight of her shikigami's sudden downhill turn. The nekomata didn't want to say anything at all, and yet the terrible emotions she was having inside of her heart were simply eating away at her childish soul to no end. It can hardly be explained with words, but Chen was simply so overwhelmed with what she had witnessed the night before that her entire existance simply hurt, and having Ran worry about her was strangely not helping one bit.

Ran, on the other hand, couldn't figure out what to do in the situation. She had no idea why Chen was crying, and yet couldn't find the right words to ask her. She simply moved to Chen and attempted to hug her, to calm the poor girl. And yet, as Ran moved toward Chen, a sudden flash of memory hit the nekomata.

"Do you not care about your master?"

Chen blinked a few times and froze with fear, seeing Yukari's rageful face etched into her memory.

"I-I'm s-so sorry..."

Chen screamed out as she saw Ran in front of her not as the worried, loving person she was, but as the shaking, fearful mess she was the night before. The nekomata plowed past her master, knocking her off balance, and out of her room, screaming at the top of her lungs, shutting her eyes tightly and trying to fight back the tears that were streaming hot down her face.

"Ch-Chen!!!" Ran called after her shikigami, shocked at this sudden turn, clueless as to what may have been going through the small girl's head.

"Chen!!! Please come back!!!"

As much as the poor girl wished she could, she simply continued to run, straight out of the door of the Yakumo mansion, sobbing uncontrollably, attempting to fight back the horrible images that were flashing by in her head, reminding her of the horrors and fears forcefully instilled into her heart, shattering her pure, childish outlook on things.


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Re: What it means to be a servant
« Reply #5 on: June 28, 2011, 03:39:23 PM »
Ouch. I'm sure there's a bigger, warmer lesson to be learned here, but Chen's not in a good place right now.


  • en-counse
Re: What it means to be a servant
« Reply #6 on: June 30, 2011, 07:10:20 AM »
Ah.  I always enjoy the stories you write, and I can't wait to see how this one continues.  It seems really interesting so far.


  • Transcend the edge of Dissillusion
Re: What it means to be a servant
« Reply #7 on: June 30, 2011, 07:42:04 AM »
Chen ran and ran, away from her home, into the vast countryside. She had never ventured very far, for she had always traveled great distances via one of Yukari's gaps, but this time, she did not care. The poor nekomata simply ran, fighting off the terrible images that swarmed her head, trying to keep even a little bit of sanity.

"I don't like being woken up, RAN."

An image of Ran being drug along the floor, screaming in pain, surged strongly through the small girl's mind. Her knees locked up and caused her to trip, skidding harsly on the ground, earning her several scrapes and cuts. Chen lay in pain, crying, dirty, as more and more of these images continued to flash through her head in vivid detail.

"I don't know if I should even CONSIDER forgiving you this time, RAN."

"I-I-I'll do b-better!!!"

Every time her master was kicked in her head, Chen winced harshly, and let out a small whimper. Chen had never before witnessed violence of that caliber before, and having it be between her two favorite people did not help matters at all.

"Stop...stop...make it stop...please...!!!" The small girl sobbed out, beginning to hit her own head in frustration and confusion.

"Mmm, make what stop, Chen?"

The nekomata froze in absolute shock, not daring to breathe. She knew that voice.

"Mmm? Well?"

The small girl slowly looked up to see a mid-sized gap in space in front of her, with Yukari's upper half coming out of it, leaning on the edge, looking at her with a small smile.

"Y-y-yukari-sama!!!" Chen stuttered out hastily, not being able to think clearly.

"Mm, that would be my name. Now tell me, what are you doing way out here, crying like this?" Yukari asked smoothly, not breaking her charismatic smile one bit.

"I...I..." The small girl stumbled on her own words, not wanting to say what was going on.

"Chen, you can tell me anything. I'm Ran's master, aren't I?"

The small shikigami stared into Yukari's piercing gaze, afraid of what was to come. And yet, the more she stared, the more she felt compelled to tell her, as if the boundary keeping her from saying anything was slowly being removed...

"...Y-you....I-I...watched...." Chen began to stutter out, her tears returning to her eyes.


Suddenly, in a burst of emotion, Chen began to scream. "I WATCHED YOU PUNISH RAN-SAMA LAST NIGHT, AND I'M MORE SCARED THAN I'VE EVER BEEN!!!"

Yukari watched the girl bury her face back into the ground and begin to sob harshly. She watched this go on for a minute, to let the girl have her moment. However, after a small bit, the sage felt as if she had something to set things straight.

"Mm, why are you scared?" Yukari asked.

"B-b-because..." Chen began, "...I...I've never seen you so angry...and...I've never seen you....h-hit Ran-sama..."

"Mm...indeed, those are scary things." The gap youkai agreed. "But you know Chen, there's nothing to be afraid of."

Chen looked up, back at Yukari, with a sorrowful face, yet with a hint of curiosity.


"Yes...There's nothing to be afraid of, dear Chen, for Ran was only punished for her bad deeds. You see, Chen, as powerful as Ran is, I have to be more powerful than her to continue being her master. And if Ran begins to act up, I have to remind her who's truly in power."

"B-but...!" Chen began to protest, not liking the idea at all.

"AND," Yukari cut her off, "Ran was being a terrible, terrible shikigami."

Chen's face was plastered over with absolute fear and shock. "Wh-what!? Ran-sama is never bad...!!!"

"Oh, but she's a terrible one, Chen. You've just been being babied by her. You do remember the incident that woke me up, right?" Yukari smiled gently.


"And do you know why that incident happened?"

Chen thought as hard as she could, but couldn't come up with anything.

"Exactly. You weren't aware that Ran had actually invited that noisy Suika, did you? That Ran didn't want me to be asleep...Ran was plotting against me."

" can't be..." Chen began to cry slowly again, the tears welling up and shining in her eyes.

"Indeed, Ran is actually quite the bad person, and if I'm not there to defeat her every once in a while, the evil thoughts in her mind run rampant, and she'll eventually begin to try to take over all of Gensokyo, like she did so many years ago..."

Listening to this explaination, as Yukari continued on about Ran's evil exploits, crushed Chen's image of her world even further. She used to see Ran, her master, as a beautiful, flawless, kind, gentle soul who would never do anything to harm anyone. However, Yukari's words were slowly breaking that image apart, sending everything the girl knew into a confusing swirl of darkness and misery - and worst of all, Chen realized that she was the shikigami of such a foul creature.

"...And, as tragic as it may be, every so often, your master breaks my hold over her evil mind, and I must take up arms as I did long ago, and put the monster back into her place. I don't kill her, though, for I believe Ran can be an absolutely kind creature, if she is properly in submission to a superior force."

"...w-wow, Yukari-sama...I had no idea..." The nekomata slowly said, picking herself up from the ground.

"I know...But, it's ok, Chen, because I have Ran under control." Yukari smiled at the small girl, then offered out a hand. "Would you like to come back with me?"

"...yes, Yukari-sama." Chen took her master's master's hand, then followed her through the gap she had made in space, returning the pair back to the Yakumo mansion.

By this time, it had become somewhat late, and Chen ate her dinner with the Yakumo clan silently. Yukari kept Ran's attention for most of the meal with her assorted stories and antics, causing Ran to not really notice Chen's strange silence. The nekomata was usually soft spoken and kind as it was, and was never one to interrupt her masters when they conversed, unless it directly involved her, so the Kitsune felt as if Chen was simply being polite.

After their meal, Chen slowly made her way up to her room, and decided to simply sit on her bed for the remainder of the day, too overwhelmed to want to do anything.

" a monster?"

The idea turned over in her head many times, as the perfect image of the golden kitsune of knowledge was ruined before her very eyes. The small girl silently had tears well up in her eyes and she began to imagine her perfect, kind master as Yukari had explained it instead - a horrible, remorseless, bloodthirsty, sadistic killer. Each time she even came close to this thought, Chen winced and began to cry a little more, as her entire world crashed down around her.

However, a more pressing thought suddenly struck the small girl's mind.

Yukari-sama said Ran is kind if in submission by someone stronger...I'm...under Ran-sama. She has control over me...What if...

Chen's eyes opened wide, and her heart skipped a beat.

What if Ran-sama hurts me out of anger?

Everything quickly clicked into place for Chen - she had never done anything truly bad, she had always listened to her master. But, even so, she agreed in her mind that most of her tasks were nothing too difficult, and if the time were to arise that she would fail her master, the possibility of a harsh punishment did exist. She figured that if Ran was like Yukari had made her out to be, then her kindness would only be a sort of disguise, a forced smile toward everybody, and that if angered too much, a feral killer would emerge from Ran's kind face and show absolutely no mercy toward anyone and everyone.

That thought absolutely killed any and all joy that Chen had left in her heart.

And what's worse is that Yukari was lying.

Aya Squawkermaru

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Re: What it means to be a servant
« Reply #8 on: July 02, 2011, 05:47:42 AM »
This is so freaking good! I love how you can spin such an engrossing tale, when only a few events have even happened.


  • Transcend the edge of Dissillusion
Re: What it means to be a servant
« Reply #9 on: July 02, 2011, 10:58:40 AM »
Ran got up very early each day, usually around the time the sun did. Her natural instincts were to sleep during the day and be awake at night, but her master's extensive sleep schedule ruled that she had to live this way. Actually, even this was apt to changing, due to Yukari's assorted antics, but getting up very early and going to bed reasonably late was usually what Ran did. The golden fox always got up early so she could prepare an assortment of things around the mansion for the upcoming day, and one of those duties happened to be to make a meal for her and her own shikigami.

The kitsune let off a large yawn as she chopped a potato, having only woken up no more than 20 minutes beforehand, and having a less than restful sleep. She hadn't gotten the chance the night previous to ask, but Chen's behavior had been worrying her the entire night, and even into her dreams. By the time she woke up, Ran felt as if she might as well have had stayed up the entire night as it was.

"Ahh...I really do hope that Chen is ok..."

Ran loved her shikigami like a mother, and although she understood the principal that a shikigami is primarily seen as a tool to most, the golden kitsune of knowledge did not understand why she couldn't add in a bit of love in along the way. After all, she had understood the troubles of being under servitude to someone who genuinely follows old traditions, and did not wish Chen to suffer the same fate.

As Ran continued to prepare the meal, she began to wonder where Chen could be. Usually the smell of a cooking meal would draw the nekomata out of bed and to the kitchen, with a smiling taste, to welcome her master with a warm smile and a hug. However, on this particular morning, Ran noted that Chen was unusually late to breakfast - something that very rarely, if ever, happens within the Yakumo household.

The reason Chen was late, however, was because of a vivid nightmare that she was experiencing...

"Ran-sama!!! Please!!! I'm sorry!!!"

"Shut up! You've been a terrible, terrible girl!!!"

Chen cowered in the corner of her room, shaking in fear, tears running down her face, and several bruises adorning her body. Her master stood in front of her, eyes glowing red, hair on-end, and teeth jaggedly long, glaring at the small girl. Ran took a swipe at Chen, knocking her to the floor.

"You don't ever listen, Chen! You're too stupid to even understand the complexities of what I want to teach you!!!" the kitsune growled out maniacally.

"I-I'm sorry!!! P-p-please s-stop...!!!" Chen cowered on the ground, groveling to her master, yet sobbing loudly and wishing she was dead.

"I'm going to get rid of you, Chen, because you're so worthless, you don't DESERVE to be my shikigami!!!" Ran screamed out in anger. "And after I take care of you, I'm going to get that fool Yukari out of the way!"

Chen only stared up at her once kind master in absolute terror, choking on her own breath as she tried to grasp what was gonig on, tried to do anything even.

"But before Yukari...first things first."

Chen's master wore a sadistic grin as she quickly lunged toward Chen, picking her up by her collar. She slashed across Chen's face with her claws, leaving large gashes on the girl's cheek. Screaming out in pain, Chen struggled as hard as she could to escape, but the more she struggled, the weaker she became. She was hit in the stomach with a powerful blow that caused her to choke up blood, and then thrown to the side like a ragdoll, breaking several bones in her small body.

"You useless item, I have no sympathy for an idiot like you." Ran sneered at the broken figure of her servant. "Suffer long and suffer hard, Chen. You've earned it."

Not being able to die strangely, Chen only stared up at her master, silent tears streaming down her face, as she was in too much pain to even make a single noise. Through her mind ran a thousand thoughts of confused fear and sorrow, a lot of which notably were wishes that it would all end for her at that moment - for the sweet embrace of death to take her.

"Chen!!!" Ran called out to her, advancing on the girl's position.

The nekomata tried to struggle to get to her feet, but could barely even move an inch before immense pain shot through her limbs, causing her to collapse painfully.

"Cheeeen!!!" Ran called out again, getting closer.

All the small girl could do was close her eyes and cringe, awaiting what punishment may have been in store for her.


The girl's eyes shot awake as she lay in her bed in a cold sweat, breathing heavily.

"Come eat!!!"

Chen sat up and looked around her quickly. She figured out quite fast that she was back in her room - a huge relief for her. Still, a nightmare of that caliber had never even crossed the mind of the nekomata before, let alone happened. The small girl sat shaking her in bed for a bit, then suddenly realized who had called her.


Jumping out of bed, not even bothering to change out of her pajamas, Chen ran out of her room and quickly to the kitchen, where Ran was finishing up preparing their breakfast. As Chen burst into the room, Ran turned to see her, slightly suprised at her sudden appearance.

"Oh, there you are, Chen...Why are you still in your pajamas?" The kitsune asked kindly.

"A-ah, pajamas! I...I just didn't want to keep you waiting, Ran-sama. I'm sorry for being late!" Chen quickly bowed her head, fearing the worst.

"Hm...Well, go change, and come back down before your food gets cold."

"Y-yes, Ran-sama!!!" The nekomata quickly dashed off for her room. Ran simply stared at where she was standing a moment ago, then shook her head.

"Chen sure is acting weird, lately..."

Very soon after, the girl came dashing back with her daytime outfit on, and a slightly frantic look on her face.

"I-I'm back, Ran-sama!" She quickly blurted out, taking her seat at the table that Ran had set their food on.

"My, so fast, too. Here you go Chen, eat up!" The kitsune passed her shikigami a plate with a smile, trying to lighten the atmosphere for the both of them. Ran didn't quite know what was going on, but it was obvious that Chen was stressed about something.

The two ate in relative silence for a bit, and Ran watched her shikigami eat her breakfast. It was very strange, because she was usually more talkative to her, or smiling, or, well, anything. Chen was never one to simply eat in silence - she always had a good comment about the cooking, or something innocently sweet to say. Ran decided to try and break the silence.

"Is it good, Chen?"

The small shikigami quickly looked up from her plate with a slightly frantic look, and quickly realized that she had been silent the entire time.

"Y-yes, Ran-sama! It's delicious, as always!" Chen hurriedly said, with a hint of forcedness in her voice.

Ran decided that enough was enough, and she was going to figure out what was happening.

"Chen," she began, "you've been acting very stressed out everything ok?" Ran had stopped eating and looked at her shikigami with concern.

"E-everything's fine, Ran-sama.." Chen answered without looking up.

"Please look at me."

The nekomata hesitated for a moment, then slowly looked up at her master, expecting to see anger. However, instead of the terrible monster that she had began to invision Ran as, she saw the old Ran she remembered - very kind, and always sincerely concerned if something was wrong.

"You know you can tell me anything, Chen. I'm here to help you, and I don't like seeing you unhappy."

"I..." Chen began, but then she thought of what Yukari had said about Ran. Chen realized that if she offended her master, or angered her in some way, that a harsh beating much like the one she had witnessed may take place, with her as the subject. It was then that Chen decided to lie, hoping that Ran wouldn't find out that she was beginning to not think of her as highly as she once did.

" happy, Ran-sama." Chen began, "Just...Stayed up too late last night. I'm tired this morning...I'm sorry." Chen wore a weak, but definitely tired smile, trying to please her master.

Ran, of course, could see through this ruse as if Chen wasn't even trying. However, the kitsune decided that Chen was a young girl, and young girls do have their moments of drama. So, she decided to simply let Chen be for the time-being, for Ran knew that nobody liked somebody who choked them with pushy and nosy behavior, no matter how noble.

"Ok, Chen...Just know, if anything's ever wrong, I'm here for you." Ran smiled, deciding that she had made the appropriate decision.

"Y-yes, Ran-sama..." Chen bowed her head, then continued eating her breakfast.

After she was finished, the nekomata bid her master a hasty goodbye, then headed out of the mansion for a walk, as she sometimes did. However, instead of just roaming the grounds, Chen decided to go further.

Much, much further.


  • Transcend the edge of Dissillusion
Re: What it means to be a servant
« Reply #10 on: July 05, 2011, 12:46:55 AM »
The area of which Yukari decided to call her property in Gensokyo was surrounded by a barrier that was impassable to all, and gave the illusion of the land beyond being barren and desolate - to most people, this barrier was part of the Great Hakurei Barrier, so none tried to shatter it. However, the only people who were allowed to pass the barrier in any way were the members of the Yakumo Clan - and that meant Chen as well. Yukari's lands weren't big enough to call their own country or anything, but the Border Sage did have a sizable chunk to her and her shikigami. Chen never bothered to go past this barrier, seeing it as some sort of safety fence for her, yet that was not the case this particular time. No, this time, Chen continued to walk, somewhat quickly, out of the Yakumo estate, and into the rest of Gensokyo.

Chen had no direction, she only wished to walk. Walk very far, far away from all of everything. She couldn't stand being around a Ran that may hurt her, and she couldn't stand being in a home that was no longer safe to her. So, the girl walked, with a thousand thoughts running through her head.

Ran-sama...I thought you were a good person...Why am I so stupid? I...I just blindly believed in my master, like a...a tool. That's all a shikigami is, when it comes down to it...a tool. A stupid, mindless, tool. And I'm the most mindless tool of them all...To think, I'm serving such a...mean spirited...

Chen's eyes began to water as she thought of her master in a bad light. She clenched her fists and held her breath steady, only picking up her walking pace. The small girl was truly having a hard time thinking of her beloved master in such a harsh way, but she had never known Yukari to ever lie to her, especially on something so important. Yukari, to Chen, was an extremely nice lady, never doing anything wrong to her or Ran, only helping the two. However, with the new development of Ran's punishment running hot in her mind, as well as Yukari's explaination of the event, Chen had no other choice but to believe her.

I'm so scared, Yukari-sama...You're Ran's master for a reason, I know that, yet...yet I can't possibly...think of Ran-sama that way...but I have no choice...

Chen stopped slowly, staring at the ground. a monster.


"Chen? Cheeeen!"

Ran had been searching the grounds for a small bit, having become worried about where her shikigami may have been. It had been quite a bit of time since the girl had left that morning, and she hadn't seen her since. Being spiritually connected with Chen, the kitsune felt that she wasn't in trouble, yet could feel a sense of uneasiness, as she had been feeling ever since the previous day. Still, Yukari had Ran overworked as it was, and she hardly had time to go looking for Chen, lest she be punished once again.

"I guess I'll just be forced to leave Chen up to her own devices...I'll act if I feel as if things are getting bad for her...She's strong enough to hold off some minor problems, anyway." The shikigami reasoned, feeling anxious about pausing in her daily duties.

It was one of her jobs every day to go over a large checklist of places around the edges of Gensokyo to check the Hakurei Barrier, making sure that everything was intact. She had, in interest of physical ability to work within the scope of time, devised a chart of rounds that would be checked, checking places of concern more often, and places of relative safety less often. It was in this fasion that each area of the barrier would be given the proportionally correct amount of attention required to keep the entire Hakurei Barrier strong. It was this job that Ran was neglecting at the time - something that if Yukari had figured out, would be punishable with extreme measures.

While preparing to go to the area where the barrier needed attention for the day, Ran came across a picture of Chen and herself, smiling on a sunny day, to a backdrop of a beautiful landscape. The kitsune picked up the photo slowly, and looked at her shikigami's smiling face, and sighed.

"I wish I could figure out how to help you, Chen..."

Putting the picture back where she found it, Ran finished her preperations, and was off.


It had been many hours since Chen had left the Yakumo household, and she had traveled across much land in Gensokyo. She had no real direction, but the breathtaking scenery surrounding her was doing an adequate job of keeping the girl at least somewhat calm. Chen had traveled over rolling green hills in a plain, and through a serene forest, passing where she knew the Hakurei Shrine was, and heading off into the forest once again. She had seen many assorted youkai, but none of which were dangerous to her - not only was Chen herself a youkai of sorts, but it is a true fact in Gensokyo that the stronger creatures come out at night. This, however, is important for one key fact.

The sun was slowly setting.

However, Chen didn't seem to notice, or care. She simply continued to walk, battling out thoughts in her own mind, trying to comprehend and overcome the extreme life changes that had been presented to her. In fact, in her blind mess of depressive confusion, the nekomata had made the mistake of wandering into what she thought was only a small bamboo thicket. By the time Chen fully realized where she was, it was far too late.

"I guess this is why they call it the Bamboo Forest of the Lost..."

The thought of being lost within the forest of bamboo trees was a bit frightening at first, but then the nekomata figured that it didn't matter - she wasn't quite done thinking things out as it was. She simply continued to walk, aimlessly, and endlessly. In fact, the poor girl had been walking nearly all day, without a moment's rest, or even without a break for food. But Chen didn't care.

There were, however, things in the forest that DID care.

The nekomata broke her trance-like train of thought as her ears perked up, and every hair on her body stood on end. A rustle had gone through the forest, very near her, yet she could see nothing.

"Who's there!?" Chen called out, attempting to be tough. "Show yourself!!!"

Small giggles and laughter echoed all around the small girl as the rustles seemed to come from every direction.

"You...You don't stand a chance against my black magic!!! I sugguest you run!!!" The nekomata dug her feet into the ground, attempting to find where the voices were coming from.


"Oh, scary, scary~"

"You're worthless, cat!"

A thousand voices suddenly began to echo all around Chen, all mocking her, all poking fun at her obvious fear. Suddenly, from seemingly nowhere, a mid-sized rock flew out and struck Chen in the back, causing the girl to scream out in suprise and pain.

"C-cowards!!! C-come out h-here!!!" Chen screamed, becoming extremely agitated at the situation at hand.

"Have it your way~" A distinct voice called out, meeting Chen's bluff. From all around, many, many rabbits suddenly swarmed Chen, each with a dark look in it's eye. Chen suddenly froze in fear at the sight of such a mass of creatures, causing her to hesitate just long enough for the rabbits to overtake her.

As Chen was pushed and forced to the ground, Tewi Inaba came waltzing out of the bamboo, wearing a smug grin, up to the pile of fur that was pinning the nekomata down.

"You. What are you doing in -my- forest~?" Tewi asked confidently from behind her power in numbers.

"TELL THEM TO GET OFF OF ME!!!" Chen screamed out, struggling to keep control of the situation, but being scratched, bitten, and pineed to the ground mercilessly.

"Ah, I would, except for the fact that you're trespassing on the grounds of a Rabbit Goddess - me." Tewi laughed, and bent down to look at Chen. "That means you're nothing but meat to me."


Suddenly, from above, a great figure gracefully landed on the ground next to the nekomata, and with a powerful sweep of an arm, knocked Tewi's head upward, causing her to fly back several feet in dazed confusion. At the sudden turn of events, many of the rabbits scattered, too cowardly to stick together. Those who attempted to stay behind even for a moment were scared stiff by what they saw, causing them to run even faster than those before them.

"Chen, are you ok!?" A very scared Ran asked, lifting the nekomata to her feet.

"R-r-ran-sama...!!" Chen stuttered out, fearing why her master may have come this far away from her home.

However, Ran's attention was guided off of Chen and onto Tewi, who was beginning to get up from being hit so hard. Ran rushed over to the youkai rabbit and grabbed her by her collar, staring into the girl's eyes with a cold, unmoving glare.

"What the HELL do you think you're doing!?" Ran barked out to the shivering rabbit.

"I-I was just playing a j-joke on-"

"A JOKE!?" Ran screamed out, throwing Tewi to the ground, knocking the wind out of her. "My Chen is scratched and bruised, scared out of her mind, and you call this a JOKE!?"

"L-let me explain...!!" Tewi stuttered out, cowering in fear from the angry kitsune in front of her.

"Shut up!!!" Ran screamed. "I don't care why you were insisting on torturing Chen, but I swear to the heavens above that if I catch you even NEAR her again, I will rip your throat out!!!"

Tewi, seeing the insane anger in Ran's eyes, decided to simply get up and run, not even bothering to acknowledge the kitsune. Besides, no answer given doesn't mean Tewi has to listen.

Ran calmed herself a bit, then turned around to face her shikigami. "Chen, why are you out here!? You know better than to just wander off of Yukari-sama's lands alone!"

Chen, seeing Ran so angered at Tewi only moments ago, mixed with her ideas of what may come based on Yukari's descriptions of the true Ran Yakumo, created a veil of fear that masked Ran's words, making them sound more hostile than worried to the poor girl. Chen, acting out of pure fear now, did the thing that made most sense to her.

"P-please Ran-sama!!! I'm sorry!!!" Chen screamed out, tears running out down her face, her small body shivering.

"You should be! I was worried sick about you, you were gone all day!!!"

"Please don't hit me, Ran-sama, I promise I'll be good...!!!"

At that moment, Ran's worried anger suddnely dropped, and she suddenly became very concerned.

"H-hit you?" the kitsune asked, genuinely suprised. "Since when have I ever hit you?"

"Please, please, please, please..." Chen muttered to herself, hiding her face in her arms, out of her mind in confused terror.

"Chen..." Ran started, to no avail. "CHEN!!!"

The nekomata stopped and stared at her master.

"I...I would never hit you..." Ran walked over to her shikigami slowly, who was shaking worse than the kitsune had ever seen. "Why would you say that?"

"I...I..." Chen stuttered out, confused on what to tell her master. To Chen, it was as if she was being tested - one wrong explaination could mean punishment to her.

"Chen...What's wrong?" Ran asked softly, trying to seem as calm as possible. "You need to tell me, Chen...I hate seeing you like this."


Chen was cut off by a warm hug from her master, and a hand behind her head. Chen froze, not knowing what to make of the situation, fearing for Ran to turn the action into some sort of punishment. However, when Chen felt the warmth of the kitsune, and hesitated just long enough to see that Ran was indeed simply hugging her, her mindset was destroyed once again.

Chen began to cry, not knowing what else to do.

The two sat in the bamboo forest, alone, in the darkness, stewing in their own sorrow. Ran didn't know why Chen was crying, and yet knowing her shikigami was under such distress was causing emotional turmoil within her as well. Chen, on the otherhand, was so confused and overwhelemed with all the radical changes to her view on life that she couldn't do anything but cry from all of the pain she had witnessed, the suffering she had undergone, and the sorrow that accompanied her loss of a blissful outlook on the world.

"R-ran-sama..." the nekomata sobbed out after a while, clinging to her master.

"It's ok Chen...I'm here for you." Ran comforted her shikigami, holding her ever tighter.

"Y-Yukari-sama....t-told me..."

"Yes?" The kitsune asked, feeling as if she could finally make some headway in Chen's enigmatic problems.

"...Sh-she told were a...m-m-monster..." The nekomata cringed, still somewhat believing that Ran may harbor evil intent, only hugging her for false comfort.

However, Ran's eyes widened and she gasped slightly. "She what!? Why would she do that!?"

"I...I..." Chen began to sob even harder, only becoming more distressed as time ticked on.

Ran sighed, seeing that her shikigami was in no condition to be answering her questions. "Come on Chen...Let's go home and get you cleaned up, ok?" The kitsune smiled warmly at the nekomata. Chen looked up at her master, slowly beginning to re-believe that she was safe with her, and slowly nodded.

Ran took Chen to where Yukari had left a border open for her, making her travel to the Hakurei Barrier easier. Travelling through the border space brought the two back to the Yakumo household instantly, and the gap in space closed behind them, having served its purpose. The pair entered the home, with Chen clinging to Ran's arm, still shivering in fear. Ran helped her shikigami to clean herself up, including calming her down quite a deal. Once Chen had a nice dinner, a warm bath, and was changed into her pajamas, she was feeling more confident that Ran wasn't the monster that Yukari had made her out to be - things felt as if they were back to normal, almost. But still, that left many questions for the nekomata...

Chen sat on her bed, her legs under her fluffy blanket, as Ran sat next to the bed with a warm smile. As Ran tucked in her shikigami, Chen decided to speak up.

"Ran-sama..." She began, to which Ran looked up in question. "I...I don't think you're a monster."

"Oh...Thank you, Chen. It makes me happy to hear that." The kitsune smiled, making Chen feel more secure in the situation.

"I...I saw something the other day that...that really, really scared me...and still does." The nekomata continued, looking down into her lap.

"Oh? What was it, Chen?"

The small girl stayed silent for a moment, trying to gather her courage and words, still afraid of what may happen if she admitted it. She looked up at her master, with her eyes beginning to well up in tears once more, and shakily began to speak.

"I...I saw...saw you being punished...b-by Yukari-sama..."

At hearing those words, Ran's heart began to race and a large wave of fear and worry struck over her. Things suddenly began to make sense on why her shikigami was acting so strange and frantic, and the idea of having such a pure, innocent soul witness such a horrid occurance was an absolutely terrible thought to have.

"O-oh my god...Chen..." She began, but was cut off, for her shikigami was not done talking.

"I saw it, Ran...I saw you being...punished...And it really, really scared me." The nekomata paused to calm her breathing, which was beginning to pick up, and continued when she felt ready. "I had never seen Yukari-sama so mad...And I've never seen you like that..."

"I'm so sorry you had to see that, Chen..." The elder shikigami leaned over and hugged the small girl, feeling absolute regret over the situation she could not control. "I feel awful..."

"Why would Yukari-sama do something like that?" Chen suddenly blurted out. "She's always been so nice..."

Ran sat and thought, trying to figure out a way to softly tell her shikigami the horrible truth of Yukari's attitude toward Ran's even slightest shortcomings in her work. Yet, no plausible way to tell her gently was showing itsself, so Ran only continued to hug her shikigami, unsure of what to do.

"I'm so scared, Ran-sama..." Chen continued, beginning to sob lightly again.

"Don't be, Chen..." Ran started, stroking the small girl's hair. "I won't let anything ever happen to you..."

"Yukari-sama...She..." Chen began again, fumbling with her own ideas on how to tell her master what Yukari had told her the day after. "She told me after...when..."

"Yes, Chen?"

The small girl couldn't quite figure it out, but all of her ideas on how to tell Ran were escaping her the more she tried to think about it. Any and all ideas of telling Ran about how Yukari had told her about the false stories including Ran's horrible deeds were slipping away into oblivion, and Chen simply became more and more confused as she thought of it, as if the boundaries of her mind were being slowly taken down, and a sudden rush of painful thoughts simply washed over the small girl. Chen simply buried her face into her master's shoulder and began to cry harshly, clinging to Ran's body in an attempt to feel even the slightest bit better.

"It's ok, Chen...You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to..." Ran comforted her shikigami, closing her eyes and putting her head behind Chen's shoulder. "You should get some rest...You'll feel better in the morning."

Chen slowly nodded, and kissed Ran's cheek. "I love you, Ran-sama..."

"I love you too, Chen..." The kitsune laid Chen down in her bed and tucked her in, giving the small girl a gentle kiss on the forehead before standing up. "I'll see you tomorrow...sweet dreams, Chen."

"Good night, Ran-sama..." The nekomata steadied her breathing and held onto the warmth of her blanket, feeling not exactly fine, yet certainly better than she had earlier in the day.

Ran exited Chen's room quietly, and closed the door behind her, then sighed slowly in sorrow. Seeing her Chen in such distress was terrible on Ran's heart, for she truly did care about the girl.


The kitsune's ears suddenly shot backwards, and her face changed from one of tiredness to one of fear as Yukari appeared out of a gap in space in front of her.

"Let's have a talk, Ran."

Yukari grabbed her shikigami's collar and drug her through the border, closing it behind her, as Ran's heart began to race to unhealthy levels, fearing for her life, as Yukari looked anything but pleased.

Little Chen slept quietly in her bed, slightly shivering slightly still from all of the trauma that had been pushed upon her. As Chen slept, Ran, however, was cowering yet again in the corner of a room, fearful of her master's wrath.

Yukari was not happy that Chen was beginning to talk.

Aya Squawkermaru

  • "You furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war." - William Hearst
  • Relevant quote is relevant.
Re: What it means to be a servant
« Reply #11 on: July 05, 2011, 05:12:39 AM »
I'd love to tell you about how much I enjoy this after every chapter, but I'm not great at constructive criticism (especially for fanfiction) so all I can really do is complement you.

That being said, I'm really interested in where this is going.

Re: What it means to be a servant
« Reply #12 on: July 06, 2011, 09:45:05 AM »
Wow. I can't believe it; Yukari is a monster. What does she have against the truth?

I like stories that make me ask, like this one. That is all I can say about it.

Crow's Dumping Ground of Art

"So I never have to worry what tomorrow will bring, because my faith is on solid rock; I am counting on God."

Re: What it means to be a servant
« Reply #13 on: July 06, 2011, 10:09:36 AM »

I'm loving it so effing much~

I just wish that Yukarin has a good reason for all the stuff she's doing.

Thanks to GreenVirus for the Siggy.
My TF2 Backpack of DOOM


  • Transcend the edge of Dissillusion
Re: What it means to be a servant
« Reply #14 on: July 11, 2011, 10:08:21 AM »
I'm sorry if I haven't been writing much and/or lately, I've been busy with stuff.


Chen awoke gently, the sun shining into her window, onto her bed. She slowly opened her eyes and saw the golden light pouring onto her covers, and the blue sky outside, covering the landscape in beautiful color. The nekomata slowly sat up and yawned, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, and looked out the window. She saw the lush green landscape flowing in every direction, with majestic mountains being in the far distance, and a bright, shining sun above it all. For the first time in quite a while, Chen simply stared at the beautiful scenery before her, and smiled.

"Ran-sama always told me that you start your day any way you wish..." Chen began to muse to herself. "Today...Today, I want it to be a good day."

Chen took a deep breath in, and hopped out of bed, confident that today would be better for her. She had been reminded of her master's kindness the night before, and her dreams were actually pleasant this time around. She felt the warmth of the sun, and saw the beauty of the world before her. Surely, nothing could ruin this day.

After getting dressed, Chen came walking into the kitchen with a smile, where she had smelt something delicious being prepared, no doubtedly by Ran Yakumo herself.

"Good morning, Ran-sama!" Chen greeted her master.

However, that smile that the nekomata wore soon faded quickly, for as Ran turned to face her shikigami, Chen's day was once again ruined.

"Hello, Chen..." Ran quietly mumbled, just barely loud enough to hear. The kitsune's left eye was bruised and swollen, and Ran herself looked as if she had not slept all of the night before - her hair was an absolute mess, her eyes were glazed over in fatigue, her tails drooped behind her, and she moved in slow, careful movements, as if she was about to collapse any moment.

"How are you?" The kitsune asked gently, wearing a very weak smile.

Chen stood in awe, not believing what she was seeing. It was something out of a nightmare, except for she knew she was awake. Chen knew that Ran had been hurt somehow, and seeing her so beaten and down really ended any hopes of a good day that Chen was having. Not being able to say or do anything, Chen simply continued to stare at her master.

"Are you hungry?" Ran asked, pretending not to notice her disposition.

"R-r-ran=sama...what happened!?" The small girl finally was able to get out.

However, before the kitsune could answer, a border opened up next to the two of them, and out stepped Yukari, wearing her usual confident smile.

"Ah, Ran, I'm so glad you're up and still willing to work. Poor, thing...ah, Chen, good morning!" Yukari smiled, facing the nekomata. "How're you?"

"F-f-fine, Yukari-sama..." Chen bowed her head, shaking slightly.

"Mm, it's about Ran, isn't it?" The sagely youkai answered Chen's unasked questions. "See, Ran saved us last night."

The kitsune looked over at Yukari half-heartedly, and Chen's ears perked up as she looked at her master's master.

"She did?"

"Ah, yes, she did." Yukari affirmed Chen. "We were under a savage attack by some dangerous youkai, but Ran here fought them off bravely for a long while. She's simply tired from her battles, and I'm afraid that she has a few battle wounds to prove it." The border sage slowly walked over to her shikigami, and smiled, staring directly into her eyes. "You fought well, Ran. Thank you for keeping this household safe."

" was nothing." Ran answered flatly.

"Wow....Ran-sama, thank you so much! You did such a good job keeping them away, I didn't even know!" Chen announced in amazement, beginning to create a glorious image of her master fighting bravely to defend the Yakumo household in her head.

"Here's your breakfast, Chen..." The kitsune replied, avoiding Chen's praise

The nekomata ate with the other two, as Yukari told Chen all about how there was a massive fight including many youkai, all of the most horrible kind, all wishing to take over their house, and how Ran had fought them off alone, almost sacrificing herself for the good of her 'family'. When the nekomata had finished, she got up from her seat, and walked over to her master.

"Thank you, Ran-sama..." Chen told her master, giving her a warm, but soft hug. "I'm sorry you had to get hurt, though...I really hope you get better."

"Thank you, means a lot to me." Ran hugged her shikigami back, smiling softly.

"Just call me if you need anything done, you should rest today, Ran-sama!" Chen said, leaving the room with a smile.

The kitsune watched to make sure her shikigami was clearly gone, then turned to her master.

"I don't like lying to her."

"You'll get over it." Yukari casually replied, hardly paying mind to her.

"She deserves to know the truth..." Ran softly said, looking down into her lap.

"What, that her master is a failure and has to be punished like a child?" Yukari cooly replied. "No, that would break her little heart. She should look at you in a fine light, or else she might become unruly, don't you think?"

"I...guess..." Ran forcibly agreed.

"Besides, it was my strict orders to never discuss such things with anyone. It's unbecoming of not only a shikigami, but a lady." The sagely youkai added on, flicking her fan out in front of her face. "Would you rather disobey me?"

"N-no..." The kitsune said hurriedly, shying away ever so slightly.

"Mm, good." Ran's master smiled gently. "Besides, as I said before, if you tell her the truth, she'll only be heartbroken. She'll fall deeper into her childish depression, and it may become more serious. And that, of course, would be all your fault." Yukari stood up, opened a border in space, and then turned to her shikigami.

"I'm going to Yuyuko's. You've had my orders."

With Yukari disappearing from sight, Ran slammed her fist into the table, causing it to shake a bit.

"Damnit....!" she cursed to herself, knowing that Yukari was right. She couldn't bear to hurt her shikigami like that - Chen was so pure and innocent as it was, it was a terrible thought to ruin her outlook on life as such.

However, Ran had forgotten one important thing - something that a youkai of her nature should never have forgotten.


"Yukari, I don't like the sound of that."

"What, they're my pets. It's not like I'm killing them or anything, they serve me."

"Just messing with their heads like that? Isn't it dangerous?"

"Yuyuko, all I do is alter the border between fantasy and reality for them. Any memories of the terrible thigns that might happen slip into their subconcious to become naught but vague thoughts - nothing they can identify as real, if even at all."

"...You're only doing this with BAD memories, right?"

"Yes, of course. I wouldn't abuse my power like that, you know me."

"Okay then..."

Aya Squawkermaru

  • "You furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war." - William Hearst
  • Relevant quote is relevant.
Re: What it means to be a servant
« Reply #15 on: July 11, 2011, 10:50:17 PM »
Ooh... Was not expecting this turn of events.

I'm a bit confused as to why Yukari would say that her lies are to protect Chen, when the last one was so horrible... Well, I'm sure you know what you're doing.

Re: What it means to be a servant
« Reply #16 on: August 07, 2011, 12:13:53 PM »
Nice story! I love it! Inspired me to read more stories. Looking forward for the next part, wondering what will happen next  :ohdear: