Author Topic: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)  (Read 150505 times)


  • Creepy As Hell
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Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #300 on: May 15, 2009, 01:49:39 PM »
Room 294, 11:39 AM, Day 4.

"I WANT OUT OF HEEEEERE!" Kaigomi screamed at them. "LET ME OUT! LEMME OUT!"

"F-fine! Just a sec..." Ria rushed toward the bed, trying to get at Kaigomi's straps. She squirmed furiously.

"Crap crap crap..." she muttered, prodding at Kisume and Arreku. "Damn it, what'd she do!?"

Jalal spoke up from the crowd. "She's drained all his mana."

"His what!?" she snapped.

"Mana... a source of energy for magic powers. Kisume's been feeding off his mana the entire time she was here, so once once Arreku's depleted..."

"W-well what do we need to do to restore it!?"

Eirin smiled. "A good rest, and a nice meal should cut it."

Kaigomi sighed in her sleep. A rather amusing looking pile of people had formed in the lounge; Kaigomi (fully clothed) rested on Arreku's lap, who leaned against the wall. Curled up at his side, Momizi kicked, probably dreaming about running. Kisume leaned against arreku, her bucket half tipped over.

Before resting, Kaigomi had recieved an explanation on who Marx was, and her reason for draining Arreku's mana.

A confident looking young woman with long silver hair stepped into the room, eyeing Team Ahoge greedily.

"What have we here...?"

(OOC: Here you go Hele.)
« Last Edit: May 15, 2009, 11:35:11 PM by Pedonymous »


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Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #301 on: May 16, 2009, 08:57:27 AM »
Saniwa Shrine - 2pm - Day 3 starring Kojiro and Remilia Dream (OOC: cool backstory prelude if your interested ^_^ The dives i do with remilia will reveal things about her past and live before gensokyo and the issues that lead to her moving to Gensokyo))

He was laying down on a carpet....He opened his eyes to see a giant chandelier hanging above and a grand staircase in front of him...odd but he was in the SDM again. He sits up slowly.

Koji: ugh...*shakes head* did...i end up here? *looks around* ..!!

He felt an immerse demonic aura bein emitted from the corridor above the stairs but it wasn't an aura he ever felt before. He hid in the shadow of a pillar and laid low to see what was going on and who was coming closer.

?? 1: I knew i shouldn't have waited to deal with the Paladin Knights....It seems i'll have to deal with them myself.

?? 2: As you wish Father.

?? 1: Remilia. Go into the cellar and unbind my weapon. I'm sure she'll make the knights crumble and dissolve at my feet.

Remilia: ....As you command Father... *leaves*

Remi's Dad: Those fools will know the horror that is Malduke Scarlet! The Scarlet Devil! MWAHAHHA! No one will stop my plan for Destructive Dominance!

This man...vampire was seething with power. He was highly formidable and was Remilia's father....Kojiro watched silently as he slowly left out the front door....When the cost was clear Kojiro bolted from the area and followed Remilia. He wanted answers immidiately.

Kojiro: "this....has to be a dive dream that Satori spoke to me about (OOC: assume she told everyone after having that experience with Mitaka on Day 2)." I didn't know that Remilia's father was THAT powerful.

The mansion was exactly how it was and how he knew it. He made it to the cellar where normally Flandre's room would be.

Kojiro: "Weapon? Unbind his weapon? .....Does that mean that
His thoughts were ended abruptly when a voice came from behind him.

Remilia: Who are you and how did you get here?

Her voice was terrifying and stern.

Remilia: Human how dare you come this far into our home unscathed. I don't care why you came but I won't allow you to get away.

He turned slowly to face Remilia...Her eyes were red and menacing. She looked ready to kill at any moment.

Kojiro: Remilia your here. That's good *is casual sounding*

Remilia: !! What?! How do you know me human?!

Kojiro: !? " ah dam i see. thanks to the dive i'm living through some of Remilia's experiences and subconsciousness...."  Fate has brought me here to help you in your troubles mi'lady. *bows* I know all about you mistress

Remilia: !! grr Human! don't toy with me. many humans are cocky enough to think they know us and defeat us only to be crushed miserably under our heels. your blood isn't even worth saving!

He chaged topics immidiatly

Koji: is this your sisters room?

Remi: !!

With that she immidiately pounced on him (Demon Lord Walk) and pinned him to the stone cold floor.

Koji: auugh!
Remi: don't you DARE call that monstrosity my sister! I don't have a-

she stopped and hesitated. she didn't want to deny that the one in the other room was her sister but she wanted to. maybe because it would be easier for her to accept or somethin but it pained her.

Koji: ....Was that man your father...he looks terribly imposing and powerful...

Remilia hopped off him and looked at him from a distance. The man she was on top of didn't even flinch or show a tinge of fear nor struggled against her.  IT was really working her nerves and she couldn't stand it.

Remilia: I'll ask one more time before I lose patience and kill you...Who are you?

Koji:...well I'm Kojiro Hiragumi. You don't know it but i'm a friend of yours...and i want to help you in anyway i can possible.

Remilia: absurd! i have no friends much less a human one! Speak another lie and you'll die on the spot human!

Kojiro: Well as it stands now it does look like i'm lying to you...but its true. I can prove it too

Remilia:......*watches closely*

Kojiro: if you wish i'll let you have a drink off me. I know your a light eater right?

Remilia: are you trying to mock me!? because its not funny!

Kojiro: I'm not mocking you i promise! I didn't sneak down here for nothing i wanted to see you and ask a few questions is all.

Remilia: lies! your a spy from the Paladin Knights. there's no way i'd relinquish any information whatsoever.

Kojiro: ....ah i heard your dad mention that name...who are they? Enemies of yours?

Remilia: That is it human i've had enough of your games! *she pounces him again pinning him down easily and without effort.*

Koji: oww....that..hurt

Remilia: don't worry your suffering will end soon. *barrs fangs and holds up her claw*

Koji:" oh shit! what do i do what do i do!? I can't be killed in our first dive dammit! I've got to-]

It hit him (an idea not her claw)

He held his free arm up and reached behind her and tickled the crest of her wings

Remilia: !! *stops and tried to not laugh*

He continued to tickle bridge where her wings and back bones met (her ticklish spots)

Koji: hehe how does that feel Remi?

Remilia: !!! H-how do you...know tha-aha-hahat! ahahhahha! you cursed human! ahhaha!

She feel back and he propped himself onto her and tickled her more.

Koji: hehe i know your ticklish spots I promise i'm not here to hurt you. I just want to help you is all. i swear.

He stopped and looked at her for a while. She caught her breathe and looked back at him. She was embarrassed that a human "defeated" her in such a manner but...

Remilia: Only my mother knows my ticklish spots....Did she send you?

Kojiro: ? No she didn't. i never actually met either of your parents. But I do know your existence and your sister's very very well.

Remilia looked at him again and thought for a while if he was trustworthy or not...However that immense aura started to approach coming from upstairs.

Malduke: REMILIA!!! WHAT IS TAKING SO LONG! *coming down stairs*

Koji: !!

Remilia: !!

Her father was coming down and he sounded PISSED. The aura comin from him was stricken with death and murder

Remilia: *whispers* quick hide!

she didn't have to tell him twice and he rushed to an area under the stairs and not visible at all. Not that it mattered since vampires can see in the dam dark but he was hidden and unseeable by cover of physical objects in the way...He watched from where he was.


Remilia: I-I'm sorry Father! I was....talking to her. She doesn't seem well and I-


Remilia: Y-yes Father! *scampers to 'her' room and opens the door*

Malduke: its about time!

As soon as she unlocked the door he hit her away and straight into the stone wall. the sound of her body hitting wall sent undulated waves of shock and pain throughout the cellar.


Remilia got up slowly and walked over to the door. A scream was heard from inside the room.


The voice was Flandre albeit not insane...Her voice had fear and innocence in it. But that didn't save her from the apparent slapping she gotten.

Malduke: *SLAPS!* You WILL obey my orders whether you like it or not! you should take a few lessons from your less promising elder sister!  *grabs her* We're leaving now! you have a duty to fulfill as my most prized weapon!

there was no protest after this. she merely followed and did as she was told. When she came out of her room there was somethign noticeable missing: Her crystal wings. Instead she had normal vampire wings..about remi's length too but she also had some sort of collar around her neck that sparkled multiple colors but the base of it was gold. Flandre glanced at Remi and smiled slightly and continued to follow after their dad.

Malduke: Remilia start making dinner for us and have it ready upon our return. And don't delay this time!

Remilia: *holdin her cheek still* Y-yes Father!

Flandre and her father were out of range and Kojiro immidiately went to Remilia and held her cheek

Kojiro: that heartless bastard! what parent hits their child like this?!

Remilia: He is heartless! *sniff* He doesn't show us any love whatsoever! He calls me a useless child and calls Flandre his most prized weapon! And if we disobey him he punishes us....I don't want to be hit with his spear ever again....

Kojiro:...!! Spear the Gungnir?!

Remi: y-you know it? Its such a terrible lance of unyielding power....It never misses its target ever!

Kojiro: yeah i know its really hard to defend against... Where is your mother? Is she abusive like your father is? she's not she's really nice and sweet....really the opposite of him... I don't knwo why but..I feel i can trust you like i do my mother. Only she knows my ticklish spots...and you seem to have known immidiately when i threatened to kill you....

Koji: well what can i say? I said that Fate brought me to you today. *rubs her cheek* How do you feel?

Remi: *blushed slightly* I'm fine stop it. I'm already healed you know....I have to go and prepare his meal.

Kojiro: *sigh* that father of yours is a real jerk...I'd teach him a lesson if i could "I never thought she had such an abusive life before gensokyo....its really unnerving" shouldn't come back here again. I'll lead you out of here safely for now but don't come back. If my Father saw you here he'd.....

Kojiro: no doubt he'd try to kill me...I'm aware of the danger here Remilia. but I'm not leaving you I promise.

Remi: tehehe. Get real human, as interesting as you are your nothing compared to my Father. He'll grind your bones into dust and use your flesh as candle wax.

Koji: *whistles and smiles* fearsome indeed but i'm not scared. I've seen and fought much...worse *sigh* sadly.

Remi:......anyway lets go i'll lead you out of here safely just this once.

They ascended the stairs together and made it to the a back door.

Remi: leave. if you come back here it'll be on your own risk and i might attack you if Father finds out.

Koji: understood *pats her head* don't worry though i won't hurt you even if you hurt me

Remi: *blush again*..."only mother pats me like this...its...its only coincidence *brushes his hand away* just go!

He was shoved out the back door but he saw nothing....when the white faded he was staring into Rumia's face as she stared back at him. He had waken from his dive like dream.

Saniwa Shrine - 10:30 AM - Day 4

They spent the rest of Day 3 recovering and relaxing with the others. They were thoroughly exhausted from the intensity of the Sky Ray incident. They had to set up the bombs and detonate them manually, if THAT wasn't dangerous enough the surviving aftwards was. Remilia had used a lot of mana to invoke her Fate Manipulation ability and in effect Kojiro was very tired but invoked some of his backup mana to pick up the slack.  Kojiro spent the rest of the night helping Rumia learn more words and things. she could even put a few sentences together.

When he awoke from his dream he noticed that remilia was gone....she must have woken up before him...but after the dream/dive ended  (OOC:but after the dream had officially ended. you both have to be asleep in order for dives to function...yeah i'm totally stayin strictly to Ar Tonelico Where the diving aspect comes from haha)

Rumia: Good...Morning Kojito

He blinked and rubbed his eyes

Kojiro: mmmm.....Its KojiRo but that's fine i suppose....Good girl

Rumia: *giggles*

Kojiro: Where did Remilia go?

Rumia: *points behind her* That way

Koji: out the room eh? i see

Suddenly Remilia reappeared with a tray of breakfast on a plate.

Koji: " that the meal she prepared for her father?...i guess Remilia really can cook....should i ask her about the dream?...does she even know we shared it?...I wonder"

Remi: H-here Kojiro-kun. B-breakfast is ready.

Kojiro: wow thanks remi....I guess the maid training starts today huh? I guess i'll have to learn to be more of a butler like Taihou soon myself....still i wonder WHY we have to do this when we should be concentrating on the enemy instead....Are you okay with this? your not the type of person i'd expect to be serving people.

Remilia was a tad silent there. To be honest she wasn't aware of the dream but he dive into her subconscious and lived through some of her memories in the past albeit edited with his presence and influence in it...But it affected her slightly in the end...She was serving she did in the past.

Remilia: N-no! i'm not bothered in the slightest bit! An aristocrat like me must be able to excel in various topics, traits and tasks no matter what! This is no problem at all *haughty and proud as usual*

Koji: hehe alright that's cool ^_^

He started to eat the food unknowing of the fairy curse within it.

Remilia: Would you like something else Kojiro-kun?

Koji started to get a tad bit dizzy...maybe he was still tired from last night and yesterday in general...then again he ws bloody hungry since he didn't eat since lunch yesterday.

Koji: n-no...I"m fine...I think i'll nap a bit more....*voice is getting a little high and flucuates*....*coughs* i think my voice is going...definitely need a little more sleep remi hehe.

Remilia:....very well then *takes his plate* I'll return shortly then.

He slept for only 30 minutes and was changed into a girl without he...she wakes up will a very big surprise indeed.
« Last Edit: May 16, 2009, 04:47:27 PM by Kojiro »
See the patterns, feel the patterns, become one with the patterns, avoid the patterns
In order to live through the patterns, you must understand the patterns for everything else there is MASTER SPARK.


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Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #302 on: May 16, 2009, 10:12:57 AM »
- - -
« Last Edit: January 24, 2017, 01:12:20 PM by Helepolis »

Caber Knight Etch-A-Sketch

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Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #303 on: May 16, 2009, 12:53:45 PM »
Saniwa Shrine 11:50 AM ( Teams Shakin' and Pirate)

Austin, Ria, and Nitori stood outside the living room, well out of sight of Mokou, who seemed to be recruiting people for something. The three of them went to investigate.

" So," Ria whispered, "this is a competition?"

" Looks like it..." Austin peered through the wall.

"Hey! What are you guys looking at?" Nitori whispered. " I see nothing but wall."

" This must be a moe maid competition..."

" A what?" Ria was visibly confused.

" Well, a moe maid competition is where girls dress up as maids. Whoever is the most moe wins." Nitori said knowledgable.

" How do you even know about that?!?" Austin whispered fiercely.

" Internet."

" Oh, right."

The three of them went back to watching what was about to transpire. Ria fidgeted a little before turning to Austin.

" Um, what the heck is moe?"

" Uh, how do I put it?" Austin scratched his head.

" Well, moe is this magic power girls have over guys. It can render many male or male-minded person numb. Like this." Nitori did a little hop and turned to do a moe pose (picture unavailable as it cannot be found)


" And down he goes." Nitori said it almost with pride.

Austin lied on the ground, blood oozing from his nose.

" Well, at least it's not as bad as Caboose's. Come on Austin, get up." Ria extended a hand and helped Austin up.

The three of them continues to watch.


  • Creepy As Hell
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Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #304 on: May 16, 2009, 04:20:59 PM »
Outside the Saniwa Shrine,11:50 AM, Day 4.

"Uhm, I think you might be confused about this... Mokou-sama..."

She glared at him. "And what, praytell, might that be, your flatness?"

Arreku fiddled with his skirt. He'd worn a maid uniform plenty of times, but not one like this. "Uhhh... I... I'm a boy..."

Mokou stared at him. "Y-you're..."

"Haha, Mokou's too dumb to figure out the difference between a boy and a girl, ze!" Marisa whooped. Reimu sharply jabbed her in the side.

"Could you tell the difference?"

"N-no, but..."

"Ahah... Ahahaha, AHAHAHAHHHH!" Mokou laughed heartily. "You're kidding! Welllll, in that case-" she roughly grabbed Arreku by the wrist. "We'll need to fix that, wont we!?"

Arreku struggled to break free, but to no avail. "Ahh, that hurts!! What are you talking about, Mokou-sama!?" he squeaked as she dragged him over to a table. A plate of old scrambled eggs sat on the table.

"D'ohohoho, this wont be pretty." Eirin said.

Jalal spoke up. "Why, what's the matter?"

Eirin giggled. "Such a genetic transformation will bring out dormant genes in his sloppy coding."


"Genetic diseases have been taken out from his DNA, and other, non-human traits added. It's artificial."

"W-what? He's artificial? Did you know that!?"


"Oh, another one. You're..."

Pedonymous, you sadists.

"Ahah, that whiney one. You know that procedure wasn't personal, right?"

My name's Pedonymous, thank you very much, and you don't understand. He'd never forgive you if you did something like that... But now it seems he's really taken a lik- Hey, no getting off topic!

"Ah, sorry. So, you knew?"

Yes, but it's not in my place to discuss it. It'd ruin the plot.

"Heh, you're quite the stickler. Whatever." he turned his attention to Eirin again. "Where'd you get the genetic sample?"

Eirin sneered. "During the exam. He's very sensitive."

"Oh-OH! Ohhh..."



Mokou grabbed a gob of cold egg. "Down the hatch!"

She smeared egg on his face, lips tightly closed. "I won't e-eat it!"

"Oh, yes you will."


Arreku wavered on his feet, a string of spit hanging from his lip. "HAWAWAWAWAW-"

Mokou shoved the egg in him mouth and plugged his nose. "Eat it up!"

"Mmmm, MMMMMM-MMMMM!" he mumbled through Mokou's hand, running out of air. Eventually, he reluctantly swallowed.

"There we go. Not too bad, was i-"

Mokou stared at Arreku. He hadn't changed much, maybe his hips were a little wider, his hair a little longer. But that wasn't the main focus.

Arreku stooped over, sporting a well exposed G cup cleavage.

"Ah-AHHHHHH!! I'M A GIRL! AHH!" she squealed. Even her voice remained the same. "FIXITFIXITFIXIT!!"

"Oh ho... Ohohohoh! OHOHOHOHOOOH~!" Mokou greedily laughed. "I hope you lose!"

"AHH, THEY'RE HEAVY, HEAVYYY!" Arreku continued to panic.

"Right-o, get out there and lose!!" Mokou said, pushing her back to her previous position. Kisume, who watched the entire incident from afar, now sat beside Arreku, smirking.

Sakuya raised a small white flag. "Ready, and... begin!"
« Last Edit: May 17, 2009, 02:52:06 PM by Pedonymous »


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Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #305 on: May 16, 2009, 04:31:54 PM »
The Shrine Hall, Maid Contest, Day 4, Lily White

After struggle to get used to her temporary human body, Lily White made it to the hall, and see the others awaits for "them".

Then she saw a banner on the wall, with their teams and the different fields of the contest.

Amarillo's name is in the 1st line, and their subject is Archery.

"Lucky you."

"Ehh? You are supposed be sleeping." Lily White is surprised to hear Amarillo's voice.

"I'll never sleep well if I worries too much. What's our subject?"

"It's Archery, and we go first."

"Good, first to compete, first to win."Amarillo "said" cheerfully.

"I'm just worried about the contest itself. it said we will use knife, spear, and bow abilities."

"Remember what I said in the morning? On fishing?"

"Err.... Focus?"

"Oh, well... Whatever.... Seeing it's Archery makes me less worried. If it is cleaning or catwalk we are screwed!"

"I get the feeling that I'll screw it even if it's Archery."

"No, you won't, that's why I let you use my body. You can try access my memory and use my experience to win this contest! OK, now my worries are gone, I'll went to sleep. Remember if Gpop appears, do whatever you like with him. "
With these words Amarillo's voice fade away.

"So Now I'm alone... Focus?" Lily thought.

"Oh, hi Lily." Mikata/Mikoto greeted Lily.

"Huh? How do you know I'm not Amarillo?"

"By the eye color, Amarillo have brown eyes, and you always have blue. If Amarillo merges with you and she's still awake, you'll have brown eyes. And I heard what Gpop done to Amarillo."

"It's not 100% his fault. " Lily said. "I'm more worried about the match."

"It seems your enemy is new to this too." Kojiro said as a worried Arreku and Kisume rush towards the hall.

"Oh, well, at least they got 2 people." Lily sighed.

"Well, if I were her I won't depend my luck on a bucket loli." Kojiro smiled. "And I believe your body is agile enough to do all the tricks like throwing knifes and spears."

"Thank you." Lily replied. Then she heard Mokou announcing the people who goes first.

It's Arreku.

"Oh, well. less thrill for me." Thought Lily White. As she see Arreku and her bucket partner went to the front and listen to Mokou's instructions.

And she starts to search Amarillo's experience for "Spear Using".

No anvil.

Then..."Knife Throwing".

No result.

Then... "Focus".

"To focus, one must unaware of anything that's around them but your goal...." a voice (which is very similar to Youmu's )start to echo in Lily's mind.

And she listened.

Break anything that stands between you and them!

Caber Knight Etch-A-Sketch

  • The return of something
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #306 on: May 16, 2009, 06:30:55 PM »
Saniwa Shrine 11:50 Am Day 4

Ria, Austin, and Nitori had retreated to the rooftop where they found Team Ahoge. Kaguya and Momizi followed.

Momizi yawned. She was still a little sleepy from napping on Arreku.

"Still tired?" Austin asked.

Momizi nodded, " *yawn* a little..."

"You can sleep on me if you want."

"Eh?!?" Momizi turned a shade of red at that moment.

"Quiet, you two!" Ria hissed, "Do you want that crazed KFC to find us?!?"


"You know," Austin said, " You can sleep on me if you want."

"O-ok..." Momizi placed her head on Austin's shoulder and dozed off again

"Looks like the first event is occuring outside." Nitori said.

"Are they going to shoot stuff? I WANT TO SHOOT SHTUFF!!!" Kaguya yelled.

"Patience, Kaguya. You'll get your chance soon enough." Ria cooed.

" Ok. I get to be in a real FPS as the main character and I don't get to shoot shit and..." Kaguya continued muttering to herself.

"Hey, is that Frank?" Ria asked.

"Yeah, and Caboose too. What are they doing there?" Austin questioned.

Frank and Caboose seemed to be in the yard amongst the many targets. And the match was about to start.

"Oh, crap. I hope they can do Danmaku dodging..."

"Are you sure you lost the contact lens here?" Frank asked.

"I sure, but after the stuff was moved around, now it's even harder to find the stuff." Caboose said.

They continued to search the area as the competition waited for the arrival of Amarllio.

"You say something Caboose?" Frank asked.

"Huh? No." Caboose responded.

"But are you absolutely sure that you lost the contacts here?" Frank asked.

"Yeah, I'm sure that I would remember where I lo-" Caboose was interupted by a projectile flying right in front of his face.

"Let's get out of here! We'll get new ones!" Frank yelled as more projectiles flew at them.

"Good idea!" Caboose responded.

But they were trapped. projectiles and sharp implements flew at them.

"Caboose! You have that stereo?!?

"Yeah, whywhoa! Why?"

"It's time!"


Caboose pulled a stereo from his pocket and it began to play a vaguely familiar tune.


Frank and Caboose began to spin very fast and dodged all of the shots. When it was over, Frank and Caboose lied on the ground, very tired.

"Hey! What are you doing here?!? You could get killed you know?!?" Sakuya snapped.

"Sorry." Frank and Caboose walked back to their bags.

Austin saw the two pick up the bags.

" Hey, you guys! Wait up!" Austin yelled, jumping off the roof and running after Frank and Caboose. Momizi woke up when she landed in the bush.

"WAAH! The sex bush!" Momizi cried.

Shrine Entrance

"Wait up you guys!" Austin yelled.

"Huh? Oh, hey Etch." Caboose said.

"What's going on? You're just leaving? Without any goodbyes?!?"

" Well, It's like this," Frank explained, "We need to find our memories. Just going back to ordinary life isn't going to make us happy. We need to know. Just who the hell are we?"

"We're not going to be able to find our answers here, so we must be going." Caboose said.

"*sigh* Can't stop a man who's made up his mind. Here, take this." Austin handed Caboose one of his spare laptops." You're probably going to need it anyways."

"Thanks man."

"Should fate permit it," Frank said, " we shall meet again."

"Whether or not Remilia wants it to be, we will meet again." Austin noted.

Caboose and Frank began walking away from the Shrine.

"You know, Caboose? I get the feeling we're going to be back here again."

"Me too. Oh hey, found my contacts. They were in my pocket all along."


Caboose began running towards the sunset, Frank hot on his heels.

...wait a sec...


Dammit you guys! Stop damaging the set!

"Sorry!" the two yelled back.

And Frank and Caboose began their journey anew. In search of their memories inUniversal Studios somewhere in the world.


  • Creepy As Hell
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Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #307 on: May 17, 2009, 02:56:35 AM »
Saniwa Shooting Range, 11:55, Day 4.

Arreku groaned as she bent down to look at the weapons. Several knives, spears, and a quiver of arrows with a bow lay in a neat pile. Since when did weapons have anything to do with maids?

"C'mon Arreku, do it!" Kaigomi must have awakened from her sleep. "Do it or I'll never forgive you!"

Arreku yelped. She hastily picked up one of the small knives, it's silver blade glinted the sun's bright light in her eye. She'd never handled a weapon... She eyed the bull's eye, roughly 20 meters from where she stood. Maybe if she put enough effort into it...

"Hi-yah!" she yelped as she threw the blade with as much effort as possible. She looked expectantly at the target, but it wasn't there. She looked down, the knife lay on the ground, about 5 meters away. The crowd erupted in laughter.

"Haha, I could do better than that, ze!" Marissa swaggered. "Ow!"

"You couldn't. I probably couldn't either."


"Shut it."

Sakuya rubbed her temple.

Arreku whimpered... could she do better? She winded up for another throw, pitching it like a baseball. Her breasts threw her off balance, sending the knife up and over the roof.


"It'll be fun. LOT'S OF FUN!!" Mokou shouted, sneaking a 'Just as Planned' at Kaigomi. She stamped her foot in rage.

She gulped... She tried several more times, but none of them came close to the target.

"Maybe the spear..."

She picked up the spear, it was longer than she anticipated, and she almost lost her balance. Grunting, she tossed the spear forwards. it quickly sped toward the ground, twanged with vibration, and clattered in the dirt.

"Hunhhhh... the arrows...?"

She bent down and picked up the bow, eying it curiously.

"You never seen a bow before Arreku?" Jalal shouted from the crowd, Arreku grunted and continued to inspect the bow and it's arrows. She held the bow backwards, loaded an arrow the wrong way, pulled back and let go.

The arrow hit the side of the shrine, the back end splintered and broken. Arreku groaned in embarrassment and defeat.

"ARREKU! MAGNET SHOT! NOW!!!" Kaigomi shouted.

Arreku wracked his memory... Magnet shot...? AHA!

The magnet shot was where he manipulated the magnetic field around him generated by coursing electricity through him in a current. He could then fire objects caught in it with considerable force. He'd developed this a few years ago when he needed to pass nails up to Kaigomi when they were fixing a roof, but he hadn't found another use for it, so he hadn't used it for a while.

"Right!" Arreku shouted in agreement. She began to run in place, gaining speed at a considerable rate, until she had dug a rather deep ditch in the ground below her.

"The hell's she doing?" Austin mumbled from the roof.

After a few moments, she prepared to attain maximum charge. A quick jump in the air and the had curled up into a tight ball... although it wasn't perfect, her breasts got in the way... The kept spinning as she hit the ground, now gaining a huge amount of speed as she dug an even deeper ditch in the dusty ground. The tingle of static coursed through her, she bounced up, landing on her feet, and took a rigid stance.

"Focus..." Arreku mumbld to herself. "Focus!"

A fast current flowed throughout her body now, generating the field. The metal knives and the tips of the spears and arrows clattered on the ground as the field picked up strength, and soon they were whirling around the lines of the powerful field.

"THE HELL'S SHE DOING!?" Several voices shouted out from the crowd.

Arreku now began to change positions, trying to get the orbit of the metal objects around him just perfect. Once he found the right trajectory, she violently shuddered, loosing the built up electricity into the ground. Weapons flew in random directions, by some miracle nobody was hurt. Arreku shut her eyes in anticipation.

A resounding 'ohhhh' came from the crowd, Arreku gleefully opened her eyes to see the glint of metal in the very center of the target. On closer inspection... a spoon?

"Ohhh... How hard can you fail!? Look at Amarillo's target!"

Dare she turn her head?

A good majority of his weapon were deeply embedded in her target, about 5 arrows sticking erect out of the bull's eye. A sinking feeling could be felt in her stomach, words escaped her... she was falling, falling into the blackness...

"YOU IDIOOOOT! YOU FUCKING MORON!!! I'LL KILL YOU!! I'LL GET YOU BACK FOR THIS!! MARK MY WORDS ARREKU!" the shrill voice of none other than Kaigomi erupted from the crowd. Mokou rushed forward.

"Excelent choice, Arre-chan! We'll have lots of fun, I guarantee it!" Mokou said in singsong, dragging Arreku under the shoulders. SHe looked back, Mokou's face was flushed, and a steady stream of drool streamed from the corner of her mouth. A sudden realization of what was about to transpire hit Arreku like a punch to the gut, and she bagan to kick and scream.

"NONONONO, Idon'twanttoMokou! PutmedownthatkisswasmorethanenoughandIdon'tevenknowyouImeanseriouslydidn't

Mokou roughly tied a gag over Arreku's mouth. "Shut up, I told you we were gonna have some fun. I don't care about your relationships with anyone else."

"RAAAAAHHHHHH! PUT HIM DOWN YOU BITCH!!" Kaigomi came screaming after her into the shrine. Faint yelling could be heard as she ran down the halls.

Sakuya stared at the empty doorway, trying to push the things that Mokou might be doing to Arreku at this time out of her head. "R... Right... A-Amarillo Viridian and Lily White, take your places!!"


  • Media Analyst
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #308 on: May 17, 2009, 08:55:01 PM »
Walking through Karuisuwa, Day 4, 11:00 AM

Grey and Kotohime, riding on a cloud, saw someone walking through the town.

"Hey, let's ask for directions," Grey said.

Before either of them could say a word the passerby noticed them and showed a look of surprise. "You! You're one of them!"

"Don't be afraid, citizen!" Kotohime responded. "You're safe on my watch!"

"What do you weirdos want, anyway?" the stranger asked.

"We're lost," Grey said. "Have you seen any other of us 'weirdos' nearby?"

"I saw a group heading that way, toward the shrine."

"Thank you, citizen" Kotohime said. "As you were."

The stranger bowed and went on with his business.

"Can't you make this cloud go any faster?" Grey asked.

"As a matter of fact, I can't. This is the only spell I can muster at the moment. Just be glad we're not walking."

"We can forget about walking. With all the food you brought, there's no way we would have made it this far. What do you need all this for, anyway? Aren't you-"

"I'm a human, remember? Just like you. I need to eat, especially when I'm maintaining a spell, so just be thankful."

"Alright," Grey said.

"Hey, Grey," Kotohime said. "What's that in the road...a head?"

"I'm not in the mood for silly puns. But you're right, I think I see the shrine!"


  • Have Faith.
  • *
  • And keep it.
    • NMforce
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #309 on: May 17, 2009, 09:41:49 PM »
Maid Contest, Shooting Range 1200, Day 4, Lily White

She smiled as she see Akkeyu dragged out of the range.

After searching in Amarillo's memories, she found a lecture on how to focus oneself to the maximum.

"Focus until there is nothing that can be seen between you and the target, nothing that can be heard between you and the target, nothing that can be feel between you and the target... In other words, there should only exist you and the target, without others......"

The voice of that sounds like Youmu, however Lily cannot make sure. After all, Amarillo have no chance to be lectured by the half-human girl.


Lily cannot make sure if she can archive that status, however she will try.

As she heard Sakuya called her name she walk forward, and was presented with Akkeyu's range.

"Sorry, since that guy had filled your target with his arrows..." Sakuya takes out a handkerchief and wiped the sweat appeared on her forehead. "And where's Lily White?"

"I'm her."

"Eh? I don't think powers is allowed in this contest."

"There is no power, Amarillo had fainted so I borrowed her body, under her agreement of course."

"Hmm, a human who having a body that can be shared with youseis are sure rare these days... Fine, you may proceed. Knife, Spear or Bow/Arrow, your choice." Sakuya stepped aside.

"Err.. I believe it's all of them?"

"See how that guy did... It's sure that you will do better than him, or her." Sakuya sighed.

Lily went forward and took the bow, and armed it with an arrow.

Then she began to focus.

As the voices from the others start to dim out from the air....

A bright light flashed in Lily's thought.



The volume of the others had tuned up again, and Lily see the arrow stuck in the bull's eye.

But as she take the spear and get ready to throw it, she found it hard to focus.

Her first success had actually caused a handicap on her performance.

So she just closed her eyes and threw it out.

And then she realized why Amarillo had lend her body instead of letting Lily White debut alone.

It's hard for a yousei's body to lift a bow and shoot, that goes same to spears and knifes.

The point is height.

Oh, well, Lily could float in the air and shoot the arrows or throw the knives, however it breaks focus.

Amarillo want to win, so she used that method.

However, why did she want to? She's not that kind of human that's picky on one winner status.

Lily White could not understand.

And she heard the sound of the spear touched the ground.

She opened her eyes and see the spear barely touched the target.

"I give up. One shall always know her limit." Lily said to Sakuya, and walk back in the crowd.

"Oh, whatever, it's still better than Akkeyu. " Sakuya looks at Mokou's victim as she murmured.

Then she turns back, "I hereby claim the winner is... Lily Viridian!"

"Eh?" Lily turned back, "There is not such a person!"

"Oh, well there is, Since you are using a human body you automatically took her last name." Sakuya smiled. "However the effect is the same, you win this round  by a weak advantage."

"So that's a point for the White Team!"

Lily White rushed back to the crowd.

"Ahh, it's so hard to get focused!" She "complained".

There was no reply, it seems Amarillo really decided to rest.

Lily White sighed and walk back towards her room.

Amarillo and Lily's Room, 1220PM, Day 4

Lily closed the door and tried to emerge from Amarillo's body, and then she saw a motionless Amarillo falling backwards.

"Ah, shoot." Realized that Amarillo is indeed sleeping, she went back to her body and lie on the bed.

"That will do." As Lily White emerges out again from Amarillo's body and get off the bed, she thought.

"Well, I'll go back and watch the rest of the match then."

Lily White leaves a note beside the sleeping Amarillo and then left for the other show.
« Last Edit: May 17, 2009, 10:16:09 PM by nemoma »

Break anything that stands between you and them!


Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #310 on: May 18, 2009, 04:21:20 PM »
Underground Passage, 12:00noon, Day 4

"Well that's some interesting passage there," Gpop told the team as they all sat in the living kitchen, eating some food that Satori made with the ingredients they bought they day before. "This is definitely something the rest of the group would want to know about if we were ever raided by those guys in black again."

"Oh definitely," Koishi said while she was still stuffing herself with food.

"Don't talk with food in your mouth Koishi." Satori told her.

Koishi swallowed her food and responded happily, "Okay onee-chan!"

"I don't know about you three, but I think I felt a presence when were at the my sisters were nearby." Merlin added.

"Wait...your sisters?" Gpop asked. "Why didn't you tell us before? Maybe there were people there that Satori heard." Then he sighed. "Well it's too late to go back now. They're probably gone with those guys that you said yesterday that took them. Plus, that passage is way too long to walk through again."

"Well then after we eat we'll go to the shrine again. I have to talk to some people there, and I bet there are others who'd want to talk to me as well." Satori mentioned.

"It's settled. After our brunch we will head over to the shrine!" Gpop exclaimed. "Oh that reminds me, did any of you make that plate of food in the morning? I found it on the table in our room, but it's in the fridge at the moment."

All of them responded by shaking their heads. "Huh...well whatever. I guess I'll eat it sometime if none of you do." Gpop said.

Saniwa Shrine, 12:25PM, Day 4

As they approached the shrine, Gpop and his team noticed a group of people at the back of the Shrine, along with a few targets, knives, archery equipment, and spears. Totally confused by what's going on there, he decided to go check it out.

"What...the...fuck...?" Gpop was completely shocked and utterly confused at the massive increase of females, and no males in sight. All of them were heading back to the shrine, but he quickly went up to one of them and asked, "Who are you? And what the fuck is going on here?"

"Oh hey Gpop! It's me! Mitoko!" the female asked.

"...Mitoko...wait...M-Mitaka!?" Gpop was completely shocked at the new Mitaka. But suddenly he bursted into laughter, "AHAHAHAHA OH MY FUCKING GOD YOU'RE A FUCKING GIRL! THIS IS FUCKING PRICELESS! OH GOD WHOEVER DID THIS TO YOU I APPLAUD HIM OR HER! OH GOD THIS IS SO AWESOME I THINK I'M CRYING!" and Gpop pointed at Mitoko as he said all that in laughter. He could barely see Mitoko turning all red, either from embarrassment or rage, because his eyes was all watery from the laughter.

Then out of nowhere he felt a sudden fist meet his face, followed by massive, throbbing pain on his nose specifically.

"AH WHAT THE FUCK!" He yelled as he quickly grabbed his nose. He could feel blood coming down from it, but his nose wasn't broken to his relief. The punch wasn't at all that strong, but still hurt like a bitch for Gpop.

"Gpop!" Koishi and Merlin yelled as they ran up to him in fear.

"Don't worry I'm okay." he said. He looked to see Lily White with her arm extended as if she punched someone.

"Oh god I forgot that I'm not in Amarillo's body. So sorry but she told me to hit you." She apologized. Then Gpop suddenly remembered how he accidentally punched Amarillo when they left the secret passage.

"You punched a girl? Man that's low" Mitoko said.

"Girl shut the fuck up. I didn't see her when I left the secret passage!" Gpop said, still rubbing his nose, trying to stop the nose bleed.

"Wait, secret passage?" Mitoko asked in confusion.

"I'll tell all of you about it when we get inside. Right now I need some tissues or something to stop this goddamn bleeding!" Gpop said, and he went inside with his both Koishi and Merlin as he pushed Mitoko out of the way.

"Not much of a gentleman, is he?" Mitoko asked.

"No...but he's like this when he's around those he has a grudge against. Anyways, I think I have an idea on where those guys in black MIGHT be." Satori mentioned as she went inside to catch up with her team, leaving Mitoko more puzzled.

Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #311 on: May 18, 2009, 05:24:54 PM »
Saniwa Shrine, 12:25PM, Day 4

Alex pokes Gpop from behind after showing he's still a man.

"So you avoided losing your manhood as well by skipping breakfeast here today." Alex says

before Gpop could ask how Alex managed to to keep his Alex adds

"if your wondering how i was only guy here for a bit and how every other is now female for the second...."

Alex points to the 3 fairys who appear to be rubbing their butts like a child does after a spanking.

"They spiked breakfeast this morning with a drug eirin was using on Mitaka i had a seperate breakfeast from the rest so i avoided the drug tained food if you want to stay male i'd suggest to avoid any of the food made from this morning." Alex adds.

"don't know what the rest are up to though i got a passing mention of some sort of maid contest." alex says in refering to the crowd of girls gpop had to had seen.


Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #312 on: May 18, 2009, 06:35:25 PM »
Saniwa Shrine, 12:27PM, Day 4

"Well I noticed a plate full of food when I woke up. I guess it's from them then. I better throw it out when I get home though." Gpop told Alex as he reminded himself. "Maid contest huh? I guess I'll watch as it's on. I'll tell the others about the passage later."

"Huh? What passage?" Alex asked.

"Secret passage within the ruins. I found it near our fridge. It leads either back to the shrine, or to some graveyard far from here. I guess it can be a perfect escape route if we're surrounded by those guys in black again." Gpop explained.

"Graveyard...I wonder why it goes there," Alex asked.

"No idea. Anyways, what about this maid competition?" Gpop asked.

Alex went on to tell him what's going on and what just happened. "They just finished Archery. Now they're moving on to Cleaning."

"Maids huh...sounds strangely arousing..." Gpop said, followed by a smack to the back of the head by both Koishi and Merlin.

"Ow...hehe sorry."


  • Crimson Asuratic
  • Touhou, Disgaea, Neptunia. Holy Trinity
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #313 on: May 18, 2009, 10:59:38 PM »
Saniwa Shrine - 11:00am - Day 4

Kajira stood out of bed shocked and bewildered...She couldn't believe she was back in her female form. She only used this form to mask her presence from Baal when her powers were EXTREMELY low but how was it invoked now?

Kaji: This is troubling...Highly troubling. Did Pearl do this?-No...she didn't..Yukari?-no....unless Mitaka got a substantial amount of Mana suddenly...Well its possible I guess.

She continued to talk to herself and had to readjust her clothes so she wouldn't reveal too much cleavage.
Worse turned to Worst when a knock on the door came

Remilia: Kojiro, I'm back with some tea for you sir.

Her heart melted. Remilia was really used to being a servant at one point afterall. But if that's true then she might be very depressed since its from such a bad home life she had with her father. Serving him becasue she was forced to. She didn't want her to feel such bad thoughts and feelings again....much more see her in THIS female form when they just recently confessed their feelings to each other 2 days ago.
She had to think of something and quickly.

Kajira: Uh...Hello Remilia. umm no thanks I'm fine i don't need any tea.

Bad move. She forgot to consider her voice being higher and softer.

Remilia: ? Kojiro your voice is different are you okay sir?

She opened the door.

Kajira quickly jumped in bed and turned her back so all Remilia could see was her hair and the back of her head.

Kajira: yes yes. I'm fine. just a little throat cold

Remilia: *steps in with tray of Tea* and it makes your voice higher? very peculiar...Please have some tea with me. Minory and Rumia are going to be joining us soon.

Oh God

Kajira: oh..Really?

Remilia: Yes really...come on out of the covers.

She then proceeded to the side with her face but she hid herself under the covers to not reveal her face.

Remilia: hehe your being suspiciously shy Kojiro. I'll draw you out.

She jumped on her bed and tried to pry the covers off of her

Kajira: >_< *under the covers*

Remilia: <3 Get out of there you can't stay in bed all morning.

They continued to struggle like that until Remilia suddenly felt her breasts by accident

Kajira: kyaaaa!

Remila: !! What?! What are these?

They struggled until Minoriko and Rumia ran into the room flustered

Minoriko: Kojiro! Remilia! All the guys have been turned to girls!

Rumia: Girls! Girls!

Minory: Is Kojiro alright?


Remi slowly looked at Kajira who was still under the covers and veiled.

Remilia: please no no don't tell me.

Kajira:....Remilia stay calm...its can really hear it in my voice can't you?

Minory: ah man! just about everyone is changed now!

Rumia: aauuu...

Remilia was dumbstruck the most. Even if she couldn't see her yet actually.

They stayed silent for a bit and then Pearl came bursting in.

Pearl: Dad Dad! All the guys are girls now!...why is everyone so quiet?


Pearl: hhahaah no way! Dad was changed too?! Come on Kajira show them your female form! *she rushed over and flipped her out the bed.

Kajira: KYAAAA!!

They all saw it. Kajira still had her original red hair but everyone else was femimine

Minoriko: oh wow! Your really cute for a girl Kojiro!

Pearl: when he's like this he calls him-herself Kajira! ^^

Rumia: Ka...Ji...Ra. Kaj....ira....Kajira!
Rumia pounced on her and repeated her was somewhat soothing so he let her go on.

Remilia was very perplexed with the situation...

Remilia: so he's done this before Pearl?

Pearl: yeah this isn't the first time but...something happened to everyone. I think that something was in the breakfast that caused the guys to become girls. Heheh. now I can call you Mom instead of Dad again momma!

Minoriko died laughing

Remilia was sweatdropped and not really pleased with the situation.

Kajira: ....if i get a full day i can change myself back to normal but this is super sudden...something MUST have caused it.... *stands up with Rumia* ...I feel so much lighter like this...Lets....go see everyone else.

They all left to check on the other parties and indeed they were all girled up. Mokou and Taihou seemed to be fighting with Sakuya giving chase while throwing knives.

Remilia: seems like Sakuya is taking this worse....

Kajira: *sigh*....maybe turning us into guys is part of this "maid training" for today or something?

Pearl: that would make sense...but its still wrong *stifling a laughter*

Saniwa Shrine - 12:30 - Day 4 (starrin Alex for a bit)

Apparently Pearl was right. They found Alex chasing the 3 fairies around the shrine and  spanking them for spiking the breakfast with Eirin's medicine and mystery solved.

Alex: *sigh* i swear. They're lucky they didn't spike my woulda been a bit more than a spanking. -_-

Kajira: tehehe.

Alex: ....ya'know...your takin this rather well...a bit too well if you ask me.....You didn't collaborate with them did you?

Kajira: no way. I don't particularly enjoy being a girl either -_- but i can change to a girl if i'm fact i'm glad to see the mana links are unchanged by this.......besides there are many far worse things then having your gender switched. Thank God we didn't turn into frogs or something ya know?

Alex:......true. that medicine coulda been fatal too if worse comes to worst.

Kajira: *sits down* indeed...but i'm sure even the fairies wouldn't have spiked it with something fatal.

Alex: yeah they are silly but not stupid. no 3 stooges here.


They all watched the archery event take place and when it was all over Zei and Kajira with their teams delegated their plan for the cleaning event.

Kajira: alright Remlia and I will wash the windows....Minory, you dust the Living room and Rumia you do the laundry okay?

Rumia: laund....dhree?

Kajira: oh crap Rumia doesn't know how....

Minory: i'll do laundry then. I'll show her how to dust now before we start....when do we start?

Sakuya: in 30 minutes. be ready by then.

Minory showed Rumia how to dust  by giving her some small gloves and a rag and spray. It was a simple job so hopefully she can handle it...

It was soon time to start.

Kajira and Zei sat down and talked for a bit

Kajira: I'd rather be training more...

Zei: me too... many windows are here anyway?
Zei: not many...its a shrine afterall.
Kajira: still..*sigh* well this is much better compared to yesterday's battle ~_~
Zei: no shit ._.
KAjira: seeya on the other side
Zei:...hey that's my line!

Saniwa Shrine - 13:00 - Day 4
The competition started to go underway.
Kajira and Remilia had some rags and started to wash the windows. Remi floated next to her and wiped the windows  Minory started a manual washer and scrubbed clothes with soap and (OOC: ya know that old fashion way of washing clothes before washers were invented?) Rumia had a feather duster and small spray to clean with and was wiping tables and chairs etc.

All was going good for them....until...

??: aaaarrghh! what are you doing?!

Kajira looked over to the Rumia's side and noticed that she was wiping Owlbear's face...since he was in the room she thought she had to dust him too.

Kajira: ?! O_o

Rumia: Dusting, Dusting! must clean the dirty things! ^_^

Rumia started to "dust" Shinki but she ran away from her. Everyone in the room was running away from a little cleanin rumia who was gonna spray them all and clean them good. It was funny to watch.

Kajira: *tryin to not laugh* RUMIA stop that! XD don't dust them!

Kajira ran to try and stop Rumia but she tripped on soapy water and fell into a big bucket of soapy water Minoriko was using.

Minory: Kajira!?

She pulled her head from the bucket and shook her head repeatedly. Rumia saw this and preceeded to 'dust' Kajira's face off...

Kajira: ......... -_-

Remilia: are you okay Kajira: *slips on the same soapy water* MUKYU!!

She landed on Kajira's back pushing her to the ground.

Kajira: this is not a good day.....

See the patterns, feel the patterns, become one with the patterns, avoid the patterns
In order to live through the patterns, you must understand the patterns for everything else there is MASTER SPARK.


  • Guh..!
  • She is just too cute! I swear!
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #314 on: May 18, 2009, 11:23:47 PM »
Saniwa Shrine - 13:30 - Day 4

Zei was already looking at the competition she had.

Zei: -Sigh- Kaji already have her hands full.. ._.

Flan: ? -Stops washing the window she was nearby for a minute-

Zei: Ah it's nothing. This shrine is probably a bit smaller than the Mansion, but still big. No worries though.

Mystia: I'd beg to d--...well. He's right.

Zei: Of course I am. -Continues to wash the remaining windows, a bit faster than usual- 'No matter if you like it or not, I will not lose to you, Kajira! Anyway, Reisen, how's everything else?

Reisen: -Dusting the shelves, then the floors- Hnn? Oh, easy like you say. Just, ta--

Mystia: -Pushes Reisen to the ground- Don't say it. Please don't say it. ._.

Reisen: ...take it easy? (OOC: Yeah. I had to.)

Zei: ._.' Ok ok. Stop the rough-housin' and get back to work. -Finishes and starts to dust off the remaining shelves at the living room- ..wait.

Flandre: ..^_^'

Zei: -Looks at a certain window-....

Flandre: ^_^''

Zei: Flandre, help Mystia and the others, I'll repair it.. -Grabs tape and the broken parts of the window and starts to fix it-

Flandre: '....She's going to try and fix what I broke? ...Zei-niisan wasn't like that before. ._.' ......

Zei: -Looks at her while fixing the window- ..Hm?

Flandre: ...-Hugs her, then goes to help out the others- ..good luck, Zei-neesan. ^_^

Zei: Thanks, I guess. ^_^

She thought she had this competition IN THE BAG, but no. Looks like this was going to be one HELL of a competition for her.

Kitchen - Saniwa Shrine - 13:45 - Day 4

Shizuha was already cleaning the place like there was no tomorrow. How could she..

Reisen & Mystia: SHIZUHA?!

Shizuha: ..need to hurry, must not break anything... -Dusting everything in the kitchen, oven, fridge, tables, etc.-

Flandre: o.o...-Wiping the oven clean of leftover dust-

Reisen: -Sigh-...that's just great.

Mysita: Hn?

Reisen: We left Zei at a broken window.

Mystia: Oh. Doesn't matter. She can handle anything.

Reisen: ...hnn. Anything huh?

She had an evil look on her face. However, there was no plans until after everything's over. ....or is there?

Caber Knight Etch-A-Sketch

  • The return of something
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #315 on: May 19, 2009, 02:18:24 AM »
Saniwa Shrine 1:00 PM Day 4

"Man, it's hot. Shouldn't we go inside?" Momizi asked.

"Yeah, you're right. Let's go inside." Austin said.

Teams Pirate and Shakin' got up to get off of the roof and go back inside. Austin felt a hand on her shoulder. It was Nitori.

"Um, could you stay up here for a little longer? I have something I want to talk to you about."


When everyone else went back in, Austin faced Nitori.

"So, what's up?"

"U-um, wh-what do you think of me?" Nitori fidgeted nervously.

"Wh-what? What do you mean by that?"

"..." Nitori did not look in Austin's face. She looked off to the side, face red.

"Well, I guess you are like a really close friend to me."


"Well, I'm still trying to figure out some things myself, so-"

"Well, this could help you figure out somethings."

Nitori walked up to Austin and pulled her in for a kiss. Austin felt a large, lumpy thing on her stomach. She pulled away slowly, not wanting to end that moment.

"Come on, let's go inside." Nitori said.

"O-ok." Austin began to think to himself. Why did Nitori have a luck rock in her pocket? At least, she hoped it was a luck rock.

Inside the Shrine



The hallways became filled with someone's scream, followed by Rumia's voice.

Austin and Niroti ran to the source of the scream. It was something that no one really expected.

"Wh-wh-what is Rumia doing!!!" It was Remilia, on the ground, on top of Kojiro, now Kajira, getting the inside of her skirt cleaned real good. Her face was flushed as Rumia cleaned away.

"Dust dust dust!" Rumia shouted enthusiastically. Looks like Remilia was enjoying it. Ria, Kaguya, and Momizi were nowhere to be seen. Probably got "dusted".

"Uh," Austin started, "you need any help?"
« Last Edit: May 19, 2009, 03:55:13 AM by Etch-E-Sketch »


  • Crimson Asuratic
  • Touhou, Disgaea, Neptunia. Holy Trinity
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #316 on: May 20, 2009, 08:36:44 AM »
Saniwa Shrine - 14:00 - Day 4

The cleaning section of the competition was over at last.

Youmu, Sakuya, Yumeko and Ruukoto were highly sweatdropped at the bigger mess the cleaning section took instead.

Youmu: They were supposed to clean right? not make a BIGGER mess than they started with ~_~;

Yumeko: w-well...can't be helped...they had to clean up their own messes as well as try to win. ~_~;

Sakuya:.......~_~; *palm moved 180 degrees into face*

Ruukoto:....well at least they finished it ~_~;

Kajira's team had water everywhere and more dust flying around. From Rumia trying her best to dust...bless her.

Zei had a few broken glasses thanks to an semi excited Flandre and Shizuha's cleaning was done...without actual cleaning supplies which made the perfectionalist cleaners (the judges) not too happy.

Kajira had to mop up the floors quickly and swiftly while Zei had to help Shizuha re clean everything but with actual cleaning supplies this time.  However what sold the game was the broken windows....which was put together with tape.

Youmu: The winner of this horrid round belongs to Kajira's team...for crying out loud ~_~;

Kajira: good ~_~; that was way more trouble than it should have been...

Minory: man....that was hard ~_~


Rumia: Rumia did bad. I'm  sowwie ;_;  :'(

Kajira: *pats her head while leaning on a mop for support* you did good Rumia...but next time don't dust people....or electronics okay?

Rumia: O-kay...

The third event was starting soon. However, Kajira didn't care to actually join the spectator seat. After getting herself drenched in dirty soap water all she wanted to do was shower/bathe.

Thank god for the Hot Spring...

Saniwa Shrine Hot Spring area - 14:30 - Day 4

Kajira headed towards the bath area with her team. Rumia had dust all over herself, Minory and Remilia were dirty and smelly thanks to that murky water from mopping and Kajira was all the above + tired.

Kajira: alright...*cracks neck* I'm tired and hungry....lets get some food after this...

Remilia: indeed that ordeal was not worth remembering...all it did was make us tired -_-

Kajira went to the guys side but Minory held her sleeve suddenly.


Kajira: what's wrong?

Minory:...that's...the wrong...side?


Oh crap. she was right. she had to go to the girls side now technically....right?

Kajira: *sweatdrop*....does this count?

Minory: for us it may not...but if some regular people show up i don't think its a good idea.....

Kajira: Y-yea...your right...alright i'll head with you...guys?....Maybe i should wait?

Remilia: That won't do. If your dirty you should clean yourself. waiting will only make it worse. Lets go!

Yeah she says this while blushing furiously....Can vampires really blush anyway?

Remilia and Minory pushed Kajira into the girls side of the bathing area. 

They all took baths together. Minoriko took it upon herself to teach Rumia how to bathe properly. Kajira didn't protest at all and feeling that as a guy (inside) who shouldn't invade their privacy she kept her back turned to them while they bathed....even if they still had 10-15 year old looking bodies she still didn't want to invade.

Remilia: The soap is squeezed through this bottle?

Kajira: yeah there are soaps that come in bottles for body wash and then there is the traditional bar of soap. both work the same though but you don't have to drop a bar and find it teehee

Remilia: ....*lathers herself up* this is smells so nice too

Minory: yes it does I'm keeping this one!

They talked for a little while about different bathing tools and whatnot. Minory started to wash Rumia's hair much to Rumia's pleasure as she laughed and giggled as it tickled her ears.

Kajira was washing her hair as well. Since it was the same as it was when she was a guy it didn't need any different treatment at least....unlike her body per say. However she felt a presence behind her.

Remilia: Let me wash your hair Kajira?

Kajira: *turns head slightly and notices Remi behind her and turns back quickly* nah I'm good don't worry about it. *slight blush*

remilia: no no I want to. *squirts shampoo her head*.....there.

Kajira: *eyes closed* mmmmm.... -.-

Remilia: this reminds me of when Sakuya used to wash my hair for me.   (OOC: I'm not sure if this is NSFW but i'ma bring a caution anyway. This pic shows Sakuya washing Remilia's hair while she sits on a Pan. No explicit parts are shown at all but Remilia is nude and her knees and hands shield everything so you see nothing at all. Its a really cute pic in my opinion ^_^ take a look if your in a safe area. even for a quick second)

Kajira: *sits still and listens* Really? must be nice having a servant who will wash your hair for you sometimes hehe ^_^ *eyes closed since shampoo is all over*.....

there was a good silence...minus Rumia and Minoriko's playing with the shampoo as Minoriko continued to show her how to bathe and wash her hair. Remilia continued to wash Kaji's was long so there was a lot to wash.

Kajira:......ya know Remi...I never thought you'd like serving others...since your so used to being served....

She was thinking about that Dive last night. Kajira had dived into Remilia's subconscious via sleep and lived threw some of her memories with her seemingly abusive and very powerful father. Remilia looked like she was used to serving back then.....

Remi: well...beggers can't be choosers....This is a fate that even i couldn't manipulate out of. No matter how hard i try if the will to power is stronger than my ability i can't change revolves around the desire for a certain outcome.....

Kajira:...i see... must be hard to know the future...but not be able to change it.

Remi: not really. even if the outcome wasn't what i wanted i could make it benefit me in some way afterwards none the less. Its all about the desire....If my desire and intent for a certain outcome is than I can manipulate it. However, if the one that is conflicting with me has won out and their desires and intent are fulfilled than after the fact can i work my magic into my favor...since they got their desire and intent fulfilled.

Kajira:...ah i see i see.

Remi: During the Scarlet Mist that i created...and I fought with Reimu...Her intent and desire to protect Gensokyo was much stronger than my desire to keep the mist up for my own benefit. So i lost the fate change and that battle. I couldn't win that battle. Nor could i stop Flandre's rampage after it. Her desire to defend me from the ones who beat me was much stronger than my desire for her to be calm and think nothing about it. Luckily Marisa was able to silence her rampage. I had Patchouli make it rain to keep Flandre inside. that worked at least.

Kajira: i still find it kinda hard to believe that Flandre is so incredible all my lives i never saw someone THAT destructive at such a young age...well 500 years isn't young for humans...but whatever.

They both chuckled a bit and REmilia continued to wash Kajira's hair.

*to be continued*

(OOC: Well I'ma stop here for now and head to bed. My team will be here for a little bit and guys...since we're girls we can have some "clean" fun with our partners in the spring hehe. Nothing outta hand alright? but this is the perfect time for a little orthodox single sex bathing humor or whatever haha. Good night.
See the patterns, feel the patterns, become one with the patterns, avoid the patterns
In order to live through the patterns, you must understand the patterns for everything else there is MASTER SPARK.


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Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #317 on: May 20, 2009, 10:10:12 AM »
- - -
« Last Edit: January 24, 2017, 01:13:30 PM by Helepolis »


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Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #318 on: May 20, 2009, 10:23:31 PM »
(OOC: this is all to fit my character and N.Theorist's character into the RP better, while trying not to piss people off)

Anthony's Cabin 5:00AM Day 2

"Ugh, I guess it's time for me to get up" said Anthony just waking up to the sound of his alarm, and hitting the off switch

"Now lets see whats on the scheduel for today, nothing to do with the governmen, thats always good at times, my current car is perfectly fine, no needs for tune ups on any of my other vehicles, so today is going to just be basic training, and then being lazy, I love these kinds of days" said Anthony with glee,

Then Anthony went off and made himself a breakfast of eggs and hashbrowns, and grabed a can of coca-cola out of the fridge, sat at the table, and turned on the T.V. to the news.

Then some audio came out of the T.V.  "Welcome, this is channel 5 news and here's the weather for the week, it's gonna be sunny for most of the days, and an average of 60F to 80F, and we have no new headlines for this time"

"well, this may be a bad week for me, at least it won't go past 90F, can't do anything on those days" said Anthony

Then after finishing his food, Anthony cleaned up and went outside for his morning jog.

"Ahh, the air is nice and fresh out here, I'm gald that I moved to this town" said Anthony,

Then a bit after Anthony starts his jog, he trips and lands on his face.

"Gah, that hurts, what the heck did I trip on anyways" said Anthony rubbing his forehead, which then he looked at his feet

"A turtle? whats a turtle doing in the middle of the dirt road, and it looks like it's near death too" Mentioned Anthony

"" said an unknown voice

Then Anthony jumped to his feet in shock and said "Who said that!!!"
then Anthony noticed that it was comming from the turtle

"A..talking turtle..? Now this sounds like something from one of my dad's stories" Said Anthony in a joking matter

"This..Is *gaps* nothing.. to joke...about... I'm... Genjii..and..*wheeze*.and you... need to...make...a mana....connection...with me" said Genjii, sounding like he is on his last breath

"Wait, a Talking Genjii...why does this all sound so fimilar..?" questioned Anthony

Then it snapped in and he remembered something from his childhood,

FlashBack Anthony's Family house, 10 years ago

"Do you want to hear a story A.J.?" said Anthony's dad

"Yep, your stories are always the best dad" Said a 7 year old Anthony

"Ok then, and to tell you, this is a real story, that really happened to me, and it was along time ago too, back before I even met your mom, and it's been a while since I've seen her last" said dad

"I hope mom is doing well" said Anthony

"OK then, lets get on with the story, it takes place in a world, seperated from ours, it's called Gensokyo"

"Gen...So...Kyo, thats a funny name" mentioned Anthony

"Don't worry about that, so Gensokyo is a a wonderful place, full of all different kinds of creatures, some were called Yokai, and there were other ones like Faries,  as there were Spirits too" Said dad

"These are all weird names dad"

"Well, don't worry about them now so I got into this world, and the first creature I saw was a big, old looking turtle"

"Well, that doesn't sound interesting"

"just hold on, the interesting thing is that, this turtle can talk, and he told me his name, and it was Genjii, and he was the first, and probably cloest friend I had there" said Dad

"A talking turtle! Now I want to go to," Said Anthony in astonshiment

"Thats the interesting thing, you can go to Gensokyo, but it's a weird way to get in, but knowing you, you'll eventually make it there" said dad

"Oh look at the time, it's time for you to go to bed" said Dad

"Ok then, you'll tell me more about the story later right?" said a sleepy Anthony

"I will, now go to bed"

"Ok, then"

End of flashback

"YOU'RE GENJII, SO HIS STORIES WERE TRUE!!!" said Anthony all hyper

"Just...hold make...a..mana..connection...or..I'm...gonna die"

"Oh damn, I need to do that, wait, I remember something else, I remember my dad telling me about mana connections, he even told me about how to make one, now how did it go again?"

"Oh yea, here's how it goes"

"Through binds stronger than the strongest steel, yet thinner than a spider's silk, through our spirits be forever bound in this life, and if broken, means death, connect us two" Chanted Anthony

Then Anthony could feel a bond form between himself and Genjii, but then the feeling went away

"Hmm, I expected it to be something more flashy" said Anthony, then he noticed Genjii, who had returned to his natural size

"hahahaha, I feel just like I was back in my prime, thanks kid, I believe that I haven't gotten your name" said Genjii

"Oh yea, I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Anthony Jay Michael Thrun" explained Anthony

"Hmm, you said that your last name was Thrun right?" asked Genjii

"Yea I did, why are you asking" Said a confused Anthony

"I guess that guy actually tied the knot and had a kid, you kinda look like him too" said Genjii

"Wait, are you talking about my dad, Jay Thrun?" questioned Anthony

"Yea, thats him, I see that he hasn't told you the whole story about him in Gensokyo, but no time for that now, we need to get somewhere fast" said Genjii

"Now what are you talking about?"

"Well, it would take too long to explain to you now, so I'll explain to you on the way to where I need you to go" said Genjii

"Well, if we need to get somewhere fast, just let me get something ready" said Anthony, who then dashed back to his house, and no longer than 5 minutes later, he pulled up by Genjii in a 1964 mustang

"well, get in and explain to me what you need to do on the way" Said Anthony

On the inner roads of Karuisuwa 7:00AM Day 2

"So you're saying that some big bad goes and somehow causes Gensokyo to be destoried, and a bunch of the people from Gensokyo got out to this world, and are being hunted by some secret force called RAI Force 1, and they recently captured some people and you know where they are now" Said Anthony

"pretty much, and the people I saw captured were put on a pretty tight defence" said Genjii

"Well, since no matter what I'm going to help you, I might as well get some help" Said Anthony
Then Anthony pulled a cell phone out of his pocket and had put in a number,

"I hope you pick up, this is a time that I actually need you dammi" said Anthony letting the phone ring,
Then he got someone on the other end,

"Hello, this is the Lair of the Mishaguji, I am sorry to say but we are clo-" but before the person on the other side could finish, Anthony interuppted

"Oh no you don't, you're not hanging up on me Nate, this is some serious business that is not of the regular book kind" said Anthony

"Oh Anthony, I thought you were one of my customers that usually call in for a reservation on a book, so what is this business that you are talking about, and it better be real important this time, I was about to do something with my Girlfriend" Said Nate

"Well, it's better to explain this in person, so I'll pull up by your place in about 10 minutes ok?"

"Ok then," agreed Nate

"wait, Girlfriend, the last time I checked, no chick in this town would go out with him" said Anthony

In front of The Lair of the Mishaguji book store 7:10AM day 2


"HOLD ON A MINUTE" yelled Nate

Then Nate and another person, who Anthony thought has bunny ears, came out of the book store and got into the car, with Anthony and Nate in the front, and Genji and the girl in the back.

There was an akward slience...

"Who's the girl, and why did you bring her here?" questioned Anthony

"well, it's kinda hard to explain, and I'm sure that you won't believe me.." said Nate

"try me"

"Ok then, her name is Reisen, and I found her in the forest eariler this week, and she is a rabbit yokai, from the moon, and she was being chased by some guys in black, and I saved her from them, and she apperently had to make a connection with me called a "Mana connection" to live, and now she can't be a far distance from me" explained Nate

"Well, I see that you're sorta in the same situation as I'm in" said Anthony while pointing at Genjii

"what? can you please Explain" asked Nate

Then after a long explaination from Anthony Nate figures out what they need to do

"so you're telling me that all of us, are going to attack some miliary convoy, to release a few people from Gensokyo" questioned Nate

"Yep, and we already have all the stuff we need in this car" boasted Anthony

"Oh why didn't I hang up the phone" greived Nate

"Now it's time to be the big god danm heroes here"

« Last Edit: May 22, 2009, 11:44:25 AM by Anthony »


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Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #319 on: May 21, 2009, 12:41:51 AM »
10 Miles From Raate-road 7:30AM Day2

"Are you sure that we should do this, I mean we're taking on some military class guys here, and all we have is you, me, a lunar rabbit, and a turtle, and this junker you call a car" said Nate

"I'm sure that we can do this, since all it is, is a simple hit and run, all we got to do is dodge more, and dood, never call any of my cars junkers, this car by it's self is worth more than all the junk in your place that you call valuable." Said a Pissed off Anthony

"ok then ok then, no need to get angry, so where are we exactly going now?" asked Nate

"We are going to Raate road, because thats where I predict that the Military convoy will be with what Genjii has told me, and we're getting pretty close, I better go off road now" said Anthony

"wait, why go off road?" questioned Nate

"Because, if this plan is going to work, we're going to need to ambush them, and I know the perfect spot for that, just on the top of a steep hill right by Raate road." Said Anthony

"well, I guess thats what we're doing then, now I just hope we pull through in one piece" worried Nate

"don't worry, I'm totally ready for these kinds of things, besides, you got the Wolverine of the North on your side, now to move into possistion" said Anthony

Top of the hill east of Raate road 7:40AM Day 2

"Ok now, Reisen, hand me the binoculars back there" asked Anthony

once he got them, he got out of the car, and got on the edge of the hill, laying down to keep a low profile, then he sees the convoy just passing by, he could see several military vechiles, about 5 humvees, a tank, and a flatbed truck with a chopper on it, and in one of the Humvees, he could see three girls in the back, and resemble the description that Genjii had given him. Then Anthony got back in the car and started it back up.

"Well, I found our targed,three girls in the back of the 2nd to last humvee, this could get dangerous since most of the humvees have mounted machine guns on the top of them, and the order of the vehicles are from the front to the back are, Humvee, Tank, Humvee, Humvee, Flatbed, Humvee, and Humvee, so we got to get in there fast and get the girls out before they turn the tank around and blow us up, and gotta somehow dodge the machine gun fire from the other humvees." explained Anthony

"This seems a bit too dangerous for our current situation, why don't we just call in some crack commando unit thats more prepaired for this kind of thing." Said Nate

"Screw that, I'm getting low on income since the Government hasn't had any problems with buildings or the Yakuza recently, and I'm pretty sure that you're close to flat broke after playing the rent on that store of your's, besides, this is a now or never chance, if we let them get away, there's no knowing what they'll do to those girls, so I'm going in, and you're comming with me" Said Anthony

"dammit, I know that I should have let the phone ring, and not pick it up" said Nate

"Good thing I have my CD with my good music on it for this situation" Says Anthony, which then he pops the CD into the CD player and sets it to track 4
"IT'S TIME TO BRING THE THRUN-DAR" yelled Anthony, while flooring the accelerator and shifiting into the highest gear in his '64 mustang which was roaring down the hill towards the convoy at highspeeds

"DON'T YOU MEAN THUNDER" yelled Nate over the roar of the engine and the blaring music

but they had more to worry about, the Rai forces noticed Anthony and crew charging at the convoy and started to act, with the 2 humvees in the back and the one right in front of the flatbed started to open fire on the group, just missing the car, while a few stray bullets were hitting the car, one knocked off the right side mirror, another put a hole in the windshield sratching Anthony's face, but he still went on, dodging the bullets, and then driving right up besides the humvee with the girls it in at equal speed,

"Ok then, I think we're close enough, now Reisen, hand me my hat and my whip, they should be back there, and I haven't heard you speak yet, you might want to try being less shy" commented Anthony

Then Reisen II grabed the brown fedora and leather whip out of the back of the car and handed them to Anthony and added in an extra comment "You should learn to treat women better,"

"Oh well, I'll work on that later, but for now I just need to get the girls out of that humvee, oh, and this calls for a change in music, it's a good thing I wore my brown leather jacket today," said Anthony, changing the CD to track 6

"Now Nate, take the wheel, I'm about to pull off something really stupid, and I hope that I also have Indy's luck with this stuff" said Anthony, as he opened the car door and climed onto the roof of the car.

"ARE YOU INSANE MAN, YOU'RE GONNA FALL OFF AND DIE" yelled Nate as he hasitly grabbed the wheel of the car

but Anthony ignored Nate and then jumped onto the humvee with the girls in it,

"Who the hell are you?" said the guy in the gunner's seat,

"Oh you don't need to know that, all you need to know is how to safetly land after getting tossed off a moving vehicle" commented Anthony, with a smirk

"Oh you're going down punk" said the gunner, aiming the gun at Anthony, but then Anthony kicked away the barrel of the gun and picked up the guy out of the gunner seat, then the gunner punched Anthony, causing him to go into a daze and wobble near the front of the Humvee, then the gunner punched Anthony again, sending him off of the front of the humvee, which then Anthony grabed onto the front of the humvee, with his feel grazing the ground, which then he saw the driver, and noticed the humvee going faster, and Anthony then noticed that he was going to ram him into the flatbed,

Thinking quickly and remembering a trick from the movie Indiana Jones and Raiders of the Lost Ark, Anthony took the whip, tied one end to the bumper with one hand, then once it was secure, and just before collision with the flatbed, Anthony grabed the other end of the whip, sliding under the humvee, and ending up behind it, being draged along by it, then pulling himself along with the whip, reaching the rear of the humvee, and climbing it and getting back on the humvee, then punching the gunner square in the face and sending him into the same possistion Anthony was just a bit ago, right on the front of the humvee, but he didn't have a whip, and ended up falling off,

"Now that thats taken care of, now to get the girls out," Said Anthony,

Which then he got over the driver's side of the vehicle, and opened the driver's door, then pulls out the driver and chucks him out onto the road, which then Anthony took the wheel and set to keep the same speed and go the same direction, which then Anthony proceded to open the door to the back, and get the girls out,


which then Anthony opened the door, seeing 3 girls, one was in white and blue clothing, and had hair white as snow, another one had blond hair, and was wearing a white and purple dress with a white hat and a red ribbon on it, and the third one was wearing a red and white dress, had lavender colored hair, and had a yellow ribbon holding it in a pony tail, after opening the door, they all noticed Anthony there

then Anthony just opened his mouth and said "Did anyone order a LARGE HAM"

Which then the girls stayed slient,

"Damn, I thought that line would work, oh well, time to get back to the matter at hand"Thought Anthony

"Ok then, I know you may not believe me, but I'm here to save you, and this requires you working with us, and if you don't you might end up in some hidden miliary sciene lab and used as test subjects" said Anthony

All of the girls agreeded and got near the door, and Nate had pulled the car really close to the humvee, which was maintaining fire from the other vehicles, at least the tank and the chopper hasn't started firing yet, then the girls jumped into the car, into the back seat area, which was getting rather cramp, with a lunar rabbit, a turtle, and 3 other girls back there, but either way, Anthony then got back to the driver area of the humvee, and made it go out of control, and jumped back onto the '64 mustang, and back into the driver's seat

"That...was one hell...of a....stupid idea" said Anthony, winded from all of the action he just went throught

"ugh, this is too clustered back here, it's too uncomfortable" said the girls in the back seat

"I'm sorry ladies, but you'll have to deal with that for now until we find a better location" said Anthony

"Now it's time for us to make our escape" which then Anthony floored it again and changed the music to track 9

"are you so sure that we can out run these guys and stay in one piece?" said Nate

"Of course we can, all they got is a few humvees and a tank, we can easily outrun thos-" said Anthony which then he stoped mid sentence due to seeing the chopper lifting off from the flat bed

"wow, did not see that comming" said both Anthony and Nate at the same time

which then the chopper started to fire at the mustang with it's missles, just hitting right behind it

"Ok then Anthony, calm down, you're going over 100 miles per hour, you got several humvees, a tank, and a chopper on your tail, and you need to get rid of them, how do we do that." said Anthony,

then he thought of it, he needed a distraction of some kind, and he knew what one it would be

"Hey Nate, does any of those spells of yours include something like a flash bang, so we can blind these guys?" asked Anthony

"I think I have just the spell, now what were the words for it again?" said Nate


"Oh, now I remember, now, light of the stars, focus into my hands," chanted Nate, which then a white light started to focus in his hand, and Anthony grabed his pair of avaitors sunglasses so he doesn't get blinded with the light

"now, RELEASE" yelled Nate, which then the ball of light in his hand suddenly expanded, blinding the drivers in the humvees, the tank, and the chopper.

"PERFECT, NOW TO HIDE IN THE FOREST" yelled Anthony, getting all hyper from the sudden rush, which then they did drive off into the forest for a temporary retreat.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2009, 11:47:35 AM by Anthony »

Demonlord Pichu

Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #320 on: May 21, 2009, 03:15:19 AM »
=== Saniwa Shrine: Backyard Area - 3:10 PM ~ Day 4 ===

"Hee, you call those poses?" Yuki sneered "Fuku-chan can blow those out of the water!"

"Y-yeah...uh, about that." Eh, what's with that nervous tone? "I...I uh...I gots the diarrhea. Oooh I-I can't go on" Ah, yes, one of Fukuma's fears. Crowds. How could I have forgotten about that? Well, I think we all know what that means~

"Ahh, what're you scared of? You went out there once no problem~" Yuki giggled as she somehow managed to g appear right behind Fukuma with unworldly speed and started pushing the nervous young woman out in front of the crowd.

"Y-yeah, but I didn't think I'd have to go out there by myself!" Fukuma said resisting Yuki's push as best she could, although weak knees obviously made this, rather difficult.

"You're waaay sexier than that Taihou, whatever, just go out there n' knock'em dead!"

Yumeko cleared her throat and began announcing the next to come out on stage. "Next up on stage is Owl-"

"Nooo, Yumeko, say Fukuma-chan~" Shinki interrupted wanting the blond maid to say the cute nickname she had given Owlbear whilst he was in his feminine form.

"Uh...right." Yumeko paused for a moment before starting up again, although sounding a bit confused as to why she had to say 'Fukuma' instead of 'Owlbear'. "Next up on stage is 'Fukuma-chan'."

And with that the crowd was thrown into an uproar as Fukuma arrived on stage (after being forced out by Yuki and Mai), immedieatly after she covered her ample chest a noticabe blush racing across her cheeks. This was one of the worst possible events she could be placed within; For even as a male, Fukuma was rather self concious about himself. So, having to flaunt something that she was easily embarassed about was quite difficult to do to say the least.

"What're you doin?" Yuki hissed from behind "Stand up straight! Be confident! Strut those big hips!"

"M-my hips aren't (that) big!"

"Ugh, just go, you're our leader I know you can do this!"

"R-right...I...I can do this! I'm an Overlord, there ain't nothin' I can't do!" Ah, there's that spirit we're used to seeing. "GAAAOOOO*!" Fukuma walked out on stage, trying, to mimic what a woman in a fashion show would do, even though she knew little about such a thing (in fact the reason she did so well before was because she copied what the others were doing).

It was relatively difficult to walk in heels (how the hell to girls do this anyway), but Fukuma tried her hardest to remain in good posture as she walked down the catwalk, rocking her lushious hips as she did so, the form fitting dress she wore only adding to the amount of wiggle and jiggle she had in her step. The crowd's cheers and roars only seemed to give Fukuma even more confidence about all of this. Maybe...this kinda stuff wasn't so bad, at least when your getting this much praise.

And when she reached the end she stopped by the edge of the cat walk and posed a little for the audience; putting her hands behind her head and giving the crowd a sensual smile of pure seduction and lust, although her body stopped, her ample bosom didn't seem to follow in that stop. This little display was enough to not only get more cheers from the crowd but also a few nosebleeds as well, in fact, if Fukuma didn't know any better, she could have sworn she saw Shinki's ahoge stand completely erect and her nose spurt forth a fountain of blood. How odd...

"Yes, *ahem*, next are the series of poses." Yumeko announced wiping a trickle of blood from her nose.

"Honorable greeting pose." Ruukuto spoke

Alright that should be easy, how does a lady greet somone honorably...Oh right! Fukuma lifted her skirt slight and bending her knees in a courtsy like fashion. She was tempted to say 'Good day master~' but decided not to for obvious reasons...

"Standby pose." Sakuya said.

This one was a bit harder to interpret, as she knew not as to how a girl would pose on standby. Fukuma simply stood up straight, her legs brought in together, and held her arms down in front of her, a small smile on her face for added 'cute' effect.

"Lastly, Agressive pose." said Youmu

Ah, a wild card huh? No matter Fukuma could do agressive, albeit, only in the way that a woman would. She did not change her inital pose but her expression swiftly hardened to that of a frown, not edging far from how a girl would show her agressive side, but just enough to also show that this is what she would look like if she were pissed off and ready to knock your fucking head off.

"Alright, that concludes Round 3 of the competition, now comes the judging," Yumeko announced motioning Fukuma that she could leave now, to which she happily obliged to. "First let us begin with our first contestant, Taihou, ladies if you will present your scores please..."


Sakuya: 7  Youmu: 6  Yumeko: 6 Rukuuto: 5

Sakuya: 3 Youmu: 2 Yumeko: 1 Rukuuto: 1

Yumeko nodded, and then proceeded on to the next. "Next we have Owlbe-"


Yumeko sighed and almost face palmed at the outburst that, most likely, came from her mistress, but generally kept going none the less. "Fukuma-chan..." She turned to her fellow maids. "Ladies if you will present your scores please..."

Owlbear 'Fukuma-chan'
Sakuya: 7 Youmu: 5 Yumeko: 8 Ruukuto: 6

Sakuya: 6 Youmu: 6 Yumeko: 8 Ruukuto: 8

"And there you have it, winning with a combined total of; 54 points, Owlbe-!"


"F(bleep) it! I don't f(bleep)ing care anymore!" Yumeko shouted in sheer frustration as she tossed her cards in the air and stormed off a storm of censored 'bleeps' following behind her, leaving the crowd in their uproarous state as they cheered for the winner of this round, Owlbear Fukuma-chan.

*Gao = Japanese onomonipea for 'Roaring'


  • *Roll*
  • *fwump*
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #321 on: May 21, 2009, 10:52:56 AM »
Forest of Karuisuwa 8:00AM Day 2

Anthony and crew had just gotten away from the Rai forces after their daring raid on their convoy, are recovering from the attack, and getting to know each other,

"Well, lets make the mana connections so you girls don't die on us" said Anthony

"Ok then, but who is gonna link up with who?" asked Nate

"You should connect with my masters so we can be together" Said Reisen II

"Pfff, like we would connect with such a scrawny looking teran," said the blond girl.

"Look here missy, you really don't have a choice in the matter, due to the fact that without us, you would have ended up in a lab of some kind and have died, so let us think" Said Anthony

then Anthony and Nate debated for a bit and decided who they were gonna connect with

"Ok then, I'm hooking up with her" said Anthony looking at the girl with white hair,

"And thats means that I'm connecting with you two" Said Nate

Then they made their connections

"So, since we barely know eachother, lets introduce ourselves" said Nate

"Ok then, I'll start off, I'm Anthony Thrun, age 17, and the major repairman/Engineer/archetict of Karuisuwa"

"I'm Nathanial Theodore Wrist, but my friends call me Nate, I'm 22, and I'm the owner of the Lair of the Mishaguji, a bookstore in Karuisuwa"

"I'm Genjii, It's been along time so I've kinda forgoten how old I am, and I don't have an occupation"

"I'm Reisen, I don't want you to know my age, and I'm the pet of the Watatsuki sisters" said Reisen II, while pointing at the blond and lavender girls

"Ahh, so you're sisters, I would have never guessed" commented Anthony "but lets get back on track"

"I'm Letty Whiterock, I don't have an age, and I'm the spirit of Winter"

"Hmmm, so you're basically the jack frost of Gensokyo" says Anthony, which he gets a weird look from Letty,

"Sorry, just go on" says Anthony

"I'm Watatsuki no Yorihime, over 1500 years old, and I'm a leader of the lunar defence corps, and I'm the younger sister"

"And I'm Watatsuki no Toyohime, also over 1500 years old, and I'm the other leader of the defence corps, and I'm the older sister"

"Ok then, since we got that out of the way, now we need to form a plan to get from our current point, into town, then my house, without being dscovered" said Anthony

As the group was talking, Anthony noticed a low, humming sound, and it got louder, then Anthony noticed what that sound was comming from

"Oh shi-, EVERYONE GET BACK INTO THE CAR, NNNOOOWWW" Yelled Anthony, as he noticed the sound was that of chopper blades,

"Hun, they were able to follow us?" said Nate


Then everyone cramed into the car again, and Anthony floored the pettle again, zooming off in the opposite direction of the chopper

"Ok then, I think we may be safe once we get into tow-" said Anthony, stoping his sentence when he herd a beeping sound comming from his dashpanel, he saw a yellow light come on, if was for the fuel guage...

It was close to empty.

"Son of a-. ok then, change of plan, we now need to take out that chopper out in some way, and we currently have me a Mad Max outta Michigan, an almost passed out book 1 harry potter, a talking turtle, female jack frost, minus the frost, two moon people without powers, and a rabbit off of the moon, all in a shot up 1964 mustang, now does anyone see the potential for an anti-air weapon?" questioned Anthony,

All the others didn't have a single idea, and most of them looked ready to give up, all banged and brused up, Nate was almost passed out probably due to the two new mana links he just made, and Anthony himself was bleeding a bit from a few bullet wounds scraping him, and getting knocked off a car

Anthony was thinking a bit while still driving away, then he got it, if he didn't have a projectile, he would have to make his own.

"BRILLANT" shouted Anthony, causing everyone to look at him weirdly, which then Anthony drove the car off road, and got to another area with a steep hill,

"Ok then, now lets hope the chopper goes right over that hill" said Anthony, not explaining any of his plan

"What are you talking about you crazy teran" said Toyo and Yori at the same time

"Just wait for it," said Anthony, as he lined up the car, pointing it straight up the hill,

Then the group could here it, the low hum of the chopper blades, becoming louder and louder with each second, then Anthony set the CD player to track 2
and set his plan into motion,

He reved the engine a few times, geting it ready, then he floored it, hitting the speed cap of the car about half way up the hill, then the group could see the chopper comming over the hill,
Then Anthony hit a button on the dash that was all red... and there was a reason it was marked red,

It was Nitrous, and after hitting it, the car boosted in speed again, going clearly over 200 miles per hour, then ramping off of the hill, anthony yelled out of the top of his lungs the one battle cry he always used, while flipping the bird at the chopper pilot "WWWWWWWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLLVVVVVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS" then they ramed into the blades of the chopper, and time seemed to stop there, the slicing of metal on metal, the roaring of the engine and the sound of the chopper blades spinning, all seemed like it was happening in slow motion, then as soon as it happened, it ended, with the mustang passed the chopper with it's blade stuck into the side of the mustang, and part of it jabbed into Anthony's side, but not far enough to hit any vital organs,

The car continued to fly through the sky, until the forces of gravity proved it self again, causing the car to start going downwards, then smashing into the woods, just under a mile outside of Karuisuwa.

"Ok then, remind me never to do that" said Anthony, while holding his side

"And now, sound off if you are still awake, and if you aren't, we'll pull you out and check if you're still alive" said Anthony

"And me, thats everyone, now lets get out of this car" said Anthony

then everyone got out of the car, all battered, brused, and bloodied, but still in one piece

"wait, won't the others from that convoy search for us now, and won't they know it's you since this is your car?" said Nate

"Dammit, I hate it when you're right about these things, and you're right, at least I have the things to get rid of this car" said Anthony

Then Anthony when to the trunk of the car and pryed it open, taking out a gas can, suprisingly not full of bullet holes, and some old explosives, then Anthony goes on and sets the explosives and drenches the car in gasoline.

"Well, it was nice knowing you, my old friend, I knew ye well" said Anthony as he pulled out a match and struck it, then tossed it on the car, causing it to light up and become a large fireball, then a few moments later, the car exploded, with the parts being thrown across the area, not hitting the group

"I'll miss that car, but our survival is the most, GAH" said Anthony, falling over, with his wound in his side causing him to loose alot of blood,

"I guess you do need some help with these things" said Nate, as he and Letty went over to Anthony and helped him up on his two feet

"thanks guys, now lets head back to your place Nate, since it's just a small walk away from here" says Anthony

"But, but, there's not enough room for all of you to stay there" said Nate,

"Whatever, I'll just sleep on the couch if needed, I'm used to doing that anyways" said Anthony

Then the crew walked off to Nate's bookstore, with Nate and Letty helping Anthony walk.

"Wait, aaww, F*beeb*, I left my CD in the car" said A Wounded Anthony

End, just outside of Karuisuwa city, 9:30AM Day 2
« Last Edit: May 23, 2009, 12:11:04 PM by Anthony »


  • .... what're you looking at?
  • fuwafuwa pachipachi
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #322 on: May 22, 2009, 04:44:43 AM »
(OOC: This is what I get for letting the conversation flow naturally: 8 pages of fluff and 2 pages of redundant plot elements, blarg)

Team Drillkumo Dreamscape, ~7:00 AM, Day 4
Participants: Team Drillkumo, brief plot relevance: E-mouse

We fell silent again, for what felt like an unusually long time. I'm not sure if it was dream-time goofiness, the others respecting my intent of a dramatic pause for some reason, or actually being genuinely stunned by my statement.

Hahah. I kill me.

Anyway, eventually we continued the conversation as if nothing had happened.

"'Covenant of Gensokyo...?' Ran echoed, uncertainly.

"That sounds kinda cool." Chen added.

"C O G..." Yukari mused, "'Cog?' That's a silly acronym..."

Was she mocking me? I grimaced. "Yukari, I know you aren't fond of my team-name obsession..."

She chuckled. "Well, it WOULD be cute if we used one that had a good second meaning as well... but your enthusiasm is rather silly, yes."

"I... I think it's a good idea!" Chen objected, "Gensokyo needs to be cool for the outer world!"

"Assuming we can get away with the outer world finding out about us, at least..." I muttered, darkly.

Yukari's criticism was flat. "That does make it a lower priority, yes."

I clenched the Drill tighter, and lowered it to my chest. "... I really wish we could. Touhou is known here. Going public would give us an army of fanboys to work with; for more mana batteries, for more public support, possibly enough donations to survive without having to work all the time, allowing an open rebellion, supporters to bring magic back to this world..."

"Once again, your madness is without limit."

"... it is. But not my stupidity. We're in no position to try. We don't know how far Kikuri's reach extends, or how much the otaku of the world would be able or willing to help... We need to find out more.

And if we could convert her cronies too....."

"That seems unlikely." Ran said, skeptically.

"Anarchist, remember?" I replied, "They're just being manipulated. I have enough faith in human nature that most of them wouldn't be doing this if they hadn't been deceived or pressured into it..."

"Well, your na?vet? is clearly above average." Yukari quipped.

I paused, and nodded slowly. "... yeah. But you've got to try. And a friend who was once my enemy is my friend twice over... or something like that."

"But wouldn't they let Kikuri know about everything we do?" Ran asked.

"... we'll have to be careful about it." I admitted. "Very, very careful..."

Silence. I let my mind wander for a moment.

"... hmm... 'cog'... maybe there's a way to make that work better..."

... "Ah!"

I grinned, and flung the Drill into the air. It spun against the sky, glinting in the... sunlight, I guess. I grabbed it with a fist on the way back down.
How'd I manage to catch that? Where'd the chain go? Oh, whatever!
I stared up at it, smiling. "I don't think this Drill's power really comes from the same source as in Gurren Lagann. It didn't work until Kaguya gave me a bolt for it."

I let them figure it out. After a moment, Ran got it. "... a bolt."


"Very cute, Jeremy." Yukari said, "But also very weak. Cogs and bolts? They're machine parts, but that's about all they have in common."

I grinned. "Oh, don't worry, I've got better.

Don't you wonder why it worked?"


"And don't you wonder why it worked so well with a Covenant battleship?!"

"You... you think it's a Covenant relic." Yukari was slightly breathless. NOW she was amazed.


"... and you had it before we left Gensokyo."

"Kaguya gave it to me."

"Kaguya gave it to you."

I lowered the Drill again. "I don't get it, either. I don't know how she got it, or whether she knew of its power. Or if it just never worked for her. But it'd sure as hell explain how it worked. We'll have to ask her the details of why I got it."

"I should have kept a closer eye on those Lunarians..." Yukari grumbled.

Ran sighed. "Yukari-sama, you know Eirin's hallucinogens worked on you..."

"I know, I know!" Yukari snapped back, "But to miss something like that..."

"There's no way you could have known they had something that valuable." I soothed. "... Wait, soothing Yukari?!"

She chuckled. "Even the greatest of youkai can get frustrated... like Ran, for example~"

"I'm afraid you don't help prevent that frustration, Yukari-sama."

"I know~"

I laughed. "That's Yukari for you. Mischievous bitch through and through."

"Oh, I do certainly enjoy my work~"

Ran sighed.

--- (OOC: Rest of this post isn't story-important, feel free to skip)

... a worry. "I hope her abuse isn't TOO bad, Ran?"


"Well... it isn't exactly fair for you to do all of Yukari's work while she sleeps the day away... and I remember one article about a parasol beating..." I paused. "I really should have read more of those ZUN books."

Ran's voice turned ice-cold. "Do not think I would hold such anger."

"... why?"

Yukari was about as displeased. "That... 'beating' was because Ran took unnecessary risks. I may have been harsh, but I had every reason for it."

"I brought that upon myself." Ran agreed, calmly.

"Are you sure?"

"J... Jeremy-sama..." Chen sounded very scared. I could only imagine the deathglare Ran was giving me, and Yukari would if she could.

"I don't believe you understand how the shikigami contract works." I swear Ran's voice was channeling Cirno's power.

"You're right. I don't." I admitted. "Not entirely. But by all accounts, it's a form of strict servitude.

I don't like that."

"Ran is entirely free to do as she pleases." Yukari specified, "But I do not want her to fight needlessly."

"... Okay, that's a good reason."

"Are you satisfied?"

"Well... not quite. What about the housework?"

"Magical cleaning is not difficult, with enough understanding." Ran answered,
... ze.
"Yukari was exaggerating on the way to Maribel's."

"... and much of this is playful abuse, with praise and affections mixed in?"


"..." I closed my eyes. "All right. Sorry for getting so worked up. I know 'slavery' like that can work... but I have to insist on it being with reasonable treatment."

"Though I can irritate her thoroughly, and we have our rough spots, I would never dream of truly hurting Ran." Yukari assured me, with atypical sincerity.

I nodded. "All right. Thank you."

An uncomfortable silence. Ran cleared her throat. "Regardless... I think you could stand up by now, Jeremy-san."

Huh. She's probably right. I tried my legs, and found they worked. Got to my feet, and finally got a proper look at... whatever dreamscape we'd ended up in.

It really WAS a floating rock, as Yukari had mentioned. A moderately large circular platform made of rock, with a layer of dirt and then a layer of grass appearing heading towards the center. And nothing but sky outside. We'd been lying right near the center, where there was a strange pool of water. What was strange about it was that it had a constant stream of water falling from the sky and into it, making the gentle fountain sound that had helped bring me back to my senses. I glanced up and saw the water coming from... the underside of a large circular rock platform, with a center that looked like it was solid water. I glanced down at the pool on 'our' rock and saw that... apparently it was recursive. I could see the back of my own head peeking into the pool in the next 'rock' down.

"Trippy." I muttered.

"It IS rather curious." Ran agreed.

That's right, I haven't seen the others much. Yukari was still lying on the opposite side of the... fountain-pool-thing from me, smiling slightly. Like Ran and Chen, she was only wearing a light, loose one-piece gown, obviously colored purple. And of course, with her...

"Dai-oppai." Pause. "Damnit."

She grinned. "Why, thank you."

As I'd suspected, Ran was kneeling next to Yukari. She rolled her eyes.


"No, I should have expected it." Ran replied, dryly.

Chen squeezed at her tails, looking worried.

I didn't wait to feel it this time, and reached for my upper lip. "At least I can wipe those nosebleeds myself, now."

Ran smirked. The inexplicable bleeding stopped soon enough this time, and I wiped my hand off on my...

Wait, what AM I wearing?

..... apparently the same loose gown as the others, only... colored bright green?

"... oh well, they're just dream clothes." I muttered, wiping off the blood regardless.

"Ah, that reminds me." Yukari said, "Seeing as we've all managed to reach lucid dreaming, and it's been a while since people started moving again... Ran? Chen?"

Chen raised an arm eagerly. "I'll try!"

I had no idea what they were talking about. "Huh?"

Chen stepped off to the side a little, clenched her hands, and screwed up her face in concentration.


"Chen, what are..."


With a few small pufts of smoke, Chen's plain gown turned back into her regular outfit. Her usual green cap appeared out of nowhere and landed on her ears.

She opened her eyes and sighed happily. "Ah, that's better!"

I was rather confused. "Uh..."

"Dream, remember?" Yukari pressed.

... "Ah. So we're in good enough condition to manipulate the Dreamscape as we like?" I asked.

She nodded. "We're getting there. It's probably best to be careful for now, and keep it on a small scale. Still not in the best condition."

I nodded. "Sounds fair."

A second POP signaled Ran returning to her usual outfit. She let out a contented sigh. "There, that's much better."

I looked down at Yukari. "Likes her modesty?"

Yukari smiled again. "Well, she IS the straight man for the Yakumos..."

"... Aside from the 'Tenko' phenomenon, at least?"

Ran's face turned pink. "That was just that one time!"

Yukari laughed lightly. "Oh, don't worry, Ran, we all need to loosen up every once in a while~"

She wasn't comforted. "Suika spiked the sake! I'd never do that on my own!!"

"And here I just thought it was a joke..." I muttered.

"Oh, no, she did go streaking through Gensokyo one night. It was quite entertaining."

"And also incredibly embarrassing." Ran said, sounding slightly annoyed.

"Oh, come on, it's not like you were planning to get married or anything~" Yukari teased.

"After all, you've already got Yukari." I added.


"Oh hell, not again."

Ran wasn't particularly amused. "We don't have that sort of relationship."

Yukari actually seemed thoughtful about the suggestion. "Not quite, at least."

Ran looked down at her master, closed her eyes, and sighed.

I tried to fight a smile and failed. Fortunately, my subconscious didn't chime in with further embarrassment.

After a moment, I realized Chen had walked up close to me and was looking me over.

"What's up, Chen?"

She was slightly startled by my sudden recognition, but quickly recovered and smiled. "What sort of clothes do you want, Jeremy-sama?"

I blinked at her. "Uh...

... well, first of all, just call me 'Jeremy.' I don't really like formalities."

Chen's eyes widened. "But... acting so close to Yukari-sama..."

I glanced over at Yukari. She was smiling. At Ran. She wasn't.

Back to Chen. I shook my head. "Don't. I don't want it, and I don't need it. I'm the crazy human keeping the Yakumos alive, not grand lord and master of Gensokyo."

Her eyes sparked slightly. "Ah... alright, Jeremy-sa... Jeremy."

I waved a hand dismissively. "Anyway, as for clothes... I don't know. I generally don't care about it too much. This works well enough."

I considered for a moment... hm. "Though... I could use some underwear."

"Well, no peep show for me!" Yukari joked.

"Hnnnm..." POP.

Chen offered me a pair of bloomers.


Her ears drooped. "Ah... you don't like them?"

I shook my head. "No, no... it's just that this is girls underwear."

Chen blinked, and glanced between me and the bloomers in her hands a few times. "... oh. I'm sorry! I didn't think..."

"It's all right." I took the underwear from her. "They seem about the right size, anyway."

"What's this? Our Jeremy's a crossdresser?" Yukari asked.

"I'm not proud of it, but I've had my moments." I answered. "Excuse me for a sec."

I knelt down away from the others to get the... bloomers on. It took a few seconds, during which Yukari had to stifle some snickers.

No, I'm joking, she just snickered.

I sighed at her mockery and stood up after getting marginally more 'dressed' than I was. "Well, it feels a little funny, but it works. Thanks, Chen."

Chen nodded, with a very small smile.

Ran looked at her master and offered a similar service. "Is there anything you'd like, Yukari-sama?"


Yukari's fingers curled slightly. She let out a sharp "AH!" of pain.


"Ow... I'm... okay." Yukari managed a sad half-grin. "But it looks like I shouldn't move for a while, still."

Ran knelt down next to her and stroked her hair for a moment. "... all right, Yukari-sama."

"That's so sweet." I said, with a smile.

Ran looked up at me. A brief silence as she considered.

"..... would you like to join me?"

I blinked. "... wow, that's generous. Well, I'm not sure I've earned something like that, but..."

I intended to trail off there, but my subconscious wanted an extra perverted quip. "... if you're willing to trust me not to molest her, then sure."


I raised a fist and lightly punched myself in the side of the head.

"Well, it's probably more important whether I care." Yukari pointed out.

Ran sighed. "Yukari-sama..."

... now I was uncomfortable. "Well... it's probably not a good idea, now that I'm thinking like that...

... hm, there's a better reason. Couldn't it be dangerous to move... those as well?"

Yukari pressed her lips together, pouting. "Tsk. You're right, it would." Pause. "Well, at least they'd be oversensitive."

Ran rubbed her forehead with her free hand. I couldn't resist a grin.

Something tapped my shoulder. I glanced over and noticed Chen again, looking slightly shy. She tilted her head downwards.

"... ah. I'm guessing you want me to..."

I reached up with a hand, but hesitated a few inches from her head.

"... this still feels like I'm pressing too much..."

... I put my hand on Chen's cap, and ruffled her hair through it. She smiled serenely.

"Hat's getting in the way... oh well." I moved my hand beneath it, and started scratching at her hair, between the ears...

"...... er, wait."

I glanced back over at Ran and Yukari. I caught Ran still glaring at me for just a moment, before she turned back down at Yukari to hide it.

"... that was selfish of me, wasn?t it?" I asked.

"Not really." Ran replied, stiffly.

"There has to be a better solution for this." I said. Considered. "Hmm... well... that would work if... yeah, I guess I could get away with being a few feet away from Yukari..."


Shortly thereafter, I found myself ruffling Chen's hair as she curled up among Ran's tails, smiling blissfully. I think I even heard her purring. Ran continued with gently comforting her own master.

It was... incredibly, incredibly serene.

... I know I lost track of time somewhere along the line.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2009, 04:48:13 AM by E-mouse »
There was something here once. Wonder what...

Demonlord Pichu

Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #323 on: May 23, 2009, 03:01:10 PM »
=== Chiyudani Residence 3:00 PM ~ Day 4 ===
-Previous Event-

"Yamame, you ready yet?" Toshiro called from up the stairs to the tsuchigumo. "It's time to go." He and his two roomies (for lack of a better word) were going to Junes, albeit a little later than Toshiro had promised. This was mostly due to the young man not feeling up to going after he had translated about half of a magazine (it's actually hard work believe it or not). But, seeing how Yamame really enjoyed going AND how he promised...Toshiro thought that he couldn't put off going to Junes any longer than he should. Besides, there was practically no food in the house save for a few things in the fridge...and they had things growing out of them that probably shouldn't be moving...

"Coming." Yamame replied as she bound down the stairs donning a backpack as she came down. Although the backapck in question was Toshiro's from when he went to elementary school. It was actually rather cute how she chose to wear that one instead of the one from High School. "Alright, I'm ready~"

"What's with the backpack?" Toshiro asked chuckling a bit to the spiders wrong choice of equipment for the occasion. "We're going to a department store, not school."

"Huh, oh, I know." Yamame said as she turned the backpack around to the front and opened it, revealing a certain Blaze Cat's head popping out. "Rin's inside."

"Uhm...I don't think we should..." Toshiro began before Yamame interrupted.

"But, Rin really wanted to go, we can't just leave'er here." Yes, if Toshiro didn't want her to be drained of Mana then he'd probably have to bring her along. Although he knew nothing of Mana, he did recall how Yamame complained of feeling sick after he got back from the bookstore one day. Worried he sent her to bed and watched over her, being he didn't know what was wrong with her besides that of being fatigued and nauseous. Slowly, though the tsuchigumo's health got better the longer he stuck by her that evening. Rin was the same way, in fact, she too had fallen ill at the same moment as Yamame and also recovered at the same time.

"Uhm that's not what I meant..." Toshiro disagreed and proceeded to explain himself further. "It's just that, the store...doesn't allow pets in it. So even if we did bring her we'd have to leave her outside."

"That's why I brought the back pack, silly Toshiro-kun." Yamame giggled to Toshiro's apparent obliviousness to her plans. "When we go in, Orin wil duck down in and will be hidden from sight the whole time."

"I..." Toshrio paused. "Huh. That's actually pretty good plan..."

"Of course, spiders have to cunning to survive."

"Right..." Toshiro went on ahead with Yamame following after. He didn't really believe Yamame was a tsuchigumo, until she sprayed webbing from her ass and hung around in the corners of his room eating bugs...then he'll believe it. Although Rin was a bit of a different story, according to what Yamame heard, Rin was a kasha or some type of Blaze Cat or something and being he had no idea what a Kasha was until he Wiki'd it, Toshiro soon found that Rin was a creature of Japanese mythos, something he thought could never exist and being he found her with Yamame he began to wonder...where they were from although he'll ask them in full later. "Let's get going, there are probably going to be alot of people out today."

=== Junes Department Store - 3:20 PM ~ Day 4 ===

"Geeze, this cat stuff's expensive..." Toshiro mumbled looking at the rather formidible price for several things he had planned to buy for Rin. He glanced back into his wallet to check to see if he at least had enough for food if he bought this stuff. "Thank the gods, for graduation money..." Toshiro sighed forlornly remembering that he also planned to buy something for himself...oh well...maybe next time. His father did say that keeping a pet is just as expensive as raising a child after all...

"Toshiro-kun, this place smells funny..." Yamame complained covering her nose, although her backpack was pretty much alive with movement, the kasha inside wanting to get out and at least see what was going on.

"It's probably the Cat Liter." Toshiro remarked "Then again the Pet section always smells like this..." There were alot of things he thought Rin needed but if he wanted to shop smart then he would leave the expensive junk and only settle for minor toys, food, and a cat box. The scratching post (while a good idea to have so is to save his furniture) can be made by hand, via wood and some ingenuity. "Eh, I'll have to leave the scratching post for now, maybe Rin will settle for some cat teasers or something..."

"Y-Yamame? Put Rin back in the bag." Toshiro whispered loudly looking ahead to see if anyone was looking.

"She kept moving around..." Yamame replied with a bit of annoyance in her tone. "I thought she was getting restless, so I let her out."

"But your going against the plan you just thought up."

"Don't worry, I'll put her back inside." The spider girl reassured Toshiro as she began to rub behind Rin's ears. "She just needs some time to stretch her legs, it's not realy good to be crammed in a backpack for hours and hours..."

Toshiro hesitated to protest, seeing that Yamame not only proved a point but also meant what she said (at least he hoped), he looked up the aisle and didn't see anyone coming this way. So perhaps it will be okay. "...Alright but don't let her go too far off, and please don't touch anything that looks expensive." He instructed. "I don't think I pay for broken merchandise after this is done..."


And I'll stop here due to laziness...


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Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #324 on: May 23, 2009, 07:41:55 PM »
The apartment above the Lair of the Mishaguji 11:00AM Day 2

Everyone just gets to Nate's apartment, all exausted from the long walk, and get situatied there, all sitting down, and Anthony laying on the couch.

"*sigh* you told us that it was a short distance away" said Toyohime

"well, it's usually not that long of a trip, but then I always run while on foot, though I really can't with this wound now can I" said Anthony, who was still slightly bleeding, but not too much,

"Well, lets get you patched up," said Toyohime, and Yorihime,

"I really don't feel safe letting others do this kind of thing to me, I can fix this up with some vodka, a knife, a needle, thread, and bandages, besides, you two don't seem like the doctor types" said Anthony

"Oh don't worry, we have been taught in doctor work" said Yorihime "And we know how to handle these kinds of wounds perfectly" added Torihime

the moon sisters inched closer to Anthony, both having a weird look on their face, Anthony tried to move, but he had lost the strength to move due to all the lost blood.

"Hey hey hey hey hey, don't touch me, keep away from me, I said stop it" commented Anthony

"Oh what is there to worry about" said Toyohime, "It seems like you just don't want a woman touching you" added Yorihime

Anthony slightly blushed, "Ok, I'll let you patch me up, but no funny business, just this wound and nothing else"

"Ok then, first we have to take off your clothes" said Yorihime

"Ok then, let me jus-" but before Anthony could finish that sentence, both of them got at Anthony and took off his jacket and shirt forcefully,
but Anthony was able to shake them off after them getting his shirt off,

"I SAID NO FUNNY BUSINESS, GAH" said Anthony who stood up for a bit, but then fell back on the floor due to his blood loss

"Oh, if thats what you call funny business, you'll certainly be laughing by the end of this" said Toyohime

"Oh, this can't end well," moaned Anthony

for those few hours, only the yells and screams of Anthony could be heard.

Nate's apartment 3:00PM day 2

Everyone was all patched up now, and relaxing, watching tv and playing some card games, (not of the child variety), eating snaks, drinking tea, and Anthony was passed out on the couch from what happened in those previous hours.

"Here's a new update on the june's incident, all of the people in the conflict are now gone, there were several casualties, all of the Yakuza, with the June's department store in shambles" said the reporter on T.V.

"Ugh, son of a, thats the last thing I want to hear after just being put through the ringer by two moon people" groaned Anthony, just waking up, hearing the news

"Oh, whats that?" said letty

"Just wait for it" mentione Anthony, then a ring from Anthony's cell phone was herd "knew it" Anthony then when and answered the phone, only he could here what the person on the other line was saying, everyone else was staring at Anthony, wondering what he was talking about,

"Oh, hello, I'm doing ok for today, I see what is it, ahh, I'll get to that tomorrow, I'll send you the info when I get there, and yes the usual amount" this is what all the others could hear from Anthony's conversation

then Anthony closed his cell phone
"Who was it" asked Nate

"It was the governor, he wants me to repair june's, and I told him I'll get to that tomorrow," said Anthony

"Oh yea, I almost forgot, you said you were the major Repairman/engineer/architect of this town right?" asked Reisen II

"Yea, I am, I'm probably the reason why this town hasn't fallen to pieces, or at least the reason why it's building haven't fallen yet" said Anthony

"So you must make alot of money, with this kind of work" said Yorihime

"Not exactly, you see, when I do this work, I first scout out the building, then I figure out what supplies I need, get those supplies, then I fix up the building, and I pay for the supplies out of my pocket, so, for my payment, I just ask for enough to pay for the supplies, and a bit extra for living expenses" explained Anthony, "It's a part of my family's code, we only work to help others, and to survive, so we only charge the nessary amount for the supplies and for me to buy food and other necesities to live on, we do this because we all believe that money, in any of it's forms, is the greatest poison to man, causing corruption and death to those that pursue and own it,"

"Wow, thats just like your old man, he always told me about the Thrun family code" said Genjii, "He always followed it word by word, and I guess you follow in his suit too"

"Well, it's the family code, it was set for a reason, and I aim to follow it, for as long as I live, I am a Thrun, and I will live up to my ancestors expectations" said Anthony standing holding his fist in the air in a proud manner

"Man, you don't see terans like this anymore, most of them are all corrupted, by their own greed and other things," said Toyohime

"Well, I'm not your average human" said Anthony starting straight at the moon sisters
then he sat back down on the couch, flipping throug the channels,
"And there's nothing on T.V. either, we need something to liven up tonight," said Anthony

"Well, you could join the card game we're playing" said Nate,

"Nah, cards just ain't my thing" said Anthony,

Then Anthony snaped his fingers " I got it, we need some booze, do you have any in the kitchen" asked Anthony

"Sorry, I don't drink the stuff" said Nate

"Well, if I'm right, the convience store guy should be getting that one thing," muttered Anthony

"hey Nate, why don't you make a stop at the convience store, I noticed that we're low on snacks, also, tell the Convience store guy that Antonio sent ya" said Anthony

"Ok then, I'll go and get whatever it is you want, since you were the reason we're all here right now" said Nate

"Oh yea, because of these mana links, I guess we have to go out into groups" said Nate, "So, lets go out you three" commented Nate, looking at Toyohime, Yorihime, and Reisen II,

"We'll keep watch over the apartment" said Anthony
then Nate and the lunar trio left the apartment, and Anthony was still flipping through the channels,

"Well, I guess it's time to play the waiting game" said Anthony,

"Why don't you play a card game with me?" said letty

"Ok then, I guess I can play one round of go fish" said Anthony,

then the two played a few card games, just waiting for Nate and his group to get back.

END: Nate's apartment 3:30PM day 2


  • Have Faith.
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  • And keep it.
    • NMforce
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #325 on: May 24, 2009, 10:05:40 PM »
Amarillo's Room in the ruins, 3:00 PM, Day 4

Being "dusted" by a hyperactive Rumia, Lily White run back to her room.

She opened the door and find Amarillo answering a phone call.

"Eh? Ok, I know that. Watch out Cirno and that women, they are probably after them." Amarillo said before she hang up the phone.

"Are you OK? You looks....pale." Lily come close to her and look at her face.

"I'm OK, but Cirno isn't." Said Amarillo. "It seems our enemies are mad about Cirno's escape. and they are sending troops everywhere, looking after "a little blue-haired girl with ice-like wings"."

"That sure is trouble."

"What's more, is that they are also looking for a "14-year-old schoolboy with a jacket and a straw hat"."

"That description seems familiar."

"Yeah, it sure is familiar, " Amarillo looks at the hat hanging at the door. "So we need to take disguise and get Cirno out of danger."

"And there are worse things," she continued "It seems our enemy has some machine that can detect any mana link."

"Ehh? Then our disguise will be blown in no time!" The fairy went into the washroom "I'll do some cleaning, and I'll think of some ideas to let the others know their status."

"Don't worry, there is NO mana link between us, so we are safe."

"Why don't you say that earlier? Whatever, if we are heading out, I'll take a quick shower." Lily White closed the door.

"Well, after you have finished, ask Pearl, or whoever has these costumes for a shrine maiden outfit, don't take red/white ones."

"Okay, okay..."

*45 Minutes Later*, The tunnel exit near Tourist Helpers

"Haah... So the way to make me hiding the wings is to fold them twice and carrying your bag in order to cover it? That is your idea?" It seems Lily White is not very happy about Amarillo's Arrangement.

"Aww, I promise I'll mend them by tonight, and I'm not happy about these shrine maiden outfits either - All of them are wakimiko!" Amarillo looks at her new outfit.

"Oh, well, since there is only TWO shrine maidens originally in gensokyo... Bear with it."

"Well, outfit problem aside, it seems it's not easy to arrive in Tourist Helpers."

There are several soldiers setting on a bench near the shop. One of them have a single-piece glass installed on his left eye.

"That's must be the machine Rinnosuke is referring to." Amarillo points to that soldier.

"So we will find another way?" Asked Lily White.

"Let's just interact with them."

They walk towards the store, and is noticed by the soldiers.

One of them walks toward them.

"Greetings, I'm the Local Police, we are currently after a very dangerous person, you are? I didn't saw you here before."

"Well, "Amarillo begins, "You know old Saniwa have sold his shrine, right? I'm one of the newest shrine maiden here, I'm Lin Xiyin. And that girl is my assistant."

"So you indeed are a new face, Ms. Lin." The soldier smiles unnaturally, "Have you seen this women?" He give Amarillo a photo of a blond haired woman.

"Nope, never seen her. As I said I was new here. Is she dangerous?"

"Yeah, very."

"And we suspect she's currently in that shop." Another soldier cut in.

"Oh well, but we need to get something from that shop."

"You go ahead, I won't stop anyone from going in the shop or exit from the shop, we won't alert the people inside." said the first soldier.

The second soldier looks at his single-glassed-partner and he give him a thumb up.

"OK, you two are good to go." He then said, and make way so Amarillo and Lily can go through them.

However, when Amarillo are passing them, the second soldier suddenly grabbed her hair.

"Ouch!" Amarillo turn her head back, "What do you think you are doing?!"

"Ah excuse him, he is sort of a lolicon, and we will take that as another token that can be make fun of, my apologize, now you can go. If you want to slap him, now is the chance." The third soldier stood up from the bench and said.

"Well, as a Shrine Maiden, I won't do something that violent, but having a special feeling towards little girls, you are low." Amarillo quickly run away with Lily.

After they have went into the shop, the soldiers sat down again with disappointment.

The one with the single glasses patted the first soldier's shoulder. "Hey Bro, we know the need of finishing the mission, however please don't check over EVERY child ok?"

"What if the ponytail was a wig?"

"You stupid! no bald girls will become a shrine maiden! God didn't like balds."


"And there is not link between the two." he sat down again "Gosh, how long will we sit here like bad guys and lolicons?"

"Beats me."

Inside Tourist Helpers, about 0400pm

"Owowowow... I don't believe they will do this to me..." As soon as Amarillo went in the door, she bursts out.

"Maybe they think you are a boy, and the ponytail was some disguise or something." Said Lily White.

Rinnosuke come out and greets them.

"Ah, show me where Cirno is."

"Okay, I bet the soldiers outside give you some trouble?"

"Some sort of." Amarillo groaned.

Then she went upstairs.

Break anything that stands between you and them!

Caber Knight Etch-A-Sketch

  • The return of something
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #326 on: May 24, 2009, 10:41:56 PM »
Tourist Helpers 3:59 PM Day 4

"Marx! Marx are you ok?!?" Cirno asked in panic. Marx's hand had turned a light blue color as did her right eye.

"I'm alright... hand me that syringe over there, will you?"

Cirno brought the syringe over to Marx, who then jabbed the needle into her arm and injected the liquid inside. The blue coloring went away slowly.

"What happened?"

"It's the Crios. If I run too low on Mana, the Crios over-reacts and this happens There's a medicine for it, but I haven't had any of it recently." Marx held the syringe in her hand. "This was the last one I had with me."

"Well, what are we going to do now?"

"We have no choice but to sit here. There's soldiers looking for us, and we need to stay low. Unfortunatly, both of our mana levels are so low, we can be considered ordinary."

"Shouldn't that help us?"

"Not really. I can't use the illusion power of the Crios. They'll recognize us on sight."

"What if we change our hair color?"


"You know, like that whatumacallit, dye? That's what Rinnosuke was selling as well as all that other stuff."

It was at this point Marx slapped her forehead. "Ah! Of course! Why didn't I think of that? Cirno, you're a genius!"

"Well, I was the strongest when Gensokyo was still around." Cirno said with pride.

"Good thing I found these ordinary appearance changing stuff in my pockets. There was some dye in it. Come on, let's go. I'll teach you how to use the dye."

The two of them were about to go into the bathroom when Marx turned to the door.

"What is it?" Cirno asked.

"Someone's coming."


"No, and I don't think it's RAI either."


  • Have Faith.
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  • And keep it.
    • NMforce
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #327 on: May 24, 2009, 10:54:30 PM »
Cirno & Marx's Room, Tourist Helpers

Amarillo went upstairs and saw Cirno there.

Cirno heard her and turn back.

"Ahaha~ So you had made it."

"Well, it didn't need to be the strongest to run out of a collpasing Gensokyo." Amarillo smiles.

"Is that so~ " Cirno laughed "Marx, we got company!"

"Oh, coming." a women's sound can be heard in the room.

"Seems you have a dark-type partner this time." Amarillo giggled.

"Well, she is not that "dark" since she saved me."

"I don't mean she is a bad guy or what, her power is dark-type which is the opposite of me." Amarillo looks at Lily white who is walking up the stairs.

"You may exchange some info with Lily White there, I have something to say with your partner."


"Why don't you all come in? I'm not a queen or something." the room door opened, and a blonde haired woman appeared at the door.

"If it's not these soldiers, I would leave for the shrine already." The woman said "Well, so you are the girl Rinnosuke had talked about, right?"

"Yeah, I'm Amarillo Viridian, and you are?"

"Call me Marx, and tell me how to get rid of these soldiers."

"Hah~~ You can't get rid of them because of a shortage of mana right?"

"Well, yes but-- Wait, why do I feel--"

"You feel your mana count going up a little, yet you haven't get it from others..." Amarillo smiled. "That's my ability working there. As long as I'm aside and alive all people will get a contentious mana supply."

"Huh, that's neat. So that means we can blast--"

"Ah, sorry to cut you short, but we will do nothing on these soldiers, we must stay low as of now, or our entire group will be at risk."

"Hmm, give me a reason." Marx sit down in a chair.

"First, your ability, as described from Rinnosuke, is too easy to be caught by our enemies there."

"Well, that explains the existence of the soldiers." Marx said, "now for another reason."

"You are too hot-blooded so you missed something," said Amarillo "You have bought enough attention out there so now the enemies are all going after you, by hack they even have your pic! Now what we need is to get out of here safely."

"And joining with others at the shrine? then hide?"

"You really think you can take on an entire army?" Amarillo drew out her lightsaber and swinged it. "If I want I can blow up their HQ with ease, but using the price of everybody's lives, do you think that's worth it? or you didn't care about Cirno at all? After all, she need to return to her home."

"......" Marx fall in silence "Well, then give me one last reason why a younger girl can give orders to me."

"Easy, because I came from the future. So I'm actually older than you."

"Huh, by the way you talked you seems pretty experienced on war and planning. So I believe you. Now tell me how to join others without alarming the soldiers outside."

"We will take a tunnel. But first we have two things to be done." Amarillo looks at Cirno and Lily White, who is exchangeing information.

"First....." She turned to Cirno. "come here for a minute, will you?"

"OK" answered the fairy. "The usual stuff right?"

"Hah~ Yeah." Amarillo said, "It seems your wings and legs were hurt?"

"Wings maybe, but not legs." Cirno reply.

"Oh whatever, " Amarillo said and hug Cirno.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Marx asked "Isn't that cold?"

"Now you are fine," Amarillo finished with the healing and check her wings again, "Now you have been mended." Then she turned back.

"Well, do remember Youseis, or fairies, are a repersentation of nature. And I'm a wielder of Natural Mana, so I can heal them using my lifeforce, for other humans or other beings, no."

"OKOK. now what's next?" Marx stand up.

"Ah, this one is for YOU." Amarillo took out a little box and took out a Gem-Like object from the box.

Marx take the object and looks at it carefully, "It's just a red-gem."

"Is it?"

"Or more precisely, Some gem with red ink in it." Marx watch the Red liquid flow in the small object.

"It's my blood." Amarillo said, "With some special technology it is possible to keep one's power sealed within one's blood, and with another technology, these little ability cubes will be made. That thing can become a power source if you kept it in your poccession. Don't drink it, just keep it is enough."

"Seems much slower than the usual way." Marx said, putting the gem in the pocket.

"Do notice I have only 5 of these, and three of them are in use."

Lily White cut in "Why didn't I heard of such things?"

Amarillo smiled "Check inside of your hat. I've embedded one of them in it. So if something happens you can survive longer."

"Please don't make sad accusions." Lily Sighed.

"So I get that, this is a rare item right?" Asked Marx.

"Sort of, since there is no such technology now to reproduce another cube. And do remember I'm just lend this to you, I except it back when you have better control of yourself."

"So can we make our way now?" Marx opened the door.

"Why not? Fairies, we are leaving."

"...... So icy wings are better than feathers..." Cirno said behind them.

"NO ARGUING!" Amarillo walk to the fairies and repeated "We are going to the shrine, this place is not longer safe."

"Get it." Lily and Cirno start to follow them down to the basement and in the tunnel.

(OOC: OK, an "Ability Cube" is a special device that's no larger than one normal red gem, it's about 1cm*1cm*1cm big and can be easily wear as a amulet or so. Sealed in it are a certain one's blood that can copy 40%- of the blood owner's abilities. Currently there are NO WAY TO PRODUCE ANOTHER CUBE IN THIS STORY and Amarillo have ONLY 5(FIVE) of the cubes IN THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE (Including my stories and this story).)

(This Ability Cube add up 20%~40% of Control Index to another person's account.)
« Last Edit: May 24, 2009, 10:56:11 PM by [TForce]nemoma »

Break anything that stands between you and them!


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Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #328 on: May 25, 2009, 05:08:39 PM »
Nate's Apartment 3:00AM day 3

"Dang, I can't get to sleep" thought Anthony, laying out on the couch just thinking about all that has happened recently "I still can't believe all of this happened from just one morning jog, then I found Genjii, and thats when it all started"

Then Anthony saw the door to the bedroom open up, and he noticed that it was Letty

"I just can't get to sleep here," said Letty

"Oh, you're up too Letty?" said Anthony

"Oh, I didn't notice that you were up Anthony"

"Don't worry, I wasn't doing anything, and I really can't get to sleep either, why don't we talk?" asked Anthony

"Ok then, I guess we could do that, since we haven't gotten to really know eachother, other than what we said to each other back in the forest" said Letty,

Then the two talked with eachother, learning more about eachother, and strengthing their bonds.

Nate's apartment 5:30AM Day 3

"Wow, I guess there were alot of things we didn't know about eachother" said Letty

"Yea. I know, oh look at the time, I should be going to June's to start work" said Anthony

"This early in the morning?" asked Letty

"Yea, I like to start my work early in the morning so I can finish it up in a day, but then this project may take longer" said Anthony "I better get Genjii up too, since I can't leave him here"

"Hey Genjii, time to wake up," said Anthony, poking the sleeping reptile "I guess he doesn't want to get up, I guess I just have to force him then"

Then Anthony went and flipped Genjii on his back causing Genjii to awake and be surprised

"What the, flip me back over you whippersnapper, I should punish you for this" said Genjii in a grumpy manner

Anthony then fliped Genjii back over,

"Ok then, it's time for us to head out, since I got work to do," said Anthony " and no buts about it"

Then Anthony and crew left Nate's apartment and headed to the wrecked June's department store

Front of June's Department Store 6:00AM Day 3

"Wow, the Governor wasn't lying when he told me how screwed up June's was, I guess it's time for me to do my magic and get this show on the road" said Anthony,

Letty and Genjii just stood back while Anthony was suverying the area, looking at all the damages, seeing what he would need to replace, Anthony finished up his lookover the area just after starting 10 minutes ago

"Well, this is gonna be alot of supplies, I'm gonna need to get my pickup truck for this load" said Anthony,

Genjii and Letty didn't know what exactly Anthony was saying, so they just followed him back to his cabin to get the truck

Anthony's Cabin 7:00AM day 3

Anthony and Crew just come by his Cabin to pick up the truck, nothing else really happened since they didn't go inside the cabin, they also passed by the usual place where Anthony got his supplies on the way back to June's

Front of June's Department Store 8:30AM day 3

"now that we got all the supplies, it's time to get to work" said Anthony, who then started to work by tearing out the stuff that needed to be replaced

"Is there anything I can do to help?" asked Letty

"Don't worry, just stay near the truck and relax, I can handle this all on my own" said Anthony

Which then Letty sat with Genjii by the truck, just watching Anthony fix up all of June's, which then noticed that he was moving quite fast, getting all of the work done,

Then after a few hours passed, Genjii fell alseep, and Letty was still watching Anthony work,

"Wow, I didn't know he could work this fast, he already fixed up the entrance of the store, and it looks like he's getting pretty far with the other stuff inside" said Letty in astonshiment

Then she noticed a few shady looking figures enter the construction site, they had on weird tatoos, and were carrying led pipes and knives

"Who are you people" said Letty in a timid voice

"How dare you ask us that, you should know we're the Yakuza that run this town, we can do whatever we want here, which now that I think about it, I want to take you with me, since you have a nice body" said the thug, which looked like the leader of the bunch

"Hey, get away from me, you should learn some manners" said Letty as the thugs closed in on her

"Oh we don't need no stinkin' manners" said thug 1

Then as one of thugs were about to touch Letty, Anthony came outside of the buliding running at the thugs like a mad man


Which then Anthony jumped off of one of the thugs in the back right to the spot between Letty and the thugs

"Look here you punk, you obviously have't heard of us, we're the Yakuza and we do what we want, if you have a problem with that, then you can just die" said thug 2

Then Anthony snickered "You punks are obviously new around here, otherwise you would have already been running with your tails between your legs, for you see, I've delt with guys twice your size and 5 times your numbers,"

"You're just bluffing, there's no way you can take on the Yakuza"

"There's a reason why I end up fighting with you punks, insted of letting you off with a warning, it's because you're descrating my area of work, each time I repair a building, another gets bused up, and I continually have to fix them all, and each time when I do that, you idiots always end up meddling around, trying to get a few kicks by messing with the workers, but each time, I always end up sending every one of you punks to the hospitable, heck, alot of your memebers are lucky that I haven't sent them straight to the grave, now by the looks of it, there's 10 of you, and one of me, it would take way more than that to even make the odds even, so I suggest that you leave now, before you get yourself hurt" said Anthony

"Who the hell do you think you are, all you are is a scrawny teenager" said thug 3

"Oh I'll tell you who I am, so you know the name of your killer" paused Anthony "I'm Anthony Thrun, the Repairman/Engineer/Architect of this town, and I live to do my job and deal with lowlife scum like you"

"Thats it, LETS GET EM'" said the leader, which then they all when after Anthony

Then Anthony grabbed Letty and Genjii (he was in his smaller for right now) and got them away from the thugs

"I can't let you two get hurt now can I" said Anthony

Then he went back to the thugs and took his regular stance with this fist in front of himself, one of the thugs then lunged at Anthony with a lead pipe, which then Anthony whent and kicked the pipe out of the guy's hand, and then followed up with another kick to his face, knocking him out,

then two more with knives came at Anthony, which then he ducked under their initial stabs at him, and uppercutted one of them knocking him on his back, the other one then took another stab at Anthony, which then Anthony hit the guys hand, diverting the stab away from Anthony, which then was followed up with a hook to the thugs face, leaving him dazed on the ground,

"Damn, this guy is better than we thought" muttered the leader

then a few more thugs came at Anthony, but then Anthony delt with them the same, knocking them all out, some with black eyes, some with bloody noses.

Then only the leader was left,

"GOD DAMMIT, IF YOU WANT SOMETHING TO BE DONE RIGHT, YOU GOTTA DO IT YOURSELF" yelled the leader as he pulled out a pistol,

as soon as he pulled out that pistol the expression on Anthony's face tensioned up and he started to rush at the main thug, almost appearing as a blur, but the leader fired at Anthony a few times, all missing, then Anthony got to the leader, knocked the gun from his hand, and took him by the coller of his shirt, lifiting him off the ground

"I see, the Yakuza have started to recruit whimps and trigger happy lunatics, well, I was just going to let you off with a simple beating, but since you pulled out a gun, lets just say that you've just signed away your right to your arms" said Anthony,

Then Anthony first threw the thug to the ground and steped on his left arm, adding on more and more weight until Anthony heard a cracking noise, the thug was starting to cry from the pain of his arm breaking, then it finally snaped, the thug then screamed out in pain, but Anthony didn't evil flintch, and he went over and did the same to the other arm, leaving the thug screaming in pain, with both arms broken at the elbows,

Letty just stood at Anthony in shock at what he did, it didn't seem like the Anthony she knew, it was too sadistic, then Anthony looked back at Letty, and his face changed back into the one she knew, the one that wasn't all psycho, then Anthony walked over to Letty

"Are you ok? Did they hurt you?" said Anthony all worried,

"What was that, what did you do to that man" said Letty

"I see, well he was going to try to kill us, and I'm not allowed to kill, so I punshied him for what he diserved," said Anthony, "Now lets try to forget about this, we'll leave after I finish up fixing this place up"

Then Anthony went back to work, with letty just leaning aginst the truck, thinking about what was it with Anthony, it was a few hours until Anthony was finished with the store

Anthony's Cabin 2:00PM Day 3

The crew just reached Anthony's cabin, with Letty still in thought about Anthony,

"Hey, are any of you hungry, because I'm making something to eat" said Anthony

Letty responded "Oh, yea I'm kinda hungry"
and Genjii responded the same

Anthony then started up the oven a started cooking, it was a little bit before he finished up, then he served everyone at the table

"Here's one of my recipies, steamed red skinned potatoes, with a side of pasta" said Anthony

Then they all ate, Anthony finished off his plate in almost no time at all, while the others slowly ate

"Mmm~, this tastes really good Anthony" said Letty,

"Thanks, I'm glad that I can have someone else try my cooking, thought I really don't know how to make too many other recepies" said Anthony

"I could teach you a few recepies" said Letty,

"Oh that would be nice" said Anthony

They kept up a conversation, taking Letty's mind off of what happened with Anthony a few hours later

"Oh, I need to head back into town later today" said Anthony

"Oh, why's that?" asked Letty

"I need to get another vehicle to replace the one that got destroied when I saved you and the others," said Antony "Plus, we need to get you less suspicious looking clothes," said Anthony

"I see, thats ok then"

Then the group headed out back into town

just outside of Karuisuwa Junkyard 3:30PM Day 3

"So this is where you get your cars?" said Letty

"well, you could say that, but for now, it is time to search this place over" said Anthony
the group then walked over to the entrance of the junkyard, which then they saw an old man in a rocking chair

"Hey old man, has anything interesting turn up recently" said Anthony

"Oh nothing, just the usual passing of junk into this place," said the old man "and as usual, you can take anything you want, for the help that you give me"

"Hun? whats your connection to this old man Anthony?" asked Letty

"I've helped him a few times in the pass, sometimes with work, other times with Yakuza thugs" said Anthony "and for that, he lets me take anything I find in this junkyard"

Then Anthony and crew enterd the junkyard, see piles of old cars, scrapmetal, and other asorted things, which then Anthony started to search around. After an hour or two, Anthony found a decent car that he could use, and it was a nice one too,

"Freaking awesome, it's a 1969 Mach 1 Ford Mustang!!!" said Anthony in excitment "thought, why would someone just leave this thing in a junkyard?"

Then Anthony took a good look over it, the engine looked like it could run, the frame and shell was perfectly fine, so Anthony decided to try to start the thing up

"Ok then, lets see if I can get this thing to start" said Anthony, which then he turned the igintion, and didn't hear anything go, he tried it a few more times, then let out a big sigh

"Dammit, I knew it was too good to be true, the electrical system is shot, it will take me a few hours to at least get this thing running, I hope you two are ok with me working on this" said Anthony

Both Genjii and Letty agreeded with Anthony and they stayed there for a few hours,

Then Anthony got back into the driver's seat, after going through the entire car, and rewiring it, and he turned the iginition again, and he herd it sputter a bit, then it roared to life,

"YEA BABY, now I got myself a new ride, thought I might want to tune it up later" said Anthony "Come on guys, now it's time to head out"

Which then they got into the car, and drove out of the junkyard

Karuisuwa clothing store 6:00PM Day 3

Anthony and crew now headed to the clothing store to get letty some new threads since her current clothes kinda made her stand out

"So I can choose anything I want?" asked Letty

"Yep, it's a good thing I'm getting paid soon, so just choose what you like and we'll buy it" said Anthony

Letty had gathered a few pairs of clothing and went to the changing room, which then she showed off her new look, first she was wearing a blue skirt with a simple white shirt

"It looks nice on you letty, just nice and simple" said Anthony

Letty had tried out a few other sets of clothes and had selected a few to buy, then the crew got the clothes and got back into the car, and headed back to Anthony's Cabin

Anthony's Cabin 8:00PM Day 3

The group gets into the cabin and relaxes for a bit, and watches some T.V. nothing else really happened for the rest of the night and the three went to sleep,

END: Anthony's Cabin 10:00PM Day 3


  • What's punk? It's an explosion of suppressed dissatisfaction.
  • It's the roar of the soul!
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #329 on: May 25, 2009, 09:08:55 PM »
(OOC: Like Anthony's previous posts, this is just to try and better fit my characters in, and also to allow for some character establishment.)

Convenience store, Karuisuwa, 15:40, Day 2

"I still say it was completely preposterous," complained Yorihime.

Her sister shrugged.  "You may not want to accept it, Yori, but the fact remains that we were rescued by those Terrans."

"What?  I've gotten over that, Toyo.  I was talking about that absurd program and it's completely fabricated view of Lunarians."

Nate groaned.  Whilst Toyohime seemed to be adjusting to Earth life surprisingly quickly, her sister was a different case.  Ever since they reached the apartment, all she'd done was complain about everything.  "The air here's too thick and polluted, unlike the pure Lunar air!  I can hardly breathe!" "Ugh, how can you live in such a cramped place?" "The tea's not bad, I suppose..." "Blech, is this what Terran's really eat?  Disgusting!"  Not only that, but she almost broke his replica of the Red Stone of Eija before dismissing it as "a tacky piece of junk".  Thinking that maybe she was just really bored, Nate suggested she watch something on TV.  For whatever reason, Yorihime ended up watching an anime marathon, and all she did whilst watching was complain about the premise and story.

"I mean, a Moon Princess is supposed to act with grace, intelligence and dignity, not be some clumsy ditz wearing a skirt so tiny it hardly covers anything!"

"So, a Moon Princess is supposed to be like Kaguya-hime, then?" replied Nate, as he stuffed some snacks into a basket.

The lavender-haired Lunarian laughed (First time I've heard her laugh all day, thought Nate).  "Like Kaguya?  Thanks, I needed a good laugh."

"Are we talking about the same Kaguya?" asked Nate.  "With the Five Impossible Requests and all that?"

"Yes, I suppose we are... But the Kaguya you know of is probably very different from the Kaguya I know."  The alien swordswoman muttered something under her breath, of which the only word Nate could make out clearly was "Master", before grabbing a bag of star-shaped cookies off the shelf.  "Hmmm, these look somewhat less foul than the rest of your Terran swill," she said, as she placed them into the basket.


Meanwhile, Reisen and Toyohime were busy grabbing fruit and vegetables a few meters away from the other two.

"So..." said Toyohime in a low voice, "Have you kissed him yet?"

Reisen jumped in shock and blushed furiously.  "I... Um... I, uh, I d-d-don't know what y-y-you're talking about, Princess."

The blonde Lunarian giggled as she placed some peaches into her basket.  "Oh, don't be like that.  I've seen the way you look at him."  She put a hand to her cheek and gaved off wistfully into the distance.  "Oh, I can't believe our little pet's in lo~ove."

"Q-q-quiet, Nate might hear you!" Reisen glanced over towards Nate, but he was too busy being lectured by Yorihime as to why no Lunarian acted anything like Usagi Tsukino to notice Toyohime. "Besides, it's not like he feels the same way or anything..."

"Ufufu, I wouldn't be so sure about that," replied her master, with a mischievous glint in her eye.  "Besides, even if he doesn't yet, I'll make sure he eventually does." She tickled Reisen's ears, causing the moon bunny to giggle softly.  "Rabbits die if they're lonely, and we can't be having that, can we?"


"...And throwing her tiara?  What kind of dumb attack is that?  Kaguya can manipulate eternity, I can channel the very gods themselves, and don't even get me started on what my sister can do!"

"That's... Very interesting."  Nate desperately tried to think of a new topic.  "So, uh, what happened to the Lunar Capital?  I mean, how could it be destroyed if everyone there is so powerful?"

Yorihime suddenly became very serious (well, more so than usual).  "I can only think of one person who could do that.  One person who could destroy the boundary seperating the Lunar Capital from the cold, desolate rock you know as the Moon.  A woman who has twice before tried to conquer the Moon, and failed both times."

She lowered her voice, and spoke in a hushed whisper, as though saying the name out loud would summon her suspect before them in person.  "I speak of none other than Yukari Yakumo, Youkai of Boundaries and enemy of all Lunaria.  Despite having Gensokyo in her grasp, her greed, ambition and envy of our great kingdom must have finally driven her completely insane."

"So, this Yukari person was able to wipe out the Lunarians all by herself?" asked Nate as he took the now full basket to the till.  "Could she really do that?  I mean, I know that youkai are supposed to be powerful, but that's a over the top..."

"I believe she could.  I myself once faced her in combat, and defeated her, but..." Yorihime looked uncomfortable.  "I later found out that she'd been holding back.  A lot.  She wanted to lose to me.  She was toying with me."

Although he'd not known her for all that long, it was pretty obvious to Nate that Yorihime was very proud of herself and her abilities.  For someone to treat a fight with her like nothing more than a child's game... That must be the ultimate insult possible to inflict upon her.

"Yorihime... If you want to go after this Yukari, for revenge, or simply to find out why she did what she did... I want to help you."

Whilst other girls might have been flustered by this offer, Yorihime wasn't.  She didn't even blush, not even a little.  "Please, you'd only get in the way.  I don't even know why a Terran like you would want to meddle in our affairs, anyway."

"Because, if you're right, then Yukari is guilty of attempted genocide, and that's something I can't forgive."  Nate placed the basket on the till.  "Besides, you're going to go after her anyway, and I'll have to stay near you due to the mana link, remember?"

"Hmmph, so you have morals, unlike most of the people on this gods-forsaken rock."  Yorihime flicked her hair back nonchalantly.  "Maybe this world would be less corrupt if there were more people like you in it, Nathanial."

At this moment, Toyohime and Reisen also brought their basket to the till.  The shopkeeper looked at the group, and was momentarily shocked by their appearance.

"Cosplayers?  Aren't you a little early for SuwaCon?"  He finally took his eyes off the girls and saw Nate.  "Oh, now it makes sense.  Of course they'd be with you.  Anyone who looked that crazy would have to be with you."

"Ah, good day to you too," Nate seemed to ignore the rather venomous tone of the shopkeeper's voice.  "Just picking up some groceries with some friends.  Oh, and, uh, "Antonio" sent me to pick something up."

"Oh, now there's someone who you can actually respect!  He works hard, unlike a certain insane gaijin bookstore owner I could mention.  Anyway..." The shopkeeper retrieved a sealed box from below the counter.  "Here you go.  Now, as for the rest of your items..."

Nate payed for the groceries, and carried them out of the store with the help of the Lunarians.  The Watatsuki sisters led the way whilst Nate and Reisen trailed a few meters behind.

"Mistress Yorihime seems to be in a better mood since you talked to her, Nate," said Reisen.  "Thank you for making her feel better."

"She doesn't seem much different to me."  Nate shrugged.

Reisen smiled at Nate. "Oh, I guess it's because you haven't known her all that long.  She doesn't show much emotion, but there are some subtle changes that betray her feelings."

"Well, I suppose I should take your word for it," replied Nate, smiling back.  "So, what were you and Toyohime talking about earlier?  You seemed kinda agitated by it... Is something wrong?"

"Oh... Uh, about that, uh... N-nothing's wrong.  It's just that... I, uh, that is to say..."


Reisen muttered something unintelligible under her breath for a minute, before looking up at the sky.  "So, uh, n-nice weather we're having tonight, isn't it?"

"I suppose it is pretty nice," said Nate, as he also looked at the sky.  "Oh, looks like we're back already.  Well, let's take this stuff in, then."  Nate unlocked the door to his apartment, and he and his extraterrestrial companians entered.

END: Nate's apartment, Karuisuwa, 16:10, Day 2
« Last Edit: May 25, 2009, 09:41:33 PM by N.Theorist »
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