Author Topic: An Unconventional Finding  (Read 7163 times)

Kyo Tanaka

  • Don't worry Sakuya, I will (Uuu~♥) protect you...
An Unconventional Finding
« on: January 05, 2011, 02:38:28 AM »
Reason for the title's name is because I can't think of a name for it, and I'm horrible with coming up with a name. You may give me an idea, but I'd actually like to try to come up with it myself.

EDIT: Smallfry has gave me an idea for the name on the story. Thanks, Smallfry

I wrote this Fanfic like several weeks ago on another site, and showed it to some of my friends. I got some good comments on it, but I'd actually like some harsh and straight-forward critics. Don't mind the writing style, I made it to actually be as if you're in the youkai's place.

This story takes place way before Year 0 (1884), and main point of it is to explain what it was like before 1884 in a youkai's (and POSSIBLY human's) view.

If you have something that needs to be explained more, or don't get a certain part, please PM me instead of posting it. All Notes and maybe a theory or two below.

TL;DR version; a fanfic by a Touhoutard with nothing better to do.


The screams, these screams had brought me safistation, screams of pain and suffering from the human beings. The screams weren't very far from here, and it grew bit more slient. Those human must've been killed, for their screams had stopped. The raining night went on, and on, no sounds but the raindrops hitting onto the ground, and the Cicadas were 'singing' throughout the slient night.

 After a few minutes, or felt like hours, whichever it is, another scream came up. But this one was too young... I went to find where this cry was coming from. Then I found a basket, which where the crying was coming from. It was covered tightly inside a blanket, when I pulled it off, I've found a human baby.

Although I loath those humans, I felt like that I should care for this baby. The baby was only about few weeks, or months, I can't tell because I've never saw a human baby in my life. Those screams earlier must've been the baby's parents, so now it doesn't have any parents.

I was going to kill the baby, but then, I felt something... something warm... I cannot tell what it is, for it is the first time I've felt such a thing. This feeling... is nice... and it was because of the baby. That's where I decided, I'll raise this baby until it is old enough to be able to live on it's own.

I've found something inside the basket, might have been her name. But there was a problem... I couldn't figure out what the thing says. So many complicated characters, what the hell were they all saying? I took a closer look at the baby, and soon realize that it was a girl. Males in Gensokyo aren't very popular, even inside the human village, I've always wondered why that was the case, but no answer had came to me.

Since this is a human, I will raise it like a human, as her parents would. I picked up the basket, and held it tightly to my chest. The only shelter I could give this baby at the moment was a cave I just happen to found. Here it was dry, but yet it was still cold. Both me and the basket were dripping wet, and the baby was crying louder. She must've been cold and woke up because of the rain. I took off my clothes, and hung them on a rock so they could dry. I can't stand being in wet clothes, and I'm sure she would agree.

I took the baby out of the basket, she I looked at her into her deep, dark blue eyes. She still hasn't grown any hair yet, so she must be very cold. I embraced the baby tightly, so it would warm up. That was when I felt this feeling again, the insides of my body felt warm... Could it be this thing called, 'love?'

The sun was lazily rising after those long hours. I took my clothes, still a bit wet, but I refuse to walk around naked. Then she cried again. I tried warming her up, but she was still crying. What should I do? Then her stomach had growled. She must've been really hungry, but what should I feed her? I don't have any milk on me, and I don't know what food humans baby would eat. I placed the baby back into her wet basket, hoping she would forgive me for that, and ran off.

I could steal some from the human village, but will I be able to do it without being seen at all? I reek of blood, so the humans would know I would be close by. This was hard for me... I do not know how to get the food for her, and babies at early age must eat quite a lot so they can be healthy, I figured. Parenting a human baby was harder than I thought, I don't understand how humans can do it so easily.

After for a long time of search, I've found something that a human would eat. But I do not know if a baby would eat it. It was soft, and smelt bad for me. The smell might have been me, since I only eat humans as long as I remembered. I need to take the food back to her, so she would stop crying.

But I've forgotten where the cave was. How foolish of me, I had never thought finding food would take this long, like it was a out-and-in chore. I'm beginning to panic, I do not know why, and my heart is pounding heavily. I've found the cave, but it was quiet. I searched around the cave, but the more I searched, the more my heart pounds. What if she was taken away by an animal, or a youkai? I couldn't bare that thought and kept searching.

I've found the baby after a long search, and she was fast asleep. My heart calmed down, and I can breathe easier now. I woke up the baby, and it began to cry once more, and I tried to feed the baby. She ate it happily, that long search had not been a waste.

Raising a baby was hard, but it was probably because I am a youkai. If I was human, I wouldn't have trouble on feeding, and warming the baby. How long would it take a human to grow into an age where they could take care of themselves?

A few times or so, I see two parents raising a baby of their own. They don't seem to be bothered by it at all, but yet, I was having trouble on the first day. This is pissing me off! If those worthless humans can raise a baby, then I will do a better job with two babies!

It has been at least two, or three weeks since I've found the baby. She's growing up faster than I would've thought, and she was now able to walk a bit. This warming feeling... I love the feeling that I am getting from raising her, do all parents get this feeling? I grabbed the baby, and went back to the cave since it was getting dark outside. I've found myself a good source of food, so I don't have to worry about hunting for some.

It was getting awfully cold out, perhaps Winter is coming. I don't mind as long as I stay within the cave, but she might not be able to stand the cold. Food was one thing, but clothes? I had enough trouble of finding a good source of food, and I do not think such luck will side with me for the clothes. She will have to be left alone for now, so I wrapped her inside a blanket tightly and placed her back inside the basket. I watched as she slowly falls asleep, then I went outside of the cave.

It was very dark out, I couldn't see a thing. This is too much to be considered 'normal,' so is she nearby?

"Rumia, if you're there, come out!' I called out into the darkness. "It's been awhile since we've last met."

"Of course it has," She replied, holding out her arms as if the pose she was in appears to say 'The saint was crucified.' "Why do I smell human on you?"

I didn't know what to say to her, she was a kind of youkai that'll attack any humans she sees. I don't know if she'll attack a baby, but I guess it won't hurt to tell her.

"I've found a baby human about a few weeks ago, it was all alone, so I decided that I should raise the baby myself."

"So- nanoka~?" She giggled lightly. "Why you, of all youkais, raising a human? You know very well that it's better off dead."

Why the hell was she talking to me as if she knows me? This poor fool doesn't even realize that she's sealed, and she's telling me what I know best? I am already doing what I know best, there is nothing wrong with raising a human baby.

"I don't need you to tell me what I should think, Rumia. I am much more capable of thinking for myself. I am doing what I think is best."

She didn't looked too happy when I've said that. "You know that raising this child will make you suffer pain you've never felt before?"

"I've yet to suffer from this decision, but instead of suffering, I felt... a nice feeling inside me, when I hold the baby close to me..."

"You've grown soft, and soon that will make you suffer." She said calmly and a bit disappointed at the same time. "I guess this isn't the right time for us to be playing."

She had started to walk away. "I shall not attack this human, then. I'm only doing this for you, not for that damn human."

She soon disappeared from the sight. I'm glad that this was over with. But it feels like I'm forgetting something... but what was it I'm missing? I decided that whatever I'm missing wasn't important, and went back to the cave. I noticed a basket inside the cave, and pull the blanket out. Then I realized what I was missing.

I repeatedly bash my head onto the side in the cave. After like the fourth or fifth hit, I felt that my head was busted open as the blood fall from my forehead. This forgetfulness was never this bad before, so why the hell did I forget about the baby? I barreled out of the cave, and went for the human village.

There, is the only place I know where I can get clothes, but how will I get it? I could ask another youkai to get some clothes for me... But what youkai do I know that can go into a human village without causing a panic? I reek of blood, so they'll know that I'm coming and all will run.

Then, I noticed that a human was walking on a path, all by herself. Such a brave woman, or just simply a fool. This is the perfect moment chance to get some clothes for her, all I just need to do is to command her to get me baby cloths, so it shouldn't be that hard.

I stalked the human for several minutes from now, I could just attack her right now, but she wouldn't leave a human village by herself, unless this human has something to protect herself... She held a sheathed kanata tightly in her left hand, so she must be trained to fight with the sword. I wonder how trained she is, I could always challenge her right now.

"Come out, youkai! I know you're there!"

Why did I bothered sneaking in the first place? I knew I was going to get caught. Placing my hand onto my forehead, the blood slowly moves to my arm. It would have been a lot faster if I challenged her in the first place.

"How come you're alone, human?" I called out, as straighten my arm, then the blood slowly moves into my palm. "Surely you know youkais roam around the forest, right?"

"I know that youkais roam here. But if someone don't do something, we'll be dead before we know it. So to stop that from happening," She gripped the sword with her right hand, and when she pulled it out, I felt a powerful rush of wind went towards me. "I'll have to kill you to make the other youkais lay off the humans!"

She is certainly not like any other humans, but at least I'll be entertained by the time this will be over. Since how long as it been I last seen a human with such courage, and power.

But I should be careful, I need to get her to give me baby cloths, so if I accidentally kill her, I'll lose my chance. The blood from my palm fell down, but stopped when it nearly touched the ground. The shape was beginning to change. Where I held the blood was forming into a handle, while the rest of the blood began to flatten out, where it was now a blade.

The blade made from my own blood was identical to that girl's kanata. I shall not use any abilities, but will use only skills of swordsmanship. "What is your name, human? You're very brave to come out here all by yourself, challenging a youkai."

She slightly smirked. "The name's Sato Anila, and I shall defeat you!" Then without any warning, she rushed right over to me. She made a quick swing for the sides, but I've barely managed to parry that blow. She was both strong and fast, I might actually have a bit trouble of beating up this human, which was a first.

« Last Edit: January 16, 2011, 10:30:22 PM by Kyo Tanaka »


  • Transcend the edge of Dissillusion
Re: Untitled story
« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2011, 02:49:54 AM »
The only critiquing I could do is that it's a bit short. I kinda want to see where it would go. Other than that, it's very well written, I have to admit.

Kyo Tanaka

  • Don't worry Sakuya, I will (Uuu~♥) protect you...
Re: Untitled story
« Reply #2 on: January 05, 2011, 02:52:15 AM »
I do have more to it, but I felt that this is enough to post, for now at least.

Also, there is a post limit on this site, or no? If there is, then how big is it?


  • Transcend the edge of Dissillusion
Re: Untitled story
« Reply #3 on: January 05, 2011, 03:01:24 AM »
Whatever the post limit is (if there is one), I've never hit it, and I have some REEEEEEEAAAAALLLLYYY long posts on here. Like, something that took up 30+ pages on word. About the only "limit" I can think of is splitting the story up into easily digestable sections, which my version of easy is slightly longer than what you did.

But hearing that you have more, please, post away.


  • Life.....Death.....
  • I own it all
Re: Untitled story
« Reply #4 on: January 05, 2011, 03:07:49 AM »
Hm, I'm very interested to see where this will go. As for the title, how about "An Unconventional Parent"?

Kyo Tanaka

  • Don't worry Sakuya, I will (Uuu~♥) protect you...
Re: Untitled story
« Reply #5 on: January 05, 2011, 03:10:39 AM »
Whatever the post limit is (if there is one), I've never hit it, and I have some REEEEEEEAAAAALLLLYYY long posts on here. Like, something that took up 30+ pages on word. About the only "limit" I can think of is splitting the story up into easily digestable sections, which my version of easy is slightly longer than what you did.

But hearing that you have more, please, post away.

Posted more as you wished. Mind you, I didn't know how to do the convos on the story, or how Rumia actually act.

Hm, I'm very interested to see where this will go. As for the title, how about "An Unconventional Parent"?

Thank you for yer thoughts, and I might use something that goes with parent.


She kept on hammering down my defense, I couldn't find any openings on her. Right after one and another, she swung more than a heart beat. I thought this would be the first human that I'd lose to.

After a minute or so, she started to breathe louder. Every slash she now make was more predictable. Such a foolish girl, trying to press her own limit. Still no opening, though, I guess I shall have to make one. All the sound I could here is the swords crashing each other, and her constant shouts.

Then, she drew her sword back into the sheath, but still gripped firmly on the handle. I began to charge at her, but as soon as I was within a length of about two swords, she pull the sword out and made a fast, and powerful slice. So fast, my eyes couldn't follow the movement. So powerful, that it blew me away into a tree.

My back slammed pretty hard onto the tree, and I spat out a few blood cells. Just what the hell was that? I felt too weak to stand back up. Sato was slowly walking to me. "Say your prayers, monster." After a few more steps, she rose up her kanata, and pointed it to me. She stopped moving, then she yelled, "Die, you damn monster!" and made a thrust towards me.

I only had one shot at this. With a quick movement, I managed to not only block the thrust, but to make Sato's sword fly. I tripped her, and put my blade to her throat.

"Never put down your guard, human. It could cost you your life so easily." I told her. My blade went back to it's original shape, and it moves from my hand, all the way back into my wound at the forehead. My head was still bleeding, but not as bad as it was earlier.

Her facial expression was full of nothing, but shock. I can finally move my legs a bit, so I tried getting up.

"Why haven't you killed me?" She asked with fear struck on her face.

"I never planned to kill you in the first place. In fact, I need you to do me a favor with something."

She just stared at me for awhile, then laughed. "A youkai, asking a human, for help? Whatever it is you need, I won't do it."

Sato is now just trying to piss me off, after I just spared her life. "All I just need is cloths that'll fit for a baby. Perhaps I should kill you, after all."

Then she just shot right back up, she seemed to be confused. "Wait, don't say that!" She said nervously. "I can get some of them, but why would you need it?"

"I'll tell you after you got it, human. I usually don't put my trust onto humans, so you should be honored that I gave you some trust."

Sato stared right into my eyes with worry. She seems that she doesn't even trust me, at all. Then she let out a small sigh. "I guess I have no trust. I'll be back here soon, so don't run off." Sato walked over to her kanata, and sheaths it. "I'll be back real soon." She called out to me, then she walked toward to the direction the Human Village is.

I let out a slight yawn. Yesterday, and today, were both tiring. That human would take at least a half an hour, maybe more, to get back here. I guess it wouldn't hurt to do some exploring. I can still walk, but my legs start to hurt everytime I take a step on either one, and my back was already hurting bad from hitting the tree.

I went walking around inside the forest. It was so unusually quiet. But whatever it is, I'm sure it isn't that important. I saw a lake from a distance, and I was starting to get thirsty. One slow step after another, the lake was getting closer and closer. I threw my head into the water, getting mouth fulls, then pulled my head back up because it was so damn cold.

I felt refreshed now, but still tired. I looked into my own reflection of the water. A large cut on my head was pretty noticeable. My pupil had a sharp slit, while the color surrounding it was as red as blood. My hair was black, with exceptions of a few blood stains on the tip of the hair. My cloths was obviously stained with a lot of blood, and there was rips and tears here and there.

Three-hundred years ever since I became to this, and I do not regret my decision. I have not always looked like this, to be honest. When I first opened my eyes onto this world, I was just a mere human.


"Kohana! Are you awake yet?" A voice called out. I didn't want to get up yet, still sleepy. "Give me five more minutes..." I muttered. Then the door opened. "You wanted to go to the festival so bad, yet you are still sleeping? We'll have to go without you, then." Festival? That's right! How could I have forgotten about it? "Wait!" I shouted, jumping out of the bed, "Please don't leave me! I wanna come too!"

Then I heard a giggle. "Of course we wouldn't leave you," says the woman with blond hair, walking into the room, "But you need to get ready, it's about to start soon."

This woman is my mother. The only thing similar to us is our eyes, as blue as a sapphire. She had long, blond hair with a blue flower on the side. "Okay! I will be ready." I told her, then went under my bed. This is where I always keep my red kimono. It's my favorite kind that I have, the one with flowers printed all over.

"Go see your father after you've finished." My mother told me, walking out of the room.

I began to take off the cloths, expect for underclothings, and threw them on my bed. Then I grabbed my kimono, and began to dress myself into the kimono. It took me about 10 minutes to get it on properly. I saw a reflection of myself on the mirror on the wall. I had short black hair, and I'm just about as tall as any 5-years-old would be, probably taller than that. Turning around while still looking at the window, to see if I got it on properly and if I looked good in it.

I ran out of my room, "Father!" I called out. I wanted to give him a hug, but I tripped instead. Face lands first on the floor. "That hurts..." I said quietly, holding my nose.

"Are you alright?" He asked, helping me up. I looked at him, then nodded, "Mhm!"

Father was a very tall person, I don't get how it was possible. His eyes were as brown as a tree, and had short black hair. He never go with us when the festival start, I always wondered why... Everytime I ask him, he said he was busy with work.

"That's great. Do you want to see your friends?" I nodded.

"They're here now?" I asked.

"No, but do you want to go to their house? I need you to give a message to Mika's father, and right now I'm busy."

A message? What could it be? "I'll take your message to him!"

"That's great. Here," He pulled out a letter, "all you just need to do is give it to him."

My eyes peered onto the letter. What could be the contents of it? "I'll be off, then!"

The village was quite large, but I know my way around it. Mika's home wasn't so far here, but I decided to take a little detour. All I could hear was chatter, hammers banging onto nails, and other sounds I couldn't identify. I've always love this village, and everyone that lives in it.

I noticed that there was a spot that was unusually dark, what could it be? Slowly making pace toward to the darkness, I eventually found myself out of the village. I seem to have gotten lost while inside the darkness.

"Greetings, human."
« Last Edit: January 16, 2011, 10:31:38 PM by Kyo Tanaka »


  • Life.....Death.....
  • I own it all
Re: Untitled story
« Reply #6 on: January 05, 2011, 03:18:44 AM »
Or how about "Unnatural Natural Law?


  • Life.....Death.....
  • I own it all
Re: An Unconventional Finding
« Reply #7 on: January 05, 2011, 02:10:49 PM »
One thing I have to say about this, is it's probably easier to read if you add new entry with a new post, rather than just adding onto it.

Kyo Tanaka

  • Don't worry Sakuya, I will (Uuu~♥) protect you...
Re: An Unconventional Finding
« Reply #8 on: January 05, 2011, 10:07:28 PM »
I know that, but I feel bad doing that. IDK why, but I just do.

I'd like to hear what others say.



"Oh Sato, you're back already?" I was told when I walked back into the village.

"Oh, hello! Could you do me a big favor?" I replied to the lady.

My name is Sato Anila, and I am 17 years old. I am training to become a great swordsman, and my first step on becoming one is to best something that is stronger than me. I failed that task, but for some reason, my live was spared. She wanted clothes that can fit for a baby, but why would a youkai want to have that?

"What would it be?" She asked calmly.

"Can you give me some clothes? I need some that'll fit a baby."

"Why would you need that?" She asked, looking slightly confused.

I couldn't answer that question, for the sake of my own pride. My father will only see me as a disgrace if he learned that I lost in such a pitiful way.

"Y-You see..." I told her, but when I try to think of a reason, nothing came to mind. Then I suddenly thought of something. I shouted, "I know a friend that's having a child!" without even thinking of what she will say.

A shock suddenly appeared onto her face, "Oh, really? I got some for a newborn. If you would wait, I can get them."

I watched the woman going into her home, and began wondering why would a youkai need new-born cloths? They would have no use for them at all. Every conclusion I come up with is just beyond ridiculous.

While I waited, I continued to thought what it could be, but nothing came to mind. It wouldn't be dangerous to give youkai some cloths, but new-born cloths wouldn't even fit them.

"Here you go," says the lady as she walk outside of her home, "You can have these, since I don't have any use for them."

I took the cloths from the lady, and gave a bow to her, "Thank you very much," I told her.

I love this village, I love the people inside of it, and I don't want the people to suffer. After the next time we meet, I'll hunt her down, and I'll be sure to kill her. She is too dangerous to be wondering around freely, and the anxiety of the people was so large, barely anyone would leave the village.

I walked toward to the exit of the village, gripping the kanata tightly into my hands. Even though she gave me a chance, I still vow to slay her.


"Human?" I asked her. Why would it be so dark, when the moon is up? I can't see a thing. Then, something jumped up right in front of me. I fell backwards while giving a frightened scream.

"Why are you outside of the village?" Said the voice again inside the darkness.

"I was wondering why it was so dark around here..." I replied with obvious shaking in my voice. I hadn't been scared like that at all... Is she friendly?

I pushed away the fear that suddenly appeared, then calmly say, "Are you alone?"

"Alone? You're here, right?" She asked with a confused tone.

"I mean before I was here."

"Of course I was alone, there's nobody else around, is there?"

She seems to be friendly... kinda? I wonder if she wants to come with me. "Hey, do you want to come to the festival with me?"

"Festival? What's that?" She asked.

"Well... a festival is a thing you celebrate for something... I don't know what we're celebrating..." I guess that was a terrible answer to give her, someone else would've been better.

"Is that why humans are always excited at this time?"

"Yes, it's fun at the festival! Games, food, and a big crowd! Although, I'm not very good with crowds..."

"I don't see how it is fun, for the past few years, it's been bothering not only me, but others nearby as well."

Have we been bothering them for that long? Did... they ever went to the festival before? "If you'd like, how about you come with me to the festival?" I asked her.

"You really want me to come?"

"Of course! We'll have a great time!"

"If you insist..." She says quietly, and shakingly, "I'll come to the festival... But it's my first time."

At first... I really expected her to refuse the offer. I hope that she'll have a wonderful time with me. I grabbed her hand, "Then, let's go! I have something to do, so we have to hurry!"

She seemed to be scared at first, then she smiled and nodded, "I haven't introduced myself to you, yet? I am Rumia."

Rumia? That was a weird name. I never heard anything like it before, but she seems to be... unique, in a way. While holding her hand tightly, we both ran back into the village. For the first time today, I made a friend that wasn't human.


Something was shaking me, but I ignored it and continued to stare at the water. Then, suddenly the push became a hard shove, pushing me into the cold, freezing water.

After I resurfaced my head, I shout out, "What the hell was that for?!"

"I've been calling your name for like a minute now, so what other way should I get your attention?"

This voice was similar, but how... I searched around, and saw a human. How dare she push me into the water, without even knowing what I'm capable of!

"Who are you?" I asked her with an annoyed tone.

"You seriously don't remember me?" She asked.

I stared at her for a very long time. Nothing came into mind, who the hell does she think she is? "Explain yourself human, or I sha-" then I saw the baby cloths she was holding. "You're the human that challenged me earlier, right?"

"Took you long enough to remember me."

I swam out of the lake, it was deeper than it actually looked. I hate being soaking wet, so cold, and cloths are bothersome when wet. "You shouldn't have pushed me. I hate being wet."

She laughed, "That's your own problem." Then she handed me the cloths. "I know I shouldn't get into your business, but why would you need them?"

I gave her a sharp glare. Should I bother showing this human? "If you want to know, come with me. However, there is one condition you must meet."

Then her expression quickly changed, revealing a scared look at first, then she nervously smiled. "What would be the condition?" She finally spoke with a shaky tone.

"When you're around the area I am able to show you, you shall not be loud at all."

"Huh?" She called out. She now looks confused, very indeed. "Just what do you mean by that?"

"If you shut up and follow me," I told her coldly, as I walked away, "You shall learn what I meant."

She looked like she wanted to rebel on that at first, but instead of talking back, she just followed me quietly. I can only pray that any other youkais will not see me, walking calmly with a human.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2011, 11:07:52 PM by Kyo Tanaka »

Re: An Unconventional Finding
« Reply #9 on: January 05, 2011, 11:03:52 PM »
You seriously should put each update into a new post because it's impossible to find where you left off otherwise.

Kyo Tanaka

  • Don't worry Sakuya, I will (Uuu~♥) protect you...
Re: An Unconventional Finding
« Reply #10 on: January 05, 2011, 11:05:39 PM »
Sorry, I'll use my earlier post to cut down the contents into posts.

I wasn't really thinking about how would people left off, so my bad on that.

EDIT: Is it much better now?
« Last Edit: January 05, 2011, 11:11:05 PM by Kyo Tanaka »


  • Life.....Death.....
  • I own it all
Re: An Unconventional Finding
« Reply #11 on: January 06, 2011, 02:53:14 AM »
Much better. I'm glad you changed it. As for the story itself, I can't find anything that needs improving.

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: An Unconventional Finding
« Reply #12 on: January 07, 2011, 04:12:02 AM »
The story is kind of confusing. I keep losing track of who the first person perspective is.

Now, it's an interesting story, but a few things are holding it back for me. They aren't things I would normally mention, but I know quite a bit about not being harshly criticized enough.

The number one thing holding back the story is that I have no idea who anyone other than Rumia is. Maybe it's part of the big reveal, but personally, I really want to know who that first Youkai is. It's a big question in the back of my mind that's taking away from the fun for me. Remember that many people read touhou fanfiction for the touhou characters, rather than the setting or anything else.

Number two, though it comes from someone with a somewhat short attention span is pacing. The story could move faster, with fewer words and greater conservation of detail. At least, it could at the beginning chapter. Because the chapters become smaller later, the story is easier to read. after the first post.

Three, it seems like you are writing multiple stories at once. You might be better off breaking them up into multiple threads, or telling them sequentially instead of interleaving the chapters. The discontinuity is jarring. (I myself am going to have trouble with this trap in Shoot the Moon, because my chapters are in chronological order with about half a dozen mini stories to sort through, so advice concerning continuity would help as I continue to post mini-chapters in the future.)

Four, the first person perspective is confusing because it is never explicitly stated which character is speaking. Normally, this wouldn't be a problem if the story were broken up into multiple threads and multiple stories. It also wouldn't be a problem if you explicitly told us which character was the first person perspective instead of relying on us to pick it up from the context. While I can pick out who's speaking from the context, it requires a bit of thought from the reader because they assume that the speaker was the same as the one in the previous chapter, and that can cause some frustration. (In some of my stories, I think I have exactly that problem concerning speakers, and I myself would benefit from correction in this matter. Especially the one concerning Mokou, Cirno, and Pokemon that I mention in my sig. It's a problem in any story where the first person perspective shifts or there are three or more speakers and the author isn't constantly reminding you of the speaker.)

Kyo Tanaka

  • Don't worry Sakuya, I will (Uuu~♥) protect you...
Re: An Unconventional Finding
« Reply #13 on: January 09, 2011, 04:24:33 PM »
1. I already revealed part of who the first youkai in the story. I am aware that people read Touhou Fanfic for the official characters, but I thought I could just make the story about a fan-character and see what would happen to it. I just thought that it might be more interesting that way.

2. I had others saying that the start was fast paced, while the latest had a lot better pace.

4. I could fix it up a little to make it bit more obvious whose perspective it is.

I didn't had anything to say to 3, it certainly does seem that way.

I still have a lot to learn about writing, this was my first attempt ever to make a fanfic.

Also, sorry for the late reply. I had been probated for 3 days for piracy talk. I have read the forums rules, and I'll be sure that probation won't happen again.


I could have just left her there without telling her, but I needed to know what the baby's name the parents gave her. Since she's human, surely she can read?

"Human," I spoke, stopping and gave her a glare into her eyes. "Earlier, you said your name is Sato?"

"Y-Yeah... What about it?"

"You're certainly an interesting human. Ones that appear to be at your age would usually try to run away from even the lowest level of youkai. Such bravery to have when challenging a youkai... or am I mistaking it with foolishness?"

She stopped walking after I had said that. "Foolishness might be right, but who will stand up for the humans? If they won't stand up to protect themselves, I shall, even if it's for my life."

"And what is your goal? Surely you want something to go as far as giving up your own life."

"It's to bring peace into Gensokyo. Where all beings do not have any tensions with each other, especially the tensions that exist between humans and youkais. If my death can bring peace into Gensokyo, then I'll happily accept death without any hesitation."

Upon hearing that, I just laughed. "You want to bring peace between humans and youkais? Have you forgotten why the tensions exist? If you don't, and I'll just tell you myself. Because of you sadistic beings, we suffered many hardships." Then, I quietly, and sadly muttered, "Because of you sadistic beings, I lost everything I loved..."

Slience then filled the air, but eventually, Sato broke the slience again. "Not all humans are like that..." She said, with a tone that was filled with sadness. "I will bring peace into Gensokyo, by force or not. If youkais will give us a chance, we will surely do anything to put behind those hardships."

This is certainly a very unique human. To even go as far as death to get peace, she is certainly not like those other humans. She reminds me greatly of Mika... Who strongly believed peace between us.

"You will not throw away this dream of yours?" I asked.

"No, I've gone this far now, if I drop it now, all of my training will go into waste."

"Then, I shall tell you something that might help you reach for your goals."

That seemed to have made her curious. "Go on." She said.

"Ever heard of Danmaku?"

"Danmaku? I heard of it... But I nobody in the village seems to know what it means."

"Disappointing, I could have sworn at least one human would know the term means. Danmaku is a deadly duel, where both duelists have to strongly rely on their reflexes, and their magic."

"And how would this be any use for me?"

"You figure that out for yourself." I told her, walking away, "We should continue to make haste, she had waited for too long."

"'She?' Who are you talking about?"

I didn't tell her anything after that. After for like a few minutes of non-stop pester, she just went slient for the whole walk.

We arrived at the cave after several minutes or so. "Stay here," I told her and walked inside of the cave. When I looked inside the basket, she was gone. But when I turned around, I saw her crawling around, exploring what she could. The basket was still a bit wet, but I put the cloths in it anyway expect for one pair. I picked her up gently, getting the baby dressed up, and let it lay onto my shoulder.

I walked back out of the cave, while holding the baby carefully, so I wouldn't accidently drop her. The look on the girl's face, it seems that she was just simply confused. "Why do you have a baby?"

I didn't reply to the question. "Please hold her for a moment," I gave her the baby, and went back inside of the cave. I took the basket, and went back out.

"Can you read?"

"Any idiot could-" Then she stopped for a moment, then ask, "You can't read?"

I then glared at her, she flinched and quickly spoke, "Please forget that I even said anything..."

She took the basket. "What exactly am I suppose to read?"

I took the basket back, and began looking through it. I could've sworn I saw something written in there somewhere... Then I found a piece of paper. That was probably what I saw, I took it, and gave it t

She took the paper, and began reading of it's contents.

"...The ink on this paper is smeared. ' Haya...' those are the only ones I was able to read."

If the name is unreadable, then, what am I suppose to do for a name?
« Last Edit: January 09, 2011, 05:09:01 PM by Kyo Tanaka »


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Re: An Unconventional Finding
« Reply #14 on: January 09, 2011, 09:21:39 PM »
Ooh! Ooh! Name it "Henry"!

Kyo Tanaka

  • Don't worry Sakuya, I will (Uuu~♥) protect you...
Re: An Unconventional Finding
« Reply #15 on: January 16, 2011, 10:27:19 PM »
I've became aware of certain parts of the story contains obvious errors, and I'll fix them right away. If you see an error anywhere in the story, would you be kind to tell me so I may fix it?


Sato threw away the paper, then went over to the baby. "Why would you raise a baby?"

"So she wouldn't have to suffer."

"From what I know about you, you enjoy making many humans suffer. What makes this baby different than all the other humans you attacked?"

I sighed calmly. "One questions after another? You're certainly a bothersome." Prodding the baby for a bit, and it grabbed my finger and seemed to weakly tug on it.

"I thought about killing the baby once I saw it, but..." Pulling my finger away from the baby, and hover the hand over to me heart. "I felt... strange. When I held this baby, this... warm feeling suddenly came in. I haven't felt such a thing in a very long time..."

She just stared at me. From the look of her eyes, I can tell that she understands what I mean. "You were once human, weren't you?"

I slowly nodded. I forgotten almost everything of when I was once human. The painful memories... they still stayed, and remain the same, just like a scar.

Now that I think about it... This was the first time, in a hundred years, that I have a calm conversation with another human. I want to think that most, if not all, are just like Sato, understanding and friendly... Wait, didn't she wanted to kill me?

"May I learn more of that 'Danmaku?'"

I hesitated at first, but what harm would be done if I tell one human about it? Perhaps things will be more interesting if humans could be able to do Danmaku.

"Better; I could train you."

Her face soon expressed the shock, and then a bit excited. She shook, and her face appeared to be hardened, "Why would you want to do that?"

"Why not?" I told her, prodding my own thoughts to come up with something more than just that. "Perhaps, that I am interested what would happen to Gensokyo if humans were able to do Danmaku?"

"Like I said, not all humans are like that."

"I didn't say anything about what kind of humans, though."

Then she looked away. Would she refuse the offer I gave her?

"You're wanting something in return for training me, right?"

I hadn't thought about it that way. That could be quite useful... might as well go with it. "Of course I wouldn't train you if you wouldn't do anything for me in return." I didn't even have anything in mind when I had said that.

"What would you want in return?"

I should've thought something about that before I even bothered that. As soon as I looked at the baby, I realized what I wanted in return.


"Support? What do you mean by that?"

"Exactly what I meant. I've had problems with raising her on the very same week I found her. I have no experience with raising a child, so I thought you could help... Usually there's two parents raising a child."

She looked into the sky. After a long pause, she finally says "It'll be bad if anyone else learns about this."

"It's not much, mostly we'll just need food and cloths?"

"'We'? Don't you mean her?"

"Usually humans don't eat each other, right?"

"You mean..."

Before she said anything afterward, I interrupted her. "I'll stop eating humans only to raise her. I have no interest of becoming human. Even if I do, I couldn't."

"I see..." She muttered.

"Well, until she's old enough, I could take her into the Human Village."

I didn't like the idea very much, and without thinking I almost refused it. The baby is human, and I did say I would raise her as one...

"She will not be going into the village. Unless, I am around."

"You know how they'll act when they see you."

"I'll figure out something. And I do not trust you enough to let her be with you."

"Why is it that I feel like you trust me, while at the same time, you don't in certain things."

"Simple. It's because that's how it is."

I saw darkness, appearing that it is getting closer every second.

"I cannot teach you anything today. At this moment, you will go home, immediately."

She turned around, and noticed the darkness. She seem to understand what this means.

"We'll meet again tomorrow, same time, and at the same lake you pushed me in."

She nodded, then quickly ran off.

The darkness had stopped, and then Rumia had slowly walked out of the darkness.

"Good evening, Kohana." She says calmly, as she took a bow.

"Would you mind stop calling me by that?"

"Anyway, why was that human here?"

"You mean the one that just left?" I asked, while looking toward to the direction she had fled to.

"At first, she was really hostile. Now, it seems that we'll be getting along well."

"Have you forgotten what had made you suffer, hundred years ago?" It was obvious that she didn't approve of this.

"Something about her interests me... She isn't like the other humans, I wonder if she will truly keep her own word."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Her dream, apparently, is to bring peace into Gensokyo, and she'll do whatever it takes to gain peace."

"She won't keep her word, after all."

"That may be true, but it wouldn't hurt, would it? I said that I'll teach her so that she'll be able to do Danmaku, and after she's finished her training, I'm interested with what she'll do afterwards."

"Didn't humans already knew about Danmaku?" She asked.

"I thought they did too, but she told me that not many humans knew what it meant."

"Anyway," She says as she slowly approach to me, tickling the baby with her finger, "you're doing this out of boredom?"

"Pretty much, might as well do something to get some enterainment."

The baby had caught her finger, and was starting to tug on it.

"I don't agree with what you're doing, but I do admit it does seem bit interesting."

It was about time for the baby to go to sleep, so I put her back into the basket, and placed the blanket over her.

"If you're bored right now, we could have a Danmaku right now."

"I would accept it, but I can't just accept random duels."

"It wouldn't just be a 'random' duel, and to make it more interesting, how about we throw in a wager?"

A bet? Usually, she won't put wagers in a duel. What could have sparked her interest?

"You want to throw down a wager?"

"Of course, any normal duel would simply be boring~."

"What do you have in mind?"

"What do YOU have in mind?"

Why did she pushed the question onto me? I began thinking of what I could get if I had win a duel...

"If I win, you will stop pestering me about grazing, and," I walked up close to Rumia, staring straight into her eyes, "you will assist me in teaching without question."

"Is that all?" She giggled. She seems to be pretty confident in herself. I'm getting pissed off of how cheerful she sounds.

"Now, you still haven't answered my question. What do you have in mind, if you win?"

"That human."

Human? Could she be talking about Sato? "Are you serious about that?"

"Very. I haven't ate a human in a long time~."

Toying with a human's life isn't my thing, can't she understand that at least? Even if I loath them, I will not toy with any being's life.

"I must refuse the duel."

I went back to the cave, before taking a step inside, she spoke out. "Scared? I thought you were better then that~."

The way she said that... it pisses me off. Someone HAS to shut up that god damn mouth.

"I accept your challenge, someone has to put you in your place anyway."

I kept walking deeper into the cave, and laid the basket down next to a rock. "I'll be back for you."

"We do not have all day, Kohana."

Upon hearing that, I ran outside of the cave, and grabbed her by the dress's collar.

"Didn't I already told you to stop calling me that?"

"There is nothing else to call you by."

"Anything, rather than by that name." I shoved her away, but she regained her balance. "Now, where should we duel? It can't be here, or it'll wake the baby."

"How does the Misty Lake sound? It may seem like a good battle area."

Misty Lake? Why would she go there? Home of the fairies... they won't feel threaten when we come into their home, would they?
« Last Edit: January 16, 2011, 10:32:51 PM by Kyo Tanaka »


  • Life.....Death.....
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Re: An Unconventional Finding
« Reply #16 on: January 18, 2011, 01:12:43 AM »
BEWARE OF THE STRONGEST! I really like this story. Keep it up.

Kyo Tanaka

  • Don't worry Sakuya, I will (Uuu~♥) protect you...
Re: An Unconventional Finding
« Reply #17 on: January 18, 2011, 01:19:04 AM »
BEWARE OF THE STRONGEST! I really like this story. Keep it up.

The strongest isn't born at this time, as far as I'm aware.


  • Life.....Death.....
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Re: An Unconventional Finding
« Reply #18 on: January 19, 2011, 11:59:16 PM »
The strongest isn't born at this time, as far as I'm aware.

Kyo Tanaka

  • Don't worry Sakuya, I will (Uuu~♥) protect you...
Re: An Unconventional Finding
« Reply #19 on: January 22, 2011, 03:08:32 AM »
Sorry for such a short post of the story, but I stopped writing before the battle part. I never had any experience with a Danmaku battle in a form of writing, so the next update will take for a very while, but may or may not have more written to it.


We have been traveling Westward for several minutes now, quarter of an hour is probably how long we've been walking with a few distractions. Why Misty Lake, of all places?

"Rumia, I've meant to ask you from the start. Why at the Misty Lake? You know that fairies live there."

"Fairies live anywhere in Gensokyo. I heard some that lives in the Human Village."

"I already knew about that, but why at their home, of all places?"

"Scared already?"

"Is there a reason to be scared?"

"Hmm... not really. We're going to Misty Lake because humans rarely go there."

"Humans aren't a big of a threat. Scared that you might attacked?"

She stopped walking, and bumped her due to the clump of darkness. It sounded like she fell, then she slowly stood back up.

"Maaaaybe~." She says in a playful voice. "Youkai Extermination is a big problem, even though there is so few humans that actually take this duty. Even if they are weak, it'd still be bothersome if they attack during the duel."

"So, because of that, Misty Lake would be safe from those to interfer?"


I wouldn't have mind of a human attacked, it's not like they'll be able to do anything about it.

I went ahead of Rumia. Why bother covering yourself with darkness, if you can't even see a damn thing?

Then, there was a sound of a tree getting hit by a weak tackle.

"You're mean, Konoha!" She called out.

"I didn't even do anything."

"You weren't guiding me."

"That's your own fault. There's no need for all that darkness."

"I don't like the sunlight at all..."

"The sun isn't even up, baka."

There was a long pause, then she finally spoke. "I don't like being exposed to light."

"There's barely any light here. Get up already, let's just get it over with."

She didn't reply, and it was so dark I couldn't even see her, but I'd assume that she was pouting. Then the clump of darkness started to move.

After several more minutes, the surroundings were beginning to get very foggy, and it was giving off a cool feeling. I stopped nearby the lake, Rumia however, continued walking and eventually fell in and made a large splash. It got a bit of my leg wet. She resurfaced, and the sound of water being slapped again and again appeared at the same time. Could Rumia even swim?

A few minutes, she had finally seem to found land and crawl back onto it.

"Why didn't you try to help me!?"

"It was so dark I couldn't even see you moving around."

"You can still hear me!"

"You were swimming away from me, though." I lied to her. I would have helped her, but I'd get wet if I do, and I hated being wet.

Although it's dark right now, I was able to see a picture of Rumia pouting inside of my head. Disregard the fact that she acts like a moron most of the time, I've always find her cute in a way.



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Re: An Unconventional Finding
« Reply #20 on: February 17, 2011, 11:33:14 PM »
Why you no continue?