Author Topic: Saqrundica: Yddisac's Scripts (Latest: VS Mitsuru Muchitsujo v0.80)  (Read 2724 times)

Please comment on Mitsurun please?  :blush:

New Stuff
Mitsuru Muchitsujo v0.80
Updated again, 08-13-12. She has music, backgrounds, four nonspells, and five Spell Cards, but no sprites (for now, enjoy Koamanojaku :V). She's roughly a stage 6 boss. Bluntly, the fanciest thing about this is the comments section, which I made to brush up on my elementary menu-ing.
This character is actually way more fleshed out than this script would imply. I might write about her someday. Might.

And, because it wouldn't be much of a Scripts thread if I only had half a script:
Old Stuff
Touhou Jinkoushin ~ Crazed Artificial Mind v0.22
This is me in crossover mode.
A danmaku dungeon crawler. No, really. Mind you, the dungeon's don't actually get difficult until floor 7, and the demo only goes out to floor 4, but eh. I actually will update this when I can find the events I wrote way back when.

Lucky Star Phantasm Stage
I didn't do the music for it, which may be a good thing at this stage. (I don't mind the Jinkoushin MIDIs, but I didn't have FL Studio to make mp3s with yet back then.) Please, please follow the folder structure info plastered all over the description. Oh, and Easy isn't easy at all, haha. >_> It's finished, so I obviously won't update it.

Revelation of Procella
The lost text
Some people from another forum I frequent did the character design for this one, which is why the Spell Card names suck until stage 4. The music is my fault, though. Sorry. :/ I would update it, except I seem to have obliterated all my files regarding it, so if I do revisit this, it'll be a complete revamp. I'd ignore it; it's quite awful. But here it is if you want it.

Don't bother with random Patchy yet, if you're looking at my Bulletforge account; I forgot to include some ancillary files like Patchy's sprite. >_>
« Last Edit: August 13, 2012, 09:22:26 PM by Supreme Gamesmaster »


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Re: Saqrundica: Yddisac's Scripts (Latest: VS Mitsuru Muchitsujo v0.5)
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2012, 02:24:58 AM »
Oh, I played only the Mitsuru 0.5 because I don't have many time today :(. I have not too much experience in danmakufuku (?) but I liked to play it, my impressions are:

* The non-spell parts have too much life;
* She moves so fast in some parts, for me that was strange;
* The spell card skin-shifter make my game lags hard ( the fps went from 60 to 30 ), my pc is a 2-duocore with 2gb, so idk if it is weak for this script game, anyway the other parts went 60-fps smoothly;
* How I am supposed to survive in that last card without bombs? :P
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Re: Saqrundica: Yddisac's Scripts (Latest: VS Mitsuru Muchitsujo v0.5)
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2012, 04:04:23 PM »
I wouldn't bother with any of the others if I were you. >_>
For each bullet:
*she does go really fast on the third nonspell;
*noted. It lags for me as well, but my computer can lag on anything, so I wasn't sure whether that would be an issue. It is rather inefficient, so I'll see if I can fix it.
*Stay inside the white circles and outside the red ones and it becomes a serious pushover. Imma add guide lasers or something to clear that up next release.

Thanks for the review. ^_^

Re: Saqrundica: Yddisac's Scripts (Latest: VS Mitsuru Muchitsujo v0.76)
« Reply #3 on: June 17, 2012, 01:24:44 AM »
Hate to double-post, but... well. :/
Updated with Mitsuru v0.76. All Spell Cards are now made, although they're still very amenable.


  • Veteran Danmakufu Scripter
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Re: Saqrundica: Yddisac's Scripts (Latest: VS Mitsuru Muchitsujo v0.76)
« Reply #4 on: July 16, 2012, 07:33:23 PM »
I'm just going to talk about Misturu for now, because that seems to be the priority:

Nonspell 1: At first glance it seems pretty random. However it is rather structured upon further inspection. Good opener.

Spell 1: The bubbles are a bit fast it seems. They're hard to react to when you dont know they're coming. After you understand how the spell works though, it's fine.

Nonspell 2: Another very nice and pretty pattern. I like the blue on red bullets.

Spell 2: Not sure what to think of this one. I don't have any issues with it and it's seems fast paced and fun. I don't really have anything else to say about it except that it becomes ridiculously hard if you get stuck on the wrong side of the heart spiral.

Nonspell 3: Whoa, suddenly I feel like I'm fighting Chen. Despite that, it's a fine pattern.

Spell 3: Cool pattern, but it's possible for fast bullets to come from offscreen out of nowhere. I recommend decreasing the auto delete clip.

Nonspell 4: A remilia like nonspell...well you know, except for the hearts. Regardless it's another nice pattern.

Spell 4: Alright, I've got a couple of complaints for this one (I apologize if they've already been mentioned by others). The first is obvious: It's not wholly obvious what's supposed to be done, but that's not the main problem. My problem with this that even when you're in the white circle, bullets still spawn inside from the center unexpectedly. I have a possible solution however: Why not have the bullets spawn after the circle dissapears? It wouldn't change the difficulty much and would be less cheap.

Spell 5: I feel like Marine Benefit has done this gimmick a lot already but I digress. Anyway, unlike Marine Benefit (usually), the bullets are more random. That isn't necessarily bad however. I still think the spell is fine, just very hard and possibly cheap in some uncommon situations. The hearts aren't very noticeable from when I played and I unexpectedly died to them as a result. In fact, it's not just them, I think that the bullets' colors don't differ enough from each other. Perhaps varying the color scheme of the bullets in that spell would help them stand out. Marine Benefit used very different colored bullets (blue and green). I suggest changing the colors in that to colors more distinct than red and purple/pink.

I had a lot of fun playing this script, keep up the good work! I hope to see more.

P.S. The music was very catchy. I enjoyed it quite a bit as well!


  • Worldly Illusion
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Re: Saqrundica: Yddisac's Scripts (Latest: VS Mitsuru Muchitsujo v0.76)
« Reply #5 on: July 16, 2012, 11:35:58 PM »
I'm a newcomer, but I would like to give my opinion.

Nonspell 1: A good opening nonspell. Not much to say.

Spell 1: This is a fairly balanced spellcard. Sometimes it's easy and sometimes you get small dense walls, but it's still good and easy.

Nonspell 2: I never have much to say for nonspells. I didn't like speed of the bullets, Maybe a little faster/denser.

Spell 2: This one is really fun and somewhat challenging since i still haven't figured out the pattern yet. Still a good spell.

Nonspell 3: Not much to say, but I agree with Ozzy. Reminds me of Chen~.

Spell 3: This one is really good in my opinion. It's really well balanced and keeps me on my toes when at the bottom of the screen.

Nonspell 4: De javu?  ???

Spell 4: This card was very interesting. Had no idea what to do the first time, but it was super simple after that. I think it's fairly easy and would actually like the difficulty for this one a little higher (i.e. more spawning bullets/more circles  :])
Spell 5: Seems like Marine Benefit with the switch between active bullets. I agree with Ozzy on this as well. The bullets were not easily visible when the colors are close visually (I still didn't have problems though), use opponent colors. Those hearts gave me a heart attack, I didn't notice them at first and almost died. But still, it's a good last spell.

I really like the music for this, has a nice beat to it.
Really good overall. I enjoyed it.

I have a question though: If this is your OC, what is Mitsuru's ability if any and does her name mean anything like Zun's characters.

Re: Saqrundica: Yddisac's Scripts (Latest: VS Mitsuru Muchitsujo v0.76)
« Reply #6 on: July 17, 2012, 08:58:02 PM »
Well, at least I can finally write decent music. ^_^ Maybe that will balance out my horrible artwork.

@Genso: "Mitsuru" means "beautiful crane," which doesn't much relate to Mitsuru's character at all,,, however, she's actually named after Mitsuru Kirijo, keeper of the Empress Arcana in Persona 3. "Muchitsujo" means "disorder;" it's not a name, but as I said on Bulletforge, amanojaku clan names aren't like normal names because I said so and it's hard to come up with meaningful surnames, okay?
Her ability, which I touched upon in the comments, is "the manipulation of emotions..." in a roundabout way that isn't nearly as Stage 6-ish-ly powerful as it sounds. I didn't go into that much detail about it there because a) the information is meaningless without her story to back it up and b) it's actually really complicated (it involves, for example, an alchemical compound called "Red Dust;" hence, Demon Rhapsody's prefix). That said, I may as well tack a profile and explanation of dust onto the next update, so look forward to it~

Replies to each pattern for Ozzy and Genso:
Nonspell 1: The second nonspell was going to be a variation on this, but it wound up being horribly unfair, so I scrapped it and replaced it with the kunai orgy you know and mysteriously don't mind. O_O I'm glad this does its job; I won't change it (much). ^_^
Spell 1: The bubbles are so fast because I want them off screen before they change the angle of the bullets. That said, I'll see how slow a speed I can get away with.
Nonspell 2: Gaaaah, this one! Thank goodness it doesn't seem to irritate you guys too much; balancing it for Lunatic is a nightmare. There will probably be faster, less dense bullets next time, partly because of Genso's comments and partly because I can't think of any other way to make Lunatic possible.
Spell 2: I don't really know what to do with the purple hearts; while I recognize that getting trapped on the wrong side is a death sentence, but on the other hand, the spell is aesthetically bankrupt and short a gimmick if I get rid of them completely, and the timing of everything is already very precise. I think I'm going to leave this as is; the purple hearts do lead into each other, after all, and it's kind of hard to get trapped by the first one. That said, I do note your assessment, Ozzy, and I'll do something about it if I can.
This card was a risk, being an overwhelming and extremely simple attack that's quite unlike my usual fare, so I'm glad it turned out to be fun. ^_^
Nonspell 3: It is rather Chen-like, isn't it? Since the first two healthbars featured Mitsurun more or less staying still and showing off her magical power, I wanted to show her letting lose and using her agility to her advantage. That said, while her final nonspell was quite powerful, she doesn't really use her speed on any of her Spell Cards, so maybe that's pointless...
Spell 3: This was another risk, albeit for a different reason than the second spell: I couldn't get rid of the lag on my computer in the end. I'll definitely decrease the autodelete clip as Ozzy suggested; random bullets from nowhere are never fun. It took me forever to figure out how to execute this one, so I'm glad you both seem to like it.
Nonspell 4: Hey, Kanako did it, too! :V Anyway, I really liked this gimmick, so I try to use it whenever I come up with a Stage 6 boss (it's surprising how versatile such an apparently set pattern can be). That said, the first round of this one turned out to be very similar to Remilia's... >_>
Spell 4: Needless to say, this one's getting a big overhaul. Thanks, Ozzy, for your suggestion; I'll definitely implement it. It's not supposed to be very difficult, but I'll try to make Lunatic more on par with the other spells.
Spell 5: I've never been able to play Marine Benefit, so I'll take your word for it that I've referenced it. This one is getting another major overhaul; those knives are no fun at all IMO. Expect red and blue flashing bullets on the next release.

Thank you very much for your reviews~ I'll update soon, so hopefully I'll be able to address your concerns.


  • Worldly Illusion
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Re: Saqrundica: Yddisac's Scripts (Latest: VS Mitsuru Muchitsujo v0.76)
« Reply #7 on: July 18, 2012, 10:30:30 AM »

That was actually my first assumption but I wasn't sure if you would use the same kanji even though the reading would be similar. Whenever I see a character, I always wonder if their name means anything since Japanese names always have a meaning. So pardon my curiosity. Also "manipulation of emotion" is actually a very powerful ability from a social and psychological perspective, so I think it would fit a stage 6 boss well. Plus it's original, which is what I like most about a character.

Look forward to the final version.

Re: Saqrundica: Yddisac's Scripts (Latest: VS Mitsuru Muchitsujo v0.76)
« Reply #8 on: August 13, 2012, 09:17:46 PM »
Mitsurun has been updated to v0.80; there's no sprite yet, but I did make all the changes to the danmaku I said I would.

Pondering making an RPG-type thing in ph3 ? la Epic Battle Fantasy. Expect updates on that at a time.