Author Topic: The Smooth Gentlemen II - Chapter X [completed + afterword]  (Read 14323 times)


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The Smooth Gentlemen II

Brief description from the first book:
Squeezing breasts and butts, snapping pantyshots, seducing girls. That is the daily life of the four 'Smooth Gentlemen' of Jupiter High. But as a group of mysterious female students arrives from the famous Venus High, led by Ms. Sakura, things start to change for John Butler and his friends...

Genre: Comedy
Tags: School, daily life, perverted, action, dialogue.

Chapter overview
Chapter I - Like a movie scene
Chapter II - Borders
Chapter III - Friend or Foe
Chapter IV - My House!
Chapter V - Hot weather
Chapter VI - Exposed
Chapter VII - Something is fishy
Chapter VIII - Showdown
Chapter IX - Takedown
Chapter X - Kings and Queens
Character listing
« Last Edit: October 16, 2014, 06:45:40 PM by Helepolis »


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Re: The Smooth Gentlemen II - they return, but why?
« Reply #1 on: July 14, 2011, 01:43:10 PM »
This will probably be just as amusing as the first one. :3

* Kasu waits patiently.

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.


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Re: The Smooth Gentlemen II - Chapter II
« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2011, 02:45:09 PM »
Chapter I - Like a movie scene

The man looks around him nervously as he slowly approaches the doorknob. He hesitates for a moment then slams the door open. The four thugs inside are startled by the sudden noise. The girl, tied by ropes, starts begging to save her. Before the thugs could response, the man rushes towards one of them and one-hit knocks him out with a well placed punch. In surprise the remaining three try to counter attack, but the man seems swift on his feet, as he evades the incoming fist from one of the thugs, and throws him by the arm through the door opening.  He crashes into the wall, not getting up any more. The two thugs realize this is no opponent to deal with and make a run for it.
?Thank you for saving me? the girl says.
The man smiles and starts untying her and holds her firmly. Their eyes meet and they kiss each other with passion.

The credits barely appeared of the screen as Leo shuts down the TV. ?Man that was such a lame clich? ending.? he says while placing down the remote control: ?Seriously, who writes these scenarios anyway??
?I think it was romantic.? Rico said: ?She had lovely legs tied in those hideous ropes.?
?Look Rico, we know you got a fetish for legs. But think with me for a moment. The scene, the scenario, the dialogues. They are rubbish! How can such a movie even be shown on TV??

In frustration Leo gets up the couch and walks to the window. He checks his watch and eyes the street. Leo, his full name Leo Knight, recently turned 21 and is one of the youngest students in his 4th grade of his Bachelor study at Jupiter High. He has decided to aim his future job in the marketing and artistic business. He used to focus mainly on photographing before, but has expanded his hobbies with movie making. His style hasn?t changed in the last two years. His medium length of blonde hair is always styled with a fashion look, combined with jewelry he likes to show off a lot. Such is the importance of being in the business of photography and movie creating, is what he claims. Rico Martini, is another 4th year class mate. He is not trying to imitate Ricky Martin as that is something extremely insulting for him. No, Rico is a 22 year old man of passion. His light brown hair is always shiny and in a strange model. It is hard to describe how his hair looks like. Actually, it is even more harder to explain his face. Nobody knows why his face is so shiny and smooth. As if he polishes it every day. But he claims he isn?t using any make up. His passion is theatre and drama and remains in that area for now.

Both Leo and Rico are actually two out of four members of an infamous group called ?The Smooth Gentlemen?. It is not a clan, as clans are strictly forbidden at Jupiter High. No, it is more like a close circle of friends who have one shared passion: women. They might not be particularly considered ?gentlemen? but they sure are smooth.Though, their personal tastes differ. You see, Rico is more of the type who prefers intimate kissing and worships beautiful legs. Often you will see him carry a rose around, either in his mouth, pocket or hand; sniffing or waving it. Rico is known as the ?Red Rose? among all students in the school. Yes, the Smooth Gentlemen is pretty infamous group. Leo is granted with the nickname: ?Upskirt Snapper? as his interests are taking awesome shots from beneath. He will use a lot of devious tricks to achieve his goal, leaving his victims totally surprised.

You might think these fools are a hopeless case and probably on the verge of getting grounded by the principal. No, in fact they are respected among the students. You see, even if they are freaks they have strong social skills. Leo still is the chairman of the Photo Club, teaching people all the details and tricks of using their camera, senses and artistic feelings to capture shots or shoot scenes. Rico performs in the drama club, assisting with plays and enjoying the poetic inspiration of some students. So now and then they cannot resist their freak-nature and start harassing the girls at their school, eventually causing a lot of trouble for them, the girls and of course the principal who seems to have hard moments dealing with them.

Leo checks his watch again and starts tapping his feat. ?Surely he should?ve arrived by now, right?? he said as he walked to the other end of the living room.
?John has it lately tough.? Rico said. ?His butler club activities are overflowing too many girls are requesting his service.?
?Doesn?t changes the fact he should let us wait. He should recruit more butlers and not hog all the fun himself.?
The door bell rang.
?Speaking of the devil.? Rico said while stretching his arms and rising.
Leo opened the door and there stood John in his butler outfit, hair messed up and a slight swollen left cheek. He didn?t look sad or anything, he just smiled.
?Let me guess,? Leo said with a smirk: ?A girl??
?Nina is pretty violent? John said.
They clasped hands and John entered Leo?s house. He greeted Rico with another hand clasping bro session as they made they all took their spot back on the couches.
?Man John, when are you going to give up on getting her to hire you?? Leo asked.
?Are you crazy? Her club has the best girls there. I need to get in there.?
?She rejected you already three times. You even got slapped.?
?Meaning she actually wants me. The slap is only her hard play.?
 ?No man? Leo said laughing: ?Three times! R-Rico say something to this fool.?

Rico didn?t? respond but just enjoyed the conversation between Leo and John. The red swollen cheek of John was barely visible though, he wasn?t pale like Leo. And he didn?t had blonde hair but dark brown hair with brown-greenish eyes. His full name ?John Butler? and being currently 23 years old, he is one of the older students in the 4th grade. His interests are breasts. Heavenly firm healthy breasts. He serves as a butler for female clubs only, preparing snacks, tea or attending them with certain activities. Whenever he has the chance, he will perform his freak-act, by squeezing the twin peaks of Venus. Because that is what he does. Squeezing girls by luring them with his smooth talk. This is why he is often called ?The Butler?. Though if you would ask what breast squeezing has to do with being a butler, he will just claim that taking care of your mistress is an important task of a butler. Out of the four, John has the smoothest talk, hence the name Smooth Gentlemen. However, he not the leader of the four. They didn?t come up with the name either, it became a name for them.

?Mack isn?t coming?? Rico asked in surprise.
?He had to help out his mother with something important.? John said: ?We?ll just have to discuss this without him.?

Rico and Leo nodded. The four only came together to discuss very important issues or events. Whether it be about school, daily life or their reputation. Otherwise they would?ve used their phones for short messages.
John took out a folder from his pocket and placed it face up on the table. Leo and Rico carefully eyed it as they noticed the title of it. Suddenly, they had to smirk.
?So it is finally here?? Leo said as his smile became broader.
John nodded. Leo leaned backwards as he imagined things in his mind. Rico let out a dramatic sigh, as if he was performing some play and took out a rose and started sniffing with his eyes closed.

It was finally there, the title of the folder read: ?Jupiter High - Summer camp?

☆★☆ To be continued ☆★☆
« Last Edit: August 22, 2014, 05:04:30 PM by Helepolis »

Re: The Smooth Gentlemen II - Chapter I
« Reply #3 on: July 16, 2011, 09:13:39 AM »
Permission for what? And if I'm assistance then you have my permission.


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Re: The Smooth Gentlemen II - Chapter I
« Reply #4 on: July 16, 2011, 06:13:00 PM »
Chapter 2 - Borders

On a regular school day, Mr. Hopkins opened the door of the principal?s office and stepped inside. He noticed the principal was holding a phone conversation while he was staring outside. Principal Highway put down the horn and sighed. ?What am I going to do now.? He said.
?We can hardly ignore this event. Especially as the Summer camp is something huge.? Said Hopkins, the principal advisor.
?This camp was suppose to be something refreshing and promoting for our school, why does it have to go this way anyway?? said principal Highway: ?We are still stuck with the Venus High girls as well, this is going to the troublesome.?

Hopkins nodded in agreement. They both knew Venus High was still under construction. Two years ago the school had spread out their female students to several schools such as Mercury, Saturn and this school, Jupiter. Unfortunately during the constructions archaeological artefacts were found and the entire construction was stalled. Only few months ago they could restart their work, but a lot of students had to graduate. It had caused  a lot of trouble and stress for principal Highway. He had been working nonstop to arrange exam agreements and such.

Then there was also the major clash between the Venus High  notorious group of females, Silky Ladies and Jupiter?s Smooth Gentlemen. Even though they are at peace, they have not seized their activities and harassments. They just do as they wish. The Silky Ladies harassing male students and the Smooth Gentlemen harassing females. Yet, there are no complaints made by the victims. Mr. Highway has no choice but to keep things under control by reminding them of the rules. But he already knows both groups are intelligent enough not to make any slip ups.

Principal Highway tapped his finger few times against his forehead and finally looked at Hopkins, who was still waiting for instructions. ?Call Miss Layla from Venus High, tell her that we will be responsible for the Venus High students joining the summer camp.?

Hopkins nodded in acknowledgement and left to his office to arrange the remaining issues. Principal Highway stared outside his window. It faced the front yard of the school. Randomly gazing he then spotted Leo, John, Rico and Mack together discussing something. He could see from their faces they were plotting something for the summer camp. He then scanned the yard to locate the Silky Ladies, and yes, there they were. Not far from Leo and the rest, he could clearly see one of the girls, Melisa Sanders, explaining something to her friends.

* * * * *

Mack noticed the Silky Ladies approaching as he pulled Leo?s jacket to notify. All four of them silently watched as the girls approached. They lined up in front of Leo, John, Mack and Rico. Such showdowns were nerve breaking for both sides. They have been keeping very clear distance from each other past two years. The Smooth Gentlemen does not involve with Silky Girl?s business and activities and same thing other way around. They just defended their own area. Occasionally Mack would break out in a wrestling fight with Avelia as both of them are quite tempered.

?Miss Sanders, is there something we can be of service? Perhaps I can sque??
John quickly rolled away as a wooden sword smashed his previous seated location. The  sword almost caused a mini crater in the grass. He carefully stood up and dusted off his pants.

?Watch your mouth Mr. Butler.? Amy said while slowly pulling her sword back.
?Woah woah, dangerous stuff there Miss Northwind.? Leo said. Mack stood up, and started  to crack his knuckles. Obviously was not amused by the attack from Amy. But quickly Avelia stepped forward grabbing Mack by his collar.
?You had a problem big guy??

While we are at it, we might as  well quickly introduce the Silky Girls, or more like to say: Venus High girls. They renamed themselves to Silky Girls after they got defeated by Shino, who had put both groups against each other and eventually backstabbed both.
Anyway, first of all. All the Venus High girls, including these four are fine ladies. Venus High is known for its fancy  and beautiful students. All girls wear short skirts and random fancy outfits. Basically, it is heaven on earth they say.

Amy Northwind was a fine lady. The last two years had shaped her into a deadly twin sword wielding student. She actually leads the sword-club at Jupiter High. This is why she is allowed  to carry wooden swords around. Brown eyes, brown long hair tied in a ponytail. She hasn?t much changed her style since she first attended Jupiter High. A pony tail was more comfortable for her it seems while wielding her swords.

The girl, who was holding Mack by his collar, was Avelia Verezis . She was nowhere near Mack?s length but extremely aggressive. She had blonde short hair, which was styled with a few dreadlocks. Her green eyes were glaring at Mack who was looking down on her.

Melisa pulled Avelia back by her collar as she started struggling. At the same time Leo was trying to hold back Mack. A fight between those two would be a bad idea. Melisa was taller than Avelia and had very long dyed hair and had blue eyes. The last person was chuckling at the incident. She looked quite cute with her glasses and green eyes. Her hair was pretty long, curling down as two side tails. She was a foreign student who had been living for a while in the country, aiming to become a surgeon. Believe it or not, she is actually assistant school-doctor within Jupiter High. Due to this, John and his gang have been evading the twice-a-year checks.

?You gentlemen, would you please be so kind to sign out from the summer camp?? Shimuka asked with a soft voice. It was hard to read whether Shimuka was angry or friendly. Though one would quickly feel when she is pissed off.

?No thanks Miss Aoi, we will be attending the camp.? Said John with a grin. ?We have been waiting quite some time for this event. The great graduation summer camp where we will finally have all the freedom and fine ladies in their glorious summer outfits!?

It was as if John was burning with passion while he said those words. He clenched both his fists in excitement and was standing strong.

Avelia snorted. ?You are an idiot, John Butler.? She said.
?Either way? Melisa interrupted. ?You won?t be interfering with our plans. We rule the summer camp.?
?A person who got defeated by Shino has no right to speak  of such things.? said Leo in defense.  Melisa had to blush. She was again reminded of that terrible incident. The day that they thought they could have gotten rid of the Smooth Gentlemen. It was all perfect. John had betrayed his own friends and was going to be their slave. But then that girl, Shino, came and defeated them all and in the process, she fell victim to her trademark attack. Remembering it caused her to grasp her skirt.

?Y-your team was humiliated as well, Mr Knight.? She quickly said in slight panic. ?Should you be even talking about any victory??

?Yo John dawg, these girls are really pissing me off. Can I already??
?Bring it own baldy.? Avelia baited. Mack was almost going to charge but got pulled once more back by Leo. ?Calm down man! She is making a fool out of you. Don?t take the bait.?

Mack was indeed bald. Well, he shaved off all his hair, but he left some which was trimmed with dazzling fashion. Each several months he would shave his head in a different style. He had a dark tan and was quite muscled. Out of the four, he was the tallest and thug-alike person.

?So?? Rico asked sighing. He threw his rose between Melisa and Avelia into the tree. The rose impaled the stomp. He had remained silent for the entire conversation as he often was the most calm and collected in the group. ?None of us are backing out of this Silky Ladies. Now what??

?A contest.? Shimuka said. The Smooth Gentlemen were surprised. They didn?t expect a challenge so fast. ?We know the summer camp has many activities with lots of competition.? She said. ?In my country these are taken quite serious. It kind of shows who is the better class and such. The team with the most victories will step back for the rest of the year and silently cry and focus on their graduation. Deal??

A moment of silence fell. Leo glanced over to Rico then to Mack then finally to John. He nodded in agreement. So did Rico and Mack. Leo adjusted his hair and raised his finger: ?Fine, miss Aoi. However there is one important thing I need to remind you of. Teresa. You don?t be involving her in this.?

?Ah, prince charming again? Trying to defend his precious girlfriend.? Amy giggled.
?She has nothing to do with the Smooth Gentlemen, and neither with you. Just leave her alone. And we are all cool.?

Melisa waved her hand towards Leo: ?Fine Fine. We tried hard recruiting her for our Silky Ladies group. But she kept refusing, that cheeky girl. We?ll leave the princess alone.? 

Principal Highway took a seat behind his PC as he checked the sign up list inside the system.
?John Butler, Leo Knight, Rico Martini, Mack Back... Melisa Sanders, Amy Northwind, Avelia Verezis, Shimuka Aoi...? he read out loud: ?They all signed up. You better be careful Mr. Butler. I have no idea what you are planning. But it will be futile. None of you will survive this camp.?

☆★☆ To be continued ☆★☆
« Last Edit: August 22, 2014, 05:06:09 PM by Helepolis »

Re: The Smooth Gentlemen II - Chapter II released
« Reply #5 on: July 17, 2011, 08:07:19 PM »
perform Shino on her.

Perform Japanese pottery ?
I have...a terrible need...shall I say the word?...of religion. Then I go out at night and paint the stars.


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Re: The Smooth Gentlemen II - Chapter II released
« Reply #6 on: July 19, 2011, 01:40:00 PM »
Perform Japanese pottery ?
Oh man, I didn't knew it was pottery as well. Now that is interesting.

PS Chapter III will be released hopefully tonight or so, after I finished working for the SDM.


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Re: The Smooth Gentlemen II - Chapter II released
« Reply #7 on: July 19, 2011, 08:01:01 PM »
Chapter III ? Friend of Foe?

The busses came to a stop on a large parking lot. As the doors opened, the students started strolling out. After an hour or two driving, they finally arrived at the location of the summer camp. Leo flying kicked out of the bus, landing on the ground. With his fingers, he formed the lens of a camera, looking around excided.

?This is great, this is GREAT!? he said.
?It sure is dawg.? Mack responded. He was stretching his legs as the bus trip was pretty bothersome. Especially being tall and buffed like Mack. Even driving a car was for him an issue. And bicycles were too small for him.
Rico was surprised of the scenery. He took out a rose from his pocket and sniffed it. The area was a vast location of greenery and trees. There was a small lake which could be seen just ahead. The water is sparkling brightly by the sun?s bright shine and birds are signing their songs peacefully around them. Just before the lakes there are two large buildings rising from the ground. They aren?t that tall, only two floors but they look stylish because of the many wood and logs being used.

As the students rounded up, finally one of the teachers stepped forward holding a megaphone. It was Mr. Rosmalen, a fanatic P.E. teacher. He was quite tall and muscled and always carrying a whistle around his neck, a headband and standard sport outfit.
Rosmalen shouted through the megaphone demanding attention and silence. ?Listen up ladies and gentlefolks, I am not some drill sergeant who is going to bother you for the upcoming 5 days, no. I am neither going to check if lights are out at ten. NO. You will simply behave, else get lost. Simple as that. There are no warnings, there are no appeals. You are all already on strike two. So better not miss that final hit!?

?Great.?  Leo whispers to Rico: ?As if we are first graders...?

Mack had to smirk but be careful not to show it to Rosmale. Rico and John were not really amused nor interested by the words. They kept staring around, scanning the area. It seems the Silky Girls were also being bored as they were eying the crowd, probably looking for them. Shimuka?s eyes met John. She smiled with a bright smile, then aimed her attention to Rosmalen again. Rosmalen had continued his boring speech on how he welcomed the students and such. Before everybody got bored to death they finally received some useful information regarding the area, building and activities. It was simply, the two buildings contained bedrooms, showers, restrooms. One building was for the males, the other one was for the females. There was no mass dining room. Food had to be cooked or made by the students themselves. The terrain between the two buildings was narrow, meaning quick access was possible from building to building, except the teachers were sleeping on the ground floor, facing the entrances.

John was carefully studying the surroundings, noting the possible passage ways, trees, fences. Surprisingly there were no cameras or such security present. He was questioning why they would separate the boys and girls, but not secure the area with cameras or something. As if they intentionally want people to secretly sneak over at night to fool around.

Rosmalen was finally done with his explanation and announced the events for the upcoming days. First day there would be ?Capture the Flag? event. After that there would be some lame Olympics like event. But there would be also ?Thievery? game. Excluding the Olympics, all of them were intense games with lots of competition. John had to grin. Thievery, Capture the flag. This is going to be easy. he thought. He grew kind of excited, which was obviously noticeable as Leo frowned when he saw John? face.

?Yo, John man, what is with the smile.? He asked?

But John didn?t respond back. He just met Leo?s eyes and Leo could almost see them burning. Burning with passion. Because not only this was a competition, but also plenty of opportunity to perform physical contact for him. Mack understood what John was about and gave him a brofist. Rico and Leo just raised their hands and sighed.

* * * * *

All the students had already moved in their rooms and unpacked  their bags and occupied rooms.
?Good that the rooms are only for four students? said Rico while closing the door behind him.
Mack dived onto the bed. It didn?t break under his weight, so he approved it: ?These beds are good man.? He said laying his hands behind his head.
?So what is the plan now? ? Leo asked.
?Nothing.? John said: ?We sit and wait for the events.?
Leo frowned. That wasn?t exactly the answer he was expecting. ?Are you crazy? John, listen. This is summer camp! There are so many potential targets out there. ENTIRE third and fourth Venus High graders are present. This is not a summer camp, it is heaven!?

Mack snorted, he had to laugh at Leo?s excitement. Though he agreed on that they should chill out instead of cause trouble. Well, perhaps chill out while enjoying their activities.

?What about the challenge?? Rico asked, raising a good point. They had accepted the challenge of the Silky Ladies. If they would lose the events, they had to be submissive to them. It surprised Rico that John didn?t immediately came up with a plan, or some kind of speech to boost their moral. But none of that happened.
?Maybe we should just let them win.? Leo said. Mack and Rico didn?t agree nor disagree. They glanced at John, but he was not responding. As if he was not present with his thoughts.

Rico frowned. It actually bothered him that John has been acting odd. He first thought it was due to their last year at school, but it seems he was bothered about the event two years ago. He was so close to achieve his goal, but then that girl named Shino came, and whooped their asses.

?Is it Shino?? Rico asked, trying to check if his assumptions were true. John didn?t look at him, but then shifted his eyes towards him. He folded his arms and leaned forward, finally sighing.
?Yes.? He said. ?That girl is dangerous. She was lightning fast, she knocked you and the Silky Girls out in seconds, using some kind of ability. And then she stole my pride. I cannot forgive her. I just cannot forgive her for stealing my pride.?
?Yo John, so what? She just did what she did then left right?? Mack said: ?What are you so worried about??
?I don?t know? John said frowning more deeper. It was odd, Leo thought. When Rosmalen announced those events he could clearly see the excitement in his eyes. But now suddenly that excitement was gone.

Over at the girls building, the Silky Ladies had taken their own room as well. They moved their last belongings into the room and the door closed behind them. In the hallway, two females stood. One of them placed their hand on her hip and smiled.

?Well? What do you think?? she asked the girl next to her?
Her partner had to chuckle: ?I think we are going to enjoy this. The principal surely arranged this nicely.?

The first girl nodded and smiled: ?Silky Ladies and the Smooth Gentlemen. You should be careful my dears, there might be scums among you.? With that said, they both turned around giggling and leaving for their own rooms.

☆★☆ To be continued ☆★☆
« Last Edit: August 22, 2014, 05:08:39 PM by Helepolis »


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Re: The Smooth Gentlemen II - Chapter IV rumbling!
« Reply #8 on: July 20, 2011, 03:01:48 PM »
Chapter IV - My House!

?Flag is escaping left? sounded the voice of Rico through John? headset. John dashed quickly through the left side of a small wooden structure, past dense bushes. The sweat was already dripping from his head. Capture the Flag was currently being played among the students. It was males vs females, consisting out of 10 people per team. The game would last 15 minutes, or first to capture 5 flags. There was no need for your own flag to be in place, so cross-stealing was not possible. Also, each team carried special headset to communicate, as the game was held on a vast terrain with lots of obstacles and hiding places.

The score was currently 1-1. Both sides managed to capture a flag and time was running out. He jumped over a fallen tree, passing a large ship container. There he saw the enemy flag carrier. She was trying to escape from the defenders. Two males tried to block her path, but she was not alone, as her backupper snatched swiftly for the arm, ripping off the ?paper wristband?. The two males cursed in defeat as they rushed back to base.

Each person carried a paper wristband. It was loosely put on around the wrist, so it could be easily torn off. A torn off wristband meant you were dead, and had to walk back to base to receive a new one from the teacher. 

John noticed the enemy carrier and her guardian dashing away. But John was faster, much faster. He took a short-cut around the container and jumped right in front of them. The two girls were surprised when they saw him. The backupper-girl rushed forward with a leap, but John evaded it by sidestepping. Then she did another attack, aiming for John? wristband, but missed. John cursed as it was obviously a trick to keep him busy as the enemy flag carrier started running on again. Then Leo leaped into the fight.

?Go!? he shouted.
It didn?t take any thinking. John quickly dashed forward as Leo and the backupper girl went into a one on one fight.

John was gaining quickly on the girl, but he jumped into the bushes, taking an alternative route to surprise her. The girl was exhausted and looked behind her. She was nervous, as she couldn?t see John any longer. Then she screamed out when he jumped out of the bushes in front of her with a huge grin on his face.

?I am being attacked? she yelled through her headset.

John lunged with both arms stretched, aiming with his hands at the girl?s chest and squeezed them gently. The girl cried out in panic and swung the flag at John? head. It knocked John onto the floor, freeing the girl from his grip. She then ripped of John? wristband and dashed away with the flag.

John sat dumbfounded on the floor, rubbing his head. ?Damn, that hurts.?

The flag carrying girl looked behind, smiling with small tears in her eyes. She had defeated one of the Smooth Gentlemen, and that gave her some pride. But then she hit into a human body, bouncing  back from the impact. In shock, she looked up and noticed a tall bald guy looking down on her.
Mack grabbed the girl over his shoulder, ripped off her wristband, took the flag and spanked her on the bottom then let her go. The girl ran away in tears, yelling something through her headset. The pride she had a few seconds ago, got destroyed by the great ?Assman?.

 ?That was close yo? Mack said. They started dashing back to base with their own flag. ?John, I keep telling you dawg. The ass is weak against attacks. The front is too obvious. Your acts are useless.?

?I don?t need a lecture from you, Mack. You are just taller than me.?  John responded in defence. It was a lousy excuse as Mack had to laugh out loud.
?Either way man, you are defeated by a regular girl. What were you thinking?? Mack said.

They arrived at the base where they seen few more girls running away in defeat, as their wristbands were ripped off. They saw Leo high fiving two other males from his team for the excellent defens. The base was actually nothing more than a small hill surrounded by wooden walls. It had three openings which allowed escape through three different routes. They were inside a forest, so the area was dense with trees and bushes.

?Did you survive the girl you fought for me?? John asked.
?What do you think? She was easy as hell. Poor girl.? Leo said laughing: ?I pulled out my super fan and just blew up her skirt. The poor girl cried out in panic and I managed to take her wristband and some lovely pictures.?
?You sly bastard.? Mack said in jealousy: ?Seriously Leo dawg, you need to lend me one of those super fans. ?
Leo noticed John wrist. It had no paper band, meaning he was defeated. He had to run further behind the base as the ?starting point? was away from the base, to avoid cheating.

?I am at the enemy base with 3 boys. We got their flag and running to the wooden cabin? Rico said through the headsets.

Mack, Leo and John dashed out to find Rico and ordered the other teammates to defend.

* * * * *

Rico snatched a wristband of a girl, successfully backing up his teammate who had the flag. But then he heard a loud cry. It was Avelia who like instantly tackled his teammate. He wasn?t carrying a flag, but helping out in backup. The boy crashed to the floor and his wristband got ripped off.  Rico cursed and demanded the flag from his carrying partner. He had to take the flag, as he was faster on his legs and more swift. Being in the dancing and drama club made him a skilled evader. Avelia was chasing them with high speed.

?As expected from a girl who is into kickboxing.? Rico said. He gritted his teeth but had to keep running.
?What do we do?? said one of the two remaining males in his team.
?Run man!? said the other: ?Else that berserker girl is go??

In a shock they saw Amy somersaulting from above a container. She pulled out her wooden sword and slashed into their group. In panic Rico and the two males scattered. But Amy quickly pulled out a second sword and spun towards the two males. With deadly precision, she slashed off the wristbands off the males.

?Double kill.? She said with a soft voice, glancing at Rico who was shocked.
?You shouldn?t be distracted!? Said another voice from behind.

Rico barely evading Shimuka?s attack and did a beautiful leap, landing on one leg. He grabbed a rose and sniffed it for a moment.

?The Silky Ladies, challenging me. How lovely? he said.
?Don?t get it into your head.? Amy said. Slowly they surrounded Rico. The chance of escaping grew slim. Avelia, Amy and Shimuka were too much for him to handle alone. He was fast and agile, but not a powerhouse to defend against Amy or Avelia.
?Game over.? Shimuka said as she adjusted her glasses.

But then, Rico just smiled and threw up the flag into the air. The Silky Girl's got surprised by John who flew through the air, snatching the flag then landing with quite some force onto the ground. Amy gritted her teeth as she noticed it must have been Leo and Mack who launched John through the air. ?Cheeky as ever I see.? She said and rushed forward with her twin swords.
 John rolled away as the swords slashed the bush behind him, completely cutting it into half.

?Woah woah woah! Miss Northwind.? He said in surprise: ?This might be Capture the Flag, but weapons are prohibited!?
?Says who?? said Shimuka pulling out three scalpel knives.  She tossed them at John.

?Uh oh? Rico noted and quickly grabbed three roses and threw them quickly at the scalpels. The objects collided, stopping the flying knives. John turned completely pale, as he thought he was almost going to die.

Avelia jumped on Mack?s back, trying to pull him backwards to slam him on the floor. ?God damn it you baldy, why won?t you fall!?
?I am the great Mack Back missy! The Mack does not fall! Girls fall for me!?

John thought this was a good moment to escape, as Leo fought Amy. Rico fought Shimuka and Avelia was too busy with her fight against Mack. He dashed like crazy, hoping he wouldn?t run into Melisa or other females, as he hadn?t seen her yet. Arriving at the base he noticed two males of his team guarding. They shouted in joy when they saw John bringing in the enemy flag. One of the judges, a teacher, noted the score.

A minute later, the whistle sounded through the speakers, indicating the game was over. John wiped off the sweat, as he was happy he managed to capture. The other teammates congratulated him and were cheering and randomly high fiving among each other. Later on Leo, Mack and Rico had heard of the score and were cheering as well. It was time for the score announcements.

Both teams assembled at the middle to hear the score from Rosmalen. ?It was a very good fight.? He said: ?I enjoyed watching this. Now for the scores?

Leo grinned looking at around at his teammates and at the enemy female team. From what Leo could see, they were nervous. This was a sure win for the Smooth Gentlemen , meaning one out of the three events was their win.

Rosmalen looked at this paper and then said: ?The score is a tie! The blue boys team, 2. The red girl team, 2!?

Suddenly there was a commotion. Leo?s smile disappeared instantly. He looked at Mack, Rico and John who were just as shocked. Rosmalen continued:

?Red girl team wins by having 15 more kills than blue boys team! Congratulations!?

A cheer exploded from the girl team. They hugged each other and jumped. John and his team?s jaws dropped. They couldn?t believe it.

?What do you mean, 15 more kills!? Leo shouted. ?That is impossible!?
?Believe it or not.? Said Rosmalen: ?These are the scores registered fair and square by the judges. Game is over!?

Leo clenched his fists in anger. He started shivering as well. Mack didn?t respond and just stood there. Rico faltered on his knees in a dramatic pose, holding his hand in front of his eyes. And John, he just stare at the Silky Girls, when he met Melisa?s eyes. She smiled with a devilish smile then returned to the celebrate her victory.

☆★☆ To be continued ☆★☆

« Last Edit: August 22, 2014, 05:09:31 PM by Helepolis »


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Re: The Smooth Gentlemen II - Chapter VI things getting hot!
« Reply #9 on: July 22, 2011, 10:41:08 AM »
Chapter V ? Hot weather

?That worked very well?, Avelia said. She was dangling her feet while sitting on the windowsill of their room.  ?Those losers didn?t knew what hit them. Did you see Leo?s face when he heard the score? Priceless!?
Amy nodded: ?I cannot believe we won the first event.? She said. ?I really thought we were going to lose when John got away with the flag.?

The Venus High girls had claimed victory in the Capture the Flag tournament versus the Smooth Gentlemen. Even though the score was tied 2-2, they won by ?kill? difference.

?Of course.? Melisa said: ?Nobody can resist our beauty and requests. Those boys on his team really thought they could date us if they would help us win. In the middle of the game, they said they hated the Smooth Gentlemen and admired us beautiful ladies. They wanted to see them go down. Thus they offered their surrender. Me and another girl would meet them every time at a specific location and they would allow us to rip off their wristbands. Without too much suspicion, we waited every time until John and his gang left. And at the final moment, we took their flag as well, making it a cross steal.?
?Ah, that explains the tied score.? Amy said.
Shimuka giggled and adjusted her glasses: ?Foolish, such are most men. They fall for female charms so easily it makes it is just embarrassing.?

Melisa stroke her long hair and stared through the window at the male's building. ?They have no chance of winning. Surely the next event is within our pocket as well, and then we will have our victory.?

The four of them burst out in laughter and continued to celebrate their victory.

* * * * *

The next day, the next event was already taking place. It was special summer Olympics. However, this was totally different. There were no competitions such as sprinting, far jumping or throwing spears. No, the entire Olympics revolved around water. The sun was shining brightly and the temperature was around 30 degrees. Perfect weather for holding refreshing activities.

But such high temperatures and water-based activities could only mean one thing for the Smooth Gentlemen: Bikinis and swimsuits. Heavenly Venus High girls, exposing their female shapes, and it didn?t even take any harassment to achieve it. As if the heavens had granted the Smooth Gentlemen a gift, to boost their moral after the loss on Capture the Flag.

Leo?s face couldn?t be described. He was drooling litres of fluid, which evaporated quickly as hit it the hot tiles near the water pools. His camera was non-stop snapping shots. He was using his super-telescope lens with full auto focus. The camera sounded like a machine gun, bursting many pictures which decreased the free space on his memory card rapidly.

?Leo, the legs! Snapshot the legs man!? Rico said clenching his fist. He was also acting very weird. Squatting constantly and rising. He grabbed Leo?s face and turned it towards a girl he had spotted. It was a beautiful Venus High girl with long legs.
?There! There!?
He turned his face again towards another girl.
?This one too!?
?Rico, stop turning around my face. You are going to break my neck at this rate.? Leo said.

Normally Rico was a relative calm and peaceful person. But that entire image of him had disappeared. Just a few meters away, Mack and John, both wearing sun glasses sat on the floor with a piece of paper and a pen. They seemed to tally something.

?Ass.? Mack said and added another line on the paper.
Several seconds later, John said breasts and also scribbled a line.
?Ass again.? Mack said pointing at another girl walking by. Another line to the tally.
?No man! That doesn?t count.? John objected.
?Shut up dawg, you just counted a girl with a small cup size as well.?
?What is big in your opinion anyway?? John asked frowning.

Then a girl walked by with relative large bust and back.

?Ass for sure.? Mack nodded. He was about to add another one to the tally, but John stopped his hand.
?No way, those are breasts.? John said.
Mack became annoyed and shook his hand free: ?Shut up man! It is ass. Look I know when a girl has a booty.?
?Then explain those melons you pervert.?
 ?You are calling me a pervert? You damned Butler??
John was clearly annoyed but quickly regained his calmness: ?Fine. Then we both add one to our tally? Agree??
Mack pondered for a moment but nodded. They then high fived and continued their observations.

They had time for this, as the first event had ended long ago and the second event was being played. They had to sit and wait for the third event to start. Today?s competition was spread among three events: Boat wars, and obstacle course over the water and treasure diving. Each event could earn points for your team by meeting certain requirements. There was no necessary male vs female setup here, but most of the groups were either only male or female. Either way, there was a blue team and red team, so the point distribution was for these two only.

Treasure diving was the first event, which students had to use diving glasses to dive to the bottom of the swimming pool collecting small chests. They were not allowed to open the chests, as each contained a secret treasure, worth of several points. Logically the treasures were spread around the pool, but there was also a lot of decoration and artificially create plastic caves. Students had to dive through tubes, caves exploring the areas. Teachers with scuba gear would assist in case of danger. Safety was very important. The event ended with a small win for the red team. Meaning the Smooth Gentlemen were in trouble again. The current event was obstacle course, where the students had to rush an inflated series of platforms. The fastest times were recorded, granting points.

The Silky Ladies approached Leo and Rico and they quickly froze at their location. Rico?s crazy face regained the normal calm look and Leo just smiled with his camera. For a moment ,all of them remained silent but Leo then aimed his lens at Amy. Before he could focus, Avelia raised her leg, to perform a kick. Leo quickly jumped backwards, to avoid risk of getting his camera shattered.

?No pictures, you freak.? She said.
?My, Mr. Knight, why are we taking perverted pictures of innocent girls here? What would the teachers thing of this?? Shimuka said.
?I hardly doubt the teachers care.? Leo responded while disconnecting the large lens from his camera. ?Should you be even talking?? Rico asked. ?You ladies are wearing fine swimsuits as well if I might say.? He eyed Melisa who was wearing a two-piece swimsuit matching her hair colour. Amy and Shimuka wore more casual swim suits, with fancy frills. Avelia seemed to be the only one with a one-piece fancy swimsuit.

When the Silky Ladies had heard about the water event, they objected heavily. They thought it was too immoral to force people into their bathing suits, just because of summer camp. However, they also realised that refusing to join would make them lose their lead on the Smooth Gentlemen.

?Where is that ass lover and breast lover?? Melisa asked while glaring at Leo. He was secretly trying to take pictures with his alternative mini camera. Leo was busted and smiled stupidly pointing at just away where Mack and John sat, still tallying the number of girls. The Silky Ladies walked over to them.

John? view got blocked by a pair of legs in front of him. He slightly took off his sunglasses, peeked up, noticing Amy standing in front of him.

?Breasts.? John said putting back on his sunglasses and adding another line to the tally. Mack nodded in agreement.

The piece of paper, and their pencils got slashed into 15 pieces. One would wonder how it was possible for a wooden sword to deal so much damage. Mack and John stared at the little bit of pencil they were holding.

?Hey what was that for?? John asked being upset. ?Really now, do you Silky Ladies have to come and bother us every time before each game??
?Got a problem with that?? Avelia shouted.
?We aren?t here for bothering you.? Shimuka said. ?We want to make a deal.?
Melisa nodded: ?That is right. Why don?t you just give up now, so we can go back and quit this stupid event? You lost already anyway??
John stood up and stepped closer to Melisa, staring into her eyes. She was glaring him but John remained unaffected.

?We didn?t lose.?  John said raising a finger. ?You see, this event is only win.?
Melisa blinked a couple of times: ?Huh? Are you stupid? We won the first event you stupid.?
John shook his head sighing. ?You don?t get it I see. If we had to give up now. We wouldn?t be able to admire you Silky Ladies in your fancy swimsuits.?
Melisa?s face immediately turned red, both in embarrassment and anger: ?Why you!?

Melisa grabbed John by his leg and lifted him tosses him towards the side. Whilst mid air Avelia jumped in, catching him. She then grabbed both his legs and spinned four times, launching John towards the swimming pool. He crashed into the floating obstacles, into a girl from the read team.

?Well isn?t this a prize?? John said. The poor girl started screaming as John was trying to squeeze her all over. The whistle sounded, indicating the end of the second course. The winner was blue team, which had won because John had crashed into the red team's course, causing the girl to lose her fast time lap.

The girls on the red team started heavily arguing and shouting. They demanded a rematch but Rosmalen said that he was not responsible for any unwanted incidents. John could see Melisa and the rest being extremely pissed off. Their eyes showed signs of kill and destruction. But it was futile, the win was for blue, meaning the last event, Boat Wars, was going to decide the winner.

☆★☆ To be continued ☆★☆
« Last Edit: September 06, 2017, 11:50:43 AM by Helepolis »

Re: The Smooth Gentlemen II - Chapter VI things getting hot!
« Reply #10 on: July 22, 2011, 06:58:15 PM »
Hmmm, the tense is very strange. You go between present and past tense a lot, but that's an interesting style trait, not necessarily bad or good.

Your sentence structure is also interesting - you seem to use very standard, barebone sentences, which makes the read much more fast-paced and light-novel-y. Really, this story reminds me so much of Beelzebub it's not even funny.

Interesting idea, sounds like it would make a good manga adaptation :v



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Re: The Smooth Gentlemen II - Chapter VI things getting hot!
« Reply #11 on: July 22, 2011, 07:28:07 PM »

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Re: The Smooth Gentlemen II - Chapter VI things getting hot!
« Reply #12 on: July 22, 2011, 10:09:18 PM »
Hmmm, the tense is very strange. You go between present and past tense a lot, but that's an interesting style trait, not necessarily bad or good.

Your sentence structure is also interesting - you seem to use very standard, barebone sentences, which makes the read much more fast-paced and light-novel-y. Really, this story reminds me so much of Beelzebub it's not even funny.
That must be due to my Engrish now and then as I am native Dutch. To be honest, I didn't really pat attention to the grammar, tense usage etc. Which actually I should to improve written English. But yea, I prefer standard sentences for fast reading (as my vocabulary is slim to use detailed stories).

Good tips though. I should study more literature and books to get used to this.

Interesting idea, sounds like it would make a good manga adaptation :v

A secret >=3
« Last Edit: August 22, 2014, 05:11:15 PM by Helepolis »


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Re: The Smooth Gentlemen II - Chapter VI things getting hot!
« Reply #13 on: July 23, 2011, 02:19:56 AM »

Rico has spent years at his home breeding the perfect type of Rose. This species of rose has such a hard stem that it could pierce through a suit of armor with ease. Gardeners from all over the world have asked him how he does it, but he has yet to reveal his secrets.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2011, 02:46:24 AM by Athrel »

Re: The Smooth Gentlemen II - Chapter VI things getting hot!
« Reply #14 on: July 24, 2011, 07:25:07 PM »
Still doesn't explain how he can throw them.

Unless, of course, it's a leg-seeking rocket?


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Re: The Smooth Gentlemen II - Chapter VI shocking exposure?
« Reply #15 on: July 25, 2011, 08:55:53 PM »
Chapter VI ? Exposed

Another beautiful day at the summer camp. The sun was shining brightly without any single cloud to be seen at the blue sky. It was almost time for the final event of the summer camp, so the students went to their dressing rooms near the lake. Except for two mischievous boys.

?Hold still man.? Leo whispered. He was standing on Rico?s shoulders, who had trouble keeping his balance. Rico?s face slowly turned red. His legs started to protest under the weight of Leo. Only this way they could reach the window of the ladies dressing room. Leo carefully grabbed his camera and attached his special lens. There was talking and giggling coming from the dressing room. It was too risky to climb even higher, so he was hoping for the best by simply pointing the camera through the window and randomly snapping some pictures.

Rico grunted. ?L-leo, can?t hold.? Leo however started risking. He grabbed the edge of the window to pull himself slightly up.
?What are you doing man?? Rico whispered.
?I need to see what I am capturing.? Leo whispered back.
?Are you crazy? What if you get busted??
?Don?t worry, just for a little moment.?

Suddenly they heard a door creaking. In shock Rico dived away, but Leo couldn?t escape, he was stuck well above two meters, dangling from the edge of the window. It were a few girls leaving the dressing room in their swimming outfits. Leo and Rico had to hurry, before more left and the chances of getting caught becoming greater.

Leo carefully peeked through the window and started smirking. He aimed his camera and focussed, just when he was about to take a well zoomed snapshot a scalpel knife impaled 5cm next to his face. His faced immediately turned pale.

?Oh Mr. Knight~? Sounded a cute but at the same time eerie voice from inside. Leo recognized that face very well.
?I am screwed? Leo said to himself.
?What do you mean?? Rico tried to say but the door of the dressing room busted open. Revealing Avelia and Shimuka.

Rico ran away as if getting chased by a stampede of animals. Leo got shocked, seeing Rico disappearing so fast.

?Damn it Rico! You traitor!? Leo shouted. He was stuck and couldn?t run away.

Avelia at the ground started cracking her knuckles and Shimuka pulled out another scalpel knife and chuckled in a feminist way. Leo was for sure screwed. Then from around the corner Rico appeared. Leo smiled as this was the moment to make a flashy escape.

?Quick! Rico take them out!? Leo shouted. But Rico slowly raised his hands in the air. A wooden sword was poking him in his back.
?Oh snap.?  Leo sighed.

* * * * *

At the lake, John and Mack were looking around nervously. The game was about to start but no sign of Leo nor Rico.

?Seriously, those two bastards. I hope they didn?t went peeking at the girl?s dressing rooms.? John said.

John kept looking around when he noticed something odd. There were two male students and two female students kind of suspiciously talking to each other. He didn?t recognize the males nor females. They were coming off as familiar faces, but John couldn?t really place them. Where had he seen them before?

He bumped Mack who was staring at the backs of girls. ?Yo Mack, do you know those??
?Which one?? he asked.

John pointed at the four talking together. Mack looked at them for a moment, frowning then shaking his head.

?Nope, don?t know them. But those girls look mighty sexy.? Mack noted. ?Venus High girls??
?What would two Venus High girls do with two males, talking so closely??
?Beats me man.?

John frowned in thoughts. There was no way Venus High girls would normally be so close to males. If they would have been from their school, he would?ve known them. Then again, they could have been third graders as well. John didn?t knew much of the males, let alone third graders. His interest was girls anyway.
Though it felt odd for him. He looked at the males. They were pretty normal. Nothing outstanding or strange vibes being emitted. The girls were typically Venus High-alike girls. Handsome and beautiful. The first girl had red hair, with two braids and she wasn?t that tall. However, John noticed she had quite the legs and relative bust. The other girl had black hair, which were approximately at shoulder length. Also equipped with mountains of faith plus she was very close to the one male who was relatively muscled.

They must be lovers John thought Though who are they?

The two males left moving away to another group of males. At that moment the girl with the red hair  noticed John was looking at them. She lightly bumped the other girl with her elbow who focussed her attention on him as well. They both gave John a smile and a wink and left to group of females.

Suddenly there was screaming and laughing. In surprise John and Mack turned around. Someone was being laughed at by the males and a lot of girls were turning around or covering their eyes.

Two male students were running, looking around in panic. They were fully naked. The only thing covering their gungnir was a camera and the other was covering it with a large rose.

?Leo, Rico you idiots.? Mack and John simultaneously said with a sigh.

* * * * *


It was the voice of Rosmalen, shouting who got defeated. Boat wars was being played. The set up was relative simple. There were ten boats and two teams. Blue versus Red. Each boat had room for four persons. The boats were equipped with special paddles which were the propelled using your legs. However, amazing speeds could be achieved with a special system. Normally, such paddle boats only go as fast as you would pedal. These boats were designed with an acceleration system, granting more speed. The hull of the boats had large rubber bumpers, so impact wouldn?t cause dangerous situations or break the ship. Each team had one captain, one pedaller, one steersman and one cannon operator. The canon on each boat was a large water cannon, capable of creating high pressure, sucked directly from the water they sail on. One would wonder where they got such  fancy equipment.

The game?s rules were simple: The captain had to sit in front of the boat, on a raised platform. If the captain would fall into the water, they would be ?destroyed?. This means that ramming into enemy ships was allowed or firing the captain off its platform.

?Pedal man! PEDAL!? Leo shouted.

Mack was trying as hard as he can. Him being the most muscled, they made him propel the boat. He wasn?t happy about it, but neither he wanted to be on the platform. Actually, the platform was the biggest problem. Neither Rico, John or Leo wanted to get up there. They would rather fire some water or steer the boat. Unfortunately, John had lost the rock-paper-scissors and had to be the captain of the ship. Rico took the wheel and Leo said that shooting water was similar to shooting pictures. They were the sailing blue boat number 1.

Water was being blasted all around them. Ships were being rammed. It was one huge chaos for the blue team, as they had almost no coordination or teamwork to defeat the red team. They were leading, as the red team had 8 ships remaining and blue only 6 The red team had assigned two mother ships who were sitting in the back while the rest formed a formation. Any attack attempt got fended off by lots of water cannons, making it impossible to get close.

The boat of the Smooth Gentlemen was being chased by a boat from the red team. Three dudes and one girl were sailing it, trying ram them. Luckily for Mack?s super strong legs, they sailed ahead of them.

?Full 180 turn around.? John then ordered.

The rest of the crew looked up in surprise. All three of their faces read: ?Are you out of your mind?? but his face was serious. It was time for them to start doing something. Time was running out, as either all ships must be destroyed or the team with most ships would win.

?Turn around and full speed into red number 4.? John again ordered.

Rico nodded and pulled the steering handle hard to the left. Their ship banked in the water, causing Leo and John to hang on tightly. Their ship turned around and faced directly the red 4 ship. John could see they surprised faces and grinned. Their ship rushed over the water at full speed. Mack was kicking the pedals like crazy. The faces inside the red boat turned pale as they started panicking. John could hear the captain shouting to turn around. But that is exactly what they wanted and happened.

The red ship started turning around, but exposed their right side completely to the Smooth Gentlemen?s ships. Bracing themselves, they rammed the ship, which immediately launched their male captain off the platform, into the water.

?All right!? Rico shouted raising a fist.
Leo high fives Mack: ?Just seven more ships left?

The other blue ships had seen what happened. They realised what they were lacking: Confidence. The Smooth Gentlemen were in a pinch since the beginning of the games. They had lost the first game and won the second by luck.

John stood on his feet and raised his fist into the air.
?Listen to me!? he shouted to the remaining blue ships.
?It is 7 vs 6 now. They are playing defensive! But we can take them! This might sound a bit egoistic, but allow me to guide you as the mother ship to victory. We got the best pedlar, sharp shooter and steersman on board.?
?Follow my lead and we shall win!?

His voice reached loud and clear every ship. Several persons from the blue team, male and female, nodded in agreement. It was time for action. The male captain from blue boat 3 also raised his fist into the air.
?Blue team! We must fight!
A female captain from blue boat 9 raised her fist into the air.
?Waiting orders, leader boat 1!? She shouted.

All over the lake, the remaining blue boats started shouting and war crying. Some crazy male students started pounding their chest as gorillas, possibly trying to intimidate the red team.

Amy watched from her captain?s platform how the blue team suddenly gained moral to fight back.

?They are sure pumped up.? she said while tapping her wooden swords on her shoulders.
?Now what?? Avelia asked from the pedals. ?This was expected, but we need a plan. John? ship will use his skills to defeat our ally girls.?
Melisa, who was at the steering wheel, shook her head and smiled: ?He won?t.  Signal the others, let them execute the trap.?

Shimuka aimed her water canon into the air and fired a bit of water. It was a signal. She noticed a pair of boys at the blue team rising up then sitting back down.

?They received the signal.? Shimuka said giggling.
?Perfect.? Melisa said smiling confidently. ?Let us carry on then??
Amy shouted some commands to their allies who were in formation. She ordered them to charge in at Smooth Gentlemen?s ship.

At one of the remaining red boats, the girl with the twin red braided hair started laughing.  ?Hey Elise, the fun is about to start.? She said from the captain?s platform.

?Yes it is my dear Kathy, it sure is.?

Elise stroke her black hair and tied it in a pony tail. Then she tightened the strings on her bikini and grabbed a piece of rope which she tied around her torso. She then grabbed the steering handle and nodded at Kathy.

?Let us do this.? she said.

Kathy nodded back then scanned the remaining boats. Her eyes were bright green, as if they were of a beautiful cat. Her hair was brightly reflecting the red colour under the sun.

?Start pedalling girls.? She ordered. We want to get close to them.?

A dangerous kitten was now on the move with a dangerous companion.

☆★☆ To be continued ☆★☆

« Last Edit: August 22, 2014, 05:42:30 PM by Helepolis »


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Re: The Smooth Gentlemen II - Chapter VII something is fishy.
« Reply #16 on: July 26, 2011, 10:00:57 AM »
Chapter VII ? Something is fishy

A powerful blast of water from Leo?s cannon hit the captain of a red team boat. She almost fell into the water, but quickly regained her balance. The distance was too large for the cannon to be effective.

?Closer man!? Leo shouted to Mack who pedalled with all his might.

Another enemy red boat appeared from their right side. There was no time to evade as all that Rico shouted was ?Look out!? It was going to ram them. John quickly squatted, grabbing the edges of the platform to hang on tightly. The impact was major as John gritted his teeth while trying to hang on with all his might. This is bad he thought. They keep repeating the pattern. One lures us in a chase then another red boat flanks us by ramming from the side.
Leo aimed his cannon at the boat who just rammed them and fired. But the female captain imitated John and hit the platform, sticking low. Clever John thought. Logically, by decreasing the size of the ?target? made it harder to blast someone off. The girl stood back on his feet as she started laughing.

?Foolish Smooth Gentlemen, you shall go down and victory will be ours.? She said.

A huge blast of water came from her side which launched her off her platform and into the water. John quickly looked around and noticed a blue boat rushing past. He recognized the captain and their sharp shooter. It were those two males who were talking with the suspicious girls he saw. They turned sharply around and sailed next to John? boat. They were now sailing side to side as John got a good glimpse of their faces now. The captain was a relative muscled boy who had blonde medium-length hair. He was slightly taller than him and on his right arm he had a tattoo which was some kind of edged-weapon. It was hard to see with the water dripping around it, which blurred the exact type.

?John Butler?? I assume he asked looking at him with his green eyes. John frowned but gently cocked his head. He still couldn?t figure out where he had seen them before.

?My name is Brandon Towers, I am a third grader.?
Third grader after all John thought.

The person behind the cannon stepped up and reached out his hand to John. ?It is an honour to meet the Butler of Jupiter High.? He said. ?I am Sammy Cliffrock, third grader as well.?
Sammy had light brown hair with bleached parts in his hair forming a pretty fancy style. He was slightly shorter than Brandon, but still around his height. With his blue eyes he smiled. John shook his hand carefully then quickly positioned himself at a safe distance. He had to be cautious, because if this was a trap, he could be pulled off his platform and they would instantly be destroyed.

Brandon folded his arms and smiled: ?I know this might be a bit strange for you, but your speech was very inspiring. As you can see we got much more coordination now. We can surely win this if we work together.?

Leo, Rico and Mack grew nervous. They were too busy paying attention to any incoming attacks while their captain was chit chatting.

?Yo John man, we need some orders. There are two more blue boats following us. We are in a perfect formation now.? Rico noted.

?How about a double cannon attack?? Sammy asked Brandon.
?Yes, a double cannon attack would definitely take out a captain. Though how do we get close??
?Why are you meeting me now?? John asked in confusion.

He wasn?t still sure whether to trust these two guys he just met. But they did help them take out the red boat which almost made them lose.

Brandon frowned at the question: ?Isn?t that obvious? We want to win this.?

Well that was the most obvious statement one could made. Of course they wanted to win. Just about when John was going to ask them about their suspicious meeting with those two girls, a cry for help came from a blue boat ahead of them.

It got surrounded by three red boats and the mother ship of the Silky Ladies. Suddenly, they noticed how Amy jumped with her wooden sword onto the blue boat and bashed their captain of their boat.

?BLUE BOAT 2, DESTROYED.? Sounded the voice of Rosmalen through the speakers.
?Wait, they can do that?!? Leo shouted in anger. ?That is cheating!?
?Cheating?.? Sammy said laughing. ?Haven?t you guys carefully thought about the rules? Your boat gets destroyed if the captain falls into the water.?
?Wait, what?? Rico said in surprise.
?Of course! Yo Dawg John. This is as if they want us to close combat them.? Mack said. He stopped pedalling for a moment to regain his strength. Brandon?s boat also slowed down at the same time.
?That wasn?t exactly the intelligence I expected from the Smooth Gentlemen? Brandon said with a gentle laugh.
?Well forgive us for now abusing the rules.? John said bluntly.
?Well I didn?t mean to insult you guys. I am just saying that Mr. Rosmalen really wants us to exploit the rules to win. After all, you just seen what that girl with the swords did. And if you didn?t knew, their cute spectacled girl keeps throwing scalpel knives with to fend off enemy sharp shooters.?

John still couldn?t figure it out. He looked at Brandon who was way too confident in his eyes. They knew about the exploit in the rules. They had a suspicious chat with those girls. However, there was no time to discuss that. They just lost another boat, but counting the one they took down there were 6 enemy boats left and 5 of theirs.

Suddenly, John realised something. His eyes widened for a moment then he smiled. A devious smiled appeared on his face. Leo already noticed it and shook his head while chuckling.

?Tell me, Leo, Rico and Mack. What were our nicknames and what do they represent??

Rico was the first one to respond. He pulled a rose from a small big he was carrying around his necks and put it in his mouth. With a dramatic pose he lifted up the rose gently into the air.

?The Red Rose, worshipper of legs.? He said.

Leo spun the cannon a few times then formed a lens with his fingers.

?The Upskirt Snapper, I capture their glorious underwear and make them run in fear.?

He added some shutter sound effects to amplify the feeling. Mack on the other hand just rose from his seat and folded his arms, forming a serious face and gently biting his lower lip.

?The Assman, they just request to be spanked?.

John nodded then cracked his knuckles, shook his shoulders few times and made grab-grab gestures.

?And that makes me the Butler, to squeeze them gently.?

Sammy and Brandon blinked a few times at the stupid scene that was going on. But at the same time they were enjoying it.

?Gentlemen.? John said closing his eyes. ?Our skills are widely known among all female students. Why don?t we transform our skills into weapons and equip our boat with it??

Immediately Mack sat back to his chair and started pedalling again. John stretched his arm, pointing at the enemy boats.

?Gentlemen, full speed at the armada of the Silky Ladies!?

Brandon?s gentle smile changed into an evil smirk as he watched how the Gentlemen?s boat sailed towards the boat of Elise and Kathy who were at the front of the enemy formation.

☆★☆ To be continued ☆★☆
« Last Edit: August 22, 2014, 05:41:46 PM by Helepolis »


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Re: The Smooth Gentlemen II - Chapter VII something is fishy.
« Reply #17 on: July 26, 2011, 10:16:20 AM »
>that description


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Re: The Smooth Gentlemen II - Chapter VII something is fishy.
« Reply #18 on: July 26, 2011, 10:33:14 AM »
It's weird how he mixed up our haircolors like that! <.<

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Re: The Smooth Gentlemen II - Chapter VIII Showdown
« Reply #19 on: July 27, 2011, 09:38:43 AM »
Chapter VIII - Showdown

The principal, Mr. Highway, was sitting at his office back at the Jupiter High. He didn?t go to the summer camp as principal he had to arrange lots of graduation work. His desk was piled with all sorts of forms, files and random notes. Hopkins, his advisor, wasn?t around, he had taken a holiday break until the summer camp ended. That left Highway with all the job.

?Sure would be nice to have a secretary or something.? He said staring at the high stack of files he had to go through.

He sighed for a moment and leaned in his leather chair. He slowly turned around in his chair, facing the window and gazing at the blue sky. Good thing he had air-conditioning, else this heat would have been impossible to endure. Especially while doing paperwork. However, it didn?t matter to him. Thinking about the fact the Smooth Gentlemen were going to lose put a smile on his face. After all, that is what he had aimed for.

* * * * *

The Smooth Gentlemen boat rushed with high speed, chasing a boat of the red team. Their formation had been broken up, most likely because their mother ship, the Silky Ladies, ordered them to do so.

John was hanging on tightly, squatted on the platform, as they gained in on the red boat. Rico looked behind him and noticed another red boat chasing them.

?We got another one behind us.? Rico shouted to John.
It is the same trick again. he thought. ?Full stop! Stop pedalling.? He commanded. Immediately Mack let go of the pedals and the boat slowed down. The red boat ahead of them suddenly hard turned around, heading directly at them. From behind , the red boat accelerated.

Leo was holding the cannon handles, shaking lightly on his legs. It was either going to be a huge crash into them, or they were going to blast John of his platform. But none of them moved as the red boats closed in. The boat in their front slightly swayed to the right, approaching them from the left. The red boat in their back went to the right.
It was going to be a cornering tactic. They would sail past the side of the ships from both sides and then shoot.

Both boats were now next to their ship. ?Now!? John shouted.

Leo blasted his water cannon at the pedaller of the ship on their left. The girl cried out, holding her hands in front of her face to shield herself from the water.

Mack leaped from his seat into the enemy boat. The girls in the boat were shocked. Mack, however, smiled as he lifted up the pedalling girl. He squeezed her bottoms, which made her struggle a bit. The enemy boat was in panic. The girl at the rudder was so terrified, she had abandoned ship by jumping into the water. Their captain was shouting to calm down and fight back, but it was futile. Rico also leaped into the boat and started kissing female sharp shooter?s legs. She tried to kick him away but he was persistent. She as well terrified and jumped into the water.

The poor girl on Mack?s shoulders was screaming and pounding him. But Mack didn?t twitch a bit. He stepped towards the captain platform. Their female captain stepped back and screamed for help.

?What is it going to be missy?? Mack asked. The girl on his shoulder was still pounding him on his head and back. ?The water? Or join your friend here??

The captain hesitated, she looked back into the water. Jumping would save her for sure, but also make them lose one boat. She stared into Mack?s eyes and sobbed for a moment.

?I am sorry Lea? she said and jumped into the water.
Rosmalen?s voice announced the red boat to be destroyed.

The girl however on Mack?s shoulders stopped resisting. She just hang there, trapped by Mack?s single arm. However, Mack lowered the girl and put her back on the boat. He could see her surprised face. She thought she was going to be also tossed into the water or something, but apparently their goal was to get rid of their captain. Mack didn?t see any necessary violence nor harassments thus let her go.
Rosmalen announced another red boat destroyed.
It was the one on their other side. Rico noticed John got rid of their captain by using his shino skills. She was inside the water, cursing and splashing water at John.

?My apologies miss captain.? John said while jumping back to his own captain platform. ?But you had such an attractive bikini.?

Leo raised his thumb while holding his camera. It seems he had time to snap some pictures while his teammates were taking care of things.

The score was now Blue: 5  Red: 4, meaning they had taken a lead by double take down. This didn?t please the Silky Ladies, as Amy was furious. She slammed her sword on the ground and cursed.

?Damn it! That bastard Butler and his perverted friends. They have taken out two of our boats with their freak acts. Unforgivable!?

Avelia stood up clenching her fists and gritting her teeth. Her eyes were burning in anger. She had the urge to use extremely violence. ?Ooooh, wait until I get my hands on them! I?ll pummel them so hard that they wish they weren?t even born.?

?Let me cut them open and stab unlimited syringes in their bodies! Avelia, rush at them!?

?No.? Said Melisa with a stern voice. ?We stick to the plan.?

Avelia was too angry to listen to reason she started pedalling but Melisa snapped at her.

?NO, we stick with the plan. Can?t you see? This is exactly what they want. They want to piss us off and weaken our positions.?

Suddenly the Silky Ladies realised she was right. They indeed managed to break their formation. Two boats lost, them in the lead was a bad sign for them.

The Silky Ladies regained formation with two other boat. Their fourth boat was regrouping from behind. Now it was the time to strike, as Shimuka noticed the two boys who had received her signal closed in on Smooth Gentlemen?s boat. They too were in a formation, with the Gentlemen at the front they headed directly into their formation. It was going to be a huge clash. 5 blue boats versus 4 red boats.

The first spray of water cannons already signalled the outbreak of this clash. The two boats in front of the Silky Ladies fired at John, but he hit the floor and grabbed tightly the platform, thus decreasing the chances of getting hit. The girls in the front boats cursed, asking for orders.

The Silky Ladies steered hard to the left, breaking out from the formation and sailing past the Gentlemen. With a tight turn they aimed at the boats behind them.

?Shit!? Leo said, but it was too late. The Silky Girl?s boat smashed into one of their allies. The impact immediately launched off their captain from the platform. Blue team got decreased to 4 boats. Avelia? pedalling was strong, perhaps stronger than Mack. It gave them the exact power to ram anybody. The impact was so strong, Amy had to also lay low and secure her position.

Rico steered hard to the left, to circle around and get the Silky Ladies in the back. But the two red boats blocked their pathing and started blasting water. It made it hard for Rico and Mack to focus. The water was so strong, it was flushing their view, making it hard to see or to hear.

A boat rammed into them, it was the boat of Elise and Kathy. John immediately recognized their faces and braced himself. Kathy leaped forward onto his platform and slashed with her hand at John belly. It scratched him, leaving marks but no bleeding. He cursed and spun around Kathy to grab her from behind, but she was agile and fast. She jumped up, her braids waving in the speed and kicked John in his back. He almost fell into the water, but quickly regained his footing.

?John!? Leo shouted.
John ducked, as a huge blast of water was fired from Leo?s cannon, aimed to hit her. Kathy back flipped with grace to her own platform. She elegantly and smoothly landed on the platform, licking her fingers, staring at John. Elise laughed out loud as she pulled the steering handle hard, making them escape swiftly.

She is like a cat. John thought gritting his teeth.
?Are you ok?? Leo asked?
John nodded: ?I am fine, but quickly, pedal to Silky Ladies.
They regained their speed and pedalled around. The two boats kept chasing them. They had to take them out.
A water blast came from their left side. It hit one of the red boat?s captains, launching her off the platform. Red was lowered to 3 boats.

?Yo!? Brandon shouted ?Keep your heads cool Smooth Gentlemen! It is one crazy house!?

The blast was surprisingly more powerful than theirs. ?How is that possible?? Leo asked in surprise to Sammy. He smiled and raised a wrench which he was holding in his hand.

?Hey you are asking this to king of the water, some minor tweaks can increase blasting capacity by 150%!?

Brandon?s boat rushed towards the remaining red boat which was chasing them.
?Nifty fellows aren?t they?? Rico said.
?Yes, they are skilled.? Mack grunted. He was growing tired of the intense pedalling.

The Gentlemen?s boat finally circled around the Silky Ladies. They were directly behind, but the Silky Ladies had cornered two of their allies with Kathy. It was impossible to aid them. They had to witness how Shimuka jumped at them with scalpel knives, which instantly caused the captain to jump off the ship. The other boat?s captain got slashed off by Kathy. She and her two crewmates laughed and cheered.
Blue was reduced to 2 boats.

?Red boat, destroyed!? Said the voice of Rosmalen.

John was surprised. That could only mean one thing: Brandon had taken out the other red boat. It was two versus two. He looked ahead seeing them rushing towards Silky Ladies. Brandon raised his finger and pointed. It was hint to crash into them.

?Full pedal! Ram the Silky Ladies!? John ordered.
With all his might and final strength, Mack pedalled. The nose of the boat elevated a bit by the sudden acceleration. John had to rebalance. If we have such power he thought. I wonder if Sammy also modified their own boat?s propulsion.

?They are going to ram us!? Shimuka cried out.
?I don?t get it!? Melisa shouted in anger. ?What happened to our plan. What are they doing??
Amy squatted on the platform and shouted: ?Full speed 45 degree to the left, avoid them.?

Avelia nodded and placed her feet on the pedals and kicked hard. The pedals didn?t move.

Amy glanced in panic at Avelia, who was cursing. ?What is wrong! Move I said damn it!?
?The goddamn pedals are not moving. Something is blocking it!?

The Smooth Gentlemen came in closer. ?We got them now?  Leo said with a grin.

Kathy then started giggling, causing the Silky Ladies to turn towards her. Then  burst out in loud laughter. Melisa and the girls frowned in confusion. Kathy put up a naughty face, licking the back of her hand.

?Poor Silky Ladies.? She said. ?Trapped like a mouse.?

Melisa gritted her teeth in anger. She finally realised what was going on: ?You tricked us. You bastard!?

John? and Brandon?s boats were only few meters away from impact. It was going to be a sure hit.

☆★☆ To be continued ☆★☆

« Last Edit: August 22, 2014, 05:17:52 PM by Helepolis »


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Re: The Smooth Gentlemen II - Chapter VIII Showdown.
« Reply #20 on: July 27, 2011, 11:53:46 AM »

« Last Edit: August 22, 2014, 05:18:02 PM by Helepolis »

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Re: The Smooth Gentlemen II - Chapter X [completed]
« Reply #21 on: July 28, 2011, 11:42:07 AM »
Chapter IX ? Take down

Previously! No wait, let us not do that kind of lame introduction to a new chapter.

A deadly silence was among the students who were looking at the large screen, witnessing how red was in a pinch. There were rumours going around of the Smooth Gentlemen joining forces with Venus High girls to take out the Silky Ladies. Other people were shouting ?boo? and yelling at the blue team.

Rosmalen and other teachers were also watching in surprise to the current situation. Then he noticed a person from the crowd which moved slowly away and headed for the buildings.

?We are being betrayed?? Shimuka asked in anger raising a pair of scalpel knives. Her calm face changed into the face of death and threat. Her voice, normally soothing and soft was now holding an eerie pitch and tone. As if each word she spoke impaled one?s soul with terror.

Kathy slightly got intimidated from her. She wasn?t expecting her to be scary. More like expected it from Avelia. Then Elise appeared on the surface, laughing out loud. She was wearing diving glasses and an air pipe. The rope around her torso was gone.

?You!? Melisa snapped. ?You disabled our pedalling system didn?t you??

Elise smiled deviously. She climbed out of the water into their own boat. ?I have no idea what you are talking about. Do you always go accuse people without valid arguments??

Avelia smashed with her feet the pedals of her boat. They instantly shattered, damaging the entire propulsion system. ?You are a dead girl!? she leaped with a flying kick at Kathy who evaded it without any effort. Elise, who was inside the boat grabbed Avelia leg and tossed her away into the water.

Shimuka threw scalpel knives at Elise but Kathy slashed them away with her nails.
?I-impossible!? Shimuka cursed.
?It is over.?  Kathy said grinning.

Melisa shouted for Amy to take cover. The roaring sound of the waves came in closer. From their left Brandon came in at high speed. From their back, the Smooth Gentlemen. Amy threw herself against the floor, grabbing the edges of the platform with all her might, bracing herself. The rest of the girls also grabbed parts of the boat.

Leo smiled, he smelled victory. ?It is ove- !??

 Brandon?s boat made a sharp turn towards the right and smashed with extreme speed into the Smooth Gentlemen. John instantly got launched off his boat, despite the fact he was securing his position. Leo lost his balance by the crash and smacked against the edge of the boat, falling into the water. Without wasting any time, Mack and Rico jumped after Leo and John, in case they got injured. Blue was reduced to one boat. Brandon?s boat was the only one left.

Sammy burst out in laughter: ?Foolish Smooth Gentlemen, how easy to trick them.?
Melisa, Amy and Shimuka were staring in total shock on what just happened.
Melisa?s jaw dropped: ?I- I cannot believe it. We got double crossed while trying to trick the Smooth Gentlemen? She said.

Sammy stopped laughing and aimed his cannon at the Silky Ladies. ?Of course, we just helped our self out creating the perfect situation.?

Brandon sailed next to Kathy?s boat and stopped ?We pretended we were working together with you Silky Ladies to help you take out the Smooth Gentlemen, but we never said we wouldn?t take you out either.?

Elise jumped over from her boat next to Brandon. He held her close to her and gave her a kiss on her cheek: ?Good job babe? he said. Elise blushed smiling and hugging him. Kathy and Sammy also stuck close together.

?So you guys are lovers after all.? A voice said from the water. It was John, he was uninjured and climbed back into his own boat in defeat. The rest of them overheard the conversation and remained silent.

?Of course.? Brandon said ?You suckers need to learn how to get a proper relationship. You?ll learn something from it.?
?I don?t get it.? Rico asked in anger. ?You guys were never around during the first two games. Why did we lose the first game and almost lost the second. We didn?t see your girlfriend or the cat girl over there either.?
?That is correct.? Elise said. ?We hid our selves all this time and made other classmates help us out?

Melisa smacked the boat with her fist: ?Damn it!?

 ?We asked two of our male friends to pretend if they were helping out Silky Ladies during Capture the Flag? Elise continued. ?They would intentionally offer treason to their own team. This is why you stupid Smooth Gentlemen had lost by kill difference. The two boys kept on walking to Melisa and her teammate to earn trust and at the same time secure their victory. This was a very important step in creating trust.?

?That doesn?t explain why we barely won the second game.? Leo noted.

Elise waved her finger. ?No no no Mr Knight, that was going to be a sure win for the Silky Ladies as well. You see, miss berserker who couldn?t calm down had to go and throw John into our own allies. It was an unintended mistake. But it gave us an opportunity to make things a little more juicy.?

Kathy nodded chuckling. ?Again we had formed a truce with the Silky Ladies. Brandon and Sammy were going to defeat the Smooth Gentlemen and make you think you would win by 2v1. Eventually, Brandon would jump into the water to ?suicide. But of course, that was not going to happen. The signal our cute missy Aoi gave signalled for us at the same time to make sure we sneak on your boat and disable the pedalling system.?

John cursed and shook his head in embarrassment. ?Explains why suddenly Brandon decided to chase the blue boats and leave me in focus of you. He created a distraction for us as well. Making us think he would take care of things. We were careless.?

Brandon and Sammy laughed. ?You Smooth Gentlemen and Silky Ladies are such fools. You are just hopeless.?
?Well, that is what you get for being a pervert I guess.? Kathy said. ?You were no match for us anyway.?

?It is not over yet!? Amy shouted in anger. She jumped up raising her twin swords, aiming at Brandon and Elise. ?You two are dead.?

Kathy?s bright green eyes gleamed for a moment as she leaped forward and slashed Amy?s sword into pieces. At that moment Brandon pulled out a large wooden pole with an axe and swung it at Amy, knocking her away midair into the water. Red was reduced to one boat as well.

?You damned bastard! You don?t need to knock her out like that!? John shouted in anger and dived into the water to get Amy. She put an arm around John. He helped her back into her own boat. She coughed up some water but uninjured, just surprised from the attack.

?Thank you Mr. Butler? she said with a soft voice, not looking at him. John didn?t respond but swum back to his own boat.

?Now, we will sit and turn this game into a tie.? Brandon said laughing.
Leo frowned. ?A tie??
?Sorry, we cannot spoil any information. It is a secret bet.? Sammy said with a grin. ?We just had to make you lose, no necessary the Silky Ladies as well.?
He checked his watch and nodded with a smile: Only two minutes left on the game clock. This is over soon.?

Sammy and Kathy laughed. The Smooth Gentlemen and Silky Ladies didn?t respond. They silently stared at each other, trying to comprehend the treachery and defeat. Brandon pulled Elise closer to give her a kiss. She stared into his eyes and moved in closer. He closed his eyes just when their lips were going to touch.

Elise grabbed his arm which was around her and spun around, freeing herself. With swift movement she placed her foot behind his ankles, pushing him with a quick force backwards. Brandon lost his balance and fell backwards into the water. Kathy grabbed Sammy and tossed him backwards into the water as well. The Smooth Gentlemen and Silky Ladies were again jaw dropping in surprise. Things became more and more crazy.

Brandon came back to the surface and glared with extreme anger at Elise. ?What is the goddamn meaning of this Elise!?
John snorted and glanced at Brandon who was emitting smoke from his ears. "A proper relation huh Mr. Townes? I learned one thing from those" he said "They are dangerous. We both lost."

Elise didn?t respond but jumped next to Kathy. They both gave a seductive smile, blowing a kiss to the Smooth Gentlemen, Brandon and Sammy.

?It was just a little bet we have, sorry cannot spoil information.? They both said simultaneously winking.

☆★☆ To be continued ☆★☆

« Last Edit: September 06, 2017, 12:18:55 PM by Helepolis »


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Re: The Smooth Gentlemen II - Chapter X [completed]
« Reply #22 on: July 29, 2011, 08:36:02 AM »
Chapter X ? Kings and Queens

?Blue boat destroyed! Red wins the Boat War. Game is now over!?

Rosmalen had announced the defeat of the blue team. Only less than a minute was remaining on the timer. The red team cheered and celebrated their victory. Rosmalen grabbed his mobile phone and dialled a number.
?Principal Highway? The?? he paused for a moment then sighed. ?The Smooth Gentlemen got defeated, but so did the other boys.
The principal?s voice snapped on the other side of the line. ?How is this possible!?
?They were betrayed by those two. I think you should start worrying.? Rosmalen said looking around restlessly.
?Damn it, DAMN IT. Again I was tricked.? said the voice of the principal.
Rosmalen shook his head: ?I think she already went over to them.?
For a moment, the principal didn?t respond back.
?I give up.?
The line was disconnected. Rosmalen stared at his mobile phone for a moment then tucked it away in his pocket.

It would have ended in a tie if Elise and Kathy did not betray Brandon and Sammy as well. Though their motives are completely unknown. Both the Smooth Gentlemen and Silky Ladies were defeated, which meant there was no honourable win between those two.

At shore, the ladies and gentlemen were silently sitting on the ground. Brandon was heartbroken and angry at the same time. He clenched his fists in anger and looked up at Elise. She wasn?t showing any emotions. John could easily read from Elise and Kathy?s attitude  that they were cold hearted and merciless. Treacherous and dangerous. They were on a different level  than the Silky Ladies, who were more direct.

?Why? Brandon asked. His voice was vibrating by his anger. ?I thought we had an agreement.?
?Yes and no.? Elise said with a waving finger. ?You and Sammy wanted to become the Kings of Jupiter High and we would become the Queens. But you see, a certain lady gave us an even greater deal. Why would we share the glory with you when us, females, are far more superiour than you brainless cavemen.?

Sammy jumped up raising his hand ?Why you bi??

Kathy suddenly jumped in front of Elise with a worried and scared face. ?You are going to hit a lady?? she said with a shivering voice. Her eyes slowly filled with tears. Sammy was startled for a moment and stepped back. He then slowly lowered his hand and backed off.

Kathy smirked then starting giggling. ?You see, that is your weakness.?

Mack, Leo, Rico and John stared at the Silky Ladies. They were quiet all this time. Not objecting, not arguing nor showing any sign of emotions. Even Avelia, the most berserk of them all remained silent. Though her face showed signs of embarrassments and humiliation. Both our groups got humiliated and defeated John thought. It was inevitable. Relying too much on cheating brings no good.

?Listen up you fools.? Elise snapped ?We are the Queens of Jupiter High now, you shall all obey us. Including you Silky Ladies.?

Amy looked up at John. Their eyes met and she kept staring at John, as if she was trying to say something to him. John frowned, trying to figure out what the hell she wanted. Amy looked to the left and right, making a strange scene. John still didn?t understand it.
Amy?s got annoyed. Her expression changed. Mr. Butler you idiot pervert. she thought hissing. With her arms she  pushed them together a few times. She could see John shifting his focus a few times up and down Amy.

What the hell is she doing? John thought This isn?t the time for trying to tempt me for helping her out the water.

Amy?s expression changed from annoyed to angry. Then she could finally see John? eyes widening in surprise. He gently shook his head and smiled. My my miss Northwind, since when did you became such a pervert. John thought rising onto his feet.

Elise noticed him: ?Why are you standing up Mr. Butler??  she asked folding her arms under her chest. ?I don?t remember giving you that order.?
?Sit back down Butler boy.? Kathy snapped.

But John didn?t listen. He stretched his arms and cracked his knuckles a few times.

Elise slightly got worried. ?Y-You are going to fight? Hah, silly boy.?

John slowly stepped forward. Not answering. His face was calm and collected. If he was wearing his suit now, you could?ve imagine him with a tie, with his hand in his pocket. Walking with grace and charisma. Almost close to Elise, he raised his hands and started making grab-grab gestures. Melisa recognized this action. Without any doubt, he was going to use his ultimate ability on them.

?I?ll cut you open.? Kathy said exposing her sharp nails towards John.

Then a smack was heard. Something hit John on his legs, which made him falter on his knees. John grunted and quickly looked around. He could notice a person moving extremely fast. It rushed away, leaving a trail of dust. NO! NO!

Kathy also noticed the person. With her excellent eyes, she could see a strange fading person moving in circles around them.

?She has come.? Melisa said smirking. ?You are already squeezed.?
Elise and Kathy blinked a few times. They didn?t understand.
God, when did? Leo thought.

Kathy faltered also to the floor, unable to move. She cried out and cursed. Elise tried to run away but a sudden force grabbed her from her arms. She tried to break free but couldn?t. It was holding her firmly. The fading person slowly became more visible.

?Good afternoon, boys and girls.? She said.

John looked up hearing that voice. Again she had appeared. The most fearsome pervert in history.


Elise gritted her teeth ?You! We held our promise as you wanted. Now you do the same!?
Shino laughed so much that she had tears of laughter appearing. She looked back at John who was unable to move. A well placed kick had disabled his and Kathy?s legs. A move which she had used also to take out the entire Silky Ladies before.

?My my John. You really thought you could?ve squeezed them? When are you going to learn not to copy my moves.?
?It is your fault!? John snapped. ?You are to blame for creating a special division called Venus High, tempting us constantly.?
Shino was amazed for a moment: ?Oh? You learned that as well? You are more clever than I thought.?
?Venus High?? Shimuka asked. ?Are you saying she is our??
?Principal.? Melisa said.
It all made sense to her now.
?She is our principal.? Melisa continued. ?This explains a lot of things.?
?Then what was this bet!? Kathy asked in anger.

?Oh that? Well, a small game between principal Highway and me. He thought a new ?clan? from Jupiter High could beat both the Silky Ladies and Smooth Gentlemen. But he forgot one thing. I never told him nor Elise and Kathy that they were Venus High girls. So I made you two girls intentionally betray your own teammates, promising you to become Queens of Jupiter High. You two are Venus High girls, not Jupiter High. So basically, it is a win for Venus High. It is MY win.?


Everybody was stunned. This was beyond what John could comprehend. She went that far to even lie to her own students. And she was a principal as well. Shino had established a school full of beautiful girls, just to satisfy her own perverted needs. A damned cheeky clever bastard she was.

?God damn it!? Elise snapped. ?You betrayed us all. And principal Highway was also into this? Unbelievable!?

Shino smiled then focussed back at Elise. ?Well it is too late John, again you let your prize stolen.?

? PLEASE LET ME SQUEEZE THEM.? John cried out but it was too late.

Elise was already struck by Shino and dropped to the floor, covering her chest. She started sobbing and cursing. Shino walked over to Kathy who was shivering in fear. She shook her head wild and tried to regain some mobility.

?Resistance is futile little kitty.? Shino said smirking.

Another girl Shino?d. Her screaming was louder than Elise.

Shino walked over to John and lifted his face by his chin. She stared for a moment in his eyes then gave him a soothing smile. ?Do not worry John.? She said with a soft voice. ?Maybe one day you will be able to squeeze mine.?

John gave her a glare. Logically he was pissed off for being robbed from his honour and prize.

With that, she walked away laughing while waving a good-bye behind her. When she disappeared, the Silky Ladies stared at the Smooth Gentlemen who then started laughing as well. Brandon and Sammy couldn?t help it but had to smirk and slightly laugh along.

?Oh my god, what did we just witness?? Avelia said stomping the floor in laughter. She was rolling around.
Shimuka giggled and adjusted her glasses. ?Silly girls. I think you puppies need to learn a lot of things.?

?Shut up!? Elise snapped, still covering her chest. Her entire face was red in embarrassment.
?I ?I cannot believe I got violated.? Kathy said snobbing. ?By a girl even.?

Sammy looked at John and reached out his hand. ?I have nothing to say.? He said. ?we got defeated.? John clasped hands with Sammy and both smiled.

?Well, I guess that is it.? Rico said smiling.
?It sure is my man.? Leo nodded. ?What do you think Mack??
Mack was grumpy. He was not pleased that Shino took away their prizes. But nodded slightly.

?So Mr. Butler.? Brandon said punching John gently on his shoulder with a smirk. ?Explain to me how this Shino technique works.? Sammy was also curious about Rico, Leo and Rico's attributes and skills. They started discussing their perverted skills.
John snorted and rubbed his nose. ?Well, very easy. First you pick out a healthy girl like the Venus High girls and then??

The Smooth Gentlemen, plus Brandon and Sammy got bashed and stomped to the floor by Elise, Kathy, Melisa, Amy, Avelia and Shimuka.

?STOP! YOU FREAKS.?  They shouted together.

John, he just would never learn how to behave in front of ladies, avoiding the risk of getting injured. But, he is a member of the Smooth Gentlemen. It is unavoidable fate for him.

★ The End ★

Author's note: Afterword will follow later, explaining my twisted mind and this fiction.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2014, 05:51:14 PM by Helepolis »


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Re: The Smooth Gentlemen II - Afterword
« Reply #23 on: July 29, 2011, 10:59:42 AM »

Author?s note at the end: This became lengthier than my afterword in the previous story!

Greetings people of Scarlet Library or readers of fanfics. If you have made it this far, you probably had a lot opinions about this fiction or perhaps question marks. Let me try to take away most of them. I am not a writer. English isn?t my native language, so my apologies if I caused people teeth gritting, stomach twists through my grammar/spelling mistakes.

Also this fiction was written in a style which was non-Touhou. I tried to avoid that, for a change. No offence, Touhou fictions are lovely and there are a lot of people who can write them better than me. I just want to give people something else for a change. I wanted something different than those stories with ?magical? stories where 16 year old saves the world etc. I?ll leave those to mangas and animes.  A school setting is probably too clich?, but works the best for my fiction. Allow me to explain more in depth:

First, this fiction makes no sense. It wasn?t suppose to anyway. The idea was born from my heavy obsession with Shino?s ?Memories of me playing Touhou? (Shino et al. unknown year). The whole thing is one huge train crash, resulting into this. Smooth Gentlemen II kind of appeared out of nowhere. I blame the community for constantly reminding me of Shino and asking me to write sequal. (** halo ring above head **). Well, I am primarily to blame. After all I wrote it.

For Smooth Gentlemen I, Melisa already knew she was going to be Shino?d, but not how. It was an element of surprise but also something more respectful in my eyes. I consider a user?s reputation as well as their comfort. Ok, I might be slightly perverted, but any human is from time to time. So me, performing such things, expressed in the form of a fiction is in my opinion a no-no. Again, my goal is to entertain.

So why again did Shino strike? Isn?t it obvious? John is a fool. Elise and Kathy were already squeezed before this fiction was written. You see, that is my strategy. In Smooth Gentlemen II, the same fate was bound to happen. However, this time it was unknown. Some people probably already knew it from the start. Hopefully I managed to put those people on to the wrong track by tricking them. Shino was indeed the principal of Venus High, she was also in the first story. If you go read the final part of SG1, you would notice Shino saying: ?He was at home watching TV?. It was all planned by her. The extra long construction of Venus High was also a lie. It was stretched out to arrange the summer camp. Shino simply enjoyed the ongoing fights between the boys and girls, fulfilling her sadistic needs. Isn?t she a cheeky girl? I thought so.

Now I shall briefly and quickly explain the contents of my fiction, as well as explain the characters. Because this afterword is becoming a bit lengthy.

Basically, Venus High is a school for beautiful girls. Selected by Shino herself, in secret, she accepted only ?healthy females.? No need to go in details here, you get the clue right? All right, let us continue. The Smooth Gentlemen are basically group of perverts. John, Leo, Mack and Rico are names I made up to stay a bit ?international? (I haven?t done a background check on the names though). After all, the Silky Ladies are forum members all over the world. They were logically part of the Venus High, thus ** coughs ** shaped well. ** coughs ** I am not going to give three sizes. Go read the hints in the story to get a clue. ** starts sweating  typing faster while making lots of miss types **

The two other boys were mid-story inserts. After the chapter with the Flag Capture. I kind of felt Elise and Kathy were alone. It wasn?t working well for my goal to ?oh well, they are going to get shino?d?. I needed something logical and clever to make it more ?fun?. I managed to create a new clan, aiming to overthrow the smooth gentlemen. So my goal was to place them in a clever, devious and sneaky way into the fiction while making the people start questioning their exact alignment.

Poor principal Highway, he really thought he was going to win. But even a great and successful principal like him, got humiliated and defeated by the most perverted girl Gensoukyou has ever known.

To conclude this entire afterword: Working towards an end is easier than trying to figure out the end while writing. I am no expert in literature or story writing, but my personal strategy is: ?Know what you are aiming for and visualize that concept. Write it down so you don?t forget you goal.? This decreases your chances on getting a writer?s block, plus keeps you enjoying it.

Thank you for reading.

-- Helepolis
« Last Edit: August 22, 2014, 05:29:33 PM by Helepolis »


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Re: The Smooth Gentlemen II - Chapter X [completed]
« Reply #24 on: July 29, 2011, 11:01:18 AM »
Summary of the most noticable characters in Smooth Gentlemen I and II

Smooth Gentlemen
A group of perverts harassing daily various female students at their school. They are just living their lives. The members are:

John ?The Butler? Butler  ? Worshipper of breasts. Member of the Smooth Gentlemen. Clever, perverted and acts as if he can seduce any girl with his smooth talk. Very close friends with Leo, close friends with Mack and Rico. They have been together since the first grade.

Leo ?Upskirt snapper? Knight ?  Worshipper of lingerie and clothing. Member of the Smooth Gentlemen. He is fancy and slightly hyperactive. Using his photo camera or video camera he tries capturing the best material. He doesn?t use smooth talk, but trickery and confusion.

Rico ?Red Rose? Martini (NOT RICKY MARTIN) ? A worshipper of legs and passion. He has passion and style. It is unknown where he exactly pulls out those roses from. It always seems that there are always roses present around him. The roses he use are reinforced with a thin metal piece, embedded in the stem. This allows Rico to throw them  at objects.

Mack ?The Assman? Back ? Worshipper of the butt. Member of the Smooth Gentlemen. Mack works out at the gym, giving him a muscular body. While he comes over as a thug with his size and bald head, he is actually quite nice and social. All girls at first are scared of him, until they see he has passion for music and party making.

Combining the above four, they actually form the worship of a female. (did that make sense?)

Silky Ladies
Originally a group of Venus High girls with no particular name. They do harass male students though it is out of sadism, and not perversion. After their defeat by Shino, they had formed a rivalling group called the Silky Ladies. The members are:

Melisa Sanders ? Member of Silky Ladies, Venus High student. Acts as the leader of Silky Ladies. Originally in the first story held grudges against John, for being a female harasser. In the second story, she tried to take revenge but failed again. Though her defeat was not as bad as she got Shino?d before. Doesn?t uses any weapons.

Amy Northwind ? Member of Silky Ladies, Venus High student. Has a gentle and smooth voice. She carries a wooden sword and practises sword fighting. She adapted her style to twin swords, making her even more deadly. Unlike Rico, she has no tricks that enhances the abilities of her sword. They are just made out of wood (perhaps a little sharpened).

Avelia Verezis ? Member of Silky Ladies, Venus High student. Angry and berserk most of the time. She practises kick-boxing and enjoys beating up people who annoy her. She hangs around with Amy, Shimuka and Melisa because they used to share the same goal: Taking down the Smooth Gentlemen.

Shimuka Aoi ? Member of Silky Ladies, Venus High student. She is a foreign student living for a long time in the country. She studies hard and practises medical knowledge. On the other hand, she is the most sadistic person among the four. Her calm cute voice can quickly change to eerie, chilling voice. Best is to avoid pissing her off, unless you want to end up as an experiment.

The 3rd side
Kathy Lae ? Actually a Venus High student. She is agile and fast on her feet due to lots of Olympic-alike sports. She also flies jets in her free time. Close friend of Elise, passive friend of Sammy and Brandon until they betray them. Her eye sight is perfect and can track fast moving objects without any problems. Probably has nine lives as well.

Elise Starcoast ?  Actually a Venus High student. She got tricked by Shino, who pretended they would gain fame and glory over the male members. Elise got too obsessed and betrayed her own boyfriend. They made up afterwards so HAPPY END! Brandon and Elise still remain hostile against each other.

Brandon Towers ? Jupiter High student. Brandon has an obsession for sharp weapons and ancient warfare. He thought he could become the next popular clan in Jupiter High by taking down the Smooth Gentlemen. He actually joined passively the Smooth Gentlemen. This would keep him safe from Elise?s death attacks.

Sammy Cliffstone ? Jupiter High student. He is extremely skilled in engineering and modifying things. He managed to modify the boats in their last game by tweaking their speed and power. He didn?t hold any grudges primarily, but got passively influenced by Kathy?s temptation. There is no romance, because Sammy had to become a pervert like the Smooth Gentlemen.

Layla Rivers - Principal of Venus High. Has been playing a background with little interaction, mainly being ordered around by Shino to help her set up her devious plans. Other principals say, she is a very good looking woman with brilliant charms. Mr. Hopkins on the other hand isn't really amused in general.

Mr. Hopkins - assistant, vice principal and central coordinator of school business. An honest and trustful person who assists Mr. Highway. He is highly intelligent and has his way of obtaining information which benefits Mr. Highway.

Mr. Rosmalen - P.E teacher and head coach for the Jupiter High National Team. Rosmalen prefers no-nonsense and has a stern way of teaching. Sometimes students call him a Drill Sergeant. Boys are often fanatically shouting 'SIR YES SIR' when ordered by him, most likely to avoid getting a 10-lap punishment.

The Master minds
Shino ? A doujin artist, possibly female who has been popular for her amazing self-inserts. Check out her circle named ?Ponjiyuusu?. She is the main culprit in both stories. Secretly the principal of Venus High. She tricks, betrays and backstabs people, all for the goodness of herself. Her trademark move is squeezing breasts. After she had failed in Gensokyou, she reverted to the readers of her doujins. Even those who are not a fan. Her skills are unmatched, faster than the eye. Stronger than the will of anybody and fearsome as the storms. This is Shino. You will obey her.

Mr. Highway ? the principal of Jupiter High. A clever man who likes to gamble now and then for honour. He is the most successful principal in the country and famous for his high quality schools and education. Shino and Highway are not related, they just happen to run schools.

Other characters
Teresa  Adams ? only mentioned once, but not appearing in this story. She does appear in the first one. Jupiter High female student and girl friend of Leo. She is the chief of the Jupiter High society, which helps student on getting around and involved in social relations.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2014, 12:45:18 PM by Helepolis »