Author Topic: In A Different World ? Journeys in the Land of Illusions  (Read 18014 times)


  • I can't stop being a perv!
Re: In A Different World ? Journeys in the Land of Illusions
« Reply #60 on: March 15, 2011, 09:26:34 PM »
Alright then...

It just seemed a little excessive that I had it randomly happen in parts of the story.


  • I can't stop being a perv!
Re: In A Different World – Journeys in the Land of Illusions
« Reply #61 on: March 17, 2011, 06:47:28 PM »
Part III
Chapter 26:

The ending of my recuperation had finally arrived… well it was more like a morning. I was awakened early though, some short time after daybreak. I felt jerking movements, but I soon discovered that it was Eirin removing the sling from my arm. It had been completely healed. “You may leave when ready,” she began to speak, but she added, “You are always welcome here…” I got up out of the bed. I had gotten out of the bed before many times here, but today was a new day. I sat back down on the lip of the bed and the dolls came to me. Shanghai want to comb my hair this time… Nothing changes…

It came to my surprise when I saw a familiar pair of red baggy pants come into the room. Eirin had noticeably left already. Mokou had a beaming smile on her face, which I could think was a superb feat of her to do that. She came over, bowed, and circumflexed right in front of me, but kept her knee on the ground. Grabbing my hand with hers, she rubbed her thumb along the backhand of my hand.

“Hey buddy,” Mokou whispered, staring into my eyes, “How’s it going? You must’ve hit that pretty hard.” I was hesitant to respond, but she remained there. “Kaguya didn’t even bother telling me, but Eirin had sent Reisen to tell me that you needed to be taken out of Eientei soon. So I came over as fast as I could.” A smile cracked along my face, and Mokou continued along on her story, “You see. I’ve noticed changes around here, like everyone else. People have been changing. Keine acts much differently than before. Kaguya has remained the same though…”

“Well obviously,” I cut in. Mokou took her hand off of mine and moved her rear onto the bed. “I’ll stay here for a while,” she said, “but no guarantees about Kaguya.” I chuckled a little bit; she let out a small laugh. I asked her if it was comfortable for her to sit on her own hair. Mokou realized her odd appearance from the way she was sitting and corrected herself–placing the long silver hair on the bed, not bundled but straight along. It was almost funnier this time because the hair almost went over the other edge of the bed. I chose to lay my head on Mokou’s lap; she didn’t seem to mind and kept her upward slant of a smile clean. Our friendship is getting closer for some reason. Must be the weather…

“So have you changed at all?” I asked.
“A little bit, yes. I stopped smoking that stuff in the forest and tried moving that stand out of the forest.” Mokou was putting her fingers in between bundles of my hair.
“Good.” Moving my left hand over my body, I patted her discolored shirt, “Changed enough to go further?”
Mokou was beginning to blush as I put a light smirk on my face. “No… n-not that far…” But she soon snapped out of her fervor, “Maybe I will, one day!”

I couldn’t help myself but giggle, while Mokou made a disconcerting laugh.
“What’s wrong?” I asked, feeling some of her hair with my right hand.
“Nothing… It’s just…” Her eyes were distracted in looking in another direction.
“People can be nice, you know…”
“Oh–I know that.” I was able to slowly get her attention back.

“Do you feel lonesome, Mokou?” It was bright as day, as the sun shone through the screen of the rice paper doors; but the atmosphere of the room had thickened. Mokou was surrounding herself and I into a haze of depression as if no one could see inside. Her eyes were staring right down into mine, almost looking like glass spheres with the taint of red looped around the black center. I felt a shivering motion around me, vibrations in the form of small jerks. Those glass eyes became shiny and the smile laden on her face moved. The shine of the eyes was beginning to move also. I felt the back of my head being rubbed by the same hand that held it–fingers massaging it. We were completely sealed in her own world at that moment. Her facial muscles had solidified the mouth in a new position, but mine remained the same. That shine I had mentioned was moving more, until I felt a slight patter on my cheek. I could see her other hand almost move to try and wipe the saline tear off, but it was hesitant. Several more drops followed suit, but they did not affect me. The hand that was going to wipe my face instead went for my rear. As I was being curled up into an upright sitting position, moist lines ran down her cheeks.

Mokou placed my forehead right into the one of the lines on the cheek. Her left hand that held my head was rubbing along my scalp, slightly changing the shape of my hairstyle. I heard some hicks come from the mouth and some drops dripping from the chin. I brought my left hand up to slip it in between her arm and abdomen–she let it be. Mokou was whimpering for several minutes, but she eventually came out with understandable words.

“She told you… t-t-to much. D-didn’t she…”
“Not much. Only a little.”
“Keine a-always tells people… too much!”
“Would you rather someone know or not know?”
The next lines out of her mouth were more moaning and whimpering, until I cut in.
“You’re going to be alright okay…”
“No… I-I won’t!”
“You need to get over this eternity thing.”
“I-if you were like m-me… then-then how in the hell would you handle it!”
“I wouldn’t handle it well, but that’s beside the point. The thing is…”
She was crying fully and I had to interject some shushing and some patting on her side until she had calmed down.
“The thing is… That I’ve met with many people so far. I’ve made my speeches. To tell you the truth, I already know that most people here will live beyond my life. But I’m not upset over it. I have already accepted the fact… that is why I’m doing as much as I can right now. We can spend as much time as you want, but I also have to spend time with others as well. I have to be traveling elsewhere so if you want anything, do it no–”

I was cut off by Mokou’s motion. I had not been paying attention to where her head was–or where her lips were for that matter. Tears still streamed down her face, but I had realized that I had changed a person’s feelings about life to a degree (Not in the sense of Grant and Jefferson, but you get the idea) She was leaning on me until I plopped on the bed. I could see Shanghai and Hourai exchanging looks at me, but since Mokou’s eyes were closed, I exchanged a look back at them–in the sense of remaining quiet about the matter. I believe that the morning was still rising but another idea flowed into my mind.

If my internal clock was correct, Letty and I have not met in a long time. This love scene with Mokou reminded me of Letty… I know I really should not be doing that, but it came to mind anyway. Besides, Mokou was the one that put her tongue in my mouth, not me. Eventually, our session with one another was being taken a little too far and I told Mokou that we could “do it” later if she wanted to. She was somewhat upset about this, but I did not want to have a mess on my hands just because I had a visitor. Another scary thought came to mind, so I asked Mokou…

“Has Spring arrived yet?” I asked, stuttering.
“Um… not yet.” She answered; I sighed. “But it should becoming soon, maybe today…”
“Today?!” Springing forth from the bed, I began to panic about a situation that could get worse.
“What’s wrong?” Mokou asked, grabbing my newly healed arm.
“I need to get to Youkai Mountain. Fast!”
“Because I promised to meet someone before she left!”
“Oh? You mean… another person…”
“I already told you that I was meeting other people!”
“Is it that snow person? Because you asked if it was spring…”
“Yes, it is that snow woman!” Mokou was finally off the bed now, but she grabbed me.

I was hoisted onto her back, the dolls followed, and without hesitation or farewells we were taking off into the Bamboo forest on our northward course. Mokou decided to head around the valley that contained the human village. I assumed she would have some sense of where she was going, but after passing the village, I had to guide her the rest of the way. We soon got to the foot of Youkai Moutain, but Letty was nowhere to be found. I asked Mokou to spot the biggest change in the ground on Youkai Mountain as we went up. Soon enough she spotted snow on lower portions of the mountain to the east a little…

We landed right there, but Hina was not with Letty. Letty was standing there but not upset or crying. Just wandering around. I got off of Mokou as soon as I could and dashed at her. She noticed soon enough from the sound of my footsteps and whirled around soon enough. We both head towards each other, but it was fast once we grasped each other. Letty was kissing my forehead and gripping me tightly…

“You took too long…” She said.
“I know, I know…” I responded.
“It is nothing to worry about now. I have to go soon.”
“I know that… it’s just…” I was looking away
“I don’t think you should be worrying about me…” Letty had my eyes directed at hers.
“Why?” I pouted.
“Because… I come back every year… Even you know that.”
“Shhh. You will be fine… we can have fun and do more new things next year…” Letty was already pushing away from me.
“What do you mean new things?”
“Well… we had no time to do much of anything after the shrine maiden tried to separate us…”
“You’re right…”

“But again I will say,” Letty put her hand to my face, “we can try again next year.” A smile came upon her face, but I couldn’t help myself to let a few tears from my eyes. Never before had I changed a person, and now I was getting the same in return. “Why are you crying?” Letty asked, “You have plenty of friends… Isn’t that what you told me?” She was right… I had many friends… And I could meet up with her again… It will only be eight months or so… “Now I must be going…” Letty spoke solemnly.

She gave me a kiss on the cheek, and for some odd reason, stuffed something in my pocket before backing away a distance from me. Mokou was there to watch it as well. Letty rose in the sky, almost like how He rose on that day. The way she vanished… It started with her feet and legs, dissipating away into snow. That snow vanished soon as well. The horizontal line traveled up, soon taking her body and arms… and then lastly her beautiful face. The tip of her cap finally turned to snow and blew away into the unknown, disappearing as it had appeared since the beginning of the season. It had been graced by beauty, but it had to return to its cycle. I collapsed onto my knees… then my palms graced the ground with a touch. For the first time, I had felt compassion, but a loss… A pain in my eyes…

Mokou was already at my side, saying that we should go now. I told her that I needed to be heading out on my own again. She agreed, but said that I should come back to see her soon. I said I would. I was going to head eastward on my journey. I had to be going to that nameless hill where I met Medicine. But as I began to head eastward with the dolls, there was a change in temperature, and I also noticed flowers on the ground. I heard chanting noise almost, too much to bare… And then a swirl of colors in the sky burst out into an explosion of light and heat.

“SPRING IS HERE~” Said the fairy born out of the explosion. I felt so damn ready to beat this thing to a bloody pulp, but a description shall suffice instead. She wore mostly white and then her long blonde hair. The white garbs were lined with patterns in red, while long conic sleeves concealed her arms. The head was topped with a conic cap slanted towards the back and her back had white wings–three pairs. Lastly, the feet had white boots. I was still crying a little, but the supposed spring fairy had taken notice already.

There was a courteous smile on her face. I had heard rumors before that the voice of spring attacks those who are near her. At least… That’s what Reimu said when I was in rest for two weeks–also Lunachild said the name was Lily White… Lily inched closer to me but remained in the air. I started to back away, but she was moving faster until she grabbed my arm. Scared, I started so shake, but Lily began to dig in my pockets almost searching for something. Pulling out of my pocket, she took what looked like several seeds.

Ecstatic to have found some, Lily went to nearby patch of ground from where she had appeared. She inserted the seeds in to the ground while giggling. When Lily was done she placed her hands above the fertile soil. I watched as some stalks formed out of the ground. Flowers bloomed from those stalks and Lily was elated to see it happen. When she was done, she came back to me smiling. So that’s what Letty gave me… She motioned me to follow her. Lily began flying further eastward and I tried keeping up.

Once Lily stopped, we were in a field of what looked like sunflowers. Lily swirled around in the air above the field, spouting the word of Spring’s arrival several times. Even though sunflowers were more of a summer ordeal, she was making them bloom early. The gorgeous sunflowers in their light began to bloom, even though the sun was beginning to drift downward from the sky. It was the warmest part of the day, the perfect time for the plants to bloom. Lily came down to me afterwards and finally spoke to me for once.

“They bloom every year. It makes me so excited!” she said. “I’ll see you another time maybe!” And with that she rapidly took off already, in and eastward direction again. Lily was going to cycle around Gensokyou once and then back to the Mountain, probably. I stayed where I was though and let the dolls search around for anything in particular. While we were looking around, I thought I had heard some beautiful music…

…I thought I had heard this piece before… so calm… majestic… it reminds me of something… This place was a like a garden… sunflowers… a Garden of the sun… The music… I couldn’t help myself but to dance around in circles… This music was so calming… I hadn’t heard music in a while actually… and to hear it again feels so comforting… I felt the world was almost spinning without me… My eyes were being driven to tears by the music… the melodic sound… the low notes… the slow rhythm… As if I was floating upon the flowerbeds here… lost in my own thoughts of anguish and despair… This sound… this sound… THIS SOUND!

The trance… became broken soon enough, as it ended. A din and cacophony erupted out of the sound, but stopped in a matter of seconds… I was damaged for the rest of the day… Staring at the sunflowers, I felt angered by the sight of them. The dolls and nearby fairies were indifferent about this though and continued on about their normal business… Did I actually hear the music? Or was I just lost in my thoughts? I felt hungry, like I hadn’t eaten in days. One of the sunflowers was brimming with green tough seeds. I helped myself to a few, and took a bunch for later.

I told the dolls that we were leaving and had to go to the hill next. Medicine should be minding her own business when I get there; but I want to surprise her. Before leaving, something in the air changed, like there was a presence…

When I was leaving, I had the feeling that something terrible had been watching me…

End of Chapter 26


  • I can't stop being a perv!
Re: In A Different World ? Journeys in the Land of Illusions
« Reply #62 on: March 21, 2011, 03:01:33 AM »
Chapter 27:

I was taking the dolls over to the so-called Nameless Hill. Lily probably had gotten there first, so I would see the bloom of the poison flowers. The sun though was already setting in the sky, and I took notice to how it was half way down. Maybe it was mid-afternoon already. Shanghai seemed more distressed as we headed to the Hill?

?Why are we going there again?? Shanghai asked.
?Because? I saw a purple tear in her eye and maybe see needs more company.? I replied.
?That doesn?t seem like she needs much.?
?Shanghai, do I have to go over this with you again?? Hourai cut in.
?Both of you!? I yelled at them and they stared blankly at me, ?Enough okay??

We finally reached the Nameless Hill on the northwest side of Gensokyou. Higan would not be far off, just to the east, and Hakugyokurou would be north of here. I didn?t think Medicine would be expecting our arrival, so I headed in there carefully. When I came up to the fields, I saw Medicine sitting on the ground looking to the sky. There was a calm breeze at the Hill and her light hair was almost fluttering in it. A smile was struck upon her face, but my movements had turned it off. I had accidentally stepped on a flower? Medicine took notice immediately, but when she looked, she started to run at me.

There was an even wider smile on Medicine?s face as she was running (frolicking?) towards me. Beginning to back away, I feared that I might get severely poisoned if she touched me?I had remembered. Once her legs left the ground, I realized she was jumping and wanted me to catch her. But I fell back and Medicine landed on top of me. Almost screaming, I felt nothing on me but the touch of Medicine?s skin?or whatever it was. That smile was still there, but Medicine?s own giggling was included.

?Why am I not dying?!? I cried. This took Medicine aback, but she patted my head. ?Silly human?? she laughed while getting me off the ground, ?I wasn?t releasing any poison??
?How is this possible?? Inquiring her, I was brought to the center of the patch. The flowers did not have much purple leaking from them?
?I remembered from last time how I could not touch you?? A purple tear leaked from her eye again, ?So I learned how to contract the poison more easily??
?And you spent the past month???
?It takes time!? Medicine barked at me.

Medicine plopped herself on the ground, arms crossed. She appeared to be offended that I had said that. Sitting next to Medicine, I wrapped my left arm around her to try and be comforting. She leaned her head into mine as her arms wrapped around my side. I looked to her eyes, and there were slight little tears falling. I took my thumb and wiped one of them off. But, Medicine took my thumb and wiped the tear off, as if I wasn?t supposed to touch it. She smudged the tear into the ground?it sizzled a little before dissipating.

?Are you staying for tonight?? Medicine asked, looking at me with her beady eyes. Looking to the sun, I could see that the sun was already leaving the sky and entering its slumber. My heart sank, as I have never slept outside in a long time. Maybe it would be better if I tried to sleep on the ground for once. ?Will it kill me?? I replied hesitantly. Medicine laughed for several seconds before telling me that it wouldn?t. ?I told you that I can retract it already!? She answered, but that smile went away, ?It?s only been a minute or two and you?ve already forgotten!?

Medicine looked to me again with that cute face of hers. I really could not resist the temptation of staying here for the night. She began to show me some of the flowers during the sunset as she also became tired. Medicine had a little doll of her own, but it looked exactly like her, except the doll was more like Shanghai. The sun had set finally, but there was a change to the atmosphere?

Medicine had fallen asleep; resting on my side with a smile on her face? It was too much for me to handle, but the poison was not leaking out?

She must have learned how to do it in her sleep?

?   ?   ?

The morning sun came through, but I was racketed by a droning sound. When my eyes had opened and my body has risen, Medicine was gone. Searching around for her, I could see in a slight distance that she was in the flowers again. But that sound kept on going. It was the sound from yesterday. I began to search around for the source of this sound. There was a lot of mist in the air today, maybe from the morning dew, so I couldn?t really detect with my eyes what it was. I had to use my ears.

Listening through the mist, I came upon a lead to the source, but I became weary. Drifting farther away from Medicine, I headed into the mist. Thankfully, the dolls followed closely. I was stuck in a trance now, since I floated closer to the source?being pulled towards the center of it. Dreariness was the central emotion now. Sadness began to overtake me. Now I wanted to get out of this trance?no more! It became too much for my brain to handle, and the music increased in volume, so I landed on the ground. My sanity was slipping and I began crying from the overload of sedation.

?Help!!!? I shouted, calling for anything. The music suddenly stopped as my face planted into the ground. Still crying on the ground, I heard one voice calling from through the mist. The grass crunched several times as the voice approached.  I sensed myself being lifted off the ground, lines of tear down my cheeks. But my body landed back down with almost a thud. A ?sorry? came from the voice as my vision was clearing up. The voice came from above me now. I could almost see the face, but the outlines worked better.

It was Lunasa?

?Oh dear? I?m so sorry?? She tried to snap me out of my stupor. ?I was practicing out here. I didn?t know anyone was out here,? Lunasa was running her mouth, ?Me and my sisters were just playing at the Sun Garden yesterday? Don?t cry! Please! My music?s too powerful? I didn?t notice! Shhhhh!? It was working to some degree, but I thought I should continue to sort of play a little game with her? It worked as she became surprised and slightly scared of the situation? ?Wah! Why are you still upset?! Do you want me to play a different song?? There was a silence and then I stopped.

?Alright then?? Lunasa smiled, ?How about you come with me then. Would you like that?? I slightly nodded my head. ?I might? be able to carry you?? She was thinking about how I was going to get to the mansion. ?Um?? Lunasa was worrying a little, ?Can you just walk there?? I don?t know how far the mansion is from here? ?How long is it?? I asked. Getting up from the ground, Lunasa looked at me in the eyes. But she tried looking away, ?It?s not far from here?? I nodded my head in agreement and started heading out of the mist.

As we headed over, I questioned Lunasa about her habits. ?So you come out here often??
She replied, leading the way, ?Somewhat??
?You have been working on that piece, haven?t you??
Her face blushing, ?Yes?, accompanied her answer.
?It might be too strong, you know??
?Ah! No, no! It wasn?t meant to work like that!? Lunasa defended herself.
?Explain then.?
?You see? Sometimes when I really get into it, my control over the music gets out of hand??
?You need to be more careful.?
?Yes! I said I was sorry.?

We got to the mansion in a matter of minutes. Sun rising in the sky, the flowers were blooming outside the mansion?windows were stained with black. I could finally see the magnificence of the mansion for once. It was a standard block mansion, shaped like a rectangle. The style was in similar fashion to Koumakan, but much more stark than the other one. Lunasa led me up to the door. The door had carvings in it. She opened the door and I was led inside?the darkness of the mansion remained. Lunasa leaded me back into her room. But on the way we went there, Lunasa?s sisters disturbed our trail. Lyrica was sneering at the two of us and Merlin remained dumbfounded as usual.

?So, you brought him back for another round, eh?? Lyrica snickered.
?That?s not it!? Lunasa snapped back, ?He needs a place to stay!?
?Fine, fine,? Lyrica responded as she took Merlin to another room, ?But don?t come and tell me to clean up what you two do~?

Lyrica winced at Lunasa and disappeared. I looked at Lunasa, who was now blushed a tint of scarlet. I told her to ignore her and shrug it off. Lunasa finally took me into her room. It hadn?t changed one bit, but much of the dust was gone. I sat down on the bed like ?old? times?it was only noon; we must do something... ?Why don?t we work on a piece together?? I smiled. She blushed, and then nodded, ?Alright then? what do you have in mind??

We got to work?

End of Chapter 27


  • I can't stop being a perv!
Re: In A Different World – Journeys in the Land of Illusions
« Reply #63 on: March 29, 2011, 03:21:02 AM »
Four months, ~70,000 word, 600KB in word, woo!

Chapter 28:

We worked the wee hours of the day to write a piece. I have to say that I haven’t touched music theory in a long time, but Lunasa was naturally composing a piece; i.e. I was mainly feedback. She was pleased to have someone accompany her to compose a piece, but Lunasa was hesitant to speak throughout most of our work. Mid-day had come as the grand clock in the room struck twelve. I decided to get up and stretch for a while. The clock was composed of old styles, like that of the mansion. But for several moments, I felt something grab me.

Lunasa was trying to tug me back to the work–a look on her face of desperation. She did not want to work on this one by herself. I got to sit back down in the large chair, whose arms rose up and the back could funnel up and extend forward–a comfortable chair. Time passed as Lunasa fiddled with the composition, and still not bothering to play it. Merlin managed to get in the room several times, curling up in my lap and taking naps–once touching her nose on my cheek. She’s a strange one.

The dolls rested on the top of the chair–which I should mention that the back was twice my upper body. Untouched by her surroundings, Lunasa worked at the piece and requesting me to add ideas to it. Pen marks were used–pieces of paper flying about and crumpled. On several occurrences, she felt hopeless about the project and would do nothing for minutes. The day was passing slowly; but what had felt like six hours, the clock just struck one. I was wondering if I had lost my mind or not.

Lunasa mentioned to me that time moves much more slowly in the mansion, or it could be that I was sitting there and doing nothing. Merlin had an idea and shoved me onto Lunasa’s bed. I sadly declined, but Merlin wasn’t thinking that. What would we do on a bed? She recommended sleeping, but I passed. Merlin tried ripping out some books, but Lunasa whacked her for almost making a mess. Merlin felt like she had no other choice, so she dug out a funnel. Lunasa stopped working on her piece to look at what was happening. It looked like a gramophone player, an old one–one that had been sitting there for a while, untouched. It looked as old as the 70s.

I asked, and Lunasa answered. She said that Yukari has brought in vinyls and 45s from the outside world that no one uses anymore. I wondered if there were any I was interested in. There was a box of them sitting on the shelf, I would estimate about 50-60, so I got them out. Lunasa had now been no longer focused on our little composition. I found a decent swath of records in there, ranging from famous to even my own niche records. Islands by King Crimson–including much of their early works, Hemispheres, Selling England by the Pound, Strange Days, Zeppelin II, Pawn Hearts, A Night at the Opera, Peter Gabriel III… the list goes on, but this is only focused on what I was interested in.

There was an Edison battery on the shelf as well, but it was not functioning. Lunasa said that I just had to turn it on because it was powered my magic. Is there nothing this world can’t do? Sitting back in the chair, I was calmly listening to the sounds of Larks’ Tongues in Aspic. Lunasa was interested in the sound coming out of the first side and asked me who was playing. I told her that it was King Crimson and that the violinist was unique to that record. Lunasa finally sat back and relaxed, but on my lap, and drifted away from the project she had so vehemently been working on. Maybe I should request Yukari to get me more of these records, including the ones I owned–oh wait… yeah… I forgot… Or did I leave those in the basement?

Lunasa decided to pull some of the ideas from the King Crimson album into her piece. The concepts and thoughts worked, pulling together parts of the instrumentals: The Talking Drum and even Larks’ Tongues. Merlin had become disinterested in what we were doing and disappeared into the hallway. I wanted to listen to what else this had in store. In a matter of several more minutes, Lunasa had completed her task, ironically with no perspiration involved. No reward for me in the idea, initially, but Lunasa I had an idea.

I could use the gramophone player whenever I wanted, and I could eventually take it with me. But, Lunasa wanted me to help her on some of her pieces whenever, for ideas. Now this I could accept, but dealing with Lyrica would be another problem. She still had a serious bit with me, and invaded on our privacy. But Lyrica began to act even worse throughout the latter of the day, as Lunasa started a second composition.

The door creaked open and Lyrica stumbled in. Her head fell towards the floor, but landed right in my lap–these sisters are corporeal, I guess. “Sister! May I help in some of your work?” Her face was flustered with an array of reds, like her outfit. To Lyrica, it seemed pretty obvious that we were not going to let her because of all the sneering and libel she said about us. Lunasa was more forgiving than I was though.

The three sisters were in the room all together. They had decided to work on the piece as a threesome, which they believed would soon become a new spell card of theirs. I urged them to not use it for weaponry and the composition sounded better when played peacefully. I dug through some of the vinyls to give them another idea. Trying to pull out a decent record, one that tried to contain everything they could play, I found two worth playing for them. The first was In the Wake of Poseidon and Direct to Disc–an excellent half-hour of raw material with all of their instruments.

They got down to work and produced a wonderful piece, while the sun began to set in the sky. The sun had passed below the window and the Prismrivers became tired. I slowly became tired as well, until I found myself on the bed. The softness of the bed had a decent quality to it–one that I liked. The bed itself was somewhat warm to the touch. The Prismrivers toiled into their work long after sunset, until I told them to give it a rest. None of them left the room though.

Normally, they would sleep in their separate beds after the sun went down, but tonight they all slept in Lunasa’s bed. Together as sisters. I brought up the question to them about how they could be possibly sleeping in their state. They all shrugged off the question as something to be unconcerned with. Lyrica was getting some weird thoughts about how we should sleep for the night. I said that I would be fine in the chair, but Merlin was capable enough of shoving onto the bed again. We all slept through the night…


  • I can't stop being a perv!
Re: In A Different World ? Journeys in the Land of Illusions
« Reply #64 on: April 03, 2011, 02:41:04 AM »
Unbeknownst to us, there was a problem going on in the south that I did not hear about until the next day?

The Prismrivers woke up early the next day, while I was still resting, never acquiring much sleep. They wanted to make more pieces for the ?Spring Festival?, if something like that actually exists. I wanted to rest still after such a long day yesterday, but my stomach said otherwise. Interesting conundrum there. I don?t know how long I?ve gone without eating now? This would be a good time for me to leave?I told the dolls as well. Asking the sisters if I could leave, they gladly allowed my departure. I?ve helped them in some way with their togetherness?

But after I left, I had little to no clue of what I should do next. I mean I literally wasted a day by being led away from my friend. But? I really shouldn?t say that? because my presence seems to change the environment in certain ways. Mokou still was probably waiting for me to return, so that may be the next place I should go. I knew I had to find the valley, and the village was located south of the mansion. (I?ve passed it enough to have a general clue of where it is)

The path to the village was a boring one, since I had come on this pathway before. But wouldn?t the trip be interesting each time? I don?t know what anymore. The Village was calm in the morning, not many bodies bustling through the roads. Mornings should be quiet. With this type of morning, I decided to mingle around the village. And I came up the Myouren Temple first. Much had changed on the exterior, in the form of more ruins. I couldn?t tell if they were trying to dissuade people from entering, but I entered anyway.

The dankness of the temple had remained, so it seemed. Murasa, with slightly longer black hair than before, was pacing about, but was delighted at my appearance. Her smile glistened as if they were small pools, the gleam as the light shining in ajar from the center. Byakuren was nowhere to be seen and so was Shou. Murasa told to me about it a little?

?She said she had a diplomatic mission of some sort. I don?t see how that fits here??
?Me neither.? A light touch on the ground sent ripples of water throughout the place.
?Well, it?s good to see ya back anyway.?
?Did this place get damaged??
?Nothin? to it.?
?Has it always been this empty??
?Nah, only on Wednesdays.?  We shared a good laugh.

Murasa said that there really was nothing to do around here, since most of Byakuren?s missions were for youkai protection. I found that counterintuitive. She agreed, but since Byakuren had saved her from the atrocious previous life, Murasa felt an obligation to help her in return. There was stone-skipping we could do, but that?s a child?s game. I took some water from the central pool and splashed in on her as a joke.

Nothing really happened?it passed through her? Murasa giggled though, and sort of found it funny. She suddenly went into the walls and disappeared. All I could hear was breathing, and a light laughter, besides the water dripping into the circular pool. Becoming a little tense, I waited anxiously for her to come back out. It was a minute before I felt something enter my spine from behind. I could have almost fallen on the ground, or shit my pants: either of the two. Murasa was chuckling as she grabbed a hold of me from behind.

But our eyes gazed at one another. I could see the years of toil and experience she had suffered behind those eyes. She waited for who-knows-how-long for Byakuren to return. Murasa brought me into her quarters?nothing in there has changed. I made my way to the hammock, taking a rest, as Murasa chose to sit down again. But she sat up directly on me, halfway down. She wanted to talk about things like we did last time.

But there really wasn?t anything to talk about. Only a month or two had passed, or I can?t remember? We decided to do something else instead. Murasa wanted to show me around the place, especially areas where I hadn?t been?but said that we would converge back to her stay at the end. The first area was the room we were currently in?everything in there I have already seen, but Murasa wanted to explain everything.

The next room was Nazrin?s?a small enclosure. I noticed a considerable amount of fecal matter on the floor, but there were mice everywhere in it. Murasa did not bring me inside the room, so we continued on. There were no hallways it seemed, as all the corridors came out from the center, but organized like a ship in rows. Only the center pool was the entrance and exit to this one lane path. Murasa was going to bring me to the next area of the next in command.

This was ?Ichirin?s? stay?and to be quite honest, there was barely anything occupying the space. Murasa said that Ichirin did not like to have many things, including keeping to herself. Figures. But there were more corridors to explore. The next was Shou?s, which was littered with a shrine dedicated to Bishamonten. A pagoda sat on a hilt. Murasa said that it was fun on several occasions for others to take it and watch her freak out?but Shou started to lose it herself, and the jokes stopped.

The last place to check was Byakuren?s stay, but Murasa did not want me to go in there?I bothered anyway. This time she tried to tug me out of the corridor, but I resisted and checked inside. Strewn about the ?cabin?, many scribblings and circles were embedded there. I had seen enough, as I was slightly horrified at the image of the room as a whole. Murasa dragged me back to her place and I was thusly reprimanded about going in there.

I thought I had seen enough and wished to leave, but there was a surprise from behind. Murasa tried to drag me away from whatever had appeared. What had appeared was a being covered in black, wings from the back that had two varying patterns?red and spikes, blue and squiggly arrows. It was too late in what I had seen and Murasa had to let it go, as this new being was interested in why I was ?lurking about?.

This girl had a reclusive attitude but was determined enough to figure things out?

End of Chapter 28.

Probably doing only weekly updates now.... too busy...


  • I can't stop being a perv!
Re: In A Different World ? Journeys in the Land of Illusions
« Reply #65 on: April 15, 2011, 03:59:33 AM »
Wow, a new record~

Chapter 29:

?His hair looks odd.?
?Oh, pfft. Ours looks like his. Why would you say that??
?But the color!?

This new girl and Murasa were having a small quarrel with each other over my body and such, as I sat there. Noticing that the girl was carrying what looked like a trident, I also looked closely at the ?wings? on her back. An unusual phenomenon. Standing up, I went to them. Examining these appendages closely, I felt the blue one, but the girl whipped around and tapped me on the head with her trident.

?See Murasa! He is trouble!?
?Settle, Nue.  He doesn?t stay long anyway.?
?So? He could do bad things.? Murasa was helping me off the ground.
?That may be so, but I haven?t seen him do ?t.?

So this Nue didn?t trust many? I tried to examine them a second time, but this time she just ignored me. The curious being I was had decided to look around and wander away from the two?s conversation. It was then that their conversation stopped and followed after me. Nue wanted to make sure that I wasn?t going off too far. This led me to question her on what she could possibly be hiding, but Nue was hesitant to respond.

Murasa tried to guide us in a different direction. Nue wanted to talk to me about how much nonsense she had been through, not just physical, but personal. Maybe she had a change of thought, or she was bored. Her initial reclusive barrier had become softer, but mine had increased. I was paying less attention to her trials, more or less because they were similar to Murasa?s. Go figure.

Nue?s half of the story kept rambling on, while Murasa and I continued to whisper to each other. She was saying things about how Nue always rambles on like this, and that maybe we should ditch her and go elsewhere. I concur with the idea, though it is a little rude. Murasa took me solemnly back to her stead, setting herself on the hammock again.

I really no longer felt like talking to Murasa anymore; spending enough time here as is. I was going to say my goodbyes; Murasa grabbed a hold of me before I left. She warned me of coming back, worrying that I would take as long as last time. Promising her that I would return, I tried to leave again. Murasa still wasn?t convinced. I heaved a sigh. Placing my hand on her shoulder, I told her that I always go by my word, regardless.

The dolls were anxious as we left the Temple. Hourai had not done my hair this morning, but the day was already being pulled down. I wondered if there was a place to eat still, as my stomach grumbled. The Village had become lively again with people meandering about. Keine?s place should have been the best bet for me, but I checked the doors and they were locked. So she must?ve been out teaching and stuff. Having nowhere to go now, the only place for me would be the Forest of Magic and the shrine. Sure, there were other locations for food, but Gensokyou is not one of those food courts.

Heading east and out of the village, I came across a shack with bright floral patterns on it. The patterns were especially designed for spring and had a paper sign on one of the walls reading ?東の喫茶店?. So there was a new teashop allocated on the outskirts of the village, obviously something I never seen here before. Maybe they could have something for me to eat on top of that. Oddly enough, the door was slid wide open like nothing was there before. Light shone in through the shop?

Stepping inside, the stillness of the shop became more eerie. I walked in further before I heard a creaking sound coming from nearby. The sound was primarily from behind a desk?precariously placed in the perfect point from the horizontal center of the door. Upon reaching the front of the desk, I could see objects scattered about on it. The last thing I saw was a red bow; it was penetrating the horizon of the desk. A lock of yellow hair followed that bow.

The face behind the desk was Gengetsu, one that had been crying her eyes out for a long time. I requested food and drink, but she was resistant in moving from her spot. If this was the Gengetsu?a hearty, mean spirited and commanding sister?then I must have landed in some twisted new version of Gensokyou. Yukari might be at it again. But like all things that go awry, there is always a reason behind it.

My first attempt was pulling Gengetsu from out behind the desk. Heading around the desk, I could see her slinking underneath it. Attempting to pull Gengetsu out, I dug my hands in between her arms and abdomen?and wrapping them around the front like the indifferent pervert I am. I had a feeling that she would not be docile on this matter. At first, she was resilient in coming out of the desk, but when I yanked hard she stopped resisting. Tears still streamed down her face as I tried wiping them off. Gengetsu words were muddled and indecipherable.

I tried calming Gengetsu down with some soft words, and hugging her. Eventually, she stopped crying, and I asked her about how she felt. Gengetsu had come out of this tantrum and quickly rose up above the floor. She inquired to know what I wanted to eat or drink?pretending that what just happened did not happen. Something would come out of this eventually. I decided to sit down and I requested some green tea, and anything edible.

Gengetsu took about six minutes to do all of this. When she had finished preparing the ?meal?, Gengetsu came over to the table with everything on a tray. She placed it down on the table with a light clattering sound. Immediately afterwards, Gengetsu attempted to remove herself from my presence, but I reached out with a hand and grabbed her arm. The reaction was a slight startling of the muscles in her arms, a slow but steady droop, and lastly a dubious turning of her head.


  • I can't stop being a perv!
Re: In A Different World ? Journeys in the Land of Illusions
« Reply #66 on: April 22, 2011, 01:32:06 AM »

I am sorry, but there will be no more updates to this on this forum. Search for it through Google or somethin', maybe find out through word of mouth.

/r/ing thread lock.