Author Topic: Official Rate the Shot Types Thread (Week: HSiFS)  (Read 73649 times)

Re: Official Rate the Shot Types Thread (Week: HSiFS)
« Reply #150 on: September 10, 2017, 02:58:02 PM »
Well, this is going to be a series of tough calls. I love this game, doesn't matter who I'm playing as. That said.....

Reimu: 10/10
Yeah, she's great. Very comfortable to use and a good homing shot with decent damage. Destroys some Extra cards that all the others struggle with.

Cirno: 8/10
Pretty fun to use when backed up with Winter, and her bomb looks gorgeous. It's just ironic that she represents Summer in this game, yet CirnoSummer absolutely sucks. Wonder if that was intentional....

Aya: 7/10
Good for scoring on higher difficulties, but that comes with a steep learning curve, and I'm really not comfortable with her yet. Mediocre damage.

Marisa: 9/10
Not quite perfect, but still a comfortable and easy-to-use forward focus shot.

Spring: 4/10
Recommended for first clears, because you don't have to get close and personal with the bosses to use it. Once you've gotten used to the patterns, though, this just falls by the wayside in comparison to all the other seasonal options.

Summer: 9/10
Turns out to be surprisingly effective for scoring, because of the multiplier from still having a high level for subsequent releases. Also decent for survival because you get multiple releases without having to run round and pick up bullets. Getting into place to use it can be awkward, but you just have to learn when it's worth going for and when it really isn't.

Autumn: 9/10
Very effective from Aunn onwards, when there's enough bullets for each release to power up the next one. You just have to learn different skills from the usual Touhou experience: precise fast movements, and stopping in the right place so as not to get hit in between releases. More taxing on the finger muscles than the other seasons :)

Winter: 8/10
Winter's particular niche is no-release play, which isn't my favourite, but it's nice to know that any time I want the extra challenge, the option is there. Apparently it's also good for Normal scoring? Haven't tried that out yet, but I'll give it a go.

Dog Days: 7/10
Well, that was a weird experience. At least the stage was designed around this option, with waves involving enemies from below, and Okina has several attacks where you can get above her for extra damage. This makes the whole stage refreshingly unusual, exasperating at times, but mostly it's a lot of fun. However, Mai and Satono's first two cards are utterly trivialised. And the backward shot synergises so well with Reimu's homing that it's painful to play the Extra with anyone else. Still, this gives me hope that ZUN will continue to experiment and give us things we couldn't have expected in future games!

Re: Official Rate the Shot Types Thread (Week: HSiFS)
« Reply #151 on: September 10, 2017, 04:14:59 PM »
I'll start with the seasons.

Spring: 3.5/10
The way the homing shots are angled, they're only about as effective as the summer sub shots as far as area coverage goes. That's not to say summer is better in that regard, just that spring and summer are mostly interchangeable as far as their shots go. However, spring's release has very little use in this game, aside from stage 3. Since bullets are rarely going to be sitting still, a one time high area clear is less effective than a long lasting low area clear. The spring release is certainly useful, but there's nowhere in the game where it's more useful than any other release (aside from stage 3). It also has the hardest Okina last spell.

Summer: 9/10
Along with spring, the sub options are the best for clearing stages. The wide area makes things like stage 4 and 5 significantly easier. But the selling point for them is their incredible damage when shotgunning. This is noticeable in certain stage portions, such as the post midboss section of stage 4. The real reason summer is so powerful, though, is the release. The fact that it only consumes 1 option means that, where the other releases are going to stay in the level 3-4 range for most of the game, summer will be stay around level 5-6 allowing you to get more potent piv items. Furthermore, if you can drop a high level release on the boss at the beginning of a pattern and shotgun for a moment, it actually do more damage than winter. Even if you don't care about score (which you should, considering lives are linked to it), summer still has a great balance of range for stages and damage for bosses. The Okina last spell is harder than winter but easier than autumn.

Autumn: 9/10
The autumn sub shots are hand down the worst in the game, providing extremely little extra damage or range. But who uses autumn for the sub shot? The release lasts about as long as mid-level winter and follows you, providing a shield against bullets and allowing you to clear several spots at once. It's the best release for scoring and can make survival a lot easier. It's also the most versatile; any of the playable characters can use autumn effectively for a 1CC, though some are clearly better than others. Its weakness is that it doesn't make you invincible to enemies, and its low area means you have to get veeeery close to enemies. Everyone's had the experience where they're zipping towards the boss and accidentally crash into them, wasting their release. Autumn's Okina pattern is harder than summer but easier than spring.

Winter: 8/10
This subshot is the only one which provides a high damage boost from the bottom of the screen. Something 3/4 of the players desperately need. Unless you're Marisa, it's hands down the best sub option for no release runs, and even if you are Marisa it's still pretty good. Its release is very long lasting, making it good for scoring on boss nonspells. It does have a weakness in that it can't be spammed on stage portions the way summer, autumn, and even spring can. It's really the most well-rounded season, the only reason it's lower than summer and autumn is that it isn't able to cheese many patterns the way they can. Its Okina last spell is the easiest.

Reimu: 8/10
Reimu's ability to aim her homing shots outward or forward surprisingly helps a ton. She has good spread and decent damage. She's the best for no release runs, hands down. However, if you're using releases then she's kind of lack-luster. For any season except spring, there's someone who can use that season more effectively. Her bomb is also extremely ineffective. In the end Reimu is like winter: the most balanced of the players, but unable to cheese anything, putting her below the ones who can.

Cirno: 8.5/10
Cirno's spread is almost about as effective on stages as Reimu's homing, though it's noticeably worse on bosses if you're at the bottom of the screen. When you're shotgunning, though, it does incredible damage. And in a game where you can plant bullet clears in the boss's face every pattern, the opportunities for shotgunning are plenty. Combine this with summer, which further boosts your shotgunning damage and allows you to spam bullet clears while keeping your options, and you can clear several patterns as quickly as Marisa/Winter. Not to mention being able to melt through stages thanks to the double spread. Unfortunately, Cirno is really only good with summer. Her low speed makes autumn ineffective, she doesn't need the range that spring provides, and if you're going for winter you're better off with Reimu, who doesn't have to rely on releases on bosses. That's why, despite Cirno summer being amazing, Cirno as a whole can't get a higher score.

Aya: 7.5/10
Aya, like Cirno, is really good with one season but pretty awful with all the others. Her main shot does abysmal damage in general, and only ok damage when shotgunning. It doesn't even have a good spread. What she does have going for her are a long, powerful, easy to use bomb, and a ridiculous speed which ups both the risk and the reward in autumn's "high risk high reward" style. Aya/Autumn gets resources incredibly quickly, but unfortunately you get nothing for reaching an extend with max lives, so all those resources tend to go to waste. Still, I'd imagine she's the best for score.

Marisa: 8/10
Marisa's main shot is rather bad. It does good damage in the early game, but generally you'll have a hard time getting all four lasers to hit the boss in the later stages. Her damage is still higher than everyone except shotgunning Cirno, even with only 2 or 3 lasers, but it's not enough to make up for her low range on stages. Her bomb also sucks, arguably worse than Reimu's. That said, she's the player able to get the most use out of the most seasons. She has enough damage on her own that spring and summer are viable options, even if you don't like to shotgun with summer. Her speed isn't quite as high as Aya's, but still high enough to get some good use out of autumn. And you'll actually have decent dps with Marisa/Autumn. Finally, while you'd be trading your stage coverage, Marisa/Winter is able to melt through bosses at a ridiculous speed.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2017, 04:32:08 PM by TresserT »
My name is Tres. It sounds like "Tray". Tressert is "Tray-zurt"; like Tres dessert.
I've cleared every touhou game on Lunatic, and beaten every extra except SoEW.
NMNB: MoF Hard, SA Extra, UFO Extra

Re: Official Rate the Shot Types Thread (Week: HSiFS)
« Reply #152 on: September 11, 2017, 05:13:27 AM »
Oh boy, this again xd. I'll start with the girls.

Reimu: 9/10
So Reimu is the best for survival again, whoever saw that coming. For survival play at least. Her bomb is Fantasy Seal (again), so no bomb-grazing for you, and you'll have rather meh damage out of it, but with Fall and Winter subs (especially Winter) she's a very solid shottype both for stages and bosses.

Cirno: 6/10
She's just... whatever, I didn't really like her. She's not terrible, but everyone else does something better than her. Her bomb reminds me a lot of PCB ReimuB's Duplex Barrier, except now it's slightly better since you get graze too.

Aya: 8/10
GOTTA GO FAST. She absolutely destroys everyone else at scoring, and she's not bad at all for survival either. her speed takes some getting used to and her range is pretty terrible, but she's decently strong (piercing helps a lot too) and her bomb is really good.

Marisa: 9/10
ZUN actually Made Marisa Great Again. It's refreshing seeing her being good this time around, her only real weakness (though a pretty big one) is she has a really hard time on stages. For bosses however, I'd say she's just as viable as Reimu for survival.

Now the subs.
Spring: 3/10
Well, I guess you could get some use out of the invincibility to graze things, but the sub-shot is terrible and doesn't home properly. And the release, while powerful, needs to be pretty high level to be good. Okina alone is reason enough to not pick Spring though, that final is being argued as having dethroned PDH as hardest final spell

Summer: 7/10
Power-wise, the shot leaves much to be desired, but releases spending just one option at the time makes Summer really good to just drop one on something for high burst damage. However, HPSI is quite a tough spell, which makes Summer a rather unattractive choice for survival

Fall: 10/10
No surprise best season irl is best season here too xd. Much like its character rep, Fall is good at both survival and scoring, the actual sub-shot is kind of mediocre, but the release is strong and can chain into itself to boot.

Winter: 9.5/10
Winter is best for pure survival for two reasons: 1) it's the only option to give an actually meaningful boost to your damage and 2) you get the easiest Okina Final spell for it. Its release is reminiscent of SA!MariB's bomb: very strong, but not very good for defensive use, your best option is to drop it on top of a boss at the start of a pattern. And the option stacking bug didn't get fixed, so you have access to some stupid strong firepower with it :V

EXSeason: 7/10
EX Stage was certainly designed after the shot, but it's an okay season, it almost makes you forget half your shots are missing when hitting stuff below you, and the release it crazy strong. Also, just putting this out there, Reimu goes from 9/10 to 12/10 in EX

Things I've done (and maybe will improve):
SA L6MNB | SA Lunatic 3b Scorerun | MoF LNB | PCB LNB |DDC LNB

Re: Official Rate the Shot Types Thread (Week: HSiFS)
« Reply #153 on: September 11, 2017, 02:36:26 PM »
Spring final card is legit, I love every second of it. 20/10??!

There's already a flood of L/X Reimu stuff at the shiny new RF board. Very little Spring use for anyone anywhere, of course.

Chill Observer

  • Aimless fanatic
  • haHAA
Re: Official Rate the Shot Types Thread (Week: HSiFS)
« Reply #154 on: September 11, 2017, 06:57:37 PM »
imo you should not rate shots based on what spell cards they receive. but that's just me

Reimu: 9/10. Pretty legendary all around. Her homing isn't that weak for a homing shot and it's very versatile. It shines especially in extra. For first clearers and also for higher survival goals definitely pick Reimu.

Cirno: 6/10. For survival she's rather mediocre. The spread shot certainly gets the job done on stages, but on bosses she's pretty weak. She does shine while scoring though and that's a good plus for her.

Aya: 8/10. Most versatile bomb for score. Even for survival her shot is fairly nice and she doesn't seem to have any huge drawbacks. Only big thing is her movement speed which might throw off some people.

Marisa: 9/10. Yes, for once Marisa is fun as hell to play. Easily the strongest shot damage wise on bosses, which makes up for her tough stage sections. Bomb is great for survival play as well. Not sure how well she fares scoring though.

Spring: 4/10. The shot is pretty useless overall and the release is the weakest of the four. There are some neat tricks you can do with the i-frames the release gives you but it really only works if the boss in question releases a ton of bullets (Okina). It's a pretty weak subseason overall.

Summer: 8/10. I'd say this is by far the go-to choice for survival. Releases only using up one portion of the gauge is extremely useful and can be used as "backup bombs". Not to mention, the release itself deals tons of damage on the boss. Only weakness is the weak shot damage but at least it's nice on stages.

Autumn: 9/10. I haven't played this very much but being able to release and dash everywhere is needlessly overpowered. The shot is decently strong as well.

Winter: 6/10. The only good thing about this shot is the laser, it deals the highest amount of damage out of all the shots and is the go-to choice for no-release play. As a release though, it's pretty bad. The damage was severely nerfed from the demo, and the only redeeming factor about it is how long it lasts. I wouldn't use this for a first clear, honestly.
Retired Touhou player. Not involved with anything Touhou anymore.