Author Topic: ~*~ Server-tan Contest - [CLOSED. FORMLESS WINS, FLAWLESS VICTORY!] ~*~  (Read 17181 times)

Dead Princess Sakana

  • *
  • E is for Elodie, who swims with the fishes.
Hello and welcome, Ladies and Gentlemen, to the second phase of the great Server-tan Contest, the project to give MotK its own unique mascots!

In the first phase of the contest, we asked for people to submit their ideas for the designs of each of the three characters Triela, Henrietta and Angelica, who represent the three servers the different parts of MotK run on.
Now that winning designs have been decided on, the next step is to have those designs translated into actual art that can be used in various ways.

The goal of this second phase is to find the artist that will be commissioned to draw the server-tan art we want to use, for example to illustrate forum-rules and other stuff. So where the last contest was about the ideas, this one is about the quality of the art and the execution of the designs you are given!

The task for this contest is:
Draw character sheets displaying the character in different poses and facial expressions exposing their entire outfit and look, as well as detailing any details and unique features.  Color swatches should be included for the color choices made.


Extras like age/size/etc to give them more personality is encouraged but not really required.  It doesn't have to be perfectly drawn, the last example is a perfect example of the level of detail needed.  Major features and design should be displayed, but little finishing touches like hands and shading and lining can be omitted unless pivotal to the design.  All three characters need to be drawn and will be judged as a set.  Winner will be commisioned to make official artwork for the site.

With the task explained, here are descriptions of the three designs that were decided on and that should be the basis for your character sheets. Keep in mind you don't have to copy the design-sketches. You are allowed and encouraged to put your own touches on the designs. The pictures for the designs posted below are a visual aid, not a strict guide you need to follow.
In short: Work from the text-descriptions, and feel free to use the pictures as an aid.

Triela - the no-nonsense miko

Triela represents the server that handles the main workload of the forum. Her character is that of a strict all business - no nonsense mature woman, and she dresses in a miko-outfit (because of our adress "").
The glasses help to express her strict character, but they aren't a necessity, she may very well not wear them.
If you decide to use the hairstyle depicted above, keep in mind that it's part of a clever detail, with her hair + her earring spelling out the letters SMF (the forum-software MotK runs on).

Henrietta - the goofball adventurer

Henrietta represents MotK's game server, which runs our amongst others our, UT-server and Nethack.
Thus Henrietta's character is that of a goofy and carefree young girl.
She often goes out on adventures, which should be represented in her outfit. Consequently she doesn't usually wear fancy clothes, but rather practical ones, fit for exploring.
Big pockets, gloves, and boots like the ones in the sketch above are very fitting for her character.

Angelica - the mad scienctist and science experiment

Angelica represents the test-server of MotK, a place where new stuff can be tested out without the danger of breaking something important.
Consequently it was decided that her character would be that of a mad scientist as well as a crazy experimental mixup of parts, which is exactly what her design right now is as well.
The basic idea is that Angelica usually lives kept away in a cage-like box, as shown in the first sketch. Is it to keep her away from others? Is it actually her secret laboratory? Noone knows!
Angelica herself has a number of features: First of all, she usually wears a crazed look on her face, as shown in the second sketch. Under her clothes she also hides two extra arms, amounting to a total of four, perfect for working on complicated experiments. Are those natural arms or prosthetics? It's up to you artists to decide!
It has also been decided that Angelica should have multi-colored hair similar to that in the third sketch, as well as "options" that always follow her around wherever she goes. Their functions are as of now unknown.
Lastly her clothes have random lines of code scribbled all over them, as shown in the fourth sketch.

And that's all. Those description should give you an idea of what we are looking for, and the sketches are there to help you visually if need be.
We are looking forward to see what you artist will make out of those design ideas!

Since this is a quite big task, the deadline will be two months from now, November 15th. Extensions may be granted depending on the situation, we will see when it's time.
Entries are submitted by posting them here in the thread or sending them to me via PM. If you decide to change or revise your entry after submitting it, posting it again is no problem.
If there's anything unclear or any questions ask them here in the thread or catch me on IRC.

That said, we hope for active participation once more, and good luck to all of you who are going to try their hand at drawing the server-tans.
Have fun~
« Last Edit: December 01, 2011, 02:12:19 PM by Extra-Boss Sakana »

*cracks knuckles* Alright. Let's do this thing.


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  • Still working on the Grimoire
  • It's all about devotion
You're supposed to draw the characters in several poses and with several expressions, as well as showcasing their equipment and other details. Is it okay to write details and background alongside the drawings? Otherwise the drawings themselves would be cluttered with notes and the like.

Is it also allowed to flesh out characters a bit? Relationship with the MotK world and such, as well as powers.


  • Still working on the Grimoire
  • It's all about devotion
Joining the contest just to throw out some of my ideas regarding the server-tans. I hope people will like them~

I want to tie the server-tans to the realm of Mangekyou, the original setting that the Library fics and similar stories take place in. I believe it'd be fun to see the interactions between the characters and the server-tans. It'd also help with making stories and comics for the server-tans.
Since the server-tans are all personifications of main parts of MotK, I think it'd be fitting for them to be avatars of crucial components of the realm of Mangekyou, created by the staff (they made the site after all). Each server-tan is actually an artificial vessel for the 'spirit' of a certain aspect of Mangekyou. As a result, the server-tans have both great power and great responsibility on their shoulders. They all have their own traits, tasks and powers, as seen here in these character sheets and descriptions:


(Imageshack thumbnails seem to be getting smaller and smaller every day...)

Origin/Task - Triela is the spirit of the Mangekyan planet given form. The staff needed a powerful guardian for the realm that could fend off any threat that is too great for anyone else in the world to handle, so the staff made a vessel for the planetary spirit, which resulted in Triela's creation. Triela is effectively a goddess in species. It was her task to protect Mangekyou from mighty foes, from both within and outside the realm, as well as putting rogue staff members back in their place and ending major disputes. Basically, whenever things go very wrong in Mangekyou, Triela appears to fix it up.
Powers - Triela, being the avatar of the planet, has power revolving around geomancy and using the natural forces of the world for various effects. The earth, sky, sea and other natural phenomena are under her command. Triela is the spirit of the planet, so if she concentrates she can find out pretty much anything that's happening on the planet. The staff modeled Triela's physical form after a shrine maiden, so Triela also possesses various miko powers and skills, such as sealing, purifying and exorcising. Her data gohei and ofuda (the former has data code (0's and 1's) in the energy aura, while the latter bearing the symbol of MotK and the kanji for Kaleidoscope) help amplify these powers and are her main weapons in combat. Finally, Triela possesses abilities similar to those of the staff's administrator/moderator grimoires, such as warping reality and using the banishment dimension. All of this combined with phenomenal might makes Triela perfect for the job as guardian of Mangekyou.
Personality - Stoic, serious and mature, Triela takes her job very seriously and has lots of responsibility. She isn't one to just screw around, unlike her sister Henrietta. Triela is also honest and says the truth rather bluntly. Don't expect her to sweet talk things often. She doesn't interact much with others aside from her sisters, unless an emergency pops up in Mangekyou. She's a bit Reimu-ish, though far from lazy. She has lots of patience, but since great emergencies that can only be solved by her don't happen all that often she's generally bored and tries out all kinds of hobbies to pass the time.

Triela's color scheme is based on planetary colors (blue, green, white), and her blue hair serves as contrast to Angelica's red/white.

Henrietta and Angelica coming soon!
« Last Edit: October 23, 2011, 07:52:00 PM by OkashiiKisei »

Dead Princess Sakana

  • *
  • E is for Elodie, who swims with the fishes.
Due to request, and because of the currently low participation:

The contest deadline has been extended to the end of November 30th

For those still unsure whether they should participate: Don't be intimidated by how big and important the task sounds. If you have ideas or feel like trying your hand at this, your participation is more than  welcome, we appreciate every input we get.

Formless God


Some extra notes on Angelica - I substituted the Sheeva-- uh, extra arms for one powerful arm (loloriginal). It has this pattern thing going on on it, the pattern can be anything.
I sticked with the white dress because of the name. She also wears a lab coat with code scribbled all over it.
Cage-box is transparent. The red thing at the edges
is not blood
Options a) assist b) do what they usually do in your shootans. She doesn't need to always have four out at the same time.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2013, 07:01:04 AM by Drill Sergeant Patchykana »

Dead Princess Sakana

  • *
  • E is for Elodie, who swims with the fishes.
Well damn, right on time as you announced it  :o

And I'd say it was well worth the wait and extension, that's some beautiful artwork right there  :*


Some extra notes on Angelica - I substituted the Sheeva-- uh, extra arms for one powerful arm (loloriginal). It has this pattern thing going on on it, the pattern can be anything.
I sticked with the white dress because of the name. She also wears a lab coat with code scribbled all over it.
Cage-box is transparent. The red thing at the edges
is not blood
Options a) assist b) do what they usually do in your shootans. She doesn't need to always have four out at the same time.
These are all pretty much perfect :o


  • *
  • We're having a ball!
Oh good, somebody stepped up to the plate. I was afraid I was going to have to do it if nobody else would D:

Those look fantastic, Formless. All the soft pinks and purples are really easy on the eyes.

Dead Princess Sakana

  • *
  • E is for Elodie, who swims with the fishes.
Alright, now that the deadline has passed, this contest is officially *CLOSED*

While I would have loved to see more participation, I'm not gonna blame anyone for not joining in, since the task was definitely an intimidating one.

On the other hand, this makes the result easily obvious without need for any endlessly delayed complicated judgement   :]

So yeah, while final discussion and the next steps are still pending on the staff-side, it's pretty safe to say:

Congratulations, Formless, you have given a final form to what shall be MotK's official mascots in the future~
Of course, credit also goes majorly to Stuffman and Aoshi, for two of the designs those final versions are based on.

And I'd once again like to thank everyone that participated in the first phase of the contest, it was fun to see some vague ideas take shape in the numerous designs that were submitted.

Further info will be posted as soon as things are organized so we can continue and actually use the new Server-tans officially for the first time. Look forward to it~  :D

Re: ~*~ Server-tan Contest - [CLOSED. FORMLESS WINS, FLAWLESS VICTORY!] ~*~
« Reply #11 on: December 01, 2011, 02:51:29 PM »
Congratulations to Formless!
Blog updated: 14.11.2011


  • Still working on the Grimoire
  • It's all about devotion
Re: ~*~ Server-tan Contest - [CLOSED. FORMLESS WINS, FLAWLESS VICTORY!] ~*~
« Reply #12 on: December 01, 2011, 04:08:00 PM »
In the end I didn't have much of an opportunity to finish Henrietta nor Angelica, but I guess it would have been pointless anyway, considering I was just throwing ideas out there. I'll probably just finish them and post them AA at my own leisure. My apologies if I have disappointed anyone.

Congrats, Formless. These sheets are superb. I was genuinely surprised by the quality~

Good job~

Re: ~*~ Server-tan Contest - [CLOSED. FORMLESS WINS, FLAWLESS VICTORY!] ~*~
« Reply #13 on: December 01, 2011, 04:50:11 PM »
Excellent work, Formless. I'm eager to see more of these characters.


  • *
Re: ~*~ Server-tan Contest - [CLOSED. FORMLESS WINS, FLAWLESS VICTORY!] ~*~
« Reply #14 on: December 02, 2011, 12:33:00 AM »
what is this greatness i don't even

A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
- original art by Aiけん | ウサホリ -


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Re: ~*~ Server-tan Contest - [CLOSED. FORMLESS WINS, FLAWLESS VICTORY!] ~*~
« Reply #15 on: December 02, 2011, 07:46:04 AM »
Those tans you drew formless are just....superb.


  • Cya
Re: ~*~ Server-tan Contest - [CLOSED. FORMLESS WINS, FLAWLESS VICTORY!] ~*~
« Reply #16 on: December 02, 2011, 09:41:53 AM »
Wow, these are amazing.  Awesome work, and congrats!  ^.^

Formless God

Re: ~*~ Server-tan Contest - [CLOSED. FORMLESS WINS, FLAWLESS VICTORY!] ~*~
« Reply #17 on: December 07, 2011, 07:10:02 AM »

Thanks guys :3. Let me know of the next task soon. in before Santa outfits

♛ Apher-Forte

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Re: ~*~ Server-tan Contest - [CLOSED. FORMLESS WINS, FLAWLESS VICTORY!] ~*~
« Reply #18 on: December 15, 2011, 03:29:45 PM »
and i knew it had to be you to win, my love all goes to Angelica.
but the other two are nifty too i guess.
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Re: ~*~ Server-tan Contest - [CLOSED. FORMLESS WINS, FLAWLESS VICTORY!] ~*~
« Reply #19 on: December 18, 2011, 08:43:26 PM »
Okay, I have to say it: