Maidens of the Kaleidoscope

~Hakurei Shrine~ => Alice's Art Atelier => Topic started by: Gappy on February 07, 2010, 10:10:45 PM

Title: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Mind the gaping gap in my creativity~
Post by: Gappy on February 07, 2010, 10:10:45 PM
Gappy's Image Archive
Wallpaper gallery will be back up after minor edits.

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So, seeing as the art threads have moved here to their new home, an actual serious art forum, I've decided to work harder with my art. I'm starting a new series of character portraits that will be put together into one big picture, or so I hope. While, yes, this first pic might seem like a very narcissist venture (it probably is ^^;; ), trust me, my first pics are usually the worst. Better later than sooner, in my case ^^;;

Also, as the image name suggests, it's a work-in-progress.

My plan is to draw Solais, UK, Slaves and E-mouse, then move on to other people later.

( (

Name: N/A (technically nameless)
Nickname: Gap, Gappy, Sukima
Title: The Treasured Child Filled With Hope
Gender: Female
Species: Embodiment/Anthromorphic Personification/Thingy
Power: Manipulation of the gap Between the real and the unreal
Role: Embodiment of Hope, Guardian of Dreams, Perseverance, and Success. She is the guardian of the
Artefact: The 9 shards of Pandora's Jar (the 9 rings and orbs around her skirt)
Occupation: (mainly) farming in the human settlement, also works part-time in the human village
Home: (currently) The Amaterasu Omikami Shrine (she rents the futon cupboard in the back room)

Where she can be found:
On any typical day in late spring, summer and autumn, between sunrise and late afternoon, she's normally either in the fields helping out the farmers or working in the village. At these times she's almost unrecognisable as she's normally in normal human attire and would look almost indistinguishable from other local humans.

At sunset and early evenings she can usually be found in the northern flower fields. The flower field has long since become associated with her and her powers to grant wishes, and as such has become known as 'The Fields of Hope'. The cliffside also shares the name, 'Gap of Hope', and is perhaps the origin of her (nick)name, 'Gappy'. Similarly, in winter and early spring she can be found here, either day or evening.

She sleeps very rarely. The futon cupboard was rented mostly for want of a place to store her junk....or rather, hide her little gap to her little pocket dimension where she stores her junk.

Shot Type Contracts:
(Note: Gappy is more often the support shot type for others, thus why she's contracted to quite a few people)
Solais, Moerin, Xan, Kerigis, and many others

Most Common Spell Cards:
[Hymn of Hope] The one Pandora Left Behind - Origin's Overture
[Hymn of Ambition] Swim Little Carp! Enter the Dragon!
[Hymn of Perseverance] The Motherly Eyes that Watched Odysseus
[Hymn of Luck] Cornu of Copia - Flow! Amalthea's Sweet Milk!
[Hymn of Fortune] Spin Spin Spin the Blind Wheel that Turns the World!
[Hymn of Hope] Humanity's Final Strength - The Greatest of Pandora's Evils!

Like the very aspect she embodies, she is extremely optimistic, ever cheerful, albeit childishly so. Despite being quite bright and quick-witted in her own right, since Hope is such a childish thing, she unfortunately suffers from some rather incurable childish quirks, like utterly pure innocence, gullibility, and an odd inability to believe that anyone can be truly evil. Her clumsiness is legendary, but her natural knack at persevering usually barely makes up for it.

Also, like the aspect she embodies, she is rather whimsical. She changes hobbies and pastimes every so often, everything from hula dancing to fire-eating. She might occasionally take an interest in a particular person and follow them about for a while. If the person feels so inclined, she might even befriend him or her.

She does have one permanent hobby. She is a rather obsessive collectomaniac and would often spend her free time 'treasure hunting', as she calls it, though the objects she picks up are very rarely actual treasure and more aptly termed 'junk'. The little pocket dimension she hides away in her gap inside the shrine futon cupboard now features a rather impressive array of useless junk, very meticulously arranged and catalogued.

You'd expect the embodiment of such a positive aspect of reality to be kind and helpful. Well, yes, kind she is, but helpful...not always. In fact, 9 times out of ten she would usually refuse to help with any endeavour outright, no matter the cause. When she decides to refuse, she will do so obstinately, no matter what the reward she is offered. However, on the other hand, she sometimes agrees to help immediately, refusing any rewards. Perhaps she is rather lazy? Or perhaps she just likes seeing people struggle? Or perhaps she's just weird like that. Who knows?

While there really isn't much distinction between 'good' and 'evil' in the world of touhou, there are always sides to any dispute, and Gappy is rather inconsistent in her choice of sides, if she chooses to get involved at all. She's rather inconstant. She very well understands and treasures friendships, but to her friendship doesn't seem to extend to the concept of allies and enemies. Whether or not you're her friend, she can be your ally today, your enemy tomorrow.
Title: Re: Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Mind the gaping gap in my creativity~
Post by: Suikama on February 07, 2010, 10:28:07 PM
It's about time you made a thread here =D
Title: Re: Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Mind the gaping gap in my creativity~
Post by: Kuma on February 07, 2010, 10:37:00 PM
GapZone, your draws and wordificatins give me a YaySmile
Title: Re: Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Mind the gaping gap in my creativity~
Post by: Slaves on February 07, 2010, 10:39:36 PM
gee whiz

Title: Re: Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Mind the gaping gap in my creativity~
Post by: Chaore on February 07, 2010, 11:05:52 PM
Should add the [Art] Label, Gapicus.

Also, Holy zen thats an amazing redo. I mean damn t-


... :V
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Mind the gaping gap in my creativity~
Post by: Solais on February 07, 2010, 11:33:07 PM
Simply gorgeous. And beautiful. And Transcendent. And WOAH.

But excuse me, I have to clean now-

/me opens the futon cupboard.

/me is buried under the mountain of junk.
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Mind the gaping gap in my creativity~
Post by: Moerin on February 07, 2010, 11:41:24 PM
Uwah, Gappy-chan (or should that be Gappy-sama~?), that's just... It's so... Beautiful~<3  She looks like some kind of angel of light and hope, come down to redeem the righteous and smite down the wicked~

Also I've always found it somewhat fitting that the embodiment of hope and dreams associates with the embodiment of the forgotten, but maybe that's just me.
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Mind the gaping gap in my creativity~
Post by: ♛ Apher-Forte on February 08, 2010, 02:49:56 AM
hey~ we have a world tree, sweet.

can I hug that tree?

and well, Gappy, your work has jump up another notch, this is getting better and better.
your next target should probably to learn photoshop vectorwork, and if you can, re do your pieces and dab it with that special clean cut look, and I guarantee you by then you would have surpassed FG~
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Mind the gaping gap in my creativity~
Post by: Dead Princess Sakana on February 08, 2010, 07:00:18 AM
That picture is soo~o beatifu- wait.. that's still 'in progress'? You plan on making this even better? Impossible (o_0)/
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Mind the gaping gap in my creativity~
Post by: Dizzy H. "Muffin" Muffin on February 08, 2010, 08:12:30 AM
"Awesome" isn't the same as "perfect" yaknow ;3
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Mind the gaping gap in my creativity~
Post by: Hououin Kyouma on February 08, 2010, 08:23:47 AM
HOLY CRAP. Thats amazing Gap.
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Mind the gaping gap in my creativit
Post by: trancehime on February 08, 2010, 01:10:14 PM
/me parseevibes

I am in awe, as per usual.

The touching up is just beautiful.
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Mind the gaping gap in my creativity~
Post by: Gappy on February 08, 2010, 04:06:59 PM
...err...thanks for the over-the-top flattery...? ^^;;

Thanks all, I appreciate the generous comments ^^ But as I keep on repeating, it's not that great....yet. I still have a long way to go ^^

As you may notice, the pose is rather static in this one compared to my usual poses. I thought I should start out simple as this is the first time I'm attempting such complex colouring and shading. Up till now I've always relied on a partner artist for colouring for my DA, but I didn't think I should ask her to help out here XP

Also, I borrowed a tablet to make this one possible ^^;; So yes, a lot of it is thanks to the tablet XD

Thanks, btw, Oneesama. I'll be sure to pick up vectoring. I'm sure my sister mentioned something about that but I was too busy getting my head around the tablet XD

Also, added my archive of Touhou Myoushugatari art to the OP.

Oh, would the following people please post a name and description for a few of their spellcards? I may use it to produce your pic...or I might just make up a new spellcard for you if your description proves too complicated to draw XD

- Slaves
- Trance
- UK
- Solais
- Purvis
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Mind the gaping gap in my creativity~
Post by: Slaves on February 08, 2010, 04:17:43 PM
Hystercial "Party Train" should be obvious as to what it looks like.

Annoyance "SHUT UP CHEN" Chen shoots bubble bullets, while Yukari opens her mouth and shoots out lasers. she functions like Unzan's head.

"Super Paper" would be my survival, but i'm not sure how it would work. something like Nue's i guess. red and blue lasers form the shape of a piece of a notebook paper(blue lines going horizontally, red line going vertically), and then they'd disappear, and maybe it rotates?

and then minidrakes. i don't know what their spellcard would be though <:3
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Mind the gaping gap in my creativity~
Post by: Gappy on February 08, 2010, 09:06:36 PM
Another WIP - very rough because it was mostly done on the subway.

Guess who!

( (

Name: ???
Nickname: Little Red, Akazukin, Aka-chan,
Title: The Restless Girl Dressed in Red
Gender: Female
Species: Vengeful Evil Spirit
Power: ???
Role: Wolf Hunter
Artefact: The Old Woodcutter's Axe, 'Wolfsbane'
Occupation: (mainly) hunting wolves, guiding lost people out of the forest. She has also been seen selling cookies and biscuits at the Amaterasu Omikami shrine lately.
Home: ??

Where she can be found:
In the Bamboo Forest of the Lost or the Forest of Magic where people often get lost. People often report seeing a figure dressed in dark red who would dance and skip far ahead in the gloaming darkness, and that following it would lead them out of the forest. The figure doesn't approach people often, but when it does, it takes the appearance of a young girl, dressed in red, carrying a basket and an axe. Sometimes she appears to the sound of wolves howling. Some even report seeing her appear with a wolf.

Sometimes the villagers would come across a dead wolf in the forest. Its belly would be hewn open and its body thrown into a body of water, usually a stream or river. There would always be a trail of blood, ending in a pile of wolfsbane where the wolf was apparently killed. They say it is the work of the little girl in red.

Oh, on a side note, there's often a young girl dressed in red who sells cookies and biscuits at the shrine....but she can't be the same girl....right...?

Shot Type Contracts:

Most Common Spell Cards:
[Dirge of Wolves] What Big Eyes You Have!
[Dirge of Woodcutters] From the Belly of the Beast
[Dirge of The Red] The Girl All in Red Red Red
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Mind the gaping gap in my creativity~
Post by: ♛ Apher-Forte on February 09, 2010, 04:50:33 AM
Nice new work, I like the red riding hood motif

it so reminded me of Akazukin Cha Cha...

and that is bad cause I used to watch it... despite it being a kiddy show...
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Mind the gaping gap in my creativity~
Post by: Gappy on February 09, 2010, 11:14:15 AM
Today's Thoughts on Project Ijiyatsu:

I've been thinking up more origins and backgrounds for characters rooted in western myth, folklore and fairytales. I think it's quite fitting, considering we're a western community and that this is a western project. There's plenty to pick up and expand on in western myth which I think will give Project Ijiyatsu its own distinct, unique flavour. Thoughts?
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Mind the gaping gap in my creativity~
Post by: Solais on February 09, 2010, 11:35:16 AM
Great idea, and I've been doing that too. This is why I've made up the idea of the unknown Western Region, as you have said that some of the Iji-cast or their ancestors, and all of the humans came originally from Gensokyo, to repopulate Ijiyatsukai, or the Eastern Region by my idea. However the Western Region has great potential for more western youkai. And considering some of my ideas about that region...
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Mind the gaping gap in my creativit
Post by: trancehime on February 09, 2010, 11:48:19 AM
Today's Thoughts on Project Ijiyatsu:

I've been thinking up more origins and backgrounds for characters rooted in western myth, folklore and fairytales. I think it's quite fitting, considering we're a western community and that this is a western project. There's plenty to pick up and expand on in western myth which I think will give Project Ijiyatsu its own distinct, unique flavour. Thoughts?

I can see this being different from Seihou, which greatly interests me. But unfortunately, for my little shallow mind to handle, it is more I am interested in how you are going to handle the characters with this concept in mind. XD In any case, it seems like it would be a good direction to take Ijiyatsu in, but we'll have to make sure it doesn't conflict with existing material. But with the current state, I think we can make leeway.


Oh, would the following people please post a name and description for a few of their spellcards? I may use it to produce your pic...or I might just make up a new spellcard for you if your description proves too complicated to draw XD

- Slaves
- Trance
- UK
- Solais
- Purvis

M, m, me? Okay...

Ice Diadem 「Eye of Skadi」
A frozen heart appears, shooting zig-zagging and undulating rays of ice, leaving little room in between each ray, shot all around the heart.

Ice Diadem 「Freezing Field」
Sporadic balls of ice burst randomly, releasing icicle explosion. Kind of like Cirno's Icicle Fall condensed into random blasts that are shot everywhere in a small radius.

Heart Diadem 「Purification」
8 Mini-Master Sparks aimed from all around the user, like a set of spokes.

Heart Diadem 「Artemis' Tears」
Rain of Cupid-flavoured arrows, similar to a rain of knives from Sakuya~n.

Bless Diadem 「Mercy of Guan Yin」
Billions of cheeto lasers. Everywhere. Find an opening!
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Mind the gaping gap in my creativity~
Post by: Gappy on February 09, 2010, 12:37:44 PM
Oh, btw, since Moerin already guessed it yesterday on IRC, yes, that Little red riding hood is Ana-chan (AKA Anthony).

Also, Oneesama, I used to watch Akazukin Cha Cha too! Back when it was on Cartoon Network Asia ^^
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Mind the gaping gap in my creativity~
Post by: Gappy on February 09, 2010, 11:33:03 PM
Guess who~

( (

Name: ???
Title: A Certain Uncertain Kitten
Gender: Female
Species: Caith Sidhe/Cheshire
Power: Manipulation of Fetishes?
Role: Servant?
Artifact: ???
Occupation: ???
Home: ???

Where she can be found: ???

Shot Type Contracts:

Most Common Spell Cards: ???
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Mind the gaping gap in my creativity~
Post by: Suikama on February 10, 2010, 12:03:29 AM
Taokaka? :V
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Mind the gaping gap in my creativity~
Post by: Slaves on February 10, 2010, 12:13:23 AM
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Mind the gaping gap in my creativity~
Post by: Suikama on February 10, 2010, 12:34:21 AM
It's Koffing!
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Mind the gaping gap in my creativity~
Post by: Dizzy H. "Muffin" Muffin on February 10, 2010, 04:44:10 AM
It's Koffing!
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Mind the gaping gap in my creativity~
Post by: ♛ Apher-Forte on February 10, 2010, 05:26:24 AM
I am just reminded, shouldn't UK be a Lynx? I always thought of her as a 'wild cat'
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Mind the gaping gap in my creativity~
Post by: Kuma on February 10, 2010, 05:57:22 AM
well, she's like a "Slave" or something, So a domestic house cat would be more fitting... OR MAYBE SHE'S A LIONESS >:3
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Mind the gaping gap in my creativity~
Post by: Gappy on February 10, 2010, 11:37:40 AM
Ok, unprecedented serious affair. My muse is dying a slow painful death and I need to revive it. Give me INTERESTING requests to draw on the tube on the way home today.

Edit: Oh, I almost forgot another old request from Nobu. I'll get to that.

Edit2: ...I might as well pick up the librarian squad request too. ^^
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Mind the gaping gap in my creativity~
Post by: Dead Princess Sakana on February 10, 2010, 11:55:21 AM
Edit2: ...I might as well pick up the librarian squad request too. ^^
Yes, please, very please, with strawberries on top. ^^
A group of eight people should definitely keep you busy enough  :D
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Mind the gaping gap in my creativity~
Post by: Gappy on February 10, 2010, 12:16:11 PM
Yes, please, very please, with strawberries on top. ^^
A group of eight people should definitely keep you busy enough  :D

Can you please note down the names of all the members? Thanks.
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Mind the gaping gap in my creativity~
Post by: Serp on February 10, 2010, 12:42:22 PM
Ok, unprecedented serious affair. My muse is dying a slow painful death and I need to revive it. Give me INTERESTING requests to draw on the tube on the way home today.

A battle scene, perhaps?  Seems like your dynamic style would lend itself well to that sort of thing.
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Mind the gaping gap in my creativity~
Post by: ♛ Apher-Forte on February 10, 2010, 01:10:26 PM
Slaves kicking AF's ass down a cliff

alternatively you can do it.
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Mind the gaping gap in my creativity~
Post by: Maid Xan~ on February 10, 2010, 04:07:11 PM
Do a Moerin Family picture!
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Mind the gaping gap in my creativity~
Post by: Dizzy H. "Muffin" Muffin on February 10, 2010, 07:38:04 PM
Kilga looking badass, with sunglasses and an electric guitar.
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Mind the gaping gap in my creativity~
Post by: Nobu on February 10, 2010, 08:58:22 PM
Edit: Oh, I almost forgot another old request from Nobu. I'll get to that.

Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Mind the gaping gap in my creativity~
Post by: Spidere on February 10, 2010, 10:52:17 PM
Wow, these are all simply beautiful.
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Mind the gaping gap in my creativity~
Post by: Gappy on February 11, 2010, 10:36:39 PM
An old request. This is what I managed to finish in between waiting for my cell cultures today. Not finished yet, as you can see. The skirt and overall details need a lot more work. However, I think this'll be worth inking and colouring once it's done. This along with the pic of UK and Ana-chan will definitely make great additions to the main project, provided they get finalized.

See if you can guess who she is.

( (

Name: Unknown
Title: The one cast aside by heaven
Gender: Female
Species: Snake Youkai
Power: Unknown
Role: Unknown

Artefact: The Flower of Life (The flower atop her head, which is in fact the very same flower Bai SuZhen extracted the herb of life from in order to revive her dead husband)
Occupation: Imouto(?)
Home: (currently) Moerin's Manor

Where she can be found:
Moerin's Manor.

Shot Type Contracts:
Moerin, Mode, Matsuri, Xan, Kerigis, Stein

Most Common Spell Cards: Unknown

The daughter of the legendary White Snake Youkai, Bai SuZhen (, she aspires to fulfill her mother's unfulfilled wish - to become a goddess. However, her motivations are not quite the same as her mother's. While her mother wished to attain deityhood in order to protect those she held dear, this girl wishes to attain deityhood simply as an act of vengeance upon heaven and the sorcerers who persecuted and ultimately murdered her mother.

Her powers are at least equal to that of her mother's, if not greater. And her knowledge of herb lore and medicine is second only to her parents'. She carries with her a memento from her mother, the last remaining living 'Flower of Life', a source of a potent herb which, if prepared correctly, may resurrect the dead. However, in the wrong hands, it is a powerful weapon of mass destruction, a biological weapon capable of reducing entire vistas of lush vibrant forests into dead barren wastelands within moments. The flower continues to flourish atop her headpiece, nourished by her powerful aura.
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Mind the gaping gap in my creativity~
Post by: Chaore on February 11, 2010, 10:39:49 PM
Snakes and Flowers., No idea. D:
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Mind the gaping gap in my creativity~
Post by: Moerin on February 11, 2010, 10:42:40 PM
Uwaaah, Imouto-chan looks so cute~  As she should~
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Mind the gaping gap in my creativity~
Post by: Maid Xan~ on February 11, 2010, 10:43:18 PM
Snakes and Flowers., No idea. D:

Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Mind the gaping gap in my creativity~
Post by: Bias Bus on February 11, 2010, 10:56:37 PM
Pretty much, Nobu. The Snakes and Moerin's comment above pretty much sold it.
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Mind the gaping gap in my creativity~
Post by: Nobu on February 12, 2010, 01:44:49 AM
Uwaa, thank you! I love the way you adapted the flower to look like a crown. Hehe. :3

And man, that background is badass. *_* <333
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Mind the gaping gap in my creativity~
Post by: Gappy on February 21, 2010, 10:04:29 AM
~I'm seriously posting this pic too often~

Right, now that I've settled my DA's backlog, I thought I'd give my art thread here some attention. Problem is, I don't know what to draw atm. So, inspire me, MotK!
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Mind the gaping gap in my creativity~
Post by: Toasty on February 21, 2010, 10:21:37 AM
Inspiration, you say?

From time to time
The clouds give rest
To the moon beholders.. "

"Yes, spring has come
This morning a nameless hill
Is shrouded in mist."

"Moonlight slants through
The vast bamboo grove:
A cuckoo cries"

Yay for Basho's poetry.

Also, one last one:

?Once the light penetrated the dark
I could see the beautiful things around me
No longer was everything just shadows to deal with
Colours I never knew existed suddenly came to life
Brilliant and scary
Yet the most amazing thing I found
Happened to be black and white?

^Source: I forgot. I just had this saved somewhere.
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Mind the gaping gap in my creativity~
Post by: Dizzy H. "Muffin" Muffin on February 21, 2010, 06:43:58 PM
?Once the light penetrated the dark
I could see the beautiful things around me
No longer was everything just shadows to deal with
Colours I never knew existed suddenly came to life
Brilliant and scary
Yet the most amazing thing I found
Happened to be black and white?

^Source: I forgot. I just had this saved somewhere.
It's a love poem directed at Marisa. Or possibly Renko.

EDIT: Hmm. Google says it seems to be something from Soul Eater. I think.
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Mind the gaping gap in my creativity~
Post by: Kuma on February 21, 2010, 06:53:11 PM
draw a butt
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Mind the gaping gap in my creativity~
Post by: Suikama on February 21, 2010, 08:19:37 PM
draw a butt
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Mind the gaping gap in my creativity~
Post by: Moerin on February 21, 2010, 08:25:28 PM
Do a Moerin Family picture!

Or Rin Satsu-

/me is shot.

Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Mind the gaping gap in my creativity~
Post by: Solais on February 21, 2010, 08:56:44 PM
Rin Satsuki x Wriggle

Sanae x Daiyousei

Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Mind the gaping gap in my creativity~
Post by: Gpop on February 21, 2010, 09:04:38 PM
Still waiting for that /r/ of me from lol time ago.
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Mind the gaping gap in my creativity~
Post by: Toasty on February 21, 2010, 11:27:46 PM
It's a love poem directed at Marisa. Or possibly Renko.

EDIT: Hmm. Google says it seems to be something from Soul Eater. I think.

Or it could be about shikieiki.

Poems. Vague.
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Mind the gaping gap in my creativit
Post by: OkashiiKisei on February 22, 2010, 02:21:42 AM
These....divine masterpieces.... unbelievable.....

I'm starting to channel Parsee here. Or yes, defiantly. :(
My heart is filling with jealousy, I tell you. You're work is so beautiful. I don't even know how to attain such skill, or where to begin for that matter.
And if I understand correctly, you are planning to make these all even more beautiful. Unbelievable.

I'd do alot for such skill as yours...


*is blasted to smithereens by Gappy*

*cough* Or perhaps I should just practice more....
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Mind the gaping gap in my creativity~
Post by: Bias Bus on February 22, 2010, 03:57:52 AM
Are people making suggestions here still, if so; Draw something you usually don't do. I did that Moe Slowpoke pic thing.
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Mind the gaping gap in my creativit
Post by: Gappy on February 22, 2010, 11:06:56 AM
Thanks for the encouragements and inspiration folks ^^ I appreciate it XD Let's see what I come up with.

Still waiting for that /r/ of me from lol time ago.

Sorry, I forgot to tell you, I've been asked to stop doing anything ijiyatsu-related so all requests have been cancelled. My deepest apologies ^^;;

I have an unfinished pic of iji-pop, maybe I can upload that later.

I'll reply to the other comments later - I'm in a bit of a hurry atm ^^;;
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Mind the gaping gap in my creativit
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 22, 2010, 02:21:30 PM
Thanks for the encouragements and inspiration folks ^^ I appreciate it XD Let's see what I come up with.

Sorry, I forgot to tell you, I've been asked to stop doing anything ijiyatsu-related so all requests have been cancelled. My deepest apologies ^^;;

I have an unfinished pic of iji-pop, maybe I can upload that later.

I'll reply to the other comments later - I'm in a bit of a hurry atm ^^;;

...Who the hell is telling you to stop drawing what you (apparently) want to draw?

Anyways, sorry I didn't see your information request earlier. I kinda don't come to this forum much =[

I got no idea what I want for spellcards. I kinda fell off track of the project back back in...fall? I dunno. Anyways, I got no idea how many cards they've allotted to me, and all that. But I want at least one of them to be really super gimmicky. You know those people who complain that <Spellcard> is only hard because of it's gimmick? I want something that'll make those people complain forever.
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Mind the gaping gap in my creativit
Post by: Gappy on February 22, 2010, 04:50:13 PM
...Who the hell is telling you to stop drawing what you (apparently) want to draw?

The people who run the place? ^^;;

Thus why AF and I haven't been drawing much lately, I guess.

Anyhow, as I said, I won't be doing much more of ijiyatsu save perhaps the occasional exceptional circumstance.

Thus the need for inspiration.
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Mind the gaping gap in my creativit
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 22, 2010, 05:05:04 PM
Thus the need for inspiration.

I shant comment on the other things.

But: Shizuha is Power Armor. I will not be sated until everyone has done this.
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Mind the gaping gap in my creativity~
Post by: Nobu on February 22, 2010, 07:21:32 PM
There's absolutely no reason why you or AF should stop drawing anime-tized/Touhou-ized people if you want to.
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Mind the gaping gap in my creativity~
Post by: Solais on February 22, 2010, 07:53:36 PM
True dat. As far as I know, the only thing what was stopped was the Expansion Project.
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Mind the gaping gap in my creativity~
Post by: Gappy on February 22, 2010, 08:36:32 PM
There's absolutely no reason why you or AF should stop drawing anime-tized/Touhou-ized people if you want to.

Not Ijiyatsu, right?

And the justification was that if outsiders came to see, quote on quote, "what was highly advertised as the "Ijiyatsu project," they'd not see a game in production but a bunch of /jp/ rejects that want to masturbate to Touhou-style versions of themselves."

Thing is, the main problem here is that the two are near indistinguishable, especially to those not in the know. So no, I'd rather not disgrace the game and MotK any further with my work. Much better that way, I think. ^^

/end topic.

Now, that poem gives me ideas...
draw a butt

I draw that quite often. It's the part that joins the abdomen to the legs so you can't really do without it.

Or Rin Satsu-

/me is shot.


I've already drawn that ^^

Oh wait, I never drew one for MotK. Oh, might as well ^^

Rin Satsuki x Wriggle

Sanae x Daiyousei


/me doesn't draw yuri/yaoi pairings

sorry ^^;;

These....divine masterpieces.... unbelievable.....

I'm starting to channel Parsee here. Or yes, defiantly. :(
My heart is filling with jealousy, I tell you. You're work is so beautiful. I don't even know how to attain such skill, or where to begin for that matter.
And if I understand correctly, you are planning to make these all even more beautiful. Unbelievable.

I'd do alot for such skill as yours...


*is blasted to smithereens by Gappy*

*cough* Or perhaps I should just practice more....

Divine masterpieces where? ^^;;

You flatter me ^^;; And Gappy's head can swell and explode at too much flattery ^^;; all the hot air gets to me XD

Anyhow, seriously speaking, there's still a ways to go for me. As I've said time and time again, there are plenty of artists on MotK far better than me ^^

As for how, just practice. Draw plenty of stuff from manga/anime and it'll come naturally.

And it's difficult to steal from an empty cup ^^;;;;

But: Shizuha is Power Armor. I will not be sated until everyone has done this.

Shizuha in a power suit....The american kind or the japanese kind?
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Mind the gaping gap in my creativity~
Post by: Solais on February 22, 2010, 08:51:33 PM
but a bunch of /jp/ rejects that want to masturbate to Touhou-style versions of themselves."


I hate the world. I HATE it so much.

/me explodes slowly.

...And that quote probably True for ALL RPG players in the World, right.
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Mind the gaping gap in my creativity~
Post by: Kuma on February 22, 2010, 09:15:50 PM
all the more insetive to actualy work on the game, so we can proove people who think like that wrong!
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Mind the gaping gap in my creativity~
Post by: Nobu on February 22, 2010, 09:43:39 PM
Not Ijiyatsu, right?

And the justification was that if outsiders came to see, quote on quote, "what was highly advertised as the "Ijiyatsu project," they'd not see a game in production but a bunch of /jp/ rejects that want to masturbate to Touhou-style versions of themselves."

Thing is, the main problem here is that the two are near indistinguishable, especially to those not in the know. So no, I'd rather not disgrace the game and MotK any further with my work. Much better that way, I think. ^^

Y'know, that quote didn't come from someone actually working on the game, right? Still, I understand where Letty's coming from, because the term 'Ijiyatsu' got overgeneralized -really- quickly. Separate projects became indistinguishable because every creative endeavor under the sun conceived by the forum about the forum picked up the moniker 'Ijiyatsu', with absolutely no way to tell them apart.

And 'Disgrace the game and MotK'? Come on now. There's no reason to act like a martyr when you crumpled and closed up shop from one biting remark by Letty, when you could have mounted up some kind of opposition or gotten a second opinion. You damn well know that your art was appreciated by denizens here, else you wouldn't have continued it as long as you did.

It's much easier to get swept away by the current than fight against it, but rarely is it the best course of action.

/end topic.

Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Mind the gaping gap in my creativit
Post by: Alfred F. Jones on February 22, 2010, 09:52:21 PM
It's much easier to get swept away by the current than fight against it, but rarely is it the best course of action.

You stole that from Serp >:<

Regardless, this isn't the time or place for this conversation. I expect to talk to the both of you on IRC about this when I get home. That goes for everyone here; this is an art thread, after all, not a discussion. (Though, I am not opposed to text and pictures. Eh.)

ON TOPIC: Draw Byakuren. Because I know you just loooooooove her so much. >:D
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Mind the gaping gap in my creativity~
Post by: Chaore on February 22, 2010, 09:56:37 PM
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Mind the gaping gap in my creativity~
Post by: Dizzy H. "Muffin" Muffin on February 22, 2010, 10:10:51 PM
Draw Muffin with a "JUST AS PLANNED" smirk.

And the kanji for "Soudai (splendid) desu."
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Mind the gaping gap in my creativity~
Post by: Gpop on February 22, 2010, 10:21:49 PM
Sorry, I forgot to tell you, I've been asked to stop doing anything ijiyatsu-related so all requests have been cancelled. My deepest apologies ^^;;

I have an unfinished pic of iji-pop, maybe I can upload that later.

Ah if you're really dragged down by the rule you could just PM it to me.
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Mind the gaping gap in my creativity~
Post by: Gappy on February 22, 2010, 10:58:58 PM
Nobu, thanks, but no need for us to repeat the discussion in the staff forum ^^. I think the discussion's consensus was that everything should be put on hold. Besides, I'm not one for conflict. One side folding saves a lot of trouble.

I rest my case. Enough of the unpleasant stuff ^^

Here are a few unfinished pics. Unfortunately I couldn't find the koipop WIP I had. I'll look around for it. But here are the other unfinished stuff that are now put on hold indefinitely.

( (

An unfinished birthday gift + librarian squad request all in one ^^ I was intending on inking this and colouring it in XD

( (

An unfinished pic of the forum's favourite couple~ MJP's face needs far more work, unfortunately.

( (

This was a rework of Trance's design. Incomplete.

Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Mind the gaping gap in my creativity~
Post by: Solais on February 22, 2010, 11:29:39 PM
I already told you, but your art is still gorgeous.

Also, I'm somehow happy about the "being on hold till the game is done", because it means it will continue, after the game is done. :V

Also I would have a personal request, it's somewhat connected to Iji, but it won't be for the public just... ahhhh, I'm bad at this ><
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Mind the gaping gap in my creativity~
Post by: Dead Princess Sakana on February 23, 2010, 07:06:38 AM
An unfinished birthday gift + librarian squad request all in one ^^ I was intending on inking this and colouring it in XD
That's so nice. Could you tell me who's supposed to be who there (some are obvious, but there's some I can't recognize)? Because I want to use those designs as a basis when I continue the Librarian stories. (Also, do I count nine people there? Who's number nine?)

It's a bit of a shame that it won't be finished, and I would like to argue that the Librarians is about MotK, not Iji (I'll make that really clear in events of the next chapter), but meh. Don't want to get you into trouble with my selfishness.  ;)

Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Mind the gaping gap in my creativity~
Post by: Gappy on February 23, 2010, 11:07:49 AM
There's Ruro at the top holding Justicia, the flag, and a katana. On her left (from our perspective) is Yumemi Okazaki, on her right is Shikieiki Yamaxanadu. Right underneath her, on the left is Sakana, on the left is Roukanken. Immediately below Yumemi is Chaore (I've drawn Chaore's iji-design once). Beside her, from left to right, is Sen the Sage, Esifex and Tyltalis. I haven't drawn Copyright in yet.

This was the last piece I drew before the project was frozen XD
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Mind the gaping gap in my creativity~
Post by: Dead Princess Sakana on February 23, 2010, 11:09:49 AM
Ah, so that's two Touhou characters right there, wasn't too sure about that. Makes sense if it was planned as a birthday gift for Ruro ^^
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Mind the gaping gap in my creativity~
Post by: Gappy on February 23, 2010, 01:22:04 PM
Ah, so that's two Touhou characters right there, wasn't too sure about that. Makes sense if it was planned as a birthday gift for Ruro ^^

Well, Yumemi wasn't obvious, but I was hoping Shiki would be ^^;;
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Mind the gaping gap in my creativity~
Post by: Dead Princess Sakana on February 23, 2010, 01:33:51 PM
Well, Yumemi wasn't obvious, but I was hoping Shiki would be ^^;;
Shiki is obvious, I just wasn't even expecting Touhou-characters there, so I had to ask >_<
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Mind the gaping gap in my creativity~
Post by: Gappy on February 23, 2010, 01:42:26 PM
Oh, I forgot to mention, this was supposed to be a pic of Ruro leading some sort of gargantuan army to some epic battle. The background was supposed to feature ground and air legions stretching far back into the distance, 300 style. I wasn't sure what battle though ^^;;

Some sort of patchcon-ish battle, maybe?
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Mind the gaping gap in my creativity~
Post by: ♛ Apher-Forte on February 24, 2010, 06:18:30 AM
Oh Gappy imouto... I didn't say I was stopping because Letty, but I did stop because after Byakuren's drawing I am tired of drawing somehow.

I needed a break.
I hope you will continue to draw ne? Don't mind the staff, I am sure because it was clarified to me they didn't mean anything to say 'please stop drawing we don't like it' okay?

Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Mind the gaping gap in my creativity~
Post by: Gappy on February 24, 2010, 11:13:34 AM
Oh, sorry for assuming, Neesama ^^;;

And no worries, Neesama, I will definitely continue drawing ^^

Just not ijiyatsu or anything that might be confused with being ijiyatsu ^^;; I've decided I won't touch it again except for the occasional exceptional circumstance. I've had enough of all the mean words XD
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Mind the gaping gap in my creativity~
Post by: ♛ Apher-Forte on February 25, 2010, 02:46:32 PM
Well, I didn't think it was mean at all directed especially at you.

the reason being it applies to all of us. We did somehow, at least at a very basic stage changed the course of the entire project and well, it wasn't all that pretty if you know what I mean.

Nonetheless, however you feel like it, do PM me and we can talk about this and that etc etc.
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Project Touhou Myoushugatari
Post by: Gappy on February 27, 2010, 06:11:19 PM

We're back! And now with a whole new venture! 東方 妙手語 - Touhou Myoushugatari - Mysterious Tales of Masters of Strange and Dark Destiny - A Gensokyo Online Project. Yes, for those of you who have heard of Project GO last year, the development is coming to fruition with our finished product - Touhou Myoushugatari, which will be entering beta testing phase soon. For those of you who haven't heard...please wait warmly, a whole new adventure is now preparing~

In anticipation of the new project, I'm resuming the original character design request service. Yes, it'll essentially be just like before...just for a completely different project. I've already received 4 requests for this so there'll be a bit of a queue, so please be patient ^^

Notes on artwork:
While they were originally intended to supplement project Ijiyatsu, due to certain misunderstandings with the development team and new terms that have come into force, the character designs and art posted above are no longer part of project Ijiyatsu. For all intents and purposes, we are in no way affiliated with the Ijiyatsu project.

They are now solely intended for 東方 妙手語 - Touhou Myoushugatari - Mysterious Tales of Masters of Strange and Dark Destiny, a Gensokyo Online Project. The details of the project will be made public soon.
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Project Touhou Myoushugatari
Post by: Dead Princess Sakana on February 27, 2010, 06:14:04 PM
Heh, nice to see you found a solution. \(^_^)/
In that case, might I kindly request that Librarian picture again?
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Project Touhou Myoushugatari
Post by: Moerin on February 27, 2010, 06:23:13 PM
Mmmm, well I have to say that this is an acceptable compromise in my eyes~  Glad to see you're giving this another go.  It's been a rather... Disheartening few weeks, to be honest, but it's great that you haven't given up on your art.  Really, this idea makes me worry about you a little less, so it's all good~

Um... Ahah, you know I'm terrible at making requests, but, um... I mean, you've already drawn me before, so I'd understand if you prioritized others over me, but, uh, if you could, uh, draw me, I'd much appreciate it.  Um, by that I mean me as you see me, not as my Ijiyatsu art portrays me.  I'd just like to see your interpretation, that's all~  You know how much I love your art and all, so, um, yeah... Ahah~
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Project Touhou Myoushugatari
Post by: Solais on February 27, 2010, 06:28:18 PM

I Cannot Wait!!I Cannot Wait!!I Cannot Wait!!I Cannot Wait!!I Cannot Wait!!I Cannot Wait!!
I Cannot Wait!!I Cannot Wait!!I Cannot Wait!!I Cannot Wait!!I Cannot Wait!!I Cannot Wait!!
I Cannot Wait!!I Cannot Wait!!I Cannot Wait!!I Cannot Wait!!I Cannot Wait!!I Cannot Wait!!
I Cannot Wait!!I Cannot Wait!!I Cannot Wait!!I Cannot Wait!!I Cannot Wait!!I Cannot Wait!!
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Project Touhou Myoushugatari
Post by: Bias Bus on February 27, 2010, 08:31:45 PM
So you finally brought it out, huh gap hag. Either way, I'll be waiting to see where this goes and jump in on it when things really start cooking.
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Project Touhou Myoushugatari
Post by: Cadmas on February 27, 2010, 08:34:59 PM
An interesting turn of events. I'm not sure how to feel about this, but it is not one of low minding.
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Project Touhou Myoushugatari
Post by: Spidere on February 27, 2010, 09:53:59 PM
This sounds awesome. Even if I likely won't have anything to do with it.
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Project Touhou Myoushugatari
Post by: The ⑨th Zentillion on February 28, 2010, 02:09:06 AM
Good to see a solution was found. :D An online RPG, huh... sounds very interesting.
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Project Touhou Myoushugatari
Post by: Gpop on February 28, 2010, 02:16:41 AM
So then you'll finish that drawing of Gpop?
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Project Touhou Myoushugatari
Post by: Matsuri on February 28, 2010, 02:56:58 AM
So this way, you can carry on with your MotK-Touhou character art/bios/stories? That's great! :)
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Project Touhou Myoushugatari
Post by: UncertainJakutten on February 28, 2010, 03:44:28 AM
This solution seems quite good Gappy. Still on for my request of a drawing? And do you need any information from me to fill in for you?

EDIT: Derp. I somehow missed the entry on the first page. I'm silly :S.
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Project Touhou Myoushugatari
Post by: Valentinya on February 28, 2010, 06:13:10 AM
That really is a pretty nice solution. I'm definitely glad to see you're feeling better now! ^_^
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Project Touhou Myoushugatari
Post by: Gappy on March 01, 2010, 10:02:18 PM
Thanks for all the encouragement everyone~ ^^ I appreciate it!

And I actually managed to get myself to draw again! Wheee~!

( (

Solais' cute little imouto~

She doesn't quite look it, but she's a powerful vampire shinsou, one of the original vampires.

I'll write up a proper backstory later, I guess. Beddy-bye time for now~
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Project Touhou Myoushugatari
Post by: Alfred F. Jones on March 01, 2010, 10:08:18 PM
Your talent for drawing complex clothing designs. Give it to me.

I wish I could be that creative :(
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Project Touhou Myoushugatari
Post by: OkashiiKisei on March 01, 2010, 10:59:27 PM
Granted, now you- oh wait wrong thread.

But oh sweet miss Gappy, may I please ask how I can request something from you? It wasn't answered completely last time, and said question and answers were deleted by a mysterious force...

(Sorry if i sound like a noob, but I truly don't know where to find out :( There's no 'request FAQ' on MotK)
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Project Touhou Myoushugatari
Post by: Solais on March 01, 2010, 11:10:09 PM
She actually has a proper name, what even fits her design, coincidentally, but I'll settle with Solais' Sister now, because that's so Kyon-ish. :V

Also I don't know how should I show my thanks.
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Project Touhou Myoushugatari
Post by: Moerin on March 01, 2010, 11:21:09 PM
I know I said it on IRC, but I'm going to say it again... I'm really glad you've gotten back to drawing, Gappy.  It makes me worry about you a little less than I've been doing so ('course, I still worry about you, but that's what friends are for I guess~).

And again with the reiterating of IRC comments... Uwaaah, she looks so very, very adorabubble, Gappy-chan~  And like Ruro said, the clothes you draw are always so intricate and beautiful.  But yes, again, it's great to see you're still doing this.  Keep at it, Gappy!  I really look forward to seeing what you'll come up with next, as I'm sure it'll be just as good, if not better~!
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Project Touhou Myoushugatari
Post by: Gpop on March 01, 2010, 11:21:48 PM
Gappy makes the cutest art.

I love you for this Gap <3
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Project Touhou Myoushugatari
Post by: ♛ Apher-Forte on March 03, 2010, 06:48:51 AM
Oh oh, did I actually revived your DESIRE?

great complex clothes design as usual, I am trying to mimic you.
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Project Touhou Myoushugatari
Post by: Suikama on March 03, 2010, 03:29:21 PM
Oh oh, did I actually revived your DESIRE?
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Project Touhou Myoushugatari
Post by: Gappy on March 03, 2010, 10:02:00 PM
Product of today's train ride ^^;;

( (

Name: Valentia
Nickname: ?
Title: The Loving Heart That Roars with Courage
Gender: Female
Species: Embodiment/Anthromorphic Personification/Thingy
Power: Manipulation of Courage
Role: Embodiment of Courage, Bravery, and Fortitude
Artefact: Courageous Heart
Occupation: ?
Home: ?
Where she can be found: ?

So why bravery? Mostly because Valentia = Latin for 'Courage'. And why hearts? Well, because since the dawn of mankind bravery and strength (as well as love, interestingly) have been closely associated with the heart.

Your talent for drawing complex clothing designs. Give it to me.

I wish I could be that creative :(

You want my insanity...?!

/me infects Ruro with insanity

Creativity isn't really the issue. All you have to do is come up with a theme and then just work around said theme. In this case, hearts. In the case of Solais no imouto - crosses. Dragoshi - clovers. Serpentarius - snaky armour. Rabbit - diamonds. Solais - miko. etc.

Anyhow, thanks Ruro, for the comment, and for all the help ^^ And sorry for troubling you over all the trivialties, I'll make it up to you one day!

But oh sweet miss Gappy, may I please ask how I can request something from you? It wasn't answered completely last time, and said question and answers were deleted by a mysterious force...

You post here and ask, nothing complicated ^^

Just please be patient though, this request service is strangely popular for some odd reason that I can't comprehend, so there's always a queue XD

She actually has a proper name, what even fits her design, coincidentally, but I'll settle with Solais' Sister now, because that's so Kyon-ish. :V

Also I don't know how should I show my thanks.

Just tell her what I told you to tell her yesterday ^^ That's thanks enough.

And she's Solais-no-imouto for now? XD

I know I said it on IRC, but I'm going to say it again... I'm really glad you've gotten back to drawing, Gappy.  It makes me worry about you a little less than I've been doing so ('course, I still worry about you, but that's what friends are for I guess~). waste your time worrying about silly things, dear Moerin ^^;;; Seriously, Gappy's not worth worrying about XD But sorry for worrying you all the same ^^;;

/me bows in apology.

I'll make it up to you someday! Promise!

Gappy makes the cutest art.

I love you for this Gap <3

I love you too, Koipop ^^

Oh oh, did I actually revived your DESIRE?

great complex clothes design as usual, I am trying to mimic you.

You did, along with everyone else ^^ Everyone was very supportive and for that I'm truly grateful.

/me bows in gratitude

D-don't mimic me, people would kill me if they found that my influence ruined the great AF's art style XD in all seriousness, your art style is unique and beautiful and it should truly remain your own. No need to copy mine which only has complicated designs to make up for the lack of quality XD


Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Project Touhou Myoushugatari
Post by: Suikama on March 03, 2010, 10:04:34 PM
DRR... DRR...
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Project Touhou Myoushugatari
Post by: Bias Bus on March 03, 2010, 10:12:13 PM
Yet another thingy huh, you're makin us not unique you gap hag!

Exellent work, nonetheless. You really are my antithesis aren't you? Yes you are!
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Project Touhou Myoushugatari
Post by: Gappy on March 03, 2010, 10:30:07 PM
Yet another thingy huh, you're makin us not unique you gap hag!

Exellent work, nonetheless. You really are my antithesis aren't you? Yes you are!

Well, there are 7 great virtues and 7 deadly sins. I intend to make anthromorphic personifications of each XD

Well, so far, that makes 4 Embodiments ^^
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Project Touhou Myoushugatari
Post by: Gpop on March 03, 2010, 10:37:38 PM
Funny, I always Valentia to be the shy type. The Manipulation of Courage is just fitting :V
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Project Touhou Myoushugatari
Post by: Gappy on March 03, 2010, 10:55:14 PM
Funny, I always Valentia to be the shy type. The Manipulation of Courage is just fitting :V

Would be interesting if the character was rather timid and shy...only to become really fierce when those she treasures are in trouble!
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Project Touhou Myoushugatari
Post by: Chaore on March 03, 2010, 11:18:52 PM
Queen of hearts? Does her hand ro-

/me is gunned the hell down.
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Project Touhou Myoushugatari
Post by: Spidere on March 03, 2010, 11:25:03 PM
Queen of hearts? Does her hand ro-

/me is gunned the hell down.



"Thundr is shot"
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Project Touhou Myoushugatari
Post by: OkashiiKisei on March 03, 2010, 11:57:15 PM
Queen of hearts? Does her hand ro-

/me is gunned the hell down.

Her hand does what? I couldn't hear what he sai- *guns are aimed at Okashii*
...Never mind, it probably wasn't important... Please don't shoot...
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Project Touhou Myoushugatari
Post by: Valentinya on March 04, 2010, 12:47:45 AM
Product of today's train ride ^^;;

( (

I love it!!! :* Thank you so much! This was such an awesome surprise to wake up to. ^_^

Funny, I always Valentia to be the shy type. The Manipulation of Courage is just fitting :V
Would be interesting if the character was rather timid and shy...only to become really fierce when those she treasures are in trouble!

Also, it really is incredibly ironic. ^^; Especially considering I'm like the least courageous person ever. :ohdear:

Although... I think maybe you've "hit the nail on the head". Especially with how fired up I got when you were down last week... :blush:
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Project Touhou Myoushugatari
Post by: Solais on March 04, 2010, 10:38:29 AM
/me reloads gun.
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Project Touhou Myoushugatari
Post by: Gappy on March 04, 2010, 11:10:15 AM
So, now I'm in need of colour scheme ideas for both Solais-no-imouto and Valentia. Any ideas?
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Project Touhou Myoushugatari
Post by: Solais on March 04, 2010, 01:01:04 PM
Red eyes are given, as black hair too, but my sister likes the colors of deep purple (not the band, the color :V), deep blue, "poison green" and black. She also like the colors of gold and silver.
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Project Touhou Myoushugatari
Post by: Dorian White on March 04, 2010, 07:14:02 PM
Well, there are 7 great virtues and 7 deadly sins. I intend to make anthromorphic personifications of each XD

Well, so far, that makes 4 Embodiments ^^
An interesting idea you have there, do you have some specific people in mind for this?
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Project Touhou Myoushugatari
Post by: Valentinya on March 04, 2010, 07:24:10 PM
So, now I'm in need of colour scheme ideas for both Solais-no-imouto and Valentia. Any ideas?

Hmm... Well I can't really think of too much, but I would prefer my hair color to be red. :)

Also, I'm not sure if this will be of much help but in heraldry, red is used to indicate courage.
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Project Touhou Myoushugatari
Post by: ♛ Apher-Forte on March 10, 2010, 09:01:16 AM
I was sorta certain there were 6 great virtues.
but whatever.

nice work as usual imouto!
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Project Touhou Myoushugatari
Post by: Moerin on March 10, 2010, 04:04:08 PM
I was sorta certain there were 6 great virtues.

Nope, seven~ (  Because there is an opposite number to each of the sins.  A lot of people seem to overlook the virtues, though.  Maybe they find the sins more interesting or something?

...Oh wow, there's a few there that I don't really fit into... That can't be good...
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Project Touhou Myoushugatari
Post by: OkashiiKisei on March 17, 2010, 07:34:33 PM
Say, is this thread still alive? Well, just to be on the safe side....

"Holy Light, bring back this soul from purgatory. Resurrection!!"

*thread rez*

Anyway, dear miss Gappy, I have finally come to make my request. However, this request is not for me or my own character, but rather for my dear friend Thundr. You see, he would also like a Touhou character for himself (a "Touhousona", as I call them. No, they don't magically appear by shooting yourself in the head, unfortunately), but he's a bit too shy to request for it. He's become especially reluctant after your ourburst from a while ago, with the whole Mint/Letty rage thing. I however understand from a few recent posts that you still take requests for characters.
I want to help Thundr and get him a Touhousona to make him happy (and so my own Touhousona doesn't get ronery). So, Gappy-Sama, would you draw a Touhou character for Thundr, pretty please? You would do him a wonderful favor :)
Here's a short description of his character, based on his Iji-bio. I hope it's enough info to base a design on.

Name: Thundr
Race: Youkai
Ability: Manipulation of Sun
Location: An unknown garden
Relationships: Keeps to herself alot (but has recently become good friends with HakureiSM and Okashii <3 )
Description: "A sleepy, yet charismatic, youkai."

"Will often pop and make fun of someone or try to act sophisticated, then run to her secret gardenand hope no one followed her. She desires friendship, but is much too timid around others. Anyone who stumbles upon her garden unknown is met up with a fight. If she wins, she'll offer tea and medical atention."

"Manipulation of sun sounds very powerful, but it's really just the control of heat and light. Although this does allow her to blind others."

In short, his character shares similiarities with Yuuka, and loves flowers. Thundr himself also loves medical stuff, so you could do something with that too. I hope you'll do him (and me) a pleasure and take the time to make his character. He'd defiantly appreciate it, and I can't wait to see his surprised reaction :*
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Project Touhou Myoushugatari
Post by: Spidere on March 17, 2010, 09:55:20 PM
He'd defiantly appreciate it, and I can't wait to see his surprised reaction :*

Err....Okashii...Why did you do this? Now I'm embarrassed again....But I do appreciate you coming out like this....
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Project Touhou Myoushugatari
Post by: OkashiiKisei on March 17, 2010, 10:03:45 PM
Err....Okashii...Why did you do this? Now I'm embarrassed again....But I do appreciate you coming out like this....

Well, since you wanted a Touhousona (and I got one from sheer dumb luck) I tried to surprise you with a 'present' and help you out :* Since you were to shy to ask yourself, I figured maybe I should ask in your stead :D

....though I did question myself if I should've told you before hand or not. If I did, there'd be no more surprise, but if I didn't you might get mad at me.... in the end I thought the 'not telling you' option would be best in the long run, since you might have rejected the idea, giving zero chance of the creation of a Thundr Touhou (...okay, not completely 0%. Slaves might pop in and make one for you anyway...)

But in short I did it with the best intentions.
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Project Touhou Myoushugatari
Post by: Solais on March 18, 2010, 06:24:00 AM
Of course, y'all have to wait for a while, as Gappy has been abducted by her college. The search party is on their way, so we hope she'll be back soon.
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Project Touhou Myoushugatari
Post by: Gappy on March 18, 2010, 10:44:13 AM
Of course, y'all have to wait for a while, as Gappy has been abducted by her college. The search party is on their way, so we hope she'll be back soon.


Unfortunately, this. I'll be happy to fulfill the soon as I'm done with work aaaaand I get the other requests out of the way. XD

Sorry for the inconvenience ^^

Though your request seems interesting and since I do this on a first-interest-first-serve basis, you might just skip the queue...maybe. Work a little on the character relationships and I might draw both your characters together.

Btw, it wasn't 'rage' XD Just plain disappointment ^^;; But let's not discuss it. As far as we're concerned, everything in relation to that never happened.
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Project Touhou Myoushugatari
Post by: Spidere on March 18, 2010, 01:39:11 PM
Sorry for the inconvenience ^^

This doesn't bother me that much, really. I understand you have workload bigger than the Eiffel tower.
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Project Touhou Myoushugatari
Post by: Gappy on April 06, 2010, 10:07:25 AM
Dear All,

My sincerest apologies to everyone whose requests I have not yet managed to fulfil. I know it's been a really long while since. If you're still interested in your request, please find me on #touhou-meido on Alternatively, you can ask most people on #touhou-meido and they can direct you to places where I can be reached. Unfortunately I will no longer be reachable here on MotK. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Project Touhou Myoushugatari
Post by: OkashiiKisei on April 06, 2010, 01:23:45 PM
Why do so many people start to leave? ;_;

First TSO, then GPop and now Gappy.

Is the end of MotK nearing?

EDIT: I don't understand why Gappy has to leave anyway...

*sigh* Well, I hope to see you again soon, Gappy. Best of wishes to you.
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Project Touhou Myoushugatari
Post by: ♛ Apher-Forte on April 06, 2010, 02:14:34 PM
Well, it won't be long before soon, now that I understand the graveness of the situation once was.

I will see you at you-know-where.
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Project Touhou Myoushugatari
Post by: Dead Princess Sakana on April 06, 2010, 02:21:43 PM
See you around, Gappy. Good luck with whatever you're doing next. ^^

~ Librarian Squad, Salute! ~
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Project Touhou Myoushugatari
Post by: Spidere on April 06, 2010, 05:07:32 PM
Well, best of luck to you Gappy~!

Geez, it seems like the vets are all leaving...Who's next, Moerin?
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Project Touhou Myoushugatari
Post by: Moerin on April 06, 2010, 05:12:46 PM
Geez, it seems like the vets are all leaving...Who's next, Moerin?

Hey, you're not getting rid of me that easily!

And yeah... I suppose in the end the decision was up to you, Gappy.  If you really think this is for the best, then I'll stand by your decision.  Well, at least you'll still be on IRC, so it's not like we'll lose touch or anything, ahah~

Oh well, I doubt you'll see this anyway, so... Yeah.
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Project Touhou Myoushugatari
Post by: Paul Debrion on April 06, 2010, 05:16:31 PM
See you around Gappy.

Best of luck in your future endeavours.
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Project Touhou Myoushugatari
Post by: Autumn on April 07, 2010, 05:02:09 AM
It is such a melancholy that many seems to be leaving... It was nice knowing you Gappy, I hope to see you soon.

Best wishes to you, my friend~
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Project Touhou Myoushugatari
Post by: Gappy on April 08, 2010, 09:05:52 AM
Y'know what? After one thing and another, turns out I'll be around for a while longer. A few things happened, let's leave it at that. And while your new AAA mod will be Formless God, I'll be around to manage things in a slightly different capacity.

So once again, please take good care of me~ I look forwards to working with you all from here on out ^^

Sorry for that last message. Consider it never happened XD
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Project Touhou Myoushugatari
Post by: Dead Princess Sakana on April 08, 2010, 09:22:45 AM
So once again, please take good care of me~ I look forwards to working with you all from here on out ^^

Sorry for that last message. Consider it never happened XD
Well then, how about you atone for making us worry and finally finish that Ruro birthday pic? :P
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Project Touhou Myoushugatari
Post by: Solais on April 08, 2010, 01:03:36 PM
I'm glad everything sorted out. It's a shame I couldn't help like the last time, but it's nice to see you here again, GAPPY.

Umm... what I was trying to do? Oh Yes!

/me takes Gappy home~

Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Project Touhou Myoushugatari
Post by: Suikama on April 08, 2010, 01:04:48 PM
 :* :* :*
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Project Touhou Myoushugatari
Post by: OkashiiKisei on April 08, 2010, 01:09:59 PM
I had a 'welcome back' cake for you but Yuyuko ate it :ohdear:

But nevertheless WELCOME BACK!!!! :*
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Project Touhou Myoushugatari
Post by: Moerin on April 08, 2010, 03:23:59 PM

Already knew.  But yes, this is a very good thing indeed~  I really am glad you decided to rethink this, Gappy.

Oh, also...

/me chains up Solais and throws him down a well~

Enjoy the climb back up~! ^_^
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Project Touhou Myoushugatari
Post by: Spidere on April 08, 2010, 05:43:06 PM
/me chains up Solais and throws him down a well~

y u do dis

Welcome back Gappy! It's good to see you around here again! Even if it may only be temporary!

*Thundr cries a manly tear*
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Project Touhou Myoushugatari
Post by: Cadmas on April 08, 2010, 05:47:23 PM
So once again, please take good care of me~

Don't worry Gap. I won't break you too much. :P
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Project Touhou Myoushugatari
Post by: Gappy on December 25, 2010, 10:45:15 PM
Merry Christmas~

Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Project Touhou Myoushugatari
Post by: Dead Princess Sakana on December 25, 2010, 11:06:11 PM
Necrobump! Repo-*run over by kittens*

That's really cute~
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Project Touhou Myoushugatari
Post by: Infy♫ on December 25, 2010, 11:08:28 PM
thanks, you too~
i love the intense colors!
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Project Touhou Myoushugatari
Post by: HakureiSM on December 25, 2010, 11:11:30 PM
Oh man Gappy that's the most necroest bump ever

Hope you keep on drawing, always loved your stuff~
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Project Touhou Myoushugatari
Post by: Solais on December 26, 2010, 12:30:59 PM
Oh man Gappy that's the most necroest bump ever

Hope you keep on drawing, always loved your stuff~

What this fakemiko said.
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Project Touhou Myoushugatari
Post by: Gappy on March 26, 2011, 02:19:26 AM
More thread necromancy!

( (

Name: Iced(?)
Title : A Certain Iced Fairy (?)
Gender: Female
Species: Ice Fairy (Though some suspect she's not quite telling the truth in order to protect her actual life source...)
Power: Strangely, books, thus the suspicion regarding her species.
Role: Librarian

Artefact: (?)
Occupation: Librarian
Home: (?)

Where she can be found: The Great Library

( (

Name: Sakana
Title : The Fishy Girl Drowned in Books
Gender: Female
Species: Half-Tuna Youkai
Power: Manipulation of....errr....tunas?
Role: Librarian

Artefact: Tuna-Whacker
Occupation: Librarian, Oniichan
Home: Library? She certainly seems like she lives there.

Where she can be found: The Great Library

Ruro (Boss)
Chaore (Fellow Slave)
Esifex (Fellow Slave)
Roukanken (Fellow Slave)
Gappy (Imouto, Imoutoball, Pain in the Butt)
Valentia (Kitten, Pet, Constant Worry)
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Mind the gaping gap in my creativity~
Post by: HakureiSM on March 26, 2011, 02:25:39 AM

And then you suddenly bring a Sakana that makes me wish she was my little sister
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Mind the gaping gap in my creativity~
Post by: Dragoshi on March 26, 2011, 02:27:05 AM
> Zombie Falcor Gappy: Rise from grave.

But no seriously. glad to see you postin' more art. :VV

also that tuna looks quite huggable. :Vc
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Mind the gaping gap in my creativity~
Post by: Iced Fairy on March 26, 2011, 02:39:52 AM
I'll say it again, I love this Iced, and your Sakana is too cute.  You have a good mind for design.

(Oh and my artifact would totally be Mr Bubbles, the rubber ducky. :3)
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Mind the gaping gap in my creativity~
Post by: wooterz on March 26, 2011, 06:46:37 AM
Gappy is back~! I am happy~
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Mind the gaping gap in my creativity~
Post by: Dead Princess Sakana on March 26, 2011, 07:01:13 AM
Haha, nice work, Gappy. And that is a very cute Iced there~

Also loving Sakana's description  :V
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Mind the gaping gap in my creativity~
Post by: Zengar Zombolt on March 26, 2011, 11:48:07 AM
Gappy you need to kick reason to the curb and appear more often. That being said, I love your drawings. And your imagination too!
Constant Worry
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Mind the gaping gap in my creativity~
Post by: flamezero16 on March 26, 2011, 02:21:22 PM
Nice pictures boss, and long time no see~
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Mind the gaping gap in my creativit
Post by: Dorian White on March 26, 2011, 03:27:12 PM
Those pictures of Iced and Sakana are just ? Formidable!
Now I know why I spend so much time in the Library philandering with her.^^
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Mind the gaping gap in my creativity~
Post by: Gappy on March 26, 2011, 03:50:51 PM
And then you suddenly bring a Sakana that makes me wish she was my little sister

also that tuna looks quite huggable. :Vc

These comments gave me an idea. Sister Princess, MotK Edition.



That was how I was going to die.

?Dude, why?d you have to stab him?!?

?H-Hey, the idiot just ran at me, kay?! I-I didn?t do it!?

?Jesus! We gotta leg it before the cops come! Just drop the girl!?

The voices died away with the rapidly diminishing footsteps. Puddles splashing and overturning dustbins and boxes marked their departure from the dark alleyway.

They left the idiot behind. Yes, that?s me. Well, soon-to-be-ex-idiot, anyway. You see, they also left this huge gaping gash in me. I suppose one must conform to the clich?, even as they?re dying. A tentative glance at my blood-stained hand confirmed my doom. Yep, that?s my blood, thick, red, and outside my body where it belongs. I drop my head back into the dirty slush of the alleyway, letting out a long stream of puffy steam into the cold, snowy air as I sigh.

My life?s going to flash before my eyes right about now, right? Great, just what I needed in my hour of doom ? a montage of this failure of a life. Please, please, can we skip me failing the entrance exam two years in a row? Can we please skip my father telling me I?m worthless with his dying breath? Can we please, please skip the fact that I?ve been single for the past 20 years of my life?

Nope, apparently not, especially not the fact that I?m about to die a 20 year-old virgin.

Except my dramatic flashback is rather rudely interrupted right around the point where I am watching myself being hung upside down by the bullies in the playground with my lunch money emptying out of my pockets. What? What is it? Can?t I at least watch my final flashbacks in peace?

?Oniichan! You can?t die!? A pair of hands shook me frantically. If anything, that was going to hasten my blood loss and my untimely and tragic demise, but, okay, you have my attention. I slowly, weakly turn my head around to look up at the source of the fearful voice, a panic-stricken, tearful face.

Oh yeah?the girl?I guess she?s safe? She?s cute, under all the rather unkempt bluish, grayish white hair and the rather sodden and dirty clothes. Pity she?s too young to be in my strike range. Like, at least 10 years too young. Oh well, better than staring at the leaky drain pipe above me in my final hour. Pity this girl was leakier by far. Her tears, warm and soft, dripped onto my numb, frozen face. Please, stop that. That tickles.

?Oniichan?.no?you can?t die! You musn?t die!? She cried, her lips trembling, tears streaming down her face. Oh yeah? Let?s see you stop me! ?You?re not dying again! Not this time!? Oh really? Well, I can die again! I can die all I want! Finally I?m going to do something I really want to and nobody?s going to sto-?wait, ?again?? What? How can someone die twi-?

?never mind?.nothing matters?.anymore?.

?well?maybe one thing?does?

I gently reach out to her, ?You?re?cute?you know?You should?take?better care of?yourself?? Her tears were warm as I wipe them away. They were the only warm things here in this hell. Perhaps?this is fine?maybe?my life?wasn?t?so?worth?le-?


?Wait?is that a fish floating in the air?

?a tuna, to be exact, Scombridiae thunnus?

Since when have angels of death been tun-?AHUGH!


Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Mind the gaping gap in my creativity~
Post by: Dead Princess Sakana on March 26, 2011, 03:56:29 PM
Pffffahahahaha. Nice one  :3
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Mind the gaping gap in my creativity~
Post by: Dragoshi on March 26, 2011, 04:01:15 PM
Ahahahahaa!! Yes. That bit near the end was absolutely wonderful!
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Mind the gaping gap in my creativity~
Post by: HakureiSM on March 27, 2011, 03:34:06 AM
Ahahahaha dear lord that was nice

So, will you stick around for more than a couple of posts every couple of months this time? :3
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Mind the gaping gap in my creativity~
Post by: Gappy on March 27, 2011, 10:22:05 AM
Basically, medical school owns my life now. But I'll try to be around more. I'm also on the librarian channel often. :P

More of the same.

I woke up. Maybe in hell. And it was STILL leaking. Capricorn ? Unlucky, beware of pointy objects, tunas, leaks and cardboard boxes. Fortune lies with your sister today. Pointy objects, check. Tunas, check. Leaks, check. Great, I don?t have a sister, so that leaves the cardboard box. Okay, diabolical box from hell, bring it on!

I slowly open my eyes and?.yeah, I see the box. It appears I?m lying in it. Great, it?s eaten me, so I don?t have to worry about avoiding it anymore. I also find the source of the leak. The bit of the box I was staring at, straight above me, was wet. Leakiness and cardboard box, the ultimate gattai of misfortune.

?Hey, you?re awake, Onii-?oh, I?m sorry, you?re not my Oniichan.? There was rather sad chuckle. ?I?m sorry it?s so cramped. There really isn?t much space, but please make yourself at home!? The voice offered, cheerfully.

This is a joke, right? Home? This leaky cardboard box? This only happens in really sappy tragicomedy manga and anime, right? Has the real estate depression hit hell as well? What happened to quality brimstone? And you, don?t apologize so cheerfully! That?s just sad, too sad.

I slowly try to prop myself up on my elbows with as little movement as I can manage, in case the slightest touch might cause this travesty of a home to implode on itself. It looks like it?s about to manage just that without my help anyway.

I find the girl, kneeling at the far end of the cardboard box, by the opening, almost out in the rain for want of space, watching me with deep concern. Girl, seeing how you live, I think that concern is misplaced. I look at her properly for the first time. Exercising but a fraction of my mind?s great mental prowess, I deducted that she must be from foreign parts, where wearing swirly caps, long flowing robes, light-bluish grayish white hair and living in cardboard boxes could be considered a norm. Wow, gaijins these days sure are something.

Tunas too.

Wait, tuna?

It IS! It?s that Scombridiae thunnus angel of death from earlier! And it?s really flying! So I really am dead?!

?Oh, don?t worry, this is just my?tuna half?? Hey, kid, if you don?t know, how should I know? Also, what?s a tuna-half? ?It?s me, a part of me, but in a separate tuna body? Sort of?? Kid, why do you keep on asking me? How should I know how you strange foreign people work? I reach out slowly, and, out of curiosity, poked the tuna in where a tuna?s ribs should be.

?Hyaaah!? The girl fell over, giggling wildly, clutching her sides, as I poked the shuddering tuna now flying sideways in midair. ?Please heeheehee stop nyahahaha thaaat! Ahaha, teehee, nyahahaha!? Wow, she has 3 different laughs in one. Poke. ?Heeee!? Poke. ?Funyahahahaha? Poke. ?Munyaaaaa!?

A few, fun, satisfying moments later, I finally retracted my finger short of asphyxiating the girl, leaving her clutching her tummy, a quivering teary gasping sprawl on the floor of the box.

I look down at my belly, expecting to see a huge bleeding gash?and find naught but smooth skin underneath my torn, blood-soaked clothes. I?m no doctor, but I know stab wounds don?t just up and leave without a good stab at killing you (Haha, look, I made a pun). Where?d it go? Not even a cool battle scar to show off? I feel cheated, for some strange reason.

?I did my best to heal it.? The girl said, wiping away a few tears of laughter, breathing deeply as she recovered. Wait, heal it? ?Yes, you know, like shooooom and whoaaaaah and whooooosh.? She said, elaborating with waves of her hands. Kid, define shoom, whoah and whoosh, and we?ll go sell it to the nearest big pharma and split the profit 80-20.

Well, whatever. Obviously people do things different in foreign parts, with loli doctors who go shoom, whoah and whoosh. Probably why most people go overseas for healthcare.

There was a low rumble. For a moment I thought it was the weather threatening to destroy this cardboa-?this girl?s home for good. Then I realized the girl was staring intently at something and, following her gaze, found that it was my tummy.

Hey, tummy, was that you?


Hey, long time no see. How are things down there? You?re looking thinner than the last time I spoke to you. Are you on a diet?


I see, you?re loosing plenty of weight. That?s good. Did you enjoy that last chili con carne with extra beans and hot sauce?


Heh, I know, right?


Hey, kid, what are you doing?

The girl paused with a rusty kitchen knife held in one hand, her tuna half held down to the ground in the other, her eyes screwed shut in an expression of extreme apprehension.

?Oh? I thought I?d serve you something to eat.? She said, with a smile. Kid, don?t smile about things like that. I can see that tuna trembling. Heck, I can see YOU trembling. Isn?t that tuna you? What is this? Foreigner self-cannibalism? ?Well, I don?t really have anything else?.? She says. ?I?m sorry?? DON?T APOLOGIZE FOR THINGS LIKE THAT WITH A SMILE LIKE THAT! THAT?S SO SAD I?M ABOUT TO SCREAM.

Right, right, back up. I take the knife from the girl?s unresisting, quivering hands, and put it away waaaaaay at the back of the box. ?I?m not hungry.? I tell her, pointedly.


?Not hungry.?

?Your tummy??

?It?s talkative on rainy days.?

?I never??

?I?m allergic to seafood.?

?So you are??

?No.? I said, with a finality that would have put landing breaks on a 747 to shame.

??.kid, where are your parents?? I sigh, finally breaking out the question.

She doesn?t answer as she stares out into the rainy sky. Yeah, thought it?d be something like that. ?Mama...was killed. I saw them kill her.? She says, her eyes unfocused, gazing out at nothing. ?Papa?.left.?

?Tch?? I had to resist looking away. ?Kid, I?m sorry, but??

?No, please, don?t be. I?m sorry.? She says, smiling that strong smile again.

Okay, that?s too sad. My sad-o-meter breaks. I scream.

?RAAAAAAAAH!? I roar, standing up and tearing out of the cardboard box like an angry caterpillar bursting out of the soggiest cocoon ever.

?Hyaaah!? She cries, falling over backwards onto a puddle. ?M-my house??

?Hey, kid?? I said, as I dropped my jacket on her head. ??from now on, I?ll be your house, you hear me?? I said, grasping her under her arms and pulling her up onto her feet. What the hell am I acting cool for? I don?t know?.but I guess after 20 years of being uncool, I had to receive some compensation. ?I?m not rich, but I?m going to take care of you.?

There was a silence, broken only by the pelting rain. She seemed to be trembling. Whatever tears she was shedding, they were lost in the rain.

?You have a name?? I ask, breaking the silence.

?Sakana! It?s Sakana!?

?Sakana-chan?if you want?you can call me ?Oniichan?.? I say, looking away. No way I can say something like that with a straight face. I fall into a slow but purposeful stride. ?Coming?? I ask, looking around.

??.H-Hai, Oniichan!? And she fell into stride alongside me, holding my jacket close with one hand, tentatively reaching out for mine with the other. I offer it, reassuringly, and she happily takes it in hers.

Fortune from your sister, huh? Well, I have a half-tuna sister now. I suppose that means 50% fortune, 50% misfortune?.but I don?t care, because she?s a 100% cute imouto-chan.

Omake note: Sakana gets taken hooooooooome. Omachikaeriiiii~
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Mind the gaping gap in my creativity~
Post by: HakureiSM on March 28, 2011, 05:00:01 AM
Omochikaeri, goddammit.

Thanks for the giggles :3

?No.? I said, with a finality that would have put landing breaks on a 747 to shame.
Best line ever.

Also once again I hope you manage to stick around longer.
Those med students. One moment they're there and them *boom* they vanish from existence.
Title: Re: [Art] Gappy's Pointlessly Artistic Gap - Mind the gaping gap in my creativity~
Post by: Gappy on March 28, 2011, 04:02:45 PM
Thanks.  :3

There should be 12 little sisters, so, the only question is - who should the next imouto be? :P