Maidens of the Kaleidoscope

~Hakurei Shrine~ => Rika and Nitori's Garage Experiments => Touhou Projects => Topic started by: Yamsman on March 24, 2015, 06:14:45 AM

Title: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: Yamsman on March 24, 2015, 06:14:45 AM
UPDATE: Data modification is now fully functional!

So yesterday I decided to poke around the encrypted data files of GST:Y v1.08 out of boredom to see if I could somehow get the key to the encryption, since it's long been a major obstacle in creating a translation for the game. I noticed a repeating pattern of 40 bytes and figured it had been XORed with 00s, so I ran it over the file and, sure enough, it turned out to be the key. I was able to identify headers and the filename/size data at the end of the file, but was not able to extract the files successfully; this turned out to be a problem with the program I was using, which removed some data causing the files to become corrupt.

To solve the problem, I wrote my own small and dirty program in C++ to do the decryption, the source code of which can be found in a link below. To use it, compile and run the program with the data file you want to process as the first argument. The decoded file is created in output.dat (it always overwrites since I didn't add any safeguard, so be careful.)

From what I gather, these are the contents of each data file:
data1.dat - Images: Logo images (still messy?)
data2-1.dat - Images: Portraits
data2-2.dat - Images: Portraits, battle sprites
data2-3.dat - Images: Portraits, battle sprites
data3.dat - Images: Backgrounds, effects
data4.dat - Dialogue/Scripts
data5.dat - Dialogue/Menus/Scripts
data6-1.dat - Audio: BGM
data6-2.dat - Audio: BGM
data6-3.dat - Audio: BGM
data7.dat - Images: Backgrounds
data8.dat - Images: Units, icons
data9.dat - Images: Backgrounds
data10.dat - Data files
data11.dat - Data files: Animations
data12.dat - Data files
data12.dat - Audio: SE

Now that the game accepts the modified files, hopefully the translation can begin.

Links to the tools and instructions on how to use them:
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: Lukesky180 on March 25, 2015, 01:35:08 AM
Amazing. This looks very helpful.
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: aUsernameIsFineToo on March 25, 2015, 02:39:56 AM
Wow. It's finally starting to happen. I'm guessing that since the key has been found, the only obstacle left is actually translating the strings. Re-encryption should be a trivial process now that you've found the key and algorithm.
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: Drake on March 25, 2015, 03:17:14 AM
Since all it seems to be is xoring, encryption is literally decryption.
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: BlitzBlast on March 25, 2015, 07:21:31 AM
First off, thanks a lot for doing this!

Second, I tested it out and data4.dat is actually battle dialogue (and a lot of it is gibberish for some reason) while data5.dat has everything else. More pertinently, though, when I tried re-encrypting the .dats and testing the .exe, it gave me a memory error and refused to load. Well okay, maybe a straight japanese-to-english replacement won't work. Except then I tried decrypting then, without changing anything, reencrypting and got the same problem. So that's bad!

If this problem is fixed I should be able to translate the entire game with the help of a few friends. Hope you can do it!
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: Roonerspism on March 25, 2015, 10:48:39 AM
I just played around encrypting and decrypting data5.dat and running an encryption/decryption loop turns most of it in to garbage data, with strings of correctly preserved characters mixed in. It also makes the file larger on both encryption and decryption.

I tried removing the actual encryption part of the program so it just reads data5.dat and writes its characters without doing anything in to output.dat. Even then the output file has 1500 random linebreaks added to it, although the data is otherwise exactly the same. GSW2 still rejects the new file and crashes though so I guess the whitespace is important.

So yeah, something's happening either at the character storing or writing step that's making files that aren't exactly the same.
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: Deranged on March 25, 2015, 12:21:12 PM

Yeaaah, to be honest, I actually found a way to extract the files awhile ago and actually translated a teensy bit( - see modified date). The problems I had was putting it back in, although the method I used seems different from yours (I made a hacked exe that read the files from the dats and dumped it into my pc instead of loading it into the game) but doing the reverse stymied me a bit. Then LoT2 happened, and then real life happened.

If you manage to find a way to convert the scripts into a format that's readable by the game, AND find a way to get the strings in the exe translated while still having the exe entirely workable, that'll be great. I'll also be glad to help on the translation effort now too since real life has let off a bit, whether it be translation checking or translating the whole thing or whatever - I still feel a bit unfulfilled from not following up from the first game. If not, I might try poking around with the methods I used a year ago, though I'm kinda rusty in that now...
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: brliron on March 25, 2015, 03:52:23 PM
I think Yamsman made his program on an unix computer. Windows handles end of lines differently and, by default, tries to support unix text files as well as windows text files. This leads to some end of lines conversion, which isn't wanted in our case.
To fix it, replace the line 30 by :
Code: [Select]
FILE * ofile = fopen("output.dat", "wb");
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: BlitzBlast on March 25, 2015, 07:48:38 PM
Changing that gets the game to accept the .dat files after a straight decryption/encryption loop, but the fact that spaces matter so much predictably also means that actually changing the original Japanese strings leads to the exact same memory issues. I guess it might work if the english text had exactly the same length as the japanese (in bytes, not word count), but that would lead to a clunky at best translation. I'd assume the problem at hand is in the .exe itself, which brings us all back to the original problem that stymied everyone for so long: it's fairly easy to decompile the .exe (it's just Game Maker), but recompiling is a whole nother story.

Just having access to a text dump is a huge boon though, even if this doesn't ultimately pan out. Once again, thanks!
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: Yamsman on March 25, 2015, 10:37:59 PM
I think Yamsman made his program on an unix computer. Windows handles end of lines differently and, by default, tries to support unix text files as well as windows text files. This leads to some end of lines conversion, which isn't wanted in our case.
I did write the program on Linux, and I was unaware that it would be different for Windows. Thank you for letting me know, I updated the code in the pastebin.

changing the original Japanese strings leads to the exact same memory issues. I guess it might work if the english text had exactly the same length as the japanese (in bytes, not word count), but that would lead to a clunky at best translation.
I should have included this information earlier, but the reason why it won't work is because there are 4 bytes before the start of each file's data that tells the length in bytes. When you change the size, those bytes must be modified as well to accomodate the change.

As of now, I'm working on a set of tools to unpack the files for modification and then repack them into a data file. Ideally it will make it possible to freely edit the files without having to worry about changing the size bytes. EDIT: The unpacking tool is complete, I've added the link to the OP.
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: Starxsword on March 29, 2015, 11:54:06 AM
Wow. This sounds like good news. Hopefully, a translation of this game can be done.
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: Yamsman on March 30, 2015, 11:43:32 PM
Well, I finished the repacking tool and added the link in the OP. Everything works perfectly if the files have not been modified, but even though the repacker changes the bytes that correspond to file size, the program will still refuse to run. At this point I have absolutely no idea what to do to make it accept the files; hopefully someone who has actual experience in creating translation patches can make something out of all this.
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: qazmlpok on March 31, 2015, 03:25:13 PM
Line 68 in repack: you include filename as a parameter to printf, but don't include %s in the format string.

Also, I highly recommend making functions to swap endians for 4 byte ints. It's a really common operation, so that will cut down on copying/pasting

I don't have the game so I can't run this to be certain, but I think I see the problem. If I'm not mistaken, you're reading in the fileoffsets during extraction and storing them into your info file. Then during repacking, you read in those same fileoffsets and reuse them. The problem is that if the filesizes change, so will the file offsets.

Finally, you should really comment your code better. Right now there's just comments on what the program is doing, but nothing on 'why'. Considering that this is a program to handle an archive file, there should at the very least be a comment describing the format of said archive file.

Here's an example from a game I decrypted:
Code: [Select]
//4 bytes "PACK"
//4 bytes file count

//Each file entry is
//x40 bytes Filename
//4 bytes unknown (Looks like a sorting key?)
//4 bytes CRC of compressed file
//4 bytes FileStart
//4 bytes FileSize

//Filestart is rounded up to the next 00 on creation; e.g. if the last file ended at x1027, the next file begins at x1100.
//Files may be (always are?) LZSS compressed.
//This is given by the "LZSS" header (on the file), followed by 4 bytes original size(?)

//Total of x50 bytes per entry.

This alone makes the code much easier to read for someone unfamiliar with it... including yourself, if you ever come back to look at this after 2 years.
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: Toushan on April 04, 2015, 06:33:09 PM
Hey guys,

I just wanted to offer my help in the translation effort if we can get repacking the files working.  I took a look at the files myself and played around with them, but I didn't figure out much.  The most I was able to do was change a few in-game attributes like Reimu's size.  I just wanted to tell you guys and anyone else working on the unpacking/repacking issue that we really appreciate your work, and based on the comments and what others have said before in these kinds of threads, I don't believe we'll have much problem with the actual translation if we get this working.  I think this is about the closest this translation has ever gotten to happening, and I hope someone will be able to figure out the problem soon.

Again, thank you for the work Yamsman and anyone else who took a crack at the problem!
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: testingwalker on April 09, 2015, 12:29:25 PM
I have talked to sando few years back he is creating all his gensou shoujo taisen series by using YoYo Game (game maker). I not sure this will help or not but if you have decrypted yoyogames before then this would be easier by knowing what kind of tool he is using to create his games.
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: Alcoraiden on April 14, 2015, 11:22:25 PM
Good lord, it's like everything I ever wanted from this is suddenly happening.

Does this tactic work with Ei too?
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: Yamsman on April 18, 2015, 09:57:32 PM
Alright, I have some really good news. I took a look at the executable to see how it functioned and it turns out that sections of data I previously disregarded are used to point to the position of the packed files in the archive. After adding in the functionality for these in the repacker, the game now accepts the modified files! The updated source code has been added to the pastebin in the OP.

Here's a screenshot using the translated lines that Deranged posted:

Finally, you should really comment your code better. Right now there's just comments on what the program is doing, but nothing on 'why'. Considering that this is a program to handle an archive file, there should at the very least be a comment describing the format of said archive file.
Yeah, sorry about that, I'm really lazy when it comes to comments since I never really publish code I write. I added more to the code, but I really should have put them in in the first place.

Does this tactic work with Ei too?
I haven't really looked at it, but from what I could tell it's not the same.
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: BlitzBlast on April 19, 2015, 12:14:02 AM
Great job! Guess it's time I start copying over everything I have so far.

Oh god now I have to worry about space limits.  :ohdear:
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: Deranged on April 19, 2015, 04:39:44 AM
Excellent work. Will there be any work on the executable portion though? I do recall important stuff like the spirit descriptions and values, name entries and some other images should be in there.

Great job! Guess it's time I start copying over everything I have so far.

Oh god now I have to worry about space limits.  :ohdear:

Do you have a complete translation already? Would you need any help on that front?

By the way, if it works anything like the first game, space limits isn't a huge problem. If you do overflow in a single line, you can split it up into two lines and create a new line. The game will accept it just fine. As an example:

Akyu0b:(The ... day of the ... month. It is clear again today. The fierce sunlight is slowly abating as Gensokyo prepares to welcome autumn.)

Can become:

Akyu0b:(The ... day of the ... month. It is clear again today.)

Akyu0b:(The fierce sunlight is slowly abating as Gensokyo prepares to welcome autumn.)

And in the game, what was originally one textbox will show as two different textboxes in sequence.

You can even change the 0b part to a different value to call a different face portrait if it fits the mood better.

Encylopedia entries also won't have the same problem since they have infinite space IIRC.
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: BlitzBlast on April 19, 2015, 05:25:34 AM
Yeah, I figured most of that stuff out already. Having more issue with getting the UI to cooperate.

I've been working on a FMW2 translation LP since last year, and recently two other people joined in. Translations aren't complete since we don't grab all the boss conversations or get all the alternate dialogue chains, but we've gotten all the main stuff. We're up to the 28s at the moment.
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: Deranged on April 19, 2015, 06:27:06 AM
All right, sounds like you have things covered. Good luck!
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: SuperVehicle-001 on April 19, 2015, 06:54:57 AM
@Deranged and @BlitzBlast: OK, now that a translation for GST02 is doable (and seems to be in the works right now), there's an issue that needs to be brought up. This one right here. (,11076.msg842277.html#msg842277) Apparently, the English patch for GST01 (the patch that Deranged made), has a bug that gives Flandre the wrong item for her fight - an Oni's Nail instead of an Oni's Fang. Isn't that something that should be solved first, since there's no way to get this item otherwise?
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: BlitzBlast on April 19, 2015, 07:03:32 AM
Just switch to the japanese .dats before you take on chapter 15.  :V

You get a second Oni's Fang pretty early on in FMW2, so it's really not much of an issue unless you really want 100%. You can even hack the number you have to 2, it wasn't until FMW3 that Sanbondo really started being stringent about that.

Also as far as UIs go, I've found that everything can be smoothly translated except the spirits. Presumably it's because they're handled in the .exe like Deranged said. I got the spirit names working once, but then it broke every other time so I dunno. It's kind of disappointing, but I guess it's good enough.
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: Nikkanoffun on April 19, 2015, 01:25:06 PM
Just switch to the japanese .dats before you take on chapter 15.  :V

I tried to do it. But, she does not equip the item.
Not that this is a problem, would be ... just unpleasant.

( (

Hmm, I realized what the problem ... anyway, it would be good to fix the patch, if possible.
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: Phasm on April 19, 2015, 08:35:11 PM
Alright, I have some really good news. I took a look at the executable to see how it functioned and it turns out that sections of data I previously disregarded are used to point to the position of the packed files in the archive. After adding in the functionality for these in the repacker, the game now accepts the modified files! The updated source code has been added to the pastebin in the OP.

Here's a screenshot using the translated lines that Deranged posted:
Yeah, sorry about that, I'm really lazy when it comes to comments since I never really publish code I write. I added more to the code, but I really should have put them in in the first place.
I haven't really looked at it, but from what I could tell it's not the same.

Sounds like good news! So a few of the games files have been already decrypted!  :V  :V  :V
I wish you guys good luck in translating the game!
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: BlitzBlast on April 20, 2015, 09:34:41 AM
So, uh, for some reason the modified data5.dat breaks the Unfocused/Focused properties on attacks and makes it so you can do them while in either. And while it's admittedly pretty hilarious to run around spamming Fantasy Seal and Master Spark, it's not really a good thing. I'm not entirely sure if it's an issue with the executables or a side effect of me unpacking on a mac and repacking on windows (because unpack.exe fails on Windows), but it's pretty weird.

I guess this is the Infinite Alert of this game?  :V
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: Deranged on April 20, 2015, 12:36:17 PM
@Deranged and @BlitzBlast: OK, now that a translation for GST02 is doable (and seems to be in the works right now), there's an issue that needs to be brought up. This one right here. (,11076.msg842277.html#msg842277) Apparently, the English patch for GST01 (the patch that Deranged made), has a bug that gives Flandre the wrong item for her fight - an Oni's Nail instead of an Oni's Fang. Isn't that something that should be solved first, since there's no way to get this item otherwise?

Unfortunately, I no longer have the tools that were used to make the patch (lost in a hdd crash), and I lost contact with the original maker of the tools. The fastest way to do so would be to restore the JP dats as BlitzBlast mentioned.

Though technically, if the tools in this topic work on FMWE as well, it should be easy enough to fix - get Flan's enemy data out from data4 english version, put the correct item in, and repack with all the same files otherwise. I don't even have the original game's dats around to test this, but if someone else could, that'd be great.

So, uh, for some reason the modified data5.dat breaks the Unfocused/Focused properties on attacks and makes it so you can do them while in either. And while it's admittedly pretty hilarious to run around spamming Fantasy Seal and Master Spark, it's not really a good thing. I'm not entirely sure if it's an issue with the executables or a side effect of me unpacking on a mac and repacking on windows (because unpack.exe fails on Windows), but it's pretty weird.

I guess this is the Infinite Alert of this game?  :V

Infinite Alert occured because of the way spirits were done in the exe. Their functions, SP costs, etc were all calculated using their display name instead of a internal variable name (unlike a lot of other variables). Thus, all instances of 閃き had to be replaced with "Alert" within the exe. Which would've been fine, except I put "Flash" for one instance subconsciously, and that instance was the one that calculated the SP cost of the spirit. End result: When using Alert, it couldn't find the string "Alert" in the list of spirits and their costs, so the game gave it to you for free.

I'm assuming something similar happened here where the weapon property may have been changed in the dat files but not in the exe, thus nullifying the weapon property entirely since it can't find a "Focused" string (or whatever it was translated to) in the exe. Though from what I recall, data5 was the story scripts and data4 was the battlequotes/unit data in FMWE... but that's my best guess either way.
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: BlitzBlast on April 25, 2015, 08:50:31 AM
Okay, the first version of the menu patch ( is complete. As far as I know, it translates everything pertinent to gameplay that was actually changeable without access to the .exe. In other words, no spirit names. It also didn't get anything in data4.dat (names, mostly), but we're working on that now. To use it, backup your old data5.dat and replace it.

As for the actual script, there are some kind people with lots of free time currently copy and pasting stuff in like their life depends on it. We'll probably try and get the main dialogue up first before getting to alternate stuff like boss convos or "the boss says something different if you timed out the spell instead" or "literally any other option besides Alice in 29M".
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: Soul Devour on April 25, 2015, 04:15:54 PM
I'd just like to say thank you so much for all the hard work everyone is putting for this. I'll be honest, I never thought real progress would ever get made on this game so it really is awesome to see it finally being translated.

You all rock!
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: Prime32 on April 26, 2015, 02:32:21 PM
As far as I know, it translates everything pertinent to gameplay that was actually changeable without access to the .exe. In other words, no spirit names.
While it's a crude way to do it, and you'd need to shorten them, would it be possible to change the spirit names by altering the font?
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: qazmlpok on April 26, 2015, 03:12:58 PM
Okay, the first version of the menu patch ( is complete. As far as I know, it translates everything pertinent to gameplay that was actually changeable without access to the .exe. In other words, no spirit names. It also didn't get anything in data4.dat (names, mostly), but we're working on that now. To use it, backup your old data5.dat and replace it.

If you post the exe I can try my tools. I can't guarantee it'll work; the game is still gamemaker, right? That might complicate things. But it's worth a try. I'll also need a spirit name so I have something to search through the output for to see if it worked.

Okay, I got the exe. My tool didn't pick up anything of worth. I can't do any more than that automatically.
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: Nook on May 01, 2015, 03:10:57 AM
Started playing through the game again to see how the menu patch works, and it seems to work pretty well. The massive truncation of pretty much every skill is a little jarring, but I guess that's an unfixable problem.

I'm finishing up the Kanako chapter and there are a couple things that are off: I'm guessing this is missing a newline

The Shimenawa/Sky God's Blessing description doesn't mention that it zeroes the MP cost of flight. I'm not sure if the JP description mentions this and I don't think it's a bug since iirc it functions the same way in Eternal. The cost of flight in general is pretty miniscule though so covering the focus cost in favor of it is understandable.

Looking forward to the full(est possible) translation, it's a shame about the .exe and Eternal's chances for translation.
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: Alcoraiden on May 07, 2015, 03:22:59 AM
Hey, we managed to get this one open. We might manage the others.
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: BlitzBlast on May 09, 2015, 08:11:16 AM
Yeah there are minor errors all over. I think we've caught most of the menu typos (the Team/Solo BGM select was switched, the description of Shikigami went off the screen, Youmu's last spell had the wrong effect listed, etc) in this version (, but without a bunch of people testing things out there's no way to find everything.

As for the part people actually care about, the story, translation of like 99% of the main plot (prologues, non-optional mission dialogue, postlogues) is complete. All we need now is people with the free time to actually paste the text into the game's dialogue files and format as needed. And I guess at some point we should do the rest of the boss convos, the battle dialogue, the other bonus conversations on 28R, and the chronicles but to be honest we'd like to move on to FMW3's plot. We might just pass what we have to someone else and let them do it? Eh, who knows. 
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: Nikkanoffun on May 09, 2015, 07:00:28 PM
Yes, as mentioned above - there is a problem with the length of the text is due to the fact that developers have cut a some window in the size of You, old versions-translate will now go beyond ... This problem can also be in Ei.

I think to change some variants?
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: Alcoraiden on May 10, 2015, 01:53:23 AM
Yeah there are minor errors all over. I think we've caught most of the menu typos (the Team/Solo BGM select was switched, the description of Shikigami went off the screen, Youmu's last spell had the wrong effect listed, etc) in this version (, but without a bunch of people testing things out there's no way to find everything.

As for the part people actually care about, the story, translation of like 99% of the main plot (prologues, non-optional mission dialogue, postlogues) is complete. All we need now is people with the free time to actually paste the text into the game's dialogue files and format as needed. And I guess at some point we should do the rest of the boss convos, the battle dialogue, the other bonus conversations on 28R, and the chronicles but to be honest we'd like to move on to FMW3's plot. We might just pass what we have to someone else and let them do it? Eh, who knows.

It'd be nice to see it completed, just so no one has to go back and clean up the last bit.
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: Totalheartsboy on May 18, 2015, 05:29:32 PM
Its great to see that after months this project is back again :D and you guys have made an incredible job with the translation.
But you still need for someone to test if everything is right?
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: WenYang on May 19, 2015, 09:28:45 AM
Also available if you need an editor/proofreader/tester/guinea pig :D
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: Clarste on May 19, 2015, 10:53:39 PM
When we say it's 99% translated, we mean we have the translation sitting in a text document. Inserting that text into the actual game files is where the project is stalling right now, so there isn't much to test.

If you want to help though, we could definitely use people willing to copy-paste a lot. No experience with Japanese or programming is necessary. Obviously you can also proofread while doing that.
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: WenYang on May 20, 2015, 06:30:41 AM
Well, I could copy-paste, as long as you have pointers on what to copy-paste where that is. XD
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: BlitzBlast on May 20, 2015, 07:01:46 AM
Join #touhou on synIRC and jump in then. We've got like, one person working on this at the moment.
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: Totalheartsboy on May 20, 2015, 06:02:01 PM
Well if you guys want i could help in this. Just i only need to know what to do and test it. If it's okay for you of course...
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: BlitzBlast on July 16, 2015, 04:22:32 PM
hey remember us

We finally finished pasting in most of the translated dialogue and have started editing. Since it's been forever since the last release, I figured I might as well post what we've got. So here. (

Like I said it's not edited yet, so don't be surprised if some dialogue goes outside their text boxes.

Still to do: Tutorial dialogue, remaining Boss Convos, alternate Dialogue Branches (is there seriously anyone who doesn't pick Alice in 29M), Bonus Convos.

Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: Roonerspism on July 17, 2015, 04:38:21 AM
hey remember us

nah I've only been checking here and on SA every day

Great news, looking forward to the edited patch.
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: MC50 on July 17, 2015, 08:02:26 PM
Looks awesome! I've been checking once a week or so to see how this is going. I downloaded it just to see - just wondering, is the battle dialogue impossible to translate (Stuck in a different data file?)

Still, definitely going to play it when the final version is out. I've been trying to not read your LP so that I can follow this.

Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: Clarste on July 18, 2015, 04:30:22 AM
It's not impossible but changing data file with the battle dialog at all causes the game to crash in at least one place, for some reason. Also, we're just not really close to finishing that yet.
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: Riku Lucifen on July 20, 2015, 11:57:29 AM
Just a couple of small problems I've been having with the new patch; it seems to be causing issues on Chapter 33 (At the very least on Reimu's route, though I'd assume it's the same for both).  Specifically an inability to initially access the stage from the prep screen, and crashing when Yuyuko starts a spellcard (Or, at the very least her first one Only occurred for the first).

Removing the data5 and replacing it with the original does fix this, but it is only a temporary measure. Dunno if you can do anything about this, but thought I should give a heads up.

Regardless, it does work well! Thanks for all the work you've put into this, and hope the rest goes well!

Edit: It also appears to occur after Yuyuko's final spellcard has been broken (Not Saigyou Ayakashi's Resurrection Butterfly, the spell prior to that).
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: BlitzBlast on August 31, 2015, 04:13:21 PM
It took a while, but we finished editing the script. Here's the new translation patch. (

At this point, all of the main story except some of the events in the first half of the game has been translated. More specifically, the patch only covers the most optimal Nitori situation (carried over FMW E data where you persuaded Alice in 2M, persuaded Nitori with both Marisa and Alice, and captured Kappa's Pororoca) and the "I did what the game told me to do" chapter 21 route (defeat Momiji before Aya). There's still a lot of untranslated boss conversations too, but that's why this is just v0.9 instead of full on v1.0.

More happily, all of the latter half has been translated, boss conversations and branching story paths included. You can thank Clarste for that. Chapter 33 should work now too.

There's also been a lot of little adjustments to the translation. Stuff like Berserk becoming Prevail (FMW P actually changed that), Instinct Dodge being shortened to Instinct, and in what is perhaps the most nitpicky edit of all time, the Rat Tail is now the Mouse Tail because I went through the entire script standardizing Nazrin as a mouse solely because that's what the wiki says she is.

yes, i know that "nezumi" can refer to either a mouse or a rat, i just wanted to be consistent okay

and i didn't change rat bite or cornered rat because, uh, she's a mouse acting like a rat or something I DUNNO

I can't entirely promise that all of the boss convos will fit in their dialogue boxes, and testing all of that is kind of an exercise in frustration. So comment if you see any breaking their windows.
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: Starxsword on September 05, 2015, 03:58:00 AM
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: Ssbmfreak36 on September 10, 2015, 11:20:32 AM
A small note in my recent playing of the game(read: just finished Scarlet and moved onto here), I've replaced the data5.dat with the patch(most recent one at that)annnnd I've come across a not so insignificant issue: opening the spirit command menu locks the game.  Not in a horrible screechy death noise kind of lock, but I literally cannot move the cursor, nor exit the spirit command menu.  I'm wondering if some pointer is off regarding opening the Spirit Command menu?
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: Clarste on September 10, 2015, 07:59:59 PM
A small note in my recent playing of the game(read: just finished Scarlet and moved onto here), I've replaced the data5.dat with the patch(most recent one at that)annnnd I've come across a not so insignificant issue: opening the spirit command menu locks the game.  Not in a horrible screechy death noise kind of lock, but I literally cannot move the cursor, nor exit the spirit command menu.  I'm wondering if some pointer is off regarding opening the Spirit Command menu?

Which character are you opening the menu with? We used to have a bug with Reimu, and it's possible it got rolled back somehow. Somehow.
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: BlitzBlast on September 10, 2015, 10:05:12 PM
That's weird, we only got that issue when we tried translating the Spirit names. I had a few other people check and they didn't report any problems, so I'm not really sure what's happening on your end.

Uhhhh maybe you're not using the latest version of FMW P? You should be using v1.0.8. You can find the version patches here if that actually is the problem:
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: Ssbmfreak36 on September 10, 2015, 11:50:02 PM
You know the fact that I didn't realize 1.08 was the most recent version would help.  Yeah it was Reimu so that's the issue.  Much obliged and sorry for any undue confusion!

Small edit: Since I seem to be incredibly incompetent and bad at this whole thing, how in the world do I get the updater to work?  I keep getting the message "Unable to open UDM file" when I try to open the file.  Is there something that's not pointed correctly on my computer in that regard?
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: Yamsman on September 11, 2015, 12:43:53 AM
Nice work on the translation, it's good to see it coming along well. My apologies for not posting in a while, I've been meaning to do so but I've always been busy or have forgotten.
Anyway, I found out recently that the problem with translated spirit names freezing the menu was a result of the unit data files storing them with their specific names, instead of using identifiers. The game will accept the translated strings once every data_unit_*.txt file in data4.dat has been modified to reflect the changes in Data_Spirits.txt.

An example:



The same unit files also contain unit names and attacks, though I haven't tested either myself. The readme did mention that you all had discovered the latter, so this may or may not be new information, but to address some of the stuff that was mentioned as "missing":

One last thing, the issue with translated terrain is marked as plain is because the map data in data10.dat stores the tile type by name, similar to how spirit names are. I'm currently halfway through writing a program for translating those files, so hopefully I'll be able to post that soon.
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: BlitzBlast on September 11, 2015, 01:04:20 AM
Oh huh, my crazy idea to fix spirits actually would have worked.

Also the spellcard names are in data5, but they don't appear to be linked to the names that actually appear in the chapters (or at least when I had someone test it they said it didn't work). I think they're just for the glossary?
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: Yamsman on September 11, 2015, 05:08:06 PM
Oh huh, my crazy idea to fix spirits actually would have worked.

Also the spellcard names are in data5, but they don't appear to be linked to the names that actually appear in the chapters (or at least when I had someone test it they said it didn't work). I think they're just for the glossary?

Hmm, I figured that would be the case. I went ahead and did some poking around, it turns out that the spellcard names are actually located in the data_bullet_*_en.txt files, inside data4.dat.
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: Ssbmfreak36 on September 11, 2015, 09:34:27 PM
Glad to see this project is still alive.  I thoroughly enjoyed the first game and am trying my darndest to get all the update stuff working(figured out that I just needed to change the main folder to something all english to make the UDM files work), yet I've run into one problem that no amount of Google searching seems to be able to fix.  When Blitz linked the getuploader stuff with all the patches, it was missing 1.04 which means I can't actually fully update to 1.08.  Someone may wish to remedy this if they have that file so that everyone who came on late(much like myself), can enjoy your incredible efforts to make this all happen.
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: ebrosset64 on September 12, 2015, 06:35:06 PM
Small edit: Since I seem to be incredibly incompetent and bad at this whole thing, how in the world do I get the updater to work?  I keep getting the message "Unable to open UDM file" when I try to open the file.  Is there something that's not pointed correctly on my computer in that regard?

I think this might happen because you have installed the modified data5.dat
If you have a backup, of the original data5.dat, try to put it in the data folder, then, the updater should effectively work.
If I am not wrong, all you have to do is to specify the directory of your game and let the updater do his work.
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: BlitzBlast on September 14, 2015, 03:56:48 AM
First off, bug report! There's an extra space right before an event trigger in Chapter 25M's script. This causes the game to completely freak out and play every single conversation one event early. You still have all the text so I don't really feel like it's worth releasing a separate version just to fix though, so wait for the final version.

Second, in light of people's difficulties getting the version to work, I uploaded all of the necessary data files ( It's a pretty big download though, so I would honestly still recommend just using the updater if you can.
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: Ssbmfreak36 on October 07, 2015, 12:57:40 AM
An issue that I've seen people mention and claim to be fixed still shows up for me, strangely enough.  Whenever I go into ANYONE'S Spirit Command menu(And this is in the first chapter btw), the game soft locks.  No unholy screeching sound just the fact that my cursor is stuck and no key works.  I've even tried to use the soft reset stuff but to no avail.   I've updated to 1.08, done all the data5 stuff, so that's not the issue.  Thoughts? 
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: BlitzBlast on December 08, 2015, 07:07:34 PM
That's weird, I'm pretty sure we fixed that bug a while back. It's caused by editing the names of Spirit commands; the game tries to look up, say, "Focus", but can't find it because everywhere else in the code is just the kanji for that. So it stalls forever. I'm pretty sure the Data_Spirits.txt in the game should have all the spirit names in japanese to avoid that, so I really don't know what to say other than maybe you have an old version of the patch?

then again it's been two months so you probably already fixed it

Anyways! The FMW I translation LP is officially done, so I'm planning on finishing up the patch for this game soon. And by that, I mean I'll finally get around to filling in the untranslated bits of the MoF half of the game and fixing up any minor bugs/typos I can find. All the other stuff (spirit names, battle dialogue, Gensokyo Chronicles, basically anything not directly related to menus or the story) are probably not going to happen. The process of decrypting the .dats is explained in the very first post of this thread though, so if anyone else wants to take a crack at that then I encourage you too!

If someone figures out a way to edit FMW I's .dats I guess we could start a project for that game too, but it doesn't look like anyone is ever going to. Oh well.
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: dawnbomb on December 16, 2015, 11:49:58 PM
you gonna jump into translating the next game after?
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: Clarste on December 17, 2015, 12:25:39 AM

Just so people are clear about this, this whole project has always been first and foremost about the LP. But since we were translating it anyway and discovered how to edit the .dat files, we figured it wouldn't be too much more trouble to toss that translation into a rough patch for other people. However, we're not a game-patching team and have no particular motivation to continue. If someone else figures out the FMWI files, I suppose it's possible we could throw in the LP translation for that, but... probably not. Although honestly anyone else could do the exact same thing just by looking through the LP archive and copy-pasting.
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: Alcoraiden on December 18, 2015, 08:38:14 AM
Just to make sure I read everything right, you translated the entirety of this game but have no intention of translating game 3?
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: Clarste on December 18, 2015, 12:55:41 PM
We've translated 3 already. We have an English script for it, made for a Let's Play on Something Awful. There's just no way to patch 3 because no one's cracked the data files yet and we're not really a game patching team. If someone later finds a way to copy-paste our script into the game itself, then knock yourselves out but we're probably not going to.
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: BlitzBlast on January 01, 2016, 10:04:36 PM
Here's your patch, now with 100% less White Jade Belvedere. (

With this, the entire script of FMW P has been translated. There's a bunch of stuff left to do for this to be a "complete" patch, but as Clarste has mentioned we're not a real game patching team so we're not going to do that. If anyone wants to finish what we started, though, then feel free too! All the tools we used are the programs at the beginning of this thread, so there shouldn't be any difficulties continuing.

Also I've been hearing about a bunch of strange bugs. I took a bunch of time to proofread the script so there shouldn't be any more event errors (at least I really hope so), so if anything still goes wrong than it's beyond my knowledge to fix. Keep a backup of the japanese data5.dat and swap it in every time something goes wrong, I guess.

Have a Happy New Year!

PS: If you want to go on to FMW I, just use this (
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: Roonerspism on January 12, 2016, 09:36:22 AM
Well gosh, Yukari, we're all ears.

I figured out how to insert text in to Ei! It uses a game maker extension called UltraCrypt to encrypt its data files. If you download UltraCrypt it comes with an example file that you can run in game maker to encrypt and decrypt files on your computer.

So inserting arbitrary English text is as simple as can be:
Download game maker (actually, I'm not sure precisely what versions work and/or if you need a paid version, I just happened to have one that worked fine) and ultracrypt
Open UltraCrypt's example.gm6 and run it in game maker.
It'll ask for an encryption key. Choose to use a string, then use the two characters 'bV'.
It'll ask for a file. Search for data5.dat or something.
Congrats, the file is now decrypted! Type in whatever you feel like, just make sure you keep the character count exactly the same so the file size checks out.
UltraCrypt encrypts things much in the same way it decrypts things, use the same key and select your modified unencrypted file and it'll work out that you want to encrypt instead of decrypt this time.
Done! Copy it back in to FMW I's data folder and it should work.

Decrypted Ei files seem to be much the same as decrypted You files from what I could tell. So... that's great! I hope! I forget how you guys got around the file size checking thing on data5.dat, but it should work the same and then the copying and pasting from BlitzBlast's translation LP can begin.

I would like to, perhaps selfishly, request that I don't have much to do with that bit, though - I've avoided reading anything past chapter 35 for spoiler purposes. Even after all this time I'm pleased that I got to see all of the cool moments of FMW P as they came, with the music, visuals and text all together, and I'd like to experience FMW I like that too.

And finally this is the thread I've mainly been keeping up with for FMW P stuff so if there's another place that this information should go or somebody that should know about this then feel free to tell them, I guess?
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: Nook on January 12, 2016, 08:21:34 PM
This is a pretty big step forward.
Apparently the latest version of Game Maker (8.1) won't run the file but 8.0 will? So keep that in mind, I guess. If whatever the game uses to check file size is the same method FMW2 used it should be simple to work around that and make a translation, otherwise whatever english is put into the game would be incredibly clunky.
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: BlitzBlast on January 13, 2016, 02:13:58 AM
Testing it out, unpack.cpp doesn't work with the FMW3 data files on either a Windows or Unix environment. That doesn't actually stop the translation from being possible, but it makes things more annoying.

EDIT: Wait, filesize will probably screw us over. Yeah, until that gets addressed we can't really do much.

Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: Roonerspism on January 13, 2016, 07:02:58 AM
So I spent an hour or two looking in to how FMWI unpacks its files and figured some stuff out:

I'm pretty sure that FMWI (and FWMP) uses GMBinFile to pack their files. The source code for that and a game maker example file that uses it can be found here:
So we might be able to use the game maker extension they use but in reverse to unpack them, just like decrypting. Certainly, anything I do from here on will probably be in pursuit of that, because...

For anyone planning on writing an unpacker, there's some really strange data in data5.dat that I can't make heads or tails of. It starts at 0000efd5, just after where the first file should end (according to what I think is the filesize in its header, efbb)
It goes on for about 1330016 bytes and seems to be completely unreadable, in a file otherwise full of Japanese and English text? Also, there are blocks of inexplicable (to me) data just like it between most of the files in data5.dat. I'm basically a layperson to this kind of stuff so I can only guess that for some reason there's some non-textual data in this big data pack that's supposed to just have all the text in it.
Anyway, because of that I can't figure out where the data ends and the headers begin, so good luck!
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: Roonerspism on January 14, 2016, 07:38:55 AM
Here's what is quickly becoming my daily report:

As it turns out, figuring out how to unpack their files with GMBIN is basically exactly the same as rewriting Yamsman's unpacker, GMBIN basically just provides the same basic tools that a novice programmer (hey, that's me!) could write in c++.

But I've made two discoveries that I think completely cover the differences between FMWP data files and FMWI data files from the view of someone attempting to unpack them.
1. The header is different because they aren't using GMBIN's built-in encryption any more. It used to have 45 bytes at the start that stored the hashed password, now it just immediately begins with the file list pointer.
2. The file list at the end is partially encrypted manually instead of with UltraCrypt! Here's the cypher they used to encrypt the file names:
Code: [Select]
"abcdefghijklmnopq rstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789_();:.=-"
"(1cUMvBu;C 5o0NmY=bRJ_xq2ThtEIlgO4r.Xj:yH7aWfPDdAke)nG3pF6QzKVw98SiLsZ-"

I actually noticed this in my initial decryption attempts. "Huh, NooN0sJ2J shows up a fair bit. Maybe that's part of their key?"
Nope! But when you run that through their cypher, backwards, it becomes "ommon.txt", as in "ChatList_35Common.txt"!

I think I'm getting close, now. Just need to figure out exactly how their new password-less header works (I think they store the file list's position differently, so everything else might be different too) and quickly write up something that puts the filenames in the file list (but not the other bits of the file list, those are actually totally unencrypted) backwards through their cypher.
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: Roonerspism on January 14, 2016, 04:20:00 PM
Alright, sorry for the triple post but I've done it. Here's the link to all the tools you'll need: (

So, to make things super clear because it's a little complicated, here's how you insert arbitrary text of any size in to FMWI:
1. Take the data file you want to edit out of FMWI's data folder. Probably leave a backup.
2. Decypher it with my first program. Run it with the command line arguments 'data5.dat d'.
3. Take the output of that, and unpack it with my program. Run it with the command line argument 'decyphered.dat'.
4. Go in to wherever you put your copy of UltraCrypt and run the example game in game maker. Choose one of the unpacked files, choose to decrypt it with the string bV.
5. Finally, you have a single file that you can edit. Put in whatever text you feel like.
6. Reverse the decryption by doing step 4 again on your now edited file.
7. Reverse the unpacking by running my packing program with the command line argument 'decyphered.dat.gsty'.*
8. Reverse the decyphering by running my cypher program with the command line arguments 'repacked.dat c'.
9. Oh my goodness, you're done.

*Whoops, couldn't be bothered changing the file extension to .gste, doesn't matter though

And a few closing thoughts:
I've done only the smallest amount of testing on my programs (editing Yukari's first line to say "I am terse.", which worked fine) so maybe they still aren't perfect. I have absolutely no idea if they work on any data files other than data5! eh it seems fine for other data files too, phew
Actually, on that note, I didn't even include usage information for unpacking and repacking data2-1 through data2-3, and data6-1 through data6-3. I haven't tested that, but it should theoretically work the same way it did for Yamsman's code.

I'd like to reiterate that I would prefer not to lead the FMWI patching project (as it were) from here on, because I want to avoid spoiling myself by reading the translation LP. Someone recently PMed me asking how they could help with the patching. Well, I'm happy that you're enthusiastic, and I think you could help everybody copy and paste the translation from the LP in to the game files. But I don't want to be the person that you report to!

ugghh of course it was unpack then decrypt, not decrypt then unpack
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: BlitzBlast on January 15, 2016, 04:06:59 AM
I tried the process out, and everything worked up till the repack. Even on a basic unpack > immediately repack, it always reports there's a missing file and outputs a repacked.dat with a filesize of 0 KB.

I'm glad you're putting so much work into this, though!
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: Roonerspism on January 15, 2016, 04:25:39 AM
I tried the process out, and everything worked up till the repack. Even on a basic unpack > immediately repack, it always reports there's a missing file and outputs a repacked.dat with a filesize of 0 KB.

I'm glad you're putting so much work into this, though!

Hm - it's still fine on my end. Two things that would help me fix this:
1. What exactly does the error say? The error that FMWIRepack throws should give the name of the file.
2. Upload or attach the decyphered.dat.gsty file that FMWIUnpack creates somewhere and I'll see if it's somehow any different from the one it makes on my machine.
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: BlitzBlast on January 15, 2016, 04:38:42 AM
That was the weird part, there's a gap for the missing file name but


nothing actually displays because nothing is missing.

Anyways here's the .gsty (, and just in case here's the file we were using for testing (!PM81iKaa!6V_TsCqpevpl6tcpTDKMlQpeOWvcGuzIlb2av1YGWhk). It hasn't been reencrypted with UltraCrypt yet, so you'll have to do that first before you can test it.
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: Roonerspism on January 15, 2016, 04:52:36 AM
That was the weird part, there's a gap for the missing file name but


nothing actually displays because nothing is missing.

Anyways here's the .gsty (, and just in case here's the file we were using for testing (!PM81iKaa!6V_TsCqpevpl6tcpTDKMlQpeOWvcGuzIlb2av1YGWhk). It hasn't been reencrypted with UltraCrypt yet, so you'll have to do that first before you can test it.

Alright, figured it out. Your .gsty file has, in its header, "When repacking, be sure to look for all 1.7 billion files that were unpacked". Heh.

That bit of the file is written by my new size_to_bytes code that's a little different from Yam's, so I guess I've done something environment-specific that he didn't. So I'll quickly put up some new pastebins, but I bet it'll all work if you replace this:

Code: [Select]
unsigned char *size_to_bytes(unsigned int num) {
    unsigned char *returnBytes = new unsigned char[4];
    returnBytes[3] = num >> 24;
    returnBytes[2] = (num >> 16) % 256;
    returnBytes[1] = (num >> 8) % 256;
    returnBytes[0] = num % 256;
(wait, holy moly, this doesn't even RETURN ANYTHING! does c++ just let you do this? EDIT: honestly, maybe that was the problem? Maybe I could've just told you to add "return returnBytes;".)

with this:

Code: [Select]
unsigned char *size_to_bytes(unsigned int num) {
    unsigned char *szbytes = new unsigned char[4];
    for (int i=0; i<4; i++) {
        szbytes[i] = num >> i*8;
    return szbytes;

Replace it in both FMWIUnpack and FMWIRepack. I'll write up some new pastebins (and maybe make an account this time so I can edit them I guess) and wait for a reply on whether it works now or not.
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: BlitzBlast on January 15, 2016, 05:11:56 AM

It works!
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: Roonerspism on January 15, 2016, 05:32:17 AM

Here's the new pastebin with the new tools:
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: BlitzBlast on January 16, 2016, 10:34:26 PM
The menu patch is going fairly smoothly, so it's safe to assume this works. We're starting up copy/pasting the main script, and as always we'd appreciate more hands to make this go faster.

We're still on #touhou on synIRC. If you don't know how to use an IRC, just use a web client like mibbit.
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: BlitzBlast on January 18, 2016, 05:20:12 AM
Here's the first release. ( It's a "menu patch" that doesn't actually translate any of the main menus. Unlike FMW2, which stored all of that text in a .dat, FMW3 seems to keep that stuff in its .exe. Until somebody finds a way to crack that, we're just going to leave the menus untranslated since... well, if you got to FMW3 then you presumably know how the menus work by now!

You can decompile the .exe with a specified Game Maker decompiler program, but you can't re-compile it without the extensions Sanbondo used. I imagine it's possible to find them, but we're busy enough copy/pasting the main script in so screw doing that.

Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: Lanaryu on January 23, 2016, 04:13:57 AM
I feel like you guys aren't getting enough love for doing this. Just here to express my appreciation. <3

I never actually expected anyone to make it past the second game, and yet here you guys are making steady progress. I'm actually really excited that my favorites series of fan-games are getting patched. This is all really amazing stuff that's going on.

Nonetheless, thanks for putting the time into translating these!
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: BlitzBlast on February 07, 2016, 11:21:24 PM
It's been about a month, so I may as well post a progress update.

Here is the current version of the patch. ( It translates the entire main script except chapters 45 and 46 (we're still waiting on the copy/pasters for those chapters), though the proofreading pass has only gone up to chapter 41 so it might be a little funky past there.

Much more importantly, though, is the fact that we finally branched out to data4! This patch translates spirit names, personalities, and various aspects of the Status menu. Alice and Sanae's weapon menus are also fully translated, mostly as a proof of concept thing that we'll take further later.

There have been a few changes:

1. The personalities have been renamed for the most part. Sorry Deranged, but Strong-willed and Resolute are kinda eh.
2. The Guard spirit became Wall to differentiate from the Guard skill more (and it's literally Iron Wall anyways).
3. The Spirit spirit became Yell because come on Atlus. That was dumb.
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: Starxsword on February 07, 2016, 11:30:18 PM
Looks like a good update.
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: Roonerspism on February 08, 2016, 09:50:26 AM
It's been about a month, so I may as well post a progress update.

Here is the current version of the patch. ( It translates the entire main script except chapters 45 and 46 (we're still waiting on the copy/pasters for those chapters), though the proofreading pass has only gone up to chapter 41 so it might be a little funky past there.

Much more importantly, though, is the fact that we finally branched out to data4! This patch translates spirit names, personalities, and various aspects of the Status menu. Alice and Sanae's weapon menus are also fully translated, mostly as a proof of concept thing that we'll take further later.

There have been a few changes:

1. The personalities have been renamed for the most part. Sorry Deranged, but Strong-willed and Resolute are kinda eh.
2. The Guard spirit became Wall to differentiate from the Guard skill more (and it's literally Iron Wall anyways).
3. The Spirit spirit became Yell because come on Atlus. That was dumb.

Fantastic, especially that much more important bit. Send my regards to the chefs.
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: nyttyn on February 14, 2016, 04:34:43 AM
An fininite thanks to you fine fellows! It is thanks to your hard work I'm able to enjoy these games in a more natural fashion, and to that I give you a thousand salutes. Even this beta version is a huge boon, as was the one for eternity. A thousandfold thanks!
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: Clarste on February 18, 2016, 07:01:24 AM
In an amusing bug, the game apparently changes all instances of "Keine" in the script into "KeineH" when she transforms. Like, the script itself is being treated as a reference to her object or whatever. We're doomed.

Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: Starxsword on February 19, 2016, 04:02:03 AM
Wow, that sounds so bad.
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: Eilaris on February 20, 2016, 01:43:10 AM
Where does the "KeineH" text come from anyway?  If it's coming from the unit identifier, is it possible to not have her name change with the form change and just expect the player to know the graphical difference between the two?
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: Clarste on February 20, 2016, 12:54:10 PM
Where does the "KeineH" text come from anyway?  If it's coming from the unit identifier, is it possible to not have her name change with the form change and just expect the player to know the graphical difference between the two?

KeineH comes from the name of the programming object that is Keine in Hakutaku mode. Her name isn't supposed to change at all in-game (that would be weird if it did). From a programming perspective, KeineH is a totally different character, which makes sense since she has different sprites and portraits and whatnot. Since the code itself can't use Japanese characters, the objects are labeled with the English names, and there's actually a whole section of the data file devoted to giving each object its display name in Japanese. Both "Keine" and "KeineH" became "慧音", which we changed to "Keine". I'd imagine that there's some kind of switch that tells it to put "KeineH" everywhere "Keine" used to be whenever she transforms, and that ends up targeting the script in addition to the behind-the-curtain programming stuff.
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: Prime32 on February 20, 2016, 10:04:14 PM
I don't suppose you could cheat and replace one of the letters in "Keine" with an identical one from another alphabet? Like replacing e with е.
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: Clarste on February 21, 2016, 10:08:08 AM
That was my first thought, but the fontset is incredibly limited for some reason. And changing the font would require messing with the exe.
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: Eilaris on February 22, 2016, 01:11:57 AM
Likewise I'm going to assume that changing the object name pointers is out of the question?
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: BlitzBlast on March 08, 2016, 05:41:49 AM
It's been another month, so here's a status update: Fire Emblem Fates is a Good Game.

More seriously, we tried out a bunch of stuff in the weeks before Fates sucked up all our free time forever and discovered the following.

Data 1 (Fonts): We can't replace the fonts in this game without editing the .exe. This is bad, because besides the english letters being unaligned and awful-looking, Sanbondo decided to use an entirely different font for battle dialogue. And this font has no english punctuation. That's fine for periods, question marks, and exclamation marks since we could just use japanese ones, but Japanese doesn't have an apostrophe. And, uh, have you ever tried writing something with no contractions whatsoever? Because it sounds really silly.

That and a couple other issues pretty much makes it so we're not going to be translating battle dialogue again. Which sucks since there's more battle cutscenes in this game, but maybe we'll just throw that in a .txt.

Data 4 (Character files): The guy we had working on translating these was somewhere through the characters whose names start with M when Fates came out.

Data 5 (Main Script): Everything from the LP has been copy/pasted, but the people we had playing through the game for the final editing pass are again too busy playing Fates.

Most of us have finished our version of choice by now, but Revelations is coming out soon so uh. Yeah.
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: Roonerspism on March 08, 2016, 10:57:55 AM
Data 1 (Fonts): We can't replace the fonts in this game without editing the .exe. This is bad, because besides the english letters being unaligned and awful-looking, Sanbondo decided to use an entirely different font for battle dialogue. And this font has no english punctuation. That's fine for periods, question marks, and exclamation marks since we could just use japanese ones, but Japanese doesn't have an apostrophe. And, uh, have you ever tried writing something with no contractions whatsoever? Because it sounds really silly.

These things seem to be piling up. When I was first researching the game, I managed to find half of the extensions required to recompile the .exe. The ones I'm missing are:

String Comparison

EDIT: I excitedly wrote some stuff here when I was only half-sure of what was going on. Now I understand it a bit better:
Back then I was exclusively looking for .gex files, but now I think that I might be able to rewrite things so that .dll extensions work as well? For example, joydll seems to cover almost all of the SDL_Joystick functionality they use without any rewrites at all, and I think I can get it to 100% compatibility. Also, I'm rewriting their code to use CleanMem's dll version instead of its .gex extension.

Naturally I can't test this until I've finished all four of them but at the very least I'm getting close to zero script errors popping up when I try to compile, but who knows what kind of weird errors I might be introducing. Maybe look forward to something soon?

I've messed up String Comparison, clearly, because I'm getting garbled dialogue boxes. That is, the resolution menu and the "Do you want to quit?" messages are both filled with garbage instead of Japanese or English text.
it runs
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: BlitzBlast on March 21, 2016, 07:46:38 PM
Our Fates kick is at an end at last, so we've all finally come back to this. So that's a thing.

Roonerspism, I sent you a PM about the decompiled EXE.
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: SlashKoopa on March 24, 2016, 07:30:29 AM
When I change the dat files in 4 and 5 and I start it up i get an error saying out of memory, how can I fix this?
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: darkdoogy on June 23, 2016, 07:53:08 PM
First of all,I wanted to thanks all the guys who worked on this translation,its awesome,I waited for years that game to be translated.Thanks guys,you are the best =)

Im not sure if its off topic but while using the translation I happened to have a weird bug that dont allow me to finish chapter 33,just after the end of it,when yukari is sayiing a line and supposed to spawn the game freeze and she is not spawning.All I can do is reset and getting that bug again,its pretty weird since I already finished it by the past...

I was wondering if anyone know how to deal with that problem?

Here is my quick save if anyone want to give a check:!T9R2kaZa!O7BwGltosPXPVmyMTW7RIr4NnpA1ozZSM-VR4pVnxBQ

Thanks in advance.
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: ebrosset64 on June 24, 2016, 09:25:02 PM
First of all,I wanted to thanks all the guys who worked on this translation,its awesome,I waited for years that game to be translated.Thanks guys,you are the best =)

Im not sure if its off topic but while using the translation I happened to have a weird bug that dont allow me to finish chapter 33,just after the end of it,when yukari is sayiing a line and supposed to spawn the game freeze and she is not spawning.All I can do is reset and getting that bug again,its pretty weird since I already finished it by the past...

I was wondering if anyone know how to deal with that problem?

Here is my quick save if anyone want to give a check:!T9R2kaZa!O7BwGltosPXPVmyMTW7RIr4NnpA1ozZSM-VR4pVnxBQ

Thanks in advance.

I have already encountered this bug, so I can tell you it is not related to the translation patch.
All you have to do is simply to update your game to the latest version (Or 1.0.8 should be fine)
You can find the official site there :
Sadly, I cannot read Japanese so I can't give you more precise directions but you should be able to download Sanbondo's patch installer from there.
With that done, Yukari should stop being lazy and actually spawn.
Also, I downloaded and tested your quicksave and it worked pretty well on my version of the game.
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: darkdoogy on June 25, 2016, 09:37:04 AM
I have already encountered this bug, so I can tell you it is not related to the translation patch.
All you have to do is simply to update your game to the latest version (Or 1.0.8 should be fine)
You can find the official site there :
Sadly, I cannot read Japanese so I can't give you more precise directions but you should be able to download Sanbondo's patch installer from there.
With that done, Yukari should stop being lazy and actually spawn.
Also, I downloaded and tested your quicksave and it worked pretty well on my version of the game.

Thanks for your help,I will try what you said =)

Edit:So I tried to upgrade my game but for some reason,its seems that it always failed,so I tried with version 1.0.0(non translated) and Yukari didn't glitched this time,then I tried with english translation(by copying dat5 inside data folder) and it didn't worked again.Anyways,I somehow solved my problem,but that bug seems really weird,maybe its only my computers.Anyways,thanks again =)
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: ebrosset64 on June 25, 2016, 03:23:04 PM
Thanks for your help,I will try what you said =)

Edit:So I tried to upgrade my game but for some reason,its seems that it always failed,so I tried with version 1.0.0(non translated) and Yukari didn't glitched this time,then I tried with english translation(by copying dat5 inside data folder) and it didn't worked again.Anyways,I somehow solved my problem,but that bug seems really weird,maybe its only my computers.Anyways,thanks again =)

The bug was happening on my computer whether or not I was using the patch, so I thought it was just Sanbondo's messing up. Anyway, there is another bug, which is certainly caused by the patch from chapter 53 and onward. The player phase simply refuse to begin after several turns. I suggest It is Yuugi's PS messing with the spirit list but I didn't experiment with the game to make sure, and the translator might have already fixed it.

Also, you may have failed to update your game because, if I remember correctly, you have to update to intermediary steps before updating to 1.0.8.. It is not very intuitive and the language barrier doesn't make it easier anyway, but at least, you solved your problem and you should not encounter anymore problem with the game until it's end.
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: Arukaizer on July 09, 2016, 07:34:13 PM
Hi guys.

Please, did you changed something inside the game in which results in way more memory usage with the english patch?

I'm receiving an error message "out of memory" every time I try to start the game after I patch it with the english patch v0.3, and the screen even turns blue(death screen) some times. It's possible to see that it's really consuming way more memory in my notebook, as everything becomes, like, 5x slower!

When I'm running the game in japanese v1.0.6.1, v1.0.7 or v1.0.8 it always runs fine and smoothly. But, once I apply the english patch the game won't even start(it won't go any further than the initial black screen with something written on it's right low corner until crashes).

I'm running it on old good Windows XP in my notebook with 2 GBs, but I'm sure that's not the problem as, again, the original japanese runs fine every time. I even tried to shut down every program before running this in english, and no success.

Maybe something was changed inside the game while it should be kept as it was?

Thank you for any help.

Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: nyttyn on August 05, 2016, 04:57:35 PM
Few bugs:

Rin's Faith spirit will soft-lock the game upon use.

Great Youkai of Heian has zero effect in this patch (Confuse's SP remains at 70 instead of becoming 50).

About 3 of the SA arc chapters are untranslated.

Edit: Rin's Devote will also soft lock the game.
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: Arukaizer on August 06, 2016, 08:06:40 AM
my GOD!!! I'M SO FUCKING STUPID!!! I was getting error from You because I was applying the eng patch for Ei lol!!! Oh my good, Ohhh my good!!! DAMN!!
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: BlitzBlast on August 15, 2016, 04:31:28 AM
It took forever, but the patch has been updated ( v0.5 has everything from chapters 35 to 44 fully translated and proofread. There might still be some text spacing issues, but hopefully not.

Various issues with Personal Skills involving spirits were reported in the downtime since v0.3. It turns out that was because we translated the Spirit names! So that's all been reverted. It's a real awkward solution, but it's either that or the game crashing every time Yuugi's over 130 Power. Like all things, this could've been fixed if we edited the .exe, and in fact someone did figure out how to get in... BUT. But, not only can I not get the game to recompile for the life of me, I also can't get Game Maker to render the Japanese in it code to something recognizable. And while, if I really wanted to, I could figure out ways around those anyways, FMW3's source code is a hilarious mess. Trying to translate the attack names (a process of decrypt -> edit -> recrypt -> repack -> recypher -> check if something broke -> shit something broke -> oh my god what's wrong with this file everything is right -> bring in a new copy and do the exact same thing -> reinsert into game -> oh hey it works now??? -> repeat 70 times) was soul killing enough, and I gave up on that in the end to focus on actually getting this version out. I really, really miss FMW2's code.

We have a clear idea of the scope of this project now, so v0.7 (full translation/proofread of chapters 45 to 49) shouldn't take as long. But it still ultimate comes down to how much time Clarste has to translate and how much time I have to sit down, copy/paste, and proofread. So no idea of a release date.

my GOD!!! I'M SO FUCKING STUPID!!! I was getting error from You because I was applying the eng patch for Ei lol!!! Oh my good, Ohhh my good!!! DAMN!!

I'm glad to hear it wasn't an issue on our end, at least. Though I'm pretty sure putting in english text does make the games run slower, just because there's more of it now.
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: krawky398 on August 15, 2016, 01:39:55 PM
Thanks a lot for your work! I've been finally playing through these games and while I know I could just refer to the LP, this makes it a lot easier to play and rave about it.

The only bug I encountered with v0.3 was just a silly text bug on 37M where everyone ended up being hidden for a cutscene, but I imagine that's been fixed now, so I've got nothing to report here!
I'm on 41 right now, so I'll keep an eye out for any weirdness on this patch.
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: Roonerspism on August 17, 2016, 09:25:31 AM
Hey, glad to hear that things are still chugging along.
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: AABCDEF on August 20, 2016, 11:56:26 PM
Hello, I wan't to translate GST:Y to korean.
So I downloaded sorce code of first reply and compiled this with dev-c++
but the dat file does not opened well.
How can I unpack this file?
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: Jsmith on August 23, 2016, 06:25:31 AM
Hello, I wan't to translate GST:Y to korean.
So I downloaded sorce code of first reply and compiled this with dev-c++
but the dat file does not opened well.
How can I unpack this file?
In my case, unpacking is successful. But Korean letters are not printed. I think it's kind of font problem, and I cannot handle it. As BlitzBlast said, it is .exe related...
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: Koog on August 25, 2016, 03:16:28 AM
Hello! Here to report an important bug which I'm not pretty sure if it is a bug from the game or from the patch...
The game crashes when Tewi's song is played...
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: krawky398 on August 29, 2016, 08:53:18 PM
Sadly also here to report a bug that I'm pretty sure is from the patch.

I've noticed that Sanae's been able to use Summon Takeminakata below 30% Faith. So just now I just tried it on a boss with Sanae being at 33%. After killing the boss with it, Sanae's Faith went to 40%. When I switched it to the Japanese, her faith went to 10% as intended.

After a bit, I tested some more, and found it also affects The Day The Sea Split.

So yeah, Sanae's Faith-locked finishers both require no Faith and don't consume Faith.
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: BlitzBlast on August 30, 2016, 12:35:26 AM
Hello! Here to report an important bug which I'm not pretty sure if it is a bug from the game or from the patch...
The game crashes when Tewi's song is played...

I tested in both the sound test and actual gameplay, and didn't have any issues. Can you give more specific info? What chapter, what situation, what version of the patch, what version of the game, etc?

I have a feeling it might be because I translated the song names (I swear to god is there anything in this game that doesn't break if you translate it?), but it could also be something else.

So yeah, Sanae's Faith-locked finishers both require no Faith and don't consume Faith.

v ??? v

I've changed nothing in the game relating to her beyond her dialogue box name. I have no feasible idea what could be causing this, but I also recall something similar happening in FMW2. So I'm just going to go with "lol Sanbondo".

Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: krawky398 on August 30, 2016, 02:29:23 AM
I did some more testing with Sanae's Faith problem and did find something, actually.

I replaced the 0.5 data5 with 0.3's data5 and the Faith still had the problem. But when I put in the data4 too, everything worked as intended. Having 0.3's data4 also made Faith work correctly on 0.5 (although then you have no spirits).

So I'm wondering if this is because Sanae's attack names were translated in 0.3 now but then not in 0.5.
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: BlitzBlast on August 30, 2016, 03:47:28 PM
That would make zero sense since what I did for 0.5 was effectively just have users go back to using the japanese data4, which should work fine.

My best guess is that somewhere in data 5 I might've translated "信仰" as Faith, and then for some completely inexplicable reason this causes everything to fuck up? God I hate working with this game.
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: AABCDEF on September 02, 2016, 01:57:51 AM
In my case, unpacking is successful. But Korean letters are not printed. I think it's kind of font problem, and I cannot handle it. As BlitzBlast said, it is .exe related...
I meaning i can't unpack the dat file.
I can fix printing korean problem myself (I think)
Anyway, I think the reasom of disable to unpack file is problem of my compiler(or not)
So (If you can) can you send me the unpack/repack file in compiled?
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: Koog on September 03, 2016, 06:20:32 PM
I tested in both the sound test and actual gameplay, and didn't have any issues. Can you give more specific info? What chapter, what situation, what version of the patch, what version of the game, etc?
It happens whenever Tewi is in battle and in the soundtest...
I'm playing 1.1.2, with the latest version of the patch.
Title: FMW3 update 1.0.0 - 1.0.1 can't find it pls help
Post by: SlashKoopa on September 18, 2016, 04:47:14 AM
I checked their website, 1.0.0 to 1.0.1 isn't there. Anyone have the update for fmw 3
Title: Re: FMW3 update 1.0.0 - 1.0.1 can't find it pls help
Post by: Seryuu13 on September 18, 2016, 12:28:25 PM
What exactly is the problem with the stuff that was left untranslated in FMW P?

I checked their website, 1.0.0 to 1.0.1 isn't there. Anyone have the update for fmw 3

Should be this:
Title: The 1.0.0 to 1.0.1 problem
Post by: SlashKoopa on September 19, 2016, 12:26:39 PM
it wasnt there it just gives me the 1.0.1 to 1.1.2.... doess have the link for the 1.0.0 to 1.0.1 udm file or if someone has it in their pc can you upload it somewhere i could download it?
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: TresserT on September 19, 2016, 08:36:29 PM
Soooooo... for some reason, the 0.5 english patch of this feezes the game after the opening "map" (the scripted one, starting with Reimu fighting Yukari and ending with Sanae talking). After the fade to black at the end of the scene, the whole game just freezes up. It seems to be loading the next scene, but I had it running for a half an hour without any change. Tried it 3 times with the same result.

Running 1.1.2 this time, works fine without the english patch. I tried switching back to the japanese version, quick saving on the actual first map, then loading the quick save with the english patch, but the same freeze happens if I try that.

This happens whether I load data from FMWP or start a brand new game.

Sometimes, but not always, I'll get a little box that says "ChatID: 1 in ChatList_35Common not found" at that point.
Other times, again not always, when the game itself is starting up I'll get a message that says "failed to create font spr: font_rodin_##.fnt" where ## could be a couple different things. This hasn't occured alongside a game crash yet though.

EDIT: Sorry, the font thing isn't an issue with the patch, occurs with the japanese data5 as well. The other issues occur only with the patch though.
Title: NVM sorry about that
Post by: SlashKoopa on September 20, 2016, 10:50:40 AM
No wonder it wouldnt update i put the eng patch first.. sorry about that
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: Koog on September 24, 2016, 06:21:15 PM
Ok, apparently the Tewi issue was because it was patched incorrectly. Now I reinstalled, and it works perfectly fine,
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: Seryuu13 on September 28, 2016, 02:24:57 PM
At chapter 43 when you attack Kaguya with Yuuka and some others the conversation they have before the attack starts is still untranslated.
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: SlashKoopa on October 06, 2016, 12:04:02 PM
I installed the 0.5 patch and the game soft locks when i open the spirit command
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: krawky398 on October 07, 2016, 06:00:35 PM
I installed the 0.5 patch and the game soft locks when i open the spirit command
Put the original JP data4 back, and that should be fixed.
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: Tashi on October 29, 2016, 12:27:51 AM
The spirit command bug of FMW P returns. (We're doomed)

The thing is, when I open anyone's spirit list it locks up (But I can use the Shift keys to change the little information block at the top left of the screen. nothing more. I have to close the game) More strangely, when I see the status screen of Alice (for example) it doesn't have any spirits, as if she had not learned any. This happens to me in the 1.0.8 version, either with the patch or the clean game.

EDIT: It's possible for me to access the spirit list of the hourai dolls that Alice can summon without freezing my game. The problem with all the main characters persist though.
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: ixakanno on November 03, 2016, 06:11:25 PM
I cant seem to get past this message, I have patched the game up to 1.12 but to no avail, it still keeps on coming back. Help is appreciated!  ???

Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: MadokaMagica on November 13, 2016, 04:10:01 AM
I cant seem to get past this message, I have patched the game up to 1.12 but to no avail, it still keeps on coming back. Help is appreciated!  ???


The message says: "File decompression failed.  Please restart your PC before starting the game again."

I presume you're on the wrong patch?
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: ixakanno on November 13, 2016, 06:45:03 AM
Oh I see, thanks!  :D It was able to work after my PC did a mandatory reset for updates, but I still was confused by the message. The restart was probably the key, since I patched it to the latest version.
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: Arukaizer on April 22, 2017, 05:08:41 PM
Please, it have been months since my last visit here, so just wondering. Is there anyone working on a full(battle dialogues) translation of GST: You? Thank you.
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: MadokaMagica on April 27, 2017, 02:15:10 AM
Talked with the translators and apparently they're not going to do battle dialogue because of the... lack of apostrophe in the Japanese fonts?  Anyways you're not missing too much with that.
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: binbinbake on May 01, 2017, 04:00:33 PM
I wonder how the translation for Ei is going, it's been a few months.
But I guess that's what it takes to force changes onto something that's supposed to stay as is.

Anyway, has the story dialogue been translated separately? I'd like to read the last chapters of Ei, if the dialogue just needs to be put into the game files.
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: Nook on May 08, 2017, 02:29:34 AM
Updated Eternity translation patch (!jVdHmSoC!bHEWTB1o_4U8JSBH5ASupTC-fOwYWtr64eKOLahzEEA)

Just in time for FMW4 to come out! Please don't ask us about making a patch for that game.
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: binbinbake on May 08, 2017, 11:44:04 AM
Ah, this is even better!
Thanks for working on the patch. What does it translate?
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: Roonerspism on May 09, 2017, 05:06:40 AM
Updated Eternity translation patch (!jVdHmSoC!bHEWTB1o_4U8JSBH5ASupTC-fOwYWtr64eKOLahzEEA)

Thanks so much to everybody for their work on this.

Also ah crud I was still trying to talk to the team through BlitzBlast and now I'm not sure if they were sending my messages through, because they weren't responding to me or posting anything anywhere. If you need to update the patch (and my fears that Blitz didn't get back to you guys are founded) then here's the slightly more convenient version of my text insertion tools that you missed:

Just in time for FMW4 to come out! Please don't ask us about making a patch for that game.

Code: [Select]
that's what they said last time
But actually, even if it turns out as well as when I tried to reverse-engineer FMW3, it would probably be best for me to wait a while (while the developers are still patching the game and whatnot) anyway...
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: Nook on May 09, 2017, 06:16:27 AM
Oh, Blitz got the tools to us fine, and there's no worry about him not sending your tools through. Uh, about those, actually....

We couldn't actually get the unpacker to work on data4!! Aside from the whole "you need to be on a Unix machine to use it" (which is strangely not the case for the Cypher or Repacker which can be run through simulated Unix environments), it just wouldn't correctly unpack decrypted files from data4. From what I can remember, Blitz said that it was probably because there were too many files for the Unpacker to decrypt in that data file (which there are quite many). I have no idea why that would happen or how to fix that, but if you were wondering why we left the Weapons menu and Spirit names untranslated, that's why.

Anyway, definitely something to fix next time around, whenever (if ever) that is.
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: Roonerspism on May 09, 2017, 07:20:33 AM
Oh, good. But I'm surprised (as much as I can be when I work in such a fickle craft) that you're having those two problems with my tools. I'm on my Windows machine, the same one I do all my work and play on, and it's unpacking and decrypting data4.dat just fine.

I'd understand if you didn't want to dive right back in to translation work, but if you tell me what error message you're getting then I might be able to figure out how to write something less environment-specific. Or heck, I could just upload my entire CodeLite workspace and running the code from there would probably just work.

Anyway, definitely something to fix next time around, whenever (if ever) that is.

Mmm, yeah. It seems that next time I should communicate with everyone else more (well, I did choose this purposefully to remain unspoiled on the game, but I still could've at least had more than one point of contact with everyone else) if you were, in my perspective, suffering in silence.
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: Nook on May 24, 2017, 01:30:40 AM

Fantasy Maiden Wars Eternity Patch v1.1 (!ecEh1YDD!wX4Rd8mPJsIMiwzblNpK4Qzw74SsaK5gwnoEHcheQC8)

Featuring Weapon names! And a couple script fixes (good lord chapter 46 was a mess)

As a reminder, the font that the game uses for in-battle dialogue does not feature English punctuation such as apostrophes, which means this is likely as far as the patch will go unless we acquire the means to modify the exe, which is where the fonts are stored.
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: brliron on May 25, 2017, 07:44:12 AM
Oh, I remember reading something about the quotes, but I didn't know it was a font problem. I'll look if I can do something about it.
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: Seryuu13 on May 27, 2017, 08:22:44 AM

Fantasy Maiden Wars Eternity Patch v1.1 (!ecEh1YDD!wX4Rd8mPJsIMiwzblNpK4Qzw74SsaK5gwnoEHcheQC8)

Featuring Weapon names! And a couple script fixes (good lord chapter 46 was a mess)

As a reminder, the font that the game uses for in-battle dialogue does not feature English punctuation such as apostrophes, which means this is likely as far as the patch will go unless we acquire the means to modify the exe, which is where the fonts are stored.

Nice, thank you everyone who worked on this :)
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: Neosonic97 on May 29, 2017, 05:38:32 PM
Not sure if this is the right place to post, but I can't find the 1.03 to 1.04 update patch for You anywhere. This prevents patching further than 1.03 which also screws over english Kou players. Can we get a download link for the 1.03 to 1.04 patch, please? It's not on the listed mirror (which is also missing 1.01).

The spirit command bug of FMW P returns. (We're doomed)

The thing is, when I open anyone's spirit list it locks up (But I can use the Shift keys to change the little information block at the top left of the screen. nothing more. I have to close the game) More strangely, when I see the status screen of Alice (for example) it doesn't have any spirits, as if she had not learned any. This happens to me in the 1.0.8 version, either with the patch or the clean game.

EDIT: It's possible for me to access the spirit list of the hourai dolls that Alice can summon without freezing my game. The problem with all the main characters persist though.

I think that's a bug with english players only. Running it using Locale Emulator to run it in Japanese fixes the issue. I know because I had that issue at first, too.
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: Ogelevil259 on January 25, 2018, 09:19:44 PM
Hey sorry if this is annoying but would it be possible to update the first post with links to the most up to date patches? As it is now you have to trawl through the whole thread and its hard for newcomers to tell which is the newest version.

Thanks for the great work as always!
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: dawnbomb on March 14, 2018, 10:58:12 PM
Hey sorry if this is annoying but would it be possible to update the first post with links to the most up to date patches? As it is now you have to trawl through the whole thread and its hard for newcomers to tell which is the newest version.

Thanks for the great work as always!

i second this.

also, can someone on the team confirm this team is... actually translating the game? i know this may seen odd but, while the first game has a ENG patch from Maidens of the Kaleidoscope, the second and thid game's patches are labeled as being completed by A bunch of goons on the Something Awful forums. i searched around and found nothing, but download links to their patches. and i have no idea on the status of even a menu translation of the 4th game, but i can't even find the something awful topic for the second or third games translations (actually navigating their forum is something i appear incompetent at and i can't even find their translated games section, and i know they made other patches...)

hopeing for a response.

@Ogelevil259 the Akurasu site has links to the patches, altho no idea how upto date those links are. or if they are even by the team here on this site.

Edit: found the project of sorts after a buncha stuff, i bought a forum account on the something awful forums and am trying to get more info.

Edit 2: i grabbed those tools for the second game, and figured out how to use them. i think im gonna update the english patch for it to include english spirit names, and attack names. not sure why it's not translated. i may also look for other misc things. if anyone wants to help let me know, it should be really simple if anyone is interested.
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: brliron on March 18, 2018, 09:34:09 PM
i think im gonna update the english patch for it to include english spirit names, and attack names. not sure why it's not translated.
I think I remember reading something about the game crashing when you translate them
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: dawnbomb on March 19, 2018, 03:54:29 PM
actually i already found out why it would crash and got it working along with english attacks, and more. using the current english patch as a base.

for some stuff im being lazy about, i'm simply using Blazers english text from the first game (it helps to be consistent anyway) and knowledge of super robot wars and touhou.

im gonna try and take a stab at the third game today or tomorrow as well and see if i can get it just as English. i remember loading it up and going "oh, it's basically just the plot thats english and a few menus and very little else, i thought the second games patch was minimal, this is way worse"

i'll release once i do some playtesting, but anyone wanting to help me is welcome to send me a message. i guess i am gonna revive the translation effort. Atleast im like 99% sure the patch for games 2 and 3 is dead right now and all the effort is on game 4.  Still, english plot makes it alot better so kudos to Nook and them, but i'm gonna try my best. if anyone wants in, it would be a huge help, and i can walk you through how to help out.

now to figure out those tools for the third game..
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: nyttyn on March 20, 2018, 10:54:55 PM
As far as I'm aware, issues with code that's in the .exe of the game are what caused any attempts to translate the parts of the second and third game that were left untouched to fail - have you found some sort of way to access said exe, or is this simply attempting to resolve those issues without touching that?
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: dawnbomb on March 21, 2018, 10:24:45 AM
this is resolving without touching the exe. i just went and startedt by replacing just about all menu japanese text i could find with "test1" "test2" "test3" ect, and as i see them ingame replace them with appropriate english. i may make a effort to keep the names the same with the other games, or i may not. im not sure how much people care, but starting with "don't care" and making sure it bug free and release able, and then seeing if i still have the effort to change over to "care" afterward.

i don't think my screenshots are to bad anyway. i managed to get into the third game now, i seems more stuff is either in the exe, or maybe things got moved to different data files. anyway as for what you directly said, as far as IM aware, the issue was the team mainly wanted to do a plot patch, and weren't going to go out of their way to make the rest of it english unless it was easy or obvious what to do. (but thats understandable, not everyone has infinite time to put into a project to see if things can work. and what they did, the plot, is already a fantastic result! i just want to make it better.)

i noticed i can also make a mod for the games if i wanted but, mostly it's just convenient for testing.  if you want to get involved and help me, even just for testing, i welcome you nyttyn. :)
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: 123daitarn3 on September 04, 2019, 10:08:11 PM
Sorry for bumping such an old thread but I'm having some trouble translating something from FMW4.
I'm trying to translate the dialogue at the beginning of the game, with Rinnosuke and Akyuu in the Palanquin, I can edit the file with the dialogue (ChatList_OP04), but the translation does not appear in the game after rebuilding and replacing the .dat files, all other dialogues translate properly but not this one.
Can anyone who is familiar with the games translations please help me?
Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: Arukaizer on October 27, 2019, 06:20:37 PM
I cant seem to get past this message, I have patched the game up to 1.12 but to no avail, it still keeps on coming back. Help is appreciated!  ???


I'm having the same problem but with Complete Box. However, in my case the game will give me the same error even after a reboot. I've tried uninstalling the game, installing it, using AppLocale, changing the whole system to japanese, still the same.

Title: Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You - Translation (Decrypted .dat files)
Post by: Arukaizer on October 27, 2019, 10:03:24 PM
So, it seems that the error is because I'm using Windows XP (yeah, yeah).

The 4 games works on XP individually, but in the Complete Box, they doesn't.

And, it's so weird... after some testing, I found out that the Complete Box installer itself won't install on Windows XP, but once it's installed, the gsw.exe does run on Windows XP(I moved the installed content from another computer to mine)... while it also DOESN'T.

While gsw.exe does run on Windows XP, you won't be able to pass the first black loading screen, since you'll get the error I mentioned before. While Windows 7 pass that just fine. So, yeah, Complete Box is only for Win 7+.

I feel so disappointed. I really hope the devs would do a tweak to make it run on Windows XP, since all previous games runs individually, but I know it won't happen.

A shame I won't be able to play this series(I managed to test the game in many ways with help from a friend's pc) since the translation of the whole series is likely to be moved to the Complete Box instead.

I know the 4 games are mostly translated individually, but I was hoping to play the 3 last ones with translated battle dialogues as well, which, if those turn out to be translated at all, pretty much will be available exclusively for Complete Box.

This has made this my saddest day of the year.