Maidens of the Kaleidoscope

~Hakurei Shrine~ => Help Me, Eirin! => Topic started by: Mino ☆ on August 18, 2013, 01:35:24 AM

Title: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mino ☆ on August 18, 2013, 01:35:24 AM
It's no secret that a common hobby of our fellow Touhou players is to blog their experiences or feelings with Touhou. The blogs can last up to many paragraphs, and can be rather lengthy.

I figured since we currently (to my knowledge) don't have a thread for this specific purpose, that I would make one.

So, whenever you feel like you have something to blog about concerning your Touhou career, write away!  :wikipedia:
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mino ☆ on August 18, 2013, 01:53:32 AM
Yes, a double post. But I didn't want this to be in the same post as my intro.

I've been working on a number of LNMNB goals, most notably my current one, PCB LNMNBNBB. Or, as I like to call it, LNNN. This meaning, No Deaths, No Bombs, No Borders Broken. Over the last few months, I pondered what exactly it means to be working on such an achievement. The astounding amount of effort and restarts have the potential to drive a player insane. Because of course, this is an achievement which strictly limits the number of mistakes you can make to zero. 

I myself, have felt the urge to rush this achievement. I felt that I needed to get a LNNN as fast as possible. What was it that I desired? Did I just simply want the achievement, to further my self worth? Did I want to take that "first in the west to perfect" trophy? Did I want the recognition for such an achievement? Today, I played a bit of PCB, and thought about all of that. I'm well known for my impatience and short temper, so to rush such an achievement would inevitably cause frustration inside of me. And it very well did. Over the past months I remember raging and whining about how I couldn't get this, and how I wished I could just get it over with. This would lead me to the conclusion that I didn't like LNNN, and that I was just trying to win it merely for the achievement.

But I've stumbled on the realization that I do, in fact, like LNNN. I tend to enjoy things when I'm able to take them slow. During my run, I felt calm. This tranquility is a rare occurrence for me when I play Touhou. I felt that I didn't need the LNNN today. I felt that I didn't need the LNNN ever. All I played for, was to dodge the beautiful patterns that these magical youkai girls  were throwing my way. I was for once, playing because of the love for the game. Maybe it was the refreshing return to PCB after a long 5 days of DDC drilling. But, I was patient. I played because I loved the patterns. I engulfed myself in the familiarity of the game. It was a beautiful experience for me. And now I realize, that as long as I am willing to wait for the results, I can take it slow, and get this LNNN whenever I want.

The stress free mindset that I had obtained allowed me to play for longer periods of time. The frustration wasn't as bad, and I found myself getting farther in my runs. I truly felt what "taking it easy" was. And that's what I wish to do with Touhou. I wish to take it easy, and peacefully work on my goals.

I wish to open my mind with my Touhou career. I don't plan to go for LNNN for the rest of my career. I once said that I wanted to perfect every game. But I do not need to perfect every game. Perhaps, if I desire to in the far future, I may. But, I wish to try many things. Touhou is a land of opportunities. The number of goals you can go for allows for a varietal play. I pondered the idea of PCB Lunatic scoring. I feel that it is a possibility in the future. There are many possibilities. Perhaps I can achieve more with patience. They do say that slow and steady wins the race.

Perhaps I'm just in a calm mood, and will return to my impatient days tomorrow. But I feel like I can relax. I don't need a reason to play. I can just play Touhou because I want to play. And that's how I want to do it.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: CyberAngel on August 18, 2013, 11:46:07 AM
IN Spell Practice. First three stages go pretty smoothly. Except Last Spells on Lunatic. They just say to me: "No, buddy, you can't read stuff this fast, go away." But I try again and reach the level of focus that I need in order to do this... for whole 10 seconds. Then I think "wow, I'm doing this" and try to analyze how I do this, and lose than focus and fail.

I'm far from being a top player yet. But it surely is interesting to see my own growth. Back when I started, SA Easy 1cc was a challenge that took as much effort as I could give. Nowadays? I can fly around unfocused most of the time and finish with full lives, wondering how did I even find this hard in the past. And yet, Lunatic 1cc feels like still a whole world or two away. It's interesting to watch how one's perspective on such things changes. You're a newbie only once in your life. But why does it change so much?

A friend of mine took up powerlifting and chats about it on occasion. To increase the weight you can lift, you go like this: lift weight you're comfortable with, try a bigger one a few times, go back to usual, try a bigger one again more times than before and so on. Keep doing that until you can switch to a bigger one completely, and try an even bigger one next. With that, it's possible to reach a point where you can effortlessly lift a weight you deemed too big when you started. ...It sounds so much like what happens when you get better at shmups that I understand: mind can be trained, just like muscles. If you're untrained, you're not limited to a level you are at now, you can get better. Slowly, bit by bit, taking a break when you need. But it's possible. The difference is in whether you want to take up that training or not.

Another interesting bit I discovered with time is how you deal with a pattern that is too hard initially. It goes like this:

The thing I learned about getting better in general is that you just have to take it easy. Having fun is the single important thing about playing. Achievements will come naturally when you're ready for them. If there are obstacles in your way, you'll naturally understand when you're ready to take them on and get better. Until then, just take it easy.

Okay, that's enough chatting. Stage 4, here I come!
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Zengeku on August 18, 2013, 09:13:09 PM
This is a thread with potential for some interesting things. I hope that people will use it.

I've been going through quite a bit of a personal journey right now that is kinda limiting what I can do with Touhou and most certainly also DDC. DDC is a game that hasn't entirely lost me even though Kagerou's promise was of a game much better than what we ended up getting. The game is good and I want to pursue challenges such as Lunatic No-bombs and high scoring runs of Hard/Lunatic and Extra.

I knew the instant that I saw the game that I would've been able to easily pump out a 1cc of Lunatic on the first day like several of my friends managed to do but I opted against doing that because I know that I'm a skilled player who can do pretty decent things if I have fun doing what I do. I guess that's a topic that might also be worthwhile bringing up. That I've come to think about recently.

Some skilled players tend to have a tendency to overly criticize their own skill levels as well as their runs, calling whatever they produce 'shit runs' and whatever even though to do so serve no fucking purpose than to make themselves feel bad about what they just did. I am extremely good at doing this and I want it to stop. I've been doing plenty of thinking about this and what happens whenever I do a 6 miss run of MoF Lunatic No-bombs and call the run shit? Sure, the run wasn't exactly the greatest performance I could ever have done. I have more experience and skill than that but is it really something to get this sour about? What exactly is being accomplished by hating on myself and my performance and talking about how bad it is? I just end up making myself feel worse about myself as well as having every person in these threads reading the stuff feel bad about it too if they happen to be people struggling with simply clearing Lunatic mode.

Who am I to call any Lunatic No-bombs run shit if there are people out there who can't even clear? It's literally the same thing as calling all those people shit players absolutely unprovoked. Totally uncalled for. So thinking about this has lead me to one conclusion. I am most certainly not a bad player. I'm actually a quite good one. To lie about this is nothing but an insult, not only to myself but also an insult to everyone who isn't as skilled as I am. I have no idea why I've been allowed to keep up this shitty attitude for so long but I want it to stop. This is my current goal in Touhou.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Waahst on August 18, 2013, 09:28:53 PM
Got a lingering thought to go improve my PCB scores, but since the category is so dead and I've reached my personal goals, I'll probably keep playing casually. Got other important stuff at hand anyway. Weird how one can not care much about competition and still be driven by it. For instance, I'd definitely want to push my ReimuA score higher if someone in the west beats my PB. A bad imitation of a WR that is over two years old just doesn't feel the same. UFO MarisaA will likely be the same it seems.

Edit: Short post so people aren't intimidated by these huge walls of texts!
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: chum on August 18, 2013, 09:52:48 PM
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Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Tengukami on August 18, 2013, 10:39:04 PM
Who am I to call any Lunatic No-bombs run shit if there are people out there who can't even clear? It's literally the same thing as calling all those people shit players absolutely unprovoked. Totally uncalled for. So thinking about this has lead me to one conclusion. I am most certainly not a bad player. I'm actually a quite good one. To lie about this is nothing but an insult, not only to myself but also an insult to everyone who isn't as skilled as I am. I have no idea why I've been allowed to keep up this shitty attitude for so long but I want it to stop. This is my current goal in Touhou.
I like this sentiment. I've been thinking about this a lot, too. I think once players start wanting to give themselves higher and more difficult challenges, there's a tendency to view runs that fall short as being terrible, even if they are far, far better performances than you could find in the general mix. That drive to push yourself is what makes you look at perceived shortcomings as failures.

For my part, I never got caught up. I'm an unabashed Easy/Normal Mode survival run player. I've tried playing for score, and found it a real grind. Now, I love watching actual Lunatic runs and people playing for score (the world record for score-running Imperishable Night in Easy Mode, for example, is one of the most entertaining plays I've ever seen), and I probably could get better if I really wanted to. But I like playing at this skill level, and I find it fun. I'm under the impression games are supposed to be fun.

For my part, DDC has awakened my love of Touhou shooters again. The last Touhou shooter I genuinely enjoyed for any length of time was GFW, and before that, MoF. SA, UFO and TD left me cold. I enjoy the photog games, and of course I like the literary aspect of Touhou. And I was happy with that. But DDC, for whatever reason, has re-kindled that enjoyment of getting lost in a Touhou shooter. It's nice, you know, to feel that kind of excitement again.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Ibaraki on August 19, 2013, 01:10:17 AM
While I was focusing on my two university projects from late October 2012, it's like Touhou disappearing from my life almost completely. No danmaku runs, no fighter runs, no picture searching, no mango downloads, no doujin downloads, and no discussion. Even though both projects were assessed and done in early February, it made me unable to keep up with the development throughout the previous 5 months. With Touhou not being my primary focus anymore, I started playing other games that I've never counted before.

There was actually a chance to reconnect the string in late March - early April, but I got sick for more than half of the month. It's been my own tradition to play PCB in late March - early April for all these years, and being unable to do it because the cannot-be-helped situation still kinda discourages me. From that point on, I hope the newer games would be able to pull me to Touhou once again. While HM was a good game, even until now I still feel it's still 'barely finished', that is assuming the game was not meant to feature that 'many' spellcards and relatively limited customizations.

Luck is not really my favorite word, and thankfully, DDC slapped me good by using the word. My very first attempt of playing DDC with SakuyaB was filled with burps and avoidable minor mistakes, which ended up with rather embarrassing score and achievement. My second attempt with ReimuA was much better, but it left me thinking "I think I got lucky at this point, that point, etc point", too much that I couldn't feel satisfied despite the achievement. It might not pull me completely just yet, but it helped me to realize again that the old me has been thinking nothing but to better myself without mainly relying on luck alone.

Now I'm back to my usual pic hunting and character's biography-trivia reading routine. It would take a while to regain my old form, but having a purpose is more fun than having none at all.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Heian_Alien on August 19, 2013, 01:14:52 AM
DDC. I've been trying to assess how exactly the game stands up to it's lower number counterparts, but can't really come to any conclusion.
Normal is pretty damn hard for it being normal. Or rather, the patterns themselves are challenging. Still, I think we saw more early clears of DDC than we did TD.
Is it attributed to the fact that not only are resources so bountiful, but the stages themselves have been made easier to accommodate the resource-gathering gimmick?
Bombs are strong too and can, with little experience, be used almost in a self-sustaining manner, returning as many resources as were lost, pretty much like MoF.
The shottypes are pretty imbalanced this time around. SakuyaA, MarisaB, ReimuA all seem a bit too strong to me, even making UFO SanaeB seem tame. 

I really think ZUN should have kept the TD life system intact, having each life take more and more pieces to get filled up. Because now you can afford to bomb 50% of the bullets away,
and still reach Stage 6 with 4 lives or more.I for one think that it retracts from the experience. An 1cc should be something to strife for, a landmark that you can use to
assess how you improve as time passes by. A guy like me, who can't even 1cc UFO or SA Lunatic shouldn't be getting a blind Hard 1cc. The game doesn't punish the player enough for their mistakes.
One could say that the previous sentence could apply to every game of the series, but that's after you actually take the time and learn the game.

You don't have to learn pretty much anything for DDC.
The stages are almost instantly figured out, and most hard parts can be bombed for profit.
The bosses are likewise bombed away.

At least you get to have fun with the spellcards, since some of them are very challenging, with more traditionalshmup-like dodging involved.(Yatsuhashi's second card is a prime example)
Additionally, an LNB should be pretty hard to get, although some of the beast players here will probably prove me wrong. We *do* have Stage 5+ NMNB's and Extra no bombs already.

TLDR: Game2ez heros2op ZUN nerf pls

PS: The different safespots and cheesy ways to bypass spellcards(Yatsuhashi's 2nd) and stage parts(Stage 4 kunai and wall spam) are serving to make the game even worse.
Thinking ZUN would have patched them for 1.00b was too good to be true.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: commandercool on August 19, 2013, 01:48:30 AM
I don't talk about the actual very specifics of my Touhou experience very much because I consider it a fairly private affair. I'm playing this for my own enjoyment and I don't really care how that stacks up to anybody else. Not that I don't acknowledge what others can do or enjoy watching it, but that's not what I'm here for. At various points in the last couple of months I actually had big ten paragraph blog posts written up and almost posted them, only to delete them because of the way I feel about myself and these games. I reckon nobody really cares, and I don't care that they don't. Not sure why I'm writing this then, maybe I'll delete it before I post it.

Anyway, I started playing one year, one month, and four days ago. I cleared every main-series, post-'98 game on Easy with every shot type except Mountain Of Faith because I really dislike Mountain Of Faith and can't be bothered. I had been hoping for months to celebrate my one-year anniversary with a Normal clear of some kind, at the time hopefully EoSD because I was planning on doing everything in order. I got to a point where every run was so close to a Normal clear that I was positive that I would be able to do it on the next one, but the next one never came. I would often go five days or a week between sessions because I was busy with school ending and then summer class starting, so my skills would get rusty and it would take an entire session to warm back up.

The anniversary came and went, I don't think I even found time to sit down and play that night, and I found myself enjoying EoSD less and less. It feels brutally random, probably because my ability to play is weak enough that I rely mostly on memorization to get anywhere. I'm also very quick to drop runs if they go even a little wrong early and late to bomb, which leads to a lot of needless replay of the first couple of stages. Anyway, I shelved EoSD and have been slowly working on Imperishable Night. The more I play it, the more I think it may be my favorite game in the series even over Subterranean Animism. The familiar mechanic didn't make a lot of sense to me at first, but it seems beautifully elegant now that I've taken the time to realize how all of the pieces of each stage fit together. I feel less like I'm coasting on memorization and more like I'm succeeding based on an actual understanding of the mechanics and a direct application of that understanding. 

I still find myself struggling to find consistent time to play, and I'm back to the spot that I was before I drifted away from EoSD-every run starts hopeful that I can actually win. This time it feels better though, because it feels like I'm getting better rather than just applying short-term memorization more. I don't know how long it will take before I actually do clear it, or where to go from there, but I think it'll be coming any day now. Maybe even tonight. I'll probably Normal clear with every shot type, then maybe give Extra a serious try just out of curiosity-I don't think I'm good enough to do it, but I want to see how far I can get before it stops being fun or educational.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Elysia on August 19, 2013, 03:51:06 AM
So, I feel like I'm running out of potential things to actually do in Touhou.

I've felt like that for quite a while now, looking forward to DDC so I could actually have something to do. Kagerou made me think the game would have tons of spellcards to aim for, stuff that would take me ages to do and would be worth doing. It's been less than a week since release and I've already timed out Kagerou's entire arsenal, Seija's only boss spellcard, and Raiko's entire arsenal bar the last one's timeout phase. This just leaves me with Stage 4 which frankly doesn't interest me (and 4A is not helping one bit. ZUN, get better playtesters, ffs.) The only thing left as an actual goal is Seija's midboss card.

So we're back to square one, basically. A few goals that all seem like a massive pain in the ass and games that are pretty much worn out otherwise.

Let's see what I have working on right now...

- Perfect Mikoto Yaobi (this is the biggest one right now, since I can go after timeouts of other stuff if I fail the main goal)
- Breaking Critical Point timeout
- Mikoto's 2nd and 4th nonspell timeouts
- Perfect Kanpukugu's Reimu version
- Seija's midboss card timeout
- Hell God Sword timeout
- Froggy Braves the Elements timeout
- Philosopher's Stone (SA version) timeout
- Emerald Megalith timeout (maybe some other Patchy stuff too I guess)
- Legendary Flying Saucer timeout

Huh. Now that I have it written down it looks like a bit more to do, but still. It's all either stuff that's a massive pain in the ass or stuff that takes forever to get to for one attempt or both. And what is there for me when that's all done?

This is why I really, really could use a working Danmakufu. What I wouldn't give for some competent fangames to try out right now.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Zil on August 19, 2013, 07:27:03 AM
This is a cool thread. I don't think I have anything important to put here but I'll try anyway.

I've been thinking a lot about what makes me enjoy these games. Why PoDD and PoFV are so fun to me, but the others bore me to tears. And even beyond Touhou, I've found shmups that I enjoy for a while, but then I lose interest and just can't reclaim it.

So inevitably I have to ask myself - what is it about these particular games that makes them so fun? It's obviously not the versus aspect. In fact, that only makes them worse. And I've come to believe that it's not even the fact that they're shmups. If I liked shmups, then I'd play them. But I obviously don't. That ship has sailed, and I don't see it coming back.

About a year ago I got really depressed and said I would quit playing Touhou. In some sense, I really did, since I haven't touched most of the games since. I'm very glad I kept playing PoDD and PoFV though. I didn't see it then but I was completely wrong to think they should grouped with the rest. I think I was wrong to have ever considered myself a "shmup player." I'm barely even a Touhou player. I understand myself better now. I overthink my own opinions. I should just listen to my heart. I've found that it's a mistake I make in every area of my life. Maybe my "Touhou career" helped me realize it. Or maybe it was all the porn I look at.

It was nice to write that for some reason. I hope nobody reads it. Thanks for making the thread Mino.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: BT on August 19, 2013, 07:34:48 AM
Or maybe it was all the porn I look at.
Porn that makes you think about life? Link me to some of that.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Zil on August 19, 2013, 11:18:07 AM
Gesuigai is, to me, a very powerful manga. One of the best things I've ever read. And there's the thing I got this avatar from, which made me depressed somehow, but depression makes you think I guess.

And so on and so forth.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: BT on August 19, 2013, 11:36:07 AM
I was joking around, but thanks! :V
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Reiko on August 19, 2013, 12:09:10 PM
I like this sentiment. I've been thinking about this a lot, too. I think once players start wanting to give themselves higher and more difficult challenges, there's a tendency to view runs that fall short as being terrible, even if they are far, far better performances than you could find in the general mix. That drive to push yourself is what makes you look at perceived shortcomings as failures.
Couldn't agree more.
There is something really depressing in seeing a player get, say, a LNB or a score twice as high as yours and labelling it as a "shitrun with mistakes everywhere". I don't blame anyone for doing it though, I'm just taking it the wrong way.

Apart from that, I'm in this weird situation where I have cleared half of the main games in Lunatic, and it feels like I'm done with the series. One year ago, when I was still battling Normal/Hard modes, I thought that getting on the "Lunatic-level" was the key to doing all the fun stuff like no-bombs runs (or scoring, although I'm not much into that). It seems I was wrong.
I don't feel like coming back to games I have already cleared, playing with other shottypes. And I don't enjoy the other games enough to actually get the 1cc.
What saddens me the most was the IN Lunatic clear. I wasn't happy to get it, I didn't feel any excitement during the last spellcard, just a vague relief of the "it was about time..." sort. I'm not even sure I wanted to clear the game, it just felt like I had to, even though I didn't really enjoy it.

It's been a few weeks (or months) since I last played Touhou somewhat seriously. I blame myself for having bricks instead of hands, and ramming bullets in patterns I have no trouble reading. I probably shouldn't.

I'm playing other shmups now, but I hope to get back at Touhou one day. DDC trial didn't convince me to play the full game, but there's still so much I'd like to do (EoSD/PCB LNB, for example). Just need to get some motivation and the right mindset.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Formless God on August 19, 2013, 12:53:56 PM
Currently very burned out on Touhou and STGs in general. Being a medium level player isn't fun at all. There is very little progression unless you go out of the way to play with altered variables, and memorization just kills games for me. "I feel like playing <game> today! Oh wait, I still remember how to do that stage. Never mind then." It's been like that for two four years. I sometimes just wanna forget all the games I've played in order to enjoy them again.
I realize it's the utmost shittiest mindset a STG player can have and I will never play for score in my entire life, but it can't be helped. I can only tolerate repetition until there is no longer a need to execute it physically.

I'm infinitely grateful for the newcomers this Comiket brought about, so in the end I guess it's not all that depressing.

So, DDC. It surpassed my expectations with its difficulty and I think the scoring system we got was pretty solid. It carried over the positive elements of TD such as the zip around the screen playstyle and less unnecessarily flamboyant patterns. It also unfortunately brought over poor character balancing. Half of the roster was completely unnecessary and the .50 power penalty isn't as cool as it sounds; there are stuff that outright laugh at your face if you are using ReimuB, MarisaA or SakuyaB with anything less than 4.00 Power. The game isn't yet up to UFO's polish, DS's pattern design, GFW's speeeed and EoSD/PoFV's primitive brutality, but it definitely is stomping on the other ones as I'm typing this.

So inevitably I have to ask myself - what is it about these particular games that makes them so fun? It's obviously not the versus aspect. In fact, that only makes them worse.
Random bullet sprays that makes every run of the game different?
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Zil on August 19, 2013, 02:50:30 PM
Random bullet sprays that makes every run of the game different?
To a degree, yes, but I don't think that's all of it. It definitely helps prevent the games from getting boring, but I can't say that's what makes them so fun in the first place.

It's something about how unrestricted they are. At every moment, it feels like I'm going all out. Like the game has put up some unlimited challenge, and every inch of progress I make is a direct result of my playing, and not the game automatically advancing at its own pace. Nothing can be mastered or optimized or perfected. I can always put every ounce of my ability into everything I do. In other games I feel like I'm doing the bare minimum. All I have to do in a normal shmup is avoid making mistakes. In PoDD/FV I'm not merely avoiding making mistakes, I'm actively doing the opposite of making mistakes.

I was joking around, but thanks! :V
I never joke with matters of such importance! Of course, I'm not actually expecting you to read it, given that I think most people would find it intensely disgusting.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mew seeker on August 20, 2013, 03:33:14 PM
I have finally got the game and started playing it. I have managed to make it to stage 3 on easy.
So far, I have learned a few things.
It's the music that take lot, lot and lot of time installing when installing the game. Like, more than half the data. X D
I should bomb more. Like, WAY WAY more. X D
I would probably do better if I panicked and bombed. X D
It's nice to have homing bullets but there is also a great merit in being able to kill stuff fast. : P
Cirno does not start with her Icicle Shotgun. Come on, you watched videos before, you should know this already. X D
It actually take a while before getting full power mode. And I actually need more than 100 in power for this. X D
She also caught me by surprise with her freezing bullets when I should know better. X D
I probably learn how to use focus mode. It feels unnatural so far. ^^;

That being said, I managed to capture Rumia spellcard with Marisa. ^^

Also, I gave the instruction manual a quick look. There is a section that is basically called "If something would go wrong".
In it are various things to try and check to make the game work.
Afterward, there is section called "If nothing would go wrong."
In it it says "Please have fun." :3

Update : by using the power of continues, I made it to Patchouli.
I realized that I should start using focus mode in stages, not just bosses, starting with the second half of stage 3.
There are long stream or kunais but I tend to forget there are bullet to dodge while they're shot. X D
I used practice to work on Mei Ling.
The rainbow spell card that goes left and right still give me trouble.
Last one is not too bad if I am concentrated and focus on the holes in the danmaku.
And I have learned that you can't have a replay if you continue. X D
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: CyberAngel on August 20, 2013, 05:02:47 PM
Remembered another observation. This one's about bombs. Or rather, a certain thing connected to them. You know it. You hate it. You encounter it on a regular basis, no matter whether you're a vet or a rookie. You can say it with me now. Dying with bombs in stock.

Yes, that one. Unless you do a no-bomb run, wasting your limited resources like that is something that can easily frustrate you no matter what your goal is. There are only two kinds of players that don't encounter this situation as frequently as everyone else. One is master players who can execute their runs perfectly and know when to use all their bombs effectively. The other? Complete newbies. Why? Because bombing at the first sight of danger is among the first things they learn. But let's look at how it goes from there.

Suppose a newbie used all his bombs and is now against a not-so-trivial bullet pattern. Since all he can do is try to dodge it, he does try, and manages to luck out of it. A few lucky attempts like that, and he sees that it's possible to dodge stuff too. Next time, he sees a pattern like the one he managed to dodge before, and tries to dodge it instead of bombing. Sometimes luck runs out when you least want it to, and he dies without having used those bombs he still had.

Now, I think this is where a divergence between players happens. Some get too upset about unused resources, seeing that as a step back, and decide that it's impossible to get any better, and those who can NMNB Lunatic are just insane superhumans. Others, however, overcome their frustration after such failures and keep trying, eventually learning things and getting better.

Now, this "bombing skill" is a peculiar thing. When you start getting better overall, it drops, but you can relearn it as you get better. It's like when you try to learn martial arts or playing an instrument. You can do it untrained, but when you start training, you can't help but think about what you're doing, and can't do things as easy as before. However, with time, you learn basics to the level when you don't need to think about them constantly, and are instead learning more advanced stuff to make your performance even better than ever before. This initial drop turns away many, but it's inevitable, and once you're past it, things are only uphill from there.

So, about dying with bombs in stock? It happens. It's frustrating. But learning to get over that frustration is as important as learning patterns or techniques. Even kappas get swept away in the current. Even masters can make stupid mistakes. But it's not always required to have an absolutely perfect result (except no-miss runs, of course). That stage 1 stupid death you could have bombed through? It doesn't mean you won't get a 1cc this time, or that your further performance will be exceptionally bad. Unless you convince yourself that it would by getting upset at a single mistake. Keep fighting, friends. There is no such thing as a wasted run if you're having fun.

(Man, where I started and where I finished. I shouldn't write so much or I'll be losing my train of thought each time.)
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mew seeker on August 20, 2013, 10:25:22 PM
I managed to finish easy mode with Reimu B. Sakuya gave me lot and lot of trouble, I don't even know where to start to dodge her attacks. X D
I didn't managed to finish the game with Reimu A but from what I saw, while the beginning seems harder, Patchouli and Sakuya seems easier with her.

I tried Normal mode. Took me longer than I should to realizes Rumia used a new spell card in the middle of the fight. X D
Also, Icicle fall is not so easy in normal mode. I guess this time the jole on me. X D
Cirno new spell card wasn't that hard however, got the spell card bonus. : )
Also, Mei Ling mid stage spell card seemed easier than in easy mode. X D
That spinning rainbow spell card however... hughhh. X D
Looks like I'll have to practice the first few stages. X D
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: RNG on August 22, 2013, 08:20:23 PM
So, I feel like I'm running out of potential things to actually do in Touhou.

It might help if you work on LNB stuff instead of just timeouts. You definitely have the persistence and consistency to do stuff like that. Your MB normal perfect run was quite impressive and leads me to believe that you could be really good at full-game runs.

Grinding individual spells requires a certain skillset, and can be fun when you finally reach your goal, but to me it lacks a certain... visceral-ness compared to trying to concentrate for the length of an entire game.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Tengukami on August 22, 2013, 09:04:39 PM
I'm sure this is something you're all familiar with, and there might even be a name for it, for all I know, but - I spend a lot of time in Practice, and get a lot of enjoyment out of perfecting stages and spell cards. I'd say the Practice:Gameplay ratio would be 3:1. Gameplay is often a different story, though, for two reasons: a) non-spells that I find particularly difficult, and b) the fact that it isn't Practice anymore. The obvious solution is more gameplay, and I know it, but Practice is pretty damn fun.

On the subject of running out of things to do, there's always the Touhou Challenge Generator (see attached, thanks to ihavenoname ( There were some hilarious runs off of that thing.

That's one of my favorite encounters in Touhou, possibility. The elements that comprise the game give you a lot of different things to try.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: ViciousYukkuri on August 22, 2013, 09:29:46 PM
I should get back into actually playing the official games again. I've been focused on reading doujins and playing fan-games. My problem is I feel totally stuck on my progress. I'm not one to go for score, I just want to 1cc the games to get the endings and round out my knowledge of the lore and what not, but my pride won't let me just EASY MODO it. I'm a filthy casual. The problem though, is I figure if I can't beat all of them, I certainly can't 1cc any. I've beaten EoSD, PCB, IN, PoFV, TD and DDC. I'm pretty sure I could beat MoF now that I know the trick to 2 of Kanako's spell cards that were murdering me before. Hell, I would have 1cc'd this game by now, I can get to Sanae without dying or bombing on a good run, if I could beat Kanako. UFO I just need to put a day aside and devote myself to beating it. I can get to Byakuren's last spell card, but I haven't touched the game since I got killed while Bya was exploding and it was my last life. Pissed me off so bad I can't play UFO without doing badly from the residual rage. And SA. Damn SA. Specifically, damn Orin. I took a day last month and played SA all day, attempting to beat it. I spent 4 HOURS on Orin. I finally managed to beat her. You should have seen my face. I would have done backflips from joy if I could. My roommates thought I had gone half insane. I was just that happy to finally beat this boss that had been plaguing me for a year. And with that feeling, I started on my grind to defeat Utsuho. I kept dying to her mostly from her being a totally new boss and not knowing any of her attacks. But I could tell I could beat it with time. She was easier than Orin, I just needed to get her spells down. Then, on the 5th or 6th try, my computer overheated. I was too busy being happy about defeating Orin to care at the time, but now, I get mad thinking "I would have beaten that game finally, but no. The computer can't have that." and I haven't tried again because I don't want to be stuck on Orin again. I went on a hiatus of playing Touhou then. I came out of it to play DDC, but after beating it on the same day (which I wasn't expecting. I know the game's on the easier side, but I didn't think I had gotten that good) I went on another hiatus. I wanted to get caught up on other games, and try more fangames and whatnot.

I also wish I wasn't the only one in my circle of friends who liked Touhou a lot. One of my roommates tries, but he can't keep up with me in a conversation and he can't get into the games. He did come up with a great inside joke though: Him "You get sucked into Gensokyo" Me: "I'm fucked unless I suddenly develop magical powers or become a Houraisian" Him "Then become immortal. DRINK THE HOURAI ELIXER" Me "Only Eirin can make it, and she'll only do it for Kaguya" Him "I got it. You go to their place, and by just walking into the room
you make Kaguya's pussy quiver
" We bust out laughing and its become a joke between us. I also can't take Kaguya seriously anymore. Another of my friends is also trying, and he's doing pretty good. He's getting through all the lore stuff first, but has the problem of not liking SHUMPs in the first place, and is hoping that learning about the characters and the setting will help him get into it more. His interest was peaked when he was watching me do UFO runs on a nightly basis for a week. He started asking me about it and the rest...he's working on. He's got a lot of the characters down, and his favorite is Alice, and he's even starting to delve into the fan culture, things like remixes of the music and doujins. Problem is he lives in a different city, so I can't exactly go "Hey, come over and let's play some 13.5 and fanboy over this franchise!" That's the other thing. I want to play 13.5 with other people, but my internet's too shitty for net play and I'm not confident enough in my ability to be a good fight for people. I used to play 12.3 with my friends and roommate all the time, but we drifted apart after some drama shit.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Zengeku on August 26, 2013, 04:02:35 AM
Worked some more on DDC Lunatic First Clear LNB. Polished up some strategies around the different late game stages. I managed to get some progress with Sukuna's 5th spell which should be down reasonably consistent now. UKT's method was pretty neat so I tried to imitate it and while i cannot consistently do it as well as he did in his run, I can at least prevent the spell from being a problem.

The final is still giving me a surprising amount of trouble. I dunno what is up with it but for some reason I get hit by kunai a bit too often. I also managed to work myself up to a 15/30 capture rate on Seija's third spell as well as a 15/50 and 8/50 on Yatsuhashi's 2nd and 3rd spell respectively. I seriously underestimated her 2nd spell. It was quite a lot harder to dodge than i had anticipated. I find it hard to properly focus on it I think. I guess that's something some more practice might help with.

I should start doing full stage practice soon now that most of the technique is getting down. Also, I have no idea how i'm supposed to do Yatsuhashi's final. It's a really difficult attack and i'm surprised at being able to capture it 8 times in 50 tries. I am seeing gaps more often than not now though, i'm just not good enough to properly reach them so I guess maybe this spell isn't really RNG trash, it's just extremely difficult.

Overall, I like the Stage 4 and 5 boss tons more than Sukuna. Sukuna is a bad final boss, why does she have to be in this game. :/
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mino ☆ on August 26, 2013, 04:03:51 AM
Overall, I like the Stage 4 and 5 boss tons more than Sukuna. Sukuna is a bad final boss, why does she have to be in this game. :/

Am I the only one who actually likes Sukuna and her fight?  :ohdear:
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Zengeku on August 26, 2013, 04:09:02 AM
No, Maze seems to do so as well.  ;)
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: I have no name on August 26, 2013, 04:43:20 AM
On the subject of running out of things to do, there's always the Touhou Challenge Generator (see attached, thanks to ihavenoname ( There were some hilarious runs off of that thing.
Yes I'm not the only one who remembers this thing!

I'm overly critical of my own runs, disappointed when I fail stuff I feel I should get more frequently.  This is something I'm going to have to overcome if I want to put up a good run of double spoiler at ADGQ in January...but it's something that's not easy.  When I fail 2-4, I lose a lot of motivation to continue.  Anything in stage 1 is an instant reset, but I know no matter how much I practice, there's a chance I'll fail those scenes when it matters most.  That mindset is what's kept me from the big goals I've chased lately, but some games I just bounced back and tried again.  So why does Touhou frustrate me to the point where I give it a few tries and step away?  I couldn't get an MoF LNB, mostly due to not trying.  Likewise for 1ccing UFO lunatic, I came close once and know I can, so why haven't I?  To draw a parallel, when I was going for V ranks in the VVVVVV time trials (akin to perfecting a stage) I just kept trying.  So why can't I work up the motivation to do that for touhou stages?  I succeeded in obtaining all 6, but in the same timeframe I never really touched touhou.  I think that I need some sort of external motivation to keep going and push through the grind to get what I want out of the games.  I'm not fully playing for the experience, but also not for the journey or the final goal.  I'm playing for a sense of improvement, progress, preferably tangible, like doing better on a challenge run or coming closer.  Maybe that's why when I get close I lose motivation.  It took reaching 9/9/12 for me to decide to grind out GFW lunatic.  I spent 2 hours on it, but they were fun and I got the clear.  I suppose that's why I'm drawn to speedrunning, because I can see smaller improvements in the time coming off.  Maybe running DS any% is all it'll take to reignite the spark in me.  Maybe it's the release of DDC, which I still haven't played due to my laptop dying.  But maybe...touhou just isn't for me, but I hate leaving goals unfinished, targets unreached.  It's why I think I'll grab the remaining goals I've set for myself (couple of stage perfects, an LNB and 2 1ccs) and see where I decide to go from there.  I might play more after, or decide I've had my enjoyment from the series and move on.

You never know, maybe going into an RPG challenge fest will get me in the mood for shmups.  Or maybe I'll suddenly develop an interest in fighting games.  All I know from this rambling, is that I shouldn't focus too much on the future, but live in the present.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: ARF on August 26, 2013, 10:17:41 AM
...I want to put up a good run of double spoiler at ADGQ in January...

I read that you offered DS over at SDA, what route are you going with? Are you going to be doing the yolostrat for 2-6? Please do the yolostrat!

edit: also there's a consistent no dodge strat for 99.xx times in 2-4, in case you're not going for the IL strat.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Zil on August 26, 2013, 01:45:38 PM
I tried to play PoFV with Cirno today. Reisen dies a minute early. Aya dies two minutes early. Yuuka dies a minute early. Okay then. Thought I might go on to get a no miss run at the rate I was going, but thrice in a row my nether regions were invaded by fairies. At least the bullets never touched me.

I also learned earlier that Merlin loses one of her shots when she's near the edge of the screen, which is actually kind of significant. And I think I've improved my "Merlin game," for whatever that's worth. Now I can be a dick and use her in netplay.

IHNN: I often have a similar experience of losing motivation after almost reaching a certain goal. Not sure what it's all about. It gets me a lot in PoDD.

Speaking of which, I think I've been away for a bit too long. Fuck everything, I'm going back.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Zarakava on August 26, 2013, 11:06:18 PM
Well, I guess I'll post here.

Going for a lot of random Easy Clears right now. I made a spreadsheet that just shows what I've done or not, and getting more "green" on there would be great

Touhou 8 tonight I think, try to get the solo players unlocked
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: BT on August 30, 2013, 12:57:37 PM
Dear Diary,

For a while I've been wondering about the progress curve involving shmup skill. Not talking about scores or anything, just raw skill. Every time I'd conclude that it has to be something like this:


Yeah, haven't been getting any better at drawing graphs by mouse. Anyway, I'd always assume that most competitive but lazy players (a.k.a. filth) such as myself have a similar growth pattern. Of course, goals keep on being broken, but that can also be attributed to effort and experience. For the past six months I felt like my own skill level was busy sightseeing somewhere.

Poppycock. The standstill is your fault. Give yourself some minor goals so you constantly see your progress, or else you won't see your progress. Because it's totally there. If coming back to the best stage in the series after a DDC-induced break only to find that you're pretty much consistent at Scarlet Meister doesn't show progress I don't know what does. I was close to giving up on competitive toho, though I'm sure that resolve wouldn't have stopped me from playing a few credits a week anyway. If anyone feels the same, rejoice, you're not a talent-less slob.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Wriggle on August 30, 2013, 01:47:31 PM
Dear Diary,

For a while I've been wondering about the progress curve involving shmup skill. Not talking about scores or anything, just raw skill. Every time I'd conclude that it has to be something like this:


Yeah, haven't been getting any better at drawing graphs by mouse. Anyway, I'd always assume that most competitive but lazy players (a.k.a. filth) such as myself have a similar growth pattern. Of course, goals keep on being broken, but that can also be attributed to effort and experience. For the past six months I felt like my own skill level was busy sightseeing somewhere.

Poppycock. The standstill is your fault. Give yourself some minor goals so you constantly see your progress, or else you won't see your progress. Because it's totally there. If coming back to the best stage in the series after a DDC-induced break only to find that you're pretty much consistent at Scarlet Meister doesn't show progress I don't know what does. I was close to giving up on competitive toho, though I'm sure that resolve wouldn't have stopped me from playing a few credits a week anyway. If anyone feels the same, rejoice, you're not a talent-less slob.

The graph = history of my 2hu life
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: CyberAngel on August 30, 2013, 05:53:28 PM
Decided to fire up StB yesterday. What a fun game it is. In a frustrating way, but it sure is. It feels like an exercise not only for skill, but for patience as well. If you can prevent yourself from getting angry and keep focused, finally completing scenes feels awesome.

That said, it feels very different from IN/TD Spell Practice. There, I can throw a few tries a spell, and if I didn't capture it, I can say "it seems there's a trick I don't get yet" or "RNG is not on my side today" and skip it, making sure to bomb the thing on my full run. It just feels like training, little more. In StB/DS, however, there is no full run, this IS the game. And the only choices are either to give up or to keep on trying to crack it. Former case, those pictures you've taken go to waste. Latter case, pictures rack up with no guarantee you'll get the capture this time. So, before playing those games, I have to make sure that I know what I'm trying to do. No half-hearted attempt will make it to where I'll be content to stop.

That means, this isn't the time for me to see how far I can go with my skill yet. Until we meet again, Aya.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Zengeku on August 31, 2013, 11:55:23 PM
Did some more practice with DDC today. Really ought to put in more time with this game. University is still not fully started so I should make good of my free time while i have it. So today i spent about 2.5 hours and all I managed was 10 captures of all spells in stage 3,4 and 5. I really got caught up on Recliner's final and Kagerou's mid.

Holy shit, i think Kagerou's mid is extremely difficult. Honestly thinking that it's much harder than Scarlet Meister. It feels similar in the sense that you have to take proper positioning to avoid the bullets but Scarlet Meister shoots waves much less frequent so I don't feel as rushed. For this reason, it's easier to handle it for me. Of course Scarlet Meister can do things I fail to handle but then again, so does Kagerou's. I'm at 15/200 on Kagerou's midboss spell and I think I've captured Scarlet Meister more than that within half or less the attempts. Not that EoSD will properly communicate this to me because it's history system is stupid.

Recliners... yeah, i dunno what the hell is up. I'm really at a loss for how to deal with it. I just make dives through the node storm but I've got no way to avoid the nodes randomly changing direction just as i pass by them and honestly Recliner-chan, that's not being a good girl. Pls stop doing it :( My capture rate is at a super unimpressive 18/150 :/

Playing MarisaB is way harder than playing SakuyaA but it's at least fun until the frustration gets to you :) The goal is MarisaB LNB and I think I have quite a bit of way there yet but then again, i've only just gotten started on playing this game. I only have about 16 hours on it.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Drake on September 01, 2013, 12:08:23 AM
mine's more like this

Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: chirpy13 on September 01, 2013, 04:06:33 AM
So I was messing around with some DDC easy mode spell practice.  Here's what I discovered (  Apparently you get 420 graze per wave from that spell oh yes!! I still can't get through the flipped waves though.  Oh and this ( too.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Sakurei on September 02, 2013, 01:24:13 AM
[02:55] <%Sakurei> .8ball play IN forever and ever?
[02:55] <godzilla> Sakurei: Concentrate and ask again.
[02:55] <%Sakurei> .8ball get 7b?
[02:55] <godzilla> Sakurei: Signs point to yes.

that's what I will be doing the next 10 years, guys. gg

but in all seriousness, lunatic scoring is far away, instead, I have turned to IN extra with youmu. for now, my goal is 2.5b, but I'd like 3b at least as an end-goal. the latter score is still quite far away, though, so for now, learn the basics!
the past week I have mostly been dawdling around in spell practice getting a feel for the spells and the supergrazes. the 2.5b run I watched didn't do xu-fu and failed HMD at 45 seconds left or something, died and made a lot of other mistakes - which reassures me that it's a good goal for now. nothing ridiculously overkill, but also still challenging enough that I will have to practice a good deal.
for now, I think I got the hang of keine's spells. all 3 of them. first one is ridiculously easy, the 3rd one is simple too. the 2nd spell took some time to figure out, but I believe to have the gist of it now. what's left is to practice the spell so I can survive it for the whole timer. mokou's first non is actually a lot simpler than I thought, even for the tighter gaps. some more practice is necessary, but it's definitely one of the easier grazes. xu-fu eludes me, but it's admittedly the attack I looked into the least. I'll probably see if I can learn it before I start doing runs. honest man's death is definitely the hardest part of the stage. the grazing is timing based and requires precision, but doing it is much harder than it sounds. I'd hesitant to include this for now, I'll have to see about this. maybe I'll practice is so much that I can capture it without timing it down. that'd be a nice compromise. the survival's grazing is actually less tight than I thought, but I'm unfortunately not consistent at it yet. definitely something to include. it's worth some tens of millions after all. I dunno if I should classify hourai doll as supergrazing, but once again, fairly simple, but I haven't tried the extreme timedown version yet. that is probably fairly hard to do - on a good run with shaky hands and then doing those tiny movements. I will probably practice this much more than I "need" to. imperishable shooting is an asshole, I will probably fail this w, but I can still practice it I suppose

now, I also tried my hand at the stage potion. it looked kinda simple to me. oh boy, was I wrong. fuck me and my assumptions. how do I cancel, I don't know. ASL has like 13.4k time at the midboss, my best is like 3k less. I already said I'd dedicate this week for the stage potion. it's mandatory to have a solid stage route to get all the items and...not die. I hope I'll be fit enough to do runs at the end of this month, or beginning of next at least, but I might need more practice even then.

Youmu is so fun to play with.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: CyberAngel on September 07, 2013, 10:59:53 AM
Did an experiment. In case anyone else is curious, even if you get a full trance in Spell Practice, you can't activate it, even on death. Proof: (
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Space Flower on September 10, 2013, 12:23:09 AM
The titular Mountain of Faith is my favorite spell card. There's something extraordinarily epic about a final card you have to do unfocused. Even though in most other shmups it's just the norm, lol.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Wriggle on September 10, 2013, 05:07:27 AM
So while grinding Kanako for like an hour, I found out again I'm shit at this game and should have quit it already. But I've told myself and even other people that I WOULD actually quit. One was when I started playing Skyrim, other was at the beginning of 2013, other was when I perfected Yukari, and maybe have missed one. Why haven't I quit then? Because I'm a weak worthless cunt, really. I don't like this genre, for some weird reason I liked Touhou, but the former would make it not last for too long, and well, 1 year isn't that long, is it? After that year, almost nothing good happened. I took the last straw of what could have been fun in Touhou. Even when I want to play casually, I eventually impose me a challenge because I could've been wasting a good run. That way, I cut my last way of taking fun out of these games. I thought DDC would cheer me up. It did, of a few days. The Extra disappointed me, but was still better than TD's. I've occasionally tried timing out stuff, but only did a few actually good cards since it's not my thing. Won't even begin on scoring. So basically, when doing most games on Lunatic, I realized how the achievement I've coveted for months was worthless and I was a shit player, and had 3 paths: quitting, improving on survival, and learning scoring. The first didn't quite work, the second is what I've been going for but hasn't been giving me anything good, and I tried the third for a few Extras, only to realized it's beyond my capacities, including patience and time. This year most of my plays were to satisfact my addiction. What could help me would be getting into a long game that would take me so deep into it that instead of going to Touhou or IWBTG or whatever, I would go straight into it. I should stop myself from playing something I'm not supposed to like and actually don't really enjoy playing anymore. Or work around my greediness, take it easy, and play casually when the run is supposed to be casual. But this whole shit is no one else's fault but mine. I'm the weak one who lacks will, and after realizing all this I hope I'll get around to help my own person on that.

And I needed to spill that out. I feel kinda better now. Now I've gotta sleep, good night. :ohdear:
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: chirpy13 on September 10, 2013, 09:55:50 PM
Are you secretly me?
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Zengeku on September 11, 2013, 12:00:04 AM
If so, then I think i need to shower.  ;) ;) ;) ;)
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: DATAMOSHLOLIRAVE on September 11, 2013, 01:46:40 AM
this is what stripysocks thinks of touhou

Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Lord Scalgon on September 12, 2013, 01:36:30 AM
So I'm way overdue for a VoWG NBND timeout. Even though I truly want to accomplish it, I just don't have the motivation as I used to have in the past.  Despite this, my attempts have actually motivated a couple people to time it out, in which they succeeded.  The NB2D timeout I pulled two years ago...and that epic choke at 2 seconds left at a NB1D timeout exactly a year ago (I know it was this month, but I forget what day it was).

Yes, that feeling of an epic choke...though I don't know what's worse - this choke or choking a 1CC lunatic run (other than PoFV).

One day, I'll get back into it...but as of now, I'm too lazy due to other issues.  Examples include making a "dodging hell" game out of RPG Maker VX Ace which my playtesters are hooked up to, getting ready for an upcoming YCS event next month (or, in other words, Yu-Gi-Oh), and Photoshop.

On the other hand, I decided to attempt a ND run of TD Stage 6 Lunatic ( for the hell of it.  The pressure in the near-end is simply killing me......*sigh
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: CyberAngel on September 16, 2013, 08:43:38 PM
Another random discovery that doesn't fit anywhere else. Been playing around with Sakuya's "Deflation World" (boy, I love this card now). Turns out Alice's laser deals damage during timestop. Here's the proof. ( She even dies to it. Interesting thing to see, since timestop effect remains. This thing reminds me of how she can screw up her timestop in fighting games, and activate it during some enemy's attacks and prolong them. Poor maid doesn't know how to use her own ability sometimes, it seems.

Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Elysia on September 20, 2013, 02:54:32 AM
I'm starting to feel like Touhou just doesn't really offer me much of anything anymore. At this point, it's like I'm running out of stuff worth actually doing and just doing stuff for the sake of doing it. On top of that, all the stuff I try just makes me rage constantly. And I mean, actually rage, not just "ugh" but "AAAAAAH FUCK YOU", which I thought I'd long since passed where Touhou was concerned. Whatever subscribers I have left have probably noticed that my uploads have been beyond scarce lately - nothing in the entire month of September, a grand total of 2 videos in the latter half of August, to give some idea. Trying to work on videos just screams of "why even bother?" and even when I theoretically have time to do it, I'm exhausted from work and would much rather be doing things I actually, you know, enjoy.

TL;DR of above paragraph: I'm just not enjoying Touhou anymore.

So...I think it's time I go on hiatus. Might do a few things, will probably still hang out on #pc-99 since you all have been great over there, but really...don't expect that much from me in the near future. I don't really have any idea when I'll be coming back into the community here, but hopefully it'll be when I actually have new ideas, when stuff looks interesting to me again.

Until then, so long.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mesarthim on September 20, 2013, 04:01:53 AM
I'm just under the impression I'll never be fully good at UFO hard (Lunatic is a pipe dream).  And by fully good I mean not suck as much as I do. UFO is hands down the hardest Touhou game for me (yes SA is hard but I can actually clear that on Lunatic with Reimu... sometimes!).

Nazrin: Both spells (and mid stage) are easy.
Kogasa: First is hit or miss, second is hit or miss, third is surprisingly easy. Midstage is easy.
Ichirin: Midstage easy. First spell I suck, second is easy, third is g@#$G@#$G# damn lasers. Screws with my mind by the second fist attack.
Murasa: Ignoring the stage, second and third nonspells kind of suck, first spell easy, second spell kind of hard and she never moves with me so they become diagonal, Ghost Ship Port = yeah no, normal is about my level for that, and the timeout is easy.
Shou: Nazrin isn't that bad but I have problems with bullets from multiple angles and directions. Everything about Shou sucks for me except the second spell. Rest is is basically RNG do I bomb or do I get hit. Last spell has a bad history for me.

...Byakuren. The only things I can do with any consistency is the first non, sometimes second non, second spell I need a strong shot type and I might clear it without a moron bullet clip, rest is death. Third spell is luck for me. Fourth is hard as hell. St Nikou's scroll is pretty mean for me going back to the whole multiple angle dense bullet thing. Final spell is basically: Lives in stock? Check no pressure. Bombs in stock? Check... do I risk it? Maybe. It's luck for me.

Hard mode ends with anywhere from game over on stage 6 or as many as maybe 3 lives (rare, usually 0-1).

UFO and I are best buds.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Lreaper9 on September 20, 2013, 05:11:42 AM
Hrm... I don't think I've ever introduced myself, since I mostly just lurk on forums instead of posting.  I have been a fan of Touhou since 2009.  I am a normal mode player mostly, I have cleared all the games  on normal with Reimu A, although I do enjoy the quirky shot-types that Marisa provides.  11 was my first game, it was the game that made me delve into the world of shmups.  I had heard of Touhou in the year 2007, (Hello Iosys...) but then I promptly forgot about it after shrugging at the lunacy of overdrive.  In 2009, by chance, I heard Flandres theme, and decided to investigate. 

I was an avid fan, (actually more like rabid, played nearly everyday even though I was somewhat mediocre) from 2009-2012.  It seems in 2013 my passion for Touhou has slipped a notch.  I don't believe I'm all burned out, but it doesn't have quite the magic that it did those years back.  I still look forward to what Zun has in store, but I barely even touch the game once every two weeks now.  Maybe it's because I don't have many people to talk to about it.  There are some fans here and there at the college I go to at the moment, but the anime club is too ...quirky? (very socially awkward people, and not just because they don't like talking or rage about the item of their passion).  I have at most beaten Koishi and Mamizou, but I haven't seen either of them for months ._. .  I also skipped all the music from comiket 84!  That is beyond surprising!  In the past, I estimate the total amount Touhou remixes I've listened to is well over 1800 different variations, at least!  (My exaggerated answer would be 3000, but it's probably somewhere in the middle).

On second thought, I played DDC recently, and I find it fun....but once I beat it once on normal, I only tried beating Raiko 3 times before giving up... maybe I'm not being totally honest with myself in the fun factor.  However, I really do want to see how Zun reacts to AWA, and I sincerely believe that one day Touhou will again be as magical as it was in those years.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Zarakava on September 22, 2013, 04:01:19 PM
Been playing only 11 recently. I am so bad at it... can't beat stage 5 w/o continue (And due to the restart level continue system... I can't basically ever)

I will do it some day.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: I have no name on September 23, 2013, 02:57:27 AM
[10:52:03 PM] IHNN: uhhhh....
[10:52:06 PM] IHNN: so that run...was something
[10:52:27 PM] IHNN: I came out of Stage 3 with 2 lives 3 bombs
[10:53:05 PM] IHNN: exited Stage 5 with 2/3 of a life and 1&7/8 bomb
[10:53:19 PM] IHNN: managed to work my way up to 2 lives for midboss Seija, still no bombs
[10:53:28 PM] IHNN: entered Sukuna with 1 life 1 bomb
[10:53:34 PM] IHNN: got to the survival with nothing left
[10:53:37 PM] IHNN: captured it
[10:53:42 PM] IHNN: captured Attack on Dwarf
[10:53:46 PM] IHNN: and then died to the final card
[10:54:10 PM] IHNN: on an unlock stages run, with 4 easily avoidable deaths
[10:54:18 PM] IHNN: ...maybe DDC isn't that hard after all
[10:54:50 PM] IHNN: but it would have been so epic to 1cc with nothing left by capturing the final 3 spells of the game in a row
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: ARF on September 23, 2013, 08:34:00 PM
I guess this would go here.

Made a silly video ( containing some random touhou stuff I played somewhat recently. I'll go into some detail on what is going on in case anyone cares.

-First thing is a lucky dodge from a no bomb MoF max graze run in stage 4 for Karisa's challenges. I scored ~20500 graze points in the end.
-Just a no dodge capture of Kagerou's second card, spell card history is accurate for this challenge.
-A lucky dodge from a no photo timeout of 8-3 in StB.
-Lucking out during Parsee's midboss spell
-Going through a bullet in DS 9-7?
-Some zany stuff from Miko's opener, using the boss rush patch, so the replay desynced after the very beginning. That took me only one attempt to get, which is why I thought it was nice. I experienced an otherworldly sensation of watching something uncanny unfold as I was playing it.
-Something I like to do sometimes, dodging out of the spawned kunai ring in StB 7-5 :3
-Having a random cluster of bullets spawn at an odd time in a bad place in DS EX-6. I believe stuff like this happens due to the timing of the camera induced slowdown, or the brief pause caused by actually snapping a photo, as similar weird things can happen in many other scenes if you take photos at certain times.
-Recent improvement to 12-3 for the IL speedrunning, it's quite a bit faster, and I took the opportunity to sit on Byakuren's head!
-Something at the end of TD midboss Nue's last spell card that freaked me out at the time.
-A sad end to a 9-7 attempt. I cry everytim ;_______;
-Timing out the second DDC extra midboss spell utilizing SakuyaA shenanigans for silly effects spell card history isn't accurate since I timed it out several times in that number of attempts.
-Timing out Social Upheaval Requiem for Minogame's challenges. This strategy seems pretty good to me, as the curving bullets go mostly around you instead of coming down right at you like they can do when you're lower and try to pass actively the note streams. Took me 370 attempts.

And while I'm at it, phat congrats to you guys over in the accomplishments thread, kicking ass! Looking forward to see more UFO from you Waah!
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mino ☆ on September 27, 2013, 01:44:30 AM
So I've picked up a new hobby in Touhou, and one that I'm actually sticking with. That is, PCB Lunatic scoring. More specifically, with ReimuB. I haven't achieved too much yet. My highest is merely 1.5bil, but I just started, and hardly put a few weeks into it yet. I've been using the SpoilerAL tool (,15294.0.html) to simulate going into stages with a certain amount of cherry and amount of spellcards captured. It's quite useful, and I mean VERY useful. I've found that in scoring, I learn something new everyday. Each minute I put into practice, I feel like I'm improving, little by little. I've never felt so productive in Touhou, before!

My current goal is to reach 2 billion. Eventually, I want to reach 2 billion with all shots. But that's not something that I expect soon.

Other games I'm interested in scoring are UFO, TD, IN, and potentially EoSD (You never saw that one coming, did you?) I hope to get a somewhat decent score in all of the games' Lunatics, though.

The reason I am doing Lunatic difficulty? Because it's the difficulty I've been playing for two years. It's the difficulty I know and love, and am very familiar with. And now, I can play those fantastic patterns except this time, trying for a new goal in Touhou. I never thought I'd actually see the day I'd pick up scoring. Back then, I used to think that I could never do it, and that it would be too unforgiving to start getting into. Now, here I am, exploring a new trade in Touhou.

As for my survival goals (I haven't given up on them yet), I play them between breaks in scoring. I'm currently trying to get a decent EoSD LNB. (My best is 7-miss so far. Yeah, needs work)
I'm also doing the occasional UFO LNBNUFO. (I still never got that ReimuA LNBNUFO yet)
And I hope to one day improve my 5-miss SA LNB run. (Can't seem to get a decent run in that game)
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: cactu on September 27, 2013, 09:01:18 PM
I'm a bit in a same position as Minogame, I've gotten really interested in scoring EoSD lunatic. I should be able to get 500M if I get a good run going, but my goal is 550M for now. Once I reach that I believe I should be able to NMNB the game, so I might do that.  I'm not sure whether I'll find time for it though, with school and all.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: ARF on September 29, 2013, 07:44:59 AM
Maybe it would be good if I posted more in this thread.

I've been trying to time out 11-4 no photo on and off for a while now, my best is about 50 seconds left, but yesterday I figured that if I timed out the other Suwako scenes it would be a good motivation of finishing 11-4 and not just dropping it later. So I did that, finished them up, and someone on IRC told me to do them with all but one photo left instead so I tried it on 11-2 and 11-8, but it was a 2hard4me! BUT! I found that the only reason I was thinking the you couldn't camera charge out of the explosions in the final phase was because I always tried to approach Suwako while charging, which is pretty pointless if you're already high on the screen. So yes, it is possible to move sideways without breaking charge on the final phase of 11-8. So that's another 0.9 seconds saved for the DS IL table all of a sudden. ( Doing some IL's again made me remember a strategy which I hadn't confirmed on 1-5, so I went and recorded footage of me doing the new strat and put it side by side with the best run using the old method, and the results can be seen below.
old strat to the left, new strat to the right

It takes 0.4 seconds to set up, but should save around 0.05 seconds. I was pretty excited about having confirmed this.

Waking up today I went and finished a run with the new strat. (
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: CyberAngel on September 29, 2013, 02:51:39 PM
I realized why Marisa's laser was nerfed so heavily in TD and on - to prevent another MAlice cannon!

EDIT: Thanks, Vee. Though that was an awesome typo, wasn't it? :V
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Seppo Hovi on September 29, 2013, 03:20:02 PM
MAlice is always canon in my heart.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Karisa on September 29, 2013, 09:00:52 PM
I realized why Marisa's laser was nerfed so heavily in TD and on - to prevent another MAlice cannon!
It could be. Marisa's lasers in MoF-UFO existed both focused and unfocused, but instant piercing lasers in combination with the TD/DDC missiles/flamethrower probably could give a MAlice cannon effect...

Not that this prevented DDC from having its own MAlice cannon type effects. DDC ReimuA actually has two different uses of focus-unfocusing for damage: gohei repositioning (whenever the gohei leaves the enemy), and briefly unfocusing (not long enough to relaunch the gohei) to add the occasional homing amulets to the gohei damage. Then there's short-range SakuyaA...
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Chuckolator on September 30, 2013, 01:17:34 AM
completed DDC hard and extra this week

the life of a dirty casual is good

also would I be wrong in saying this place is a lot less active than it used to be? seriously, this almost 24 hour post is the second most recent post in the main help me eirin forum, it was never this dead back in 2012
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: ElDestructoe on September 30, 2013, 10:56:56 PM
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: BT on September 30, 2013, 11:01:50 PM
I think roughly the same amount of people are around but they just post less or have less reasons to.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Wriggle on October 01, 2013, 12:12:03 AM
the life of a dirty casual is good

I second this. I've only been watching replays and clearing Extras over and over by now. :V
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Zengeku on October 01, 2013, 12:15:31 AM
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mino ☆ on October 01, 2013, 02:33:14 AM
I'm now back to grinding for the infamously tedious goal of LNNN. Except, I don't view it as tedious. Sure, it requires a lot of patience, but in return, you get to play the patterns of that game you love so much over and over again. I had really surprised myself yesterday. After getting quickly inspired by Nindel and various Japanese players that have recently gotten "perfect" runs, it made me want to play too. So I did a stream as usual, and ended up getting that LNMNB1BB run. It finally dawned on me that I was close. That I was in reach of this run. But I wouldn't let myself get fooled. A LNNN run requires no mistakes at all. The unforgiving nature of it is what requires a lot of grinding and restarts. Every run that makes a mistake is immediately devalued and disqualified from perfection. I could easily be satisfied with my LNMNB1BB run. I only broke one border, which didn't cause any penalty outside of 10k cherry max. I didn't die, or bomb. I didn't fail any spellcards. I only broke one border on that infamously difficult barrage in PCB's stage 6 opener. But it's still not perfect. It's still not the run that I'm aiming for. I'm happy with it. But I've still got to reach for the true achievement. I'm this close. I can't back down.

What is LNNN? What does it take out of people to achieve? Is it just some full court shot that may not fall into its basket? Is it simply the flip of a coin that determines the outcome. There is a very low chance of success when attempting the run. Most of my streams and attempts aren't necessarily to even win. Since it's not expected that a victory will take place that day. That's what the surprise is for. The playing and viewing of LNNN is the suspense. It's the hype of getting to stage 5. It's the relaxation of replaying the familiar patterns over and over again. And then sometimes, a surprise happens. A victory happens. That's where the true satisfaction hits. You simply cannot rush a LNNN. Because you cannot predict when you will get the run. The biggest annoyance of LNNN is the lack of predictability. I could get it in my next attempt. Or I may not get it at all for months.

Because of the no mistake rule. It's possible that a LNNN can be prolonged for years just because the player continued making one silly mistake on each run. Is it possible that I could stockpile a bunch of one mistake runs before I've reached my goal? It's quite common for a few people I know. I want to get this run by the end of the year. But will I succeed? I couldn't imagine the satisfying feeling of having a LNNN under my belt. Nindel knows the feeling. And so do many other japanese players. I can only wonder what it's like for a player like Miduki to be able to say that he's perfected almost every game in the series.

I don't plan to give up on scoring and what not. I'm just really in the mood for working on LNNN. It's something that I want to do right now. And so it's what I'm doing right now. It's a simple goal in the end. Just get through the game without taking a hit or bombing. It may take forever to achieve, but the easygoing nature of not having to pull of stressful routes like in a score run makes it a bit easier to grind. It also means that your attempts will likely get farther, since the first few stages are usually not difficult in survival terms.

After I get PCB LNNN done. My next survival goal will be TD LNNN. It's a nice, relaxing game. Though it can be very stressful sometimes.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Zengeku on October 03, 2013, 01:06:01 AM
Okay, I have many Touhou related goals yet to accomplish but I'm afraid I'm going to have to take a break from them and play other non-Touhou shmups. This is not because that Touhou is burning me out even though it sort of is the case but rather because that my laptop is giving me some terrifying issues with the controls. Every credit i've been playing recently has had this issue of Reimu just moving straight in one direction until that key is pressed again.

This happens with no warning and is pretty much a guaranteed death every time. This makes my current goal of getting an EoSD LNB, hopefully one that doesn't suck too much ass, pretty much unachievable. On top of that, sometimes my computer just won't accept input at all, again until i release the key and press it again. This isn't a placebo thing i just use as an excuse for not being able to dodge things, no i finally managed to get concrete evidence for it today as i for some reason found myself holding the button. I kept the up-key pressed but it didn't move until i released it and pressed it again.

These circumstances are not sufficient for playing Touhou. I know people say that laptops aren't really good for Touhou and that's definitely something I believe in too. I don't have the money to purchase myself a desktop though so I won't be able to do that. And this laptop doesn't come equipped with PS/2 slot either so that option is out of the question as well. I'll still keep in touch with the part of the Touhou community that i commonly associate with and I will probably still make some less restrictive runs and keep practicing but i think from now on, I'll have to concentrate my efforts on 360 shmups. I have plenty of ideas i want to toy with in that regard. Possibly DFK ura clear, Futari Spiritual Larsa clear, getting that EspGaluda 2 1cc and kicking Hibachi's cute butt in SDOJ.

As for Touhou, I had hopes of improving my LNBs of PCB, IN, MoF, SA and UFO and of course, get an LNB in EoSD. My ambitions for these games are pretty restrictive so as previously mentioned, I can't really afford to die to hardware failure. I have 6 miss on all those except EoSD and UFO. I would like to achieve 3 miss or better in PCB, IN, MoF and SA. Something that I seriously think I can do in terms of skill, given how i've had runs in all of them that just had some regrettable failures. For UFO and EoSD I had hoped for LNBNV and 4MNB respectively but let's just bloody clear EoSD first shall we :V

See, it actually quite bugs me that I am faced with so many issues. I am by nature a person who tends to perform pretty poorly under stress so I have to put in a lot of effort before things start to turn out good. It feels bad to be punished for putting in by that effort by your computer pulling nasty tricks on you. Yet, it also feels bad to give up on these or even just postpone them. It will inevitably feel like it was things i simply wasn't strong enough to accomplish even though you should think that hardware issues would be a perfectly good reason to let them wait for a while.

Getting accomplishments like these are important to me too. I am kinda impatient to get them actually. You could say almost desperate to reach improvement since those sorts of victories are about the only ones a poor lost soul like myself gets. I know that I am good enough to achieve better things than what I have and therefore I want to do it. Not doing them will make me feel bad about myself. Like i'm leaving behind unfinished business. Shmups are the final remaining thing of value that the world hasn't denied me yet so I feel bad for not doing them even though I have a perfectly good excuse... Eheh, fuck I think I'm going in circles here. I'll just hit post before this post gets long enough to endanger wild lolis.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mero on October 03, 2013, 04:54:28 AM
It's been quite a while since I got my very first Lunatic 1cc in IN, and since then I've gotten it on other games, currently only missing EoSD, UFO and (for some reason) TD. I initially intended to have a L1cc on every game, which I can most definitely get on EoSD and TD (in fact my last try on both games gameovered on the last spell), I just don't feel motivated to try, but UFO... well, UFO is a special case.

If you had asked me just a few days ago if I liked UFO, I would have told you that I fucking hate it, but you see, I had a similar case with another game before, SA. I used to hate SA because I felt that it was unfair, the patterns were just plain cheap, Orin was a bitch and Yamame was just stupid, but then I started watching some people play the game and, well, enjoying it, and decided to give SA a chance, and now it's one of my favorite games, and one I can expect to have a clear of most of the time.

Now, where am I going with this? well, put simply, I decided to give UFO another chance and realized two things:1. I actually like UFO and 2. I was only led to believe otherwise because I suck at the game.

UFO is a very difficult game to me, not because of the patterns (they're still a big part of it, but not the main reason), but because of the UFO system, I know, it's a relatively simple system and, if used effectively, it can give as many resources as you may possibly need and more, but that's precisely the problem, I don't know how to use it effectively, hell, I don't even know how to add it to my playstyle, and that is what screws me over when playing UFO, I get hasty and try to get the tokens before they change color, only to have a bullet hit me in the face, not making it in time and/or grabbing a stray token along the way and end up grabbing the wrong color, ruining the current chain, which leads me to the biggest mistake, I restart, which leads to me getting frustrated and burned out really fast.

As I said before, the patterns also play a big part in this, particularly the bosses', because the penalty for getting hit is too high for me, losing 1 full power from 4 to 3 is not that bad, but from 3 to 2 I feel like I'm barely scratching the boss, which makes me want to bomb, essentially just wasting resources, not to mention it really throws off my game and I start dying stupidly, a lot.

For this two reasons, I started playing on Hard rather than Lunatic (because Normal is too forgiving with my recklessness), so I can get the hang of this game and (hopefully) soon try for a Lunatic 1cc.

heh, this wasn't as long as I thought it would be...
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Drake on October 03, 2013, 07:16:07 AM
UFO is a very difficult game to me, not because of the patterns (they're still a big part of it, but not the main reason), but because of the UFO system, I know, it's a relatively simple system and, if used effectively, it can give as many resources as you may possibly need and more, but that's precisely the problem, I don't know how to use it effectively, hell, I don't even know how to add it to my playstyle, and that is what screws me over when playing UFO, I get hasty and try to get the tokens before they change color, only to have a bullet hit me in the face, not making it in time and/or grabbing a stray token along the way and end up grabbing the wrong color, ruining the current chain, which leads me to the biggest mistake, I restart, which leads to me getting frustrated and burned out really fast.
Acknowledging you aren't doing it well and what you aren't doing well is a big step towards being able to do it well. Two tips if you haven't heard them before,
- Getting near a UFO without grabbing will halt its timer, so it won't change color and will last on the screen longer. You can use this to make sure of a color or to manipulate a color switching in at a good time.
- One of the great parts about the UFO system is that if you grab a mismatching color, you can easily grab the last color, generate a UFO and get two new rainbow tokens. Considering you probably weren't going to want that last color, you lose nothing besides your mistaken token and some time.

Also, using a bomb to blow up a UFO and collect two life items or a full bomb item, is always worth it, if you think it's too dangerous to attempt grabbing a token or the items without cover. Letting UFOs go sucks but you can make up for it. Can't make up for dying.

losing 1 full power from 4 to 3 is not that bad, but from 3 to 2 I feel like I'm barely scratching the boss, which makes me want to bomb, essentially just wasting resources, not to mention it really throws off my game and I start dying stupidly, a lot.
This is a common complaint that doesn't actually have any basis, besides in perception. It's mostly in your mind; the decrease in power from 4.00 to 1.00 with ReimuA is roughly five seconds on one 20-second card, given all shots are hitting. The real impact is that you have less spread and less bullets onscreen to take out enemies in the stages.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Star King on October 03, 2013, 04:03:15 PM
These circumstances are not sufficient for playing Touhou. I know people say that laptops aren't really good for Touhou and that's definitely something I believe in too. I don't have the money to purchase myself a desktop though so I won't be able to do that. And this laptop doesn't come equipped with PS/2 slot either so that option is out of the question as well.

Have you tried simply a USB keyboard? I think the issue with laptops may be the built-in keyboard. Could be wrong though.

If not you could buy a PS2 (or whatever you want) -> USB adapter online.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Alcoraiden on October 03, 2013, 06:51:29 PM
Am I the only one who actually likes Sukuna and her fight?  :ohdear:

Sukuna is an awesome boss, because most of her stuff is quite bearable for poor sods like me who can't handle, say, Yuyuko or Kanako. ^^; Or Utsuho.

Speaking of which, I had someone tell me once that Utsuho was a "mid-tier final boss" and that Yuyuko and Kanako and so on were so much harder. I call BS, because I have 3cc-ed PCB and consistently can get to Kanako's final spell. Utsuho murders me in the first two spells no matter what. I don't even.

I really wish ZUN would return to "points give you extra lives." UFOs and "autocollect bonuses" and so forth just make you greedy and die because of it. I want to go back to 6 and 8 and all that, where I just had to get massive numbers of points. ^^; Also, 10 encouraged people to never continue, because who can beat Kanako with 2 lives on a continue that couldn't 1cc the game? I know I stockpile lives and can't beat her even going in there with 3 or 4. That's a little lame. Now I can't practice her fight because I can't 1cc the game...and I wouldn't need to practice if I could.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: I have no name on October 03, 2013, 07:08:13 PM
Sukuna is an awesome boss, because most of her stuff is quite bearable for poor sods like me who can't handle, say, Yuyuko or Kanako. ^^; Or Utsuho.
Sukuna is the 2nd or 3rd hardest final boss, behind Byakuren and maybe Remilia.

Kanako isn't harder than Utsuho, she's one of the easiest final bosses, having only 3 challenging attacks (1st non, 4t spell and VoWG).  Utsuho however is one of the easier as well, having only a couple tough attacks (namely, 1st spell, 2nd non and 2nd spell).  Her 4th and 5th can be tough until you get them down, but honestly, Okuu's difficulty is all at the start.  Yuyuko is an odd case in that she shouldn't be that hard, but I have so much trouble consistently getting anything she has, it's annoying.
Kaguya is pretty rough too, but I can get about half her stuff reliably, likewise with Eirin.  Remilia falls in the same boat.
Byakuren is just outright brutal, though I can at least do everything she has some of the time.
But Sukuna...idk, she's just not fun.  Her first non is fine, if you get a bad wave you can just bomb it but it's not that bad.  It's just bland.  First spell?  Annoying RNG micrododging.  It's easy when the gaps align, but more often than not you have to pull stupid micrododging to get through the smaller gaps.  It's not a fun type of dodging, and I fail the card on normal fairly often, while capturing it in my lunatic 1cc.  Seriously, this difficulty is so random.  2nd nonspell I have no problems with other than it takes forever to die and is again, very bland.  2nd spell...the growing bullets is a really cool idea, but the fact that it boils down to have a path learned or get walled on higher difficulties just makes it annoying again, another obstacle that must be surpassed, not another fun attack to face.  3rd nonspell pointblanks you with first bullets, unless I'm missing something.  3rd spell is fine honestly, I'm just really bad at the restreaming of it.  4th nonspell, like the 3rd spell, last a bit long and the lasers end up going nearly horizontal, making easy blindsides.  This is more a personal complaint, but I really don't like fast lasers, especially not coming from the side.  4th spell is cool but AGAIN boils down to memorize a path/strat or die.  AND it's very very clippy due to the nature of it-you can be hit even when nothing touches your hitbox with Sakuya/Marisa, because the player hitbox is suddenly bigger than the hitbox sprite.  5th spell is really really fun, but if you don't kill it quick you can't really deal with it and have to die/bomb.  Nothing against the card itself though.  and the final spell is just awful, taking very varying amounts of time by shot type (38 seconds-56 seconds, or more, haven't done it with SakuyaB), not being bomb immune (ReimuA smashes through it) and being full of very clip-happy glowy bullets.  If you know to move between 3 points most of the card isn't an issue but if even one green orb comes your way, you have to improvise something to go through either a small kunai gap or deal with the overlarge hitboxes.  It's just not a fun fight.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Zengeku on October 03, 2013, 08:31:47 PM
Have you tried simply a USB keyboard? I think the issue with laptops may be the built-in keyboard. Could be wrong though.

If not you could buy a PS2 (or whatever you want) -> USB adapter online.

Yeah, i've considered both options though I'm told that USB keyboards have the same issues too and I'm afraid that there might be some delay with using adapters but it is still probably something that would be worthwhile looking into :)
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Seppo Hovi on October 03, 2013, 09:47:11 PM
Remilia > Kaguya > Byakuren > Kanako/Yuyuko/Sukuna > Utsuho/Miko > Eirin.

Obviously, listing hardest bosses and arguing about them is extremely silly, since a lot of bias goes into each list, depending on amounts of practice given to each boss.

Everyone can have their opinions, but you must remember that they are subjective, including your views. You may point out that your view on the matter is different, but respect the opinions of others nevertheless; they probably are honest about their observations, no matter how unreal it might seem to you.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: chirpy13 on October 06, 2013, 05:19:15 PM
Played some LLS today, found some new strats on midboss Kurumi and stage 5 Yuka.  I think a B score on normal should be more than possible now.  This also makes 999 graze possible on all stages except 1 and 2... We'll see about 2 later.  I should start doing full runs again someday.

EDIT: Pacifism is kinda cool.  Reached almost 700 graze on stage 1 and 950ish on stage 2 so far on Hard.  999 is definitely possible on Hard but probably won't pay off (I'll see if there's a way around this), but it's doubtful on Normal.  Maybe.  I had an idea for another Kurumi graze on the boss, but I haven't bothered to check if it's static yet.

Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Suika on October 08, 2013, 06:14:09 AM
Trying to get back into 2hu by clearing normals, the only problem is that I suck at using bombs.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mesarthim on October 09, 2013, 04:43:44 AM
So I fight another round of Lunatic AI in Hopeless Masquerade...

THIS was the result. (

Many facepalms to be had.

Edit: So I reproduced this a few more times and even on Mamizou Lunatic AI I was doing just right to where I kept countering and earning popularity. I even finished with a last word...
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: I have no name on October 09, 2013, 09:39:44 AM
Double Spoiler practice has been going better than expected-I decided to see if going for 9-7 in a marathon setting would be reliable enough...and cleared it after 21 shots.  Then again 11 shots later.  And again 38 later.  It shows I'm reliable ENOUGH at the card to go for, with full understanding that it's not a guarantee.  Even still, I'm going for it.  The hype will be reward enough if I get it.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Alcoraiden on October 09, 2013, 07:23:13 PM
My boss difficulty would be Utsuho > Yuyuko > Kanako/Byakuren > Remilia > Sukuna > Eirin. I haven't played TD enough to place Miko. Utsuho is just freaking impossible to me. >< I can't even get past her first couple of spell cards. Granted, this is coming from someone who has only 1CC-ed two of the games on Normal, and one of them was 4. ^^; (4 and 8.) So I'm not exactly great at Touhou.

My goals now are really just to 1CC more things. I'm getting annoyed at the "can't practice a level until you beat it" thing, because really now, I need to practice *so* I can beat it. Pretty sure this is why I haven't beaten Kanako yet. I may get my friend to beat the game so I can practice it. But yeah, I'm not exactly good at these games. I know way more about the universe than I do about how to play the games.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: chirpy13 on October 10, 2013, 02:07:06 AM
LLS not treatin' me right today.  Or yesterday.  Or the day before.  But today too.  I'll talk about today I think.  Normal was a dick.  Got past stage 1 once after a few dozen tries, messed up Kurumi, and couldn't get past stage 1 again in another 50 or so tries.  Feeling upset I gave Lunatic a go, got to Orange first try, 2 missed her like a moron, and spent another few dozen tries taking potshots from passing ghosts and fairies.  This is the number one reason I hate Lunatic in this game.  Enemies only shoot out one bullet (3-way sometimes, but nevermind that), but you have no clue when or where it will happen.  One second you're getting in something's face to pop it off and grab its point item, and instead it pops you in the face first.  Hard and below are so much more reliable... Ah well.  Getting past that, I tried Extra.  Extra went better, but not great.  I'm a lot more consistent at Ex than I am at stage 1, which is nice.  What wasn't nice was Gengetsu.  Her first and second phases are such assholes sometimes.  Half the time her first will just make some really dense layer of bullets that all lines up in a way that's bound to kill you most of the time.  I'm getting a little better at these but shit, they're still stupid.  ZUN needs to build a time machine, go back 15 years, and tell his former self to playtest his shit more.  Second phase?  Yeah that's a jerk too.  It's not as jerkish, but it still sucks when she teleports to the middle or the complete opposite side of the screen.  RNG gods, why are you never nice to me?  Anyway I don't know where I'm going with this.  I think I meant to lead this back to me having really shitty runs all day and not getting any Ex clears or clears or anything remotely exciting today.  It's a shame.  Pretty much all my high scores are obsolete, but I can't get back the execution I used to have with this game... Someday.  Soon.  Maybe.  I hope.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: cactu on October 10, 2013, 07:35:47 PM
Not really sure if I should go for NMNB or keep scoring right now, guess I'll do both at the same time for now.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: BT on October 10, 2013, 07:45:19 PM
Not really sure if I should go for NMNB or keep scoring right now, guess I'll do both at the same time for now.
Seppo does no-resource scoring, right? Maybe try that.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Kaze_Senshi on October 11, 2013, 02:58:18 AM
Dear diary, these days I was playing a lot of LLS and I made my way until Gengetsu, then she annihilated my existence. After getting used with the visual from that PC-98 game and going back to Windows touhou I think that my ability to see through bullet busy patterns improved a lot. After some weeks without playing DDC extra I tried to play one time just for the fun and I beat my old hi-score.  :)
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Zengeku on October 11, 2013, 05:38:29 PM
Logged a few hours into DDC LNB practice just because I was bored as sin from being left home almost-alone with only a flippant dog and a friend who lacks the ability to take my condition seriously so yeah, disatisfactory. But yeah, i digress. I found myself suddenly jumping into DDC stage practice with SakuyaA trying to learn some more routes and practice.

My Benben is still outrageously bad and I really don't like playing her but at least i'm getting rather good at the stage even though you could say it's not really that demanding. It's got okay bits though. Namely the part with the big fairies dumping bullets all over the place. I need to follow a memorized path and it's actually quite fun. I'm sure this is only fun because my mid-life crisis is messing with my head, idk. Kagebutts is not very hard with SakuyaA so at least I've got so much down.

No, there's no shame in using SakuyaA for this, I don't really abuse her shotgunning thing for speedkills. I hate using ReimuA and MarisaA and the B-types are too hard to use for LNB purposes. I don't care about characters being broken or not, you could say that LNB'ing with the harder characters is something for the people out there who has low enough standards to actually think this game is good and not just a bland run-of-the-mill shmup plagued by terrible design decisions in some of the later stages.

I don't know why I want to LNB this game. If it's to get some closure on it, if it's because i'm bored out of my skull, if it's because I secretly might think its okay'ish (yeah right) or because I feel the need to play a Touhou game in which i can do something I haven't managed yet, though without the feeling like dealing with EoSD's beyond awful stage design again and again waiting for that run where Remi doesn't run my fucking life by forcing me to play Stage 1-3 again.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mino ☆ on October 11, 2013, 07:38:35 PM
I could understand your incomplete feeling with DDC. I also feel the same. My goal for that game is to get a Low miss (5-miss or less) LNB of that game. It doesn't feel like it should be as hard as it is. But in reality, with Kagerou's luckshit, Yatsuhashi's fair but difficult fight, and Seija's surprise deaths, it really is a menace. Maybe this is because of my ReimuB usage, but I refuse to use anyone else because in my opinion, Needle Reimu should always be the standard shot in Touhou. However in this game she is lower tier.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mesarthim on October 11, 2013, 08:40:09 PM
I could understand your incomplete feeling with DDC. I also feel the same. My goal for that game is to get a Low miss (5-miss or less) LNB of that game. It doesn't feel like it should be as hard as it is. But in reality, with Kagerou's luckshit, Yatsuhashi's fair but difficult fight, and Seija's surprise deaths, it really is a menace. Maybe this is because of my ReimuB usage, but I refuse to use anyone else because in my opinion, Needle Reimu should always be the standard shot in Touhou. However in this game she is lower tier.

Reimu B drives me up the wall in this game when it comes to Cirno, Wakasagihime's second card, and Sekibanki. More often than I'd like to admit they always move in a direction where I cannot really follow them and they keep moving further away from me. Presently the only way I've been able to compensate is with homing of some sort, be it Reimu A or Sakuya A.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: I have no name on October 12, 2013, 12:49:53 PM
LNB, LNB, LNB.  Why can't I do something this simple.  Oh right: I'm way too unreliable at everything, and the moment a run starts going well I get jittery and screw up on easy things.  The moment it starts going wrong, however, I start pulling crazy dodges out of nowhere because suddenly the pressure is on.  I KNOW every life counts and that it's something I should be able to do, but I just can't string together a good enough START even...
Stage 1: NDNB, 80% of the time.  Stupid Minoriko with that slightly luck-based final.
Stage 2: NDNB/1DNB, depending on if I let a double KO on Pain Flow through.  I get tired of the early stages pretty quickly.
Stage 3: NDNB (it's happened in a run)-3DNB, depending on how terrible I feel like playing.  Usual culprits are Hydro Camouflage, Kappa's Illusory Waterfall and Spin the Cephalic Plate, though I can usually get waterfall and plate, I've been failing the latter lately.  I get Hydra Camouflage roughly 30-40% of the time anyway, but when I do I die to the stage.  Without fail.  Lucky me!
Stage 4: 1DNB-GAME OVER% I can do everything in this stage somewhat reliably, though Storm Day and PWG can trip me up and I've been failing Momiji lately.  Still, I should be able to get through this stage with 4 lives left often enough...but in practice, the best I've done is 3, on several occasions: most notably a run where I died 4 times on Stage 3 and kept going just to see to what lengths the game would spite me-with really good RNG on Stage 4 (spoilers: I messed up the 2nd waterfall but successfully perfected Aya and stalling Momiji)  I have NDNB'd this stage 3 or 4 times, though, so it's not like I can't do it.  Just not something I can rely on.
Stage 5: NDNB-RUNDEAD% This should be NDNB, maybe 2DNB at worst if I make stupid mistakes on midboss Sanae and botch Moses Miracle.  The simple fact remains that when I get to this stage with lives, they're always gone before the end of the stage.  I've gotten out of Stage 5 in an LNB attempt 4 times.  All had 0 lives left.  2 reached Kanako.  Neither got her opener.
Stage 6: 2DNB-4DNB-lolyouthoughtyoucouldLNB.  I did a few runs of this stage to focus on practicing it a bit today, and, well...every single one was 4DNB.  Death to stage?  Capture opener?  2 death Source of Rains&1 death VoWG.  Perfect stage?  Better kill you on the opener and then double KO!  We'll give you a nice Source of Rains though, except that one wave where you die, and then we'll double KO you on VoWG!  What fun!  I used to capture VoWG most of the time, but I can't even capture it once any more.  I have gotten better at the stage portion and her opener (and everything from spell 1 to nonspell 4 is trivial), but to make up for it I've gotten worse at Source of Rains.
Still, From what I should be able to do I should be able to string together a 0-0-1-3-0-4 death run of each stage in a row, maybe 0-0-1-2-1-4 or 0-0-0-3-1-4 or 0-1-1-2-1-3 (or better)...but in actual runs I just can't hold it together.  I've practiced Stages 3-6 in a row, no resets, and got a 2DNB run of each stage.  Just like that, in a row.  I can NDNB the first 2 stages reliably enough.  Why can't I just have a run like that?  Why do I have to keep failing in the most retarded manners, while people I know just sit down and 4DNB without a single restart?  Why do my runs always end somewhere in the vicinity of late Stage 5/early Stage 6, regardless of where I die throughout the run?  I just don't understand it.

But hey, at least I'm improving at Double Spoiler!  :toot: small consolation prize because it's been over a year I've been going for this and I've never reached Stage 6 with a life left

edit: did another 3-4-5-6 practice run, died 1-2-1-4 times.  Oh look, another 8 death total.  Deaths were Hydro Camouflage, Momiji, 3 popcorn fairies, Moses Miracle, Stage 6 popcorn fairy, Kanako's opener, Source of Rains, VoWG.  In short, all places I have a non-trivial chance to die to (though, both popcorn deaths were to very nasty waves and the Moses Miracle death was similarly nasty, I can usually get through those spots but also usually die to something else, and I'd like resources to spare on Kanako) least I figured out what I was doing wrong on Storm Day when I die to it, and timed it out in one try.  Rather than read the pattern as 1 wave from 2 sides, I now go through the green bullets on the left with 1 motion and dodge the blue bullets from there.  A very nasty wave coupled with me messing up still results in a death, but it's 1 less place I'm liable to die to (said list is now something like 10 patterns-I'd like to drop at least 4 of those from the list to allow for derps, but hey, it's progress)
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: CyberAngel on October 16, 2013, 06:26:52 PM
Well, I'm at that point now. The time for me to finally say this have come, unbelievably.

Easy mode is no longer my level.

No, I didn't start to look down on it all of a sudden. It's just that now a plain Easy 1cc has zero challenge for me. I no longer need to worry about whether I can do it or not, and in some games I manage to get max lives and even get another extend over it. This may not seem like much to those way past this point, but some Easy clears were still quite a challenge for me back when I returned from my hiatus some months ago (when I joined this forum).

But this doesn't mean that I'm ignoring Easy mode from now on. Quite the contrary, it still can help me with my advancement. How? Challenges. I'm finally at the point when I can pick them up for regular play, and I can already imagine that they'll hold a whole new world of things to learn for me. Things that will help me on Normal and higher, no doubt. I'll start with NB runs, but I hope I'll do pacifist eventually.

Well, while I still remember good old days when I had to put work in plain Easy clears, I should leave my opinion on Easy modes in different games. So, my ranking of Easy 1cc difficulty, from easiest to hardest, is as follows:

Well, it's time to finish my reminiscences. I sure made a huge way I didn't think I would ever be able to when I started. There were times when I died to Meiling's Gorgeous Sweet Flower and Rainbow Wind Chime without seeing a way through. And here I am now, not batting an eyelid while doing full runs. Will I still be advancing even further? I don't think I know that, but I can surely hope and do my best, enjoying every moment I play. So, to newbies out there, I hope Easy mode can aid you as much as it did with me. Keep on dodging.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Zengeku on October 17, 2013, 03:47:08 AM
Sounds like it would be a better idea for you to venture into Normal mode territory tbh but if you'd rather go the other way then you are free to do that of course. :)
If you want to get better though, I think exposing yourself to harder patterns is the better way to go about it.

As for myself, had another session of DDC tonight. Got NMNB of Stage 3 though SakuyaA really makes that a lot easier. I didn't even have to try.
Having messed a bit with Sakuya tonight, I've come to the conclusion that in stage 3, she makes the midboss card easier and the final card easier though the rest of the patterns doesn't really get that much easier. At least that's how it seems so far.

I managed to get 2 miss Stage 4, both on boss portions so I'm getting a better path for the stage down. Also I trained the art of shotgunning Seija. If you leave your butt exposed for this long time, you are bound to have somebody come around and rape you for massive damage and Seija leaves herself open for very long time. You can kill the midboss attack before it even gets started for example. Cheap? Sure it is, had this been a better game i might've cared :V

Also trained Stage 6 a bit. Got better on Sukuna's cards though never got to actually do any runs of the stage. 14/100 on her streaming card from hell now. Got to that from 8/88-something so i'm getting more consistent. It's still butts though.

I want better consistency before i begin playing real credits though. I'd rather avoid playing stage 1 more than absolutely necessary.

Also, if you're wondering why i'm playing this game if i don't like it like i say that i don't then it's because i'm Zengy the Edgehog and this is my version of cutting myself.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mero on October 17, 2013, 05:11:49 AM
So, I've been playing UFO these past weeks, getting the hang of it, practicing the patterns and, more importantly, learning the UFO system.

Thanks to Drake's boss rush patch and the replays and tips from some people, I got better at the patterns and learned to plan UFO routes better, and right now I have a few Hard clears already, with both Reimus and SanaeB.

I decided to try Lunatic just because, and well, I don't see a Lunatic 1cc that far away anymore, there doesn't seem to be much difference from Hard (or at least I don't feel it as big as from Normal to Hard), in fact, I found some stuff to be easier on Lunatic.

Of course, I still think this game is very hard, but at least I feel like I can do it now.

As for the shottypes I've used...
SanaeB: this is hands down the strongest shottype, if only because Wily Toad completely destroys everything, but I feel like I would be depending too much on that
ReimuA: she's very powerful, and I can see why some people make her their standard shot (though I've seen it mostly on LNBs), but it's also the shot I find myself making the most mistakes with, so I don't play her as much
ReimuB: it's weird, while being the weaker of three, she's apparently the shot I play best with, so I think I'm gonna stick with it for now

I'm gonna practice Hard for a while still, but my best run got to LFS with five extra lives, so maybe I'll move on to Lunatic soon
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: CyberAngel on October 17, 2013, 04:27:11 PM
Sounds like it would be a better idea for you to venture into Normal mode territory tbh but if you'd rather go the other way then you are free to do that of course. :)
If you want to get better though, I think exposing yourself to harder patterns is the better way to go about it.

Oh, I'll be doing all that simultaneously. Actually, I've been playing all difficulty levels equally lately. I've bragged about some Lunatic spellcard captures, you know, not to mention a few Last Words. But even though I'm nowhere near being good at Hard or Lunatic runs yet, I think those are what I have to thank for my sudden growth. To think there ever was a point (way before I joined here) when I gave in to despair, thinking I cannot get any better.

To add to my previous post, I think I'll go NB on EoSD and MoF Normal as well. The latter is easy enough for me already. The former I can clear consistently, but those are still narrow clears, and most bombs are wasted on when I just don't want to take a risk (and there are many places like that), so I need to push myself to actually keep getting better.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Seppo Hovi on October 17, 2013, 06:39:35 PM
If you want to increase the difficulty of things and enter the more competitive world of Touhou play, you could consider learning some scoring strategies.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: CyberAngel on October 17, 2013, 07:54:24 PM
If you want to increase the difficulty of things and enter the more competitive world of Touhou play, you could consider learning some scoring strategies.

Nah, I'm not fully confident in my survival skills yet. The challenges will remedy that, I hope. Well, I do try to incorporate scoring into my play if it doesn't interfere much with survival. Stuff like staying unfocused in PCB, proper familiar handling in IN or grazing in SA can even help survival too. Oh, and I can promise to try "blue and rainbow UFOs only" challenge someday just to see how it would help with scoring.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: chum on October 19, 2013, 07:57:06 AM
I don't know where else to put this.

I'm doing more stage practice grinding than actual full runs. I feel like while I have some of the game solved, much of it still needs to be dissected - I'm treating the game as a puzzle and right now I'm looking for some missing pieces... While grinding out consistency for stuff that I 100% have to succeed at doing in a real run.

Nevertheless, stage practice high scores:


Any of the stages with bombs/deaths used followed my full game route, except for stage 3 where I believe I died once extra (due to persisting with the difficult/stupid nonspell graze after dying to it) and stage 5 where I used one extra bomb due to seeing it in ISO's old 2006 run (I came to the conclusion that no, this bomb should be saved for stage 6)

MATSU has achieved 70 million from stage 4, and 108 million from stage 6, in practice. I'm trying to figure out just how this is possible. He's also remarked that 350 million is possible for a full run. I wondered what his best for stage 3 and 5 is. Say he gets 30 million from the first two stages, 70 in stage 4, and 99 in stage 6 (in stage practice, you finish it with 3 extra lives if you follow the route, that's 9 million points extra) that adds up to 199 mil.  His bests would certainly add up to more than his estimation of what's possible. 151 million shared between stage 3 and 5 would only be something like... 65+86... I'm already almost there, so his own bests would definitely be higher.

His graze count ending stage 4 is 3671
His graze count ending stage 6 is 4297
In his WR, he gets 3122 and 3621 respectively. It's Baffling, since I don't actually spot the opportunities for such a big graze increase. This makes me wonder just how much is possible in stage 3 and 5? Probably way more than I think... by means I can't yet understand. I really enjoy not understanding stuff. I like music I don't understand, movies I don't understand, literature and poems, paintings. This game fits me so well because I cannot grasp it. Where are all these points coming from? Could you even explain it that with words, if you tried, or do you need the required experience to truly grasp it?
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: kitslol on October 19, 2013, 09:30:53 AM
Got my first 1cc on Lunatic today with EoSD.

I'll be working on PCB next.

Pretty satisfied with my progress so far!

edit: Guess this belongs in the accomplishment thread. Sorry about that
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Zengeku on October 22, 2013, 09:11:33 AM
So today I failed to LNB DDC because I started making an ass of myself around stage 4-5. So what, no biggie. Try again right? Yeah, there's something that I've been noticing happening a bit lately. I have zero tolerance for failure and no confidence when it comes to playing full runs. When i'm practicing, I can do just about 10x better performances than when I'm playing full funs. When i'm playing full runs, i'm a jittering mess of nerves where just one mistake is enough to trigger a snowball effect with just more and more deaths happening to things where deaths usually never happen and it just keeps going until the game is over. This is terrible for my confidence, and my sense of self worth.

Sure all the practice have been fun. And sure it's satisfying to do something well, especially in full runs. But when things just go completely terrible then it's hard to not feel that I haven't been wasting all that time practicing because 'evidently' it hasn't had any payoff. I know that bad runs happen and that you may easily perform better another time or maybe you just now know where to focus your practice efforts but the thing is that when you are already a depressed and life-tired worthless excuse of a human being then its hard to gather up the resources for even something as simple as shrugging off a failure at something that's just a videogame.

I know it's fucking retarded and if I had better things to do in life then I would quit shmups right away but the thing is that I do not. When I find something then I'll probably call it quits on this genre or at least dial back on the playing. Well, actually the thing is that I don't need to drop the shmup I just need to somehow find some more things to fill up my existence with. Not that shmupping is the only thing i do, no i do other things like stare at walls, watch grass grow, study my chinese or my japanese or watch anime and play other games. University life is quite a pain. You show up for lessons, then leave again. I much preferred how things worked in high school. University feels like the exact opposite of highschool. Oh and with study groups where I'm supposed to study together with people I can't trust. Lovely. Wait, how the hell did this turn into blogging about real life, that's not the fucking point.

Back to Touhou. I'm not entirely sure where to proceed with my playing. If it would be better to pursue full runs, grab LNB's i haven't managed yet or improve my old ones or perhabs just stick to polishing my skills with silly practice exercises until I hopefully manage to recover myself and get my 2011 self back. Maybe actually just going for training and not a lot of full runs is a better option because that means that I won't have to deal with ruining potentially promising runs with my own lack of confidence and just general stupidity. I wouldn't have to deal with my laptops recurring issue of suddenly making Reimu head in some direction until i press that key again. Something that has also ruined many runs including what could well have been an EoSD LNB. What I end up deciding I don't really know.

In any case, I'll need to get a life if I want to be able to play at least somewhat passably, so I should go try figuring something out. I don't expect anyone to read this mess, i just had to drop some things off my chest i guess.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Szayelaporro Granz on October 22, 2013, 05:12:21 PM
I'm not sure if this's the thread for this, but...

I'm capable of beating normal in most games with ease after a bit more than a year, just how fast is my progress? I've been playing Touhou since July 2012 and I've been playing on and off most of the time.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Space Flower on October 22, 2013, 06:46:49 PM
I'm not sure if this's the thread for this, but...

I'm capable of beating normal in most games with ease after a bit more than a year, just how fast is my progress? I've been playing Touhou since July 2012 and I've been playing on and off most of the time.
Well, everyone's got their own pace. There are those who were new to shmups when they played Touhou and had little trouble on Lunatic... and those who only play Easy. Personally I started this May and I'm probably a month away from having 5 EX bosses under my belt, but that's just MoF and earlier... SA and UFO crush me, the former especially. I haven't even beaten Orin without a continue yet on normal. Of course, I've also never watched any replays for SA, but it's still on its own level. I didn't watch any for IN Extra either and I beat that recently (then again, spell practice)
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mino ☆ on October 23, 2013, 04:01:12 AM
Tried to pick up Touhou today but it didn't go well. I tried to do a basic PCB Lunatic no bombs run but I kept dying stupidly in the first three stages. It wasn't actually my fault because the game cheated and all. Just kidding. It was my fault and all that good stuff. Anyway. I struggled to have any fun at all. The more I died, the more discouraged I got. When I finally started getting into the run, a crushing death ruined all of my motivation and caused me to just die over and over again due to not trying. I couldn't play at all earlier today. And I'm really feeling sick of Touhou at the moment. The more I try to get back into it, the more I just get repelled. I'm also starting to think my Touhou skill is deteriorating. I can't seem to do things right anymore. That's probably because I haven't been playing that much anymore. And I haven't really been in the mood to just sit down and play recently. My stamina is extremely low. I get drained after only a few attempts. This is because I've reached another Touhou recession.

It's just the recession in my Touhou curve of playing. After a while I'll get this new inspiration and start playing again. But until then, I'll continue my Touhou depression.

I wonder how long this will last. My last Touhou hiatus lasted four months. :/

I was a bit disappointed in myself. Usually I can just play and not care about the mistakes I make. I can play just to enjoy the game and its patterns. The mindset even helps me play better. I just can't do that anymore. I just hope this will end soon. I kind of want to start playing again. If my motivation and stamina will let me.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: commandercool on October 23, 2013, 04:48:33 AM
Before an hour ago I hadn't played Touhou in over two months because I've been so busy with class. I was slogging through a pile of lab reports, so I decided to take a break and Imperishable Night was sitting on my desktop, looking distracting. I decided to take a quick run with the assumption that I would blow it on stage three or four and quit. I ended up clearing the game and massively surpassing my previous high score. This just goes to prove once and for all that the reason I suck at this game, at least relative to how well I feel like I should be doing, is that I'm too much of a perfectionist. I'm too willing to drop a run because something goes really badly, which I'm sure has ended dozens if not hundreds of would-be clears and high scores. I don't know if I know how to fix this, either.

There is a balance that needs to be struck between practicing hard parts and conserving resources, and just playing something through, bombing everything that looks even remotely sketchy, and pushing on when I fuck up. There's a certain point where I feel like I need practice on stuff, and I don't think I could've done as well as I did on this run just now without the nights of playing the same spellcard 500 times last summer. Unfortunately my brain doesn't know how to determine where practice would do the most help or when enough it enough at this point. And ultimately that doesn't really matter right now, because I'm pretty satisfied with where I am right now.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: I have no name on October 23, 2013, 04:52:37 AM
I guess this is the best place to put this.

I just remembered that ARF said a while ago that if you next scene from SP-4 you go into SP-5 and beyond as Aya instead of Hatate.  It doesn't save any time, but at least for me SP-6 becomes much easier.  It's definitely a cool trick, even if it is sub-optimal.  If I can't get the faster strat consistent by AGDQ I'll definitely use Aya here.  Though, SP-7 with Aya is 2hard4me.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: cactu on October 23, 2013, 07:58:15 PM
EoSD stage 5 scoring is giving me nightmares. Why is it so hard ahhhh
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mino ☆ on October 24, 2013, 01:35:19 AM
After another UFO ragefest, I'm starting to realize why I'm in such a bad state with Touhou at the moment.

I play to win, not to have fun. I don't play just to play the game. I play because I want something. When I don't get that something, I get mad.

With just a bit more tweaking, I might be able to change my mindset about Touhou and increase my stamina. Victories are a reward for those who keep going forward.

Playing for a goal isn't bad. But you mustn't expect yourself to get said goal in one try. You play despite the fact that you may fail. Because in each playthrough, you get stronger.

For the first time in a while. I've had the strong urge to play.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mesarthim on October 24, 2013, 04:04:39 AM
Because I am lazy normally I do not do Maze of Love the way you're supposed to and instead just stick it out straight on the bottom. I always get hit and use a bomb or two in this method because it requires precise aim for movement and good reaction, traits I sometimes lack on some patterns.

So I do maze of love the normal way for once and clear it without issue. Makes me nervous as hell doing that spellcard.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mr Jovial on October 27, 2013, 08:26:31 PM
Today I randomly said "Tax evasion" while playing PoDD  :derp:

And I questioned why people called me strange irl  :V

EDIT: (This is more of a new post though I didn't want to double post). Apparently, my PoDD skill is declining. Two days ago I got to Yumemi 3 times, twice on my last life and once on a run that I had only died once on. Yesterday I got to Yumemi once, again on my last life. Today I didn't make it to Yumemi and I only got to Chiyuri once (damn quad death), Part of it is because I will restart if I die more than once before Chiyuri and the rest is bad luck. The worst part is I usually get a bit annoyed as I restart and when I do like a lot of people, I want to hit something. The reason I mention this? Because I only ever hit one thing. Myself. I now have a headache and a sore hand.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Zil on October 30, 2013, 05:29:17 AM
You can probably allow 2 deaths before Chiyuri. (I'd definitely restart on 3 though.)

Well. I think I've finally reached the point where my scoreboard will be all Chiyuri forevermore. 8 times I've scored over 110 million... Hopefully 120 will happen sometime soon. I still feel like boosting my Ellen score a bit, but otherwise I think Chiyuri will be the focus of all of my attention from now on. I'm definitely getting in this range much more frequently than I used to. This game's such a nightmare, but if I can just pull a good run together... I'll start dreaming of 130 million next.

Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mr Jovial on October 31, 2013, 07:06:46 PM
I swear that I just had the quickest loss in human history in PoDD. Against Kana in stage 6; 3 hits to a boss attack put me at half a heart so I bomb. Then a gauge attack starts and naturally, I go stand still in the centre (the gauge level wasn't high enough for the centre to be dangerous) and then I get hit by a quick white pellet thing and die. Next round I defeat Kana with ease ending on 5 hearts and 1 bomb left. I think that's what I like about PoDD that's not there in other touhou games. Sure, shitstorms are pretty cool and the fact that there is "humanly impossible" patterns (the " mean it is doable but that's entirely luck based) is also an interesting prospect but I feel like lots of difficult games become too easy because they're too predictable. It's nice to have difficulty that isn't trivialised by prior knowledge. I guess that was also what made Dark Souls too easy for me, but that's not touhou related so I'll stop there.

Also, still haven't got a damn 1cc yet, but at least I'm not having as bad a time with it as I did when I last posted. I'm actually enjoying it unlike then. But Yumemi plz, let me kick your face in at least once and then again later since I'm planning on going for the Chiyuri 1cc once I'm done with Marisa. :V
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: chum on October 31, 2013, 07:10:31 PM

Chiyuri mirror is way too hard. If I had beaten her, this run could've been 100 mil!

I also guess I still haven't downloaded that text file that I used to have.

Uhh.... does anyone have it
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Zil on October 31, 2013, 07:15:06 PM
Here. I think is even the improved one that doesn't fuck up the W's in Mystic Square.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: chum on October 31, 2013, 07:18:23 PM
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mr Jovial on November 01, 2013, 06:21:48 PM
Omfg. Managed a no death Chiyuri. Was the most insane fight ever. Shitstorms got passed across and I swear, Chiyuri's AI broke at some point; she died too fast. But I now have 4 lives for Yumemi. Time to get my face Marisa's face kicked in :D

EDIT: NO. NO. NO NO NO NO NO. STOP IT YUMEMI. Seriously. First round, within less than 2 minutes, Yumemi was half hearted no bombs and had already hypered once. No. I'm glad I lost that round, it was FAR too easy and I swear, that AI was ridiculously broken. And I'm using Marisa, who has no difficult boss attacks. PoDD stop please. I played you for a challenge, not so you could give me easy AI.

EDIT2: 3rd round. Dead in about 10 seconds. Lol I took a huge risk not cancelling that boss attack that Yumemi started the round with, especially since I had a full gauge anyway. Wanted to take that weak first hit but nope. I took 4. :V

Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Vanhaomena on November 06, 2013, 02:13:44 AM
Goodnight sweat prince
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Wriggle on November 06, 2013, 02:33:03 AM
Goodnight sweat prince

Vanhao, will you be my new Zengeku? :*
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Vanhaomena on November 06, 2013, 02:34:16 AM
Vanhao, will you be my new Zengeku? :*

These are big and heavy boots to fill. I'd rather fill something a little smaller, if you know what I mean  ;)
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Wriggle on November 06, 2013, 02:51:54 AM
These are big and heavy boots to fill. I'd rather fill something a little smaller, if you know what I mean  ;)

That's so sweet of you. That's two steps. Next step is lewd shmups goal on your sig. :3

Then we can lewd to full extend.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Sapz on November 06, 2013, 03:14:59 AM
Actually, let's not do that. This is the 'Touhou' blogging thread; it'd be appreciated if it were kept  that way rather than the 'random creepiness' blogging thread.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Waahst on November 06, 2013, 09:43:06 AM
I played with bombs today. It was okay.

And I'm dreading UFO lunatic when I get to that because everyone says that's the hardest....
Proper token route = so many lives. Game isn't too scary when you can get to Shou with 7~8 extra lives. Still not easier than other games because if you invested the same amount of time required to learn a good UFO route into another game, that game would appear way easier as well. All subjective I guess. You can pretty much bomb everything with the resources given though, and that's no exaggeration.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Drake on November 06, 2013, 09:52:48 AM
I haven't played STGs for months. School is too strong.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: kitslol on November 06, 2013, 10:59:19 AM
Err, on the uhh, blogging topic...
SA Lunatic is so hard omg
I mean it's a lot of fun because the entire game is really difficult compared to like, easy mode stages 1-3 and then massive difficult spike like some other games, but I'm not good enough for this yet >.> It's even worse because dying doesn't just lose you a life, you also don't get the life piece from the non-spell/spell card so you can make even fewer mistakes later.

And I'm dreading UFO lunatic when I get to that because everyone says that's the hardest....

I'm with you there, just started playing SA lunatic two days ago and I'm currently slamming my face into the last 3 stages on practice mode(Mostly 4 and 5). Mixing in some UFO practice just to get some exposure to the patterns as well.
Best thing you can do for yourself if you haven't already is memorize a good stage routes. They'll make the first 3 stages at least, much much easier.
Once you start getting the hang of the game though those lives really start piling up.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mesarthim on November 06, 2013, 11:04:10 AM
Well about two days ago I had another run in with Touhou 7 lunatic.

Two runs. Both game over by the same spot. Default lives. Yuyuko's next to last spellcard.

This got me thinking... I got that far in two runs on default lives so if I add two more I should be able to clear lunatic right? Wrong. I failed more often and faster. Flipped tables then stopped playing for the time being. Who says more lives in the earlier games is a good thing.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: chirpy13 on November 06, 2013, 01:12:10 PM
Game isn't too scary when you can get to Shou with 7~8 extra lives.
I dunno Waah, I still managed to game over to Byakuren 3-4 times after getting to Shou with max lives.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: cactu on November 06, 2013, 05:16:41 PM
Got another 2MNB, died on Megalith and Meek. That puts my perfect remilia count up to 3/4 of my 2MNB runs... And my meek deaths are 3/4 as well, darn.
At least it seems like I'm getting close.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Seventh Holy Scripture on November 06, 2013, 07:39:09 PM
This thread has been split so as not to derail it. All posts concerning recent moderator actions should go in the new thread (,15827.0.html) instead. Further posts on the subject in this thread will be deleted.

Please return to your regularly scheduled Touhou blogging!
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mino ☆ on November 06, 2013, 09:17:39 PM
Been working on LNNN attempts as usual. After getting that close call on Yuyuko the other day, I'm starting to believe that I'm very close! Just a bit more effort! I'm getting more consistent at the first three stages. I think I have then down. Stage 4 is getting a lot better for me. I've learned how to deal with Lily White, and I've gotten more consistent at Lunasa's second nonspell! Stage 5 is getting better as well. I find myself capturing Youmu's first spell way more often now!

I've been doing worse at Yuyuko than I usually do, though. So I might have to get practicing on her. I'm not sure why I've had so much trouble with her penultimate. It's unusual.  :wat:

P.S. I very much appreciate it, Seventh Holy Scripture! :3

Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: LepLep on November 06, 2013, 09:21:41 PM
Oh boy, cleared SA on lunatic during a livestream (sorry for the kuso-strm that wasn't exactly viewable though). (

Off to grab some popcorn now. :3


Might as well stuff this into the post too. (Took more effort than the SA clear after all~)

Jovial: PM'd~


YouTube links~
Touhou 11 Lunatic (
Touhou 3 Lunatic (

Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mr Jovial on November 06, 2013, 09:27:23 PM

Where did you get that and why do I not have one ten?
No, I'm not talking about the Smirnoff
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Nindella on November 06, 2013, 09:37:29 PM
This thread has been split so as not to derail it. All posts concerning recent moderator actions should go in the new thread (,15827.0.html) instead. Further posts on the subject in this thread will be deleted.

Please return to your regularly scheduled Touhou blogging!

But the thread got locked ;_;

Oh boy, cleared SA on lunatic during a livestream (sorry for the kuso-strm that wasn't exactly viewable though). (

Off to grab some popcorn now. :3

Congrats!!  :D
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Seventh Holy Scripture on November 06, 2013, 09:48:55 PM
But the thread got locked ;_;

As I mentioned in my post there, start a new one in PTA Letters to the Editor if you feel it needs further discussion.
That is all that shall be said upon on the matter in this thread.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: sweetings on November 06, 2013, 10:05:44 PM
Ok I learned most mof stages and i think no bombs will be done soon.
spent like 6 hours practicing today :V
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Oh on November 07, 2013, 01:07:40 AM
Hmm. Glad to be back.

Being a bit interested in LNN now I should probably practice my no bomb routes again.
For score, 2 billion is merely a starting point. I wish to have at least 2.1b, when I have to work on it I will.
Maybe EoSD 450m and 2MNB, but that's for (way) later.

I guess that's all I have to say for now.

I haven't played STGs for months. School is too strong.

Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: chirpy13 on November 07, 2013, 01:14:18 AM
I have no clue if this is useful or not.


Yes, that was a blog.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Shio Yamote on November 07, 2013, 02:44:40 AM
Not much to say but after 4 straight hours, I finally beat Suwako. Took me more than 20 tries, but somehow I managed to capture her final spellcard in my first try hell yeah. :getdown:

 After 2 months without playing EoSD I booted it up some days ago and beat flandre. Took me way less tries than Mokou and Ran/Yukari and even less than Suwako. I'm trying to 1cc SA on normal now cuz I feel like I'm cheating by downloading a score file and I don't think I'm ready for Koishi yet. Everything was going OK until Yuugi kicked my ass in stage 3 causing me to ragequit.

Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Oreo-Tan on November 07, 2013, 03:01:36 AM
Yeah... SA gives me issues. Specifically, the kind that makes me want to punch my laptop screen in with the rage that it induces. 

On the other hand, found one of my replays in IN apparently hit 1.1 billion score.  :]
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Reiko on November 07, 2013, 06:20:06 PM
I've decided to only play Touhou on Lunatic (or Extra) mode from now on ; hoping it will help me improve whatever meagre skills I have.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Ghost on November 08, 2013, 01:01:40 AM
Seems silly to me to limit yourself to Lunatic.
If you can't clear lower difficulties than there's no point, and some games probably have easier lunatic clears than another game's hard clears (tbh PCB, TD and DDC lunatic are easier than UFO hard for example, at least with no limitations).

I mean, if you're just overwhelmed and bombing all the time then that's not really going to teach you to dodge stuff.

Anyway, I managed to clear SA Lunatic, didn't die to Spider loli like I do 9/10 times because she's evil, and had a pretty good run through the rest of the stages (though I did more or less fluke the entirety of stage 5, but what kind of first clear would it be without lots of fluke dodging), and Utsuho's probably the easiest final boss in the series so only having 2 extra lives (including the one you build up during the fight) to beat her is manageable.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Shio Yamote on November 08, 2013, 02:56:37 AM
Just perfected IN stage 6B on Lunatic (not counting my death in her last spells)  :toot:.  Is it just me or Kaguya is easier than Eirin? (Omoikane's Brain and Hourai Elixir can go die in a fire)

Oh and I think I'm going to stay away from touhou for a few weeks. SA extra made me cry of anger (for real). I would be so much better in touhou if I didn't had soooo much bad luck. Even my psychologist said that I'm the unluckiest person on earth.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Reiko on November 08, 2013, 11:30:04 AM
Seems silly to me to limit yourself to Lunatic.
If you can't clear lower difficulties than there's no point
Well, I can, actually. I've cleared half of the main games on Lunatic, even though it was some months ago now.
It's just that I tend to stick to Hard mode regardless for an unknown reason, which seems silly and probably doesn't help.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Ghost on November 08, 2013, 11:51:18 AM
Well, I can, actually. I've cleared half of the main games on Lunatic, even though it was some months ago now.
It's just that I tend to stick to Hard mode regardless for an unknown reason, which seems silly and probably doesn't help.

Then yea, I wouldn't really stick to a difficulty you've already beaten.

Though earlier difficulties can still be fun for no vert or low graze challenges and stuff.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Star King on November 08, 2013, 04:39:45 PM
Just perfected IN stage 6B on Lunatic (not counting my death in her last spells)  :toot:.  Is it just me or Kaguya is easier than Eirin? (Omoikane's Brain and Hourai Elixir can go die in a fire)

Oh and I think I'm going to stay away from touhou for a few weeks. SA extra made me cry of anger (for real). I would be so much better in touhou if I didn't had soooo much bad luck. Even my psychologist said that I'm the unluckiest person on earth.

Uh, you're having trouble clearing extras but you NMNB'd Kaguya Lunatic? All right then...
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Sakurei on November 08, 2013, 07:02:42 PM
Uh, you're having trouble clearing extras but you NMNB'd Kaguya Lunatic? All right then...

It's possible assuming this person has put infinitely more time into IN than anything else.

As for SA extra: top. It's 95% static. "Bad luck" is not an excuse. Just admit you're not good at dodging things you haven't memorized, rather than fleeing into excuses that don't make any sense.


@Reiko&FreeGothitelle Scoring would also a possibility for lower difficulties. I can beat hard and loonie rather handily, but they're too hard for me to score in for now, so I do it in easy and normal. Just to point out the arguably coolest possibility here.


Decided to take a break from IN extra. The practice is getting kind of annoying and I don't feel like I have made much progress on HMD supergraze. It's not a very fun attack, but it's so very vital to getting a good score. So instead of making myself hate the extra stage forever, I'll take a break and try something fresh.

Which would be SA normal. I feel like I got stage 1 and 2 down sufficiently. (Of course, I will always practice some more) Stage 3 seems really tedious. I probably won't milk Yuugi's first spellcard. It looks obnoxious. I'll try it and if it's not super easy, I'll omit it in my run simply because learning it would be a hassle. What I can't omit are the laser nonspells, though. Alas, they're fortunately static. And so is the stage potion. Lasers are probably the dullest way of gaining graze.
Stage 4 looks fun, even if pretty difficult. I feel like you could be riskier with the grazing and gain some more than the WR (which would make up for omitting Yuugi's first spell, or, alternatively If I do it after all, gain an edge on the WR). Stage 4 has a lot of bombing unfortunately, but also manual grazes. I don't think I will omit anything here and try the WR routes as best as I can. As for Satori herself: I won't grazemilk the nonspells like nyanko does. Ridiculously little gain and it's boring as HELL. Aside from that, I won't leave anything out. First spell is dull too, but gives too much for an easy gain to leave out. BoWaP safespot is Important as well and a good breather. For various reasons. ;)
Stage 5 has some hard sections, but I think I won't leave out anything. the PoC's at the beginning of the stage are static, so once I have those down, they shouldn't pose much of a problem anymore. Timing out the popcorn section at 0 power will be ugh. But since this is normal, I guess it's not as hard to dodge as it'd on lunatic. Not that you time out Orin on lunatic. In short, stage 5 is pretty much boring memoshit. you don't graze very much either (outside of midboss and boss), but it's the first cash-in stage, pretty much. Orin herself will be fairly hard I think. boring first nonspell and a nongrazing spellcard, okay. Milking the second nonspell however...will be hard. It's worth a lot and very important. Gotta learn that. Of course, it's static if I do the same shit every time. Spleen eater is okay, I guess. I never knew you could graze the wisps to be honest. Ghost wheel bombing is what? I'll probably mistime that shit and die or something like that. I fear for the day a run makes it there. But it's thousands of graze, so very important. Gotta learn it.
Stage 6 is mostly streaming and cash-in. Blazing Wheel speedkill looks kind of tight, but in the end it's the same as doing it normally. It shouldn't cause too much trouble. I hope I won't die in some retarded manner to it. I am not sure how worth it is to milk Okuu's nonspells. It seems awfully redundant. you only gain very few point items from this point. Of course, her nons are easy, so there is little risk in actually milking them. I just don't see the worth of it. I think I'll look into it some and decide from there if it's worth it or not. Chances are I will probably bomb her first and possibly second spellcard due to nervousness. The rest is really easy and if I died to them, I deserve it. Stage 6 should be much easier than 4 and 5 - possibly stage 3 too.

Now let's see how this will turn out...


Oh an people, PLEASE stop using this thread to post your achievements. This is a thread where you can reflect upon things or talk about things that you think lie ahead of you, not to brag about the shit you've already done. We have a different thread for that. Thanks.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Tengukami on November 08, 2013, 07:17:58 PM
Oh and I think I'm going to stay away from touhou for a few weeks. SA extra made me cry of anger (for real). I would be so much better in touhou if I didn't had soooo much bad luck. Even my psychologist said that I'm the unluckiest person on earth.
If you are crying literal, actual tears when playing Touhou, yes, it is time to play eXceed or Gradius or whatever for a while.

I also find it hugely ironic that your psychologist, of all people, would say you were "unlucky". IN is not a random bullet generator. You just have to practice it, and keep practicing it, until you get it. Once you come back from your vacation from Touhou, that is.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Shio Yamote on November 08, 2013, 07:19:43 PM
Uh, you're having trouble clearing extras but you NMNB'd Kaguya Lunatic? All right then...

I started playing Touhou 5 months ago. Spent 4 months into IN and 1 month on the rest.
As for SA extra: top. It's 95% static. "Bad luck" is not an excuse. Just admit you're not good at dodging things you haven't memorized, rather than fleeing into excuses that don't make any sense.

What I meant by bad luck, is dodging loads and loads of crap like a boss and then collide with a single, small bullet. I do need more practice but I do have bad luck. When I was trying to time out saigyouji flawless nirvana, I died when the counter reached 00. And I still don't know WTF just killed me.

I also find it hugely ironic that your psychologist, of all people, would say you were "unlucky".

Yeah, I still can't believe it but he REALLY said that.  First he said bad luck doesn't exists, but after some visits he admitted that I'm very unlucky but it won't be like that forever. (I really hope so)

Anyway, I said I was going to stay away from touhou for some weeks but I can't... it's stronger than me. Booted up SA and finally cleared it (1cc). I'm very happy now because IMO I'm improving more and more everyday. Touhou also improved my reflexes in real life and in other games too so I think that no matter how much I rage, I will never quit touhou.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Zil on November 08, 2013, 08:54:25 PM
Thanks to Touhou I am now built like Hercules.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: CyberAngel on November 08, 2013, 08:59:37 PM
Anyway, I said I was going to stay away from touhou for some weeks but I can't... it's stronger than me. Booted up SA and finally cleared it (1cc). I'm very happy now because IMO I'm improving more and more everyday. Touhou also improved my reflexes in real life and in other games too so I think that no matter how much I rage, I will never quit touhou.

That's the spirit. Welcome to STG addiction. It's a masochistic kind of fun, but as long as you feel that rush, nothing can stop you from reaching whatever heights you wish.

I certainly recognize what you describe as "bad luck". True, some days you ram bullets in plain sight, but others you pull off stuff you never expected to do before. The thing is, I found that this kind of "luck" is actually your passive dodging skill. It increases the more you play, but it can still fluctuate rather wildly. Just learn how to deal with it when it's low. If you keep making mistakes you know you could have avoided, do something you're more confident about. If you're just falling apart, dying when you absolutely should not, maybe call it a day. For all you know, you may do better than usual after a good night's sleep. No need to push yourself when your mind is not in the state to play properly. Take it easy! :yukkuri:
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Waahst on November 08, 2013, 09:01:38 PM
Thanks to Touhou I am now built like Hercules.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mr Jovial on November 08, 2013, 09:21:37 PM

Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Tengukami on November 08, 2013, 09:42:46 PM
I seem to be revisiting DDC a lot lately. And by "a lot" I mean within the context of about four hours of free time per day. I am enjoying the shit out of stage practice, and going after challenges regarding score, shot type, the best times to bomb for a 2.1 bonus. This is unusual for my usual playing pattern with Touhou. Since I started shortly after MoF came out, the MO has more or less been:

1. Play the hell out of the trial game.
2. Play the hell out of the full release for about a month.
3. Only go back to it a few hours per month, intermingled with others in the series.

As you can probably guess, getting better hasn't really been a priority so much as just playing the games when I want to play them. But things are different now, I think for two reasons. I do really enjoy DDC's systems and shot types, of course, but I think watching score runs on this board when the trial version came out, and taking part in that a little bit, I got introduced to the fun of developing how I play.

That, and I think Dwarf Castle of Shining Needles is an amazing song.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Shimatora on November 09, 2013, 11:16:01 AM
After a short break from TD after playing an awful lot to try and get 800m Marisa Easy, I've come back! And it feels pretty great. For the time being I plan to start working on the higher difficulties rather than focusing on Easy/Normal scoring like I have in the past. The majority of my playtime has gone into that so far, I haven't fully explored scoring on Hard or Lunatic. Planning to start off with clearing a survival Lunatic Marisa run and going from there!

1. Play the hell out of the trial game.
2. Play the hell out of the full release for about a month.
3. Only go back to it a few hours per month, intermingled with others in the series.
This describes my game time too. The game is only new for so long!
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: chirpy13 on November 09, 2013, 08:19:48 PM
Found a new(?) trick. (  It's pretty tough to get all the items though.  DDC.

Ok. (
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Oh on November 11, 2013, 06:37:06 AM
Ok, I guess time to complain about DDC. It's bad. Badly designed, game. The intensive memorization needed for a simple LNB is outrageous. It took me 3 hours to figure stage 4 out. Yep, one stage, survival only, not even getting the right bonuses, too. I still haven't figured out how to handle the stage portions of 3, 5, and 6 without massively dying like a retard. Seija is a big "duck you" to the face, especially that last card. It only took me an hour to learn a single card, great. Don't get me started on the stage 6 boss (whats her name again? I won't care to remember). Just the survival is pixel perfect memorization, it irritates me to fail it 9 out of 10 times. The opening bullet spam is pure dodging which I can't read due to my slow brain. Provided I was also using the most trivial shot - SakuyaA, which enrages me more. I should just stopped playing hours ago. I guess once you start digging there's no stopping until the hole is big enough for you to jump in it.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Drake on November 11, 2013, 08:21:14 AM
The intensive memorization needed for a simple LNB is outrageous.
It took me 3 hours to figure stage 4 out. Yep, one stage, survival only, not even getting the right bonuses, too. I still haven't figured out how to handle the stage portions of 3, 5, and 6 without massively dying like a retard.
this sounds pretty normal
Seija is a big "duck you" to the face, especially that last card. It only took me an hour to learn a single card, great.
Really, the last card? While they're all dumb, the last card is the one where when it clicks it clicks.
Just the survival is pixel perfect memorization, it irritates me to fail it 9 out of 10 times.
it's dumb with marisa and sakuya but it's still consistently doable, keep trying
The opening bullet spam is pure dodging which I can't read due to my slow brain.
if you can't do memorization and you can't do dodging what do you want
Ok, I guess time to complain about DDC. It's bad. Badly designed, game.
"I can't LNB after a few hours, this game is bad"
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Oh on November 11, 2013, 12:31:16 PM
I dunno I'm just complain on two things basically:
1)Game is 2 hurd
2)I suck too much
All there is. I'm just blaming the game for my own faults. It's the blog whaddaya expect.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mino ☆ on November 11, 2013, 04:26:08 PM
Well if you were using a B shot or MarisaA this game is demonically hard for LNB. It becomes ridiculous. It isn't that bad with SakuyaA though. I daresay ReimuA is easier because of lolresources. Keep it up.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Shio Yamote on November 11, 2013, 06:16:08 PM
Booted up DDC and attempted a normal 1cc again. All going good until  Seija's last spell made me want to punch my laptop screen and ruined my 1cc. Last time I got lucky in it so I managed to clear it (no bombs and no lifes remaining). I'm now trying to beat TD Extra. Is it just me or destroying Mamizou's animal danmaku with fantasy seal feels extremely good?
Also, I just find out that you can unlock DDC extra stage by clearing Easy mode too.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Yookie on November 13, 2013, 07:48:41 PM
Looked through my Double Spoiler file after not doing that for a while and found
this nice picture (

Aya sure knows her business. :V
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Arcengal on November 13, 2013, 09:32:02 PM
So I tried DDC on Lunatic for the first time.

Get to stage 3 without dyin', feelin' good, feelin' good.
Die a couple of times on the boss, think no big deal, maybe get there.

5 *continues* later I beat Sakuna.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mr Jovial on November 14, 2013, 06:26:03 PM
Tomorrow I'm supposed to be giving a (not very serious) talk to my classmates about whatever the hell I want to. I decided the subject would be Touhou and as part of the talk, I want to go over 3 attacks and their strategies to make it clear that these games aren't always as impossible as they seem. I decided that the first should be Scarlet Meister since its dependent on a strategy and good dodging, not to mention it looks quite intimidating. I've also decided that the second should be Peerless Wind God to show that not everything can be trivialised by learning patterns.

So, MoTKers, I leave you a question. What single attack would define Touhou? I'm thinking I should use Blazing Star because GIANT LASERS LOL, but I would like to hear what others would choose. Since its 6:25pm and I'm going to sleep in about 4 hours, I don't really have much time to get many responses and I therefore felt it didn't deserve its own thread. Thoughts? :D :D
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Star King on November 14, 2013, 06:34:08 PM
I think a card that is both very beautiful and very difficult, such as Devil's Recitation or Saigyouji Flawless Nirvana, would be what I'd think of for a spell that "defines Touhou".  I'm not feeling the Blazing Star choice, though that might be just because I don't think it's a great attack with the screen-shaking and all. I like the PWG choice though, since it looks mad cool.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mr Jovial on November 14, 2013, 06:56:50 PM
I think a card that is both very beautiful and very difficult, such as Devil's Recitation or Saigyouji Flawless Nirvana, would be what I'd think of for a spell that "defines Touhou".  I'm not feeling the Blazing Star choice, though that might be just because I don't think it's a great attack with the screen-shaking and all. I like the PWG choice though, since it looks mad cool.

This is the reason I asked. I'm in full agreement with your choices, I just never thought about them  :derp:

EDIT: Can't get a decent screenshot of Scarlet Meister, I guess its not an attack which is reflected well in a single frame. Devil's Recitation will replace it.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Shio Yamote on November 14, 2013, 07:30:15 PM
Really happy today! I finally beat Mamizou and Koishi :toot:. It's kinda strange too because Koishi took me less tries than Flandre and Ran and she was really easy for me. Even Mamizou was harder than her. Only Nue and Raiko left now.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mino ☆ on November 14, 2013, 10:13:24 PM
I should stop doing No Bomb challenges. All they do is frustrate me because of my inability to play well at all times. I've found my skill is deteriorating as time goes on (or perhaps my expectations and standards are going up and I'm unable to meet those standards) and it's very unnerving. Low-Miss no bomb shenanigans are very repetitive and frustrating. LNNN is just restarts and it's very hard to grind since you have no clue when you'll even get it.

Though scoring would be the same. Lots of restarts. I wish I actually had patience to grind without anger and frustration. But I always expect myself to get the achievements on the first try because I hate waiting for them. I just want the spoils of victory rather than the fun in playing the game itself. It's a bad habit that  I can't help. I'm like severely bipolar with Touhou. If I do bad, I'm angry and want to quit. But then when I win, I'm like "Omg, Touhou is the best game ever".

I may have to quit or take a hiatus soon. That is, if I can't rid myself of my rotten mindset.

I could always just play casually. But that's getting boring for me. I feel like I need to be working on goals, but when I get around to doing them, I just start losing and getting angry.

Why can't I be like Somen_Soc and get everything I want....
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Oh on November 14, 2013, 10:16:10 PM
Did you even see how much SOC restarted for UFO Extra
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mino ☆ on November 14, 2013, 10:23:59 PM
Sure. But he had the strength to play for 13 hours straight. 13 hours on a stream of nonstop Touhou gameplay...

That's tenacity and that's what got him his skill. He enjoys it all the way and has no problems with long grinds. This makes him perfect for getting high level Touhou achievements. I on the other hand, can only grind very little a day nowadays. I just don't have that ability to play at the rate that people like SOC do.

If I could modify myself or my mindset and somehow get myself to be able to grind for many hours a day nonstop, then maybe I could finally start getting my dream goals. But maybe Touhou just isn't for everyone.

I've come this far, though...

Sometimes I wish I could reset my Touhou career and and do everything over again.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Oh on November 14, 2013, 11:05:53 PM
I wish I could play for more than 5 hours a day like when I was active. But then there's school and shit now. I envy people with free time  :(

Try scoring again, there's less restarts if you set your goal lower or/and difficulty is lower (go play MoF Normal is the best thing ever).

Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Drake on November 15, 2013, 01:13:17 AM
I'm pretty sure VoWG embodies all that is good about Touhou patterns. If you're talking about strategies helping you beat it, Scarlet Meister won't do you any good because you'll just die anyways.
If you need a static image though, it won't really display how VoWG is what it is.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: I have no name on November 15, 2013, 11:05:40 PM
Some may consider this cheating, but it's a valid tactic in speedruns...pause buffering.  Specifically, pause buffering Shou's nonspells, realized on 7-1 of Double Spoiler.  Pause as the lasers straighten, and you have all the time in the world to read them and see where you need to it cheap?  A bit.  Does it remove the challenge?  Somewhat.  Does it make it more consistent?  Definitely.  But is it cheating, as pausing is a part of the game?  I'll continue doing it with Double Spoiler during 108 scene runs regardless because it makes 7-1 more manageable for me (and time spent paused counts towards my timer anyway), but the same principle should apply to Shou's first and second nons in UFO as well...perhaps even to a better result.

I guess I'm wondering what other people think of this idea, if anyone else has thought of it, if it'd be considered cheating, or if it's just a moral thing.  I probably wouldn't do it with bombs in stock, though!  :derp:
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Oh on November 15, 2013, 11:20:14 PM
I use the pause screen to position myself for the deathbomb in stage 3 with the 4 big fairies before midboss Nitori.
In my defense, Touhou is not an arcade shmup.   ;)
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Zil on November 15, 2013, 11:59:47 PM
I used it for Shou's DS scene back when I was scoring.

My opinion of it is that it's kinda cheesy, but still not technically cheating. It's a built in feature, so... yeah.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Drake on November 16, 2013, 05:03:30 AM
I think there's a big difference between pausing to pause, even in the midst of a pattern, and pausing to supplement/replace reaction time or reading ability. In Touhou in particular, it already tries to dissuade you by blurring the screen, and many other games do similar things so you can't pause buffer as easily.

If we're talking about things like DS speedrunning, then I wouldn't say it's a problem, as manipulating everything possible about the game is a core premise in speedrunning and TAS. For regular play, I don't really care, just as with any other "way" to play. I have a bit of a problem with claiming to have completed some common goal (i.e. scoring, 1cc, etc) as though it were on the same playing field. It's really grey, especially since safespotting seems similar in ways, but I think explicitly trying to cheese something using a game's auxiliary features rather than taking advantage of what's offered in the gameplay, is at least morally worse. I can't really think of an accurate comparison to make here.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: kitslol on November 16, 2013, 12:25:05 PM
Not the same thing but I remember trying to time out a long spellcard and pausing for a few minutes when there was 20~ seconds left, just to get myself to calm down because my heart was racing. I succeeded, but it didn't feel satisfying, so I ended up doing it again later without pausing. Have to wonder if anyone out there actually pauses to calm down in the middle of a good run or does it feel like "cheating"? Suppose it's just up to the individual though.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Emerald Mint on November 16, 2013, 10:48:40 PM
I was bored and decided to mess around in Cheat Engine and DDC. Found some memory locations which I've modified to greatly reduce the amount of extends DDC gives away, as well as remove bomb fragments from the fragment rotation.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Tengukami on November 16, 2013, 11:48:54 PM
So I've decided to take to heart the very good advice to play a higher difficulty as a means of getting better at your comfort difficulty. Mostly concentrating on Marisa A Hard in DDC, as that's a shot type I'd really like to get better at in this particular game. It's a hell of a ride, that's for sure. At this point I'm spamming continues to open stages for practice, but after three head-long dives into Stage 4, I already notice a big difference in how Normal feels. It sort of reminds me of staring at a blue, yellow and black flag for a while before turning to a white surface. Only a great deal more fun.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Oh on November 17, 2013, 04:50:30 AM
Hard Mode too hard - too many bullets.
So I played with stage practice and made a pretty meh-tier route with ReimuA.
2b or something if I don't fuck up anything. But that's too high of an estimate since I'm bound to fuck something up like in all my runs.
Credit spamming when I get enough time, etc.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: CyberAngel on November 17, 2013, 02:31:58 PM
Sometimes I get that feeling again. That no matter how hard I try, I won't move on from the stage I am at. What looks like just the next step - Hard Mode and Extra Stages - seems like still infinite ways away. And Lunatic is a "how are you even supposed to do that?" territory.

But then, I look back and see I've improved, just in small bits. When I have a problem with a pattern, I look it up and learn how to do it. Even without thinking about it, I've been memorizing enemy placement in stages and optimizing my route for survival. I successfully take higher risks than I could before. Despite the usual performance fluctuations, all this pushes me further than before.

The important thing is to understand that these small things matter a lot. Really, isn't a full half-hour run performance just a sum of how you fare each second? Those small improvements work towards the big result, you have to do them and there's no way around it. Even if big achievements are far apart, you can work towards them, and this is why patience is important, no matter how willing or able you are.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Burning Love on November 17, 2013, 02:58:57 PM
So, MoTKers, I leave you a question. What single attack would define Touhou? I'm thinking I should use Blazing Star because GIANT LASERS LOL, but I would like to hear what others would choose. Since its 6:25pm and I'm going to sleep in about 4 hours, I don't really have much time to get many responses and I therefore felt it didn't deserve its own thread. Thoughts? :D :D

Well, I might be late to help you but I want to share my thought about this too. I would say that 'Hourai Elixir' would most probably define what Touhou is. Lot's of bullet, patterned and random danmaku, gimmicks that are eye-catching along with Zun's music. But the most important thing is the importance of a perfect run and the feeling of satisfaction when you clear the spellcard.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mr Jovial on November 17, 2013, 03:11:44 PM
In reality, the answers I got didn't go anywhere because my printer is awful so I didn't bother showing screenshots and went with a video instead. Though that's not to say I didn't think about the responses and it seems like either notoriously difficult attacks and last spells fit the best. The former because lol bullets and the latter because everything comes together nicely, audio syncing with the patterns feels so good :V. I was thinking about using Hourai Elixir as my "bullet spam" example (last phase) then went with PWG because Hourai Elixir is art and is more than a spammy attack. 

P.s: Thanks for replies anyway.

EDIT: Forgot to mention that I also didn't use pictures because basically every attack just wasn't represented well in a single frame (PWG was the only one that worked) :P
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: YJSNPI on November 20, 2013, 09:44:15 PM
Started work on IN lunatic, pretty hard, got a long way to go
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: kitslol on November 22, 2013, 07:23:35 AM
Been getting my ass kicked in UFO for the last week or so, but I just discovered the boss rush patch which will help me practice spell cards faster since I already have consistent stage routes.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Tengukami on November 22, 2013, 11:52:08 AM
So a funny thing happened. Remember up here (,15361.msg1044573.html#msg1044573) when I was talking about playing Marisa A in DDC in Hard Mode to get better at playing her in Normal? Well, to my great surprise, I'm finding Hard much, much more fun than Normal.

I know this probably seems obvious to those of you already playing Hard or Lunatic. I've just always been an Easy/Normal player and thought I always would be. I have tried Hard and Lunatic in the past, but never very seriously. But my enjoyment of Easy and Normal wasn't based on the difficulty level (or at least, not entirely); rather, I like being able to enjoy looking at the patterns, the art, and listening to the music. I usually like playing Touhou to alternate between a casual stroll and a brisk jog. To "enjoy the scenery" as it were.

Giving Hard a sincere effort is slow-going (I think I have a path through the first three stages more or less mapped out) but the fun of Hard, as opposed to Normal or Easy, has been exactly that path-finding activity. What's the best way through this mess? How about this other way, is that better? How can I get a better pay-off in terms of survival, different resources, even score? It's hugely fun.

Again, I know to you higher level players all this is stating the obvious. I realize this isn't inventing the wheel here. But this is a new phase for me, and one that caught me quite by surprise.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mino ☆ on November 23, 2013, 05:12:48 AM
I tried to play Touhou again today. I had some fun at first, and then when things started going bad I started raging and getting very angry for no real reason.

I'm going to stop this temper someday. I want to be able to play Touhou and have fun even when grinding. I want to be pure like I was when I started playing this game. I played and had fun despite my failures.

I miss being able to play and not care if I don't reach my expectations. I want to start having fun again. I'm not giving up. I love Touhou and its entirety. And I'm going to fulfill my love.

I'm making progress, but I need more self control so I can prevent myself from having angry outbursts.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: I have no name on November 23, 2013, 06:25:44 AM
So I just had an amazing run of Double Spoiler.  Or, what should have been an amazing run if I could just avoid choking.  I was 4 minutes ahead of my 43:39 coming out of the Extra stage...only to waste over 4 minutes on SP-2, 3, 6 and 9.  I still improved, but only just barely (to 43:16).  On the plus side, despite a lot of dumb deaths I still improved and the scenes I practiced the IL strats for all went very well.  Now I just need to chain together the mythical good Spoiler stage with a solid rest of run.

But yeah, this is why I haven't been able to get any LNBs yet, I choke away any and all runs with a decent chance.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Oh on November 23, 2013, 06:32:52 AM
I need to stop dying to Sanae and Aya. Come on, it's only Hard Mode, yet I'm having trouble.
It's annoying when you spend so long restarting stages 1-3 only to fuck up the non-scoring areas of the game.
That run had 510m at Aya. It could have been over 2 bil too, I think.
Back to spamming credits I guess ;_;
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Monkeypro257 on November 23, 2013, 06:37:32 AM
I 1CC Mountain of Faith on Hard Mode in my 8'th attempt. I tried Lunatic after that, but I only made it to Kanako until she knifed me to death with her non-spells. -_- My limit in 1CCing games is Hard mode, anything above that is just too much. If I ever play Lunatic, all that ever happens is rage quitting and me grinding my teeth. . .
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mr Jovial on November 23, 2013, 10:31:22 AM
I 1CC Mountain of Faith on Hard Mode in my 8'th attempt. I tried Lunatic after that, but I only made it to Kanako until she knifed me to death with her non-spells. -_- My limit in 1CCing games is Hard mode, anything above that is just too much. If I ever play Lunatic, all that ever happens is rage quitting and me grinding my teeth. . .

The jump from Hard to Lunatic is quite a big one. Normal to Hard is partly due to more bullets and partly due to pattern changes (think Remi's spellcards). But Hard to Lunatic is a very large jump of almost entirely more bullets. If you really want to get to Lunatic standards you need to put in quite a bit of work. To give you an idea, the last Hard 1cc I did (UFO) I got on Christmas Eve last year. The first Lunatic 1cc (IN) I got in this year's Summer holidays. Admittedly I procrastinated quite a bit. Had about 4 extra stages to do then I went and did both photography games until I went back to IN and was still only getting to Stage 4. Then I worked and noticed progress; getting to Tewi, then Reisen, then the opening of Stage 6 and then lots of runs ending around Kaguya's 3rd lifebar. MoF is a bit of a strange game since you need to manage resources so you have about 3 lives for VoWG but with practice, this will slowly become doable. You could stay at Hard but imo, Touhou is the kind of game where you should almost constantly be pushing yourself towards some form of goal. Perhaps a statistic from the thwiki polls will be helpful. 22.88% of responses (3946 of 17246) claimed to be able to 1cc MoF on hard. 9.36% (1614) people claimed to be able to 1cc MoF on Lunatic. For SA-TD its similar with 5-7% of responsess claiming to be able to Lunatic 1cc. Its a small number, but I'd still strongly recommend you keep going for it. It feels quite rewarding when you finally get your 1st 1cc on Lunatic.

tl;dr: Blah, blah, blah. *insert encouraging you to Lunatic 1cc*
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Oh on November 23, 2013, 12:28:23 PM
Disgusted with my lack of skill today but managed to cheer up by looking at cute HomuraxMadoka pictures.
Even if I cleared my run would be shit because my route is bad. I guess I lack motivation to spam credits now, and feel an urge to improve my route. I gotta get my route up to at least coa's level if i want to score beyond 2b in MoF Hard. Also having a shit 13 inch laptop monitor that refreshes at 15fps sucks.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: CyberAngel on November 23, 2013, 03:52:55 PM
Seems I've found a slight survival trick. On Hina's "Broken Amulet", stay low between where the corners of "unbroken amulet" shape point. Those points are where walls of bullets intersect, leaving space between them much safer. This seems to work even on Hard, though not as much on Lunatic.

EDIT: A small correction. Where the SPIKES point, not corners. Pretty much the same, except for Normal. And it does seem to work on Lunatic alright.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mino ☆ on November 23, 2013, 04:48:32 PM
I've decided that the best solution for my problem is just to take a break. So that's what I've decided to do. I'm not sure how long it'll be. But I feel confident that if I just get my mind off Touhou for a while, I'll get back into the zone once I return to it.

I'm not going to quit. Touhou is still my life. But I'm just putting it on hold.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Emerald Mint on November 23, 2013, 05:06:09 PM
A break is always nice. Once you come back with a fresh approach, you'll find you'll still enjoy it the same or better than before.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: CyberAngel on November 24, 2013, 12:43:22 PM
Just played a very nostalgic stage. I remember the time when I became brave enough to no longer stay at the bottom all the time there. It felt like I was crawling before and suddenly learned to fly. Nowadays I can PoC unfocused through all the bullets like they're nothing. It's awesome to be able to look at your own advancement like this. It's very inspiring.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mr Jovial on November 24, 2013, 02:36:21 PM
Ahh~ Its a good feeling to finally figure out a way to do something yourself. I've probably played SA Stage 4 around 60 times now and its taken this long to figure out how to do the last part of the green amulet part (the streaming). Feels good to figure it out yourself :V. Now I've just got to get DBDB down and I'll get this stage perfected :D.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Szayelaporro Granz on November 25, 2013, 05:53:17 PM
A break is always nice. Once you come back with a fresh approach, you'll find you'll still enjoy it the same or better than before.
Miraculous things tend to happen for me whenever I got back from Touhou break :3

Anyway, I think I'll lose my normal mode player title quite soon. I'm pretty close at PCB Hard 1cc, last time I lost all my lives and bombs during Yuyuko's Sumizome Perfect Blossom. Almost. There :ohdear:
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Emerald Mint on November 25, 2013, 07:29:55 PM
Tried for a first survival clear of SA Lunatic using ReimuA, no risque scoring tactics. I was making decent progress, until I lost my credit Orin's first non-spell. It's better than what I usually do, seeing as I have a pet hate for SA.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Immortal Smoke on November 25, 2013, 10:24:23 PM
I'm not terribly skilled at touhou, but I've gotten a little better. I've managed to see all of the good endings in EoSD and IN, and now I'm trying to do the same with PCB. Yesterday I managed to time out Black Magic - Event Horizon while listening to SLAYER. There's not much else worth mentioning.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mino ☆ on November 25, 2013, 11:55:03 PM
Well I'm back from my one day break. My Touhou addiction is so big that I can't take anymore than 1 day away from it...

I did better in terms of rage. And I even got a PCB Perfect Lunatic attempt all the way to Yuyuko, ultimately dying to her first spell (UGGGGGH AND THE GAP WAS SO EASY TOO, I REWATCHED THE RUN)

So um yeah.

I seriously need to stop dying to Yuyuko, especially if I want this LNNN. That makes 2 runs that have lost at Yuyuko in an LNNN attempt.

At least I'm making my runs this far. I remember 2 months ago when trying this I couldn't even get past stage 5.

I've been working on this for about 5-6 months now. I hope I get it soon.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Oh on November 26, 2013, 12:34:03 AM
How do you guys even play lunatic there's like so many bullets I only made it to stage 3 twice in 3 hours of esc+r
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Sakurei on November 26, 2013, 03:50:06 AM
So I was playing SA normal wanting to get some runs in. Since that is important to get a feel for the full game. Things were going okay. I made some grazing mistakes, but nothing I'd cry over. I entered stage 4, so basically I entered the part of the game I am super inconsistent at. Stage 4 has a lot of execution. It's pretty hard, and I am nowhere near optimal either. Good thing I don't need to be. To be honest, I half expected to die in the second half. To my surprise I didn't. I entered Satori, and again, I didn't die to DBDB. What did I die to instead? safepotting BoWaP. probably one of the silliest ways to lose a run, but I kept going, wanting to finish the game. Stage 5 is also rather difficult. I assume mostly due to lack of practice though. I learnt the route and the fight and practiced each just a bit. However, again, I didn't die to things I expected to die against. One was the first half with rhe orbs. In normalmode scoring, you have to PoC the items yourself and speedkill them. Now, this sounds hard, but at 3+ power, it's actually really easy once you know how to PoC (which I do). I am actually not sure what killed me - I wasn't paying attention to Reimu, but rather the orbs I was trying to go under. I assume it was a stray red bullet. Now, I died one more time to the popcorn section. I can "live" with that death. It's nothing super hard, but you have no power to bomb when in danger (you spend 4 bombs on the midboss and time it out) and inattention will still kill you, even on normal. Both the second and the third death didn't affect me nearly as much as the first one did since I didn't have much base PiV yet, though dying so much hindered me from finishing with full lives.

You know, dying in SA scoring (outside of loonie) is pretty much a reset. You will absolutely never want to die. It resets your base-piv (I was at 78k when I died to BoWaP and fell back to 50k - with the 23k graze I had after BoWaP, this is a multiplier of over 3, so I lost million and million of points because of that) and not only did I only die once, no I died thrice. Now, why is this important? Because I got a PB. And it makes me feel sour. I mean, don't get me wrong: PB is PB, but the fact that I got 780m on a run that wasn't supposed to go anywhere. Now, 780 isn't some super score. Hell, it isn't even good, but it just fucking irks me so much. I don't even know why. How much would I have gotten with 1 death less? with only dying once? with no deaths? I don't know. No deaths would have probably carried me to around 1b, though. Irrelevant. I don't even know why I care so much. I confuse myself.

I don't even know why I am posting this. I probably shouldn't.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Karisa on November 26, 2013, 05:11:11 AM
Dying to the BoWaP safespot happened to me extremely often back when I was going for SA Normal 800m. Yes, it's an extremely silly way to lose a run, but I probably failed it at least half the time, losing at least 10 runs that were no-death (well, 1-death) up to that point, perhaps 15 or more. I'd say it's possibly the primary reason why that 866m run took me so much longer than I expected it to take...

If you're not already doing this-- Nindel recommended to me to stay directly below Satori, and line up Reimu's hitbox using Satori's legs rather than that cloud surrounding her. It gave me a higher consistency rate, I think.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Blue on November 26, 2013, 09:10:50 AM
Thanksgiving break finally happened here(it's the entire week this year for some reason), and so I took the opportunity to play Touhou for pretty much the first time in forever and see how much worse I was. I'm roughly about the same level as I was when I stopped having time to play, which was around the end of August/start of September, so I guess I should be thankful that I haven't fallen too much. Today I basically tested if I was at the same level by testing IN Hard and DDC Normal runs, Hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to get some actual progress on my goal list now that I have time.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Tengukami on November 27, 2013, 10:04:46 PM
Making some headway with Marisa A in DDC Hard. I find her shot type a real challenge to begin with, but she's excellent for resource collection. Using her, I think, has been sharpening up my playing; without the luxury of homing shots, I have to plan paths more carefully. The weird thing is, though, that I spent so much time practicing later stages that earlier ones are more of a challenge. I suppose the lesson here for me is to use Practice more sparingly, maybe even just keep it to Spell Practice.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: BT on November 27, 2013, 10:12:51 PM
I suppose the lesson here for me is to use Practice more sparingly, maybe even just keep it to Spell Practice.
Nah, the stage portions in DDC are important, you want to consistently get a bunch of resources from those. Stage Practice should help you with that.

The whole practice start vs game start thing is an issue in all of the games. It's kind of obvious why - every credit is a pretty large time investment. You need to find the right balance, I guess.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Karisa on November 27, 2013, 11:08:07 PM
The weird thing is, though, that I spent so much time practicing later stages that earlier ones are more of a challenge. I suppose the lesson here for me is to use Practice more sparingly, maybe even just keep it to Spell Practice.
It'll balance out soon enough, whenever you go for full runs, since you'll get plenty of practice on the early stages then. Late-game practice is more important anyway, since you can't just Esc-R after a mistake. And it should always be better to have more practice rather than less, unless you manage to spend so much time practicing you can't tolerate the stage/spell anymore.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: chirpy13 on November 27, 2013, 11:30:52 PM
since you can't just Esc-R after a mistake
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Sakurei on November 27, 2013, 11:57:32 PM

Only you restart on a mistake in late stage 5. Everyone will at leats usually finish the run for practice's sake.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Immortal Smoke on November 28, 2013, 04:22:15 AM
I managed to get past Flandre's Maze of Love for the first time tonight (then I got wrecked by Starbow Break :/). It wasn't too long ago that I could rarely make it past L?vatein, but now I'm capturing that card more often than not.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Oh on November 28, 2013, 10:18:04 AM
My neck hurts like HELL now. I suspect it to be because I was playing touhou lying down with my face sideways.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Space Flower on November 28, 2013, 07:34:41 PM
For a while I had one very specific angle I had to look at my screen from to play optimally, and so I had to sit an exact way and position my laptop up on my lapdesk exactly and etc.
I'm over it now though, but it used to be a curse for my spine to have to sit in such a weird way for hours.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: CyberAngel on November 30, 2013, 01:37:41 PM
I already bragged about my best EoSD Easy NB run (which was no-miss to boot), so I'll leave my thoughts here instead.

Doing EoSD Easy NB runs proved to be nice and simple. I only make a few mistakes, and as was proven, I can even do without them if I want. Most of them tend to happen at Sakuya, so it's just a matter of getting better at her battle. Anyway, pacifist run is quite possible and taken into consideration for the nearest future.

Normal NB proved to be way harder. I do well enough with just a few random deaths (though Meiling's "Extreme Color Typhoon" proves to be a challenge). Until Sakuya, that is. She usually eats through all my lives I've managed to save up until then, after which Remi eats up a whole continue. Now, I admit I just didn't know the tricks behind some spellcards, but even now that I do, I need more practice with them to get better.

Hard 1cc progresses nicely, actually. I usually reach Sakuya midboss spellcard, and if I can get past that getting to stage 6 is no problem. Still need a continue for Remi, but she's doable. Lunatic is still out there, though. I even still can't unlock stage 6 (thank you, Scarlet Gensokyo).

EDIT: Forgot to mention, I'm taking back what I said about ReimuB. She IS damn strong, but only when she's at low power (when her main shot isn't wide yet) or when shotgunning. Executing the latter is a task in itself, but when you do... Just wow. Depending on how long you can keep it up, she may be even better than MarisaA.

Now, moving on to getting more Normal 1cc's (I hope).
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Oh on December 03, 2013, 05:50:17 PM
So I decided to put one credit into MoF LNB for fun and got a 2 miss.

Put one credit into PCB LNB for fun and gamed over to Reflowering. Hurrr.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: CyberAngel on December 03, 2013, 10:11:18 PM
Do you know which bullet pattern is the most dangerous part of "Game of Rising"? Medium-sized whitish ones. Small black ones are orderly and easy to keep track of (being drawn above everything else helps), and bubbles are, well, bubbles - hard to miss, easy to navigate. The white ones, however, are 100% hitbox and are obscured by familiar's spam (basically, the only way it's any relevant), so they should be paid the most attention. I've captured these spellcards a few times before by reflexes alone, but now that I see the trick behind it, it's a lot easier to understand this isn't just some plain "spam stuff" thing. Awesome utilizing of draw order too. ZUN still keeps amazing me.

In other news, practicing Eirin in pure masochism. No wonder where that "punishment time <3" thing came from.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: ARF on December 04, 2013, 03:31:11 PM
Streamed some IL attempts, got a 76.36 1-3 and a 180.72 EX-6, also a few 180.5x+ times in a row on that scene. I also have a 85.80 in 1-4 from before, so in 3 scenes I'm really close to beating Random's times, just a bit of luck, skill or whatever and I should have them. Gonna try to stream whenever I go for this so that it's documented in more than one way (replays).
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Chuckolator on December 04, 2013, 07:13:51 PM
Streamed some IL attempts, got a 76.36 1-3 and a 180.72 EX-6, also a few 180.5x+ times in a row on that scene. I also have a 85.80 in 1-4 from before, so in 3 scenes I'm really close to beating Random's times, just a bit of luck, skill or whatever and I should have them. Gonna try to stream whenever I go for this so that it's documented in more than one way (replays).
Link to your stream?
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: ARF on December 04, 2013, 08:07:17 PM
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: chum on December 04, 2013, 10:31:27 PM
Two 1 miss 0 bomb runs on Lunatic A2, both died on the three fairies third nonspell.

Three fairies third nonspell is apparently super hard!
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Oh on December 05, 2013, 12:51:19 AM
Made several changes to Lunatic route, mainly stages 3, 4.
There are so much specifics in scoring. I like how you can move up as you shoot with ReimuB to deal more damage, effectively killing the right most fairy at the end of stage 3 without it firing its second wave of bullets. I have also improved the speedkill of nitori's last spell and some item collecting optimizations in the stage.
Stage 4 is still a struggle. I bomb pre-momiji section now, and do not bomb the last 3 big fairies. This leads to 10 million more score, but very dangerous PoCing and killing ball fairies with 1 less power is pretty different. Hopefully I'll get nice and consistent with my route when I start to seriously score again.
And then there's LNN. I'll give myself two weeks after finals. I can probably get it if I play it exclusively.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mino ☆ on December 06, 2013, 04:20:12 AM
After the recent victories of Cactu and Chum, my motivation for LNNN has again skyrocketed. Of course, this time backed by a seemingly need to get it as fast as possible. While I dislike rushing achievements, I feel like I'd much rather finish PCB and move onto Ten Desires. While I could just practice TD and take a break from PCB, I feel like I've taken way too many breaks from PCB, which is why I still don't have the LNNN.

LNNN is weird. You don't know when you will get it. I could get it tomorrow, or in a week. I want to try and get it before the end of the year. I grinded four hours today and only got to Youmu one time, which worries me...

Of course, I've also had sessions where I've made it to stage 6 multiple times. I need to keep going. I've learned how to enjoy grinding. It's not that bad, actually. Especially if you have someone to talk to whilst doing so or music to listen to once you've gotten tired of hearing the same OST.

I hope to get this. Given that I'm probably the person most obsessed with LNN(N) here, it seems silly that I'm someone who still doesn't have it. But I'll try to end up getting LNN/LNNN runs in all games if possible.

My order of games I want to LNN/LNNN are as follows: PCB, TD, MoF, DDC, IN, SA, UFO, EoSD. Great Fairy Wars too of course but I haven't decided when I want to do that.

This will be a long and hopefully fulfilling Touhou career if I keep at this. I can imagine one day having a collection of LNN and LNNN runs of all the games under my name in my stock.

And I've not given up on scoring. I'll do that from time to time, in PCB of course. I still need to get that 2.5bil ReimuB Lunatic.

My future may vary. I'm not sure where I'll go after I get the PCB LNNN. All I know right now is what is important. PCB LNNN. I will get it. I will achieve it. It is my current life goal. It is that important to me.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: not ZUNs wife on December 06, 2013, 08:38:34 PM
 I finally got 1ccs in all Windows main series Touhous. :3 It was a long journey; when I first started playing Touhous, I even struggled to reach stage 3 in PCB. Subterranean Animism was brutal, but after quite a lot of tries, it became inevitable.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mino ☆ on December 07, 2013, 02:43:00 AM
So while doing some grinding tonight, I got this:

1-Miss No Bomb No Border Breaks Run (

I'm getting more consistent. After dying to the spam, I managed to breeze through Yuyuko without any problems. Hopefully, I'll get a run which captures everything.

I've noticed that many of my problem spots are disappearing. I can NMNB stages 1-3 quite easily, and make it to the Prismrivers. I've gotten really consistent at Lunasa's second nonspell (Which is one of the nightmares of playing Reimu). And I'm even improving at Youmu.

After pulling off the NMNB Yuyuko at the end, I've realized that I can still handle Yuyuko fairly well. I managed to capture her penultimate spell correctly, which relieves me.

If I keep at this, I will get it. Positivity, folks!  :)
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Oh on December 07, 2013, 02:04:51 PM
Scoring vs LNN. I can't balance the two. One needs to come first and I have trouble picking.
So now I'm just practicing stages. The long awaited time when I can use my good keyboard is coming.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Senozza on December 10, 2013, 02:20:20 AM

Today I 1cc'd EoSD, UFO and TD on normal mode. I now have all windows beaten on at least normal.
TD is stupid imo, since big parts of some stages actually don't feature any bullets, at least on normal mode.

Feels like I mainly played those games just to procrastinate playing more IN.

I hope I get more motivated to play more IN soon.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: ViciousYukkuri on December 11, 2013, 11:04:54 AM
Coming off of my hiatus. THE RUST.

No-missed IN on Easy. First time No-missing any game on any difficulty. Route B as Reimu/Yukari.
After that, managed to capture Hourai Elixir for the first time too. It was a pretty good day. Even got farther on Mokou then usual. Normally her "Fire Bird -Flying Phoenix-" is as far as I can get, but I managed to get to "Deathless -Xu Fu's Dimension-". Progress.
Almost beat UFO. Got hit and died as Byakuren was exploding. I haven't made another attempt since.
Except now I can't seem to even beat the games I was able to 1cc before. I've gotten better and worse all at the same time.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: ARF on December 12, 2013, 10:27:56 PM
So I just finished strming for like 3 hours, and all I got was a 0.01 second improvement on 1-3 (?;ω;`)

Looks like it's time to quit 2hu4ever5real now. My only 2 remaining long-time goals in touhou are depending on other people and can thus be fulfilled after quitting forever! I think they are, in fact, even more likely to be fulfilled after quitting because of some kind of strange group psychology.

Seriously, I feel like I've been plateauing in skill level since 2011 anyways, I doubt I could do much better in MoF ultra right now than I could back then, of course, I have more experience and can probably think of better strats etc. but if anything I've gotten worse at dodging stuff lately, with increased obligations and generally declining interest. So it is time to move on, I guess. I'll still watch WR and other interesting things and such, but I'll retire from participating in the community, (though feel free to send me questions regarding stuff like DS IL's or other things I've participated in for strategy explanation or other advice, idk) and playing with any particular goal in mind.

The dodging like a boss ( series will be left to whoever wants to take over, I suppose, but you might want to consult the community for an *official agreement* first.

The stuff which I've achieved in touhou can be found on the replay archive (, and also on my youtube (, most notably the secret technique ( stuff (originally inspired from JPS) which contains a few unorthodox strategies, which may or may not be good for anything, and the Double Spoiler Individual Level ( stuff which also contains many of my strategies and ideas. Yeah, and I did some assorted spellcard timeouts (, high FPS playing (, movement restriction playing ( etc. ( Also been called a superplayer ( on more than one occasion, and otherwise had some awesome, silly fun with this videogame series.

Yukari, grant me a lifetime of taking it easy as I retire from touhou!
It's been great watching you guys improve and do crazy things as well, of course! Thank you for such niceness, if there is just one piece of advice that I would leave for any aspiring touhou players it is that you should always aim to be the best that you can be, with the least amount of effort possible! By following this epic advice you can play a lot without getting tired, and 1cc a lot of lunatics easily by spamming bombs!

Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: ElDestructoe on December 12, 2013, 10:57:27 PM
arf arf
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: LepLep on December 12, 2013, 11:56:01 PM
./me nibbles GiantCatfish
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Zil on December 13, 2013, 12:06:22 AM
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: cactu on December 13, 2013, 12:21:55 AM
Goodbye ARF, you will be deeply missed! Thank you for taking a part in this community. I hope whatever you choose to do next will be great. ;_;7
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: ARF on December 13, 2013, 12:36:41 AM
I'm feeling way too emotional about this, I'm actually crying IRL. Thanks guys! You are the best!
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: chirpy13 on December 13, 2013, 02:07:23 AM
I miss catfish ;_;
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Sakurei on December 13, 2013, 06:40:29 AM
you will still come to irc, right? please tell me you didn't quit kusoplay too ;_;
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: fsvgm777 on December 13, 2013, 01:42:18 PM
Thanks for your contributions to the Dodging like a boss series, ARF, be it for providing replays or making volumes 7-10.

You will be missed.

Oh, I almost forgot. Thanks for your speedrunning efforts (DSDQ, StBDQ).
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: chirpy13 on December 14, 2013, 01:24:08 AM
Didn't move down enough, got hit on Reimu trying to graze her first phase and then subsequently got hit by a yin yang because I closed my eyes for a second.  I'm feeling pretty tired right now.  My last 5 days have been nothing but LLS, work, and more LLS.  More LLS now, more work tomorrow, more LLS after work and then if I don't finish LLS then more LLS on Sunday.  Then work on Monday.  I don't know how I'm going to clear at this rate when I'm having a hard time just keeping my eyes open.  It's tough not being a NEET.  I even had to give up IRC to get in more LLS time because social interaction was too distracting.  So why am I blogging?  Good question, popping in another credit.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Sahgren on December 15, 2013, 06:51:27 AM
Finally getting back to trying to 1CC SA on Hard. Looks like I'm going to have to spend some time grinding out stage 5 and spam continues until I get a lucky enough run to unlock stage 6 for practice.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: chirpy13 on December 20, 2013, 12:04:03 AM
I don't want to have to cap this ;_; (
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: CyberAngel on December 26, 2013, 08:05:37 PM
Okay, I'm FINALLY done with IN for the time being, so time to sum up some results. I've been playing purely with teams, and got quite some advancement.

Easy NB runs go along nicely, I barely have any trouble aside from a few random misses in later stages. Here ( is my best run with just one miss. I hoped I could pull off a NMNB, but no such luck yet. Well, as a bonus, I managed to NMNB Stage 6A ( Things look good so far, but I imagine a pacifist run would be hell thanks to familiars.

I'm way more consistent at getting Normal 1cc, getting one with all teams no problem. Also, I'm getting close to Hard 1cc too - I can get into stage 6B consistently, even if it takes quite a lot of effort and I barely have any lives entering it, so there's still quite a lot of work needed.

I'm tired with IN already, but I will play through solo characters in the future. I actually wonder whether my advancement trend will stay with the weaker ones.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: redlakitu on December 26, 2013, 08:53:15 PM
Here's something I've been wondering about during the last few days. Ever since I started playing Touhou back in January 2012 (a long time with not much to show for it...), I had a lingering feeling that there's something wrong with the controls. Initially, the feeling was spot on -- it took me a month to discover the Vsync patches (I actually managed to clear EoSD on Normal without the patch). Besides, my laptop's keyboard is abominable: the arrow keys are completely useless and the numpad exhibits severe ghosting issues, so I was forced to install a virtual joystick emulator, VJoy, and assign directional controls to some letter keys. This solved the ghosting problems, although the whole setup was far from comfortable for my hands... and, worst of all, the lingering feeling was still there. I couldn't shake it off.

Recently, while fooling around with the custom.exe settings (my main goal was getting DDC to work properly) I decided to check the "Don't use DirectInput for joypad input" setting just to see what happens. And, all of a sudden, my feeling has been replaced with a new one -- a feeling that everything is a bit smoother, more responsive, and when I lose a life, it's actually my own fault and not some devil keyboard's plot. Heck, I was actually able to enjoy EoSD Lunatic and dodge some patterns instead of dying right away!

But... is this actually true? Or am I experiencing some kind of placebo effect and blaming my lack of achievements on some vague technical problems? I'm not technical enough to ascertain the probability that switching the DirectInput option on even *could* affect anything. And it if did, perhaps there's still another possible obscure improvement eluding me? I'll never know.

Sigh. I really should stop dwelling on this and start playing.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Oh on December 26, 2013, 09:45:10 PM
Died to stage 4 ball streaming on an okay tier run.
Well, getting to stage 4 once in 3 hours is pretty average for me.
I just hope I don't screw up Kanako (I can NMNB her maybe 70% of the time). Already lost a good run to her the other day.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mino ☆ on December 28, 2013, 06:38:26 AM
So lately I've been training myself in the art of Zen Touhou playing. The ability to enjoy and remain calm even in failure. I wish to be able to play Touhou with a positive mindset when I lose, rather than getting angry every single time I make a mistake. So far the road has been bumpy, but I think I can achieve true Zen. I feel that once I correct my mindset, I could do anything in Touhou. I've mostly been playing EoSD lately.

I've been drilling EoSD and trying to perform well under the conditions of LNB and MarisaA. MarisaA's patchy fight is silly, having 4 hard spells and only 1 easy one. But it's a challenge I'm willing to accept. For some reason, I enjoy playing EoSD with MarisaA. I feel right at home with her. It's satisfying. I'm also better at Sakuya and Remilia in general with MarisaA. I guess it's due to increased power.

I find beauty in the older Touhou games. EoSD, PCB, etc. For some reason, I feel more comfortable trying to excel in those game. (Though DDC is an exception. I want to main ReimuB in that game and be able to be good at survival with her).

As for scoring, I still haven't forgotten about that. But for some reason I haven't really been in the mood to score. I wonder if I dislike the effort it takes to score. Well, I know it can't be that. Learning new things and devising routes and strategies is fun. I don't even think I'll stop at Lunatic mode. PCB Normal mode also seems interesting. I've just been in the mood to take it light.

I severely dislike being rushed to get achievements. I feel that if I can't take it slow and enjoy the ride, then there's no point in playing. I've been trying to rush "LNNN" for such a long time, especially now that a lot of other people have gotten it. I feel it's best to score in PCB rather than go for LNNN. Since LNNN really is just getting that one miracle run, there's not much point in grinding for it nonstop when I can easily get it in a random, casual attempt. I KNOW I can do it. I've gotten to Yuyuko four times and lost out of pure nervousness. All it takes is for me to get lucky. I won't give up. There's no reason to.

So far, my best PCB Lunatic score is a mere 1.7bil. I still have many things to work on and master. My stage 4 is still really bad. And I need to get my early game routes worked out and polished. I also really, really need to learn the Yuyuko spell milking grazes, since they are one of the most important parts of the game for scoring. They call her Yuyucow for a reason. But watching people like Yu-suke, HS, Naya, and SoC really inspire me. I think that I should go for SakuyaB as well once I reach my ReimuB goal, which is 2.6bil. Then I might do normal as well.

PCB is going to be my main game. Sure, I may not be an expert now. But if I keep at it... one day.... just one day...
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Zil on January 01, 2014, 09:02:21 PM
idk what to make of this. Yumemi pls

Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mesarthim on January 04, 2014, 01:17:17 AM
Finally achieved a record of over 1 billion on Subterranean Animism Reimu C Lunatic. Didn't even practice hardly.

Choked badly in the past but yet now I had this miraculous run of having ended with 7 lives by the end of satori and managed to maintain the 7 life count at least by the end. Caught Tengu Macroburst at 0 power and caught Great Whirlwind with 1.?? power with whatever macroburst gives.

End score: 1,110,496,170. Last score wasn't even 1 billion.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: CyberAngel on January 04, 2014, 08:44:23 PM
Just had an unusual occurrence. Captured Reimu's spellcard in Spell Practice, but instead of the usual "move to the side and/or stand still" thing, she was playing her "sweeping attack" animation between explosions. I saved a replay (, and what do you know, it stayed there! I must've got lucky and finished her at the right moment, since I've never seen this before. It looks so hilarious in that situation that I couldn't help but laugh when I saw it. Considering Ran was still spinning near her, maybe she was vigorously trying to chase her away or something? Anyway, this just made my day.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Stifled Voices on January 05, 2014, 09:36:18 PM
It's hopeless, I took every advice to heart, and I can't get past stage 3. I thought fighting games would be a nice change of pace, but they retain the difficulty (I came in through fandom at first). Maybe I am doomed to stay in the fandom like everyone else who came for the fandom? TvTropes says getting the good ending's a real accomplishment, but I'm not buying into any of that. Getting better at it without even realizing? Give me a break! All I've learned is that there's no hope to be found in this world...
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Drake on January 06, 2014, 12:52:01 AM
How long have you been playing, really? On what difficulty?

And of course getting the good ending is an accomplishment. What is there to "buy into"?
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mesarthim on January 06, 2014, 04:11:15 AM
How long have you been playing, really? On what difficulty?

And of course getting the good ending is an accomplishment. What is there to "buy into"?

Expanding on this from my end.

I was pretty terrible when I first started playing these games, on Easy difficulty even. My first extra unlock was Imperishable Night on easy mode. I actually went through and practiced and beat mokou despite having only played on easy. I then went on to 1cc every game on normal (because some don't reward you for easy mode).

Took a bit of effort and learning but now I'm tackling hard mode (for all games) and lunatic (for some). Effort pays off if you've the time and patience for it. I still have quite a few patterns I'm abysmal at even in my best games.

I'd recommend asking questions, reading advice, etc.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Tsym on January 06, 2014, 04:30:53 AM
Just adding on: These games take a really, really long time to get good at. All of the super players around here have poured hundreds or even thousands of hours to get to where they are, so unless you've poured in hundreds of hours and still gotten nowhere, then having some more patience will get you a long way.

And by the way coming in from the fandom doesn't mean anything. I came in from the fandom and can now clear (most) games on Lunatic fairly reliably. Just keep at it and you'll definitely improve.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: CyberAngel on January 06, 2014, 02:32:10 PM
To add one more thing, don't be afraid to make a pause and do something else for some days/weeks/months. It's useless to try any further if you've burned out, but that doesn't mean you'll never get better than this. Maybe your mind just needs some time to adapt to some new things. Maybe you need your desire to play renewed. Nothing's impossible in this genre with enough patience and determination.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Space Flower on January 06, 2014, 03:42:09 PM
@Screams: Well, for the most part I think you should take it easy. Don't get bummed out about little things.
But if you want to get good and fast, download replays, watch them on youtube, etc. I'd suggest picking one stage and practicing it over and over until you're satisfied. But that's just how I do it. There are lots of resources out there that can help you.

When trying to reach new goals isn't working out, it's always nice to improve upon old accomplishments. I always play PCB Extra when I need a pick-me-up. It's an amazing milestone of how far I've come. When I first unlocked it, it was truly an insurmountable wall. I couldn't track any of the bullets, not even a little. I memorized a route for the stage based on multiple replays I watched, but I died hundreds of times because I didn't have the skill to actually execute it.
But now that steep cliff is naught but an afternoon jaunt. Just a little bit ago I almost NM'd it without even meaning to; I never did memorize the tight-squeeze end of Kokkuri-san.

Lately I don't even focus on any of the games. I'll just be listening to 2hu music and I'll be like, "Oh, this song makes me want to play ____'s stage."
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mew seeker on January 06, 2014, 10:20:59 PM
After a long, LONG pause, I played a bit of EotSD.
Went to position just in front of Cirno for Icicle Fall.
Then brutally remembered I was playing on normal. X D
Made it to Patchouly final life bar.
I will need practicing to bomb, so many lifes went down the drain. X D
Small update
Managed to beat Patchouly now and even managed to beat her last spellcard
but now, I have no idea how to dodge the stuff in Sakuya stage. At the very least now I am bombing more now.
Also is now able to beat the first stage withouth losing any lifes.
Cirno's Icicle Fall on normal is giving me some trouble. That front wave of bullets changes thing a lot. XD
I guess next step is beating Sakuya to unlock and practice her stage.
Second small update
Finally made it to Remilia Scarlet. Bombing like crazy and yet not enough. X D
I am starting to see a little bit how to dodge Sakuya stuff but I have still a long way to go.
Still, stage 5 practice is unlocked,
Also, Patchouly non direction lazers are giving me trouble, I keep getting cornered between them and the bullets that back them up. X D
I can't play too long in a single sitting because my body get too tense as I play. ^^;;;
On a lighter note, Cirned really looks pissed off when you talk to her.  :3
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Noobzor on January 09, 2014, 05:30:32 PM
EoSD stage 5 lunatic 1MNB ( (got a clipdeath at the end of Killing Doll when Sakuya is exploding)

Ok so during that Christmas break I spent a lot of time trying to perfect EoSD's fifth stage without using safespots. I got a lot of close calls (a dozen of 1MNB), some were because of bullshit RNG, some were because my dodging skills aren't good enough to get good consistency at max rank Killing Doll, and most were because I freak the hell out towards the end of the stage (around Sakuya's last nonspell). Seriously, I shouldn't even stress at all, this stage is only 4 minutes long, no wonder I fuck up every single good run I'm getting when I reach the last stage, scoring or survival.
Anyway, at least now I got quite consistent at this stage, which is a great step towards a future EoSD LNB, especially since I'll likely use safespots during a full run, making the stage portion a piece of cake.

Perfect EoSD stage 5 is still on my list of goals but it's not my priority anymore. I still want to 1cc more games on lunatic, and the next one will probably be IN. Actually I didn't play IN since at least half a year, but SA, UFO and DDC are too tough for me yet, I don't really like TD, and I get bored if I don't score at least a bit (not necessarily spending ressources, but at least grazing and PoCing), something that you can't do in MoF if you die everywhere.
So, IN. First run since a very long time yesterday, I tried scoring in normal difficulty with Scarlet team. Deaths everywhere (I mean, I even died to Mystia's 3rd spell), forgot where enemies spawn and how to collect their items, other random fails, but still managed to get 2.1bil. Not an amazing score but I can expect 2.7bil without too much effort if I just take the time to learn the game again.
Well actually I'm not going for a high score, I'm just trying to learn the stages again so I don't get crushed on lunatic because I forgot what spellcard was next or because the enemies spawned at the right of the screen and not at the left, that kind of stuff.
When I get a satisfying score, I'll move on to lunatic.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Zil on January 10, 2014, 02:17:07 AM

Thank you Kits you are jesus.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mesarthim on January 10, 2014, 02:37:18 AM
It only just now dawned on me that I can cheese Yatsuhashi's first spell (on lunatic, but any will do). I can get about 9 million points if done efficiently enough as Reimu B but the other shot types (Marisa A/B and Sakuya B) will time out this way (clockwise or counterclickwise rotations around yatsuhashi).

Got up to 1,177 graze on the attack alone when I only got 217 doing it the normal way. Comes at the cost of maybe 4-5 million points off of the spell score. I still don't like this shot type because I cannot do Echo Chamber or Social Upheaval Reqieum at all.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: cactu on January 10, 2014, 05:04:16 AM
Had a run entering stage 6 with 514M that gameovered before midboss Sakuya. :<
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mino ☆ on January 10, 2014, 02:06:54 PM
That sucks. :<

I had a potential 3 billion run in SA lost last night to Orin's last spell...
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Szayelaporro Granz on January 10, 2014, 07:00:39 PM
I just practiced stage 6 of PCB hard after some time and here's ( the result. Ahh, if only I can pull this during normal run... :V Wait, did I just captured Yuyuko's last spell!? Hopefully I can have my first hard 1cc anytime soon if I'm not too lazy and having stupid deaths :(
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mew seeker on January 10, 2014, 10:10:43 PM
Today was one of those day where you just seem do to wrong. X D
Kept dying on the first stage on normal.
Played at easy level to blow some steam off, didn't even manage to 1 CC the game. X D
But at least I can see that doing so at easy would be in my grasp. ^^
Also,  I realized that easy can help you understand how to dodge certain attacks,
like how in Misdirection you're suppose to go away from Sakuya to dodge.
I am starting to see a little bit more how I am suppose to dodge Sakuya and some of the fairies danmaku in the later stages.
Also, looks like I'll have to use unfocused movement a bit more to dodge Patchouli non directional lazers.

Also, I got Remilia to throw knife at me! ^^
And seriously, the knife non-spell is a joke to dodge after all those other attacks she used before. X D


I don't know what was in my food but today after a couple of run with silly deaths, I managed to defeat Remilia Scarlet.
I somehow managed to make it to stage 5 withouth a single continue and defeat Sakuya's spell card in stage 6 (Eternal Meek?).
Remilia was defeated just after I used my last continue. X D
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Oh on January 11, 2014, 10:07:27 PM
Magical score gain?
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Karisa on January 12, 2014, 05:40:48 AM
I've seen it a lot in replays-- if I recall correctly, it's common in PCB? I've also seen MoF runs end a few ten or hundred faith off when starting from stage 6 than when starting from the beginning (why I was paying attention to ending faith in a run that didn't finish with 999990, not sure, but I recall seeing that). I guess there's the potential for very minor desyncs?
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Oh on January 12, 2014, 06:37:36 AM
My guess is that the replay function is not 100% accurate (some minor score from difference in cancelled bullets) and it does correct itself to the value on the replay after each stage.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: CyberAngel on January 12, 2014, 08:19:53 PM
Ultra-precision microtapping technique learned. ( Now I know how to adjust the tap so it's the right length, not too short and not too long. Should be useful in the future.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Ranko Hoshino on January 14, 2014, 01:10:32 AM
I got Lunatic Hourai Elixir and did Salamander Shield no horizontal! Am I cool now? :getdown:

On that note, I'm up to 218 spells caught out of 222. I still need to get Kaguya's 5th Lunatic spell, Mokou's Last Spell, Marisa's Last Word, and Yukari's Last Word. I also need to unlockt he LWs as well.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: nicholashin on January 14, 2014, 11:34:13 AM
Just returned to play DDC. This time with autobomb patch. Surprisingly, I got to stage 6 with a few lives and I only needed one more continue to clear. I guess this means that I wasn't bombing enough. BOMB MORE
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Reiko on January 15, 2014, 12:01:33 AM
I got two consecutive 1ccs of PoFV Lunatic, both ending around 150M.
Scoring still eludes me in this game. I can get and keep the "BONUS" quite consistently in stage 6, but stage 7 is a complete failure each and every time. I used to get craptons of points from Medicine, but now it's a pathetic struggle for survival. :<
At least I'm slowly getting better at Komachi...
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Fuyuumi on January 15, 2014, 12:17:35 AM
Since the post I made on achievement thread I didn't played any touhou at all. Then yesterday, round 8 pm I tried to beat IN on easy (it hurts me like hell...) as someone else than Reimu & Yukari. I choose Youmu and Yuyuko. 1cc'ed (what does cc stand for?) and survived few seconds longer during that Hourai Elixir spellcard (I was sure that these lasers aren't THAT fat). Dunno if my skill improved but it felt much, much easier (although I held shift almost all the time, cuz Youmu's ghost is too wierd for me to control)...
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: I have no name on January 15, 2014, 12:38:45 AM
1cc=1 credit clear, meaning no continues as that would be putting in another credit on an arcade machine.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Ranko Hoshino on January 15, 2014, 12:45:41 AM
I feel like I'll never catch Lunatic Hourai Jewel at this rate... after having tried for another solid hour...
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: MTSranger on January 15, 2014, 03:42:13 AM
I feel like I'll never catch Lunatic Hourai Jewel at this rate... after having tried for another solid hour...
There is the YELLOW BALLS method where you start at bottom left corner, stream, and dash under yellow balls when you need to switch directions.

Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Ranko Hoshino on January 15, 2014, 05:34:42 AM
There is the YELLOW BALLS method where you start at bottom left corner, stream, and dash under yellow balls when you need to switch directions.

I have gotten somewhere a couple times before, but I prefer to go the right corner first. I can't seem to get into the method using the left corner.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mr Jovial on January 16, 2014, 12:51:27 PM
Was going for a NMNB Stage 6A in IN today. Started with a 3MNB with 3 misses to Astronomical Entombing so I'm like "Well I guess I'll go practice it." So I cap it first try in spell practice then back to stage practice. This time 5MNB with 1 miss to Apollo 13, 3 misses to Astronomical Entombing and 1 miss to Hourai Elixir. Again, spell practice Astronomical Entoming and capture it first try. Then there was a 1MNB with 1 miss to Apollo 13. Spell practice, capture first try.

What is a consistency and how do I do it?
What is a lucky and how to I lucky more?
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Burning Love on January 16, 2014, 02:49:05 PM
Apparently, Marisa/Patchy combo in SA is the hardest to 1CC compared to other combos. Mainly due to Princess Undine and Philosopher Stone (and Orin. But Orin is Orin, so it doesn't count.)

As if losing 4-5 lives in stage 5 is normal for me. ORIIIIIIIINNN!!!
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Ranko Hoshino on January 17, 2014, 05:28:08 AM
I feel like I've done all I can with Imperishable Night. Maybe I could work on Easy NMNB runs with the human characters, but that's probably about it. I still haven't caught Lunatic Hourai Jewel. I'm doing badly with Imperishable Shooting. I still can't seem to get that Hard 1cc with Reimu, and I don't want to increase my starting life counter. This is legitimately frustrating and a bit depressing at the same time.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: cactu on January 17, 2014, 05:55:50 PM
After countless hours (well maybe not) of wondering WHY my bombs are killing the fairies on Meiling's second nonspell, someone told me that staying at the right corner kills them. I have been staying in the wrong corner all of the time, lol.  :V
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Szayelaporro Granz on January 17, 2014, 08:43:19 PM
I decided to play around with SA normal today. I'm actually a bit surprised that I perfected the whole stage 2. Although I kinda screwed at stage 3 and lost everything at Orin's boss battle :P
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mr Jovial on January 25, 2014, 12:22:59 PM
Just noticed that for IN stage 6A replays in stage practice, the score listed for the replay is different to the one at the end of the stage. Seems to be adding on the life and bomb bonuses (when it shouldn't be) in the replay leading to the wrong score O_o

EDIT: For comparisons sake:

Score in the replay: 729026960 (8 lives 3 bombs left)
Score listed on the replay file: 406526960

For a difference of 322500000. Life and bomb bonus adds to 215000000 (EDIT2:) and adding the 1.5x multiplier for lunatic gives the 322.5m bonus.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Szayelaporro Granz on January 25, 2014, 03:49:49 PM
I played PoFV again yesterday after a while. Unexpectedly cleared Normal mode with no continues and when I retried Extra I realized immediately after getting 540k in stage 1 that you can get a bonus life in almost every stage if done correctly :o Since I'm no good in versus danmaku, can anyone give me some advice? *screams to Zil*
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Zil on January 25, 2014, 05:30:45 PM
The lives are every 5 million, up to 45 million, and you actually get one more than you can hold at one time. In the first 5 stages, try using up all of your energy to cast level 2 spells, and don't allow your spell points (number in the upper left) to reset. If you're using Eiki, 5 million per stage is quite doable.

After stage 5 focus on surviving and save your spell energy for when you need it. There's also a trick you can use to make surviving much easier. If you don't shoot anything, the enemy won't have anything to reflect back at you, so the game will be very easy. However, the enemy's timer will stop counting down if you don't shoot anything. What you can do to prevent that is selectively destroy one fairy at a time every few seconds. You can do that for a while at the start of the difficult stages. You likely won't be able to win an entire round like that though since you'll eventually have to destroy fairies and use spells to survive, and calming the game back down once it gets chaotic is pretty much impossible.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Sakurei on January 26, 2014, 09:25:17 AM
I haven't really made enough progress to actually blog about anything, but I'll do it anyway.

After finishing up SA with a more than unsatisfactory run, I moved back to Imperishable Night with Youmu. I'm not sure why I'm playing lunatic mode instead of normal, or perhaps easy mode, but the order probably doesn't really matter. Maybe a subconscious influence on my environment, since a lot of people near me also score on lunatic mode.

Anyway, to learn the game, I'm referencing myself to the world record obviously. For now the goal is to survive and PoC. Cancels are mostly secondary at the moment (though stage 3 kind of requires 'smart' cancels or else I can't PoC; or live for that matter). Stage 2 is much harder than it looks, it's kind of silly. I kind of got it down, but my consistency (obviously) needs work. A lot. It may be the hardest stage when it comes solely to the stage potion (to do properly), followed by stage 3 and 4. Stage 4 didn't change very much from easy mode: There are more bullets than on easy mode, so I can't hug every fairy anymore. That's one change. I also sit on some fairies to prevent bullets from spawning. Another change. And the last one is the bomb near the end of the stage potion. I must say Alan does a great job at keeping familiars alive; aside from the fairies he can't hug, he only destroys I think one or two in the whole stage. Stage 3 seems insanely fun, actually. I don't know. I started to play it some and had a lot of fun despite being bad (and I mean really bad). There is a lot of bulletcancelling in it. Stage 5 is, from what I can remember, the same routewise. hug everything and don't die. Even Tei is the same. kinda silly overall. Stage 6 is different in the sense that you can't just leisurely stick to the bottom of the screen, but have to go up between the familiars to kill things (in case of bad RNG at least). So that's new to me.

Now for the bosses. It's a lot of supergrazing, simply speaking. Both Keine and Marisa Only have one attack to graze, but even on the other ones there is milking involved (shooting familiars for less damage, switching what familiars to shoot so you don't destroy them). Which all will take a lot of work. I've decided to omit some grazes at the very least until I've scored some. Stuff like Horned Owl (I haven't really decided on anything else) that is just really hard are things I feel I can ignore for now. Reisen's first spell might be another one where I'll decide to leave it alone for now. The only spellcard that I know is really hard and will still do is Hourai Jewel for obvious reasons. The gain is just too much to ignore. Learning that alone will probably take some 20 hours, then another 1240 hours for consistency. Microtapping bullshit that looks really unfun. Reminds me of the time when I tried to learn Honest Man's Death supergraze, haha. We'll see. At the current rate I'm playing, it's no good. I'm not playing a lot, it would take months to be reasonably consistent enough to even attempt runs, much less do them; so I think I'll pick it up some. I don't really like the phase before runs much, which is also why I'm so very inconsistent when I play for points. We'll see.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: SIRookie on January 26, 2014, 08:45:15 PM
I'm not really good at these games, or even shmups in general. But for some reason I decided I was cocky enough to do a small competition in SA this last month with another local gaming group. We started working out the details with the other team about early-mid October, and I started focusing solely on SA. After four months (so December now) I had managed to clear stage 4 once, but had racked up about 210 completions of stage 1, 170 of stage 2, and 90 of stage 3, as well as putting in about 120 hours of gameplay and getting around 30-35 million per run. I wasn't worried about practice mode because I didn't want to practice -- I wanted to get further.
The competition came in early-mid January, and I felt confident enough to not loose at the event, even though after four months I still couldn't manage a normal 1cc. my competitor does his run, manages to clear stage 1 and get 1/4 of the way through stage 2 before getting a game over. I get cocky again, and get a game over on the first wave after Kisume. Halfway through stage 1.

I had 10x his score (200k vs 2mil) because he wasn't collecting anything, but that hit me harder than it should have. I'm playing a lot less frequently and to be honest, I'm kind of upset at how poorly I've performed over the last five months. I've tried the other games, but still keep going back to SA in hopes of a miracle 1cc run.
In any of the games I can make my way to stage 3, but usually no further. I keep seeing people talk about clearing the game on X difficulty, and it's kind of demoralizing to know I'm still struggling in stage 3 after putting un what I think is a lot of practice
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Oh on January 26, 2014, 09:12:47 PM
I like it
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: CyberAngel on January 26, 2014, 10:41:39 PM
I wasn't worried about practice mode because I didn't want to practice -- I wanted to get further.

I'll just say that to do the latter you have to do the former. Just trying full runs hoping you get lucky enough won't get you far. To move further than that you need consistency, and to get any sort of consistency you need to know how to deal with each attack you'll encouter. And that means you need to practice them, either looking for strategies yourself or trying advices you can find.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: chirpy13 on January 26, 2014, 10:59:07 PM
Just got to Parsee using my chin to press the arrow keys.  It's a good workout for your jaw muscles but my neck kinda hurts now.


EDIT: Got to Yamame second non with my eyes closed. (  So silly.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Oh on January 27, 2014, 08:56:11 AM
I cleared stage 1 on 420fps once
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Fuyuumi on January 27, 2014, 02:05:39 PM
I cleared stage 1 on 420fps once


But seriously, how's the experience?
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Oh on January 27, 2014, 03:06:14 PM
But seriously, how's the experience?

I was blazing it at sanic speeds
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Stifled Voices on January 27, 2014, 05:28:08 PM
*sigh* Relating to my earlier posts, I've given up on the main games (remember, I tried normal for the sake of endings and failed, but for some reason on th13.5, I whooped everyone's asses (granted it was also normal)). I've shaken off the appeal of the endings, and resigned myself to the fandom (and safebooru!Danbooru).

Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mero on January 28, 2014, 01:14:00 AM
Took a week off from Touhou... and I didn't realize my gamepad wasn't working until today, so I fixed it and now I suck horribly, stage 1 too hard, etc.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Reiko on January 30, 2014, 06:19:24 PM
I've been switching to Marisa for PoFV Lunatic recently. She's really fun to play, a bit less scoring potential than Reisen, but she doesn't have to deal with Medicine on stage 7.
I managed to beat Aya first round without much trouble, she's quite easy to handle once you get the rythm. Why did I have to lose a round against stage 5 Youmu on the same run ?  :ohdear:

Also, holy shit this game is still awesome. I might not improve much, but still having a blast every time.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Szayelaporro Granz on January 31, 2014, 10:41:10 PM
I'm playing PoFV match mode with Reisen vs Cirno AI. GAWD I CAN'T STOP I'M SO ADDICTED :getdown: Still can't beat this yet, hmm...
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Oh on February 01, 2014, 06:44:28 AM
That feel when mediocre player like me get rekt by UFO ;_;
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Burning Love on February 01, 2014, 02:26:02 PM
Untitled "Flying Mysterious Shrine Maiden"  is pure hell.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: CyberAngel on February 01, 2014, 04:15:40 PM
I think I found a trick behind "Midnight Chorus Master". Green bullets seem to be aimed around you. Sometimes very close to you, but as long as you stay still when she fires them, you should be safe. There is a short time gap between third green wall passing you and Mystia firing green bullets again, but if you can reposition yourself within that time (preferably to where she'll stop after moving and/or away from where blue bullets will fall), you're safe. Here ( is a replay where I successfully used this trick. It's even done with Alice, and she requires very good positioning.

EDIT: Learned a new strat for "General Headquarters Crisis" - staying dead center (

EDIT2: Another awesome capture: "Demon Binding Ring" with Alice ( Awesome because it's almost a timeout. I thought it would be impossible to survive this long the first time I ever captured it. But now I can move through those arrowheads no problem if I want. Hell, any version below Lunatic now looks sluggish to me. Talk about advancement.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Andrew on February 04, 2014, 11:13:31 PM
Recently starting playing Subterranean Animism after a 4 month long break from the Touhou games. Cleared normal in a few hours, then cleared extra after a few more hours. Currently going for a hard 1cc. After practicing the stages for awhile and restarting a lot of runs where I made stupid mistakes, my best attempt so far has made it to Subterranean Sun. One of my earlier attempts had 2 more lives coming into stage 5, but then it got ruined by 3 stupid deaths with 1-3 power in stock, so I know I can get this 1cc if I keep trying.

I find the Koishi and Utsuho fights pretty fun, especially Utsuho when I'm fighting her on my last life.

Edit: Got my Hard 1cc a few hours after this post. Finished 3/0. It was just a matter of not derping or dying with 1-4 power.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Monkeypro257 on February 05, 2014, 12:02:50 AM
Tried to 1CC MoF on Lunatic since haven't played for a couple of months now. I'm still stuck with stage 6. -_- (meaning - I have not improved at all)
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mino ☆ on February 11, 2014, 06:49:37 PM
Haven't played Touhou in 2 weeks. Decided to play DDC for the hell of it. It was sort of fun to play around with I suppose. Ended up getting a very high miss LNB run, but that's okay. I wasn't really expecting much.

Although it may look like it, I didn't retire from Touhou because I was unable to get a good MoF score in a short amount of time. That has nothing to do with it. It would be ridiculous to expect consistency that early. I have my reasons.

I mostly just felt that Touhou was becoming too much of an addiction for me, and I wasn't really having too much fun with it. Although scoring was interesting. I felt I needed to put Touhou aside to increase study time for my grades. Needless to say. I've been in a very positive mood these days after dropping Touhou. I don't know if I'll ever be an active player again though.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Andrew on February 13, 2014, 11:01:24 PM
After playing UFO to get my last Windows Normal and Extra clears, and putting off attempting the Hard mode because I've heard that UFO Hard is harder than most Lunatics, I decided to play PCB Extra again. Got a 2MNBNBB on my second try! 1 miss to Fox-Tanuki Youkai Laser of all things, and 1 miss to Charming Siege. At this rate, it looks like it's only a matter of time before I get my first perfect Extra clear! I actually find Ran to be easier than Suwako.

Edit: Had a perfect run coming into Izuna Gongen and then died twice to it.

Edit 2: Well, it took more attempts than I thought it would, but I did it! PCB Extra NMNBNBB! (
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Sakurei on February 14, 2014, 05:05:04 AM
I haven't touched the games very much in recent times. most of the time when I fired up a game, it was PoDD. But even (or rather, especially) that game has been trolling me like mad. game over with over 95 million were the norm for a few days until I game over'd with 99m, which crushed my soul. Not that I will stop - I still want to reach 100m. And clear. I haven't cleared the game since I reached 75m. That's depressing and some real pain. But even playing this game has stopped after that particular run. Discounting the stream I did a few days ago, I haven't opened any game for about 2 weeks and played "seriously". I wanted to learn IN lunatic, but I'm still stuck on stage 2. At the current rate I'm not quite sure if I'll ever get to the point where I'd be able to play full credits, much less get good runs. I've been thinking that maybe lunatic was too early after all. It might have been. I'm bad. The only thing I've gotten further with is deciding which grazes I can't bothered to learn yet. That's some ridiculous progress. I want to try and play more this month; I have no lectures yet and my only real other hobby is watching Anime. And since I have to wait a week for every new episode for the shows I am watching I don't really have anything "better" to do. My motivation is nil and my abilities are somewhere in minus-area. This is bound to make me hate myself. All of you people that think I'm good for anything at these games are crazy lunatics.

As I see it, there are 3 possible outcomes of this: Either I work up enough motivation to practice until I can do runs, quit lunatic and play a different difficulty or stop playing Touhou altogether. I'm old and weary and the only thing to soothe my heart and body are cute things; cute Anime, cute characters...

All of the above mentioned outcomes are realistic.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: cactu on February 14, 2014, 06:26:00 AM
I haven't had a clear in EoSD lunatic since my 558M run either, which is a bit lame.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: chirpy13 on February 14, 2014, 10:44:53 PM
I found this ( yesterday but I'm not sure how consistent it is across difficulties/rank.  Unfortunately I don't have Reimu states for other modes so I can't really check too much into it.  Or I can but I can't be bothered to make states  ::)
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: ?q on February 15, 2014, 02:06:30 PM
All right!  I've got 42 of the 43 Last Words for P.Trues!  Let's see about that last one.

*looks* (

Welllllll it's not too late to give up.  Or learn how to run DMF at 30FPS.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mr Jovial on February 15, 2014, 02:35:52 PM
I've been trying to perfect IN Stage 5 but in the process, I've found an anomaly with Tewi's second non. With Reimu/Yukari and staying focused the whole time, the attack either takes 3 waves to kill or 6, for seemingly no reason.

EDIT: After playing around with it a little, it seems you get a slower kill if you deal any damage at all to the familiars. How strange O_o
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: chirpy13 on February 15, 2014, 03:03:40 PM
All right!  I've got 42 of the 43 Last Words for P.Trues!  Let's see about that last one.

*looks* (

Welllllll it's not too late to give up.  Or learn how to run DMF at 30FPS.
It's hard but it's static, so you'll get it if you grind it enough.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: ?q on February 15, 2014, 03:38:56 PM
It's hard but it's static, so you'll get it if you grind it enough.
It's not static, though - it's an aimed pattern that updates its angle a little less than once each second.  Even if I found a single path that worked, I'd have to move almost precisely the same way each time.

Starting the spell slightly down and slightly left from Muse and steadily backing down seems to be helping me get up to the first round of arrowhead lanes fairly consistently without sacrificing damage...  Truthfully the major difficulty with this attack is that there's just not a lot you can do during the arrowhead lanes if they're clogged with bullets, and I don't know how I can manipulate that.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: cactu on February 15, 2014, 05:42:04 PM
I've been trying to perfect IN Stage 5 but in the process, I've found an anomaly with Tewi's second non. With Reimu/Yukari and staying focused the whole time, the attack either takes 3 waves to kill or 6, for seemingly no reason.

EDIT: After playing around with it a little, it seems you get a slower kill if you deal any damage at all to the familiars. How strange O_o
It's safespottable.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mr Jovial on February 15, 2014, 06:14:12 PM
I didn't have problems with doing the attack, I just found it odd that something like that would cause the attack to get 5-6 seconds longer :P
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Burning Love on February 16, 2014, 12:35:47 PM
Never did I imagine myself 1CC DDC Normal using SakuyaB today. Those knives are pure hell. (
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mr Jovial on February 16, 2014, 03:18:07 PM
Kay so I've tried Stage 6B once now (going for a perfect stage) and somehow managed to fail every regular attack of Kaguya's (her 4 nons and 5 impossible requests) then manage to capture 4 of her last spells and failed the last one with 2 seconds on the timer. Am I a superleetpro yet?
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Sakurei on February 17, 2014, 11:20:00 AM
I decided to refresh myself with something else. I didn't want to switch categories in terms of scoring, so now I'm playing survival. More specifically, I'm playing TD of all things. Shame on me. But I'm still playing with Youmu, so that's something, right? LNBNT is the goal right now. Because I've played easy/normal for so long, I can't dodge for shit, so I actually have to practice for LNBs now. Terrible, I hate when that happens. This may or may not take some time. Depending on how long this takes me (i.e, if I'm quick), I'll look into some hard mode scoring I guess. Nothing grand. Low-effort 2.5b or some shit. I was considering normal-mode, but then remembered it's meticulous spirit juggling shit and forfeited the idea. It's probably the same for hard and lunatic, but I'll keep myself deluded for just a while longer. I'll become the new laughing stock of #kusoplay with this. Just the way it should be.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Espadas on February 17, 2014, 07:16:48 PM
.....dunno whether to be happy or angry.....

i was practicing EoSD Extra (specifically Royal Flare).... at one point i needed to shut down the audio because of my parents, so i thought "welp, i'll play without sound, it's not like i'm trying to clear it...."

as usual i die in the last 3 seconds of Royal Flare (and get angry) but i decide to go on on a whim. I reach Flandre and.....

Cranberry Trap: captured FOR THE FIRST TIME
Leavatein: captured
Four of a Kind: captured
Kagome, Kagome: captured

at this point i was half incredulous/half exalted and almost began to hope to surpass my best try (game over on "Clock that Ticks Away the Past")..... but of course the very second i though so Maze of Love devastated me and Starbow Break finished the job.....
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mesarthim on February 17, 2014, 08:46:26 PM
Note to self, even DDC hard mode can trip me up sometimes when my face gets obnoxious itches that I scratch at without pausing. Used like 2-3 bombs in the first two stages because I scratched at them with my movement hand.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Oh on February 18, 2014, 05:41:27 AM
Irritated with MoF Hard, also feeling very tired. I keep on dying to stupid things, always. After grinding for several hours with no progress, I did some casual LNBs. MoF RB 2m (twice), MoF ReimuC I got a 4 miss, died to very silly things, NMNB stage 4 (3rd time in a full run). And I played a credit into SA, died 11 times, 7 to stage 5, but still cleared. I hope tomorrow I will finish a run ;;
Some stuff I die/mess up to (a lot):
-Minoriko 1st spell, 2nd non
-bombing the big fairy
-Hina last spell
-Stage 3 opener
-Nitori last spell
-stage 4 ball streaming
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: I have no name on February 18, 2014, 05:47:33 AM
Well, I streamed Touhou again today.  I was absolutely 100% correct that it would mitigate my biggest weakness in playing Touhou: actually working up the motivation to play Touhou and keep playing and 1 good try.  I still need to work on this more, since I could only grind IN extra (attempting to perfect) for 1:40, but it's still a lot better than the 20-30 I would have put in before.

Also, I kept going after being 'warmed up' and as a result got an almost first try perfect of IN 4B.  I say almost because I died to the blue arrows at the start once and restarted, and just like with my VoWG timeout, I wasn't trying to get it perfect-I was just trying to practice the stage.  I'm shifting my focus to IN LNB, since I can't stream MoF onwards at the moment.  Streaming my attempts will definitely help me get it since I'll actually have the motivation to get past Stage 3 more than once per session.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mr Jovial on February 18, 2014, 11:21:26 AM
Been practicing Rising World a bit since its the attack of Kaguya's that I struggle with the most. After no captures in 22 attempts, I pull of 3 consecutive captures and then another 2 captures by the 34th attempt. Seriously, what is this attack  ???
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Oh on February 18, 2014, 08:40:02 PM
I hope tomorrow I will finish a run ;;

And I did. (  ;)
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Ranko Hoshino on February 20, 2014, 06:05:52 AM
I lost a TD Youmu ENMNBNT to Futo's final spell!  :derp:
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mesarthim on February 22, 2014, 08:12:07 AM
What's that? You (referring to me) can't do Social Upheaval Requiem at all on Lunatic? Kick it down to Hard mode, maybe you'll stand a chance!

Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Szayelaporro Granz on February 22, 2014, 03:01:06 PM
I'm having fun with Last Words lately. I've cleared 12 out of 17 and Total Purification or Tree-Ocean of Hourai is the hardest LW so far. I will try to unlock more this evening. I wish ZUN will make more Last Words one day in his main games :ohdear:
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: AngelG No. 55 on February 22, 2014, 10:16:28 PM
Meanwhile, in another player's reality, one far away from the reaches of Lunatic difficulty, and even somewhat far from Normal, lies an inexperienced player who has taken his first major steps in Touhou - and began seriously enjoying it.

Most games are still a tall order for me, but I have managed to:
This wouldn't have been possible without the dilligent motivation and cheering on of a friend who's gotten into Touhou due to the characters and music. While I show him the games, he help me remain motivatedby reassuring me of how good a job I am doing. The conclusion here is that the more reassured, motivated and confident I am, the higher I can fly. If anybody else feels up to the task of serving as a motivator, I will truly appreciate it; with your help I can show my true colors, those of a caring, selfless friend who's nonetheless a fast learner.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: CyberAngel on February 22, 2014, 11:49:33 PM
  • Reach Kanako in MoF Easy having earned all score-based Extends (even the 150m one)

Keep in mind that her last two Easy spellcards are considered unfairly hard. Try to save as many lives as you can until the final stage so you can just bombspam through the hard places.

That said, do feel free to post your achievements/thoughts around here. I still remember the time when I was struggling with my first Easy clears, so I'm interested to see how well can you fare.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: AngelG No. 55 on February 23, 2014, 02:57:39 AM
And so I've gotten into the streaming business ( Streamed EoSD Easy for two close friends of mine and earned compliments on bombing and longevity from the Touhou veteran of the two. The stream is now over, but the video has been recorded.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Szayelaporro Granz on February 23, 2014, 08:34:35 AM
Meanwhile, in another player's reality, one far away from the reaches of Lunatic difficulty, and even somewhat far from Normal, lies an inexperienced player who has taken his first major steps in Touhou - and began seriously enjoying it.

Most games are still a tall order for me, but I have managed to:
  • Conquer IN Easy FinalA and FinalB in one try with the Border Team and scored almost 1 billion on FinalB
  • Beat IN Easy FinalA and FinalB in one try with the Netherworld Team, whose FinalB was also a 1LC
  • In PoFV, beat Eiki with Reimu on Easy and with Mystia on Normal (with the aid of another's score file for the sake of showing characters to a friend who's even newer to Touhou)
  • Reach Kanako in MoF Easy having earned all score-based Extends (even the 150m one)
This wouldn't have been possible without the dilligent motivation and cheering on of a friend who's gotten into Touhou due to the characters and music. While I show him the games, he help me remain motivatedby reassuring me of how good a job I am doing. The conclusion here is that the more reassured, motivated and confident I am, the higher I can fly. If anybody else feels up to the task of serving as a motivator, I will truly appreciate it; with your help I can show my true colors, those of a caring, selfless friend who's nonetheless a fast learner.
Welcome to Touhou. I recommend you to try other (official) Touhou shmups as well, although I can't say they're as easy as the ones you're playing right now. Now, play SA and you'll become a superman! >:(
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: ?q on February 23, 2014, 04:50:42 PM
The good news is that I took chirpy's words to heart and didn't give up on the final spell I need to capture for my next video.

The bad news... well... look at the top left corner. (

I hate posting anything but achievements because I know there are people who aren't as good as me ready to chide me for my #goodplayerproblems and there are people who are much (much) better than me available to publicly compare myself to, and yet.

Now, play SA and you'll become a superman! >:(
Superman is in Shoot the Bullet, though.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Emerald Mint on February 23, 2014, 07:01:02 PM
First Hard clear obtained on DDC with ReimuB. Haven't been playing too actively lately and this is something to smile about.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mesarthim on February 25, 2014, 12:46:59 AM
I hate you Benben.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: CyberAngel on March 01, 2014, 07:50:12 PM
I finally realized how to do Apollo 13 properly. You have to concentrate on red bullets first and foremost. Whites may get in the way sometimes, but they're not as dense, and finding an opening in the red pattern is way more important. I can't believe it took me THIS long to understand that. We REALLY need that gameplay wiki.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mero on March 02, 2014, 02:57:26 AM
I just got another SA LNB, ten misses again, but I somehow feel more content with this one, a lot of the deaths were to near-captured attacks (Orin and Utsuho's penultimate spells were cleared by the deathwave even :V), and the rest were just really silly mistakes.

I guess it just feels nice to do something "real" in Touhou, specially now that I spend almost all day at uni
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Andrew on March 02, 2014, 09:22:48 PM
I've always wanted to play a Touhou game for score at some point, so I decided to try PCB Extra scoring, since it's my favourite Extra stage, and the first and only Extra that I've NMNBed so far. Since world records are way out of my league, I decided that 1 billion points would be a more realistic goal for me. I've looked up how to do the bombing at the beginning, but other than that, I'm coming up with my own route, since I find that more fun than trying (and inevitably failing, because I suck) to copy superplays.

Progress so far: Current stage route gets me around 230m points and 525k cherry coming into Ran. Recently finished a 872m run that had 2 deaths, 3 failed spells, and missed the last extend, costing me around 120m in clear bonus alone ( 20 x 3 lives x 2 (Extra multiplier) if my calculations are correct). So it looks like I'll be able to reach my goal if I don't die and allow one or two failed spells. Perhaps I could aim higher, but I don't know if I'm good enough to reach 1.1bil.

So far, I've enjoyed experimenting with different strategies, and I like the concept of grazing for piv while in border mode (Even though I suck at the supergrazes). I get frustrated over my failures occasionally, but that will potentially happen when I do anything I find challenging in video games, so overall, I'm having fun so far.

Edit: After some more practice, got a score of 1.06B. Target achieved. I'll probably get around to attempting some of my other goals, like 1ccing PCB Lunatic, before I try to improve this.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mesarthim on March 03, 2014, 05:20:33 AM

Ha... ha... *facedesk*

Never again. That was hell. Took 79 tries (shows 80 because I accidentally did the spell again not the replay). ZUN like... what the hell man? Dodging the upstreams is hard enough but the bullets curving back around just kills it even more.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Szayelaporro Granz on March 03, 2014, 04:39:48 PM
15/17 LWs (Youmu's is in my dat file in my broken laptop) captured. I still need to unlock Marisa's and Yukari's and hopefully capture them as well. 1cc Hard with Reimu solo AND choosing FinalB sounds very difficult for someone who barely 1cc Hard mode like me :ohdear:
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: CyberAngel on March 03, 2014, 06:53:58 PM
As useful as hugging the bottom (as in, holding down when at the bottom edge to slow down even more) is, now I'm learning when NOT to use it. Sometimes you need both precision and high enough speed, even at the very bottom. And yet other times you need that high precision, so it's still very useful.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Oh on March 03, 2014, 10:16:36 PM
I haven't played Touhou in a week to revisit my old hobby of playing
, feels good.
And then I'll spend a week catching up on anime.
I guess I'm too lazy to learn stage 1, maybe laaaater. And fix Parsee bomb timings, maybe change stage 3 route, etc.
I don't know if I want to suicide on Parsee's last, stage 3 opener, or before midboss Yuugi. (But I die to Parsee's last most times anyway)
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Blue on March 05, 2014, 12:24:46 AM
I finally decided to attempt PCB Hard, and I still am not good at Youmu. At all. I think I went from four or five lives to a game over in Stage 5, all of which were to Youmu. It was my first time doing Hard Mode, but I managed to sight-read the Prismrivers, so it's probably just my horribleness at that stage carrying over from Normal Mode.

...The last death was at the very end of the last spell, right as it was exploding. I was so mad.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Szayelaporro Granz on March 06, 2014, 11:28:26 AM
I tried UFO Normal again today, attempting another Normal 1cc. I died twice to Shou without using a single bomb, what <_<
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mr Jovial on March 08, 2014, 12:30:53 PM
Struggling to improve my IN LNB. My best run was 7MNB (5 deaths, 2 failed last spells) and that had a perfect stage 4 and perfect stage 5. ( That was on the 25th of February and since then I've got 3-4 10MNB runs and a very messy 7MNB. The run I did had potential since I perfected the first 3 stages but then I had deaths on all the easy stuff (Event Horizon, Starlight Typhoon, Illusion Seeker, Kaguya's 3rd non) and hen managed a 6 miss stage 6 ;-; Kaguya has so many luck based attacks (her first 4 attacks all fit this description). Still, there's no better way to improve than to make mistakes and see if they can be prevented in future so I guess it's better to die foolishly now than on a 1MNB run that's just made it to Kaguya's last spells...

EDIT: Improved to a 6MNB run a few days ago. (
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Szayelaporro Granz on March 17, 2014, 03:04:00 PM
My very first attempt on perfect Extra clear. I decided to give it a shot after mastering Hourai Doll (this turns out to be easier than I thought) and other spellcards. Result? I end up with 4 misses and 10 bombs. The many death bombs are deliberate since I tried not to bomb as much as I could. Phoenix Tail is fully RNG-based and Fujiyama Volcano is still hard no matter how much I practice for it, this's going to be though... Mokou's non-spells are quite brutal and capturing Imperishable Shooting outside spellcard practice seems to be out of question for now. I wonder if this's an achievable goal for someone of my level.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mew seeker on March 17, 2014, 04:02:48 PM
The 1st Touhou Labyrinth seems to have died so...
Anyway, I have played the game a bit, without using a translation patch because I am an idiot way cool.
I have cleared the first floor so far and learned the hard way that you should beat Meiling first before beating Chen.
I am not sure if I am switching properly in battle but time will be telling that.
Also realized that "hit all" spell hit the "front row" harder. Ok, it's mentioned in the manual but I saw it in practice and saw what it meant.
Also, I noticed that you don't need to recruit anyone to go to the second floor. Not necessarily a good idea but it can be done. : P
Also, a mysterious character *cough* Rumia *cough* is hidden in the first floor.
Let's see if I can figure the recruitment process.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: I have no name on March 17, 2014, 08:13:13 PM
The 1st Touhou Labyrinth seems to have died so...
When I upgrade my laptop I'm going to go back to working on my speedrun of're right about Meiling before Chen being a good idea, but my route involves beating Chen at level 3 before Meiling  :V  Fun game, fun game.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mew seeker on March 17, 2014, 11:31:19 PM
When I upgrade my laptop I'm going to go back to working on my speedrun of're right about Meiling before Chen being a good idea, but my route involves beating Chen at level 3 before Meiling  :V  Fun game, fun game.

In about how much time people speed run that game?

Also, I realized why some people have made pictures packs available for the game :
resizing pictures of all characters on your own take a while. X D
Especially when you have to do it again because the picture you used is a square instead of a thin rectangle. X D
Oh well, I made a few, I'll update the rest if some new characters that I don't have a custom picture yet shows up.
And beside my Chen looks like she's about to kick some butts!  8)
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: I have no name on March 17, 2014, 11:49:39 PM
In about how much time people speed run that game?
I'm expecting something like 8-10 hours for segmented (basically, using saves a lot to be able to force good luck) and 10-12+ for RTA (real time, new game to winning).  I haven't seen any finished runs, though, so my estimates might be way off  :V
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mew seeker on March 19, 2014, 03:36:06 AM
I finally managed to beat Youmu in Labyrinth of Touhou at my 4th-5th try.
After a attempt where Mei Ling was the sole survivor after her ghost half was defeated and managed to tank her attempt for a while,
I grinded for a short while and managed to beat her although only Mei Ling and Remilia survived.
The Curse of Vlad Tepe is not a big liability if Mei Ling turn soon follow to heal after and even if you switch out remilia, the effect linger for quite a while. ^^
If my research are right , the 3rd floor is apparently located in the Vagrant Story world. X D
I have 10 characters so far, only two more to get a full team. ^^
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mr Jovial on March 23, 2014, 07:54:27 PM
Since January 1st, the only Touhou game I've played extensively has been IN. Since then, I've managed to perfect stage 6A, 4B, 5 and 6B (in that order) and can almost consistently get LNB 1ccs reaching a personal best of 6MNB. It's entertained me for almost 3 months but I'm now moving on. INs become a bit tedious, stage 1 is so slow, stage 2 commonly throws bs at me and it's not much fun now (especially considering I need to perfect those first 3 stages if I want to improve from 6 miss). So I decided "Let's move on to DDC." Decided on DDC because I've played so little of it (did a hard 1cc, extra 1cc and lunatic 1cc but that's it) and I have good memories of it. I wanted the first perfect to be stage 6 since I love Shinmyoumaru's fight and was looking for a challenge. And holy shit, it feels so much harder. I kept dying before reaching midboss Seija and restarting since I needed to learn the enemies. I did one run where I didn't restart and I gameovered somewhere on the 3rd lifebar. Keep in mind this is in stage practice; you start with max lives :colonveeplusalpha:

This is gonna be painful but will almost definitely improve my skills a huge amount. It's rare I flop so badly in a game but think "That was fun" after.  Wonder if that will last until I start LNB runs. Only have to perfect stages 3-6 before then :V And that only involves learning reversed controls and getting legendary at general dodging for Kagerou :V
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mew seeker on March 28, 2014, 07:58:24 PM
Just defeated Alice in Labyrinth of Touhou. It took me a few tries to understand how the flow of that battle is going then I won it.
Basically, she has 3 doll backing her. A physical one that use strong single target attack, a magical one that use multi target elemental attack
 and an healing one that basically prevent the others of dying.
Meanwhile, Alice is using various disruptive moves like silence, paralysis and so on.
Basically, if you want to go somewhere, you have to take down the healing doll first. However, the other dolls are buffing her defense so you must use poison and piercing attacks to take it down.
And when it goes down, Alice start using dolls attacks instead of disruption so you have to be ready for that and take down the other dolls ASAP and finish Alice.
I was happy to have focused so far in leveling up the elemental stats of my character to remove their elemental weaknesses, it helped making the battle go smoothly.
The battle ended with 5 casualties on my side.
I also got a Forbidden Tablet. To get an Unlimited Saga reference here, of all places. X D
I removed Chen from my team to put Alice in it. Something tells me that from now on, I'll have difficult choices to make. X D

Was I the only one surprised by Alice's dolls appearance by the way? X D
Also, Alice looked off model or something. Was it some kind of reference that went over my head?

Finding a cool profile picture for Wriggle probably took me more time than beating Alice. X D

I also want to mention the Rumia battle. At first I thought : "Well, it's only Rumia, that shouldn't be too hard."
And thing go well for a while but suddenly she start using Demarcation and cripple my characters. I won it on the first try but that caught me off guard. X D

Fifth floor reek of Sake. Oni recruiting coming soon? :3
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: redlakitu on March 30, 2014, 10:30:51 AM
I now know I can clear Mountain of Faith on Hard. That's because a run that was only meant to unlock stages for practice (I forgot about the replay bug/feature) came dangerously close to actually clearing the game. Thanks to the power of bombs, I made it all the way to Virtue of Wind God before panicking and losing my last life there. In the same run, I actually lost a life on Stage 1 and another on Stage 2, so assuming I don't suffer similarly stupid deaths on a proper run, this leaves plenty of resources for Kanako. I simply cannot fail.

...if I even try, that is. The fact that it's potentially so easy to do discourages me somewhat.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: FlareDragon on March 30, 2014, 11:49:27 AM
I never really realised the vast difference between Hard and Lunatic (moreso because I don't realise the huge difference between Normal and Hard, despite being able to Normal 1CC any game w/e I choose and have to put effort in to get Hard 1CC's), but it's is brutal. It was because I tried PCB Lunatic that I saw this. Pretty much, Hard = Game Over at Midboss Youmu (while simply seeing how far I could get), while Lunatic = Game Over at Boss Alice.
Looks like there'll be a lot of skill development I'll need just to get to that next level, but for now I think I'll stick with Hard (and NB/ND Extras)

Also, SA is hard, much harder than EoSD, PCB and MoF (granted, probably the easier 3 games, but). Reason? Game Over at Satori, while other games get me at least to Stage 6, if not Stage 6 Boss. Guess it was about time I saw its difficulty (UFO still takes hardest game for me XD)
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Burning Love on March 30, 2014, 04:37:31 PM
Sometimes you just feel that the challenge is too impossible to beat. Sometimes you feel like quitting after failure and failure again.

But not this time. http://youtube/uAGOQ4U8jrE (http://youtube/uAGOQ4U8jrE) Touhou 12 MarisaB 1CC Normal fuck yeah!!!
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Oh on March 30, 2014, 09:26:25 PM
But those who endure those failures will emerge victorious.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mew seeker on April 01, 2014, 09:28:17 PM
I made it to floor 7 in Labyrinth of Touhou.
St Elmo fire was annoying with its SP emptying move, its tendency to silence the team and its elemental resistance that are up to eleven.
But since I tend to try to get ASAP 100 in elemental resistances, its fire attack was not a bit threat.
I also realized that Master Spark can cost more than the base cost. I should I payed more attention to the description.

Among a few things I found Iku in some place faraway in the maze. She has good magical stats. ^^
I gave her the Red Mage Iku profile picture. ^_^

Also, as I suspected, I eventually fought Yuugi. Thanks to defense buffing, Alice reducing Yuugi attack power and Cirno slowing her down,
Mei Ling actually managed to tank her for a while. However my supporters eventually ran out of SP and got unlucky with the debuffing.
Mei Ling got taken down and Yuugi started to one shot the rest of my team.
I took more time than I should to realize that no one else would be able to tank her attack but when I did  I started to spend a maximum amount of SP to nuke her ASAP.
In the end, I managed to outlast her. ^^

By curiosity, I would like to know if I am overleveled. I am at the beginning of stage 7 and my levels range from 24 to 30.
Reimu is 28, Marisa is 26, Remilia is 24, Sakuya is 27, Patchouli is 25 and Yuugi is 25.

So far the thing that gave me the biggest challenge was finding a decent profile picture for Yuugi. May I am too picky?  X D
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Oh on April 01, 2014, 09:45:01 PM
Quitting Touhou for IIDX
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mew seeker on April 05, 2014, 01:50:35 AM
I just met TAM's foe in Labyrinth of Touhou and he seems to hate me. X D
If I want to get somewhere in that battle, it seems like I'll have to increase my magic and fire defense. XD
(And I was wondering when the game would get harder. XD )

Also, while seaching the 7th floor I fougth
as a random battle. That was rather unexpected but it gets explained a bit later.
I believe I explored all of the floor before Tam's foe location but I'll double check to be sure while leveling up for the boss.
There's a lot of teleporter and I didn't took notes while exploring the place.
I also have started to level up my speed to have several characters faster than those annoying sword. X D
Also, I am on the fence with Yuugi. On one hand she's quite strong but on the other hand she as much slow. X D
Remilia was more limited but faster and got involved more. I'll have to experiment a bit.

I also found one of those sake glasse or something again. I checked the floor with smell Sakw but there doesn't seems to be anything new there.
Hmm. I wonder if it triggered something on a upper floor. I'll have to wait and see. Or maybe double check? X D
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mr Jovial on April 05, 2014, 10:49:00 AM
Took a break for about 5 days due to suddenly having a lot of school work to do and started playing again. Somehow, I forgot how to do Future God's Realm and Final Master Spark which is surprising considering I've done them so many times and they not particularly difficult attacks. Restarted entering stage 5 due to having 5 misses by then so there was probably no way I was going to improve on 6MNB. Now I'm worried about what else I've forgotten  :ohdear:
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Snakebite969 on April 05, 2014, 11:58:43 AM
Finally got past Parsee today! On to stage 3!

Mum calls me down for dinner, I close laptop, SA crashes.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mew seeker on April 05, 2014, 10:58:42 PM
Finally got past Parsee today! On to stage 3!

Mum calls me down for dinner, I close laptop, SA crashes.

Parsee's jealousy has no bounds! : P


After a short session of grinding to raise my fire and magic defense (mostly Reimu but also Meiling and Iku), I faced again Tam's foe and defeated it.
Tam's foe attack hurt a lot but if you can survive it and heal, you have chances of winning. Also, it doesn't use it that often and alternate instead with its physical attack.
Mei Ling, Iku, Reimu and Yuugi was my line up. Reimu raised the defense and was afterward on healing duty backed by Mei Ling.
Iku attacked and was able to buff herself at some point. Yuugi survived for a while thanks to being in the very back of the team.
She managed to poison the boss and even managed to land a few paralysis on it. I didn't think I would use Yuugi for disruption purpose instead of, you know, huge damage. X D
When Yuugi was inevitably defeated, Patchouli replaced her and start to nuke the boss. After the while, I won. ^^
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Zil on April 06, 2014, 02:48:32 AM
Some discoveries regarding how damage is taken in PoFV. Mostly taken from the Japanese wiki.

The kind of bullet you hit is irrelevant.
At the start of a match, the amount of damage either player will take for getting hit is 1 (i.e. 1 full orb).
Every 12 seconds, that amount is increased by 0.5 (meaning a hit taken after 12 seconds have passed will do 1.5 damage, a hit after 24 seconds will do 2 damage, etc.) up to a maximum of 3.
Whenever either player gets hit, the amount is reduced by 1 (so for instance, if your opponent is hit after 50 seconds, and you're hit a second after that, your opponent takes 3 damage and you take 2).
The damage amount cannot fall below a minimum of 1, and furthermore, that minimum seems to increase over time. The rate of increase is unknown, but I'm planning to experiment with it. I would guess, though, that the minimum is never further than 1.5 from the maximum.
The AI, in at least some of the various modes in which it can be fought, seems to have different rules for how much damage it takes.

Edit: huzzah! I played some Normal mode matches as Mystia versus AI Cirno. On Normal, the AI tends to get hit at around 0:50, 1:30, and 2:30, the first hit dealing 3 damage, the second reducing it to the last half orb, and the third killing it. In the matches I played, I rammed into things at 0:48, and 1:24, and the first and second hits on the AI that followed shortly after each did only 2 damage. Then the AI took a hit at 2:00 (normally doesn't happen) which brought it to it's last health, and then finally killed itself at around 3:00. I got this same result several times. (I have replays if any pofv dorks are interested.) And so, I believe I've found the explanation for this nonsense. (,13713.msg975248.html#msg975248) If you take hits at specific times, you can prolong the AI's lifespan.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Snakebite969 on April 06, 2014, 11:37:06 AM
In Great Fairy Wars...
If Cirno levels up by freezing bullets, and easy mode reduces the amount of bullets, would that actually make easy the hardest difficulty??

Also stuck on Prismriver sisters on PCB. I have decided that until I can beat them on Lunatic, I can never 1cc the game on normal.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: CyberAngel on April 06, 2014, 03:06:04 PM
In Great Fairy Wars...
If Cirno levels up by freezing bullets, and easy mode reduces the amount of bullets, would that actually make easy the hardest difficulty??

And for that reason, level requirements are lower on Easy. But, IIRC, shot level doesn't matter all that much there. Unlike bullet density when you have to actually dodge them.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Koog on April 06, 2014, 05:28:30 PM
Yesterday: Lost almost all lifes with Parsee, lost none to Yuugi, lose to Rin midboss...
Ya' seriously game!
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: LunarWingCloud on April 06, 2014, 06:44:36 PM
This is probably a better thread than any.

So I started playing Touhou back in late 2010, like November. I had been aware of the series' existence since the month prior due to a YouTube user including a remix of Sakuya's theme in one of his videos during a sped-up portion of gameplay. I liked the theme a lot, looked for the original, got hooked, and then found the games after that.

It wasn't until late 2011, early 2012 I was anywhere near close to 1cc'ing anything. My first 1cc was Imperishable Night on Normal using Reimu/Yukari, but it wasn't very good and I had to start with I think 7-8 default lives (since you can get those extras tacked on for losing a lot on the final boss). My first true 1cc, at least in my opinion, was of Ten Desires a few months later, using Reimu.

In 2012 I started to really improve, 1cc'ing EoSD (though I might've done it in late 2011, I don't have the replay anymore, I just know it was my third game 1cc'd), Perfect Cherry Blossom, and Mountain of Faith. 2012 I also moved to having a laptop instead of a desktop, and getting used to that was a little... different as I'd never owned a laptop before then. My progress then sort of halted for a while, I don't even remember doing very well with any game for a while.

Then came 2013. Oh boy, 2013. I... hardly did anything Touhou-related until Double Dealing Character, actually. Before DDC hit, I did get back into Touhou by clearing Mamizou a second time (the first time I wasn't happy with because of slowdown). I didn't play DDC until a week after it had released, but I 1cc'd it a couple of nights later using SakuyaA, and my 1cc literally came a couple of hours after a good friend of mine who's also a big Touhou fan had done it using the same character and shot type.

After that I hit Touhou fever harder than I had since late 2010/early 2011, but this time I was much better as a player. I cleared Lotus Land Story completely out of boredom, I wasn't even trying to do it, I just did while taking a break from the targets I had in mind: SA and UFO. Tackling these games was gonna be hard as hell, because, well, they're hard. :V But I turned to SA first because I had managed to improve to a point where I could make it to Rin continue-less. I couldn't say the same about UFO and being able to get to Shou.

So I kept on trucking and eventually, after many tries, I 1cc'd SA. I've only done it once as it's just so hard, it exhausted my want to play it again as a full game, but I go back for stage practices here and there. The replay is a bit bugged as skipping to Stage 6 causes the Utsuho fight to mess up, but as long as you don't fast forward and play the replay from Stage 5 or earlier it works, so I'm happy with it. After that I moved to UFO, which was easier to do once I got the hang of the UFOs. In fact I managed to clear that one within a week, in contrast to about 3 weeks of effort for SA.

That was about it for 2013. I would off and on attempt to beat Flandre, which I'm close to but still have yet to do, but other than that, my newest achievements actually happened this year. I was taking a break from trying to beat Flandre, and I would do stage practice a lot of Byakuren's stage, so I decided to give Mystic Square a go. Ended up 1cc'ing it after a few hours of trying. :V It was a lot harder than LLS, but I was coming off a hot streak as I had to re-1cc a lot of games so I had replays for them (IN, EoSD, MoF, namely).

So I just needed one more single-player shmup 1cc in the series: SoEW. It was rough... No ability to focus, no death bombing, bullet hit boxes being bigger than the bullet actually is, if you could think of something primitive and inconvenient about a shmup, SoEW has it. I don't fault it since it was the first shmup of the series, but damn, it showed. :I Nevertheless, after enough tries (took me a few nights), I managed to clear it.

So these are what I've managed to 1cc without repeating clears I've done with the same character and shot type:

Story of Eastern Wonderland - Normal - ReimuB
Lotus Land Story - Normal - ReimuA
Mystic Square - Normal - Reimu
Embodiment of Scarlet Devil - Normal - ReimuA (I have videos up for this one on YouTube)
Embodiment of Scarlet Devil - Normal - MarisaA
Perfect Cherry Blossom - Normal - SakuyaA (I have videos up for this one on YouTube)
Imperishable Night - Normal - Reimu/Yukari (I have videos up for this one on YouTube)
Mountain of Faith - Normal - ReimuA (I have a video with commentary of this on an LP channel on YT)
Subterranean Animism - Normal - ReimuB (I have a video with commentary of this on an LP channel on YT)
Undefined Fantastic Object - Normal - SanaeA (I have a video with commentary of this on an LP channel on YT)
Ten Desires - Normal - Reimu
Ten Desires - Normal - Sanae (I have a video with commentary of this on an LP channel on YT)
Double Dealing Character - SakuyaA (I have a video with commentary of this one on an LP channel on YT)

So I'm working on 2 things right now in Touhou, both within EoSD: Beating Flandre, and 1cc'ing Hard. I'm hoping I can do the former soon, since I'm _REALLY_ close to it. I'm also hoping to 1cc several of the games with other characters. I'm almost able to do PCB as ReimuA, and and I can almost do DDC as ReimuA and MarisaA (I love the cursed weapon shot types :V). If it wasn't obvious, I tend to go for whoever can do homing most of the time, I'm not too good with shot types that don't have that unless the game is easy like TD~. I use a hitbox patch for EoSD, and I'm not quite good enough to play SoEW, LLS, MS, PCB or IN with only 3 lives to start, but I could easily take the hitbox out in EoSD and do 3 lives, I've played that game sooooooo many times, I just prefer to make my life easier (I don't do things for competition anyhow), but maybe I'll try to do that one day?

To anyone attempting a harder Touhou game, keep at it! I didn't think I could do it myself, but I broke through, it just takes practice! I've got faith in all of you that are trying to clear the games! *flies away to tackle Hard modes and Extra Stages*
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: CyberAngel on April 06, 2014, 07:33:03 PM

I'm playing DDC. Untranslated. And I'm not bothered by it. Playing for story's only good for a first time, I usually skip everything anyway. Stuff like spellcard names can be found online when I need it. On the upside, maybe I'll end up learning Japanese that way. Would be cool.

I don't care any longer. I waited too long for no reason. Nevermore.

Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Oh on April 06, 2014, 07:37:05 PM
Sayaka a shit
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: LunarWingCloud on April 06, 2014, 10:17:13 PM

I'm playing DDC. Untranslated. And I'm not bothered by it. Playing for story's only good for a first time, I usually skip everything anyway. Stuff like spellcard names can be found online when I need it. On the upside, maybe I'll end up learning Japanese that way. Would be cool.

I don't care any longer. I waited too long for no reason. Nevermore.

Who're you using? : D
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: CyberAngel on April 07, 2014, 01:23:26 PM
Who're you using? : D

I always try to go over all shottypes. All of them are interesting in their own ways.

That said, I gave all types in DDC a spin, and I didn't expect just how unbalanced Sakuya's shots are. On Normal, I needed to use two continues with everyone else. One was usually at the start of Sukuna's battle, one near the end. With SakuyaA, I cleared the game with no continues. With SakuyaB, I ran out of continues on the final spellcard. Looks like ZUN still has trouble at coming up with shottypes for the perfect and elegant maid. As much as I like her, I won't be sad if he drops her for the next game. I prefer a more balanced roster.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Sakurei on April 07, 2014, 02:44:23 PM
The thing with SakuyaB in DDC is that she's a high-risk, low damage scoring type. Her full-game potential is significantly higher than for the other shots, but she is very difficult to use due to low damage-output and her bomb not doing any damage.

I agree that DDC's shottypes are very unbalanced with ReimuA and SakuyaA being the homing types and yet they're the strongest. I don't know what ZUN was thinking when he made the game, but it obviously wasn't anything related to the game.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mew seeker on April 07, 2014, 10:27:04 PM
I made it to the 8th floor in Labyrinth of Touhou.
Floor was easy, just large. That being said, the spirit I was asked to hunt on this floor were somewhat of a challenge
due to them being somewhat sturdy ( I didn't find any attacks to deal them tons of damage) and occasionally emptying my MPs and causing instant death.
Also, Cirno froze 1 frog too much which caused
Suwako to come without any warning
and attack the whole team.
It happened after I explored a large portion of the floor. Even worse, it happened a second time when I was exploring the floor again while I had in mind to avoid her this time. X D
I tried to fight her afterward but she just seems to be a damage sponge and can hit hard.
Poison works on her and paralysis (somewhat) too. I tried to get her with instant death attack but they didn't work either due to immunity or bad luck.
I'll come back to face her later when I will have better resistances.
I also found Sanae but she doesn't want to come with the group. Oh well, floor 9 is next.


I'm playing DDC. Untranslated. And I'm not bothered by it. Playing for story's only good for a first time, I usually skip everything anyway. Stuff like spellcard names can be found online when I need it. On the upside, maybe I'll end up learning Japanese that way. Would be cool.

I don't care any longer. I waited too long for no reason. Nevermore.


C.Angel, If I may suggest you...

Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: commandercool on April 08, 2014, 03:01:24 AM
Some discoveries regarding how damage is taken in PoFV. Mostly taken from the Japanese wiki.

The kind of bullet you hit is irrelevant.
At the start of a match, the amount of damage either player will take for getting hit is 1 (i.e. 1 full orb).
Every 12 seconds, that amount is increased by 0.5 (meaning a hit taken after 12 seconds have passed will do 1.5 damage, a hit after 24 seconds will do 2 damage, etc.) up to a maximum of 3.
Whenever either player gets hit, the amount is reduced by 1 (so for instance, if your opponent is hit after 50 seconds, and you're hit a second after that, your opponent takes 3 damage and you take 2).
The damage amount cannot fall below a minimum of 1, and furthermore, that minimum seems to increase over time. The rate of increase is unknown, but I'm planning to experiment with it. I would guess, though, that the minimum is never further than 1.5 from the maximum.
The AI, in at least some of the various modes in which it can be fought, seems to have different rules for how much damage it takes.

Edit: huzzah! I played some Normal mode matches as Mystia versus AI Cirno. On Normal, the AI tends to get hit at around 0:50, 1:30, and 2:30, the first hit dealing 3 damage, the second reducing it to the last half orb, and the third killing it. In the matches I played, I rammed into things at 0:48, and 1:24, and the first and second hits on the AI that followed shortly after each did only 2 damage. Then the AI took a hit at 2:00 (normally doesn't happen) which brought it to it's last health, and then finally killed itself at around 3:00. I got this same result several times. (I have replays if any pofv dorks are interested.) And so, I believe I've found the explanation for this nonsense. (,13713.msg975248.html#msg975248) If you take hits at specific times, you can prolong the AI's lifespan.

I've been told, or at least I somehow got the impression, that the direction you're moving relative to the thing you collide with is a factor. Have you found/read this to be the case? Basically I thought that running directly into something would do more damage than a glancing blow, and this seems to have been observed in matches, but I have no real confirmation and it's entirely possibly I just made that up or something.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mew seeker on April 08, 2014, 07:43:59 AM
Mega failing at the 9th floor where I managed to make it to the portal at the end of the floor (and a long exploration session) but was not careful and ended up fighting the boss soon after.
I put up a decent fight but with less than half of my team, I didn't make it.
Then soon after, I find the boss at the beginning of the floor and get nuked.
Then afterward, I decide to explore the missing part of the floor but after a decent wall push the ESC button by mistake. X D

On the plus side I defeat the boss at the beginning after boosting Mei Ling fire attack and having Yuugi using her fire attack and Reimu trying to defend and heal everyone.
I also easily defeat the boss at the end. Since it keeps summoning reinforcement when there is less than 4 opponents (bar the occasional exception),
I just spam multitarget attacks as fast as possible and eventually take it down.

I also went back and got the boss that got me on the 8th floor. Having boosted Mei Ling nature resistance helped a bit.
While trying to buff my defense and heal the team, I have a party member at the back slot nuking the boss for a fire attack.
Then, to make up for the resulting delay, I have someone switching the nuker with another one with another strong fire attack.
Then I rinse and repeat. Eventually I won.

I also found another foe boss. It's like the previous one, but stronger. X D
Only Meiling is able to survive its fire attack for now. I'll have to train my other party member so that some other survive it too.

Also, it seems now that the Eientei gang is up to something. I wonder what will happen next.
And the path ahead is blocked by a door with four fail safe lock or something? I have heard bad things about this part but I will soon see it for myself.
Also, hammerhead shark enemies? Didn't see THAT coming. X D
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Szayelaporro Granz on April 08, 2014, 03:44:11 PM
I'm trying to clear EoSD Extra. I believe I can do this, but I still need to practice Cranberry Trap A LOT :V That one card sure is tricky.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Zil on April 08, 2014, 09:05:22 PM
I've been told, or at least I somehow got the impression, that the direction you're moving relative to the thing you collide with is a factor. Have you found/read this to be the case? Basically I thought that running directly into something would do more damage than a glancing blow, and this seems to have been observed in matches, but I have no real confirmation and it's entirely possibly I just made that up or something.
People have speculated that from time to time, but I've never seen any evidence supporting it. The set of rules that I posted earlier seems to explain every situation I've checked so far, and so I'm inclined to believe that's all there is to it.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: LunarWingCloud on April 08, 2014, 10:52:05 PM
Still having trouble with Flandre. Got to QED once and her survival once out of like a few dozen tries, but not much else (I did get to Counter Clock and around there several times today).

Gave Mystical Power Plant's Extra a go after 1cc'ing Easy (which does unlock the Extra like the newer games have been doing). Got to her 6th spellcard without hardly much knowledge of how to dodge anything. Very fun fight. I'm not a fan of the midboss of the stage, though, I can't really keep up with sweeping around the screen while dodging bullets very well. I do love Riko Toone's theme, it's just so good, and she's a really cute character. ^_^
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Karisa on April 09, 2014, 12:33:37 AM
Just thought I'd clarify-- being able to unlock Extra with Easy isn't exactly a quality of the "newer games" (the newest game, yes, but there's no evidence it's a standard yet). If anything, it corresponds more to the older games, since only two games from MoF onwards allow unlocking Extra by playing Easy (GFW and DDC, of which GFW requires a 1cc on all 6 routes), while before that difficulty didn't matter (except in LLS and EoSD since they don't allow you to reach stage 6 on Easy).
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: LunarWingCloud on April 09, 2014, 03:07:33 AM
Shhhh minor details...
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mino ☆ on April 09, 2014, 10:54:19 PM
4th LNN with Border Break on spam (
Which also makes my 6th 1-mistake run.

I did some scoring tricks to improve the score. My border break was literally at the end of the spam because the point item numbers covered up the bullets in front of me and I couldn't see them. No fair! :(
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: SleepyYoukai on April 10, 2014, 02:27:26 AM
So I finally beat DDC Extra. But might try to make a legit run sometime when I'm NOT using the Marisa B bombing gimick.
Played some of the extras in the other games too, Marisa A is surprisingly powerful in PCB Extra, didn't beat it though, Ran killed me with her timeout card.
Speaking of PCB, Lyrica's spellcard in stage 4 Hard is INSANE, I would gladly take a screen flip over that any day.
And now that screen flips are mentioned, I finally realised that the controls aren't flipped on Seija's last spell, only the screen... well they are flipped, but I would always
try to move in the opposite direction than previously once she flips the screen and this would always result in a very anticlimatic death.

I went back to IN Extra today after trying some other extras, even if I've already cleared it twice and unlocked Imperishable Shooting. First I tried it with Marisa Solo, didn't go well at all,
then Remilia Solo, went somewhat well, then Marisa & Alice, went a little worse and finally Reimu & Yukari, which I managed to make it to Hourai Doll with. Mokou isn't too hard compared to the other EX-bosses.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: LunarWingCloud on April 10, 2014, 02:36:03 AM
I just beat Riko Toone last night. Saved a replay of it. The survival card I messed up on really bad, but otherwise it was an easy, fun boss fight. Love the music so much, it's so catchy and matches how damn cute she is. >.>

Just out of curiosity I went back in since I read in Jaimers' perfect run upload that she goes crazy if you blow up all the nodes on the tree during "A.R. Tonelico" (her last attack). She decides to add stars to the attack, the tiny kind that give me so much trouble when fighting Marisa in IN. >_< Made the attack a lot trickier to dodge.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Szayelaporro Granz on April 10, 2014, 07:56:51 AM
I can actually perfect the stage portion of EoSD Extra with MarisaA? It turns out that using retexture patch certainly helps a lot.

*bullies LunarWingCloud*
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Ranko Hoshino on April 11, 2014, 12:55:35 AM
I've been playing Touhou for four years now! I'm pretty happy with my accomplishments thus far and I hope to get more at some point!

I've gotten a number of perfect survival runs on Easy along with other random stuff for that mode. I've gotten a decent number of Normal clears. I finally got my first Hard 1cc recently. I've still only beaten Mokou interms of Ex stuff, though. I'm still sitting at 218 spell caught out of 222 in Imperishable Night with Yukari.

I've been having good times overall, though! :toot:
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Drake on April 11, 2014, 07:21:27 AM
So I haven't played Touhou (or many STGs) with pretty much any frequency since around October. Last year of uni is hard. I'm extremely rusty, as I found out two days ago trying to play SA and failing horribly, and yesterday when trying to no-bomb PCB and just barely getting to Prismrivers.

However, it may not be really bad, or just the kind of game, since my one credit of UFO (that wasn't stage 1 reset) today saw no-bomb all the way to Greatest Treasure before ending. My previous attempts only ever got to Shou at best, and my errors here were often poor twitches and particularly bad Sinking Vortex movement luck. I'll have to see tomorrow if I can get back up to speed any quickly.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: CyberAngel on April 12, 2014, 04:51:13 PM
OK, I gave DDC a fair chance, and I'm disappointed. Between inane life/bomb fragment system, TWO shottypes that just outright break the game (MarisaB and SakuyaA), patterns that rely on badly-executed gimmicks (screenflip and hitbox screwup aren't the worst here actually, the real problem is with bullets that appear/become distinguishable too close with too little time to read them, as well as horrible slow/fast bullet combination usage) and uninspired pattern design (Sukuna would pass off as a stage 5 boss, but feels too lame for a final one), I just can't like the game. Of course, it's not all bad and has some nice things, but bad ones outweight them by far for me. I thought I just needed to give it some time, but no, it felt like a bad fangame from the start, it still doesn't feel like a good Touhou game now.

This pretty much means I'm no longer interested in further Touhou games. I like most previous ones and think they're pretty good, but with this one even I have started questioning ZUN's creativity. So much that I have little hope he will do anything good in the future. Of course, I like new characters, stories and music he makes, but not the gameplay. Oh well. Not that I'm too sad, I have enough catching up to do with just what I have already.

In short, I am a total nineball for worrying so much about this piece of a game for so long.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mino ☆ on April 12, 2014, 05:44:16 PM
Fuck LNNN is really getting on my nerves right now. I've been working on it for 10 months and I still don't have it.

I know why I don't have it. It's because I'm not strong enough to get it. I feel like I'm never actually going to get it, because of my weakness. There's a reason I have 4 runs which have failed at Yuyuko. Whenever I get nervous, I lose the ability to play completely. Which means I'm going to pretty much fail the spam if I get to it. Even if I do capture it, Yuyuko will always deal the finishing blow, because I will be unable to stay competent while nervous. I simply cannot do so.

I also cannot grind anymore. I've lost the ability to grind in Touhou about a year ago. And that's the biggest thing stopping me. I simply do not enjoy grinding in Touhou. I have to constantly switch games and goals in order to keep things fresh. My streams are often only 2 hours long because of this. I do realize that I value replays too much. I care so much about the achievement rather than the fun it takes to get there.

Achievements in Touhou are like a drug to me. That self-fulfilling gratifying feeling I get when I do something cool is irreplaceable. It's simply euphoria to me.

But don't worry. I won't give up on LNNN. After a few hours or minutes, I'll have a giant mood swing like I always do, change my opinions on everything, completely contradict what I am saying right now, get this new inspiration and hope. Start playing again. Then quit after I lose a few runs.

The cycle will repeat itself until I either get the LNNN or give up.

I think it's funny. I'm the one who was most obsessed with LNN/LNNN runs, yet I am going to be the last one to get it. Cactu already got EoSD, Denpa got MoF, Nindel got SA, Zil got PoDD, Chum got GFW, and even someone (who shall not be named) apparently got UFO.

PCB's not even that hard. The spam isn't too bad. I'm just making it harder than it is because I'm weak. Nothing new.


EDIT: An interesting thing I notice is that I often feel like I'm being rushed every time I try LNNN. I think that the length this has taken me to get this run is what's causing this. I feel that I need to just get it immediately. Instead of grinding to get as far as possible, I just wanna get it. It adds more stress to the grind.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Yatakarasu on April 12, 2014, 07:43:16 PM
-sigh- I have a feeling my latest hiatus has taken quiet a hit to my playing skills, damn you higher learning (college). Before my break, I was making some good progress on Lunatic DDC, but now I can barely get past stage 2 without bomb spamming.  SA Lunatic will be on hold until I get this sorted. MoF Hard still continues to elude me despite my best efforts. I just keep getting game over'd on Kanako and I have a feeling I'm going to have to start restarting if I lose more than 2 (maybe 3) lives on stage 4. At least I got to Reisen in IN hard last night without really concentrating on it. I might start working on some No Bomb (forget no death for now) normal modes to take my mind off Hard/Lunatic.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: LunarWingCloud on April 13, 2014, 08:16:08 AM
I decided to give Flandre a go after taking a two-day breather from playing EoSD. I had cleared Riko Toone's stage in Mystical Power Plant a second time just for the fun of it, it's a damn shame I can't get the game to run at higher FPS (it constantly flops around 45 and on a lot of Riko's spellcards chugs around 30-35 because it can't keep up). I know it isn't my computer, because it handles every official Touhou game without lag.

Anyway, I was giving the Extra Stage a try again in EoSD and it went terribly. I couldn't get a good foothold anywhere and I kept dieing, I barely got to Flandre and I got REALLY pissed about it. Took a breather, came here and found a reply to one of my posts in another thread and I had completely forgotten about using the VSync patch. I popped it in and it went well, until my tiredness got the better of me. I still haven't beaten Flandre, but at least now I can't be pissed at the game anymore for that. If I make a mistake I KNOW now that it's me, before it could've been the input lag killing me softly, but now it's more me if I'm making this mistake. But it's 4am now and I realize this just isn't gonna happen because I've been up for almost 18 hours after only having slept 4 hours the night before, including working for 12 hours. So my ability to play has faded away for the night.

On the plus side, before my tiredness got to me I   managed to get all the way to Flandre's survival card at one point with 2 lives and it was either 2 or 3 bombs, I can't remember, but regardless, that's proof that I can probably beat her... I just need to put it all together at this point.

In any case I've got plans for the day once I get up after I get some sleep so I dunno if I'll be giving Flandre a shot until later on tomorrow night, but if I do, I'm hoping I can actually get some solid practice in and possibly beat her sometime soon. My next target would be Ran since I've gotten to her 7th spellcard before, but only once or twice.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: cactu on April 13, 2014, 10:32:30 AM
I made a guide on how to do the Stage 3 opener graze.
Guide for stage 4 laser book graze and the fairy safespot graze
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Star King on April 13, 2014, 12:06:49 PM
Amazing guide, I would die to the 4th pair of fairies every time I tried this and didn't understand why.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mew seeker on April 13, 2014, 06:38:57 PM
I managed to make it through the infamous floors 10 to 12 in Labyrinth of Touhou.
I now see what it the big deal about those. It's not that those floor are hard, it's that they're long and you need to go back to a few places because some switches need to be activated (and in some rarer cases deactivated).
Also, those top enemies (as in, the toy that spin) are not too hard but they're so fast that they'll just be faster than anyone and of they gang up on someone weak physically, that character just died.
The shadow cats monster are annoying too with their instant death attacks but it's much easier to become faster than them.
On the plus side, there is a ton of loot to be found. ^^

Also, I met Flandre and she's bored. What could possibly go wrong? X D
Also, my characters saw a black cat thingy? Orin recruit coming soon? :3

I also defeated the boss that await you after that failsafe door thingy.
After several battles where I finally ended up owned again and again, I had a revelation : paralysis work on the boss. Actually quite well.
So eventually my core team became Mei Ling, at the front and Cirno and Reimu at the back. X D
While Cirno and Reimu spammed paralysis, Mei Ling kept switching whoever I needed at the moment.
If the paralysis failed to latch on, it was usually Yuugi to try to make up for it with limited success. X D
But eventually I would manage to beat one and then I would try to beat the one on the left ASAP before it attacks me with a super strong attack that would beat my whole party.
Then I would finish the last one which is quite weak to paralysis but keep debuffing your team.
Eventually, I won... but then, the game would freeze in the dialogue afterward. X D
I redid the battle several times but the game froze afterward each time.
I did had a second revelation in the process : Ran's buff works for the whole team, not just your front line which is actually quite useful when you keep switching to get around the cool down time of powerful moves. (That's what happens when you don't spend enough time to translate skills before using them X D )
Ran was thus more active in that boss battle.
Eventually, I realized that to prevent the game from crashing, I had to install the 3.01 patch from the developper for the special disk version of the game.
Now, I have to defeat that boss one, last, time. X D
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: CyberAngel on April 13, 2014, 07:34:11 PM
Hm, I might have an idea why I didn't like DDC so much. You know how hardcore shmups are generally divided into two subtypes? One is the slower "bullet hell" kind, the other is faster with fewer bullets but heavy on memorization? Well, it could be just me, but I think DDC generally has patterns with fewer bullets which are faster than usual for a Touhou game. Could it be that ZUN started leaning towards the latter subtype, compared to earlier games that were firmly on the former subtype side? That would explain it since I don't like the latter kind at all. Maybe some people like playing those, but I've just never seen the appeal behind them. So, what are your thoughts on this, people?
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Karisa on April 13, 2014, 07:41:57 PM
I don't think DDC has that many static/memorization-oriented patterns, though Shinmyoumaru's 3rd spell and survival come to mind as exceptions. It might be more like DDC has fast bullets that are still random? (UFO does too, though a lot of UFO's nonspells are static based on the boss position)

Though I might be misunderstanding what makes Touhou different from those other shooters that I don't play.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Star King on April 13, 2014, 09:00:04 PM
Yeah IN has way more memo attacks, which you seem to like. So that doesn't really make sense as a reason.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Reiko on April 13, 2014, 09:02:26 PM
Do you have any examples of such patterns ?
Pretty much all of my knowledge of DDC comes from watching replays, but the game didn't look like it featured unusual stuff for a Touhou game. Stage portions seemed to put an emphasis on speedkilling big enemies, but that's about it. Can't say I remember any "know-it-or-die" patterns.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mesarthim on April 13, 2014, 10:48:15 PM
Reimu B has finally been done. Never again.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: CyberAngel on April 14, 2014, 06:05:47 PM
Sorry for being a bit confusing, but "memorization" part was just to describe the kind of games, though I guess it's not really accurate. I meant "reacting to stuff before it appears" kind of memorization, which is much less widespread and isn't as important in slower bullet hells, where you can make do with just some basic routing and good reaction. Psikyo is known for such games, I think.

For myself, I just don't like very fast bullets in general, be they random, aimed or static. While that's a way to make things harder, it's a different kind of "hard" that I don't think was widespread (or at least AS widespread) in earlier Touhou games.

Examples may be a good idea. Wakasagihime's first spell, Kagerou's midboss, first and second spells (these four are random but too fast to read), Benben's first spell (organized pattern that has too little room for error).
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Snakebite969 on April 14, 2014, 11:24:49 PM
Currently listening to staff roll of EoSD after my second time beating a touhou game.

Also the second time beating a touhou game with Bad Ending #1 .

EDIT: Just remembered that the game pretty much pauses when I alt+tab out.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: chirpy13 on April 15, 2014, 02:03:07 AM
2hu 2hurd

Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: I have no name on April 15, 2014, 02:21:23 AM
High level Touhou is an endless cycle of goals, meeting the goals and then immediately shifting to another goal or being dis-satisfied with the goal reached.  I find myself in the peculiar position of having only really 1 big thing left that I'd need to grind for on the list-NMNB IN extra, having finally been able to check off MoF LNB.  Sure, it aws an 8 miss run and I could definitely get a 6MNB run if I  elected to grind for it, possibly better...but not only am I satisfied with actually -having- an LNB but I know that I definitely do not want to start my way down the spiral of not good enough.

I don't know where I'm going to go from where I currently am.  Possibly IN LNB but I'm not sure I want to go down that road again...once I perfect IN extra (had a 3 mistake run today, all 3 being silly), I'll have no goals I'm actively pursuing.  Is this the end?  Will I be moving on to other things?  Or will I just be taking a break?  I honestly don't know.  It's nice being able to play a run casually though, without thinking "I should be doing this" or "how did I fail that, the run is now awful ;_;".

One thing is for sure, I still want to revisit Double Spoiler, though that's more a speedrun thing than a purely Touhou thing.  Maybe ISC alongside DS will rekindle interest and I'll return to the endless hardly escapable spiral of goals.  Maybe I'll never return to seriously attempting things (aside from getting lunatic 1ccs of new games).  I honestly don't know.  We'll see where the future leads.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Karisa on April 15, 2014, 04:03:20 AM
You could always try for improving your high scores. If you haven't scored before, it should be very different from what you're used to-- the distinctions between gameplay gimmicks and shot types are much more relevant, and a lot more of your actions matter than just whether you died/bombed/collected resources or not.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Snakebite969 on April 15, 2014, 11:35:40 PM
3rd time beating a touhou game!
This time, IN!
I GOT... The... normal ending...

And again, the staff roll music is still playing. I should probably get back to finishing up.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: CyberAngel on April 16, 2014, 08:06:32 AM
Now that I think about it, there really aren't all that many attacks in DDC that are faster than usual, though I still think that those that are present are way harder than usual in an unfair way. However, it seems that the game is full of different kinds of annoying attacks instead. In addition to unfairly fast ones (I can add stage 6 yellow bullet spam to what was already mentioned) there are attacks that spawn very close to you (Kagerou's final, Yatsuhashi's nons), attacks that come from behind you (in addition to two Seija's there's Yatsuhashi's final), boring gimmick-centric attacks (neither screenflips nor big hitbox are hard once you're used to it) and too many suicide bullets (streamable, but if you mess up initial positioning...). It seems that being annoying is this game's gimmick :V

Well, I've been saying what I don't like about it, but it would be fair to mention what I liked as well. Wakasagihime's attacks that aren't "Tail Fin Slap" are fun to dodge. Stage 2 laser mesh is interesting. Sekibanki's gimmick is fun as well. Stage 4 is good (minus post-midboss spam). Benben's final is awesome because curvy lasers. Yatsuhashi's second is a rarely-seen classic. Stage 5 ying-yangs are actually a nicely done idea. Sukuna's survival isn't half bad once you know how to do it and learn not to trust the hitbox.

Anyway, it seems I just don't like dealing with so much annoying stuff, so no more DDC for me. On to some better stuff now.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: LunarWingCloud on April 16, 2014, 09:03:34 AM
With Flandre cleared (uploaded the run  to my YouTube channel), I decided to play MPP's Extra, I fudged the Michel midboss fight, but I _almost_ no-missed Riko. Disappearance of Riko Toone catches me off-guard sometimes. >.> I've cleared Riko 4 times so far, 2 of those runs being today. The first one I decided to completely go against Jaimers' advice on A.R. Tonelico and purposely blew up all the nodes. HIGH-SPEED STARSTORM ENSUED. It was fun. Second run out of the 2 was the nearly no-miss.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: cactu on April 16, 2014, 09:05:12 AM
Found a new trick on Stage 4 that gives 5M. Slightly hard, but can definitely be useful for recovering bad runs. I'm consistent on it since I have a visual que, but the first one is still more doable as you have time to set up.  (
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: I have no name on April 16, 2014, 09:27:36 AM
You could always try for improving your high scores. If you haven't scored before, it should be very different from what you're used to-- the distinctions between gameplay gimmicks and shot types are much more relevant, and a lot more of your actions matter than just whether you died/bombed/collected resources or not.
I have considered it but it doesn't really interest me, due to a few reasons, mainly that I don't want to end up on top of -another- slippery slope of "awesome, improvement!...but I'm not satisfied with it :(".  Other reasons include:
1. milking.  PCB and GFW especially come to mind here.  I just don't want to be doing a lot of milking or stalling attacks, simple enough.
2. strict resource requirements.  Either EoSD where everything but 1 bomb is called for scoring purposes, UFO where EVERYTHING is called in addition to...
3. large penalties for small mistakes.  You lose hundreds of millions for small errors in UFO summons, no real room for error during those stages.  In addition to that, TD and MoF are both very punishing, for the loss of trance and crippling blow to faith.

That leaves...IN, StB, SA and DS as unmentioned games.  I don't have enough interest in StB, and SA benefits from milking as well (on any nonspell really, as far as I can tell).  DS seems a tad luck-based for any sort of "decent" score (or very precise timing), and for now anyway I still enjoy trying to be as consistent as possible on it.

I suppose I might try IN at some point since there are few milks (I can deal with a couple), loss of resources only translates to lost score at the games end (and reactive deathbombing makes avoiding loss easier) instead of crippling the run completely...though the last spell rush at the end is hugely important to score and comes right at the end.  From speedruns, I already know how frustrating it is to have something that crucial to the end result right at the end, and I can see losing potential PBs just to that becoming very annoying very quickly. trying to explain why I really haven't gone into scoring I wrote a wall why does that happen whenever I try to write anything
if I have any misconceptions about these then tell me
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Sakurei on April 16, 2014, 10:27:42 AM
Let me warn you:

If you think IN has very few milks, you're going to have a bad time. IN has a lot of milking on all difficulties if you plan to score well, especially with solo Youkai. A regular 1cc takes about 20 to 25 minutes, but when I play a credit, it around 40. Considering that I play solo Youmu, you can probably assume that every team has a similarly long playtime. Solo Youkai are even longer, afaik. And even if you chose to play either Reimu, Marisa or Sakuya, you'd still have to milk via shooting familiars instead of the boss, and stall for more familiars on some of them. Waiting for the best cancel and so on. The prolonging of the game starts with midboss Wriggle. There are only very few nonspells where you don't at least wait for the biggest cancel. Yes, you don't really stall spellcards unless you graze them, but even on those you do things to make them take longer. On some you wait for a better cancel (which is usually shortly after you could have finished the attack. Think midboss Marisa's 2nd spell) and on others you avoid shooting the boss and shoot familiars instead for maximum timegain. [Think Keine's 2nd spell (first spell on easy)]
And while it's true that dying doesn't cripple you run like it would in MoF, there's a still a much larger penalty than you seem to think. Not only do you lose you life (and excess bombs), you also lose time. You get a bonus for your time after every stage, so dying lowers that bonus. There's also the momentarily gain - especially in a stage potion. Like, if you died in the 2nd half of stage 4, you'd very likely be dropping some items and at that point in the game, point items are worth a lot. Of course, it varies with difficulty and shot, but for me, they should be around 1 million per item on normal (alas, they aren't because of mistakes). And there are a lot of items in that section. If you just dropped 10 of them, that would result in a loss of 10m points. Immediately. And then later the 25m I lost from the life. And the extra bombs. (Of course, if you died in that section, and that section alone, it's still possible to max out your resources)

IN is rather milk-heavy, is that I want to say. Even if it doesn't necessarily appear to be the case at first glance. I don't mean to stop you from trying it out. Do it, by all means, it's a great game. I just want to prevent you from going into it with false hopes. And yes, failing one of Kaguya's last words in bad and can easily result in not PB'ing when the run was otherwise fine. But that's why you practice them beforehand. But still: You can get a good score even if you fail one. As evidenced by the fact that the WR for Solo Youmu fails one on both normal and lunatic.

As for the "awsome, improvement! not satisfied" people: That isn't influenced by whether you score or not, but rather your attitude towards the games in general. That may be the case for denpa and me, but from what I have seen it isn't the case for Karisa for example. It differs from person to person. Also, there may be some people on this board that can give you more insight about IN than I can. I don't really know much about the game and my knowledge even for the shot I play is quite limited.

But still, if you do get into IN scoring, feel free to write me up a PM or something when you have questions. My knowledge is modest, but I can at least make an educated guess about why you have to do something.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: cactu on April 16, 2014, 10:43:37 AM
EoSD scoring is fun and the resources aren't that strict unless you go for +600M. There's a replay by a Japanese player who gets 617M and he doesn't do a single wave of Meiling opener, he survival bombs 3 or 4 times during the game and he enters stage 6 with an extra life. Anything under 500M the resources become very lenient, since it's all about not fucking up badly (as in dying with bombs).
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: I have no name on April 16, 2014, 11:00:25 AM
As for the "awsome, improvement! not satisfied" people: That isn't influenced by whether you score or not, but rather your attitude towards the games in general.
I already know this is how my mindset towards pretty much anything quantifiable is, whether it's a game or not.  It might not be the best way to see the world, but it's just the way I do.
And while it's true that dying doesn't cripple you run like it would in MoF, there's a still a much larger penalty than you seem to think.
and that's all I would really want-to be able to keep going despite a mistake without going "oh, well there goes 25% of my score".  Naturally with regard to Kaguya's Last Spells...I'm not exactly consistent at pretty much any of them.  On any difficulty.  I believe I captured 1 in my 'best' pure lunatic survival run (2.2b, 4 deaths [2 Stage 2], 19 bombs), and I know I captured 4 in my LNF run.  Even on easy or normal I still routinely fail 1 or 2 (and the safespot on the 4th I've only ever gotten twice, ever, and failed to escape it both times...)
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: cactu on April 16, 2014, 11:35:04 AM
A bomb on a spellcard in EoSD makes you lose about 5M, which is 1% of 500M so that's nothing. A death with 3 bombs loses you 20M, and even that's not that big of a deal. I can get 650M even if I die twice with 3 bombs. My current PB is a gameover, so failing something at Remilia and gameovering isn't that big of a deal. If you gameover on Gensokyo you lose 20M+5M from the spellcard bonus.

I really don't see a problem with playing EoSD for score, at least from the things you said. Seems like it would be a fit. I also find it very rewarding to get a new highscore in this game.

Other reasons include:
1. milking.  PCB and GFW especially come to mind here.  I just don't want to be doing a lot of milking or stalling attacks, simple enough.
EoSD has short spellcard and nonspell timers, so there's not too much milking going on. And the gain from doing them isn't that big either so you can skip a lot of them if you want.

2. strict resource requirements.  Either EoSD where everything but 1 bomb is called for scoring purposes, UFO where EVERYTHING is called in addition to...
As I said there is no single way to play EoSD. You can choose the resource route you want to use by yourself. If you want to maximize score and get the WR then yeah you probably want to not use a single survival bomb but the game is quite lenient with the resources if you choose so.

3. large penalties for small mistakes.  You lose hundreds of millions for small errors in UFO summons, no real room for error during those stages.  In addition to that, TD and MoF are both very punishing, for the loss of trance and crippling blow to faith.
As I said, barely any penalty in small mistakes, really.

Sorry for repeating things I've already said... I'm lazy to do a proper post.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: chum on April 16, 2014, 04:32:55 PM
If I recall correctly IHNN doesn't really care for EoSD.

It's true that there's little milking, and what little milking there is can be largely ignored at first due to the relative insignificance of doing them, but whether or not It's a very strict game surely has to come down to opinion.

I had the persistence to not give a shit when I fucked up stage 3 horribly in my Lunatic high score run, but at the same time, it did force me to play stages 4-6 almost as well as I possibly could to make up for that fact, resource-wise I was demanded to NMNB Patchy and NM1B Remi and that's with major losses on stage 5. Most people would've reset and that's that.

The game is strict and a pain in the ass and will not be most people's cup of tea at all. Did you mention to IHNN about all the pixel precise tricks? Those, coupled with the relentless RNG and big losses from misusing resources surely makes it a hard game to get into.

The problem with MoF scoring is that, unlike in a NB run, you absolutely cannot afford to die, but just like in a NB run, spellcards are ideally to be captured. Bombing a couple is fair game in a score run, but incredibly demotivational, surely you'd rather try to capture them, but dying means your run is suddenly shit, no matter how well you were previously playing.

Let's just face it, Touhou score running just isn't for everyone.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Reiko on April 16, 2014, 06:16:53 PM
Seeing that we're on this subject...
I'm thinking about giving score running a fair try, most probably in EoSD normal. Any general advice on how to actually get into this ?
I watched marus' 300M replay, but I'm having trouble sorting out the most important aspects (like which grazes are the most profitable). I tried to use some tricks, like bombing/suiciding to get into graze spots, but it ended being a waste of resources (i.e. I would have gained more points from keeping them for the ending bonus).
Not quite sure if you can just copy parts of a run and still expect a decent score ? Or is everything tied up to the resource route you're using ?

So yeah, any advice would be welcome ; I'm still not sure I'll really commit to this, but having general guidelines on how to proceed can't hurt.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: chum on April 16, 2014, 06:31:24 PM
Resource usage doesn't amount to a big portion of your score in EoSD Normal. Using MATSU's record as an example, my guess is that around 50 million points in that run is from resource usage. The bombs are 100% worth using as long as they are worth more than a million each, but do make sure you also know how to use the lives for graze and power up cancels.

Grazing is the most important thing, without graze, bomb glitches are worthless. You'd do well to learn item collection and cancels too (in general, cancels are best when the boss is near the middle of the screen, but there may be more to the cancels depending on the attack)

If you have any questions about specific strategies (how they work, or whether or not they are worth doing depending on what you are aiming towards) I'll try to help.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Zil on April 16, 2014, 07:00:50 PM
you should all just be cool and play pofv

1. milking.  PCB
Eh. You shouldn't be doing much milking in this game. That is, in my opinion, part of the beauty of it. Grazing outside of cherry borders (and a few huge easy spells like Repository) isn't very useful, and certainly isn't something you should worry about while you still have other places to improve. And furthermore, the penalties for dying in this game tend to be very low. I'ts possible to die several times and still clear with a full life stock. If you want to get into PCB, the things you'd probably be doing are learning to PoC the items and unfocus a lot for more borders. Then try to plan some borders to sync up with some of the easier graze spots, like places where all you have to do is stand still or tap stream to get lots of graze. Harder supergrazes tend to require memorization of static patterns. I don't know if that's the kind of thing you like.

If you're very against memorization though, I'd recommend EoSD. Or DDC perhaps. As far as I can tell that game works a lot like EoSD. It's probably a bit less punishing for mistakes too.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Karisa on April 16, 2014, 09:06:09 PM
If you're very against memorization though, I'd recommend EoSD. Or DDC perhaps. As far as I can tell that game works a lot like EoSD. It's probably a bit less punishing for mistakes too.
I'm not sure DDC scoring is that much like EoSD, aside from that they both involve frequently bombing for canceled bullets. I'd compare it more to MoF, in that it involves stage portion item collection (sometimes using the PoC, sometimes bombing), bombing nonspells for PIV, and spell card bonuses.

It does have relatively little penalty for dying, though. Since you only need 3 life parts to gain a life, and the life parts drop as you score (unlike, say, UFO), dying isn't that harmful compared to a lot of Touhou games.
(On higher difficulties you'd need to not use every bomb you can if you feel like saving some lives in case of mistakes (same applies to EoSD/LLS/UFO on all difficulties), but the current WRs actually still do that to allow for failing spells on stage 3+. I don't really know, since I normally score Easy anyway.)

Not sure if you (IHNN) would consider bombing nonspells to be too much milking though, or if you even have any interest in DDC.

Anyway, I'd also like to say to try not to judge from the precision of the WRs-- I'd be pretty annoyed too if I tried to include every technique from the WRs right away when starting (though Sakurei seems to prefer doing that). Personally I prefer to just gradually build up scores, often finding a replay that's a little higher than my current best to use as a goal.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mero on April 16, 2014, 10:08:59 PM
From what I've seen in PCB scoring, the penalty from dying comes mainly from messing the item spawns because of the power loss, like a fairy drops, say, 12 point items at full power, but you died just before that so now it drops 6 point items and 6 power items, which turn into cherry items when you get back to full and that desyncs your border route (or you just get less point items), but I could be wrong...
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: chirpy13 on April 16, 2014, 10:31:55 PM
Seeing that we're on this subject...
I'm thinking about giving score running a fair try, most probably in EoSD normal. Any general advice on how to actually get into this ?
I watched marus' 300M replay, but I'm having trouble sorting out the most important aspects (like which grazes are the most profitable). I tried to use some tricks, like bombing/suiciding to get into graze spots, but it ended being a waste of resources (i.e. I would have gained more points from keeping them for the ending bonus).
Not quite sure if you can just copy parts of a run and still expect a decent score ? Or is everything tied up to the resource route you're using ?

So yeah, any advice would be welcome ; I'm still not sure I'll really commit to this, but having general guidelines on how to proceed can't hurt.
The best advice I can give you is to learn the system for whatever game you're trying to play.  If you don't understand the why, you'll have a hard time following the what.  Fortunately the wiki is really good about providing the intricate details, so refer to it often when you're calculating whether something is worth doing on your current route, or where to best spend your resources relative to your route.  And yeah, if you're really not getting something then ask Chum, he knows his shit when it comes to EoSD (and FW).

From what I've seen in PCB scoring, the penalty from dying comes mainly from messing the item spawns because of the power loss, like a fairy drops, say, 12 point items at full power, but you died just before that so now it drops 6 point items and 6 power items, which turn into cherry items when you get back to full and that desyncs your border route (or you just get less point items), but I could be wrong...
It penalizes you in a lot of ways.  The biggest is the cherry drop from dying, which cuts your item value by a ton and can fuck you up for a bunch of items (instant restart in some cases, eg. stage 4).  Then there's dropping items because you can't PoC without full power.  And then you have the Cherry+ getting messed up from the screen clear when you hit max power (easy enough to get back on track by controlling cherry gain after, but if you fuck up a major border because of it then gg).  And of course you lose anywhere from 10m-40m on your clear bonus if you don't get back to max lives depending on which difficulty you're playing.  If the death was on a spell then you can count out the spell bonus (which is absolutely awful if it happens on a milky spell like one of Yuyuko's) and the +100 value on cherry items for capping (which can affect some borders and Yuyuko stuff if you fuck up too much).  Unplanned deaths in PCB really suck :<.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: ?q on April 18, 2014, 10:06:53 PM
I just tried some boss practice for P.Trues Standard Unseen.  I bombed/died seven times on the bosses up to the end of Unseen 2 (which sounds worse than it is considering three of the attacks are basically never-cap).  I'm sure if I hadn't gotten pulled away before doing Shinki it would have been a bit worse (because CHEETO LASER SPELL CARD), but still, I'm more than positive a max-stock run is feasible and I'm psyched to start seriously going for it.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: LunarWingCloud on April 19, 2014, 02:42:17 AM
I ended up playing Fantastic Danmaku Festival. It's good. Very good, actually. It's pretty hard, though, especially if I'm not using Reimu... but to be honest when I did use Reimu I made it all the way to Remilia's survival card on my first try. :V 1cc coming soon, maybe?
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: kitslol on April 19, 2014, 03:52:07 PM
Getting kind of frustrated at UFO LNB. This game feels like a brick wall. Nothing I've done so far since I started playing has felt like this to me.
I've easily put 3 times as many hours into this game than any other but I'm such an inconsistent piece of shit at everything past the first stage that I'm lucky to reach it to stage 5 in 3-4 hours of restarts. I made it to stage 6 one whole time in like 30 hours of attempts. Wow!
At least in EoSD it waits until stage 4 to kill me over and over. Dying on stage 2 and 3 is just demoralizing. It probably also feels worse because of the power loss from dying.
Seriously I'm just an idiot and my brain can't comprehend how to pick up tokens without getting myself killed. Random deaths everywhere.

Maybe I just need to grind more but honestly it doesn't even feel like I'm improving.
All I can do is just continue spamming credits day after day and hope I eventually win.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mino ☆ on April 19, 2014, 04:02:34 PM
Don't worry, it took me a whole month of nonstop playing to get my first UFO LNB. It's a tough game! But don't worry, you'll improve at it. Even if you don't see it right away~

I would recommend grinding the hell out of Drake's boss rush.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: kitslol on April 19, 2014, 04:14:36 PM
Oh believe me, I have. I have at least a few hundred tries on shou and byakuren. I think my problem is that I grinded the later stages so much that I'm so out of practice for the early ones that I'm suffering for that right now. But eventually it will even out and something will happen. I just had to vent a little bit because no one likes restarting on the first 3 stages for what feels like an eternity.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: CyberAngel on April 21, 2014, 01:40:55 PM
I played TD after a long time and found that I don't like it at all. There were a lot of things that annoyed me in it even before, but I would just chalk it up to me not being good enough. Now that I have experience and preferences, I just can't play something I don't enjoy. The things that ruin TD for me are chaotic bullet patterns in stages (which result in constant clipdeaths and being unable to gather all those spirits without unreasonable risks, way to waste your own gimmick, game), too many extra-durable fairies (which usually throw out those chaotic bullet patterns that always get in the way), bland spellcards (some are interesting, but many aren't fun to look at), Yoshika (because if a gimmick can go wrong, it WILL), annoying deathtrance (I can't practice survival properly because of it) and Youmu (I'm fine with limited-range attacks, but hers isn't a good way to do it). All these things make playing TD a chore, no matter how much I try. I also see that Touhou's style have indeed changed starting with TD. It's clearly seen when you have DDC to compare it to, the overall feel is different from older games. Maybe the way Touhou games changed isn't bad, since there are serious players enjoying them, but it certainly isn't the style for me. So it seems like I'm dropping this one as well.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: cactu on April 21, 2014, 02:05:30 PM
Now that I got my goal of a clear with a good score, I'll have to start doing every single trick in the game pretty much. Probably won't even reach the later stages in a few weeks or even months, to be honest. :V
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Espadas on April 21, 2014, 04:34:52 PM

Cleared the Extra Stage of EoSD with ReimuB!

And it was an awesome run too, since i captured for the first time "And Then Will There Be None?" and i actually survived (thanks to bombing) "Ripples of 495 Years" the first time i've ever faced it!   8)

God, this really feels good after all those tries..... Now to do it with Marisa and then i'll tackle an actual 1cc Lunatic (so far i've got 1cc only on Normal and i have skipped Hard completely)

EDIT: since i'm at it, what should i do about Maze of Love? I feel i do better staying under and micrododging than circling but up until now i captured that spell card exactly once.... any tip?
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Oh on April 21, 2014, 07:20:38 PM
So it's possible to hit 999k with a few missed deathbombs. ( I failed this run (2.17 potential) to PWG, as expected.
I will probably retire after getting a run done, as there are other things I want to do.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: chirpy13 on April 21, 2014, 09:39:50 PM
EDIT: since i'm at it, what should i do about Maze of Love? I feel i do better staying under and micrododging than circling but up until now i captured that spell card exactly once.... any tip?
Either learn it or get better at micrododging.  You really only have two options.  The circling is easier once you know how it works, but whichever you prefer.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: SleepyYoukai on April 22, 2014, 10:22:11 AM
So, I beat Nue in UFO and got my first 1cc Hard, which was in TD. Now I'm trying to beat Mamizou but some of her spell cards are just murder.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: cactu on April 22, 2014, 11:53:27 PM
Came up with a new route for Stage 4 and improved my score to 129.9M. If I played better I could have gotten 133M or so, but I made several mistakes costing me about that much.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Sakurei on April 24, 2014, 10:05:13 PM
Okay. I think I have been playing IN normal enough to actually be able to talk about it a bit. Not much, just sharing my thoughts and experiences with the category. No need to read this, if you're not interested. Looking at it now, it's quite a wall. Whoops.

As some of you know and others may have guessed, I am using solo Youmu. Best shot of all time. But unfortunately (?) it also makes scoring significantly harder than if I was using a team. The reason for that should be obviously as I can't turn the familiars in stages and on bosses invincible. That coupled with her amazing option makes her a fantastic, but difficult shot. I haven't ever tried out the other solo humans so I can't give an objective view on things, but I believe that option of Youmu's leaves more room for optimization (which means it's harder) than Sakuya's simple spreadshot or Marisa's napalm would, thus making her more difficult to efficiently use than the other solo humans as well. Maybe. I think. Maybe not. As I said, I haven't tried any of the other shots. Someone more knowledgable about other shots could probably explain better why Youmu may or may not be more difficult.
Now, this doesn't have much to do with the mode in particular and me complaining about Youmu being too hard to use is silly considering it was my own choice to use her (alas, if the alternative was using ghost team to make things easier on myself, I'd rather not. I don't like Yuyuko). What I wanted to say by all this is that Youmu being fairly special in IN may have influenced my feelings about the category in one way or another.

I think it's rather useless to say something like "I started this category X months ago". What matters for progress is the gametime. This is a fairly accurate guess, considering I started this category pretty much when I had 100 hours of playtime on my current score.dat. It says 136:30 hours now. I like to think my progress within this category was quite fast, but considering that my PB is quite, uhhh...questionable, this is probably something that depends on one's point of view. But you know you're playing a category nobody cares for when you lolwatjusthappened run is third on royalflare. I still remember the amount of hours it took me to get 3b in easymode and 2.6b in extra as well as my score in SA normal, and if those are any indication, then I'm still quite a few ways off from getting anywhere. Which is funny, because that implies I got anywhere with those 3 categories, lol. At least the two IN scores I want to improve sometime in the future. But I digress. What I meant to say was that if I take those three categories as a comparison (admittedly, SA normal was significantly faster "done" than any IN category), then I'll have a lot of practice before I reach the territory of scores that I perceive to be decent/good. Now, that makes it sound like I was expecting some miracle to occur in which I WR in 20 hours, which obviously was not, and never would be, the case. Good scores take time. Something I know, but I am an impatient person nonetheless. I don't think it has any effect on my play, but sometimes there's this little qtpi devil sitting on my shoulder whispering into my ear asking why the fuck I'm so incompetent and keep failing the same things like the imbecile she thinks I am. of course looking back, I can laugh about all those failures in runs now. Anyway, but I'm trying to say here is that I will probably play IN normal for quite a long time longer than I did with any other category, bar maybe Chiyuri lunatic? I don't really know how much time I put into 110m. Probably not very much.
IN normal is probably the hardest category I've tried (since I wasn't trying to get 3.3b in easy mode w), but I enjoy it. Stage 1 becomes a pain when the infinite restarts happen, but generally speaking, I don't mind it. Wriggle is somewhat of a dull boss, but the stage potion has a lot of depth to it, which fascinates me. Sometimes fairies die before they spawn their familiars and sometimes they spawn them just in time and my timing is (I'm pretty sure, but it can't be true) always the same. And that's only stage 1! Stage 2 may actually be more difficult to get right.
I consider stage 2 to be the stage that has most mystery points. Sometimes when I have a better than average stage 2 I wonder were those extra timeorbs came from. Sometimes I know like I got good cancels on the random-spawn fairies or something, but at other times I stare at the screen and don't know what gave me those extra points. One thing I was considering learning were the super tough, but cool ~frame perfect~ cancels in the beginning of the stage (or middle?). But looking at it right now, there are other, more fundamental flaws in my play that I must fix first. And I think there are also other, easier (and maybe more valuable?) tricks I can't do (well) yet that I have to learn first. Fortunately, Mystia is a very easy to understand boss. She doesn't have any complicated grazing tricks to her and the milking is fairly simple as well, which is nice.
To me, stage 3 has almost always looked very straightforward (when I was starting out, I was like "how the fuck do I lose so much time, but eventually found out the reason). It doesn't look to me like it hides its potential points as well as stage 2 does. But that of course doesn't mean there aren't any improvement for me to be made. There certainly are and I also know where, I'll just have to learn them. Stage 3 does have its difficulties though. And by that I don't really mean the midboss supergraze - I learnt that quite quickly I think, alas I am less consistent on it than I probably should be. No, what I mean are Keine's nonspells. They're hard and I'm bad at dodging and you time them down for more familiars which translates into more time. That's scary. Bullets are scary
Currently, I think stage 4 is, on a more fundamental level, my worst stage. Even if I happen to...not die (which is maybe 1/3 of the time), I still lose a lot of points every time due to bad fairy hugging. Since I'm scared. Because there are bullets very close to me. I realize it's a terrible flaw. One that I definitely have to fix. Destroying half the familiars in the stage every time is a big loss that I don't like having. It's not so much the difficulty of getting some super precise canceltiming, but rather me not running into a bullet when there's more than one big fairy on the screen. I think it would be best if I somehow learnt the positioning and the sweep to the other side through some visual cue so I know how to do it with something more than just my rather dull intuition (which is incidentally how most of my learning is done. "oh, this 'feels' good). This may also be a mistake perhaps? I don't know. Having no visual or audio cues for pretty much anything in the game is possibly asking for trouble. Maybe. Marisa, again, is a very straightforward boss as well. I despise her last regular spellcard, but there are ways of dealing with it that I am willing to learn. I don't like the feeling of failing the same attack over and over again.
Stage 5 is difficult to me in the sense that I have problems making out where time differences happen. Usually I attribute it to the Tei cancel being good/bad, but that's obviously not everything. The spawm fairies (the ones with 4 familiars) are probably a more frequent reason for differences, since at times it just happens that they lose some of those flames, earning the player less time. Other then that, I believe the stage potion to be quite simple. The fairyhugs, or rather bunnyhugs at this point, are far easier than they are in stage 4, so that's quite a relieve. I probably still make mistakes during them - some that I don't even notice, but I'll pay attention to that  the next few times I play the stage to make sure to get things right. Small improvements add up, after all. Now, Reisen is simple overall, but there are things to keep in mind. For starters I have been wondering whether it would be worth it to finish the first nonspell at +30% and then graze the first rings in the following spell (note that you start the non at -50%, but switch over when her health is almost depleted). It might not be, but I want to do some testruns for that. Maybe it's a small improvement, maybe it's not. I'll see about that. I think the first spellcard is the first attack in the game you stall not for a bigger timecancel, but for a bigger bulletcancel. At this point in the game you (or I) should have enough graze to easily outweight the one or two million points lost from the spellcardvalue. I've talked about this in the stream I had earlier today. st grazes so well over the course of the game that he simply gains a lot more points than anyone else does simply because his bulletcancels are that much bigger. A lot of these grazes are very small and maybe even seem kinda silly, but they add up and make up some few tens of millions I believe. Of course I didn't crunch the numbers here, but that's something I don't ever do anyways. The remainder of Reisen's fight is fairly simple and easy to understand. Milk the last non, milk the last regular spellcard, kill the rest as quickly as you can (I suppose, maybe I am missing something after all?).
Stage 6 is painful for a few reasons. The bunny RNG is very tiresome to say the least. Of course, a good player will still be able to handle the situation without resorting to scrubstrats like me (which results in me losing tens of millions lol). I like it when they're all lined up :< As for Kaguya: I still sometimes wonder what ZUN was thinking. The first half of her fight is far harder than any normalmode boss should be. Youmu is very powerful, so she can kill the first nonspell without much trouble, but the other attacks are like "wat" to me. Sometimes I sit there and see a tiny wall of bullets coming towards me while my character is trapped between rainbowlasers. I cry every time. I like to think I've gotten somewhat better at Buddhist Diamond, but that may just be my imagination. The first couple things are random attacks and I wouldn't be surprised if I, at least occasionally, died to them in runs even after a lot of practice. But holy fuck, the salad nonspell is the worst. What is that shit, it makes me cry before I even start it. It's basically that one attack in the game where I hover over the bomb botton with my finger. A button I really don't want to use this late itnn the game. But a manual bomb just has that much less penalty that a deathbomb (or a death even) would have, so I'll forever be prepared to bomb that thing. And while the rest of her regular fight is quite simple (Eh, Hourai Jewel is a bully, but I haven't practiced it yet, which I assume would make my consistency go up), her last spells are peculiar. Sometimes I feel that the first one behaves different in full runs than it does in spell practice. This is probably just my imagination, but it has made me fail it more often than I'd like to admit. The second one is disgusting crisscross shit. Something I used to be able to deal with rather well, but I somehow lost that ability and it's now possibly the hardest of the last spells to capture for me. Maybe. I was wondering whether practicing the lunatic version would help me better, but I'm playing normalmode, so it might be best so stick with normalmode. Third last spell is ezpzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. The fourth one is...well. How do I say this? It's much easier than it probably looks, basically. Once you got the hang of it I might add. It's one of the things I struggled a lot with when I was playing easy mode. I failed it a majority of the time, getting it right maybe once in 50 tries. But after getting it right a few times, I felt like my consistency on it increased by a lot. I'd guess that I'm getting out of the safespot about 70% of the time. Which is more than 2 out of 3. Wheeeee. watch me fail it on a 4b+ run, lol. The last attack of the game is quite nervewrecking with some decisions to be made. Do you go unfocused for more time and spellbonus? That makes it harder obviously, but it's a lot of points for something that may seem so trivial. It's the last attack of the game and each timeorb is worth over 8000 points. I think you got like 2000 if you capture it at -50%? I don't remember too well, or rather it's not something I paid much attention to. but that alone would make 16 million if my math doesn't fail me, which it probably does. The timer for Rising World is also particularly long which makes the spellcardvalue rise to over 45m that way. All those points...

So those are my rough impressions on the stages of the game and their bosses. As I said before Iwill very likely be sticking with this category for a while longer if only due to the fact that it will take me that long to reach a score I would be content with. But that is not a problem, since, as I said (again), I enjoy this category quite a bit. Even if my complaining sometimes doesn't make that impression w.
This was longer than I intended it to be; but I suppose this just makes sure nobody is going to read it, much less correct me on anything. Which is good. That way I can keep my credibility or something.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mino ☆ on April 25, 2014, 02:57:26 AM
My new job has taken some time away from my Touhou playing. Even tonight I'm way too exhausted to do anything.

Oh well. When the summer comes, my free time will appear again, then I can go for PCB LNNN and stuff like that.


Also. Changed my icon to a cute puppy. Everyone do that! Let's make it a new MoTK trend~! <3<3<3
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Jq1790 on April 25, 2014, 04:30:29 AM
After a while of nonplaying I decided to pick up Touhou again.  My current capabilities are baffling to me.  On one hand, I seem to have slightly better analytical ability, at least when playing PCB.  However, due to my hiatus, my overall skill level has fallen drastically.

I've been trying to focus on IN, working towards a FinalB Normal clear with Netherworld Team as well as Extra with the same, and I've done...poorly, we'll say.  I'm terrible at about half of Marisa's stuff, and most of Reisen's(Also Tewi's annoying even though I should be able to read those bullets easily since they're so slow), and don't get me started on Kaguya.  Have yet to see any Normal spell cards of hers past Dragon's Necklace, which while I have a general method worked out, still utterly annihilates me.

On the flip side, I switched to PCB a bit ago and while my ability in Stage 5 is crap right now, I've started being able to read Youmu's last spell more easily, which is something that'd always given me annoyances before.

Stage 6, meanwhile, was the MOST confusing to me.  All of the spells I'd normally cap really easily or at least with only slight trouble eluded me(Lost Soul's Village, Swallowtail Butterfly) and yet I capped Butterfly Dance(or whatever it was called.  Her second spell.) as well as Repository of Hirokawa with pretty much no problems at all.  The part that got me the MOST though was my cap of Sumizome Perfect Blossom, a spell I'd only gotten once before.

I think I'll be able to return to form eventually, but it'll be a rough road probably.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Lepetit89 on April 25, 2014, 04:37:28 AM
So those are my rough impressions on the stages of the game and their bosses. As I said before Iwill very likely be sticking with this category for a while longer if only due to the fact that it will take me that long to reach a score I would be content with. But that is not a problem, since, as I said (again), I enjoy this category quite a bit. Even if my complaining sometimes doesn't make that impression w.
This was longer than I intended it to be; but I suppose this just makes sure nobody is going to read it, much less correct me on anything. Which is good. That way I can keep my credibility or something.

It was an interesting read, seeing how IN is probably the game I have spent the most time with myself (though not for scoring), so I liked going through this detailed summary of what you think about the individual stages. Out of curiosity, though, which one is the "salad nonspell"? I'm not particularly fond of both Kaguya's second and third one, though I can't remember if the third one is as bad on Normal as it is on the other difficulties.

Nonetheless, particularly in IN's case, I always thought that many of the patterns are more difficult on Normal than they are on Hard. The way I always saw it, there are two variations, Easy/Normal and Hard/Lunatic, where two successive difficulties contain the same pattern tuned differently, resulting in Normal and Lunatic being the hard versions and Easy and Hard the easier ones (which the different names kind of imply anyway). Particularly Kaguya's first Spellcard and Eirin's last regular one are great examples of this; Eirin's Spellcard, for example, is so infuriatingly slow, everything becomes so annoyingly cluttered - if I were given a choice, I'd take the Hard mode version over the Normal one.

Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mero on April 25, 2014, 05:07:21 AM
My "goal" for the last month or so was DDC LNB, quotation marks because I didn't really had the intention of doing it, you could say I was practicing for it because I would usually go on practice mode to improve my general survival, but "I want to do DDC LNB" was never a thought (probably because I felt I wasn't ready to go for it). My actual goal was just NMNB stage 6, and maybe later try for LNB, and I was planning to work on it during the past two weeks, since I had a break from college, except I got both on the Monday of the first week. Because of that I did just whatever, to keep me entertained, and actually came up with something to do next, I just don't know what.

I kind of want to go back to SA scoring, but nothing too fancy (3.3-.5b maybe). I also want to do another LNB (you know, as an actual main goal), and I decided it's going to be MoF, haven't played it in a while, and it's a good game, I want to go back to it.

Still, there's plenty of time to decide, because whatever it is will have to wait until summer, my class schedule doesn't really allow me to grind for such goals.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: LunarWingCloud on April 25, 2014, 08:10:54 AM
With my defeat of Ran tonight, I've reached the end of an era for me and Touhou for now.

I'm going to take a bit of a break to work on my RPG Maker game (I'm still new with scripting and I'm trying to learn as I go so it's pretty exhausting, been at it since July). I've accomplished everything that I feel I was good enough and close to accomplishing so far. Anything involving Touhou and me playing at this point would be an almost new venture. I've only gotten to the beginning of numerous EX boss fights, hardly made it very far in any game on Hard outside of TD, and I've got almost no experience with IaMP, SWR, STB, and DS. Ran was the last thing I thought I had a good chance of breaking through, as although I only ever got to Ultimate Buddhist before recently, I knew I could beat her with a bit more practice.

I've beaten Flandre, 1cc'd EoSD on Hard, and 1cc'd almost every Windows game this year barring PoFV and UFO (UFO I had done last year and hadn't done again since, but will go back to). That's a hell of a lot of progress considering before DDC had come out, I was at a mere 5 games 1cc'd on Normal and 1 Extra Clear. And since then I've cleared all the main series single-player shmups, cleared 2 more Extras and even 1cc'd a Hard mode. I've done more than enough with Touhou for now. After a nice break I'll likely give some of the other EX stages a shot, and 1cc UFO again. But for now, I'll be stopping by mainly as someone on a short break. After all, I think I've deserved a little time off from Gensokyo. ^^
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Sakurei on April 25, 2014, 10:49:26 AM
It was an interesting read, seeing how IN is probably the game I have spent the most time with myself (though not for scoring), so I liked going through this detailed summary of what you think about the individual stages. Out of curiosity, though, which one is the "salad nonspell"? I'm not particularly fond of both Kaguya's second and third one, though I can't remember if the third one is as bad on Normal as it is on the other difficulties.

Nonetheless, particularly in IN's case, I always thought that many of the patterns are more difficult on Normal than they are on Hard. The way I always saw it, there are two variations, Easy/Normal and Hard/Lunatic, where two successive difficulties contain the same pattern tuned differently, resulting in Normal and Lunatic being the hard versions and Easy and Hard the easier ones (which the different names kind of imply anyway). Particularly Kaguya's first Spellcard and Eirin's last regular one are great examples of this; Eirin's Spellcard, for example, is so infuriatingly slow, everything becomes so annoyingly cluttered - if I were given a choice, I'd take the Hard mode version over the Normal one.

The salad nonspell is the third one. I think that generally speaking it's her hardest attack on normal mode. Milking it on easy mode is already very difficult, since you have to pay attention so that you don't kill her or yourself.

I don't know what scoring on hard mode is like, actually. It's the one difficulty I haven't looked into at all, but it surely has some hard attacks. That one Keine spellcard comes to mind. The one you graze on lunatic. But maybe Kaguya is a tad easier on it. I don't know, but will likely find out eventually.

I didn't expect anyone to read that huge wall of text, haha. That surprised me a bit.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: CyberAngel on April 25, 2014, 12:53:36 PM
I did enjoy reading it as well because IN scoring <3 (with a lot of points I understood quite well, amazingly)
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Inadequate on April 25, 2014, 01:00:17 PM
That was a nice post. I hope you will make more of them in the future and muse less about how bad you are, how easy the things you do are, or how bad something else is, whether it was a game or a replay. Those are the things which drive people away from you, like in that announcement thread for that recent game.

There were a few questions or insecurities, which I'll try to fill in. First of all, difficulty-wise I find IN Normal the most difficult Normal I've played. The scoring is very technical and multiple patterns are really difficult and mastering every single attack from the game will take a good while no matter how fast you were with it, IN has a lot of boss attacks.

For difficulties amongst the solo humans, it's generally a two-sided blade. Youmu has more complicated optimization and milking due to how the shot and her familiar act, in addition to also having to do most grazes. (the other humans often do at least some of the grazes, but unfocused and only for a time enough to speedkill the attack off, and I would rather sit in Mokou's fifth spell for twenty seconds unfocused than sixty seconds focused) If you wanted to avoid some of the grazing and picked a solo human other than Youmu, you would end up having a lot of other troubles, though. First of all, the difficult attacks will last really long and you will lose a lot of points if you focus through them, while Youmu can gain some consolation time from grazing focused. Also, certain stage portions will become very difficult due to either large damage radius, low damage or both. Stage 4 can tear up Sakuya and Reimu, and while they have some difficulty with stage 6B (Both have to go very high under the fairies, Sakuya takes long, and Reimu's slow movement makes it difficult to move around in time), it ends up being a hell with Marisa and her explosive shot, when the nut-case top-screen strategy from Easy isn't feasible anymore. (If I recall correctly, the current WR only breaks one familiar, which is a small wonder) In the end, I would rank Youmu a bit more difficult than the other shot-types, but it's really about picking your poison, to be honest.

In term of  "mystery points", you're probably overlooking some cancels or nonspell milking efficiency. The fact that you get slightly more time from canceling bullets right as they spawn will play a role here with some of the fairies located in the later stage. If you wanted to learn the bonus cancel for the aimed fairies in the early stage, you could borrow a streaming below them-strategy, or attempt the one where you shoot until the first familiar has spawned, spin around to misdirect the familiars and then fire at the fairy with your familiar just as the fourth one comes out. Figure out a mantra or calculation in your head that you run through every time you face a fairy, and learn at which points of it to fire. This is in the case you want to optimize this portion, I wouldn't suggest it quite yet. I haven't seen your replay so I don't know of the other tricks you're missing. Don't you graze her first and fourth spell on Youmu? I thought it was worth doing. (They're worth around 400 and 700 graze, respectively)

The stage 3 nonspells are not that awful, especially in the case you're not attempting to graze them. This is mostly due to the fact that they're entirely static, based on Keine's position on the screen. I never found sight-reading them on Normal very difficult, but we come from very different backgrounds. To prevent strict situations on the boss nonspells, move around the clusters. I have noticed this is often feasible by altering between slightly left and right of the boss, where you should be located in the first place in order to efficiently milk the familiars.

For cues in stage 4, use the blue balls spawned by those large fairies. There is space just above where the lowest ones spawn in which you're supposed to fit into, and it will also act as your cue for what kind of a distance to keep from the fairy when doing the upward spin. The red bullets are aimed at you, and moving within a safe zone evades them completely, much like in stage 5, just less apparent to the eye and more difficult to execute.

I doubt doing the graze on Reisen's first spell is worth it unless you're going to graze the rest of the spell as well, it's only some fifty graze, and you most likely would get more points from shooting the boss. st would do it if it was worth, I believe, as it was a known strategy back when he did his run and he really used every trick in the book when doing that run. In addition to a couple of new strategies, which are together with the stage optimization what made the record as large as it is, not some idle grazing.

I personally found myself to be less consistent at Kaguya on Normal than I am at Lunatic, and sight-reading her first spell remains a mystery. I think there were some misdirection strategies devised for it years ago, which lost from twenty to ten million points in execution. Still less than failing the attack, though, and not that much altogether, considering the total amount of score moves in the four billion range. Salad is.. a fairly odd nonspell. You can figure a misdirection path for it (as the clusters move in the same general direction every time, altering a bit on Kaguya's position) and be rather successful in practice where your brain isn't a puddle compared to the moment you face that misfortune of an attack in a real run, where the bets are higher. For optimal play, you would want to time it down and fire at the familiars for as much as possible to gain extra time (I'd exclude the latter part until I went for 4.3B+ scores, and the former before I went for 4.2B+). You could practice the nonspell a lot in stage practice and become fairly prominent at it, but seeing people with thousands of Stage 6B credits fail the Lunatic version of the attack on their WR runs, I wouldn't count on that. Maybe safety bombing one non isn't that bad, at least for now. In my opinion, the Normal version of her second last spell is the most difficult one, as the Lunatic alteration has more spacey gaps. I wouldn't unfocus on the final spell. Not until the targets were high and WR-esque.

Good luck.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: cactu on April 25, 2014, 01:07:08 PM
Apparently bombing closer to Meiling on her last non gives about 2M more score per bomb on max graze. Should be a few mil improvement on my normal runs now. I wonder what else I am losing points on.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Karisa on April 25, 2014, 06:54:15 PM
I didn't expect anyone to read that huge wall of text, haha. That surprised me a bit.
In any sufficiently large group, I think it's a given that a few people will read posts like that.

This brings to mind how Seppo used to write so many long detailed posts when posting IN scores, actually...
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Sakurei on April 25, 2014, 07:06:07 PM
That was a nice post. I hope you will make more of them in the future and muse less about how bad you are, how easy the things you do are, or how bad something else is, whether it was a game or a replay. Those are the things which drive people away from you, like in that announcement thread for that recent game.

I doubt I'll make these sort of posts more than every once in a while. Not necessarily because I don't want to, but I don't really switch categories all that often, and I don't really talk much about progress unless it's a PB, if at all. For the massive self-decrepation, I have to agree, as for other people's run: I rarely ever talk about other other people's runs in the first place unless it's some crazy superplay. The one time where I did something like that (that I can recall right now) was when I was calling one of HBs runs bad. I believe that stating your opinion is something that I should be able to do without scaring people away, but in the past have been doing so in an unfriendly manner, to say the least. But I believe that the phrasing plays a bigger role in those cases than the actual opinion. Obviously, people would get mad if I went "Well, your run is shit" instead of, for example, saying "Look, you didn't manage that important section very well and were too passive during most of the game. It's quite unoptimized overall". I think one would be less prone to being ticked off if I went about it in such a way. But it doesn't happen often that I comment on a run of a fellow player.

For difficulties amongst the solo humans, it's generally a two-sided blade. Youmu has more complicated optimization and milking due to how the shot and her familiar act, in addition to also having to do most grazes. (the other humans often do at least some of the grazes, but unfocused and only for a time enough to speedkill the attack off, and I would rather sit in Mokou's fifth spell for twenty seconds unfocused than sixty seconds focused) If you wanted to avoid some of the grazing and picked a solo human other than Youmu, you would end up having a lot of other troubles, though. First of all, the difficult attacks will last really long and you will lose a lot of points if you focus through them, while Youmu can gain some consolation time from grazing focused. Also, certain stage portions will become very difficult due to either large damage radius, low damage or both. Stage 4 can tear up Sakuya and Reimu, and while they have some difficulty with stage 6B (Both have to go very high under the fairies, Sakuya takes long, and Reimu's slow movement makes it difficult to move around in time), it ends up being a hell with Marisa and her explosive shot, when the nut-case top-screen strategy from Easy isn't feasible anymore. (If I recall correctly, the current WR only breaks one familiar, which is a small wonder) In the end, I would rank Youmu a bit more difficult than the other shot-types, but it's really about picking your poison, to be honest.

I figured it may be something like that. I probably couldn't do stage 4 without Youmu's option even if I tried. Sakuya's weak shot in particular would probably make me admit defeat, haha. I admit that I didn't think of stage 6 (but it's very logical, true enough). Personally I believe choosing a solo human other then Youmu to avoid grazing is a pretty silly decision, does anyone really do that? It's not like not having to learn any supergrazes makes the game easier. Every shot in every game has her difficulties, and this is the case especially in IN where it's possible that PIV comes from fundamentally different things despite it being the same game still. But I thank you for the input. It was a silly point for me to bring up in the first place, possibly. "Oh look, what I'm doing is harder than this stuff" does look kind of immature.

In term of  "mystery points", you're probably overlooking some cancels or nonspell milking efficiency. The fact that you get slightly more time from canceling bullets right as they spawn will play a role here with some of the fairies located in the later stage. If you wanted to learn the bonus cancel for the aimed fairies in the early stage, you could borrow a streaming below them-strategy, or attempt the one where you shoot until the first familiar has spawned, spin around to misdirect the familiars and then fire at the fairy with your familiar just as the fourth one comes out. Figure out a mantra or calculation in your head that you run through every time you face a fairy, and learn at which points of it to fire. This is in the case you want to optimize this portion, I wouldn't suggest it quite yet. I haven't seen your replay so I don't know of the other tricks you're missing. Don't you graze her first and fourth spell on Youmu? I thought it was worth doing. (They're worth around 400 and 700 graze, respectively)

It's very likely that this is the case. Especially in the last section of the stage with the random spawns, it's sometimes difficult to keep track of how good the cancels were while you play. I also know I have troubles in the middle section of the stage when there's 2 sets of fairies spawning on each side of the screen. I tend to fail cancelling all 4 of them properly almost all the time. I think that this is something I'll look into in the sense that I want to know a reliable way of doing that section; it's usually one of my bigger losses in the stage I think. I also believe that learning those super tight cancels on the early fairies is a bit premature. I don't know how big the overall gain is, but I know fom having tried to learn those on easy mode that it's very difficult to get it right and it's not worth risking point items over just yet. As for grazing on Mystia: I know for sure st doesn't do it, so I would assume they aren't worth it. Or are those new strats that weren't known back in 2011? If that is the case, then it'd be a clear (or maybe not?) improvement over his run, wouldn't it?

The stage 3 nonspells are not that awful, especially in the case you're not attempting to graze them. This is mostly due to the fact that they're entirely static, based on Keine's position on the screen. I never found sight-reading them on Normal very difficult, but we come from very different backgrounds. To prevent strict situations on the boss nonspells, move around the clusters. I have noticed this is often feasible by altering between slightly left and right of the boss, where you should be located in the first place in order to efficiently milk the familiars.
? tend to get caught up in dodging and sometimes forget to milk the familiars. I don't think I have a set approach for them, but I'll try that. Thanks.

For cues in stage 4, use the blue balls spawned by those large fairies. There is space just above where the lowest ones spawn in which you're supposed to fit into, and it will also act as your cue for what kind of a distance to keep from the fairy when doing the upward spin. The red bullets are aimed at you, and moving within a safe zone evades them completely, much like in stage 5, just less apparent to the eye and more difficult to execute.

Upward spin? w What I tend to do is position myself roughly where the fairy will spawn, shoot it for a bit with both option and mainshot and then rather quickly move back, leaving my option to kill the fairy off. This usually doesn't result in any familiars being destroyed when there's only one of them on the screen, but I assume I lose some time by not shooting the fairy with my mainshot until it dies. The things I often die at is when they spawn on the screen at the same time, I shoot one of them for a bit (admittedly much less than I should, otherwise I wouldn't lose half of its familiars) and then sweep over to the other one, and the fast switch often causes me to hit one of the other fairy's bullets. I could imagine the deaths looking quite silly to other players.

I doubt doing the graze on Reisen's first spell is worth it unless you're going to graze the rest of the spell as well, it's only some fifty graze, and you most likely would get more points from shooting the boss. st would do it if it was worth, I believe, as it was a known strategy back when he did his run and he really used every trick in the book when doing that run. In addition to a couple of new strategies, which are together with the stage optimization what made the record as large as it is, not some idle grazing.

I don't see how it would be possible to graze the whole spell, but you're right. Youmu gains a lot of time from shooting the boss, so it's probably worth more. And yes, most of the reason why his run is so much better than anyone else's is because of his excellent time gathering during stages and bosses, but I do believe that his convenient grazing through the game gathered a noteworthy potion of score. Not some huge sum like 200m or so, but I like to think that overall it was worth about 30m to 40m, which I think is a lot, even in IN.

I personally found myself to be less consistent at Kaguya on Normal than I am at Lunatic, and sight-reading her first spell remains a mystery. I think there were some misdirection strategies devised for it years ago, which lost from twenty to ten million points in execution. Still less than failing the attack, though, and not that much altogether, considering the total amount of score moves in the four billion range. Salad is.. a fairly odd nonspell. You can figure a misdirection path for it (as the clusters move in the same general direction every time, altering a bit on Kaguya's position) and be rather successful in practice where your brain isn't a puddle compared to the moment you face that misfortune of an attack in a real run, where the bets are higher. For optimal play, you would want to time it down and fire at the familiars for as much as possible to gain extra time (I'd exclude the latter part until I went for 4.3B+ scores, and the former before I went for 4.2B+). You could practice the nonspell a lot in stage practice and become fairly prominent at it, but seeing people with thousands of Stage 6B credits fail the Lunatic version of the attack on their WR runs, I wouldn't count on that. Maybe safety bombing one non isn't that bad, at least for now. In my opinion, the Normal version of her second last spell is the most difficult one, as the Lunatic alteration has more spacey gaps. I wouldn't unfocus on the final spell. Not until the targets were high and WR-esque.

Good luck.

I used to think Buddhist Diamond was her hardest attack on normal when I started, but now I believe Rainbowcard and salad to be harder. Of course, I actually didn't know salad follows a general path every time (which would make sense, since Eirin's third non is an easier version of it and the bubbles do go in a similar way every time). I'll try to find a consistent path to capturing it, Not because I think I could get 4.2b right now, but because I'll play the stage a lot anyway and it might be a good idea to actually try to get better at the attack rather than just praying for what looked like RNG to me every time. Milking is definitely something I don't want to do just yet, though. That seems really scary.
If the lunatic version is more spacey, then playing on lunatic really won't help in this case. I guess I would have eventually found out by playing, but I'm rather slow in the head sometimes with noticing differences. I don't think unfocusing on the last spell is too bad aside from the last phase (in which I focused anyway in my PB), and I will probably continue to dodge the attack like that for a while, until I'm actually going for something really high.

Thank you for your input and the good luck w. I'll see what I can do.

In any sufficiently large group, I think it's a given that a few people will read posts like that.

I suppose that makes sense and is true. Maybe rather than saying I was surprised anyone read it at all, I was more surprised someone actually answered. It was mostly just me talking to myself. Or something like that.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mesarthim on April 26, 2014, 09:43:44 AM
Reformatted PC and lost all of my data for 12.5 ~ 14

My 100% Hatate Clear in double spoiler gone, Cirno is back at square one, And my Full Hard mode and 4/6 lunatic clear in DDC is gone \o/

Oh well, guess I have things to do if I ever get bored. Managed to salvage my deathless GFW extra replay since that was uploaded.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: cactu on April 26, 2014, 12:38:18 PM
Started playing some extra stage in EoSD. Goal is 500M, for now. If that is too easy, I'll go for 550M for the western record. I'll be using Reimu B since Marisa B is too sanic for me and the scoring potential isn't that much different. Got 416M yesterday, and 458M just now.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mino ☆ on April 26, 2014, 04:55:40 PM
After giving it a lot of thought, I'm going to take a break from Touhou. And I've also decided now, to only play Touhou if it's a casual event. I shall no longer be working on goals. Not actively at least,  unless I am enjoying the experience the whole time. If I'm not having fun, I simply will not play.

It's taken me a long time to realize that I simply don't enjoy grinding. Many people have pointed out that I'm not having fun when I play. And that's true. I've denied it for so long. I tried to swear that despite all my anger, I was strangely having fun. But I finally realize it. Most of the time I play, I don't enjoy it. I get elitist and self-conscious about whether my score is good and if elitists will shit on my runs.

I look at grinding a different way than most people. Many people see restarting as a new, fresh start at life. I think of it differently. Imagine if you were to work really hard at a painting, and then it ripped. You'd have to restart that same painting over and over again. Every time it ripped you'd have to redo it until you managed to get it right without the painting ripping. That's sort of how I feel about Touhou. The reason that restarting is so terrible for me is because I feel that after putting in all the time and effort in to doing that run, and then having it instantly wasted, sort of makes me feel upset. This is why LNNN is so hard for me to grind. There is literally NO margin for error. One mistake, no matter how far you got into the game, and you're done. It's over. I simply hate that. I really hate the thought of losing everything after putting in lots of effort.

As for scoring, I have no drive or interest to go far in scoring. Now, many people say that you need to score before thinking you're a good player. The thing is, I don't care if I'm a good player or not. I don't need to be "rated" as good or bad. That's not important to me anymore. Simply put it, I don't want to score. Because I'm not having fun. All my outbursts are due to massive insecurities and the temper deep inside of me. I've always been like this with Touhou. I've developed an addiction to winning in Touhou, and getting a new achievement. For some reason, I feel like the achievements I get better my low self-esteem and that's why I need them. I need the achievements to feel better about myself.

I got off topic. Back to scoring. I never really enjoyed learning the routes for scoring. It always felt like a chore to me. And the constant restarting just really grinded my gears. The thing is, the only reason I went for PCB and SA scoring, was for the community. I did it against my will because I wanted to fit into that standard of, "You have to score to be a good player". I wanted to be a "good player". At the time, that's what I wanted, and thus I wanted to fulfill the community's standards' needs. I was no longer playing for myself. This is why I broke down in early January and almost quit forever. It's because I wasn't enjoying it.

You may think it's laziness for someone to not want to grind. But I think that it's just a video game, and that if you don't want to put in the effort, then it's fine.

I can trace this as to why I started playing heavily in the first place. Two years ago, in Sophomore year of high school, I had struggled immensely with staying at the top in my advanced classes. No matter how hard I tried, I could never match those top people who seemed to do well in every single thing they did. I used Touhou as an escape for my problems. When I played Touhou, I felt that I was finally good at something. I felt that if I were to get a Lunatic clear and go far in Touhou, I'd be better than my classmates at something. Touhou was a way to boost my self esteem and make myself feel like I'm better than someone at something. I started out Touhou very competitively. Because of that, I developed a mindset of always wanting to win. Every time I lost, I would get extremely angry, and upset about the situation. Every time I got an achievement, I got this massive boost in self esteem. I felt that I had finally done something that was better than those top classmates. It was a delusional mindset, but it contributed to a long road of frustration and inevitably where I am today.

Today. I am finally admitting my problem. Without denial. I am addicted to Touhou achievements. And I am satisfying it with really tiny goals that are gotten after immense suffering through the grinding.

I realize that the only times I am actually having FUN (which is the most important part of Touhou), is when I play casually (of if I'm doing well. Because winning is so satisfying) I no longer like going for goals. I like to pick up Touhou, play an LNB run casually, and then move on. I also don't like playing Touhou too much at one time. I like to balance my play out, to keep it fresh. That's why I play all games instead of one. playing for one goal or game gets me frustrated after a short time.

So, starting today. I'm going to finally move onto other things. I want to live a non-Touhou life. I want to free myself from my addiction and needs. it might seem a bit sudden and dramatic, but this time, I feel like I'm finally doing myself a favor. I'm not going to vanish from the community. since I've made friends here, and it would be silly to just abandon them. And I still may stream and pick up a Touhou game occasionally. But if I'll ever seriously go for a goal again, I'm gonna want to make sure that I'll enjoy the grinding that goes into that goal. otherwise, there's no reason for me to force myself to play something I clearly don't enjoy playing.

tl;dr: I'm a casual now. And that's just how I like it. :3
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Oh on April 26, 2014, 05:14:25 PM
You should watch cute anime.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mino ☆ on April 26, 2014, 05:29:51 PM
You should watch cute anime.

I want to create a shmup. My ultimate dream. Danmakufu is a lotta work though.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: SleepyYoukai on April 27, 2014, 08:22:11 AM
I defeated Mamizou (as Reimu) and got a legit Raiko kill (which means I didn't use the Marisa B bomb gimmick for over ⑨ 1ups, I used Reimu A, her focused shot is sooo good against the stage fairies) -in which I was very close to capturing Blue Lady Show- the other night, and a few nights after that, I defeated Ran (with Reimu A lol, her damage against Yukari is laughable, I'll have to beat Ran again using Sakuya A, Reimu B or Marisa A). Now the only ex-bosses left to defeat are Koishi and Flandre. I will save Flandre for last since EX-Patchouli is makes me cry every time, I almost always capture EX-Sanae's first, her second somewhat often and her third sometimes.

It's kind of funny how I feel after defeating any EX-BOSS for the first time (well it wasn't true for the VERY first EX-clear I had which was Suwako, back then I had trouble getting 1cc Normals consistently). For a few seconds, I'm overjoyed, I cheer etc. But very quickly the joy fades. The moment when I feel the best is when I finish the EX-BOSS's timeout card and move on to the survival card. The knowledge that this could be it, this could be the run that won't end in a gameover. The first maybe ten or so seconds of the survival card are the most important for me, as dying here (especially dying with bomb(s) remaining) has a high risk of jinxing the rest of the card for me, not to mention that th12-14 makes you lose lots of firepower (DDC maybe takes away only half a powerlevel and gives you P items if you shoot unfocused, but it will punish dying with extra bombs by taking them away T^T. Not always a jinx but it happens more often than not.

As for what comes next, I'm somewhat torn between whether I should try to 1cc something on hard (that isn't TD), try to unlock Yukari's Last Word in th08 (which means defeating Mokou with two others than Border Team, I was so close the other day, Mokou had literally a few pixel's width worth of hp left on Hourai Doll when I went as Ghost Team) or if I should keep going for the EX-BOSS clears, and after that, try for a phantasm-clear. If I do go for the last option, I'm gonna have to 1cc EoSD on normal or harder with someone else than Reimu A (I do love my homing amulets ;P) as her homing amulets just wont cut it on the EoSD EX-stage. And yeah I'm not including PoFV or GFW in my EX-clears. PoFV is just a pain for me to play, even if it is fun, it's quite tedious in the long run, as for GFW, it has different mechaics and you have to plan freezes, powerlevels & whatnot. Also I can't be bothered to grind the rest of the 1cc's to unlock the EX-stage.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Szayelaporro Granz on April 27, 2014, 08:54:33 AM
I'm trying to improve my PCB Extra run by breaking my current hscore (~710m). It has been a while since I tried this and it went surprisingly well. I somewhat forgot how to do Banquet of 12 General Gods and Shikigami "Chen", struggle with Princess Tenko and Charming Siege's RNG is not being kind to me, but I can capture Illiterate Contract just fine. My total score was more than 500m, so I can definitely do this.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mr Jovial on April 28, 2014, 06:47:58 PM
To motivate myself to play more, I've started a log containing my best IN LNB each day. If I failed to clear on a day and all my runs were manual restarts or I didn't play at all, that day gets a big red mark. Somehow, that big red mark keeps making me reopen the game after losing motivation and give it another few attempts. Hopefully I'll actually get to a point where I can be bothered to at least get a successful LNB everyday.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: CyberAngel on April 28, 2014, 09:32:47 PM
Some random PCB musings. I'm pretty sure that Lunatic version of Yuyuko's opener is the easiest one. Or at least the Easy version is the hardest. The game's difficulty is certainly funny in the latter half, with some nonspells and spellcards barely scaling at all, and some Easy versions not really feeling easy enough. Oh well, not that I mind at all. The game's immensely fun anyway. One last thing, up until now I was always reading "Prismriver" as "Primsriver". No idea why.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: ?q on April 28, 2014, 11:14:47 PM
There's something endearing about a game where I can ragequit because I only have seven lives in reserve because I lost SO MANY in the preceding two minutes.

I guess if I keep playing, eventually I won't totally wreck myself on the second half of the game and that'll be the run to post.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Andrew on May 01, 2014, 05:53:23 AM
Been playing Double Spoiler lately. I originally started playing it so I could clear all the scenes before Impossible Spellcard comes out. But ever since I cleared all the scenes, and noticed that Chuckolator was scoring in Double Spoiler and chum was improving his Shoot the Bullet scores, I decided to join in on the fun. For the past few days, I've spent all my gaming time doing nothing but improving my Double Spoiler scores. I've redone many of the scenes now, including some of the really valuable ones, and just recently broke 40 million in total score.

Photo game scoring is addictive. It's fun being able to improve my scores without having to do full runs. Gonna work on improving some of the remaining scenes and see if I can break 50mil.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: cactu on May 03, 2014, 08:11:04 AM
Been improving my normal route. Should be able to WR now if I make no big mistakes.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mino ☆ on May 03, 2014, 09:34:41 PM
Welp. After starting a part-time job, my life has gotten significantly busier.

Thus, I probably won't be playing as much as usual until Summer comes.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mero on May 04, 2014, 06:55:27 AM
So I ended up going for MoF LNB, and I'd say it's going well so far, I have NMNB'd every stage in practice mode except stage 4, where I died to PWG (obvs).

As far as full runs are concerned...
Right now I'm allowing a death on stage 2, Hina's last 2 spells can be pretty evil, so I don't expect myself to capture them both every time (this will most likely change though).
As for stage 3, it's funny, there is something that just doesn't let me NMNB, because either a)I die to Hydro Camouflage b)I capture Hydro Camouflage but die to Illusionary Waterfall or c)I capture Hydro Camouflage AND Illusionary Waterfall, but die to Spin the Cephalic Plate.
Stage 4 is definitely my weak point, I almost always die to Momiji, sometimes twice. The set of large fairies before the crows at the end is a little bit troublesome because I can't always get to kill the one on the right, and PWG isn't the only thing I die to on Aya.
Stage 5 isn't too hard, I can semi-consistently NMNB the stage portion, and the only real threat on Sanae is Moses Miracle.
I don't have much trouble on stage 6, but I'd like to get at least one spare life to VoWG.

I really need to work on stage 4, mainly not dying on the stage portion (though on the plus side, dying once to Momiji almost guarantees I don't face the waterfall fairies), and try to at least get PWG to 5 seconds left (that way I only died once). I guess it wouldn't be a bad idea to practice stage 6 as well, so that I don't screw up from nervousness (also, I hate Source of Rains, that card is stupid).
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Oh on May 05, 2014, 05:34:17 PM
Assuming you're using ReimuB, Illusionary Waterfall can be trivialized by leading Nitori twice to the right, and her last can be dealt with simple misdrection and slow streaming without the need to restream.
I really don't feel like doing anything that involves effort these days, so I'm calling quits.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mino ☆ on May 05, 2014, 05:36:58 PM
Welcome to the club, Denpa. :3
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mero on May 05, 2014, 06:32:50 PM
Assuming you're using ReimuB, Illusionary Waterfall can be trivialized by leading Nitori twice to the right, and her last can be dealt with simple misdrection and slow streaming without the need to restream.
I really don't feel like doing anything that involves effort these days, so I'm calling quits.

Thanks for the tips and yes I'm using ReimuB, she kills everything so fast to not be using her. I fail those cards out of derps where I forget how to dodge mostly.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mew seeker on May 07, 2014, 12:55:07 AM
I managed to beat
in Labyrinth of Touhou.
It took me a couple of tries but eventually figured out the strategy.
After she takes enough damage, she empty the Sp of all your characters including the ones in the back row.
So mbasically, what this mean is that :
1- you should not be afraid to spam spell cards liberally. Master Spark? No problem!
2- You should use as many buffs, debuffs and poison in the first phase of the battle as that's basically what will carry over to the end of the fight.
3- What matters in the end of the fight is your capacity to generate SP. SP recovery, SP and speed matter a lot here.
Thankfully, the boss will spend a turn boosting its defense so you have some time to make it happen.
I had to do a single grind session to boost Meiling magic defense a bit. She doesn't have that much magic defense compared to the others but it ended up being enough.
Believe it or not, she was the one that ended up carrying the team through the whole fight. ^^

Now the random battles start to be tough. I died a lot to stuff like the gold sorceresses. I had to make slower progress, being more careful and running away when I wasn't sure the battles would end well.
Also, I didn't managed to beat
Flandre and that stomp monster mini boss
yet but I will come back for them eventually.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Zil on May 08, 2014, 08:18:57 PM
Found something cool in PoFV.

Eiki's spell actually has a fuckton more bullets than it seems to have.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Lepetit89 on May 09, 2014, 09:29:07 AM
Found something cool in PoFV.

Eiki's spell actually has a fuckton more bullets than it seems to have.

Good god, no surprise things can go awkward so quickly if she uses that one early into round two. That's a nice find, indeed, I was always wondering just where all those bullets keep coming from even though the battle hasn't even lasted 20 seconds.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Karisa on May 09, 2014, 09:53:32 AM
I wonder if that was done intentionally to increase the bullet-reflection chaos in the final battle...
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Emerald Mint on May 09, 2014, 03:33:57 PM
Vowing to 1cc EoSD Lunatic this weekend. I am nearly there, though I just need to put some nerve into Stage 6 practice. Not used to playing pure survival, so something worth working on at least.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: SleepyYoukai on May 15, 2014, 08:36:36 AM
I noticed that Ran is fairly easy to beat once you've beaten her before, beat her on the first try as Reimu B. Also did a 1cc on SA with lots of lives to spare, as Reimu C.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: CyberAngel on May 17, 2014, 08:03:54 PM
Alas, I have to say "no" to another Touhou game. As fun as some points of UFO are, it gives me more frustration than fun now. All bosses have an attack I don't enjoy facing at all (special mention to Nazrin's pendulums and Shou's vajra for being an ass to capture), but that's not the only reason.

I don't like UFO system at all. I guess I don't have to mention how easy it is to screw up a chain, and as a result your whole UFO plan. Or how frustrating it is when you fail to fill up a UFO or let it escape. And you can't really ignore this system 'cause it's the main source of lives and bombs in this game. Overall, it's an additional layer of complexity that only interferes with joy of just plain dodging stuff. Like the racing aspect of Shippu Mahou Daisakusen. Of course, I won't deny some people may like such systems, but I prefer it when nothing distracts me from actually dodging stuff.

Another thing is the difficulty. Not that I'm against hard stuff, but it's the way UFO makes things harder. I've looked at Extra stage and later stages on Lunatic (big thanks to all who donated fully-unlocked savefiles in the appropriate topic), and was horrified to see that everything is faster than usual. I can take it when there's an attack with fast stuff once in a while, but not when whole stages are like that. It's a different kind of difficulty, one I can't and don't want to deal with.

It sure seems like I'm too happy to drop Touhou games lately, but that's more of a sign my danmaku tastes form better. I mean, I enjoyed every minute of playing PCB not too long ago, so it certainly isn't me trying to find stuff to dismiss games for. Best of all, my interest in newer characters, story and fandom stuff is unaffected. I'm just concentrating more on stuff I actually enjoy. And that's for the best.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Szayelaporro Granz on May 17, 2014, 08:17:11 PM
I almost captured all spellcards of ISC, only one more remaining and I need help with this one :3
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: chirpy13 on May 18, 2014, 02:59:23 AM
Eirin things. (
Marisa things. (
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: cactu on May 18, 2014, 10:06:56 AM
Retarded normal mode deaths everywhere. Streaming is too hard.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Szayelaporro Granz on May 18, 2014, 04:54:54 PM
Found a trick for 10-3. If done correctly it will only spawn a few fireballs.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mew seeker on May 19, 2014, 04:10:31 PM
I am learning the hard way the merit of slow an steady in Labyrinth of Touhou. @-@
I made it to the boss of floor 18, having explored the part of the floor before the boss.
Next step is the boss battle but I have more important things to do today.
I'll see if it's as bad as I have heard. : )
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: chirpy13 on May 19, 2014, 09:33:29 PM
Seija a big bully


EDIT: *giggle* (
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: cactu on May 20, 2014, 11:59:28 AM
After not playing Lunatic for a month, I cannot dodge or read patterns for shit. Makes me wonder whether I even want to re-learn all of this.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: KingofBaka on May 23, 2014, 02:44:04 AM
An update on SA 1cc progress.
I guess I am doing all right, but it feels like I am making no progress.
I either get a very good run that gets destroyed by stage 5, get a derp death in stage 1 or 2, or I start dying 3 times on stages 3 and 4. :V
It is mostly Boss Orin that makes me lose most/all of my lives.
I have made it to stage 6 three times and every time, I have died to the Orin Midboss card even though it is easy. I just keep messing up when I have like 2 seconds to go before I beat it. :(
I guess I just need to practice more. :)
Also, I have a video up of my run that got me to Stage 6.
Watch it here (
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Oh on May 23, 2014, 07:16:45 AM
I am conflicted. One part of me want to continue playing MoF Lunatic, since I did my first perfect (all possible items collected at max value) stage 4 today with the WR route. I would be able to go for 2.18 with some speed kill practices with this route.
Another part of me want to quit completely. Who knows how long it will take me to get consistent with this (it is VERY rng based) and actually completing a credit is a whole different story. I probably have to sell my soul to this game.

Hopefully I can come up with a decision soon.
On another note Syaro is fucking cute.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mino ☆ on May 23, 2014, 06:01:56 PM
Just watch cute anime.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Oh on May 24, 2014, 05:05:22 AM
On another note Syaro is fucking cute.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mesarthim on May 25, 2014, 04:42:31 AM
So I finally play Impossible Spell Card.

I beat it in 2:57:42

Well, back to a somewhat touhou retirement.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Szayelaporro Granz on May 25, 2014, 10:27:12 AM
I beat it in 2:57:42
Damn! >:(

ISC no-item progress: 49/75
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mew seeker on May 26, 2014, 03:45:20 AM
I have cleared floor 18 in Labyrinth of Touhou.
The mobs in the floor are getting nastier and nastier.
The Guardians don't have special attacks but have a iron wall defense,
those light elemental things have powerful spells and can easily mean a total party kill if you let more then one attack
and Shub-Niggorath (spelling?) deserves a mention for being the biggest jerk of all time (so far) for his habit of emptying your team SP.
That it resisted both magic and Spirit... um, whatever the purple and light blue element are called in the translation patch, anyway, that it resisted those didn't helped.
The floor itself wasn't so bad. Picked the wrong way? Just try another until you find the proper one. Leave the floor if it save you time.

And the boss. I have heard that this boss was hard and it was true.
I had to level up for a while to make up for flaw my team had for you see,
this boss test your abilities by using against you about any type of attacks in the games.
All elements, about every ailments but instant death (I think?) and magic, physical and mixed attacks.
The battle last for a while so you need a good defensive game too.
And on top of that, the boss seems immune to ailments and debuff, making characters like Cirno and Reisen less useful.
The boss wasn't above one shotting a character you just switched in either. It's one thing when Marisa or Patchouly gets KO without getting to attack once.
It's another thing when it's Ran. X D

That being said, after grinding a little, I would often try a rematch against the boss and it was encouraging to see I was lasting longer each time.
Eventually, I managed to defeat it. I didn't expect to last so long after having Reimu being KO but apparently Mei Ling and a barrier was able to buy me just enough time.

I don't know if I am overleveled so for reference, I recruited
Rinnosuke and he was
at level 87.
Now, let's tackle floor 19 and 20 and finish the main game. Then it'll be the bonus disk floors. ^^
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: I have no name on May 26, 2014, 03:49:06 AM
I don't know if I am overleveled so for reference, I recruited
Rinnosuke and he was
at level 87.
Now, let's tackle floor 19 and 20 and finish the main game. Then it'll be the bonus disk floors. ^^
I don't know what level he was for me when I recruited him, but I know I beat him when my Reimu was level 100.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: cactu on May 26, 2014, 08:29:39 AM
Changed some routes to increase consistency in stage 5 and 6. Oh yeah, and apparently meek safespot gives around 100 more graze if you do it on the left side on normal mode. Don't ask me why. Maybe this will be enough for that last 300k.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mew seeker on May 26, 2014, 09:58:09 AM
I don't know what level he was for me when I recruited him, but I know I beat him when my Reimu was level 100.

I don't know what level was Reimu when I beat him but some of my character like Cirno was over 100.
In any case, I made it the the 20th floor. Random battle are like boss battles there. X D
I eventually decide to just skip them until I explored the rest of the floor. X D
I tried the boss there and at first things went well. Then
something appeared. And another one. And another one. X D
Oh well, it shouldn't take too long until I win. ^^


There, it's done, after many, many attempts and a decent amount of grinding.
I finally did it by poisonning everything, using barriers and desesperatly trying to keep Reimu and Mei Ling alive and withouth any ailments. X D
Just for the record, here are the levels I had when I beat the game :
Reimu 143, Patchouly 127, Mei Ling 142, Marisa 134, Cirno 146, Aya 134, Yuugi 137, Ran, 131, Nitori 138, Reisen 134, Yukari 123 and Rinosuke 121.
Perharps I could have made it with lower levels if I geared myself with more ailments resisting gear but oh well, it's done.
I don't know if I'll do the Plus disk content right away or take a break and try something else instead.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Zil on May 30, 2014, 12:22:04 PM
Well, I think I've finally reached the clearing at the end of the path. I've had a lot of fun playing 2hu/shmups, and I've met some really cool folks over the years, but sadly my passion for these games has slipped away from me, and the time has come for me to call it quits. (But maybe I still have the fire in my heart to play PoDD every once in a while~)

Not that I'm planning to disappear or anything, and I certainly hope to keep in touch with my fellow pedophiles and kusoplayers, but as far this forum goes I think it's best if I depart now. It's hard to believe I've been hanging around here for almost 3 years, and it's definitely been an interesting time, but a guy has to move on at some point.

So see y'all around I guess. Or maybe not. However it works out.

Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Erppo on May 30, 2014, 01:53:43 PM
I know Gemini Wing is an awful game but this is a sadder outcome than I ever expected. :(
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: redlakitu on May 30, 2014, 10:01:44 PM
Very bad news. Your mastery of the Phantasmagorias will be sorely missed. Well, I hope you'll at least keep doing your non-shmup streams. I really enjoyed those, especially the Heroes ones and that one puzzle platformer involving colours and a mosquito-like protagonist (I don't even know how it was called).
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Reiko on May 30, 2014, 10:20:47 PM
Oh.  :(
Farewell Zil ; your videos and walls of text informative posts were very inspiring, so I guess I'll thank you for that, and for being nice and helpful on this forum.
So yeah, see you someday. Or not. Who knows.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: chirpy13 on May 30, 2014, 11:57:12 PM
Well, I think I've finally reached the clearing at the end of the path. I've had a lot of fun playing 2hu/shmups, and I've met some really cool folks over the years, but sadly my passion for these games has slipped away from me, and the time has come for me to call it quits
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: cactu on May 31, 2014, 12:12:25 AM
see ya zil, was fun having you around here~
blogging: more eosd normal, optimizing grazes, failed a 340m run on meek. apparently it gaves 100 more graze on all difficulties on the left side, who knew.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: PurpleTheGuy on May 31, 2014, 02:19:20 AM
No, another great player, Zil, goes as well. :( You've even still got that STGT at the shmup forums that you're a part of right now.

I have learned a lot from great players, like Zil, among many others, from back when I was a lurker on both MotK and the shmup forums. I have seen his videos, particularly on some, like his PoFV feats, among other great ones, and I have learned a lot from them, all of which eventually culminated to me eventually getting that 1st ever "Legendary" (Lunatic) mode 1cc in PoFV, which was also my 1st ever Touhou "Legendary" (Lunatic) mode clear ever. That, and I won't forget how Zil helped me adjust a bit to MotK back at the Hi-scores section. I didn't get to know him much, since I don't post very often (I'm usually busy trying to get stronger at the Touhou games and the other shmup games), but he was a very helpful forum member, and a uniquely great shmup player. He was one of many who rgot me into really wanting to get better at Touhou, as well as me moving to play other shmups, and start to get stronger at the STG genre, resulting in me seeing just how much fun and rewarding the shmup genre really is.

Zil, I want to thank you for what you've done for me, whether you know it or not, as with many other great players out there (I even managed to get to where I have 1cc'd Great Fairy Wars on normal mode not long ago, thanks to you and chum!). I'll be coming back to PoFV sometime soon, and I'll get even better than before, too, hopefully! I hope that, one day, when we meet again, I will have become a little stronger, and that I could go more alongside you and the other great players here and elsewhere on a more equal footing. I guess I'll see you around. Man, if only I had more power, and didn't have that almost two-year hiatus. :(
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Espadas on May 31, 2014, 03:14:03 PM
Dang.... if i could i would brainwash you Zil, so that you don't leave ?_?
I've got a lot of help from some of your videos.....

Blog: decided to take a weekend break from EoSD Lunatic/Extra and to try my hand at PCB normal for the first time...... after 2 hours i 1cc'd it O_o


1) Holy smokes, the graphic improved dramatically! Really liked some of the backgrounds....

2) I already worshipped Border of Life and enjoyed Phantom Ensemble..... and now i've fallen in love with Youmu's boss theme too :P

3) Yuyuko.... i admit i absolutely love everything about you and your fight but can you please let me SEE MYSELF on the screen? God, some of her spellcards are a boot camp for micrododging.....

4) Since i unlocked it i tried Extra Stage for the lulz, just hoping to reach Ran. Well, after getting destroyed a few times i actually managed to reach her, and got introduced to her first spellcard....... Sakuya, you are not scary anymore  :V
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Szayelaporro Granz on May 31, 2014, 07:36:39 PM
Ouch, another great 2hu player quitted. Goodbye, Zil aka the god of Phantasmagoria games. You will be missed by everyone here. Still hoping for you to come back one day...

Anyway, I seem to be stuck at 62 63 spellcards for no item run. Time to get back to normal shmups I guess, apparently the remaining spellcards require the skill of Lunatic player. Hopefully I won't get rusty at them.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: chum on May 31, 2014, 11:28:12 PM
I hope you'll still be up for a game of PoFV every now and then, Zil.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Lepetit89 on June 01, 2014, 10:46:25 AM
Well, I think I've finally reached the clearing at the end of the path. I've had a lot of fun playing 2hu/shmups, and I've met some really cool folks over the years, but sadly my passion for these games has slipped away from me, and the time has come for me to call it quits. (But maybe I still have the fire in my heart to play PoDD every once in a while~)

Not that I'm planning to disappear or anything, and I certainly hope to keep in touch with my fellow pedophiles and kusoplayers, but as far this forum goes I think it's best if I depart now. It's hard to believe I've been hanging around here for almost 3 years, and it's definitely been an interesting time, but a guy has to move on at some point.

So see y'all around I guess. Or maybe not. However it works out.

Yikes, bad news, but some time off can't hurt. Don't feel like you can't return, though; just drop by whenever you feel like it, leaving permanently is so inconveniently permanent, especially since it's always good to have you around.

Truth be told, I didn't even like you at first because you just cleared everything left and right, which wound up being one of the factors that made me feel extremely serious about getting the UFO 1CC - I just couldn't let you get that one first. Then again, I started being on good terms with you before I got my clear, so it wasn't overly bad.

Anyway, thank you for all your support and brainstorming in the past few years, it's been a lot of fun. Take care!
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: CyberAngel on June 01, 2014, 01:31:05 PM
Man, so many good players dropping out lately. As a sign of mourning, I'm swearing off MoF and SA.

Okay, okay, I'm actually dropping them because the retardedness of their power/bomb system finally got to me. I mean, seriously, bombs are supposed to make games easier, but here using too many bombs makes it more challenging to survive. Having to bomb for survival a few times too many if you screwed up means that you lose shot strength/spread/whatever and your planned route goes to hell until you die and get enough power back. Not bombing at all or bombing only a few times looks like it solves the problem... Except my shmupping instincts tell me that if you have bombs, it's better to bomb than die, and all other Touhou games, as well as many other STGs, agree with me. I'm tired of dealing with frustration from these two games disagreeing with that.

With this, it looks like the set of Touhou games I play has thinned out considerably, after all. Oh well, I don't mind since with that only games I fully enjoy playing remain. This also means more time to play them, more time to play other shmups, and more time to possibly play something else. But really, even from the start I felt there was something... off... about second/third Windows generation games. Maybe it's because of something about their bullet pattern style, maybe it's because of relying on not-well-thought-through gimmicks, maybe it's because of some other gameplay nuance (like that continue system, which didn't make those games easy to learn at all, even arcade games can be credit fed through). I guess now I understand and agree with those people who were saying Touhou was getting worse ever since MoF. About the only good thing that came out since then was GFW.

Another thing, looks like it's time for me to drop Easy mode altogether. I've noticed that playing it actually drags my skills down. It's usually so simplified in everything that playing Normal and higher feels like a different game altogether, the jump between Easy and Normal feels much bigger than between any other difficulties. I know I was talking about doing pacifist and remaining PCB NB runs, but they feel pointless at this point. I played around and had fun with the former in stage practice, while the latter is a matter of luck, as I said before. My time is better used on going forward, I think. The only exceptions for now are IN Easy scoring and possibly GFW (I still need to play through it again).

EDIT: Let's add some sentimentality to my Big Decisions. I came to Touhou because of games, but now that I've dropped some, I don't regret having played them. I'm happy to find that I still like Touhou's world and characters, even newer ones. Okuu is still a cutie, Sanae is still a good girl, and I still look forward to what other games ZUN will create. Same about Easy mode. I can picture myself still fooling around with Normal when I'll be working on Lunatic, but not Easy. And yet I can't say my time playing it was a waste. I was taking my time to better understand each stage of my advancement, so I will still understand those who take these games less seriously even when I advance much further. So I still think it's okay for someone to play Easy mode if that's as far as they can reach.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Lepetit89 on June 02, 2014, 11:52:26 AM
I am conflicted. One part of me want to continue playing MoF Lunatic, since I did my first perfect (all possible items collected at max value) stage 4 today with the WR route. I would be able to go for 2.18 with some speed kill practices with this route.
Another part of me want to quit completely. Who knows how long it will take me to get consistent with this (it is VERY rng based) and actually completing a credit is a whole different story. I probably have to sell my soul to this game.

Hopefully I can come up with a decision soon.
On another note Syaro is fucking cute.

Late answer, but yes, she's the best!
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: CyberAngel on June 02, 2014, 07:19:23 PM
Re: GFW. Yeah, no. I seem to be allergic to anything but the strict classic slow danmaku formula. Or maybe there truly is something in newer Touhou engines that just doesn't sit well with me.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mr Jovial on June 03, 2014, 06:35:51 PM
My IN LNBs have simultaneously become better and worse. Stages 2 and 3 haven't been giving me much trouble recently and I've gotten to the point where I usually NMNB Stage 4B now but for some reason, Tewi's 1st, Reisen's 2nd non, Illusion Seeker and Mind Stopper have suddenly started killing me a lot in most runs but when I go to practice them I have almost no trouble with them. Tewi's 1st is a problem spot for me, I fail it more than I fail Rising World yet my practice logs say I should be able to do it almost 60% of the time (at this point its 57%). Stage 6B is stage 6B. Kaguya is still terrifying and I need a bit of luck to cap her first 4 attacks. The weird thing is that I've simultaneously become much better at Buddhist Diamond but almost always fail Brilliant Dragon Bullet. A few weeks ago it was the complete opposite.

I also recently passed 300 attempts on Wriggle's midboss spell. Surprisingly I've failed it on more than 10% of my runs (right now its 293/329).
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Ghost on June 04, 2014, 03:42:12 AM
^ I have the same problem with my PCB LNBs

Like I'll get stage 3 completely consistent, then start dying stupidly to lily white, or I'll perfect yuyuko a bunch of times, but also die like 2-3 times to youmu and twice to the sisters each run.
I know I should be able to capture every spell card consistently besides youmu's first end stage boss card (fuck that >.>), and the sisters' last card depending on how the bullets get aimed, and obviously stage 6 spam is essentially impossible to get consistent, but I still fail other random stuff that I can do consistently in practice (like Chen's mid stage card or youmu's second end stage card, or yuyuko's final 2 cards :/)
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mew seeker on June 04, 2014, 12:05:56 PM
I decided to continue at Touhou Labyrinth and I managed to clear many floor in a relatively short amount of time. Beating all of the bosses on them is a different story.
So far, I made it at floor... at floor... um... just after the really dark floor, ok? X D
My reward for beating Baal Avatar?
Getting beated up by a even stronger boss!
Thanks, game! X D
Also, I am under the strong impression that I will beed a lot of fire resistance to clear some of those bonus bosses.
Also, I swear Fire (flame?) Tyrant is name after the fire elemental lord from the very first Romancing SaGa.
Would that be surprising? After all, there is a Baal Avatar in Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne.

As for how hard the game is so far... well it's really kind of weird. My characters keep getting killed but yet I don't get total party kill that often. X D
It's a different dynamic. X D
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: cactu on June 04, 2014, 03:55:47 PM
^ I have the same problem with my PCB LNBs

Like I'll get stage 3 completely consistent, then start dying stupidly to lily white, or I'll perfect yuyuko a bunch of times, but also die like 2-3 times to youmu and twice to the sisters each run.
I know I should be able to capture every spell card consistently besides youmu's first end stage boss card (fuck that >.>), and the sisters' last card depending on how the bullets get aimed, and obviously stage 6 spam is essentially impossible to get consistent, but I still fail other random stuff that I can do consistently in practice (like Chen's mid stage card or youmu's second end stage card, or yuyuko's final 2 cards :/)
Have you tried timing a border for Youmu's first card, so that you can jump through the majority of the bullets on the invincibility period? Abusing this works on the stage 6 spam as well, and a bunch of other things. I believe stopping shooting on stage 6 spam also makes it easier, but not sure why. At the very least the visibility becomes less of an issue without your shot or items falling on top of the bullets, and maybe the bullets even get slower if you're not shooting the fairies because of some sort of revenge bullet system.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Inadequate on June 04, 2014, 05:39:16 PM
The stage six spam is a lot more dense if you don't shoot, as the fairies will get to remain on the screen and thus fire for a longer time. I've also never had a problem of my shot covering the bullets. I did a quick test with both shooting and not shooting and I really couldn't say that there had been a noticeable difference, apart from me having to try two times more for the opener when not shooting. - Both do seem equally readable when given good enough RNG, and stupidly difficult when having bad luck.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Ghost on June 04, 2014, 05:39:38 PM
Have you tried timing a border for Youmu's first card, so that you can jump through the majority of the bullets on the invincibility period? Abusing this works on the stage 6 spam as well, and a bunch of other things. I believe stopping shooting on stage 6 spam also makes it easier, but not sure why. At the very least the visibility becomes less of an issue without your shot or items falling on top of the bullets, and maybe the bullets even get slower if you're not shooting the fairies because of some sort of revenge bullet system.
Can't say I've tried it for Youmu, but I'll look into it. I know it's a strat for stage 6 spam but I find more often than not it's just annoying having all the point items converge towards you, reducing visibility, lol.
I'm using Sakuya-A, so at least for her I'd think being able to kill a bunch of fairies would reduce the bullet density more than any increase from shooting them.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Sakurei on June 06, 2014, 06:54:07 PM
I'm slowly resigning myself to the possibility that I might have to practice attacks that I find extraordinarily mundane, boring and easy because from time to time I still fail them. For...reasons. Spellcards like Reisen's first, or Kaguya's third, you know? Spellcards that aren't very difficult and die within 10 seconds, yet they still hit you and leave you puzzled for the remainder of the run (Not that I have failed either of those 2 in recent times, but they're examples). There's also some nonspells, but I have to practice the stages anyway. I was fine with practicing difficult or super important attacks (e.g Kaguya's last spells for super important, or first 2 spells for hard), but I do feel a bit bad about practicing that should be auto-captures. But you know...consistency and stuff.

I have roughly 3 weeks until I leave for Germany and have a significantly smaller screen. I wanted to practice for the next 2 weeks and then do some runs in the last week see how far that takes me. It would be nice if I got anywhere before I have to switch to the teeny-tiny laptop desktop.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Szayelaporro Granz on June 08, 2014, 06:40:21 PM
Just when I thought there won't be any spellcard for me to capture left, this afternoon I end up capturing 10-6 after hundreds of tries. This makes my 64th spellcard captured without items.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: CyberAngel on June 08, 2014, 09:17:50 PM
I have to say that the prospect of potentially playing for score in the future in games and modes I can't even clear now is somewhat frightening. On one hand, I know it's possible to get that good, and I certainly wouldn't mind reaching that point. But on the other hand, it still looks like such a long journey, even if I've finally limited myself to games I really enjoy playing. Oh well, not like I haven't surprised myself a few times by now. Next few years will be quite fun, I'm sure.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Sakurei on June 09, 2014, 11:41:16 PM
I've decided after yesterday's PB that I will be working on practicing every stage for the next week or two. I'll also finally be learning stage 1. Maybe. If I feel like it. w But here's a small excerpt of why stage 2 is hard (of course that's not all there is to stage 2). And why I have to practice it:
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Andrew on June 14, 2014, 03:18:09 AM
Just started playing EoSD again after not having played it for over a year. Last time I played it I could barely clear Extra. Well, now that my skills have improved, I was able to 1cc Hard on the first try, and make it to Scarlet Gensokyo on Lunatic after a couple hours of practice. Still not as good as I am at PCB, but it's nice to see how far I've come since my struggle to beat Flandre last year. Will probably work on UFO Hard and some of the other Lunatic 1ccs after I get this one.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Espadas on June 18, 2014, 02:33:59 PM
Lol, it's true that when you get used to higher difficulties the easier ones seems a joke.....

Been crossing swords with EoSD Extra and Lunatic for a while, then today i noticed i never 1cc'd Normal beside ReimuB so i went for it...... 1cc'd the 3 other shot-types in the first attempt and for the first time i captured Scarlet Shoot  :D

Too bad my perfectionism has kicked in and now i want to 1cc all shot-types in Hard too..... Lunatic will wait a bit more  :V
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mesarthim on June 20, 2014, 06:42:52 AM
So it turns out I didn't lose ALL of my 12.5+ data after the reformat due to forgetting to back up the shanghai alice folder. I have some (outdated) Fairy War replays (salvaged my no death extra from the score thread since I had that uploaded) as well as the replays for all of my double spoiler stages for Hatate, no data for either though so that has to be redone.

I don't like that I have to re-1cc for Reimu B Lunatic and Sakuya B Hard for Double Dealing Character though, those shot types and difficulty combinations were not terribly easy for me. I want my clear stamps back. Why did you have to move the save data for touhou ZUN :(
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Szayelaporro Granz on June 20, 2014, 01:16:26 PM
Scoring 6-7 and man, it's much harder than I thought. The timing needs to be PERFECT and I can't think much at all. Enduring this for more than 30 seconds will be though :V
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Szayelaporro Granz on June 21, 2014, 11:19:28 AM
I'm practicing DDC Extra spells for about an hour. I can capture all spell cards consistently except for the last three and Tsukumo's 2nd. I think I'm ready for the real run, wish me a good luck.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Espadas on June 21, 2014, 02:49:43 PM

EoSD Hard ReimuB, facing Remilia with zero lifes and 1 bomb...... use it to overcome "Mountain of a Thousand Needles"..... game over HALF A SECOND BEFORE CAPTURING SCARLET MEISTER!  :colonveeplusalpha:  So mad right now.... ?_?

At least i captured The World.... now if only i could remove the "killing" part from "Killing Doll"....  :V

Btw, is there any trick to Meiling's "Illusion Sign "Flower Imaginary Dream Vine"" or is just pure dodging?
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Szayelaporro Granz on June 21, 2014, 03:03:16 PM
Btw, is there any trick to Meiling's "Illusion Sign "Flower Imaginary Dream Vine"" or is just pure dodging?
Pretty much. (
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Reiko on June 21, 2014, 05:00:46 PM
Btw, is there any trick to Meiling's "Illusion Sign "Flower Imaginary Dream Vine"" or is just pure dodging?
Bullets in this spell are somewhat clustered, so I would advise reading them earlier. You can save yourself a lot of micrododging by just going around the clusters.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: wailofthebanshee on June 21, 2014, 07:38:07 PM
Btw, is there any trick to Meiling's "Illusion Sign "Flower Imaginary Dream Vine"" or is just pure dodging?
I wondered this for the longest time, decided that there wasn't, and subsequently bombed it every time just to make sure.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mew seeker on June 29, 2014, 03:18:05 PM
Withouth going too much into details, I am now grinding at the 30th floor in Labyrinth of Touhou. Everyone is at least level 300.
Now it's only a matter of time before I beat all of the bosses. 5 of them left. ^^
Only 3 of them now, the 3 toughest ones. Looks like I still need to level up a bit. X D
My team level ranges from 332 to 388. Might need to reach 350 to 400? ^^;
At least the grind is getting easier, I have beaten most of the random battles on floor 30.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: snowflake247 on July 02, 2014, 05:47:44 PM
Unlocked Level 10 on Shoot the Bullet. On my very first try on Lie "Tongue of Wolf" I got all but one of the required photos. I haven't been able to replicate this in any of my later tries. Beginner's luck, perhaps?

Also, why can I still not capture Meiling's cards where she chases you around the screen? Some of the Level 7 spell cards are easier than this.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: I have no name on July 02, 2014, 06:16:41 PM
Only 3 of them now, the 3 toughest ones. Looks like I still need to level up a bit. X D
My team level ranges from 332 to 388. Might need to reach 350 to 400? ^^;
At least the grind is getting easier, I have beaten most of the random battles on floor 30.
I think my Reimu was at level 400ish for Hibachi v2 and Serpent of Chaos (probably could have done it lower, but consistency in attempting) and was level 600 when I finally took down the final superboss.  Could have done that one lower (550ish), but the extra levels really made Meiling a lot more survivable-she could practically survive solo, so it was just a matter of finding time to switch in nukes near the end.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Ghost on July 04, 2014, 06:08:50 AM
Got another 3MNBNBB for PCB....
Which is like my 4th one.
This one particularly annoys me because all 3 deaths were pretty bad, and to cards that I always capture. Youmu OP, even when I capture her first end stage boss card (which I find to be the most difficult card in the game), she still finds a way to kill me 3 times later in the fight. And by that I mean I let pressure get to me and ran back into bullets 3 times.
Though I think that's the first time I've perfected stage 6 in a run, so there's that at least.

The main issue is that I feel like I'm improving but I still haven't got less than 3 misses in a run, pretty frustrating, though I'll get there eventually..
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: yap1996 on July 04, 2014, 03:34:38 PM
I have decided to start working on Lunatic, now that I have barely 1cc'ed all integer shooters on Hard except SA. :v
Naturally I picked MoF for the 1sissy, but there is still a lot to work on.

Possible to-do list to ensure an easy 1sissy Mof Lunatic Bombfest:
-A route for stage 3 to grab all the resources, without bombing too much. (Memorization)
-Extensive VoWG practice
-A route for stage 5 for specific parts

So, my problem is that I can't stand memorization. And it seems I can't afford to bomb every single nonspell and spellcard.  :V
-Hina's cards all seem exploitable except the last one, but I usually just panic bomb resulting in too little power going into Stage 3.
-Nitori's nonspells are easy but her spells are basically WTFOMGBOMB! Is there a trick to the first one? So little space I don't even.
-And the rest are just pure BS. The gap between Hard and Lunatic is HUGE. Same concept, much harder execution most of the time. (Or just impossibru)

Is it even an acceptable mindset to do well enough in certain parts so that I can happily bomb the others?   :ohdear:
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Reiko on July 04, 2014, 05:02:58 PM
Is it even an acceptable mindset to do well enough in certain parts so that I can happily bomb the others?   :ohdear:
Actually, MoF is one game where you can literally bomb every single pattern and still clear.
However, this would mean doing well on the stage portions and not screwing VoWG too hard.

You should just see which patterns you can do consistently (some are quite easy even in the late game) and bomb everything else ; have a general idea of what to do during stage portions (mostly 4 and 5), and pray during VoWG.

Good luck ! :)
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: I have no name on July 04, 2014, 05:58:07 PM
Possible to-do list to ensure an easy 1sissy Mof Lunatic Bombfest:
-A route for stage 3 to grab all the resources, without bombing too much. (Memorization)
-Extensive VoWG practice
-A route for stage 5 for specific parts

So, my problem is that I can't stand memorization. And it seems I can't afford to bomb every single nonspell and spellcard.  :V
-Hina's cards all seem exploitable except the last one, but I usually just panic bomb resulting in too little power going into Stage 3.
-Nitori's nonspells are easy but her spells are basically WTFOMGBOMB! Is there a trick to the first one? So little space I don't even.
-And the rest are just pure BS. The gap between Hard and Lunatic is HUGE. Same concept, much harder execution most of the time. (Or just impossibru)
Alright then, Stage 3 is actually pretty simple in practice-basically everything is either streamed or can be speedkilled (like rotating spam fairies before midboss Nitori).  The only tricky part is the part right after midboss Nitori, I found going to the right on the 4th fairy to be most effective for transitioning to the descending fairy part.  You can bomb it and get your power back before the end of the stage, so if you mess up then bomb.
VoWG practice can't really be avoided-for a first clear I'd suggest bombing any time you don't see a way to macrododge to avoid the micro part.  2 lives going in should be enough to clear like that.
Stage's kind of hard to explain (  I will point out that I was nervous and out of practice at the stage, so I forgot the alternate method for the opening (sweeping across the whole screen against the direction of the fairies) and how to take out the fairies for the kunai+walls (shoot down 2 left, 3 right, 2 left and stream the kunai to the right).  Stage 5 gives back a ludicrous amount of power, though, so you can afford to bomb a lot of sections.

Pain Flow doesn't really have a trick, but the loss of power should take you lower than 3-knowing how to approach Stage 3 with all the streamed/speedkill parts can give you your power back very easily.
Nitori's 1st and 3rd spells have tricks, her 2nd is just straight up dodging.  For her first, I spot a sort of 'hill' on the left side, go right up next to it to be safe from the wave.  This also gives room to stream Nitori's aimed shots.  Her 3rd is also kind of hard to explain my method for, but there are lots of ways to approach it.  Here's my typical Nitori fight. (
Nothing is impossible, the jump can be pretty sizable but with some practice, Stage 5 becomes a total non-threat and that alone saves enough resources to make clearing much easier.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mr Jovial on July 05, 2014, 02:39:20 PM
Was unable to play for about a week due to school work and the fact that I was travelling across England to go to university open days. After coming back, I have a decent run up to Keine. Forgot what to do on GHQ Crisis and died, died to Three Treasures -Country- because I'm dumb then had a weird timing issue on Future God's Realm that meant I got hit. I've gone from 3 miss LNB runs to 3 miss stage 3 runs :V. My skills degrade annoyingly fast :<

EDIT: Also found out I forgot what enemies appear when in stage 4. This is getting bad, I'd rather not have to run through every stage again just to check I can still do everything.

EDIT2: On a completely unrelated note, Rising World just became my most played spellcard. 152/608 in spellcard practice. Previously, my most played card was Apollo 13 which is at 135/599 in spellcard practice.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mino ☆ on July 12, 2014, 06:00:43 PM
I haven't really had any Touhou drive lately. I've just been spending most of my time doing work and planning for school.

Survival play has gotten really dull, and scoring isn't any better, given the huge amounts of restarts and practice it requires.

I had another "drive" during the 4th of July where I was going to get back into PCB scoring. But sure enough, like every other time I've had a "Drive", I immediately changed my mind a few days later and went back to doing non-Touhou things. This just proves that I really don't feel like playing Touhou hardcore anymore, and that I'd rather find a new hobby, which I am.

I've accepted the fact that I won't ever be considered a "world-class player" or a "superplayer" by some people. But I no longer care about what those people think. So I can finally move onto other things.

My current hobby is just marathoning anime and sleeping. Perhaps I'll pick up a new hobby sometime. Actually. There's one thing that I really need to get back into. But I just can't find the motivation to do.

I still plan to participate in Karisa's Atypical challenges, and maybe hosting some of my own challenges in the future. Since those are actually really fun to do.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mew seeker on July 15, 2014, 10:08:30 AM
After getting everyone on my team to at least level 400,
managed to defeat the twin boss on the 30th floor of Labyrinth of Touhou. YAY!
But I didn't get their item drop. NOOOOO! X D
Only two more bosses to beat.

Beat another boss. Took longer than I liked to defeat.
Having Reimu got her SP empted before the halway point of the battle, I resorted to the unorthodox method of having Kaguya giving her extra turns to focus ASAP.
Having Yukari taking a Scourge in the face didn't help either. In the end, it was a damage race to see who would die first. X D
Still no item drop. X D
I want to collect them so I have made an alternate save just in case. ^^;;;

*****second update*****
I tried the last boss and got owned. X D
Afterward, I reloaded , leveled up and and finally got one of the item drop I didn't obtained from one of the bosses.
I will now get the other boss drop and then... I guess it will be grinding time for the last, final battle.
They really want you to earn that New Game + option in this game! X D
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Star King on July 16, 2014, 06:34:51 PM

This fucking scene. Pretty brutal with no items. And here I thought 5-2 would be the worst. And I still don't have the cap.

It's my fault, though. Should've had the cap about 800 attempts ago. Choked away not one, not two, but three attempts where I had to survive only one more wave to win.  First time, I got greedy for damage and tried to end it before the lasers spawned, but I died with Miko at a sliver of health. Second time, I wanted to avoid this and went to an upper corner to dodge a wave, but I died, and looking at Miko's remaining health, I probably should've just stayed at the bottom. Probably could've killed her. 3rd time I crashed into Miko while trying to sit on her head lol. Compared to 5-2, where really, I captured it the first time I got close, I got pretty unlucky with this one.  So I still consider 5-2 the harder card, even though I have more attempts on this now than 5-2's ~900. Could've captured it at 500 attempts if I got it first opportunity like I did on 5-2.

Did about 1000 attempts today. Will try to repeat this tomorrow, assuming I don't cap within that many attempts (but I think I will). Only 10-7 and 10-4 left. If I do 1000 attempts a day, even if this game takes 5000 attempts more total that'll still be less than a week  ::)
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Oh on July 18, 2014, 08:50:57 PM

Finally a score I am satisfied with.

I think I want to practice for LNBNV, and maybe go for a MarisaC score sometime after.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: chirpy13 on July 19, 2014, 12:49:46 AM
Found a new strat to extend the first 2.0 in DDC stage 1. (
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mr Jovial on July 20, 2014, 02:42:10 PM
Decided to begin trying for a Perfect UFO Stage 6. Oh god what horror of a task have I forced upon myself. This was to the point that I have to use cheat engine for infinite lives and power and infinite power is glitchy because when I die at 4.00 power, I get put at what appears to be 3.00 power but the 4th option remains frozen in place and still shoots but is invisible. Still, 3.00 power is better than 1.00. Boss rush and LFS patches will probably come in useful for practicing Purple Whateverthehellitiscalledbecauselolthatnameislong and...LFS (yeah, surprisingly, LFS patch is useful for practicing LFS :V). This is going to take a while though...
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Karisa on July 22, 2014, 05:24:55 AM
I wonder if there's a way to set the power cheat to only take effect after a second of delay or so...
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Esper on July 23, 2014, 02:31:42 AM
Dear keyboard,
Please stop locking up holding a key by accident, forcing me to junk whatever run of whatever game I was playing.

Any tips on how to deal with that shit?! D:<
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Drake on July 23, 2014, 10:21:19 AM
Get a new keyboard.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mr Jovial on July 23, 2014, 01:31:44 PM
Another day, another 2 hours spent trying to get through the first 3 stages without dying and I still haven't managed it...:(
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Esper on July 23, 2014, 02:53:15 PM
Get a new keyboard.

Well there's the thing: It does that until I close the program. If I reopen the program, the keyboard locking doesn't recur. So there must be something with the program itself that caused it to think I was pressing up.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Star King on July 23, 2014, 03:36:25 PM
Yeah, but the keyboard is still a factor somehow. Doesn't ever happen with my keyboard (though it did with my older one)
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Karisa on July 23, 2014, 09:11:13 PM
Something like that has happened to me a few times-- in SA onward alt-tabbing out of the game solves it, but in the older games (including MoF) it'll resume when returning to the game. It only happened to me on my current computer (particularly when it was new, I think?), not my previous one, but it hasn't occurred at all in a while.

I doubt it's the keyboard though, since why else would the same arrows act as normal outside that specific program but continue to be stuck when switching back to the game?
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: chirpy13 on July 23, 2014, 10:52:29 PM
I can confirm it's not a keyboard issue.  Happened to me now and then when I tried to play 2hu on my old PC with the same keyboard, but it hasn't happened to me once on my current PC.  I also found out about Esc+R from it because Drake is an asshole meanie jerkface and told me to press Esc+R when it happened to me on stage 6 of a PCB run :<.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Ghost on July 24, 2014, 03:55:57 AM
I also found out about Esc+R from it because Drake is an asshole meanie jerkface and told me to press Esc+R when it happened to me on stage 6 of a PCB run :<.
I probably should have searched up what this did before I tried it.

I get a random keyboard lock-up like every few days, idk what causes it and pressing any other direction fixes it. -shrug-
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Romantique Tp on July 24, 2014, 04:06:46 AM
Get a cheap wired microsoft keyboard.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Hurst on July 24, 2014, 01:36:51 PM
I use to have same keyboard problem. Changing the input latency ( fixed it for me.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Romantique Tp on July 24, 2014, 01:57:53 PM
That introduces input lag.
Seriously, just buy a wired MS keyboard, you wont regret it.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Jirachi on July 24, 2014, 02:34:15 PM
Wouldn't vpatch remove that introduced input lag anyway?
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Hurst on July 24, 2014, 02:38:54 PM
That introduces input lag.

Not if you put it to fast. Sorry, changed the picture.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Failure McFailFace on July 24, 2014, 09:52:41 PM
So, while trying to complete as many scenes as possible with Hatate today, I discovered that Satori in "Camera-Shy Rose" can warp at the edge of the screen.... (
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Drake on July 25, 2014, 07:56:01 AM
I can confirm it's not a keyboard issue.  Happened to me now and then when I tried to play 2hu on my old PC with the same keyboard, but it hasn't happened to me once on my current PC.  I also found out about Esc+R from it because Drake is an asshole meanie jerkface and told me to press Esc+R when it happened to me on stage 6 of a PCB run :<.
To my defense I legitimately thought you knew what it did and I was such making a snarky response
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: redlakitu on July 25, 2014, 09:57:29 AM
Late response, but the lockups never happen to me when I'm using virtual joystick software ( with letter keys (like JIKL) as directional keys, while they do occur when I try using the actual arrow keys or numpad keys.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mr Jovial on July 28, 2014, 03:16:50 PM
Decided to begin trying for a Perfect UFO Stage 6. Oh god what horror of a task have I forced upon myself. This was to the point that I have to use cheat engine for infinite lives and power and infinite power is glitchy because when I die at 4.00 power, I get put at what appears to be 3.00 power but the 4th option remains frozen in place and still shoots but is invisible. Still, 3.00 power is better than 1.00. Boss rush and LFS patches will probably come in useful for practicing Purple Whateverthehellitiscalledbecauselolthatnameislong and...LFS (yeah, surprisingly, LFS patch is useful for practicing LFS :V). This is going to take a while though...
It's been a little over a week and I've made basically no progress. I've sort of learnt the stage portion, I can capture LFS occasionally but I'm still dying all over the place. Even the attacks that should be easy, like Byakuren's 3rd and 4th nons keep killing me in awful ways. I feel like so many of her attacks will just wall me and I've got no control over when that happens and it's making me so upset. I can barely play for half an hour before I consider quitting due to rage. I'm still using infinite lives and power and I strongly doubt I could make it through Byakuren without them. I can accept that Good Omen and 2nd non are difficult. I can't accept that I die to Milky Way and Superhuman on basically every run. Those curvy beams keep forcing me into stupid places (like onto where a star spawns) and Superhuman seems to wall me far too often. I really want to give up but at the same time I will never be able to do that. What have I done T_T
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Star King on July 29, 2014, 01:10:17 AM
Use the boss rush patch and grind Byakuren, it's a life saver. Don't think I ever could've NMNB'd that stage without it.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mr Jovial on July 29, 2014, 07:36:13 AM
Waaaay ahead of you, though thanks for the tip anyway.

EDIT: I take back what I said yesterday, I think I was just a bit annoyed since my IN 1cc was shoddy. I'm seeing progress. I capped Good Omen a few times, I'm getting better at most of Byakuren's attacks. Milky Way and 2nd non still give me problems and I can't seem to pull of Funen's 2nd nonspell strategy ( but I feel like I'm improving. Capping most of Byakuren's of other stuff (even Devil's Recitation and LFS) without too much trouble. I'm nowhere near the NMNB run but at least I feel like I'm not where I started.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mew seeker on July 29, 2014, 06:03:40 PM
I got everyone on my team at least level 500 in Labyrinth of Touhou.
I managed to survive long enough to get the final boss to its second phase.
I'll have to level up my defense as high as possible  to win.
I will need to grind a bit more but I am getting at a point where I can actually last for a while.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: CyberAngel on July 29, 2014, 06:47:12 PM
I think I won't be doing NB runs for IN. Bombing is (generally) better for score than dying (you know how it is, once you start thinking about score you can't stop ;)), plus it's too hard to resist deathbombing spellcards :) But I'll still be working on Normal survival, and once I reach a NMNB or something close, I'll think about switching to scoring seriously.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Cream Soda on August 01, 2014, 03:47:31 AM
I came back to UFO Lunatic after like a month of not playing and suddenly I can get to Byakuren's final spell. If I get a 1cc, it will be the hardest one I've ever done in this series, and I played the game every day for like 5 months. Even SA Lunatic only took me a month. But what happens when I can Lunatic 1cc everything? I will have to start playing for score.  :ohdear:
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Shimatora on August 02, 2014, 07:29:53 AM
Let's just say that I'm well overdue for properly learning Youmu routes in TD! Current aims are 900m Easy, 1.75b Normal and 2b Hard - the order will be moving upwards in the difficulty ladder. Considering my hiatus due to medical issues I'm really not sure what I'm physically capable of anymore so this will be a good test.
I want my MotK Easy record back Karisaaaaaa
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Szayelaporro Granz on August 02, 2014, 08:15:34 AM
I'm doing SA Normal with Reimu A during my holiday in Indonesia. Stage 3 and 4 kindly tells me that I'm suck at streaming :V This gets really embarrassing whenever I look at my Hard and Extra accomplishments :ohdear:
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: CyberAngel on August 02, 2014, 05:03:51 PM
*sigh* Here we go again. I have to stop playing IN altogether. But not because there's something I don't like. Instead, there's just so much to do in this game that I'm too overwhelmed with how much time it needs - easily four times as much as any other STG, if not even more. Dropping some of the stuff isn't an option since I DO want to try everything. But I'm tired of how much I need to play to satisfy those wishes. Of course, there are also flaws that get in the way, like being clearly not balanced for solo characters. But either way, this is it. It was fun, but too tiring for my tastes.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: chirpy13 on August 03, 2014, 02:18:56 AM
I think it is pretty generally agreed that at their core shmups are a challenge to the shmupper. What some don't realize is that the challenge is not to 1cc the game or to get a good score. No, those are but the end result; they are the payment for the job, so to speak. The challenge is to learn the game's nuances, it is to spend those longer hours restarting stage 2, it is to come back from the discouragement of having to throw out a run at the final stage. The challenge is to bear the crushing weight of failure for as long as one possibly can. The challenge is, in a word, to endure.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Lishy1 on August 03, 2014, 04:33:52 AM
Haven't played Touhou in about... 2 years. But I have the greatest urge to reinstall Hisoutensoku and show it to my college's anime club.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Ghost on August 03, 2014, 10:39:00 AM
Got my second PCB 1 miss run.

Died in the exact same spot as the last one
/chen too hard for me.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Oh on August 03, 2014, 03:02:09 PM
Why aren't you restarting on stage 2 deaths
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: chirpy13 on August 03, 2014, 03:24:43 PM
Don't throw away games if you're losing. - HFD
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Reiko on August 03, 2014, 06:52:32 PM
Made it to stage 9 in PoDD Lunatic for the first time.
It was kind of a miracle run, no-missing up until Chiyuri (who took me three lives but whatever...).

I swear I'll clear this game one day.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mr Jovial on August 03, 2014, 09:11:26 PM
I'm probably going to return to PoDD at some point. I said a while again I wanted a Chiyuri 1cc and now we've got English patches, I'll have a bit more motivation to play.
Right now, IN LNBs are going weirdly. Dying a lot to Reisen's final spell (not her last spell) and Life Spring Infinity. I am getting a lot of decent (<5 miss) runs. Lots of 4s (4 of them surprisingly O_o).
UFO Stage 6 is getting better though, 2nd non is still brutally wrecking me and I've given up on learning Funen's strategy for it although most other attacks, including Good Omen, are getting easier. Progress is good, regardless of how little it is :V.

Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Ghost on August 04, 2014, 08:07:18 AM
Why aren't you restarting on stage 2 deaths

Because I can't actually consistently do the rest of the game
It's mostly just practice.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Esper on August 05, 2014, 01:20:48 AM
Because I can't actually consistently do the rest of the game
It's mostly just practice.

Practice. As in practice mode. Use practice mode and you'll get better at the game, trust me :VVVVV

Well really, practice survival in practice mode and practice scoring in-game because ZUN never thought of making scoring practice easier on the player.

I'm no good at touhou, but I know that there's some level of improvement to be made SOMEWHERE if confidence isn't there to tell you that you know what you're doing.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Ghost on August 05, 2014, 08:32:50 AM
Practice. As in practice mode. Use practice mode and you'll get better at the game, trust me :VVVVV

Well really, practice survival in practice mode and practice scoring in-game because ZUN never thought of making scoring practice easier on the player.

I'm no good at touhou, but I know that there's some level of improvement to be made SOMEWHERE if confidence isn't there to tell you that you know what you're doing.

Practice feels bad to play because the cherry gain is different which messes up item collection and stuff.
Which is technically meaningless in survival but still.

I do use practice mainly for practicing stage 6 (spam is hard) and I use boss rush for practicing spell cards.
But full runs are good for practice too.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: LunarWingCloud on August 05, 2014, 09:16:15 AM
Unless you're noticeably worse at only 1 particular stage you may as well practice full runs because it gives you more of a feel of how mentally exhausting it is going to be and how much focus you're going to need, where your consistency is more common to break, etc. I use Stage Practice if I really need a boost to just 1 stage, but otherwise I just go for full runs also and make pushes that I think are necessary. I've never really come across any tricks I could use to help myself while playing Stage Practice but have found several in regular runs.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mew seeker on August 05, 2014, 11:49:55 AM
At last, I finally defeated the final boss in Labyrinth of Touhou. On top of that, I got its item drop. ^-^
Just for the record, here is my team levels :
Mei Ling (624), Ran (582), Reimu (634), Shiki Eiki (559), Patchouli (551), Marisa (593), Yukari (546), Nitori (614), Yuugi (583), Rinnosuke (542), Kaguya (578), Aya (597).
As for how it went,
my main team was Mei Ling, Yukari, Reimu and Shiki Eiki. Shiki Eiki started with a debuff and her main job was to deal damage, the other was to keep up the defensive, attacking when there was an opening for them. Eventually, I switched Shiki Eiki for Ran to boost my back up and allow SHiki Eiki to recover SP meanwhile. After that, I switched back Ran. As soon as the Winner entered its final phase, it used right away its life medicine, putting it back in the second phase and exposing me as little as possible to the final phase. Somewhere along the way, I lost Yukari and replaced her with Ran which keep boosting defense. Eventually, I lost Reimu in the final phase and then want in an all up attack. Marisa's first  Master Spark dealt over 7 millions damage! X D Mei Ling did a super job of not dying and occasionally healed the others too. She couldn't keep up despite Aya boosting her speed so I lost a few characters here and there. I kept switching Ran with Rinnosuke now and then to have them tank. Eventually, the Winner decide to just not take damage for a while so I had Yuugi poison him meanwhile. Eventually I managed to deal enough damage and won. ^^
Now, I have access to new game plus. That being said, there is at least one more thing I would like to do for now and it's to get the last item I need to complete the item list. At this point, it's just a matter of time before it happens. ^^

****Small update*****
Done, I finally got the last item. ^^
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Failure McFailFace on August 06, 2014, 01:24:00 PM
So yesterday, I tried out DDC Lunatic with MarisaB.

I can see why MarisaB's bomb is so useful in the harder difficulties.

Now, if I could just Easy 1cc her to unlock the extra stage....
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Baron_Blade on August 07, 2014, 02:36:00 AM
I've been trying to score ISC 1-2, but I can't seem to get over 5.77 mil, and I can't even get into royalflare's top 3 because they're all within 5.78 mil. ECCH
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Inadequate on August 07, 2014, 07:22:20 AM
You get more points from dealing damage unfocused. I'm pretty sure that the top scores for that scene also have the boss in a very favorable position for the final cancel, having some bullets left over from the previous wave and then all bullets from the current wave, plus happen to cancel it at a very good spot for high spell bonus.

I think that random boss movement is very bad in games where cancels are important. Think of Minoriko's nonspells (where only the up-down and movement length are random), or the bomb canceling on some EoSD patterns over and over again, which both seem to frustrate players a lot.

You guys should try 10-2 and 10-5.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Star King on August 07, 2014, 11:11:14 AM
You get more points from dealing damage unfocused.

OK, this is weird.

I've heard this said before, but for some reason this doesn't seem to be true for me. One tap of the Z button is 100 points (with all parts hitting and no cursed doll) whether focused or unfocused. Or, if I go to bottom of 4-4 and shoot the whole time, focused and unfocused doesn't really affect the score.

I also tried this test - - and I get the same points either way.

I don't understand.

EDIT: Okay it's being really weird. Sometimes I get same amount of points and sometimes it's different. Like, seems like the distance from the boss or something. Even if it appears the same amount of shots are hitting. If I'm close enough, I get 50 points either way, if I'm far enough away, I get 100 points either way. If I'm between those distances I get 50 points focused and 100 unfocused. All of these appear to have all shots hitting. I don't fully understand it. But I guess it's true at a certain distance.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Baron_Blade on August 07, 2014, 11:48:42 AM
EDIT: Okay it's being really weird. Sometimes I get same amount of points and sometimes it's different. Like, seems like the distance from the boss or something. Even if it appears the same amount of shots are hitting. If I'm close enough, I get 50 points either way, if I'm far enough away, I get 100 points either way. If I'm between those distances I get 50 points focused and 100 unfocused. All of these appear to have all shots hitting. I don't fully understand it. But I guess it's true at a certain distance.

From what I understand, it's 200 points per second focused and 400 per second unfocused. I already knew about that part, but the favorable position is what was throwing me off. Guess it's just RNG then.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Star King on August 07, 2014, 12:53:10 PM

It's not RNG.

And I'm saying those rates seem to be true at a certain distance.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: CyberAngel on August 10, 2014, 10:03:02 AM
Alright, I'm done fooling around. I have been jumping between games, relying on developing raw skills, but that's no longer enough to move further at this point. Sure, they still develop, some things that were scary before look perfectly doable now. But somehow my overall results don't budge at all. Well, it's time to get serious and turn to what I've been neglecting doing for so long. Time to set concrete goals instead of wandering around, time to study routes and strats instead of relying on luck and trying to come up with stuff on my own, time to grind full runs instead of needlessly using stage practice.

...To be fair, I am a bit afraid whether it'll help or not. Of course, I'm reasonable enough to not expect big results in a short time, I understand the advancement will be bit by bit and I'll need to revisit my goals before finally achieving them. But I'm fine with that now. I finally have actual things I want to do, not some abstract stuff like "achieve something" or "do my best". Things I'll enjoy working towards, regardless of results. So it will not be a waste either way.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mew seeker on August 11, 2014, 12:21:28 AM
I have played a bit of EoSC after a long, long while (you know, playing Touhou Labyrinth and all) and I got owned big time. X D
You know it's not going to end well when you loose a life on Demarcation. X D
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Esper on August 11, 2014, 04:30:04 AM
Currently playing a shitload of PoFV to practice for the upcoming tournament, getting my ass handed to me consistently by Senozza wielding Marisa lasers ;-;

Any tips for dealing with Marisa as Lunasa?
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Sakurei on August 11, 2014, 01:17:33 PM
For starters, if you want to have a realistic chance on winning, don't play Lunasa. She is not very strong. Strong characters in PvP are Reimu, Marisa, Youmu (if you can use her properly), Komachi and Eiki. Medicine too, but who the hell plays Medicine?

Next up is don't get hit by lasers. That sounds obvious, but you wouldn't believe how often people notice the lasers at the bottom of the page too late and get hit by them. Pay attention to those.
Also Marisa is very claustrophobic, especially in netplay when you have some latency. Make sure to keep a level 2 for safety (though that's personal preference. Some other people might tell you not to keep it.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Esper on August 11, 2014, 04:30:57 PM
For starters, if you want to have a realistic chance on winning, don't play Lunasa. She is not very strong.

Aww, okay. :c

Strong characters in PvP are Reimu, Marisa, Youmu (if you can use her properly), Komachi and Eiki. Medicine too, but who the hell plays Medicine?

I thought Raymoo was considered shameful to use for absurdly tight gaps during netplay. Other than that, though, this list seems fine.

Next up is don't get hit by lasers. That sounds obvious, but you wouldn't believe how often people notice the lasers at the bottom of the page too late and get hit by them. Pay attention to those.

Oh trust me, I'm all too familiar with Marisa's lasers. Many a match has been ended by those. Especially right after I use a panic bomb. I'm guessing panic bombing is a significantly bad idea SPECIFICALLY against Marisa?

Also Marisa is very claustrophobic, especially in netplay when you have some latency. Make sure to keep a level 2 for safety (though that's personal preference. Some other people might tell you not to keep it.

And use that L2 at the best possible moment to deflect as many pellets as possible so that the claustrophobia goes over to HER side rather than yours?
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Sakurei on August 11, 2014, 05:29:48 PM
You don't deflect any pellets when you cancel them with a level 2. You cancel them out erasing them from the game. To reflect them you would have to shoot the fairies. You will, however, create new pellet from your level 2, so there's that.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Esper on August 11, 2014, 05:59:47 PM
You don't deflect any pellets when you cancel them with a level 2. You cancel them out erasing them from the game. To reflect them you would have to shoot the fairies. You will, however, create new pellet from your level 2, so there's that.

...Holy shit, I didn't know that. No wonder the clutter doesn't carry over. Thanks for the info.


Is Lyrica a good character for PoFV against Marisa?
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Reiko on August 11, 2014, 09:34:46 PM
No-missed PoDD up to stage 8 again, and got Yumemi down to her last hit.
I'm getting closer.  :3
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Inadequate on August 11, 2014, 10:32:28 PM
Lyrica is decent, but she's not one of the strongest options available, which were listed above.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Star King on August 12, 2014, 03:14:07 PM
Eh, chummy once said he thinks Lyrica is top 5. It's debatable and subjective and all. I say just play whoever you want.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: ふねん1 on August 14, 2014, 10:48:24 PM
After a couple years of not playing Touhou much at all, I'm finally getting back into some challenges that I feel are within my skill range. If anything, a few of these challenges will give me a sense of closure for some of these games.

First up is a PCB Lunatic 1lc. After a few days of practicing, I've only had a handful of runs make it to Stage 4, but I'm pretty comfortable when playing the later stages for survival in Practice Mode at least. The biggest challenge for me is managing the Cherry system, which I've never been able to do well. I've made a route of sorts through the first three stages - no idea if it's optimal, but I don't care, it's what I'm comfortable with. It is kind of refreshing to relearn some of these attacks, however. Making new approaches to attacks that leave me in a much better position to succeed. That's always been the attraction for me, learning stuff. This challenge should be fun to shoot for.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Shimatora on August 16, 2014, 03:53:21 PM
After putting an hour or so into playing Touhou on my arcade stick, I can say it is by far easier on my hands! Regardless of the change in control method, however, my hands still become extremely stiff and painful after about an hour of playing. Still, it's a huge improvement to using keyboard. Now I just have to get used to moving with my left hand and getting used to the new control scheme aaaaaaaaaa. Swapping hands for tasks for the fourth time. w (keyboard -> pad -> keyboard -> arcade stick.)

Thanks to having Sanwa parts now (having given my partner my Seimitsu stick) it may have annoying dead zones or whatever the issues supposedly were. Still, from what I played it seemed usable - fine movements are incredibly difficult right now but that's part of the package at this point.

On a non-shmup note, been getting back into Hisoutensoku over the past week. Finally had an epiphany about what the heck I was doing wrong all the time - turns out I was far too focused on hitting the opponent out of their moves than I was returning the game back to neutral. That and not pressing buttons every single time I jump. Playing Patchy, it's not like I have the means of poking people out of moves anyway. Already seeing improvements in my game!

Decided to swap out Summer Red skill cards for Flash of Spring because it seemed fun, and so far it has been an excellent choice. Not only can you do this (, but I've been successfully catching backdashes with it too. I've noticed that a few players like to backdash on wake up and try to time FoS to catch them when they exit graze frames. If you have the space to do so, FoS also works as an excellent full screen poke - even having it seems to be quite intimidating, you have to start setting up even your danmaku and not just your melee.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: t_prinny on August 17, 2014, 12:24:39 PM
I have pretty much been playing Touhou for a year now, with Perfect Cherry Blossom as my first. I don't know what happened two weeks ago, but I suddenly got really into PCB scoring (my results are in the high score thread). I decided to play with MarisaA for a change of pace since I mainly used ReimuB. Its been roughly half a year since my first lunatic clear so using MarisaA was more or less me trying to remember things I did such as dodging 2nd mid-boss Alice's non-spell. I then went back to ReimuB and found some unsettling results with my clears since I was scoring past 800 million (this is kind of my average nowadays). I started brainstorming ideas I could do to get a higher score. The only ones I came up with is just try to keep the cherry value as high as possible by not dying and attempt to graze milk. I probably should look up 1 billion clear replays just to have a better idea on what to do since I wanted to see how far I can go without looking up any score runs (only time I looked up runs is for tricks I can use for survival). Also, I have to give credit to PurpleTheGuy. He (could be she) pointed me here and (after some mental debates) decided to come here to ask for scoring tips. I just don't know where to ask that yet.

There is something I want to ask and I can't think of a better place to ask this except maybe the tech support forum (but this is more of something in-game and an oddity I found). Something strange was happening as I was battling the Prismriver Sisters. I thought it was fatigue getting me, but that wasn't the case as I attempted to graze milk Lyrica. For some reason, her HP was going down even if I don't shoot. Not sure what was happening, but I think I narrowed it down to using ReimuB's unfocused bomb as they are close to dying in their first spellcard while I was trying to do high score runs. I have the replay here ( (and I need to work on misdirecting those aimed bullets better). If anyone experienced this or not, please let me know since this is pretty strange (and I don't know if this is normal).

Edit: Someone spotted an error I did. I don't know how I confused million with billion.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mr Jovial on August 17, 2014, 02:10:55 PM
I've had a few good IN LNBs recently. Today's run was 3-miss. Died to Kaguya's 1st non due to ridiculously bad RNG, then died to Brilliant Dragon Bullet by clipping one of the long bullets (would've been avoided if I was full power :<) and then failed Rising World due to a fast bullet in the last phase. I don't know what I should be practicing at this point. Most of my deaths are RNG based and there's not much I can do against RNG. I haven't had an NMNB Stage 6B since my first LNB run and it's usually because of Kaguya giving me bad RNG. Also...
800 billion (this is kind of my average nowadays)
:o :derp: :o Best PCB scorerunner ever right here :V
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: t_prinny on August 17, 2014, 02:32:03 PM
Oops. I meant to type 800 million...sorry.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Ghost on August 17, 2014, 03:33:55 PM
So I finally got vsync to work with EoSD today, through a series of elaborate file name changes and reinstallations and what not. (windows 8 is hard yo >.>)
So while I was planning on playing a bunch of UFO and TD, EoSD is just too much fun now that I can actually play it without input lag.
And it's pretty cool to feel as I'm playing how much improvement I've made since the last time I played EoSD (which is like 3-4 months back, when I could play it on a computer without lag), like it's really obvious how much more confident I am with movement and dodging and stuff.

Gonna perfect Extra then get an LNB of the game for now.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: ふねん1 on August 17, 2014, 04:31:49 PM
Gotta love steady progress. Made it to Stage 5 in PCB before getting caught off guard during Youmu's midboss spell. >.< Getting a little better with managing Cherry too, which helped me collect the bomb after Lily White and survive Lyrica's opener. I just hope I can eventually reach Resurrection Butterfly with a few bombs just in case. I haven't entirely recovered my skills on that card yet.

I got another question. I plan to go for an IN Lunatic 1lc as well, but how strict are people when it comes to capturing Last Spells during such runs? You technically don't lose a life if you get hit during them, after all.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Karisa on August 17, 2014, 04:59:30 PM
  I started brainstorming ideas I could do to get a higher score. The only ones I came up with is just try to keep the cherry value as high as possible by not dying and attempt to graze milk. I probably should look up 1 billion clear replays just to have a better idea on what to do since I wanted to see how far I can go without looking up any score runs (only time I looked up runs is for tricks I can use for survival). Also, I have to give credit to PurpleTheGuy. He (could be she) pointed me here and (after some mental debates) decided to come here to ask for scoring tips. I just don't know where to ask that yet.
It's nice to see someone new here who's interested in learning scoring in Touhou.

Personally I'd recommend first (if you aren't already focusing on these; I didn't watch your replay) to shoot unfocused whenever you safely can to raise cherry+ and get extra borders. It's also usually better to wait out borders without shooting bosses during them, so you can use the rest of that pattern's HP to raise cherry+ more.

Beyond the basics it's more about creating a border route (timing your borders, which may involve bombing to cancel extra bullets into cherry+, or shooting focused to reduce cherry+ gain) to gain as much graze as you can during each border, as well as grazing certain spellcards to increase their spell bonuses. There are a variety of possible border routes in PCB, depending on how much extra risk/reward you feel like taking.

You'll learn a lot from watching others' replays, anyway-- world records, and replays that score slightly higher than you currently do (like the 1 billion runs you mentioned), both help in their own ways. Also the wiki's gameplay page ( helps to understand the scoring systems.

There's always the score thread (,16175.0.html) if you have further questions.

I got another question. I plan to go for an IN Lunatic 1lc as well, but how strict are people when it comes to capturing Last Spells during such runs? You technically don't lose a life if you get hit during them, after all.
Not many people go for no-death runs, but I don't have any objection to failing last spells in those, personally. It seems to me to have more in common with breaking borders (except a bit more limited since it only works on certain spells)-- it'd fail a perfect run, but it's not a death.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Inadequate on August 17, 2014, 07:12:12 PM
Just collecting items and not dying all too much should be enough for 1B on Lunatic. Stage practice is an useful tool for figuring out the latter stages for collection and otherwise.

For some reason, her HP was going down even if I don't shoot. Not sure what was happening, but I think I narrowed it down to using ReimuB's unfocused bomb as they are close to dying in their first spellcard while I was trying to do high score runs. I have the replay here ( (and I need to work on misdirecting those aimed bullets better). If anyone experienced this or not, please let me know since this is pretty strange (and I don't know if this is normal).
It's a bug that very rarely happens; a prismriver sister keeps taking damage during their solo appearance even though you're not shooting her. There's no real solution to it, but it happens so rarely it could as well not exist.

I got another question. I plan to go for an IN Lunatic 1lc as well, but how strict are people when it comes to capturing Last Spells during such runs? You technically don't lose a life if you get hit during them, after all.
People generally consider NMNB as not dying or bombing during the game, with full-spell being a different condition. (which people often aim to, though, were they doing NMNB runs)
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: ふねん1 on August 19, 2014, 12:21:57 AM
Practicing Reimu's Last Spell for what must be the first time in years, and holy crap is it unpredictable. Her boss fight in general is a lot harder than I remember. All the same, a perfect Lunatic Stage 4A is on my challenge list, and something I should've done years ago.

I'm in for a rough time, aren't I?
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Esper on August 19, 2014, 04:46:50 AM
I like LLS enough that I would play it for score if I could.

The problem is that I'm not sure how the scoring in LLS works and I can't find a good webpage that explains the scoring system enough that I could attempt to construct a vague route.

Also that Stage 6 Yuuka fight a shit. I love how much it tries to go for looks as far as PC98 games go, but even on Normal this thing can trash me, and I'm a fan of Cave shmups ;-; that final needs to die faster than it normally does
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Karisa on August 19, 2014, 05:23:45 AM
PC-98 scoring systems are relatively unexplored (aside from the near-maxed HRtP and LLS Extra), since so few people play the games at all. I can share what I know though.

LLS scoring is primarily about planning bombs to collect as many point items at x2 as possible-- they're not only worth double value, but the extra point items help increase your stage clear bonus. The large power items from stage 6 Yuuka's second-to-last phase also give a significant number of points when bombed.

It's best to use up every bomb you can for items-- it's possible to use up to 31 bombs in the main game. Of course, the more bombs you use on items, the fewer bombs/lives you can use for survival, so it's a trade-off.

Bullet cancel bonuses (after defeating each boss, including midbosses) are also fairly significant, as they can vary by several 100,000 to several million each-- timing them well comes with practice.

And while grazing is only worth direct points (some immediately, some in the stage clear bonus), those points are high enough that it's also fairly significant. You can only graze 999 bullets per stage though, so there's no point in going out of your way to graze if you know you'll reach 999 anyway (this mainly applies in Extra, though it's possible to reach 999 in some other stages with supergrazes).
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Inadequate on August 19, 2014, 12:11:50 PM
I've been told that 999 graze is possible in every stage but the first one. Other than that, I don't know very much about LLS.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: ふねん1 on August 21, 2014, 10:30:21 PM
I feel like I've experienced a revelation. Well, sort of. One thing I've known definitively since about a year ago is how much my raw dodging style relies on constantly reading bullets so I can find the biggest spaces possible. The first place I truly noticed this working was with some of Yatsuhashi's attacks, as her notes bend in weird ways and you need to give yourself as much room for error as you can. But playing through some other games, I'm realizing just how useful this approach has become.

I've been playing IN Stage 6B lately, a stage that has historically given me a lot of trouble. Among the various challenges I recently decided to get out of the way, a perfect Stage 6B was not originally one of them. The main reason I didn't give it too much thought was Rising World - the main issue I've always had with it was how the bullets seem to randomly change their curvatures, throwing off my reads and thus leaving me in bad spots. But wait, I say, I'm much better at that kind of thing now, let me give it another shot. Lo and behold, I find myself much better prepared for each wave simply by giving myself more room for error, so to speak. Granted, I still needed to iron out a few other kinks, and the transition to the last phase is still pretty nasty, but this is a much bigger improvement than I would have expected. My recent performance on Rising World is arguably the main reason I'm pursuing this stage at all, especially from a mental standpoint. My time with Stage 4A is a good example, it's pretty crushing to get only occasional NMNB runs of the rest of the stage, only to be repeatedly held back by a mere Last Spell.

However, I'm seeing plenty of other situations where my dodging style is making things much more manageable. Staying with Kaguya, I've also struggled heavily at Brilliant Dragon Bullet. Trying to dodge all those bullets at the bottom of the screen while actively manipulating the laser grid is nightmarish. So I step back for a minute and try to apply my dodging approach to it - where are the biggest spaces that I can reliably find? I noticed how the bullets tend to come in waves, and that there is some room higher up where most of the bullets are out of the way before the lasers arrive. At the very least, I could move down with any remaining bullets as I align myself in the safespots. All of a sudden, I manage to time out the card for the first time, and my capture rate in actual stage runs goes way up, allowing me more chances to get better at the rest of the fight.

It's one thing to imagine how a strategy or approach to general dodging might play out in your head, but seeing these kinds of results in multiple places is on a whole different level. It has made some fights that I used to consider way above my level suddenly possible. I'm still improving noticeably, and for what may be the first time in years, I'm having a lot of fun playing Touhou again because of it.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Sakurei on August 23, 2014, 11:09:47 AM
PCB is hard.

But at least I should have worked everything out at this point and only need to practice for some more consistency on some things (e.g Stage 2 Cherry+ control, Prismrivers, probably stage 5 (it's my least practiced stage for reasons unknown to me) and Yuyuko). So basically the whole game w, I expect to be doing some faulty runs in about a week or so. Probably won't PB until I've gotten really used to the route.

Without any major mistakes (That is, without any mess ups in the route, border breaks or deaths that skew the route) I can get up to 1,200,000 CherryMAX. I haven't calculated the potential graze yet, but overall the Route should be good enough for 1.7b, Probably 1.75b. I'm not really sure about 1.8b, I would need to take a look at a replay with that score to determine that. Anyway; once I finish a run that doesn't die everywhere and doesn't break every big border, I'll quit this category regardless of end-score.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: CyberAngel on August 24, 2014, 11:51:22 AM
One thing I forgot to mention about my yesterday's adventures. The biggest thing that I learned and which helped me greatly was controlling where I look. Sure, trying to watch the whole screen is a well-known advice, but knowing is one thing and not forgetting it due to panic is another. Well, that's why grinding runs is useful. You get used to game's flow and all patterns, becoming less likely to panic. And boy, I can't express how useful looking ahead of you is for survival, since seeing big gaps to move into is far more useful than trying to squeeze through whatever flies at where you are.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mino ☆ on August 25, 2014, 04:12:23 AM
College starts soon. And it's time for me to begin school. I'm going to start having to balance a job and school at the same time, so my free time is officially going to be dead after today. (Though, I will probably quit my job, as I really, really dislike it)

I quit Touhou a month ago. I have had some urges to pick up a game, even to play it casually, but I never did. Whenever I did try, my mind absolutely refused to play. And I ended up closing the game. Something's stopping me from playing. And I probably won't play ever again until Touhou 15 comes out, in which I'll enjoy the game for a bit before dropping it and moving on. It's a good thing FreeGothitelle got the LNNN, because I would have never finished it anyway. It was never something I couldn't do, nerves just got to me way too many times on runs that got to Yuyuko. A friend of mine even said it was because of my concern over my reputation or how people would perceive me for getting such a run that stopped me from getting it. Though I'm not so sure that's the case. It's not even that crazy of an achievement, not compared to EoSD or UFO and such at least. It would just require lots of constant drilling of the same six stages that I've played over and over again until I get a run which doesn't fail anything. Honestly I'm not willing to grind anymore period anyway, so whatever.

I look back at my Touhou career and all I can think about is how much I regret ever spending so much time on a video game. I consider myself a video game fanatic. I played Pokemon, and other games from time to time. But never have I spent 3 years of my life solely dedicated to one game series. Grinding it for hours on end, trying to get these achievements. I got addicted to Touhou. I would start neglecting schoolwork, interactions with people. I gave up everything so I could play these games. I got engrossed in it and felt good everytime I got a run. That's the thing. I got so into Touhou because I wanted to finally be good at something. After struggling to keep up with the smartest kids in my grade, I felt jealous and frustrated. It felt like they were simply talented (I should have put more effort in, but still) and could just succeed in everything they do. When I played Touhou, and got Lunatic clears and such, I felt like I was finally good at something. I felt I finally had something I could feel good about doing well in.

...But that backfired. I started becoming less impressed by my achievements. I just needed... more. So I started doing no bomb runs. And for a time it worked. I continued doing LNB and getting all sorts of LNB runs across all games. Even getting really low misses across all the games. I found myself still not satisfied. I would still look at my runs as shit. Thinking they weren't good enough. I could never recognize my own skill anymore. I felt as if I didn't have any skill. That was also around the time where I started getting involved with the community, which made it worse. I wanted to keep up with my peers, but in order to do that, I would have to score. So I did score. I tried it out, because hey, survival was getting dull. Scoring I found was even worse. It made the game itself much harder to play. Early stages like stage 1 because things of hell. Restart-hell. And it would require thousands of hours to really get what I could safely consider was a good score for me. At this point I was no longer even playing for myself. I was simply only playing because I wanted to get what many of the community would consider a "good run". But mostly, I was addicted. I couldn't stop playing. Touhou had lost its charm years ago. This is what made Touhou become a gigantic ball of stress for me. I asked myself many questions.

What was I doing all of this for? What would I gain from all of this? There wasn't much productivity in Touhou. Why should I be spending so much time grinding a video game like this? People say it's fun, but I wasn't having fun anymore. What are these achievements worth? I can't get a college degree or money from them. I was spending so much time doing something when I really couldn't even see the benefit of doing so. I was simply playing because of an addiction, not because I enjoyed the games. Touhou has overstayed its welcome for me. And eventually, I shut it off.

Will I ever play again? Probably not. if I do, it'll just be once in a blue moon, for nostalgia sake.  Or maybe I'll participate in Karisa's Challenges. But now, I've found other hobbies. other things to spend my time on. And I'm not going to make the mistake I made in High School. I'm going to use my time to focus on studies and important things. Video games should become second. It's time for me to finally put in some work, for the betterment of my future.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Sakurei on August 25, 2014, 07:24:43 AM
Dear diary,

today I got a Reflowering with more graze than the world record, but unfortunately I hit red butterflies trying to go through them.


Dear diary,

today I found out that I do not have everything worked out in regards to Cherry+ control. There're some management issues against Youmu. Will do further research to see what the hell is happening and practice the happening.


Dear diary,

Lily White is a bully.


Dear diary,

Alice is being mean and I forgot how to spin her first appearance properly.


Dear diary,

I should write this in my blog, not here.

Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Espadas on August 27, 2014, 11:39:13 AM
Today i tried some Normal runs of MoF (first time i play it) to break from EoSD Extra/Lunatic grind. Loved the backgrounds, hated myself for getting rekt by stage 4/5 on NORMAL...

After a while i get to know the patterns better and finally manage to reach Kanako without using continues.... and i get brutally rekt again.   :X

A few asskicking later i finally decide to give up 1cc for the sake of seeing the bad ending and clear the stage.... and reach Kanako without losing a single life   :V

A death and a few bombs let me surpass all the spellcards (still can't capture 3rd-to-last and 2nd-to-last) and i finally reach Mountain of Faith..... AND I CAPTURE IT ON MY FIRST ATTEMPT EVER?  :O :O :O

I know that Kanako's last spellcard is "easier" on Normal but it's still friggin MOUNTAIN OF FAITH on my first attempt!  :o

I should be angry that i wasnt't able to 1cc normal difficult after 2 hours of play, but that "Mountain of Faith: 1/1" in the player data still makes me crack a smile.....
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mr Jovial on August 27, 2014, 02:24:29 PM
Having the weirdest stretch of bad luck...

So basically, the way I do LNB attempts is that I give myself 5 attempts that at least make it to Mystia and will restart instantly if I get hit before Stage 4. If I go through all 5 attempts and don't get to Stage 4 I'll stop playing and come back later in the day. Mystia's "midboss" card has a spellcard history of 414/441, Keine's last spell has a history of 128/149. That means of runs that make it to Mystia, 1 in 3-4 should make it to Stage 4B. I've done 10 of these attempts and have yet to get to Stage 4. I've died once to Ephemerality 137, 3 times to "Venomous Moth's Dark Dance", 2 times to Mystia's 3rd non and 4 times to stupid crap outside of bosses. This is getting rather annoying...Not to mention that when this happens, the LNB run that I eventually get is shoddy.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Esper on August 29, 2014, 01:06:11 PM

Dear Sakurei,

You are in the touhou blogging thread. This kind of banter is welcome here.

Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: DarkAtma on August 30, 2014, 10:39:16 PM
I am still trying to get past DDC Stage 4-5 without suffering too many losses, one of the things is i cant press panic bomb while holding shift for some reason
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: ふねん1 on August 31, 2014, 01:20:35 AM
I am still trying to get past DDC Stage 4-5 without suffering too many losses, one of the things is i cant press panic bomb while holding shift for some reason
Are you using a laptop keyboard? Sometimes those kinds of keyboards are not wired to support pressing every button at once, or at least three buttons lined up in a row (including Shift, Z, and X, annoyingly). The best solution is to use a program that remaps your keys in some fashion. I use VJoy, but this key remapper ( has been around for a while and works just as well. The only downside is you have to remember to turn it off after you're done playing, otherwise you'll find yourself typing up the wrong letters. :V (VJoy doesn't have this problem btw)

You'll also need to decide which keys you want to remap Shift, Z, and X to. Unfortunately, the link to KeyScan in the above link doesn't seem to work anymore, but there's probably some equivalent program out there you can search for. Basically, use the program to find out which key combinations your keyboard does register. Of note is that certain combinations of 3 consecutive number keys may still work despite the keyboard's wiring problems. For example, my keyboard allows me to press 4, 5, and 6 all at once, so I use them in place of X, Shift, and Z, respectively. But it's up to you.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mr Jovial on September 01, 2014, 09:23:10 AM
I recently noticed that basically every game I play heavily involves repeating the same thing many times; pretty much everything I play feels like a grind. Admittedly, touhou for me at the moment should be a grind, I'm just clearing IN over and over in hopes that one run will eventually be NMNB, the weird thing is that it doesn't feel like a grind. I'm playing far more than I did previously and I'm actually enjoying it. LNN pressure is still there and when I fail something repeatedly I still get angry, but overall I'm having far more fun than previously. No idea why though since nothing has changed :V

On a less positive note, I keep drawing blanks on attacks. Forgot my route on "First Pyramid" twice yesterday and recently failed Marisa's 2nd non (which is just a memo attack) twice in the exact same position due to forgetting when to dodge through a specific gap.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Esper on September 03, 2014, 12:13:34 AM
What's an optimal deck for Yuyuko or Remilia in Hisoutensoku? I know how to use Yuyuko like the back of my hand, but I'm bad at deckmaking. I'm still trying to learn the general moveset of Remilia, though.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: microfolk on September 03, 2014, 08:29:25 PM
Sloppy attempt after sloppy attempt I'm becoming quite comfortable with the Phantasm Stage on PCB, Yukari is proving to be far easier than Ran, even though this should be expected I guess. I plan to clear the stage before the end of this week and with this I will finally feel like I've made some significative progress after my first 1cc easy clear on IN 5 years ago. I've never played seriously untill May of this year and since then I've got some normal 1cc under my belt (includnig SA which was brutal holy shit) but I guess clearing an extra stage feels fare more grandiose and important, my 18-year old self would be proud of me seeing how I'm able to pull off some mad dodges.  :flowerpower:
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Ranko Hoshino on September 08, 2014, 07:01:01 AM
I finally got around to doing what I've wanted to see happen, which would happen to be a TD v1.00c Ultra Lunatic 1cc. I'm okay with having used Cheat Engine to slow the game to 25% speed, which is also why I felt it more appropriate to mention here than the accomplishments thread. There are definitely mistakes I could've avoided, but a clear's a clear. I'm not really surprised about there not being any legit runs like this anymore. It's a pretty rough ride to go through. I'm relatively satisfied with what I could manage to put together.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mr Jovial on September 08, 2014, 07:46:00 PM
Realised a few things in IN recently...
1. The colour scheme of blue and red is surprisingly common (power and point items, life and bomb counters, the youkai gauge and a shedload of attacks use it)
2. The thing that is probably supposed to be a screenshot of some sort on the stage clear screens of stages 1-5 is weird (had the ending of Kaguya's 4th last spell in it once at the end of stage 1, I had been playing with that attack at the time)
3. The in-game spellcard histories max at 999 attempts but keep counting in the spellcard practice list (i.e. not during the attack itself) and on the results screen.

On a completely related note, I hit 999 attempts at Rising World :V and I still can't do it consistently >.<
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Inadequate on September 08, 2014, 10:35:37 PM
The result caps out at 9999/9999 attempts.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Nolegs the Cat on September 10, 2014, 04:22:47 AM
Uh, so.
I'm going to go for a MOF NNN.
Good luck to me :V
Half of me thinks this'll be really painful and the other thinks It'll be done in a few days.... Hehe.

Now I know how Jovial feels... -sigh- :V

That being said, I've made it to stage six! Diz progress! :D
Furthest I've got it just before Kanako.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mr Jovial on September 10, 2014, 06:52:41 PM
Had a pretty standard 2MNB run today, died to "Brilliant Dragon Bullet" and failed "Rising World". There was probably only one unusual thing that happened and that was "Tele-Mesmerism" which I feel gave me ridiculously generous RNG to the point I was like "Wait, wtf is this? Am I not on lunatic on something?" Here's an example:
Look at all the nothing surrounding me! I had a bit of dodging in the middle of the attack but otherwise there were huge gaps where I normally go. I've seriously never had a cap of "Tele-Mesmerism" as easy as this one :V
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mew seeker on September 12, 2014, 12:15:12 AM
I managed to get my first replay! It was on easy mode but still...
The thing is, I would like to upload it but I don't know where the replay itself (in EoSD) is saved. X D
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: ?q on September 12, 2014, 11:07:19 AM
I managed to get my first replay! It was on easy mode but still...
The thing is, I would like to upload it but I don't know where the replay itself (in EoSD) is saved. X D
Open the EoSD folder and look for the folder that says "replay".  The replays are automatically named according to the replay slot they're currently taking up.

If you're going to upload it for someone else to watch, it's common practice to rename it to something unique that the game will still recognize (for instance: th6_udMs01.rpy - th6 for EoSD, ud is "user-defined" and necessary for the naming convention, Ms is "Mew seeker", 01 shows that it's your first posted replay).  If at first you don't see it when you browse the replays ingame, scroll down through the list until you get taken to a second page.

Note that the place where the replays are stored changes at (IIRC) Ten Desires, where you'll have to find a central ShanghaiAlice folder on your computer.  Shortcuts help.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: KingofBaka on September 12, 2014, 11:28:44 AM
I feel like I hit a roadblock in PCB Extra. Usually, I have a couple of runs where I do ok and then one run that gets me to a new spellcard or that gives me a new strategy to dodge a spell card. But for the past couple of days, I have been doing horrible in PCB Extra derp dying to the Midboss Chen Nonspell, dying to Chens 2nd which is the 2nd easiest card in Extra as long as you know what your doing, derp dying to Rans Nonspells, running into a laser during Ultimate Buddhist, running into a bullet during Shikigami Shot, not being able to deal with Banquet consistently, and losing like 1 life and 3 bombs to Charming Siege.

I will keep trying, but right now I am just feeling kind of odd that I can't get back to Shikigami Chen even though I know I can get back there and pass it.   
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Karisa on September 12, 2014, 12:15:51 PM
Note that the place where the replays are stored changes at (IIRC) Ten Desires, where you'll have to find a central ShanghaiAlice folder on your computer.  Shortcuts help.
The location of the replay folder changed sometime between 12 and 12.5. (Not sure about 12.3 since I don't have it.)

Also to expand on that a little-- replay uploaders should set replay names automatically, so no need to change replay names unless you're uploading it elsewhere, like as a post attachment. (In particular, sets the name according to the first and last letters of the username you enter, followed by the number of replays with that first-last combination. It'll glitch out on the download though if either the first or last character is something like ? that's not allowed in URLs.)

Note that ud replays won't work in MoF.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: CyberAngel on September 12, 2014, 12:17:51 PM
If you're going to upload it for someone else to watch, it's common practice to rename it to something unique that the game will still recognize (for instance: th6_udMs01.rpy - th6 for EoSD, ud is "user-defined" and necessary for the naming convention, Ms is "Mew seeker", 01 shows that it's your first posted replay).  If at first you don't see it when you browse the replays ingame, scroll down through the list until you get taken to a second page.

Do note that replay archive does that for you automatically, so if you're going to use it, there's no need to bother doing that.

...Oh. Karisa said it already. I didn't get a new post notification, strangely.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Karisa on September 12, 2014, 12:22:31 PM
...Oh. Karisa said it already. I didn't get a new post notification, strangely.
Post preview? I believe this site marks posts as read if they show up when previewing, so unless you scroll down after previewing you might not notice.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: CyberAngel on September 12, 2014, 01:03:11 PM
Post preview? I believe this site marks posts as read if they show up when previewing, so unless you scroll down after previewing you might not notice.

No, I didn't preview this time. And I remember getting notifications when previewing as well, so I don't think this is the case. Actually, it could be simply that your post appeared between when I opened the topic and hit "Reply". I usually check previous posts just in case, but not this time ^^;
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: SomeGuy712x on September 12, 2014, 05:43:30 PM
The location of the replay folder changed sometime between 12 and 12.5. (Not sure about 12.3 since I don't have it.)
I have 12.3, and the replay folder there is in the same folder as the game (like the way that TH06 through TH12 do it), so I guess the replay folder location changed starting with 12.5.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mew seeker on September 12, 2014, 06:08:21 PM
Open the EoSD folder and look for the folder that says "replay".  The replays are automatically named according to the replay slot they're currently taking up.

Well you see, the thing is, I don't have a replay folder in my "東方紅魔郷" (EoSD) folder and yet I know I have a replay because I can access it in-game. X D
Maybe it's related but my game is unpatched in anyway as far as I know.

... After doing a computer search, it was in the ...AppData/Local/VirtualStore/ProgamFiles section of the computer. Yeah.

So anyway, I have attached a replay to this post. I probably need some help for the game. X D

The first death in stage 5 most likely qualify for the derp thread. X D
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: KingofBaka on September 12, 2014, 08:49:12 PM
Remember my last post here, well forget about all that. Thanks to the magical power of looking on the wiki, I learned that it is much easier to dodge Charming Siege at the bottom of the screen instead of the middle.
Also, I had a run that made it to Rans 2nd last spellcard. But I also derped a bit because the only reason I gameoverd was because I started moving too early and I thought the lasers were going to move also :V.

But now I have my motivation back, I really feel close to a PCB Extra clear. 
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Reiko on September 13, 2014, 01:12:19 PM
I've kind of given up on PoDD.
It was fun once, it isn't anymore ; feels too unfair, and the input lag is killing me (yes, excuses).

Actually, I'm not playing much Touhou anymore (except PoFV, because best shmup ever), it seems I've moved on to arcade shmups. There are still lots of things I'd like to do in Touhou, but it doesn't feel very motivating now...maybe later.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Karisa on September 14, 2014, 10:23:40 AM
Well I recently decided to play some DDC after not playing much Touhou in a while (just not enough time to commit to the hours of playing involved; it'd use up all the free time I'd rather spend on other things). Easy MarisaA this time.

After starting out very out of practice (the first run to make it past stage 2 barely cleared with ~500m, the second game overed), I nearly set a new high score of around 780m. Until this happened (, losing ~30m (~14m spell bonus + 16m remaining resources) right at the end.

It was fun though. I'd forgotten how much I liked DDC Easy, after getting sort of bored of it by last November when playing it so much.

I wonder if I'll get the Easy MarisaA world record again at some point-- the existing 791m by K・G looks like it deserves some improvement (800m should be possible). I guess it's all about the time commitment though.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mero on September 16, 2014, 07:39:53 PM
wow this place... just wow.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mino ☆ on September 16, 2014, 08:07:35 PM
wow this place... just wow.

Care to clarify? :V
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: CyberAngel on September 18, 2014, 07:06:18 PM
This is it. I'm done playing Touhou. EoSD and PCB are too chaotic and RNG-heavy for my tastes. But most of all, I just stopped caring about going for goals. But here's a catch I've noticed. The less I care, the better I do at Touhou games. Yet the better I do, the more I start caring, and the worse I do at them. I'm tired of dealing with this paradox, I don't want to play games I can't care about anymore. Guess I'm not all that good a player after all. Well, I certainly know I do have the abilities needed to do better, but they're locked somewhere deep, and I don't see a point to use them.

The good part is that I still am interested in STGs and still am a Touhou fan. Actually, I'm pretty happy now. It was painful for me to listen to themes from games I had decided not to play, but now that I don't care about that whatsoever, I'm free to enjoy Touhou to the fullest again. Unfortunately, this also means I probably won't be visiting this board anymore. Oh well. Take care of yourselves, then. Adios, amigos!
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Ghost on September 18, 2014, 10:37:59 PM
PCB is all memorisation O.o

Anyway, if you're not enjoying the games just take a break for a while then you can think about coming back to them, shmups can be pretty frustrating to grind.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mr Jovial on September 27, 2014, 03:41:12 PM
Rising World has put me in a tough spot now. So many runs fail it and after ~1350 attempts at it, I've still not managed to capture it at a rate better than ~1/3. The weird thing is that using my own records of it, I should be getting ~5/12 (~0.42) but recent practice runs of it have been shoddy. It was bad practice RNG that originally forced me to stop doing it in the centre and start going into the lower right corner but after ~450 attempts like that I haven't really gotten better at reading the pattern. As such, I've gone into a super desperate state of playing around in the centre, lower left corner and seeing if the last phase has any sort of aiming to it. I know it doesn't but I feel like I still have to check :<

EDIT: Oh good, I now can't even manage 1/3 in practice. I did 1/12 before ragequitting and just did 1/4.5 then ragequit again. I might have to relearn this again using Miduki's strategy and do it in the lower left, even though it seems harder because the purple amulets come in almost horizontally. Not to mention I'm going to have to develop enough skill to dodge the last phase there. Fuck this attack.

EDIT2: 7th L1MNB run. Predictably Rising World was the culprit. Quite bad RNG that trapped me almost instantly ;-;
On the other hand, I don't remember whether I posted it or not, but I always believed I would get 7 1MNB runs (including last spells). My original predictions were 4 to Rising World, 2 to some combination of Brilliant Dragon Bullet and Buddhist Diamond and the last one to something stupid. As of now, I've done 7: 1 to Eirin's non, 2 to Life Spring Infinity, 1 to Half Past 4 (4th last spell) and 3 to Rising World. Am I allowed to get my LNN now? :<
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: ILikeBulletZ on October 11, 2014, 10:57:27 PM
So, lately I have been wondering if getting all the Scenes No Item Cleared in ISC is truly worth it...

I already have 72/75 scenes No Item?d, "ONLY" 3 scenes left!... so close, yet so far.

While I really wanna go "Well if I got so far, I should fight until I get it then!", the last 3 scenes are just ridiculous. AND One of them happens to be Fitful Nightmare of all things... (And the other two aren't certainly much easier).

Other than 5-2 (Screw that scene seriously), Trying to No Item clear every scene has been pretty fun!

But I Kind of wonder if I am truly ready for this or if I am pushing it xD I mean, after all I only have a single Lunatic 1cc, maybe I should go back to playing the main games seriously...

I am sure some people here already completed the entire game No Item so yeah what would you do? Keep in mind I am not a COMPLETLY new player but I am no expert either, as already stated before I only have a single 1cc Lunatic (I could probably have at least 2 more if I didn't took a 3 month break in between my 10 months playtime of Touhou overall!), but people here keep talking of about stuff like Lunatic No Miss No Bomb No Border No Ufo No Vertical 1cc runs like it is a everyday thing so by comparison I am still a newbie LOL.

EDIT: Nevermind the 3 scenes left part, now its down to 2 only because 10-7 went down with surprisingly relative ease. WTF?

I am still sort of unsure simply because I am scared of FREAKING FITFUL NIGHTMARE... but oh well, I guess only time will tell!
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mr Jovial on October 18, 2014, 02:44:05 PM
So a week ago I LNNed which also means a week ago I started a new goal which was (predictably...) (,17115.msg1134735.html#msg1134735) scoring. I decided to stick with IN since that way I don't have to learn how to survive again and after bashing my head into lunatic stage 5 with Youmu, I'm starting to realise that maybe going for a solo character like Youmu on lunatic was probably not a good idea, but at the same time, I don't want to learn a route I'll ultimately not stick to. I decided I'll concede for now and go change character. Since I don't want to fight Reimu and I don't want to play Border Team I'm going to see how Netherworld Team plays out. Logically, Yuyuko should cover up most of my failures with Youmu...probably :>

EDIT: So after playing around with Netherworld Team I figured out my main problems are that I can't rapidly between Yuyuko and Youmu fast enough and I can't control Youmu's movement well. This gives me problems since in a lot of cases, I'm unable to stay above 30% human. After trying to improve, I realised I shouldn't be learning scoring from the best score runs on royalflare; right now I should be playing survival with the bigger scoring techniques thrown in.  I suspect anyone who has scored before that is reading this is thinking that this blindly obvious.  It probably is, I just have very little common sense.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: ILikeBulletZ on October 26, 2014, 12:41:33 AM
Does anyone here happen to know if its any easier to "Fitfull Nightmare" No items by trying to go around the 12 seconds wave attack twice instead of once?

The first knife wave isn't the problem. Hell, I think dodging it is the easiest part of the card! Its gotten to the point its almost trivial for me!... (Actually GETTING INTO the ring, though... its another story...)

But, NO MATTER WHAT I DO, I just simply can NOT kill Remilia before she does her second spiral... So instead of begin suicidal by getting stupidly close to Remilia only to die at the end anyway, I decided to grind and see if it is possible to dodge 2 of those spirals!

I think its perfectly possible, I almost did it once but it requires massive luck with Remilia position (She needs to be in the lower left of the screen), and you HAVE to dodge at least 2 lanes of knifes or you WILL be walled!..

It really isn't all that hard as it may seem in the first place, I actually have an easier time doing this than trying to desperately kill Remillia before the 2nd wave starts (Its certainly more fun, anyway). I actually got close a few times, even...
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Star King on October 26, 2014, 01:26:53 AM
IDK man, I would probably just try to kill Remilia before the second wave. Stay high up on the screen and used Cursed Doll sub. I think that yeah, probably staying high up is easier than doing the hell phase twice.

Also remember that being a little to the side is better for damage than being directly under her.

You don't even have to be *that* aggressive about staying high up on the screen:

When I did it I killed Remilia before the second hell phase even started, so I was more aggressive than the guy in this video.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: ILikeBulletZ on October 26, 2014, 06:13:55 AM
IDK man, I would probably just try to kill Remilia before the second wave. Stay high up on the screen and used Cursed Doll sub. I think that yeah, probably staying high up is easier than doing the hell phase twice.

Also remember that being a little to the side is better for damage than being directly under her.

You don't even have to be *that* aggressive about staying high up on the screen:

When I did it I killed Remilia before the second hell phase even started, so I was more aggressive than the guy in this video.

Yeah I remember seeing that video before...

I guess I just simply suck at reading the fast knifes while shotgunning, Remilia usually has about exactly half her HP left when the 1st wave ends, if not slightly more than that, while in all videos I have seen of this scene begin No Item?d, Remilia usually has slightly lower Hp than half.

The difference may not look like much, but its certainly the difference that makes me die...

Its still fun to sometimes try to do 2 waves instead of trying to speedkill Remilia by shotgunning her... I will have to do this, whichever way works first! (Besides, it would look cool if I could do it in a different way than most by dodging 2 waves... but that's just a bonus!)

Its the very last scene I have left to No Item the entire game... Already have 1K+ attempts on it (Which while high, it still has got nothing on 5-2 with its 5K+ attempts!)... I don't know If I am just that bad or what, but oh well I will keep going because its just ONE MORE SCENE (I dont count 10-5)...

At least its an entertaining scene and the RNG isn't all that relevant.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Ranko Hoshino on October 27, 2014, 05:34:15 AM
So I was thinking recently that maybe I'd like to do a TD Ultra Overdrive semi-TAS 1cc. The only thing I need to figure out is the difficulty hex address for ultra patched TD, then I'll be good to go. Would anyone be able to help with this?
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mr Jovial on October 28, 2014, 03:45:21 PM
Omfg, the pre-Keine section of IN stage 3 is so complex and fast because of all the familiars. I can barely figure out what's happening in replays ;-;
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Ranko Hoshino on October 28, 2014, 07:26:41 PM
I managed to get a TD Ultra Overdrive No Misses TAS run to happen today, and I'd like to give an extra thanks to Riz for having found the hex address I needed! :toot:
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: DarthNoob on October 28, 2014, 09:28:58 PM
After failing to 1cc Touhou 10-13 on normal, I decided to go play PCB on Hard to see how far I could get. Also played with three lives instead of my usual five. First try 1cc with one life still remaining. pcb is hard
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: FlamingRok on October 29, 2014, 02:25:28 PM
Compared to many people in this thread, I have no "impressive" achievements. Today was a good day for Touhou though. Never before had I gotten as far as I did in Imperishable Night  on Hard as I did today. A few stupid bombs/deaths aside, I managed to work my way up to 6B before finally dying to a spellcard that I had yet to see before; "Galaxy in a Pot". Though in retrospect, I should've known it way going to be similar to "Earth in a Pot".
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: ILikeBulletZ on October 29, 2014, 09:35:33 PM


10-4 No Item?d!  :)

Took 2K+ attempts, so it has a well earned 2Nd place in my personal list of "Hardest scenes to No Item" (1st place will ALWAYS be 5-2!)


Now all that's stopping me from having the entire game No Item?d is 10-5... Seems tricky but I doubt its harder than 10-4 so yeah!

The only problem I have with 10-5 is its 2Nd phase... I cant quite figure out what to do... I can do the other 3 phases semi-consistently at least!
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Szayelaporro Granz on October 30, 2014, 09:10:03 AM
Long time no see, folks. I tried SA Normal just now and I finally unlocked Stage 5 for practice :)
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Star King on November 05, 2014, 03:55:01 AM


10-4 No Item?d!  :)

Took 2K+ attempts, so it has a well earned 2Nd place in my personal list of "Hardest scenes to No Item" (1st place will ALWAYS be 5-2!)


Now all that's stopping me from having the entire game No Item?d is 10-5... Seems tricky but I doubt its harder than 10-4 so yeah!

The only problem I have with 10-5 is its 2Nd phase... I cant quite figure out what to do... I can do the other 3 phases semi-consistently at least!

Sooo, I'm interested. Did you end up going around twice like you wanted to?

For me 10-7 took the most attempts at around 1,500 attempts, then 10-4 at 1,100, then 5-2 at 900. I choked at a lot of close attempts on 10-7 though and probably should've gotten it hundreds of attempts earlier, lol
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: ILikeBulletZ on November 05, 2014, 05:07:19 PM
Sooo, I'm interested. Did you end up going around twice like you wanted to?

For me 10-7 took the most attempts at around 1,500 attempts, then 10-4 at 1,100, then 5-2 at 900. I choked at a lot of close attempts on 10-7 though and probably should've gotten it hundreds of attempts earlier, lol

Nope, at the end I just managed to kill Remilia right after she started her Second wave... got lucky with the knifes so I could shotgun somewhat safely and close to her :)

Now that I completed the entire game without items, I have been thinking if I should try to finish 10-4 doing 2 waves just for fun. The good thing about the waves is that they are static, so I have no RNG to blame if I mess up! I will see if I feel like doing that later...

10-7 for me took around 400-500 to me... but I got incredibly lucky, to the point that I made a big mistake that should probably have killed me (Not a good idea to go to dodge the amulets to the upper left side... when MIKO herself in on the left side as well, I could have easily got walled in!... Luckily RNG decided to have mercy on me, for once and got a dodgeable pattern anyway).

As for my top 3 scenes that took the most challenges:

1) 5-2 with 5,000+ Attempts. Yeah, I don't like that scene, at all. Its silly and BS. I think its the only time I literally had to swear at my screen because I was so TIRED of doing that hell of a scene over and over and over and over and over and OVER AGAIN!!! Now everytime I heard its respective BGM I automatically relate it to this FREAKING scene and it just makes me MAD! LOL
2) 10-4 with 2000+ Attempts. At least it was fun! (Unlike 5-2).
3) Ugh, I guess 10-5 with almost 1000 attempts... not sure though, should probably check later but I am pretty sure it has to be 10-5. Mainly because of that crappy 2nd phase Yukari does...
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mero on November 06, 2014, 04:09:34 AM
So, out of nowhere I found myself playing PCB and decided to go for an LNB, but I really need to adjust myself to PCB again (Reimu's speed makes me want to cry).

So far I've only practiced individual stages, and I have some issues here and there:
- Chen's last spell, this one's actually hard so I don't mind dying to this on a full run
- The section after the second Alice is a mess every time I do it, but I guess as long I survive it consistently (which I kind of do) it's ok
- Lunasa's second nonspell, now I know why Mino didn't like this attack
- Youmu's first spell, very difficult attack, but pretty much the only such thing in stage 5
- Lolthespam

Also, I really need to work on Yuyuko, especially her last two spells, the penultimate is a mess, and I have only captured Reflowering once.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: rsy_type1 on November 06, 2014, 12:33:49 PM
thanks for the GFW .
I can hardly view here and now...
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: ILikeBulletZ on November 08, 2014, 09:57:46 PM
SO I need help in something that actually isn't related to Survival or Scoring (Not directly anyway).

I decided that my next Touhou task would be to unlock all Last Words in IN...
I am currently working on one that says "Capture all the NORMAL SpellCards as Marisa Solo" Fair enough.

So I first went and tried to do just that, in practice mode. However, SOME Last Spells were locked... also  a few Spell Cards weren't captured but I didn't exactly knew on WHAT stage they were and trying to find them all with the Spell Card list was annoying so I just decided to do a Normal Marisa Solo run anyway., it should be stupidly easy with my current level of playing. And so was it, I captured almost all SpellCards in one go cept most of Kaguya but that doesn't matters I already did them in Spell Practice...

But I could NOT unlock ANY Last Spells in the Normal run. ANY!!! (Obvious Kaguya exception), despiste the fact that I almost always get them in Lunatic practice unless I play horribly bad...

In particular, I NEED help with unlocking Stage 5?s Last Spell in Normal, as it is the only one left (Apparently I COULD unlock all other Last Spells sometime before, IDK how). I can do the whole thing just fine perfectly no deaths no bombs whatever.... I even Milked ALL nonspells and spells for Time points but I STILL Need more of those "Time" points! (My best was 9000 out of 9999) What the hell??!!

How the **** is even REMOTLY possible to do this if I literally did it all perfectly, unless I am missing something obvious (Most likely), I mean I know the basics, Human for Stage and letting the familiars spam the screen with bullets then kill them, Youkai for Boss graze milking! Is that how it works right? That, and NMNB the entire thing should do the trick, right? WELL IT DOSNT...

WHY? I am sorry if this was a bit overly dramatic but I have been doing this freaking stage like 10 times as of now and I cant seem to get any closer than 8500-9000 Time points out of 9999...Its frustrating to lose for something that isnt my ability to dodge the bullets!

I also HATE how this is ridiculously easy to do... in the highest difficulty... that doesn't makes any sense!

Oh yeah another question...

I can unlock the Last Spell by doing it on Stage Practice right? I can also use Marisa/Alice Team to do that as well right? That would unlock said Last Spell for the team AND their respective Solo versions right? Do Last Spells even count towards the Last World requeriment? What about Marisa?s own spellcards, do I have to do them all including her freaking Last Spell as well (Which also isnt unlocked), even though its silly because then it would be a fight of Marisa VS Marisa? SO MANY QUESTIONS!...sorry.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: ?q on November 08, 2014, 11:56:08 PM
Marisa Solo has no Youkai component, so you cannot graze for Time points.  In addition, since most of the Time in that stage comes from familiars exploding after their master enemies die, and you have no way of killing the master enemies without also destroying the familiars, you can pretty much write off Marisa Solo from getting the Last Spell for Stage 5.  Use a team shot type.

I can unlock the Last Spell by doing it on Stage Practice right? I can also use Marisa/Alice Team to do that as well right? That would unlock said Last Spell for the team AND their respective Solo versions right? Do Last Spells even count towards the Last World requeriment? What about Marisa?s own spellcards, do I have to do them all including her freaking Last Spell as well (Which also isnt unlocked), even though its silly because then it would be a fight of Marisa VS Marisa? SO MANY QUESTIONS!...sorry.
Yes, yes, yes, I'm 99% sure they do, yes, in that order.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: ILikeBulletZ on November 09, 2014, 12:49:09 AM
Marisa Solo has no Youkai component, so you cannot graze for Time points.  In addition, since most of the Time in that stage comes from familiars exploding after their master enemies die, and you have no way of killing the master enemies without also destroying the familiars, you can pretty much write off Marisa Solo from getting the Last Spell for Stage 5.  Use a team shot type.
Yes, yes, yes, I'm 99% sure they do, yes, in that order.

Oh so that's how it works...

I though it was a matter of destroying the familiars first THEN leave the master for last! I have been doing it the other way around all this time, LOL. So I need to use Youkai for that... I wonder why everyone says "Stage= Human, Boss=Youkai" regarding Time Points then, but whatever.

Thanks for the answers... I really didn't wanted to do all of Marisa Spell Cards again... with Marisa... What the hell zun...
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Avakyon on November 09, 2014, 03:23:10 AM
Apparently you just need to know vaguely what you're doing... I just ballsed up stage 5 normal real bad and still got 13,000+ time with Marisa solo. For instance the very first enemy has no hitbox so instead of massacring the familiars by shooting from the bottom, just sit on it. I got 700+ time from just that as opposed to almost nothing from the bottom.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Inadequate on November 09, 2014, 03:46:43 AM
Stage 5 is one of the three most beneficial stages for Marisa solo, in terms of time-gain. (For me it's the second best stage, only after Final. But there's a Japanese player with better route than me, and they don't release replays, so I can't say for sure.) 20k+ should be simple enough once you know how to remain below -80% during the boss. With a little bit more to it, you can reach 10k after the midboss dies.

As most humans, her time gain is largely based on shooting unfocused, and maintaining the phantom gauge under -80% in order to gain time from it. As a human she also gains extra time from cancels, so you should put some effort into that.

A quick replay. ( I hope you forgive me for poor execution and character control, I have not played Touhou (or any STG) for several months. And don't get intimidated if it looks scary, I gain way more time than the requirement for the last spell, so you can pick down a couple of the easier tricks shown. Try to capture spell cards, as that gives you quite a bit of a bonus to your time.

I also HATE how this is ridiculously easy to do... in the highest difficulty... that doesn't makes any sense!
Lunatic has more bullets, so you get more time from your cancels. That's why.

Now, you can also play the stage in practice on any shot, and unlock the last spell in spell practice anyway, for all shot-types.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mr Jovial on November 09, 2014, 12:39:05 PM
So recently, I haven't been playing very much. I'm slowly learning scoring (though I'm still learning stage 3) with Netherworld Team. Since I hadn't practiced it in a while, I went back to see how rusty I'd gotten at stage 5 which is the only other stage I've learnt to score. After a few fails to the spammy enemies at the start of the stage (after the streaming bit), I actually managed a decent run by my standards. The only real mistake was that I failed to capture Telemesmerism.  I also realised that I'm crap at releasing the shoot key. I'll typically unfocus and focus before managing it. The other problem that I really need to face is that I'm incapable of bombing when in danger. Makes sense since I probably haven't used a bomb for survival for long enough to forget when the last time was. Oops. I guess that's what I get for doing nothing but stage perfects/no bomb runs  :derp:

Scoring is actually rather fun though but not when I'm dying/failing cancels everywhere :C
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Arcengal on November 10, 2014, 01:14:15 AM
Wrote a massive Tumblr post about my first Lunatic run.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: ILikeBulletZ on November 10, 2014, 11:50:18 AM
Wrote a massive Tumblr post about my first Lunatic run.

Wow, that truly was a very interesting read!

I like full in depth analyses games, pretty cool!

Its made even better because its relateable (In particular because PCB was also my first Lunatic 1cc so it fits even more). Seriously good job!
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Sakurei on November 11, 2014, 05:24:21 PM
I've been a lazy piece of shit with practice for the past 2-3 weeks and I really need to resume playing more than twice a week. Hopefully I'm not super mega rusty and can get back into it relatively quickly without wasting days and weeks for derusters. I hope to be able to do some runs by the end of the week, to be honest, even though that's maybe an unrealistic expectation. It probably depends on how much I actually play. IN extra is simply too hard to be lazy about it, I guess. I don't really know what I was expecting when I set my goal to 3b, lol.
Or maybe I'm just doing it all wrong, practicing too much and not doing enough runs. I find it really difficult getting the ratio right. At the moment (if I was playing, that is), it's probably 80:20 in favor of practice, which may or may not be way too much of one, and way too little of the other. I doubt that tipping the scale even more in practice's favor would be beneficial though. The repetition of doing the same couple spells over and over again is already getting to me as is. I'm not a very dedicated or patient player, I guess. I like getting things quickly. Never worked out well though w
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: ILikeBulletZ on November 11, 2014, 06:07:12 PM
I had a 2 month break from Touhou somewhat recently and it honestly hasn't affected my playing skills all that much... I was fearing the entire time that I would be WAY worse than before, but it only took a day or maybe 2 days and I was pretty much back to the same skill level as before!...

But maybe that was just me. Its not like I am that good to begin with, so maybe that's why I didn't noticed the skill drop as much as others who are more skilled than me, if that makes any sense (?)
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Sakurei on November 11, 2014, 06:36:15 PM
Generally speaking, I probably haven't become any worse. I could likely still do as well in EoSD LNB as I did a month ago. But I am referring to certain things that I have to do in IN extra to reach my goal. Especially on the level of optimization I practice. My stage portion may be bad, but my grazing is better than ASL's on every spellcard (albeit I'm losing out some on the first nonspell). For me, it's not about reading ability, or even dodging ability per se, but the precision needed is far higher than you would usually need to dodge some patterns. Not to mention that I am not allowed to fail any of those things (other than bombing the last nonspell, if I choose so), otherwise I will more likely than not not reach my goal. Keeping that sort of level as high as I need it to is very difficult and it drops far quicker than the general ability to dodge and read things. At least in my experience.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Inadequate on November 11, 2014, 11:12:17 PM
Man up and spam some credits.

If you keep practicing the same couple of spells over and over again, you're bound to add more and more micro-optimizations and other little things that can set your heart off the course, make you restart, or lose faith in the run and result in a death when they go wrong. Certain tricks you'll never be consistent at, some things you just have to luck out a couple of times, in the same run.

Speaking of personal experience.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mero on November 18, 2014, 01:33:53 AM
I've been working on and off on my PCB LNB. There are some points I just can't do reliably, but it's not like I can't actually work on them, due to how random they are.

My ideal run going from stages is just 3 misses (this is assuming I capture Yuyuko's penultimate and Reflowering), so I think I've practiced enough to try full runs now, but I don't really have time for it now (real life is kind of a thing). I'll have to stick with single stages just to keep myself used to playing
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Baron_Blade on November 28, 2014, 02:16:05 AM
After playing Phantasmagoria Trues almost exclusively for the last month, playing any other Touhou game feels really wide and fast. But on the bright side, I captured Peerless Wind God on a whim earlier today, so I guess playing PT helps a lot with general skill.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Failure McFailFace on December 01, 2014, 04:47:26 PM
Currently trying to no item ISC.

I have the 20XX spell card left in Day 3.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: MrL1193 on December 12, 2014, 09:40:25 AM
I played a bit of PCB tonight and captured the last two Hard spell cards I was missing--Hell Flame Sword and Deva Realm Sword. I was motivated to do it after seeing a PCB Hard Stage 5 NMNB video and thinking, "I didn't remember all these patterns being this slow" (possibly an aftereffect of playing SA Lunatic so much of late). That didn't stop me from messing up on Youmu's boss opener, but I did capture the two spell cards I was after in two runs, the first with Reimu B and the second with Sakuya A.

Now I just need to capture 6 more cards to complete my PCB collection: Benevolent Orleans Dolls, Sumizome Perfect Blossom "Bloom," Resurrection Butterfly - 80% Reflowering, Unilateral Contact, Kokkuri-san's Contract (just a loose end--I've already gotten Yukari's version), and Double Death Butterfly. Hopefully that last one won't give me as much trouble as Satori's version has. :ohdear:
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: CyberAngel on December 12, 2014, 08:33:17 PM
All this time, up until today, I was handling Dragon's Necklace like a total retard. Lasers are not as dense from the side that familiar comes from. Movement is life.

...No, I'm not back. Just playing IN for survival before dropping this stuff for good. Don't care about any other shmup anymore.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: MTSranger on December 21, 2014, 09:27:21 PM
Since I don't want to double-post in the rage thread...........

ISC 4-3, 1313 attempts and still no capture.
HOW HOW HOW do you guys all swim through those butterflies like it's nothing. I just can't do it. I always get clipped. It's impossible for me to kill it in two waves because I just really really can't dash through all the butterflies and get to shoot the boss in time. Seriously what's wrong with me. Why am I so bad.

ZUN I hate you. Why do you make it so that you can't move to the top of the screen. WHYYYYYYYY. WHY do you make it anime flashy cherry petals over those butterflies, as if they aren't flashy enough already, just so that I can't even see them. WHYYYYY

ISC 10-3, how do you dash through the red balls so fast? I just can't..................... I just can't..........................

This is just so HORRIBLE. I feel like I'm not fit to play Touhou and I should just quit. Clear ISC in 18 hours? 60 hours? HA. At this rate I will never clear it even after 500 hours. I can't even begin to fathom how to dodge the clipshit that is 10-5. Some of you said consistent at waves 1, 3, 4? HA. I can't read 2, 3, 4. I can't make the 0.000001 milimeter tap. I just caaaaaaaaaaaaan't. I'm just so bad. Lunatic 1cc in every other game feels so easy compared to this. SFN timeout with Youmu Solo? EASY. VoWG timeout? EASY. None of them took 1300 attempts. NONE.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: ILikeBulletZ on December 21, 2014, 11:23:14 PM
Since I don't want to double-post in the rage thread...........

ISC 4-3, 1313 attempts and still no capture.
HOW HOW HOW do you guys all swim through those butterflies like it's nothing. I just can't do it. I always get clipped. It's impossible for me to kill it in two waves because I just really really can't dash through all the butterflies and get to shoot the boss in time. Seriously what's wrong with me. Why am I so bad.

ZUN I hate you. Why do you make it so that you can't move to the top of the screen. WHYYYYYYYY. WHY do you make it anime flashy cherry petals over those butterflies, as if they aren't flashy enough already, just so that I can't even see them. WHYYYYY

ISC 10-3, how do you dash through the red balls so fast? I just can't..................... I just can't..........................

This is just so HORRIBLE. I feel like I'm not fit to play Touhou and I should just quit. Clear ISC in 18 hours? 60 hours? HA. At this rate I will never clear it even after 500 hours. I can't even begin to fathom how to dodge the clipshit that is 10-5. Some of you said consistent at waves 1, 3, 4? HA. I can't read 2, 3, 4. I can't make the 0.000001 milimeter tap. I just caaaaaaaaaaaaan't. I'm just so bad. Lunatic 1cc in every other game feels so easy compared to this. SFN timeout with Youmu Solo? EASY. VoWG timeout? EASY. None of them took 1300 attempts. NONE.

Well, you don't HAVE to finish 4-3 in 2 waves... you could try to take the risk and dodge 1 more, and safely kill Yuyuko after (I would personally just rush and kill her ASAP, but that's just me).

And yes, the fact that you cant move to the very top of the screen is absurd. I do remember it begin VERY annoying in that one scene, because I felt like I was able to actually dodge an incoming butterfly, only to find I have apparently hit the top of the screen... even thought I am not that close to it :/.

10-3 is slightly more doable if you try to lure the laser into a certain way... I would link my own replay if ya want but I am a n00b who has never shared replays IDK how to upload them...

10-5... Well yeah that one is just plain HARD. No excuses there. For some reason, it MIGHT seem like its better to go with the normal shoot than the Cursed Doll shot in this one scene (Not 100% sure though).

And finally, I know its cliche, but I don't think its a good idea to compare yourself to others... we all have difficulty in different stuff. I have cleared the entire game with no Items, yet all of the stuff you said there (Including apparently having all Lunatic 1cc- I barely have 2 under my belt because the rest are TOO HARD for me ATM) just seems unreasonable for me, to say the least...

One more thing... I know its tempting, but I would personally try to focus on as few scenes as possible (Around 4-5 Max). Because you know, practice/memorization. You may just clear one of those earlier than if you didnt focused on any scene in particular, and its just a good feeling to clear them, giving you motivation to continue clearing and so on :)

EDIT: Edited "Yuyoko". I don't know why I seem to ALWAYS misspell her name as "Yuyoko". WTF.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: MTSranger on December 21, 2014, 11:44:03 PM
OK FINALLY cleared 4-3.
A freakish streak of luck allowed me to dodge FIVE waves in a row.
To solve the top-of-screen problem, I taped some paper over the screen to cut it off ....


Thanks for the advice btw!!! I really need to calm down and not become extremely frustrated every 500 attempts.

EDIT: WOW what a productive day, also got 9-1 (1/798), 7-4 (1/356), and 6-5 (1/149) as well! The first one I had suboptimal strategy for a while... then once I fixed that it was surprisingly quick to capture. For 7-4 I relied on massive luck. For 6-5 I gave up reading the lasers and just move to the bottom right corner while praying. Eventually all stars aligned, the God of RNG answered, and I survived all waves.

I am now at 69/75... pretty good pace, and essentially running out of non-impossible scenes to do  :V Time to start practicing Fitful Nightmare...
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: ILikeBulletZ on December 22, 2014, 08:59:09 PM
Is 5-2 one of those "impossible scenes"?

I am curious to hear your thoughts about that one particular scene.-

69/75 is indeed really, really good!
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: MTSranger on December 22, 2014, 09:32:24 PM
I'll comment on the six scenes I have left:
5-2: Out of my silly attempts at it I die to nearly every wave, with some miraculous stream turns from time to time.

8-6: This just looks plain hard to me, but no serious attempts either. If I get stuck on 10-3 I may try this one from time to time.

10-3: I'm putting my main "serious" attempts on this one. It looks *possible*, but alas not enough practice yet + still haven't figured out what's optimal strategy for me. Ideally I want to kill it asap but that necessarily requires dodging more bullets as the laser will swing around more if you just circle around and go shoot the boss. Unfortunately dashing through red bullets is proving to be hard.

10-4: I like practicing it - it's actually fun to play. However, no ETA yet as I haven't figured out how to circle around the screen without clipdeath; it seems like you have a very small margin for error. Plus, I haven't memorized the "easy" part and of all attempts so far I haven't been able to shotgun and get the health down to less than half before the 12-seconds begin.

10-5: Nope, not even going to try at this moment. Looks too hard - especially having to luck through 2nd phase (no way I can read that) and um be "reliable" in 3rd and 4th phase (which currently has 99% chance of death for me) so I don't waste the good luck when I actually do pass the 2nd phase.

10-7: Sigh, another thing that just looks terrifying. Reacting to those lasers seems extremely difficult, and the amulets hit my perpetual weakness of "bullets from below" again. The invisible top of the screen barrier doesn't help either.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: ILikeBulletZ on December 23, 2014, 03:07:49 AM

Well, out of all of those, IMO 10-3 is the easiest one. (Still fairly hard), so if your focusing on it as you said you will get it in no time. Shotgunning Tenshi a few times is pretty much mandatory, she has absurd HP (Highest in the game!) for some unexplained reason...

8-6: It seems slightly easier to dodge vertically than horizontally, but maybe that's just me... Shotgun the boss at least for 3 waves! Helps a lot. Other than that, just skills + luck.

10-4: Just plain practice + luck with the knife spam... Also I am not sure what do you mean with "I haven't memorized the "easy" part" ?

10-5: is kinda lame because once you practice it enough, its pretty much about praying that you don't get hit by the 2nd phase with dumb luck (There ARE a number of patterns for it: They repeat after a few times, and are static. You will eventually notice this by playing it a lot, the safespots are the exact same, so they help if you recognize the pattern!).

10-7: Nothing that hasn't been said before. Skill + Luck. Especially luck. Don't take any chances, and get as far from Miko, to have SOME chance to get a doable amulet pattern. I almost blowed my capture because of getting greedy with this-

And 5-2 can simply go f*** itself.

Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Failure McFailFace on December 24, 2014, 01:17:07 AM
So today I was testing out recording Touhou games using OBS.

Link to the video (

The run was terrible, mostly because I couldn't see and had to strain my eyes to see anything.

And the video is tiny. I have no idea why.

[EDIT] And a MS attempt: LINK! ( A little bit of improvement, but the video looks poor.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Emerald Mint on December 24, 2014, 10:26:30 PM
If it appears tiny, check the Video panel in Settings and set the custom resolution to the same resolution the game is running at. That'll be 640x400 for PC-98 and 640x480 for the rest.
You may also want to check your resolution downscale setting that it isn't too low. Your YT uploads seemed to appear okay on my end, however.
MoF - Extra - ReimuB - Clear - 434,439,930

Now to practice and tweak a bit. Not bad for my first MoF EX-clear in a long while.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Karisa on December 24, 2014, 11:11:10 PM
Actually you can adjust the video size by clicking "Edit Scene", I think it is? Then right-click on it and there are options to adjust size, if I recall correctly. (I haven't set up recording a new game in quite a while though, so I might be misremembering.)

I used to adjust the resolution manually in the settings, but despite the games all being 640x480, it required a variety of irregular resolutions like 880x550 and 1000x625 that I had to write down; keeping a scene for each game (some can be shared like th7-8 and th10-12) is so much easier.

Also if you're recording live as opposed to replays-- note that you can use vpatch to customize the size for the games it's compatible with (i.e. th06-th13) if you prefer a larger windowed view.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Emerald Mint on December 25, 2014, 06:14:36 AM
To me, it feels like a waste of CPU resources going higher than the original resolution, plus it would need more bandwidth for the same image quality as well as having to mess around with the preset option again. If the game had looked out of place, I just deleted and re-added the Window Capture entry. I don't see anything against irregular resolutions if on the other hand you need a specific custom scene.
The Edit Scene option blanks out for me, oddly enough.

Also, I get some judder in the final video and it's not a VLC issue. Is that expected most of the time?
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Failure McFailFace on December 25, 2014, 10:02:29 PM
I found out last night that OBS as a button that auto-changes the resolution to the game window. It was very helpful for that MS run.

And an IN Extra clear attempt last night. (
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: MTSranger on December 25, 2014, 11:39:24 PM
Well, out of all of those, IMO 10-3 is the easiest one. (Still fairly hard), so if your focusing on it as you said you will get it in no time. Shotgunning Tenshi a few times is pretty much mandatory, she has absurd HP (Highest in the game!) for some unexplained reason...

Sigh, I've sunk in 865 attempts at it already, and I have never managed to survive more than 3 waves nor kill more than half of her HP; not even a SINGLE time. It just feel SO difficult trying to shot gun her and then swim through the red bullets. I just... can't do it. Almost every time I will get killed by one thing or another, be it red bullets that come behind other red bullets, large clump of red bullets standing in my way when I make a dash to escape the laser, or just having inaccurate movement/reading leading to crashing into a lone bullet in the middle of empty space, not to mention I also die fairly often trying to sit on top of the boss.

Do you mind providing a replay? Maybe you route is more newbie friendly than the videos I've seen, all of which require insane skills in dodging red bullets that I feel are just beyond me. I'm just bad at unfocused dashing in the rain.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: ILikeBulletZ on December 26, 2014, 04:38:45 AM
Yeah no worries, I will try to upload my replay when I return to my PC...

Which will be late tomorrow... Sorry for The wait.

Also don't expect some sort of full-on route... Its actually just me getting lucky, for The most of The part xD. I will still upload it, maybe it helps somehow.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Pakken11 on December 26, 2014, 05:30:36 AM
Hi everyone,

I'm Pakken, and I just registered here today. Douzo yoroshiku! :D

I'm actually migrating from a different community, though - the Facebook fanpage with 60k-something likes. Ever since I got to know about the series, I have pretty much always been a fan of the main games chiefly, and although there still seem to be a scarce number of people who seem to care about them over there, things seem to have shifted almost entirely to fan material and such since about a year ago. I mean, the page was always fanart heavy and such, come to think of it - even more so in the past in some ways - but at least back then there was a small group that did discuss the game regularly.

Anyways, so since this is an entirely game-based sub-forum (albeit fangames included), I am hoping to have a more... abundant(?) experience here :P
So once again, douzo yoroshiku!! :D :D

With that said, a little bit about my "progress" so far - I have been playing since April 2011:
-EoSD: Lunatic 1cc except Reimu-B, 3 Lives on Marisa-A; Extra with All Chars; All spell cards caught (according to Result Screen - e.g. Scarlet Gensokyo Lunatic not caught lol)
-PCB: Lunatic 1cc with Marisa-A, 3 Lives; Extra and Phantasm with All Chars; All spell cards caught
-IaMP: Normal Story 1cc with Marisa (barely lol)
-IN: Lunatic 1cc with Scarlet Team (6A & 6B) and Ghost Team (6B), 3 Lives; Extra with All Chars; All spell cards caught (Spell Practice)
-PoFV: Extra with Enma and her servant
-StB: 100% Cleared (don't get me started on 9-6)
-MoF: Lunatic 1cc with Reimu-A and Reimu-C and Marisa-B; Extra with All Chars
-SA: Lunatic 1cc with Marisa-A (bomb spam ftw); Extra with All Chars
-UFO: Hard 1cc with All Chars (my least favourite danmaku game in the series so far - I'd rather not chase slot-machines while weaving through needle holes lol); Extra with All Chars

Thanks for reading!
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: nav' on December 26, 2014, 12:53:20 PM
I have just posted a run I'm fairly happy about - an IN Easy Marisa run scoring over 2.4 billion. It's hardly remarkable on its own, but it's of special interest for me, given the following context:

1. I play very little Touhou, and even then more PCB than IN. I still don't have a Lunatic clear of any game. Indeed, I've never even tried.
2. I don't really have a route past Stage 1. I play partially based on instinct, partially on memories, and often make ad hoc decisions. There's no certain set of movements that I try to execute every run.
3. I still haven't bothered to read the scoring information on the wiki. As a result, my Time/PIV are very low.

Moreover, the run has one failed last spell, one Stage 4 spell, many missed point items and very low graze. I can only conclude that it's possible to get at least 2.5 billion (Easy Marisa) based solely on perfect survival and some memories of past runs -- with hardly any attempt to understand the game's scoring mechanics.

...guess I really should try reading the wiki one day.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mr Jovial on December 26, 2014, 01:30:29 PM
Oh wow, Mystia's Vocal Sign "Howl of the Horned Owl" is actually such a fun attack to score on. Not simple though, and it's so fast I can't keep up in a lot of cases. Oh well, I'll get better slowly. Also, Song of the Night Sparrow is actually a really good theme and it's taken me this long to realise because I didn't pay it much attention :O
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Failure McFailFace on December 26, 2014, 05:20:12 PM
Damn, 5 Lunatic clears!? You are definitely skilled.

Also remember, if you're posting accomplishments, post in the Achievement Thread (,17115.0.html).

Have you played TD and/or DDC at all? Those are easy(-ier) to 1cc, if you would like to try (although I haven't yet).
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: ILikeBulletZ on December 26, 2014, 05:39:19 PM
Ok so I am finally on my PC...


How to upload replay? xD (No seriously, I have no clue- I know where my replays are, and that's where my knowledge ends).
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mero on December 26, 2014, 08:50:44 PM
-UFO: (my least favourite danmaku game in the series so far - I'd rather not chase slot-machines while weaving through needle holes lol)

I think this is the best description of the game I've ever seen :V

Anyway, welcome to HME!
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: MTSranger on December 27, 2014, 12:23:29 AM
Ok so I am finally on my PC...


How to upload replay? xD (No seriously, I have no clue- I know where my replays are, and that's where my knowledge ends).

You can attach them to the post. When you are creating/editing a post, there is attachment option like this (click "Attachments and other options" to expand it):


You can also upload to Royalflare I suppose.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: ILikeBulletZ on December 27, 2014, 02:44:58 AM
OK, provided I didn't screwed anything up, the replay should be right there...

Looking at it again, it seems I did had a "route" of sorts after all... somewhat... but as always, skill + luck play a big role!...

Well, anyway just take a look and see if it helps you somehow!
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Pakken11 on December 27, 2014, 04:14:54 AM
Damn, 5 Lunatic clears!? You are definitely skilled.

Also remember, if you're posting accomplishments, post in the Achievement Thread (,17115.0.html).

Have you played TD and/or DDC at all? Those are easy(-ier) to 1cc, if you would like to try (although I haven't yet).

Thanks :D They definitely aren't regular clears, though, so yeah - a lot of luck and good condition involved :P

I'll definitely post to the achievement thread whenever I get that SA Lunatic 1cc with Marisa-B - Satori is trolling me currently QQQQ
Also, is there a complaint(?) thread somewhere? You know, like raging about spell cards and such lolol

I haven't gotten beyond 12 yet. I've been playing stuff in order, and I might try out 10.5 next, or continue with IaMP - been skipping the fighting games cause, you know, I'm just completely pathetic at them  :blush: :blush:

I think this is the best description of the game I've ever seen :V

Anyway, welcome to HME!

I know right? People didn't get it apparently when I was in that other community lol
So yeah, I might not even bother with UFO Lunatic anymore and just move onto the Cirno game or Double Spoiler - after catching up with the fighting games, of course :P

Thanks for the welcome :D
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Failure McFailFace on December 27, 2014, 01:45:01 PM
Also, is there a complaint(?) thread somewhere? You know, like raging about spell cards and such lolol

Right here (,15166.0.html)
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: ILikeBulletZ on December 28, 2014, 01:37:51 AM
Attempting to do something that's moderately easy today, went to unlock some Last Word in IN because why not?

Decided to go for the "Use Solo Reimu, 1cc Final B on Hard/Lunatic" unlock one.

I cheated and put all 7 starting lives instead of default (It didn't said anything about starting lives, all I needed was a 1cc under these conditions :P).

In my defense, I put it in Lunatic when I could have gone on Hard... I don't even know why. Whatever.

Even with these lives, it was a close call: Only 1 life renaming at the very end. But it was a cool and different way to play (Never tried Solo Reimu), and got my last world unlocked- and I ALSO got ANOTHER random Last world unlocked, for no apparent reason (?), so 2 Last Worlds unlocked in 1 run... that's cool, I guess xD.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Ranko Hoshino on December 28, 2014, 02:19:32 AM
The other Last Word was probably unlocked just because you cleared Lunatic, though continue count doesn't matter for that one.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: ILikeBulletZ on December 28, 2014, 02:29:51 AM
The other Last Word was probably unlocked just because you cleared Lunatic, though continue count doesn't matter for that one.

Except I already 1cc Lunatic Final B before doing this, and had the respective Last World attached to it Unlocked already...

So no idea what unlocked the other one :/ Oh well not gonna complain LOL.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Ranko Hoshino on December 28, 2014, 05:02:39 AM
Oh, so which one was unlocked then?
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: ILikeBulletZ on December 28, 2014, 05:14:30 AM
Oh, so which one was unlocked then?

Youmu?s Last World.

BTW that spell was a bit...

Underwhelming. Certainly not the kind of stuff I expected from Youmu. Took me only 2 attempts, and that was only because lol Suprise death the first time...Too easy :/

The other one was Marisa?s. That one is actually challenging though.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mr Jovial on December 28, 2014, 08:00:18 AM
Youmu?s Last World.
That one is unlocked by clearing Final B with 6 characters/teams regardless of difficulty. And yeah, a lot of last words are underwhelming, only a select few are actually horribly difficult  (Wriggle, Reimu and Yuyuko are the main ones though stuff like EX-Keine's aren't too far behind) but Marisa's isn't normally one of them. I guess it depends on how well you can move unfocused without hesitating. There are tricks to the attack but I guess I won't ruin what they are :V
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: ILikeBulletZ on December 28, 2014, 08:35:52 AM
OK so that's why I unlocked 2 LW in 1 run, cool!

And yeah TBH I barely attempted Marisa Last World (around 30 attempts), But compared to Youmu Last World it is at least semi challenging!...

I could help But notice the spellcard seems to be semi-static. The stars aren't completely random, they always seem to go to roughly The same place in most of my attempts, WTF. Or I am just seeing things...
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Pakken11 on January 01, 2015, 06:41:50 AM
(Dunno if something like this belongs in this topic, but oh well)

I think Yukari just broke the border... lololol
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Baron_Blade on January 02, 2015, 10:51:54 PM
PT's Advanced Unseen route is killing me inside. I've gotten to one Alice's last three attacks on three separate occasions, and I've been having a terrible time getting past stage 3 since. I usually end up losing a bunch of lives during Unseen 2 and 3 simply because the game's been dragging out and it takes me from 8 lives to nothing in some cases. Hopefully I can get past this soon so I can do Terminus.

EDIT: I just did another run because why not and I had another game over to Alice's final spell. It had about 1/15 of its life left. I am kinda dead inside.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Pakken11 on January 03, 2015, 01:16:24 PM
So, I find I need about 2 and 3 lives in stock to safely do Shou and Byakuren, respectively, and I can barely milk 1 extra in stage 6. So as long as I can get to Shou with about 4~5 lives I think I could (FINALLY) manage a 1cc somehow - and that's without memorizing Byakuren's 2nd spell and whatnot.
The problem is, Murasa and Stage 5 hate me as much as I hate them, and while I could maybe get used to Murasa's ridiculously fast non-spells through Practice runs, Stage 5 is just ridiculous period lol (Oh, and this isn't even considering the slot-chasing.)
I did manage to start Stage 4 with 4 lives after an amaxingly lucky 0-0 (M-B) Ichirin, though, and there were some bad slotting in stages 2 and 3 iirc.
So perhaps if I can milk the first 3 stages, get to stage 4 with like 6 lives, do 1-bomb<=>1-Green-UFO trades for the latter half, and SOMEHOW survive stage 5(...), then maybe, just maybe I could get the 1cc? Like, if the UFOs don't troll me AT ALL, in LUNATIC? Yeah, I think it's easier to hit the jackpot at the casino lol
Ugh, I hate this game even more now. *cries in corner*
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: ふねん1 on January 16, 2015, 05:02:04 AM
So back at Christmas I received a new desktop computer (not a "surprise present" though, it was arranged well beforehand) to replace my old, run-down laptop that can't stop overheating. I wasn't able to start using the new one until about a week ago due to real life reasons, but one thing I am happy about is that I can finally play DDC again. I had about a week's worth in real time to play it two summers ago, and I ended up enjoying how insanely difficult the danmaku was. I've been getting back into the game over the past few days, and I'm having just as much fun as before. Lots of stuff to learn and in some cases relearn, but I'm making progress in just about everything, which is exactly what I wanted to happen. Even Yatsuhashi's final card, which really threw me for a loop during that first week, has gotten easier now that I'm more comfortable with how it works. Plenty of the remaining challenges in the game may not come for a while, but I truly feel like I'll still have fun along the way.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: shockdude on January 16, 2015, 10:03:46 PM
Well I beat TD Extra. That took way too long.
TD Extra is a huge grind. You have to play the stage a multitude of times in order to figure out an adequate trance route, and then you need to execute the route perfectly or else you miss out on getting lives and bombs. The sheer amount of randomness in that stage didn't help at all. But at least I'm now pretty decent at reading those arrow-bullets.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: LunaWillow on January 17, 2015, 11:03:20 AM
Several days ago I 1cc'd MoF (it wasn't to hard. It took like three tries), so right now I'm trying to beat extra. This game has fairly easy stage, same goes with midboss.

First three Suwako's cards are pretty easy if done correctly, her fourth card is hard, her fifth and sixth cards are hellish. I went to Froggy Brave Element only twice, so I can't really tell.
I cleared Croaking Frog Eaten by a Snake once with zero power. No idea how lol
I managed to get to her first timeout spell once, but died soon after it began.
I'll still try to beat it. MoF extra seems pretty easy compering to IN (Fujiyama Volcano is just unfair) or TD (I hate the stage portion).
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Nameschonvergeben on January 17, 2015, 09:28:14 PM
Gameover at Scarlet Gensokyo :'(
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Uruwi on January 18, 2015, 01:42:08 AM
I'm trying to 1CC SA on Normal, and chose MarisaA (instead of ReimuB) this time for her 8.00 power. I started a lot of times until I finally reached Stage 5 with only two deaths, then died on Orin's second-to-last spell. My fingers hurt.

P. S. I wish all of the games had Spell Practice. But Satori has two embarrassingly easy cards against MarisaA, which I both failed due to having close to no power.

P. P. S. Oh froop MarisaA's doll options are wiggling!
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Sakurei on January 18, 2015, 06:59:58 AM
I beat ASL by 300 time in the first half of the extra stage.


Too bad it doesn't mean anything if I can't finish the run strong.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Pakken11 on January 18, 2015, 07:19:52 AM
then died on Orin's second-to-last spell. My fingers hurt.

Welcome to Needle Mountain, where bomb-spamming is usually recommended for a stable 1cc  :V
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Uruwi on January 18, 2015, 09:08:47 AM

Welcome to Needle Mountain, where bomb-spamming is usually recommended for a stable 1cc  :V

I was on my last life and 2.fs power.

P. S. also lost a lot of lives on the midboss because MarisaA's bomb provides little visual feedback
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: LunaWillow on January 22, 2015, 08:27:23 PM
While playing MoF extra once again I made it up to Mishaguji-sama and died on like last several seconds of it. Seriously, her life was at end! Now I can't even do her first spell card right  :qq: That or I die on one of Kanako's attack.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mr Jovial on January 24, 2015, 01:49:58 PM
Recently, one of my goals was an NMNB IN extra using Netherworld Team. Got 2 runs with 1 miss (1 to Flying Phoenix and the other to Imperishable Shooting) but I've given up on that. The main goal was to get better with Youmu and I feel comfortable enough to move on. The stage as a whole was also getting annoying; I was getting trapped by a few attacks and I'm too scrubby lazy to grind runs until I manage to capture Mokou's last nonspell.

So I went and tried EoSD stage 5 and got annoyed by how awkward it is to practice because you start off with 2 lives. I did freeze my lives but that still means lots of deaths so I spends lots of time at 10 rank (minimum on lunatic). To fix that I froze rank at 32 but that makes certain stage enemies hellish (mainly the spammy fairies at the start). I eventually gave up on that. Then decided to give stage 6 a shot and its mostly the same problems. Starting enemies are horrible at high rank and freezing values isn't a great solution. Hitboxes on the medium sized circles also got obnoxious and I gave up on that as well.

I'm somehow running out of stage perfects to go for. The only ones I have any interest in are PCB 4, SA 5, UFO 5 and DDC 5 and of those, I just don't feel like PCB 4 and DDC 5 would be enjoyable. Maybe it's time I start properly going for score..
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Pakken11 on January 25, 2015, 03:23:23 PM
@Jovial: Or you could try some CAVE shooters.
Sakuya-B: 2 continues
Reimu-A: 1 continue
Marisa-A: All kinds of stupid deaths (and stupid border break on 80%) BUT no continue - 1-2 left in stock actually

This was my night of casual PCB Lunatic 3 Lives (aka I wanted to see what the other Prismrivers were like on Lunatic), after being awake for over 20 hours.
And to think some people say shot-type makes no difference if you can do 1cc lol
Movement speed, shot gimmicks, shot appearance (for hitbox-feeling), hitbox location/size, etc. etc. etc.
All kinds of stuff to throw you off - Sakuya felt extremely slippery after playing Marisa all the time >A>;;
(and I still think Reimu-C is slippery too in MoF, even compared to Reimu-A, but that just might be Reimu-C lol)

Too bad I didn't stream this, but I didn't feel like setting up everything *yawn*
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Karisa on January 25, 2015, 10:14:33 PM
And to think some people say shot-type makes no difference if you can do 1cc lol
First time I heard that. Shot type is very significant. Touhou shot types are never balanced for survival (with the possible exception of EoSD); there's almost always one or two that make the game much easier.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mero on January 26, 2015, 05:56:12 AM
PCB's shots are actually fairly balanced imo.
Just having four bombs per life makes any Sakuya good for survival (even if B's don't deal damage, the base shot is pretty powerful); Reimu has a nice trade of shot and bomb damage added to her small hitbox and extended deathbomb window, and Marisa has a better item collection coupled with powerful (if narrow ranged) shots and bombs. It may come to preference in movement speed or convenience with homing, but all shots can get the job done with roughly the same effort.

But yeah, on most games your shot selection does matter, especially on the earlier games with the variable stage 4 boss.

on the later games it just comes to some shots being crap...
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Pakken11 on January 26, 2015, 12:40:08 PM
Balance is not the problem. It's what you are used to. It's like, just because you have a first-class(?) international drivers' license doesn't mean that you're comfortable driving vans around when you've been on a pickup truck your entire life.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: t_prinny on January 26, 2015, 01:41:51 PM
It could be a case where your current stage routes aren't exactly compatible with the other shot-types. I won't deny that being used to a shot-type is also important since each one has different strategies. Quirks such as the angle SakuyaB's shot shoot at is something you need to adjust to before you can use it effectively.

I'm only mentioning that bit about stage routes mostly because I have strategies with ReimuB that doesn't really work with MarisaA. I know in stage 4, I can't really graze the red suicide bullets before Lily White during a border with MarisaA as well as ReimuB or SakuyaB. Also, the Prismriver sister you start the fight with could make a significant difference since you could be used to fighting one sister while having not as much experience fighting the other (if I had to use an example, I could comfortably deal with Lunasa's opener while Merlin's scares me).

That being said, I've been trying and failing for the past month trying to beat my SakuyaB score with ReimuB in PCB (among other stuff). If there is anything good, I've gotten some consistency with my score at the end of each stage with my current routes. I've been seeing 800 million after stage 6 Youmu more often now. Sort of been failing Yuyuko far more than I should, though. I may need to go to practice mode to relearn her 3rd spellcard since I've been failing that a lot recently. Also failing Repository of Hirokawa a lot, but I blame that on me being greedy trying to graze it. I place myself at too much risk trying to end the card when I notice the timer at 3 seconds left. I may just go ahead and try to end the spellcard once there are 10 seconds left on the timer. I can see my current stage routes at least scoring 1.1 billion with ReimuB, which is my current goal to work towards. Doesn't help I get really nervous because I know I could potentially beat my current score. I should probably figure out more border timings since that could make a significant difference.

I probably should work on better survival, though. I don't think I ever pulled off a no death run in any of the difficulties in any game yet.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Uruwi on January 26, 2015, 10:46:59 PM
PCB's shots are actually fairly balanced imo.
Just having four bombs per life makes any Sakuya good for survival (even if B's don't deal damage, the base shot is pretty powerful); Reimu has a nice trade of shot and bomb damage added to her small hitbox and extended deathbomb window, and Marisa has a better item collection coupled with powerful (if narrow ranged) shots and bombs. It may come to preference in movement speed or convenience with homing, but all shots can get the job done with roughly the same effort.

But yeah, on most games your shot selection does matter, especially on the earlier games with the variable stage 4 boss.

on the later games it just comes to some shots being crap...

They said the shot types were balanced... (

Well, as they said, I'm the most used to SakuyaA, since I enjoy homing shots and bombspams.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Uruwi on January 30, 2015, 09:45:28 PM
I finally reached Patchy without bombing, but I failed horribly on Cranberry Trap and Laevanteinn, so I lost my last life at Four of a Kind.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mr Jovial on February 07, 2015, 09:23:38 AM
I've been playing Touhou for 2.5 years and only just figured out that pressing R in the menu restarts and Q quits  :X
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: ILikeBulletZ on February 07, 2015, 06:10:08 PM
I've been playing Touhou for 2.5 years and only just figured out that pressing R in the menu restarts and Q quits  :X


I don't know how to react to this...
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Emerald Mint on February 07, 2015, 06:41:42 PM

I don't know how to react to this...
Seems I'm not the only one either. Guess that's one thing I look past when using a controller.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: ILikeBulletZ on February 08, 2015, 12:27:07 AM
Seems I'm not the only one either. Guess that's one thing I look past when using a controller.

OH but I DID knew about this actually.

I was just shocked that someone with that much experience didn't knew about such a small (But incredibly usefull) feature.

TBH I think I learned from its existence on this very same forum...Have been using it since the very first week I started to get into Touhou, thanks to this forum, lol.

To someone who does not visit these forums or anywhere else that might explain this feature, I can only see them discovering it by pure accident.

More OT:

Actively practicing MoF?s Lunatic Stages to later go with the 1cc...

So far I can do Stage 1 perfectly, Stage 2 with about 1 Bomb, Stage 3 with about 4-5 bombs, Stage 4 with 8-9 Bombs (And thus obviously a life or even 2 lost), and Stage 5 with 7-8 Bombs. (Haven't reached Stage 6 in Lunatic yet).

All of this are, of course, the very best I can do in each stage individually and with good RNG and play skill.... I don't expect to play this well in a real run... but maybe its time to give it a real try?
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Tengukami on February 08, 2015, 12:50:55 AM
So two transitions in Touhou have recently come about for me.

First, I recently revived an old laptop when my newer one whitescreened on me, and the only games it can play are PC-98. I've never been the biggest PC-98 fan, but what started as a begrudging interest has become more genuine. I'm still having a hard time with the way the bullets simply disappear in the backgrounds of some of the stages, but otherwise it's been great fun.

Second, my girlfriend has been playing DDC a lot, and at times I'll jump onto her computer to play it. I've always been an unapologetic Easy/Normal player, but lately, this difficulty level has kinda ... bored me. Funny how it took like eight years for that to happen. These days, what I typically do is spam continues as far as I can go on Lunatic, then restart on Hard (and I'm not Columbusing here - I know practicing on a higher difficulty than you typically play at is pretty standard). I think Hard has the right balance for me - really challenging, but not frustratingly so. Not after a round of Lunatic, anyway, that's for sure.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Ozzter on February 10, 2015, 04:17:35 PM
I've been playing Touhou for 2.5 years and only just figured out that pressing R in the menu restarts and Q quits  :X

Oh jeez, I didn't know about this either. This'll really help with needing to restart quickly, haha.

So I've been working towards 1cc runs on normal of ESoD through DDC recently. After some frustrating runs with UFO, I took a break and decided to play a bit of StB. Of course, starting day 6, that became very frustrating, and I stopped halfway through day 8. I then returned to UFO and then 1cc'd normal on my first try, so playing StB must've really helped out there. I only have 3 games left to 1cc now, MoF, TD, and SA. I don't plan on being able to do a 1cc run of SA anytime soon, and I'll probably work on TD before MoF, since I'm not all that fond of MoF.

I must say though, StB is pretty fun if not insanely frustrating for an average player like myself. Some of those spellcards are brutal. I also pretty much have a general opinion on each game by now, and I find DDC and SA to be my favorites.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: anthonyshu01 on February 11, 2015, 03:35:12 AM
Im trying to get a normal 1cc run with Youmu on TD, but sometimes I run into a bullet after I unleash a charged attack due to me suddenly regaining speed in unfocused mode. (The charged attack is pretty op though for clearing regular stages)

Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Karisa on February 11, 2015, 04:01:08 AM
Im trying to get a normal 1cc run with Youmu on TD, but sometimes I run into a bullet after I unleash a charged attack due to me suddenly regaining speed in unfocused mode. (The charged attack is pretty op though for clearing regular stages)
You can release Z instead if unfocusing is an issue. Personally though I think it's generally easier to release shift.


On the topic of Esc-R and Esc-Q: They've been on the wiki gameplay pages since whenever I first discovered them (which was over 4 years ago).

For those of you who just found out, anyway-- note that Esc-R only works in Touhou 7 onward, and Esc-Q in Touhou 3 onward. (Some of the side games may be exceptions, too. I know StB is an exception from the recent quick challenge, at least, though it's not much of an issue when you can just ram a bullet/boss instead.)
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: LunaWillow on February 12, 2015, 10:17:19 AM
And so today I finally cleared UFO on normal without continues.

I'm so glad! For the long, long time it was the hardest shooter in the Touhou and it was unbeatable for me. But now, I cleared it, and I can finally face Nue for real!
Only thing that makes me sad is my score. I guess it doesn't matter now. I 1cc'd UFO, that's all that matters!

Only games that I haven't 1cc on normal yet are EoSD and DDC. Time-stopping maid and screen-flipping amanojaku were the ones who prevented me from clearing those games. But now, I don't have choose... Ugh...
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Uruwi on February 12, 2015, 08:42:15 PM
And so today I finally cleared UFO on normal without continues.

I'm so glad! For the long, long time it was the hardest shooter in the Touhou and it was unbeatable for me. But now, I cleared it, and I can finally face Nue for real!
Only thing that makes me sad is my score. I guess it doesn't matter now. I 1cc'd UFO, that's all that matters!

Only games that I haven't 1cc on normal yet are EoSD and DDC. Time-stopping maid and screen-flipping amanojaku were the ones who prevented me from clearing those games. But now, I don't have choose... Ugh...

You can cheese Sakuya using bombs; she has only 3 spells total. In fact, I've yet to beat SA or UFO on Normal, but I've beat EoSD.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: LunaWillow on February 13, 2015, 07:58:30 AM
Maybe I can cheese her, but I keep timeouting her midboss spell and I don't get 1up for it... Freaking Sakuya, why do you need to fly all over the screen?!
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Uruwi on February 13, 2015, 09:32:31 AM
Maybe I can cheese her, but I keep timeouting her midboss spell and I don't get 1up for it... Freaking Sakuya, why do you need to fly all over the screen?!

I guess you're not using ReimuA. In that case, you will need to bomb on her spell.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Lishy1 on February 13, 2015, 09:34:28 AM
Making a pc-98 Touhou music mod for Doom. So nice to hear that music ingame!
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Ozzter on February 13, 2015, 02:22:56 PM
Maybe I can cheese her, but I keep timeouting her midboss spell and I don't get 1up for it... Freaking Sakuya, why do you need to fly all over the screen?!

It took me a bit figure Misdirection out myself, but it's actually a really easy spellcard to dodge and capture. If you position yourself at one side, right under where Sakuya would appear or move to, and stay there without following her if she moves to the side, the smaller daggers are easier to dodge and you can focus on dodging the knives. Just stay in that spot, and keep shooting her when she teleports over to your side, and from there it should be easy to beat, even capture that spellcard. The biggest thing is to not follow her when she goes to the opposite side.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: LunaWillow on February 13, 2015, 07:29:36 PM
It took me a bit figure Misdirection out myself, but it's actually a really easy spellcard to dodge and capture. If you position yourself at one side, right under where Sakuya would appear or move to, and stay there without following her if she moves to the side, the smaller daggers are easier to dodge and you can focus on dodging the knives. Just stay in that spot, and keep shooting her when she teleports over to your side, and from there it should be easy to beat, even capture that spellcard. The biggest thing is to not follow her when she goes to the opposite side.
Thank you!  I couldn't figure it out.
I tried beating the game once again and with very little resources I had I got pretty far in Remilia fight (I died in her second to last spell). Still, I didn't beat the game, but I'm getting closer.

I also tried DDC normal. Man, THIS GAME IS HARD. I didn't even got to Shinmyoumaru with continues! Kagerou, Tsukumo sisters, Seija... That's too much for me.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Karisa on February 13, 2015, 10:47:33 PM
I also tried DDC normal. Man, THIS GAME IS HARD. I didn't even got to Shinmyoumaru with continues! Kagerou, Tsukumo sisters, Seija... That's too much for me.
DDC can give quite a lot of lives-- try to figure out places where you can get reliable 2.0s, in stage practice.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Choco Beam on February 14, 2015, 12:13:25 PM
I'll have to stop playing IN again to focus more on other stuff. I'll come back during Summer break (around June) when I have more free time. Keep the IN scoreboard warm for me, people. I want to see some improvements! and hopefully my scores won't be 1st place anymore when I come back.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mr Jovial on February 14, 2015, 12:30:10 PM
Keep the IN scoreboard warm for me, people.
Hopefully I'll have learnt how to score decently by then :>
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Tengukami on February 14, 2015, 12:38:59 PM
I also tried DDC normal. Man, THIS GAME IS HARD. I didn't even got to Shinmyoumaru with continues! Kagerou, Tsukumo sisters, Seija... That's too much for me.

DDC can give quite a lot of lives-- try to figure out places where you can get reliable 2.0s, in stage practice.

Adding to this, bear in mind that you can always drop a bomb when the screen is covered with enemies and/or resources, which is highly likely to give you a 2.0. And then keep milking the PoC for green stars, so you can continue said bombspam. It's actually kinda nuts how much DDC shovels lives and bombs your way.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: LunaWillow on February 14, 2015, 03:35:50 PM
EoSD cleared! Not beaing able to see your hitbox wasn't really a issue.  I almost captured Remmy's last spelcard, but I accidentally run into the bubble.

Now, only DDC is left. I cleared it today, but with all continues. I'll try your advices. I'll also try to practise Stages 4-6 more, so I won't screw up a good run.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Ozzter on February 14, 2015, 04:17:52 PM
The feeling when you fail a 1cc run halfway through the final boss's final spellcard. I've had this happen twice to me, in MoF and TD, haha, so I've yet to 1cc those two. It's like I know the patterns and such, but I guess I'm not aware half the time and make stupid mistakes, or I over extend at times ( I blame UFO and DDC for putting me into this habit! ). Oh well, I'm going to try and keep practicing those so I can focus soley on SA afterwards, since that's the one that gives me the most trouble out of all the games. I'm aiming to have those two done this weekend if all goes well!
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: ILikeBulletZ on February 14, 2015, 05:08:46 PM
The feeling when you fail a 1cc run halfway through the final boss's final spellcard. I've had this happen twice to me, in MoF and TD, haha, so I've yet to 1cc those two. It's like I know the patterns and such, but I guess I'm not aware half the time and make stupid mistakes, or I over extend at times ( I blame UFO and DDC for putting me into this habit! ). Oh well, I'm going to try and keep practicing those so I can focus soley on SA afterwards, since that's the one that gives me the most trouble out of all the games. I'm aiming to have those two done this weekend if all goes well!

I know that feeling from TD with Youmu...

Failed aganist the Final Boss Spellcard... 3 times so far... in Normal...

Its the main reason of why I dont buy the "TD is teh eazist game LEL" at all. Pattern wise, you have a point. Resource wise... hell no!
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: LunaWillow on February 14, 2015, 05:28:45 PM
Its the main reason of why I dont buy the "TD is teh eazist game LEL" at all. Pattern wise, you have a point. Resource wise... hell no!
Exactly! If the game would give you more resources, it would be the easiest game in the series, but it just don't give you too much. And some of the life parts can't be got without bombing/trans.

Because of that, IN isthe easiest in series for me.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Ozzter on February 14, 2015, 07:54:49 PM
Exactly! If the game would give you more resources, it would be the easiest game in the series, but it just don't give you too much. And some of the life parts can't be got without bombing/trans.

Because of that, IN is the easiest in series for me.

Oh yeah, I loved the life system in IN/PCB. Since I'm usually not too focused on collecting point items because of my lack of skill, making an incentive to collect them and with the introduction of a visual counter towards the next life was great. Added on to that with the fact that the better you did, the harder it was to gain lives because the counter increased as you gained lives, and reset when you died. ( Or was it continued? I'll have to check ) The only reason I was able to get through UFO and DDC was because I focused on getting as many life fragments as possible from the gimmicks, haha!

On a side note, what's up with the continue amount increasing in PCB? I remember it being only 3 when I started playing it and now I get 5. Granted, those 5 let me normally beat PCB hard non-1cc, but it felt cheaty( I just needed to beat Yuyuko to unlock practice for stage 6, but even then ). Was very weirded out when I saw a 5 instead of a 3.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: ILikeBulletZ on February 14, 2015, 09:04:32 PM
Oh yeah, I loved the life system in IN/PCB. Since I'm usually not too focused on collecting point items because of my lack of skill, making an incentive to collect them and with the introduction of a visual counter towards the next life was great. Added on to that with the fact that the better you did, the harder it was to gain lives because the counter increased as you gained lives, and reset when you died. ( Or was it continued? I'll have to check ) The only reason I was able to get through UFO and DDC was because I focused on getting as many life fragments as possible from the gimmicks, haha!

On a side note, what's up with the continue amount increasing in PCB? I remember it being only 3 when I started playing it and now I get 5. Granted, those 5 let me normally beat PCB hard non-1cc, but it felt cheaty( I just needed to beat Yuyuko to unlock practice for stage 6, but even then ). Was very weirded out when I saw a 5 instead of a 3.

100% Agreed on the Life system of PCB/IN FTW. It really worked just fine with that system!

Also not too sure but I believe the Continue amount is different according to the difficulty you are playing. The harder the difficulty, the more continues you get... (even thought you would think the higher the difficulty the LESS continues you would get, but ehh...)

At least I believe this was the case with at least 1 game, but not sure if it applies to every game.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Karisa on February 15, 2015, 02:00:40 AM
The only reason I was able to get through UFO and DDC was because I focused on getting as many life fragments as possible from the gimmicks, haha!
Try this in TD too if you're having trouble. You don't get many lives, but with planned bombs and trances you can skip plenty of patterns (especially on Hard/Lunatic where you get twice(?) the blue spirits as Easy/Normal). It is a lot more punishing for accidental deaths, though.

Also not too sure but I believe the Continue amount is different according to the difficulty you are playing. The harder the difficulty, the more continues you get... (even thought you would think the higher the difficulty the LESS continues you would get, but ehh...)

At least I believe this was the case with at least 1 game, but not sure if it applies to every game.
The continue count increases by difficulty in TD (3/3/6/9) and DDC (3/3/4/6). (Isn't it always 5 in PCB? I never paid much attention there though, since a single PCB continue resets the extend requirements to their low starting values. Simple enough to test though by temporarily renaming your score.dat file.)

Personally I don't see why they aren't just unlimited. Aren't continues mostly used for unlocking stage practice, or for playing out failed runs for practice, with the main goal being clearing without continues? That's the impression I get, at least.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: ILikeBulletZ on February 15, 2015, 03:12:25 AM
Try this in TD too if you're having trouble. You don't get many lives, but with planned bombs and trances you can skip plenty of patterns (especially on Hard/Lunatic where you get twice(?) the blue spirits as Easy/Normal). It is a lot more punishing for accidental deaths, though.
The continue count increases by difficulty in TD (3/3/6/9) and DDC (3/3/4/6). (Isn't it always 5 in PCB? I never paid much attention there though, since a single PCB continue resets the extend requirements to their low starting values. Simple enough to test though by temporarily renaming your score.dat file.)

Personally I don't see why they aren't just unlimited. Aren't continues mostly used for unlocking stage practice, or for playing out failed runs for practice, with the main goal being clearing without continues? That's the impression I get, at least.

Holy crap...

9, NINE continues?...


I am pretty sure it has always been 5 PCB continues. I still remember from my very first Easy difficulty run (which doubles as the very first time I played Touhou), I used all 5 continues (And still died at Yuyukos survival because that's how much I sucked back then LOL).
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: MrL1193 on February 15, 2015, 03:17:51 AM
So, speaking of DDC, I recently got the game myself. Normally, I would do my blind playthrough on Easy in order to get it out of the way with less boredom, but this time, I decided to jump right into Normal Mode. My first three runs of the game went thusly:

1st: I started out with Reimu A, as I usually do. I didn't read up on the lives system for the game, so I didn't realize that POC was the way to get them. I managed to get past the first two stages without dying or bombing, but started blowing through resources shortly thereafter. In the end, I had to continue twice on Stage 6 to finish.

2nd: I switched to Reimu B this time so I could unlock Stage 4B for practice. This time, I knew about the POC mechanic, so I tried to use it as much as possible. Unfortunately, since I didn't have the stages memorized at all, this lead to numerous clumsy deaths on later stages, and I again had to continue twice on Stage 6 to finish.

3rd: I finally decided to try out Sakuya A to see if all the claims that she was OP were true. They were. Thanks to the power of homing knives and double bombs, my life count maxed out at the end of Stage 5, and it stayed at or close to the max all through Stage 6.

On a side note, I haven't set aside time to figure out whatever new method we have to use to apply translations now, so I've resorted to looking up the translated scripts online after playing the game (including the scripts for the endings I've seen). I really do wish there were just a simple translation patch for this game like the ones for the previous games...
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: LunaWillow on February 15, 2015, 07:56:29 AM
In PCB you always get 5 continues, at least on normal.

I'm not sure who to play as in DDC. I like ReimuA, and I like SakuyaA and B, but I don't like Sakuya's bomb. Also I'm not sure, which Tsukumo sister is easier (they're both hard :/).
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Emerald Mint on February 15, 2015, 08:15:38 AM
ReimuA/B are good for starter shots, although ReimuA is capable of more damage on all fronts. Personally I've had less trouble with the A-type sister.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Karisa on February 15, 2015, 08:45:39 AM
I'm not sure who to play as in DDC. I like ReimuA, and I like SakuyaA and B, but I don't like Sakuya's bomb. Also I'm not sure, which Tsukumo sister is easier (they're both hard :/).
SakuyaB's shot is among the weakest in the game (and the no-damage bomb doesn't help; SakuyaA's bomb at least gets 2 screen clears). I would not recommend her unless you're doing an any shot type challenge ranked by score (since she gains extra PIV from both shooting and bombing).

ReimuA and SakuyaA are both quite powerful for some reason (strangely for homing shots). SakuyaA even slows down enemy patterns. Meanwhile ReimuB is surprisingly weak, but some people like the familiarity with needle Reimu.

Basically, DDC's shot types are really unbalanced. The best one basically comes down to ReimuA or SakuyaA anyway, assuming you wouldn't count a MarisaB resource-farming-bomb clear.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: LunaWillow on February 15, 2015, 10:36:45 AM
Oh, really? I always thought homing=weak forward focus=strong. I'm surprised it's opposite in DDC. I guess I'll stay with ReimuA, maybe SakuyaB.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Ozzter on February 15, 2015, 02:24:04 PM
Never noticed that about the continues, I guess I must've been playing some lower difficulty when it came to the continues.

With DDC, I actually prefer MarisaB and SakuyaB for their shot types for some odd reason, and might even try MarisaA due to starting to really enjoy MarisaC's power in MoF ( though it won't have the locking mechanic, I'll miss that ). I'm always weird about shot types, I just play what feels enjoyable to me, and homing shots always seem to be a deterrence to me. They're just not too enjoyable to use, personally. This is for all the Touhou games too, and why I almost never end up using Reimu except for her persuasion needle shot type.

EDIT: Now that I think about it, there aren't actually many similarities about MarisaC in MoF and MarisaA in DDC besides the fact that they both are flame type shots with alot of power.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: LunaWillow on February 15, 2015, 04:45:41 PM
Never noticed that about the continues, I guess I must've been playing some lower difficulty when it came to the continues.

With DDC, I actually prefer MarisaB and SakuyaB for their shot types for some odd reason, and might even try MarisaA due to starting to really enjoy MarisaC's power in MoF ( though it won't have the locking mechanic, I'll miss that ). I'm always weird about shot types, I just play what feels enjoyable to me, and homing shots always seem to be a deterrence to me. They're just not too enjoyable to use, personally. This is for all the Touhou games too, and why I almost never end up using Reimu except for her persuasion needle shot type.

EDIT: Now that I think about it, there aren't actually many similarities about MarisaC in MoF and MarisaA in DDC besides the fact that they both are flame type shots with alot of power.
I like only certain homing shots, like MoF one or DDC while I don't like the ones from first game (like PCB or EoSD one)
DDC ReimuA is really enjoyable. Who doesn't like to swing huge mop as your bomb? :V
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Ozzter on February 16, 2015, 05:43:55 AM
So yay, just did a 1cc of MoF as ReimuB today. Felt so good to finally get that one done, it being my least favorite one and all ( However, through playing it a couple times, I've warmed up a bit towards it ). Time for TD now, and dreading doing SA due to how difficult it is for me. I don't think I've actually beaten SA even with continues, even though it does give unlimited continues, restarting from the beginning just gets tiring after the first ten times, so it just wore me out before actually beating Utsuho. Also, just found out that the trance button in TD was a thing. I always thought it was only an on-death effect, whoops! Must've glanced over that when checking button configs, that'll help immensely during the Miko fight.  :derp:
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: LunaWillow on February 16, 2015, 12:36:43 PM

I've beaten every Touhou shooter on normal!
Yay~ Thank you, SakuyaA!
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mr Jovial on March 04, 2015, 03:57:27 PM
Ugh, giving up on another stage perfect, this time SA stage 5. Midboss Orin is just too RNG based difficult for me and on the off chance that I get past her, I find most of her other boss attacks either boring or annoying. At this point, the only stages I'm considering perfecting are PCB 4, UFO 5 and (possibly) SA extra. I was going to go for a stage perfect then just stick to scoring practice but with Mino's 2 LNNs, I'm considering going for another LNN, namely TD. Not sure if I'll follow it through or not though.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Sakurei on March 05, 2015, 05:43:39 PM
I posted an entry to my blog about my extra run. I could copy and paste it all in here, but what doesn't one do for some extra clicks. well and it's pretty lengthy so I don't know if I should put a wall of text here (Actually, if I'm not allowed to link the blog, please delete the link, PM me and tell me that you did, I'll do the copy&paste then)
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: SleepyYoukai on March 09, 2015, 03:58:05 AM
I finally got my first lunatic 1cc in any Touhou game ever. Granted, it was TD but i was overjoyed. The day after that I managed to beat Flandre which was the only unbeaten EX-boss (Windows era only). Good times.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Uruwi on March 09, 2015, 04:06:50 AM
I captured Newborn Divine Spirit on Hard.

As well as ExKeine's last spell plus Mokou's 3rd, 5th, and 7th.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: ?q on March 11, 2015, 01:21:00 AM
I thought I would pick up Resurrection of Heaven's Liquor for funsies.  It's a bad game that was barely playtested, so I can't take it seriously, right?

Well... one result of it not being playtested is that the later parts of Lunatic are pretty close to impossible, if not outright unplayable.  That was a lot of continue-spam.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: SleepyYoukai on March 11, 2015, 05:38:04 AM
After about 520 failed attempts with Remilia and another 230ish failed attempts as the Border team, I captured Fantasy Heaven as Rm & Yk. When I first started trying to cap it with Remilia it was rare for me to even get past the fourth "fan" of amulets, surviving after that was even more uncommon. Towards the grand finale, I got a path going, even though it sometimes didn't work because Reimu was too low on the screen, but a path nevertheless.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Electric Tengu on March 13, 2015, 05:12:50 AM
Hi :) I've viewed these forums as a guest for a while and I've posted once before to ask a minor question, but now I finally decided to introduce myself (sorry if this is the wrong place, though I think I've seen introductions here before).

I've been playing Touhou since early 2013, though I'd played a bullet hell game before (Bullet Heaven) that helped me ease into the series.

My favorite Touhou games are UFO, then TD, then MoF. UFO because I really like the patterns, challenge, and the working for your resources (though I mostly play stage practice); TD because it was my first Touhou game after EoSD and it was the first I seriously played (sometimes I forget EoSD was my first, lol); and MoF as the game I play the third-most, mostly because I love its Stage 4.

My favorite characters are Marisa, Yuyuko, Youmu, Sanae, and to a lesser extent Orin, Aya, and Shou.

My favorite songs (in order of chronology) are Heartfelt Fancy, Lullaby of a Deserted Hell, At the End of Spring, Sky Ruin, Emotional Mind, Night Sakura of Dead Spirits, The Hall of Dreams' Great Mausoleum, Legend of the Great Gods, Magical Storm, and The Shining Needle Castle Sinking in the Air.

Currently I have Hard 1ccs in all Windows games except PoFV (never played it) and Lunatic 1ccs in TD, DDC, and MoF. My best achievement is a TD L4MNBNT, and I'm looking to get a UFO Lunatic 1cc (I've made it to Byakuren a few times now).

Thanks for reading! :)
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mino ☆ on March 13, 2015, 05:17:22 AM
So, today marked the first time I got to Kanako in a MoF LNN attempt. It didn't last long, as I failed her first spell due to mistiming my restream (lol nerves).

Buuuuut... before this I was unsure of whether I should be going for the MoF LNN given how rusty I was. But after a few weeks of grinding it I'm seeing consistency (starting to cap stuff like Hydro Camo and Momiji more often) and I think I can do this! If I can get to Kanako without mistake, it's only a matter of time before I get my third LNN! (So excited! I can't believe I already have two! This journey is so thrilling! :3)

Of course, this is taking into account that I actually grind. I'm not gonna get the MoF LNN unless I put my mind to it. LUCKILY spring break is here so I have some time to grind it.

My goal this year is to get as many LNN(N) runs as I can before the year is up. I have 2 games down, a third one underway.

What will I do after MoF? Not sure. Maaaybe SA? I reaaaaally don't like playing IN too much so I dread the thought of actually doing that game.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Karisa on March 13, 2015, 06:58:37 AM
Hi :) I've viewed these forums as a guest for a while and I've posted once before to ask a minor question, but now I finally decided to introduce myself (sorry if this is the wrong place, though I think I've seen introductions here before).
Hello, welcome to MotK!

There is actually an introduction thread, but if you're looking to introduce yourself specifically to the gameplay-discussion part of the site (since many players in HME wouldn't necessarily see your introduction elsewhere), this works well enough I suppose.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mero on March 14, 2015, 12:18:46 AM
So next up in my list for LNBs is IN, and I'm going to do it with Youmu solo, for two reasons. One is because Youmu is a pretty fun shot to use, and she's quite strong;  the other is because it's almost painful for me to let Border Team's deathbomb timer wear off

So far I'm just de-rusting on the patterns, some stage portions I have trouble with are the early fairies on stage 2 (the ones that constantly shoot familiars), the fairies just before midboss Keine, and the large ones after midboss Marisa, but I'm pretty sure it's mostly me messing up my aiming.

As for bosses, I can't capture Last Spells for shit, but I don't exactly care for them. Other than that, I don't have much trouble outside of Marisa and Kaguya, even Tewi.
With Marisa, her second midboss nonspell is a clusterfuck I can't read, and I keep running into her familiars on Event Horizon, everything else she has should be doable after some practice.
I know Kaguya is basically RNG: the final boss, but I decided to go for her anyway since I'm more familiar with her than with Eirin (and I really don't like Eirin's fight). I may have found a way to do Brilliant Dragon Bullet reliably, since I'm consistently capturing it lately; Buddhist Diamond is kind of a thing, but since I can't hit Kaguya directly anyway, I can move around more comfortably; Salamander Shield is a joke now with the up/down method and Youmu killing it in just two waves; Life Spring Infinity is just horrible, I'm gonna keep practicing, but I don't count on capturing it, and Hourai Jewel should be doable with the Yellow Balls strat. For her Last Spell Rush I just want to have Rising World show up, I don't really mind if I don't capture some spells.

I'm not particularly impatient about getting this LNB, I'd like to do it for Shimatora's challenge, but if I miss the deadline I'll just do it with normal starting stock.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: ふねん1 on March 14, 2015, 03:17:15 AM
Every time I devote some measure of time to IN, I seem to get closer and closer to completing a new personal challenge. I haven't been as interested in doing Stage 6B or Extra lately, so I switched back to Stage 6A, one of the stages I was trying to perfect before my bout with burnout a couple of years ago. I've been sitting down and grinding each of Eirin's Spell Cards on the side, and I'm really seeing the fruit of my labor now. I forget where I saw this, I think it might've been from Jovial, but moving to the right on Apollo 13 really does seem to make the attack easier to read and dodge. I'm capturing that and Omoikane's Brain more often in general, and I've refined my familiar-killing strategy for Astronomical Entombing. I've yet to get a full perfect run, but nailing two NMNB runs tonight is certainly a step in the right direction. As long as I don't die during the first phase of Hourai Elixir again lol, that was too heartbreaking.

So next up in my list for LNBs is IN, and I'm going to do it with Youmu solo, for two reasons. One is because Youmu is a pretty fun shot to use, and she's quite strong;  the other is because it's almost painful for me to let Border Team's deathbomb timer wear off

So far I'm just de-rusting on the patterns, some stage portions I have trouble with are the early fairies on stage 2 (the ones that constantly shoot familiars), the fairies just before midboss Keine, and the large ones after midboss Marisa, but I'm pretty sure it's mostly me messing up my aiming.

As for bosses, I can't capture Last Spells for shit, but I don't exactly care for them. Other than that, I don't have much trouble outside of Marisa and Kaguya, even Tewi.
With Marisa, her second midboss nonspell is a clusterfuck I can't read, and I keep running into her familiars on Event Horizon, everything else she has should be doable after some practice.
I know Kaguya is basically RNG: the final boss, but I decided to go for her anyway since I'm more familiar with her than with Eirin (and I really don't like Eirin's fight). I may have found a way to do Brilliant Dragon Bullet reliably, since I'm consistently capturing it lately; Buddhist Diamond is kind of a thing, but since I can't hit Kaguya directly anyway, I can move around more comfortably; Salamander Shield is a joke now with the up/down method and Youmu killing it in just two waves; Life Spring Infinity is just horrible, I'm gonna keep practicing, but I don't count on capturing it, and Hourai Jewel should be doable with the Yellow Balls strat. For her Last Spell Rush I just want to have Rising World show up, I don't really mind if I don't capture some spells.
Yeah, from my experience the Stage 2 fairies that shoot familiars are harder to do with Youmu than with the Border Team. If anything, you can not kill them right away so fewer of them show up. Don't know about how Stage 3 or 4 work for her though, haven't tried it in years.

Having played Kaguya quite a bit over the past half year, I think calling her excessively RNG-based is a little harsh. I don't know what your strategy is for Brilliant Dragon Bullet, but I've had a lot more success moving up above each wave of bullets as the laser grid approaches - a lot less to dodge that high up. I'll give you Buddhist Diamond, but the extra freedom as Youmu sounds like it'll help. Lifespring Infinity seemingly frustrates a lot of people, myself included at one point. While I need to test this out more, I'm now under the impression that staying directly below Kaguya really is the way to go. You'll have more room to move vertically after she fires each wave, and no worries about either those red rings or Kaguya herself slamming into you.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mero on March 14, 2015, 04:35:07 AM
Having played Kaguya quite a bit over the past half year, I think calling her excessively RNG-based is a little harsh. I don't know what your strategy is for Brilliant Dragon Bullet, but I've had a lot more success moving up above each wave of bullets as the laser grid approaches - a lot less to dodge that high up. I'll give you Buddhist Diamond, but the extra freedom as Youmu sounds like it'll help. Lifespring Infinity seemingly frustrates a lot of people, myself included at one point. While I need to test this out more, I'm now under the impression that staying directly below Kaguya really is the way to go. You'll have more room to move vertically after she fires each wave, and no worries about either those red rings or Kaguya herself slamming into you.

Heh, maybe you're right on Kaguya, I just feel like she throws some nigh-impossible stuff without warning, but I've just started grinding her fight, so that opinion is likely to change. It sounds like we do the same thing for Brilliant Dragon Bullet, nice to know from someone else it works. I'll have to work a lot on Lifespring, I'm just not comfortable with the red stars, but I found that the laser wheel has a delay on their hitbox, like Buddhist Diamond's lasers, so I have more of a window than I previously thought
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Nameschonvergeben on March 14, 2015, 01:30:56 PM
For the fairys in stage 2 I think with youmu the best way to do them is to circle around them, so that myon can hit them without getting blocked by the familiars. Also Marisas 2nd non is completely static, so once you find a way to do it it's very consistent (you can use yorgjes nonspellpractice to find a way)
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Failure McFailFace on March 14, 2015, 09:54:03 PM
Hi :) I've viewed these forums as a guest for a while and I've posted once before to ask a minor question, but now I finally decided to introduce myself (sorry if this is the wrong place, though I think I've seen introductions here before).
Welcome to the forums!

There is actually an introduction thread
and here's the link 4 teh lazy (,8320.0.html)
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mikuru on March 15, 2015, 01:07:58 AM
I have to say (speaking as another newcomer) I was put off posting in the other introduction thread, as I'm not comfortable beginning a conversation with people I'm meeting for the first time by talking about my religious and political views. It would be awesome if we had a Touhou introduction thread where we were encouraged to list our favourite games, songs and characters like Electric Tengu did :)

As for me, I've gone quiet again since I succeeded in the 1cc I was attempting, but I'm still playing Touhou. I just haven't decided yet what my next "main" goal is going to be. I might try and do a scorerun on Easy mode. We'll see.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: ふねん1 on March 15, 2015, 02:50:08 AM
It's been so long since I've cleared any of my personal challenges that I almost lost track of how many I even got in the first place. With a perfect Eirin fight now under my belt, I've completed half of my challenges for IN, which had the most of any game by far (6 total). I'll have to see where I can take this in the near future, but I certainly feel like I got a little bit of momentum from this one.

I have to say (speaking as another newcomer) I was put off posting in the other introduction thread, as I'm not comfortable beginning a conversation with people I'm meeting for the first time by talking about my religious and political views. It would be awesome if we had a Touhou introduction thread where we were encouraged to list our favourite games, songs and characters like Electric Tengu did :)
Well, you don't have to post your views if you don't want to, just say you don't feel comfortable sharing them. Anyway, welcome to MotK!
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Pakken11 on March 16, 2015, 11:44:55 AM
Dunno where to put this, so I'll just put it here .w.
Saw this a while ago, but still hilarious: BlackSun Shooter (
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Failure McFailFace on March 16, 2015, 07:43:35 PM
Saw this a while ago, but still hilarious: BlackSun Shooter (


Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Pakken11 on March 18, 2015, 06:06:37 AM
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Failure McFailFace on March 18, 2015, 01:21:45 PM
He's the guy with the blue name and the Nazrin avatar. Drake made a few patches for some games, like the black-square bullets patch for SA and UFO, and a few utilities, like an input tracker.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Pakken11 on March 18, 2015, 03:11:24 PM
I see. Still, them black suns 0_____0;;
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: ふねん1 on March 19, 2015, 08:52:57 PM
With most of my other goals for IN out of the way, I've decided to move on to what might end up being my hardest challenge yet: an IN Lunatic 1-life clear. Now, the longer deathbomb timer and emphasis on memorizing attacks arguably helps compared to when I was going for that PCB Lunatic 1lc a while ago, but practicing for a 1lc reminds me just how prevalent not messing up randomly can be. I've yet to get past Marisa, and it's only been this afternoon since I've started getting past Keine more consistently. Probably because I'm being a little hardheaded and trying not to use any bombs, especially not death-bombs, until Marisa. Having much fewer resources (13 bombs compared to 10 + lots of borders in PCB) will do that to ya, I guess. I'm making steady progress if anything, just like with PCB. We'll see how long this takes me. Might be longer than a week, but you never know.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: ILikeBulletZ on March 24, 2015, 12:00:28 AM
First REAL attempt at Lunatic MoF...

First 3 stages went fairly good.
Stage 4 was a mess, first time I got up to that point with ReimuB (I had a Lunatic run up to stage 5 with ReimuA previously)
Same with stage 5... no homing shot really messed my route there...

Enter stage 6 with 2 lives, completely blind Lunatic wise.

Attempt ended at Kanakos 2nd nonspell...yeah...

After continuing 2 times I managed to get the the final spell and got it up to around 1/10 HP bar left before I died and called it quits for today- Still, considering I got up there with only the 2 lives the continue lets you start with (The same amount I had in my actual run), means I should have this 1cc if I reach Kanako with 3 lives, on a good day... probably...

For what its worth, I THINK I managed my resources fairly nicely- I did not die with bombs/power left at all, not even once. That means I just have to get good at the last stages.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mino ☆ on March 26, 2015, 05:26:55 AM
So today I decided to boot up PCB again to practice scoring and had a bit of fun with it.

I'm not sure if I will go through with it, but I am in the process of routing and practicing. This is my current route. Not sure what it will yield.

Stage 1: Bomb before cirno for power items. Bomb cirno?s first non at the 23 second mark in order to get a border for her first spell. Get the border for the first spell, graze madly. Grab all power items at the end of the stage manually.
Graze 5 of Letty?s first spell waves (six if you learn it well)
Bomb right before Letty fires her blue needles and green bullets to get enough Cherry + for a quick border on the last spell. Graze lasers on last spell. Must end stage 1 with at least 27k cherry+
Stage 2: Get a border and graze the streaming green things. Get a border during chen?s midboss spell and graze the rings. Grab a border at the end of the stage and sit still while all the bullets pass you. Then sidestep at the end.
Stage 3: graze alice?s first midboss non. Maybe graze her second midboss non. Bomb it for cherry+. Grab a border at the beginning of her midboss spell. Milk it for point and cherry items. Get a border at the end stage.
Alice?s Fight: Suicide on first non. Grab a border during first spell. Stop shooting and graze unfocused during it. Use full power trick to get cherry+ for a border during the second spell. Graze like mad on the second spell. PoC and milk it for cherry items and point items. Get a border for the third non. Stop shooting and try to get another border for spring Kyoto dolls. Make sure that you have around 34-35k Cherry+ when you finish off Alice?s last spell so you can enter stage 4 with around 49K cherry+.
Stage 4: Graze the opener. Bomb focused after POC?ing to stall the border until the fairies appear. Graze around the fairies to maximize PIV gain. Get a border and graze the red waves at the top of the screen. Use PoC tricks to ensure around 46k+ cherry+ at Lily. Get a border as Lily?s second red aimed wave starts coming toward you. Stay elevated and slightly tap for graze. Break your border at the right time so you can shotgun Lily for a quick kill.
Post Lily section: Bomb first. Graze the ending blue bullets and most of the red bullets. Go to the bottom of the screen and sidestep the red needles and blue bullets. Break the border as soon as the purple bullets fill the screen. PoC again and graze red bullets. Move back down. Tap left to avoid the blue bullets, but tap back right to avoid the second wave so you can get lots of graze. Break the border again. Graze the red bullets and some of the green bullets when the next section starts. PoC the items while killing the fairies coming down.
Stage 4 crazy section:
Immediately kill one fairy in the left side, PoC, and then move down, kill the second fairy, and finish off a third fairy on the right side. Bomb the third wave to kill all fairies. On the last wave. Stay on the left, and only kill the two on the left after they have fired. Sidestep the purple blasts. Quickly move under the end stage death fairy for free graze. Move back down and finish the stage.
Prismrivers: Kill the first non at 35 seconds. Graze the second non rings before they unfold. Bomb at 49 seconds left  and move to the corner to get cherry+. Suicide the crazy third wave. End the nonspell at 22 seconds left. Start the first spell under Lyrica. Graze unfocused the streams of red arrows. Damage Lyrica the most to ensure you fight her.
Lyrica solo: Get the full power clear as Lyrica shoots her first wave. Don?t grab the border until after the second red wave of the next wave starts. Stream graze the red things. Don?t be too high on the screen to avoid accidental hit. Make sure to graze some waves before they unfold.
After this, you want to bomb in order to get cherry+. On her second spell, grab a border and graze. Then time it out for spell bonus. Grab another border on the penultimate. Then try to get a border at the end stage clear. The goal is to grab a border on every attack except the first non.
Stage 5: Work in progress
Stage 6: Work in progress


At this point in time, I've kinda dulled out on survival play. It's not really fun to play LNN(N) anymore because of how boring the beginning stages are. I am aware that scoring grinding is more brutal. But I might have a bit of fun with this.

...I make no promises though. We all remember what happened last time I went through a "Scoring phase". I took a break and never went back to it.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mero on March 31, 2015, 06:14:45 AM
I got to Kaguya on a full run for the first time today. I should be clearing on this week if I play for more than 2 hours a day, but I've given up on getting this by tomorrow; if I do, well that's nice, but it'll be with normal stock, so I won't submit it to Shimatora's thread.

As for how the run actually went (gonna start on stage 2, because >dying on stage 1):
-stage 2 was a bit messy, but it always is, so I'm not worried
-stage 3 was okay, I died to Keine's last normal spell
-I guess stage 4 was okay too, I died twice, to both of Marisa's midboss spells, Asteroid Belt just bad luck, while Event horizon was actually me screwing up my strategy (which seems to work now)
-stage 5 was actually bad, I don't expect to NMNB it, but I shouldn't be dying twice, it's a really simple stage
-on stage 6, I died to Eirin's non, then I moved too soon on Kaguya's first spell, messing up her aiming, and Buddhist Diamond was just Kaguya saying "nope, you're not clearing"

Three lives should have been enough to clear, I just messed up the parts I had control of, and then Buddhist Diamond was its usual self. Then again, I've just tried full runs for the grand total of 10 times, it's just a matter of keep trying now
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mr Jovial on April 03, 2015, 02:49:59 PM
Finally learned how to score all 6 stages of IN lunatic with Netherworld Team so I started trying to do full runs. It's been an hour and I haven't successfully scored stage 1 yet. What is this.... ;-;
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: ILikeBulletZ on April 03, 2015, 08:43:33 PM
Just got a MoF Lunatic BAD! Ending with Reimu B...While that obviously means I didn't actually clear, it also means I AM able to clear the ENTIRE Stage 6 with just 2 lives, on an extremely good day, so... Yay?
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mr Jovial on April 11, 2015, 12:22:16 PM
So I just realised that a little bit of my scoring route is wrong. Previously I thought you're supposed to bomb 4 times on Mystia's last nonspell then bomb 4 times on Keine's 3rd spell. It's taken me this long to realise that isn't possible without a death :V. Without that death you can only bomb Keine's 3rd twice, I never noticed because something would always kill me between the two. Whoops.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Andrew on April 18, 2015, 08:06:17 AM
Been working on UFO Lunatic for the past week. Man, people weren't kidding when they said this game was hard. I'm struggling to clear it WITH bombs, though I'm getting pretty close at least. Had 3 runs make it past Devil's Recitation now, and the most recent one reached the red phase of LFS. It's looking a lot more doable now that I got all the stages routed for the most part. If I can just get to stage 6 with 3 or more lives, I've got this. This is the last Windows 1cc I need.

I'm enjoying this game a lot more than TD despite the frustrations with the UFOs and all that. Gives me an adrenaline rush.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Uruwi on April 18, 2015, 07:02:40 PM
Got my first DDC Extra clear ( with MarisaB. 0/12 spells.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Pakken11 on April 18, 2015, 08:36:05 PM

I just... I don't know - I needed to share this SOMEwhere and decided to risk the ban hammer lol *hides and puts head between knees*

It's a game and it's Touhou, so I'm guessing it can go on this board? Or should I still make a new thread..
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Nolegs the Cat on April 19, 2015, 10:37:04 AM
Sooo... I'm going for an Imperishable Night lunatic 1cc!

I've decided on going for stage 6A since I like Eirin's fight better, I can actually practice her stage and she's easier.

So... furthest I've gotten is Genealogy of the Skyborn (would've got further if I didn't horribly derp in stage 6 =_=) which is pretty good.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mero on April 20, 2015, 03:35:44 AM
Pretty cute patch you got there chirps :V

Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Sakurei on April 20, 2015, 12:12:59 PM
I PB'd for IN normal today and I stand at 4.05b now.

4.1b when I can stop failing all of Kaguya's spells. 4.2b when I can stop dying along with it. 4.3 if I stop being bad.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mikuru on April 21, 2015, 12:44:45 AM
Very pleased with today's PCB run. Didn't clear, but I got deeper into the final boss than before, and with a score over 100m higher than my previous best. All that practice on Stage 4 really helped. Unfortunately I made a ton of mistakes on really easy stuff in Stage 5, so I need to go practise that some more before making another full run attempt ;)
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Nolegs the Cat on April 22, 2015, 10:03:04 AM
I got my IN wonatic 1cc!

Now my next aim is, predictably, more lunatic 1ccs.

Oh, and that normal perfect MoF I forgot about during my hiatus. :V
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Pakken11 on April 22, 2015, 01:32:53 PM
Wonatic? Is that full of more WIN than Lunatic?  :V
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: LunaWillow on April 22, 2015, 07:47:45 PM
Today was a good day for me as a Touhou player.

I defeated both routes with MariAri team in IN. Both runs were ok, but not very good, though it doesn't matters anyways, as I'm doing it only to unlock single characters. I'm probably going to do that with SakuRemi later.

I also 1cc'd PoFV with Reisen! Finally! Died once to Sakuya, Medicine and Komachi and twice to Shiki. Very close run, but hey, I did it~!

On the other hand, I unlocked and defeated "Emperor of the East". Took me nine attempts, but it doesn't seem to be very hard last word. I also have "Tree-Ocean of Hourai" unlocked and I tried to beat it, but haven't yet. Beating the game with MariAri made me have Wriggle's last word ulocked too, but I haven't tried it too much yet.

EDIT: SakuRemi Final A clear, yay! Now only three more runs and I have single characters unlocked~

EDIT2: Reisen extra PoFV clear! Let's all celebrate Reisen joining playable crew, shall we?
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Nolegs the Cat on April 26, 2015, 11:30:26 PM
Is it weird I find Chen as a boss harder then Alice as a boss on lunatic? :V
(Though midboss Alices + walls for days stage portion means stage 3 is harder overall)
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Nameschonvergeben on April 27, 2015, 06:33:59 AM
Is it weird I find Chen as a boss harder then Alice as a boss on lunatic? :V
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Nolegs the Cat on April 29, 2015, 09:49:14 AM

Well I no longer find Chen that hard :V

But I find Kimontonkou to be Chen's EASIEST attack.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Failure McFailFace on April 30, 2015, 09:51:10 PM
Can we post about fangames in this thread?

So I've been playing a lot of Mystical Power Plant recently. I managed to 1cc Normal with Reimu and lol bomb spam, and I got to Riko's last spell card.

Not bad, actually.

EDIT: I also 1cc Normal The Last Comer on the first try today. neat
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Reiko on May 04, 2015, 08:41:19 PM
I'm having fun doing stage practice in PCB.
Getting a LNB is still a long-term goal, and since I don't like MoF all that much after all, maybe PCB would be more enjoyable.
Not doing any really focused practice, just trying to get some consistency and figure out some patterns. Yuyuko seems relatively easy now (although the last two spells are still hard), so I guess stage 5 is the next big target.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Andrew on May 05, 2015, 02:26:37 AM
Been going for an LNB myself, this time in SA. Some of the stuff that I used to have trouble with in this game is easier now thanks to the mechanical keyboard I recently bought. My goal is to get this LNB before the LoLK demo comes out. I've been grinding the stages, and so far, most of them are looking pretty doable. Okuu's not that hard, and stages 3 and 4 just need a bit more practice. Stage 5 on the other hand is easily the biggest roadblock for me at the moment. It looks like I'm gonna need quite a bit of practice there before I'm ready to start doing runs. Hopefully I can get consistent enough to bring my average down to 3 miss or better once I've got Orin learned.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Uruwi on May 05, 2015, 05:41:11 AM
Managed to 1LC the first four stages of MoF (with Marisa B of course), with 1.xx power to spare. Unfortunately the rest of the run went badly, and I scored only 356 million (instead of my previous 402 million). I realized that I need to start with 4.xx power on Aya's last spell, not 3.xx.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Koog on May 09, 2015, 04:08:16 AM
So, I've got a little question here.
So far, I've unlocked 3 extras. Raiko, Flandre and Suwako in that order.

Flandre gives me lots of trouble with Laevatinn...
Suwako and her spells are quite hard... (Except her first one... which I'm quite used to).
And Raiko is the one I have more progress on. (Fifth spellcard). I'm practising her as much as possible...

Raiko is for me bombing on non-spells to get resources... but I fail so many times in her spells...
Flandre, I could barely reach Laevatinn...
And on Suwako, every time I play I reach a bit longer in the stage or Suwako herself.

So, the question is. Should I concentrate on beating Raiko? Suwako? or Flandre?
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Hope ♦ Metal on May 09, 2015, 11:31:43 AM
So, I've got a little question here.
So far, I've unlocked 3 extras. Raiko, Flandre and Suwako in that order.

Flandre gives me lots of trouble with Laevatinn...
Suwako and her spells are quite hard... (Except her first one... which I'm quite used to).
And Raiko is the one I have more progress on. (Fifth spellcard). I'm practising her as much as possible...

Raiko is for me bombing on non-spells to get resources... but I fail so many times in her spells...
Flandre, I could barely reach Laevatinn...
And on Suwako, every time I play I reach a bit longer in the stage or Suwako herself.

So, the question is. Should I concentrate on beating Raiko? Suwako? or Flandre?
I think it makes sense to focus on the one you can get further on.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mikuru on May 09, 2015, 12:01:37 PM
I'd agree with that. I'm in a similar position -- finally got my 1cc of PCB, so I have two extra stages unlocked. They are very hard. But each time I play, I get a little bit further, and eventually I'll beat the stage and boss. I'm more or less alternating between attempts at the extra and playing the main game at the moment, as right now it would feel too frustrating to play only Extra when I've got so far to go. I'm sure that at some point it will just "click" and I'll want to play only Extra until I finally beat the thing (just like when I started playing PCB, at some point it just got so frustrating that I hadn't 1cced yet and I had to get it).
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: ?q on May 09, 2015, 12:37:20 PM
So, I've got a little question here.
So far, I've unlocked 3 extras. Raiko, Flandre and Suwako in that order.

Flandre gives me lots of trouble with Laevatinn...
Suwako and her spells are quite hard... (Except her first one... which I'm quite used to).
And Raiko is the one I have more progress on. (Fifth spellcard). I'm practising her as much as possible...

Raiko is for me bombing on non-spells to get resources... but I fail so many times in her spells...
Flandre, I could barely reach Laevatinn...
And on Suwako, every time I play I reach a bit longer in the stage or Suwako herself.

So, the question is. Should I concentrate on beating Raiko? Suwako? or Flandre?
Double Dealing Character has Spell Practice.  That makes Raiko a lot easier to pick up than Flandre (who has unforgiving game mechanics on her side) and Suwako (where every spell is a wall if you aren't comfortable with it because they take so frigging long).

Then again, it sounds like you're having trouble with the stages more than the bosses.  The advice doesn't really change, though - DDC Extra is probably easier than MoF Extra which is probably easier than EoSD Extra.


PCB Extra, stage and boss, is 90% memorization.  It takes a while to learn it, but each time you make progress you can get back to where you were by doing the same things you did last time.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: ILikeBulletZ on May 11, 2015, 03:26:51 AM
Is there a way to fix LoLK?s replays so they don't desync?

I already tried not speeding it up but it still desyncs... I suppose a Demo can only do so much...
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Karisa on May 12, 2015, 03:44:30 AM
Did some Cheat Engine testing on the LoLK demo.

- PIV caps still exist (unfortunately). They're the same as in TD/DDC-- Easy 100k, Normal 250k, Hard/Lunatic/Extra 500k.
- Like in DDC, Overdrive mode still exists in the code as difficulty 5 (complete with its starting PIV of 100,000). I didn't try playing through it.
- There seem to be only 6 score-based extends: 30m, 70m, 150m, 300m, 400m, 500m. If no more are added in the full version, looks like LoLK might have EoSD/MoF-tier 8 lives max.

I wonder what weird effects might happen if the game's swapped from Pointdevice to Legacy or vice-versa during a run. Something to try out later I suppose.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mero on May 12, 2015, 05:37:12 PM
Interesting you only get score-based extends (I guess 1-ups are not suited for Pointdevice), I wonder what will this game's score potential be if you're getting extends at 500M. MoF/EoSD's last score extend is not even 1/10th of WR on Lunatic.
Then again it might just be one extend every 100M past 300, sort of like how PCB has an extend every 200 items past 800.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Karisa on May 12, 2015, 08:07:07 PM
Then again it might just be one extend every 100M past 300, sort of like how PCB has an extend every 200 items past 800.
It's not. I tried setting the score to over a billion (after setting it to 500m and suiciding away some of the 8 lives to make room), and no more lives were gained.

The limited lives could be just for the demo though. Extend requirements have been changed for full releases before, e.g. TD (which required 10/15/20/etc life parts) and PCB (which had EoSD's life requirements in one of those older versions, not the demo currently on ZUN's site).  I wonder if it changed at all in other demos, particularly MoF?

And judging by the way Normal is already reaching 400m in 3 stages with unoptimized first-few-days scoring, and the way chapter-finish bonuses from grazing can be quite high (50m's been reached already), I think LoLK is already on track for having higher scores than MoF. I doubt it'd match IN though.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mikuru on May 12, 2015, 09:50:45 PM
The limited lives could be just for the demo though. Extend requirements have been changed for full releases before, e.g. TD (which required 10/15/20/etc life parts) and PCB (which had EoSD's life requirements in one of those older versions, not the demo currently on ZUN's site).  I wonder if it changed at all in other demos, particularly MoF?
The MoF 3-level trial version definitely has different extend requirements from the full version -- I think it's 10 and 25 instead of 20, 40 and 80. I don't know whether this is the same as the demo released prior to the full version's release, as I wasn't into Touhou back then :)
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mero on May 12, 2015, 10:44:25 PM
It's not. I tried setting the score to over a billion (after setting it to 500m and suiciding away some of the 8 lives to make room), and no more lives were gained.

The limited lives could be just for the demo though. Extend requirements have been changed for full releases before, e.g. TD (which required 10/15/20/etc life parts) and PCB (which had EoSD's life requirements in one of those older versions, not the demo currently on ZUN's site).  I wonder if it changed at all in other demos, particularly MoF?

And judging by the way Normal is already reaching 400m in 3 stages with unoptimized first-few-days scoring, and the way chapter-finish bonuses from grazing can be quite high (50m's been reached already), I think LoLK is already on track for having higher scores than MoF. I doubt it'd match IN though.

Oh ok, maybe it will be a fixed amount of extends. I do remember playing that PCB trial (for one of your challenges, I think?), and it had EoSD's life system, I guess we'll have to wait and see.

I think MoF has a rather low score ceiling compared to the rest of the games, considering it doesn't have graze and the PIV cap is kind of low (and EoSD's case being that PIV wasn't a thing back then), maybe we can expect SA-tier scores from the good characters, at least for Lunatic.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mr Jovial on May 13, 2015, 06:53:48 PM
I'm on Reisen in an IN scorerun and my shot key has stopped working. Send help.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: ふねん1 on May 14, 2015, 12:35:59 AM
ISC has proven to be much more of a mixed bag than what I expected going into this thing.

I first started playing this game about a week ago (though May 8-10 don't count because I was out of town), and in the several days I've been working on it I've narrowed down the scenes I haven't cleared with no items to 5-2, 8-6, 10-4, and 10-7. Now the last two (possibly 8-6 too) are supposed to be the hardest attacks in the game from what I've heard, but 5-2 is just numbing my brain, and borderline killing my interest in completing ISC. This afternoon I broke 2000 attempts at 5-2 (for comparison, StB's Pandemonium took me ~1500 photos to clear) without clearing it. At this point I'm getting seriously worried that this is what I should expect from the other attacks as well, and it just doesn't feel worth it in the long run. The only reason I feel like I can continue with 5-2 at all is because I'm still so used to replaying it, but if something else were to earn my attention for long enough, I'd skip the rest of this game at a drop of the hat. Figuring out how to get this far has already been an interesting challenge, and it's even putting really difficult patterns from other games into perspective (can those be called anything close to impossible compared to the stuff in ISC?), but what's left isn't nearly as fun to subject myself to for literally hours (hell, approaching days) on end.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: ILikeBulletZ on May 14, 2015, 01:22:23 AM
ISC has proven to be much more of a mixed bag than what I expected going into this thing.

I first started playing this game about a week ago (though May 8-10 don't count because I was out of town), and in the several days I've been working on it I've narrowed down the scenes I haven't cleared with no items to 5-2, 8-6, 10-4, and 10-7. Now the last two (possibly 8-6 too) are supposed to be the hardest attacks in the game from what I've heard, but 5-2 is just numbing my brain, and borderline killing my interest in completing ISC. This afternoon I broke 2000 attempts at 5-2 (for comparison, StB's Pandemonium took me ~1500 photos to clear) without clearing it. At this point I'm getting seriously worried that this is what I should expect from the other attacks as well, and it just doesn't feel worth it in the long run. The only reason I feel like I can continue with 5-2 at all is because I'm still so used to replaying it, but if something else were to earn my attention for long enough, I'd skip the rest of this game at a drop of the hat. Figuring out how to get this far has already been an interesting challenge, and it's even putting really difficult patterns from other games into perspective (can those be called anything close to impossible compared to the stuff in ISC?), but what's left isn't nearly as fun to subject myself to for literally hours (hell, approaching days) on end.

Dont think too much about that.

If you ask me, 5-2 is WAY harder than 10-4 or any other attack in the entire game.... Its too much of a RNG fest IMO, and even when it is not, its hard as hell to no item... I realize that what I just said applies to more scenes than just 5-2, but it applies times 2 for it, IMO.

If it helps on anything, it took me 5K+ attempts to do it.... But it honestly could be perfectly be done way earlier than that because the stupid scene is 80% RNG.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Aeteas on May 14, 2015, 04:36:39 AM
Apparently, in the LoLK demo, when Reisen's bomb wears off in between stages, the game does not reset her hitbox size, so she's stuck with a larger hitbox until you bomb again. I think dying doesn't do it either, you have to bomb. It even desyncs replays if start from a later stage. It's probably also part of the reason why I died 200+ times on a Reisen Pointdevice hard run, and then cleared it with Sanae in 10 retries immediately afterwards.  Though I think most of the reason is that Sanae is awesome and I just fail.  :V

Also, if you use Reisen's bomb right before a spellcard starts, the boss becomes invincible until you get hit once. For other characters, the boss is invincible for the bomb duration, but ZUN forgot that Reisen's bomb has infinite duration.

Example of both (;topic=15361.0;attach=39437)
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: ふねん1 on May 14, 2015, 04:53:54 AM
Dont think too much about that.

If you ask me, 5-2 is WAY harder than 10-4 or any other attack in the entire game.... Its too much of a RNG fest IMO, and even when it is not, its hard as hell to no item... I realize that what I just said applies to more scenes than just 5-2, but it applies times 2 for it, IMO.

If it helps on anything, it took me 5K+ attempts to do it.... But it honestly could be perfectly be done way earlier than that because the stupid scene is 80% RNG.
I guess knowing that it's not just me gives me a little piece of mind. At a glance, I would disagree that it's any more luck-based than 10-7, especially considering that with 5-2 you can still get a rough idea going in about how you're supposed to beat it no-items, but I haven't put that kind of time into 10-7 yet (if I do at all) to know for sure.

Kinda ironic though, shortly after my above post I ended up cracking how you're actually supposed to stream 5-2 and got the no-item clear. Surprisingly, this opened my eyes some in terms of recognizing deficiencies in my usual streaming habits. I definitely want to take that knowledge with me into other attacks, especially if I get back into some full-fledged arcade shooters. Masochist I am, I went back to 8-6 a bit before switching to 10-4. I think I should take back what I said above when it comes to 10-4 - it may be ridiculously hard, but there's a lot more skill involved with this attack, which gives me hope that I can learn how to navigate the lanes in fewer than 2000 attempts lol. My best run so far almost made it out of the first set of lanes, so that's something.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: GMOFucker: Makin' GMOs To Fuck 'Em on May 14, 2015, 04:58:35 AM
I have no idea where to post this so: why does the ten desires translation patch I have turn all tojiko's battle cries into dr. robotnik dialogue

serious question
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Pakken11 on May 14, 2015, 06:09:42 AM
I have no idea where to post this so: why does the ten desires translation patch I have turn all tojiko's battle cries into dr. robotnik dialogue

serious question

If you're using the new auto-update patcher, either A) you picked the wrong language set, or B) they messed it up and put something else in English. You might want to post it on the translation team's help page or something.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: GMOFucker: Makin' GMOs To Fuck 'Em on May 14, 2015, 07:22:55 AM
yea I use the autopatcher and used the english patch

the quotes all "work" in context but they're not actual translations so IDK if it was a mistake or somebody fuckin around or what. where's the translation team's help page?
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Arcorann on May 14, 2015, 11:14:38 AM
Did some Cheat Engine testing on the LoLK demo.

- PIV caps still exist (unfortunately). They're the same as in TD/DDC-- Easy 100k, Normal 250k, Hard/Lunatic/Extra 500k.
- Like in DDC, Overdrive mode still exists in the code as difficulty 5 (complete with its starting PIV of 100,000). I didn't try playing through it.
- There seem to be only 6 score-based extends: 30m, 70m, 150m, 300m, 400m, 500m. If no more are added in the full version, looks like LoLK might have EoSD/MoF-tier 8 lives max.

I wonder what weird effects might happen if the game's swapped from Pointdevice to Legacy or vice-versa during a run. Something to try out later I suppose.

That's actually a good question - I'll have to hunt down the address later.

Also, your post reminded me that I needed to double-check the PIV decrease rate - I've added it to the wiki's Gameplay page now (it's the same as in DDC - 2/3 of the initial value from 5 seconds after the start to when time runs out, but the rate is calculated per frame and rounded to the nearest 10).
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: SomeGuy712x on May 14, 2015, 05:53:07 PM
Also, your post reminded me that I needed to double-check the PIV decrease rate - I've added it to the wiki's Gameplay page now (it's the same as in DDC - 2/3 of the initial value from 5 seconds after the start to when time runs out, but the rate is calculated per frame and rounded to the nearest 10).
You meant spell card bonus decrease rate, right?
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Nolegs the Cat on May 15, 2015, 01:42:05 AM
So. PCB Wonatic 1cc!

Next up, my aim is MoF Lunatic. My personal shottype in MoF is ReimuA, personally.
I've also considered doing some normal no bomb runs.

Did some Cheat Engine testing on the LoLK demo.

- PIV caps still exist (unfortunately). They're the same as in TD/DDC-- Easy 100k, Normal 250k, Hard/Lunatic/Extra 500k.
- Like in DDC, Overdrive mode still exists in the code as difficulty 5 (complete with its starting PIV of 100,000). I didn't try playing through it.
- There seem to be only 6 score-based extends: 30m, 70m, 150m, 300m, 400m, 500m. If no more are added in the full version, looks like LoLK might have EoSD/MoF-tier 8 lives max.

I wonder what weird effects might happen if the game's swapped from Pointdevice to Legacy or vice-versa during a run. Something to try out later I suppose.

I'd imagine doing Overdrive would have a similar effect to playing through the main game of UFO on "extra" difficulty, for instance - some attacks such as Ichirin's nonspells change entirely, some become much harder, some easier, and some don't change at all.
And maybe a few that crash the game for good measure. :P

As for switching between Pointdevice and Legacy...
Someone do that. Now. Please?
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Karisa on May 15, 2015, 03:34:30 AM
I'd imagine doing Overdrive would have a similar effect to playing through the main game of UFO on "extra" difficulty, for instance - some attacks such as Ichirin's nonspells change entirely, some become much harder, some easier, and some don't change at all.
And maybe a few that crash the game for good measure. :P
Not necessarily. TD and UFO are more interesting than the rest in my opinion; that's why I uploaded videos of them.

MoF on "Extra" barely changes from Lunatic; only a few patterns do (like Kanako's final spell is the Easy pattern with Lunatic speed and much wider gaps, and the second-to-last is the one with bomb immunity).

DDC on "Overdrive" mostly contains glitched nonspells where spells should be (same pattern but with the health decreasing at nonspell rate making it trivially short), while DDC on "Extra" crashes in stage 1 (I didn't test later stages).

EoSD on "Extra" has mostly no bullets for 5 stages, with one Patchouli spell shooting crazily fast instead. Then Remilia never spawns, but invisibly uses her attacks twice each, and the game simply doesn't end after timing out Red Magic twice.

PCB and IN on "Extra" or difficulty 5 (Phantasm/Last Word) crash often, and I wasn't able to figure out a way to force PC-98 emulation to switch difficulties.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Nolegs the Cat on May 15, 2015, 05:33:30 AM
Not necessarily. TD and UFO are more interesting than the rest in my opinion; that's why I uploaded videos of them.

Do you know where the UFO extra video went?
I can't find it.

Er, never mind. Thought it'd have a more normal name, not 'Koishi, what have you done?'
Oops :P
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: ILikeBulletZ on May 17, 2015, 07:52:56 PM

Crap, I am so bad at this xDDD

I cant even do a run with less than 30 deaths, even with all bombs planned for what would be my "100% DO bomb" on an hypothetical 1cc Lunatic Legacy.

In case you are wondering, those are:

1st Boss 2snd Spell (Just clippy and pretty hard for a 1st boss)

2nd Boss Final Spell (Yeah, this is an absolute NO in a 1cc. Bomb right away!) Also I somehow managed to clear the entire stage, all boss up until the final spell, with no bombs and only 2 deaths (Retries), it actually seems easier than Stage 1 as a whole to me :/

Laser + Aimbed bullets section on Stage 3- and ONLY when the aimed bullets join the pattern. I can deal with the previous laser only part quite consistently by now.

3rd boss MidBoss spell (I HAVE done the safespot before but its very inconsistent. I rather spend a bomb for safety).

1st boss Spell... I just simply have no idea what to do here. I ALWAYS bomb it even in Pointdevice mode, I just don't know what I am missing there.

3rd boss Last spell, because yeah.

So all together would be 6 "Bomb or die" spots for me... That's... a noticeable number... and of course, I probably need more than that.

On PointDevice I can do all the entire game with no bombs, SAVE for that damned 3rd boss first spell which I REALLY have no clue how to do it.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Choco Beam on May 18, 2015, 01:28:08 AM
1st boss Spell... I just simply have no idea what to do here. I ALWAYS bomb it even in Pointdevice mode, I just don't know what I am missing there.

On PointDevice I can do all the entire game with no bombs, SAVE for that damned 3rd boss first spell which I REALLY have no clue how to do it.
You have to do a spinning/circle motion. I don't know how to explain it so just watch Jaimers' perfect boss fight video here ( It's quite easy once you know how to do it.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: ふねん1 on May 18, 2015, 03:35:22 AM
I finally, finally feel like I'm making progress when it comes to scoring LoLK Stage 1 Lunatic. I don't have a whole lot to go off - there's a distinct lack of Reimu replays out there, much less on Lunatic - but I'm taking a few ideas from Sanae scoreruns and applying some of my own strats. Stages 2 and 3 I'm not nearly as well versed on though. I've been trying to supergraze stuff in Pointdevice Mode but I'm still dying way too much.

You have to do a spinning/circle motion. I don't know how to explain it so just watch Jaimers' perfect boss fight video here ( It's quite easy once you know how to do it.
Well, it's not exactly easy like how a (roughly) static attack normally becomes once you learn it. The window to move between the safe zones is smaller than it looks. I know I still have trouble when I try to milk it for the entire time limit. But yes, this is the way you're supposed to do this attack.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Uruwi on May 22, 2015, 03:15:11 AM
Just passed SA Stage 5 with ReimuA. But I had no lives by the beginning of Stage 6. Apparently I can't clear Stage 6 even with two lives.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Pakken11 on May 25, 2015, 11:26:05 AM
(I don't know where else to put this)

Saw this on my News Feed, and I am suddenly reminded and enlightened(?) about Seija lolololol
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: ILikeBulletZ on May 27, 2015, 08:45:11 PM

Best survival wise run was 45 deaths. Getting somewhat close. I almost always end up with at least 1 bomb to spare because I want to practice, yet at the same time I want to see with how many deaths I can get away with and do the fun patterns... had I used that bomb on my 45 death run, I probably could have gotten to less than 30 deaths easily....

Meh. I am having fun and I am apparently getting better and better. Plus I know what spots to bomb...

EDIT: Also what the hell is up with that "58"? I did not do 58 runs lmao. It must of have been around 10 or so only.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Pakken11 on May 31, 2015, 06:52:44 PM
^It's all the difficulties. I believe it's been that way since MoF lol
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mero on May 31, 2015, 07:08:20 PM
So this collett person got 620M on LoLK's demo, on Lunatic.

Sanae is a monster for score in this game, I hope Reisen can keep up with this, as I feel she was supposed to be the scoring character.
And I really hope the 500M extend is not the last one, otherwise it would be kind of dissappointing, since scoring in the early stages will have to be put down for survival (beating Doremy 0/0 doesn't look ideal for a soon-to-be full run)
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Uruwi on May 31, 2015, 09:23:59 PM
So this collett person got 620M on LoLK's demo, on Lunatic.

Sanae is a monster for score in this game, I hope Reisen can keep up with this, as I feel she was supposed to be the scoring character.
And I really hope the 500M extend is not the last one, otherwise it would be kind of dissappointing, since scoring in the early stages will have to be put down for survival (beating Doremy 0/0 doesn't look ideal for a soon-to-be full run)

You know, people will just start becoming perfect late game.

Nonetheless, the life cap is too low.

Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mero on May 31, 2015, 11:15:04 PM
You know, people will just start becoming perfect late game.

Nonetheless, the life cap is too low.

Sure I guess, I meant it more for not being able to exploit the game to its fullest

it's just a replay. here (
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Nameschonvergeben on June 01, 2015, 08:17:01 AM
So this collett person got 620M on LoLK's demo, on Lunatic.

Sanae is a monster for score in this game, I hope Reisen can keep up with this, as I feel she was supposed to be the scoring character.
And I really hope the 500M extend is not the last one, otherwise it would be kind of dissappointing, since scoring in the early stages will have to be put down for survival (beating Doremy 0/0 doesn't look ideal for a soon-to-be full run)
You want the game to be a bombfest with inflated resources? Why?

?: btw, the reason he ends with 0/0 resources is that there is no reward for keeping them so obviously you get the best score by spamming them out, so no matter how many there are he would always end with 0/0
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Sakurei on June 01, 2015, 10:17:24 AM
Because working for your graze is something that last happened in 2009 with UFO and before that not since IN. Can't change that now, you know? Bombgrazing is the new way!
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mino ☆ on June 02, 2015, 04:50:19 PM
Oh no! How dare people enjoy a system such as bombing for graze!

Though personally, I'll be interested in seeing how the resources end up being spread out throughout the game. As it looks, you won't be able to use every resource in the first three stages or you'll end up with nothing from stage 4 onwards.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mr Jovial on June 03, 2015, 06:54:19 PM
Bah, threw away a great run and ended on 5.07b. Very few mistakes until Kaguya...would've almost beaten my PB (5.17b) if I had captured her 3rd last spell...(flopped during first half losing a little under 100m). Bombed Buddhist Diamond, died to 3rd non and then deathbombed Salamander Shield (lack of power made the centre strategy harder). Also noticed my good runs start less than perfectly. I actually deathbombed Firefly Phenomenon  this run :derp:. And I think my PB failed Wriggle's last spell. Oh well.  :qq:
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: FamilyTeam on June 07, 2015, 02:01:42 AM
Well... sigh Last Thursday, I attempted to 1CC Touhou 7 for the 36th time, and for the 36th time, I failed. I've noticed...
Just MAYBE...
I'm skilled enough to actually pull it off. I lost my last life with 40 seconds left at Resurrection Butterfly. I HAD lost three lives in the run out of pure idiocy, four if you count that spell Yuyuko has where those ghosts follow you around, then go near you and explode into butterflies, I lost a life there since I forgot how the spell went. So, I thought that... maybe if I get rid of atleast 2 of those deaths, I can survive Resurrection Butterfly...
I don't have a trouble with Stage 4 anymore, except sometimes I end up panic bombing during the Prismriver sisters, which is something I will avoid in the future. Youmu, well, I found out that if I start Stage 6 with 5 lives and fight Yuyuko with 6 (or atleast about to get the sixth life) then it doesn't matter. I figured out you can bomb through most of Youmu's spells really easily with Marisa. Yuyuko's spells are all also very good places to bomb. If I can learn to dodge all of her nonspells and bomb all of her spells, that might also save me a life or two.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Karisa on June 10, 2015, 12:59:53 AM
So this collett person got 620M on LoLK's demo, on Lunatic.

Sanae is a monster for score in this game, I hope Reisen can keep up with this, as I feel she was supposed to be the scoring character.
And I really hope the 500M extend is not the last one, otherwise it would be kind of dissappointing, since scoring in the early stages will have to be put down for survival (beating Doremy 0/0 doesn't look ideal for a soon-to-be full run)
Finally got a chance to watch this.

I find it interesting that the current Lunatic record, despite using 2 lives' worth of bombs in stage 1 and supergrazing Seiran's last two patterns, reaches Seiran with about the same score (31m) as the current Normal record, and clears the stage with even less.

In other words, it seems Lunatic's bullet speed actually reduces stage 1's score since following bullets is much less feasible. The difference may be even more prominent in the full version, when it'd likely not be worth spending so many bombs on stage 1. (Of course, it's possible a strategy improvement may bring Lunatic ahead in the future.)
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: ZM on June 12, 2015, 11:59:30 PM
I'm just curious how high we can get scores in the full-release if we're already getting over 600m after Doremy. Sure to be a sight to see and execute.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Karisa on June 14, 2015, 02:17:33 AM
Let's see, comparing the current Lunatic record replays after stage 3 to their final scores...

[monospace]Game: Stage3 score ->  Final score (ratio)  Player (replay name), shot type
EoSD: 302,882,650 ->   698,078,330  (2.30)  稼符一族 (ichizoku), ReimuB
PCB:  402,159,380 -> 3,174,824,650  (7.89)  ナヤ (NAYA), SakuyaB   [this is the highest non-TAS PCB replay I could find]
IN: 1,470,854,270 -> 6,609,993,580  (4.39)  Alan (Depre), Youmu
MoF:  332,833,110 -> 2,214,529,240  (6.65)  名前の無い怪物 (Nanashi), MarisaB
SA:   286,726,930 -> 5,036,683,530 (17.57)  ごぼう (gob), ReimuA
UFO:  304,400,980 -> 3,293,411,120 (10.82)  アイスプライス (E-Splice), SanaeB
TD:   389,030,890 -> 3,747,775,430  (9.63)  ひなぶ (7b.374), Youmu
DDC:  450,700,250 -> 2,045,748,300  (4.54)  UKT, SakuyaB
...It's a bit complicated.

Even ignoring some with clear reasons to be outliers (EoSD because it doesn't have PIV, MoF because its PIV caps early on Lunatic, and DDC since its record still isn't very optimized), the stage 6/stage 3 ratio still has quite a range.

I think the factor may be lower in LoLK than average, too, since much of the score comes from graze, which doesn't increase over the course of the game like PIV does.

However, none of the other games except IN even reach 500 million in stage 3, which predicts an above-average total score.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Ghost on June 23, 2015, 09:49:24 AM
This new game's difficulty is bonkers, I didn't expect my exam revision procrastination to be this stressful.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mino ☆ on June 23, 2015, 09:39:58 PM
This new game's difficulty is bonkers, I didn't expect my exam revision procrastination to be this stressful.

I haven't seen you in a while. Welcome back.

Any plans or goals atm?
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Ghost on June 24, 2015, 12:14:01 AM
I haven't seen you in a while. Welcome back.

Any plans or goals atm?

Heya, nice work getting the PCB LNNN since I was gone.

Not going to commit to anything as I'm not sure if I'll end up playing touhou regularly again lol.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mr Jovial on June 30, 2015, 12:12:45 PM
So uhh, I decided to start playing PoDD again. On lunatic. With Chiyuri. After months if not a year of not playing.
Why am I dying to stage 2 Reimu? Why does Kotohime wreck me so much? Why do I remember loads of technical things that help me survive but never use them when playing? :qq:
Why am I enjoying this so much? How small can this text get?:getdown:
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Emerald Mint on July 02, 2015, 06:17:32 AM
Decided to put Touhou a little higher on my free time priorities again after weeks of reduced attention span.
Currently working through more SA Lunatic/ReimuA, but getting the clear is tough as it is. It'll take a while for sure.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Drake on July 15, 2015, 06:51:19 AM
Nearly, nearly LNB SA with my first run in over a month. Run ended to Heaven and Hell and honestly I'm usually consistent enough that the last two cards aren't a problem. Plus, at least two deaths were very easily avoidable, both Insect Nest and Ghost Wheels dying at the very end by being just a smidge off. I have this, it's just a matter of time.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Esper on July 16, 2015, 11:37:49 PM
I decided to restart playing touhou since I recently got a mechanical keyboard. I thought to myself "I can get back to status quo!"

I was wrong. I was really wrong. I went from nearly 1cc'ing UFO Lunatic a year and a half ago to barely 1cc'ing IN Normal

and I didn't really have any lives left over anyway
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: ILikeBulletZ on July 29, 2015, 09:28:25 PM
A little late for this, but:


Just did a PointDevice Lunatic run with 20 deaths (With all bombs used up in the places I deemed necessary for a real run, of course) after a fair amount of time not playing this one game...

I am ready for the real deal (Legacy 1cc Lunatic) or do I still suck?? Always keeping in mind that its doubtfull the real run is going to go as smooth as this, of course...

I also love how I have nearly 15 hours on a demo game. I do not think that has ever happened before xD.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Koog on July 31, 2015, 01:07:31 AM
Another Touhou game beaten!!  :] Touhou 7 on Normal with SakuyaA!!  :3 I'm quite happy!! Now, I want to know which of them should I try to beat next... 11, 12 or 13?
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Totalheartsboy on July 31, 2015, 04:24:33 AM
Have to say that DDC Extra boss is a very hard to beat, but playing it with Sakuya A has the tricks to advance.
For a couple of months (2 i think) I have been advancing in the extra stage. Raiko Horikawa isn't that hard in her nonspells, BUT its hard when you only have 2 lifes.
In the time i have been playing the Extra stage i have managed to get to her spellcard "Blue Lady Show". And then i kept losing in that spellcard. The first phase of the spellcard is easy to evade, but then the 2nd one is tricky and i have to waste a bomb and finally the last phase where the bullets move very fast and then Raiko starts shooting bullets, which makes me run out of bombs and then lose. T-T
And then my question~ Is there a suggestion to beat this spellcard?

Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Karisa on July 31, 2015, 06:06:28 AM
For Raiko's survival, I find it easiest to stay near the bottom (, so that there's more time to react to the rests. It's not worth it at all for a first clear though-- better to plan to use a few bombs for that last phase.

Especially since you don't find the second phase easy (the third phase involves dodging the same note pattern while navigating around the less predictable rests). For the second phase, you might find it easier to dash through gaps when you're in the center, as opposed to at the bottom? Don't forget you can use spell practice.

Also, I think you should work on gaining 2.0s in the stage portion, since you can have a lot more than 2 lives when reaching Raiko. Perhaps aim for 5-6 lives? Not sure how it is with SakuyaA (ReimuA can get 7 without too much trouble, 8 when capturing the final midboss spell that I'd assume you'd bomb in a first clear).
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Uruwi on August 01, 2015, 01:28:46 AM
MarisaB is the best shot type.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mr Jovial on August 02, 2015, 01:55:06 PM
Hey look, I just capped Keine's "Three Sacred Treasures - Country" in a scorerun! Y'know which attack I mean right? It's that one attack of Keine's that I'm supposed to bomb for time points...  :getdown: :V :colonveeplusalpha:

EDIT: On a completely different note, Nazrin's stage 5 midboss spell might be one of the most obnoxious attacks in the series...Feels like "Get good RNG or die" :<
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Uruwi on August 03, 2015, 11:15:48 AM
Hey look, I just capped Keine's "Three Sacred Treasures - Country" in a scorerun! Y'know which attack I mean right? It's that one attack of Keine's that I'm supposed to bomb for time points...  :getdown: :V :colonveeplusalpha:

EDIT: On a completely different note, Nazrin's stage 5 midboss spell might be one of the most obnoxious attacks in the series...Feels like "Get good RNG or die" :<

I thought you were actually supposed to supergraze that.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mr Jovial on August 03, 2015, 12:07:44 PM
I thought you were actually supposed to supergraze that.
If you're playing Netherworld team or Yuyuko solo you use whatever bombs you have to graze, normally you'd have 2 bombs at that point. Then you'd supergraze any of the waves you didn't bomb :P
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Pakken11 on August 04, 2015, 04:34:13 AM
@Jovial: What do you find harder - Nazrin or Post-Nazrin?
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mr Jovial on August 04, 2015, 11:24:19 AM
By post Nazrin I'm guessing you mean everything after her but before Shou? In that case, Nazrin. The red spammy enemies aren't too bad with Reimu A if you unfocus whereas Nazrin can throw some brutally difficult stuff at you with her spell.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Pakken11 on August 05, 2015, 03:05:47 AM
By post Nazrin I'm guessing you mean everything after her but before Shou? In that case, Nazrin. The red spammy enemies aren't too bad with Reimu A if you unfocus whereas Nazrin can throw some brutally difficult stuff at you with her spell.

Ah. I used Sanae-A for my 1cc, so maybe that's why I found it so ridiculous?
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mr Jovial on August 06, 2015, 11:39:04 AM
Ok, I'm now getting absolutely garbage RNG on basically everything on UFO stage 5. I'd had enough of this stage days ago and still kept trying for that stage perfect but I guess now the stage has had enough of me and wants me to go away. I really should but I'm probably not that far off from the perfect, already had 2 1 miss runs and on 1 of them, the deathwave ended the attack I died to :<

Please, let me be done with this soon...

EDIT: Oh good, so any attempt I do in the actual game goes awfully (just failed to even clear the stage) but the first stage attempt I do in boss rush mode? Perfect Shou, albeit 2 deaths to Nazrin's spell.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Andrew on August 12, 2015, 12:06:37 AM
Haven't played Touhou much lately because I recently got addicted to Puzzle & Dragons, and it's been hogging all my free time. Would like to start playing again though now that the LoLK full version is about to come out.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Noobzor on August 22, 2015, 12:08:00 PM
Oh wow LoLK is scary. 3rd try into the game and I couldn't even clear it on normal difficulty. I kinda feel bad for having to spell and stage practice to 1cc a game on normal, but I guess that's what you get for not playing shmups for 18 months :V

Edit: oh damn, there's no spell practice. I guess stage practice will do it :V
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Andrew on August 23, 2015, 01:20:19 AM
Been practicing the stages in LoLK Lunatic Pointdevice mode, and I've found a trick that makes Junko's second non easier. Instead of trying to squeeze through the curvy bullet gaps from close to Junko, hug the wall or corner that the gaps are curving towards, and then squeeze through them from there. This is harder when she's near the side of the screen and shoots towards it, but still doable. My consistency has improved significantly since I started using this strat.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: ふねん1 on August 23, 2015, 02:33:38 AM
Yeah, each wave is static compared to Junko, but going all the way to the side can help give you more time to read them. Even if she's close to the wall in the direction that you need to go (i.e., left wall when going left), it then just boils down to knowing how the waves unfurl higher up. I think ZUN kinda dodged a bullet here, no pun intended, but it's certainly relieving that this attack never ends up becoming impossible by design.

More on-topic, how do you know you've been away from the game for too long? When you don't think to alter the custom.exe to fix the input lag. I had forgotten that I did the same thing for DDC way back when, so I was dismayed that LoLK had so much delay compared to DDC. Thankfully I found out about it before posting here and making a fool of myself. :V It really does make a world of difference while playing.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mesarthim on August 23, 2015, 08:56:27 AM
Well I've been off the Touhou scene for awhile, largely ignoring the new fighting games because no rollback = no point from my location. Still have yet to dent LoLK on legacy mode (hard only or above) but I have beaten the new mode on hard (hard not to if you throw yourself at it long enough). After trial and error I just now beat the extra stage after a couple tries on the boss.

I'll be honest... a couple of her nonspells are extremely... stupid? But other than that it wasn't a downright terrible fight, her nonspells are much harder than most of her spells.

Reisen best girl. I chose her not simply because she's new to play as (save for 9) but rather I largely prefer her to Reimu, Marisa, or Sanae (sorry, not even the armpit can win in this scenario to me).
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: FamilyTeam on August 23, 2015, 11:43:21 PM
Very deep down in my bloodfilled stressed out heart,
I hold hope.
The futile hope that 1ccing UFO won't be the bloodsoaked nightmare that 1ccing PCB was for me. I did really well on my PCB 1CC but I'm 100% sure that was but a fluke. A skill-driven fluke but one nonetheless.
Currently, I'm trying to do the usual: Practice until I'm good enough to perfect Stages 1, 2 and 3. After that, I'll see how hard Stage 4 is and see how reasonable it to attempt not to die in it and bomb as little as possible.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Nolegs the Cat on August 24, 2015, 02:25:47 AM
Very deep down in my bloodfilled stressed out heart,
I hold hope.
The futile hope that 1ccing UFO won't be the bloodsoaked nightmare that 1ccing PCB was for me. I did really well on my PCB 1CC but I'm 100% sure that was but a fluke. A skill-driven fluke but one nonetheless.
Currently, I'm trying to do the usual: Practice until I'm good enough to perfect Stages 1, 2 and 3. After that, I'll see how hard Stage 4 is and see how reasonable it to attempt not to die in it and bomb as little as possible.

Ahahaha... sorry, but...
Just don't bother, it's just NOT worth it...
Kogasa is probably the hardest stage 2 boss on normal... except Ringo, and Ichirin is far and away the hardest stage 3 boss on normal... except Doremi.
I'd really recommend just... improve, yes, just don't try for a perfect.
You get much more resources in UFO as compared to PCB, don't be afraid to use them.

Also just realised Momohime's theme might actually be the greatest song ever in history.
Like, really. It's just so amazing.

If you haven't, FamilyTeam, you should play Riverbed Soul Saver, it's an increadibly good fangame :P

If you want to know where to get it, thanks to Vierne for this:
The entire package for this game can be downloaded from here:
v1.02b patch:
You will need your system locale to be in Japanese.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: FamilyTeam on August 24, 2015, 11:04:22 AM
Hmm, we'll see about that.
If you begun IN with 7 lives then you'd get a rather obscene amount of resources, which, coming from PCB, I thought was kind of odd.
Also, cool fangame! I might get it.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Nameschonvergeben on August 24, 2015, 11:06:24 AM
That's why you don't start with 7 lifes
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: FamilyTeam on August 24, 2015, 11:21:24 AM
I suppose so...
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Sakurei on August 24, 2015, 01:46:28 PM
LoLK gives the most lives up to date, it seems. Minogame got 18 lives (or maybe more? I forget) in his LNB, and didn't even get all thresholds everywhere, which means there is room for even more. I don't think even TD or PCB can compare with that, despite the fact that they introduce a third "resource" that helps you live.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mr Jovial on August 26, 2015, 03:07:34 PM
I find it mildly amusing and super annoying that my ability to figure out when I should bomb is non existent and it's probably one of the first things you become able to do in Touhou...I can only ever seem to bomb on Marisa's 3rd non and Buddhist Diamond because I find them rather difficult and I normally get trapped then die so it's really easy to spot when I'm going to die on those. Meanwhile I have no problem dying on random easy crap with lots of bombs in stock :X
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Tengukami on August 26, 2015, 07:50:38 PM
Now that I've gotten to Clownpiece, I'm pretty much committed to Pointdevice. And man, I know Hell Eclipse is a survival card, but there seems to be an element of randomness that makes watching replays (as few as there are so far) pretty much worthless. But once History hit 99+, my attitude calmed down, and I just kept trying from different points and in different directions. Finally, today, I managed to clear it - in the weirdest, counterclockwise zigzag dance I ever made Sanae do. Really, really made me wish PD had the capacity to save replays, because I would have loved to look at that again. Crazy shit.

In related news, Sanae is great.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mesarthim on August 26, 2015, 09:32:58 PM
Now that I've gotten to Clownpiece, I'm pretty much committed to Pointdevice. And man, I know Hell Eclipse is a survival card, but there seems to be an element of randomness that makes watching replays (as few as there are so far) pretty much worthless. But once History hit 99+, my attitude calmed down, and I just kept trying from different points and in different directions. Finally, today, I managed to clear it - in the weirdest, counterclockwise zigzag dance I ever made Sanae do. Really, really made me wish PD had the capacity to save replays, because I would have loved to look at that again. Crazy shit.

In related news, Sanae is great.

Isnt Hell Eclipse the first timeout for Easy and Normal? I mostly only play on hard and Lunatic (if my skill level allows) and found that the Normal version of Hell Eclipse is significantly harder than Hard ~_~

The stars are so nice and easy to dodge on hard because they are nice and evenly spread. I only did normal version once and my god there was a world of difference, like raining hell (no pun intended).
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Tengukami on August 26, 2015, 09:44:59 PM
Oh yeah, I'm doing PD on Easy. No question. Normal will be for Legacy Mode.

And don't get me wrong, Clownpiece is a fun boss. I like her attitude. She's got moxie, and I respect that.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mero on August 26, 2015, 10:36:05 PM
the Normal version of Hell Eclipse is significantly harder than Hard ~_~
I'm fairly convinced even the Lunatic version is easier than Normal :V
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Nolegs the Cat on August 27, 2015, 03:46:41 AM
For some dumb reason, all the stages had already been unlocked for one shot-type for TLC: Reimu Needles. Actually a pretty nice shot-type, if I can't get the stages unlocked for Sakuya I'll 1cc with her :V

So like EoSD you start with 2 lives/3 bombs in practice.
One caveat: You can't get any extra resources.
Which is.... annoying.
I've managed to clear stage 6 (easiest final boss :V) and stage 5 (suprised me, some very good play against Michel even if I did fail her survival hard) but not stage 4.
Still though, fun. It's more for the earlier stages anyway so I don't need the extra lives so much.

EDIT: Aaand stage 4 cleared in practice mode. But barely.

Okay, I'll go for a 1cc but I'd still like if possible to get a score file that unlocks the stages for practice with Sakuya. I've definitely missed her superior range over Needles Reimu, and her longer bomb. Oh, and Spell Practice isn't unlocked for some reason =_+
Does anyone have a score file like that? Some of you must've played TLC lunatic .-.
If not, I'll go for a 1cc with Needles Reimu anyway.

2 death stage 6 (with 1 bomb left) + 3 death stage 5 + 2 death stage 4 = 7 lives needed at stage 3's starting to 1cc.

Stage 3 is obnoxious without Sakuya...
Okay forget 1ccing with Needles Reimu then.
Anyone have a scorefile with Sakuya for unlocking stages for practice? no matter what I do, I cannot unlock them with Sakuya and if I can't I might as well not bother going for 1cc - stage 3 is like 10 minutes in and practicing it with another shot-type won't work like the other stages because it's the only shot-type where stage 3 seems, well, doable. Yay for spread? :V
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: FamilyTeam on August 28, 2015, 01:11:29 AM
You'd be surprised at just how many times I've seen people say this about LLK. And honestly, I'm really starting to kind of agree.
Look, I don't wanna start a flamewar, I know some of you tend to be flamewar happy, but I kind of did not like the latest game that much. That doesn't mean I won't play it, I still find it enjoyable, but I won't sit here and pretend ZUN can do absolutely no wrong and that this is the most flawless series of all time. No. Not at all. This isn't me just being one of those "Hurr the old 2hus were so much better" kind of people either, because I loved the last one we got, but this one just isn't clicking for me.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Tengukami on August 28, 2015, 02:44:20 AM
Yeah, it happens. Each game has a distinct personality, reflected in all its elements, so it's only natural some games just won't click with us but others will. For me, LoLK definitely agrees with me, while some others (TD, for one major example) did not. C'est la vie.

Currently up against Junko now. I see what people were talking about when they talked about how her danmaku is "simple", and it is in a design sense, to be sure. But I think that fits with her whole concept. I find her a lot of fun to go up against, personally, and her theme glorious. Really gets you in the mood to FIGHT.

God I can't wait to clear this now that endings are translated.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: FamilyTeam on August 28, 2015, 03:49:12 AM
10D didn't click for me either at all. Neither did POFV and all of the PC98 games, tbh, though I haven't given those a fair enough change yet.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: ChronaSE on August 28, 2015, 06:35:10 AM
LoLK isn't even that unfair as people claim it to be. Or are these people going to tell me that they managed to 1CC UFO or SA on their first normal mode try?
After playing LoLK for quite a while you'll get more familiar with the patterns and it will be less time consuming. 
You can memorize most patterns, Clownpiece's spells only requires you to position correctly, Junko ain't that tough if it weren't for her nonspells, other spells require good dodging, I mean hey, this time the gals are fighting people that aren't familiar with gensokyo's fighting rules.

Either way yeah, I can understand people finding this game frustrating, more so if they aren't much into danmaku shooters.
(I too hated TD, it's the only touhou game I couldn't bear to replay, contrary to LoLK claims, TD was extremely easy and the relaxing techno music makes me want to sleep.)
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mesarthim on August 28, 2015, 07:09:37 AM
LoLK didn't click with me too well when I first tried it (2 hour long hard mode point device run). But now I can do a 1cc on hard without too much of a problem, especially on Reisen. A lot of the attacks are basically one trick ponies where knowledge is key. You get that much down and you save significant resources.

Got back into my groove of 1cc Hard clears and even cleared extra which I was initially worried about. Nonspells on extra boss... do not mess around. Then I found out her spells were easier than the nonspells (save for a certain moon spell).
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Tengukami on August 28, 2015, 04:15:01 PM
Currently on Junko's very last spellcard (Sanae, Easy, Pointdevice Mode). While looking for replays to help me through this stage, I noticed that Junko speaks much differently to the human girls if they arrive at that point in Legacy or Pointdevice. I found it very humorous.

But more importantly, I can't seem to find a single Sanae Easy replay where the player doesn't bomb their way through the final spellcard. That makes me ... quite nervous. Or maybe I should just be more patient.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: SomeGuy712x on August 28, 2015, 06:21:55 PM
But more importantly, I can't seem to find a single Sanae Easy replay where the player doesn't bomb their way through the final spellcard. That makes me ... quite nervous. Or maybe I should just be more patient.
Alright, I just did a Sanae Stage 6 Easy practice run that captures all of Junko's spells, and the only bomb I used was during her third non-spell (an unnecessary panic bomb). Replay attached.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Tengukami on August 28, 2015, 11:32:43 PM
I thank you! At last something to study.

Funny thing is? I have 4/5 pieces for a bomb at the point I'm at, but even if I had a bomb left I don't think I'd use it. PD has kinda weened me off the notion of bombing through the hard parts. It's more frustrating, but also more satisfying.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: ?q on August 30, 2015, 01:48:42 AM
It occurred to me earlier today that practicing no-bombs LoLK Stage 6 is equivalent to no items, Fox only, Final Destination.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Nolegs the Cat on August 30, 2015, 02:11:44 AM
It occurred to me earlier today that practicing no-bombs LoLK Stage 6 is equivalent to no items, Fox only, Final Destination.

No items, Seija only, Impossible Spellcard? :V

Also I remember why I love Iesua's theme so much.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mikuru on August 31, 2015, 12:15:13 AM
I've neglected Touhou for much too long, but today I finally decided it was about time I started playing again. So I had a quick run through MoF Easy -- chose ReimuC as I hadn't got a clear with her yet -- and cleared first try. Easy or not, being able to do that after such a long absence felt good :)
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Hainiryuun on September 03, 2015, 02:35:55 AM
LoLK starting to grow a bit on me, possibly due to realizing that Clownpiece is a lot easier than I actually thought she was. Only using 1 bomb on hard for her is pretty good for me.

Feels a bit too much like SA 2.0 for me, still, though. Stream and graze all the things.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: ふねん1 on September 14, 2015, 08:52:44 PM
So I've started going back to trying to perfect UFO Stage 5 on Lunatic. Didn't think I would have such a big change of heart so suddenly, especially after having completely given up on perfecting this stage several years ago. I feel like ISC is pretty key to all this. I've mentioned before how ISC's hardest attacks can really put other hard patterns in the series into perspective, and now I'm seeing it firsthand. For one, Greatest Treasure no longer feels so out of reach for me, and I'm capturing it a lot more often now. Shou still needs some work (and admittedly some RNG on a few attacks, no matter what I do), but in my few recent attempts at Radiant Treasure Gun, I've captured it each time, and even my couple of attempts at Vajra saw me last longer than I normally do just by winging it. I'll see how this all turns out down the road.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: AstralFox on September 26, 2015, 04:03:25 AM
I was learning a PoC route for Stage 2 PCB and got the stage NNN on Lunatic! I've lost the NNN to Chen's last spell at least five times actually.

And on Stage 3 practice, I died to Alice's first spell so late that I got the capture :P

I'm using ReimuB over SakuyaA now because the slow movement is so much more precise.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Pakken11 on September 29, 2015, 05:41:06 PM
So apparently Marisa Solo turns not just Eirin's but BOTH IN Final Cards into jokes. Would've definitely helped with Hourai Jewel practice.

Meh, 5 more solos to go :/

Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Nolegs the Cat on October 05, 2015, 06:49:44 AM
Len'en unreal is fun. Hard as nails, but fun.
Except Aoi Aoji Aoki.  :derp:

I've certaintly been playing less then I'd like as of late. I should play more from now on, though. The next game I intend to try seriously is probably either continuing with MoF and TD, or trying Mystical Power Plant. I need more angel shenanigans, obviously. At least MPP's angel is only the stage 3 boss... :P

Also been giving some thoughts of attempting a TLC Hard no bomb run.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: TresserT on October 09, 2015, 10:17:21 PM
I got a Lunatic 1CC on LoLK yesterday. I bombed every boss pattern except Seiran's and a few of Sagume's, but I still did it.

Even though I hate the game, I think I'll try to beat EoSD while I wait for Len'En 4. Either that, or I'll try to no miss LoLK extra.

Speaking of Len'En, RMI is way more fun than the first 2 to me. But it's sooooo much easier. At least we have the ABEX patch~
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Smash The Oni on October 11, 2015, 03:57:08 AM
Just started playing LoLK. This game is HARD.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Nolegs the Cat on October 12, 2015, 04:28:53 AM
Sukune is much easier then I expected...
I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm going for no deaths EMS stage 5. I know I can do it... I managed to get to her last spell before dying, and that spell is doable.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Uruwi on October 12, 2015, 04:43:15 AM
Sukune is much easier then I expected...
I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm going for no deaths EMS stage 5. I know I can do it... I managed to get to her last spell before dying, and that spell is doable.

tfw Lumen is harder than Sukune
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Nolegs the Cat on October 12, 2015, 06:09:08 AM
tfw Lumen is harder than Sukune

The fuck indeed :3
Still though, 'no deaths EMS stage 5 unreal' would look good on my resume, no? :P

... besides Yaoirochi makes them all look like chumps. He unleashes his Heaven Mowing Sword, and there was much raging.

I could also get no deaths EMS stage 6 normal. I no-death'd to Grass Mowing Sword, then died twice because I haven't bothered to learn it yet :V
I consider both deaths stupid and derpy.

Edit: So I decided to try another few EMS unreal stage 5 no deaths attempts...
I got it! on my second try!
Oh my gosh my arms are shaking... even if it isn't that good play it still feels like a huge achievement for me.
(Why did Jaimers autobomb Yaorochi's opening nonspell in his unreal 1cc? I consider it one of his more doable attacks...)
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mr Jovial on October 12, 2015, 10:21:38 AM
Yay, game is giving me atrocious RNG and I'm playing rather poorly, making minor mistakes that spiral out of control. Always love it when I can't even get through anything except stage 1 without multiple misses/bombs  >:( :fail: :colonveeplusalpha:
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mino ☆ on October 12, 2015, 04:20:04 PM
Et tu, Jovy?

Yeah I'm also having massive problems with consistency. Scoring is tough!
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Sakurei on October 20, 2015, 11:18:55 PM
Those are some acceptable (a few of them even quite good) numbers. In order of appearance in the stage: Keine's second spell, Xu-fu, Honest Man's Death, Hourai Doll and Imperishable Shooting

( ( ( ( (

First non spell is at 3800-4000 too; always some difference in the graze I get. My grazing therefore is good enough for 3.1b
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Tengukami on October 20, 2015, 11:37:38 PM
I am quickly finding that, for me, an even more effective practice method than "try a run on the next highest difficulty" is playing 640x480 windowed before switching to full screen. One card I had struggled with in Pointdevice was quickly solved this way: switched from fullscreen to windowed, took a few more cracks at it, then switched back to fullscreen and the bullets were comparably miles apart.

Well, that makes Pointdevice clears for both Sanae and Reimu, with the other two girls currently parked in Stage 4 with six bombs each. Which I am saving for Clownpiece because yeah. Clownpiece.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Zarakava on October 22, 2015, 04:48:18 PM
Well I'm finally coming back to Touhou in some serious way for about a year.

I'm an average (well, "good", but comparatively) Player who's 1cc'd everything except LoLK on at least Normal, and have 2 Extra's down (EoSD and IN)

My favorites are EoSD, IN, and UFO. So I think I'll be focusing mostly on these going forward.

Look forward to talking to you guys more.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Pakken11 on October 24, 2015, 09:20:28 AM
Meh, 1st try Stage 3 game over, 2nd try Stage 6 game over. I guess that's an improvement.

At least Reimu's way easier with Alice than with Marisa >A>
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mr Jovial on October 28, 2015, 08:14:49 PM
Despite not getting a new PB, I feel like I've had a lot of pretty good runs in the past 2 weeks. I've only done 9 runs in that time yet 5 of them are on my hi-scores (3rd - 6th and 10th) and 3 are above 5.3b. Quite happy with the number of runs going well :3
Though really, with this new consistency, I should learn some new/improved strats but university life is hard :<
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Uruwi on October 28, 2015, 09:11:31 PM
[complaints about EMS difficulty]
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Pakken11 on October 29, 2015, 01:07:27 AM
[complaints about EMS difficulty]

[pat-pats about complaint]
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Tengukami on November 01, 2015, 11:05:33 AM
And there we are ( - Pointdevice clears with all four girls (on Easy, but still). Saved Reisen for last as I heard her ending was particularly, uh, game-changing, and was not disappointed. So now I guess it's on to Extra with all four girls.

This is the first time that I've deliberately cleared a Touhou game with all available shot types for one difficulty. Normally, just getting one girl past the finish line would be enough for me. Don't know what exactly changed my mind this time around, apart for how much fun LoLK is. Maybe to get a more "complete" experience, or maybe because the past few shooter games have been among the best in the series (imho). I intend to return to DDC and do the same as I did with LoLK.

But for now, Extra!
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mr Jovial on November 02, 2015, 09:21:03 PM
Oh damn it.

So I'm trying to learn a "fuller" score method for Firefly Phenomenon since there's probably a few hundred more time I could easily get out by stalling it. I try to check my own replay (my PB, actually ( for how many time points I get from it aaaaaand it desyncs just before Wriggle's 1st nonspell ends. Thanks game :C
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Sakurei on November 03, 2015, 02:07:34 AM
Oh damn it.

So I'm trying to learn a "fuller" score method for Firefly Phenomenon since there's probably a few hundred more time I could easily get out by stalling it. I try to check my own replay (my PB, actually ( for how many time points I get from it aaaaaand it desyncs just before Wriggle's 1st nonspell ends. Thanks game :C

Don't pause during dialogues, that's what causes desyncing. I assume you did that in your PB during Wriggle's dialogue, so the replay thanks you for that by being fucked up.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mr Jovial on November 03, 2015, 08:38:35 PM
Don't pause during dialogues, that's what causes desyncing. I assume you did that in your PB during Wriggle's dialogue, so the replay thanks you for that by being fucked up.
Does that happen consistently? Because I know I would've paused on the dialogue before Kaguya's 4th last spell but it doesn't seem to desync there...
On a different note, thank you for being so helpful, you've told me useful stuff like this quite a few times now and I'm grateful for it  :D
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Sakurei on November 04, 2015, 01:44:03 AM
It should happen consistently. I haven't had a run that didn't desync when I happened to pause during dialogues. Maybe you paused right after or right before it appeared? I don't know. But even if it's not consistent, it's a well known bug and very easily avoided by just ctrl'ing through the dialogue and then pausing, if it's really necessary.

No problem. I'm just happy there's someone playing a good game and putting effort into becoming good at it.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: ふねん1 on November 04, 2015, 03:38:33 AM
Can I just say how satisfying it is to be able to 1cc UFO Lunatic without using any UFOs? I still feel a little bit old-school for riffing them as much as I do (that whole phase in the community died down a long time ago), but it does almost feel like some kind of personal moral victory, having stuck to my promise to never intentionally pick up another UFO token after my first 1cc years ago. UFO was one of the games I was most looking forward to put behind me for precisely this reason. All I really wanted was to prove to myself I didn't need the tokens, that I could conquer the game regardless, and now I can say mission accomplished.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mikuru on November 11, 2015, 12:02:35 AM
Well, I don't know how long it's been since I last played. Much too long. But today I felt like a bit of good old-fashioned bullet-dodging catharsis, so I played a bit of MoF Easy. Of course, being on Easy, I felt annoyed every time I messed up, so the catharsis didn't really come. Switched to Lunatic. Bear in mind, I've only completed Normal, and I'm badly out of practice, so of course I was expecting to do terribly, and indeed I did. But? I actually captured all the Stage 1 spellcards. It's only a small victory but it still feels awesome.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Pakken11 on November 11, 2015, 12:44:27 AM
Well, I don't know how long it's been since I last played. Much too long. But today I felt like a bit of good old-fashioned bullet-dodging catharsis, so I played a bit of MoF Easy. Of course, being on Easy, I felt annoyed every time I messed up, so the catharsis didn't really come. Switched to Lunatic. Bear in mind, I've only completed Normal, and I'm badly out of practice, so of course I was expecting to do terribly, and indeed I did. But? I actually captured all the Stage 1 spellcards. It's only a small victory but it still feels awesome.

Wow, grats man - that final spell card on Lunatic is actually kinda hard.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mr Jovial on November 30, 2015, 11:28:27 AM
Due to uni work, I only managed 10 runs this month, but my mean score was 5,282,524,698 which I think is really good. My last run was a 5.50b though but it deathbombed Dragon Bullet and Buddhist Diamond. Would've PB'ed without one of those. Actually, also could've got about 1000 more time and a couple million points on stage 1 had I not messed up some cancels. Still haven't learnt new stuff yet though :qq:

Also, here's me getting hit and capturing a spell card at the same time in spell card practice :V (
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: ZM on December 05, 2015, 02:30:09 AM

It feels good to have gotten the so-called 'dreaded' 1cc: UFO Lunatic with MarisaB.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mr Jovial on December 06, 2015, 07:32:41 PM
wooooo just lost tons of points because my shift key decided I shouldn't be focused while trying to use Yuyuko's bomb for points. Ended up grazing 1 wave of Three Treasures because the bomb meant Keine moved left instead of right and that makes it hard to get into position and I had to use my other bomb to recover. Then only got 4 bombs on Reisen's final, despite having such a bad run that I ended up with 8 bombs entering her fight, all because I Youmu bombed again. Just....why? Insolent shift key, prepare to be punished AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Sakurei on January 12, 2016, 04:13:54 PM
Found (?) a profitable way to graze Keine's first spell. For some reason I never thought about it because ASL doesn't do it. I somehow just assumed he tried but that's evidently not true.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Sen on January 12, 2016, 06:41:05 PM
So if I wanted to Lunatic 1cc DDC, between ReimuB, MarisaA, and SakuyaA, who's a good character to go with? I feel like ReimuB is the safe choice, but I also really like the other two...Sakuya's bombs are a big turn-off, but her damage output against bosses is ridiculous.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Nolegs the Cat on January 12, 2016, 11:53:58 PM
So if I wanted to Lunatic 1cc DDC, between ReimuB, MarisaA, and SakuyaA, who's a good character to go with? I feel like ReimuB is the safe choice, but I also really like the other two...Sakuya's bombs are a big turn-off, but her damage output against bosses is ridiculous.

The two best shot-types are ReimuA and SakuyaA.
ReimuA has a powerful bomb, powerful focused homing and good unfocused homing to make PoCing and stages easier while not suffering very much on bosses, as well as standard Reimu things like smaller hitbox.
SakuyaA has lel-knives, and her bomb is ridiculous because you can get two auto-collects from it - which means you can potentially get two 2.0s for 2/3 of a life right there!
Moreover the lack of damage output rarely matters because the bomb functions as an elongated invincibility time anyway.

Both are powerful, have utility that helps against bosses AND stages, and ReimuA has the funniest bomb ever.

So basically of the three you choose go with SakuyaA :V

As for the others...

MarisaA has high damage and a very powerful bomb but little to note beyond that. Fire can't reach top of the screen from the bottom, lasers don't penetrate since TD.

And isn't ReimuB's damage low in DDC or something? I don't know, I barely use it -shrug- though it's always a safe choice given Amulets + Needles in one shot-type... how can one NOT be comfortable with that?
Someone who's used ReimuB more could give a more informed opinion.
Better than SakuyaB anyway :P
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Pakken11 on January 13, 2016, 01:04:09 AM
And nobody talks about the broken ex-nihilo farming mechanics of Marisa-B.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: ふねん1 on January 13, 2016, 02:17:45 AM
And isn't ReimuB's damage low in DDC or something? I don't know, I barely use it -shrug- though it's always a safe choice given Amulets + Needles in one shot-type... how can one NOT be comfortable with that?
Someone who's used ReimuB more could give a more informed opinion.

ReimuB's damage is only low comparatively speaking, mostly because ReimuA and SakuyaA exist, so it's not like it's "terrible", but it can make a difference. There are some attacks where you get unusually close to timing them out (as in, less than 10 seconds left), which isn't so bad in itself as long as you stay under the boss, but the real issue is just letting tough attacks last for too long (Seija is arguably the worst with this because of how uncomfortable her attacks are). And having amulets isn't exactly that big of a boon because, again, ReimuA exists. I mainly use ReimuB because that's the playstyle I'm used to from other games, and because I don't mind the challenge of longer attacks as much, but if you want a first Lunatic 1cc you'd probably be better off with ReimuA or SakuyaA.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: ZM on January 13, 2016, 04:52:55 PM
I'm verily happy that Ever taught me that new way to handle LFS (only works with ReimuA and Marisa shots) in which you go to the left after the second yellow wave begins, misdirecting the first purple wave and causing the red and purple waves after to not clutter. Paves the way for a safe capture a lot of the time nowadays. :)

I should really go for UFO LNB soon.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Nolegs the Cat on January 14, 2016, 11:17:20 AM
So I'm going for a perfect run of BoSM stage 3 lunatic at the moment.
Lack of spell practice is annoying.
I'll get it eventually.
Just wish the stage wasn't so trivial in comparison to Shelia herself =/
Also midboss Shelia has a safespot on lunatic and probably hard. Huh.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: iVAwalys on January 24, 2016, 10:21:10 AM
About a few months ago, I beat all Touhou games (including PC-98 ones) on Normal.
Soon moved on to Hard, already beaten LLS, MS, EoSD, PCB, IN, MoF, SA and TD.

Now, my next goal is DDC, but I hate it so much, mostly because of the stupid PoC mechanic.
I mean, even Raiko is easier than Hard Mode in that game.
I'm still trying to figure out how to PoC without dying to a random stray bullet or ramming into a fairy...
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Nameschonvergeben on January 25, 2016, 10:18:07 AM
If you're just trying to 1cc the best way to poc is to bomb.... I'm not kidding
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: iVAwalys on January 25, 2016, 02:23:01 PM
If you're just trying to 1cc the best way to poc is to bomb.... I'm not kidding

I guess, but I'm quite stingy with resources. I want to get bombs by PoC'ing, not waste them.
Although come to think of it, it could be a good way to get lives by getting 2.0 bonus every time.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mr Jovial on January 25, 2016, 06:15:57 PM
If you're desperate to get resources, you could always memorise when to PoC for optimal results. You can get 8 reserve lives in the middle of stage 3 if done right, no bombing needed (assuming you can capture every boss attack :V)  ( You really shouldn't need to memorise every PoC if you just want a 1cc, but maybe a few would be useful just to get an extra few lives in the easier section of the game. You also don't need to get 8 reserve lives that early either, if it wasn't clear.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Sen on January 25, 2016, 07:22:10 PM
I just want to pop in and say how much fucking *fun* I'm having with DDC, especially stage 3. This is what I want in my Touhou games-- good ol' dodging, without all the gimmicks. Don't get me wrong, I love PCB and the Supernatural Borders, or MoF's faith meter, but DDC is so...simple! I'm having a blast.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Pakken11 on January 26, 2016, 12:43:03 AM
I just want to pop in and say how much fucking *fun* I'm having with DDC, especially stage 3. This is what I want in my Touhou games-- good ol' dodging, without all the gimmicks. Don't get me wrong, I love PCB and the Supernatural Borders, or MoF's faith meter, but DDC is so...simple! I'm having a blast.

Hey now, you forgot UFO - the best good ol' dodging you'll ever get in Touhou!!
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Failure McFailFace on January 29, 2016, 03:14:10 AM
I'm trying out new recording software. This time, a PCB extra attempt recorded using Dxtory trial version. What do you guys recommend for general, all purpose recording that is also free?

Video should be here once it's done processing. In 3 hours. (

EDIT: Use this link, the upload failed overnight. (

EDIT EDIT: Use this one now. The others took forever to upload, so I compressed to mp4. (
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: dosboot on January 29, 2016, 12:15:35 PM
I've been using OBS (  I haven't used that many different programs, but OBS is the first recording software that I actually like using.  It has got me recording footage far more often than I ever imagined.

I haven't tried Dxtory yet.  Shadowplay is another choice that I've heard about.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mr Jovial on January 31, 2016, 02:46:12 PM
So uh, I just finally got a good run of scoring Hourai Jewel. ~100 attempts of learning and practice and get 14768 time out of it (in spell practice, would be more in an actual run because of the familiars). Then I go look up what that would give me in terms of score.

Before looking up anything: I thought it was worth an extra 20-25 million.

What I learned: Time points are worth [large point items picked up/2]*10.

After looking up stuff: Gain an additional ~95 million just for picking up the time points (assuming ~1500 point items which is pessimistic). Graze (~1.5m more), a better capture bonus (~5m more) and a slightly better PIV for the last set of items puts it past 100 million. Wow I' an idiot, I really should've learned this far sooner. It wasn't even that difficult aside from 1 dodge late in the attack.

I' an idiot
Well I'm glad that happened.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Sakurei on January 31, 2016, 04:25:06 PM
My calculator tells me 7500 x 14700 is 110 million. Moreover, if we assume 1200 time is from the familiar cancel and you get 13500 time from the graze, that's 4500 graze. Each grazed bullet is worth 6000. By my calculation, that's 27 million, not 1.5 million.

And that doesn't account for the end game bonus yet. Hourai Jewel is worth more than what you calculated there with your numbers. Unless I'm crazy.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mr Jovial on January 31, 2016, 10:18:15 PM
My calculator tells me 7500 x 14700 is 110 million. Moreover, if we assume 1200 time is from the familiar cancel and you get 13500 time from the graze, that's 4500 graze. Each grazed bullet is worth 6000. By my calculation, that's 27 million, not 1.5 million.

And that doesn't account for the end game bonus yet. Hourai Jewel is worth more than what you calculated there with your numbers. Unless I'm crazy.
I think I tried subtracting what I already get from doing it the dumb survival-esque way. Also missed how much the graze is worth when you actually get it, I think I looked at only the end game bonus AND forgot the difficulty modifier. Main point is I really should've figured this out earlier because it's worth quite a lot :V and no, you're not crazy, I'm just a moron for scoring for months and not bothering to learn where the points come from
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Sakurei on January 31, 2016, 10:38:03 PM
I think I tried subtracting what I already get from doing it the dumb survival-esque way. Also missed how much the graze is worth when you actually get it, I think I looked at only the end game bonus AND forgot the difficulty modifier. Main point is I really should've figured this out earlier because it's worth quite a lot :V and no, you're not crazy, I'm just a moron for scoring for months and not bothering to learn where the points come from

Don't worry about it. Especially the difficulty multiplier is at least something you're not alone with. When I calculated scores for the extra, I never calculated with the difficulty multiplier either. I only realized that when double checking your math, actually. So all my theoretical scores I calculated are a fair bit lower than they should be. Maybe we're the only idiots like that but I hope it's a more common mistake than that tbh. w

Generally it's just easier to calculate how much something is worth in general rather than how much something is worth more with different strats, imo. In any case, I think it's weird to have put off Hourai Jewel for this long but it's probably understandable considering that it might be the most difficult graze in the whole game. I'm waiting warmly for your 6B score w
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mr Jovial on January 31, 2016, 11:48:04 PM
it might be the most difficult graze in the whole game
Wait really? I thought it was mostly easy aside from some fiddly stream turns and 1 hard dodge (I think it's a ~12 frame window) near the end. What makes you think it's that difficult?
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Sakurei on February 01, 2016, 12:31:11 AM
It looks like a looser Honest Man's Death. That means if your taps are bad you lose some graze every time, so your taps have to be small enough to get much as physically possible and the same goes for the re-streams. Just switching directions isn't necessarily enough but you also still want to graze all the bullets available. Not to mention it's long so there is a lot of room for error compared to a 40 second long spell.

Maybe I'm just overestimating it based on my HMD experience but it just looks very difficult to me to do well.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mr Jovial on February 01, 2016, 07:14:16 PM
Ah, it's more of a matter of doing it optimally rather than just managing to do it reasonably well. I can definitely see that, I know my reversals are rather shoddy. 15k time is possible though I tend to be around 14000-14300 or so, that 700 probably comes from reversals and last streaming section which is vertical and hard to get into. At least this doesn't melt your eyes though...

EDIT (only to prevent double post, not related to the above):
Recently went and looked at TD scoring, since that's the other game I thought I might play more of in the future. I have to say, scoring in that game isn't particularly interesting. Most boss fights are bomb/trance spam at point blank range for spirits, bit dull really. Guess that might be another reason people didn't like the game much.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Sen on February 27, 2016, 07:05:14 PM
Realized I didn't have Extra unlocked in TD, so I did a quick Hard 1cc with Reimu and got it. I haven't played this Extra stage since the game came out, so I was going in blind. Happy to report that I made it to Mamizou using only one bomb, and managed to get halfway through her survival card before game overing.

I don't know why I disliked TD so much when it first came out. TD Extra is some of the most fun I've had with Touhou in a while.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Cream Soda on February 28, 2016, 04:45:08 PM
I tried another Mountain of Faith score run and fell asleep during it. I'll stick to Raiden for now I guess.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: ZM on March 07, 2016, 05:43:15 AM
I'm at the point in which I need to start scoring in UFO or maybe learning another game. Hmm. .w.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Zigzagwolf on March 07, 2016, 08:29:27 AM
Working on more Mystic Square scoring, me being sleepy all the time and drinking way too much coffee while feeling like sleeping; mainly deciding to play in calls in which I end up raging as well might not be so handy, but so far I do believe that I can get some goals done. I'm mainly interested in seeing how well Normal Mima could go, I might want to aim for Hard Reimu, not sure if I ever want to lay my hands on Yuuka.

I also had some plans regarding the extra stage, chances may exist I do something else when I act on whims since my mind can get too distracted; if that happens and I don't change what I do even if just for the moment it might take days before I feel like playing again, it's not a really good attitude but I'm well-aware of it. For now I'll stick to my goals.

As for those goals... I have no scores set in mind by default, guess I'll just give it the best shot I can.

Edited this because the first sentence I wrote literally was: "Working on more Mystic Square working" cannot be helped, I suppose I was just really sleepy when I wrote this.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mino ☆ on March 23, 2016, 09:52:18 PM
So I haven't really picked up Touhou in a while, only for LunaticNeckBeards. And I probably won't play it actively anymore to be honest. I've realized that I'm just not really capable of doing things that require lots of skillfulness. Things like LNN and scoring aren't really things that I can really handle. I mean I can if I drown enough time into it, but the amount of time put it doesn't make the achievement worth it in my eyes. Especially since with Touhou achievements, I stop really caring about the achievements I do a day after. I just simply want more. I'll never be "satisfied".

Stuff like MoF LNN isn't really that difficult. Or at least, it's not something that should take a skilled played over 6 1MNBs and 4-5 VoWG failure attempts. A good player or someone supposedly at my level should be able to achieve it fairly quickly. However, that's not something I'm capable of. Because I can't perform well under pressure. That's my biggest flaw, and it's been very prevalent even from my earlier days. PCB LNNN, for example, took me way longer than what a player should have taken. I lost 5 runs to Yuyuko, if I recall, despite the fact that she's an easy NMNB especially if you're doing survival.

A few days ago in Science Class I was really struggling with being careful while pouring a potentially harmful chemical into a funnel. I kept spilling it on my hand and had to repetitively wash my hands over and over again because of my clumsiness. I realized at that moment that I just can't perform accurately under pressure. I'm sure I could NMNB Kanako in an LNN run if I wasn't nervous, but that just won't happen. Now you can say "Well everyone gets nervous", and to that I'll say "Well some people are capable of working despite their nerves". I know some people who can perform pretty well under pressure. Some have even told me that they don't have any attachment to their runs and don't get nervous often.

I could continue scoring, but even that's not going well. UFO is the same thing over and over again. I get to stage 4 on a rare occasion and just get nervous and screw everything up. Even if I make it to Byakuren I'll just game over. And I'm only going for 2.5bil... And I really don't feel like playing PCB because it's not really possible for me to become as good as I'd want to be. Especially when there are such good players like Yu-suke continually raising the bar. If you've seen any of my scoring streams, it's just resetting over and over again and not making progress. I'm not even scoring at high tier yet. Unless you consider PCB 3bil high tier... in which I haven't even been grinding PCB at all lately.

Despite the fact that I said I was never "satisfied", honestly, I'm reaching a point where I'm satisfied with how far I've gotten in Touhou. Back then I dreamed of becoming a "legendary superplayer" like Cactu, Chum, and everyone. I would get really competitive and take it serious. I would get crushed when I failed and jealous everytime someone else succeeded. but now I just don't really care. Honestly, I've put in thousands of hours into Touhou in these past 5 years I've been playing it. I've seen and done so many things. 1ccs, scoring, I've even gotten a few LNN/LNNNs. There's not much else for me to do.

Touhou just doesn't have enough merit. I feel like it won't really help me in the real world. Sure, it fulfills a human need called "entertainment". But I'm getting entertainment out of other hobbies. Such as playing RPGs and other games to pass the time. Making music. Programming. Etc.

This isn't really a "rant" since I'm not angry or disappointed. I'm not mad at myself for not being able to get all the achievements I wanted. I realize that I'm just not as good as some of the very best players and I may never get that far. I may still stream from time to time, but probably it will only be for the sake of streaming rather than actually getting the achievement. And I'll definitely still be a part of LunaticNeckBeards. I plan to play every week for them, if I can.

Besides. I'm going to be heading into university soon. I really don't have time to spend time on Touhou when I need to start really grinding programming so I can build myself a future. And perhaps I'll maybe stop feeling sorry for myself and calling the outside world scary. Maybe I'll become a normie lol.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mr Jovial on March 23, 2016, 10:32:21 PM
real talk
This hits quite close to home for me. Aside from minor differences, I could've said the same thing a few weeks ago, main difference is I'm actually at university. At least for what to do about Touhou, my suggestion is to ask yourself this:

Are you enjoying what you're doing? If not, figure out what you're not enjoying. It's either specific (ie MoF LNN/UFO score/PCB score) or general (ie you don't enjoy playing Touhou anymore).

In the latter case the solution is to stop playing. It's a game, games are for fun. You just typed about this exact thing.

If it's the latter, find some new category or something to do. I found that the limited spare time university gives you and losing interest in what I was doing in Touhou is leading me to try scoring an extra stage (at least after I play around with TD a bit). The danmaku is easier which might mean easier scoring but the stages themselves are noticeably shorter. Thus they fit in better if you've got other interests and obligations.

Maybe I'm speaking utter rubbish but I do really feel like you're experiencing the same thing I was, maybe you're not, but if you are, I spent too long figuring out this blindingly obvious thing and I don't want you to do the same.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Nolegs the Cat on March 23, 2016, 11:19:41 PM
You are a legendary superplayer to me, Mino.  :)

Just do what you enjoy and what you feel is right.
Though maybe you could take a break for a while, and see if that helps you a bit? Especially if you're going into university.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mikuru on March 24, 2016, 01:12:48 AM
I agree, if the agreement of a low-level player like me is worth anything. I watched your LNNN, and that is a legendary achievement in my book.

What you said does remind me of my own situation a while back -- I felt like I'd gotten stuck and wasn't enjoying the games any more. One night I went into the chat and vented a bit, and Karisa said, "If you're not enjoying the games, why are you still playing them?" I took a step back and realised that I was concentrating too much on the achievements I was going for, and that meant it kept being frustrating when I didn't get them. Thing is, I thought this was something I just couldn't switch off. But then somehow it just clicked, and I started being able to play for fun again. Then I really wanted to get that Extra clear, so I mostly just played attempts at that, and that did get a bit frustrating. For a long time I felt -- as you said -- that it was something a player of my level should have done by now. But in between attempts, every now and then I'd play one of the other difficulties, and I'd capture some card or other and notice that I was slowly improving, and I'd feel good about that and it helped me get through.

Anyway, I wish you luck, with both life and Touhou, and I'm looking forward to watching your next LNN because I know that's not something I'll ever be able to get myself :P

* * *

As for me: having got the Extra, my next goal is to clear Hard mode. I haven't had a serious attempt at that for a while. Today I decided to play a credit just for fun, and I did much better than expected. Two silly deaths in Stage 3, but I kept playing as it wasn't a "real" 1cc attempt. Silly death to one of Nitori's nonspells, but I captured all the spells, which is a first. Reached Sanae for the first time in this difficulty -- and actually captured all but one card. Game overed to Unremembered Crop. Yeah, maybe I'm not as far off getting this as I had thought :)
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Sakurei on March 24, 2016, 08:18:16 PM
Reminder that someone or something becomes legendary only when they quit or die. Although the term living legend is sometimes used for the greatest of the great in their field. Subjective, I guess.

The danmaku is easier which might mean easier scoring but the stages themselves are noticeably shorter.

They're easier than lunatic scoring no doubt (unless you're playing GFW). A full milk extra is usually only about half as long as the full game and usually you'll find the grazes easier than what you find on lunatic (although there are some freak spells that are harder to do right than most lunatic stuff like Honest Man's Death, Shikigami "Ran" or Laevantein but those are far and between). And especially if you plan to play an easier extra like SA or DDC, you will find yourself probably quite comfortable with the difficulty. The hard extras (most notably GFW and PCB/Phantasm) will require a whole lot of work before you can claim to be good at them though. Easier does not necessarily mean easy, after all.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Chirumiru-chan on March 24, 2016, 08:33:32 PM (sorry for crappy mic)

I found this out two days ago...and, yeah. It's a safe spot but then Utsuho moves and she kills you.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Sakurei on March 24, 2016, 10:20:16 PM
I don't even know which issue is more pressing: The fact that you don't know what your fps should be like or the fact that you don't know about invincibility frames.

1. What's up with your FPS counter? Was this particular instance because you were recording? The game should run at 60 fps. Some people have some FPS spikes downwards which is fine, but constant 30 fps or whatever means your game is not running correctly. That in turn means that if you tried to submit your runs to anything, they would not get accepted.

2. What you "found" is not a safe spot. The reason why you don't die immediately is because when you die, you have invincibility frames in which you can't die again. They're there (presumably) to allow the player to recover after a death. The sun and Okuu both have a hitbox and you die as soon as the i-frames run out.

3. Okuu doesn't move during that spell. Like, at all. Again, the reason why you die in not her moving but what I said in 2.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Sen on April 07, 2016, 04:25:45 AM
Having finally completed LoLK Hard (PD) with all four characters, I feel like I'm finally starting to get a handle on this game. Beating Junko with Reisen was a thoroughly miserable experience. Sanae is hilariously overpowered. Stage 4 sucks :(

Question: I read that Clownpiece is considered the hardest boss in the series? Is that generally-held opinion, or just one person writing the wiki? I know LoLK is overall considered the hardest main Touhou game.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Nolegs the Cat on April 07, 2016, 07:27:40 AM
Question: I read that Clownpiece is considered the hardest boss in the series? Is that generally-held opinion, or just one person writing the wiki? I know LoLK is overall considered the hardest main Touhou game.

Lunatic Junko is probably the answer.
There are bosses in the other games harder than Clownpiece, but she's definitely up there.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: HalfGrand on April 07, 2016, 11:28:26 AM
A few weeks ago I finally finished a pointdevice normal clear of LoLK using Reimu. I...I wasn't ready for this!

I knew the game was going to be hard but I didn't expect it to be THAT hard. Stages 1 to 3 were manageable with only 1 or 2 deaths but from stages 4 to 6, every chapter and spellcard was an uphill battle of multiple retries.

Thank goodness the game saves your progress during a run. I had to take many long breaks during gameplay sessions, some lasting for weeks at a time, because trying to clear a spellcard after about 100 retries in a row and still not clear it was simply not fun and became like a chore I reluctantly had to do through sheer force of will.

Oh, and screw Junko's Trembling, Shivering Star spellcard. That spellcard was evil and 1/3 of my total deaths were probably to that card alone. My fingers had trouble trying to rhythmically micro tap through those slim gaps like that and you could not afford to make ANY mistakes or you HAD to start over. Grrr!

So... final retry counter on 100%... 1829

And you know what the funny thing is? I replayed the game on easy mode with Marisa on legacy and I breezed through it with only 2 or so continues.

Is 1829 retries normal for a first run of this game on normal mode? I mean, damn man... damn!

ZUN you glorious bastard, you achieved the status of True Last Boss Cave difficulty without actually having the true last boss. I salute you good sir! o7

Lunatic Junko is probably the answer.

I second that. Clownpiece and her spellcards were more puzzle based, meaning that once you figured out what you have to do and where you have to move, success should come pretty quickly. Junko however is just a sheer test of dodging skill and pattern memorization isn't going to help you much there.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Karisa on April 07, 2016, 03:36:37 PM
Question: I read that Clownpiece is considered the hardest boss in the series? Is that generally-held opinion, or just one person writing the wiki? I know LoLK is overall considered the hardest main Touhou game.
Hardest is subjective, and in my opinion probably doesn't belong on a wiki. It also applies differently between difficulties-- I've heard it claimed that Clownpiece gains relatively little difficulty between Normal and Lunatic, for example (can't confirm since I didn't have exposure to LoLK as a Normal 1cc player, but Yuyuko and many of the PC-98 bosses happen to be like that).
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Sakurei on April 07, 2016, 08:45:08 PM
I have not been playing very much (say compared to when I was playing IN extra) but for some time now, I have been working on Phantasm with ReimuB. Give or take, I'm at 50 hours of playtime now and it is about that amount of hours where I draw my first conclusions about a new category, usually.

My score is still very bad and only barely qualifies as something that scores (1.3 billion right now) but I think I have a decent understanding of most things in the stage right now. My biggest issue so far is that, at the end of the day, I don't understand everything and that is quite horrible (well that, and I'm bad at dodging). For starters, I don't understand the very first border of the stage; or rather how to bomb properly to get it consistently. Too early and you don't get the border, too late and you kill fur balls whose bullets you're supposed to graze. Furthermore, I don't know how precise the positioning is for the bomb. Because of not knowing how it works, I can't tell what I am doing wrong when I don't get it. Of course, as it is the very first thing in the stage, it's not problematic to reset over it a few times but it is quite annoying when I get stuck for a long time because of something like that. Other than that, the grazing during the border is incredibly precise if you want to graze every bullet; moreover there doesn't really seem to be any cues for when to move so I end up moving more often than necessary, losing me more graze even if all of my taps were to be very small. It is likely something I just have to get a feel for through muscle memory.
One thing I am glad about is that managed to figure out the section after that. When I started, I thought it was an autistic mess and it drove me nuts, but it turns out it's not that bad. Of course, it's possible to go the extra mile and graze here and there, get extra cherry+ for a better border than what everyone else does but that is probably not something I need to care about just yet, even if inevitably I'll try to do it the way Yu-suke does way too soon.

When it comes to the mid boss, I'm being pretty scrubby to be honest. Missing graze on every attack with bad borders. For the non spell, it's mostly because I try to not do something too risky. I am not at the point where I need to risk my life for extra 30 graze during a border yet. Of course, over the course of the whole attack it is far more than that but outside of borders, each graze is only 2,000 score (actually 3,000 until 10,000 graze total but endgame bonus caps at that number and I reach that much either way). On the second spell though, the reason why I lose graze is because it's an incredibly difficult spell. Yu-suke gets 800, which is what I take as a benchmark to see how well I did and most of my attempts just end in dying. The best I have done was 650 once or twice. This is no doubt one of the spells that I have to practice the very most. Super precise unfocused bullet/laser hugging isn't one of the things I do very often, after all.

The second half of the stage portion is where I lose most of the cherry max. For now, that is acceptable, albeit not pleasant. The timings for the border breaks seem to be hanging in the air but maybe I just haven't found any useful cues yet. I haven't seen anyone screw them up the way I do so I suppose there must be something people look at when they break their borders. I lose like 30,000 cherry max when I do all this well, which isn't very good. I hope to improve this soon. Other than the borders, I also miss some graze outside of them, but again, it is only 2000 per graze so for now I can bear that loss.

Yukari herself Is mostly very easy or very hard for me. Only a few attacks have moderate difficulty (penultimate or the first survival for example). The ones that are consistently very difficult are the Ran spell (8th) and the final but I have personal issues with the laser spell (3rd) and DBDB (7th) because I can't dodge. Of course, when I say easy, I mean right now, scrubbing it out more or less. Doing any of the grazing spells well is likely going to be at least somewhat tough. Examples of this are the swastika spell (6th) and also the multi laser thing (5th) most likely. But overall, I believe I have a better understanding of the boss fight than the stage portion. I don't want to go through each and every pattern because some are self explanatory, and I don't think anyone who has managed to read this far wants to know about how to stream the non spells and that kind of stuff (once I have a good run I can do that and give numbers and everything but not now). But there are some attacks I want to talk about and some things I have noticed like comparing replays and doing bad math.

The graze you get on the laser spell is random nonsense. It can be as low as 900 but it can also go as high as 1200. That is regardless of your ability to sit close to a laser but rather RNG depending on how the lasers spawn around you. You can be lucky and get 4 lasers spawn on top of each other or you can have horrible luck and only get 1. This is pretty stupid and Yu-suke gets quite good RNG overall (1,100 graze). The average seems to be somewhere between 1,000 and 1,100, by the way. A funny coincidence is that if you were to misdirect the pattern for the whole timer as you do in the beginning, it would be about the same as getting slightly better than average RNG, meaning you get about 1,100 graze (obviously impossible since the waves speed up).
Another thing I want to talk about is about the Swastika spell, in relation to the 6th and 7th non spells. In the world record for ReimuB, Yu-suke gets a border on the 6th non spell, three borders on the spell and no border on the 7th non spell. That's bad! You're supposed to get a border on the 7th non spell as well. At first I was quite confused why he chose not to get the border. And foolish as I was, I assumed it was on purpose originally. Ultimately, the reason for it is because of a bad cancel on the 6th non spell. The more centered on the screen Yukari is, the better the cancel will be. By timing out the non spell for graze like Yu-suke did, he had no choice but to go for a bad cancel, changing the pattern on the swastika spell. In his current PB, he gets the borders on the first red (and then another red and the third one is blue) but getting the border on red means the third border will not have run out by the time the last blue wave finishes because the start of the last blue is when you get it. The correct pattern is to get the first border when the spell starts - on the first blue wave, and then the other two borders are on red, meaning the correct pattern for the borders is blue-red-red and not red-red-blue. As he result of getting the wrong pattern, Yu-suke starts the 7th non spell with 20,000 cherry+ and not 35,000 to 40,000 or so. If you are Yu-suke, missing a border at this point in the run is over ten million from just that - not to mention the score you lose from missing the extra cherry max. Getting this border is fairly simple to do by being safe and give up some graze to ensure a good cancel on the 6th non spell. This is important to note even if I don't want to beat Yu-suke because it's more or less free extra score.
On an unrelated note, DBDB is horrible for me because I can't dodge. I have to improve on that. It's pretty free if I wasn't so bad at that.

I mentioned earlier that the Ran spell is one of the consistently difficult attacks (unlike the laser spell or DBDB, which can go from easy to super hard). There are a few reasons for that: First of all, not dying is hard. The best way to do this spell is to move from one corner to the other back and forth while shooting Ran for cherry+ and grazing her laser for, well, graze. The way this works is that Ran has her own hit box and and by shooting her, you can get an extra border during the spell. Now, the ideal is that you get a border at the very beginning of the spell, one border in the middle and one border after the spell. however, getting all three borders is very tight with the cherry+. What I mean is, you can miss the last border easily. I'm sure everyone who has played this stage knows Ran aims herself at you. You are in the corner when she does this and while that you shoot her. If you move too far out of the way (i.e your tap is too large) you do not hit with all your shots, which gives less cherry. On the other hand, if you tap is too small, you just die by being rammed. If you miss the right tap two or three times, you are likely to miss the third border (Yu-suke misses the right tap twice and doesn't get it - again, over ten million lost from just the border itself). The other thing is the amount of graze. It can vary a lot and for now, I am not quite certain where the last 100 graze I miss come from. Presumably better laser grazing. I'll have to look into that. It's also important to note that PCB does not have the drumming sound yet so you have to pay attention to Yukari's health on your own. So to summarize: You have to pay attention to
1. your cherry+; making sure you don't make the tap out of the corner too large.
2. Yukari's health, as you do not want to kill her too early but she also needs low health at the end so you don't accidentally time out the spell.
3. Graze. The harder you go at it, the better for your score, obviously.
These three things are what you need to pay attention to while you're in perpetual (unfocused) motion. If you stop moving, you may not make it into the opposite corner in time, thus losing graze and cherry+. You have no time to think. Being slow with anything means you will miss something vital, most likely cherry+. I believe this spell is the hardest thing in the stage and may be even more difficult to do well than Honest Man's Death. Obviously, to me it is harder since I practiced one spell 3,500 times and the other one like 150 times but I'll see how the difficulty even out after a lot of practice.

The survival spell is weird. Not because the pattern is strange but because the way the lasers give graze seems to vary on something and I don't know what it is yet. Right now, I can get 1,600 graze fairly consistently on a capture (Yu-suke gets 1,670) so it's not like I'm doing horribly but something is missing in my approach and I'll have to see what it is. Once I find out how exactly the graze behaves in correlation to the lasers, I think I can match Yu-suke at least.
The last thing I want to talk about is how amazing the final spell is. It's definitely my favorite attack in this stage and it's just a lot of fun doing it. I think I like it as much as I liked Imperishable Shooting. But it is also very difficult and at the end of the stage. No doubt I'll lose some good runs to it but it's just the kind of attack that is super fun to try and optimize. Lots of motion using the whole screen. The best kind.

If you have managed to read all this, congratulations. I'm not sure I would have. w
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Sen on April 23, 2016, 04:07:01 AM
Reimu's small hitbox has been a thing since PCB, but I don't think I've ever appreciated it more than I do in LoLK. Junko is an absolute nightmare with Marisa, Sanae, and Reisen, but Reimu's tiny hitbox makes her attacks so much more bearable, both in Stage 6 and Extra Stage. Never thought some of the hardest danmaku I'd ever face would be this shit (
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Das on April 23, 2016, 04:10:13 AM
I have unlocked the newest difficulty in SoEW, it's called "w9" (video)

I dont know how this happened, I dont know why it happened, but it was hilarious and the ROM is still like this.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Karisa on April 24, 2016, 08:13:40 AM
Congratulations on unlocking the legendary World 9!

Though seriously, I think your settings somehow were corrupted-- initial bombs and lives were affected too (in the display, and in the stage clear bonus). Were your high scores on regular difficulties also corrupted? Can you even select regular difficulties? (You can back up your game before switching to regular difficulties to preserve the glitched setting, since the PC-98 games' settings/scores are stored within the game.)

Also "Rank" is actually the difficulty bonus (which is glitched, unsurprisingly), while "Stage" is actually the rank bonus. The game mislabels it. Not a translation patch error, since the original Japanese mislabels it too apparently.

Power/point item value seems to have been multiplied by 128 when added to the actual score (power items worth "1000" add 1280, and for example at 4:48 you gain an item worth "5120000" points, but it actually adds 51200*128=6553600 points, raising your score from 53153340 to 59716940). However, the displayed numbers are multiplied by 100 instead. Maybe it's trying to append the usual "x2"/"x4" characters, but there are no characters corresponding to this w9 difficulty, so it defaults to "00" instead?

Oh, and that score went far beyond 375 million. Z would be 9+26=35 ten millions already, so 12 additional characters (if I counted correctly: "Sc", "or", "e&nbsp;&nbsp;", "Po,", "wer", "Pl(", "iyer", a space, "B(', ")mb", "Hi", and another space) would've been enough for 475 million?
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Emerald Mint on May 24, 2016, 04:38:30 AM
I've been playing Touhou less than before over the past several months. While it's mostly not at all, I still feel a need to relive certain novelties once in a while. Danmaku in general has made a difference in how I approach thinking in other areas and I'm grateful.

However, I feel as if I've reached the limitations of the games and their mechanics. There are elements which I want to expand on add new ideas in most of the games, which would open up new strategies and ways to play. Feeling that I have to play the same way each time did get me bored in the long run, and on top of that, I was already quite limited in my ability to change them to my needs and interests. On top of that, I was taking my competitive side a bit too seriously on the inside, so I had to let that go through abstinence.

Looking back at one of ZUN's works about Momiji, there is mention that she plays a large chesslike boardgame where different pieces and rules are invented all the time, and compares it to the human world where the game ended up getting smaller and more constrained.
Maybe I'm just being stubborn, but that's how I see the Touhou games these days. More as a novelty sealed in stone.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Aminosa on June 03, 2016, 05:23:52 PM
I hate this. I hate LoLK. I hate Hecatia. I hate Junko. I hate their bullets. I hate the hitboxes. I hate the hard time Marisa has in extra. I hate Lunatic Impact. I hate Pristine Danmaku for Killing a Person (like wtf is up with that). I hate all of it.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mr Jovial on June 08, 2016, 11:17:57 AM
Well, I took a bit of a break. I could tell you that it was because I had exams and was revising but truthfully the spare time I had between exams and revision was spent on steam. I got demotivated and didn't really want to do a TD LNNN so stopped for a bit. Exams finished about a week ago and I started playing again today. Decided I wanted to go do what I had lots of fun with before : IN survival. Going to mix things up a bit by using Alice solo and going through 6A though. Gave it a playthrough to unlock the stages, stages 1-3 become noticeably harder because of Alice's awful spread and slow movement not to mention there's plenty of attacks where I'd normally destroy familiars but can't anymore. Mystia's last non and Keine's first non are horrible like this. 4A and 5 aren't much different to be honest. 5 is probably the second easiest stage somehow. 6A is the same but Astronomical Entombing is problematic because again, can't destroy familiars. Going to be interesting trying to LNNN like this but I think it's possible.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Nolegs the Cat on June 12, 2016, 05:46:17 AM
Turns out that I have stage 6 practice unlocked for Youmu in TD lunatic for some reason.
As a joke, I decided to XXC through Miko with her to see what It'd get in terms of score.
I had 198m, 124k PIV at the end. Did I do it right? :V

EDIT: Another run had 222m and 132.7k PIV. Am I still doing it right? :V
This is so silly. Why is it so fun?
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Karisa on June 12, 2016, 05:30:01 PM
TD with the lives stage practice gives... I suspect it'd be efficient to do most of your suicides earlier for PIV deathtrances, leaving just enough resources to stay in front of Miko all the time at the end.

If you have stage 6 unlocked but not earlier stages, it's because you used Youmu to practice a spell in that stage-- you can do that to unlock stages with other characters in TD/DDC if you have a spell unlocked with one character.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: zephyredx on June 19, 2016, 05:59:33 AM
Just completed a Lunatic 1cc of MoF, which is pretty reinvigorating. This is my second Lunatic 1cc, after SA. It went much more smoothly than my SA Lunatic 1cc because I had become less immature as a player and come to understand lots of principles about the psychology of playing Touhou. For example, not every mistake spells absolute doom on the run, and bombing an easy section is probably okay for the run even if it may be embarrassing to admit to my friends. Back when I did my 1cc of SA about 4 years ago, I was an extremely volatile player. Some of my runs would be smooth as butter, while other runs would see mistakes compounded by more mistakes until I just restarted the game in frustration. I still experience volatility today, being human and all, but its impact on my psyche has definitely been quelled to the point where I can witness a terrible misdodge, and not freak out. For one, I find that taking deep, rhythmic breaths helps. While I am glad about this overall improvement, I do somewhat miss the rush of adrenaline from back when I was a less experienced player, where whenever I reached the final spell of the game, it seemed like judgment day was at my doorstep. When I did Virtue of Wind God, I felt unnaturally calm, and the only thought in my head was, "statistically speaking, I have a low but nonzero chance of winning." My next goal might be to tackle either UFO or DDC on Lunatic. Thoughts?
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Nolegs the Cat on June 19, 2016, 10:47:32 AM
How Real Men (TM) do Yuyuko's final spellcard in TD! (

This is... easier than it looks, actually. I usually don't go that close though. I probably have ~50% consistency with it.
Lunatic is a whole other story, though. It's really hard on lunatic. :V

It's also way harder if you get as close as Mithril - 'real' point blank, basically, where you get much more spirit gains.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: AstralFox on June 24, 2016, 11:09:53 PM
I death-bordered to midboss Chen during a run (replay) ( I thought it was kinda cool, so I wanted to share.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Nolegs the Cat on June 25, 2016, 05:16:22 PM
I might go for TD hard no bombs?
Doesn't seem like it's that hard.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: ふねん1 on July 09, 2016, 04:18:21 AM
So I haven't touched any Touhou games for like over half a year, so I'm expecting to be rusty as hell when I boot up DDC. A bit of time with Spell Practice, and I'm relieved to see my skills haven't totally deteriorated lol. Some of the hardest stuff is still throwing me for a loop, but I bet I'll be ready to tackle some more of my to-do list in short order.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Ghost on July 10, 2016, 06:39:22 PM
So I got a new BenQ monitor which is pretty nice to play Touhou on

I rarely have time for these games anymore cos I'm more focused on Uni and smash 4, but I played some EoSD and PCB today, and aside from forgetting stage routes I did ok lol. It's frustrating to play the games without investing a lot of time into them at once though.

Is there a touhou discord server people here use? (and if not, one should probably be made, replacing the pinned IRC channel lol)
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mino ☆ on July 11, 2016, 02:32:38 AM
Long time no see, FreeGoth!

Do you have any current Touhou goals that you were interested in doing?
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Ghost on July 11, 2016, 11:10:31 AM
Nothing in particular yet!

PCB is throwing a fit not letting me play in fullscreen with vpatch atm, maybe if I figure that out I'll play it properly more (survival with reimu or scoring probably)
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Zigzagwolf on July 11, 2016, 01:51:29 PM
That moment when you decide to play some MS EX for scoring, get Yuuka's score up to 159m and believe Pietoro didn't cheat his 203m Yuuka EX score (I can definitely get 190m+ in a good run according to my estimations.) but you set savestates to use and after a few times of using them the game corrupts the .hdi file and you lose all your scores and your access to the extra with all shots. ;____;

Luckily I still got screenshots and videos. Also Prinny gave me his .hdi file of MS with all shots in MS EX unlocked So I can continue to score all shots, since I did unlock them myself before. (I did set a few new scores in it, but lower than my PBs for Marisa, Mima and Yuuka. I actually improved my Reimu score but Reimu doesn't really seem to do well in the extra so I doubt that means anything.)

Another edit, I devised a route for Reimu in the EX and I'm estimating this route could get around 185m+ if executed correctly, I could be wrong in that but the route should be fine. It is still a bit tough to execute and Reimu really has a hard time at both the stage portion and Alice (even surviving the second laser pattern with Reimu is already a bit tougher than I expected.) as of now I have 145M with her (I had 136m before but improved it a little bit, all runs seem to go wrong horribly at some point, but I'll try to push her to 180m+ for the very least, for Yuuka I want 190m+ (I'm expecting I can do that, I could aim for 200m+ but I kind of doubt I could do that with her, it is just an interesting thing to do I guess.)

Yet another edit not much later: Expect me to pop up here more often and post walls of rambles, I kind of need a place to lose my rambles which at times do contain some pretty interesting things. Also wanting to mention that I do too many things at once! Learning SSS on Hard for a bit a moment ago, now NMNB attempts in DDC's EX (best I got is 1MNB, not speaking about the run I did before the DRC started which is an NMNB clear.) I kind of dropped YSZK's stage opener graze because it's ridiculous how much rng is involved and the difference is about 1m arriving at Raiko anyways (my route now if I reach Raiko gets around 102,7m usually, the 7 seems to happen again often so that is why I decided to add the 7 there, since usually the score swings a bit around in the 100k's.) And then there's MS EX scoring too, too much focus on too many things but I'll be able to keep track of those things is my guess.

Expect me to edit 7ever: Improved Reimu to 165m, Kind of wrecked that run into a saltmine by dying to the Cheetos lasers pattern that Alice has (I was trying to get a good bullet clear and kind of dodged 3 waves, it's kind of scary how much you got to dodge and how hard it is to predict things.)  Also didn't get a good semifinal pattern clear (which I had to bomb collect, oh well.) The death + extra bomb were obv not devised, I'm expecting my devised route would definitely get atleast 180m+ with Reimu, so I'm expecting to get that if I push a bit more.

Instead of Extra! Extra! Extra! I'm the kind of guy to scream: "Edit! Edit! Edit!" anyways, time to get serious. Improved my Reimu EX score to 171,4 Million and a no miss too, had two terrible pattern clears costing me the 300 point items extend and a 180m+ run, on another note, I have set my eyes on getting 180m+ with her as much as I've set my goal on improving my Yuuka score a bunch. I should focus on what is more important right now though... DDC for the DRC, 6 days left is still pretty nice and cozy, guess I'll focus on getting another NMNB in that EX first before I continue on improving those scores then.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Choco Beam on August 02, 2016, 12:58:11 AM
As much as I like to continue scoring on UFO, I have stop playing to focus on other stuff. It sucks to stop right now especially since I'm starting to get more consistent at the game (just passed 150 hours of playtime) and also very close to my arbitrary goal of 2.5B on Normal. I was planning to score on Hard and Lunatic too after Normal but I guess I have to hold off those plans for now. I will probably start playing again somewhere around late 2017 or early 2018. Hopefully I won't get too rusty by then.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mikuru on August 10, 2016, 11:36:42 PM
So I've been playing Touhou for a little over a year, or a little under if you subtract my hiatus, but up to now I've only played three different games. Today I expanded my repertoire by trying out Imperishable Night. Fun times. I really enjoyed the feeling of finding my way through completely unfamiliar patterns, so I want to take things slowly and space out getting the other games, so that I still have that feeling a few more times to look forward to.

For some reason I found Keine much, much harder than Reimu.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Catmusica on August 14, 2016, 01:04:59 AM
So after practicing eosd for these past few years (yea..literally years.) on and off i tried something new today called PCB. i rarely play pcb but somehow on my first try i got to the last stage xd. im so mad that i can get to the same place in IN PCB as eosd even tho ive been practicng for awhile.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: R.P. on August 14, 2016, 02:21:34 AM
So after practicing eosd for these past few years (yea..literally years.) on and off i tried something new today called PCB. i rarely play pcb but somehow on my first try i got to the last stage xd. im so mad that i can get to the same place in IN PCB as eosd even tho ive been practicng for awhile.
That's likely because playing the same games so much made you annoyed by them and as playing them become some kind of routine you started to subconsciously focusing less when you played them, which if you aren't very skilled in this kind of games and often even if you are skilled can easily means defeat, on the other hand when you played PCB you where more focused because you didn't knew that game so well and because of that you did better than usual, this thing is also one of my biggest problems when I play Touhou, the solution is to play various games instead of focusing on one at least in my case
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Catmusica on August 14, 2016, 02:34:00 AM
That's likely because playing the same games so much made you annoyed by them and as playing them become some kind of routine you started to subconsciously focusing less when you played them, which if you aren't very skilled in this kind of games and often even if you are skilled can easily means defeat, on the other hand when you played PCB you where more focused because you didn't knew that game so well and because of that you did better than usual, this thing is also one of my biggest problems when I play Touhou, the solution is to play various games instead of focusing on one at least in my case

hmm i might try that solution
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Catmusica on August 15, 2016, 12:44:35 PM
Is it weird that I cant get past stage 4 on easy UFO yet I can perfect byakurens flying saucer final spell on lunatic in practice mode on first try. I honestly don't understand UFO system but easy mode I find really easy but still run out of lives. I can capture most nonspells and some spells. Other than that I get walled by stages constantly.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Catmusica on August 17, 2016, 12:17:08 PM
You know your good when you can "almost clear DDC on easy mode without trying and even not looking at screen sometimes. Only reason I lost a sukunas last card was my hands were shaking from earlier lunatic stuff. I'm just happy to know I'm getting better at touhou cause I couple years back I couldn't even get past stage 4 on easy mode and now I'm a normal/hard player
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: spaceboy on August 19, 2016, 05:25:20 PM
        Yesterday I felt really good about something that happened (touhou-related), so I think I should be writing about it here.
        I've learned about the Touhou Project series around 2012, but I've only tried to play it in 2013. Back then, the first game I tried playing was EoSD. I never had tried a danmaku game before, so everything was pretty much new to me.
        But there was something that got me caught in the game. It wasn't the story back then, neither the characters. It was the music, and the difficulty of the game itself. It was so difficult for me to get past the first stage, and I since I don't understand japanese, I also didn't know that I could slow my speed with shift and bomb away the bullets with X. It was frustrating to lose lives after lives, and it was even more frustrating to know I was failing to finish the first stage out of six (normal difficulty).
        But what made me keep going was the music. I loved how the tune was timing with the stage advancing, and when I discovered the music room in the menu, listening to Meiling, Patchouli and Sakuya's theme songs made me feel really excited and got me even more motivated to play.
        Yesterday, for the first time in a few months, I opened EoSD again. I haven't played it because I had already cleared the extra stage, but then I felt like playing it again, for no real reason. I just felt like doing it. I was looking at my replays folder, and the first replay I had was from a run I had played in 2013.
        Man, the memories knocked me out, haha. It was a pretty bad run: After many attempts of trying a no-focus/bomb run of the first stage, I finally was able to do it without dying. Good thing, for sure. Then, in stage 2, I also managed to pass all the stage without dying again. Then I died to Cirno's shotgun, and lost all my three lives there. I remember that when I did that, I laughed myself out, in a mix of frustration and excitement. "Ha, I finally got to listen to this character theme while playing the game!" I thought.
      Three years after that, I can clear the game on hard without dying until Patchouli, and I've also finished the extra stage; But what makes me feel happy is that back then, the frustration of a lot of failures didn't make me stop playing, and pretty much I feel the same thing today; That excitement of a boss battle where I would have to play seriously, or else I would fail, is still here, even after thousands of failure. Those memories also made me realize that despite being terribly bad at the beginning, not giving up really helped me get to where I am now. Not only in the games, but in a lot of other areas of my live; going through hell in a bullet hell game helped me to stay more calm in stressful moments of my life, and today I'm also able to do things I wasn't able to do a few years ago, and I believe that touhou surely helped me with that.
      Well, that's it, I guess
      Talking about the series, I'm now trying to beat Koishi, whose stage and spell cards (and non-spell cards too) are giving me a really hard time. Then, after that (or while I'm trying to do that), I'll start playing UFO. I really want to play Byakuren, for no reason at all. (Maybe it's her boss battle theme. It surely is that.)

Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Chill Observer on August 21, 2016, 10:01:08 PM
Man, Double Spoiler is a difficult game...

The first 6 levels aren't too difficult, although there's like 1 or 2 scenes that took me a couple hundred photos to clear. But levels 7 and 8, hot damn...

I'm not looking forward to level 9 onwards. All clearing levels 1 through 8 combined took me an embarrassing 15 hours of gameplay time.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Catmusica on August 26, 2016, 11:43:20 AM
Shoot the bullet is incredibly fun. Day 1 is easier than expected but still quite hard so far can't imagine the other games. Guess I'll use this to polish my skills until my great fairy wars copy is delivered
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: ?q on August 27, 2016, 01:24:20 AM
Man, Double Spoiler is a difficult game...

The first 6 levels aren't too difficult, although there's like 1 or 2 scenes that took me a couple hundred photos to clear. But levels 7 and 8, hot damn...

I'm not looking forward to level 9 onwards. All clearing levels 1 through 8 combined took me an embarrassing 15 hours of gameplay time.
You say "I'm embarrassed I took this long"; I say "I got 15 hours of gameplay out of this game and I'm only halfway done :quality: ".
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Chill Observer on August 27, 2016, 02:09:47 AM
You say "I'm embarrassed I took this long"; I say "I got 15 hours of gameplay out of this game and I'm only halfway done :quality: ".
But that is roughly halfway done. That's 58 out of 108 scenes total. That's still quite embarrassing to me, considering how many attempts I took per scene.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mikuru on August 27, 2016, 12:35:38 PM
What with SSS coming out, followed by deciding to start playing IN, it's a long time since I touched PCB.

I'm glad to discover that Yuyuko is much, much more doable than she always used to be. I think it shows that my skills have improved in the interval.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Catmusica on September 03, 2016, 02:54:38 PM
managaed to get to  "Curse of Vlad Tepes" in EOSD. this is the furthest ive gotten in the game.! practice has been paying off. at the same time im dissapointed its not a 1cc... welp time to keep pushing. if anyone has some tips let me know ill link my replay:
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Lollipop on September 03, 2016, 07:40:07 PM
Was surprised to see that Discord knew I was playing Touhou. I didn't think it would lol.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Chill Observer on September 03, 2016, 09:58:00 PM
Was surprised to see that Discord knew I was playing Touhou. I didn't think it would lol.
Discord recognized every single game I was playing except for EoSD for some reason. Must have been the Japanese locale.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: DarkPermafrost on September 09, 2016, 03:07:09 AM
Ugh. I've recently (about three days ago) started grinding for my first LNB, and what better game to start with than SA? Oh man.

Stages 1-3 are going fine, and I can semi-consistently get through those with at most one death. I don't want to talk about my performance on stage 4, and stage 5 is just embarrassing. Instead, I'll just list down the things I can't do.

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5

Also, trying not to reflexbomb. It's happened too many times.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: ZM on September 09, 2016, 05:59:16 AM

I'm addicted and I just can't get enough. 'w'
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: DarkPermafrost on September 12, 2016, 02:18:07 AM
I never thought I'd get this far (

Oh well. I'm happy. First LNB, I guess.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Catmusica on September 12, 2016, 02:22:27 AM
Im actually surprised that i can consistently capture  Sakuya's "Eternal meek" even with Reimu A
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: novice259 on September 12, 2016, 10:52:05 AM
Just made an attempt at IN Extra
Made it past Fujiyama Volcano for the first time
Lost my last life on Possessed by Phoenix
Had to bomb on all of of Mokou's non-cards
Even her first one
I am too tired to play today :V
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: The Anti-Person on September 13, 2016, 04:07:09 PM
Trying to beat the following:
Flandre Scarlet - doesn't go too badly but Maze of Love just wrecks me
Koishi Komeiji - damn those useless bombs and the system
Nue Houjuu - frikin' blue UFOs... also Kogasa
Hecatia Lapislazuli - second half of the stage and most of Hecatia's attacks = WHAT?!
Already beaten Ran, Yukari, Mokou, Suwako, Mamizou and Raiko.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Monarda on September 13, 2016, 04:47:04 PM
Trying to beat the following:
Flandre Scarlet - doesn't go too badly but Maze of Love just wrecks me
Koishi Komeiji - damn those useless bombs and the system
Nue Houjuu - frikin' blue UFOs... also Kogasa
Hecatia Lapislazuli - second half of the stage and most of Hecatia's attacks = WHAT?!
Already beaten Ran, Yukari, Mokou, Suwako, Mamizou and Raiko.

Is there any restriction ? NM ? NB ? Or just plain beat it ?
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Chill Observer on September 13, 2016, 07:31:13 PM
Is there any restriction ? NM ? NB ? Or just plain beat it ?
Fairly sure unless otherwise stated it is always in good practice to assume their goal is a 1cc of that particular mode.

Also I got a few more hard modes left (EoSD, UFO, DDC) before sweeping away the lunatics. I hope this wouldn't be too frustrating to finish off.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Catmusica on September 14, 2016, 02:06:28 AM
OK so I tried a blind no bombs and no trance (other than when you die) run of TD. Only managed to get to the last spell of stage 2 lol. If I memorized the patterns I'm sure It could be fairly easy other than low resources game gives. It could've gotten further but I ran into a random bullet I didn't see in stage two as well. I really wasn't expecting much from a first run but it's nice to see where I'm at and need to improve
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Monarda on September 14, 2016, 10:18:39 AM
OK so I tried a blind no bombs and no trance (other than when you die) run of TD. Only managed to get to the last spell of stage 2 lol. If I memorized the patterns I'm sure It could be fairly easy other than low resources game gives. It could've gotten further but I ran into a random bullet I didn't see in stage two as well. I really wasn't expecting much from a first run but it's nice to see where I'm at and need to improve

Great to hear, a lot of it is memorization, seeing a pattern and understanding how it works and how to beat it is core.

Say, why don't you post a EoSD run of yours here ? I am nothing much but i could try and give some tips.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Catmusica on September 14, 2016, 11:49:23 AM
OK here's the EOSD run Ill probably try to do it with default lives as my next goal I kinda just wanted to clear the game to see a good ending. If you have any tips that would be great!

Edit:forgot to mention. Is there a better character to use than Marisa b?
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Mikuru on September 14, 2016, 07:14:03 PM
I had a look at your replay, and you did very well; I think you can get a default lives clear soon. Your biggest problem is that you use too many bombs; you often use them when you are perfectly safe and just don't want to face the next pattern. That suggests lack of confidence. In the other thread, you asked for suggestions for a different game you could use to practise bombing less. Instead, I think you should no-bomb EoSD stage practice, so as to get used to the patterns. Then, when you go back to the main game, there will be a few more patterns you feel comfortable tackling without a bomb, and that will save a few more bombs for places where you really need them.

EoSD is the one game in the series where all the shot-types are well-balanced. Just stick with whichever you are most comfortable with. Try all of them out if you like.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Catmusica on September 15, 2016, 12:23:00 PM
Your right about the lack of confidence sometimes im so worried that losing a life with full stock of bombs will ruin the run. But also I have a bad habit of throwing my bombs away because I play better without them. I did a run with reimu a once with 1 bomb on red magic and almost captured it .anyways I'll try doing no bombs on practice stages.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Monarda on September 15, 2016, 12:51:19 PM
Well i can't see the replay yet, but know what you mean, i have a sorta reverse effect though, and completely forget that bombs exist, i'll get my own run and post it here for you as an example, i run Reimu B.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: novice259 on September 16, 2016, 03:00:06 AM
Made another attempt at IN Extra. Died to Hourai Doll with a quarter of lifebar left. AAAAAA

To be fair, I did waste a lot of bombs on Mokou's nonspells, fast purple amulets keep blindsiding me. I'm pretty sure I'm relying too much on deathbombs. So really, I think I just need to practise more to hone my twitch dodging skills and then I'll be able to clear Extra for the first time! Right?

Man, why do I keep dying to that death fairy? :derp:
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: DarkPermafrost on September 16, 2016, 11:17:28 AM
Hmm, I'm currently working on LoLK Ex 90FPS (with Reisen, probably the only sane shot to use). The furthest I've gotten is nonspell #6 (that's the second blue one)...

My main problem is, ironically, that I'm not bombing enough. I'm too used to DDC SakuyaA and her expiring shield, so I try to hold off activating a new bomb and end up dying with all of them instead.

Reaching Hecatia with 3 lives and 1 bomb, hmm. I wonder how far that'll get me...

Problem spots are: nonspells (duh), Apollo Reflection Mirror (too fast), and presumably all the spells starting from Rain Falling in Hell.

Sigh, this is going to take a while. (I'm not sure if I even have enough skill / luck / patience to pull this off...)
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: RB on September 16, 2016, 12:33:18 PM
Hmm, I'm currently working on LoLK Ex 90FPS (with Reisen, probably the only sane shot to use). The furthest I've gotten is nonspell #6 (that's the second blue one)...

My main problem is, ironically, that I'm not bombing enough. I'm too used to DDC SakuyaA and her expiring shield, so I try to hold off activating a new bomb and end up dying with all of them instead.

Reaching Hecatia with 3 lives and 1 bomb, hmm. I wonder how far that'll get me...

Problem spots are: nonspells (duh), Apollo Reflection Mirror (too fast), and presumably all the spells starting from Rain Falling in Hell.

Sigh, this is going to take a while. (I'm not sure if I even have enough skill / luck / patience to pull this off...)
Did you safespot the fairies before Hecatia? It helps a lot in the run.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: DarkPermafrost on September 16, 2016, 02:37:51 PM
Did you safespot the fairies before Hecatia? It helps a lot in the run.

Yeah, I did (your video helped, actually). I have a bigger problem with the fairies that appear from the left and right shortly before that. I always try to speedkill them with limited success... maybe I'm not familiar with their spawn positions yet or something. I'm sure it can be done eventually.

I'm assuming you got your LoLK to work with CE, by the way.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: RB on September 16, 2016, 04:04:56 PM
By order they appear at the right, left, right, left and then two in the middle. Speedkill one of them and follow the other one until you kill it, you'll be at the side and two more will come. Kill the fairy at the side you're currently on then move to the other side to kill the remaining one.

I didn't see your reply until recently, it's night at my place so I'll try it tomorrow.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Catmusica on September 16, 2016, 10:04:27 PM
So i just tried to do eosd with default lives (Im assuming its 3 right?). HOLY COW On my first try with Reimu A i got to a quarter left of red magic.. and for the first time i got a perfect stage 2 (Icicle fall is annoying). Also stage 4 with reimu a seems too easy i feel like i could get a perfect stage 4 as well with her. The main problems were i lost a life to meilings last spell and bombed on her 2nd to last. meiling is always giving me trouble... and i lost a life with 1 bomb in stock on sakuyas "Clock corpse" spell which was the major run killer.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Monarda on September 16, 2016, 10:24:18 PM
Most, if not all of my Stage 1-3 period in EoSD normal end up NMNB, i could do a quick run if you want so you can see my approach.

Also, do you have the Vsync patch installed ? You might be having trouble due to input lag, and said patch deals with that.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Drake on September 16, 2016, 10:30:49 PM
i'm so bad at ddc
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Monarda on September 16, 2016, 11:00:02 PM
i'm so bad at ddc

Nah don't be like that, you can do it !
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Drake on September 17, 2016, 01:16:24 AM
I just get wrecked by the routing and the massive potential for enemy collision lol. I haven't played it since I first finished Lunatic so it's expected, but still.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Monarda on September 17, 2016, 01:24:33 AM
I just get wrecked by the routing and the massive potential for enemy collision lol. I haven't played it since I first finished Lunatic so it's expected, but still.
i'm so bad at ddc

If you are bad then i must be a waste of skin then, you are way better than me.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Chill Observer on September 17, 2016, 01:25:50 AM
If you think you are bad, you should see how I cleared DDC hard. Half of the boss attacks in the game aren't even seen because I just go up to their face and bomb.

AKA I can't dodge for shit.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: RB on September 17, 2016, 01:34:17 AM
when i 1cc'd DDC normal as SakuyaB last night i ran into seija trying to autocollect

that never happened in TD before lol

Hecatia 90fps is a bitch.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Catmusica on September 17, 2016, 01:48:28 AM
Most, if not all of my Stage 1-3 period in EoSD normal end up NMNB, i could do a quick run if you want so you can see my approach.

Also, do you have the Vsync patch installed ? You might be having trouble due to input lag, and said patch deals with that.
I had A v sync but theni encountered another version called unicode vsync just now trying to get the vsync for double spoiler. Im not really understaning what it is but when i switched it from the original i used just now it seemed alot better and i could even consistently death bomb. My only worry is that the sound started glitching out when i was practicing against remillia .

Edit: Oh shoot forgot to mention i tried Reimu B and my god shes OP if you know how to use her. If your right under the boss it can kill stupid fast but even at a distance she can still do good damage . im having fun with this shot type might switch from reimu a to b.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Lollipop on September 17, 2016, 03:44:19 AM
argh i keep bombing too late and i lost around 5 lives in a single run due to this
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: RB on September 17, 2016, 09:36:28 AM
I hate sagume on lunatic
She's fine on normal but after getting impatient I bombed her first non after 3 retries. Now I'm retrying about 5 times on her first spell, that makes it more than Stage 1-3 combined :fail:
I'm trying a low retry run and got to Stage 4 with only 7 retries. <50 retries is unfeasible but we'll see.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Drake on September 17, 2016, 11:16:07 AM
today i was less bad at ddc
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Catmusica on September 17, 2016, 01:42:14 PM
I am loving TD right now. great music, great art and graphics, fun spells and dodging . Not too hard or too easy (mainly cause of low resources). I really dont know why i haven't touched it much i probably last played it a year or 2 ago. I guess the better you get the more fun the games are. Also i tried to do a no bombs stage 4 . It needs some improvement but it shouldnt be hard:
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: spaceboy on September 18, 2016, 12:11:20 AM
I've been playing MoF on hard for a week now, and it's really fun. What surprises me is that I feel that this game's hard difficulty is "harder" than other game's, but maybe it's just an false impression.
Also, NOW I understand why people always complain about VoWG. Holy moly, I already managed to get to Kanako's last spell 4 times now, and every time I just lose all my lives (though the best ammount of lives I've managed to store in until that was 2). I'm planning to try to gather up more lives for stage 6, so I can get more tries at that spellcard.
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Chill Observer on September 19, 2016, 08:56:29 PM

I suck at UFO. :ohdear:
Title: Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
Post by: Karisa on September 22, 2016, 03:25:23 AM
"Billionaire"? That's not how the high score is usually labeled...