Author Topic: Touhou danmaku games 06 - 16.5 on Windows 10  (Read 13417 times)

Touhou danmaku games 06 - 16.5 on Windows 10
« on: September 16, 2018, 02:13:20 PM »
No, not another "my game is not working" thread;)
As I just started getting into the Touhou games and my order from j-list arrived this week I started to install them last night and encountered some issues.
HSiFS was my entry into the series and I decided to buy at least all of the danmaku games.
Sadly I forgot to order 9.5 and 12.8 so I can't cover them yet :(

This thread is meant to show if the game runs on Windows 10 and if there are any issues to be aware of.
To check for issues I played at least until the first boss.
I also included links to the latest patches so you don't need to search for them.
Please buy the games and don't pirate them - they are all worth it.

Important: Before you start, set your locale to Japan. Do not skip this as patching or running most of the games will fail.

This can be done like this:
Start -> "Change your country or region" -> Click "Administrative language settings" on the right side -> "Change system locale" -> Select "Japanese (Japan)" -> OK -> Reboot (do not skip on this!)
You can also try using I have not tried it though.

Ok, now you have set the locale correctly and we can start with the games in the release order:

Touhou 6 Embodiment of Scarlet Devil
Latest patch: 1.02h
Link for patch:
This patch is for the latest retail CD.

If you have an older CD you might need 1.02f first:

To patch you copy the .exe file into the game directory and start it - the patch will run automatically.
Game is running way to fast.
Download the DX8 to DX9 converter and copy the DLL and the ini file in the game directory.

Touhou 7 Perfect Cherry Blossom
Latest patch: 1.00b
Link for patch: (unpack with 7zip or something similar)

To patch you copy the .exe file into the game directory and start it - the patch will run automatically.
Issues: None

Touhou 8 Imperishable Night
Latest patch: 1.00b
Link for patch: (unpack with 7zip or something similar)
If you have an older CD you might need different patches:
1.00 -> 1.00a : (unpack with 7zip or something similar)
1.00a -> 1.00d : (unpack with 7zip or something similar)

To patch you copy the .exe file into the game directory and start it - the patch will run automatically.
Stutter sometimes even if the frame rate is 60fps.
Download the DX8 to DX9 converter and copy the DLL and the ini file in the game directory.

Touhou 9 Phantasmagoria of Flower View
Latest patch: 1.50a (Beta)
Link for patch: (unpack with 7zip or something similar)

To patch you copy the .exe file into the game directory and start it - the patch will run automatically.
Menu is moving by itself.
Caused by the 2 player setting - to fix it run custom.exe
In the section with 1P select the bottom left entry (Keyboard)
In the section with 2p select the top left entry (Gamepad)
If you are not playing with a keyboard you might have to try different combinations.

For this one i will also try to make an autohotkey script for autofire - this might take a while because I'm lazy.

Touhou 10 Mountain of Faith
Latest patch: None, my CD was already 1.00a and i could not find anything newer
Issues: None

Touhou 11 Subterranean Animism
Latest patch: None, my CD was already 1.00a and i could not find anything newer
Issues: None

Touhou 12 Undefined Fantastic Object
Latest patch: 1.00b
Link for patch:

To patch you run the exe file, click yes and select your game directory.
The patcher will do the rest automatically and you click on the button to close.
Issues: None

Touhou 12.5 Double Spoiler
Latest patch: None, my CD was already 1.00a and i could not find anything newer
Issues: None

Touhou 13 Ten Desires
Latest patch: 1.00c
Link to patch:

To patch you run the exe file, click yes and select your game directory.
The patcher will do the rest automatically and you click on the button to close.
Issues: None

Touhou 14 Double Dealing Character
Latest patch: 1.00b
Link to patch:

To patch you run the exe file, click yes and select your game directory.
The patcher will do the rest automatically and you click on the button to close.
Issues: None

Touhou 14.3 Impossible Spell Card
Latest patch: None, my CD was already 1.00a and i could not find anything newer
Issues: None

Touhou 15 Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom
Latest patch: 1.00b
Link to patch:

To patch you run the exe file, click yes and select your game directory.
The patcher will do the rest automatically and you click on the button to close.
Issues: None

Thouhou 16 and 16.5 are available on steam, so I bought them there.
As expected with the newer games both run without issues on Windows 10.

If you want to have the games translated you can use the wonderful Touhou Community Reliant Automatic Patcher.
The patcher is pretty self explanatory and you can get it here:

Please let me know if you found any mistakes or have suggestions.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2018, 07:45:30 PM by Radokat »