Author Topic: [Music CD]s that mimic ZUN games: Last Update? Smells like Beer vol. 2 and more!  (Read 95718 times)

I originally made this thread for Uncreatable Idea seen below, however with more and more Music albums coming with high quality, but not being really games thus ending up overshadowed I've decided to give them a place in case anyone appreciates them as much as I do. If you found any music CDs like this or Elemental Quintet. please post them here, I'm really curious!

Once again, I'm not sure if this is the best place to share this, but user named Burnyho made a pretty nice replication of standard Touhou game formula, with story, music... well only without actual gameplay. The character art is made Ringo Nosuke. As of right it was released with 15 (16?) tracks and 6 stages with strong hints of extra stage being released soon. The project was written in japanese so I honestly have no clue what's going on in the plot, but I'm pretty sure the theme seems to be medicine/artificial people/science or how the author put it "I wonder if it's good to bring European science into the East" ?

Link to the first part (Stages 1~3): Youtube , Nico
Link to the second part (Stage 4~6):  Youtube , Nico
Also here's Soundcloud account with each individual song and nico one.

The titles of the songs:
1. Fantasy Research Laboratory                                                                             (Title screen theme)
2. Gensokyo in Silence ~ Silent Incident                                                                (Stage 1 theme)
3. Singing Mandragora ~ Lunatic Song                                                                  (Nasu Kanoko's theme)
4. An Utterly Unprecedented Bizarre Case                                                           (Stage 2 theme)
5. Inscrutible Tea Party ~ Strange Teaparty                                                          (Theophilia Cinnabar's theme)
6. Fantastic Night Flight Behind the Shrine Grounds                                          (Stage 3 theme)
7. Melusina of Subservience ~ Dragonmaid                                                         (Melusina Brittany's theme)
8. Lakebed Shoot-Out                                                                                               (Stage 4 theme)
9. Chemical Trigger happy                                                                                        (Kabino A. Hekiko's theme)
10. The Fantasy Philosophy that the Girl Sang of ~ Fantastic Neoplatonism  (Stage 5 theme)
11. White-Coated Creator God ~ Dream of Dr. Jaldabaoth                                (Phillipa A.T.B. von Hohenheim's theme)
12. The Truth Casts a Shadow on the World of Reality                                       (Final Stage theme)
13. Perfect Human ~ Dream of Humanity                                                             (Hinoide Ai's theme)
14. Eastern Postscript Story ~ An Utterly Unchanging and Stimulating Daily Life        (Extra stage theme)
15. Can the Corpus Delicti be Proven?                                                                   (Theophilia's second theme)
16. Knowing Not Love, Humans Know Grief                                                         (Ending theme)
17. Reverie Pursuit Laboratory                                                                                (Staff Roll theme)
18. Player's Waltz                                                                                                       (Game Over theme)

Just wanted to share these and ask if anyone would like to help translating this? I'm legit curious about the story and I really love the soundtrack.
EDIT: Scroll down for mp3 download link and Gilde's summary

Smells like Beer vol 1:
Smells like Beer vol 2:

Music titles:
東方風研究 ~ Smells Like Beer. vol.1 (Tōhō Fukenkyū, "Eastern Fan Research") (東方風 is the Japanese signifier of Touhou-style fan content you can find on Nicovideo and Pixiv)

1.   消えた博麗の巫女
   The Disappearance of the Hakurei Shrine's Miko

2.   霧の冥界
    Foggy Netherworld

3.   ロスト・コープス
    Lost Corpse

4.   最も地上に近い地下
    The Underground Closest to the Ground

5.   歪んだ割り算
    Distorted Division

6.   地中の青い空
    The Underground's Blue Sky

7.   第三次境界大戦
    The Boundary War III
東方風研究 ~ Smells Like Beer. vol.2 (Tōhō Fukenkyū, "Eastern Fan Research") (東方風 is the Japanese signifier of Touhou-style fan content you can find on Nicovideo and Pixiv)

1.   おおきなのっぽの──
    My Grandfather's Clock Was...

2.   並行する古き良き時代 ~ Contemporary Period
    The Good 'Ole Days Running in Parallel ~ Contemporary Period

3.   人造「パーフェクト・アンド・ウロング」
    Imitation "Perfect and Wrong"

4.   【削除済】時間大逆罪
    The L?se-Majest? at 

5.   凍てつく青い鳥
    The Frozen Bluebird

6.   あの日のロマンティック・トランペット
    The Romantic Trumpet From That Day
« Last Edit: January 13, 2020, 12:58:29 AM by Popcioslav »

Re: [Music CD] 東方人哀篇 ~ Uncreatable Idea. by Burnyho
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2018, 09:38:57 PM »
Whoooa, this is really cool!  and the music's pretty awesome.  Thanks for sharing!  I'm loving what I'm listening to so far!

Re: [Music CD] 東方人哀篇 ~ Uncreatable Idea. by Burnyho
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2018, 12:08:33 AM »
(stomps into the room w/ one leg real heavily like a sumo wrestler) heLLO

i wrote up a summary of the story + char.title/bgm/stage title/spell translations yesterday, here u go:

(some of the song titles are different bc of TL Accuracy Reasons and some of them are different for 'i just phrased it that way w/o thinking too hard about it' reasons :V)

Re: [Music CD] 東方人哀篇 ~ Uncreatable Idea. by Burnyho
« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2018, 09:44:44 AM »
(stomps into the room w/ one leg real heavily like a sumo wrestler) heLLO

i wrote up a summary of the story + char.title/bgm/stage title/spell translations yesterday, here u go:

(some of the song titles are different bc of TL Accuracy Reasons and some of them are different for 'i just phrased it that way w/o thinking too hard about it' reasons :V)

Thank you as ever for the translations Gilde! ♥  Oh man, I can't wait for the EX stage now.

Re: [Music CD] 東方人哀篇 ~ Uncreatable Idea. by Burnyho
« Reply #4 on: July 19, 2018, 09:49:37 AM »
(stomps into the room w/ one leg real heavily like a sumo wrestler) heLLO

i wrote up a summary of the story + char.title/bgm/stage title/spell translations yesterday, here u go:

(some of the song titles are different bc of TL Accuracy Reasons and some of them are different for 'i just phrased it that way w/o thinking too hard about it' reasons :V)
Thank you GIlde, this is amazing! Can't believe it just took you so little time.

The fact that stage 5 boss truly is the mastermind was kind of a cool detail that reminded me of SA and DDC...huh ...
Also again, totally my fault, but thanks for clarifying final boss' full name. I couldn't tell if it was supposed to Ai (as in A.I.) or Al (as in Alphred/Alfred - since there were so many european names in this already). Also the plot kind of sounds like Touhou Forever - no youkai incident? HMMMM... I'm actually not surprised Reimu's the only main character this time. Marisa probably is still resting until youkai will start acting again.

And also huge thanks for the bgm translation correction. To tell you the truth, I just took most of them from here thinking if author/someone translated it for Burnyuho it must be right. The only issue being the last two tracks, which I had to look up from soundcloud links and such. I'm really terrible with japanese as you see, but thank you.

EDIT: Also in case anyone would be interested (I know I was before I just converted them myself) the creator/burnyuho/Uzuki Neigh prepared mp3 download for songs in this album (the password is: idea). Now it's actually a music CD ^^;

Also game over theme is there and it's title is " プレイヤーズワルツ " ... "Player's Waltz" ? Google translate can't save me here
« Last Edit: July 19, 2018, 10:11:34 AM by Popcioslav »

First things first: Extra stage to 東方人哀篇 ~ Uncreatable Idea. has been released by Burnyuho. It's a pretty good way to end an already good package. If you liked the story and characters of the originals you might especially enjoy one character making a return. Oh and stage theme seems to be a remix of few ZUN songs already, pretty cool. No idea how to translate theme titles though.

seriously I wonder why Mrs. Cinnabar is back, I do get that she's supposed to author's avatar of some sorts, but she felt like the only unrelated character in the story, that being said, now the description of her species makes sense

Secondly - and the reason this is appearently not just Uncreatable Idea thread anymore, artist known as khirio partnered together with his pal Nokisaki Furin and also tried something similar with their trial release of Touhou Shukanto ~ Brilliant Works:

You can find individual songs here on Soundcloud:
And individual art on pixiv:

Ost names seem to be:
1. Candlelight Bridge
 2. Vermilion Sky
 3. White Messenger
 4. Wickedest Forest
 5. Blustery Staccato
 6. Foggy Twilight
 7. Silhouette in the Dusk
« Last Edit: November 24, 2018, 02:41:49 PM by Popcioslav »

Whooa, this is really cool!  Thanks for sharing Popcioslav! 

Do you know if Brilliant Works will be a proper fangame or just a fan album?

Do you know if Brilliant Works will be a proper fangame or just a fan album?
Everything I shared and will share here is for 99,9% going to just stay as fan albums, just with fangame disguise.
 Book of Star Mythology is the only fan album to be turned into a fangame as far as I know.

    Uncreatable EX summaryyyy. voila!

    Summary of Brilliant Works:
    For some reason the evening glow has been stretching on for hours each day. Weird!! Let's go investigate!!
    • Stage 1 boss is Wakaba Yahata, a carrier pigeon youkai. The Stage 2 boss slashed her mailbag and now she's dropping letters everywhere whoops
    • Stage 2 boss is Kazari Kamakura, a kamaitachi. ...That's about it! She's just a plain ol' kamaitachi without any quirky twist or whatever. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
    • Stage 3 boss is Yu Mikage, a youkai responsible for urban legends of "shadow people". Her shadow powers are strongest at sunset, so she's been enjoying the incident... but as she informs the protagonist, it's not real sunset. The flow of time hasn't been affected or anything; it's just that someone's emitting a huge amount of light well into nighttime. Off we go to find them!
    Also here's what the original JP titles for some of the songs are (the ones not listed are the same as the official English alt titles, just in katakana).

    • 1. Bridge of Dreams, Lit by the Setting Evening Sun
      (*the "setting evening sun" part (夕日のさして) is taken from one of Sei Shonagon's poems in the Pillow Book, specifically the same poem about the seasons that ZUN drew the "youyou" part of PCB's title from)
    • 4. Enchanted by the Forest's Magic
      (*the phrasing used here (魔法にかけられて) is the same as the JP title of the 2007 movie Enchanted?? not sure whether coincidence or not :U)
    • 5. Staccato of Strong Gales
    • 7. Silhouette Floating in the Dusk
      (*these two are just splitting hairs really)

    (i love it whenever a tracklist comes with simplified or even wholly different english titles like with ZUN's music CDs)

    Thank you a lot for the summary, gilde!  Always awesome to read your translations! ♥

     That being said, huh, the Ex boss sure has a lot of obscure references to her spellcards.  Most of them which I couldn't even find through google-fu.  Still, that OST is 10/10, I'm loving it and the new album's too!

    Few things I've gotta hit on.
    Personally to me I don't mind weird references on Theophilia after all. Actually I really like the idea of Crime/Investigation involving youkais since due to their inhuman and often impossible powers they indeed would be capable of Perfect Crime, I wish something like that was done again, but better (I know White Names Spoiled Past did that, but again, I felt like it could've been handled better).
    Regarding the reference, I don't think the creator is like that, Theophilia most likely however. Even in the teaser before the extra video he posted this, which seems to be containing parts of "The Corpus Delicti" novel. All those references make her seem like someone who would be in an episode of "Making a Murderer" and I think it's interesting idea nonetheless? Someone appearing as a social stage 2 boss, there's no way they are actually a cold-blooded killer above the law, is there? I do think showcasing that truly the most powerful and disturbing things in Gensokyo are those small fries is a good narrative point. I was kind of hoping with ZUN doing this with Eternity after implying she's a Tokoyo no Kami, but he didn't really do anything of the sort so far.

    I would normally say I look forward to the creator's next work... but Burnyuho already posted a teaser for it appearently?:
    Ancient Times except Nature. seems to be another Music album mimicing ZUN's games, music and artstyle. I'm not good at translating so I don't know anything else, but hey, it's something I suppose? Kind of weird for them to not post it on Youtube like he did with Uncreatable Idea. but I'm happy nonetheless

    Also I was kind of hoping to learn more about Kazari because I did realize she was a kamaitachi even at the first glance, but I was kind of hoping there would be more to her. Ah well, at least it's funny she and stage 1 boss have some kind of relationship. I hope there will be more things like that with future game/album stories. Like stage 2 boss was a victim of stage 3 boss, which in return works for stage 4 boss and so fourth. It helps imo. Like in UC's case, the story is solid, but after reading the translation, Ai kind of came out of nowhere and the only relation to the plot she had was the she was mastermind's creation.
    « Last Edit: November 26, 2018, 04:20:37 PM by Popcioslav »

    Stages 4 through 6 of Brilliant Works are oooouuuuut. (In art form, at least! Music will presumably be done at a later date.)
    Stage 4 boss is Ukyou Izumi, an entertainer from the Human Village who unwittingly became a magician in the process of honing her craft. She's particularly good with mizugei (traditional performance involving water sprays). The stage 6 boss is her prot?g?, who she's on her way to meet.

    Stage 5 boss is Shizuka Udzuki, an owl youkai with the ability to erase sound. Unlike Luna, though, her powers obey the laws of thermodynamics, so the sound gets converted into light energy. This is the source of the massive light; there's been so much noise coming from the other end of the woods that Shizuka can't get any reading done, so she's been erasing it with her powers. (It's served as a nice reading lamp, in her opinion.) After beating her, she agrees to turn off her powers if we deal with whatever's been making the noise.

    Stage 6 boss is Ukyou's prot?g? Shushu Hinoya. She's a candle tsukumogami with the power to manipulate fire, and started studying fireworks (the source of all the noise) under Ukyou's guidance so she could make people happy in a way that she couldn't as an old, unused candle. Her fight with the protagonists is just a fun fireworks rehearsal from her perspective, but either way, it satisfies her enough to take a break from her current location and go practice elsewhere.

    8. Rest in the Flow of a River Bathed in Light
    9. Magic Hour of Clear Streams
    10. Shining Silence of a Remote Land
    11. Solitary Silent Hunter
    12. The Sound of Flowers Echoing in the Night Sky
    13. Gleaming Flowers that Fill the Sky ~ Brilliant Bouquet

    Stages 4 through 6 of Brilliant Works are oooouuuuut. (In art form, at least! Music will presumably be done at a later date.)

    Yeah seen it already, but didn't know if it's alright to post it seeing as there's no music for now.
    Still it's kind of cool to imagine what kind of songs these characters will have. ESPECIALLY Shushu Hinoya's.

    « Last Edit: February 24, 2019, 10:49:41 PM by Popcioslav »

    « Last Edit: March 10, 2019, 12:39:28 PM by Popcioslav »

    Uncreatable Idea is very memorable and fun
    check for runs & creations
    latest stream: Hollow Song of Birds Hard 1cc (OrangeReimu) @


    I don't feel like there's a need to introduce Useless, but in short if you follow modern fanmade ZUNlike music, you probably heard his work. He's probably most well known for Shunned Child and the fake Touhou 17 main menu theme. So he has made a very ZUN-like album CD. And by that you can tell it's very clearly Touhou 17 inspired. They're not straightforward arranges mind you. If you like the modern instruments in Th16/17 but not necessarily the melodies, you might still love this. - Trailer video - Album free to DL here.

    Waiting for the clean translation before posting the track list and names.
    « Last Edit: May 23, 2019, 04:44:25 PM by Popcioslav »


    • You better stop,
    • and think about what you're doing
      • Music interests and whatnot
    Ooooh hot diggity!! Glad to see this is still being updated with new music. still waiting for that full version of brilliant works though. khirio please

    Useless has been a musician I have been keeping an eye on, because their tracks have been quite awesome; aside from their fake WBaWC title theme, they have also done a WBaWC-type arrangement of Hartmann's Youkai Girl and a mashup of Doll Judgment and No More Going Through Doors.

    Speaking of WBaWC, that is the main influence you can hear in basically every track, almost as if this album is almost a reinterpretation of the game's OST, Track 4 uses Urumi's theme's 808 synths as a stage theme, which works to a greatly melancholy effect.

    東方風研究 ~ Smells Like Beer. vol.1 (Tōhō Fukenkyū, "Eastern Fan Research") (東方風 is the Japanese signifier of Touhou-style fan content you can find on Nicovideo and Pixiv)

    1.   消えた博麗の巫女
       The Disappearance of the Hakurei Shrine's Miko

    2.   霧の冥界
        Foggy Netherworld

    3.   ロスト・コープス
        Lost Corpse

    4.   最も地上に近い地下
        The Ground Closest to the Underground

    5.   歪んだ割り算
        Distorted Division

    6.   地中の青い空
        The Underground's Blue Sky

    7.   第三次境界大戦
        The Third Boundary War
    Dai sanji kyōkai taisen; pun on 第二次世界大戦 (Dai niji sekai taisen, World War II)

    The story, as made apparent by the first track/title theme's name, is that Reimu has up and disappeared, which is causing an uproar in Gensokyo as the Hakurei Barrier is soon to be thrown into disarray due to her being missing, leaving Marisa and Yukari to trudge out to the Netherworld in order to find her.

    Notably, no boss names or anything of that sort are mentioned at all for the story (aside from, presumably, Yuyuko, who is mentioned in the second track), only being a single continuous string of sentences for each time the music comments would be there.
    « Last Edit: May 24, 2019, 03:48:38 AM by KaiserKnuckle »

    Oh my god, he REALLY nailed the Th17 style!  That's so impressive!  Amazing album!

    Sorry for the double post, but this deserves an announcement of its' own! 

    Burnyuho (the guy behind Uncreatable Idea) just released a mini album of his own!

    雛鳥曼然樂 ~ Unrecognized Error in Fantasy.

    Trailer link:
    Full Album free download link:

    « Last Edit: May 25, 2019, 04:37:12 AM by Shizzo »


    Useless did a great job exploring that Touhou 17 sound! stage 3 boss theme is great, makes you imagine an elegant but eccentric character there

    Burnyuho (the guy behind Uncreatable Idea) just released a mini album of his own!

    just listening to this now, hype!
    check for runs & creations
    latest stream: Hollow Song of Birds Hard 1cc (OrangeReimu) @

    Kept you waiting, huh?

    First of all, we have an announcement of a Touhou-style CD coming from a lot of familiar faces - including Burnyuho of Uncreatable Idea and few others.
    It's called 東方無街條 ~ The Artificial City. and here's the trailer
    They've shown a couple of bosses and on twitter you can find all main protag's art.

    Hopefuly it delivers


    Next news! And this is actually pretty old by now. If you haven't heard, right before WBaWC's release Useless - the famous fake maker whom we'll get to in a bit - actually released his prediction fakes for TH17. Again, this wasn't Smells like Beer vol. 2 - it was released on New Year's Eve - but it was still 6 songs of pure ZUN-like delight.
    Here are niconico videos showcasing all of them: and
    Here's a dropbox where you can download of said songs from:
    Translations are still appreciated.
    So there are two things I should mention, one is that the predict was that stage 5 would be a double boss again, based on Saki's and Yachie's silhouttes. And well, the final boss being of course the silhoutte in the middle. And while this mini album isn't Useless' best work, I do love the final stage themes. Stage sounds like a mix between UFO and HSiFS final stage themes and while final boss theme takes obvious inspirations from Last Occultism, it almost sounds better than that song.


    Oh and yeah, Smells like Beer vol. 2 by Useless got released 6 days ago as of me making this post.
    Here's the download link:
    Here's the nico video:
    The stages and fourth boss track -  Contemporary Period - are very close to homages to original songs, but there are some interesting interpretations. Such as stage 5 theme song have instrumentation closer to Unlocated Hell, while still keeping parts of the original melody from Beast Metropolis. Stage 5 boss is... interesting. One riff reminds me of Urumi's theme, but other than that you can tell Useless tried making last 3 songs as unique as possible. I honestly don't know what the final boss theme could alude to, probably Useless decided to give up on making Idolatrize World better and did his own thing and imo it's great. I really hope he makes vol. 3 with extra stage themes, ending, staff roll and maybe even some fake phantasm themes, but that's just me fanboying.
    Translations are welcomed.

    Speaking of, I'm sorry for ending such a big post this way, but I am thinking about switching to reddit, 4chan or somewhere else with these posts. It's clear that MoTK isn't the same it used to be and half of the people can't even open the forum. I just want to share awesome artists. Also no idea what happened to gilde (miss ya) so I might as well try to translate things myself from now on.

    RIP Brilliant Works full OST coming never.


    • You better stop,
    • and think about what you're doing
      • Music interests and whatnot
    Oh hey. I've been keeping an eye on MoTK just in case this thread happened to be updated.

    TAC seems super promising, especially if we're getting more tracks from the elusive veteran DO, as the last I heard of them was the april fools' album they did with Misora waaaay back a few years ago. Can't wait! Also 2hu internet Napoleon,
    and whatever that creepyness was at the end ;w;

    I also was able to hear Useless' not-WBaWC-and-SLB extra tracks and HOLY HOT DAMN are those some of the catchiest/amazing Touhou-like tracks I have ever heard, almost improving upon probably one of my most favorite Touhou soundtracks ever with uniquely-modeled reinterpretations of Useless' own making!

    東方風研究 ~ Smells Like Beer. vol.2 (Tōhō Fukenkyū, "Eastern Fan Research") (東方風 is the Japanese signifier of Touhou-style fan content you can find on Nicovideo and Pixiv)

    1.   おおきなのっぽの──
        Noppo-no-Okina Yeah, not super sure what this is meant to be a pun on.

    2.   並行する古き良き時代 ~ Contemporary Period
        The Good 'Ole Days in Kindred ~ Contemporary Period

    3.   人造「パーフェクト・アンド・ウロング」
        Imitation "Perfect and Wrong"

    4.   【削除済】時間大逆罪
        The L?se-Majest? at
      O'Clock Yes, part of the song's title is "censored" like that (the Japanese SCP Foundation renders "expunged" and "omitted" text fragments with the phrase 削除済, lit. "deleted")
    5.   凍てつく青い鳥
        The Frozen Bluebird

    6.   あの日のロマンティック・トランペット
        Romantic Trumpet of the Day

    To comment on the songs in order;

    (No.1) wow that slow, guitar/piano-centric buildup, especially with the solo piano portion partway through. When the song fully kicks in it actually has a waaay different mood compared to Unlocated Hell, especially due to the altered time signature and it's key change. It gets to that rhythm eventually but still.
    (No.2) I was already hooked hearing it as a single on Useless' Soundcloud, but I really love just how much this song focuses on the guitar. It doesn't use synths as much as Fortune and Misfortune does so it feels lighter in a way.
    (No.3) ...what was that start? Is that a train or something??? HOLY CRAP THIS IS NOT BEAST METROPOLIS LISTEN TO THOSE SYNTHS LISTEN TO THEM I SAY It's almost supposed to be the equivalent of Joutounin of Ceramics (much like how Track 4 from Vol.1 used much more instrumentation from Submerged Bovine than Lost River), and I reaaaaally like it that way,
    (No.4) Wow, this almost is Electric Heritage as a boss theme. Especially with those honking and fading synths, though the Ceramics squelch synths burst in
    and for some reason directly cribs part of Submerged Bovine?? ?? ?? ? ?? Even using the one-two-one-two-onetwo rhythm for an unrelated guitar passage later on.
    (No.5) Now THIS is really confusing, because we're going back to Jelly Stone and Lamentations for some reason? I am not complaining because holy crap I love how spacey and hectic this sounds. I could almost hear a sense of happiness in this, but the very slightly minor key adds a bit of drama to it as well.
    (No.6) Unexpectedly, we have a mishmash of many tracks from both volumes in a medley that has a steadily-increasing BPM (and it gets REALLY FAST by the end, seriously). I am not sure if this is supposed to be a final boss theme or an unnaturally-dramatic staff roll theme.
    « Last Edit: January 07, 2020, 07:08:48 AM by KaiserKnuckle »

    (No.6) Unexpectedly, we have a mishmash of many tracks from both volumes in a medley that has a steadily-increasing BPM (and it gets REALLY FAST by the end, seriously). I am not sure if this is supposed to be a final boss theme or an unnaturally-dramatic staff roll theme.
    I do feel like it's definitely supposed to be the final boss theme. I like how it includes both the main menu song and somehow not only has a sample of "The Lamentations Known Only by Jizo"'s guitars at the end there, but also uses Spooky Lead (almost makes me feel like this could be ExEika's theme). It does take a while to get really into it, seeing as it's not really based on any specific final boss theme and it is weird, but that final melody though. Actually the whole song goes through several different moods, like it's a dream or something. If Violet Detector had a unique final boss theme and this would've been it, I'd probably like the ending of that game more.

    Everything else is pretty much what I've already said or what I agree with.

    Also no idea what happened to gilde (miss ya)
    I ain't dead don't worry!! I'm just preoccupied doing other stuff usually. I still glance around the forums on pretty much a daily basis, I just don't have anything particularly interesting to contribute most of the time.
    If anyone wants a translation or infodump of a particular work, you can feel free to hit me up whenever. (     ・▽・)/
    Speaking of which, TL for Useless's WBaWC prediction OST (and NRT's prediction characters, who the OST was composed for):
    Stage 4: "All Throughout Hell Can Demons Make Their Home"
     *Reference to the poem recited by an imperial envoy to banish Fujiwara no Chikata's oni servants: "As even the grasses and trees are within our Emperor's realm / Where, then, shall demons make their home?"
    S4 Boss: "Demon's Tear"
     Kishin Chief of a Watery Hell - Fujiwara no Mizuki (no illustration)
       Ability: gathering water
       Rare Beast Spirit: oni (representing oni as an 'extinct species' in Gensokyo, or perhaps the Futabasaurus)
    The Kishin chief who was sent to assassinate Seiga in that one WaHH chapter. Formerly served Fujiwara no Chikata before being banished to Hell. Ties in with the overall theme of "water" and "children" (with Fujiwara as a sort of father figure), though she's just a random passerby who the protagonists pick a fight with.

    Stage 5: "The Scorching Wind Carried by Beasts"
    S5 Boss: "Deerhawk Priest"
       The Flame and Wind who Command the Beast Spirits - Karuma Tagori (left) & Homura Tagitsu (right)
       Ability: controlling wind (Karuma) / controlling fire (Homura)
       Rare Beast Spirit: deer & hawk (specifically the Sika deer, which is now uncommon outside Japan / the mountain hawk-eagle)
    A pair of beast spirits who serve the S6 boss. In NRT's prediction, the beast spirits are regular residents of Hell who answer to Karuma and Homura. They sent their subordinate beast spirits to the Sanzu River on S6's orders, but since the spirits started causing a bunch of mischief, they're currently trying to get them back in line. Based on Benzaiten's deer and hawk servants, as well as the goddesses Tagorihime and Tagitsuhime of the Munakata Taisha.

    Stage 6: "Rumbling of Avici"
    S6 Boss: "Benten's Blessed Rain ~ Wily Serpent"
       The Deeply Merciful Serpent Goddess - Saija Ugajin
       Ability: employing beast spirits
       Rare Beast Spirit: snake (loosely representing dinosaurs or dragons as an extinct species, if you squint)
    The goddess Benzaiten, drawing particular inspiration from her syncretic incarnation as Uga-Benzaiten, as well as Ichikishimahime of the Munakata Taisha. Typically a goddess of water and fertility, among other things, but since she draws from several different incarnations and aspects of herself, she's in charge of a corner of Hell to boot. In NRT's prediction, the 'incident' was actually Saija sending her beast spirits to the Sanzu River to serve as companions for the stillborns there (as fellow 'extinct' beings). But then the spirits got up to shenanigans and roped the protagonist into going and fighting her. :V

    If anyone wants a translation or infodump of a particular work, you can feel free to hit me up whenever. (     ・▽・)/
    Nice, really happy about these NRT character translations. I'll add them to the first post soon.
    If it's perhaps not too much, can I ask you regarding Smells like Beer title translations or whatever is there to translate?
    Or do you have no issue with KK's translation?

    Guess I'll stick to posting here  :o
    « Last Edit: January 13, 2020, 12:59:19 AM by Popcioslav »

    If it's perhaps not too much, can I ask you regarding Smells like Beer title translations or whatever is there to translate?
    Are do you have no issue with KK's translation?
    Oh yeah totally, it's no problem.
    This is actually my first time sitting down and listening to the Smells Like Beer tracks, and WOW they're just as good as the rest of Useless's work.
    (One note: the tracks aren't actually part of one unified game concept. Volume 2 has no story attached, though Useless's video comments indicate that they're planning a sci-fi-themed story for Volume 3. I'd SO love to see a full set of characters and stuff from them, though!!)

    Track title TL notes (the others are basically perfect already imo):
    Vol.1 track 4: "The Underground Closest to the Ground"
    Vol.2 track 1: "My Grandfather's Clock Was..."
        (*Taken from the first lines of "My Grandfather's Clock" in Japanese.)
    Vol.2 track 2: "The Good 'Ole Days Running in Parallel ~ Contemporary Period"
        (*According to the video's track comment, this one's title "might make sense come October of next year". On 2020/10/10, I imagine? :V)
    Vol.2 track 6: "The Romantic Trumpet From That Day"

    So a page for Artificial City, including price tag, theme titles and release date got shown:

    Seems like a couple of first songs are remasters of sorts and later songs follow the Touhou game OST structure
    I probably won't be able to buy the album, but I wonder if it'll ever get uploaded anywhere someday.

    Okay so I've got really good news!
    Brilliant Works Stages 4-6 OST by Kirbio got released!
    Link to Youtube video:
    Link to Soundcloud DL:
    Link to Stage 4-6 art as linked by Gilde beforehand:

    Theme titles according to gilde:
    1. Candlelight Bridge
     2. Vermilion Sky
     3. White Messenger (Wakaba Yahata's theme)
     4. Wickedest Forest
     5. Blustery Staccato (Kazari Kamakura's theme)
     6. Foggy Twilight
     7. Silhouette in the Dusk (Yu Mikage's theme)
     8. Rest in the Flow of a River Bathed in Light
     9. Magic Hour of Clear Streams (Ukyou Izumi's theme)
    10. Shining Silence of a Remote Land
    11. Solitary Silent Hunter (Shizuka Udzuki's theme)
    12. The Sound of Flowers Echoing in the Night Sky
    13. Gleaming Flowers that Fill the Sky ~ Brilliant Bouquet (Shushu Hinoya's theme)
    14.  -? (Ending theme)
    15.  -? (Staff Roll)
    16. -? (Game Over theme)

    I'm really loving these last couple of OSTs. Brilliant Bouquet especially!
    « Last Edit: February 10, 2020, 02:09:27 PM by Popcioslav »

    3 Posts in a row. I have bittersweet news

    First of all I was wrong with that teaser long time ago in regards to Burnyuho's next project. The sequel to Uncreatable Idea won't be called "Ancient Times except Nature." but "Sweet Smells and Foolish Evils."... but of course.
    I am expecting a whiplash because the previous project was more dark and this one seems to be more cutesy, but who knows, maybe he'll make it work.

    The bitter sad news are of course refering to the passing of MoTK's admin. First of all, while I don't think I've ever replied to them, I'm sure they were nice, rest peace.
    I'll probably try to carry over all the translations and findings to a replacement site, but other than that, thanks for following this mini thread and carry on~

    It's a really shame what happened, but I just wanted to thank you guys for posting on this thread and keeping stuff updated; I REALLY like all of these composers' work so I'm very thankful you've kept us noted on their releases!  You rock! ♥