Author Topic: *Full Game* Juuni Jumon - Summer Interlude (Looking for music composers)  (Read 57268 times)

Re: Juuni Jumon - Summer Interlude **Looking for original music artists**
« Reply #60 on: December 06, 2011, 07:24:19 PM »
Mmh I want to create musics for your game if you want. I'm not a begginer in making musics (and I can emulate ZUN trumpet if you want ):



  • Can't stop playing Minecraft!
Re: Juuni Jumon - Summer Interlude **Looking for original music artists**
« Reply #61 on: December 06, 2011, 09:00:42 PM »
Mmh I want to create musics for your game if you want. I'm not a begginer in making musics (and I can emulate ZUN trumpet if you want ):

I like your style, those sound pretty good. :D (Does that soundfont make anything sound like it came straight from a Touhou game?)
Of course the music I'm looking for doesn't have to sound like Touhou games like your examples (although ZUNpets for a final boss/trump cards are pretty epic...), it can just as well be completely un Touhou-like as you may have heard in the music I currently use.

I'm pretty strict when it comes to requirements, I really want the music to fit the mood and characters. (Kind of like the music that I use now)
I can give you detailed descriptions if you're up to making some music for Juuni Jumon. ^_^
Full Danmakufu game "Juuni Jumon - Summer Interlude" is done!
By the same person who made Koishi Hell 1,2 (except this game is serious)


  • Can't stop playing Minecraft!
It's done! Hopefully no more stupid bugs. There have been a lot of modifications:

-Shorter stages 2-6 and Extra
-Difficulty balance: Later bosses are easier on Easy, most stages are harder or Lunatic/Hard
-Extra and Nightmare are also nerfed.
-Lose 10 power upon switching. Lose 12 (or 8 with the Water element) if you get killed.
-Changed Youko's personality :V It took me that many years to flesh out her character, lol.
-Player sprite looks a bit better.
-Infinite death-bomb fixed >: V
-Elements are more balanced (fire is weaker, water is stronger)
-Enemies' weaknesses are fixed, but I don't think anyone noticed that.
-Some bullets stand out more.
-Added a warning if you continued.

-I bet there's much more, but I forgot.
« Last Edit: December 10, 2011, 09:55:05 AM by puremrz »
Full Danmakufu game "Juuni Jumon - Summer Interlude" is done!
By the same person who made Koishi Hell 1,2 (except this game is serious)

Uhmmm sorry, you should have just edited your last post, double-post arent allowed here..
And oh yeah, how about the music, have you get some? I have half-finished some of it actually,but i still dont know if it suits your taste though... But the next two weeks is finals...T_T
« Last Edit: December 10, 2011, 03:43:10 PM by Excelsus »

Chronojet ⚙ Dragon

  • The Oddity
  • 今コソ輝ケ、我ガ未来、ソノ可能性!!
> double posting because of an update

Yeah, that's allowed here. (Most likely.)


  • A stick of the tricky variety.
> double posting because of an update

Yeah, that's allowed here. (Most likely.)

It is  :V.

Anyway, now to download this and hopefully 1cc it, then fail at extra for a few weeks.
Interested in playing some boss fights I made? Have Danmakufu? Then check out my Danmakufu creations!


  • Can't stop playing Minecraft!
There are some minor things that will change.
-You unlock a Trump Card with Metal, while it should have been Water. (fixed for the next update)
-The white birds kept making a shooting sound even if they weren't shooting. (fixed for the next update)
-The flame circle enemies in stage 6 cause a bit of lag, even on my computer. I think I can solve that without removing any bullets.
-Extra got a tiiiny bit shorter again. And more blue items. And an easier boss battle.

Anyone else run into a situaton where the score, power, bombs etc just suddenly vanish? I've had that twice so far, both happened during the final battle. It can't possible be something I did wrong, it's Danmakufu related, so fixing it wouldn't be possible. Unless jamming all that data in the player file will do the trick, but that's a lot of work... :<

You can keep playing the game though. There's nothing game breaking. I'll update it when it's done.
(Man, I really wish this was just done, I'm getting so sick of working on this game :V)
« Last Edit: December 11, 2011, 12:08:30 PM by puremrz »
Full Danmakufu game "Juuni Jumon - Summer Interlude" is done!
By the same person who made Koishi Hell 1,2 (except this game is serious)


  • Excuse me while I prepare /your/ demise. <3 TSO
This game seems promising. Of course I like the 3d texture and advanced dialogue. The water bullets could use some work....
" Borders are Borders. They were meant to be manipulated and mistreated. "


  • Can't stop playing Minecraft!
Another update with some bugs fixed:
-You can continue now.
-Inifinte deathbombs refixed.
Full Danmakufu game "Juuni Jumon - Summer Interlude" is done!
By the same person who made Koishi Hell 1,2 (except this game is serious)


  • Excuse me while I prepare /your/ demise. <3 TSO
This game is FUN!
" Borders are Borders. They were meant to be manipulated and mistreated. "


  • Ideas are bulletproof... not spark-proof
even on easy, its really hard, as if the difficulty is somewhere btwn normal to hard mode when compared to normal touhou games. the earlier stages should be easier, facing the 2nd boss' second last spell card feels like utsuho's ten evil stars all over again -_-


  • Can't stop playing Minecraft!
Another week, another release.
I'll just start naming them now, and this is version 1.3
Nerfed the two extra stages a bit, made continuing possible again. Yay!
Also fixed one of the lines in stage 6, does nobody read the text? o_O
Full Danmakufu game "Juuni Jumon - Summer Interlude" is done!
By the same person who made Koishi Hell 1,2 (except this game is serious)

Ack is it me, or stage 5 just got... harder? Those fairies that shoot yellow bullets are insane now ._. And the ghosts have higher HP... Didn't even get to stage 6 after I got my continue, stage 5 bosses somehow seem... buffed... Such tiny gaps for easy mode XD Visually everything is just amazingly done, just like before X3
I still think a Masahiro script for any stage or game would be awesome ^^ Cus in his own game, I start to suffer on stage 4 ;-;


  • Can't stop playing Minecraft!
Ack is it me, or stage 5 just got... harder? Those fairies that shoot yellow bullets are insane now ._. And the ghosts have higher HP... Didn't even get to stage 6 after I got my continue, stage 5 bosses somehow seem... buffed... Such tiny gaps for easy mode XD Visually everything is just amazingly done, just like before X3
I still think a Masahiro script for any stage or game would be awesome ^^ Cus in his own game, I start to suffer on stage 4 ;-;

Harder? But I thought I made it easier! D: The ghosts have more HP though, but only on higher difficulties.
Bosses should be a bit easier too, which spellcards gave you trouble? I want easy to be really easy, so tell me and I'll see what I can do.
Also, be sure to use up all bombs before you get killed. Even if you just panic, it's better that to waste 1 bomb than to waste them all by getting killed.
Fire gives you extra reaction time to counter bomb, try to practise with that.

I'm now working on the next game, starring Ryo. And his player script is so much fun (and it's not even done yet)
Full Danmakufu game "Juuni Jumon - Summer Interlude" is done!
By the same person who made Koishi Hell 1,2 (except this game is serious)

Oh... but what plot will it be, and will the character be the same?


  • Can't stop playing Minecraft!
Oh... but what plot will it be, and will the character be the same?

The setting will be their home town in autumn, and the story will be about Ryo not wanting to help with the cultural festival. (It gets more serious :V)
Everyone will return in this game. Well, 3 characters won't be like how you remembered them.

If you remember what Ryo was like in Summer Interlude, you know what you can expect of his personality and attack types. The whole Alchemy thing is gone here, since that is Masahiro's theme.
Full Danmakufu game "Juuni Jumon - Summer Interlude" is done!
By the same person who made Koishi Hell 1,2 (except this game is serious)

Oh wow, Ryo? XD That sounds really awesome, can't wait... It really must be super fun, his danmaku in Summer Interlude is pretty cool already~ Looking forward to playing it o/

So hmm... I did mess up in stage 4 XD Like, just bad movements... But in 5 it got harder... The fairies that shoot yellow bullets used to be easier... at least I could dodge most bullets, and now I can't not-bomb when facing them... I use Metal most of the time, and the bomb isn't really helpful in most occasions XD It's just a nice immunity moment, but damage and aiming...
In spellcards, I think Foam party is more luck-based and I just had really bad luck with the amount of water drops... Moisture, Slots and Roulette spellcards have such tiny gaps, I get claustrophobic during the roulette one...

But really, it mustn't be that hard and I just had bad luck... You said you toned the game down already, so Idk...

The setting will be their home town in autumn, and the story will be about Ryo not wanting to help with the cultural festival. (It gets more serious :V)
Everyone will return in this game. Well, 3 characters won't be like how you remembered them.

If you remember what Ryo was like in Summer Interlude, you know what you can expect of his personality and attack types. The whole Alchemy thing is gone here, since that is Masahiro's theme.
Alchemy is masahiro theme? I thought
was masahiro's theme


  • Can't stop playing Minecraft!
Alchemy is masahiro theme? I thought
was masahiro's theme

Nightmare stage is unrelated to the rest of the game :P (But I thought people would think dreams would be his theme) Actually nobody has dreaming as their theme. His cousin Haruna would get closest though.
I called it Nightmare because it's both his dream and the theme of the stage. And it's challenging.

Masahiro's player script has the 5 elements as shot type, and his Trump Card (which is hard to unlock) is called Philosopher's Stone "Panacea", both indicating alchemy. Plus the player decription when you start up the game says his attack type is 5 elements.
Confusing stuff :]

To make it worse, Ryo's Nightmare stage will have one of the ladies (not himself) show off a theme totally unrelated to her own theme.
Full Danmakufu game "Juuni Jumon - Summer Interlude" is done!
By the same person who made Koishi Hell 1,2 (except this game is serious)

Nightmare stage is unrelated to the rest of the game :P (But I thought people would think dreams would be his theme) Actually nobody has dreaming as their theme. His cousin Haruna would get closest though.
I called it Nightmare because it's both his dream and the theme of the stage. And it's challenging.

Masahiro's player script has the 5 elements as shot type, and his Trump Card (which is hard to unlock) is called Philosopher's Stone "Panacea", both indicating alchemy. Plus the player decription when you start up the game says his attack type is 5 elements.
Confusing stuff :]

To make it worse, Ryo's Nightmare stage will have one of the ladies (not himself) show off a theme totally unrelated to her own theme.

Panacea.,.. is something that all alchemists want to make right, to achieve that kind of thing is so hard, that i t will be considered as a DREAMLIKE OBJECT. :P

Can I maek musics? I'm pretty good at it BUT I can't do any ZUNpet stuff  :ohdear:

Alas, the limits of GarageBand...


  • Can't stop playing Minecraft!
Can I maek musics? I'm pretty good at it BUT I can't do any ZUNpet stuff  :ohdear:

Alas, the limits of GarageBand...

Of course, the more the merrier. So far Excelsus and I are on it too, but it's progressing very slowly. (Especially me, since I'm just learning, and way too picky)
I'm messing around with FL, mostly collecting rare instruments. Such as the woodblock-ish sound you often hear at the beginning of Japanese theater. So if you need instruments, sound effects or soundfonts, I have plenty.
Full Danmakufu game "Juuni Jumon - Summer Interlude" is done!
By the same person who made Koishi Hell 1,2 (except this game is serious)


  • Red shroom
  • *
  • Smooth Charisma
    • Sanmaat (site of personal tat)
I may be able to assist in the musical bits as well; I've got some musical gear (including ZUN's beloved SD-90) sitting around, and use a combination of Logic and Sonar.

However, I haven't gotten to playing this game yet; all I've heard of it are through puremrz over on the MC server, and thus will have to play it to get an idea of what to write ^^;;. Also, as I'm also working on my own stuff, probably what I may be able to assist with are covers and arranges of motifs or songs that you three send over (in MIDI, Garageband, Logic, or Sonar 8/X1 CWP format), as well as feedback. That might help with a more ZUN-esque sound.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2012, 11:35:38 PM by LOLSQUID 짬뽕 스페셜 »
C:DOS> ayayaya.mid
Bad command or file name


I may be able to assist in the musical bits as well; I've got some musical gear (including ZUN's beloved SD-90) sitting around, and use a combination of Logic and Sonar.

However, I haven't gotten to playing this game yet; all I've heard of it are through puremrz over on the MC server, and thus will have to play it to get an idea of what to write ^^;;. Also, as I'm also working on my own stuff, probably what I may be able to assist with are covers and arranges of motifs or songs that you three send over (in MIDI, Garageband, Logic, or Sonar 8/X1 CWP format), as well as feedback. That might help with a more ZUN-esque sound.

Puremrz, said that it didnt have to be sound like ZUN, as long as it fits with the stage and characters' theme it will be fine.


  • Red shroom
  • *
  • Smooth Charisma
    • Sanmaat (site of personal tat)
Ah, so it seems. Points still stand otherwise.
C:DOS> ayayaya.mid
Bad command or file name



  • Excuse me while I prepare /your/ demise. <3 TSO
Puremrz, said that it didnt have to be sound like ZUN, as long as it fits with the stage and characters' theme it will be fine.

Well, since I lack music experience, I'll just say this, Good Luck. Hope you are Successful!
" Borders are Borders. They were meant to be manipulated and mistreated. "


  • Can't stop playing Minecraft!
I may be able to assist in the musical bits as well; I've got some musical gear (including ZUN's beloved SD-90) sitting around, and use a combination of Logic and Sonar.

However, I haven't gotten to playing this game yet; all I've heard of it are through puremrz over on the MC server, and thus will have to play it to get an idea of what to write ^^;;. Also, as I'm also working on my own stuff, probably what I may be able to assist with are covers and arranges of motifs or songs that you three send over (in MIDI, Garageband, Logic, or Sonar 8/X1 CWP format), as well as feedback. That might help with a more ZUN-esque sound.

Yay! ^_^ Do you have any samples of things you made before?

In my first post you will find the link to the game, and a link to the current music.
Those songs are close to what I want the music to sound like, so you can use them as reference.

And yeah, I'm not aiming for ZUN-like per se. Of course there's no problem if it does sound ZUN-like, as long as it's good and suits the mood.
The game is quite slice-of-life like, like a visual novel, or the anime of it. Set in a normal world with no youkais and such (but with magic though), where they use danmaku as a game and dispute resolution. A la Yu-Gi-Oh.
Ah, it's best if you play it and see for yourself.
I said no youkais and such, because the enemies are just metaphores or something.

I should write up a more detailed list for what each song should sound like, maybe even make a topic for it. But right now I'm slurping down noodles at work, so that'll have to wait a bit :V
Full Danmakufu game "Juuni Jumon - Summer Interlude" is done!
By the same person who made Koishi Hell 1,2 (except this game is serious)

Yay! ^_^ Do you have any samples of things you made before?

In my first post you will find the link to the game, and a link to the current music.
Those songs are close to what I want the music to sound like, so you can use them as reference.

And yeah, I'm not aiming for ZUN-like per se. Of course there's no problem if it does sound ZUN-like, as long as it's good and suits the mood.
The game is quite slice-of-life like, like a visual novel, or the anime of it. Set in a normal world with no youkais and such (but with magic though), where they use danmaku as a game and dispute resolution. A la Yu-Gi-Oh.
Ah, it's best if you play it and see for yourself.
I said no youkais and such, because the enemies are just metaphores or something.

I should write up a more detailed list for what each song should sound like, maybe even make a topic for it. But right now I'm slurping down noodles at work, so that'll have to wait a bit :V

This is why, it is so hard to make good stage music, Puremrz :V, ah dealing with school works here, i wish my school closed down so i can get on the music.


  • Red shroom
  • *
  • Smooth Charisma
    • Sanmaat (site of personal tat)
I tend to not upload most of my work, thought I intend on changing that.

Well, I am not really into writing ZUN-style, so that makes things easier, actually. :V

BRB downloading game and DNH, then.
C:DOS> ayayaya.mid
Bad command or file name



  • Can't stop playing Minecraft!
I tend to not upload most of my work, thought I intend on changing that.

Well, I am not really into writing ZUN-style, so that makes things easier, actually. :V

BRB downloading game and DNH, then.

DNH is included with it, like with CtC. Otherwise you'd get "missing player script" errors and such.

Excelsus: Pah, boss music is much harder! :P
Full Danmakufu game "Juuni Jumon - Summer Interlude" is done!
By the same person who made Koishi Hell 1,2 (except this game is serious)