

:* :dragonforce: !
( Hello and howdy , I am from ITAly ,so maybe common South-EU :] ? ! ) 93 Views ,and hopefully and more, are highlighting the " Please,do go on " (Suspence and Expectation) !

] If needed and heeded there are be far more qualified and experienced than I for the sake of improving the already improved the Translation/Localization (EUROPEAN , AMERICAS or ISLAND Spanish?) ESP-ENG (Ref. "Hi! So I'm new, to the forum I mean. I've been a fan of Touhou since the good ol' 2005, when at the same time, I created a fanfiction. Undergoing with different versions and deleting it, after a couple of years, I took the chance (again) of sharing it. Just a heads up, originally its in spanish. ... ")
Such a Novel-Like(!) , Literature-Like (!!) Fanfiction with Written (!!!) Book-Cover Illustrations(!!!!) .
In specific. for now I would like very much to lend a few assistance and advice about the 1.Format (Fonts) and 2.,minor, about punctuation.
1. Larger Character Fonts would be very welcome alongside "some properly calibrated Style(Font) Variation to Highlight(when Meant-To) Important Scenes and Details , in insight Colorul and/or Elegant(fairly so ,not jarring and unbalanced trusting your judgement and the experts/veterans/talents' one ) Fonts,at your discretion,Title/Descriptor/Paragraph Separator and Chapter Numbering,Transition /Sensible Info about the Author,Story,Character(s),etc.
2. On ENG punctuation : ENG Writing/Literature Language(s) , any branch,unless "Engrish" ,"Pygdin" or "Hybrid" flows best with moderately less commas " , " by employing Contextual Writing - big majority of it you already performed - and rare - the less commas and full stop "." the more but still rare - Semicolons ";" .