B-but Mima is never coming back ever!Cool, I'll give it a try.
Review!1st Nonspell: Looks cool, fun to play. 10/10.
1st Spell: Her movement creates walls :ohdear:. Still doable. That's probably what's intended, anyway. 9/10.
2nd Nonspell: Second verse, same as the first. A whole lot quicker but pretty good. 10/10.
2nd Spell: Oh look Absolute just- oh look she's shoo- oh god the lasers angle themselves. Pretty hectic. 9/10.
3rd Nonspell: Instead of spaz mima have her move to a spot(in one frame, lolteleport) and shoot four times, then move again? So she looks less spaz.
No wonder she's never coming back. 8/10.
3rd Spell: Noticed some lag. Maybe have familiars delete themselves? Otherwise, reminds me of starbow break, even if I never reach Flandre. 9/10.
4th Nonspell: Rather easy. Maybe make the knives wave more, or more bubbles? 9/10.
4th Spell: Oh, this is interesting. I freaked out when she tried to hug me. Maybe add a charge sound effect? 8/10.
5th Nonspell: Cool. 10/10.
5th Spell: Ah, bullets go a little more angled than straight down and come straight up. I like it. Oh wait, I don't :derp:.
1/10 9/10 for creativity.
88 91/100(A)Now make more!
Last Word: 1st phase: Sure. 2nd phase:

3rd phase

4th phase:

I find the 3rd the hardest. Lasers everywhere.