Author Topic: Otakuthon 2016  (Read 2126 times)

Mew seeker

  • Find things
Otakuthon 2016
« on: August 04, 2016, 12:12:21 AM »
This weekend at Montreal (Qu?bec, Canada), there will be Otakuthon and I will be going there.
Anyone else is going there too? ^-^
Apparently, there will be a Hakurei Shrine Festival there but I don't know the details. ^^;

Day 1 update

I have not seen many Touhou cosplay. I spotted Momoji and the Scarlet sisters.
There are a few Touhou related events, not many.
That being said, the video game room has a bunch of Touhou related games to try. ^^

A few store (not sure if that's the proper term in this case) in the merchant room sell Touhou games,  and Touhou doujins (games, books, music CDs,... )
Speaking of which, I got my very first O-Life Japan CD which I spotted thanks to the distinctive style of their cover. ^^
I got the one with Iku on the cover, "Kishoumugensoku".
Oh and I just learned that the cover is reversible (spelling?). Basically, it's the same image but made by the song writer, masamiTI- (spelling?).
If you have seen some of his video like the one where Utsuo, Rin, Satori and Koishi are  bopping heads to a remix of Utsuo's theme, it's that specific graphic style.
Also, I got PCB and the final gold edition of Touhou Meiden.

I spotted a few books including several parts of Wild and Horned Hermit, Strange and Bright Nature Deity and Forbidden Scrollery.
Among the music cds, I saw some from Sound holic, Silver... um forest and IYosis (spelling?).
If you want to convince me that certain are must buy, now is the time. :P

Among the Doujion game, I saw Mega Mari, Atelier Satori 1+2 and Super Marisa land 1 and 2.
There was also that bike game made by the guys who made Soccer? plus a few more I don't  remember.

Day 1 non-Touhou related update
IIRC, there was only a very limited amount of Touhou material in the artist section of the merchant room.
However, there was surprisingly a decent amount of Undertale artwork over there.
There was also a good amount of Undertale imcuding one "Error Sans".
There was also a good amount of One Punch Man artwork but much less cosplay. Of and and you can buy Saitama's "oppai" hoodie there too. :P
In any case, there are saome high quality artwork available there.
Oh yes, you can buy shirts of the 3 groups from Pok?mon Go.
Also, I saw there artwork about the new alola forms pok?mons despite that info being quite recent. XD

The best anime I watched there today was "I'm Sakamoto you know."
Sakamoto is a guy so cool that all the girl are crazy and many guys hate him for that.
They try to do many things about it but it backfire because Sakamoto is just that cool, XD

Day 2 update

Not much new thing Touhou related but I took a photo of a miko cosplay which I presume is Reimu Hakurei because I have a limited knowledge of mikos appearing in medias. XD

Otherwise, I took a huge amount of photos today. ^^
It's worth noting that some of them were from western media like Star Wars, League of Legend, Smite and Doom/Halo?
One of the cosplayer asked me my online coordonate to be able to see the photo I took. ^^

I watched a few animes there and they were mostly quite good.
The "worst" of them was Vandread which wasn't perfect and seemed maybe a little dated but was interesting anyway and worth keep watching.
"The devil is a part timer" was imho quite funny (It's the story of Satan who end up in our world and has to work in the equivalent of a Mc Donald, much to the dismay of his general).
Space Dandy was fun. Silly but good fun.
Re : Zero (I think that's the name) was good too. It's the story of a young man who end up summoned in Gensoukyo a fantasy world and
when he die, he reset to earlier before that death.
He learn (the hard way!) that some of the people he met will die if he don't do anything and decide to do something about it.

I participated in a Pok?mon Puzzle League tournament. I was eliminated at the first battle although I lasted over 1 minute (around 1 m 20 s?).
My opponent was good and made it to the finals.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2016, 03:17:01 AM by Mew seeker »

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