Author Topic: 東方永夜抄 ~ Imperishable Night.  (Read 233455 times)


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Re: 東方永夜抄 ~ Imperishable Night.
« Reply #240 on: January 21, 2013, 04:08:11 PM »
Easy - Border Team
S-TORA - 1,760,276,280 - Cb - 0.09% - Picture

Easy - Magic Team
S-TORA - 1,444,496,740 - Cb - 0.00% - Picture

Easy - Scarlet Team
S-TORA - 1,509,486,780 - Cb - 0.00% - Picture

Normal - Border Team
S-TORA - 1,773,364,600 - Cb - 0.00% - Picture

Hard - Border Team
S-TORA - 1,989,449,549 - Cb - 0.00% - Replay Picture

Decided to update some more scores. These are all very old, apart from the Hard clear - did that today.

Thought this would give me the incentive to improve these scores.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2013, 04:21:29 PM by Shimatora »

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Re: 東方永夜抄 ~ Imperishable Night.
« Reply #241 on: January 22, 2013, 11:19:56 AM »
Hard - Border Team
Kyon - 2,379,275,110 - Cb - 0.270% - Replay

Posting because it breaks my 2B curse. So many shameful 1.9B runs on various difficulties.
Scarlet Team score is worthless and the run is so bad, never posting that. 
oh look at that score... 1,904,355,270... what a kick in the nuts

Hard - Remilia
Kyon - 1,762,101,630 - Cb - 0.295% - Replay

Takin' those empty cats.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2013, 12:09:27 PM by Feenixtrite »


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Re: 東方永夜抄 ~ Imperishable Night.
« Reply #242 on: February 08, 2013, 07:12:05 PM »
Update checkpoint.
Let's fight.

Re: 東方永夜抄 ~ Imperishable Night.
« Reply #243 on: February 16, 2013, 12:34:59 AM »
Extra - Scarlet Team
Mikkey - 2027704580 - C - 0.000% - Replay  (no deaths / bombs)

Seppo Hovi

Re: 東方永夜抄 ~ Imperishable Night.
« Reply #244 on: March 15, 2013, 11:00:25 PM »
Easy - Marisa
Seppo Hovi - 2,608,274,630 - Cb - 0.235% - Replay
2.75B or 2.8B is there if I play a bit better. Exceptionally good stage 1. Other than that, the run was a mess.


Alright, it's been a while since I posted here. A few updated scores, but nothing I didn't feel like posting over here, due to them either being for categories I already held #1 for, or runs that didn't feel okay yet. If you're interested in my progress, I guess you can always PM me, or follow my handles on the replay uploader.

Extra - Marisa
Seppo Hovi - 2,393,635,340 - C - 0.086% - Replay

I'll add a few more words in a bit.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2013, 11:02:15 PM by Vee »


Re: 東方永夜抄 ~ Imperishable Night.
« Reply #245 on: March 31, 2013, 04:25:26 AM »
Extra - Youmu
vcz - 2,348,970,840 - C - 0.055% - Replay

Extra - Scarlet Team
vcz - 2,258,235,740 - C - 0.000% - Replay
vcz - 2,275,727,940 - C - 0.046% - Replay

I'm not good enough for no-miss runs yet.
2.55B would probably have been there on the second Scarlet Team run if I had capped all spells.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2013, 08:11:48 AM by vcz »

Seppo Hovi

Re: 東方永夜抄 ~ Imperishable Night.
« Reply #246 on: April 03, 2013, 12:53:53 PM »
I'll add a few more words in a bit.
And then I said nothing. How unsurprising of me.


Ah, but I need an excuse to post. Oh, well, good thing I have stuff laying around.

Easy - Marisa
Seppo Hovi - 2,720,925,840 - Cb - 0.193% - Replay

This was one of the better runs. I'm starting to get comfortable with using Marisa in stage 4, but my fifth stage is still godawfully horrible when using her. As always, there were minor mistakes I didn't care about, and there'd be a quite of a bit to gain from the earlier stages just by messing stuff up less. The main crash for this one was failing one of Reimu's cards (penultimate one, unless I remember wrong). 2.8B, this route should do it. 2.9B, work. 3B? No, not right now. I don't feel like working with optimal human solo play on Easy. At least not right now. It'd be fun to break 3B on this difficulty and I could set it as an eventual goal, but I've got too many irons in the fire to aim for such things yet. Maybe during the Autumn, or 2014. Or never. Time will tell.


Normal - Yuyuko
Seppo Hovi - 2,042,335,650 - Cb - 0.000% - Replay

I don't have much to say about this one. I think someone requested me to do a run of this mode on this shot, and this was one of the first credits I put into it. 2B Youkai solo isn't that much (on Normal), but it's still a nice number. I'd like to work more with Normal later, or maybe even sweep the entire scoreboard if I got unemployed for a longer while. That's a dream, or whatever you'd call it. Not something I'm really thinking to be doing within a reasonable timespan, but it'd be nice to be flexible around this game, and not within just one mode. I'd start the sweep with Normal, though.

Another thing about Normal (and Easy) modes would be to do some sniping and cleaning around the other games' scoreboards (Barring EoSD, TD, MoF and probably PCB. Which doesn't really leave many games.) here and there. I'm ways too slow to do everything, but, it'd be nice to pick a sniping target and go for it whenever I'm taking a break from IN. (which I take after every more serious run or so) Let's see where I'm at in three years. Hopefully not in grave.


And that's with the submissions. Seemingly neither Karisa or Zil had done the IN scoreboard update-thing, so I decided to go and do it, given how few scores there were to add anyway. I also fixed the replay link for the Easy Youmu run by GRB, given how the site linked here had died long ago. The replay is available at Royalflare, so I linked it via there. There might be some other ones available as well, but I didn't bother digging into every uploader I know for it.
IN scoreboard.txt, ready for copypasting. In the case Karisa reads this, she's welcome to add it to her list-thingy, given how it has most of the other games already.


Alright. The IN Extra Marisa run, I promised to say a few words about it. I haven't done this for a while, haven't I.

The stage portion was surprisingly okay, considering how little time I had put into playing this stage on this shot recently. Lots of stupid mistakes and bad performance all around, but at least I didn't end up missing big fairies or dying. First mistake was to let one of the starting fairies run away. That's a few hundred time lost. I could've fixed the mistake in damage control by using Marisa's huge AoE capability in the Napalm, but I couldn't get my brains to run smoothly enough mid-run to think of a thing that seems awfully simple afterwards. Then again, everything does.
As I said earlier, my stage portion had mistakes. Mainly I messed up the cancelling, not that my route was very optimal or hard in the first place. There would've been around 1000 more timeorbs gained before the midboss, had I focused on handling my shot correctly. And quite a bit of extra timeorbs had I improved my route.
Midboss keine is rather simply on solo humans, you don't have to worry about the tricky supergrazing or anything. (A friend of mine put it rather well: "It's like you take all the cool out of IN Extra when you play on solo humans", or something like that) Nevertheless, I mess up anyway by ending the final of the three cards a bit too early, resulting in no onscreen familiars as I do so.
The item collection in the post-midboss stage portion is godawfully bad. I collect several point-items under the PoC and gain lowered values, all simply due to being scared of dying. My routes will never improve if I stop being cared of dying (I'll also die more), but the risk-payoff bar is horribly low for me. I don't go for very cool or neat things in real runs. Meanwhile, luck is on my side. I didn't time that cancel, it was simply good luck as the familiars spawned just as I was killing the fairy. Nice one. Then, there's the streaming, during which I gather some stuff under the PoC and maybe skip a few fairies. Then there is the bomb. The red ribbon in Marisa's hair is awfully cute. I should check some women's clothing stores or something to get something like it for myself. Before the Death Fairy, my collection and cancelling is very bad. The Death Fairy is rather simple, but I end up killing her at  a different spot where I usually do, resulting in a little bit of extra bullets I have to weave throught to PoC. Well, I did make it to the PoC, but I grab some items below while hurrying upwards.
Mokou. Nice lady. Wonderful theme (which I didn't listen to during this run, I think I was listening to an Assaultdoor album). Good pairing (Mokou x Keine). Kaguya a shit. I'm a secondary, in heart. (and probably outside too) Uh. About Mokou, I don't bother grazing the first nonspell beyond the initial spin on human solo shots. I could do the second one, and maybe the third as well, but it takes time to drag the nonspells longer, thus resulting in higher stress levels and less consistency. Also, I'm rather bad at it. Otherwise, the early fight is surprisingly good, but I end up wrongly misdirecting her during the second card. That's not much of a big deal, but it means that the cancel bonus will be several millions too low. 7M bonus is easy to reach over there, if you correctly guide her around the screen. The good thing is I have good luck again, as I end the third Spell Card. Those familiars just spawn as I deplete her health. Not something I even noticed during the run, but it felt awful to look at afterwards. I wouldn't want to put much of my results on luck, but they usually are in varying amounts so. This one more so.
Later into Mokou, I remember a bit too late that Marisa isn't invulnerable to familiars, and I end up messing up Woo misdirection. Twice. It's good that I luck out and capture it anyway. No punishment for idiocy. Luck. What a wonderful thing. Get the one lucky shot at it is way too true about my playing. Where's all the consistency I've worked for? Not available. Argh.
Later into the battle I start to get jumpy and play it safe. I spend a good portion of Phoenix Tail focused, losing lots of time and spell bonus while doing so. Then I bomb the final nonspell. I would've bombed it anyway, though. I'm not going to try dodging it until I've got everything else down to at least some kind of consistency.
Fujiyama Volcano drops items as I kill it, as it should do. I remember an argument about this one a long while ago, before I was knowledgeable enough to say anything about it. Now I have my own theory, of the card dropping items only if you have ten familiars (or less) on the screen as you deplete its healtbar. It's just a theory, though. Nothing I'd be sure of, but it seems to work for me.
Play-it-safe focusing during the second phase of the survival, which results in a low-ish Spell Bonus. I got exactly 50,000,000 on Youmu the other day. That's not too good either (ASL gets 52M I think), but the nubmer was really cute. Hourai Doll is played safe later into it, resulting in me not breaking 60k timepoints. "Oh no." - I know it's not much of a thing, but I like cute even numbers and things, just for the sake of making things look a bit better on the outside. How horrible of me.
Imperishable Shooting failed. I think I've captured it once or twice within a real run. I don't know where all these IN Extra NMNB runs with all cards captured are coming, but I'm not planning to do one any soon. Mainly since I have no consistency, as usual. Grind more, I don't wanna. Bad reasoning, who cares.
Most of my score comes from ending bonus, final result of 2,39B. A bit under 700K points. Something something 300 graze during the Mokou opener? (300/3 x 6000, a bit more since that's only 600k). It's a good idea to think of 2,393 as 2,3993. 7M. Well, looking into it, it still doesn't feel like that much of points, but it certainly is more. The improvement isn't large, anyway. Well, maybe next time, if next time ever comes. I might get unmotivated to continue after being destroyed in everything Extra-releated by that one person. I haven't still been able to recover from the live humilation ("Could you supergraze midboss Keine's second card?" "Oh, I thought you could do it."). I'm sure you didn't mean anything bad with it, but I just took it the wrong way automatically and was unable to fix it in my feeble mind. I shouldn't stream. Removed the name since you asked for it.


Which takes us to livestreaming. It's nice, and I've actually done it before it was all that popular amongst the HME community. (Or I don't know. I wasn't here since the beginning) Although, one and half a year ago it was mainly me and another Finnish player secretly (or less secretly) streaming the same things for each others over and over again. It was nice, and I enjoyed it a lot more than these whatever you'd call them public streams for the /jp/ STG thread. Ah, but there's the dilemma that I want to do it anyway, not really to entertain anyone though. Ever after the UFO failure I picked on streaming a bit more actively, since it seems to tick my panic disorder rather good. I have had to quit the stream under some excuse a few times due to almos fainting earlier, but it's gotten easier lately, I panic less. Maybe it's since I usually know who the people watching are, or maybe I'm just getting used to it. Nevertheless, I'm trying to learn to play under more paniced mind. It's working, slowly.

My streams aren't very entertaining though, due to the reason that I don't really do it for entertainment. I don't mind though, I'm a bad streamer and so what. Lots of others aren't, and I'm not doing it for popular streams or active chat anyway. I'm doing it for myself, like a good self-centered jerk does. I'm such a nice person, aren't I.


Between the active scoring runs and grinding whatever I take breaks and do something sillier, or less stressing. Usually, I end up doing condition runs, or pacifying something people have called either hard and/or impossible. I sometimes do funny condition runs too, and I lately did an IN easy graze attack, trying to get as much graze as possible.

The run ended up being completely awful, I think I died twice within stage 2 and supergrazed really few things in the endgame. And when I grazed things, it was done unoptimally. Nevertheless, I hit my target of 60,000 graze. I certainly think that 65k would be possible, and maybe 70k if the player was good enough in Sakuya controlling. Not that I'm sure, these are all assumptions.


This post didn't mean to turn into a larger wall of musings (not that it currently is overly large). I should blog more of the games and replay reflections themselves, not my feelings about things. I'll learn, hopefully.
« Last Edit: April 04, 2013, 07:53:42 AM by Vee »


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Re: 東方永夜抄 ~ Imperishable Night.
« Reply #247 on: April 03, 2013, 02:30:35 PM »
And that's with the submissions. Seemingly neither Karisa or Zil had done the IN scoreboard update-thing, so I decided to go and do it, given how few scores there were to add anyway. I also fixed the replay link for the Easy Youmu run by GRB, given how the site linked here had died long ago. The replay is available at Royalflare, so I linked it via there. There might be some other ones available as well, but I didn't bother digging into every uploader I know for it.
IN scoreboard.txt, ready for copypasting. In the case Karisa reads this, she's welcome to add it to her list-thingy, given how it has most of the other games already.
Update checkpoint... oh wait. I wish. Text file.

I reuploaded it rather than linking it directly because I fixed errors like duplicate scores, incorrect numbering, inconsistent spacing, etc (as I've been doing with all the others). All the standard games are on the list now. I'd include PoDD as well if Zil's file was somewhere where the link wouldn't change when it's updated.


Re: 東方永夜抄 ~ Imperishable Night.
« Reply #248 on: April 03, 2013, 05:04:36 PM »
Will pastebin work if I just edit it instead of reuploading it? I made an account there so I can do that now.

Or I could put it in my own signature if that would be easier.

Also, this situation is incredibly ridiculous. Adding all of these scores would take... seconds? I wonder if we could just ask some random mod to do it.

Actually, I wonder if we should create a thread in Letters to the Editor. That might be harder for people ignore/forget about/whatever they're doing.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2013, 05:15:09 PM by Zil »

Seppo Hovi

Re: 東方永夜抄 ~ Imperishable Night.
« Reply #249 on: April 03, 2013, 05:37:37 PM »
Well this turned into a meta discussion unsurprisingly fast. Not much of a big deal to derail this thread for a bit though, I guess, given how few people actually seem to frequent this place. (And the few people who do are the ones having this discussion anyway)

I've spent a PM to TSO myself, but she hasn't sent me a reply. Shimatora told me that Sapz had promised to poke TSO today about making a new staff class or something for the scoreboards. I haven't heard any news on the matter yet, and I guess Shimatora hasn't heard anything either. It might be early where she lives right now, though, (it's evening here) or working hours. All we can do is wait, for now. (I feel like an old gossiping lady for posting this)

Making a new thread to somewhere more public to voice our thoughts about this would sound a bit extreme (I do dislike complaining, but I also dislike this sitiuation), but I think it'll be the only option soon if nothing is happening for a, say, week.


I don't personally mind continuing this discussion on the IN scoreboard, but we could probably take this to some IRC channel or something. Whatever suits you the best.

Edit: Hmm, can you send PM's to multiple persons with this system? I think you can. I guess that's one option as well.


  • Extend!
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  • High scores are meant to be broken.
Re: 東方永夜抄 ~ Imperishable Night.
« Reply #250 on: April 04, 2013, 01:58:06 PM »
Also, this situation is incredibly ridiculous. Adding all of these scores would take... seconds?
That was sort of the point of these update-files... well, not to make the situation ridiculous, but to make it so trivial to update that I don't see why it wasn't done. It really shouldn't take more than a few minutes, including page loading times.

I've spent a PM to TSO myself, but she hasn't sent me a reply.
Same here, a few days ago. I wasn't sure what if anything TSO already knew, so I tried to explain the entire situation (or at least my perspective of it). No reply to that either.

And Sapz told me two months ago that there would be an announcement within the next few days. I'm not really expecting much of anything anymore, besides what we do ourselves.

I wonder what the reaction would be if we just re-created the scoring threads.

Edit: On an unrelated note, I just noticed that all of mikeKOSA's replays seem to be removed from I wonder how missing replays should be indicated in the high score list. Strikethroughs? Remove the replay link entirely?
« Last Edit: April 04, 2013, 02:28:37 PM by Karisa »


Re: 東方永夜抄 ~ Imperishable Night.
« Reply #251 on: April 04, 2013, 04:48:36 PM »
(I feel like an old gossiping lady for posting this)
Ha, same here, but I'm afraid this is what it's come to. This is kind of why I want to create a public thread for it, since it would be so much easier to have an actual -discussion- about it, rather than having to ask one person and then relay the info to everyone else like it's some big secret.

But anyway, I sent a PM to TSO as well, over a week ago. I mainly just asked her to explain what was going on. She did respond, but she didn't mention any kind of plan, and said she would ask Sapz about it. This was a while after Sapz had supposedly mentioned something to her. So I don't know. I'd rather not just jump to the conclusion that Sapz isn't doing what he says he's doing, but at this point it really seems to me like we're being ignored and avoided.

So I'm basically with Karisa in thinking that nothing's going to happen on it's own. I think we may as well start a public thread about it soon. Tomorrow I think. (We've already been waiting weeks without any sign of change, and I'm tired of it.) There are a number of mods who are active on the forum and would probably see it there. If that gets ignored then I will officially have given up.

Edit: On an unrelated note, I just noticed that all of mikeKOSA's replays seem to be removed from I wonder how missing replays should be indicated in the high score list. Strikethroughs? Remove the replay link entirely?
I'd say strikethrough. Through the replay link, I assume you mean, not the score itself.


  • There's no escape.
  • *
  • It's time to burn!
Re: 東方永夜抄 ~ Imperishable Night.
« Reply #252 on: April 04, 2013, 11:32:01 PM »
Update checkpoint.

Wow, the discussion in this thread. Guys, I don't really check this aside from to update scores, so if you want to tell me something give me a poke on IRC or a PM.

I did ask TSO when I said I did, but people are busy so you can't expect stuff done instantly. I appreciate that a public thread is required, and I had another talk with TSO today about what we're going to do. Thread coming shortly.
Let's fight.

Re: 東方永夜抄 ~ Imperishable Night.
« Reply #253 on: April 05, 2013, 08:52:34 PM »
 1. Seppo Hovi     - 2,104,429,220 - C  - 0.242% - Replay
 2. Sentinel       - 1,533,899,570 - C  - 0.232% - Replay
 3. Wriggle        - 1,553,647,330 - C  - 0.144% - Replay



Re: 東方永夜抄 ~ Imperishable Night.
« Reply #254 on: April 05, 2013, 09:48:32 PM »
Guys, I don't really check this aside from to update scores, so if you want to tell me something give me a poke on IRC or a PM.
:V :V

So yeah, you should probably PM him or something, Wriggle. We've been talking about it, and any mistakes like that should be reported or PM'd to someone, rather than just posted in the thread itself, or it likely won't be noticed. (Assuming you didn't, in fact, send a PM and post that simultaneously or something.)


  • There's no escape.
  • *
  • It's time to burn!
Re: 東方永夜抄 ~ Imperishable Night.
« Reply #255 on: April 05, 2013, 10:53:38 PM »
Through a small miracle I actually noticed this post. Fixed. :V But yes, PM me if you notice a problem; it's pretty rare that I browse the high score boards if it's not an update day, whereas I'll notice a PM probably within a few hours.
Let's fight.

Seppo Hovi

Re: 東方永夜抄 ~ Imperishable Night.
« Reply #256 on: April 16, 2013, 09:48:40 AM »
Easy - Marisa
Seppo Hovi - 2,737,287,760 - Cb - 0.000% - Replay

Failed Kaguya's final last spell with 00 seconds at the clock. Awful stages 3, 4 and 5. Two-miss, 7/6 finish (or 7/5, I don't remember).
My heart died with the final Last Spell, but it seems the score was enough anyway.


Re: 東方永夜抄 ~ Imperishable Night.
« Reply #257 on: April 21, 2013, 05:23:26 PM »
Lunatic - Scarlet Team
vcz - 4,398,809,540 - Cb - 0.094% - Replay

Not that I'm proud of this or anything (especially not after what happened on Kags), but posting anyway because 6.1B potential with this route. Maybe.
« Last Edit: May 10, 2013, 06:49:39 AM by vcz »

Seppo Hovi

Re: 東方永夜抄 ~ Imperishable Night.
« Reply #258 on: April 24, 2013, 05:05:38 PM »
Kags. That's a funny nickname, I really wouldn't have come up with it myself.


So. I've scorerunned in this mode of this game for a while. It's slowly starting to pay off, albeit I'm still really bad, especially on the neat charachters. This time the update is of the 1.78B Yukari run from yesterday. Something important for me, and something I put quite a bit of effort into. Tiredom strikes and the words leave me, so I'm afraid I cannot give much of a larger introduction to it.

Easy - Yukari
Seppo Hovi - 1,783,066,590 - Cb - 0.509% - Replay

Awfully lots of slowdown. We'll get to the reason later.


The run.
Everything has a beginning, and much alike the Universe, this replay starts with a bomb. Since there will be a few overflow bombs in IN, you can use one at start of the game to instantly get to 80% or -80%, depending on what kind of shot you are using. IN Easy stage 1 has lots of things that need attention, therefore it also requires lots of practice and restarts to get going smoothly. And there still are always mistakes, minor or less minor, but certain amounts of them can be allowed. Main thing, keep yourself above 80% so that you gain the minor time increase from killing small fairies. Also, let all of the familiars spawn, and cancel as many bullets with them as possible. I fare somewhat badly on the first two big fairies, resulting in 75 time instead of the 78 time that would be my target. Higher numbers are very well reachable by doing many kinds of shenanigans and prolonging, but I don't bother doing it, at least not yet. I get the first 4-familiar cancel right, resulting in 211 time entering the second cancel, which I promptly fail by killing the fairy way too early, it doesn't have time to spawn the bullets. So, I have 316 time after the first two cancels. Not very good, since with my current route I could reach a bit over 350 had I done everything correctly. It's nitpicking at such a small thing, but the minor improvements at stage 1 are what carry me over AM during rest of the run. During the kedama spam, I kill the left fairy a bit too early, resulting in the loss of 2 timepoints. Good thing I aced the midboss cancel, otherwise this run would be borderline ruined by now. Really awful grazing during the first midboss bullet-spread. I have to look into these more, I should be far more consistent than I currently am. (I could always blame it on tiredness, but that would not feel the right thing to do. And it would hardly improve me.) For whatever reason, you gain extra time from cancelled bullets if you cancel them just as they spawn. The timeframe for that extra time is not really lenient, I think it's less than one second. It looks like this, when you succeed using that function, causing gain of extra timeorbs from the 4-familiar fairies of stage 1. Another thing can happen is that you kill the fairy a few frames too early, or something. It results in The bullets appearing, but not being cancelled. It doesn't happen too often. For the final two big stage 1 fairies, The first one is ok, albeit a bit unoptimal. The second one Doesn't get any time to spawn bullets as I kill it too early again. This results in a fairly low amount of timepoints when I enter Wriggle (1300 is somewhat simple, and I believe 1400 could be reached if you did all of the extra shenanigans correctly.)
For the first boss noncard, I use the safespot and stream the aimed yellow waves, which is maximal timegain with somewhat easy movement. Kill it on the last second, since it gets to spawn one final wave of familiars just before transforming to the spell. First Spellcard supergrazing isn't as simple as it looks, you need to keep up a certain speed and be vary of the blue balls so that they won't touch you. Also, getting optimal amount of graze and finishing it as fast as possible can be quite hard. The spell bonus is usually around 7.7M, this time it was a bit lower. At this point, I've had over 1600 time for five times now, I think. 1700 is reachable if you're good. Cancel on the second noncard as it spanws the last wave, so that you cancel the last wave and penultimate wave familiars, resulting in a cancel of 6 familiars instead of only 3. The timing is not very tight and if you play on a difficulty above Easy, you can use the green ring of bullets Wriggle spanws as a cue to finish the noncard. My grazing tactic for the final stage 1 spellcard is as aggressive as I can pull off, resulting in 8.2M Spell bonus. Also, 79,480 point-item value. I think 80,000 could be reached if you were aggressive enough. (I've never reached it myself.)

Stage 2. The opener is simple enough, you go on top of the screen and don't move for the duration of the kedama. You can hang there immovable for all of the time, since the kedama on Easy don't shoot bullets. The fairies following afterwards, however, are a bit tricky. You have to time the cancel on them so, that you get them to spawn the spread of bullets, but also so that they die fast enough. Since if you kill them too slowly, the next fairy doesn't spawn and you lose a few items. The timings aren't too lenient here, so I fail some of them by being overly careful and focusing on killing them so that I at least get the items. The general cue for starting shooting would be just as the third familiar is about to spawn, so you have to memorize a moment and remember it by the spawning sound. Last one of the fairies can be prolonged as much you want to, so it's good to let it stay around a bit longer and spawn two sets of aimed bullets and cancel both of them, instead of just one set. For the following 5-familiar fairies, I hang on the top of the screen for instant collection. The timings are a bit off here, especially with the last one, which is actually quite tricky to cancel with two waves of blue bullets, since Ran can jump to the kedama and not damage the big fairy. I don't bother forcing the optimal timing for the two durable fairies with four familiars, since the cancel wouldn't be that big on easy, and the timing is really odd, borderline random. Instead I just kill them and focus on other stuff. I don't even try to cancel all of the fairies in the latter stage optimally, since if they're spread out around the screen it becomes a hell to kill all of them correctly and PoC the items while doing so. However, the four sets of fairies along the edges, I try to cancel optimally. I miss a few, but 3000 time and 94k PiV entering Mystia is acceptable.
For Mystia's first noncard, I try to follow the trails left by familiars and graze as many of them as possible. Finishing the noncard at the final second again for optimal amount of familiars spawned by it. (and some extra graze too) The first Spell Card is usually done by just hanging low and shooting, which had started to bother me, since it certainly has bullets to graze, and the grazing is carried out on other difficulties. Easy has much less bullets, so the outcome isn't as large, but luckily, the difficulty isn't as large either. I spin around in a small U-like form, within the circles. The arrowheads are always aimed, so you can dodge a wave by simply taking a single step whenever she shoots. Spell bonus exceeds 10M, PiV is a bit low. I have managed a PiV of 101k at this point, but I'll live even with a lower one. Strategy for the second noncard is similar to first one, albeit the grazing will be slightly less optimal and you will end the noncard more early. The second spellcard I'm not very happy with. It does have bullets, but my current strategy is just to end it as fast as possible. There could be something, but I'm too lazy to experiment. Spell bonus is 10.3M. For the third noncard, you're supposed to misdirect the bullets so that you get to graze two sets of green spread for both of the waves, and end the card on the fourth spawning familiars when six have spawned. It's not very hard. The grazing for the third spell is nonexistent on Easy, and I forgot to stall it for a bit of extra timepoints. Not a world-shattering mistake, but it's something awfully simple that I forgot to do. Oh well. Final Spellcard is easy enough, just follow the familiars as they spawn bullets and move up when the card is about to end. No misdirection shenanigans required, unlike on Lunatic.

Stage 3, the opener is simple. I'm not fast enough to act with the extra cancel for the first three big fairies, but if you wanted to use it, PoC after it and still move to good positioning and were able to do all of it, it's certainly worth more. However, I cannot misdirect enough waves in the case I do it, sadly. Something to look at for further improvements. Ah, the following portion is somewhat simple. Tight timings for maximal cancel and I mess up quite a lot of the fairies. I'm still ahead and I succeed to PoC everything without dying, though, so it's OK. (It's not, but I pretend for it to be. The run just looks ugly now.) Entering the midboss, I leave two of the familiar-spawning fairies alive, since they hang around for a good while for the duration on the midboss noncard. Then, I let the midboss spawn some bullets for each fairy, and kill them for the extra cancel. For leaving the spot, I usually bomb for safety, but it's doable without the bomb. For every Keine noncard, including the midboss one, she spawns more familiars as time passes. For the first two noncards, you can kill her when she is spawning the familiars, but hasn't called the old familiars back yet, resulting in external familiars for the cancel. For the midboss spell, my grazing is unoptimal. It's not worth so much on easy, though, so the run is still alive. I also ended it way too quickly, resulting in 3 onscreen familiars instead of 6. I paused for a moment to ponder a restart, but decided to carry on. For the later stage portion, I misdirect some bullets into familiars and kill the fairies. It's rather simple, and nothing too difficult to do. For the final familiar spawning fairies, I let all of them spawn, then kill all of them in a rapid succession and PoC them at the same time.
I try to be rather aggressive during Keine's noncards, grazing as many bullets as I can. You could graze a bit more, but I'll cut corners in this stage a lot. First spell is simple, no safespot to get into, nothing special. Both boss noncards must be timed well when killing, first one for extra familiars and second one for some cancel. (don't kill it right away as it spawns the final set of familiars, let her shoot twice before shooting it off. The penultimate card spawns rings if you go close enough to Keine during it. I try to avoid doing that for most of the time, since the extra bullets could hinder my grazing momentum, not that I currently graze a lot. You could also time it so that you kill Keine just as she spawns a wave of those extra bullets for some cancel, but I prefer not doing it. Instead, I get 16 onscreen familiars. The grazing for the final card is unoptimal and easy. There is a more profitable method, but it is a lot harder, so I prefer not doing it. The card is static, though, so I could just micro-memorize it. Main thing is to kill her just as she has spawned a ring of bullets, resulting in extra bullets to cancel into timepoints. You can use the lasers spawned by the middle familiars as a cue: when they face each other, start shooting.

Stage 4 is more of a cash-in here. You could do cancel shenanigans, but since the arrowheads are single instead of many, it's not as worthwhile as it's on lunatic. It can also lead into missing fairies, so I prefer not doing it. Main thing is to kill stuff and PoC. I messed up one of the cancels, resulting in a loss of timeorbs. It's still winging along, since my Marisa performance is more aggressive than AM's. For midboss Marisa, I end the first noncard too early. Not the largest of mistakes, but still on the ohdear level. The mistiming throws me off and I play badly during the following spell, resulting in a bonus of 13.9M. I start getting into the thing again during the second midboss nonspell, but I still am a bit shaky and play it quite safely, not moving around as much as I usually do. Also, I guide Marisa to the edge of the screen, which results in some of the familiars being offscreen as I kill her. Should've moved her to the right on the final movement, didn't focus. The endstage portion is quite simple. Kill stuff, PoC, and try not to PoC below the line. I collect a few items grayed, but thankfully not too many of them. 406M entering  boss Marisa.
For the first boss noncard, I just hang around and touch as many stars as possible without risking it too much. She actually comes quite close to me so that the familiars are just on top of me, which scares me, since I'm unsure if I can react in time would they spawn bullets that head for my direction. Nothing hits and I finish the non. The first spellcard is fairly straightforward, moving vertically under her as much as possbile. I tried following the lasers for extra graze, but it was not worth it. For Marisa's final noncard, it must be noticed how she shoots a ring of stars towards herself and then it reflects off from herself and continues outside the familiars. I time finishing the spell so that the spawned stars are starting to move towards the edges from Marisa, still within the familiar circle. Extra timepoints. Master Spark is quite straightforward: quide it around, hang around Marisa. Finish it as fast as possible so that you can get over 15M Spell bonus. Also, grazing the laser is good, but you don't have to force it. Hang on the edge if it's possible. If it's not possible, then you can just drop it. The final spellcard of Marisa's is simple enough. The main thing is to end it just as she spawns the stars to cancel them, so of course I fail it.

Stage 5. I enter with 510M, which is a new personal record. The opener is simple, the following sets of fairies are simple. You could graze a bit there, but it's not a large enough of an increase to the score for me to bother with it. At least not yet. For the opening spam waves, kill every reqular fairy before the familiar fairy, since it hangs around a bit longer than the other ones. Start from up and move down. On the final wave, if something is about to escape and you're unsure (and if you have a spare bomb), you can bomb to kill all of the fairies and collect the items. The following sets of familiar spawning fairies are quite simple on non-human shots: kill them and PoC. I succeed in that quite well. For midboss Tewi, you can either hang low and take it safe, or go around the screen spinning around the spawning bullets, trying to graze them for a minimal increase of score. The latter is very haphazard thing to do, so obviously I end up deathbombing while doing it. Luckily enough, the bomb doesn't finish the noncard, and I get to stall it up to the cancel. 26-familiar cancel at 00 seconds. It was not planned, I noticed the clock a bit too late and panicked. She spawned the wave just as I killed her. Luck. Eep. I stall the second wave a bit too long, as well, so the cancel sucks. It's not the worst one around there, but you'd probably wait for a bit better performance from a WR, especially if the attack in case is really simple. On the final waves that have bullets getting aimed at you with a little prolonged time, I try to PoC everything and kill everything. It usually works, but I make some major mistakes this time and get strayed behind from the beat. This leads into scary sitiuations, and, well, me being bad at dodging leads into a collision with a bullet. It's not the end of the world, but this deathbomb pushes me low enough on bomb stock to finish with 1 less bomb in stock than maximal bombs would allow. It's a 2.5M loss. The following set of familiar-spawning big fairies is rather simple. Let the bullets spawn, kill the fairies and remember to PoC. I enter the boss with 613M. (Konatan enters with 599M)
Reisen's first noncard is surprisingly dense, but the bullets are slow, so it's not really much of a threat. If she doesn't move down, you also are likely to get a gap in the waves so that you can flail around for some extra graze. If she moves down, you get a stacked wave. Her first spell has a grazing method that uses spinning around her as she spawns bullets as a movement. It's very tight to do, so I prefer an older and less optimal, but safer, method. 20.2M bonus. For the second noncard, you can either flail around, or hang somewhat still without moving too much. I try to move around a little bit, but I do nothing too scary to not risk the run. Reisen's second card is mainly just moving down and hanging below the boss. It's not very difficult, and there is no known supergrazing method (yet). 20.5M bonus. The final Reisen noncard is an easy supergraze, that gives a good bit of graze. I stall the noncard while moving around along the spawning bullets for extra time. For the penultimate spellcard, I do this grazing at the start of it. However, I don't think it's worth it to do it after the first wave, even though it is very much possible (you just need to be more careful.) The timing to end this attack is very strict, so of course I mess it up and end it a bit too late. The final card also has a new spinaround method, but again, it's very hazardous, so I prefer not doing it. Instead I go by the older method, grazing a quarter of it.

FinalB has the simple opener, and then the massive milking waves. My strategy is to kill one or two fairies in the case I get bad spawn locations, then PoC and then kill the final one and PoC it after. Youkai solo don't have to worry of familiars, or human-youkai gauge, so it's fairly simple. There would be some cancel shenanigans here, but I don't see it happening on human limits. I succeed in three of the waves, but the final wave is slightly shorter since Eirin comes around, so I end up gathering two sets of items below the PoC. That's a lot of points lost, but I'm still ahead. I had to pause to catch a breath. These pauses and the screenshots I took midrun of spell values / stage progression scores were the thing that pushed the slowdown to 0,5%. The midboss Eirin supergraze on Easy is, well, easy. So I do it, but I don't do the Galaxy supergraze, since it's a bit dangerous if you tap too much, and not worth overly much. 979M entering Kaguya. I'd like to believe that 1B could be reached at this point, but that could be pushing it.
Kaguya's first noncard is simple streaming, while avoiding the extra walls. I take it more profitable to graze the stream instead of the walls, but some dancing in between would probably prove superior. First spellcard is going in between lasers and streaming down alongside them, so that you gain graze during it. 23.3M spell bonus. For Kaguya's second noncard, you just graze as many balls as possible, and end it just at the end, there's nothing special on youkai solo, other charachters have some milking added. Second spellcard is fairly simple as well, the strategy is to graze as many lasers as possible while standing under Kaguya. 24.3M spell bonus. The third noncard is plenty difficult even on Easy, and I really think that it shouldn't be in the said setting. You wouldn't except someone who is having a struggle clearing Easy to read this kind of a puddle. I end it a bit too early, but at least I get the familiars onscreen while doing so. There is a small gap during which there are no familiars on screen, and I actually succeeded in hitting it on one of my runs. For Kaguya's third card, there would be the crazy grazing method by st, but I'm not going to do it this late into run, unless it's the last thing left to do. 23.3M bonus. The final noncard is fairly simple, there are jellybeans and you have lots of space to move around. I graze a bit, but mainly focus on watching to clock so that I don't end up finishing the attack too early. For the fourth card, I don't do any hapazard supergrazes. I touch 4 lasers a wave, that's enough. The cancel is a bit off, though. 23.8M bonus. For Rainbow Danmaku, I could hang above the familiars. I even practiced it in spell practice a few times and it wasn't too bad. The gain, however, is not very large, so I'd rather not do it. The card is completely micro-memorizable, though, so it's certainly very doable. I just didn't bother spending my time on it. 22.0M bonus, and then we enter the Last Spells.
First Last Spell is simple. Stream up-down, try to graze as much as possible. 39.1M bonus, 40M is possible. Second Last Spell is also quite easy, read a gap in the waves, move into it and enjoy. The third one could be supergrazed by moving really close to Kaguya, but it's rather hard, so I play it safe and hand low. 35.1M bonus. Then, the supergraze. Two WR attempts failed at this card, third time was the catch. 64.0M bonus, and only Morning Mist left. The final Last Spell would be fairly simple, but my heartrate is in heavens, hands are shaking, and my whole body is sweating. It's the rush of a good run. I fucking love it. The attack ends, I raise my hands in the air and yell "YES!" aloud. Little dance is done with the charachter, the replay is saved and a little flood is posted on IRC.
[17:29:03] <SeppoHovi> MOTHERFUCKERS
[17:29:05] <SeppoHovi> 1.78b
[17:29:05] <SeppoHovi> WER

Final score of 17.83B, and it's a new standing WR. I'm really happy and pleased.


Several kinds of praise is recieved. Yay. I don't really play for the fame, or the praise, but I do enjoy recieving comments, mainly since people can sometimes be rather quirky and funny with their congratulations. For example, I lauged at this:
[17:45:54] <hoboko> >no eppu normaali lyrics in the comment
[17:46:09] <hoboko> Wasted wr

With or without congratulations, however, it will be a memorable moment to me, and I believe it'll remain as one until the very end.


I still have to say, that all in all, it still was only one thing. Achievements are memorable, sure, but they just mark a single moment, not a large timespan.

Large timespan, such as the time I've spent with IN scoring. Looking back into it, it was Summer 2011 when I noticed Dodgeball blogging about one of the MotK weekly challenges on the Finnish forum, and his submissions to it. I decided to try IN Easy scoring on Youmu instead of grinding the UFO Lunatic 1CC I was working on back then. Or maybe it was some other lunatic 1CC, I don't even remember. My first attempts were horrendous, reaching 1.8B on Youmu solo was already very difficult. I slowly increased the route and lashed onto other shot-types as time passed. However, I soon quit IN scoring in late 2011, after reaching the initial goal of 2B, to 1CC UFO Lunatic and do some Lunatic NB. It was the Netherworld Team scoring week on the MotK weekly that got me started again. I fared quite badly and didn't reach the goal I had given myself. I also believed that I'd never reach the numbers my back then foes were setting. Hard work was spent across all of the charachters, and memorably, got my first 2.3B Border Team and 2.6B Magic Team runs, which were called impressive by some older scorerunners I respected (and still do). Then, I started working on UFO again, this time the target was to a) Counterstop and b) beat Dotsie. I never reached either of them, albeit my routes were well enough for the former. I never managed to finish a run, and the full-time grind had taken all of the fun off the game from me. (100 hours a week, 16 hours a day if necessary.) I played some PCB and didn't return to IN Easy until late Autumn of 2012. Then, I got some memorable achievements, including the two FinalA WR's (that are both still standing). Later, came several Extra scores. Then, I met vcz who shared the same passion of playing IN with me, and I enjoyed discussing with him very much. I also enjoy following him, and whatever he does might (and has) encourage me into working on a score. The Remilia FinalA score, or the Marisa Extra score, for example. Thanks.

Now that I'm namedropping (again, tell me if you happen to read this and want it removed), other person would be .ASP. I don't have any chatlogs, but for the time I grinded for this run, I blogged about it and my failures to him. I wouldn't probably have been able to sustain four failures at the final boss and carry on, hadn't there been someone rooting for me and telling me to carry on. I don't know how to repay it, there hardly is a way. All I currently can do is to say thank you. Very much.

Then, after all that, comes this score. One run, less than a hour. Somehow, I can't but smile when I think of it, how after all of the hard work, instead of most of the invisible hours, the thing you can see is the result, one single credit. It's very much unlike gardening, where your work can make entire gardens grow in glory of beautiful flowers.


Well, I've done some scoring, now. I've noticed that some people like to claim that they're not good enough to score. - I promptly disagree. You don't need to NB every game on Lunatic to start scoring, and you certainly don't need to start scoring with a WR. To be honest, it would be kind of dull if you got a WR right away, I've spent some quite memorable 1000 hours playing IN, and I wouldn't trade them for any amount of WR's. When you start playing Touhou for points, the first scores will most likely be somewhat low. However, the scores will increase as you put more time and practice into it. Small steps are easier to take than giant leaps, and certainly more enjoyable to. Slowly inching over yourself is certainly one of the most important things for me about scoring. It's fun.

I'd also hope for more people to start playing for score. The current community is vastly talented, I'd be also very scared. But it would also encourage me to improve faster, so there's that, too.


Ah. What next? I was thinking of working on Phantasm NMNBNBB route that was able to reach 1.3B. After it, I could possibly improve my Extra routes, making it so that I'd reach at least 1.15B with the NMNB condition. Or I could use bombs, but that would get serious and scary.

I was also considering a NMNB of IN Lunatic, and I did some consistency grind, boss pacifism and such earlier, but there would be much more grind left before I could even dream of a full run that reached it, given how uncomfortable I am with the difficulty setting. Also, there's the stress effect, Eirin's two final cards would be something. (Hell no I'm going FinalB) My part-time job will end soon, though, so I'll be unemployed again a few weeks into the next month. Who knows, maybe I'll grind the hell out of IN Lunatic, during that time, maybe I won't. Most likely the latter.


First of all, however, I'm going to put on this dress I bought and read the Forbidden Scrollery which arrived in mail earlier. I'll smile and blush, surely.


Putting on a dress is way harder than it looks like. I don't think I'll wear it on a daily basis, but on special occasions. I really like it, though, wearing a dress feels very nice. I can wholeheartedly suggest it to all of you.

And, back to the comfortable silence of the scoreboards. I guess I could only update once a month as well, but I don't think I could gather the self-control to do that. I usually post and write stuff whenever I quite feel like it.


Extra - Reimu
Seppo Hovi - 2,267,102,620 - C - 0.12% - Replay

Clean unfocused play around places, that's about it. Several PoC mistakes, deathbomb on penultimate non which I'm quite consistent on, and I didn't even try dodging RoD, since I entered with 2 bombs. Including the same-old cowardish playing during the survival again. IS failed, not a surprise. Next improvements would be in the stage cancels and the death fairy. Maybe I'll return to this one day, I really like playing Reimu solo in IN.
« Last Edit: April 30, 2013, 01:59:23 PM by Vee »


  • There's no escape.
  • *
  • It's time to burn!
Re: 東方永夜抄 ~ Imperishable Night.
« Reply #259 on: May 02, 2013, 02:54:44 PM »
Update checkpoint. Awesome job, Seppo.
Let's fight.

Seppo Hovi

Re: 東方永夜抄 ~ Imperishable Night.
« Reply #260 on: May 04, 2013, 02:57:19 PM »
Normal - Yukari
Seppo Hovi - 2,229,142,180 - 0.080% - Cb - Replays

So, there's this tournament going on in another Touhou community, and I decided to do some IN submissions that would be somewhat easy to beat, encouraging others to play. This was a more serious run (even though I'm still ill, and both fever and nausea left the performance somewhat wobbly. Not to mention the mode I'm not so familiar with.), but given how the shot-of-choice is free, youkai solo are on the low side of the spectrum.


  • Extend!
  • *
  • High scores are meant to be broken.
Re: 東方永夜抄 ~ Imperishable Night.
« Reply #261 on: May 05, 2013, 05:59:30 AM »
Hard - Border Team
Karisa - 3,193,235,930 - Cb - 0.000% - Replay

No deaths up to stage 6, where a combination of my repeated lack of consistency at midboss Eirin in good runs (a previous 2.99b attempt with two deaths right before Eirin captured both her patterns) and a disastrous Kaguya (even forgot to misdirect her second nonspell) resulted in a rather unsatisfying conclusion... well, it's 3 billion on Hard. That's still an accomplishment.

Oh, I'd also like to quote this for emphasis.
Well, I've done some scoring, now. I've noticed that some people like to claim that they're not good enough to score. - I promptly disagree. You don't need to NB every game on Lunatic to start scoring, and you certainly don't need to start scoring with a WR. To be honest, it would be kind of dull if you got a WR right away, I've spent some quite memorable 1000 hours playing IN, and I wouldn't trade them for any amount of WR's. When you start playing Touhou for points, the first scores will most likely be somewhat low. However, the scores will increase as you put more time and practice into it. Small steps are easier to take than giant leaps, and certainly more enjoyable to. Slowly inching over yourself is certainly one of the most important things for me about scoring. It's fun.

I'd also hope for more people to start playing for score. The current community is vastly talented, I'd be also very scared. But it would also encourage me to improve faster, so there's that, too.
I'd say that if you've learned the controls of the game decently well (if you've cleared Extra or are going for a Hard 1cc or better, then you should be more than ready), then you're good enough to start scoring.

In the PCB+ games where you can boost the point item value, even if you just try a few techniques to increase it early on (which may or may not involve trading resources for score, depending on the game and how much additional risk you're willing to take) then play for survival afterward, you may be surprised at how much your final score increases. That's what I started with when going for Hard 1ccs, introducing additional techniques a few at a time since then...
« Last Edit: May 05, 2013, 08:32:12 AM by Karisa »

Choco Beam

  • おやすみしな
Re: 東方永夜抄 ~ Imperishable Night.
« Reply #262 on: May 05, 2013, 11:04:58 AM »
Easy - Youmu
Nal Yoo - 3,032,258,770 - Cb - 0.4% - Replay

Normal - Youmu
Nal Yoo - 4,084,750,610 - Cb - 0.35% - Replay

Hard - Youmu
Nal Yoo - 4,410,016,010 - Cb - 0.4% - Replay

Lunatic - Youmu
Nal Yoo - 4,967,315,620 - Cb - 0.322% - Replay

Both Hard and Lunatic runs suck but that's the best I have right now.
Anyone know if mikeKOSA wants his scores removed or something? All his replays have been taken down, presumably by the guy himself, and I haven't seen him around in a while.
Leave the scores for now, I guess. Just replace them whenever I post new scores.

Re: 東方永夜抄 ~ Imperishable Night.
« Reply #263 on: May 07, 2013, 06:58:28 PM »
A few upgraded scores from me. Nothing too special, don't play this game too much but I'm always happy about improving PB's. From this point on, i think I'll have to learn some score strategy to improve my runs though. I don't know why I'm too stubborn to look up replays before attempting runs. I guess i'm just a stupid moron.

Easy - Netherworld Team
Zengeku - 2044926600 - Cb - 0.236% - replay

Hard - Border Team
Zengeku - 2987336230 - Cb - 0.160% - Replay


  • Extend!
  • *
  • High scores are meant to be broken.
Re: 東方永夜抄 ~ Imperishable Night.
« Reply #264 on: May 07, 2013, 11:15:15 PM »
Wait, you can reach 3b Hard Reimu/Yukari with just survival?

Hard - Border Team
Karisa - 3,269,982,160 - Cb - 0.076% - Replay

Well, my own survival could certainly use improvement. Above-average time orb collection on stage 1 (10242) and 2 (15800), but deathbombed in stage 3, and again to Keine's 1st, died to Marisa's 2nd midboss nonspell (and missed the deathbomb), failed Starlight Typhoon, died to Reisen's 2nd nonspell at the last second costing me her 2nd spell bonus... and bombed a wave of stage 6 fairies for some reason, losing a lot of point items (I was sort of cornered, but shooting a few familiars, perhaps even dying, would have been better than destroying all of them with a bomb). At least I captured Eirin, Hourai Jewel, and Morning Star this time, though I didn't get the 4th last spell.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2013, 11:18:59 PM by Karisa »

Re: 東方永夜抄 ~ Imperishable Night.
« Reply #265 on: May 08, 2013, 12:00:28 AM »
Wait, you can reach 3b Hard Reimu/Yukari with just survival?

Hmm... It was just a run with the goal of capturing the last spells in the first five stages, something that I failed to do. I do have some knowledge on how the game works so i might have done a few minor things for score but I didn't do any planning nor have I ever watched a hard mode scoring run, at least not in my memory. I guess if you're curious, you could see for yourself. I think I'll be looking on your replay myself to pick up a few things. I hope I can actually break those 3 billion sometime soon if nothing else comes up.


  • Extend!
  • *
  • High scores are meant to be broken.
Re: 東方永夜抄 ~ Imperishable Night.
« Reply #266 on: May 08, 2013, 12:59:02 AM »
Hmm... from watching your replay, I wouldn't call that just a survival run. Well, it's about as survival-oriented as a survival run of my own would be, but it's clear you know how the scoring system works, with collecting items at -80% and so on, and even stalling for time orbs on Reisen's 3rd nonspell.

I recommend improving your familiar cancel timing, anyway. All the nonspells in stage 1-3 are best finished off at a specific time (Wriggle's and Mystia's should be evident in my replay; for Keine it's right after she spawns a new set of familiars); the number of time orbs gained depends on both the number of familiars and how many bullets they cancel. I think your stage 5 route could also use improvement.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2013, 01:05:58 AM by Karisa »

Choco Beam

  • おやすみしな
Re: 東方永夜抄 ~ Imperishable Night.
« Reply #267 on: May 08, 2013, 12:27:28 PM »
Hard - Reimu
Nal Yoo - 3,715,410,810 - Cb - 0.216% - Replay

Suiciding for bombs, while still having an extra bomb left = Genius.  I could have broken 4B but failed too much stuff. Bomb placements were also arbitrary.


Normal - Border Team
Nal Yoo - 3,224,086,700 - Cb - 0.243% - Replay
« Last Edit: May 09, 2013, 01:44:00 PM by Nal Yoo »


Re: 東方永夜抄 ~ Imperishable Night.
« Reply #268 on: May 10, 2013, 06:46:36 AM »
Lunatic - Scarlet Team
vcz - 4,541,869,520 - Cb - 0.096% - Replay

Not much better but it's an improvement. Failed the streaming part on the 4th last spell, so that was a heartbreaking moment.
« Last Edit: June 20, 2013, 06:08:00 PM by vcz »


Re: 東方永夜抄 ~ Imperishable Night.
« Reply #269 on: May 12, 2013, 10:06:36 AM »
Normal - Youmu
chum - 3,123,657,030 - Cb - 0.000% - Replay

Hard - Youmu
chum - 2,828,195,100 - Cb - 0.000% - Replay

Hard - Border Team
chum - 3,059,914,840 - Cb - 0.039% - Replay
« Last Edit: June 23, 2013, 02:33:23 PM by chum »