Author Topic: Mafia History Mafia - Game Over  (Read 75327 times)

Punch Hopper

  • Punch Hopper
Re: Mafia History Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #60 on: May 06, 2011, 03:04:35 AM »
Yare yare.
Break Give:

Vote of Prinny become late. First post have been defense.
Reason to vote are exist, and no vote did.
But, vote is appear after other had. Vote are exist, and no reason.

No vote or no reason - Prinny be not city.


  • Sasword
Re: Mafia History Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #61 on: May 06, 2011, 03:10:07 AM »
Apologies for the relatively late response. Had to find my way to back the thread after locking eyes with Mai and teleporting. (That, and my internet access was temporarily cut in the middle of writing.)

Honestly, Mai, part of my vote on you essentially had similiar motives, as I was interested to see how you would respond due to the way you've sounded somewhat hyperactive in your posts. It is only natural that I would want to start some discussion if I thought that your own actions were not fully contributing towards doing so with Kyon. My qualms with your methods were mainly that I did not think scum!Kyon would get defensive or retaliatory over such a question due to how obvious the answer would be, which made it difficult for me to understand what reactions you wanted from him. Your response to Kyon where you revealed your town read on him gave me the impression that you were overly focused on Kyon's reactions to you, which is why I thought this situation looked iffy. However, I find your claims that you anticipated reactions from others to be believable enough, considering the way you responded to me. Because of this, I see no reason to continue this as a feud, and my read of you has switched to townie-ish now that I actually understand what you were getting at.

##Vote Sailor Moon

The amount of defense that Sailor Moon is giving over a mere early D1 vote is fairly ridiculous. Her post seems to have some slight hostility towards Anon as well, which gives off the vibes of scum beginning to snap at their attacker. Naturally, Mai just beat me to pointing this out in a wave of posts because I decided to wait for her response before switching to the faux lunarian. Ah well. ?(

The Comedian's response to Prinny seems to fall under a similiar category to me, as the acknowledgement of Prinny's post seems to have defensive intent, but the Comedian fails to follow it up with actual contributions. His post also features a complete lack of an acknowledgement of anything else. People were starting to make serious contributions around that time, so why did The Comedian instead decide to only post a very small focus towards the player who was apparently considering voting him? He would probably be my second pick for a member of the
lighter gray colored team as is.

Kyon lacking a proper vote and fence-sitting on Mai during all of this does not look very good either. He is essentially staying idle in the middle of the road here, which does nothing to help him or us, unless he perhaps wants to end up like a certain corpse.

@Protoman.exe: I was under the impression that the motivations of Kyon, hereby dubbed Shitaisan for the sudden aforementioned "idle in the middle of the road" attitude, were as he stated them: attempts to quickly solve game-related confusion. I was not sure how they could possibly be interpreted as pro-town or anti-town, and the way that Mai questioned Shitaisan seemed like she was going to interpret it in one of those ways instead of taking it as a null read. I am fairly confident that your accusations that I have been defending anti-town play are blatant mudslinging, considering that Shitaisan's early D1 play did nothing more town-hindering than the typical early D1 nonsense.


  • Sasword
Re: Mafia History Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #62 on: May 06, 2011, 03:16:49 AM »
On second thought, I suppose that Shitaisan did recently attack the player his joke vote was on, but the way he went about it seemed fairly casual, as if he was not putting his full heart into the case. This is not exactly something I appreciate seeing in my townies, so I continue to get convictionless and/or lazy vibes from him.


  • Kabuto
Re: Mafia History Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #63 on: May 06, 2011, 03:39:03 AM »
Ah, I see what your saying there and I guess I'm statisfied with that answer., dood.

##Unvote Monoe

And CATS, It's okay to RP but not when your posts comes out as gibberish. It's hard to understand what your trying to say or even what your accusing me of, dood.

Also, this Moon thing is interesting but I'll wait for a response from her before commenting.


  • Kabuto
Re: Mafia History Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #64 on: May 06, 2011, 03:40:28 AM »

I keep forgetting that, dood.


  • Decade
Re: Mafia History Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #65 on: May 06, 2011, 03:51:39 AM »
Protoman is worried that he can understand CATS perfectly. Protoman might ask Chaud for repairs. But Protoman agrees that Sniper Penguin didn't vote until Protoman made a case, then Sniper Penguin asked Monoe same question that Protoman did and backed down to camp in ice for new bullet targets. Penguin should snipe at someone with his own ammunition.

##Vote Prinny Dood

Protoman is satisfied in not deleting Monoe program for now. To answer, posts with big quotes and no content from poster look like excuses to coast. Protoman does not like coasters. Protoman is not allowed to have drinks. Protoman also forgot who SOS Slave Boy was voting for and hopes he makes a better excuse for keeping his vote then because Protoman voted the same as someone SOS Slave Boy was suspicious of.


  • Kiva-la
Re: Mafia History Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #66 on: May 06, 2011, 03:53:57 AM »
Protoman also doesn't care what SOS Slave Boy thinks of his Navi Deleting tactics.
S-slave boy? God damn it Haruhi. And I have no intention to end up as road kill.
Reading CATS' posts are going to be annoying.
Getting back onto the topic of Protoman.EXE, are you saying that you're simply going to ignore everything I against you? Because this isn't the SOSdan, my opinion means something! If somebody tries to build a case against you, are you just going disregard it under the cover of hunting for scum? If not, I'd like to hear what you think of Mai.


  • Decade
Re: Mafia History Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #67 on: May 06, 2011, 03:55:56 AM »
Protoman thinks Mai is town and SOS Slave Boy has no case. So Protoman is probably going to keep ignoring Slave Boy unless he brings Protoman a bigger case or a nice drink to set on his coaster.


  • Kiva-la
Re: Mafia History Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #68 on: May 06, 2011, 03:56:46 AM »
Protoman also forgot who SOS Slave Boy was voting for and hopes he makes a better excuse for keeping his vote then because Protoman voted the same as someone SOS Slave Boy was suspicious of.
Yare yare.
So you're saying that I can't be suspicious of those that refuse to explain their actions? And that, for some unknown reason, you being suspicious of the same person that I am should be giving you some credit in my eyes?


  • Decade
Re: Mafia History Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #69 on: May 06, 2011, 04:15:07 AM »
SOS Slave Boy can be suspicious all he wants. Protoman doesn't care. But Protoman feels he is not being represented well if Slave Boy is arguing he was not answered. Protoman was not defending Mai. Protoman pointed out that Slave Boy was not being helpful and Monoe claiming Slave Boy had motives that were transparant without saying what they were was suspicious. What Protoman thinks of Mai doesn't change his mind, but Slave Boy seemed to also think what Mai was saying was not bad enough to vote for and now Protoman wonders why Slave Boy is attacking him for that. Does Slave Boy think subjective means scummy?


  • Kabuto
Re: Mafia History Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #70 on: May 06, 2011, 04:22:03 AM »
Ah, too busy to read it all but Protoman, I didn't vote because of you, I vote because I voted, it just took me 20min think of something, also, I am a busy Prinny, dood.


  • Decade
Re: Mafia History Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #71 on: May 06, 2011, 04:33:41 AM »
Protoman is going to make a hat put of your penguin head and wear it through the rest of History.


  • Taka! Kujaku! Condor!
  • TaJaDor
Re: Mafia History Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #72 on: May 06, 2011, 05:04:49 AM »
Kyon's providing increasingly flimsy reasoning for not moving his vote or making a new case.  Furthermore, the vote's reason itself is very OMGUS-y.  The point that Kyon is attacking is that Protoman didn't believe Monoe's defense of Kyon to be justified.  Defensive play to justify a defensive vote.  Looks scum-motivated to me.  I want to see Kyon make a case or two that doesn't have anything to do with others' opinions on him.

##Vote Kyon


  • Kabuto
Re: Mafia History Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #73 on: May 06, 2011, 05:36:47 AM »
I think I know who you are Protoman, but that has nothing to do with this, so I guess I won't say, dood.

Now, reading your post fully, I see what your accusing me of and I agree with you, If I wasn't me, I would be suspicious too, just like I was with Monoe, dood.

All I can say on the matter is that like my post mentioned, I took long time to write down my response to it and when I went to press reply, it showed you posted the same question but I thought I might as well post it anyway. All you have is my word, so I understand if you are going to pursue me for that and I have no trouble with it, dood.

I am hoping for more people to join in this game to make some opinions of them, as I can't see anything wrong with the current posters posts execpt Moon, but I'm waiting for some more posts from her, and Comedy, dood. Comedy, you didn't really answer mine and Monroe question about why you being defensive about my post from before dood?


  • Kiva-la
Re: Mafia History Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #74 on: May 06, 2011, 06:30:09 AM »
Furthermore, the vote's reason itself is very OMGUS-y.
Yare yare.

Your post makes less sense than Haruhi's orders. But, because I hate it when people refuse to answer me, I'll say something here.
  • Kyon's providing increasingly flimsy reasoning for not moving his vote or making a new case.
I see no reason for me to move my vote or make a new case for now when I see Protoman as the current scummiest. Sailor Moon raises some eyebrows but I want to see her responses to other's questions. Everybody else doesn't exist yet and I'm not an esper, a time-traveller, an alien or anything of that nature so I fail to see how I could make a case on them.
  • Furthermore, the vote's reason itself is very OMGUS-y.
It... was an OMGUS? I fail to see how so, care to elaborate?
  • The point that Kyon is attacking is that Protoman didn't believe Monoe's defense of Kyon to be justified.
Yare yare. I believed that Protoman.EXE had contributed the most scummy actions up until that point.
  • I want to see Kyon make a case or two that doesn't have anything to do with others' opinions on him.
That's going to be a bit hard for now when the initial thing that got this rolling was Mai questioning me.

##Vote The Comedian

  • The point that Kyon is attacking is that Protoman didn't believe Monoe's defense of Kyon to be justified.
Really? I thought I was voting Protoman.EXE for his refusal to answer my questions. And that Protoman.EXE carried out a chainsaw defence for Mai when Mai's posts all consisted of highly subjective opinions such as calling my "calm and rational" response to her when pressed as town.

Whilst I'm on this subject, I'll answer Protoman.EXE. You ask if I think that subjective means scummy? Long story short, yes and no. No at first, changes to yes as the game goes on. Though subjective may not have been the best word for what I was trying to describe. All of Mai's reads are based off of how people have reacted emotionally(?) to the events of ED1. For example, "town would not react in such an overly defensive manner", "scum would panic in a situation like this".  Like I said earlier I was willing to overlook this in ED1. The main reason why I looked at it again was because of your chainsaw defence of Mai.


  • Kiva-la
Re: Mafia History Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #75 on: May 06, 2011, 06:36:50 AM »
The Prinny also brings up a good point, you seem to be highly selective about what information you look at.


  • DiEnd
Re: Mafia History Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #76 on: May 06, 2011, 09:09:27 AM »
What you say!  CATS may be my friend for the day, but going for the easiest target in the game for his uncertainty while ignoring the far more juicier stuff in people like Mai and Kyon smacks of active lurking (for now).  What are your views on the others?

##Vote: CATS


Not happy with both Kyon and The Comedian; the earlier has shifted his vote onto Comedian for no reason other than OMGUS, answering Comedian but not saying why he's scummy over Protoman, while the latter requires from Kyon justification for not changing his vote without requiring it from anyone else, which is a kind of tunneling without any precedent.  I would like answers from the two.


  • Decade
Re: Mafia History Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #77 on: May 06, 2011, 09:21:01 AM »
I think I know who you are Protoman, but that has nothing to do with this, so I guess I won't say, dood.
Protoman can break you.

Protoman agrees. He has no trouble pursuing Sniper Penguin Hat. Protoman is not interested in your excuses. Protoman is interested how Sniper Penguin Hat only makes comments without commitment on Navis that already had comments made on them. Protoman wants Sniper Penguin Hat to stop being a Sniper Parrot.

Ah, I see what your saying there and I guess I'm statisfied with that answer., dood.
##Unvote Monoe
Protoman thinks this is bad. What did Sniper Penguin Hat see Monoe was saying here? Why did it make Sniper Penguin Hat satisfied? What does Sniper Penguin Hat think of SOS Slave Boy and what he is saying about Protoman? What does Sniper Penguin Hat think of what Protoman is saying about SOS Slave Boy? Does Sniper Penguin Hat agree with either? Protoman thinks Sniper Penguin Hat should answer quickly.

Protoman is not impressed with SOS Slave Boy either. Slave Boy might not have a built-in calculator like Protoman but he is pretty sure Slave Boy can count there are more Navis on the BBS besides Sailor Moon and Protoman.

Quote from: Kyon
* The point that Kyon is attacking is that Protoman didn't believe Monoe's defense of Kyon to be justified.

Really? I thought I was voting Protoman.EXE for his refusal to answer my questions. And that Protoman.EXE carried out a chainsaw defence for Mai when Mai's posts all consisted of highly subjective opinions such as calling my "calm and rational" response to her when pressed as town.
The Comedian has the correct data. Protoman thinks continuing to pretend Protoman never answered you is bad. Protoman doesn't have a shield in his EXE form so pretending he was defending someone earlier is also bad. Continuing to attack Protoman for something Protoman didn't do or attacking other Navis for noticing what Protoman pointed out is a suspicious virus probing maneuver. Protoman wants to delete both of you.

Protoman will explain why he thinks what Slave Boy calla subjective Protoman calls virus hunting. What Mai has inputted about emotional responses and reading them is correct. Mai is giving the userbase her reads and the emotional basis for reading them. If Slave Boy disagrees with any of the data Mai has inputted he should say which reads he disagrees with instead of calling a valid Chip Set subjective and scummy as days continue.


  • Skull
Re: Mafia History Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #78 on: May 06, 2011, 09:23:45 AM »
Hey, what's goin' on here? We're startin' the serious talk already?!

'k, so somethin' I don't get about the Mai chick. She's goin' on about how she was pressin' the facepalm kid about his bringin' up the rules. Thing is, if she didn't put a vote next ta that pressin', of course Kyon's not really gonna care about it. Also, you said you thought the kid was Town because he didn't give a reaction.

Quote from: Kyon 37
Now, let me ask you how thinking about the game's rules is anti-town?

Whyzis not count as a reaction, pal? Kyon put the exact same amounta pressure on you as you did on him. OMGUS on a non-vote's a scum read, sure, but No OMGUS on a non-vote's not really a Town read. Actually pointin' your finger and votin' would make it count more, but ya didn't do that, did ya?

As for other folks, The Blue Explody Penguin (question: could you take the Blue Badger in a fight?) is kinda crappy fer his lack of conviction 'n' his habit of goin' 'OK I get what yer saying, I'm gonna just not push another case now'. Moon looks weird for tryin' to make a case outta 'he didn't quote the mod right', but I'll give her a pass cuz it's ED1 and I don't think Mai's case was as great as folks say it was. Facepalm kid, though, is the worst of the worst ta me. Comedian calls him out for OMGUS votin' Protoman, and the kid's answer is to:
a) Say he's got nothin' worth sayin about ANY of the other cases
b) Declare that thanks ta Mai's case he literally can't make cases that don't involve himself (Pal, you've got plentya indirect points to work with. People's reactions to Mai and stuff. Ya don't have to focus only on the people who're focusin' on you)
c) Throws an OMGUS vote on tha Comedian fer no good reason.

Generally Kyon's comin' up with lousy excuses to not contribute ta town discussion, 'n' I don't like it. Though I don't like Mai's pushin' of him earlier his later actions have really left 'im lookin' bad in my book.

##Vote: Kyon

Wanna see Mai come back 'n' say some more stuff. Think she's been gettin' too muchuva free pass.


  • Kiva-la
Re: Mafia History Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #79 on: May 06, 2011, 09:24:50 AM »
the earlier has shifted his vote onto Comedian for no reason other than OMGUS, answering Comedian but not saying why he's scummy over Protoman
No reason other than OMGUS? You aren't telling me that The Comedian's only real content post isn't horrible? Yare yare.
To answer your question, it seemed like The Comedian was trying to start a wagon (on me) with the worst execution. This is what makes me think that he's scummier than Protoman.EXE.

Let go of me Haruhi! I just need to make this post.


  • Kiva-la
Re: Mafia History Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #80 on: May 06, 2011, 09:43:47 AM »
Protoman will explain why he thinks what Slave Boy calla subjective Protoman calls virus hunting. What Mai has inputted about emotional responses and reading them is correct. Mai is giving the userbase her reads and the emotional basis for reading them. If Slave Boy disagrees with any of the data Mai has inputted he should say which reads he disagrees with instead of calling a valid Chip Set subjective and scummy as days continue.
Essentially, the big thing I don't like about Mai is her #51. Town are just as capable as scum of overreacting, and the reverse holds true as well, of course.
The main reason I suspect her is because of you.

And Dick, about your point B. Are you implying that I will refuse to make other cases?
Like I said, I don't think that any of the people that currently exist outside of Protoman.EXE and The Comedian are looking all that scummy right now and so I see no reason for me to pursue them for the time being. Aside from Sailor Moon, but I'd like to wait to see how she responds to the other's questions first.
And with your A, I don't get it. Are you telling me to make cases against those that I think are town for the time being?


  • Decade
Re: Mafia History Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #81 on: May 06, 2011, 09:58:18 AM »
Protoman thinks SOS Slave Boy should stop using Norton Antivirus and upgrade to a virus detection program that actually works. There isn't enough data to attack other Navis based on false virus reads. Defense isn't a valid input to hold against the Navi being defended. They have no control over who other operators command their Navis to NetBattle. Protoman thinks Slave Boy should try processing the BBS while ignoring Protoman and seeing if his program detects different data. Protoman accepts your answer about post #51 but disagrees that town are as defensive as viruses.


  • Kiva-la
Re: Mafia History Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #82 on: May 06, 2011, 10:18:49 AM »
Whilst I'm here, I might as well make this post.

Things that I find weird (weird !=scummy):
  • The Comedian being third on the Anonymous random wagon. obvscum
  • Mai's declaration of my response as being decidedly town. She then declares that the entire thing was unlimited gambit works and she was waiting for everybody else's reactions.
  • Sailor Moon, still waiting.
  • Monoe's defence of me by attacking Mai.
  • Protoman's defence of Mai by attacking Monoe.
  • CATS. All your grammar is belong to you?
  • Prinny really hasn't been doing much, despite taking part in all the conversations.
  • The Comedian's dynamic entrance with reasoning that I can't find myself making much sense of.

Things that I think look scummy from that list:
  • ... Actually I think I'm going to go reread Monoe.
  • Protoman's defence of Mai followed by his statement that he didn't what I thought of his tactics. It's mainly the latter part that makes me think that Protoman is giving off scummy vibes.
  • The Comedian trying to start a wagon on me with, what I consider to be a, series of misreps. Feel free to try to disprove me.
  • The Prinny's contribution so far. After all, despite looking like it's actively taking part in discussion, all it's really doing is poking the less active players.
Out of these I still think that The Comedian has the most scum intent.

Re: Mafia History Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #83 on: May 06, 2011, 11:32:18 AM »
U, um, it looks like e, everyone went ahead and p, posted a lot!
Sorry, miss Liliane needed me... u, um...


T, then, Kyon does a bad job (I, I'm sorry) at explaining his reasons and inducting the rest of us in his thought process.
I, I think he needs to point out what all the misreps are, I haven't seen much in Comedian's reasons that sounds like a blatant misrepresentation.
What exactly are these misrepresentations and why are they scum-motivated?
Why does Protoman not caring about what you think about his tactics make him scummy?

P, Prinny, dood.
You haven't made a case on anyone yet, and I don't know who's suspicious right now.
No vote, so no way to track y, your suspicions.

'k, so somethin' I don't get about the Mai chick. She's goin' on about how she was pressin' the facepalm kid about his bringin' up the rules. Thing is, if she didn't put a vote next ta that pressin', of course Kyon's not really gonna care about it.

H, how do you know?
You d, don't need to vote people to get answers.

Wanna see Mai come back 'n' say some more stuff. Think she's been gettin' too muchuva free pass.

A, and how's Mai g, getting a free pass?
W, what about Mai is so scummy that we should be voting her?

##Vote: Dick Gumshoe
W, why are you trying to direct us to look at Mai when you don't even vote her?
W, why is your case on Kyon a rehash of what everyone's said, and where does Kyon literally say Point 2)?


  • Faiz
Re: Mafia History Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #84 on: May 06, 2011, 11:43:26 AM »
Tell me Mr. Gumshoe, how do you like your seat?
I mean, the spikes of the fence you're on must be hard to sit on.
Quote from: Gumshoe
Generally Kyon's comin' up with lousy excuses to not contribute ta town discussion, 'n' I don't like it. Though I don't like Mai's pushin' of him earlier his later actions have really left 'im lookin' bad in my book.



  • Faiz
Re: Mafia History Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #85 on: May 06, 2011, 11:55:48 AM »
I don't like any of Gumshoe's post really.
Look at what he does. He votes Kyon, clearly with an intent to lynch, but then makes the above comment I showed you.
It's ALMOST like he knows that Kyon will flip town and is setting up the mislynch on him... and then trying to use that mislynch to propel tomorrow's lynch at me.
I don't like it, and I get scumtastic vibes from him.
But Sailor Moon is still worse, and hasn't come back and responded to any of the allegations against her.
My vote is going to stay on Sailor Moon for the moment, but I'll put a nice, flourish-y FoS:Gumshoe down.


  • Faiz
Re: Mafia History Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #86 on: May 06, 2011, 12:02:56 PM »
Ah, I see what your saying there and I guess I'm statisfied with that answer., dood.

##Unvote Monoe

And CATS, It's okay to RP but not when your posts comes out as gibberish. It's hard to understand what your trying to say or even what your accusing me of, dood.

Also, this Moon thing is interesting but I'll wait for a response from her before commenting.

Oh, please. PLEASE provide more content. You're an amazing town force, catching scum right and left~! :roll:
Seriously, stop active lurking. "I'll wait for a response before I comment" is a great excuse to avoid talking about something in a 48 hour day.
I want your opinions on the following people in your next post:
1) Mai Tokiha
2) Kyon
3) Gumshoe
4) Protoman
5) Sailor Moon
There is lots to talk about with these 5. I want a paragraph for each, and a stance on them with reference to their alignment.


  • Ouja
Re: Mafia History Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #87 on: May 06, 2011, 01:22:00 PM »
This better be good huh?

Ok so I'll just say that I got emotionally flared by anon's provoke and responded in one of the worst ways possible. Am I now scummy and look awful in 82 different ways because of that?  I'd say so. Can I redeem myself by making cases on others?  I'd like to think so.

Prinny: as much as everyone loves active lurking and your use of fence sitty phrases while riding others peoples cases out, I think Mai just addressed what she wants from you really well just now.

Then there seems to be this trifecta brewing with Kyon in the center of it. My purification sparkles a having a hard time getting through so less double negatives would be nice but Protoman and thecomedian all seem connected somehow. So honestly I find myself agreeing with the stuff Kyon puts out more than Protoman's. It just seems better although that could be because I'm not totally clear on what the misreps comedian gave to Kyon were but his one hit wonder post just felt off when I read it. More posts from him would help.
It's thing's like this from Protoman that make me want to distrust him.  That coupled with him implying that he seems to be ignoring Kyon until he makes some grand case or something.  All in all, all three of them look bad. I would order them in order to lynch as Protoman>comedian>Kyon.

I personally thought that gumshoe came rolling in with a good post that made nice points he seems ok for now.

Maybe because it was placing a vote for me but I didn't like Monoe's 61 when I first read it. I mean it feels ok now but something felt off.

Everyone else come play with us so I can find the scums in you :3

I feel better about placing my vote on the Prinny until he makes a case but I think my opinions about that odd triangle are clear unless something changing comes up.
##Vote: Prinny

And please if I missed something you wanted me to address, slap me and point it out.


  • Decade
Re: Mafia History Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #88 on: May 06, 2011, 01:39:29 PM »

It's ALMOST like he knows that Kyon will flip town and is setting up the mislynch on him... and then trying to use that mislynch to propel tomorrow's lynch at me.
Protoman thinks Mai is reaching too far. There is not enough input to leap this far forward with accusations. Protoman also thinks Mai should answer questions from Gumshoe despite negative response to his input. Why did what Gumshoe pointed out not count as a reaction? If Donut Moon is not deletable today will Mai help Protoman make his penguin hat for tomorrow?

Donut Moon found three viruses already! Reading...

How can one post sound so bad? Protoman wants to give Donut Moon a medal! How can you make an order of three best deletions and forget to vote for any of them? Protoman wants to know what about #65 Donut Moon doesn't trust. Protoman wants to know why you are taking the side of Slave Boy in an argument where Protoman is not voting for Slave Boy and implying one of these two must be a virus. Explain how Protoman is connected to The Comedian. What did Donut Moon find off about Monoe?  Why is Donut Moon not voting for who she believes is a virus? Why is Donut Moon voting for the same Navi as Protoman if she thinks Protoman is a virus?! What kind of hat can Protoman make out of your head?

##Vote: Sailor Moon

Protoman is disapointed Chaud could not upload his Delta Ray Edge Chip. Protoman wants to delete so many Navis.


  • Faiz
Re: Mafia History Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #89 on: May 06, 2011, 01:47:03 PM »
ITT Sailor Moon claims scum.
@SM: Just because you say "OH YEAH THAT THING I DID WAS KINDA SCUMMY", doesn't mean that... it wasn't scummy. It looks like you're trying to regain town cred by asking for forgiveness and a second chance.
Don't like it.
P-Edit: It appears I missed that part of Gumshoe's post.
Kyon's question back at me was one I was expecting. It's a normal question that town would ask IMHO. If you read it differently, that's your prerogative, but I have my read. I feel if Kyon was scum, it would have been more of an attack, rather than the level headed response I got. At least... for a Day 1 read.
I want the Penguin to die too, if he doesn't answer to my requests. I want his cases and opinions, and for him to stop active lurking. If he doesn't do this for me, he's going to get me riding his wagon.