Author Topic: Bliss Online  (Read 8420 times)


  • Transcend the edge of Dissillusion
Bliss Online
« on: January 20, 2011, 02:28:00 AM »
"So honestly, what IS it?"

"It's really hard to explain, it took me quite a while to understand as well. But after you do, you'll realize the strange utility of it."

"It's just a piece of metal and plastic. And it's not even enchanted."

"It's not like that...Just listen."

It was about 5 o'clock in the afternoon that day. The weather was mild, as it was admist spring, Mid-March to be exact. Fujiwara no Mokou stood in the schoolhouse with Keine Kamishirasawa and looked at the strange object that was sitting on one of the school's desks. It was, as far as Mokou could tell, just a group of square pieces of junk. One of the squares had a few buttons and lights on it, and was taller than the rest of the pieces. This piece had some strange cables streaming out the back of it, one leading to the wall, and the others leading to every other piece of junk. The second bit that had caught her eye was not as tall as the first piece, but wider. It also had large section of glass on the front, as if it were a window to the inside, but it was simply dark when Mokou tried to look into it. This piece also had a small light on it, and a few buttons. However, the most intruiging pieces were the smaller ones that lay in front of the two larger ones, for they seemed to be the most useful, and yet were the most perplexing. One was a small piece of plastic that fit easily into the hand, and had two buttons with a small rubber wheel that spun inbetween them. The second was a flat piece of plastic with many buttons on it, all with either letters, numbers, symbols, words, or a comination of sorts printed on them. However, pressing any of the buttons seemed to do nothing, so Mokou was left extremely confused.

"It's called a computer," Keine started, "and people in the outside world use it to do all sorts of things."

"Yeah? Like what? None of these buttons do anything!" Mokou noted as she pressed a few more buttons on the flat piece.

"Mokou, becareful with that!" Keine warned as she noticed how hard her friend was treating her computer. "That's called the keyboard, and you use it to control the computer."

"Then why doesn't anything work?" Mokou asked yet again, becoming increasingly frustrated at this farce. For all she knew, this entire situation was some sort of joke being played on her.

"You have to turn the computer on first," Keine replied. "The computer doesn't work if it's not on."

"What do you mean on? It's like a machine?" Mokou inquired.

"Yes, I guess you could think of it that way. But this isn't a mechanical machine with gears or anything, it works in a different way. But that part is really hard to explain, so I'll just leave it at that." Keine smiled.

Mokou wasn't sure whether or not to feel insulted at that comment - she was sure she could understand it if she worked hard enough. However, just the idea of the strange object before her having such a diverse use that Keine herself would obtain one for her school was hard enough, so she decided to silently agree.

"So...How do you turn it on?" Mokou asked, looking at all of the keys on the keyboard. "None of these look like they'll do it."

"You press this button right here." Keine pointed to a large white button on the tall piece. "This part is the actual computer, and this is where all the work is done."

"Will it be loud? If it does as much as you say, it's gotta be noisy, or bright, or something." The immortal thought about what kinds of things the computer might do if it was turned on, and nothing she could think of sounded extremely pleasant. If something does a lot of work, it must make a lot of noise obviously, especially if it's a machine.

"Actually, it's suprisingly quiet. It makes a small bit of noise constantly, but hoenstly you'll get used to it within minutes, seconds even." Keine explained. "It really is a wonder. Here, take a seat in that chair and turn it on. I'll show you."

Mokou took a seat in Keine's chair at her teacher's desk, and looked at the computer tower. She honestly couldn't fathom what would possibly happen if she pressed the large white button on the front of it. However, being as long lived as she had been, she had seen countless changes in the world, of which includes countless inventions that she has gotten used to over the years. Simply deciding that nothing bad could come out of it, Mokou pressed the large button and waited for the computer to start doing whatever it was supposed to do.

As she pressed the button, a few of the lights on the front of the tower lit up, and some noises started to come from the large object. Suddenly, Mokou could start to see words and lines appear within the glass-covered structure.

"Keine, what's it doing? And what's all this stuff mean? It's appearing and dissapearing too fast, I can't read any of it!" Mokou said, frantically attempted to see what this strange machine was attempting to do.

"None of those words are really important, the computer is starting up." Keine explained.

"Then why is it even doing it? And how does it keep changing like this? What's going on!?" The immortal asked frantically, becoming increasingly confused on how this strange contraption could have had words written on it behind the darkness, and yet how the words could continually fluxuate, move, and change themselves without any type of magic at all.

"Mokou, that's called the monitor. It shows what the computer is doing, and it's made up of lots of little square lights called pixels." Keine started once again. "The computer controls how those lights turn on or off, or change color, and by doing that with many of the lights at the same time, it can create things like words or pictures. Then it can move or change them by simply changing which lights are on. That's about the best way I can explain it..." The teacher added, seeing Mokou's confused look on her face.

"So...Those are all tiny little lights?" Mokou asked in confirmation.

"Yes. Perhaps it's best to simply take it as it is instead of trying to think about it too hard, the technology of the outside world is quite confusing." Keine told her friend candidly.

"Yeah...What's this mean? Stuff stopped moving. Is it broken?" Mokou asked as she noticed that the computer had stopped flashing assorted words and pictures by, and it was now sitting on a stationary screen. "Keine...Password...You have to tell it a password? Do you just say it?"

"No, that's what the keyboard is for." The were-hakutaku explained once again. "See all of the letters and numbers? When you press one, it writes that letter in the little box right here." Keine pointed to the white box that was asking for the password.

"Ok, I guess that kinda makes sense, although I don't get how so many of these buttons can function through this little cable..." Mokou noted as she poked at the keyboard's cord.

"A computer functions through pulses of electricity, I was told." The teacher began to tell her. "You remember how electricity works, right?"

"Yeah, it's like lightning running through metal, but in smaller amounts, used to power stuff like lightbulbs." Mokou smiled, feeling smart for a change.

"That's right, and a computer can read different micro-pulses of electricity as different signals to it. That's how you talk to the computer to tell it to do things - you press the keys on the keyboard, which then send little tiny bits of electricity through that cord and into the main computer, which then is read by the computer, and the action you requested is performed. For example, if you press the 'a' key right there, the computer will quickly read the electricity that the keyboard sent to it, and it will recognize that you pressed 'a', and then it will write the 'a' in this white box."

Mokou sat and tried to absorb the teacher's words, but things weren't quite clicking with her. She was trying her best to understand this strange contraption known as a computer, but the more she tried to understand, the more she was simply confused, as more questions arose. She gave up for the time being, and decided to just work with the basics - how to operate it.

"Ok Keine, what's the password?" Mokou asked.

Keine thought for a moment, then turned to her friend. "I'm not going to give it to you."

"What!? Come on, why not?" Mokou reacted, shocked at this new development, thinking that Keine was distrusting her.

"Well, it's hard to explain exactly why, but let's say that a computer remembers certain things that you've done with it, and some of the things I've done I'd like if they weren't changed, like the student's grades I have the computer remember." Keine started. "However, we can tell the computer that you're a new person, and you can have your own password that will tell the computer to set itsself up just for you."

"How does that even..." Mokou started, but deemed it was no use once again. She really didn't understand what was going on, as she was getting very lost.

"Here, I'll just set it up for you. If I may have my seat, please." Keine smiled, and Mokou agreed, getting out of the seat.

Keine typed in a password generally quickly and pressed another key, which caused the screen to start changing once again. Mokou was amazed the her friend was able to find all the letters on the keyboard so quickly, because they seemed to be just scattered around randomly. Without explaining anything, Keine took a hold of the smaller device that had two buttons and the wheel on it and began to move it around. She pressed a button on it, which caused more things to appear on the screen, and continued this strange pattern for a bit. Mokou was trying to follow what she was doing, but it was all so new to her, especially since she was born such a long time ago, and her mind was having a tough time trying to wrap around the idea of this strange contraption.

After a small while, Keine pressed a few more buttons and the computer's screen returned to what it looked like before the teacher had taken over. However, there was an extra word on the screen: "Mokou".

"There we are, I have your profile set up." Keine affirmed her friend. "Now all you have to do is type in your password, and it will let you use it."

"So the passwords are so that nobody you don't want to use your computer doesn't use it?" Mokou asked, figuring out the entire process slowly.

"That's right. And, as I will explain better in a moment, you can make computers memorize things, such as my list of students and their grades. Sometimes there's things that you want to keep safe on a computer, and you don't want anybody to tell the computer to change what you had it memorize."

"Wouldn't the computer just know that whoever is trying to tell it things isn't you?" Mokou asked.

"You have to remember, Mokou, the computer is a machine." Keine told her. "It doesn't actually know who you are - all it does is ask you the password when you first turn it on, and if you tell it the correct password, it will let you use it. It can't actually see you, or hear you."

Mokou thought about this for a moment, and it somewhat made sense. "So it's kind of like a key to a house - if somebody steals your key, the lock won't know any different. Right?"

"I never thought of it that way, but yes, it works just like that." Keine smiled. "I'm suprised at how fast you're learning all of this Mokou, it took me quite a while to understand even a small portion of what you know already."

Mokou was somewhat shocked, because she thought that she wasn't understanding much at all. This made computers seem even more cryptic and strange to her - if Keine took longer than her to understand this stuff, and she was having trouble as it is, then computers must be even more complicated than she imagined.

"Where did you even get this thing?" Mokou asked.

"From Kourindou. You know, that shop that deals in all sorts of strange goods, including some things from the outside world." Keine answered.

"I guess that makes sense...Anyway, what is my password to tell the computer who I am?"

"Oh, right. Here, click on your name." Keine started.

"Do what now?" Mokou asked, confused.

"Oh, right. Here, take that into your hand. It's called the mouse." Keine explained, pointing to the small plastic object she had used before.

Mokou picked it up and looked at it. "What do I do now?"

"No, don't lift it. You put your hand on it, but keep it on the table." Keine explained, laughing a bit at Mokou's attempts at understanding the computer.

"Then what do you do with it?" The immortal asked back.

"You see that little arrow on the screen?" Keine pointed to it. "This is called the cursor. You move it using the mouse. Slide the mouse across the table for yourself, see what happens."

Mokou did just that, and was astonished at how the cursor moved. She moved it up and down, left and right, and in a small circle.

"Wow...But what do you do with it?"

"See those two buttons on the mouse?" Keine pointed. "The left one is the most important one, and the right one is the secondary one. You move the cursor over to what you want the computer to pay attention to, or do next, then you press the left mouse button. That's called clicking something, because of the sound that the mouse makes when you press the button."

"Okay...I guess..." Mokou confusedly said, moving the mouse around a bit more, and pressing the left click a few times. "Nothing's happening."

"That's because you're not clicking on anything. Here, move the cursor to your name, and click on it."

Mokou did just that, and the white box underneath Keine's name dissapeared, with a box underneath Mokou's name appearing.

"Now do I tell it the password?" Mokou asked.

"Yes, you do. I set your password as 'hello' for right now, but you can change it later. Just type the world 'hello' using the keyboard, then press the key that says enter right there." Keine pointed to the enter key.

Mokou searched around the keyboard for the H, and it was beginning to annoy her about how many letters and symbols were on the thing. She quickly figured out that all of the letters were grouped, but this still didn't help matters on trying to find the exact letter she wanted. Finally, she found it, and pressed it. A small black dot appeared in the white box on the screen, much to Mokou's suprise, who was expecting an H.

"What happened? This is just some dot, did I do something wrong?"

"No, the computer does that on purpose." Keine explained. "That way if somebody is looking at the computer screen while you're trying to type in your password, they can't simply read it. The computer knows it was an H you pressed, so please continue." Keine smiled, motioning toward the computer.

Turing her attention back to the keyboard, Mokou searched around for an E. Finding it, she repeated the process with the L, of which she pressed twice, and the O. Looking a bit more, she found the enter key, and pressed it, then looked up at the screen and waited.

"Hey...It says "Welcome Mokou". I did it right?"

"Yes, you did." Keine smiled. "Now you can use the computer."

"Wow, all of that just to get the thing turned on. Are you sure these things are really all that useful?" Mokou asked.

"Yes, you just need to get used to using them. Once you do, you'll be able to tell it your password quickly and get straight to doing what you wish to do on the computer."

"Which is...?" The immortal looked up at the teacher, not exactly sure what to do next.

The two sat in the schoolroom for several hours more, with Keine enjoying watching Mokou learn about the computer. Keine explained a lot of words and terms that Mokou would need to know, such as a file, logging in and out, an icon, and a program. A program specifially intruiged Mokou - she could somewhat understand a file, the computer would somehow memorize a set of words (the type of file Keine showed her was a simple word processing document), and tell you later when you wanted to read it again. However, the concept of a program was most perplexing to her.

As Keine explained it, a program was a set of instructions written in a special code that a computer would remember, and if you told the computer to run the set of instructions, it would do different things. There were all different types of programs that a computer could perform, and it was then that the utility of a computer was beginning to dawn upon the immortal girl. Keine explained that in the outside world, people can get paid to create complex instructions for computers to perform complex tasks, such as the program that tells a computer how to save and load the word processing files that Keine had shown her. Mokou began to understand a computer as a type of mechanical, servant intelligence at that point - it was stupid at first, but if you told it different programs, or gave it lots of files, it would memorize things and never forget them unless you told it to.

After Mokou had (mostly) mastered the ideas and terms of doing simple things like making text files and changing her password, Keine had one more thing to show her.

"The internet?" Mokou asked inquisitively, becoming confused again.

"Yes, the internet." Keine affirmed her. "It's a type of virtual network that lets thousands of computers talk to eachother at once."

"How does that work? And what is it?" Mokou asked, not having the slightest clue of what it could be.

"Well, let's put it this way. Somewhere in the outside world, there are giant computers who's job is to do nothing but remember and process things for other computers to access. These are called servers, and they have hundreds and thousands of cords that run to computers all over the world, like a giant net, and if you plug one of those cords into your computer, your computer can talk to these giant computers."

"So you connect your computer to these giant computers in the outside world, and then" Mokou asked. "I thought they couldn't talk because they're machines."

"They don't actually talk, Mokou." Keine smiled once again. "They send electrical pulses extremely quickly through the cords, and those pulses are in patterns that comptuters are built to understand. A computer then takes the messages that all of these pulses creates, and does something with it. These messages could be in the form of more programs, or files, or just about anything really."

Mokou tried to wrap her mind around this idea, but as with everything else that had to do with these strange devices, it was coming slow to her. However, her longevity had taught her to accept things as they were, so she once again decided not to try to think about it too hard.

"So...what do you do with the internet?"

"You can do many, many things. The servers that manage the internet hold plenty of things - encyclopedia's worth of information, pictures of just about everything you can think of, anything. The beauty of the internet is that anybody can give the servers information to remember, and therefore you can find people's own personal thoughts and opinions on things, and you can even place your own thoughts or questions on the internet and have somebody somewhere completely different in the world read them, then place their responses. That way, it's like you'd be talking to that person, even though you're still here in Gensokyo, and they're still where they were."

Mokou stopped and digested this information for quite some time, attempting to work out what it meant. She was boggling over the idea that computers were so complex and worldwide, and that she had not only never heard of them, but that this sort of thing could have even been created in the fist place.

"So what you're saying is that this computer is connected with the world. And I can talk with anybody in the world who also has a computer? Wouldn't that get annoying?" Mokou asked.

"Well, there's certain limitations, and it's not like that really. You see..."

Keine's lesson on the wonders of the internet lasted clear until 11 o'clock at night. The two had gained substantial progress in making Mokou learn about computers in that day, and yet it was all still a new blur to her. After much trial and error, Mokou learned that the best way to go about learning the ways of the internet would to be simply begin to use it and see what happens. Keine had Mokou pull up a browser, which opened up to a search engine.

"What's this thing?" The immortal asked.

"That's called a search engine, and it's the fastest way to look around the internet." Keine told her. "You simply type what you want to look for in that box right there, and then press search. Then a bunch of links to different things on the internet will come up, all based on what you typed in. What's something you'd like to look for?"

"Something I'd like to look for...Well, up until now, computers have been a lot of work and stress for me. How about something fun?" Mokou noted, seeing how all she had been exposed to thus far was from a teacher's perspective, who had gotten the computer exclusively for work purposes.

"Mm, yes. I guess you could look for some games or something...Try typing that. Games." Keine told her, seeing how it was far after the school day anyway, and a bit of play would not hurt anyone.

Mokou typed in the word slowly into the search bar, and clicked search. A large list of website links flew across the screen, and Mokou was a bit intimidated at the internet's speed at first, but then began to read what had come up.

"Free online games....Flash games....What's all this stuff mean?"

"A flash game is a small program that has the purpose of entertaining you. You play it by pressing certain buttons on the keyboard, or by using your mouse, at certain times to make things happen. For example, if the game included a character that was supposed to jump over things, you would press one button to jump, and perhaps another to walk. Then it would be your job as the player to make the character jump over things on the screen." Keine explained once again, being the teacher that she is.

"That sounds...boring. Wouldn't such a game be kinda pointless?" Mokou asked. "I mean, it's like playing with dolls. Yeah it's fun if you're a little kid, or if you have nothing better to do, but it gets old really fast."

Mokou continued to look through the links, and then one caught her eye.

"Bliss online...Enter the fantastic world of Bliss online. Includes over 15 activity skills, over 50 combat skills, and 6 classes to choose from. Join our community and sign up today...I wonder what this is?"

"Oh, that's really complex looking..." Keine started. "I don't know if you should play that one."

"Are you calling me stupid?" Mokou lashed out a bit.

"No, of course not!" Keine was taken aback. "It's just that it's one of -those- games."

"What do you mean?" Mokou asked with slightly baited breath.

"Well, those kinds of games you play with hundreds of other people at once, and they're very complex and difficult to learn. Also, it's not a game like Chess that you'd set up every time you play it - it saves your progress every time you stop playing, so you need to think long term if you wish to play that sort of game."

"Well, you know me, I got all the time in the world." Mokou half-joked. Keine laughed slightly with her, but the laughter coming from both of them was bitter. "I'm going to try it."

Keine looked at Mokou for a second in disbelief, but then decided that she should let her. For the first time since she had known the girl, Mokou took an actual interest in something new to her. Usually she was always somewhat stuck in her old ways, but something about computers seemed to spark a curiousity that, as a teacher, Keine was not about to squander.

"Alright...I guess you can play on my computer for a while. I'm going to go home, make sure you lock all of the doors when you leave here, and log out of the computer and turn it off for me. Ok?" Keiene told her, yawning a bit.

"Ok Keine." Mokou said, beginning to read through the web page that she had been brought to. "Good night."

"Good night, Mokou." Keine smiled before turning and leaving the schoolhouse, and leaving Mokou alone with her computer.


  • Transcend the edge of Dissillusion
Re: Bliss Online
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2011, 02:30:35 AM »
Stumbling through the webpages a little, Mokou found the download button for the game and clicked it, deciding to try out what downloading something was like, since she had heard it from Keine before. After it opened, Mokou saved it in the folder that Keine had made for her, and then she proceeded to wait.

"Downloaded 120MB out of 1.2GB...I wonder how much a "gee bee" is. Or how many "em bees" fit into one." Mokou wondered. She decided that she'd ask Keine in the morning, but for now, just wait until the download was finished. She knew that a computer could only memorize a certain amount of things, and those things were measured in what were called "bytes", so she figured that MB and GB must stand for something byte, but what exactly they were she was unsure of.

After her download, Mokou sighed with relief.

"Finally, that took longer than everything else I've ever made this computer do. I don't know if it just didn't want to work for me, or if this thing was really big or something, but that took forever compared to everything else." Mokou complained.

She ran the program she had downloaded, and the computer popped a window up in her face that began to ask her lots of questions, like something about "where to install", or "what features" she would like. Not knowing what a lot of it meant, she simply clicked the next button a lot and things seemed to continue on, so she thought that no harm was done. Then another progress bar showed up on the screen, and she sighed.

"Oh well...Like I said before, I have all the time in the world." Mokou looked down into her lap. She waited somewhat impatiently, but began to look at the computer ittself after a while.

"This thing is so weird. It's capable of so many random but useful things, and it's all a mystery. People have said that the outside world doesn't contain magic like here, but if I didn't know better, then I would think that they've invented their own kind of magic..." Mokou posed the thought to herself.

While bored and waiting, she clicked the mouse around a few times, looked under it, put it back down, looked really close at the screen, saw the pixels and understood better what Keine had meant, and then leaned back in her chair. After several more minutes, the installation was finally done, and a big "Play" button greeted her.

"Finally. I'm guesing I just click this and it works...I'll figure this out. No problem."

The game started up, and Mokou was amazed at the wonderful pictures and video that began to stream before her. The colors and shapes of everything on the screen looked like nothing she had seen the computer display before, and it all looked as if she could reach in and touch it - it was full motion 3d graphics. After a short intro video, she was brought to a log in screen, to which she thought she knew what to do.

"Mokou...let me in...There we go. Now...enter." Mokou smiled to herself, thinking that things were going smoothly.

"Wait...username or password incorrect? Maybe I typed something wrong..."

Mokou tried again and again, but still the program denied her access.

"Goddamnit, this thing must be broken." Mokou got frustrated. Then she saw something new. "Make a new account...? Maybe that's what I have to do - this game probably has it's own password to it. Makes sense, so you can save your progress like Keine said."

She clicked the link and a large box of text appeared. She read through the first few lines, but a lot of it was making no sense, so she skipped down to the bottom, which had a small button that said "I agree".

"I wonder..." Mokou stopped and looked at the I agree button. She hesitantly clicked it, then waited for something bad to happen. A new screen simply popped up, which contained more boxes for her to fill out information in.

"Wow, I wonder if they'll know I didn't actually read it...oh well, not like it matters. It's just a game, right? Now what's first...Player Name. Should not be your real...wait, why?" Mokou read over the line once more.

Player Name: _____________ (Please do not use your real name)

Mokou read it again to be sure, and then sat and thought. "Well, if I'm not supposed to use my real name...Oh, wait, I think I understand why. Keine said that you play this game with hundreds of people at once. If I put my real name on here, then hundreds of people would know my name, and that'd be a little weird. So I guess I'll just make something's got to be something I remember though."

She sat and thought about the assortment of things she could set up as her name, and nothing good came to her for several minutes. However, she finally had a good idea.

"HouraiFlame. That's fitting, and I bet nobody will get it either." Mokou laughed to herself. She continued to fill out the form, which asked for a password, her age (which she also lied about), and a "secret question" for getting her password back, which she set to "What town were you born in?", thinking that since her old town was gone now anyway, it was a good choice.

After finally finishing, she was brought to the login screen once more, where she typed her information in, and the game finally began.

"Let's see...there's a lot of nothing on this screen." Mokou noted, seeing a screen with a few empty boxes, and not much else. Then she noticed a button that read "Create new Character", so she decided to click that.

"Choose a class...Class? I thought this was a game." Mokou read the options she had on her screen. "Oh...Oh, I get it. So I get to control a fake person on the computer, and right now I have to choose what kind of person it is. Wow, Keine was right, this game IS complex."

She clicked over each of the classes. "Warrior...Deals high melee damage and has high defensive abilities, but lacks ranged skills and is weak to magic...Arcane Knight, higher damage than Warriors, but less defense, although more magical defense, and also has limited range abilities...Mage, is a magic user who has superb ranged and area skills, but poor defense and health....Archer, has extreme ranged skill and great accuracy, but also lacks health, and cannot attack up close...Rogue, speedy character with weak attack, but the opportunities to attack quicker than any other class....or Cleric, healing master who helps the party in battle, but possesses limited combat abilities."

She looked over each class carefully, and felt somewhat overwhelmed. Not only was this her first day with a computer, but her first computer game, which was confusing enough. Still, she kept an open mind and decided that the game she was playing would at least include having to battle things, so she tried to decide what would suit her own tastes if she were in the game.

"I think...Well, I kind of want to be a Mage, because I like the idea of magic...But I think I'll choose this one. I like staying alive, too."

Mokou clicked "Arcane Knight", and clicked confirm.

She was soon treated to a scene where the character she had just created was in front of her, and also was standing next to several other people. A window popped up in front of her, and she began to read it.

"Welcome to Bliss Online, our tutorial will help you get started with the game. Ok, I'll just click next here..." Mokou grabbed a hold of the mouse and clicked the button. "First, use the WASD keys to walk around...Wait, what?" Mokou looked down at her keyboard, and then saw the keys W, A, S, and D  all in a small group to the left of the board.

She tried pressing one, and the person on the screen took a step forward. Pressing the others, Mokou quickly figured out that W was forward, A was left, S was backward, and D was right. This made sense to her, seeing as that's somewhat how the keys were set up, except for S, which was more of a center key to her. However, she took a mental note of this setup, and clicked continue once more.

"Good, now walk over to the Training Tutor. Who's...Oh, look, it's got to be that person over there." Mokou noted as she saw a person on the screen with an arrow pointed over their head. She pressed the W key and watched her character walk forward toward the Training Tutor, and was somewhat amazed.

"It's kinda neat how people in the outside world invented this. I guess this is what they do because they don't have any real magic. I like this. Ok, now lets read this...This is the Training Tutor. Note how her name is in Yellow - that means she is an NPC (non player character). Wait, she's not a person?" Mokou stopped for a second. Then it clicked with her.

"Oh, I get it. That person must be a program. Kind of like these windows that keep popping up...I doubt somebody is constantly typing these messages to me, it's most likely already set up with instructions to the computer, just like a program. Heh. I'm so smart, look at me!" Mokou smiled to herself once again. She took to heart that she was understanding computers quickly, and was quite proud of herself for the fact.

"So names in yellow means they're not real...I see my name over my person's head, and it's white, so I guess that means I'm real. Heh."

Mokou continued in this pattern for quite a while, reading the messages and following directions, slowly trying to figure out how to play the game. The entire time she had played it, however, she had not seen a single real person - only NPC's. She was walked through how to move her camera to see different angles, open up her inventory and other assorted menus, and even how to talk. This was the most fun for her at first, but it quickly got old as she didn't have anybody to talk to in the game. She continued her tutorial, and learned how to fight by fighing a weak monster.

Despite all of this training, however, there were only 3 things that really stuck with her when the tutorial was over - Walking, moving her camera, and talking.

The tutorial tutor bid Mokou goodbye, and then the game started for real, and Mokou's character was led to a town with many people in it - real people.

"Wow, all of their names are in white! There's this many people playing the game at the same time? This is kinda intense..." Mokou noted to herself. "Where do I start...Maybe I should go over to somebody and say hello?

Mokou walked her character over to somebody who was standing still, and their character looked esquisite and lavish compared to hers, which wore extremely simply armor and a deplorable looking sword. Nevertheless, Mokou tried to be friendly.


Mokou waited, but the person didn't respond. She tried again, and tried using their character's name this time to see if it was because this person didn't know if she was talking to her directly.

[HouraiFlame]Hello PKer943
[PKer943]Go away noob.
[Dyjdy]lol pwnd

Mokou looked at what this person and his friend said, and was a bit confused. They obviously wanted her to go away, but those words they used seemed like a different language to her.

[HouraiFlame]I'm new.
[Dyjdy]That sucks.

The two people walked away from Mokou's character, leaving her confused.

"Jerks." She commented to herself. "I guess not all people are nice, just like here."

Mokou continued to walk her character around and attempt to talk to people, but nobody wanted to talk with her. Mokou just frowned at the game, and began to lose interest.

"Just like real life I guess. Nobody really wants to do anything with me, except Keine I guess." Mokou sighed. "Oh well, I don't get what I'm supposed to be doing in this game anyway, maybe I should just stop playing."

[UsagiHime]Hey Hourai

Mokou looked at the screen quickly when she noticed that somebody was trying to talk to her.

[UsagiHime]Wanna party?

Mokou stopped to think quickly at what this girl who was talking to her might mean, and despite being told what it meant in the tutorial, her memory was failing her.

[HouraiFlame]What's that
[UsagiHime]omg are you serious?
[UsagiHime]wow is this your first time on the internet or something?
[HouraiFlame]yes actually
[UsagiHime]That would explain why you're typing so slow.
[HouraiFlame]what's omg mean

There was a pause, as the other girl's character didn't say anything. Mokou was about to type something else, but then her response came.

[UsagiHime]you weren't kidding about this being your first time on the internet, were you?
[HouraiFlame]no I wasnt
[UsagiHime]I pity you.

Mokou frowned at the screen. "Are all people jerks in this game?"

[UsagiHime]Lucky for you, I'm nice. I'll help you out.

Mokou looked at the screen and stared at the message for a second, then smiled.

[HouraiFlame]thank you, you're nice
[UsagiHime]lol, you're welcome
[HouraiFlame]what's lol mean
[UsagiHime]it stands for laugh out loud. It's faster to type than 'haha' or something
[HouraiFlame]ok thank you. what's omg mean
[UsagiHime]It stands for oh my god.
[UsagiHime]I can tell you're gonna need a lot of work Hourai
[HouraiFlame]whats that supposed to mean?
[UsagiHime]Nothing bad. You'll just need to be taught a lot
[UsagiHime]Before you can fit in with people in the internet.
[UsagiHime]Maybe playing an MMO wasn't the best choice to start with lol
[HouraiFlame]what's mmo mean
[UsagiHime]Wow, I use a lot of internet slang now that I think about it.
[UsagiHime]Just used to it I guess, it comes naturally after being on it so long
[UsagiHime]MMO means massive multiplayer online.
[UsagiHime]The game you're playing is an MMORPG
[UsagiHime]That stands for massive multiplayer online role playing game.
[HouraiFlame]This is a lot to remember
[Rogue4Life]lol, what are you 10? Go back to playing with your legos idiot lol
[UsagiHime]Hey, shut up loser.
[UsagiHime]This girl's just new. Give her a break.
[Rogue4Life]whatever lv1 noob. come say loser to my face in the PvP area
[UsagiHime]Just beat it before I report you for harassment.
[HouraiFlame]what's noob mean and what's a pvp area
[Rogue4Life]See ya kiddies
[UsagiHime]Good riddance.
[UsagiHime]Noob is short for Newbie, or a new player usually
[UsagiHime]People use it in games like this to either call someone stupid
[UsagiHime]Or to comment on how they have better characters
[HouraiFlame]why are people so mean here
[UsagiHime]PvP means player versus player, the PvP area is where you can kill other players
[UsagiHime]People are jerks on the internet
[HouraiFlame]you're the only nice person ive met so far on here
[UsagiHime]Thank you. You're nice too, Hourai.
[UsagiHime]Wanna go out and learn how to play this game some more?

Mokou stopped and looked at the clock in the school room. She noticed that it was 1:30 in the morning, and was shocked to see how much time she had spent using Keine's computer.

[HouraiFlame]its late I shouldn't
[UsagiHime]You live in Japan or something?
[UsagiHime]That'd explain your name

Mokou stopped to think. "I can't tell this girl I live in Gensokyo, she'd think I'm crazy. Good thing this IS an old part of Japan...I technically wouldn't be lying."

[HouraiFlame]yes I'm in Japan
[UsagiHime]that's cool, me too
[HouraiFlame]its still late I should go
[UsagiHime]Well I will too then.
[UsagiHime]I was gonna go level up, but I'll wait to do that with you, since you need a friend on here
[HouraiFlame]Thank you UsagiHime
[UsagiHime]Just call me Usagi, or Usa.
[HouraiFlame]ok usa
[UsagiHime] ^^
[HouraiFlame]what's that mean
[UsagiHime]It's supposed to be a pair of eyes on a smiling face.
[UsagiHime]Like in anime

Mokou had heard of anime before, but she couldn't really see how those were supposed to be eyes. However, she just went with it.

[HouraiFlame]ok bye
[UsagiHime]Bye then Hourai. See you tomorrow?

"...Keine wouldn't mind if I used her computer after school again I bet. Not like she uses it all that much anyway, we didn't do anything all day but talk about it." Mokou smiled.

[UsagiHime]Add me to your friends list so I can find you tomorrow
[HouraiFlame]how do I do that
[UsagiHime]Press b for buddy
[UsagiHime]Then click the add friend button
[UsagiHime]And type in my name (UsagiHime)
[HouraiFlame]ok I did it
[UsagiHime]Ok, good night Hourai
[HouraiFlame]good night

Mokou stopped and looked around the game screen. She looked for a button that might say "off" or "done playing" or "log out", but she couldn't find anything of the sort. Starting to feel stupid, she began to type again.

[HouraiFlame]how do you log out
[UsagiHime]Press esc
[UsagiHime]and a window should come up
[UsagiHime]the log out button's in there
[HouraiFlame]ok thanks usa
[UsagiHime]don't mention it. Good Night ^^
[HouraiFlame]good night

Mokou followed the girl's instructions, and true enough, she found the log out button. She pressed it, and the game closed on her. She expected this somewhat though, and wasn't extremely suprised. She managed to find her way back to the login screen for the entire computer, and then she turned the computer off.

"Wow...Computers, huh? Strange stuff..." Mokou noted, standing up from the chair. The immortal locked up the schoolhouse, and headed for her home, being very tired herself.


HouraiFlame has logged out

"Heh, poor girl. It's tough getting used to the internet at first, I sure know that." Kaguya smiled to herself, sitting in the darkness of Eientei with a laptop sitting on a Kotatsu. She was wrapped up in a blanket and was feeling very tired.

"But hey, once you get used to it, the internet's great. I know that one too~" Kaguya laughed. "Still, that Hourai girl is nice. I'll just postpone powerleveling that game, I've still got others to do that on anyway."

Kaguya simply opened up another game and continued her daily routine.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2011, 06:42:07 PM by AMZYoshio »


  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again
Re: Bliss Online
« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2011, 03:17:47 AM »
Somehow I just knew she'd bump into Kaguya.

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: Bliss Online
« Reply #3 on: January 20, 2011, 04:03:23 AM »
I knew it would be Kaguya. Still funny.

Constructive criticism time (please ignore this post if you don't want my opinion):

A story about people playing an MMO is going to be very difficult. It is reading a lot like a tutorial on how to use a computer. It's not something I would have read if it weren't Mokou, Keine, and Kaguya. To make such a story work will take a lot of effort, a huge dose of slice of life style humor, and you may want to cut back on the explanations of how computers work since your audience is pretty familiar with computers. Showing Mokou's reaction to things the audience considers normal is good, but in the first chapter especially, Kiene was the adult in the children's educational show that explains to the dunce of the show the basic mechanics of whatever's today's lesson is. It was somewhat preachy.

Is Bliss a real MMO? Because I'm really surprised this isn't a .hack style story involving Yukari shenanigans.

Now, most everything else is good. One's first experience with computers can be a somewhat interesting subject, but to catch an audience's attention it takes a much higher level of writing than most stories. Maybe I have trouble with those stories about daily life, but usually daily life stories follow a disfunctional group/family's hilarious misadventures. A healthy dose of observational comedy will go far here.

I definitely liked how Mokou and Kaguya immediately become friends, though it may or may not be out of character for this type of Kaguya. But for me, rule of funny > faithfulness to character this time. I also think Mokou's and Keine's interactions seemed pretty natural.

EDIT: Good luck with this story. You're using one of my favorite characters after all!
« Last Edit: January 20, 2011, 04:13:56 AM by capt. h »


  • Transcend the edge of Dissillusion
Re: Bliss Online
« Reply #4 on: January 20, 2011, 04:12:23 AM »
I knew it would be Kaguya. Still funny.

Constructive criticism time (please ignore this post if you don't want my opinion):


Yeah, I got quite a few ideas. Please also note how I skipped a few *hours* of Keine's tutorials on computers, because even I was starting to get bored of them. Personally, I just thought "How do you explain a computer to someone who grew up before most machines, electricity, or anything modern was even invented?"

Guess I just got carried away in my lulsome explaination. Still, I got a plan on where this is going.

EDIT: Also, no, Bliss isn't an MMO as far as I'm aware of. I just made it up, and will continue to~
« Last Edit: January 20, 2011, 04:15:01 AM by AMZYoshio »

Iced Fairy

  • So like if you try to hurt alkaza
  • *
  • I will set you on fire k'?
    • Daisukima Dan Blog
Re: Bliss Online
« Reply #5 on: January 20, 2011, 07:34:16 AM »
Interesting premise.  It has a fair amount of potential here.  I'm interested in seeing where you'll take it, and how much outside Gensoukyo will drop in (or if it'll be like the P3 Hermit link).

As for detail work, capt.h has the right idea.  Humor helps keep things moving.  In fact barring the most dramatic points in your story, there's almost always room for a joke.  Every genre uses comedy to some degree.

Formatting wise I'd suggest a space between the character titles and the words.  It'll make it easier to read and show the effort you put into having Mokou's typing be noob style (something I appreciated btw).


  • Transcend the edge of Dissillusion
Re: Bliss Online
« Reply #6 on: January 22, 2011, 05:01:36 AM »
The clock struck 3, and children began to leave the school house as fast as they were allowed. Keine reminded them of their homework, and waved goodbye with a smile. As the last student left, she sighed with a light smile and sat at her desk.

"My, children are such a handful..." She said to herself as she turned her computer on. "Still, I find it a joy to spread knowlege."

The teacher began to work on her computer, updating grades and assorted notes, and doing other such assorted teacher-like duties. A half hour later of this work, there was a light knock on the door to her classroom, and then it opened.

"Hey Keine."

"Mokou! What brings you here?" The teacher asked with a smile, genuinely suprised, but happy, to see Mokou. Mokou didn't visit often, usually only four or five times a month. However, seeing her two days in a row was quite the rare occurance.

"I wanted to thank you for showing me that computer yesterday." The immortal smiled.

"Oh, don't worry about it." Keine smiled back.

"And, uh, I was wondering if it'd be ok if I used it again today."

"Hm?" Keine looked at her friend, puzzled at first, but then quickly understood. "Oh, you liked it that much?"

"Well, I played that game that we found yesterday, and I met somebody else who was playing it." Mokou explained. "I told her that I'd see her again sometime today."

"Oh, that's great that you're making friends!" Keine happily said. "I guess you can use it, but could you please wait until I'm done working?"

"Yeah, sure." Mokou replied, leaning against a wall. "I got nothin' better to be doing anyway."

Keine continued her work, and Mokou waited patiently whilst doing idle tasks such as playing with her hair or counting the tiles on the floor. Growing slightly impatient, Mokou decided to see what Keine was doing on the computer, but all it looked like was work, considering she only typed and edited some text files and spreadsheets. After a few minutes of this, Keine logged out of the computer and stood up.

"Alright Mokou, go ahead. I have to run out and get a few things, I hope you don't mind."

"Nah, go right ahead." Mokou casually said. "And thanks for letting me use the computer again."

"No problem. See you in a bit." Keine smiled and waved, then left the classroom.

Being left alone, Mokou logged back into the computer and clicked the icon for Bliss Online on her desktop. Going through the motions that she remembered from the day before, she logged back into the game, selected her character, and re-entered the world of Bliss. As soon as she was on, she got a message in the text box at the corner of the screen that was blue and caught her eye.

>>[UsagiHime] Hey Hourai. Just get out of school?

Mokou looked around her screen to try and find her friend's character, but couldn't see her at all. She was slightly puzzled on how she was being talked do, but decided to reply (and lie a little) anyway.

[HouraiFlame] yes. where are you I dont see you
[magekilla5423] Who are you talking to?
[HouraiFlame] my friend
[magekilla5423] lol wut
>>[UsagiHime] Oops, you probably don't know how to PM.
>>[UsagiHime] Right-click my name and click "send private message"
>>[UsagiHime] Then you can type to me, and only I can see it

<<[HouraiFlame] like this?
>>[UsagiHime] Yeah, you got it. Good job ^^
<<[HouraiFlame] yes I just got out of school
>>[UsagiHime] That's cool. Anything interesting happen for you today?
<<[HouraiFlame] why
>>[UsagiHime] Just wondering. Idle chit-chat.
>>[UsagiHime] You don't have to answer if you don't want I guess.

<<[HouraiFlame] its weird to talk about those things
<<[HouraiFlame] since we just met

>>[UsagiHime] I understand, it's ok
<<[HouraiFlame] sorry if i sound mean
>>[UsagiHime] No, it's cool. The internet's weird, good for you being cautious.
<<[HouraiFlame] what do you mean
>>[UsagiHime] You never know who someone really is on the internet.
>>[UsagiHime] They could act all nice or say they're somebody they're not
>>[UsagiHime] And end up being a real jerk, or a creeper or something

<<[HouraiFlame] i hope youre not one of those
>>[UsagiHime] lol, well, I'd say I'm not, but given what I just told you...
>>[UsagiHime] I really am a nice person, just some people aren't.
>>[UsagiHime] In fact, a lot of people aren't bad, just some of them.
>>[UsagiHime] Most people, especially on games like this, are just little kids who think they're all that
>>[UsagiHime] So don't take things too seriously lol

<<[HouraiFlame] you dont sound mean or like an annoying kid
>>[UsagiHime] I try not to be mean, I'm definitely not a little kid lol
<<[HouraiFlame] i'm not a kid either just new to the internet
>>[UsagiHime] Didn't you just say you got out of school though?
<<[HouraiFlame] college
>>[UsagiHime] Ah.
>>[UsagiHime] Well either way, it's better than the 12 year olds who constantly think they're gods lol

<<[HouraiFlame] what do you do on this game
>>[UsagiHime] You can do all sorts of stuff, although I'm not entirely sure myself
>>[UsagiHime] I'm still lv1, I just made this character yesterday.

<<[HouraiFlame] me too
>>[UsagiHime] We can figure this game out together then lol
<<[HouraiFlame] what do you mean by lv 1
>>[UsagiHime] In games like this, you get stronger and unlock more skills and abilities
>>[UsagiHime] by leveling up. lv = level

<<[HouraiFlame] how do you do that
>>[UsagiHime] Wait where you are, I'll find you. Then we'll go and I'll show you.

Mokou waited for a moment, and sure enough, there came the character with the name UsagiHime over it.

>>[UsagiHime] Alright, now just walk with me and follow me.
<<[HouraiFlame] ok

The two ladies walked down a path, and out of the town that Mokou had started in. Mokou was treated to a lush green landscape, with assorted creatures and plants dotting the area.

<<[HouraiFlame] wow where are we
>>[UsagiHime] This is the part of the game that I usually call the overworld.
>>[UsagiHime]It's where you'll probably be leveling up a lot before we can do stuff like dungeons

<<[HouraiFlame] what do you mean by dungeons
>>[UsagiHime] Don't worry about it for now. We'll just focus on the basics.
>>[UsagiHime]Accept my party invite.

Mokou was slightly confused on what her friend may have meant, but soon after she read the message, a small window popped up that read "UsagiHime wishes to invite you to her party", and had a button to accept or decline. She, of course, clicked accept.

>>[UsagiHime] Good. Now look up in the corner of your screen.
>>[UsagiHime] Up there next to your health and magic, you'll see mine now
>>[UsagiHime] Since you're gonna be tanking, make sure I don't die lol

<<[HouraiFlame] whats tanking
>>[UsagiHime] Oh yeah, heh, there's me and my slang again.

The two girls talked for a few minutes more, with Kaguya saying things that Mokou couldn't understand, and Mokou asking for clarifications. Mokou learned that she was the warrior in their party, so she would have to attack things first, while Kaguya stayed back and supported her with her offensive magic. Mokou also learned how to set up her skills so they'd be easily accessed, as well as what the point of fighting was - to gain experience.

>>[UsagiHime] And when you reach 100% on that bar, you level up
>>[UsagiHime] Then you can give yourself some skillpoints into whatever skills you want
>>[UsagiHime] But some skills might be kinda useless, so ask first lol

<<[HouraiFlame] you sure know a lot for just starting
>>[UsagiHime] Well, I've played games like this before.
>>[UsagiHime] Now come on, let's go kill some stuff and level up.

<<[HouraiFlame] why do we want that again?
>>[UsagiHime] Because we get stronger, then we can do more stuff in the game
>>[UsagiHime] Now let's get started. Go kill that rat over there to start with.

Mokou looked around on her screen, and saw a giant rat roaming the landscape. She made her character run over to it, then cast her magic defense buff as Kaguya instructed her. Once her defenses were raised, she clicked the rat, and thusly attacked it. As she battled the creature, Kaguya readied a fireball and hurled it at the rodent, dealing extra damage onto what Mokou was already doing. Within no time at all, the rat had died, and both of the ladies had gained a small bit of EXP.

>>[UsagiHime] Great job Hourai! If we keep this up, we'll be lv 5 in no time!
<<[HouraiFlame] what happens at lv 5
>>[UsagiHime] That's when we can get the next set of armor and weapons
>>[UsagiHime] You'll need to stay up on that stuff, especially with your class
>>[UsagiHime] You're powerful, but your defense can be a downfall compared to a normal warrior
>>[UsagiHime] You have better Magic Defense, but lower Physical Defense than a warrior

<<[HouraiFlame] this game is complicated
>>[UsagiHime] lol, you'll get used to it. Now lets go kill some more.
>>[UsagiHime] You just attack stuff and use those potions when your health is low
>>[UsagiHime] I'll back you up, don't worry

The two killed a few more rats, and then both of them advanced to level 2. Kaguya congratulated Mokou, and after a bit of deliberation between the two, Mokou decided on what she wanted to put her skillpoints into. She decided that she would follow the skill tree of Fire, for obvious reasons, with other choices being Thunder and Ice. Fire, along with being her signature element in reality, sounded the most appealing to her - it gave enemies a burn that would sap their health, as well as it being described as the element with the most raw power. To contrast this, Kaguya decided to follow the skilltree of Ice. In reality, she reasoned that Ice would best suit her as a lunarian, and as far as the game was concerned, Ice either froze enemies or made them slower. In addition, there were some defensive party spells within the skilltree at higher levels, making Kaguya more useful than extra damage.

Mokou had only made it halfway through the second level when Keine returned. Mokou learned the word "brb" from Kaguya after a second of attempting to tell her she had to leave for a moment, then she was free to greet her friend.

"Hey Keine! How's it going?" Mokou said with a smile.

"Sorry that took so long, Mokou. Some jerk took forever at the store, and the shopkeeper was tied up forever." Keine sighed as she set a bag on a desk.

"Nah, it's ok. I've been busy anyway." Mokou replied with a sure smile.

"Oh, is that the game you downloaded?" Keine asked, looking at the screen. "Are you learning it well?"

"It's really complicated, like you said, but I found someone to help me on it." Mokou said excitedly. "She's really nice!"

"Oh yes, you told me that you met somebody online," Keine stated, then she looked over the game screen. "Is that her? 'UsagiHime'?"

"Yeah, she knows a lot about the internet and these kinds of games." Mokou told Keine. "I'm pretty sure she's a girl from the outside world."

"Well that's good that you're having fun and fitting in." Keine smiled. "Just be careful about what you tell her."

"Yeah, I figured as much." Mokou assured the teacher. "If I started telling people in the outside world about Gensokyo, I bet I'd either be labled nuts, or some people would just flip out."

"Exactly. Also, letting people know too much about yourself is always a bad idea when you don't know who these people could be." Keine added.

"Usa here already told me that." Mokou replied, beginning to turn back toward the game. "I'm guessing that if she's gonna go as far as to help me protect myself online, then she's got to have SOME merit to her."

"I suppose, but just remember what I said Mokou." Keine cautioned, her inner caretaker showing through.

"Yes teacher~" Mokou replied in a joking tone.


At about the same time, Kaguya sat and read through her skill trees, attempting to plan ahead on how she would build her character. She was reading the numbers intently, and calculating in her head how her stats may look at those points, trying to see what the best options would be. Eirin Yagokoro walked gracefully into the room, and began to speak to Kaguya.

"Kaguya-chan, you've been on that computer all day." Eirin addressed the princess. "Why don't you take a small break?"

"But Eirin, this girl needs help~" Kaguya playfully replied, not even taking her eyes off of the screen.

"Kaguya, it's just a game, keeping your health prime is a much more important goal, especially with your kind of lifespan." Eirin warned.

"This isn't just some computer character, this is a real girl. She's from the outside world, and she's new to the internet." The princess replied. "I told her I was from there too, and I'm helping her fit in."

"How noble." Eirin flatly said. "That still doesn't solve the problem of you needing a break..."

"I know when I need breaks, Eirin." Kaguya replied. "But thank you for caring."

The nurse sighed. "Please, take a break within the next few hours at least. Don't wait until the late night again..."

"Fine, Hourai probably won't stay on that long anyway, she seems like she'll need her own break soon. She's learned a lot today." Kaguya casually said, still not taking her eyes off the screen.

"Hourai?" Eirin asked.

"The girl. It's obviously not her real name, unless she was stupid enough to not follow the directions on the signup form." Kaguya laughed a bit. "But I hold more faith in her than that. She seems nice, and fairly smart too. Just new to things like this."

"Well, I'm glad you're helping others." Eirin replied. "I must get back to my office, Reisen will begin to show results of my latest medicine soon."

"Mmmkay, have fun Eirin~" Kaguya bid her old friend goodbye.

Kaguya closed her skill window in time to see Mokou return to the game, and the two continued to grind up their levels for a bit, neither girl knowing who truly was behind the character that they viewed on their screen, but both thinking somewhat highly of their percieved view on eachother.

Re: Bliss Online
« Reply #7 on: January 22, 2011, 05:26:33 AM »
I enjoy the concept of this story. It's very unique and interesting. I look forward to more of it.

Re: Bliss Online
« Reply #8 on: January 22, 2011, 06:48:56 AM »
I enjoy the concept of this story. It's very unique and interesting. I look forward to more of it.
Well, Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan did it first, but it's still a fun plot device.

EDIT: Well, okay, James Stewart and Margaret Sullivan did it before them, but you get what I mean.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2011, 06:50:58 AM by Sect »

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: Bliss Online
« Reply #9 on: January 22, 2011, 09:28:10 PM »
I'm rather curious abou the direction of this story. I'm guessing I'l know where it's headed within a few chapters.


  • Transcend the edge of Dissillusion
Re: Bliss Online
« Reply #10 on: January 25, 2011, 07:37:41 PM »
"Whatcha doin~"

"Oh, hey Tewi. I'm just playing a game here."

"Why don't you play with us rabbits? You know we'll die if we get lonely, right?"

"You know as well as me that that's a myth."

"Heh. Of course, I would never underestimate the intelligence of the lunar princess, Kaguya Houraisan."

"How flattering. Now please, run off and play with Reisen, I know you two get along so well."


The youkai rabbit skipped off with an evil grin being hidden away from the princess. The plans she had to "play" with Reisen were nothing but pranks, and poor Reisen wasn't going to enjoy them very much. However, Kaguya didn't pay any mind to this - she was simply intent on logging back into Bliss. Mokou had promised her to be on at about 5pm, and the time was currently 4:53 - close enough for Kaguya, and she wanted to wander around the town more anyway.

When Kaguya logged in, she found herself back in the field that her and Mokou were training in the previous day. They had both gotten themselves to level 4, with Kaguya's current EXP being at 72%. She figured that it would only take a few more kills to level up, but she wanted to wait for her friend. Instead, Kaguya wandered into town and found the shops and began to browse around. She found the armor and weapons shop, and looked over the wares.

"Hmmm..." Kaguya mused to herself. "Mage armor is nice for all my magic boosts, but I'm really in trouble if I don't have someone to tank for me."

She flipped through a few pages of the shop and looked at the Arcane Knight's selection.

"Wow, the diversity of the defense here is amazing...Not as much physical, but defintely makes up for it by being able to take a magic hit. Guess we don't have to fear about that, with mages being naturally good at that..."

Kaguya continued to muse about the assorted items she viewed, weighing pros and cons, as well as counting her gold she had accumulated. However, she was interrupted quickly by a message that popped up in the corner of her screen.

HouraiFlame has logged in

"There you are Hourai." Kaguya smiled. "I hate it when I play these games and there's nobody to talk to."

Kaguya finished up with her purchases, and headed back into the field where she knew her friend would be. Mokou, on the other hand, was wondering where Kaguya could have gone, and began to feel a bit antsy.

[HouraiFlame] where are you usa?

"Oh wait, damn, I have to private message do I do it again...?" Mokou pressed a few keys on her keyboard, trying to find her friends list, until she finally found the correct key. As she was going to press the button, however, Kaguya came into view, and Mokou decided she wouldn't need it.

[HouraiFlame] hi usa
[UsagiHime] Hey Hourai, I got stuff for you
[HouraiFlame] what stuff
[UsagiHime] Accept my trade

Mokou clicked the trade invite, and she was brough to a window with several boxes on it, as well as her inventory popping up. She was somewhat confused on what to do at first, but then the right hand side of the window began to have assorted pictures of armor and a picture of a sword appear on it.

[UsagiHime] Click your gold and type in 500
[UsagiHime] That way you pay for the armor, but it's a discount
[UsagiHime] I bought it for 900, but I like you, so you get a discount lol
[HouraiFlame] thank you youre nice
[UsagiHime] Don't mention it.

Mokou followed instruction and put 500 gold into the trade, and then accepted it. Getting her armor, she looked at it, and saw that it looked slightly better than her current items. However, she also noticed that it had a level 5 requirement on it.

[HouraiFlame] i cant wear it
[UsagiHime] Yeah, but we're close to leveling, might as well have it so we don't have to go back, right?
[HouraiFlame] i guess
[UsagiHime] Heh, lets go Hourai~ Off to greater levels~
[HouraiFlame] ok

The two killed off some weaker monsters, and soon after, the pair had reached level 5. Kaguya instructed Mokou on how to properly equip herself, and Mokou liked how her character looked better than it had before, as well as commenting on Kaguya's new robes. After a small bit of chat, the two were back to killing things, although they had moved slightly farther away from town, moving on to slightly harder monsters.

It wasn't long, however, before Mokou grew bored of repeating the same actions - she enjoyed the company of her friend, but simply fighting wasn't going to keep her entertained for days on end.

[HouraiFlame] what else can you do in this game
[UsagiHime] I saw something about there being other skills
[UsagiHime] like mining, or crafting
[HouraiFlame] whats the point of those
[UsagiHime] My bets on that you can make your own armor, or other stuff
[UsagiHime] like maybe make things to sell to other people
[UsagiHime] I guess it just depends on what you have the mind for
[UsagiHime] Press C, then click the skills tab to see for yourself
[HouraiFlame] i like the idea of fishing and cooking
[HouraiFlame] whats food do for you
[UsagiHime] Probably heal you. Actually, as you tanking, that'd probably be a good idea.
[HouraiFlame] lets do that then

Kaguya led Mokou to town, where they both bought fishing rods, and headed out a different exit to the town. They were led to a dock where there were several fishing spots, and then two sat themselves down and began to fish.

[HouraiFlame] i caught a fish
[UsagiHime] Cool
[UsagiHime] Lets get our fishing up a bit
[UsagiHime] I'm reading the skill list, and you can apparently catch huge fish at higher levels
[UsagiHime] They heal you a lot, and there's some tropical ones that even give you strength boosts
[UsagiHime] Sounds like a good deal if you ask me
[HouraiFlame] yes it does
[HouraiFlame] can i ask you something
[UsagiHime] Go ahead.
[HouraiFlame] why do you still hang around me
[UsagiHime] Well you looked like you needed a friend.
[HouraiFlame] really
[HouraiFlame] are you sure its not cause im your tank
[UsagiHime] lol, well, to be perfectly honest, that might be part of it
[UsagiHime] But I dunno, something about you seems like you could make a great friend
[UsagiHime] You're just nice I guess
[UsagiHime] It's a breath of fresh air from the normal idiots on these games
[HouraiFlame] youre nice too
[HouraiFlame] does this mean you actually think of me as a friend
[UsagiHime] Yeah. Yeah I do. ^^

Mokou looked at her screen and stopped for a moment. She could hardly believe what she was reading, but either way, there was this girl telling her that she was her friend.

[HouraiFlame] how can you be so trusting
[UsagiHime] What?
[HouraiFlame] we just met a few days ago
[UsagiHime] Oh, that's what you mean lol
[UsagiHime] I dunno, just something about you Hourai.
[UsagiHime] Can't really explain it. Who cares, really.
[UsagiHime] Besides, we're getting full of fish, we're gonna need to cook these
[HouraiFlame] yeah i have 2 spots left
[UsagiHime] I got 1 lol
[HouraiFlame] how do you cook stuff
[UsagiHime] Here, I'm full now, follow me
[HouraiFlame] ok

Kaguya quickly figured out where to find a stove, and the two were off to cooking. They repeated this fishing/cooking pattern for a bit, both chatting with eachother while doing it. Most of it was useless banter, but there was one string of conversation that had struck both of the ladies with unmistakable emotion.

[HouraiFlame] yeah i don't have many friends
[HouraiFlame] i have one and thats about it
[UsagiHime] I'm sorry to hear that.
[UsagiHime] In fact, I'm not exactly the social butterfly either
[UsagiHime] I got the people who I live with, who aren't my family btw
[HouraiFlame] whats btw
[UsagiHime] "by the way"
[UsagiHime] Anyway, I got them, but other than that, I dont get out often
[UsagiHime] In fact, I have more enemies than I do friends
[HouraiFlame] youre so nice though, how could someone hate you
[UsagiHime] Basically everyone from where I came from hates me
[UsagiHime] I'm not from Japan, I moved here some years back
[UsagiHime] I even got a real bad enemy here
[HouraiFlame] what do you mean by real bad
[UsagiHime] You could easily say she hates me. With no bars on the word hate.
[HouraiFlame] whatd you do to make her do that
[UsagiHime] It's a long story that I'd rather not get into.
[HouraiFlame] ok
[UsagiHime] But because you're my friend, I'll give you somewhat of a hint
[UsagiHime] Lets just say that our families had a mixup a while ago, and she's still mad
[HouraiFlame] thats too bad
[UsagiHime] Yeah, you're telling me.
[HouraiFlame] to be honest i have enemies too
[UsagiHime] Oh? Do you mind saying anything about it?
[HouraiFlame] this girl i know did something unforgivable some years back
[HouraiFlame] and hasn't even bothered to apoligize
[UsagiHime] What could possibly be so bad?
[HouraiFlame] its kinda personal
[UsagiHime] Well she sounds kinda mean, if you ask me
[UsagiHime] I'm pretty sure I'd at least say sorry if I was her lol
[HouraiFlame] she finds it funny actually
[HouraiFlame] i guess shes just one of those people
[UsagiHime] Yeah, those people are absolute jerks.
[HouraiFlame] quite

The two sat silently for a moment, watching their fish fill their inventories, and also thinking about what the other had said.

[HouraiFlame] hey usa
[UsagiHime] Yeah?
[HouraiFlame] what would you think if i asked you to be my best friend
[UsagiHime] What? I thought you didn't want to get too involved with people in the internet.
[HouraiFlame] i did say that
[HouraiFlame] but i think you're really nice and a good listener
[UsagiHime] Aww, thanks
[HouraiFlame] and i have one friend here but shes busy a lot
[HouraiFlame] and i get real lonely sometimes

Kaguya looked at the words that were being typed to her, and her heart softened somewhat. She felt sorry for the poor girl, and something inside of her made her feel as if she was obligated to help her. The lunarian smiled, and began to type.

[UsagiHime] Only if you agree to be my best friend in return.
[HouraiFlame] deal

Mokou smiled at the screen she looked at as she read the message. She was usually cold and indifferent to most people, but for some reason, having the veil of the internet to hide who she really was made her feel more open about herself, made her feel as if she could get a fresh start with new people who knew nothing of her past. It was a strange feeling that she had not felt in years - the feeling of belonging. Yes, Keine was a good friend to her, but Keine had her own business and problems to deal with, and she too was somewhat closed off from society, including Mokou, due to her condition. The immortal couldn't quite pin it, but something about this person she had met online just felt as if a great friendship could bloom from it.

Kaguya, at the same time, was feeling similiarly. She had been labeled an outcast on the Moon, being forced to flee to earth. While she still had her trusted advisor Eirin, as well as hoards of rabbits, none of them really had time nor reason to listen to Kaguya's true feelings or mundane rantings. Eirin was concerned about her wellbeing, but she was more of what her job descriptions say - an advisor and a nurse - than a best friend. All of the rabbits living at Eientei saw Kaguya in a rose-colored light, being the princess she is, but none really truly knew her and the hardships she had suffered. This girl, however, that Kaguya had been talking to, seemed to be in somewhat the same position as she was - a person who doesn't fit in, even with their loved ones, and that has suffered a troubled past, and is just looking for somewhere to belong.

That day, both of the ladies agreed to lookout for eachother and have eachother's back, at least as much as they could over the internet. That day, both ladies were also completely oblivious to what they were agreeing to. Both of them, when seeing the other's slightly abridged stories about their troubles, had not thought once about how literally similar their situations were, they only listened and replied for comfort's sake. It may be in the way that they had worded it to eachother to hide the fact that they were immortals, or from Gensokyo, but the fact still stays.

And when people lie to eachother, people get mad.


  • Formerly known as "Only somewhat distracted"
  • Still distracted
Re: Bliss Online
« Reply #11 on: January 25, 2011, 07:54:09 PM »
This is indeed very interesting.

Also, I couldn't help but read Tewi's "Whatcha doin~" in the voice of Isabella from Phineas and Ferb :V


  • Down down, a clip round you, fall in drops, set a trap
  • Down down, a clip round you, get the trick of it.
    • I live here.
Re: Bliss Online
« Reply #12 on: January 25, 2011, 10:27:44 PM »
[UsagiHime]Hey Hourai
"Huh, wonder if that's another girl in Gen- Oh god, oh no, this will not end well."

"Reisen will begin to show results of my latest medicine soon." As in, how well they sold, or... :/

Actually I like the story so far, all of it. Even the 'boring learning' parts. I'm weird, but oh well. I don't care where the story goes. :V

I'm supporting a non-canonical ending for this one, though. :3

And just like that, I'm addicted to PSL again.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2011, 10:30:11 PM by Luneth »


  • Formerly known as "Only somewhat distracted"
  • Still distracted
Re: Bliss Online
« Reply #13 on: January 26, 2011, 06:14:25 PM »
Am I overanalyzing or does the title have a double meaning?

Bliss online in Bliss Online

Iced Fairy

  • So like if you try to hurt alkaza
  • *
  • I will set you on fire k'?
    • Daisukima Dan Blog
Re: Bliss Online
« Reply #14 on: January 26, 2011, 09:26:50 PM »
Hm...  A very interesting setup.  And I see this isn't going to stay online.  So many possibilities.

As a technical suggestion, I'd work on making sure that when speaking from Mokou's perspective she uses gamer handle or Kaguya depending on which one she's referencing.  Same for Kaguya thinking on Mokou.  That shows the mental disconnect better.


  • Transcend the edge of Dissillusion
Re: Bliss Online
« Reply #15 on: January 27, 2011, 06:48:34 PM »
Mokou walked slowly down the path she was on. She kicked at assorted rocks, and had her hands in her pockets. It was a few days after she had made her friendship vow online, but she decided today that she wouldn't push Keine's kindness by using her computer every day. Besides, she felt like she needed somewhat of a break as it was. The bamboo on either side of her always looked the same, but she knew her way around well enough - she had been living near the area for long enough anyway. She stopped and looked up at the moon - it was shining brightly, although it wasn't quite full.

"Keine's gonna have a hell of a time in a few days...poor girl." Mokou noted, before walking on.

She was wandering somewhat aimlessly - she always felt like she might find something in that forest that would change her life in some way. However, nearly every time, she ended up just finding rabbits, or sometimes lost humans. However, there was a third occurance that happened often enough to make it a habit.

"Where is it little rabbit? Oh, I can't wait~"

"It's this way, princess~ They're the most delicious things I've ever tasted~"

Mokou stopped dead in her tracks and got down on one knee. She peered through the bamboo, and distantly on another path, she saw somebody that had the ability to turn her mood sour no matter how she was feeling.

"Mmm, maybe it was this way instead..."

"Are you sure you know what you're doing?"

Mokou smirked. "That idiot princess actually would listen to some rabbit? Most of them can't even remember what they had for breakfast, let alone how to get to a supposedly secret part of the Bamboo Forest..."

"Hold on little rabbit. I think somebody's watching us."

Mokou froze, as she knew what was going to come next. Deciding to take the initiative, she brushed her way through the bamboo and onto the path that Kaguya and a small rabbit were standing on.

"You think correctly, Kaguya." Mokou sneered.

"Oh. It's just her~" The lunarian mocked. "Why don't you just go be bitter somewhere else, I'm busy."

"Don't treat me like a child!" Mokou yelled. "Not only did you do what you did all those years ago, but you've been the biggest BITCH about it ever since I've known you!!!"

"Oh, is that what I am?" Kaguya faced her enemy as the small rabbit decided to run off, seeing where the situation was going quickly. "Or are you just an idiotic commoner who's father didn't DESERVE somebody as beautiful as me?"

"Shut your mouth about my father!" Mokou yelled out. "You're just a stuck up brat who couldn't survive without your precious Eirin!"

"Oh, I think you know as well as me that I'd survive everything that life can throw at me." Kaguya smiled. "But the real question is - can you survive THIS?" Kaguya quickly swung her arm, letting loose a large laser that trailed danmaku. Mokou dodged this quickly, and in return launched bits of fire at her before flying up into the sky. Kaguya soon followed, sendining shot after shot to trail her.

The two immortals sent wave after wave of attacks at eachother, and it lit up the night sky like a grand fireworks display. All the while, both of them kept up an assail of verbal attacks as well - they both knew in their minds that neither of them would truly die, but winning a battle by force always felt sweet either way.

"You're the most stuck up, inconsiderate, low lifed slime to ever have set foot on this earth!!!" Mokou screamed as she zoomed past her adversary, narrowly missing a flaming kick. "It's no wonder you have no friends!!!"

"I have no friends?" Kaguya laughed, spreading a large wave of danmaku outward. "Look who's talking! You wander around aimlessly in the forest, doing nothing but look for me! You'd be NOTHING without me~"

"I'd rather that than you continue to live!!!" Mokou screamed back, grazing Kaguya's attacks before sending some of her own back.

"You're just a dirty peasant who's pissed that your daddy didn't get what he wanted." Kaguya cuttingly announced. "You're such a child, even after all these years~"

Mokou narrowed her eyes after hearing those words, then dashed quickly at the lunar princess and delivered a crushing blow to her side, causing her to begin to fall out of the air. Catching herself, Kaguya looked up at Mokou.

"And you're still the same pampered snot you've been as well." Mokou sneered.

Kaguya's eyes narrowed, and she gritted her teeth before flying up quickly at Mokou, catching her off guard and knocking both of them to the ground. The two landed harshly and with such force that they bounced back up slightly before hitting the ground again, and then skidding to a halt. Both were hurt immensely by this fall, but both began to regenerate immediately, and both were also not nearly done.

As soon as Mokou could stand, she turned to look at Kaguya, who was already on her feet. Mokou charged the princess, tackling her and knocking the wind out of her. They landed, but Kaguya quickly hit Mokou in the side, returning the favor. The two rolled around on the ground, no longer using any danmaku or magic at all, simply tearing away at eachother. Blow after blow, the two immortals hit and tore at any bit of their enemy that they could, both becoming extremely bloodied and dirty in the process. Eventually, Mokou kicked Kaguya off of her, sending her back a few feet, giving her time to stand up shakily.

"JUST DIE!!!" Mokou screamed, before creating a large flame in her hand and driving it into Kaguya's stomach. Breaking skin and burning her, Kaguya screamed out in pain and choked up blood, then cringed on the ground and bled out to a terribly painful death. Mokou smiled as she pulled her hand back, but wasn't nearly done.

Moments later, Kaguya stood herself back up, her fatal wounds healed. She created a large spear of magic and threw it directly through Mokou's stomach, before knocking her square in the face with a well aimed punch which broke her nose inward. The pain was immense, and Mokou immediately fell to the ground and felt all of her strength leave her. Things began to grow dark, however, she rose once again in a surge of energy, her fatal wounds also healed.

"Why don't you realize that you'll never win!?" Kaguya yelled out. "You're the most stubborn, hot headed, single-track minded IDIOT I know!!!"

"Because what you've done is unforgivable!!!" Mokou screamed angrily back. "Do you realize the amount of pain and shame you brought to my family!? I'm simply repaying the favor!!!" Mokou took another shot at Kaguya, but the princess dodged it swiftly.

"You'll never reclaim your supposed honor, because a dirty commoner such as yourself didn't HAVE any!!!" Kaguya retorted, taking a shot at Mokou, who also dodged.

"Shut your mouth!!! My family are proud people!!!" Mokou screamed, firing more and more heated shots at her enemy.

"The DEAD can't have pride!!!" Kaguya replied just as angrily, returning fire.

The two both fired at the same time, and both were hit directly, causing much pain and agony for both of the girls. They fell to the ground, and attempted to gather themselves. Mokou was the first up, and Kaguya was about to get up before she was kicked swiftly in the side, with several of her ribs breaking. After several seconds of letting herself regenerate, Kaguya swiftly kicked at Mokou's knee, breaking her leg in the process. After the immortal fell, Kaguya stood herself up and kicked Mokou in the stomach, causing her to choke up blood and cring in extreme pain. Mokou grabbed at Kaguya's ankle, tripping her in the process, and attempted to overpower her. However, they were both stopped by a large glowing arrow that flew between both of their faces and embedded itsself into a nearby bamboo stalk.

"Both of you stop this instant!!!" Eirin yelled out, readying another arrow. The small rabbit that had been with Kaguya was behind the nurse, anxiously awating the outcome of the situation.

Mokou turned at glared at Kaguya, who glared back intensely. Deciding to play it off, Mokou stood up and took a few steps back. Kaguya got herself up as well, and took a few steps toward Eirin. Both of them looked at eachother with heated hatred for a few moments, before Eirin spoke up again.

"Kaguya, we're going back to Eientei. Now." The nurse said, before turning and walking back down the path she had come from.

Kaguya regained her composure, and started to walk in the direction that Eirin had gone, after staring at Mokou for a few moments longer.

"Yeah, just run away to your nurse!" Mokou yelled after her. The truth was, she didn't feel as if she could have gone on much longer as it was - having died a few times in extremely painful ways, she was on the verge of collapsing. She calmed herself from her previous rage and hatred, and then began to realize how truly in pain she was. She stumbled down the path slowly, her body regenerating her wounds, yet her overall soreness and pain not leaving her. She slowly made her way back to her home, and collapsed on her bed, cringing in pain. The poor girl hated Kaguya so much that she didn't know what to do with herself, especially since she had not even gotten the satisfaction of winning this duel.

Kaguya, conversely, was brought back with Eirin and treated immediately, but having her nice night ruined by her enemy was tearing at her. Feeling such surging emotions during their battle, Kaguya had worn her mind and soul out in every single way, and almost wished that she could die at that moment. She loved life in general for the most part, but having to battle like that in such an informal and dirty way was very stressful for her. That, and dying several times just to come back in pain wasn't exactly great either.

The two both fell asleep to choked back tears, Mokou due to her extreme hatred over Kaguya, and Kaguya due to the stubborness and idiocy of Mokou. Both of them fell asleep to cringing pain and a ruined night. But strangely enough, both of them wished to see their online friends, for they thought that they could find comfort from them, even if it was in the form of sweet words.


  • Transcend the edge of Dissillusion
Re: Bliss Online
« Reply #16 on: January 31, 2011, 07:59:00 PM »
[HouraiFlame] yeah, she just laughed me down
[HouraiFlame] told me im worthless
[UsagiHime] I don't think you're worthless.
[HouraiFlame] tell that to her

The two were back online the next day. They were both attempting to explain the horrible night they had experienced, yet both of them were leaving out just enough detail and speaking just biasedly enough to make it ambiguous enough that neither would actually recognize what was really going on.

[UsagiHime] What kind of nut just insults you like that when all you did was say hello?
[HouraiFlame] she does
[UsagiHime] Well I'm sorry to hear that. My night wasn't exactly great either.
[HouraiFlame] what happened
[UsagiHime] I ran into my enemy too, actually
[UsagiHime] Strange that it happened the same day yours did
[HouraiFlame] kinda
[UsagiHime] But she was basically stalking me, and came out eventually
[UsagiHime] Spouting all about how I'm a terrible person and how I should just die
[HouraiFlame] wow
[UsagiHime] And all I was doing was walking with a friend, minding my own business
[HouraiFlame] she should have tried being nice at least
[UsagiHime] I know, right?
[UsagiHime] She even went as far as to try and fight me
[HouraiFlame] who won
[UsagiHime] What kinda question is that? lol
[HouraiFlame] well i wanna know if youre ok
[UsagiHime] Aww, that's sweet of you
[UsagiHime] I said try to fight me for a reason though
[UsagiHime] I wasn't too far from my house, so one of my roommates broke it up
[HouraiFlame] huh
[HouraiFlame] personally id give her what for
[UsagiHime] Oh really?
[HouraiFlame] yeah, i dont have a huge problem with fighting for things that are worth it
[UsagiHime] Does that mean you and that one girl got into a fight?
[HouraiFlame] well yeah
[HouraiFlame] wasnt nearly as bad as some of the fights weve had
[UsagiHime] Wow, our lives are kinda similar, eh?
[HouraiFlame] i guess
[UsagiHime] You hurt?
[HouraiFlame] it wasnt as bad as some of our fights
[HouraiFlame] i actually got her pretty good though
[UsagiHime] Well as long as you're not too hurt.
[HouraiFlame] thanks for caring

Mokou stopped and thought for a second. "This girl is kinda in the same predicament I'm in...Well, obviously not the same one, she's not immortal. But still, having some girl just pick fights with Usa is kinda weirdly close to Kaguya being a jerk all the time." Mokou stretched a little, feeling better than the night before. "Oh well, just wishful thinking. I bet it's because that's all I've known for hundreds of years, of course it's on my mind."

[UsagiHime] Wanna go keep leveling? We're almost at 15, then we can head into some easy dungeons
[HouraiFlame] sure

Mokou thought that Bliss was a bit repetitive, but she realized that the true value of playing the game was to be with others - mainly her friend. She enjoyed the company, even if it was over the internet, as well as the feeling of having somebody have their back constantly, even if it was for a game. Just something about that aspect felt great to her, she couldn't exactly explain why. Still, she didn't want to argue a good thing.

[UsagiHime] Hey, I've been meaning to ask
[UsagiHime] Why'd you pick that name?
[HouraiFlame] what?
[UsagiHime] HouraiFlame. Why'd you pick that?
[HouraiFlame] i just like fire i guess
[UsagiHime] Huh. What about the Hourai part?
[HouraiFlame] this is a fantasy game right?
[UsagiHime] yeah, and?
[HouraiFlame] mt hourai is a fantasy place
[UsagiHime] Makes sense I guess.

Mokou sighed, having successfully BS'd her way through that conversation. She didn't know what she was afraid of - she really coulda said anything, she thought, and Usa would have had to have taken it as truth. Still, she thought that the reasons she made up were well put together for coming up with them on a whim.

[HouraiFlame] what about you
[UsagiHime] What about me what?
[HouraiFlame] why usagihime
[UsagiHime] I like rabbits.
[HouraiFlame] fair enough

Kaguya smiled. She was good at the art of making things up on the internet - she had used that excuse to anyone who asked why she used that name for quite some time now. She couldn't possibly tell people that she was from the moon, or that she lived at a place where many rabbits roamed freely, and even were considered servants in some cases.

The two continued to fight some monsters, with Mokou infusing her blade with fire and spreading massive damage out to all, and Kaguya freezing the opposition and gripping the enemies in a cold, icy grip of death. The two were becoming much better at the game, and Mokou could see why somebody might want to get to a high level - power. She thought that if you were powerful in the game, not only could you do harder things, but you could show off to people with all of your earned glory.

Eventually, after grinding up experience points, the two glowed in their glorious level up to level fifteen. After congratulating eachother, they went back to town to purchase their new equipment, as well as plan on where they wanted to go for a dungeon raid.

[UsagiHime] You're looking pretty meanacing there lol
[HouraiFlame] you look like youd spend all day in a library
[UsagiHime] lol, maybe I would
[HouraiFlame] so what was that about dungeons you were saying?
[UsagiHime] Yeah, we should check them out. Here, there's a list of dungeons and their level requirements over here
[UsagiHime] as well as where they are and what their rewards are.
[HouraiFlame] lets go look then
[UsagiHime] I like the look of this first one here, looks like a nice start
[HouraiFlame] i could use the gold too
[UsagiHime] Alright then, we'll head off south to where it is then
[HouraiFlame] lead away
[UsagiHime] lol, ok

The two traversed the landscape, going over hills and through a valley, before they came to the entrance to a large cave.

[UsagiHime] You all set to go Hourai?
[HouraiFlame] yes
[UsagiHime] Got all your potions and skills set up right?
[HouraiFlame] yes
[HouraiFlame] what happens when we go in there
[UsagiHime] We can't get back out unless we win, die, or give up
[UsagiHime] Dying is obviously bad, and giving up means we get no experience out of it, even the things we already killed
[HouraiFlame] then looks like were winning
[UsagiHime] lol, that's the spirit, come on, we'll start this

Kaguya clicked the cave entrance, then started the dungeon, which sent the two inside with a small timer.

[UsagiHime] Now all we got to do is kill everything we find, open every chest, and kill the boss
[UsagiHime] All before the timer runs out
[HouraiFlame] how is this different than killing stuff out there
[UsagiHime] There's lots of treasure in here that you can't get out there
[UsagiHime] And you get more EXP as a bonus for finishing it
[UsagiHime] Besides, its a nice change of scenery
[HouraiFlame] true
[UsagiHime] Now lets go, time's ticking

The two headed off into the dungeon, with Mokou in front, off toward the boss's lair. Mokou initiated all the attacks, with Kaguya supporting her from behind. They came across several chests, filled with assorted treasure, as well as successfully killing all that stood in their way with no hishaps. However, as they neared the boss, a large warning message appeared on Mokou's screen, warning her that if she went any farther, that a difficult enemy would appear. Clicking ok, for she felt safe with her friend, Mokou pressed onward.

Inside the boss's room, there lay a large sleeping beast, complete with tattered fur and gnarled horns, as well as several skeletons littering the area.

[UsagiHime] That thing's level 18, we're gonna have to watch ourselves on this one
[HouraiFlame] yeah
[UsagiHime] I'll freeze it, or at least slow it if the freezing doesn't work
[UsagiHime] Then you give it a power shot with your fire, try to see if you can get a shatter crit
[HouraiFlame] ok
[UsagiHime] Meanwhile, be sure to keep your defense buffs up, and draw its attention off me
[HouraiFlame] go ahead and start it
[UsagiHime] Alright, get ready, and feel free to go all out on it

Kaguya readied a large icy mist, then spread it over the area, causing slight damage to the monster, as well as having it angrily wake up. Siezing the opportunity, she drove an icy bolt through it, causing the monster to stop in its tracks, temporarily frozen. Just as instructed, Mokou charged the beast and thrusted powerfully with a flame imbued sword, causing a large damage critical. The two repeated this pattern of attempting to freeze it, while Mokou tried for shattering criticals, and after a somewhat long battle, the beast fell.

[UsagiHime] Yes! Way to go Hourai!
[HouraiFlame] thank you
[HouraiFlame] you helped too though
[UsagiHime] Heh, guess I did.
[UsagiHime] Now lets split up this loot
[HouraiFlame] sounds good

The two divided their spoils amongst theirselves and were out of the dungeon, having collected their EXP reward. However, as they decided on what they should do next, Keine entered the schoolroom where Mokou was playing the game.

"Hey Mokou, I gotta lock up." She noted to her friend.

"Aww, why now?" Mokou complained a little.

"Well, it's late Mokou, I have to work tomorrow too." The teacher reminded her.

"Ok, hold on." The immortal replied.

[HouraiFlame] i gotta go
[UsagiHime] Aww
[UsagiHime] Oh well, there's always tomorrow

"And Mokou, I gotta tell you something."

Mokou turned around and looked at the teacher, who looked slightly grave with her expression.

"Mokou...I'm worried about you." Keine came and sat next to her friend. "Ever since I showed you this computer, it's all you've seemed to want to do."

"Well, it's fun, and I have a friend that's relying on me." Mokou casually replied. "I don't see what the big deal is."

"Well, you're usually so active, and always outdoors," the teacher explained, "and the only thing you've done that I know of is get into that fight with Kaguya last night."

"H-how did you know about that?" Mokou replied, slightly shocked. "I don't remember telling you anything..."

"Oh come on, it's been far too long to try and pull that." Keine firmly said. "You came in today looking extremely tired, and you STILL have a few bruises and such that haven't healed."

Mokou looked down into her lap, slightly ashamed. She hated Kaguya, yes, but she also hated to worry Keine, which seemed to happen every time she got into a fight.

"I just think you should take a few more breaks is all, alright?" Keine explained with a smile. "I'm not saying you can't use my computer, just...maybe take tomorrow off."

"Ok...I guess." Mokou replied, turning back to the computer for a moment.

[HouraiFlame] i cant be on tomorrow
[UsagiHime] Why not?
[HouraiFlame] i gotta do stuff
[UsagiHime] Aww. I wish you could get on.
[HouraiFlame] me too
[UsagiHime] Actually, I got an idea
[HouraiFlame] what
[UsagiHime] You know that roommate I was talking about?
[HouraiFlame] yeah
[UsagiHime] She doesn't like to train her characters up in games like this
[UsagiHime] I tried getting her to play before lol
[HouraiFlame] heh
[UsagiHime] but if I make her a character and train it up tomorrow while you're gone
[UsagiHime] then maybe she can come on the next dungeon raid with us
[HouraiFlame] thatd be cool
[UsagiHime] I'll make her a Cleric
[UsagiHime] She's a nurse anyway, it'll work lol
[HouraiFlame] good thing you have a nurse at your house
[UsagiHime] What?
[HouraiFlame] just thinking about you getting into that fight
[UsagiHime] Oh, yeah lol
[UsagiHime] It does help if I get myself hurt
[HouraiFlame] well i gotta go
[UsagiHime] Ok, see ya later then.
[HouraiFlame] bye
HouraiFlame has logged out.

"There, see? I told her." Mokou noted as she turned the game off.

"I'm not doing this to be mean Mokou..." Keine explained, feeling slightly guilty.

"Nah, it's ok." The immortal replied. "At least I have you looking out for me. It's nice having someone who cares."

With that last sentence, Mokou smiled, then turned and walked out of the schoolroom casually. Keine sat and stared at the door for a moment, then looked at her computer.

"Huh...I wonder..." She questioned. Then, having a bright idea, Keine logged into her computer and began to search for something.

Re: Bliss Online
« Reply #17 on: January 31, 2011, 08:44:48 PM »
And now it looks like the revelations are gonna begin. Either that, or there's gonna be an unintentional Human Village/Eientei guild. One thing, though:

The two were back online the next day. They were both attempting to explain the horrible night they had experienced, yet both of them were leaving out just enough detail and speaking just biasedly enough to make it ambiguous enough that neither would actually recognize what was really going on.
This is pretty unnecessary: the readers already know what happened, and, since the readers are already reading the conversation that the two are having, they can infer that enough detail is being left out that Mokou and Kaguya aren't connecting dots. While it's good to let readers know what's going on, if you over do it then the readers get the impression that you, the writer, think that they are retards who can't make logical conclusions without having their hand held.

Not that I'm saying that that's what you're doing, but you should get the idea.


  • Formerly known as "Only somewhat distracted"
  • Still distracted
Re: Bliss Online
« Reply #18 on: January 31, 2011, 09:39:42 PM »
I had wondered if Kaguya was going to wonder about Mokou's player name.

Kips McKipzerson

  • I never did learn
Re: Bliss Online
« Reply #19 on: February 01, 2011, 11:10:47 AM »
This story is just amazing. It's unique, Its actually kinda touching, It's got a little bit of everything. Hell, I made this account just for the sole purpose of telling you how great this was (Not really "sole", but you get the idea.)

Can anyone else see Keine playing the game as a mage, or just me?


  • Transcend the edge of Dissillusion
Re: Bliss Online
« Reply #20 on: February 10, 2011, 07:54:09 PM »
The next day for Mokou was extremely boring for her. She had gotten used to living like she had for the past few hundred years, but being introduced to the internet and computers in general changed her somewhat. She felt that with the new idea of being able to be social whenever she wished, especially considering she could be more of herself without having to fear exclusion due to her immortality, she should be exercising that function. However, she found herself bored as she tried to figure out what to do with herself. She had lived in Gensokyo for many years, and she felt as if she had already seen everything it had to offer that was worth seeing. Also, in the back of her mind, she wished to be with her friend for as long as possible, for she thought that as an immortal, there would be plenty of time to do other things, but only so much time to be with her mortal friend.

"I'd go see Keine, but she'd think I was just there to use her computer again..." Mokou sighed, laying on a hill of grass. "At least the sun feels good..."

She sighed and closed her eyes, feeling the rays and warmth of the sun drift into her. She felt the cool breeze lightly blow across the landscape, and heard several birds chirping in the distance. And yet, all of these things were not new to her. She'd lived so long that the term "once in a lifetime" hardly ever applied anymore - she had seen beautiful days like this many times before, and it gets old after a while.

She ended up spending the rest of the day simply either lazing about or wandering the landscape, looking for things that may have interested her. She wasn't mad that Keine had made her take a break, she just felt that she wouldn't find much else to do, and playing Bliss had become the most interesting thing in her life as of late. Being deprived of that wasn't angering, just boring.

As the next day came, Mokou went about her morning routines as normal, and was about to head out when a knock came to the door of her modest home. She went to open the door, and she was met by Keine and Rinnosuke, with the latter holding a large box.

"Hey, what are you two doing here?" Mokou asked, somewhat confused.

"I felt bad about yesterday, and I did a little bit of poking around." Keine began to explain.

"Ladies, this is heavy, may we please continue this inside...?" The shopkeeper asked politely, somewhat struggling with the large box he held.

"Ah, yeah, come on in." Mokou stepped aside, letting the two into her house. Rinnosuke placed the box on a table in front of Mokou's living room couch, and all three of them had a seat.

"So, why were you here again?" Mokou asked cordially.

"Well, you see, I felt bad about telling you to not come over yesterday." Keine began once again. "And, well, I've been saving some money for assorted uses, but I decided to give you a gift instead."

"A gift? Is that what that is?" The immortal inquired.

"Yep, this here is your very own computer." Rinnosuke cut in with a smile.

"Wait, what!?" Mokou's eyes lit up with excitement. "Aren't those really expensive though?"

"It's nothing, I wanted you to have it." Keine explained with a smile. "Seeing you so happy with mine made me think that you really ought to have one of your own."

"That, and don't worry Miss, I gave her a discount." Rinnosuke added.

The immortal looked at both of them for a moment, then smiled.

"Thank you, Keine." Mokou simply said as she closed her eyes and lowered her head somewhat.

"You're very welcome, Mokou." Keine replied, being overjoyed at seeing how happy she had made her friend.

"Ah, if you'll excuse me ladies, I have to be getting back to my store." Rinnosuke poiltely said, standing up and beginning to leave. "Thank you for your business, Ms. Kamishirasawa, and I hope you two enjoy it!"

"No, thank you!" Keine replied with a smile. Rinnosuke left Mokou's house with a nod and a smile, leaving the two alone.

"I can't believe you got me this..." Mokou reiterated, still in shock.

"Well, there's a second part to my gift." Keine started again. "I did some looking around on the internet, and I've decided that since you have your own computer now, and since the children are going to be going on a break from school soon, I would like to play that game with you, if you don't mind."

Mokou tilted her head to the side very slightly and looked at Keine, who looked back in a sincere manner. She couldn't believe the events happening so quickly, but she decided not to even attempt to go against them.

"I'd love that, Keine. Thank you." Mokou put a hand on Keine's shoulder - a sign of affection that she doesn't give out to nearly anybody. The teacher looked back and knew this, making her smile back warmly.

"Well, let's get it set up, shall we?" Keine asked after a moment, and Mokou agreed.

The two spent the next couple hours setting up and connecting Mokou's computer on a desk in her room. They got it up and running, and Mokou was glad to see that it worked in basically the same manner as Keine's. The school teacher lectured Mokou a little bit about how she shouldn't spend all day on the machine, to which Mokou agreed on, saying that she couldn't quite lose her life like that anyway. However, the two ran into another problem quickly.

"I forgot, I made a deal with that gap Youkai to get the internet..."

"Yeah, this is gonna be a problem."

Keine explained to Mokou how Yukari was charging a very small fee to give people who knew how to use computers an internet connection, considering the web was based in the outside world. Mokou volunteered to attempt finding her, considering Keine was going to be busy with work and leveling her character up to speed. Bidding Keine goodbye, Mokou was left alone in her house with the thoughts of all the kind things that Keine had given her.

"Keine, you've given me more than you can realize..." Mokou mumbled to herself as she left her house. The immortal had business to attend to, after all.


"Hell if I know."

"Aren't you two friends or something?"

"Friend is a very baited word."

Mokou stood in front of Reimu Hakurei at her shrine, and was getting nowhere in finding where Yukari may be.

"She just kinda comes and goes as she pleases, nobody can really track her down if she doesn't want them to." The shrine maiden casually said as she continued to sweep the stonework in front of her donation box. "In fact, I don't even want her around half the time, she usually is just here to cause trouble."

"How did you manage to find her when you guys went to hunt me down then?" Mokou asked, remembering the night that she had met and fought a handful of Gensokyo's denizens.

"She just popped up at my shrine and told me that she'd be following me whether I liked it or not, so I just didn't argue." Reimu sighed. "I don't know what to tell you Mokou, I can't really help you."

"Ya know..." A lazy voice began to say from inside the shrine. A slightly stumbling Suika came from the front entrance and sat on the deck, dangling her feet and pausing to take another drink from her gourd.

"...yes?" Mokou asked after a bit of watching the oni.

"I know Yukari...She's a real pal to be with, she enjoys real nice brandy." Suika smiled and took another drink.

"Would you happen to know where she is then?" The immortal inquired.

"She's probably at her house sleeping...She tends to wake up...what'd she say...'At the border of night and day'. Or something. I don't know~" Suika laughed slightly and laid down, staring up at the overhanging roof of the shrine.

"Well that's...Helpful..." Mokou hesitantly said. She turned to Reimu and whispered, "Is she really that drunk at this time of day...?"

"She's always drunk." Reimu flatly said. "I got used to it, but sometimes she takes what little donations I get and spends it on expensive stuff, despite having that gourd with her." Reimu continued to sweep and grumble a bit to herself, whilst Suika was too busy reveling in her own drunkeness to notice.

"Miss Reimu~" a voice called out from the stairs to the shrine. Mokou looked back and frowned as she saw her arch enemy and her advisor come up the steps and into view.

"Miss Reimu, where's that Gap Youkai? Our internet has been experiencing...oh...Mokou's here." Kaguya stopped in the middle of her sentence and stared at her enemy for a moment.

"I'm gonna tell you what I told her - I don't know where Yukari is." Reimu replied to the lunarian. "I don't ever know where she is unless she's directly in front of me. She's just like that."

"Kaguya, mind yourself." Eirin warned as she noticed that the two enemies were eying eachother down.

"What's she doing here anyway?" Kaguya asked to Reimu, attempting to avoid directly speaking to her nemesis.

"It's none of your business, Kaguya." Mokou bit back. "I don't need you invading my personal life more than you already did."

"If you two are going to kill eachother, do it somewhere else." Reimu announced, looking up at the two. "It's hard enough to sweep all the dirt off of here, blood would be a nightmare."

"Aww, come on you two, just sit down and have a drink. No need to ruin a nice day like this~" Suika commented in, lazily standing up and hopping down from the deck.

"I'm fine, thanks." Kaguya replied. "I'm just here to see Yukari."

"That's what this girl wants too, so why don't you just relax till she gets here?" Suika innocently suggested.

"Oh? And what would a peasant like YOU want with such a powerful Youkai as Yukari?" Kaguya teasingly asked, knowing she was going to aggravate Mokou.

"I told you, it's none of your business." Mokou responded through gritted teeth, attempting to be civil enough to not simply attack Kaguya where she stood.

"My my, things are heating up in here~"

A gap opened up next to Reimu, and out stepped Yukari Yakumo, holding her parasol and wearing a confident smile as usual, followed by her shikigami Ran. Yukari paused as the gap closed, and she looked upon her audience.

"I heard my name several times, and I decided that I should check up on what may be going on." Yukari told the group.

"Miss Yakumo, it's nice to see you." Kaguya greeted the sagely Youkai, bowing her head a little. "I wished to speak about my internet connection."

Mokou gritted her teeth a bit more at hearing Kaguya speak so pleasantly to Yukari, as well as knowing that she had been at the shrine first, so she figured she should have been able to speak first.

"Ah yes, what about it?" Yukari replied as Ran began to speak with Reimu about assorted matters.

"It's been experiencing troubles connecting, and was even down for about an hour before I decided to come here. To my knowlege, it still is not working."

"Ah yes, I was upgrading the cables actually. You see, the outside world just came out with a new, faster connection type."

"Ah, so that explains it. Thank you, Miss Yakumo. Do I owe you any more money?"

"No, it is quite alright."

Mokou had turned away whilst the two spoke, choosing instead to stare off into the trees and attempt to block out her enemy's voice. She stood for a bit longer as they conversed about the types of connections, and even about some other small talk that had nothing to do with the subject.

That bitch is probably wasting time on purpose... Mokou thought to herself, becoming slightly impatient with waiting. Eventually, Kaguya bid Yukari farewell, then graciously left the Shrine with Eirin, paying no mind to Mokou at all.

"And now focus turns to the Pheonix." Yukari announced to seemingly nobody, facing Mokou. "What bothers you?"

"What do you mean by that?" Mokou asked.

"You are obviously tense from seeing the lunarians. Are you still fighting with her?" Yukari asked, pulling out her fan and waving it at herself lazily.

"That's none of your concern..." Mokou replied somewhat bitterly.

"My my, someone's touchy~" Yukari smiled as she put her fan in front of her face. "Tell me, what do you require of me?"

"I wanted to know about that internet thing..." Mokou started. "You getting a connection."

"Ah, so you're after Kaguya there too?" Yukari asked.

"W-what?" Mokou replied in a somewhat shocked manner.

"Ufufu, you know as well as I do that she spends all day using the internet, you'd be bound to run into her eventually." Yukari told her. "Don't be so shy, you can tell me~"

"It's not like that at all!!!" Mokou replied fiercely. "I just-"

"You don't have to explain yourself." Yukari cut her off, seeing how quickly Mokou's emotions exploded. "But you're playing with the water that will douse your fire."

"What do you mean by that..." Mokou asked, becoming somewhat frustrated with the gap youkai.

"Mmhmm, what do I mean indeed?" Yukari laughed. "It's none of my concern. I'll be at your house in an hour, I have matters to attend to. You may pay then. Come, Ran." Yukari opened up a border and walked elegantly through it, with her Shikigami bowing and following after. Mokou watched the gap close, then frowned slightly.

"Whatever...I got what I wanted, I guess." Mokou mumbled to herself.

"Yeah, you did. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to prepare my lunch. Good day, Mokou." Reimu nodded her head and went back into the shrine, with Suika following with a smile on her face. The immortal shook her head a bit, then was back off to her house.

Three hours later, a very impatient Mokou finally got her internet connection from the very late and aloof Yukari. Yukari (Ran actually) helped Mokou set it up so it worked, then collected payment, and was off. Mokou thanked her, but didn't really wish to deal with her any more than she had to. Either way, Mokou sat down at her new computer and turned it on, connecting to the internet for the first time in her house. She was slightly annoyed that she had to re-download Bliss, and even afraid that her character would be gone since she wasn't on Keine's computer anymore, but she quickly figured out that since it was an online game, things were always saved.

It had taken all day, but Mokou was finally good to go. She stopped to think about all the kindness that has been given to her in the past string of days, ever since she had been introduced to computers, and couldn't help but smile.

"Life's actually lookin' good right about now." She said to herself before finally logging back into Bliss.

Kips McKipzerson

  • I never did learn
Re: Bliss Online
« Reply #21 on: February 10, 2011, 08:03:41 PM »
You would think yukari would already know they met online. Ah well. Great story still.


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: Bliss Online
« Reply #22 on: February 11, 2011, 01:45:40 AM »
Looked to me like she indeed might have known. I'm more wondering who among Mokou, Kaguya, Keine, and Eirin is going to figure it out first (probably one of the latter two, I'd guess).


  • Transcend the edge of Dissillusion
Re: Bliss Online
« Reply #23 on: February 17, 2011, 08:01:41 PM »
[HouraiFlame] congrats on the levelup
[SchoolsBeast] Thanks
[SchoolsBeast] That puts me at 15
[HouraiFlame] cool, now we can go with usa and her friend to do dungeons
[SchoolsBeast] Where are they?
[HouraiFlame] not on right now
[HouraiFlame] should be any second though
[SchoolsBeast] I'm proud of you Mokou
[HouraiFlame] hey I said dont use my real name
[SchoolsBeast] Sorry.
[SchoolsBeast] I'm proud of you Hourai
[HouraiFlame] how come
[SchoolsBeast] You taught me all about this game
[SchoolsBeast] And you sound so proficient at it, even though you just started yourself
[HouraiFlame] its nothing
[SchoolsBeast] It's just amazing to think about how quickly you picked this up.
UsagiHime has logged in
[HouraiFlame] usa is on now
>>[UsagiHime] Hey Hourai
<<[HouraiFlame] hey usa
[SchoolsBeast] Good, now I can finally meet her
>>[UsagiHime] Add CelestialMind
<<[HouraiFlame] k
>>[UsagiHime] and accept the party

Mokou pressed B and brought up her buddy list, then typed in the name that Usa had given her. After several seconds, the invite she had sent out was accepted, and CelestialMind was added to her friends list. She then accepted Usa's party invite, which brought up a party chat window soon after.

[UsagiHime] Say hi Celes~
[CelestialMind] Hello.
[HouraiFlame] hey there
[HouraiFlame] is it ok if i invite my friend too

[UsagiHime]Oh? You met someone else?
[HouraiFlame] shes my one friend i told you about
[HouraiFlame] since schools on break she has more time to play

[UsagiHime] Well go ahead, another to raid with is always nice
[HouraiFlame] ok one sec
SchoolsBeast has joined the party
[SchoolsBeast] Hello everyone!
[UsagiHime] Hello~
[CelestialMind] Hi.
[HouraiFlame] this is my friend guys
[SchoolsBeast] It's nice to meet you all.
[UsagiHime] Hey Beast, what class are you?
[UsagiHime] It'd be nice to know if we have a balanced party.

[SchoolsBeast] I'm a warrior.
[UsagiHime] Sweet, 2 tanks and 2 mages, we got this.
[HouraiFlame] so it all works out huh
[UsagiHime] Indeed it does.
[UsagiHime] With Celes over here backing us up, you two tearing things up, and me AoEing the crap out of the place
[UsagiHime] We got this game by the throat

[SchoolsBeast] What classes are you two?
[UsagiHime] Mage, with mostly ice spells.
[CelestialMind] Cleric.
[HouraiFlame] so basically you and celes stay behind
[HouraiFlame] and me + beast attack stuff?

[UsagiHime] Basically, yeah.
[CelestialMind] I'll be providing support, of course.
[HouraiFlame] of course lol
[SchoolsBeast] Well now that we know eachother kinda, why don't we go do something?
[UsagiHime] I can tell I'm gonna like you lol
[HouraiFlame] lol
[CelestialMind] Beast is right, we should get going. I have things to do.
[UsagiHime] Oh come on Celes, relax a bit
[UsagiHime] Your work isn't going anywhere~

[HouraiFlame] well lets do it then
[UsagiHime] Right, now where do we wanna go off to?
[SchoolsBeast] Well where's a good spot?
[CelestialMind] If we're going to be working together, I suggest training together.
[CelestialMind] At least for a bit. That way we can work out some group techniques.

[HouraiFlame] sounds good
[UsagiHime] More EXP is always nice lol
[UsagiHime] I know just the spot. Meet us by the north gate, Hourai.

[HouraiFlame] k

Mokou and Keine walked their characters to the gate north of the town that much of their activity had been taking place near, and sure enough, they met the other two. After a bit more greetings, the party headed off into the hills in search of the training spot that had been mentioned earlier. The party weighed in on their different skills and practiced ganging up on enemies, which proved to be an extremely useful tactic - Keine as a Warrior had several skills that allowed her to swipe and hit several enemies in front of her at once, which combined with the ice barrages that Kaguya posessed, proved to make an extremely potent combo. Mokou also brought the addition of damage over time with her fire based skills, as well as increased overall party damage due to being able to help in the attacks. Eirin, as a Cleric, supported the party by not only replenishing their health when it was needed, but by providing stat boosting effects to all four of them, increasing the party's defensive stats greatly, and to a lesser extent, some of their offensive stats.

With the combined efforts of the party, it did not take too long before all four of them had gained a level, bringing them to 16. They all decided to take a small break and just chat for a minute, to lighten the mood and feeling of grinding up experience.

[UsagiHime] brb, need to go get food lol
[HouraiFlame] have fun
[CelestialMind] I hope she doesn't mean one of those pre-packaged noodle cups...
[HouraiFlame] what?
[SchoolsBeast] Why wouldn't you want her eating those?
[CelestialMind] She hardly gets out as it is, and those things are simply filled with sodium.
[CelestialMind] Although ok once in a while, those things are terrible for you if consumed on a regular basis.

[HouraiFlame] they're good though
[SchoolsBeast] I can tell what you mean. Kids these days really do live too luxuriously.
[HouraiFlame] usa's fine, both of you need to relax
[CelestialMind] Well this has been going on for longer than you'd believe, Hourai.
[UsagiHime] You know as well as me that I've got plenty of time to work it off, Celes
[UsagiHime] Besides, if you didn't want me to have this, why didn't you come stop me?

[CelestialMind] Something might have attacked us if I left the computer.
[HouraiFlame] wait, are you at her house or something?
[CelestialMind] I'm in my office, and we live in the same house.
[HouraiFlame] right, roommates
[UsagiHime] lol, yeah
[UsagiHime] Celes here nags me constantly about keeping my health up
[UsagiHime] But I'm perfectly healthy, and will probably stay that way.

[SchoolsBeast] Well, it is important to watch yourself, usa.
[UsagiHime] Well I'm not TERRIBLE in my habits, just a bit...pampered I guess.
[SchoolsBeast] A good day of work is healthy for the mind and soul, I always say.
[UsagiHime] What are you, a teacher or something?
[HouraiFlame] hey guys, be nice
[SchoolsBeast] I am, actually.
[UsagiHime] Oh. That explains a lot, actually. lol
[SchoolsBeast] Like what?
[UsagiHime] Like your name
[UsagiHime] I was confused, I couldn't think of a kid who really enjoyed school enough to put it as their username lol

[SchoolsBeast] Well I'm not a kid.
[HouraiFlame] are any of us?
[CelestialMind] It would appear not.
[SchoolsBeast] While we're on the subject of names, why did you pick yours, Celes?
[CelestialMind] I've always liked the moon.
[CelestialMind] You could say I've always felt attached to it.

[UsagiHime] Yeah, and she's real smart lol
[SchoolsBeast] The moon, huh?
[CelestialMind] Is there a problem?
[HouraiFlame] easy guys
[SchoolsBeast] I didn't mean it like that, if that's what you're thinking
[SchoolsBeast] Just the moon is kinda special to me too

[CelestialMind] Oh? How so?
[SchoolsBeast] I'd rather not say.
[UsagiHime] Aww, I wanted to hear it lol
[HouraiFlame] usa, youre funny lol
[UsagiHime] Heh, I was just curious
[CelestialMind] I think we've stalled long enough. Are we going to continue today?
[SchoolsBeast] I dunno, I think I have to do something today...
[HouraiFlame] aww, come on
[UsagiHime] But we need you~
[SchoolsBeast] Actually, something just came up, so I think I'll be going.
[CelestialMind] If this party is disbanding, I shall go too. I have work to be doing.
[UsagiHime] You guys are no fun.
[UsagiHime] How about you Hourai?

[HouraiFlame] well maybe we should too
[HouraiFlame] to keep at the same level

[UsagiHime] I guess.
[UsagiHime] I guess I'll go grind up on some other game lol

[CelestialMind] I hear screaming, I'm going to go now. Bye.
CeletsialMind has logged out.
[HouraiFlame] screaming?
[UsagiHime] Don't worry, it's probably nothing.
[UsagiHime] She's a nurse after all, it's probably some patient.

[SchoolsBeast] Well I'm off too. I have someone to talk to.
[HouraiFlame] well i guess ill be on tomorrow then.
[UsagiHime] Aww, well, see ya guys. Same time tomorrow?
[HouraiFlame] yeah

Mokou was about to log out of Bliss, when she noticed another message in her general textbox, as opposed to her party chat.

>>[SchoolsBeast] That means you, Mokou.
SchoolsBeast has logged out.

Mokou stared at the message for a bit, then logged out of the game. She sat in her chair and wondered what that might mean, and couldn't fathom what it possibly could be about. Instead of worrying herself, however, she simply decided that she'd wait for Keine to show up, because she'd hear it one way or another. Still, the immortal felt a bit uneasy, for she felt as if Keine didn't sound too happy.


Meanwhile, in Eientei, Eirin came storming down the hallway and into Kaguya's room. The princess looked back at her friend with a chip in her mouth, and a very confused expression.

"We need to talk." Eirin flatly said before she shut the door.

(Side note: I'm never doing this again. So many color tags. -_- (*is probably lying*))

Kips McKipzerson

  • I never did learn
Re: Bliss Online
« Reply #24 on: February 17, 2011, 10:23:57 PM »
I can sense something big is about to happen.


  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again
Re: Bliss Online
« Reply #25 on: February 18, 2011, 12:05:10 AM »
Mokou and Kaguya were just havin fun with their new friends, but their actual friends put two and two together, it seems. Uh ohs!

Re: Bliss Online
« Reply #26 on: February 18, 2011, 12:57:44 AM »
Mokou and Kaguya were just havin fun with their new friends, but their actual friends put two and two together, it seems. Uh ohs!

Either that or they're going to reprimand Mokou and Kaguya for being obsessed with their game, I think. It's still really interesting to see what happens next, though.