/me digs in code and activates debug keys~
Who told you to go in there >:<
1non: I didn't think it was that bad unless you shotgun her in the face or something (lollunatic) but I guess there isn't much of a warning to them spawning in your face.
1spell: It is a bit strange. I was going for the curvy laser cutting one of the blue arrow walls in half or sitting at one side of a wall forcing you to change directions or pick a side. So frantic macro dodging.
2non: I initially wanted to make this a huge clusterfuck of micrododging but that didn't seem very fun. The bullets do do strange things though. :V
2spell: Parutishion is the spell she calls when she deflects stuff back at the opponent. I saw this as sort of a mirror being stuck and then a bunch of stuff coming back at the sender but whatever. :V
3non: Well I tried my best to aim the wall at the left and make it sort of visible since you can either do it from the middle or the right but yeah getting walled to the left is something I'll have to ponder about.
3spell: I wanted to include just a straight up dodging card so I guess it's that? I like it because if you move around a lot you can do crazy shit like
this with it. :V
4non: Yeah just dense dodging circles, have fun.
4spell: I made this with the thought in mind that "Oh man do I love those cards where you have to run all across the screen and you're dodging stuff and you feel great, man." I think I got this effect but I had to change it from giant rice to Amulets because the rice was just wall wars 2011.
Nice to hear your feedback, thank you for playing.
(Though I really must have been having a moment because lunatic only has 3 phases with curvy lasers as opposed to 5 :V)