Author Topic: Schezo's Stuff (New: Minamimoto)  (Read 14425 times)


  • en-counse
Schezo's Stuff (New: Minamimoto)
« on: November 24, 2010, 12:17:30 AM »
Here is where I shall post all the scripts I make in Danmakufu.

0.12m Scripts

Halloween Contest 2 Entry Stage

My stage entry for the 2nd MoTK Halloween Contest.
Comes in Normal and Lunatic

Lancer Boss

Out of the blue I decided to make a Lancer boss fight from Fate/Stay Night.  Special thanks to puremrz from making the boss sprite and allowing me to use it.
Comes in Normal and Lunatic
>Foremoster made me a video for it:

Sig Boss

From Puyo Puyo :V
Comes in Normal and Lunatic
>Treasurance made a video, thanks for playing:

Accord Boss
Comes in three difficulties:  Easy, Moderate and Lunatic
I tried something new and based all of the nonspells on curvy lasers (dear God).  I don't think it's as bad as it sounds.  All of the attacks have a tendency to push you towards the wall and away from her so have fun with that.

Sho Minamimoto  NEW
2 difficulties: Moderate and Lunatic
I've had this character and sprite on my "to do" list ever since I found this program.  But since the sprite was so good I wanted to make sure I could script something better than beginner level to go with it. :V
Rather average background though, I'll work on that next.

Ph3 Scripts

Schezo4U Boss

Starring the cast of GDIC.  Entry for contest 9.
Comes in Easy, Moderate and Lunatic
« Last Edit: March 10, 2012, 02:06:33 AM by Schezo »


  • en-counse
Re: Schezo's Stuff
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2011, 07:49:01 PM »
Oh, an update you say? 

After fiddling around with some stuff I have a new boss, Sig.

You can get him here.

He comes in two difficulties, Normal and Lunatic, as well as having 4nonspells and 5 Spellcards out of the standard order of what one may expect.  It's not ground shattering or anything but I thought it was different.

I also learned a few things in making this.  Please leave me some feedback on my stuff so I can learn what I'm doing right and wrong and maybe get some direction on how to improve. 
« Last Edit: March 10, 2012, 02:07:47 AM by Schezo »


  • en-counse
Re: Schezo's Stuff
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2011, 07:02:12 AM »
I hope I don't seem whiny here but could someone please give me some feedback on my scripts, even if it's just one script (barring the Halloween one, I got some on that) before I decide to start my next project?  I would like to get a idea on what I'm doing right and what isn't so good so I can get a better idea on how to improve my scripts and make them better in the future.

Re: Schezo's Stuff
« Reply #3 on: February 19, 2011, 10:00:22 AM »
Well I'm not an expert Mr.Danmakufu tester or anything  :V

Judging from your script, you should really focus more on patterns and involve less gimmicks. There's a balance that makes bullet dodging fun, so lets say your first non-spell for example. It doesn't give the "Fun" Vibes, maybe it's because the wall of blue and purple bullets doesn't make sense when it comes to dodging. Or maybe it's that they curve too much or perhaps too fast ? I don't really know that's the part you have to think.

Code: [Select]
Note that everyone is not Mewkyuu or Naut so lower that difficulty.
In the second non-spell , the bullets are just too random and unpredictable. I'm not saying that players should be able to predict the bullets but for the bullets to suddenly stop when it's in front of your face is just  :(.

non-spell 3 was good though

Code: [Select]
Also note that
Extra unnecessary dense amount of bullets [Applies to your 2 spell card]
Unnecessary fast bullets
Too curvy bullets /  lasers
Something Sudden

Does not  = FUN  ;)[/color]

Overall the non-spells need a lot of fixing and balance but the spell cards are 7/10  :)
Nothing changed much in your script though, did you read my suggestions ?
Hey There !


  • en-counse
Re: Schezo's Stuff
« Reply #4 on: February 19, 2011, 08:07:08 PM »
Thank you for some more input.  I did read your suggestions and did change a little bit but after screwing around with the last spell for 3 hours I finally said "screw it" and I wanted to be done with that project. :V  That's probably why I didn't change that much, most notably the 2nd spell because I didn't know what else to do to change it around very much. :derp:  But I'll keep in mind the nonspell gimmicks and difficulty on my next project.

Re: Schezo's Stuff
« Reply #5 on: February 19, 2011, 10:02:24 PM »
Lancer Lunatic: (Character: Default Reimu B)

Non-spell 1:
The circle part of the pattern is a little too big. OK otherwise.

Spell 1:
I think this one would be more interesting if the knife was a little slower, so you could manipulate its path instead of just trying to get out of the way really fast. This should also fix the bullet split part. Overall the rate at which lancer throws new knives should be slowed down to prevent undodgeable bullet walls from being formed.

Non-spell 2:
That "sway" the bullets do make this one unreadable for me. Bullet density might be a little too high. (?)

Spell 2:
I like it.

Non-spell 3:
The bullet density is too high, but I like their speed.

Spell 3:
Same as above, but the bullet density is really almost perfect.

Spell 4:

Overall, each attack lasts for too long.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2011, 11:40:34 PM by The only Master Bigode in the world »

Chronojet ⚙ Dragon

  • The Oddity
  • 今コソ輝ケ、我ガ未来、ソノ可能性!!
Re: Schezo's Stuff
« Reply #6 on: February 19, 2011, 11:18:25 PM »
About that Lancer thing.

Difficulty: Lunatic
Character: Default REIMU B

Non-spell 1:
Well, there's the big wall that makes things a bit tricky. Otherwise it's great.

Spell 1:
Oh damn CollisionB hitbox is quite large for such a sprite. The knife is a bit unpredictable... But otherwise it's ok.

Non-spell 2:
Double Black DEATH. The bullet waves are a bit too dense, and the bullets are sorta random, if you ask me. Otherwise, it makes a great spell. Mostly because it is a spell.

Spell 2:
I really thought it was a survival spell card.
Then I was like,
Quote from: Roukanken
Oh, it does have a lifebar...?

Non-spell 3:
Aki returns!
Every third-or-so wave is a bit too dense, but otherwise it's ok.

Spell 3:

Spell 4:
Sorta generic and boring. Maybe it should get harder as you go along. That would make it more like a "final attack".

Note that everyone is not Mewkyuu or Naut so lower that difficulty.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2011, 11:53:53 PM by Myouri »


  • en-counse
Re: Schezo's Stuff
« Reply #7 on: February 20, 2011, 12:08:29 AM »
Thank you both for you imput because I have a biased view on how I see my stuff after play testing it 30 or so times that I know what to do but 1st time experiences don't.


  • en-counse
Re: Schezo's Stuff
« Reply #8 on: November 14, 2011, 01:03:34 AM »
Update! :toot:

Ms. Accord from Puyo Puyo, inspired by 20th anniversary recently coming out and being ridiculously awesome.  (I mean she comes back what more do you want :V)

Comes in three difficulties:  Easy, Moderate and Lunatic
I tried something new and based all of the nonspells on curvy lasers (dear God).  I don't think it's as bad as it sounds.  Kitten4U is even in there.  All of the attacks have a tendency to push you towards the wall and away from her so lots of movement seems to be key here. 
« Last Edit: March 10, 2012, 02:07:18 AM by Schezo »


  • A stick of the tricky variety.
Re: Schezo's Stuff (New: Accord)
« Reply #9 on: November 14, 2011, 02:42:20 AM »
Mode : Moderate
Person thing: Accord

/me digs in code and activates debug keys~

1st Nonspell: What is happenin oh look a bullet spawned on me :<. Rather short, though. SAFESPOT found at the bottom center of the screen. Yay!
1st Spell: I didn't even notice a curvy laser until it (almost) hit me. It's...odd. 
2nd Nonspell: When I realized that the bullets spawn from curvy lasers. Oh god curvy lasers.  :ohdear:
2nd Spell: Oh god music not- they stopped. Oka- did they just explode or something? Well, it's not that dense but still challenging. 
3rd Nonspell: Got pushed into the bottom left corner. Bad accord!
3rd Spell:  ???. Fine. Don't really know what to say. It's not bad, just...plain?
4th Nonspell: Probably one of the more doable nonspells. Still hard.
4th Spell: Amulets everywhere. I wonder what they're going to do  ::). I personally think it's the easiest. Just moving alot and slipping between amulets. I love amulets, and their small hitboxes.
Kaboom: That paper grating sound D:. 1/10, boo

Verdict: It's difficult, but nice. Curvy lasers  :colbert:
Interested in playing some boss fights I made? Have Danmakufu? Then check out my Danmakufu creations!


  • en-counse
Re: Schezo's Stuff (New: Accord)
« Reply #10 on: November 14, 2011, 03:13:14 AM »
/me digs in code and activates debug keys~
Who told you to go in there >:<

1non: I didn't think it was that bad unless you shotgun her in the face or something (lollunatic) but I guess there isn't much of a warning to them spawning in your face.
1spell: It is a bit strange.  I was going for the curvy laser cutting one of the blue arrow walls in half or sitting at one side of a wall forcing you to change directions or pick a side.  So frantic macro dodging.
2non: I initially wanted to make this a huge clusterfuck of micrododging but that didn't seem very fun.  The bullets do do strange things though. :V
2spell: Parutishion is the spell she calls when she deflects stuff back at the opponent.  I saw this as sort of a mirror being stuck and then a bunch of stuff coming back at the sender but whatever. :V
3non: Well I tried my best to aim the wall at the left and make it sort of visible since you can either do it from the middle or the right but yeah getting walled to the left is something I'll have to ponder about.
3spell: I wanted to include just a straight up dodging card so I guess it's that?  I like it because if you move around a lot you can do crazy shit like this with it. :V
4non: Yeah just dense dodging circles, have fun.
4spell: I made this with the thought in mind that "Oh man do I love those cards where you have to run all across the screen and you're dodging stuff and you feel great, man."  I think I got this effect but I had to change it from giant rice to Amulets because the rice was just wall wars 2011.

Nice to hear your feedback, thank you for playing.
(Though I really must have been having a moment because lunatic only has 3 phases with curvy lasers as opposed to 5 :V)

Chronojet ⚙ Dragon

  • The Oddity
  • 今コソ輝ケ、我ガ未来、ソノ可能性!!
Re: Schezo's Stuff (New: Accord)
« Reply #11 on: November 16, 2011, 02:43:35 AM »
Script: Accord
Difficulty: Lunatic
Player: ReimuB

1st non: Good. (10/10)
1st card: A bit fast, but ok overall. I just tend to panic with fast bullets... (8/10)
2nd non: Can't keep track of everything, too fast... (8/10)
2nd card: Too sudden. What is this? Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb. (4/10)
3rd non: wtf semiwalls that are still easy to navigate through. I confusionbombed here. (6/10)
3rd card: Stupid walls. Nothing much here. (5/10)
4th non: Got walled right before the nonspell ended, but captured it anyways. Too much wall action. (7/10)
4th card: Really repetitive. Other than that, actually ok...! (7/10)

Score: 55/80 (68%)
« Last Edit: November 16, 2011, 02:45:14 AM by alt-kyuu-kyuu »


  • Some idiot
  • I can't believe I got this account back .|.|.
Re: Schezo's Stuff (New: Accord)
« Reply #12 on: November 16, 2011, 03:19:17 AM »
Review for Accord:
Mode: Easy (Broken down arrow :V)

Nonspell 1: Good. (10/10)
Spell 1: Careful, curvy lasers can destroy spells, except in canon games. lolwut (7/10)
Nonspell 2: Umm, This is almost exactly identical to the first NS. (8/10)
Spell 2: Eh, I don't really like the pattern here. It just feels to random, even though it probably isn't random at all. (7/10)
Nonspell 3: ...Same? (6/10)
Spell 3: I like the pattern, but it's just too fast. (7/10)
Nonspell 4: Okay, I think that this is important. All of the nonspells are practically the same, maybe there are a few differences in the pattern, but I REALLY think that they should have more. (4/10)
Spell 4: The pattern is not very interesting. (7/10)

TOTAL: 56/80 (70%)

Overall Comments: This is an okay script. Some attacks had interesting designs but could be challenging for just easy mode. My main issue with this script is how similiar all of the nonspells are. I recommend updating this script.


  • en-counse
Re: Schezo's Stuff (New: Accord)
« Reply #13 on: November 16, 2011, 04:06:39 AM »
Thank you two for your input:

2nd non: I considered slowing down this a bit but I guess now I should :V
2nd card: is a bit sudden and fast, I may slow it down a bit.
3rd card: walls movement appear in a certain way but I'm not quite sure how to fix it, eh I'll try.
4th non: could just some spreading but yeah.
Thanks for playing and for your comments.


Eh, I will disagree with you that all the noncards are the same just because they twirl in on themselves.
The first and second ones do sort of the same thing, (dodge the lines spawned with a bit of variant) but
the third one, while borrowing the same twirl bullets concept fires sideways bullets for that sort of dodging.
The 4th one is vastly different from the rest.  It's small walls with circles, I think the strategy for this the 1st and 3rd change. 
Though on the other hand I do like the concept that nonspell should be similar but can vary widely as long as it's not off the wall crazy differences. 
Completely different concepts made for easy, yet at the same time trying to tune them down more is difficult to do but I can try it more next time. :V
I will just insert that the differences are much more noticeable at higher difficulties.
I do have a question that will clear things up for me if you wouldn't mind.  Did you dodge the nonspells and capture them or bomb some of them?

2nd spell is static with random added for non safespotting and reading dodging but yeah.
3rd card is just supposed to be straight up fast dodging though I suppose I can slow it down a bit more.
4th card, I sort of enjoyed the fluttering amulets but I see it's still just an "eh" card.  Oh well.

Thank you for you comments as well. 
I will keep this in mind for the next script I am working on. 
« Last Edit: November 16, 2011, 04:27:49 AM by Schezo »


  • Some idiot
  • I can't believe I got this account back .|.|.
Re: Schezo's Stuff (New: Accord)
« Reply #14 on: November 16, 2011, 04:26:05 AM »


Well, on-topic, I think that this could become a really fun script with a few updates.  :D


  • en-counse
Re: Schezo's Stuff (New: Accord)
« Reply #15 on: November 16, 2011, 04:28:41 AM »
Idon'tknowwhatyouaretalkingabout :V

I do have a question that will clear things up for me if you wouldn't mind.  Did you dodge the nonspells and capture them or bomb some of them?


  • en-counse
Re: Schezo's Stuff (New: Minamimoto)
« Reply #16 on: February 19, 2012, 05:11:10 AM »
Ta dah.

Probably my last 0.12m script so let's go.

Sho Minamimoto
I've had this character and sprite on my "to do" list ever since I found this program.  But since the sprite was so good I wanted to make sure I could script something better than beginner level to go with it. :V
2 difficulties, Moderate and Lunatic
I may or may not make an easier version for this later but this is all I want to put out for now.

A bit hard but please enjoy~
« Last Edit: March 10, 2012, 02:06:58 AM by Schezo »


  • A stick of the tricky variety.
Re: Schezo's Stuff (New: Minamimoto)
« Reply #17 on: February 19, 2012, 06:48:18 AM »
And a speedy Minamimoto review.

Difficulty : Moderate
Nonspell 1: How generi- oh, the pattern..broke, I would say? Plain, but I like the second bit. 7/10.

Spell 1: I have a feeling Arithmatic is a pun or something. The white bullets seem out of place. Maybe have them in a pattern instead of being randomly aimed? Right now they honestly aren't a threat. 6.5/10.

Nonspell 2: Decent variation on the first. Seems easier than the first, as well. 6.5/10.

Spell 2: What the Fujiwara no Mokou. Bright blue bullets make random walls sometimes, and just doesn't look that good.  6/10.

Nonspell 3: Ah, something new. A moderate challenge. 8/10.

Spell 3:  Some bullets spawning in random places and going down, + or - a few degrees. Rather..boring. 5/10.

Spell 4: Ooh, a survival. Not really that bad. Maybe add a concentration effect and the boss dissapearing/walking offscreen to the beginning? Also am I supposed to die the moment it ends  :derp:? 7/10.

Nonspell 4: Hard, but only because some bullets start up really close to the player. 7/10.

Last Spell: First phase: Yay static easy to dodge stuff. Second: Oh, uh... Third: OH COME ON. I know you said it was hard, but the blue kunai don't offer much leeway. 6/10.

Total :  59/90 (65.6%)

You seem to have pretty good ideas, but they end up coming out plain, and they look ugly. Try making more creative patterns that also look nice. The most beautiful one wins, y'know?

Will probably make some edits to this, so yeah.
Interested in playing some boss fights I made? Have Danmakufu? Then check out my Danmakufu creations!