Author Topic: Touhou DazeD (Daze of Lackadaisical Days)  (Read 22809 times)

Touhou DazeD (Daze of Lackadaisical Days)
« on: October 28, 2010, 01:49:06 AM »
Touhou Daze of Lackadaisical Days overview

core game mechanics

one player dodges while the other fires waves of projectiles at them

basic summary: competitive boss rush

Arrow Keys-Movement
ZXCV-Fire a cascade of projectiles

Left Click-Focus Mode
Right Click-Bomb, limit of 3


match structure
three rounds standard

a round is after both players have been attacker and defender.

A subround is a session where one player is attacking and the other defending.
Subrounds last for 99 seconds.

The timer can be altered in the following ways:
Getting Hit:+10 seconds
Skillful Dodge Bonus: -15 seconds

The player with the most points after 3 rounds is the winner.
Points are gained in the following ways:
Hitting Opponent: +1 point
Skillful Dodge Bonus(100 graze): +3 point
Opp loses a life: +1 points

Projectiles: Cascades and Waves
A wave is a collection of 3 cascades of bullets
Projectile cascades are spread between
First Cascade-Starts a wave
Follow Up Cascade-Continues a wave
Finisher Cascade-Finishes a wave
Each character has 4 different cascades for first, follow up, and finisher cascades.

These are designated by Z, X, C, V.
You press one of the buttons for the first cascade for a character, then after firing the

first, you can continue the wave by pressing another button for the second and then third.

There is roughly a two second delay between cascades to avoid clogging the screen.


Character so far
Cirno eosd 1

Rumia eosd 2

Flandre eosd 3

Nazrin ufo 4

Suwako mof 5

Sakuya eosd 6

Alice pcb 7

will add
Marisa 8 all

Aya 9 mof

Satori 10 sa

Nue 11 ufo

kanako 12 mof

change log
prerelease 1
characters now have shot types. All shots deal 1/10 of a second of time damage.
shots are fired by spinning the mouse wheel down.

improved survival movement

bomb cannot be spammed

mouse movement less screwy

options are now saved to config.txt

survival times are now saved to survival.txt

added marisa, suika, and nue
suika's blood alcohol level increases with almost every cascade, and makes attacks more powerful, it is reset every final cascade
most of nue's attacks have different effects depending on her form
marisa is a more straightforward character

added basic micrdodging ai (It's still a noob but you can still watch it fail )
I'd love ideas for how to improve it.

replay mode in beta right now (not ready for release)

Oh and I'm starting balance testing now, so if there are any cascades that are too powerful please tell me now.

Also, I need specific comments for balance testing, specific characters and attacks.
Thank you for your support!

Anyone interested in balance testing can PM me.

Anyone who can help with the graphics please PM me.

« Last Edit: May 25, 2011, 08:09:29 PM by mew77 »

Chronojet ⚙ Dragon

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Re: Touhou WoTC(Way of the Cascade)
« Reply #1 on: October 29, 2010, 01:38:35 AM »
Fffffffffff long original post is long.
Would you please put all that info into some text file somewhere?


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Re: Touhou WoTC(Way of the Cascade)
« Reply #2 on: October 29, 2010, 09:33:06 AM »
Fffffffffff long original post is long.
Would you please put all that info into some text file somewhere?
Wouldn't that be the same length / number of words to read anyway?

Chronojet ⚙ Dragon

  • The Oddity
  • 今コソ輝ケ、我ガ未来、ソノ可能性!!
Re: Touhou WoTC(Way of the Cascade)
« Reply #3 on: October 29, 2010, 03:04:09 PM »
Wouldn't that be the same length / number of words to read anyway?

Well, of course. But the post all the way up there won't look so aewiofjweiopewwjfahwefjsdfklsdjciqweopichu~n long.

Also, why is it that  the last section of the information looks like random letters (and two names) put together?
« Last Edit: October 29, 2010, 03:05:47 PM by Sine Anutruss »

Re: Touhou WoTC(Way of the Cascade)
« Reply #4 on: October 29, 2010, 03:46:05 PM »
The names are the characters I have worked on. For example:
Cirno 1

Meaning I have a first draft of cirno's first H cascade and cirno's first J cascade.

Cirno 2 means cirno's second cascade.

Rumia 1

This means I have Rumia's first L and J cascade ready.

Sorry if the information is confusing.

When I have HJKL for first second and third, the character is fully playable.

I do have it in a text file, and have attached it, this should alleviate the clutter.
« Last Edit: October 29, 2010, 03:51:56 PM by mew77 »

Re: Touhou WoTC(Way of the Cascade)
« Reply #5 on: November 02, 2010, 02:56:15 AM »
Alpha 0.2 is up, added a few more cascades to rumia and cirno, just a few more before they are full playable.

Also I find that after putting the long post into a text file, no one reads the file and therefor cannot give me feedback on the game as they have no idea what's going on.
« Last Edit: November 02, 2010, 03:02:54 AM by mew77 »


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Re: Touhou WoTC(Way of the Cascade)
« Reply #6 on: November 02, 2010, 04:30:14 AM »
Well, of course. But the post all the way up there won't look so aewiofjweiopewwjfahwefjsdfklsdjciqweopichu~n long.

I hope I'm not the only one who thinks that reasoning is really lame sounding. The post is hardly even a page, and it has more spaces than text, wut? *shrugs*.

Anyway I did have a suggestion about the overview, it goes straight to the technical details... First it should say what kind of game is it, a shmup, a super smash bros, etc. Obviously you can sorta get the gist reading the entire post, but it would be nicer to see a basic label for the gameplay since pictures and/or videos are non existant.

Releasing the alpha for us is nice though, but I rekon you'd get more hits if someone saw what it was they were going to download >=).

Re: Touhou WoTC(Way of the Cascade)
« Reply #7 on: November 03, 2010, 12:37:40 AM »
Version alpha 0.25 is in a zip file, because the executable is too large for the attachment

Just 5 more cascades to go before Cirno and Rumia are playable.

The game now ends after 3 rounds.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2010, 01:14:41 AM by mew77 »


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Re: Touhou WoTC(Way of the Cascade)
« Reply #8 on: November 04, 2010, 01:36:25 AM »
The link is broken for me, unknown error?  :ohdear:

EDIT: The fatal error thing stopped
« Last Edit: November 04, 2010, 01:38:45 AM by CHENNNNNNNN »
I had a teacher who used to play radiohead during class once.


Re: Touhou WoTC(Way of the Cascade)
« Reply #9 on: November 04, 2010, 02:05:31 AM »
Things are fine now right?

Do I need to fix the link.

The next release will be 0.3

My goal is to finish the last 5 cascades for cirno and rumia and then the first two characters will be fully playable.

Remember this is still early in development.

« Last Edit: November 04, 2010, 02:21:17 AM by mew77 »


Re: Touhou WoTC(Way of the Cascade)
« Reply #10 on: November 09, 2010, 08:38:17 PM »
Nazrin doesn't fire projectiles or bombs :P

Re: Touhou WoTC(Way of the Cascade)
« Reply #11 on: November 11, 2010, 10:44:02 PM »
I haven't added any cascades to Nazrin and Flandre, this should be explained in the first post.  Even Cirno and Rumia aren't 100% finished yet. When I get alpha 0.3 ready, Cirno and Rumia should be ready. Nazrin and Flandre will take a while.

Re: Touhou WoTC(Way of the Cascade)
« Reply #12 on: November 30, 2010, 02:37:08 AM »
alpha 0.30 completed

change log
alpha 0.30

-0 life round switch implemented
-modified assorted cascades
-fixed mouse stationary spaz
-Increased delay between cascades to 2 seconds
-Cirno Completed
-Rumia Completed

finished cascades

cirno 1
cirno 2
cirno 3

rumia 1
rumia 2
rumia 3
« Last Edit: November 30, 2010, 02:40:34 AM by mew77 »

Re: Touhou WoTC(Way of the Cascade)
« Reply #13 on: December 02, 2010, 03:05:29 AM »
change log
alpha 0.32

-added dynamic music
-started flandre's cascades
-added graze counter and skillful dodge bonus
-fixed a bug where cirno's H3 could cause instant death
-Added time displays for +10,-5,-15

flandre 1
flandre 2

flandre 3

nazrin 1

nazrin 2

nazrin 3

Unfortunately this update has the side effect of greatly increasing the file size.

Re: Touhou WoTC(Way of the Cascade)
« Reply #14 on: December 08, 2010, 01:36:52 AM »
change log
alpha 0.33

-added dynamic music
-started flandre's cascades
-started nazrin's cascades
-added graze counter and skillful dodge bonus
-fixed a bug where cirno's H3 could cause instant death
-Added time displays for +10,-5,-15
-added nazrin's bomb

flandre 1
flandre 2
flandre 3

nazrin 1
nazrin 2
nazrin 3

Chronojet ⚙ Dragon

  • The Oddity
  • 今コソ輝ケ、我ガ未来、ソノ可能性!!
Re: Touhou WoTC(Way of the Cascade)
« Reply #15 on: December 08, 2010, 04:08:25 PM »
Just gonna post here to show mew77 isn't the only one who cares.

How long do you think you work (ie. how long do you think it will take until this is finished)?

Re: Touhou WoTC(Way of the Cascade)
« Reply #16 on: December 08, 2010, 05:15:08 PM »
Just gonna post here to show mew77 isn't the only one who cares.

How long do you think you work (ie. how long do you think it will take until this is finished)?

It depends on how many characters I plan to have. I work on and off on this project. It's in Game Maker so each update tends to take an afternoon's worth of work. During winter break I should have more time on my hands. I plan to have a good amount of characters in my game. I still haven't decided how many yet.

Re: Touhou WoTC(Way of the Cascade)
« Reply #17 on: December 09, 2010, 11:32:25 AM »
This sounds like it could be a fun game, I hope you finish it!
And here's some critique:

You can bomb infinite times.

It takes a long time for Flan's bomb's stars to be deleted.  (I think.)

Why does the character follow the star-cursor?  Why don't you just put the character at the cursor's position?

It would make a lot more sense if the attacker used the mouse, since they don't need to be precise.  (But I wonder how they would combo?)

Don't use the default GM textbox, it looks gaudy. :p

I don't see the point of Rumia's bomb, as it actually makes it harder for her.

Nazrin's bomb lasts way too long considering that it makes her invincible.

I don't understand the life/yin-yang orb thing at all.  What is it for?

Nazrin's 3rd 'h' key move killed me five times, one immediately after another.  Try adding invincibility after getting hit.

Skillful dodge bonuses can be really easy to get, (on Nazrin's first 'h' key spell, for example.)  Maybe keep a running tally of both player's graze and divide it at the end of the match instead?

When somebody's points change, you should put in a notifier explaining how many points were gained/lost and why.

Put in more cascades where it actually matters where the attacker is.

Put in a notifier to let everyone know which phase of a wave the attacker is in.  A little number above their head indicating what step in the combo they are in, for example.

Also, the phase the attacker is in stays the same even after waiting a long time.  You should set an alarm to return the combo phase back to the beginning after a few seconds.  (Putting a little bar above the attacker's head to indicate the time they have left would be a good idea.)

Probably most importantly, cascades assigned to the same button should all have something in common.  For example, Nazrin should have a button that is associated with those homing mouse bullets, so that I know, no matter where in the combo I am, if I press that button I'm going to get a spell that uses those mouse bullets in some way or another.  Right now your cascades are randomly mixed with one another in such a way that they have little to no association with others activated with the same button.  That sucks.

Re: Touhou WoTC(Way of the Cascade)
« Reply #18 on: December 09, 2010, 03:23:44 PM »
This sounds like it could be a fun game, I hope you finish it!
And here's some critique:

You can bomb infinite times.

It takes a long time for Flan's bomb's stars to be deleted.  (I think.)

Why does the character follow the star-cursor?  Why don't you just put the character at the cursor's position?

It would make a lot more sense if the attacker used the mouse, since they don't need to be precise.  (But I wonder how they would combo?)

Don't use the default GM textbox, it looks gaudy. :p

I don't see the point of Rumia's bomb, as it actually makes it harder for her.

Nazrin's bomb lasts way too long considering that it makes her invincible.

I don't understand the life/yin-yang orb thing at all.  What is it for?

Nazrin's 3rd 'h' key move killed me five times, one immediately after another.  Try adding invincibility after getting hit.

Skillful dodge bonuses can be really easy to get, (on Nazrin's first 'h' key spell, for example.)  Maybe keep a running tally of both player's graze and divide it at the end of the match instead?

When somebody's points change, you should put in a notifier explaining how many points were gained/lost and why.

Put in more cascades where it actually matters where the attacker is.

Put in a notifier to let everyone know which phase of a wave the attacker is in.  A little number above their head indicating what step in the combo they are in, for example.

Also, the phase the attacker is in stays the same even after waiting a long time.  You should set an alarm to return the combo phase back to the beginning after a few seconds.  (Putting a little bar above the attacker's head to indicate the time they have left would be a good idea.)

Probably most importantly, cascades assigned to the same button should all have something in common.  For example, Nazrin should have a button that is associated with those homing mouse bullets, so that I know, no matter where in the combo I am, if I press that button I'm going to get a spell that uses those mouse bullets in some way or another.  Right now your cascades are randomly mixed with one another in such a way that they have little to no association with others activated with the same button.  That sucks.

Addressing Criticism in Chronological Order

The bombing thing was a bug.
Flan's just fine.

Because jump position makes the character move too fast, so I used follow. Think of it like KiTN's movement system.

I did it this way so the attacker would use only keyboard and the defender only mouse.

Will consider in a future build.

I see your point, Rumia's bomb gives her temporary invisibility, but at the end of it it could be more of a hindrance.

Nazrin's bomb is still deep in prototyping and does not reflect the final build in any way.

3 sub lifes make up a life, losing a sublife is 1 point losing a life is 3 points

Nazrin's 3H is kind of screwy right now. Hit forgiveness usually prevents these cases.I have the same problem with flandre's 1H.

The issue is tht currently grazing is checked evry step as opposed to every second screwing up certain attacks. You can tell the same thing in flan's 1H.

Will consider in a future build

I still have most of flandre and nazrin's cascades to make. There are many attacks that are dependent on your character's position.

Good idea.

That's the whole point. You must finish the wave.

Changing cascades around isn't difficult, but I'll wait on it.
« Last Edit: December 09, 2010, 03:54:50 PM by mew77 »

Re: Touhou WoTC(Way of the Cascade)
« Reply #19 on: December 18, 2010, 11:42:20 PM »
change log
alpha 0.35

-graze counter increments per 1/5 second rather than every 30 milliseconds
-reduced time on nazrin's bomb+changed it a little
-added 1 second invincibility when hit
-changed cascade delay to 5 seconds from 2 seconds
-added cascade notifications

flandre 1
flandre 2
flandre 3

nazrin 1
nazrin 2
nazrin 3

Alpha 0.35

Re: Touhou WoTC(Way of the Cascade)
« Reply #20 on: December 22, 2010, 10:32:24 AM »
change log
alpha 0.36

-reduced time on nazrin's bomb+changed it a little
-added 1 second invincibility when hit
-changed cascade delay to 5 seconds from 2 seconds
-added cascade notifications
-changed timer to 60 seconds from 99

flandre 1
H J  K
flandre 2
H J  K
flandre 3
H J  K

nazrin 1
H J  K
nazrin 2
H J  K
nazrin 3
H J  K

alpha 0.36

Re: Touhou DazeD (Daze of Lackadaisical Days)
« Reply #21 on: December 30, 2010, 01:32:18 PM »
change log
alpha 0.38
pre beta 1

-added 1 second invincibility when hit
-changed cascade delay to 5 seconds from 2 seconds
-added cascade notifications
-changed timer to 45 seconds from 60
-changed the menus
-graze increments every 1/10 of a second
-Added pausing by spacebar
-project name changed to Daze of Lackadaisical Days
-Added options menu
-help button doesn't do anything yet
-I know the buttons don't always light up properly
-all cascades for cirno rumia flandre and nazin complete

alpha 0.38
pre beta 1
« Last Edit: December 30, 2010, 01:36:22 PM by mew77 »

Re: Touhou DazeD (Daze of Lackadaisical Days)
« Reply #22 on: January 01, 2011, 09:40:43 PM »
I'll start with the menus and then go on to gameplay.

First, nice choice of music for the menu.  Centennial Festival really needs more attention, doesn't it?

In the options menu, it's hard to read the 'Fullscreen' text with the white in the background.  (Same goes for some other buttonless text.)
In the options menu, there is no way to know how many lives you've selected.  You should change the color of one, or make it looked 'pressed in'.
If I press 'options' again when it's open, it should close.  (That is, don't draw the option screen stuff anymore.)

Character portraits (and some text) are still drawn when you select 'restart game' from the 'versus' menu.
The 'quit' button at the bottom of the screen should stay in the same place for both the main menu and the versus menu.  It feels unnatural that it moves around.
In the versus menu, the red or blue colors on the buttons stays the same after another character is selected.
In the versus menu, if player 2 has a character autamatically selected at the beginning, so should player 1.

In the side-bar battle menu, Where it says 'Round x' you should also include whether it's player 1 or player 2's phase.
The graze counter is also kind of confusing.  You should put 'Player 1 Graze' and 'Player 2 Graze'.
Also, why do bullets exist in the side-bar?  You should have an object that says, "If there is a bullet to the left of the playing screen, then delete it."  (You should be doing this anyways, since the outside of room function isn't customizable at all.) (Also decrease menu depth.)

In the game paused menu, you shouldn't use the button graphic for the 'game paused' text, since it makes me want to press it.
Pressing the space key in the game paused menu should do the same thing as pressing the 'resume game' button.
If you select 'resume game' from the game paused menu, the 'restart game' button isn't deleted.

In the victory menu the options are too far to the left to read.
Also, the cursor's depth is greater than the buttons in the victory menu.

Lives and bombs are drawn near the top right of the screen during your fade-in room transition at the start of a battle.

YES!  I can tell what cascade I'm on now!  The cascades even have names now.  This is really a lot better than the previous version.
You still really need a bar to indicate how much time there is until you can use another one, though.
(And it still feels unnatural that it doesn't reset back to the first cascade after a certain amount of time.)

Please shrink the hitbox of the bubble bullets.

Cascades are better organized now.  I feel like I can better expect what I can do now.  (Although there are still some inclusions that don't flow well.)

It's great to have all characters completed now!  Please don't include unfinished characters ever again.
Flan and Nazrin's new spells are nice, (most of the other character's are too.)

You know, it still annoys me that the defending player uses the mouse.  Your method of having them follow the cursor instead of just being on the cursor is also obtrusive, since it makes minimalistic danmaku overtly difficult.  It's a design choice, and you should of course go with whatever you want, but if you want to use the mouse for defending than I advise you to look at a game call La Souer De Barrage, if you haven't already.  You may note that even there where the character is always on the cursor, most of the enemy patterns are maximalistic.  I forsee that this focus on maximalism will be a problem for you if you intend to make lots of diverse danmaku for different characters.  Either that or your minimalistic danmaku will just feal cheap. (Like it already does.)
Thus, I urge you to switch them.  If the attacker used the mouse, you could put buttons at the top of the screen for the different attacks, and the player could click them with the mouse in addition to moving the character with it.  You could even have two different cursors, (one for moving, the other for selecting a cascade,) that the player could switch between with the right-click button.  Or you could have the right-click button switch between the different cascades, and have the left-click button use the currently selected cascade.
There are many different ways that it could be done.  If you do have buttons at the top for different cascades, you could even put the names of the cascades on the buttons, and players would be able to associate that cascade with that button and position in the combo even more easily.

The new menus added will be a great addition, but right now they are a complete mess!  Really, players will want to quit before they even play the game!
(Actually, most of my complaints this time around are about the menus.  All of your additions to the actual battles are great.  Keep up the good work on that end.)
There is still a lot of stuff I don't quite get about the game, too.  Like score, and lives and stuff like that.  It's really left ambiguous.  I hope you put lots of good information about everything in that help menu!

The game feels like it's progressed quite a bit now, hasn't it?  It's still just too 'unfinished'.  That's to be expected, of course.
I hope you keep working at.  If you have any technical or design questions, feel free to pm me.  I would also write up some code for you if you want.

Re: Touhou DazeD (Daze of Lackadaisical Days)
« Reply #23 on: January 02, 2011, 07:14:35 AM »
options menu

I'll have the options be a separate screen then.

versus menu feels fine for me so far, but I'll try to improve it.

For the side bar in battle, I agree with everything you've written.

Although I had a script that killed bullets in the sidebar, the issue was Rumia's cross laser. The horizontal laser would be deleted thereby rendering the attack too weak.

I'll find some other way to erase bullets in the side bar

I fixed the pause menu issues and will change the game paused message.

the victory screen is still a work in progress and hasn't changed since i first added it

A cascade timer would be good, I'll look into whether it is better that the counter reverts to first cascade if the player waits too long.

I started with mouse movement so two people would not have to crowd around one keyboard. (Especially for those with laptops) I made the character follow the mouse as then i could change the speed of the character which was essential for focus mode. If I change it to character at the mouse position, then I lose the capability to have a focus mode.

Would any of you mind if my game didn't have a focus mode for the defending player?

I agree, much of the menu design is still up in the air.

the help menu will have that and also hopefully information about each individual attack as well.

Thank you for all of your help in critiquing my game, I hope to have another update after I've addressed these problems.

planned features

adding a handicap system to the options menu
handicaps will be either on or off
when attacking, if  there is 10 seconds left on the timer and you haven't hit yet, Parsee with barge in with green eyed monster
when defending if you are at 1/9 lives left you get a temporary cherry shield.

an expansion pack with more characters is also in planning
« Last Edit: January 02, 2011, 07:20:28 AM by mew77 »

Re: Touhou DazeD (Daze of Lackadaisical Days)
« Reply #24 on: January 06, 2011, 08:25:19 AM »
change log
alpha 0.39
pre beta 2

-revised options menu
-added handicap system
-added basic help menu
-I know the buttons don't always light up properly
-fixed a few minor glitches
-bullets are no longer in the side bar

Re: Touhou DazeD (Daze of Lackadaisical Days)
« Reply #25 on: January 09, 2011, 07:39:41 AM »
change log
alpha 0.39+
pre beta 3

-revised options menu
-added handicap system
-added basic help menu
-I know the buttons don't always light up properly
-fixed a few minor glitches
-bullets are no longer in the side bar
-cleaned up graphics
-revised attacker controls
-arrow keys attacker movement
-zxcv cascades
-changed cascading speed to 4 seconds from 5

Re: Touhou DazeD (Daze of Lackadaisical Days)
« Reply #26 on: January 20, 2011, 11:10:35 PM »
change log
alpha 0.395
pre beta 4

-revised options menu
-added handicap system
-added basic help menu
-I know the buttons don't always light up properly
-fixed a few minor glitches
-bullets are no longer in the side bar
-cleaned up graphics
-revised attacker controls
-arrow keys attacker movement
-zxcv cascades
-changed cascading speed to 4 seconds from 5
-added basic survival mode

Re: Touhou DazeD (Daze of Lackadaisical Days)
« Reply #27 on: February 09, 2011, 05:43:39 AM »
change log
beta 0.11
-added suwako
-added sakuya
-removed wave completion time penalty
-fixed a bug where sakuya's bomb wouldn't finish
-fixed a bug with the positioning of suwako's bomb
-fixed the position of objects during character select
-fixed a bug with sakuya's c3 cascade
-the help menu has not reflected the removal of the wave penalty

z x c v
z x C V
Z x c V

Z X C v
Z X c v

Suwako: slow and steady type

Sakuya: sleight of hand type

That should be the last of the minor bugs

I welcome comments on my work
« Last Edit: February 11, 2011, 07:00:07 PM by mew77 »

Re: Touhou DazeD (Daze of Lackadaisical Days)
« Reply #28 on: February 12, 2011, 02:17:51 AM »
change log
beta 0.21
-added suwako
-added sakuya
-removed wave completion time penalty
-fixed left wall exploit
-fixed victory screen stuff
-improved and fixed victory screen
-fixed a glitch with rumia's bomb
-fixed a few things with survival mode
-Added character titles in versus mode
-fixed a crash in survival

« Last Edit: February 13, 2011, 02:50:10 AM by mew77 »

Re: Touhou DazeD (Daze of Lackadaisical Days)
« Reply #29 on: March 03, 2011, 08:23:19 PM »
This game has come a long way since I first had the idea for it. I am happy with the way the game as progressed and would like feedback on how to improve it from this point on.

So far my options are:
Improve graphics-I had to take graphics from CTC, touhoumon, PoFV, hitousensoku and danmakufu player scripts to complete the game, now I believe it is the time to ask for those who are artists on this forum to help me fix up the graphics in the game.

More characters-I have decided that the character limit will be 12 total, currently it's 6. What characters or cascade types do you guys wish to see in the future.

I am opening it up for discussion. What do you guys wish to see in my game.