Author Topic: Touhou SRPG - Story of a Lost Sky [Update 1/22/11 - Version 0.6.0] (Thread 3)  (Read 198062 times)


  • Professor Dr. Momoneko-sama
    • Lost Sky Project


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Old Threads

Channel: #lostskyproject


[All Future Builds are on Bitbucket]

Windows EXE:
Windows EXE
Windows EXE -
Source -
Windows EXE -
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Windows EXE -
Source (+Animation Tester 0.3) -
Windows EXE -
Source (+Animation Tester 0.3) -
Windows EXE:
Source (+Animation Tester):
Windows EXE:
Source Code (+Animation Tester):
Windows EXE:
Source Code:
Windows EXE:
Source Code:
v0.1.1 [8-22-08]
Windows EXE:
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v0.1.0 [8-13-08]
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v0.0.5 [7-27-08]
v0.0.4 [6-28-08]
v0.0.3 [6-6-08]
v0.0.2 [5-18-08]
v0.0.1 [5-16-08] (No longer available)

It's built in Python as a programming language using Pygame.

Copy-pasting last topic of discussion in.

Thanks to all the staff members and those who have been following and supporting us. I've been told that Another Dream is on track for a release very soon, and I am really hoping that this will be well received. This project wouldn't have made it this far without you all.

Now to answer the ever important question: Where are we going from here?

There are several important goals I'd like to work on in the coming months, so I'll break things down into design and implementation.

- Map out the trait learning tree
- Map out the spell synthesis combinations
- Script writing for Ch 2, 3

- Globally set the FPS to 60. We have been running 30FPS in some places and 60 FPS in places where animation is more critical. This kind of thing will cause weird timing issues when we do things like animated water.
- Post 0.3.0 bugfixes and UI improvements. I got a boatload from Psieye that got pushed onto 0.3.0 before the release but there are some things that still need to get fixed.
- Unit deployment system. We'll soon reach a point where there will be enough characters that the player is going to have to make a choice on who to deploy in the map. This would be a menu that shows after the initial events and before the player starts. Some missions will have required characters.
- Treasure System. We bump into Rinnosuke in Ch2 which sets off the treasure hunt system. Some code is already written for it but not yet implemented
- Trait learning system. We'll need to add the ability to track Trait Points with level ups and a way to pick traits.
- Item Synthesis system. Synth crystals would be classed as treasures.
- There are some parts of the XML that I am not liking with right now. Namely, there isn't any way to do the equivalent of IF/ELSE statements. The way I've been doing the tutorial blocks is kind of a hackish way involving saving to a custom variable and then calling a new map action event.
- More character sprites for the map and on the battle screen. Also possibly look into some kind of walking animation
- Develop the various AI types that have been proposed in the wiki. The main reason that Ch1ST3 is structured differently than planned is that I had no way of telling the AI to try and reach Marisa's house.
- Unit based map triggers

If possible I'd also like to arrange another big IRC meeting in a few weeks.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2011, 06:50:07 PM by FawkesGarde »

1.0.0 is here (2/13/14) |  My Twitter | My Tumblr


  • Professor Dr. Momoneko-sama
    • Lost Sky Project
Re: Touhou SRPG - SOALS [Update 4/14/09 - Version 0.3.0] (Thread 3)
« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2009, 03:19:23 AM »
I am happy to report that we have released 0.3.0 demo with Another Dream 5B.

1.0.0 is here (2/13/14) |  My Twitter | My Tumblr

Re: Touhou SRPG - SOALS [Update 4/14/09 - Version 0.3.0] (Thread 3)
« Reply #2 on: April 24, 2009, 08:03:25 PM »
Good stuff! 

Re: Touhou SRPG - SOALS [Update 4/14/09 - Version 0.3.0] (Thread 3)
« Reply #3 on: April 25, 2009, 09:50:27 PM »
With the demo's release, there isn't much to say.  Only a few minor things:
  • Lack of "Game Over" screen saddens me (for no real reason)
  • minor grammatical error in Chen's "Since when can trees can walk?"
  • after the second mission, the player is rewarded a "Bread Roll" item, but it doesn't appear anywhere

Actually, I wonder... no I forgot.  Either way, there's been some nice progress.  Looking forward to what comes next.


  • Professor Dr. Momoneko-sama
    • Lost Sky Project
Re: Touhou SRPG - SOALS [Update 4/14/09 - Version 0.3.0] (Thread 3)
« Reply #4 on: April 25, 2009, 10:15:02 PM »
The Mission Failed thing is the equivalent of the Game Over.

Thanks for the grammar fix :D.

Reward items are sent into your spell inventory after the battle. It should be there.

1.0.0 is here (2/13/14) |  My Twitter | My Tumblr


  • Professor Dr. Momoneko-sama
    • Lost Sky Project
Re: Touhou SRPG - SOALS [Update 4/14/09 - Version 0.3.0] (Thread 3)
« Reply #5 on: April 30, 2009, 12:50:55 AM »
Just a heads up, finals are upon us so don't expect many updates from me.

The 60FPS update has been committed to my local repository, so I'll need to push it onto the main internal repository.

In addition, I've added a draft version of the 0.3.1 targets on the wiki. (Link)

1.0.0 is here (2/13/14) |  My Twitter | My Tumblr


  • Professor Dr. Momoneko-sama
    • Lost Sky Project
Re: Touhou SRPG - SOALS [Update 4/14/09 - Version 0.3.0] (Thread 3)
« Reply #6 on: May 08, 2009, 09:44:04 PM »
Hi. Finished with the school year.

I'd like to run an IRC planning chat thing next week sometime. When would be the best times for everyone if you are interested in coming?

1.0.0 is here (2/13/14) |  My Twitter | My Tumblr

Re: Touhou SRPG - SOALS [Update 4/14/09 - Version 0.3.0] (Thread 3)
« Reply #7 on: May 09, 2009, 11:31:21 AM »
I have two more weeks until my year finishes (in terms of work, still got a degree show and graduation).  But considering I just finished two major projects yesterday (worst week of my life, especially when the highlight was getting shit upon by a bird) I'll have a lot more free time.

In anycase, I can soon be making more sprites and graphics.  Thanks for being so patient.


  • Professor Dr. Momoneko-sama
    • Lost Sky Project
Re: Touhou SRPG - SOALS [Update 4/14/09 - Version 0.3.0] (Thread 3)
« Reply #8 on: May 12, 2009, 06:25:19 PM »
Also added a Summer 09 Roadmap to the wiki. It'll be the kind of agenda for the chat.

I'm thinking this Thursday afternoon at 6PM EST for the chat. How does that sound with everyone?

Okay programming work for the summer has begun in earnest!

New updates for today.
# 5/12/09
- Added remembering where you last were to the world map when loading
- Added a World Map Location data to player data
- Removed code related to old style navigation cursor from world map
- Changed ALT+F4 to be the keyboard exit command

1.0.0 is here (2/13/14) |  My Twitter | My Tumblr


  • Professor Dr. Momoneko-sama
    • Lost Sky Project
Re: Touhou SRPG - SOALS [Update 4/14/09 - Version 0.3.0] (Thread 3)
« Reply #9 on: May 14, 2009, 01:14:40 AM »
Should we maybe push the chat time back to Friday since nobody's responded?

It'll be in
Channel: #lostskyproject

I kind of hope that we can replace those icons in the inventory header. They were kind of put together by me to be placeholders.

# 5/13/09 - Item Inventory Facelift / World Map Tutorial
 - Added a world map tutorial
 - Added say, choice to the world map
 - Added a category header for the item inventory

1.0.0 is here (2/13/14) |  My Twitter | My Tumblr

Re: Touhou SRPG - SOALS [Update 4/14/09 - Version 0.3.0] (Thread 3)
« Reply #10 on: May 14, 2009, 03:35:32 PM »
Don't think everyone needs to reply, but when are you doing it?  Today or tomorrow?


  • Professor Dr. Momoneko-sama
    • Lost Sky Project
Re: Touhou SRPG - SOALS [Update 4/14/09 - Version 0.3.0] (Thread 3)
« Reply #11 on: May 14, 2009, 03:40:08 PM »
Let's run it tomorrow to give people more notice. 6PM. It'll hopefully be a little more brief than the last ones.

1.0.0 is here (2/13/14) |  My Twitter | My Tumblr


Re: Touhou SRPG - SOALS [Update 4/14/09 - Version 0.3.0] (Thread 3)
« Reply #12 on: May 14, 2009, 05:31:32 PM »
Unfortunately due to nforceen circmstances I've been without my computer all week (currently using one at a public library >.<). If you want to meet tommorow unfortunately I can't make that, but if you're willing to push t ntil Saturday I will be able to attend that.

- Kyre


  • Professor Dr. Momoneko-sama
    • Lost Sky Project
Re: Touhou SRPG - SOALS [Update 4/14/09 - Version 0.3.0] (Thread 3)
« Reply #13 on: May 14, 2009, 07:07:54 PM »
I can do it both days, but I'd like to hear if anyone has a strong preference for either Friday or Saturday. I can catch everyone up on what happened in the chat since I usually go through and summarize everything.

# 5/14/09 - Treasures :D
- Added the fire crystal to CH1ST2
- Added processing of treasure rewards to map rewards
- Added a treasure catalog
- Added a treasure menu to view currently available treasures
- Added a treasure class for generic trading treasures and spell synthesis items
- Split up treasure / misc items from spell inventory
- Created new entries to main menu: Treasures, Spell Synthesis
« Last Edit: May 14, 2009, 08:40:11 PM by FawkesGarde »

1.0.0 is here (2/13/14) |  My Twitter | My Tumblr


  • Professor Dr. Momoneko-sama
    • Lost Sky Project
Re: Touhou SRPG - SOALS [Update 4/14/09 - Version 0.3.0] (Thread 3)
« Reply #14 on: May 15, 2009, 04:55:53 PM »
Since nobody has any strong objections, let's do this today at 6PM EST.

1.0.0 is here (2/13/14) |  My Twitter | My Tumblr


  • Doing >9000 Barrel Rolls
Re: Touhou SRPG - SOALS [Update 4/14/09 - Version 0.3.0] (Thread 3)
« Reply #15 on: May 16, 2009, 05:26:47 PM »
EST? You live around here? East Coast FTW! :P

Anyway, I can't wait to see this when its done.
I gotta have something for my sig, so...


  • Professor Dr. Momoneko-sama
    • Lost Sky Project
Re: Touhou SRPG - SOALS [Update 4/14/09 - Version 0.3.0] (Thread 3)
« Reply #16 on: May 19, 2009, 11:52:58 PM »
@sonicbhoc Virginia to be exact.

I appended what we talked about to the bottom of the roadmap - here

So after three long days, I finally got the deploy unit system working:

1.0.0 is here (2/13/14) |  My Twitter | My Tumblr

Re: Touhou SRPG - SOALS [Update 4/14/09 - Version 0.3.0] (Thread 3)
« Reply #17 on: May 20, 2009, 05:14:34 AM »
Lots got discussed I see. Yeah, I assumed it'd be Saturday and fell asleep long before your IM and only read your post here a couple days later. Anyway, General and Media bullet points don't need much extra discussion so let's see about these Feature thoughts...

Status effects of various kinds are up to you to implement what you feel like. Balance can be sorted after everything is in there.

Support character system... remind me sometime to talk (either here or in IM) about SRW K's partner system. I suppose tirandirth could be contacted for that too.

Team/Friendship Attack system... again, you need to be fed information on how SRW does it. Both the Combo attack system (actually there's 2 "combo" type attacks in SRW which can be a little confusing) and the various Support Attack systems. Sailormoon Another Story's "hidden relationships" was about finding out what combinations of characters unlocked team attacks - once you had unlocked them, IIRC it was the same as Chrono Trigger's style of team attack. The Disgaea system sounds like what they implemented for Tenshi's Counter Attack.

I guess there's also the system done by a doujin project that I've heard of from a friend in Japan, but that'd be very complicated and doesn't quite fit with what you're building up in SoaLS. Namely, a knockback combo system, where attacks knockback the target's position on the map, and if they're dislocated to within range of an ally who has a charge gauge ready, they can then combo in and further knockback the target elsewhere, where if you've set up another ally right... etc etc

Re: Touhou SRPG - SOALS [Update 4/14/09 - Version 0.3.0] (Thread 3)
« Reply #18 on: May 20, 2009, 09:32:27 AM »
The knockback idea I think has great potential, but would be rather hellish to animate (and possible code, but what do I know about that).  The CT/SM:AS team attacks were mostly refering to the style of animation rather than implementation or how they work.  CT style has unique and somewhat complex animation while SM:AS is rather simple.  Disgaea style would be the hardest but probably the best to work with.

Anyway, if you could post how SRW does it when you have time, that would be good.  I think I have an idea of how it works aniamtion wise but I can't remember lol.


  • Professor Dr. Momoneko-sama
    • Lost Sky Project
Re: Touhou SRPG - SOALS [Update 4/14/09 - Version 0.3.0] (Thread 3)
« Reply #19 on: May 21, 2009, 10:17:58 PM »
@Psieye: Could you please place your explanations here? I don't trust myself to remember to log the conversation, especially if I'm not at my own computer.

The knockback system looks interesting but I speaking on the implementation side, the battle engine would have to be modified significantly. I also think that we should keep the combat system as straightforward as possible while keeping it as fresh as possible, that is that we should go for quality in our features over quantity in our features.

1.0.0 is here (2/13/14) |  My Twitter | My Tumblr

Re: Touhou SRPG - SOALS [Update 4/14/09 - Version 0.3.0] (Thread 3)
« Reply #20 on: May 24, 2009, 01:22:25 AM »
Well, done some graphics and in the light of sanity, I realized that Wriggle's head is too wide and flat.  I'll change that tomorrow.  Been a while since I last sprited, so I'm a little rusty.


Also started blocking out Reimu's idle pose for her battle animations.  I think it'll be good to have idle poses for the characters that we can use to transition attack, magic, evasion and damage.  We could possibly use them to liven up the status screens as well.  Anyway, here's a rough block out of reimu's idle pose.  Will probably block out her attack and magic tomorrow.

« Last Edit: May 24, 2009, 11:14:29 AM by Elcura »

Re: Touhou SRPG - SOALS [Update 4/14/09 - Version 0.3.0] (Thread 3)
« Reply #21 on: May 24, 2009, 03:44:58 PM »
Blocked in a couple more animations.  Magic and Attack, tomorrow I might work on the enemy sprites and get all the chapter 1 graphics out of the way.

Re: Touhou SRPG - SOALS [Update 4/14/09 - Version 0.3.0] (Thread 3)
« Reply #22 on: May 24, 2009, 05:33:24 PM »
Ok, so let's discuss SRW.

The Combo attack: 2 pre-determined units (e.g. Ran & Chen) can do an attack together when both have pre-requisite Morale (Spell power in our case) and energy (ammo for us). How it looks? I point to Examples 1, 2 and 3 taken from SRW OGs. Mechanics-wise, your unit need to be within 1 square of the partner unit (diagonals count) and then you can use it. Only the activating unit's turn is used up even though both participate in the attack. Any EXP, buffs, etc only think about the activating unit - the partner unit is simply around to make the attack happen and to have energy used up.

Not to be confused with (c) attacks, which are also called "Combo" confusingly. Better to call them Chain attacks and I won't go into them here as that'd needlessly lengthen the post.

Then we have the support attack/defend structure. In the older days, anyone with the right skills could help out their neighbours (diagonals don't count). In SRW K, they did this pair system where you can only support your partner in a unit. Each pair is treated as '1 unit in the square' but they take damage separately. Only the front partner does the actual attacking and being attacked, but with support, the rear partner can step in to lend a hand either way. Also, who is at the front can be hot swapped on the fly on the player phase.

Support Attack: after the primary unit has done their attack and the enemy has counter-attacked, if there are any support attackers available (and given permission to join in) then they will get their attack in afterwards in the same fight. After the enemy's counter-attack animation, the primary unit is swapped out for the support unit who then does a normal attack animation of whatever is used to join the fight. Support attacks only do half damage unless a specific skill is learnt. The number of support attacks a unit can do per phase is also limited.

Support Defend: during enemy phase, if an eligible support defender is around (and again, they're given permission to intervene) then they jump in place of the primary unit in the animation, take the hit (while defending so they take 50% damage) and then the primary unit swaps in again to do the counter-attack (if applicable).

Ok, not sure if that explanation is waterproof. Tell me if something isn't clear.


Elcura, with Reimu's M-type attack animation, it feels odd that the card appears from the palm of her unclenched fist. How about if she pulls it out with 2 fingers? Otherwise looks great.
« Last Edit: May 24, 2009, 05:35:19 PM by Psieye »

Re: Touhou SRPG - SOALS [Update 4/14/09 - Version 0.3.0] (Thread 3)
« Reply #23 on: May 27, 2009, 12:11:24 AM »
I'll try that Psieye, I might just draw the animation with the card in the hand from the get go.  Anyway, that explanation sounds pretty simple, but those animations are pretty amazing.  Still, things like that are a long way off.  Additional animations could probably come later on, but as it stands there's still a lot of work to do.

Speaking of which, Walking Trees.

Not sure we need that many frames/images.  Could easily get away with the front or back sprite.  A lot more of the detail will be captured in the battle sprite (including freaking face and throwing apple animation).  On another note, you think monsters will need both physical and magical attack animations?


  • Professor Dr. Momoneko-sama
    • Lost Sky Project
Re: Touhou SRPG - SOALS [Update 4/14/09 - Version 0.3.0] (Thread 3)
« Reply #24 on: May 27, 2009, 01:54:42 AM »
Long post. Might add more later.

First a few things about the staff:
-Jamuko is joining us as an art person. She's going to be working on new portraits for us which will replace the ones we grabbed from
-Kregon is joining us on mission design. He has experience with XML.
-Has anyone heard anything from Water and Wind? He didn't make the transition to the new forum and we kind of need him for map tile stuff.

Elcura, all those sprites and the Reimu animations look good.

Current work in progress
- Wrapped up the deploy system, but it's still a bit shaky and experimental. Still ironing bugs out here and there.
- Working on the trading system right now. The primary focus will be just on getting it up and running.
- Here are some ideas I've outlined regarding the system -
- Some ideas for treasures:

Here is where we stand on the main already planned out things that need to be implemented to the game engine:
- Revised Spell Animation System (Kyre's stuff)
- Revised AI system (BBM29's stuff)
- Trait learning system
- Spell Synthesis system

I think we can implement those over the summer and at the same time plan out any additional features we might want.

The difficulty with implementing the ideas that Psieye presented are that the game treats each confrontation as a 1 unit against 1 unit event. Adding the types of changes to handle two unit attacks and two-units-in-a-tile to the battle engine would require a significant overhaul of the battle system.

Fire Emblem took the let two compatible units sit next to each other for a long time and you could get them to start chatting. Their relationship effects affected stat boosts to each other when they were nearby. This could reasonably be woven into the battle engine and would be the easiest one to implement. We would also need to establish how these relations are formed.

I like the idea of having offensive / defensive modes on the support system. It seems to add a lot of flexibility to the use of a summon. On the other hand, the choice of having to give permission to do the support actions seems to me to add a layer of complexity to the decisions the player has to make. Where along the road does the player make the decision? How is it handled if your unit is the one being attacked on the AI's turn?

We'd also have to introduce this concept fairly early on in the game so as not to introduce a big new part of the gameplay once the player has gotten used to playing a certain system. Mid Chapter 3 at the latest.

There would be a couple ways that we could shape the Support Character Plan

Defensive / Offensive Modes Separate and can be Switched
- User invokes a Support Spell. It's a once per battle spell (treated as a 1 use recharging spell action)
- Target is tagged with the Support Spell Status
- Support Character's presence limited by number of attacks and has an HP. If either goes to 0, support disappears. Effectively treated as a character. 
- { Undecided: I don't know what would be a good way of having the player make the choice of putting the support onto offensive/defensive mode }
- Offensive mode:
-- Support Character less damage, Target takes more damage
-- Support Character does more damage on its action phase
- Defensive Mode:
-- Support Character takes more damage, target takes less damage
-- Support Character does less damage on its action phase

- Adaptive and flexible. A support character isn't locked into a pre-defined role
- More complexity in player choices. Player needs to actively manage their support.
I'd imagine the usage of a support would be early on into battle.

Defensive / Offensive an inherent part of the character
- User invokes a Support Spell. It's a few times per battle spell action.
- Target is tagged with the Support Spell Status
- Support Characters are classified as defensive or offensive. Defense characters have a limited HP and they soak say 50% of an ally's damage through putting up a barrier or something. They remain present until their HP drops to 0. Offensive characters have a limited amount of uses and don't soak any damage. They give an extra attack after the counterattack phase.

- Less micromanaging required for each unit. Cast the spell and be done with it.
- Inflexible, especially if player predicted what was going to happen to a unit wrong.
Usage would be situational. It gives you the extra bit of attack/defense in a tight situation.

1.0.0 is here (2/13/14) |  My Twitter | My Tumblr

Re: Touhou SRPG - SOALS [Update 4/14/09 - Version 0.3.0] (Thread 3)
« Reply #25 on: May 27, 2009, 06:06:49 AM »
The difficulty with implementing the ideas that Psieye presented are that the game treats each confrontation as a 1 unit against 1 unit event. Adding the types of changes to handle two unit attacks and two-units-in-a-tile to the battle engine would require a significant overhaul of the battle system.

Fire Emblem took the let two compatible units sit next to each other for a long time and you could get them to start chatting. Their relationship effects affected stat boosts to each other when they were nearby. This could reasonably be woven into the battle engine and would be the easiest one to implement. We would also need to establish how these relations are formed.

I like the idea of having offensive / defensive modes on the support system. It seems to add a lot of flexibility to the use of a summon. On the other hand, the choice of having to give permission to do the support actions seems to me to add a layer of complexity to the decisions the player has to make. Where along the road does the player make the decision? How is it handled if your unit is the one being attacked on the AI's turn?
Naturally, any major feature that was thought up later to be fitted into the code would involve a major re-write. You had to do it for the phys/mgc attack/defend combinations and if you really want some Support Character action (of whatever style you decide on) you'll need to heavily rewrite the battle engine again. Your choice if you want Support Characters. Relationship Buffs are an entirely different matter of course - that became standard in FE and also SRW (though not the actual talking part).

The choice of whether to switch on the Support or not is done at the pre-battle menu, so it's not something you were building for. Each battle in SRW, you finialise what your unit will do at a pre-battle screen which displays hit chance, who is attacking who, HP, morale, any support active, whether to see the battle animation, etc etc etc. SRW lets you pick which weapon to counter attack with each time an enemy unit targets you. You have modelled your battle engine after FE and FFT, so it's a completely different path for you - you'll have to think of your own way to do Support toggling if you want it at all.

Oh and I guess I forgot to mention: Support Attack only works on player phase, Support Defend only works on enemy phase. You can't support defend for a counter attack from the enemy, it's only when the enemy is initiating the attack that support defend kicks in.


  • Professor Dr. Momoneko-sama
    • Lost Sky Project
Re: Touhou SRPG - SOALS [Update 4/14/09 - Version 0.3.0] (Thread 3)
« Reply #26 on: May 28, 2009, 02:52:57 AM »
That's a good point Psieye.

It's reasonable to expand the pre-battle panel outside the bottom right box. It gives us more room to display information about the battle and would allow us to do any kind of pre-battle selections.

Here's a brief update from the Developing the Trading System front:

Menu is kind of a hybrid of the stats menu and the map dialog panel.
- View Trades gives you access to the ordinary trades. Treasures are traded for special items. Each trade has a point value that accumulates.
- Special trades are unlocked when you go above a certain threshold of point value
- Advice is random chatting with Rinnosuke

1.0.0 is here (2/13/14) |  My Twitter | My Tumblr


  • Professor Dr. Momoneko-sama
    • Lost Sky Project
Re: Touhou SRPG - SOALS [Update 4/14/09 - Version 0.3.0] (Thread 3)
« Reply #27 on: May 29, 2009, 02:55:12 AM »
Latest update regarding trading system

This is the next stage of the menu allowing you to view information about treasures requested and items that are offered. Red text indicates an item that you do not have or do not have enough of.

Tomorrow will be developing the actual execution of the trade.

Tangentially related - We just passed the 1 year anniversary of this project. :D
« Last Edit: May 29, 2009, 03:41:17 AM by FawkesGarde »

1.0.0 is here (2/13/14) |  My Twitter | My Tumblr


  • Professor Dr. Momoneko-sama
    • Lost Sky Project
Re: Touhou SRPG - SOALS [Update 4/14/09 - Version 0.3.0] (Thread 3)
« Reply #28 on: May 31, 2009, 02:00:04 AM »
Tree sprite in game now.

Also added just a line of dialog that Rinnosuke greets you with when the menu opens. Also, added added performing the trade to the system and special trades unlocked at getting X amounts of bonus points.

Added status effects brainstorming page to the wiki.

1.0.0 is here (2/13/14) |  My Twitter | My Tumblr


  • Professor Dr. Momoneko-sama
    • Lost Sky Project
Re: Touhou SRPG - SOALS [Update 4/14/09 - Version 0.3.0] (Thread 3)
« Reply #29 on: June 03, 2009, 02:47:06 AM »
Next up... Trait Learning System!

Currently set to have a unit gain 2 per level.

1.0.0 is here (2/13/14) |  My Twitter | My Tumblr