ph3 version Scripts below:Newest:
Seiga Kaku Boss Fight
Click here to download
My first attempt at a boss fight scripted in ph3 version.
This is a Seiga plural script with only a boss fight (no stage portion).
There's 4 non-spells and 6 spells.
Since it's not obvious at all, the 3rd spell card "Breaking the Cycle of Life" is a survival spell.
I like to think that the last spell is one of the few things I made that's kinda visually appealing. lol
I know the aesthetics aren't that nice, but I hope the danmaku concepts make up for it and hope you all enjoy the script! ^_^
I actually began working on this when ph3 came out like half a year ago, I got 4 spells + 4 non-spells completed but then I got distracted and left it alone. :V
But I really liked some of my ideas for spells here, so I created 2 more spells in the past two days and uploaded it finally.
I think my originally reason for thinking this was:
1. I've had the idea of making a boss with the gimmick "Restricting Movements" but I don't know what character to make it for until Seiga was released which kinda fits because she can pass walls and you can't.
2. I liked Seiga's danmaku in her mid-boss fight in TD but then Yoshika pretty much stole the spotlight again in the stage 4 boss fight.
0.12 version Scripts below:Snow themed Boss Version 3 :V
Click here to downloadThe snow theme boss was the first plural script I made, which was over six months ago, so the spells there were really unfair and most of them are impossible (I'm sure every person that just started playing around with danmakufu does that. XD), but I really liked many of the ideas I've put into there. So, I've decided to remake some of the spellcard ideas there

. (They're complete remakes, I didn't just copy and paste stuff. :V)
There's only 5 non-spells and 6 spells in this one (Two survivals), and only one out of the six spells doesn't have the freeze bullets gimmick.
The plural scripts are called "Thaw's Snow Theme Boss Fight -Difficulty-".
This survival is probably the first one I've made that I can actually capture on lunatic (well, before I added 5 more seconds to the last phase because it seemed too short, but it's probably possible.), excluding the short ones that only lasts for like 30 seconds.
The lance card is the only spell out of the six not based on an idea from version 2, it didn't came out as I expected, but it sure is really fun.

Happy new year.

P.S : Prepare for clip deaths. clipclipclipclipcontinueclipclipclipARGGDARNFROZENBULLETS
Oh yeah, you need the CtC shot replace script for this.
正体不明「神祕の紫色UFO襲来」Just felt like it's cool to have a Japanese title. XD (Click on the purple text above for link to script)
Anyways, it means Unidentified "Invasion of the Mysterious Purple UFO".
This time I made a stage to go with it, it's my first time making a stage, so it didn't turn out that good. :/
There's around 15 spells, including two survivals.
The spells are very gimmicky, because that's what I'm good at making. :V
There's two modes : Easy Mode and "Unidentified Difficulty", obviously, the latter is the very difficult difficulty

I tried my best to make it not FFFAKLDJFKSAJFWHATISTHISUNDODGABLE, and I think most of it is very doable.
The stage script you're looking for is "Invasion of the Mysterious Purple UFO! -Insert difficulty here-", it should be at the back of the file because it starts with s for "stage.txt" and Danmakufu sort scripts alphabetically in ascending order.
KogasaSnow seriesVersion 2Link to Version 3 is at the beginning of the post.
This is a series of spells that make uses of a freezing bullets gimmick.
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