Author Topic: Thaws' Danmakufu Scripts -- NEW : Seiga Boss Fight (ph3)  (Read 67623 times)


  • _m廿廿m_
Thaws' Danmakufu Scripts -- NEW : Seiga Boss Fight (ph3)
« on: May 23, 2009, 02:23:54 AM »
ph3 version Scripts below:
Seiga Kaku Boss Fight
Click here to download

My first attempt at a boss fight scripted in ph3 version.

This is a Seiga plural script with only a boss fight (no stage portion).

There's 4 non-spells and 6 spells.

Since it's not obvious at all, the 3rd spell card "Breaking the Cycle of Life" is a survival spell.

I like to think that the last spell is one of the few things I made that's kinda visually appealing. lol

I know the aesthetics aren't that nice, but I hope the danmaku concepts make up for it and hope you all enjoy the script! ^_^

I actually began working on this when ph3 came out like half a year ago, I got 4 spells + 4 non-spells completed but then I got distracted and left it alone. :V
But I really liked some of my ideas for spells here, so I created 2 more spells in the past two days and uploaded it finally.
I think my originally reason for thinking this was:
1. I've had the idea of making a boss with the gimmick "Restricting Movements" but I don't know what character to make it for until Seiga was released which kinda fits because she can pass walls and you can't.
2. I liked Seiga's danmaku in her mid-boss fight in TD but then Yoshika pretty much stole the spotlight again in the stage 4 boss fight.

0.12 version Scripts below:

Snow themed Boss Version 3  :V
Click here to download
The snow theme boss was the first plural script I made, which was over six months ago, so the spells there were really unfair and most of them are impossible (I'm sure every person that just started playing around with danmakufu does that. XD), but I really liked many of the ideas I've put into there. So, I've decided to remake some of the spellcard ideas there :P. (They're complete remakes, I didn't just copy and paste stuff. :V)

There's only 5 non-spells and 6 spells in this one (Two survivals), and only one out of the six spells doesn't have the freeze bullets gimmick.
The plural scripts are called "Thaw's Snow Theme Boss Fight -Difficulty-".
This survival is probably the first one I've made that I can actually capture on lunatic (well, before I added 5 more seconds to the last phase because it seemed too short, but it's probably possible.), excluding the short ones that only lasts for like 30 seconds.
The lance card is the only spell out of the six not based on an idea from version 2, it didn't came out as I expected, but it sure is really fun.  :)

Happy new year.  :P

P.S : Prepare for clip deaths. clipclipclipclipcontinueclipclipclipARGGDARNFROZENBULLETS

Oh yeah, you need the CtC shot replace script for this.

Just felt like it's cool to have a Japanese title. XD (Click on the purple text above for link to script)
Anyways, it means Unidentified "Invasion of the Mysterious Purple UFO".
This time I made a stage to go with it, it's my first time making a stage, so it didn't turn out that good. :/
There's around 15 spells, including two survivals.
The spells are very gimmicky, because that's what I'm good at making. :V
There's two modes : Easy Mode and "Unidentified Difficulty", obviously, the latter is the very difficult difficulty :P I tried my best to make it not FFFAKLDJFKSAJFWHATISTHISUNDODGABLE, and I think most of it is very doable.
The stage script you're looking for is "Invasion of the Mysterious Purple UFO! -Insert difficulty here-", it should be at the back of the file because it starts with s for "stage.txt" and Danmakufu sort scripts alphabetically in ascending order.


Snow series
Version 2

Link to Version 3 is at the beginning of the post.
This is a series of spells that make uses of a freezing bullets gimmick.

Reverse Ideology!
My entry for contest #10.

This soup is not salty enough
My entry for the Dead Simple contest.

Trick or Treat
My entry for the Halloween contest
« Last Edit: September 08, 2013, 06:21:29 PM by Thaws »

Re: Ice-Coloured Master Spark
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2009, 02:39:11 AM »
Very neat cards, I'm liking the laser-to-bullet collision structure you've made. As you've said, the code is a bit messy, but the fact you've grasped many advanced concepts with Danmakufu so early completely overshadows silly things like "lol you didn't tab here".

Anyways, I'm not a big fan of the bullet pattern... It's looking unfinished and garbled right now, but you've certainly got an excellent card in the making, as well as excellent coding to back it up. Good job!

And, welcome to this humble Danmakufu forum, enjoy your stay, and please keep posting your scripts~!


  • _m廿廿m_
Re: Ice-Coloured Master Spark
« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2009, 04:40:33 AM »
Very neat cards, I'm liking the laser-to-bullet collision structure you've made. As you've said, the code is a bit messy, but the fact you've grasped many advanced concepts with Danmakufu so early completely overshadows silly things like "lol you didn't tab here".

Anyways, I'm not a big fan of the bullet pattern... It's looking unfinished and garbled right now, but you've certainly got an excellent card in the making, as well as excellent coding to back it up. Good job!

And, welcome to this humble Danmakufu forum, enjoy your stay, and please keep posting your scripts~!
Thanks for the comment.
It's mainly how bullets get stuck right in front of the boss all the time that makes this card look really garbled, right?
I'm working on a ice-themed boss fight with this freezing laser gimmick. :P
Code: [Select]
#Title[Freeze Sign "Ice Spark"]
#Text[Freeze bullets with cold lasers.]

script_enemy_main {
let ImgBoss = "script\img\ExRumia.png";
//laser countdown
let frame = 120;
//Normal bullets countdown
let frame2 = 30;

let iceray = [ ];
let icel;
let shoty1 = 10;
let shoty2 = 10;
let gap1 = 0;
let gap2 = 2;

let angle = 0;
let angle2 = -80;
let frame3 = 60;

task Bullet(x, y, v, a2, pic1, pic2)
//frames required to thaw ice
let thaw = 225;
let defrost = false;
let freezable = true;
let obj=Obj_Create(OBJ_SHOT);
Obj_SetPosition(obj, x, y);
Obj_SetAngle(obj, a2);
Obj_SetSpeed(obj, v);
ObjShot_SetGraphic(obj, pic1);
ObjShot_SetDelay(obj, 10);

ascent(i in 0..icel)
if((Collision_Obj_Obj(obj, iceray[i])) && (freezable))
Obj_SetSpeed(obj, 0);
ObjShot_SetGraphic(obj, pic2);
ObjShot_SetBombResist (obj, true);
defrost = true;
freezable = false;
//bullets can only be frozen after thawing
if(thaw == 0)
Obj_SetSpeed(obj, v);
ObjShot_SetGraphic(obj, pic1);
ObjShot_SetBombResist (obj, false);
ObjShot_SetDelay(obj, 0);
freezable = true;
defrost = false;
thaw = 225;

function shots(x, y, a3)
Bullet(x, y, 2, a3, BLUE02, AQUA02);

    @Initialize {
        SetGraphicRect(0, 0, 64, 64);
        CutIn(YOUMU, "Freeze Sign "\""Ice Spark"\", "", 0, 0, 0, 0);
        SetDamageRate(100, 100);
        SetMovePosition03(GetCenterX, 50, 10, 10);

    @MainLoop {
SetCollisionA(GetX, GetY, 32);
SetCollisionB(GetX, GetY, 24);
if(frame == 0)
{angle = GetAngleToPlayer;
let obj = Obj_Create(OBJ_LASER);
Obj_SetPosition(obj, GetX+cos(angle)*15, GetY+sin(angle)*15);
Obj_SetAngle(obj, angle);
Obj_SetSpeed(obj, 300);
ObjLaser_SetWidth (obj, 5);
ObjLaser_SetLength(obj, 0);
ObjShot_SetGraphic(obj, AQUA01);
ObjLaser_SetSource(obj, false);
iceray = iceray ~ [obj];
frame = 350;
icel = length(iceray);
ascent(i in 0..icel)
{Obj_SetSpeed(iceray[i],  Obj_GetSpeed(iceray[i])-1);
//Shoots out laser
if(ObjLaser_GetLength(iceray[i]) <= 600)
{ObjLaser_SetLength(iceray[i], ObjLaser_GetLength(iceray[i]) + 5);}
//Laser increases width
if((ObjLaser_GetWidth(iceray[i]) <= 300) && (ObjLaser_GetLength(iceray[i]) >= 500) &&

(Obj_GetSpeed(iceray[i]) > 60))
ObjLaser_SetWidth(iceray[i], ObjLaser_GetWidth(iceray[i]) + 50);
//Sets laser to follow player
if((Obj_GetSpeed(iceray[i]) <= 120) && (Obj_GetAngle(iceray[i]) > GetAngleToPlayer))
Obj_SetAngle(iceray[i], Obj_GetAngle(iceray[i]) - 0.2);
Obj_SetPosition(iceray[i], GetX+cos(angle)*15, GetY+sin(angle)*15);
if((Obj_GetSpeed(iceray[i]) <= 120) && Obj_GetAngle(iceray[i]) < GetAngleToPlayer)
Obj_SetAngle(iceray[i], Obj_GetAngle(iceray[i]) + 0.2);
Obj_SetPosition(iceray[i], GetX+cos(angle)*15, GetY+sin(angle)*15);
//Begins to delete laser
if((Obj_GetSpeed(iceray[i]) <= 60) && (ObjLaser_GetWidth(iceray[i]) >= 0))
ObjLaser_SetWidth(iceray[i], ObjLaser_GetWidth(iceray[i]) - 50);
//Laser deleted
if((ObjLaser_GetWidth(iceray[i]) < 100) && (Obj_GetSpeed(iceray[i]) < 60))
erase(iceray, i);

if(frame2 == 0)
shoty1 += 15;
gap1 ++;
//Creates gap
if(gap1 > 6)
shoty1 +=30;
gap1 = 0;
shots(-5, shoty1, 0);
frame2 = 8;

if(frame3 == 0)
shoty2 += 15;
if(gap2 > 6)
shoty2 +=30;
gap2 = 0;
shots(480, shoty2, 180);
frame3 = 8;

//reset shoty1,shoty2
if(shoty1 > 470)
shoty1 = 10;
if(shoty2 > 470)
shoty2 = 10;

    @DrawLoop {
      DrawGraphic(GetX, GetY);

    @Finalize {

    @BackGround {
Here's a improved version of the Ice Spark card.
It's pretty easy if you can lure the laser to the top corners, but it's difficult to lure the lasers, and it creates walls pretty often, though that's the player's fault for not luring away to laser. XD
I managed to capture it after some practising though.

Re: Ice-Coloured Master Spark
« Reply #3 on: May 24, 2009, 05:13:23 AM »
Definitely an improvement. Something you might want to try is to have it so that the bullets slow down as they hit the laser, like it takes them ~20 frames to completely freeze or something. It might look more fluid then. Like I said though, this one is much better than the first two, even if the laser has that really stretched graphic (unavoidable for now). Keep at it!


  • _m廿廿m_
Re: Thaw's Unnamed Snow Themed Boss Fight
« Reply #4 on: May 28, 2009, 02:53:55 AM »
Wheee, I made my first (and second) plural script.
I typo'd normal on the plural script text file. >_>
Anyways, I followed your advice and made the frozen bullets stop by decellerating, and it does look better. :P Thanks.

Re: Thaw's Unnamed Snow Themed Boss Fight
« Reply #5 on: May 28, 2009, 03:57:46 AM »
Alrighty, here's an attack-by-attack synopsis of Lunatic mode, told from my perspective, of course.

So the first attack is pretty simple, there's not a lot to it but I like it, a nice warm-up for the storm ahead if you will. Plain, perhaps, but I like it nonetheless.

The first spellcard, Snow Sign "Snow Bomb", I also like. A pure dodgem, with a solid pattern and a pretty effect. The speed is well balanced for what I think lunatic mode should be, so this spellcard is perfectly good on my list.

The second attack is a good upgrade of the first, and it flows well with the script. At this point I'm kinda thinking "ok, this is nice and dodgable, but let's spice it up a bit", so maybe adding a pretty factor to it might not be a bad idea. Just some unnecessary bullets to make the pattern more interesting. It's fine as it is, but the "meh" factor is starting to seep in a bit.

The second spellcard, "Snow Blindness Inducement" is a really cool concept, but is near impossible to pass with any character except Reimu_A, homing amulets. The best way I find to balance for Reimu_A without totally destroying the spellcard is to add a conditional statement in @Initialize:
} else {

Which just detects if the player is Reimu_A and if they are, sets the life of the boss a little higher than normal to compensate for the homing amulets. Having the boss move around the center of the screen (x and y axes) might be a good change as well, seeing as the pattern forces you to move in circles anyway, so this way it's not a pain in the ass to try and get by her as she's spawning the giant orbs. As the name implies, I'm blind for most of it, which I find a cool idea for a spellcard (a bit annoying if repeated though), so good job on this one as well.

Alright, for attack number three, the plain AQUA02's aren't gonna cut it for an interesting pattern. The pattern isn't even that difficult, so you could get away with adding a sublayer of bulelts, fired in a similar fashion, of say.... BLUE01's. I think that having them move at a slower speed than the AQUA02's would be a relatively simple but cool effect for an ancillary attack, while still being interesting and involving (meaning difficult). Don't take this as the only thing you could do and do it, I'm just suggesting what popped into my mind as something that good change it up a bit, rather than the repeated AQUA02's all the time.

"Decent of Snowflakes" is another really cool concept that I think you could change around a bit. Since the position that the snowflakes spawn at is randomly generated, many times one side of the screen is incredibly difficult to dodge through, while the other side remains unfathomably easy (the snowflakes randomly spawn on only one side of the game field for a long period of time). What you could do to fix this is make the snowflakes a bit smaller, but spawn more of them. Instead of one every so many frames, spawn two smaller snowflakes: one on each half of the game field. So one would spawn < GetCenterX and the other would spawn > GetCenterX, which would clean up the safespots a bit methinks (not perfectly, but moreso than the current version). I think it would also maintain the integrity of the spellcard, but don't feel like you have to copy exactly what I suggest. Anyways, the boss also has a habit of chucking herself to one side of the screen for the most of the card, then proceeding to the immediate other side. You might want to look into this.

The forth attack probably needs no synopsis at this point, you likely know what I'm gonna say about it. See if you can throw in a cool effect or something to spice it up a bit.

Dang, another really cool idea I wish I came up with, haha! My problem with Catastrophe "Blizzard" is that the bottom laser can spawn on top of you, and with minimal time to react it can be a fairly big piss-off. Toss it up (or down) a few pixels so you can either safely dodge at the bottom of the screen, or safely dodge in the middle of the screen. I also don't like the butterflies... They don't seem to belong. Maybe BLUE01's, 04's or 05's. Send the particles on less of a random angle as well, make it pretty close to 90? (+-5?, maybe). It's extremely difficult to monitor the direction all the frozen particles are moving in when the graphics are perfectly symmetrical, yet could have entirely different movement vectors.

Ahah! Here we go, an attack with more than just AQUA02's. Oodles better in every way than the previous ancillary attack, just because there's more going on than just the one particle!

Ah, the "Ice-Colored Master Spark". A good card, but you can still collide with the delay laser (on purpose, perhaps?) and it's a pain in the ass to do with any character other than Reimu_A. Pretty solid card, you should test it with "less thick walls"; that is, the lines of bullets are smaller in length, but you could spawn more of them. Just soemthing to try, the walls of bullets are a cool effect in themselves. Also, the slowdown effect for the bullet freezing is a definite YES, it makes this spellcard look shitloads better than it used to.

Which brings us to Water Sign "Fountain of Chaos". This one is cool as balls, with a beastly concept of heat and cold. I think that widening the distance between the lasers is almost a necessity, since it's near impossible to react and move fast enough to slip through the walls of bullets (with Reimu, in any case. You have a little more time with Marisa because of a higher movement speed, but it's still borderline impossible to react fast enough). Everything else is fine though, this card is freakin' cool.

I hate to say this, but for "Glacial Lava Tornado", I almost think the bullets are too fast. It's painful to say, but because of the extremely little warning you get because of the heating and freezing of the 01 bullets, the card is practically impossible. I'm not sure how you could go about changing this, but as of right now, you just can't react fast enough to the changing bullet velocities and still dodge between the white bullet pattern. Maybe a significant accel/decel, but I really don't have a clue. I like it in any case, however impossible it might be (well, GODrake could pass it...). And, the same Reimu_A problem as before. Try to test your cards for Reimu_A and either of the Marisa types (speed of the character is a significant factor as well), if you think they're managable -- then go with it. But please, don't test them with only Reimu_A, seeing as many concepts are ruined by forward shooting types (moving around the whole screen becomes a bother, etc).

In any case, this is a solid script. It could use a few improvements, both aesthetically and balance-wise, but your mind is certainly in the right place. Good job on this script batch, and I hope to see more from you very soon!


  • _m廿廿m_
Re: Thaw's Unnamed Snow Themed Boss Fight
« Reply #6 on: May 28, 2009, 04:36:37 AM »
Thanks alot for the in-depth analysis!

I kind of rushed through the non-spells because I wanted to upload this for comments. :P

Anyways, as you said, I only used Reimu_A for testing, the increase boss life for Reimu_A idea seems good.
I agree with what you said about the problems of the spellcards, except that my idea for Catastrophe "Blizzard" is to dodge the lasers while maneuver through lots of frozen bullets. Perhaps the lasers should be shot in a pattern like in the normal difficulty?
I actually spent lots of time trying to make a do-able pattern over the Tornado lasers.
The problem is that I can't do Lunatic-Difficulty myself, so I have no way to know if any of those lunatic spellcards are balanced. As I've said before, if I find that I can do a card I made, I deem it as a normal difficulty, then increase the intensity till I keep dying, and thus a lunatic spellcard is made. I mean, I know it's impossible for me to do it, but I don't know if others think so. To be frank, I can't do "Icy Lava Whirlwind", the normal version, anyways, got to experiment with the velocities, accelerations, etc, i guess. :P

I'll refine this script a bit after I receive more comments (If I do). Then I'd probably stop scripting danmakufu for a month so my mind can concentrate on studying for exams coming next month not thinking how to improve a certain danmaku pattern. :x

Johnny Walker

  • Perdition Crisis~
Re: Thaw's Unnamed Snow Themed Boss Fight
« Reply #7 on: May 28, 2009, 05:05:32 AM »
I like those freezing lazers, they're fun!.
In the last spell (both normal and lunatic) there's a safespot inside the ring of bullets, just below the boss.


  • I'm a cat!
  • MEOW.
Re: Thaw's Unnamed Snow Themed Boss Fight
« Reply #8 on: May 30, 2009, 10:20:18 PM »
I can time out Glacial Lava Volcano without losing a life and getting over 1000 graze.


Re: Thaw's Unnamed Snow Themed Boss Fight
« Reply #9 on: May 31, 2009, 12:41:21 AM »
I call safespot abuse. Replay or it didn't happen.


  • I'm a cat!
  • MEOW.
Re: Thaw's Unnamed Snow Themed Boss Fight
« Reply #10 on: May 31, 2009, 12:49:07 AM »
I never said that I didn't use a safe spot.

Just move a little amount below the middle before the spellcard loads. You can stay there and get 2000 graze. ^_^

Re: Thaw's Unnamed Snow Themed Boss Fight (VERSION 2)
« Reply #11 on: June 01, 2009, 04:06:51 AM »
Jeepers tell us when you update! This version is significantly better. The differences in the attacks are certainly better, but it just feels like you're just throwing stuff around. The cards-spawning-out-of-lasers was probably the only regular attack where I thought the cards where used in a creative way. All that said, these are fawkin' difficult. Practically impossible with Reimu (can't move fast enough) and the fact Marisa just cant shoot her (no homing) makes this a freakin' challenge (or badly balanced? I would argue the former). Major props ont he second part of Fountain "Spring of Tranquility", it was fuckin' cool. Like, holy shit I thought that the laser sweeping the bullet spray was AWESOME. Could do without the White bullets maybe, but damn that was just... Damn.

Regardless, v2 is definitely an improvement, but try not to just add shit just for the sake of adding shit. Think about your pattern and test it out. If it isn't visually appealing to you then it probably isn't to us (purple, black and green cards...?), so play around with it. You're not pressed for time, we're a very slow board afterall.

Good stuff.


  • _m廿廿m_
Re: Thaw's Unnamed Snow Themed Boss Fight (VERSION 2)
« Reply #12 on: June 01, 2009, 08:12:51 AM »
You're not pressed for time, we're a very slow board afterall.

Actually, I just wanted to finish this quick so I can get it out of my mind, because as I have said, I have exams in two weeks. You know, having some ideas for danmaku in my head and just can't stop thinking about it. Danmakufu is so addicting. ;-;

Anyways, I really do spend much less effort on non-spell cards. XD (Except for the 6th one)


  • _m廿廿m_
Re: Thaw's Unnamed Snow Themed Boss Fight (VERSION 2)
« Reply #13 on: June 27, 2009, 05:22:52 AM »
Sorry for double posting. :P (And bumping an old topic)
I'm working on a Ex Kogasa boss. :P

Just want to say, Naut's Centrifuge spellcard inspired this... and it's pretty similar, so I hope you don't mind because I'm copying the shield thing.

Re: Thaw's Unnamed Snow Themed Boss Fight (VERSION 2)
« Reply #14 on: June 27, 2009, 11:25:48 AM »
By all means <3


  • _m廿廿m_
Re: Thaw's Danmakufu Scripts (lol Kogasa)
« Reply #15 on: July 17, 2009, 05:20:02 AM »

I really think I did a much better job at the Non-spells compared to my last boss plural script. :P
Not really any gimmick this time, but there's this Thunder! --> Heavy Rain! --> Sun comes out --> Rainbow! thing that I doubt anyone would notice, lol. :V


CK Crash

  • boozer
Re: Thaw's Danmakufu Scripts (lol Kogasa)
« Reply #16 on: July 17, 2009, 02:23:20 PM »
You know there are sprite rips for UFO...

Anyways, there are quite a few balance issues with some of these spellcards, but I have to admit that the tongue one made my day XD

Re: Thaw's Danmakufu Scripts (lol Kogasa)
« Reply #17 on: July 17, 2009, 06:53:04 PM »
Nonespells were generally good, with the fifth and other ones similar to it being especially awesome.

As said before though, the spellcards suffer from intense balance issues. Stuff like her second spellcard feel almost impossible without a lot of luck while Meteor shower is rediculously easy. Capped it on lunatic without even moving. Best spellcards were probably the eye ones :V

Also tooooongue~

Also Naut I want your avatar script naow

Re: Thaw's Danmakufu Scripts (lol Kogasa)
« Reply #18 on: July 18, 2009, 12:10:27 PM »
So who's that girl that always hangs around Kogasa?

This is sweet. I wish I could see anything on that damn rain card and the meteor shower card does have some intense random difficulty.... Those are about my only issues, aside from the non-spells still being pretty bland (but a huge improvement from your other script). That tongue card was hilarious, good job!

Also Naut I want your avatar script naow



  • _m廿廿m_
Re: Thaw's Danmakufu Scripts (lol Kogasa)
« Reply #19 on: July 19, 2009, 03:38:21 PM »
Thanks for the comments.  :)

I think the rain card was a really close simulation of REAL LIFE rain.  :V
I mean, it's impossible to dodge. XD


  • Charisma!
  • *
  • O-ojousama!?
Re: Thaw's Danmakufu Scripts (lol Kogasa)
« Reply #20 on: July 19, 2009, 04:37:38 PM »
Drizzlingly Drizzling is a unique spellcard technique wich I haven't seen before, nor in UFO demo where there is a rain-drop spell. Perhaps that was your inspiration source? =D


  • _m廿廿m_
Re: Thaw's Danmakufu Scripts (lol Kogasa)
« Reply #21 on: July 20, 2009, 01:13:24 AM »
Drizzlingly Drizzling is a unique spellcard technique wich I haven't seen before, nor in UFO demo where there is a rain-drop spell. Perhaps that was your inspiration source? =D

It's probably Naut's Centrifuge card that inspired me.

Re: Thaw's Danmakufu Scripts (Purple UFO Stage!)
« Reply #23 on: October 25, 2009, 02:09:27 AM »
:V Bump :V
That last card is Naut rank :V


  • EARL TYPE 222
Re: Thaws' Danmakufu Scripts (Purple UFO Stage!)
« Reply #24 on: October 25, 2009, 02:10:40 AM »

Re: Thaws' Danmakufu Scripts (Purple UFO Stage!)
« Reply #25 on: October 25, 2009, 02:15:53 AM »

My only problems with the script is that the lasers really do seem quite cheap, and the very last spell sucks you in too fast (slower moving characters have a really hard time with it). Otherwise, holy fuck. Gonna edit in some music and playstorm this bitch!


  • *
  • We're having a ball!
Re: Thaws' Danmakufu Scripts (Purple UFO Stage!)
« Reply #26 on: October 25, 2009, 02:26:09 AM »
I love the abduction card. The first half of it anyway. Sakuya didn't like the last part so much :V

Also, shot triangles and the targeting reticule were neat.


  • _m廿廿m_
Re: Thaws' Danmakufu Scripts (Purple UFO Stage!)
« Reply #27 on: October 25, 2009, 02:34:05 AM »

My only problems with the script is that the lasers really do seem quite cheap, and the very last spell sucks you in too fast (slower moving characters have a really hard time with it). Otherwise, holy fuck. Gonna edit in some music and playstorm this bitch!

Actually, for the abduction card, the suction speed is the depending on the player's speed (using that get player information function), so if you use Marisa, the suction speed will be quicker than when using Reimu, it's kind of fair for different players. :P

Tips for last part of the abduction card : Dodge unfocused holding down at all times. When a horizontal laser aims at you, hold shift so you get sucked up, then focus and go back down when the next laser is fired, so you can avoid it on the bottom. Repeat till it ends.

Thanks for all the comments!
« Last Edit: October 25, 2009, 02:36:27 AM by Thaws »


  • Ask me about my Cat.
  • Not unwilling to shank you.
Re: Thaws' Danmakufu Scripts (Purple UFO Stage!)
« Reply #28 on: October 25, 2009, 02:45:06 AM »
What do you mean easy mode?!?
I had a teacher who used to play radiohead during class once.



  • _m廿廿m_
Re: Thaws' Danmakufu Scripts (Purple UFO Stage!)
« Reply #29 on: October 25, 2009, 02:51:13 AM »
What do you mean easy mode?!?

Easier than a typical Extra Stage difficulty. :V