1st Nonspell: Nice. Maybe have the bullets rotate in the same direction as the lasers? Creative take on Non-Directional Laser, 10/10.
Fire & Water Sign - Crystalline Elementals: Me - Well this is easy THOSE BULLETS BOUNCE WHAT *pichuu~n*. Of course I'm not that great at Touhou anyway. 9/10.
2nd Nonspell: Familiars, blah blah. Are those green walls? Eh, only thing I could say is make the familiars shoot nicer looking bullets. 9/10 again.
Earth Sign - Nature's Fury: Oh, this can't be that bad oh look bullet rain. Found it rather easy to be had. Not that it's a bad spell. 8/10.
Metal Sign - Sawblades of Bloody Dismemberment: What a nice name. Didn't know Patchy was like that. Reminds me of Mt. Ooe, one of my most hated spells ever in the history of forever. 7/10 just because.
3rd Nonspell: Immediately lasers. And some shotgun bullets afterwards. Surprised me a bit, but I still dodged it. Normally I hate quick attacks like this :3. It's not bad, just a bit, er, cheap? 7/10.
Sun & Moon Sign - Elemental Orbs: Yawn. Crystalline Elements, but with different patterns. Easy. Honestly, bored me. Didn't last a while and was easy to move through imo. 6/10.
Wood Sign - Rotting Firewood: Oh those are nice logs. Wait, they hit me? Didn't think they'd all move, hurr. Nice wood eating butterflies. 9/10.
Lol Survival Card: Me: Does that timer say 99? It does, doesn't it. Some simple dodging COUNTER CLOCK LASERS. Back to simplicity...Did I hear a familiar being spawned? Oh great, more stretched out bubbles. Timeout achieved. 8/10.
Total Score: 73/90 or B+.
Was great even if I was horrible at it.