Author Topic: [WC3 - Custom Games] Game List and Map Download Links for the Host Bots  (Read 18065 times)

It's been a while since I thought of doing this.

Game List (Click on the Abbreviated Map Names to Download from Mediafire)
  • abyss - for Abyss Gates 1.5.
  • aotz - for Advent of the Zenith v2.03d.
  • balin - for Balin's Tomb v2.8.08.
  • btanks - for Battle Tanks v8.73c.
  • cat - for Chen vs Nazrin v0.47 (Touhou Cats vs Mice).
  • cruiser/url] - for Cruiser Command 0.85d.
  • customhero - for hoihoi8's Custom Hero Survival 1.21.
  • deathisland - for Death Island, the Game v1.9.
  • doe - for Desert of Exile.
  • dota - for DotA v6.73.
  • dota6v6 - for DotA v6.72c 6v6 version.
  • dotaai - for DotA v6.71b AI.
  • dotaimba - for DotA Imba v3.78c English Version.
  • dotaimbalatest - for the latest version of DotA Imba 3.79b (Chinese).
  • dots - for DotS v0.977h2l3.
  • dotsai - for DotS v0.967g AI Map (English Fix1).
  • dotseng - for DotS v0.967g (English Fix1).
  • dotseng2 - for DotS v0.977h English Revision 1.
  • eletd - for Element TD 4.3b.
  • enfos - for Enfos MT v1.92.
  • eota - for EotA Twilight v1.13e5.
  • grandprix - for Azeroth Grand Prix.
  • hjdots - for HJ DotS v0.952 X6.
  • island - for Island Defence 3.0.8e.
  • islandtroll - for Island Troll Tribes v2.51b Pro.
  • jp - for Jurassic Park EE v6.3 beta.
  • lls - for LLS v0.22b beta (FFM Edit 2).
  • mba - for Mad Balls Arena 1.30a.
  • metastasis - for Metastasis 1.7.1.
  • moon - for Touhou Moon v0.00030 (latest alpha version).
  • naval - for Naval Combat v1.03[P].
  • nightsong - for Nightsong Mercenaries 1.17c
  • nob - for Ninjas on v0.78.
  • notd - for NotD Aftermath 1.5d beta 8.
  • od - for The Obsidian Depths v0.10x.
  • omgdota - for OMG DotA.
  • pokemondefence - for Pokemon Defense.
  • pokemonlegends - for Pokemon Legends.
  • pokertd - for Poker TD v1.5.
  • pudgewars - for Pudge Wars v1.24.
  • pyramid - for Pyramid Escape v3.2.
  • sdmd - for Scarlet Devil Mansion Defence v0.28 (English Version). You'll need the external model pack too.
  • sow - for Scars of War v1.0c.
  • terminus - for Terminus Arena v0.75f3 Fix.
  • terrania - for Terrania v1.09.
  • tba - for Touhou Battle Arena. Do not do 1-1 in the options as this seems to crash the game (try it at your own risk).
  • thdb - for Touhou Daydream Breaker B47 Fix 2. You will need this external sound and model pack (v5.1/1.7): (81mb) and then apply this patch to upgrade it to v5.2/1.8: (1.8mb)
  • thdr - for Defence of Reimu's Donation Box Beta 3 v1.1, a 2v2 game.
  • thf - for Touhou Dream Battle Beta 3, a 4v4 game.*
  • tob - for Tides of Blood, an old AoS map.
  • zaf - for Zombie Assault Force v1.03.

* Only on Sakuya.
« Last Edit: December 25, 2011, 02:34:59 AM by ApharmdB »

Captain Infinity

  • Captain of Echo Platoon, 3rd Battalion.
  • To bring chaos and honor to this world gone soft.
Re: [WC3 - Custom Games] Game List and Map Download Links for the Host Bots
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2011, 01:29:54 AM »
Looks like a couple of maps on the bot are missing from the list there.

Re: [WC3 - Custom Games] Game List and Map Download Links for the Host Bots
« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2011, 05:17:46 PM »
Ladder/Melee Maps on Reisen

Only Reisen can host melee maps. Use !load tft-<mapname>-obs to load the map for hosting. The following commands may be useful if you wish to play compstomp games.  :V

Commands for Adding Computer Players
  • !comp <slot number> <difficulty number> - Adds a computer player at the specified slot. Difficulty numbers: 0 = Easy, 1 = Normal, 2 = Insane.
  • !compcolour <slot number> <colour number> - Change a computer's colour in the specified slot (colour number goes from 1 to 12)
  • !comphandicap <slot number> <handicap> - Change a computer's handicap in the specified slot (handicap is 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, or 100)
  • !comprace <slot number> <race> - Change a computer's race in the specified slot (race is "human", "orc", "night elf", "undead", or "random")
  • !compteam <slot number> <team number> - Change a computer's team in the specified slot (team number goes from 1 to no. of teams)

On to the list of maps and mapname for loading...

2 Player Maps
  • Bandit Ridge: tft-banditridge-obs
  • Circumvention: tft-circumvention-obs
  • Echo Isles: tft-echoisles-obs
  • Flood Plains 1v1: tft-floodplains1v1-obs
  • Glacial Thaw: tft-glacialthaw-obs
  • Korea: tft-korea-obs
  • Melting Valley: tft-meltingvalley-obs
  • Road to Stratholme: tft-roadtostratholme-obs
  • Secret Valley: tft-secretvalley-obs
  • Shrine of the Ancients: tft-shrineoftheancients-obs
  • Terenas Stand: tft-terenasstand-obs
  • The Two Rivers: tft-thetworivers-obs
  • Tirisfal Glades: tft-tirisfalglades-obs

4 Player Maps
  • Adrenaline: tft-adrenaline-obs
  • Avalanche: tft-avalanche-obs
  • Bridge Too Near: tft-bridgetoonear-obs
  • Broken Shard: tft-brokenshard-obs
  • Centaur Grove: tft-centaurgrove-obs
  • Cold Heart: tft-coldheart-obs
  • Deathrose: tft-deathrose-obs
  • Desert Strife: tft-desertstrife-obs
  • Devils Cauldron: tft-devilscauldron-obs
  • Excavation Site: tft-excavationsite-obs
  • Flood Plains: tft-floodplains-obs
  • Frozen Clover: tft-frozenclover-obs
  • Goldshire: tft-goldshire-obs
  • Hail Stone: tft-hailstone-obs
  • Hearthglen Hills: tft-hearthglenhills-obs
  • Hellfire: tft-hellfire-obs
  • Ice Flow: tft-iceflow-obs
  • Ice Forge: tft-iceforge-obs
  • Islands: tft-islands-obs
  • Lost Temple: tft-losttemple-obs
  • Paradise Islands: tft-paradiseislands-obs
  • Phantom Grove: tft-phantomgrove-obs
  • Predators: tft-predators-obs
  • Roundabout: tft-roundabout-obs
  • Ruins: tft-ruins-obs
  • Stone Cold Mountain: tft-stonecoldmountain-obs
  • Tanaris: tft-tanaris-obs
  • Tidewater Glades: tft-tidewaterglades-obs
  • Timbermaw Hold: tft-timbermawhold-obs
  • Turtle Rock: tft-turtlerock-obs
  • Twisted Meadows: tft-twistedmeadows-obs
  • Venetia: tft-venetia-obs
  • Wetlands: tft-wetlands-obs
  • Whirlwind: tft-whirlwind-obs
  • Windy Waste: tft-windywaste-obs

6 Player Maps
  • Andorhal: tft-andorhal-obs
  • Bloodstone Mesa: tft-bloodstonemesa-obs
  • Copper Canyon: tft-coppercanyon-obs
  • Demon's Crossing: tft-demonscrossing-obs
  • Dragon Blight: tft-dragonblight-obs
  • Duststorm: tft-duststorm-obs
  • Emerald Shores: tft-emeraldshores-obs
  • Enakros Way: tft-enakrosway-obs
  • Everfrost: tft-everfrost-obs
  • Gnoll Wood: tft-gnollwood-obs
  • Haven of the Damned: tft-havenofthedamned-obs
  • Highperch: tft-highperch-obs
  • Hinterland Raid: tft-hinterlandraid-obs
  • Jack-o-Lantern: tft-jack-o-lantern-obs
  • Jungle Fever: tft-junglefever-obs
  • Monsoon: tft-monsoon-obs
  • Moonglade: tft-moonglade-obs
  • Rice Fields: tft-ricefields-obs
  • River of Souls: tft-riverofsouls-obs
  • Rolling Hills: tft-rollinghills-obs
  • Ruins of Stratholme: tft-ruinsofstratholme-obs
  • Savage Storm: tft-savagestorm-obs
  • Scorched Basin: tft-scorchedbasin-obs
  • Silverpine Forest: tft-silverpineforest-obs
  • Stranglethorn Vale: tft-stranglethornvale-obs
  • Sunrock Cove: tft-sunrockcove-obs
  • Thunder Lake: tft-thunderlake-obs
  • Typhoon: tft-typhoon-obs
  • Upper Kingdom: tft-upperkingdom-obs
  • Wellspring: tft-wellspring-obs
  • Wheel of Chaos: tft-wheelofchaos-obs
  • Wizards Retreat: tft-wizardsretreat-obs

8 Player Maps
  • Battleground: tft-battleground-obs
  • Cherryville: tft-cherryville-obs
  • Deadlands: tft-deadlands-obs
  • Deadlock: tft-deadlock-obs
  • Deathknell: tft-deathknell-obs
  • Dragon Falls: tft-dragonfalls-obs
  • Feralas: tft-feralas-obs
  • Friends: tft-friends-obs
  • Full Scale Assault: tft-fullscaleassault-obs
  • Garden Of War: tft-gardenofwar-obs
  • Gold Rush: tft-goldrush-obs
  • Hurricane Isle: tft-hurricaneisle-obs
  • Last Man Standing: tft-lastmanstanding-obs
  • Market Square: tft-marketsquare-obs
  • Mur'gul Oasis: tft-murguloasis-obs
  • Northshire: tft-northshire-obs
  • Plains of Snow: tft-plainsofsnow-obs
  • Rock Quarry: tft-rockquarry-obs
  • Sanctuary: tft-sanctuary-obs
  • Shamrock Reef: tft-shamrockreef-obs
  • Slalom: tft-slalom-obs
  • Spider Falls: tft-spiderfalls-obs
  • The Crossroads: tft-thecrossroads-obs
  • Twilight Ruins: tft-twilightruins-obs

9 Player Maps
  • Round Village: tft-roundvillage-obs

10 Player Maps
  • Raging Stream: tft-ragingstream-obs

12 Player Maps
  • Emerald Gardens: tft-emeraldgardens-obs
« Last Edit: September 10, 2011, 07:08:26 AM by ApharmdB »


  • Newbie Grazer
Re: [WC3 - Custom Games] Game List and Map Download Links for the Host Bots
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2011, 09:12:38 PM »
We need archery tactics in this
It repeats the same melody and crescendos gradually, peacefully, and beautifully. It would be nice if life changed like that; slowly but surely, while being seemingly unchanged from day to day.

Re: [WC3 - Custom Games] Game List and Map Download Links for the Host Bots
« Reply #4 on: October 21, 2011, 04:49:48 AM »
Finally found the Archery Tactics map. It's on Sakuya, so just do "/w Sakuya !map archery" and then "/w Sakuya !pub (gamename)" to host it.

This fits nowhere else, so... the bots have been loaded with the awesome-looking Diablo 3 re-creations by Booody over at I reckon each takes about 1 hr 15 min of playtime, having run through the first of the 4 maps with Pesco and Ace on Normal Difficulty. This may change for different maps and difficulty levels. In case anyone else wants to try, first note that you'll need a decently powerful computer for it since there appears to be a craptonne of custom high-res models, and next, the following are the commands used for loading them.

!load d3tristram
!load d3borderlands
!load d3halls
!load d3bastion

The maps are meant to be played in that order. There is one extra map that's meant for PvP, loaded with !load d3pvp. I'm guessing it's a hero arena of sorts. I'd be really surprised if it were an AoS map. Enjoy :)